Rodnik 11. - - Technical University of Liberec
Rodnik 11. - - Technical University of Liberec
Rodnik11 2(J04 tssl{1335-0617 Indexed in: Ghemical Abstracts, WorldTextile Abstracts EMBASE Elsevier Biobase Elsevier GeoAbstracts VlSkna a textil(3) 2OO4 Fibres and textiles (3) 2OO4 CONTENTS -\ t i Li ./ .i5 OBSAH FIBBESANDYARNS I,i 75')BolhovAE., l.tjhelyiovdA., KdrmendyovdE.', "' .; .:,,1'f,.: '-u' The dyeabilityof blendpolypropylene/polyesiers fibresusing dlspersedyes VLAKNAAPRIADZE 75 Bolhovd E., tJjhelyiovdt A., KiirmendyovdtE. Hodnotenie vyfarbitel'nostizmesnlch PP/PES vldkien vyfarbenfch disperznfmi farbivami 84 UihelyiovA A., BolhovdE., Oravkinovit J./'ti,qt:' "/ ,: 82 .'.t Kinetics of dyeingprocessof blendpolyfropylene/polyester fibreswithdispersedyes \ ' TESTING Ujhetyiovd A., BolhovdE., Oravkinovd J. Kinetikafarbeniazmesnfchpolypropyl6n/polyesterovfch vl6kiendisperznf mi farbivami SKUSOBNE MET6DY 88 SyrovdL., RavasR., JambrichM., GrmanJ. 88 SyrovdL., RavasR., JambrichM., GrmanJ. The use of schlieren visualization methodin the diagnostic., Pou2itieSlirovejvizualiza6nej met6dyv diagnosticklich polymeric testingof opticailytransparent potym6rnyih foils testochoptickypriehladnfch f6lii BESEARCH VVSKUM 94 DipayanD. Rawmaterialcharacteristics vis-d-visrotorspinning technology-areview 94 DipayanD. Charakteristiky surovinya technol6gie rotorovdho spriadania -,-nre\lad j, ' ' 99 HricovaM., MarcintinA. 99 HricovdM., MarciniinA. ' -''Vplyv pigmentovna Strukt[rua vlastnostisyntetickfch Theinfluence of pigments on thestructure andproperties of 4 vltikien. ll. 6ast synthetic fibres.ll. part NEWSFROMDEPARTMENTS ZVEDECKO.VVSXUMTYCXAVVVOJOVVCHPRACOViSK prdcobhdjenfch 106SUhrnydiplomovlch 106Abstractsof na Katedretextilua StudentsmasterthesisdefendedatDepartment odievania,FPT TnU so sidlom v Prichovev rdmci of TextleandClothing, FITTnUAlexander Dub6ek in P0chov iniinierskeho after5 year'sgraduatestudyin 200312004 Studiav Skolskom roku2003/2004 110Separation of oil compounds fromwastewater 110Separovanie ropnlchlaitokz odpadovlch v6d 1 1 2N E W SF R O MM A G A Z I N E S | | | Z O Z A H R A N I E N Y CEHA S O P I S O V , ! .' ",J' 1 1 4F R O MC O N F E R E N C E S weknaa rexril11 (3) 73 (2004) 1 1 4Z K O N F E R E N C I I 73 V6Zeniditatelia v ostatnfchdvochrokochvychddzaniatohto odborn6hodasopisusa Fakultapriemyako ste urditespozorovali, Prlchove, ktordpatridoTrendianskej univerzity AlexandraDubdekav Trencfne, v6lenilamedzi selnlichtechno169iiv jeho vydavatelbv. Cel6vedeniefakultya v5etcijejvedecko-pedagogicki zamestnanci si a myslimsi aj elit,zaoberajfcichsa cenia,2e patrlmedo tohtozoskupeniavydavatelstva vedoua vfchovouv oblastivldkiena textiluna Slovensku. Fakultapriemyselnlich inStit0technol6giivPtichove( FPT)je mladdvysoko5kolskd vie o ndsmdlo.Dovoltemi preto,aby somVamju akodecia,Sirokdodborndverejnost kan fakultyv krdtkostipredstavil. Vznikfakultyiniciovala4irobnii sf6raregi6nuP0chova,ako priemyselnej oblasti. podnikova prosperuj0cich Aktivitav oblastivzdel6vania zo stranytu p6sobiacich sriproducentov hospoddrskeho dasnfchslovens[<r/ch vyplynulaz dlhodobejperspektivy rozvoja vlirobnlTch akciovlchspolocnosti.V ich rozvojovfchz6merochtotii chlibaliI'udsk6 poZiadavky zdroje,ktoreby splnaliSpecificke novfchmaterielov a novlichtechnol6gii, ako podmienok pldnovan6ho rozvoja. nevyhnutnfch technick6ho Fakultapriemyselnfch technol6giivPuchove,ktor6zacalasvg'uvfchovno- vzdeldvaciudinnost10.septembra univerzity v Zilinepo vznikunovfch 1996vo zviizkuZilinskej krajova vznikuTrendianskej univerzityv Trendinesa v6lenilado komplexutejtovysokej Skolyv roku1997. pretozekaZd!rok sa o Strldium in5titricia Hocifakultavzniklaz potriebregi6nu,je to vzdeldvacia celo5tdtna, na je zast0penieStudentov roku2003120A4 nej uchAdzaj0 Studentiz cel6hoSlovenska.V akademickom z TrendianskekrajovSR 57 %. ho kraja43 %, z ostatnlTch upravovanim Tvorcovia edukadn6ho obsahufakultypostupnym a upresiovanim u6ebnlchpldnovstv6rnilifakultu v Studijnom dojej teraj5ejpodobys definovanim hlavnej0lohy- pripravovat absolventov odbore,,Materidlov6 inZinierstvo". je jedenz najperspektivnej5ich StuOilny odborMateridlov6 inZinierstvo odborovpre 21.storodie, ktor6sa oznaduje je zameran6na vfchovukomplexne pripravenyich ako,,Ageof Materials" inZinierov Specializovanfch na tvoriv0prdmateridlov, optimiilneho vyuZitiavlastnostimateridlov, kontrolyich akostia ich cu v oblastivfrobnfchtechnol6gii postupmi. modernfmitechnologicklimi spracovania V s[dasnostimeifakultapriemyselnlich technol69ii v Studijnom odboreMateridlov6 inZinierstvo akreditdciu vo v5etkfchtrochstupfiochStrjrdia. InZinierske St[diumsa Studujev zameraniach: - ch6miaa technol6gia gumy, vyiroby - ch6miaa technol6gia vfroby skla, - textilnda odevndtechnol6gia, - fyzikdlneinZinierstvo materiAlov, - riadeniemateridlovo-technologickfch syst6mov, * environmentdlne inZinierstvo rozvoj. a udrZatel'nf v trochodborocha to: V doktorandskom St0diumd fakultapriznanuakreditdciu - 39-03-9materi6lov6 inZinierstvo a medzn6stavymateridlov, - 28-02-9anorganickd technol69ia a materidly, - 28-11-9technol6gia makromolekuldrnych l6tok. Pr6vona habilitadn6 konaniea konaniena vymenlvanieza profesorov md fakultav prvfchdvochmenovanfch odboroch. prena5ufakultu,t6myv5etkfch Prvlabsolventi inZinierskeho 5t0diaukon6ili St0dium v roku2001.Co je prizna6n6 praxea ichnisledkynachadzaj0 pr6c(doteraz'182)sa zaddvalina zdkladepoZiadaviek z podnikatelskej diplomornich 6innosti.Je to dokaz0zkejspoluprdceFPT s praxou. uplatneniev podnikatelskej Fakultypriemyselnfch rozsiahla. Med-zindrodnd spoluprdca technol6giije Spolupracuje s r6znymivysokfmi5kolamiv Cechdch,Pol'sku, Nemecku,N6rsku,Sv6dsku,Finsku,Rak[sku,Talianskua Rusku. PretoZev regi6nePfchova je uj'skumno-vyivojovd zdkladia vo fabrikdchpomernesilnii,zaloZilisme na fakulte vlskumu,kto4iakoorganizadnf a technologick6ho iltvarfakultyzabezpeduje okreminlichdinustavmaterielov6ho nostiaj pripravn6al(ivity pre vznikcentraexcelencie,ako Spi6kov6ho vedeck6hopracoviskav oblastispracovania guryy. procesuabsoldynamikyzmienv spolodnosti na fakulteznamendakcelerdciu adaptadn6ho Uspe5n6zvlddnutie podnikovna vyisledky vliskumu,kooperacn6rieventovv praxia na druhejstranei pruZn6prepojeniepriemyselnyich prosperitu. Senievliskumnfchprojektov a obojstrann0 pripravuje FPTsvojichabsolventov, medzinimiaj textildkov a verimZe aj dasopis V intencidch tychtomy5lienok Vfdknaa textila tzka spojitosts jeho vyddvanlmndm k tomu pomdZu. Nemcok,PhD. Doc.lng.Ondrej dekanFPT v Prlchove destnf 6lenredakdnejrady 74 Vldkna a texfl 11 (3) 74 (2004) Vldknaa priadza Fibresandyarns THE DYEABILITY OF BLENDPOLYPROPYLENE/POLYESTERFIBRESBY DISPERSE DYES BolhovdE, Ujhelyiovd A., Kdrmendyovd E.,Marcindin A. Slovak lJniversityof Technotogyin Bratislava,Facultyof Chemical and Food Technotogy, Department ', ',',onJ.fl,o,,,':x::';":,1""r'3'!{;f"?![!]1",2i,f;"?13",2'""ii,tistaua' stwak Repubtic The aim of this workwas to studythe colourproperties fibresmodifiedwith of polypropylene (PES).Polypropylene varioustypesof polyesters (PP)wasmodified by polyethylene terephthalate (PET),polybuthylene (PBT),poly(trimethylene (PTT)anda polyester terephthalate terephthalate) blend(PET/PBTIPTT). Thefibresweredyedat the temperature of 98 'C (usingthe classicprocessfor PETfibres)usingdisperse dyesC. l. Disperse Red86 andC. l. Disperse Blue56.The (totalcolourdifference colourproperties AE, positiondataof colourcoordinates L*, a*, b*) were evaluated usinga CIELABanalysis. The affinityof the dispersedyesto the blendPP/PESfibredependson the contentof the variousPES component in the blendfibre.The polyester in the PP matrixpositively dispersed affectsthe dye uptakein the exhaustprocess. The disperse dyesare expected to mainlydiffuse intothe amorphous regionsand at the interface of the fibreblendcomponents. The resultsobtainedindicatethe differenteffectsof individual PESon the dyeability of blend PP/PESfibre.Sufficient colourstrengthof the fibreswas achievedfor polypropylene modified withPETand PBT. INTRODUCTION re.Thehighestcolourstrength of dyedfibreswasobprocedure tainedusinganinjection andmixingof blend DyeingPPfibresusingtheclassicmethod(ina dye meltsina dynamic homogeniser beforespinning. Inthis bath).result in a verylowyieldof dyesandlowwasha- casethe internalstructure of PP/PESfibresis more bility.Recently, theintensity workhasincre- accessible of research to themolecules of disperse dyes.Thehigh asedin the fieldof dyeingPP fibresusingclassic dispersity of PETin PP,whichwasassumed, usinga method. lmprovement inthedyeability of PPfibrescan twin-screw extruderfor mixing,doesnot providethe beachieved bythechemical andphysical modificationexpectedincreaseof the colourstrength. The same of PP[1*10].Thenewmethod forthepreparation of PP resultswerealsoobtained bythepreparation of blend fibresrepresents itsmodification by lowmolecular wei- PP/PES fibreusinga singlescrewextruder withtheadghtcompounds andnanoparticles additives ditionof PPchipsandconcentrate fromfeedstock and [8],polymeric (copolymers) groups withsuitable fixingcertaindyes[9- homogenisation of the mixturein an extruderbefore polymers 141,dendrimers andhyperbranched Forgooddyeability of blendPP/PES fibre,it [15,16]. spinning. polymer Theinmrporation of hyperbranched intopolypro- is necessary to unifythepositive effectof thepolymer pylenepriorto fibrespinning hasmarkedly enhanced withoptimalconditions the additive duringthemixingand dyeability of PPby disperse dyes[12].In addition, fibre[3]. it is a spinning of blendPP/PES modification usingpolymers andthepreparation of poly- Ingeneral, thefollowing conditions fordyeingsynthe(bicomponent mermixtures PP/PESand PP/PAfibres) ticfibresusingtheclassicmethodmustbefulfilled [5]: o thespatialaccessibility of themolecules of polymer [2-7]whicharelargelyusedforthispurpose. TheblendPP/PESfibrerepresent a newmethodof formolecules or additive of dyes,ergo,sufficient conpreparing syntheticfibreswith improvedproperties. tentof amorphous areasin polymer withsufficient fleThemodification of polypropylene fibreswithpolyester xibility of macromolecule chainsegments andincreis interesting fromtheviewpoint of betterdyeability from asedfreevolume, wherethemolecules of dyescan properties diffusein accordance a dyebath anda changein somemechanical withthe free-volume dyeing of PPfibres.A polymeradditive likea concentrate is adtheory(usuallyattainedabovethe temperature of glasstransition dedintothemeltedpolymerandusuallycontainsester Tn) groups,whichareableto increase theaffinityof disper- o a sufficient amountof groupsableto fix thedyeby se dyesto the blendPP/PESfibre.Themodification of theformation of stronginteractions between thepoPPfibresbypolyesters hasanimportant effectonthedye lymeror additive andthedyemolecules. uptakeintheexhaustpro@ss,evenof a lowconcentra- Theaimofthisworkisto studythedyeability of blend tionof polyesters in PP/PESfibres[1-4]. PP/PESfibresby classicmethodand,theeffectof vaThemiscibility of polymerblendcomponents hasan rioustypesof PESon colourproperties of blendPP/ essential effecton thedyeability of blendPP/PESfib- PESfibres. vldknaa rex0711 (3) 7S-U pA04) 75 Vl6knaa priadza Fibresand yarns EXPERIMENTAL meterswere estimatedby measuringthe reflectivecurXE spectrophotometer ves by the Ultrascan equipment. The K/Svaluesfromthe Kubelka-Munk equationwere calculatedby the equation: Materials Syntheticfibres polymers the wereusedfor preparing Thefollowing (1) K/S = (1 -R)ZPR fibres: blendPP/PES - Polypropylene TatrenTG 920 (PP),Slovnaft, a.s., where K- absorptioncoefficient,S - scatteringcoeffimeltflowindexMFI= 11g/10min; Bratislava, value. cient,and R - reflectance - Polyethylene (PETLFK),Slovenskf Terephthalate The RCS - the relativecolour colour coordinates, lV = 0,5l.g-t; Hodvdb, a. s.,Senica, - the differencein lightnessbetweenthe AL* strength, - Polybuthylene (PBT)Celanex2000, Terephthalate standardand sample,Aa",Ab* - the differencesin the Polymer; TiconaEngineering colourcoordinatesbetweenthe standardand sample, - Poly(trimethylene)teraphthalate (PTT)withan intrinAE* - the colourdifferencebetweenthe standardand in a 50/50mixof lV : 9 l.g-'(measured sicviscosity sample,and AC* - the differencein chromabetween andtrifluoroacetic acidat tureof methylene chloride the standardand samplewere definedusingthe soft30 "c), the D6510' standardilluminant - Li- ware for a colorimeter, - Compatibilizer - oligomeric polyester (OLPET) observer. cowaxE The blendPP/PESfibreswere preparedin two and Determinationof the dye uptake of the PPIPESconcentrates steps- preparation preparation of theblendPP/PESfibres.ThecomposiThe dye uptakeof the blendPP/PESfibreswas de'1. tionof theusedblendPP/PESfibresarein Table terminedindirectlyby determining the concentration of process the The dyeing the dye in bath. of took 90 miTable 1 Compositionof blend PP/PESfibres nules.Afterthe removalof the fibrefrom dyebath,a 5 Compositionof blend PP/PESfibres ml dyebathwas completedby addingethanolto a 25 ml x T T O L P E T flask.The quantityof the remainingdye in the bathwas Sample PP TG 920 P E T L F KP B T C e l a n e P wt.% wt.% wt.% wt.% wt.% of a dye solutionmeasuestimatedfromthe absorption = 590 nm for Dispersethe Blue 56 and red at trma,1 100 1 Lna,z=520 nm for DisperseRed 86 by the SPEKOL 100 92 B curves. equipmentand the calibration a A o 92 92 94.34 94.4 94.34 a 7.88 1.88 la 1a 5.54 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 DisperseDyes Blue56 (IerasilBlue3RL) C. l. Disperse Red86 (ferasilRosa2GLA) C. I. Disperse 2.2 Dyeing A lubricant was removedfromthe fibresin a bath 1.5g/lSlovapon A and1 gil Na3POa at 75 "C containing for20 min. laboratory equThefibresweredyedusingColortest ipmentat a temperature of 98 "C.Thedyebathcontai2 g/l ned 1 g/l KortamolNNO as a dispersant, (NH4)'SO4, lhe 3 g/l NarSO+, dceticacidfor adjusting pH = 5, and2 wt. % disperse dye.Thedyeingregime for PETfibreswas used. Colour characteri stics The colourcharacteristics of the dyedfibreswere Thecolourparaevaluated usingtheCIELabmethod. 76 R E S U L TA S N DD I S C U S S I O N ThefibresfromblendPP/PESfibresweredyedusing method designated forPETfibresat 98"C thestandard Red86 andC.l.Disperse by twodyes- C.l.Disperse Blue56.Theresultsof thecolourmeasurements obtained by evaluation of the CIE Lab parameters are in Tables2 and3 andFigs.1-4. In orderto dyeof blendPP/PESfibresusingdispertheassumption se dyesfroma solution, thatdisperse primarily intotheamorphous regions dyesdiffuse offibBasedon theexperimental rere blendsis accepted. sults,it is possible to statethataffinity of disperse dyes to a blendPP/PESdependson the typeof polyester structure of the disperse usedandthe molecular dye of thedyeuptakeof C. l. Disperse used.A comparison PPfibresandblendPP/PES Blue56between standard fibres(Fig.1)showsthatthedyeuptakeof C. l. Disperfor allthePP/PESfibres.Thehise Blue56 increases ghestdyeuptakeof C. L Disperse Blue56 (60%)is in blendPPiPESfibresmodified achieved by PET(Fig. 1, PP/PET, sample3).Theincrease in PTTcontentin blendPP/PES fibresdoesnotaffectthedyeuptake(Fig. 1, PP/PPT, samples 5 and6).BothblendPP/PTTiOLV6kna a textil 11 (3) 75-81 (2004) Fibresandyarns Vldkna a priadza PET fibresachievethe same dye uptake.We can assumethatthe differencein the contentof PTT in blend s fibresis smallto show the highereffecton theirdyeability.The highercontentof PTT in blendPP/PESfibresdamagesthe supermolecular structureof PP as well o50 o as the lowercontentof PTT. The dye uptakefor blend PP/PESfibresdyedby C. l. DisperseBlue56 movesin 4 times a rangefrom 35 to 45 % and is approximately higheras for PP fibres(Fig.1). The dye uptakeof blendPP/PESfibresdyedwithC. l. DisperseRed86 is about65-70% (Fig.3). The blend PP/PBTand blendPP/PET/PBT/PTT fibresachievethe highestdye uptake.The molecularstructureand sizeof the particlesof dispersered dye have a resulton a higherdye uptakein comparisonwithdispersebluedye. fibres The particlesof dispersered dye diffuseintofibresduringthe dyeingprocessfasterthan particlesof disper- Fig. 1 The dye uptakeof DisperseBlue 56 for unmodifiedPP and blend PP/PESfibresat 98 "C se blue. For dyeingof blendPPiPESfibreswith C. l. Disperse Blue56,the dependencyof KS on the composition is in Fig.2. Fromthe results,it follows,that KS acqui- a Y resthe highestvaluesfor PP fibresmodifiedwith PET and PBT and the lowestfor unmodifiedPP fibres.The l(S of blendPP/PETand blendPP/PBTfibresis severaltimeshigherthanfor otherblendPP/PESfibres.We assumethe PTT polyesterswith (OLPET),PBT with 1A (OLPET)and a blendof PES (PET/PBT/PTT) do not affectchangein the crystallinepart as much (thesupermolecularstructureis not changedsufficiently) andthe 1,0 not into fibres is dye is able to diffuse the and mainly caughton the surfaceof the fibre.The variousamounts f Table 2 CIE Lab characteristics of unmodifiedPP and blendPP/ PES fibresdyed using C.l. DisperseBlue 56, standard P P f i b r ei s s a m p l eN o 1 . AL* Sample 1 -1.2 -1.5 2.3 2.0 -8.7 -34.0 -40.6 -41,0 AE" AC. RCS [%] f ibres Fig. 2 The |(/S valuesfor unmodifiedPP and blend PP/PESfibres at 98'C, DisperseBlue56 of PTT(7.88and5.54wt. %)do notaffecttheirdyeup(Fig.2). take 4 7 . 7 4 3 1 . 9 1058 On the baseof theknowledge 47.13 32.3 971 [1-a]gainedandthe 4 -JY.b J.I results(Figs.1-4),it is possible 48.60 31.0 192 experimental to state -39.8 185 3.1 48.09 31.2 thatthePETadditive disperse inthePPmatrixof blend -38.1 4,2 172 48.71 29.6 PP/PES fibresis ableto increase thedyeability of blend -38.6 3.4 251 8 48.84 30.0 PP/PES fibresseveral timesat a temperature of 98 "C withtheunmodified PPfibres.A compaTable3 CIE Lab characteristics of unmodifiedPP and blend PP/ in comparison PES fibresdyed usingC.l. DisperseRed 86, the stand- risonof thedyeingability of blendPP/PETfibreswith ard PP fibre is Sample No 1, PETfibresis moreinteresting; blendPP/PETfibres achievebetterdyeexhaustion at 98 "C thanPETfibre Sample AL. AE* ac* Rcs [%] (thetemperature of 98 'C is notsufficient). lt is possib1 7.9 t.o predict PET le to that the additives change thestable .|r.t -8.3 z 22.0 0.4 ,iu s3s of PP, and higher crystalline structure a diffusion of the anl -u.o -2u.3 40.5 1224 32.4 into fibres disperse dyes the is allowed -0.9 -17.B [3-4]. 4 34.4 44.3 26.3 894 --{+.c -zz. I TheKS valuesoftheC, l. Disperse Red86arecomJC-Z 4 1. 3 27.3 1212 -2.2 -20.8 parable 6 34.9 41.0 26.8 1104 to alltheblendPP/PESfibres(Fig.a).Thehi- 3 . 2 - 2 1 . 0 4 1. 0 36.7 28.7 1 181 ghestl(iSwasmeasured forthePP/PETandblendPP/ -3.8 -20.4 +z-J I 33.9 26.0 1058 PET/PBT/PTT fibres.Thelowestvalueswereachieved z -sl.s o*n -35,3 -34.1 -37.2 -36.4 -38.4 -38.3 Vldkna a textil 11 (3) 75-81 (2004) ,i.t ti, 77 Vl6knaa priadza Fibresandyarns 2,5 a Y I 2,0 9oo -5U 1,5 1,0 n4 fibres Fig. 3 The dye uptakeof DisperseRed 86 for unmodifiedPP and blend PP/PESfibresat 98 "C 0,0 f ibres Fig. 4 The l(S valuesfor unmodifiedPP and blend PP/PESfibres blendsat 98 "C. DisperseBed 86 fortheunmodified PPandPETfibresas well.Theun- valuesare high becauseunmodifiedPP fibreswere modified PPfibreshavea verylowaffinityto thedisper- usedand they have no affinityto the dispersedyes.The fordyeingthePETfibreswere yieldof dispersedyesusingthe PP fibreswas verylow sedyes.Theconditions (a lowdyeingtemperature, dyeingwitho- at the givenconditions(Fig.1 and 3) and it is not comnotsufficient forthegoodcolouring ofthesefibreswhich parableto the blendPP/PESfibres.The deviationof the ut carriers) withthelowervaluesof KS incomparisonAC* chromaindicatethat all shadesof blendPP/PES corresponds withblendPP/PES fibres.Thedependences ofthedye fibresare deeperthan unmodifiedPP fibres.The colouptakeand 1(Son the composition of blendPP/PES ur coordinatesa* and b* representthe positionof the fibresaresimilar(Figs.3 and4).Thechangeoccursat samplesin the a*b*diagram.They showthatthe samof plesare eventuallyblueror redderthanthe unmodified blendPP/PBTfibres.At the dyeingtemperature inthepolymeric 98'C,themotion ofthesegments chain PP fibres.The blendPP/PESfibreshavea dimmershaThiscausestheporesto becomebigger,and de in comparisonwith the PP fibresbecausevery low increases. thedyesareableto diffusefromthe surfaceintothe dye uptakeof the unmodifiedPP fibres. withthedyeuptakefor massoffibres.Thiscorresponds a blendPP/PBTfibres(Fig.3). The dyewas ableto penetrate of CONCLUSION andfix itselfintofibreat a temperature process "C. After is finished the tempe98 thedyeing B l e n d P P / P E Sf i b r e s w e r e d y e d u s i n g e x h a u s t raturedecreased andwiththelowering temperature, the pores reduced. Thebackdyediffusion into methodwith C. l. DisperseBlue56 and C. l. Disperse sizeof the confirms thediffe- Red 86 dyes. From the colourcharacteristic of blend thedyebath rencebetween at PP/PESfibresobtainedfollowsthat: thedyeuptake,whichwasmeasured directly fromthe 1. The dyeabilityof all blendfibreswas excellent. 98"C,andthel(S, whichwasmeasured (Fig. ). 2. PP fibresmodifiedby all the polyesteradditives dyeing fibresby DATACOLOR equipment Theresults indicated thatthedyeuptashowa muchbetteradsorotion and diffusion of disthatfollowed persedyesthan intothe unmodifiedPP fibresand keandKS valuesaredependent onthecomposition of structure and muchbetterdyeabilityas well. the blendPP/PESfibres,the molecular andthesizeof theporeson/ 3. The highestcolourstrengthwas obtainedby the sizeof thedyepafticles, inthefibres.TheblendPP/PES fibresreached dyeabimodification of the PP with PET and PBT. was not observed. litymuchhigherthancorresponds to theamountof PES 4. Streakiness present in PP. Throughappraisal of theeffectof PESin blendPP/ Acknowledgement Support of theAPVT(GrantNo20-010101) andVega(grantNo (Tables2 and 3), it PESfibreson colourproperties 4926- FCHPT, STU) grant agencies is appreciated. emerged thatalltheblendPP/PESfibresaredimmer PP fibreswithbothusingdisperse thanunmodified is themeasure dyes.TheAE*colourdifference of the REFERENCES (unmodified in colourbetween thestandard difference 47, 1997,pp. 376-384 fibres.TheAE* [1] Ruys,L,: ChemicalFibresInternational, PPfibres)andsamples of blendPP/PES 78 Vldknaa textil 11 (3\ 75-81 (2004) Vldknaa priadza Fibresandvarns [2] Marcindin,A., et al.: Polypropylenefibres dyeable by an exhaustionprocess, in 38th Man-Made Fibres Congress, Dornbin.Austria.1999 A., Brejka,O., Mur6rovd,A., Hodul,P., Brejkov6, [3] Marcin6in, A.: Vldkna atextiUFibresand Textile6, 1999, pp. 119-124 T.: Macromol. 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DisperseRed 86 a C. (PET), polybutyl6nL DisperseBlue 56). Polypropyl6nbol modifikovanypolyetyl6ntereftaldtom (PTT)a zmesoupolyesterovPETiPBT/PTT.Zmesn6 tereftal6tom(PBT),polytrimethyl6ntereftaldtom PP/PESvl6kna boli vyfarben6disperznlmifarbivamivytahovacimpostupompre PET vldkna pri 98 "C. Koloristick6vlastnostiboli hodnoten6CIE Lab anallizou. Afinitadisperznlchfarblv ku zmesnlim PPiPES vl6knamje zdvisldod obsahu a povahy PES aditiva v zmesnfch PP/PES vldknach. Polyester rozdispergovanfv polypropyl6novejmatrici podstatnezvf5il silu vyfarbeniazmesnlch PP/PES vldkien pri farbeni vytahovaclmpostupom. Difriziadisperzn6hofarbivaprebiehahlavnedo amorfnlichoblastia medzifdzovehorozhraniaPP a PES zloZkyzmesnfch PP/PESvlakien. Z i s k a n 6v l i s l e d k yp o u k a z u j r in a r o z d i e l n yv p l y v P E S n a v y f a r b i t e l ' n o sztm e s n f c h P P i P E S vldknach.Dostatodn6farebnd sila a percentovytiahnutiafarbiva bolo dosiahnut6pri zmesnlich v l d k n a c hs o b s a h o mP E T a P B T . Uvoo FarbeniePP vlakienklasick;impostupom(z k0pela)ddva vel'mi nizku vftaZnost farbiva a nizke stdlosti v prani. V poslednomobdobisa zvf5ila intenzitavliskumn;ichprdc v oblastiklasick6hofarbeniaPP vl6kien.Zlep5enievyfarbi(PP) vldkien z k0pel'asa dd dotel'nostipolypropyl6novlich siahnutichchemickou a fyzikdlnou modifikdciou[1-101.Noqi sposobpripravyPP vldkienfarbitelhyich z roztokupredstavuje modifikdcianlzkomolekulovyimi latkamia nanodasticami aditivamis vhodnyimi funkdnlTmi skupinami [8],polym6rnymi (kopolym6ry), ktor6majil dobril afinituk disperznfmfarbivdm vlAkna a textil11(3)75-81(2004) a rozvetvenlmipolymermi[15,16].Za[9-141,dendrim6rmi 6lenenierozvetvenlichpolym6rovdo PP matricepodastavenia zmesiznadnezvli5ilovyfarbitel'nost PP vlakiendisperzpolym6rmi nlim farbivom[12].Okremtohoje to modifikacia 6 P/PES a p r i p r a v ap o l y m e r n y c hz m e s i ( b i k o m p o n e n t n P a PP/PAvldkna)[2-7]. Zmesn6 PPiPES vldknareprezentujtinovli spdsobpripravy syntetickiichvlakiens vylepSenfmivlastnostami.Modifipolyestermije k6ciapolypropyl6nu zaujimavdz hladiskalepSejvyfarbitelhosti h/chtovl6kienz roztokua zmienniekto4Tch mechanickfchvlastnostiPP vldkien.Polym6rneaditivum, ktor6je priddvan6ako koncentrdtdo taveninypolym6ru, 79 Vldkna a priadza Fibres and yarns obsahujeesterovf skupinu,kto16zvy5ujeafinitudisperznfch kienfarbivomC. L DisperseBlue56 sa % vytiahnutia farbifarbiv k zmesnlimPP/PESvldknam.Modifikdciapolypropy- va pohybujev intervale3545% (obr.1) a je cca Stuorndsobl6novlichvldkienpolyesterommd vfznamnf vplyv na silu ne vy5Sieako pri bistomPP vl6kne. vyfarbeniauZ pri jeho nizkychkoncentrdcidch v zmesnfch Pri pouZitifarbiva C. L DisperseRed 86 sa % vytiahnutia vl6knach[1-4]. na zmesn6PP/PESvldknapohybujev rozmedzi65a270% Na vyfarbitel'nost zmesn;ichPP/PES vldkien ma vplyv aj (obr.3). Pricomnajvy5Sie % sa dosiahlou zmesnlchPP/PBT mie5aniepolym6rnej zmesipri ich priprave.Najvy5Sia fareb- a PP/PET/PBT/PTT vldknach.Toto vySSie% vytiahnutiadernd silafarbenyich PP/PESvlSkiensa zlskalaza pouZitiavstre- ven6hodisperzn6ho farbivam6 za ndsledokjeho molekulokovaciehoprocesua mie5aniataveninyzmesi polym6rov vd Struktfraa velkost6astic.Casticecerven6hofarbival'ahpredich zvl6kiovanlm.Vnrjrtor- S i e d i f u n d u j 0d o v l d k n a p o c a s f a r b i a c e h op r o c e s ua k o v dynamickom homogeniz6ri nd Strukt0rataktopripravenfchzmesnyichPP/PESvldkienje disoerzn6mod16farbivo. prlstupnej5ia pre molekulydisperzn6hofarbiva.VysoklistuN a o b r . 2 s r i h o d n o t yK / S p r e C . l . D i s p e r s eB l u e 5 6 peridispergdcie PES v PP, ktonisa dosiaholpouZitimdvoj- v zdvislostiod typu farbenlch zmesn;ichPP/PESvldkienpri z6vitovkov6ho exdrtderapri mie6ani,neposkytolocakdva- 98"C.2 vfsledkovvyplfva,Ze K/S nadobfdanajvy55ie hodn1ivzrastfarebnejsily.Rovnakdvfsledkyboliziskaneaj pri noty pri modifikdcii pre PP vldkno. s PET a PBT a najniZ5ie p r i p r a v ez m e s n f c h P P / P E Sv l A k i e np o u i i t i m r o v n a k 6 h o V porovnanis PP/PETa PPiPBT vl6knamije niekol'kokrdt gran0la koncentrAtu exdrideras priddvanim z poddvacieho ni2Siaaj (S pri d'alSich zmesnlTch PP/PESvldknach.PTT s zdsobnlka taveninya homogenizdcie zmesipredzvldkriova- OLPET,PBTs OLPETa zmes PES (PET/PBT/PTT) ovplyvn i m . K d o s i a h n u t ivuy S S i e h sot u p n av y f a r b e n i a z m e s n ; i c h nujI len vel'mimdlonadmolekulovri StruktfruzmesnfchPP/ PP/PESvldkienje potrebn6zjednotitpozitfvnyvplyvpolymer- PES vlakienv porovnanis PET a PBT a ich vplyvomnedopodmien- chddzak takejzmenekryStalickeho nehoaditiva(PES)s optimelnymi technologickyimi podieluPP, aby farbivo kamipri pripravezmesnyich PP/PETvlakien[3]. mohlo difundovatdo vnitra vldkna. Zachyt6vasa iba na Vo v5eobecnostiplati,Ze pre schopnostvyfarbeniasynte- povrchu.Roznepercentudlne zast0peniePTT (7,88 a5,54 ticklichvldkienklasickfmpostupommusiabyt splnen6na- hmot. %) v zmesnlch PP/PTTvldknachnemd vplyv na silu sledovn6podmienky[5]: vyfarbenia(obr.2), modryimfarbivom. o priestorovd pristupnost Na zdkladepoznatkov[1-a] a ziskanfchexperimentdlnych vo vl6knepre molekulyfarbiva, '1-4)je moZnekonStatovat, 2e PES rozdisperteda dostatodn6amorfnd6ast polym6rus pohyblivfmi uisledkov(obr. govanli v PP matrici polym6rnymi zmesn6hoPP/PESvldknazvy5ujemoZpri segmentami, teplotefarbenianad teppri 98 'C v porovnani lotousklovitenia(prifarbenipolyesterovyich vldkiensa nostjeho vyfarbenianiekolkondsobne PP vldknom.Porovn6vanie vyZadujetlakov6farbeniebez alebos prenaSadmi); s nemodifikovanfm schopnosti o tvorbainterakciimedzipolym6roma farbivom. vyfarbeniazmesnfchPP/PESvldkiens PETvlaknomje zaz toho hl'adiska, 2e u zmesnlichPP/PESvtdkien V p r a c is m e s a z a m e r a l in a h o d n o t e n i ev y f a r b i t e l ' n o s t iujimavejsie pri 98"Cako pri PETvldkne(pri zmesnfch PP/PESvl6kien klasickfm postupoma vplyvu sa dosiahlolep5ievyfarbenie 16znychpolyesterovna koloristick6vlastnostih/chtovlakien. farbeni PET vldkien nie je teplotafarbenia98'C postadujtica).Je mo2n6predpokladat,2e r6znePESnarlSajrirozdielne stabiln0kryStalickriStrukt0ruPP a tfm umoZiujri vySSiu difriziudisperzn6ho farbivado vn[tra zmesnfchPP/PESvlaV V S L E D K YA D I S K U S I A kien [3-4]. Pri pouZitidisperzn6ho farbivaC. L DisperseRed 86 bola Vldknazo zmesnfchPP/PESvldkienbolivyfarbeneStandardnyimpostupomurcenfm pre PET vldknapri 98"C dvo- sila vyfarbenial(S porovnatelhdu vSetkfchzmesn;ichPP/ m a f a r b i v a mCi . l . D i s p e r s eR e d 8 6 , C . l . D i s p e r s eB l u e5 6 . PES vliiknach(obr. 4). Najvy55ieK/S boli nameran6pre Vfsledkykoloristicklch vlakna.Naini25ie merani,ktor6sa zfskalihodnotenlm zmesn6PP/PETa PP/PET/PBT/PTT hodCIE Lab parametrovvyfarbenfchvldkien,su v tab. 2 a 3 a na noty sa dosiahlipri PP a PET vlakne.Nemodifikovan6 PP vldknomd nizkuafinituku disperzn6mufarbivu.Pre farbeobr. 1--4. podmienky(nizkateploPrivytahovacomspdsobefarbeniazmesnlichPP/PESvld- nie PET vldknaneboliposta6uj0ce kien disperzn;imfarbivomsa predpokladd,Ze disperznffar- ta farbenia,farbeniebez pren65aca)na dostatodn6vyfarbebivo difundujehlavnedo amorfnyichoblasti.Na zdkladezls- n i e , c o k o r e 5 p o n d u j es n i Z S i m i h o d n o t a m i K / S a k o kanyich vfsledkov m62eme konStatovat, 2e afinita u zmesnfchPP/PESvlaknach.Priebeh% vytiahnutia farbidisperzn6ho farbivaku zmesnyimPPiPESvl6knamje zdvis- va a (S v zdvislostiod zloZeniavlakien(obr.3 a 4) je pold od typu polyesteru a molekulovej Struktlryfarbiva.Pri po- dobn! a k zmenedochddzalen pri zmesnomPP/PBTvliikrovnani% vytiahnutia farbivaC. L DisperseBlue56 na Stan- ne. Pri teplotefarbenia98'C dochadzak zvdd5eniup6rov dard(PPvlakno,obr.1)a vzoriekzmesn;ichPP/PESvldkien a k zv!5en6mupohybusegmentovv polym6rnomretazci. (obr.1)je vidiet,2e % vytiahnutia difunduj0z povrchudo vn0travldkfarbivaviditelhest[plo pre Molekulyfarbival'ahSie v5etkyzmesnePP/PESvldkna.NajvySSie s % vytiahnutiafarbivapre PP/PBTvldk% vytiahnutiafar- na, eo koreSponduje bivaC. l. DisperseBlue56 sa dosiahloprizmesnomPP/PES no (obr.3). Farbivobolo schopneudrZatsa vo vl6kne pri vl6knemodifikovanom PET- okolo60% (obr.1, PP/PET-vz. danejteplote98 "C. Po ochladenikf pel'a,na koncifarbenia, 3). Zvyi5enieobsahu PTT v zmesnfch PP/PESvldknach dochadzak zni2eniuvelkostiporovzniZenimteplotyfarbianemdvplyv na % vytiahnutiafarbiva(obr.1, vz. 5 a 6). Pri cehok0pel'aa farbivodifundujez vldknaspditdo farbiaceho obidvochzmesn;ichPP/PTT/OLPETvldknachsa dosiahti kfpelh. To potvrdzujeaj rozdielmedzi % vytiahnutiafarbiva rovnak6% percentdvytiahnutia farbiva.M62emepredpokla- nameranlimpriteplotefarbenia98'C a K/S,ktordbolalloddat, Ze rozdielv obsahuPTT v zmesnlchvlaknachje mal! notendpriamoz vyfarben6hovldknana pristrojiDatacolor +1. na to, aby sa prejavilvy55ivplyvna zmenuichvyfarbitelhosti. (obr. Z 4isledkovvypl'!va,2eK/Sako aj percentovytiahnutiafarPredpokladd sa, 2e vy55iobsahPTT (7,88%) v zmesnom PP/PESvldknenaruSlnadmolekulov0 PPiPESvldkien, Struktirurovnakoako bivana vldknozdvisiodzloleniazmesnlTch niZ5iobsahPTT. Pri farbenid'al5ich zmesnVchPPiPESvtd- molekulovejStrukttryfarbiva,velkostijeho dastica velkosti 80 v6knaa rexrl11 (3)7F81 (2004) Fibresandyarns Vldkna a priadza p6rovvo vldkne.Zmesn6PP/PESvldknadosiahliovelavySzaSievyfarbenieako zodpoved6dan6mupercentuelnemu stripeniupolyesterov6ho(PET, PBT a PTT) aditivav PP. Pri posudzovanivplyvu PES v zmesnfch PP/PES vlaknachna koloristick6vlastnosti(tab.2 a 3) vyplyiva,Ze na z6kladeodchflkyjasu AL*, ktordm6 pre v5etkyzmesn6PP/ PES vl6kna zApornl hodnotuvyplwa, ie vSetkyvldkna s[ matnej5ieako Standard(PP vldkno) pri obidvochpouZitfch farbivdch. CelkovafarebnddiferenciaAE* je mierouvelkosti a vyfarbenfmizmesfarebn6horozdielumedziStandardom nlrmiPP/PESvldknami.HodnotyAE* sri vysok6z toho dovodu,Ze ako Standardsa pouZiloPP vldknovyfarben6danyimidisperznfmifarbivami.ViitaZnostfarbivaPP vlaknom b o l a z a d a n f c h p o d m i e n o kv e l ' m in f z k a ( v i d ' .o b r 1 a 3 . ) so zmesnlimiPP/PESvldknami.Odchlila neporovnatel'nd ka sftosti vyfarbeniaAC* ndm hovorio tom, Ze vSetkyvyfarben6 zmesn6vl6knamaj0 slitejSiodtieriako Standard.Koloristick6koordindtya* a b" zn6zorriuj0poziciujednotliviich vzoriekv a*b*diagrame.Hovoriao tom ci je vzorkamodrej- Vldknaa textil 11 (3) 75-81 (2004) Sia prlpadnecervenej5iaako Standard.V5etkyzmesn6 PP/ ako PP vldkno,pretoZePP PESvldknamajf matnejSiodtien vldknomd nizkevyfarbenie. ZAVER PP/PESzmesn6vldknasa vyfarbilidvoma farbivamiC. l. DisperseBlue56 a C. l. DisperseRed 86 a vyhodnotili sa vlastnostivlakien.Zo ziskanfchuisledzakladn6koloristick6 kov je moZn6kon5tatovat,Ze: - RovnomernostvyfarbeniazmesnlichPPiPESvl6kienbola vlbornd bez pruhovitosti. - Vyfarbitel'nost zmesnlichPP/PESvldkienje ovela lep5ia PP vl6kien.Zlep5ilasa adsorpcia ako nemodifikovanfch PP zloZky a prenikaniemolekfi farbivado modifikovanej so v5etkfmipouZihimiPES. - Najlep5ie vfarbenie sa dosiahlopri modifik6cii PP s PET a PBT. 81 Fibresandyarns Vldkna a priadza PROCESS KINETICS OF THEDYEING FIBRES OF BLENDPOLYPROPYLENE/POLYESTER DYES WITHDISPERSE J., Marcincin A. A., BolhovdE.,Oravkinov6 Ujhelyiovd Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology Radlinskdho9, 812 37 Bratislav,SK e-mai|: an na.ujh elyiova @stuba. sk, eva,bolhova The dyeingof unmodifiedpolypropylene(PP) fibres by the exhaustionmethodis characterized by the low affinityof dyes to the PP and the low colour parameters(low colour fastness,low washingand dry-cleaningfastnesses)of the dyed fibres.The preparationof blend polypropylene/ polyester(PP/PES)fibres is interestingfrom the point of view of the dyeabilityof these fibres in the bath. A polyesteradditivein the PP matrix is able to fix the disperseddyes and increase the take-upof the dye from the bath. This paper presentsthe effect of two polyesters(polyethylene terephtalate- PET - and polybuthyleneterephtalate- PBT) on the kineticsof dyeing blend PP/ PES fibres with C.l. DisperseRed 86 disperseddye. The dye uptake, dyeing rate constants, diffusioncoefficientsand activationenergy of the dyeingof blend PP/PESfibres are defined. Manytheoretical equations describing theoverallrate thattheenof dyeinghavebeenderivedby assuming by therateof dyedifin tiredyeingprocessis determined withpolyesters Themodification of polypropylene of dyesinto orderto prepareblendPP/PESfibreswithmostlyPP fusionintoa fibre[10-14].Thediffusion fibrescanoccurunderbothinfinite andfinite is interesting fromthepointof viewof the polyester components properties duringthe dyeingprocess.In the of the PPfibres.PESin the blendPP/PES dyebathconditions thedyeconcentration in the fibresprovidesan improvement in dyeability usingthe caseof aninfinitedyebath, process. Inthe elasticity andsorption bathdoesnotchangeduringthesorption classic exhaust dyeingprocess, properties at the andinterface caseof a finitedyebath,the dye concentration as well[1-3].Themorphology decreases duringthe intheblend, fibre'ssurfacecontinuously components created between thepolymer processuntilequilibrium between thedyeconwhichcanbe considered as a thirdphase,playa pre- sorption in thepolyester fibresandthebathis achieroleintheimprovement ofthedyeability ofthe centration dominant ved[15].Thediffusion rateof thedyemolecules intothe blendPP/PESfibres[4-61. solution is expressed fibresfroma well-stirred knowledge aboutthediffusion polyester Thecurrenttheoretical fora finitedyebath andHill'sequequation froma solutionintofibresas wellas the byWilson's of dyestuffs dyebath. makes ationforan infinite effectof a fibre'ssuperstructure on itsdyeability of thedyeingof polyester fibresby disit possible thatdispesedyesdiffuseprima- Thekinetics to observe of blendPP/PES fibres, pesedyeshavebeenstudiedby severalauthors[11rilyintotheamorphous regions modelswereused(VickerThenPES,whichis dispese in 151.Variousmathematical mainlyattheirinterface. thecreation of a lessor- staff[9,14],Patterson andSheldon[9],Crank[12],Fick a PPmatrix,makespossible equations, Hill[14]onequations) fora of blendPP/PESfibresaswellas [11]ondiffusion deredsuperstructure - the thirdphase,of the description of thetime-dependent dyeuptakeof blend the creationof an interface polymeric thedyeability PP/PESfibresin thedyeingprocess. systemandtherebyincreases (powith Thispaperpresentstheeffectof two polyesters of blend PP/PESfibres.This corresponds - PET- and polybuthylene terephthalate in thetotalcrystallinity of blendPP/PESfib- lyethylene a decrease - PBT)onthekinetics withthetotalcrystal- terephthalate of dyeingblendPPi res(theeffectofPES)incomparison PES fibres Disperse Red 86 dispese dyefl-erasil B]. by C.l. linityoftheoriginal PPandPEScomponents [7, Thedyeingprocessof fibresandtextilesconsistsof Rosa2GLA). processes: of a dye in a fourconsistent the diffusion uptakeat thefibre'ssurface,diffusionintothe solution, 2. Experiments fibre,andfixation of thedyein thefibre.Thediffusion of thedyeintothefibrealsodependson the pH,tem2.1 Materials perature andauxiliary agentsused.In a seriesof prothe slowestis Synthetic fibres reactions, cessesjoinedby successive process fibres(PPfibresmodified whole PP/PES bypolyethytherateof the and,con- blend thisdetermining polybuthylene PET reaction lene terephthalate and leresequently, thissettingtheorderof the [9]. 1.INTRODUCTION 82 weknaa rexrl 11 (3) 82-87 (2004\ Fibresandyarns Vl6knaa priadza - PBTCelanex)wereanalysedandusedfor phthalate exhaust dyeing(Table1).Theamountof the PESdispersedphaseintheblendPP/PESfibreswas8 wt. %, fibreswereprepared intwostepsTheblendPP/PES preparation andpreparaof the PP/PESconcentrates fibres. The tionof theblendPP/PES characteristics of theblendfibresusedarein Table1. D s ;= p6 s,324'10-2KvR'cn'12 (2) Table 1 Characteristicsof blend PPiPES fibres Sample 1 z 3 Compositionof fibres PES Compatibilizer PP TG 920 1,5 wt. % wL o/o 8 wt. % 90.5 90.5 90.5 PET PET PBT empirical equation andFick'sequation. Theprinciple of forapparent diffusion coefficients fromHill's calculating of the identification of the equationis an assumption halftimeof the dyeing\p (ltnis the timerequired for halfthe quantityof dye absorbedin a state absorbing of equilibrium) andthe half-time of thediffusion. The (2): were calculated diffusion coefficients by equation OLPET EDSA EDSA EDSA - ethylenedistearamide, OLPET - oligomericpolyester DisperseDyes - C.l.Disperse Red86 (Terasil Rosa2GLA). where:r - radiusof thefibre(m),D - diffusion coeffi(s-1)usingVicKvn-dyeingrateconstant cient(m2.s-1), kerstaff's equation, cr- concentration of dyein fibreaftertimet (mg.g-t), c- - concentration of dyein equi(mg.g-'). librium (D)fromFick'sequation Thediffusion coefficient was (3): fromthefollowing determined equation c,/c-: 4.(D.t/rf)o'' (3) where:r, D,c,andc- arethesameastheabovementioned. 2.2 Dyeing 3. Resultsand Discussion A lubricant was removedfromthefibresin the bath (1.5g/lSlovapon theeffectof twotypesof poA a 1 g/lNa3POa) at 75 "Cfor20 min. Thispaperinvestigated as wellon the dyeability Thefibresweredyedin Colortest laboratory equipment lyestersand compatibilizers of blendPP/PESfibresas depenat temperatures The anddyeingkinetics of 82,90 and100"C respectively. dyeingbathcontained 1 g/l Kortamol NNO- dispersant, dentontimeandthedyeingtemperature. fromFig.1 thattheamountof exhausted It is evident 2 g/l (NHo)2SOo, formicacidfor pH = 5, 3 g/l Na2SOo, (inmg.g-1) Red86 dyestuff by theblend anddispersed dye1 %.Thedyeingprocedure for PET C.l.Disperse PP/PES fibresincreases witha highertimeandtempefibreswasused. ratureof dyeing. Thedyestuff isfirstlyabsorbed onthe fibresandwhena stateof equiKineticsof thedyeinganddetermination of thedyeex- sudaceof thePP/PES (between libriumis attained theabsorption anddiffusion haustion andthedyestuffpenetrates intothefibForan evaluation of the kineticsof the exhaustion of thedyestuff) (82,86,90,94 process (decrea- re pores,At allthedyeingtemperatures of blendPP/PESfibresan increased sed)concentration of dyeon thefibre(inthe bath)de- and100'C)of theblendPPiPESfibrestheabsorption pending isfasteratthebeginning, andequilibrium on thetimeis significant. Thedyeingprocess ofthedyestuff later(Fig.1).Thetypeof dependence (ata wasfinished at a certaintimeinterval(3,5, 10,15,20, is reached dependson thetypeof polyester 30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110 and130min.).Af- certaintemperature) as wellas thecomoatibilizer. terremoval ofthefibrefroma dyebath, thedyebath was usedforthemodification of thedyeuptakeconfirm completed theby halfandhalfethanol, Thequantity of ex- Thetimedependencies experience abouttheexhaustdyeingof textile hausted dyeby thefibrewasestimated indirectly from oretical Thedifferences amongthementioned depentheabsorption of thedyesolutionmeasuredat its 1,,", materials. on SPEKOL equipment andfromthecalibration curve. dencies(Figs.1a-e) at certaindyeingtemperatures PP/PES fibrecompoThedependence of thedyeis exhaustion ontimewas werecausedonlybythedifferent (82-90'C)blendPP/PET At lowertemperatures (K)anddif- sitions. usedto calculate thedyeingrateconstants (D).The kineticsof the dyeingof (OLPET)fibresabsorbedmostof thedispesedyestuff fusioncoefficients polyester withdispesedyeshavebeenstudiedby se- (Figs,1a-c).At highertemperatures thehighest dyeup- Fick[5],Vickerstaff (EDSA)fibres (Figs. take is exhibited by blend PP/PBT veralauthors Patterson [8-10], [8], duringthe PP/PBTdyCrank[6] andHill[9].The rateof dyeingwas determi- 1d-e).At a testedtimeinterval einga relative equilibrium between nedfromVickerstaff's theabsorption hyperbolic and equation: is notattained (thecurvedoes diffusion of thedyestuff K u ,. t . c i the constantvaluesof the dye uptake( 1 ) not approach ctFig. 1e). The morphology of synthetic fibre(blends) has K v n . t . c o+ 1 for dyeingbecausethe dyestuff a crucialimportance Thediffusion coefficients D wereobtained fromHill's preferably diffuses intoamorphous or lessordered fibV6knaa textll11 (3) 82-87 (2004) 83 Vldknaa priadza Fibresandyarns 'oo 2o bg20 b0 bb !.1 x J,1 rtgl .: ?x ' o aE I -: Dlo c) x - , \ F rllr Fla' frs a a $:. .a 4000 b) Time,s a) 'bp 20 bo 'bp 20 () ,r-< J pl0 C) x Time, s 8000 p10 r, l -a a fililn a 1fi n >. E. r3 a 4000 Time, s 8000 c) Time, s 8000 d) e) 0p20 d0 () ,14 r PBT(EDSA) r PET(EDSA) , PET(OLPET) a o gi a I P10 c) Fig.1 Dyeuptakeof C.l. Disperse Red86 (IerasilRosa2GLA)at 82'C(a),86'C(b),90"c (c),94'c (d)and100'C(e)of blend PP/PESfibres 9ri 4000 Time. s 8000 re regions.Thedifference inthedyeuptakeof blendPP/ are reportedin Table2 withthe activation energiesof PETandblendPP/PBTfibrescan be causedby the thedyeingof PP/PES fibreswithC.l.Disperse Red86. creationof the differentmorphologies of thesefibres, TheresultsshowthatconstantKyqdyeingrateanddifwhichcorresponds withthebetterdyeability of theblend fusioncoefficient according to Hill(D*,.)risewitha hiPP/PBTfibres, mainlyat highertemperatures for allblendPP/PESfibres.A [16].The gherdyeingtemperature higherthetemperature, themoreopenthefibrepores significant increase in the constantKypdyeingrateis andthehigheris thedyeuptakeof blendPP/PESfib- observed fortheblendPP/PESfibresmodified withPBT resmodifiedby bothPETandPBT. and PET(OLPET).The rateof dyeingdependson a A similartemperature effectas PETandPBTisachie- sufficient amountof poresin the morphological fibre (EDSA structure vedbytheutilization of different compatibilizers capable of accepting dyestuff molecules. HiandOLPET)in blendPP/PETfibres. At lowertempera- ghervaluesof theconstantKysratefor blendPP/PBT, turesthe dyeuptakeof dispeseC.l.Disperse Red86 PP/PET(OLPET) blendsaswellas PP/PET(EDSA)inis higherwith OLPETincomparison withEDSAandvice directlyconfirmthe creationof lessorderedstructures versaat highertemperatures. andstructures witha higheramountof poresfor the According to Vickerstaff's equation(1)the constant sorptionof dyestuffrespectively. Diffusion coetficients dyeingrateKyqwasevaluated anddiffusion coetficientsaccording referto the higherdiffusion to Hill(D6;1) of werecalculated as wellfromFick'sequation(3) and dispese dyemolecules duringthedyeingof blendPP/ Hill'sequation(2).Thevaluesof thesecharacteristicsPESfibresmodified by PBTandPET(OLPET). Higher 84 Vlaknaa textT11 (3) 82-87 (2004\ Vldknaa priadza Fibresand varns Table 2 Diffusioncoetficients(D), dyeing rate constants (K) and activationenergies of dyeing (E) of blend PP/PES fibres dyed with dispersedye C.l. DisperseRed 86 Sample Temperature of dyeing,"C PP/PETLFK (OLPET) 82 on 94 100 PP/PETLFK(EDSA) PP/PBT(EDSA) 82 86 90 94 100 82 86 90 94 100 Vickerstaff-smodel K.105 D.1015 m-.s S 1.48 1.72 1.89 2.62 2.76 '1.09 1,14 I ^a 1.59 1.97 1.80 2.07 2.70 Fick-s model D.1o1s m-.s 3.95 4.64 8.00 3./O 7.51 8.39 7.30 7.30 7.69 2.24 J.O I 3.77 4.79 5.03 4.41 5.24 5.67 7.84 12.17 E, kJ.mol-' 43.9 /.o I 11.0 7.04 11 . 5 0 9.80 8.63 6 1. 5 5.42 Y-J4 6.04 Supportof the NationalGrant Agency of Slovakia APVT GrantNo 20-010102and VEGA(GrantFCHFT 927)is appreciated. References [1.] Ruys, L.: ChemicalFibreslnternational,4T(1997) pp. 376-384 A.: Text. Res. J. [2.] Sengupta,A.K., Senk, Mukhopadayaya 5 6 ( 1 9 8 6 )p . 5 1 1 [3.] Marcindin,A., Brejka, O., et al.: Vl(tkna atextil (Fibres and T e x t i l e ) , 6( 1 9 9 9 )p p . 1 1 9 - 1 2 4 R., SeppAkiJ., lkkala O.T.: Polym. Eng. [4.] Housti-Mietinen Sci. 32 (1993)p. 868 [ 5 . ] P a n gY . X , ,J i a D . M . ,H u H . J . ,H o u r s t o nD . 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[16.]Marcindin,A., Brejka,O., Ujhelyiov6,A., Kormendyov6, E,, Starfch, R.: Vldkna atextil (Fibresand Textiles)10(1) (2003) pp. 3-8 Acknowledgement Beceived: August2004 weknaa rexr,/11 (3) 82-a7 (20041 85 Vldknaa priadza Fibresandyarns pOIYPROPYLEN/ KTNETTKA FARBENTA ZMESNVCH POLYESTEROVVCH VLAKIENDISPERZNYIUI TANEIVAMI Translation of Article: Kineticsof dyeing processof blendpolypropylene/polyester fibreswith dispersedyes Vzhl'adomk hydrof6bnemuretazcu majl polypropyl6nov6(PP) vldkna vel'mimal0 a2 zanedbatelh0afinitu k farbiviim, a preto ich vyfarbenie klasicklimvytahovacimpostupom z k0pel'addva nizku vftainost farbiva a nizke stdlosti v prani. Priprava zmesnfch polypropyl6n/polyestero{ch(PP/PES) vldkien je zaujimavAz hladiska lepsej vyfarbitel'nosti tychto vldkien vytahovaclmpostupom.PfS rozdispergovanfv PP mauici umoiiuje fixdciu dispernfch farbiv a znj'SenievftaZnostifarbiva z k0pela. Cl6nok sa zaoberi vplyvom dvoch typov polyesterov (PET LFK a PBT) na kinetiku farbenia zmesnfch PP/PES vliikien disperznlimfarbivom C.l. Disperse Red 86 (Terasil Rosa 2GLA). Bola sledovand moZnostvyfarbeniazmesnlich PP/PES vldkien a boli vyhodnoten6nl'chlostn6kon5tanty,difizne koeficientya aktiva6nilenergia procesufarbenia zmesnlich PP/PES vl6kien disperzn!'mfarbivom. molekflfarbivado polyesterov6ho vldknapri dokonalom je moZn6popisatWilsonovou preohranimie5ani rovnicou polypropyl6nu (PP)rdznymitypmipolyesterov cen! kupel'aHillovourovnicoupreneohranidenlT Modifikdcia kripel'. (PES)za 0delompripravyzmesnfchPPiPESvldkien Kinetika farbenia PESvldkiendisperznfmi farbivami bola s majoritnyim obsahomPP zlo2kyje zaujimavdz pohl'adu Studovand viacen/'mi autormi [11-15].Na popiszdvislosti preferujfcich vlastnosti PPvlakien. zlepSenia niektonich PES mnoZstva vytiahnut6ho farbivaod dasuprifarbeniPESvldvflarbe- kienbolipouZit6 v zmesnfchPP/PESvlaknachumoZiujezlep5enie r6znematematick6 modely(Vickestaffov [9, nia klasickyim vytahovacim spdsobom, zvf5enieelasticity 141,Pattersonov a Sheldonov Crankov [9], [12],Fickov[11], vlastnosti vyfarbitel'nostiHill[1a]a ine). a sorpdnfch [1-3].Prezlep5enie vzniknut6 (PET zmesnlich PP/PESvldkienmad6leZitu r.rlohu morClAnok sa zaoberdvplyvomdvochtypovpolyesterov fol6giaa medzifdzovd vrstvamedzipolymernymi zloZkami, LFKa PBT)na kinetiku farbenia zmesn;ich PP/PES vldkien ktoramoZebyt povaZovan6 aj ,,tzv.tretiuf6zu"[4-6]. disperznyim farbivomC.l. DisperseRed86 (TerasilRosa Na zdkladeteoreticklichpoznatkovo dif0ziifarbiva 2GLA). z roztokudo vldknaakoaj na zdkladevplyvunadmolekuloje moZn6konStatovej Strukt0ry vl6knana jehovyfarbenie vat, Ze difrlziadisperznlich farblvprebiehaprimdrnedo 3. Vfsledky a diskusia oblastivl6kien.PotomPES, amodnfchmenejusporiadanlich v PP matrici,umoZiujetvorbumektonije rozdispergovanf V prdcisa hodnotilvplyvrdznychpolyesterov a komnej usporiadanej nadmolekulovej Strukt0ry zmesnfchPPi patibilizdtorov na vyfarbitelhos( a kinetiku farbenia zmesnyich -,tzv. tretejtitzy"la- PP/PES (Obr.1). PESvl6kienakoaj Norbumedzivrstvy vldkien v zdvislosti farbenia oddasua teploty k6hotopolym6rneho syst6mua tyimzvySuje aj vyfarbitelhost Z obr.1 je evidentn6, 2e mnoistvovytiahnut6ho farbiva Red86 zmesnlimi PP/PES zmesnfchPP/PESvldkien.To kore5ponduje aj so zniZenim ( vlaknami zmesnfchPP/PES vldkienvplyvomPES sa zvy5ujeso zvy5uj0cim celkovejkryStalinity sa 6asomi teplotoufarbenia.FarkryStalinitou v porovnanis celkovou 6ishichPPa PESzloZiek bivoje najprvabsorbovan6 na povrchzmesnfchPP/PES vldkiena potom,ked'saustdlirovnovdZny stavmedziabsor[7,8]. Procesfarbeniavldkienresp.textfliisa obvyklerozdeluje bovanyim a difunduj0cim farbivom, farbivovchddzaaj do farbivav roztoku,ad- porovvldkna.Priv6etkyich do Styroch ndslednfch dejov- dit(tzia teplotdch farbenia(82,86,90,94 sorpciafarbivana vl6kno,difriziavo vldknea fixdciafarbiva a 100'C) zmesnfchPP/PESvldkienv z6vislosti od dasu na vldkno.Prechodfarbivana vldknoje okremafinityfarbi- dochddza v za6iatkoch farbeniak nichlejSej absorpcii farbi(pH,teplota, (Obr.1).TvarzAva k vldknuovplyviovanfi d'alSimifaktormi elek- va vldknom a nesk0rnastdvarovnov6ha trolyty,TPP)a vyjadrujesa stupiomvytiahnutia farbiva vislostiprijednotli4Tch farbeniazdvisiod typupoteplotdch v dasovejzdvislosti. V5etkyprocesyprebiehajO s0casneai lyesterupouZit6ho na modifikdciu ako aj od pouZit6ho do dosiahnutia rovnovdhy a najpomal5i stupenurcujery;ch- kompatibilizdtora. Ziskan6zdvislosti % vytiahnut6ho disperzpotvrdzuj0 lostcel6hoprocesu[9]. PP/PES vldknami n6hofarbivazmesn;imi teoreje tick6poznatky Najviac teoretickrj'ch rovnicopisujricich nj'chlost farbenia materielov o farbenitextilnych z ktpela.Roz(Obr.1a-e) pri za predpokladu, 2e difriziafarbivapodascele- dielymedzispomlnanlmi z6vislostami odvodenlich je urcovand hoprocesu farbenia farbeniasp6sobilo dif0ziefarbivavo jednotlivfch teplotdch len in6 zlo2enie ryichlostou (82- 90'C) vldkne[10-14].Rfchlostdifrizie farbivado vldknabolaStu- zmesnlich PP/PES vl6kien. PriniZ5ich teplotach podmienok. dovandza r6znychpodiatodniich Ties0 charak- v sledovanom dasovomintervale zmesn6PP/PET(OLPET) terizovan6ako neohranidenf(vysokVpomer k0pel'a vl6knonaabsorbovalo najviac disperzn6ho farbiva(Obr.1apercento a substr6tu) a ohranidenf(malf pomerk0pelaa substretu) c). PrivySSich teplotdch sa najvy5Sie vytiahnut6ho farbiaci k[pellPrifarbeniz neohraniden6ho k0pel'a sa kon- farbivanaviazalo na zmesn6PP/PBT(EDSA) vlakno(Obr. centrdcia farbivav kfpelinemenipodascelehoprocesufar- 1d-e).PrifarbeniPP/PBTv sledovanom dasovomintervale farbiaceho k0pel'a, koncen- nedochddza benia.Ak safarbizohraniden6ho ani k vytvoreniu relativnej rovnov6hy medzi podas absorpciou vl6knasa kontinudlne zniZuje farbiva(krivkanedosahuje tr6ciafarbivanapovrchu a difrlziou limitn6priprocesuaZdo dosiahnutia rovnov6hy kon- bliZovanie hodnotevytiahnut6ho cel6hosorpdndho ku konStantnej farbivafarbivavo vldknea v k0peli[15].Rfchlostdiftlzie Obr.1e).Farbivoprifarbenisynteticklich centrdcie vldkiendisperzn!1.Ovod 86 Vldkna a textll 11 (3) 82-87 (2004\ Vlaknaa priadza Fibresandyarns prednostne do tocn6hopoctuporovvo vldkne(morfologickejStrukture),ktodifunduje mi farbivami hrdui- 16s0 schopn6prijatmolekulyfarbiva.VyS5ienichlostn6konoblastivl6kna,a pretomorfologia nejusporiadanyTch farbiva zmes- StantyKvHpre zmesn6PP/PESvldknas PBT i PET(OLPET) Rozdiel v sorpcii znamniflohupriichfarbeni. byt ako pre vldkna s PET(EDSA)nepriamopotvrdzujtivznik PETa PBTmOZe vldknami modifikovanfmi nVmiPP/PES Struktiryresp.Struktfrys vySSimpo6tom morfol69ie t'ichtovl6kienvply- neusporiadanej5ej vznikomrozdielnej spdsobenli vznik p6rovpre sorpciumolek0lfarbivaC.l. DisperseRed 86. Divom PETa PBT[16].VplyvomPBTsa predpokladd podl'aHillapoukazuj0na zmesnfchPP/PESvldkien,6o friznekoeficienV(Dni11)vypodftan6 neusporiadanej5ej Strukttiry farbivaC.l. DisperseRed PP/PESvldkien vy55iudif0ziumolek0ldisperzn6ho kore5ponduje i s lep5ouvyfarbitel'nostou SozvySo- 86 pri farbenizmesnyichPP/PESvlakien modifikovanyich PBThlavneprivy55ich teplotdch. modifikovanfch p6rov PBT a PET(OLPET).VySSidiffznykoeficient(Ds;1,) ako aj otvoreniu vanimteplotydochadzak vfraznej5iemu farbivazmesnfmiPP/ najvy55iaaktiva6ndenergia(E) zmesnfch PP/PESvlakien veidSieho mnoZstva a tyimi k absorpcii PBT v teplotnomintervale82 - 100'C tieZ modifikovanfch PETi PBT. modifikovanfmi PESvl6knami farbivaC.l. v z6vislosti poukazujena relatlvnelep5iudifriziudisperzn6ho Podobnfvplyvako PBTa PETna vyfarbenie (EDSA DisperseRed 86. kompatibilizatora m6i pouZitie rozdielneho odteploty PPs PET.VldknaPPiPESs OLPET a OLPET)primodifikdcii priniZ5ich disperzn;im lep5ievyfarbenie teplotdch dosahujri 4.76ver farbivomC.l. DisperseRed 86 ako vl6knas EDSA.Pri je to naopak. vy65ich teplotdch zmesV d'alSombola vypo6itandrlichlostndkon5tantaKu* - So zvySujucousa teplotousa zvy5ujevyfarbitel'nost Vickerstaffovej rovnice('1)a diffznekon5tan- nlich PPiPESvldkiendisperznfmfarbivomC.l. Disperse z hyperbolickej Red 86. ty z rovnicpodlhFicka(3) a podl'aHilla(2).Vfsledkys0 energieprefarbe- - PrivyS5ichteplotachje lepSiavyfarbitelhostzmesnfch PP/ v Tab.2, kdes0 tieZhodnotyaktivadnej PES vldkienmodifikovanfchPBT zapoulilia disperzn6farbivom C.l.DisPP/PES vl6kien disperznfm niezmesnfch perseRed86. Vfsledkyukazujri,Ze ryichlostn6 kon5tanta ho farbivaC.l. DisperseRed 86. zmesnfch PP/ podl'aHilla(Ds;fisa zvy5ujti (Kuila diftiznykoeficient sozvy- - Pri niZSichteplotachje lepSiavyfarbitel'nost PET(OLPET) za pouZitia disPESvlakienmodifikovanyich sa teplotoufarbeniaprev5etkyzmesn6PP/PES Sujricou perzn6hofarbivaC.l. DisperseRed 86. kon5tanty Ky6dovl6kna.K r4irazn6mu nerastu4ichlostnej sa teplotoufarbeniazmesnlichPP/PESvlaprifarbeni zmesnfch PP/PES ch - So zvySujricou vldkienmodifikovanf ch6dza je kien sa zvysujrin/chlostn6konstantyi dif0znekoeficienty. farbenia zdvisld od dostaPBTa PETs OLPET.Rlichlost Vldknaa textl 11 (3) 82-87 (2004) 87 Sk(5obn6met6dy Testing THEUSEOF THESCHLIEREN VISUALIZATION METHOD IN THEDIAGNOSTIC TESTINGOF OPTICALLY TRANSPARENT POLYMERIC FOILS SyrovdL.*,RavasR.*,Jambrich M.**,GrmanJ.* *Faculty of Electical Engineering and lnformation Technology, Bratislava **Faculty of lndustrial Technologies TnU A. Dubcek, Puchov The articlediscusses the principles of the Schlieren opticalvisualization methodas appliedto polyan evaluation of the properties of opticallytransparent materials, especially transparent mericfoils.The qualityof imagesis a very important factorduringvisualevaluation, especially whento use quantitative in methodsin the description of imagesof foils. qualityof an imageachievedby visualization Oneof the waysto affectthe subsequent methods is the correction of the inhomogeneous brightness of the image,the sharpening of images and the adjustment of the Schlieren opticalapparatus. In this way we can acquireimagesthat polymeric are suitablefor the identification, comparison and defectoscopy of transparent foils. INTRODUCTION lightbeamtraverses thetestobjectandisfocused thereafterby meansof a lensor spherical mirror,named Optical visualization methods offernumerous advan- theSchlieren head.A knifeedgeis placedintheplane properties tagesin studiesof thehydrodynamic fluof of the lightsourceimageto cutoff partof thetransmitviids[1,2],buttheycanprovideusefulinformation on tedlight.ThisToeplerSchlieren systemhasdeveloped suallyinaccessible objectssuchas optically transparent a greatvarietyof modifications. An opticalapparatus polymers, polymeric foils[3, 4]. The most constructed especially, afterJ.Bolf utilizesa modified Schlieren commonmeansof visualizing transparent materials is headin theformof a smallcircular diaphragm. Lightis to recordtheirrefractive behaviorwhenilluminated by deviatedalongtheopticalpathfromitsnominalcourse - indexvariations. a beamof visiblelight.Thematerial densityis a function intheabsence of refractive Theamogenerated of the refractive indexof the testedfoil whichnowre- untof thelightdeflection bythetransparent presents, inopticalterms, a phaseobject. A lightbeam opticalphaseis measured.[3]. transmitted throughthe testedobjectis affectedwith Fig.1contains thefundamental opticalarrangement respect to itsopticalphase,butthedensityor amplitu- of theSchlieren system. de of the lightremainsunchanged afterthe passage. Theapparatus consistsof thelightsourcelocatedat Opticalmethodswhicharesensitive to changesin the thefocalpointof thecondenser lensK. Beyondthislens refraction indexinthetestedfieldcanprovide informa- focalpointD is ontheopticalaxisasthecommonpoint tiononthedensity distribution andfromthethusdeter- of thelensK andtheobjective 01.Thecollimated light mineddensity valuesfurtherinformation ontheproper- passesthroughthetestobjectOo(polymeric foil)and tiesof thetestedmaterial. Theintensity anddirection of enterstheobjective Or,whichfocusesthe lightto form theopticalbeamleavingtheobjecttesteddependson an imageof thelightsource.Thediaphragm Dz(a knithe material's depth.The mainadvantage of these fe edgein theoriginal arrangement, mostlyreferred to methodsis thattheyprovideinformation thatcan be as theToeplersystem)is locatedat thefocalpointof usedforfurtherprocessing afterphotographic A cameralensis positioned or digi- thesecondobjective. beytalrecording. andlocatedto forman imageof the ondthediaphragm Fromthemanyopticalvisualization methods(sha- lightsource.Thecameraobjective focusesthetestobplane,wherea reduced dowgraph, interferometric method)[5],we havechosen jectontotherecording intensitheSchlieren method. Inthefundamental arrangement,ty of thelight,depending on theamountof lightcutoff mostlyreferred to as theToeplersystem[1],a parallel bythecarefully adjusted diaphragm, canbe observed. Withoutanydisturbances in theopticalpath,theoriginallightsourcewillhavea uniformreduction in its ino1 oo or D2 ok due light cutoff tensity to the by the diaphragm. When --: -:{l . .. D z, z, K ll ..- lin theopticalpath,thelightrays thereis a disturbance , -:. fln :,f,+-" li F llI ll- --,, ftJ- willbedeflected. Theconclusions of papers[6,7] referto possibilities visualization methodinthefield oftheuseof theSchlieren Fig.1Theopticalarrangement of theSchlieren system polymericfoils. of thediagnosing optically transparent r/N 88 l\Eul/l Vldkna a lextl 11 (3) 88-93 (2004) Testing SkriSobn6met6dy OF A N D I M A G EP R O C E S S I N G RECORDING V I S U A L I Z E DP O L Y M E R I CF O I L S In orderto do imageprocessingit is necessaryto the correcteffectof the lightsource'sinhomogeneity, effectof the opticalstringand the sensingdevicefor the evaluationof imagesachievedby the opticalvisualization of polymericfoils. in brightnesscan be causedby the The disturbances in the inhomogeneity of the lightsource,by impurities of the opticalaxes opticalpathand by the noncollinearity o f o b j e c t i v e sO , a n d O , ( f i g . 1 ) .E x p e r i m e n t sh a v e shown,thatthe latterfactorhas a substantialeffecton of the imageobtainedby the Schliethe homogeneity ren appararus. b) d) '--fi",i !$ i $r f '$,$,,fl. F i g . 3 l m a g eo f t h e v i s u a l i z e d rotated f oil in case of inaccurateadjustedoptical axis.a) angleof rotation0", b) 45', c) e0" :i b) c) b) c) toolin the Fig. 2 a) lmageof a helpfultool , b) lmageof a visualized caseof the inaccurateadiustmentof an opticalaxis,c) lmage of a visualizedtool in the case of an accurateadiustmentof an opticalaxis In orderto rectifythiserror,a usefultoolconsistingof four squareareasone another90' turnedroundwas produced.Areaswere carvedout of the suitablechoice perspex.Senseof areasdirectionis suchadjusted, that the change in brightnessof the respectivearea marksthe directionof the adjustmentof the opticalaxis of the objective02 in the Schlierenapparatus.Fig. 2 containsan imageof a helpfultool with the effectsof differentadjustmentof the opticalaxis. showedthat In additionto thiseffectthe experiments of opticallytransas in the processof the visualization parentpolymericfoils,this factor causes substantial in the characterof the visualizedstructudeformations res that can be revealedby rotatingthe foil sample. Fig.3 showsthe effectof turningthe transparentfoil sampleon the imageobtainedby the Schlierenappavbkna a rexrll11 (3) 88-93 (2004) foil Fig.4 lmageof thevisualized from Fig.4 in the case of an An.rrrAtc adirrsted evJ v optical axis; a) angle of rotation0', b) 45", c) 90" ratus in the case of an inaccurateadjustmentof the opticaiaxisof the objectiveof the apparatusillustrated. Fig"4 containsimagesof the same samplewhichcorrespondto thevariousturningsin the caseof properadjustmentof the Schlierenapparatus. It is necessaryin imageprocessingto correctthe efthe effectof the fectof the Iightsource'sinhomogeneity, opticalstringand the sensingdevicefcr the evaluation of polyof imagesachievedby the opticalvisualization is to use reference mericfoils.One of the rrossibilities imagepickedup withoutthe presenceof thetestobject. imagecan be takenas an imageof the The referenced errorsof the wholeopticalsystemon the assumption thatwe haveuseda virtuallightsoirrce[6].The correc- B9 Sk0Sobn6 met6dy Testing a) b) c) Fig.5 Examples of images:a) imagewithouttestedfoil,b) withtestedfoil, c) imageof thesamefoilaftercorrection forfurtherimage tionof brightness errorsis necessary processing by statistical methods.The correction of from[8], brightness canbeevaluated g(i,D=j- r(,,0 t"U'l) (1) wheref(i,j)arevaluesof the brightness of the testedfoil; (fig.5.b),fc(i,j)arevaluesof the referencedimage'sbrightnessat the same point(fig.5.a),c is a suitablyselectedconstant,and g(i,j)is the grey levelof the resultingimage(fig.5.c). It is suitableto modifythe imagecontrastfor visualassessment.One of the possibilities is to use imagesharpeningby Laplacian(2) v z r ( x ,=y*). * ox- dy- e) imagecanbe obtained Thepixelsof thesharpened from g ( x , Y=) f ( x , Y-) a Y ) f( x , Y = ) =f(x,y)-a.f(x,y)*ht(k,t) c) d) (0.5, 1, 2 a4) Fig. 6 Effectofthe sharpening intensitycr (3) imagesof varioussamplesshowsomesimilarity. The features showsomeregularity of a stochastic characfordescribing ter.Oneof thepossibilities thecharacter ofthefoils'imagesisto usetheirstatistical characteris7.band7.dcontainhistograms tics.Figures of the relativeoccurrences of greylevels. It canbe seenthattherearedifferences amonghistograms withregardto theirpositions andshapes. The attributes of histograms canbe numerically characterizedusingmoments of distribution as themeanvalueof thegreylevel. whereg(x,y), f(x,y)is theoutputandinputvaluesof the greylevel;g is the sharpening intensity; and product f* the convolution. Fig.6 illustrates effectof the sharpening intensity image, ontheresulting Inanidealimageofvisualized foilsthechanges in brightnessreflectchangesin the refractive indexof the transparent foil.The refractive indexdependson the densityof the material throughwhichthe lightbeams systemvisualizes changes traverse, andtheSchlieren inthefirstderivative of thedensity. Fig.7.aand7.cdisplaythe sharpenedcorrectedimagesof two different BOPPfoils(AG36andAC700).Fromtheimagesit can EVALUATION OF POLYMERIC FOILS be seenthatvariousfoilshavedifferent characteristic features thatarewellobserved; the imagesof thedifproperties Thephysical of plasticfoilsarerelatedto ferentfoilscanbedistinguished andto thecontrary, the theirproduction.Manyfoilshavescratches, mostof 90 vbkna a lexrll 11 (3) 88-93 (2004) Testing SktlSobn6metody c) c 0) 0) .: (! c) cc 0r n Grey-level 100 200 Fig. 7 Modifiedimageof AG36and AC700foilsand theirhistograms processeswhewhichare derivedfrom manufacturing re the polymeric filmrunsoverrollers[9]. The evaluationof the qualityof polymericfoilsis an importantpafi of theirproduction.Naturally,the parameters whicha givenfoil has to exhibitdependon its application.For the purposesof testingwe have chosen samplesof foilswhich are commonlyavailableon our market,namelysafetywindowfoils(for houseand vehicularwindows)and foilsused in the food industry. Assessingvisualqualitypermitslocatingplaceswith elasticstrainsand stressregionson a pre-processed picturewhich are markedby variationsin the levelof brightness(gradeof grey).This methodis suitablefor an on-lineevaluationof the qualityof foilsduringtheir production. Thereare samplesof testedfoilswith and withoutdefects.On sometypesof foilswe havedelibe- Fig. I Schlierenapparatusused for the visualization of polymeric f oils a) b) Fig 9 Partsof equipmentfor evaluatinga) DigitalCCD camerab) computer forimageprocessing v6kna a rexrl 11 (3) 88-93 (2004) 91 Testing Sku5obn6metody Fig. 10 Samplesof testedBOPPfoilswit and withoutdefects ratelycreateddefectsfor the purposeof visualizingthe reforecouldbe successfullyused for the assessment areaof strainas is illustratedin fig. 10. of differentpolymericfoils in the future.A comparison Usingimageprocessingand a statisticalapproachthe of severalareasof the imagesprovidesinformation on Schlierenmethodcan be successfully usedin the field the averagesegmentshade'sdistributionand allows icationlargerdefectswhilecomparinghistograms of the identification and defectoscopy of polymericfoils identif 1 1]. To foils we have evaluate the homogeneity of or using a co-occurrence matrix,whichis suitablefor the [10, used a methodbasedon comparingthe localproper- identification of varioussamplesof foils becausethe ties of pictures.The comparisonof sectionsof images shapeof the histogramdependson the structureof the consistsin comparingstatisticalcharacteristics calcu- foil. latedfrom the grey levelof the corresponding section suchas averagebrightness,standarddeviation,etc. The comparisonof imagehistogramsconsistsin comREFERENCES paringthe histogramsof severalsamplesof the same , . J . : F l u i dD y n a m i c sN . e w Y o r k :A c a d e m i aP r e s s , typeof foil. Thismethodis suitablefor the identificatlon [ 1 ] E m r i c h R 1981 of foils,becausethe shape of the histogramuniquely Smith,A. J., Lim, T. T.: FlowVisualization. lmperialCollege reflectsthe structureof the foil and does not dependon [2] Press,London,2000 light. the intensityof the illuminating [3] Bolf, J., Bajcsy,J., Bolf, P,: Methodsof TestingProperties At a lowerintensityof light,the histogramis shiftedto of Optically Transparent Materials.Journal of Electrical Vol. 44, 244-247, 1993 (in Slovak) Engineering, the right,whichis broughtaboutby a loweredmeanillumination. Figure7 showsthe histogramsof two diffe- [4] Syrov6,L.: OpticalMethodsfor Examiningand Comparing OpticallyTransparentPolymericFoils.Journalof Electrical rentfoils. Engineering 51, 133-137,2000 CONCLUSION The presentedmethodsfor assessingpolymericfoils pictures,evenvery allowslocating,on pre-processed smallregionswith elasticstrainsand defectsand the92 [5] Syrova,1., Ravas,R, Grman,J.: Principlesand Application of VisualizationMethods.Journal of ElectricalEngineering 52. 278-283. 2001 [6] Grman, J., Ravas, 8., Syrovd, L.: Use of an Optical VisualizationMethodfor Evaluationof TransparentPolymeric Foils.In: 11'nInternational DAAAMSymposiumon "lntelligent Manufacturing&Automation",Opatija,Croatia2000, pp. 16716 8 . VlSknaa textil 11 (3) 88-93 (2004) metody Sk05obn6 Testing Cling Films. Journalof ForensicScienceSociety34, 61[7] Syrovd,L., Ravas,R., Grman,J.: Use of lmage Processing in Schlieren Ootical Visualization Methods. ln: 121h 68,1994 InternationalScientificRADIOELEKTRONIKA Conference [10] Syrov6, L., Ravas, R., Grman, J.: Use of a Statistical 2002, May 14.-16, 2002, Bratislava,pp. 158-161. Approach for Defectoscopy of Visualized Transparent Analysis, Polymeric Foils. ln 3rd International Conference on [8] Sonka,M., Hlavac,V., Boyle,R.: lmageProcessing, and Machine Vision. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, Measurement, Smolenice,2001, pp. 385-388. PacificGrove,USA, 1998, 770 pp. Approach [11] Syrov6,L., Ravas,R., Grman,J.: Use of Statistical for Classification of VisualizedTransparentPolymericFoils. [9] Castle,D. A., Gibbins,B., Hamer,P. S.: PhysicalMethods for Examiningand ComparingTransparentPlasticBags and I n : P r o c e e d i n g so f t h e 2 n d W o r k s h o p o n " l n t e l l i g e n t Manufacturing Systems,Ko5ice,2000, pp. 69-70 Pouiitie SlirovejvizualizaLnejmet6dyv diagnostickfchtestoch optickypriehlhdnlichpolym6rnychfolii. Translation of Abstract The Use of SchlierenVisualizationMethodin the DiagnosticTestingof Optically TransparentPolymericFoils e tdnokje zameranli na popisprinclpu 5lirovej vizualizadnej met6dyaplikovanej na vyhodnotenie vlastnosti polym6rnych optickypriehl'adnyich materi6lov, obzvld5t transparentnlich fdlii.Strucne je popisanfprincipmet6dy,konStrukdn6 pristroja.Prlstrojje doplnenf usporiadanie SlirovhoCCDkamerou, ktordumoZiujeziskatobrazyv dislicovej forme.ClSnokpoukazuje na d6leZitost kvalitysniman6ho obrazuprejehodal5iespracovanie. Kvalitaobrazusa dd vfznamneovplyvnit vhodnlimnastavenlm Slirovhopristroja.Kvalitu6islicov6ho obrazuje moZn6dalej zvy5ovat pouZitim vhodnlichmet6d6lslicov6ho spracovania obrazu,ktorfmis0 jasovakorekciapouZitim etalonov6ho obrazua ostrenieobrazu.PouZitel'nost uvedenfchpostupov a met6dpre vizudlne hodnotenievizualizovan'fch polym6rnych obrazovoptickypriehl'adn;ich f6lii je ilustrovanlT na obrazochBOPPf6liibez defektova foliis umelVmi defektami. Vldknaa fextri1 l (3) 88-93 (2004) 93 Vlskum Research RAWMATERIALCHARACTERISTICS VIS.A.VISROTOR TECHNOLOGY: A REVIEW SPINNING DipayanDas Department of Textile Sti'ucfures, Textile Faculty, Technical University of Liberec, Halkova 6, 461 17, Czech Republic, E-mail: Thisreviewpaperis an attemptto summarize someof the published workon the processibility of cottonand man-madefibersand the effectof their properties on the qualityof rotor-spun yarns.The effectsof fiberstrength, elongation, cleanliness, fineness,length,friction,crimp,and finishon the tensility, imperfection, evenness, and hairiness of singleand blendedrotor-spun yarnsare discussed with a view pointon the processibility of cottonand man-made fibersin a rotorspinningsystem. lntroduction Swiech[4]observed thatstatistically, the overallcorrelation coefficient between cottonyarnstrength andfiberpropefiies, micronaire, Rotorspinning is a commonly strength, staplelength,dust usedspinning system, se- namelyfineness, in frequency andtrashcontent, is 0.70,butthatfiberstrength condonlyto ringspinning of use.As in other content, alospinning systems, fiberproperties exena decisiveinfluence ne is 0.59.Simpsonand Murray[5] noticedthatwhena weyarn.Theuseof cottonfibers akercottonfiberis replaced ontheproperties of rotor-spun bya stronger one,therotor-spun in thisspinning systemis farfromnew,buta drasticincrea- yarn'sstrength is affected muchmorethanitsringcounterseinthepriceof cottonandtherisingdemandbyconsumers part.Regarding thisFaerber[6]observed thateachadditioproducts forsomespecific haveledspinners to produce blen- nal cottonfiber'sstrengthtranslates into0.5 cN/texin rotor yarns.Blending provided dedrotor-spun isbasedonthemeasurementyarntenacity, the yarntwistalwaysremainsthe proportioningsame. of majorfibercharacteristics andquantitatively properties yarns,Frau[7] notedthatthe andcombining compatible in a judicious wayto In the caseof man-made yarnproperties. Thechoiceof theblend's advantage achieve thedesired of highfiberstrengthis notso pronounced in rocomponents needscareful consideration, bothintermsofthe torspinning as it is in ringspinning, although thesituation is kindof fibersto be usedandtheirproportion in theblendso different forcottonfiber.Thegreaterelongation of man-made as to projecttheirpositiveattributes to the maximum. The- fiberstranslates intohigheryarnstrength,higheryarnelonrefore,a thoroughknowledge of theeffectof theconstituent gation, andfewerhairs(>3mm)permetre[8].A rathersmall yarnhairiness fiberproperties on the yarnproperties is quitenecessary. effectof fiberelongation on rotor-spun was Witha viewto attempthasbeenmadein thisreview foundby ZhuandEthridge [9]. articleto summarize someof the published workon the imyarn pactof differentfiberproperties on variousrotor-spun properties andontheprocessibility of cottonandman-made Cleanliness of fiber fibersin a rotorspinning system. A debateexistsamongthe researchers regarding the efperforfectof trashandfinedustparticles on rotor-spinning Review manceandyarnquality. Swiech[4],Ethridge et al. [10]did notfindanysignificant effectfromtrashanddustcontentin product(CSP)of roAccording to Deussen of fiberproperties in the rawmaterialon the count-strength [1],theranking importance forrotorspinning orderof decreasing forthepro- tor-spun cottonyarn.On thecontrary, Faerber, et al.[11]foduction ofcottonyarnsis:strength, fineness, length, andcle- undan adverseeffect,of trashanddustcontentin slivers anliness(trashanddustcontent).Butthe samerankingfor duringprocessing in a rotorspinning system. Whileexplaithe production of man-made and blendedyarnsis friction, ningthiseffecttheyclassified trashcontent in thesliverinto strength, fineness, andlength.Although theremightbe dif- threecategories: largeandheavyparticles, smallandlight ferentopinions on the orderof the rankingof thefiberpro- particles, andseed-coat fragments. The largeand heavy perties,in general,researchers in theyarnengineering sec- particles usuallydo notcreateanyproblemin spinning owing tor have realizedthat among the measurableand tothehightangential acceleration thatoccursatthecombing properties immeasurable of textilefibers,strength, elonga- zoneof theopening roller;thesearecentrifuged awayfrom tion,cleanliness, fineness, length, friction, crimp,andfinish thefibermassintoa trashdisposalsystem.Thelow-density playmajorrolesin determining thetenacity, evenness, im- andsmallparticles aredifficult to remove,asthekineticenerpedection, yarn.Theseinfluen- gy impartedby the acceleration andhairiness of rotor-spun forceis ofteninsufficient to cesaresummarized below. dislodge themfromthe combingroller.Butsometimes the actionof the aerodynamic buoyancyflattensthe trajectory whichseparates thesepafticles out.Butthebuoyancy of large andlightparticles FiberStrengthand Elongation maybecomegreaterthanthe inertial forceandgravity,andthiswillchangethe trajectory back Severalresearchers have found a direct relation roller,whereit maybe engulfed towards theopening bythe [2-6] betweenfibertenacityand rotor-spun cottonyarntenacity. rotatingairflowandentrained withthe suctionair intothe 94 Vl'kna a texfi711 (3) 94-98 (2004) Vfskum Research in theuneven- [20] noticedhigherend breakagesduringthe processingof rotor.Thiscontamination leadsto an increase yarnanda reduction in yarnstrength nessof short-wave and heavierdenierfibersthan finerfibersfor a fixedfiberlength elongation, andin somecasestheycancauseyarnbreaka- and openingrollerspeed.In theirstudy,yarnstrength,elonge eitherby impeding are foundat twistpropagation intothe rotorgroo- gation,hairiness,evenness,and imperfections in thespinning tension as a higherrate with finerfibersthan coarserones. The yarn ve or by causing a rapidincrease theyarnistakenupfromtherotor.Severalresearchers ['l2- strengthwith finerfibers is due more to the presenceof a lt has 141havealsomentioned thattheseembeddedparticlesin- greaternumberof fibersin the yarn'scross-section. sidethe rotorgrooveaffectthe yarnstructureand thatthe been reportedthat more fibers in the yarn's cross-section yarnformationprocessbecomeserratic,whichcausesthe resultingfrom the finerdenierprovidemore opportunityfor yarnto be irregular andweak.Faerber, et al. [11]reported the fibersto be randomlyand evenlydistributedalongthe unaffected by axisof theyarn,whichin turnreducesthe yarn'sunevenness. thatthe seedcoatfragmentsare completely process thatandtheseproduce frequthetrashseparation ent end-breaks as wellas reducethe yarn'sappearance Length of fibers value,whichin turnreduces theopticalqualityof greyfabrics.Theyobservedthatapaftfromthe residualtrashconThe length of fibers remainsa very controversialtopic tent,thesliveralsocontains a ceftainproportion of fiberfragintothe amongresearchers.Swiech[4] and Ethridge,et al. [10] have ments.Thelongerfiberfragments boundedpartially passages yarnwilldetachfromit duringsubsequent in the not observedany significantinfluenceof staplelengthon the fragments strengthof rotor-spuncottonyarn. However,severalresearformofdisruptive flyanddeposits, buttheshorter insidethegroove, asthesewill chers have observedthis relationdifferently.Voughn and willbegenerally accumulated notbe boundup in theyarnandremainas disruptive depo- R h o d e s[ 2 1 ] h a v e r e p o r t e dt h a t s h o r tf i b e rc o t t o ny a r n i s et al.observed thatthetrash strongerand evenerand containsfewerthinplacesand naps sitsintherotorgroove.Faerber, cottonfibers,althouis capable thanyarn producedfrom medium-length separation systemof the rotorspinning machine of a limiteddegreeof dustseparation, butmostof thedust gh the latterproducesyarns with betterelongation.They goesto the rotorgroove.The microdust particlesusually observeda trash and lengthinteraction,which is responsibwhereasthefineandcoarsedust le for lesseryarn strengthproducedfrom longerfibers. Baadhereto thefibersurface, particles lodgebetween thefibers.Thequalityof lodgeddust sed on their observations,more trash particlesaccumulate pafticles insidetherotorgrooveis constant dueto theself- in the collectionbox of a rotorspinningmachineduringthe of mediumstapleyarnthanshorlstapleyarn,and cleaning actionof the rotor.However, therewillbe a less processing noticeable, butcontinuous, impairment intheregularity ofthe the extractionof coarsertrash particlesby the air streamof yarnmassaccompanied yarn t h e o p e n i n gr o l l e ri s e a s i e rt h a n w i t h f i n e rp a r t i c l e sF. i n e r bya dropinthedynamometric for valuewhenthe rotorgrooveis filledaroundto a ceftainle- particlestrappedamongthe longerfibersare responsible vel by thedustparticles. Thedustaccumulation in the rotor loweringthe strengthof yarn.Contraryto the findingsof Vougroovehasprovedcriticalin conjunction withthestickysub- ghn and Rhodes[21],however,Deussen[22]foundthat short fibersreduceyarn strength,increaseyarn unevennessand stances(honeydew) thatare quitecommonin cotton. imperfections, and lowerthe spinningperformance. Poorlength uniformitypossessesa problemin the spinningof 100% cottonas it affectsyarn evennessand spinningperformanFinenessof fiber ce. Whilestudyingthe effectof 50% span lengthon the proAlthough the pertiesof rotor-spuncottonyarn,Hunterand Gee [3] obsera greatdealof controversy existsregarding -gravimetric fineness v e d t h a t a 5 0 % i n c r e a s ei n s p a n l e n g t h i n c r e a s e sy a r n appropriateness of theterminologies andmicronaire value- indicating thefinenessof cottonfiber tenacity,CSP and that the extensiondecreasesthe variabi[16-18], severalattemptshavebeenmadeto analysethe lity of mass and strength,hairiness,and imperfections.Acvalueon cordingto Zhu and Ethridge[9], the hairinessof rotor-spun importance finenessand micronaire of gravimetric yarn14,5,91. thequalityof rotor-spun lt hasbeenobserved yarndecreaseswith increasesin fiberlengthand decreases thatfinercottonfiberresultsin strongeryarnandthatreduc- in shortfibercontent. Looney[23]observedthatthe staplelengthof polyester(1 tionin yarnstrength because of poorfiberparallelisation in rotoryarnscanbe minimised by increasing the numberof to 1.5 inches)has littleeffecton end breaksand yarn strenfibersin yarncross-sections. coeffi- gth,but greatlyaffectsfiberdamage,rotordepositsand yarn [4, 5]. The correlation cientsbetweenyarnunevenness, fiberfineness, andmicro- twists. He reportedthat fiber damage and the difference nairevaluearepositiveat a lowmagnitude. ZhuandEthrid- betweentheoreticaland actualtwistsvariesdirectlywithstapge [9]pointed outthatan increase in micronaire valuecauses le length.The evennessof yarn is improvedwith a decreayarn.Theyreasoned morehairiness in rotor-spun thathigher se in staplelengthfrom 1.5 to 1.25 inches,but that afterthat, Salhotra,Tyagi,and Dhamija[24] observed micronaire fiberswilllikelyresistbeingwrapped ontoyarnas it deteriorates. theyaremorerigid. a reductionin yarn tenacitywith an increasein the staple Whilestudying fibers,Kaushik andTyagi[19] lengthof viscosefiber.They reasonedthat this is due to the man-made yarn h i g h e rt w i s tl o s s i n v o l v e di n t h e s p i n n i n go f l o n g e rf i b e r s . obserued thatthebreaking strength of polyester-viscose decreases withincreases in thedenierof polyester fiber.This Accordingto Ghoshand Elam[20],longerviscosefiberproresultsfromthelowtwisttranslation efficiency of the coarse duces more hairyyarn with fewer defects. fiberdueto highertorsionalrigidity. The breakingextension Several researchershave analysedthe importanceof and unevenness decreasewith decreasesin the denierof wrapperfiberson the qualig of rotor-spunyarns.Keller'sstupolyester fiber.Theyarnsmadefromfinerfibersare more dy [25] is quiteinterestingin this respect.Accordingto him, nappythanthosemadefromcoarserfibers.Thisis becau- the yarns spun from long-staplefibersare beltedso tightly seof lowerresistance to thenapping of finerfiberthancoar- thatthey looklikethin places,althoughthey actuallyhavea serfiber.In otherworkwithviscosefiber,GhoshandElam greatermass per unit lengthbecauseof the extramasswrapVldknaa lexfil 11 (3) 94-98 (2004) 95 Vliskum Research ped aroundthem and are so indicatedby the UsterEvenness Tester.On the otherhandthe beltsare so slackin short-staole yarnsthat they becomeloose and are movedalongthe y a r n q u i t ee a s i l y .T h e s e b e l t s c a n c r e a t et r o u b l ed u r i n g has been observedthat an increasein wrapperfibersresultsin a deterioration in yarnstrengthboth in the caseof long-stapleand short-stapleyarns.Looney[23] statedthat the frequencyof wrappersis proportionalto the numberof fibersper cross-sectionof the yarn,the staplelength and the twistedlengthof the yarn on the rotorwall. In this regard,Klein[26]pointedoutthatfibersof greaterlengthcan resultin advantagesonly insofaras the fiberscan be well depositedin the rotor;the inadequacyof a rotordiameterfor a givenfiberlengthcan deteriorate the spinningperformance due to the poordepositionof fibersin the rotorgroove. Fiber Friction A few investigations have been performedto determinethe relationbetweenfrictionand otherphysicalpropeniesof cotton and man-madefibers.Accordingto Subramaniam, et al. cotton fiber friction negatively correlates witn a 25% [27], span lengthand bundlestrength,but positivelycorrelates with micronaire value.In theirstudy,the correlations between othercottonfiber characteristics, e.g., convolutionangle, per cm, and maturityand fiberfricnumberof convolutions tion are not significant, althoughLord [28] observedthat fiber maturityand convolutionfrequencyare relatedto fiber friction.Ghosh and Elam [20] have observedthat an increase in staplelengthand a decreasein the denierof viscose rayonresultin high fiber-to-fiber and fiber-to-metal friction. They havealsoobservedthatthe type and levelof finishaffect the inter-fiberfrictionof viscosestaplefiber. The applicationof a high cohesionfinishresultsin morefrictionthan the regulartype of finishand an increasein the finishlevel decreases fiberfriction. A similarobservation has beenmade by Mavely[29].Ghosh,et al. [30]noticedthat the numberof crimpsper inch in polyesterfiber positivelycorrelateswith f iber-to-f iberf riction. The roleof fiberfrictionis a bit contradictory in rotorspinningas explainedby Looney[23].He has reportedthat the leadingedge of fibershas a tendencyto form a hook around the teethof the openingrollerduringthe extractionof fibers f r o m t h e s l i v e rd u e t o t h e g r e a td i f f e r e n c ei n t h e s p e e d s betweenthe feed rollerand openingroller.In orderto preventfiberbreakage,the forceimpartedby the openingroller mustexceedthe resultingforceswithinthe sliver.As a result of this,a differential motionwill set up betweenthe fiberand openingroller,whichwill resultin the scrappingof the skin from the fiber'ssudace,therebyresultingin depositionor damagingthe teethor pins of the openingroller.Thus,the conditions and actionsin the openingrollersectionimplylow inter-fiber frictionand highfiber-to-metal friction.But an entirelydifferentset of conditionshas been repoftedwithinthe rotor.A twist backingup to the rotorwall from the yarn in the rotortube providescohesionto liftthe fiberbundlefromthe rotorwall,whichmeanshighfiber-to-fiber cohesionand low fiber-to-metal frictionwill be advantageous as far as the rotor and tube are concerned.Deussen[31] has pointedout the impactof fiberfrictionon the processibilityof cottonfibers in a rotorspinningsystem.Accordingto him, cottonfiberscan be rotorspunat higherspeedthan man-madefibers,because naturehas endoweda maturecottonfiber with natural waxes and a convoluted,ribbon-likecross-section, which 96 togetherresultin lowerfiber-to-metal frictionbut goodfibertoJibercohesion.Mogahzy,et al. [32] performedan extensive study with forty-sevenuplandcottonsto observethe effect of fiber frictionon rotor-spunyarn quality.They measuredthe conventional frictional force,i.e.,resistance to sliopageundera certainnormalpressureusingthe AuburnBeard Test,and the cohesionforcewhichcausesthe fibersto stickor holdtogetherat a contactpoint,even undera zeroappliedload usingthe Rotor-ringTester.They observeda positivecorrelation betweenthe non-uniformity of yarn and conventional frictionalforceand a negativecorrelationbetween non-uniformity of yarnand a cohesionforce.At the beginning of the spinningprocess,the fiber web obtainedfrom cardingis a very weak and fragilenetworkand has a low density.The stabilityof suchan assemblywilllargelydepend on the presenceof the cohesionforcein it. That impliesthat the fiber cohesionforce positivelycontributesto the formation of uniformyarns.The cohesionforceformsa mechanical interlocking of the crimpedfibersand causesfiberto stick togetherat the contactpoints.This can resultin achievinga uniformdistribution of fibers,whichcan assistin the production of a yarn havinga minimumof irregularity. lt was concludedthat the relativelylowerfrictionbetweenfibrousassembliesshouldease the processingand resultin a good uniformspinning.The count-strength-product andyarntenacity have a negativecorrelationwith the maximumfrictional yarn,whichindicatesthata lowerfrictioforcefor rotor-spun nalforceshouldgivethefinishedyarnwitha higherstrength. That is due to the higheryarn uniformityand less fiberdamage duringthe spinningprocess,as a lowerfrictionalforce will generatelowerfrictionactionbetweenthe fibers.High cohesionforceresultsin higheryarnstrengthdue to the fact thatyarn uniformityincreaseswith an increasing fibercohesion force. lt has been observedthat yarn elongationdecreases with increasingfiber cohesionand frictionforce.The fiber cohesionforce will resistthe slippagebetweenfibers duringyarnbreakageand resultsin a low elongation. As the frictionalforce increases,thin placesor weak pointsin the yarn will increase,and the resultingyarn will be easy to break.Thusthe elongationof the yarn has a tendencyto decredJE. FiberCrimp Whilestudyingthe impoftance of man-madefibercrimpon rotorspinningtechnology,Naikand Lopez-Amo[33] classified fiber crimp into three categories:macro crimp, micro crimp,and mixedmacro-micro crimp.Macrocrimpis characterisedby highamplitude, and mixedmacro-micro crimphas, in addition;a highfrequency.Microcrimpis characterised by a low amplitudeand high frequency.They observedthat microcrimpdoes not give riseto erraticfibermotionduring drafting,whereasaccordingto Plonskerand Backer[34],fibershavinga macro-crimp movein the draftingzonewithan erratic,springyand pulsatingmotion.The macro-crimpin the fiberproducesa bulkyand compressible sliver.Tensioning thissliveraxiallyduringdraftingwillcausea reductionin the cross-sectional area.When these forcesare released,the sliveragain contracts.That gives rise to a considerabledifferencebetweenthe mechanicaldraft and the actualdraft. Darden[38]observedthat highlycrimpedfibersperformpoorly in a rotorspinningsystem,becauseas they havegreater resistanceto extractionfrom the sliverby the opening roller,morefiberdamageand rotordepositstake place.He vldknaa rexrl 11 (3) 94-98 (2004) Vyiskum lesearch also statedthat the erraticmovementof the highlycrimped fiberin the ductbetweenthe openingrollerand rotorand poor distributioninsidethe rotor groove may be the reasonfor unevenyarnsmadefromhighlycrimpedfiber.Fiberswithlow a crimplevelleadto higheryarn strengththat twisteasilyinto yarn,havefeweryarn defects,and a reducednumberof ends down,but fiberswith too low a crimp levelor permanence cause poor card web cohesion,and the result is a poorly drawnsliver. Regardingthe durabilityof fiber crimp [35],Naik and Lopez-amo[33] have statedthat crimpcontractionis increased after processingbecausetexturedfibers tend to relax after undergoingstress-and-strain forcesduringprocessingand mechanicalhandling.In some casesthey have observeda reductionin crimp contractiondependingon the texturing condition. Theyrecommendselectingpolyesterfiberin such a w a y t h a t t h e f i b e rc r i m p s h o u l dl a s t t i l l t h e c a r d i n ga n d drawingprocessshouldremovemost of it. F i b e rF i n i s h As pointedout by Darden[36],the reasonbehindthe applicationof an antistaticagentas well as a lubricanton manmadefibersis to reducethe accumulation of staticcharges on the fibersur-face duringprocessing.But the levelof applicationof the lubricantis crucial,as too higha lubricantlevel causesmoreopeningrollerwrap-ups,and too low a lubricant levelcausesstaticproblemsduringcardingand high rotordepositsat thetimeof spinning.He recommended using a lubricantlevelduringthe processingof polyesterfiber in open-endspinningslightlylowerthanthat normallyrequired for ringspinningto improvethe processibility of polyestbrfiber. Looney[23] has pointedout that a high lubricantfinish is advantageous on the one hand as it reducesfiberdamage in the openingroll section,but on the other hand,it adverselyaffectsprocessibility due to lowerfiber cohesionat the rotorwall.In the case of finerpolyesterfibers(1.5 denier), a greaternumberof fibersin a yarn cross-section overshadows the effect of fiber lubricity;hence, the rotor depositis lesswithoutsacrificing the spinningperformance. Gaylerand Schueren[37]havenotedthatinadequate finishesleadto an insufficient openingof fibrousmaterialand causeend breakagesas the fiber tuft goes to the rotor groove.The rotor depositswhichmay arisefroma fiberfinishleadto slubbyor impedectyarn [38]. 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[39] Landvrehrkamp,H., Melliand Textilbeilchte 60, 825-829 (1s7e). Received:Julv 2004 97 Vfskum Research CHARAKTERISTIKY SUROVINY VZHLEDEM NA TECHNOLOGII ROTOROVEHO SpnAOnrui Translationof Abstract: Raw material characteristics vis-i-vis rotor spinning technology: A review Tento6ldnekshrnujen6kter6publikovan6prdceo zpracov6vAni bavlndnfcha syntetickych vldken a vlivujejich vlastnostina kvaliturotorovfchpiizi. Je hodnocenvliv pevnostia taZnostivl6ken, distoty,jemnosti,d6lky,tienf,navln6nia fin6lnich0pravna pevnost,nestejnomdrnost, podetvad a jednokomponentnich chlupatost a smEsovfchrotorowchpiizis ohledemna jejichzpracovatelnost. 98 Vl*knaa texti/ 11 (3) 94-98 (2004) Vfskum Research VPLYVPIGMENTOV NA STRUKTURU A VLASTNOSTI SYNTETICKYCH VLAKIEN ll. Stupefidisperzitypigmentov,povrchov6interakcie a reologick6vlastnostlzloZiek Hricovd, M.,Marcincin, A. Katedra vldkien a textilu, FCHPT STU, Radlinskeho 9, 812 37 Bratislava em ail: 1 Pripravakoncentrovanej disperziepigmentov tov a skrdtisa daszmdcaniacel6hopovrchuprimiirnychciastociek,z ktoryichje aglomerdtvytvorenli.Washburnodvodil PridoterajSom i farbenivld- vztah pre pripadnefpln6hozm66ania,podl'aktor6hodas t 4ivojifarebnlchkoncentrdtov principy kienv hmotesa muselire5pektovat zakladn6 disper- je funkcioufyzikalnehostavu pigmentu- tvaru a vel'kosti gdciepigmentov polym6rnych vo vysokovisk6znych taveni- p6rov,ako aj viskozitya zmddatelhostipigmentupolym6rom: ndchpri pripravekoncentretov i vldkien.Do poZadovan6ho pigmenty podmienky predobstupnadispergovan6 vytudraj0 k2l2 2rl polym6rnej r[ spracovatel'nost taveninya vysokrifarbiacu t(2) r yLCOS(p silu. podmienkydispergdcie Termodynamick6 pigmentov v taveninepolym6ru s0 determinovan6 vzdjomnlimi interak- kde k - koeficientz6visiaciod tvaru 6astic,| - dlZka,r - popigmentu, ciamizloZiek, spravidla nosicaa dispergdtora.mer p6rov,11- viskozitapolymeru,y1- povrchov6napiitie Reologickd vlastnostizloliekhrajtitieZvliznamnf0lohu polym6ruza danlichpodmienokzm{cania,g - uhol zmAeav dispergdciipigmentova pri mieSanikoncentrdtunia pigmentupolym6rom,yLcosq - zmddacienapdtie. polym6ru, podmienka- Aby nedochadzalok spiitnejaglomerdciiprim6rnych6iasa zakladn6ho do srivisls kinetickyimi mi procesov farbenia v hmote. todiekmusibyttento6as6o najkrat5ia zmddadenapiitiedo p6sobenia Vfsledkom termodynamicklich i kinetickfch fak- najv?icSie. Narokyna viskozituprostrediaz hl'adiskazm66,atorovje dispergdcia pigmentovlich aleboaglomerdcia castlc, nia s[ v5akv rozpores ndrokmiz hl'adiskarozbijaniaaglopripadnevznikflok0lpri nemie5atel'nosti dispergdtoramerdtov,pretoje l6elne volit nosic pigmentu(polym6r)so pigmentov s polym6rnym nosidom. Dispergdcia v kvapalnom strednourelativnou molekulovou ([rovenvosku), hmotnostou m6dium6Zebyt chapandaj akodezintegrdcia aglomer6tov ktor6homolekulys[ mdlo objemn6a viac pohyblive,a volit na men5iedastice- agreg6ty a prim6rne casticea ichsimul- nizkuteplotuaby sa zvliSilaviskozita Velmimaldrelativ[1]. pozost6va na molekulovdhmotnostnosicov,napr. tdnnezm66aniem6diom.Procesdisperg6cie olejov rozpustn;ich z niekolkfchciastkouichprocesov, ktor6sa navzdjompre- v polymeri,sp6sobujetvorbuflok0l,t.j. zhluk6iastociekpiglinaj0: mentov,ktor6s[ ochudobnen6o nosi6a obalen6polym6(,,rozdrobovanie" pigmentov, 1.dezintegrdcia mletie,hnete- rom,do sa prejavujeako nepriaznivfkoloristicklT defekt[a]. nie), Dal5i sposob vytvoreniavhodnfch termodynamicklich (ichzmadanie, 2.distribfcia rozdelenie v celejmasepolym6- i kinetickfchpodmienokpri dispergaciipigmentovje zaloleny ru - homogenizdcia) na aplikdciidispergdtorov,ktor6sa musia priddvatspravidla 3.stabiliziicie dasticpigmentu [1,2, 3]. vo viicSichkoncentrdcidch, ako je to beZn6pri povrchovo pigmentov Pridezintegrdcii sa uplatiuj0najmdmechanic- aktivnychldtkachv kvapalnfchdisperziach.Koncentr6cia k6sily.Za prftomnosti rozpadaglomerdtov aditivprebieha na dispergatora je pribliZne polovicndakoje konv koncentrdte primdrne dastice aj v ddsledku fyzik6lnych, resp.chemickyichcentrdciapigmentu[5, 6]. Ako dispergdtorysa osvedcilikvainterakcii. paln6alebonlzkotuhnfceldtkys antistatickfmivlastnostaPrihnetenisa gradientu akondsledok deformdcie uplatiuje mi. Pigmentysa v 0plnenevodivomprostredinab(laj0a m6Zu namdhanie sp6soben6 Smykovfmnapiitim,vznikajricim vytv6rattaZkodispergovatelh6aglomerdty. pr0denim v zariadeni m6dia,v ktoromsatuh6diastodky disDal5irozpadaglomerdtov nastdva,ked'sapigmentnajprv je Smykov6 pergujri. Podl'aNewtona napatie(t) umern6sri- zm5,6,a dispergdtorom,teda nechd sa prest[pit zmddadlom dinuSmykovej nichlosti(y)a viskozig(n): a aZ potomsa hnetie.Sk0senostiz praxepotvrdzujri, Zetento ( 1 ) sposobje vhodnf ak je nosidomprd5kovfpolym6r[1]. Kvar = rt.y palnf dispergdtorsa v mie5a6kenajsk6rnanesiena prii5kovf To znamend, 2estrihov6 silyvyvolan6Smyko4i m napetim polym6ra potom po pridanipigmentuprebiehana velkom s0vtid5ievtedy,ked'je viskozitamaterielu vri65ia,prip.akje p o v r c h u p r d 5 k o v 6 h o p o l y m 6 r u 0 6 i n n 6 z m d d a n i e vySSia Smykoviinichlost.Viskozitapolym6rusa zvy5ujes a p r e s t 0 p e n i ep o r o v a g l o m e r d t o vp i g m e n t uz m d d a d l o m . klesaj0cou teplotoua so zvy5ujricou sa relativnou molekulo- Rfchlostzm6caniazdvisiod vlastnostipigmentu,hlavneod polym6ru. vou hmotnostou velkostipovrchovejenergiea tvaru p6rov.Vfhodnd je najmZi V druhejfdzedispergdcie sa zmddapovrchdiastobiek. Pri lzv. kyprd Strukt0ra s plochlimi a vel'kfmi otvormi je vel'midoleiitouvelidinou zma6ani 6as,za ktonisa zm6ca v aglomerdtoch. povrch,resp.preniknezm66adlo novovytuorenf aj do p6rov j e h o m o g e n i z d c i pa i g m e n t u D r u h o uf d z o u d i s p e r g 6 c i e aglomerdtov a v ddsledkutohosa urlichlirozpadaglomerd- v celej hmotepolym6ru(nosida).Vzhladomna velkostdiasweknaatextil11 (3)99-105(2004) 99 Vfskum Research tocieka vysok0viskozitupolym6rusa pri homogeniz6cii di- charaKeristikypigmentovpred dispergdciou.Mernf povrch ffzne procesyneuplatnia, a taKieZneprichddza do fvahy ani pigmentovsa stanovilna z6kladeadsorpdnfchBET izoteriem t u r b u l e n t np6r [ d e n i e( R e y n o l d s o vdoi s l o< 1 ) . R o z d e l e n i e a na meranievelkosti6asticpigmentovsa pouZilaelektr6nop i g m e n t uv h m o t e p o l y m 6 r us a u s k u t o c n u j et e d a v p o d - vA mikroskopiaa sedimentacnAanal,lza.Parameterdispermienkachlamindrneho tokupolym6ru. Vysok! homogenizad- zity bol na zdkladedistribuanej funkciev logaritmicklich srin1iefektsa dosahujepouZitfmdvojzdvitovko4ichextr0derov. radniciach vyjadrenli ako priemernd vel'kost dastic je vel'midoleZita,pretoZeaj od nej ziivisi a koeficientpolydisperzity. Homogenizdcia sftost vyfarbenia(vyu2itelhostpigmentov)a taktieZspracoVyjadreniestupnadisperzitypigmentovvyuZitfmnepriavatel'nostvyfarben6hopolymeru. mych met6d je zaujimav6hlavne preto, Ze tieto veli6inys0 je stabilizecia Poslednoufdzoudispergacie disperzie.Pri dastospojen6so spracovatel'sklimi vlastnostamipigmentov pigmentovv polym6rochplnifunkciustabilizdto- a koncentrdtov dispergdcii a tieZs koloristickfmivlastnostamivl6kien. ra disperziedispergacn6aditivum.Pri nizkychteplotdchsa Nepriamemetodysa tieZvyznaduj0velkou citlivostou.Na stupendisperziepigmentuvo vldknachmeni len zanedba- nepriamevyjadreniestupriadisperzitypigmentovsa vyuZije vajd hlavnereologick6merania[9], met6dafiltrovatel'nosti tel'nev d6sledkuvysokejviskozitypolymeru.Stabilizdcia potrebnanajmiipritekutychdisperzidch, kde pri nedostatoc- [17, 18] a meraniafarebnejsily pigmentovvo vldknach. pigmentudochddzak sediment6cii pigmenpodmienkypripravyfarebnej koncentrdcii V prdci [19] sa optimalizovali tovlichciastociekvplyvomich vySSejhustoty.V takfchto pri- nychkoncentrdtov v polypropyl6noqich vlaknach,sk0malisa p a d o c hs a p o u Z i v a j fr 6 z n e z a h u s t o v a d l ak, t o r ez v y 5 u j 0 t e r m o d y n a m i c k 6a k i n e t i c k ep a r a m e t r ea i c h i m e r n o s t viskozitua stabilitupast [7]. k filtrovatel'nosti koncentrdtu,dispergovatelhosti pigmentu a jeho farebnejsile v polypropyl6no4ich vldknach. NieKordprdceskutodnepotvrdzuj0priamo0mern0 z6vis2 S t u p e n d i s p e r z i t yp i g m e n t o v v p o l y m 6 r n o mm 6 d i u lost medzispracovatelsklimi vlastnostamifarebnyich koncentrovanfchdisperzii(filtrovatel'nos{ou) a stupriomdisperzity Stupendisperzitypigmentovvo vldknachsa mOZestano- v polypropylenovlch vldknach,resp.priamos farebnousilou vit priamoualebonepriamoumetodou.Ako priamemet6dy pigmentov120,211. V literat0res0 v5ak zaznamenan6tieZ pouZivaj0mikroskopick6metddyv spojeni experiment6lne sa najcastejSie 4isledky,ktor6nie s0 v sflade s touto [mers obrazovouanallizou[8, 9, 10],infracervend speKroskopia nostou[22]. mikroRelativnufarebnI silu (RFS)m62emevyjadritpomocou [11], alebonajnov5iemet6dyskenujfcejelektr6novej skopies fluorescenciouX hidovv kombin6ciis digitalnou Kubelka- Munkovejrovnice[23]: obrazovouanalfzou[12]. RFS = [(K/S')*o,,i (K/S)stand"rdl.100 (3) Pri priamychmetodachsa stupendisperzitypigmentuvyjadrujepriemernouhodnotoupriemerudastic,mernfm povr- kde K je absorpdn! koeficienta S je rozptylorlikoeficient. chomcastic,priemernouvzdialenostoudasticalebodistribucV prdcach.'24,251sana5lapriama0meramedziRFS* pignou krivkou{chto velidin. mentovanlichvldkienstanovenejna zdkladeremisnlichmepigmentova jej vplyvna koloris- r a n i a a n a l o g i c k o ur e l a t l v n o uf a r e b n o us i l o us t a n o v e n o u Problematika anizotropie pigmentov(napr.kryda schopnost,brilancia, transmisnlimimeraniamiRFSopo rozpustenivyfarbenfch tick6vlastnosti stalost,stupenrozloZeniapigmentuv matriciatd'.)bola pr- polypropyleno4'ch vldkienv xyl6nepriteplotdchnad 100'C. podmienoks[ pre procesfarbea2 v r. 1984 [13, 14]. Pre objektivnehodOkremtermodynamiclaj'ch 47kratStudovan6 noteniastupia disperzitypigmentovv koncentrdtocha ho- nia v hmote doleZit6tieZ kinetickeparametredispergdcie tovyichvlaknachsa aplikovalamet6da anal,fzyobrazu. Na pigmentov. pigmentovbolinavrhnuPrekinetikudispergdcie zAkladeuisledkov bolo moZn6kon5tatovat,Ze met6damik- t6 kinetick6modely,ktonimimoZnozmenustuphakinetiky roskopick6ho hodnoteniadistribucie velkostidasticpigmen- disperzitypigmentovvyjadritkvantitativne nepriamopomotov v hmotevldkna vyuiitim obrazovejanal,fzyje vhodnfm cou relativnejfarebnejsily disperziealebovldknaI2q. Zeprostriedkompri rieseniproblematikydispergdciepigmentov vislostje exponencidlna,pridomexponentomje s06in nichv polym6rocha vlaknach[10]. l o s t n e j k o n S t a n t ya 6 a s u d i s p e r g d c i e .T e n t o p r i e b e h je zaloZendna zlskavaniinfor- dispergdciebol potvrdenliaj pri dispergdciipigmentovurdeInfradervend spektroskopia macifo absorpdnyich alebo reflexn;ichvlastnostiachlatok nlch pre polypropyl6n v rozdielnychm6didch[25]. v infradervenom rozsahuvlnoctov.V prdcisa pomocouinfraVfznamnf vplyv kinetikyfyzikdlnychprocesov,ktor6su cervenfchspektierhodnotilipolypropyl6nov6 vldknafarbe- spojen6s pripravoukoncentrdtuspodfvavo vysokejviskozite n6 v hmotez hl'adiskacelkovejkryStalinity, relativnehoobsa- syst6mua nerovnovdhepri zmddanla adsorpciipri tvorbe hu pigmentov,ako aj rovnomernostirozloZeniaich castic povrchouj'chvrstievna pevnfch dasticiach.To md za ndslev hmotevldkien[11]. Na zdkladeziskanfchexperiment6l- dok, 2e pre ziskanietechnologickyaplikovatelh6hosyst6mu nych r,nj'sledkov sa konStatuje,2e medzi pridinyrozdielnych sa musi zachovatoptimalnandslednostzdkladnfchoperdfarebnfchodtieiov sledovanlichvzoriekvlakienpatrikolisa- cii, naprikladzmddanieprd5kov6hopolym6rudispergdtorom pridaniupigmentuk zmesia pod.1271. nie celkov6homno2stvapigmentova stupei rovnomernosti musl predchddza{ rozloZenia ich dastlcv hmotevlakien. Na hodnoteniestupia disperzitypigmentovyich dasticje moZn6vyuZitaj koloristick6met6dyzalolenf na spektrdlnom 2.1 Povrchov6 interakcie v procese farbenia v hmote stanovenlstupriadisperzity- met6daUK [15].Z hl'adiska exaktnostipre hodnoteniedisperzitynajviacvyhovujemetoda pigmentovpri pripraProcesdispergacie a homogenizdcie s t a n o v e n i aS k o d l i v epj l o c h y, , P s "[ 1 6 ] .J e d n d s a o m a t e - ve polypropyl6no4ich vldkienfarbenlchv hmotepoukdzal matick6vyjadreniepercentudlnehozastripeniadastlc,aglo- na nevyhnutnostpouZitiadispergacnfchaditiv.Bez tlichto merdtova agregdtovviicSichako 5 nm na zdklademikrosko- latok by pigmentyv hmote polym6ruvytvdralinezm66an6 pick6hohodnotenia. aglomer6ty,6im by sa spracovatel'nost koncentrdtovpre V prdci p. M. Nedasaa kol. [17] sa hodnotilipovrchov6 farbenievldkienstalanevyhovujucou. 100 Vldknaa textil 11 (3) 99-1 05 (2004) Vfskum Research V prdci[28]sa hodnotilivlastnostipolyglykolov a ichvhod- objemovfzlomokdispergovanejpevnejldtky,k. - Einsteinov nost pre aplikaciuv procesefarbeniapolypropylenornich vl6- tvarovf koeficient(pre gulbv6 castice kE = 2,5) [31]. Tento kienv hmote.Zo ziskanlchrifsledkovje mo2n6kon5tatovat, rastieso zvdcSovanim asymetrie6astica to priamoumerne Ze polyetylenglykoly v ddsledkuvysokejhodnotypoldrnej s podielomdlheja krdtkejpoloosi.Pri vy55ichpodielochsa zloZkypovrchov6honapAtianezmddaj0dokonalemdlo po- z6vislostmeni na kvadratick0. Jeho hodnotazdvisitieZod l6rneorganick6pigmentypouZlvanepre farbeniepolypropy- stupriaagreg6ciea orientdcie6astlcza toku [32]. Einsteinol6novlichvldkienv hmote. TaktieZich znd5anlivosts nepo- vd rovnicaplatilen pre disperzies casticamiblizkymigulbje nizka,v d6sledkucohoje vyuZitie vitdmuWarua pri nizkychkoncentrdci6ch. l6rnympolypropyl6nom farbiacichvlastnostipigmentovv procesefarbenianevyhoCasson [33] definovalvztah medzi viskozitoudisperzie vuj0cea ziskan6farebn6tony sri kalne.Polypropyl6nglyko-a objemo4imzlomkomdispergovanej latkyvyjadrenfempily, ako l6tky menej pol6rnesi s polypropyl6nomdobre zn6- rickourovnicou: Sanliv6a taktieZ lepSie zmd6aj0 povrch pigmentov, vyisledkom 6ohoje vysokyistupenvyuZitiafarbiacejsily pig, l = r''t n , , ( , - - ? c )^ t\t7)\ mentova zlskaniebrilantn6hovyfarbeniafin6lnehovldkna. 1l-l,7sac)2 Svojou06innostousa medzitieto hranidn6homopolym6ry radia kopolym6ryetyl6noxidua propyl6noxidu,ktor6 boli kde ct - materialovyparameterdefinovanfako pomer 0cinzaveden6do vfroby farebnlTch koncentrdtov, aby nahradili n6hohydrodynamick6ho objemudispergovanej ldtkya jeho dovtedypouZlvan6polyetyl6nglykoly. skutocn6hoobjemu.Pri vel'mimallch hodnotdchc a pri cr= Experimentdlne sa overiltieZ0cinokniektonj'ch oligomer- 1, co platiu velmi zriedenfchdisperziigulbvihichvzdjomne nych aditiv,zl[6enin ktor6 boli zdkladompre vlirobupovr- sa nepritahuj0cich castic,sa Cassonovdrovnicaredukujena chovoaktivnychlatok pre nevodn6 prostrediaa zistilsa po- Einsteinov0.Parametercxje vzicSiako 1 v prfpadeagregdl u p o l y o x y p r o - tov nepravideln6ho z i t f v n yv p l y v n a j m i i p o l y o x y e t y l e n g l y k o a tvarua pri vznikuStrukturobsahujucich pyl6nglykolu, v kombindciis niektoryimi tepelnlmistabitizd- nepohyblivri, t. j. v Strukt0rach uzavretfkvapalinu.Parametormi ako Antioxidant6 (tri-p-etylfenylfosfit) [29, 30]. Tieto ter cr,resp.1/cr,je mieroustabilityStrukttrpri danlch podlatky vzhl'adomna svoju nfzku prchavosta tepeln[ stabilitu mienkach,t. j. pri urditomSmykovomnapdtir a pri urditomobpri teplotachtaveniaa zvl6knovaniapolypropyl6novlich vld- j e m o v o mz l o m k ut u h e j l d t k yv d i s p e r z i iZ. d v i s l o s t1 / c rn a kien sa pouZivaliako prve disperg6torypre polypropyl6no- sfcine t.c charakterizuje celf syst6mz hl'adiska stabilitysev6 vl6kna.Spracovatel'nost tlTchtokoncentrdtovnebolavZdy k u n d d r n y c hS t r u k t I r ,c o u m o Z r i u j ep o s u d z o v a n t apriklad vyhovujtcaa organick6pigmentysa nachddzalivo vldknach vplyvmeniacehosa prostredla, vplyvstupnadisperg6cie pigvo forme aglomer6tova tieZflokul,ktor6sa vyUdraliinterak- mentovatd'.Teoretick!vlTkladCassonompoplsanlichstivisciamis dispergatorom. losti zatial'nebolpredloZen!,ich praktickli4iznam je v5ak jasnf [34]. V5eobecnej5iu rovnicuna popiszdvislostirelativnej visko2.2 Reologick6 a spracovatel'sk6vlastnosti zity a objemov6hozlomkudispergovanejtuhej latky navrhol farebnfch disperzii Mooney: StuOiumreologickfchvlastnostifarebnfchdisperziipevtnr1lr6=J+ (B) nfch casticv polym6rochumoZiuje okrem poznaniatokor-u/9m vlich vlastnostitieZ ziskat informdcieo vzajomnfch interakcidch pevnyTch dastics kvapalnoufdzou najmii z hladiska kde koeficientc, je definovanfnasledovne[35]: tvorby medznej vrstvy, d'alej inform6cie o tvare castic c, = skutocnf objem tuhfch casticiobjem a agreg6tova o tvorbenestdlychStruktfrv disperzii. t u h l c h d a s t i cv d i s p e r z i i (9) Najdastej5iepouZivan6analytick6vyjadrenievztahu meAk dochadzav disperziik vznikuagregdtova aglomerdtov dzi Smykovfmnapatima Smykovouryichlostoubolo formutuhfch 6astlchodnotaEinsteinov6ho lovan6Ostwaldoma Waeleaom: koeficienturastienajmA z d6voduzdanlivriho zvli5enia objemoveho zlomkupev(4) nlich castico podiel r = k.yn kvapalnejzlolky uzavretejvo vznikaj0cich aglomer6toch. respektivepre disperziemo2emepfsat: Realnedisperzn6systemyobsahujricetuh6 dasticesa vo t = to + k'Yn (5) viic5inepripadovchovaj! ako nenewtonovsk6 kvapaliny. kde r - Smykov6napatie,y - Smykovdnichlost,k, n - koefi- V tlTchtosyst6mochje viskozitaz6vislaod Smykornjchvelicin, pridomsa d'alejm62e meni{ eStev dosledkurozbijania cienty. Koeficientn vyjadrujeodchlilkuod newtonovsk6ho toku.Ak aglomerdtova agreg6tovtuhfch castic [36]. je n < 1 je tok pseudoplastickli, Viic5inudisperziis pseudoplasticklim tokomvelmi dobre ak je n > 1 je tok dilatantnli. Koncentrovan6disperziemaj0 zlo2itejSicharaktertoku popisujeempirickdCrossovdrovnica[37, 38]: v z 6 v i s l o s t io d S m y k o v 6 h on a p A t i a .R e o l o g i c k dk r i v k a v dostatodneSirokomrozsahuSmykou/chvelidlnpredstavuje (10) casto s0hrn vSetkfchzdkladnfch typov toku: newtonovsk6pseudoplastickeho ho, a dilatantn6ho. Zavislostviskozitydisperzieod koncentrdcietuhyich6astic Empirick6 koeficienty k a m s0 funkciou rozmerov a waru pre newtonovskftok popisalEinsteinjednoduchlimempiric- aglomerdtov a m6Zubyt tieZfunkcioumieryich rozpaduza klim vztahom: toku.Typick6hodnotyprem sd 112a 213. 0=0s+ffi rt = Io (1 + kEc) (6) kde4, qs- viskozitazmesi,resp.disperzn6ho prostredia, cVldknaa textil 11 (3) 99-1 05 (2004) Niektoriautori[39,40] poukazali na to, Ze pri vysokom Smykovom napaiti dochddzak rozbitiuv:id5inyaglomerdtov je lenfunkciou a Zeviskozita disperzie koncentrdcie a tvaru 101 Vfskum Research podmienky viskozitypri nekonednom 13a tymk vzdjomnej 6astic.Prestanovenie Smykovom K splneniu mie5atelhosprispieva ti zlo2iek kladnahodnota napdtisa 6astopou2ivavztah: entr6pie zmie5avania azApornS, hodnotaentalpiezmieSavania. Vplyvomvysokej ( 11 ) logn=log11--k'.r-' molekulovej hmotnosti mdvau polym6rov entropiclqi 6lenlen priamkov0 polym6rov ktoryivo vii65ineprlpadovpredstavuje z6vislost mal6kladndhodnoty[42]a pretoo miesatel'nosti predov5etkfm loghod r-'. Jejextrapoldciou na r-' : 0 ziskamehodnotulog rozhoduje entalpiamie5ania. Jej velkostje zdvisl6na energeticklich zmenachspojenyich so vznikom n-. polymdrnych prizmie5avani kontaktov segmentov [43]. je podmienkou Zo Strukt[rne termodynamick6ho hladiska jednofdzovd 2.3 Mie5atel'nost farebnfch koncentr6tov mie5atelhosti Strukttra zmesi.U nemie5atelhych polym6rov a polym6rov s[ prltomn6 asporidvetAzy.Zapodmienku exispritomnost medzifdzov6ho tenciefdzysa povaZuje rozhrapri6,om farebnfchkoncentr6tov Mie5atel'nost s polym6rom sa niaoddel'ujriceho obidve'l6zy, vlastnosti f6zsa uplatzjednoduSenivyjadrit m6Zepriurditom vztahmi, ktor6s0 ur- huj0samostatne. Ak f6zutvoriavel'mimal66astice,su ich zmesipolym6rov aj napriek den6prebin6rne tomu,2e kon- vlastnosti silnozdvisl6na ichvelkosti, tedana podtemolecentrdtje viaczloZkov6 zmes.Teoreticky mOZeme farebnf ktilz ktoryich sti tvoren6[44].Je to hlavnepreto,Ze vplyv prevaZuje koncentr6t a polym6rpovaZova{ za individualne komponenty molek0lv okrajouich vrstudch nadvplyvommolev procese farbenia. krilvovn0tritAzy.Je zndme, Zestabilita ultrajemnfch disper(aditivum) zii nieje velkd,kedZepresvojvelkf povrchmaj0dastice D6leZi\im faktoromprizmieSavani koncentrAtu je ichvzajomnd s polym6rom mieSatelhost. Z hladiska mie- vysokripovrchov0 energiua taktieZsnahuasociova{ dovaicSatelhosti aditivs polymdrom moZedojstk tyimtoprlpadom: Sichcelkov1451. Za minim6lnu velkoststabilnlich dasticfazy pripade Aditiva mie5atelh6. V takomto s0s polymerom sa sa beriehodnota 1 nm [46]. premie5anie dosahuje aZ molekulov6 niekolko aditivas polym6rom, Bolonavrhnutfch koncepciina odhadvzdjomnej polym6rnych doje vfhodn6ak fdinnostaditivaje zalolenAna vz6jomnej mie6atel'nosti zloliek[47].Jednaz nichje zaparametra interakcii s polym6rom aleboje jednoznadne funkciou stup- loZend na stanoveni mieSatel'nosti MP (misclbiliparameter na disperzity aditiva Na vlpo6etMP m6Zebyt pouZitri ty parameter). Aditfva s[ s polym6rom nemie5atel'n6. Pozamie5anivzni-rozpustnosti 6 komponentov A a B: kaji tzv.kompozity, ktor6sa vyznacujri dvomaf6zami(napr. M P = ( 6 A- 6 8 ) 2 (16) polym6rov). zmesisemikryStalickfch Tak6tosyst6mys0 4ihodn6,ak je p6sobenie aditivzalolendna individudlnychpridom6 zahfria prispevkydisperznfch 60,poldrnych6o fyzikdlnych vlastnostiach zloZiek. a vodlkovlich6uinterakcii. je obmedzend. Mie5atelhost Aditivasa aditlva polym6rov Oblastmie5atelhosti koreSpondovala s hodnotouparametpribliZne0,1. zmie5avaj0 s polym6rom len6iasto6ne a v syst6me s0 pri- ra mie5atelhosti je uihodnf,ak tomn6dvefdzy.Tentosp6sobpremie5ania Technologickdzn65anlivostm6Zebyt vyjadrendpomocou sa posobenie aditivuskuto6riuje na fdzovomrozhrani[1]. odchlilkynejaklTch experiment6lne vyhodnotenfchparametViic5inapolym6rnych dvojic,ktor6sa zmesuj0pri pripra- rov od aditivnejhodnoty.Okoroafor,Willemairea Agassant ve zmesnyich vl6kienvykazuj0nedostatodnti mie5atelhos{ i odvodilisymetrick6zmieSavaciepravidlopre viskozitudvoch pozitivnu kompatibilitu i mieSatelhos{ zloZiek[48].Pravidlopredpokladd sa m6Ze nemiesatelhlich [41].lch zndSanlivost zlepsitpouZitim aditiv- kompatibiliz6torov. odchflku pre zmes s viskozitoudisperznejfazy (nd)vii65ou Z termodynamick6ho hladiska v5eobecne m6Zeme sprd- ako u polymernejmatrice(q,) a ovel'aviic5ou viskozitou priichzmie5avanipopisat vaniedvochpolym6rov Flory-Hug- medzifazovejvrstvy(n) oproti polym6rnymzloZkdm.Negaginsouim termodynamickfm modelom. Tentomodeljezalo- tivna odchyilkasa predpokladdak medzitlza m6 ovela niZje spojen6so Siuviskozituako obidve zlolky v zmesi. Medzit{zavzrasl6 Zen!natom,Zezmieiavanie dvochpolym6rov zmenouGibbsovej volhejenergie: s 6asom mie5ania.Sila medzif6zovejvrstvy a viskozitazdAGm: Gas- (G^+ Qr) visi hlavneod adhezlvnejviizby. Smykov6napiitie (Smyko- (12) vd nichlosf)a viskozitazlo2iekv procesezmieSavaniavplfvajti na makro5truktdruorientovanfchvldkien pripravenfch kdeAG" - Gibbsovd vol'n6energiazmieSavania, Ga,Gs, z polym6rnychzmesi. Go,-Gibbsov6volh6 komponentovA energie a Bv separo- Viskozitudispergovanejfazy a polym6rnejmatriceurduje vanomstave,resp.v ichzmieSanom stave. kinetikazmie5avania.Ak viskozitadispergovanejt6zy ho pri ur6i\ichkoncentrdcidch,vysokoprevy5ujeviskozitupolym6rneho Dvapolymery s0 mie5atelh6 m6dia11,deform6prektor6s0 splnen6s06asnedve nerovnice: cia dispergovanfchcasticje mald.V opadnompripadepri AGM<0 62AGy/6q1 > 0 ( 1 3 ) vySSejviskozitepolym6rnejmatrices[ deforma6n6podmienky pre 6asticedispergovanejtazy ovel'avlihodnej5ie[a9]. ( 1 4 ) Podl'atrojvrstvov6homodelum6ZemeSmykov6napdtiet v druhej vrstve napr. v dispergovanejtAze, ak prv0 a tretiu - objemonizlomokpolym6ru1. kde <p1 vrstvu reprezentujepolym6rnamatrica,odvoditpodla vztaF l o r y - H u g g i n s o vt d e o r i a r e p r e z e n t u j eG i b b s o v f v o l ' n 0 n u : energiuzmie5aniaizotermick6hodeja ako sumu dvoch pr[?_n|i ,_,11/1_,12/2_,13/3 spevkov,ktor6opisujrldva hlavn6aspektyzmieSavania (17) entalpicklia entr6piclqi : A G u = A H M- T . A S M je Smykovd nichlost vo vrstve1, 2,3 a ( 1 5 ) kde ii kde AH" - entalpiazmieSavania, ASy - entr6piazmie5avania,T - teplota. 102 iz = (vIH)I(H- zh)lH+ (ehlH)nlnrl-' (18) Vldkna a textll 11 (3) 99-105 (2004) Vyiskum Research kde H - vzdialenostokrajovprvej a tretejvrstvy,h - hrilbka prvejvrstvy(zhodn6s tretouvrstvou),v - nichlostvrchnfch okrajov(nichlostdolnfch okrajov= 0) Ak je viskozitadispergovanejf{zyovela viid5iaako viskozita matrice,potomr12ft1md vysok0hodnotua i" -+ 0,6i2e p o d m i e n k yz m i e 5 a v a c i e h op r o c e s u n i e s [ v y h o v u j l c e . V opadnompripade,ak je viskozitamatricevySSiaako viskozitadispergovanejzlo2ky,potom sa maximumSmykovej 4ichlostivypoditapodla vztahu: nie granul6tupolymerupigmentamivo vhodnejmie5adke.Pri tomto sp6sobesa na povrchugranfl polym6ruzachytilen mal6 mnoZstvopigmentua pri dal5omspracovanlsa vyiaduje zariadenie,v ktorompri tavenidoch6dzak dostacujutaveniny.Preto sa tento postup cemu premieSavaniu v minulostipouZlvallen pre menejndrodn6farbeniena svetl e j 5 i e o d t i e n e .A v 5 a k p o s t u p n l i mv f v o j o m s a d o s p e l o k urcilim zlep5eniama v sfdasnostisa tento postuppouZiva aj na n6rocn6uirobky. Na zachyteniepigmentuna povrchu granr.rl sa pouZlvaj0pojidl6,obvykles dispergacnfm polyolefinysa pouZivadioktylsulfojantaran Pre 0dinkom. (1e) ir= vl(H 2n) sodnliv kombindciis benzoanomsodnlimako nuklea6nlim predeformdciu dasticstl ove- 6inidlom,d'alejs mineralnym olejoma stedranomv6penatfm a podmienky dispergovanyich I'auihodnejSie. kyselin.Pre polyamidysu ako klzadloma neutraliz6torom polyetyl6nglykoly, vlakienje nosicompig- vhodn6vysokomolekulov6 Vzhladom na to, 2e prefarbenie resp.in6 nizpolym6r mentuv koncentrdte identickfs farbenlmpolym6- kotavitel'n6 antistatik6alebo dispergadn66inidld[58].Sfte rom,mie5atel'nost tfchto zlo2iekm6Zuovplyvnitnajmtiad- odtienevldkiena f6liisa dosiahnI poprd5enim tzv. preddispigmentami h6znea koh6zneviizbypolym6rneho nosidapigmentu pergovanlimi alebotuhfmipastamis nosi6omna pigmentu vovldk- b6ze ni25ietavitelhlichpolym6rovalebojednoduch5fchzhiDistriblcia a rovnomernost a dispergdtora. kompatibilitu a mieSatelhost6enin.Tlim sa zabr6ni,na rozdielod predchadzaj0cich nachm6Zeuf'znamne ovplyvnit sp6polym6rom sobovfarbenia,vznikuaglomerdtovpigmentova tyimaj dekoncentrovanlich disperziiso z6kladnlTm vla- fektomvyfarbenia.Pri pouZitidisperziialebo nizkotaviacich a ndsledne tieZStruktdru i geometrick0 nerovnomernost pri6omjedvldkiena v mechanickfch pojivsa na mie5aniepouZlvadvojicamie5adiek, kien,ktor6sa prejavlv priereze vlastnostiach na je s ohrevoma druhds chladenim.V prvejmie5a6kedo[50,51]. vo viacerlichprdcach chddzak rozotretiudisperziena povrchu granfl a v druhej Tfmitoprobl6mami sa zaoberali zdvislosti. V tfchtoprdcachsa Stu- dochddzak stuhnutiutohtopigmentov6ho a bolizistendzaujlmav6 obalu,6im sa vf(visko- raznezjednodu5imanipuldciaso zafarbenfmmateridlom. vlastnosti dovalireologick6 koncentrdtov a polym6rov zita,odklonod newtonovsk6ho toku,po6iatocne napdtie, Niektor6polym6ry(napr.PA, PES) moZnofarbitv hmote waroqia aglomeradnli koeficient) a stanovilasa tieZichfil- aj bez pridavkupojiv.Pri urdihichpodmienkachsa dosiahne Vldknafarben6v hmote migr6ciafarbivado povrchovlichvrstievgran0lpolym6ru, trovatelhost za urditfchpodmienok. (prierez) sa hodnotili z hlhdiskageometrickej a Struktfrnej napr. pouZitfmrotacnlichsu5iarni,kde je niZ5iateplotaako (pevnost, nerovnomernosti taZnosta ich rozptyl). teplotataveniapolym6ru[59],ale pri ktorejprebiehadifrizia Bolidokdzan6nasled ujfce zdvislosti farbivado polym6ru.Dal5oumoZnostouje pouZitienichlo152-57 l: - ql'znamnfvplyvkinetiky mieSania na nerovnomernost vld- mie5a6iek,v ktoryichv dosledkun{razov gran0lna seba alekienfarbenfchv hmote bo na stenymie5adkydoch6dzak premenekinetickejener- priamo0mernd zdvislostmedzifiltrovatel'nostou a vis- gie na tepelnri,6imvznik6miestneprehriatiepovrchugran0l, je skonpigmentu do umoZnimigr6ciu kozitou koncentr6tov na koncentr6ciu bezohl'adu farbivdo polym6ru[60].Farbenie - priamoumernA zdvislost medzigeometrickou nerovnomer- den6vtedy,ked'granulatnadobudnevysolqilesk.Slitostfanos{ouPETvl6kiena filtrovatel'nostou PETkoncentrdtov riebzdvisiodvelkostigranil polym6ru,cim md granuldtvii65i pouZivanyich povrch,tfm s[ odtienesyitej5ie. na vyfarbenie tfchtovldkien Okrem toho sa pri farbeni - zdvislostmedzinerovnomernostou vldkiena tvarovfm v ryichlomieSadkdch vyZadujeSo5ovkov!granul6tbez hrdn, pretoZeobrusovanimtlichto hrdn vznikd prach, ktoqi viaZe a aglomeradnlim koeficientom - nepriamoUmernd pevnosti nediZenfch velk6 mnoistvofarbivaa \im sp6sobujedefeKy pri zafarbenl zdvislost a taZnosti vldkienod geometrickej nerovnomernosti vldkiencharak- a probl6mypri spracovani.Toto je tzv. suchf sp6sobfarbepriemerutfchtovldkien. rozptylom terizovanej nra vldkien,f6liia plastickfchlatok. Nazdklade t'lichto vyisledkov a z nichodvodenfch zAverov Za farbenie v hmote sa povaZujea1povrchov6 farbenie moZnoformulovat zlo2enie koncentrdtov vo vzta- granil za mokra u polym6rov,kto16moZnopovrchovofarbit, ootim6lne vo vlirobnomprocese. hu k ichspracovatel'nosti Farbenieprebiehav extrakcnom napr.polyamidy. zariadeni, v ktoromsa v prvejf6ze vyperiemonomdra v druhejfdze sa polym6rzafarbi.Na svetl6odtienea nen6rocn6aplik6ciesa polym6r'larbiu2 pri granulaciiv chladiacomk[peli, kde sa 3 Technol6gia farbeniav hmote namiestovody pouZlvaroztokfarbiva. Technol6gia farbenia v hmotesa vyvfjala viacmenejpre Najstar5imsposobomfarbeniav hmote aj pre narocn6 polypropyl6nov6 vl6kna,av5akv s0dasnosti sa Ispe5ne aplik6cie1efarbeniev priebehupolykondenzdcle,ktordprepouZiva aj predal5ietypyvldkien,najmiipolyamidov6 a poly- biehapomalya moino ju kontrolovat. Pigmentydispergovaesterov6. Bolovypracovanfch niekolkopostupov farbenia n6 v monom6risa pridavajfpred polykondenzdciou alebo poZiadavkAmpo6asjej priebehu.Pigmentys0 dlhf cas vystaven6vysoklim vlAkien v hmote,ktor6viacmenejzodpovedaj[ kladenfmna tietoprocesy.Najviic5idoraz sa kladiepredo- teplotdm,takZemusiabyt tepelnestabiln6,inertn6a nesmti vSetkyim na kvalitudispergacie, na farebnfsortiment, a silu ovplyvriovatpriebehpolykondenz6cie. Prechodz jedn6ho podmienok vyfarbenia, d'alejna ndrodnost na vfrobnfch odtieia na druh! je pri kontinualnej 4irobe z hladiskadistezariadeniach a v nemalejmiere aj na ekonomick0 nia strojov6hozariadeniavel'mindkladnf.Tentosposobsa vfhodnostpostupov. p o u Z l v an a f a r b e n i el e n m 6 l o o d t i e h o vv l d k i e n ,h l a v n en a a energetickri pripadnesa pouZivana farbenie V s06asnosti sa na farbeniechemicklich vldkienv hmote ciernoa bielo(matovanie), pouZfva niekolkopostupov. plastovmasovejvyiroby,vAd5inouanorganicklmi pigmentaNajjednoduch5im farbeniav hmoteje popr65e- mi, pripadnetermostabilnymi spdsobom organicklmipigmentami[61]. Vl'kna a textll 11 (3) 99-105 (2004) 103 Vliskum Research vlirobyje naj4ihodnej5ie Pre kontinudlne i diskontinualne farbenie vysokokoncentrovanlmi farebnlmi disperziami pigmentami), preddispergovanlmi (pastami,koncentretmi, ktor6sa priddvaj[ k zdkladn6mupolym6rurdznymisposobmi a na rdznychstupioch spracovania. Pri kontinu6lnychvfrobach je najvhodnejSiinjekin,i sp6sob, pri ktoromsa tekut6aleboroztaven6disperzieddvkujri do taveninyzdkladn6hopolym6ru,s ktoqimsa v dal5omprocese homogenizuj0a prfpadnee5te filtrujO.Na taveniesa pouZivaj0zdvitovkov6taviacezarladenia(extr0najcastejSie zasa r6znedruhyhnedery,zavitovky),na homogenizdciu mieSanieaxidlne(po osi) i radidlne tacov,zabezpe6ujOcich (napriec).Spr6vneddvkovanieje zabezpecen6zubovlimi pricomtreba dodrZiavaturcit6tlakov6pomery derpadlami, tak, aby rozdieltlakovpredaza derpadlombol kon5tantnli. V pripadefarbeniatekutfmi pastamisa poZadujeaZ nulovyi tlakow rozdiel,ktoryimo2noregulovatpomocnlim6erpadlom, ktor6hoot6ckysa regulujriv z6vislostina tlaku pred davkov a c i m c e r p a d l o m ,a l e b o k t o r e h oo t 6 6 k y s 0 k o n 5 t a n t n 6 a potrebnlitlak sa udrZiavaprepuStacim ventilomnastavenym na urdibjtlak. Predderpadlomsa vyZadujeurditftlak (15 MPa podl'aviskozity)potrebnyna dostatodn6plneniederp a d i e l .T e n t o t l a k s a u e x t r 6 d e r o vd o s a h u j eo t 6 d k a m i zdvitovky.Pastysa obvykleddvkujripri normdlnejteplote (alebolen mdloprehriate),aby ichviskozitabolado najvyS5ia. Aby nedo5lok stuhnutiupolymeruza ddvkovacfmderpadlom, prechodpastydo taveninyzabezpe6ujejednosmerneprep [ S t a c i v e n t i l a l e b o t z v . h o r u c e ( v y h r i e v a n e c) e r p a d l o s vyS5oukapacitoud5vkovaniaako ddvkovacie.ZvliSend k a p a c i t a s a d o s i a h n e v y 5 5 i m i o t d d k a m i ,a s i o 1 0 % , v porovnanIsd6vkovaclm6erpadlom.Filtrdciasa v ndro6nejSichvfrobachzabezpedujevelkoploSnyimi sviedko4imifiltrapracujricimi filtrami. mi, alebokontinudlne Pre farbeniena poZadovanfodtiei sa pouZivaj0bud'farebn6disperzies pomerompigmentovpotrebnlimna danli granuodtiei, alebozmes farebnfchdisperzii,najdastej5ie lovan;7ch monokoncentrAtov zdkladnyichpigmentovv prlsluSjednotliviich nom pomere.Aby sa prediSlo odmie5avaniu disperzifv zmesi(vplyvomrozdielnehoelektrostatickeho n6boja) priddvasa pri pripravezmesigranuldtovmal6 mnoZstuo(prostriedku(polyglykoly, polyglykolfos0,05%)antistatick6ho nasypkypolym6ru, bud'dostredunadvretenom, alebodo prednej6astindsypkyoddelenej prepdZkou siahajticou aZ k vretenu.Zariadenia na principepdsovlich vdh,alebodiferen6n6ho odvaZovania umoZriujri ddvkovatprd5kov6 i graprostriedky priamodo streduvstupuzdnulovan6 farbiace granulovan6ho polym6ru kladneho taviaceho zariadenia cez pomocn6 potrubie. 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E C H A N I C AP LROPERTIES VALUATION C O R D SB Y T H E R M A L O F A R A M I D EA N D P O L Y A M I D E STRAIN Hodnotenie fyzikdln o-mechanick,ich v lastnosti aramidov,!ch a polyamidov,ichkordov po tepelnom namdhani The diplomawork deals on the relationbetweentemperapropertiesof reinforcingmateture and physical-mechanical rials- aramidand polyamidcordnglefibres,it's essential properties, the most oftenapplicationof aramidand polyamid fibresand also basicconstructions of reinforcing materials applicatedin tyre industry. Experimentalpart of diplomawork is concernedwith the fundamentalmethods,which were used in measuringproproperties. cessof physical-mechanical On the basisof this methodsthe resultsof singleparts,whichtook placein the heatingthermalspace,were gained.The resultsare formed in tablesand graphs.Finally,it is possibleto say that both materials dependeson thetemperature. The aramidecordsare much more resistantagainstthe effectsof hightemperatures than polyamidecordsand thereforeare usedfor racingtyres. Ludmila Belkotiakov6 INFLUENCO E F T E C H N O L O G I C ACLO N D I T I O N-S J E R K ROLLER PROCESSING O F P O L Y E S T E HF I B R E SO N C H A R A C T E RM S A D EF L E E C E Vplyvtechnologick,ichpodmienok- mykaciehovalca- spracovania polyesterovychvldkien na vlastnostivyrobendho runa The diplomawork is orientedon valuationof physicaland propeftiesof fleeces,whichwas madefromholmechanical - chan' parameters lowsPESfibres,by changetechnological ge set positionsthe jerk roller. Of thesecut PES was made fleeceswith differentcharacters,whichare usedas fillerto the blankets.By fleecethe dimensionalstabilityand deformationcharacterswas tested. Makromorfologic structureof fleece was evaluatedwiths image analysis.On the base of valuationstructure'sand physical's- mechanical'scharactersof fleeceswe determened relationsfor usefulqualitesthose products. Alibeta Ciiove OF THE DISPERSEDYES BY THE ACID SUBSTITUTION D Y E S D U R I N GT H E D Y E I N G O F T H E P O L Y A M I D E KNITWEARS Jaroslav Trdvnik P R O G R E S S I VTEY P E SP P F I B R EW I T H O U T - D O W NI N . Ndhrada disperzn,lchfarbiv kysl,imifarbivami pri farbeni polyamidov'ich pletenin FLAMMABILITY The thesissolvethe problemof the substitution PROGRESIVNETYPYPP VUKIEN SO ZN:ZENOUHOR. of the disperse dyes by the acid dyes duringthe dyeing of the polyaLAVOSTOU Diplomawork was addictedto evaluationof effect of va- mide knitwearsat TechnopolTrikora,a.s. Vrbov6.The dispersedyes show lowerwet fastnessand do not realizethe riousfire retardants, and it's quantityin fibresto physicalrequirements. mechanicalpropeftiesof fibresand regards an ef- human-ecological fect of fire retardantsto the value of limitoxygenindex(LOl), It was foundthe suitablecombination of the aciddyesand the recipesfor the imitationof the fixed patternswere propoas dependenceof varietyand quantityof used retardants. sed.The appearanceof the dyeingpolyamideknitwearsacBc. HelenaBack5rov6 cordingto proposedrecipesmostlyshowthe excellentresults L I N K I N GA N A L Y S EO F G A R M E N TC O M P O N E N T W S I T H of the tests of fastness.The economiccomparisonbetween AND STRUCTU. the appliedgroupof dyestuffand the new proposedgroupof TREADSOF DIFFEFIENT COMPOSITION t-ttr dyestuffis in disadvantage to acid dyes.But the advantage ANAL,?ZA SPAJANIA ODEVN,?CH SUEASTOKNiAMI of thatgroupof the dyesis theirexcellentcolourfastnessand quality. favourablehuman-ecological R'ZNEHOZLOZENIA A STRUKTURY Thediploma worktreatswithwheels-influence of sewing As a resultthe proposedsort of the acid dyes could be reforsewingabilityandchanging commendedas the equalsubstitution machine of mechanic-physof the formerlyused icalcharacteristics in theconditions of confection oroduction dispersedyes. Inc.P0chov. in the Makyta, Miroslav Smoldas AndreaL6niov6 EFFICIENCY C O M P A R E SS O C K SP R O D U C T I O N FROM PROPERTIESC O L O R E DA N D U N B L E A C H E DY A R N I N C O M P A N Y VALUATION OF PHYSICAL.MECHANICAL ANDPOLYESTER CARCASS SILKSUNDER TATRASVIT@ OFVISCOSE SVIT_ SOCKS,INC. HEATSTRAIN Porovnanieefektivnostiv'iroby pono2iek z farebnich a reLHodnotenie fyzikAlnomechanickych vlastnostivisk6zov,!ch nych priadzi v spoloinostiTatrasvit' S V/I-SOCKS,a.s. a polyesterovlchkordov,ichvlakienpri tepelnomnamdhani Graduationthesescomparessocksproductionefficiency Thediploma workis oriented on valuation of physical-me-from coloredand unbleachedyarn in companyTatrasvit@ facilities viscose andpolyester silks.Expe- SVIT- SOCKS,inc..The experimental sectionanalysesthe chanical carcass paftof theworkis oriented rimental onthemonitoring of phy- p r o d u c t i o ns c h e d u l eo f t h e c o m p a n yT a t r a s v i t €S' V I T likea strenght, sical-mechanical facilities tensibility, extension SOCKS,inc.from severalpointof view.Consequently themodulus of 90Nand45N andtoughness of polyester and re is a suggestionof socksfrom colorand unbleachedyarn viscose carcass reduction silksundertemperature andincre- appropriateto comparisonfrom productiontechnologyand Vipotest productionefficiencypointof view. On the tail end of work ase.Workwas realizedin accredited laboratory s.r.o.- branchPrichov. 106 vldknaa rexriT 11 (3) 106-109 (2004) Z vedeckovfskumnfcha vfvojovfch pracovisk NewsfromDepartments proposalof socksproduction of ladies'and men's withpositi- dellingof the basiccuttingconstructions is an improvement clothesfor the needsof educationat the secondaryschoolsve economic effect. diplomawork alsorefersto reat the branchof clothing.The gularconnections of anatomy,somatometry, and DanielaDemjanovi6ov5 GROUPOF DYESFOR constructionsystemof the cut construction. CHOICE OF THECONVENIENT DYEING FIBRES OF POLYESTER PES M o n i k aS u r 6 V,iBERVHzDNEJSKUPINY FARB|VPREFARBENIE iEs,qrucn DETERMINATION O F Q U A L I T Y P A R A M E T E R SO F AND MECHANICAL S E W I N GT H R E A D SO N P H Y S I C A L P A R A M E T E RO SF S E A M SA I M E DF O RS E W I N GO F S P E . CLOTHES CIAL PROTECTIVE STANOVENIEVPLYVUKVALITAT|VNYCH PARAMETROV Suacicu Ntri NA v'isLEDNE FyztKALNo-MECHANtcKE PARAMETRE SVOV PAZ XONFEKCIONOVANIE SPTAEINYCH OCHRANN'?CHODEVOV. Diplomaworkdealswith determination of qualityparameters of specialsewingthreadsand their influenceon physical and mechanicalparametersof seamsin case of sewing of considersaboutfibreswith reducedimflammability and aromaticpolyamides- aramids. Alibeta Dubjelovii PREPARATION OFTHESPORTS SOCKSFROMCOMPO- The aim of this diplomawork is specifyingof parametersof FIB- s p e c i a sl e w i n ga r a m i dt h r e a d s .l t f i n d so u t t h e i rf i n e n e s s , SITION OFTHEFIBRES ONTHEPOLYPROPYLENE numberof windingsper one meter,solidityand ductilityduRESBASIS PripravaSportov,ich termoponoZiekZo zmesivl1kienna ringherniation.Were employedtwo meta-aramidethreadsNtech 40 and N-tech70 and two para-aramidethreadsK-tech bdzepolypropyl6nov,ich vldkien Graduation andevalua- 50 and Ktech 75. The biggestsolidityduringherniationof thesisis aimedat thepreparation tionoftheutilityqualities of thesportsthermo-socks withva- seamand the smallestshiftof threadsin seamwas recogniriousmaterial comoosition of thefibres.Thebasicrawma- zed in specialfabric100 % Nomexwithsquarelyweight265 terialfor the production of the socksis the PP fibresand g / m2incombinationwith specialsewingthreadN{ech 40. PPfibrescalledbiostatandsanitized. Thereforewas recommendidenticalcharactersof special antibacterial modified Themainpartof thethesisis dedicated to theevaluation of sewingthreadsand specialfabricin case of sewingof spequalities theutilityqualities, thephysical of cial orotectiveclothes. andmechanical Merina, disperse dyesfordyAt present, a.s.usesSerilene fibre.TherearealsoSerilene VX dyesinthe eingof polyester marketwhichofferreduced dyeingtime. Thethesiscompares thesetwotypesof dyesfromthedypointsof view.Thequality eingquality anddyeingeconomy of dyeingcan be considered according to the testsof dyeingfastness. resultsit is recommended Basedontheachieved to Merina,a.s.substituted the Serilenedyesfor the VX Serilene dyesin orderto improveits production effectiveness. the mentioned fibresand productsin the laboratory conditions.Thispartcontains alsotheevaluation of thesportsther- E r i k aS u 1 6 O F Y A R N S P I N N I N GA N D D O U B L I N G mo-socks' utilityqualitiesby wearingthemby fivetesting I N F L U E N C E ON persons. E N DA T T R I B U T EO S F F I B E R SA I M E DF O R Theresultvaluesof theutilityqualities indicators are S T R U C T U R A OF CORDSAND ROPES listedintablesandelaborated intothegraphic dependences.PREPARATION Inthediscussion andconclusion of thethesisthereareeva- VPLYVPROCESUSUKANIAA ZDRUZOVANIANA STAUXluatedadvantages anddisadvantages of thesporlsthermo- TORUA yLASTNOST VLAKIENPREPR|PRAVIJPIVRA. socksandthe proposalfor realization and extension of the ZOV A LAN production The diplomawork dealswith studyof processconditions withthe additional sockscollection. J6n Durech APPLICATION OFTHECAMTECHNOLOGY TOTHEAU. TOMATIC DESIGNS CUTTING OF FABRIC STRIPE AND CHEKEDPATTERNINTHE LADIE'SCLOTHINGPRODUCTION pri automatickom Uplatnenie CAMtechnol6gie rezanimateridlov,ichdezdnovprlZok a kdro v ddmskejkonfekinejv,irobe Thegoalof thethesiswereelaboration andevaluation of variouslayingkindsandwaysof thestripeandthechecked patternfabricsaimingat the mostmodernautomatic and computer techniqueutilization. Ensuringcleancuttingof pansto provide clothing thehighquality throughdesignopquality, whatingluences funcitonal timalization esthetical, and economic levelof products. of spinningand preparingof yarn and streamsusingof polypropylene and polyethylenterephtalate f ibres. It judgesthe influenceof yarn spinningon lenghtof fibres from positionof materialbalanceproductionof cords and ropes.The diplomaworkfollowsbasicphysicaland mechanicalattributesof PP and PET yarns and basicstructuralattributesof PP and PET fibres,yarnsand PP streams. Proportional solidity,ductilityand moduleof elasticityof PP and PET yarnsis determinedby monitoringof physicaland mechanicalattributes.From structuralparameterspointof v i e w t h e d i p l o m aw o r k j u d g e s t h e a v e r a g eo r i e n t a t i o n , crystallineshare of fibres and surfacestructureand inner structureof PP and PET fibres. The diplomaworkwas realizedin companyGleinstein Slovakia,Ltd.whichdealsproductionof cordsand ropes.made fromchemicalfibres,aswellas in FPTTnU AD andVUCHV, a. s., Svit. JanaSulekov6 CONSTRUCTIO A N D M O D E L L I NO GF L A D I E S ' A N DTom65 Janega MEN'SCUTTINGS PREPARATIOO N F N E W B I O D E G R A D A B LTEE N S I D EKonStrukin6 a modelov6rieieniapdnskycha ddmskychstri- FROMOLIGOXYLANS hov PRiPRAVANov'iCH BIoDEGRADABILN,iCHTENzIDoV Thisdiplomaworkdealsthe summaryof the nowadays Z OLIGOXYLANOV knownknowledge Hydrophobisation of low molecularxylanesconventional fromthe branchof construction andmovl^knaa lexrll11 (3) 106-109(2004) 107 Z vedeckovfskumnfch a vfvojovfch pracovisk NewsfromDepartments waywasrealized z karboxymetylSkrobu andunconventional andprepared esters ChemickeSpeciality properties Physico-chemical a functional of O-(carboxyof xylanestestedas a sudaceactivecompounds. performed wascharakteri- methyl)starch derivatives Newprepared by conventional and estersof xylanesderivates pro- unconventional methods wasstudied: dataandexhibited thesefunctional zedbyFT-lRspectral - clasicalesterification - conventional procedure method oerties: - verygoodemulgation (stearoylchloride withacylhalogenides efficiencies andlauroylchlori- goodwashing power undervariousreaction de)in DMF/py/4DMAP, condition andantiredeposition - lowering (moleratio,time,temperature), surface tensionof water - unconventional procedure withfattyacidmethylesters (FAME)solvent freetechnique. KatarinaKurcinov6 R O MM I X T U R E D Water-soluble O-(carboxymethyl)starch PREPARATIO ON F T H E H M O L I N EFS estherswaspreparedwithsurfaceactive properties FIBRES BASED FIBRES and insoluble in water ONPOLYPROPHYLENE TERMOBIELIZNE ZO ZMESI VLAKIENNA withhigherthermalstabilityas a staftingmaterial. PR(PRAVA BAZEPOLYPROPYLENOV'?CU VUXIIN Thethesisareconcentrated on preparation andevaluation Poliakov6Katarina ANDSTUDYOF PROPERTIES featuresof thermolinens withdifferentmate- PREPARATION A NEW of commercial FROMHETEROPOLYSACCHARIDES rialstructure of hosieryyarn.Thestapleof thermolinens are BIOPOLYMERS polyprophylene fibreswithcottonfibresor woolfibres. XYLANS yLAsI/VOSIiNoV,iCHBI)P)LY. partof workevaluates: Theexperimental PR\PRAVA A STUDIUM - physical qualities SACHARI DOV- XYUNOV andmechanikal of hosieryyarnused MEROVZ HETEROPOLY properties for production of thermolinens Thephysico-chemical andpedormance of ne- preparation prepared derivates by partialhydrophobizaof hosieryknttingfor preparation of ther- wlysynthesised products molinens tionof xylanswithvinyllaurate andwithchlorides of higher - physical qualities andmechanical of hosieryknitting for fattyacids.In thispresentworkwereuseda ,,Solvent-free" thermolinens in laboratory conditions synthesis of xylanby transesterification withmethyllaurate. - commercial properties features of preparedbiopolymers were of wornthermolinens Surfaceactive preparedpolymeric Measured valuesarecoveredbychaftsandprocessed into tested.The surfactants exhibited: - verygoodemulsifying graphic efficiency compared withcommerdependance. cialemulsifiers - excellent washingpowercompared KatarinaKyselov6 withsodiumdodecylEVALUATION OF INFLUENCE ON CHANGEOF FORMS sulphate(LaSO.Na) ANDDIMENSIONS OF KNITWEARBY DIFFERENTWAYS - no significantly antiredeposition action - no significantly lowersurfacetensionof water. OFDRYING HODNOTENIE VPLYVIJ ROZNYCH SPOSOEOY SUSEN/A PLETEN1N NAZMENYICHROZMEROV PO PRAN1 Diploma workwasoriented on changeofformsanddimen- M6ria2ilkov waysof drying.Therewere THE INFLUENCE sionsof knitwearby different OF THERMOFIXATION OF COTTON somesamplesof differentkindsof knitwearwithdifferent AND MIXTUREKNITTINGSTO DIMENSIONAL STABILIry material composition testedfor changeof formanddimen- ANDSTREADINESS OFCOLOURS waysof drying. Theaim VPLYVTERMOFIXACIE BAVLNEN'?CH A ZMESOVICH sionsafterwashing underdifferent of the workwasto compareeveryindividual wayof drying, UPLETOVNA ROZMEROVUSTABILITU A STALOFAREBrecommend the bestwayof drying. NOSr Alldatawerecollected andinsertin to thetableanddiaThepurposeof mythesiswasto makea research of thergram. mofixation of cottonandmixtureknittingto dimensional stabilityandsteadiness of colours.Theresearch of theinfluenM6riaLen6rtov6 ce of thermofixation has beendoneat Inc.Slovenka in According COMBINATIONMODIFICATIONSTEXTILES SPECIFIED BanskdBystrica. to theresultsof measurements FORPROTECTIVE CLOTHINGS sometermofixation equipment wereestablished for some IJPRAVYTEXT|LIi UREENE PRE typesof knitmaterial. The resultsof the research KOMBINOVANE allowto predictbehaviour of different OCHRANNE ODEVY typesthermofixation. Inthisdiploma workadjusted cottonfabricassigned for a workingclothings forwelding,bywhichachieved Bc. Sironov6Lenka application - DOF. for a shorttermcontactfabric INFLUENCE effectloweringinflammability OFTECHNOLOGICAL CONDITIONS _ PROCESSING modification witha flame.Afterfireproof comeaboutslump FERROLLER OFPESFIBRES ONMADE inwashing. foftresstextileandhadstability On pattern, which FLEECE CHARACTERS podmienok- snimacieho was adjusted withcombination fireproofmodification with Vplyvtechnologickych valca- spramodification hydrophobic achieved a slightwettedon surfa' covaniepolyesterovfchvl1kienna vlastnostivyroben6ho claimsfor protective clothings. r0na ce of textile,whichsuitable Fireproof andhydrophobic modification hasbeenappliedon physical workwasfocused fabricalsoin Levitex a.s.Leviceand inflammabilitv to veriThediploma on valuation and fiedin PTEUMVSR in Bratislava. mechanical characters of fleeces,especially dimensional stabilityof preparedfleecesimmediately aftermadeand in DanielaMoSkovd determined timedependencies. FS R O MC A R B O X Y M E T H Y L -Fleeces weremadeof twotypesPESshearsfibres,wheC H E M I C ASLP E C I A L I T I E positions. STARCH reasdofferrollerwasseton threedifferent Unwo108 vldknaa rexrrT 11 (3) 106-109 (2004) Z vedeckovfskumnfch a vyivojovfch pracovfsk ven materials madeof thesefibresare usedas fillerto the blankets. We observedthe deformation charactersby fleece,too. Withimageanalysisthe structureof preparedfleeceswas evaluated, whereasthe ratioof fibresand air was determined.In conclusion prepawe judgedthe relations between rationconditions andfleececharacte News from Departments Thepresented diploma workexamins theinfluence of oolypropylene fibers,whichare madefor physicalactivitysorptionof oil materials fromaquamediumby nonwoven materials in ditferentmakromorfological struckture. In the firstphasein the experimental partof thisdiploma work,thereare evaluated physicaland mechanical properpoftion,microscopic photosof sudaceandthe ties,crystalline transverse cutsof prepared samplesof polypropylene stap- to JanaUrbanov6 STRUCKTURE ANDPROPERTIES EKOPOLYPROPYLE- In the secondphasethere are evaluatedphysicaland meNEFIBROUSES MATERIALS chanicalpropertiesof nonwovenmaterialsand physicalac- SrnuxruanA vLAsrNosrt EKopoLypRopyLENotivity* vic H VLAKN IT! c H M ATERI AL)V VlAknaa textil11 (3) 106-109(2004) sorptionof oil materialsfrom aqua medium. 109 Z vedeckovliskumnfch a vfvojovyichpracovlsk NewsfromDepartments SEPAROVANIE ROPNVCH IATOT Z ODPADOVYCH VOO Met6dasa zaklad6na aplikdciiSpeci6lnych PP vldknitlich materidlovpre separdciuropnlichlatokz vodn6hoprostredia. Komplexn6rie5eniepozostdvazo vz6jomnenadvdzuj0cich dvoch casti: - koagul6ciaropnfch latok na hladineodpadovlichv6d 0cinkomSpeciAlnej zmesildtokSLOVMOBIL-u a ich n6sledn6mechanick6odstrdnenie - adsorpdn6dodistovanieodpadoqichv6d vlakni\imima(profilovanyimi, teridlmiso Speci6lnou Strukt0rou dutlmi polypropyl6no4imi a aditivovanfmi vldknami- dalejlen EKO-PPvlakna) Postupkomplexn6ho rie5eniana oddelbvanieropnfchldtok z odpadovlichv6d a jeho aplikaciasa overovalana cispodniku(prilohal). tiarniodpadovfchv6d v priemyselnom SLOVMOBILje Specidlnazmes organicklchldtok(vysokorafinovan6 alifatick6uhlbvodiky,kondenza6n6produkty prirodnfchmastnlichalkoholovs etyl6noxidom).Tdto latka umoZnujevytladenieropnlch filmovz vodnejhladiny,ktorf je moZn6odstrdnitodderpanimaleboadsorpciouna por6znych materi6lov(ako sorp6n6materialysa osved6iliSpeci6lnetypy). Ako sorpcnti6inidloropnfchlatoksri vyu2lvan6Specialne p o l y p r o p y l 6 n o vv6l d k n a ,p r o f i l o v a n 6d, u t 6 a a d i t i v o v a n 6 . EKO-PPvlaknaboliuolatnen6vo formevlaknitehomateriAlu - netkanejtextilie.Po dlhodobejSich sk0Skach v trvaniniekolkomesiacovna mechanickomodlucovaciropnVchlatok COV Uolivytipovandnajfcinnej5ieEKO-PPvldkna-avldknite materialy(priloha2). 5. AO 6. 275 806 Polypropyl6novfvlaknitliritvar (PV 6. 09072-87.8 zo dna 11.12.1987- platnostpatentudo 12. 6.1995) 5. M. Jambrich,J. Kletik,J. Horvath,K. Trubac,J. Hudak, M . R e v f s : I n . : P r e d n d 5 k a n a 2 4V . e d e c k e kj o n f e r e n c i i toxikol6gia" SpiSskaNovdVes, 2.4.10na ,,Priemyseln6 2004, K o l e k t i va u t o r o v : JambrichM., Fakultapriemyselnlch technologiiTnU AD, P1chov 020 32, T.Vansovej1054/45, e-mail: KlatikJ., Trubac K.. Huddk J., Revfs M., Slovnaft,a.s. Bratislava Dochodca V,iskumn,!tstav chemickych vldkien, a.s. Svit,Stlrova, 059 21 Svit Slovenskdspoloinosf priemyselnejch6mie, Radlinskeho9, Bratislava Dosiahnutf tidinok rieSenia K o m p l e x n 6r i e S e n i eb o l o -a p l i k o v a n 6n a m e c h a n i c k o m odludovadiropnyichl6tokna COV v Slovnafte,a.s.,Bratislava. SLOVMOBILbol aplikovanlina vstupeaj vlstupe z 6istiarne odpadovfchvod a EKO-PPvldknaboliaplikovan6len na vlistupez 6istiarneodpadoqichv6d vo forme adsorpdn6ho v6d vypriStanfchdo povrchovlichv6d - recido6istovania pientuMalf Dunaj. VyuZivaniekomplexn6horieienia na do6istovanie odpadovfch vod COV umoZriuje6istitodpadovevody na riroveli ur6en[orgdnomStatnejvodnejsprdvypre ukazovatel'NEL, t.j. 0,6 mg/l (priloha3). Problematika EKO-PPvldkiena adsorpdn6ho dodistovapopinia odpado4ichvod od ropnfch ldtokje podrobnejSie sand v nasledujricichprfspevkoch: 1. M. Jambrich,A. Murdrovd,A. Supik,P. Jambrich,J. L6lik, J. Kl6tik:VlastnostiEKO-OPvldkiena moZnostiich vyuZitia,Ropaa uhliec. 37(1)72-77,1995 2. M. Jambrich,P. Jambrich,A. Stupdk:Struktlraa vlastn o s t i P P v l d k i e ns o z m e n e n o up r i e d n o ug e o m e t r i o u , polym6rya Zbornikz XVlll. Konferencie,,Vldknotvorn6 ich spracovanie", Svit 199'1,12-16 3. M. Jambrich,R. Simo,O. Durcovd:Preparation of Profiled PolypropyleneFibres,ln: The FourthInternational C o n f e r e n c eo n P o l y p r o p y l e n eF i b r e s a n d T e x t i l e s , Nothingham, 23.-25.9. 1987,p. 19/1-19/9 4. PV d. 3471-88zo dna 23. 5. 1988 polypropyl6nov6 olejofin6vl6kna 110 P r i l o h a2 vtekna a fextll 11 (3) 110-111 (2004) pracovisk a vyTvojovfch Z vedeckovfskumnlich NewsfromDepartments Sch6inamleq!.ddvkqVanlqa-rberu-ropJVclrtAtoka schinla d*vkovaciahozaiia&nia Legendq : 1 daldovd zdrl 2 esdatcfovych vdd 3 gfavitadnSodolejovafe 4 lamelovJodolejovsd Vistup do MaldhoDunaja $ $$ lamelov6hoodotejova6s S CS kslu 7 objekt*esll eov Slovmobilu dAvkcvanit $lovrnobilu P r f l o h a1 $1$ iij$ ii.i;ni liiiii .lilt . :ir"ii i1xi1',iii :,ii11 .${ {,q :61 :llf ,li-!i' .is cs x!* ,$ iF Q: fi; i{i ifi P r i l o h a3 Vldknaa textil 11 (3) 110-111 (2004) 111 Zo zahranicnyichcasopisov Newsfrommagazines Vfznamnost' Omikenshi: vysokofunk6nfchvl6kien Dvajavel'kivfrobcoviaPEShodv6buvyvijajriv z6mori AS/ANTEXTILE 8US/NESS, 10, 575,Okt6ber,2002,str.32 b6zuprevfrobu materi6ludo interi6rovvozidiel Fa Omikenshi vyrdbamesa6ne1 500t visk6zovej striZe, AS/ANTEXTILE 8US/NESS, 11,576,November, 2002, hlavneprevlastnIpradiaren, doddvkyr4irobcom netkanich str.34-35 japonshich v)tznamn[ textilii, 0lohuhraj[ tieZSpeciiilne visk6zov6 Popisuje strisa obchodn6 strat6gie firiemTorayln- VSs s obsahomskvalenu(prljemvlhkosti, dustries Ze:"Papolis" a TeijinFibersLtd.prezaistenie rast0ceho dopytu hladkliohmat);"Kishu-Binchotan" s obsahom5pecidlnehotextiliipre sedadld automobilov v Thajsku a Cine.Spo6iva v drevn6ho uhlia(radidcia dlhyich lC kidov,fyziol6gia odieva- dovozePEShodvabupretieto06elyz pobo6iek v zAmori: 'l00 t mesadne - s obsahom Torayimportuje nia- teplov zime,nelepisa v lete);"Crabyon" a Teijin10%z domacich (antibakteridlne, protiplesni); chitinu liedive vlastnosti, "Sun- obchodov. Snahouje dalejzvy5ovat tietopodielyprezlepdia"- s obsahomTiO, povrstven)t apatitem(fotokatalyticlfliSenieekonomiky. ZmienujIsa tieZaktivity textilnfch vfrobfcinok,antibakteridlny a dezodoradnli 06inok, tvorbaradika- cov interi6rov Kawashima TextileManufacturers v Cinea - s obsa- Seirenv Thajsku, "Kasumi" lovbezOH prislnednom a UV2iareni,); USA,Brazilii a Cine. polym6ru homprirodn6ho (absorbuje dusikat6ho formalde- preinteridry hyd,dezodordcia na z6clonya tapety). VlirobcoviaPESstriZezvy5uj0vfrobu vliikienpre vf plne Antibakteri6lne vl6knafy Acordisv Ciine AS/ANTEXTILE 8US/NESS, 11,576,November, 2002, AS/ANTEXTILE 8US/NESS, 10,575,Okt6ber,2002, str.43 str.39 FirmaAcordis(UK)spolupracuje s cinskouDezhouCotTchajwansk6 firmyvyrdbaj0ce podielvldPESstriZzvy5ujri tonTextileGroupv provincii Shandong na viivojiantibakte- kienurcenfchprevfplnena rikorvldkienprepradenie: Far rialnych textilii.ProtimnoZeni baK6riisa pouZiva inhibitor ob- Eastern Textilemd kapacitu13 000t/mesiacprevliplnez siahnutliobvyklev zubnfchpastdchneboristnychvoddch. celkovej kapacity 20 000timesiac. Podobne ify NanYa PlasTaktomodifikovan6 vldkno"Amicor" vykazuje dlouhodobf tics4 000t/mesiac, Synthetic Fiber3 000flmesiac, TongHo antibakteridlny [6inok.Priadzezo zmesiAmicor/bavlna sa Spinning andWeawing 1 000t/mesiac. Do USAsa dod6va pouZiv6 prespodn0bielizei,Sportov6 odevy,ponoZky, ute- 30 000VrPESstriZepreuiplne(v USAsadoposial'toto vt6kpostelh0bielizefiap. rdky,prik4ivky, no nevyr6ba). Podporavfvoju textiliiako priemysluhigh-tech '10,575, AS/ANTEXTILE BUSINESS, Oktober,2002, str.5354 pl6nedo r. 2008 Tchajwanska vlddapodporuje v 6-rodnom high-tech technol6gie, vysokom6dnevfrob4;vojtextiliipre ky,textilieprevol'nf6asa 5por1. V prispevku sa zd6raziujri hlavnehigh-tech textilie, vlrobkyz elektrovodivlich vldkien zaridelom tienenia elektromagneticlqich vin,prevysokodist6 odevy(uniformy). UvddzajIsa tieZmoZnosti doddvok hightechtextiliiprearmddu, ktor6sa doposial'dovdZajt. Vysokofunk6n6textilie AS/ANTEXTILE BUS/NESS, 12, 577,December, 2002,str. 26-28 Prehl'ad vlivojavysokofunk6nfchtextililv Japonsku, zahriujricikomfort, zdraviea ekol6giu: - fa FujiSpinning - aditivum provitaminu dovl6kien'V-UP" umoZiuj0cipremenuna vitam[nC, ktonisa dostdvacez koZudo tela.Zachovanie funkciei po 30 praniach; - fa Shikibo - priorita "Celgreen" ekol6gie, (modal textilie fy "Chabafresh" (dezodorant/antibakteridlnost), Lenzing), "Aloeju"(s aloe),"Melba"(bahno), "ElaionAF" (olivovli FirmaDyStarsledujerastvldkien olej); AS/ANTEXTILE BUS/NESS, 11,576,November,2002, polym6ruExevaj(vinylacet6t) str. - fa Kuraray- kombindcia s - mikrovldkna, 19-23 PES-vldknom, Airmint,Micromint dutost V 0vodeprlspevku (rozpustnfPVAc),podobneSophista- kombindcia sa popisujerastvlirobyPESvldkienv preautomobily 80.a 90.rokochs aplikdciou a Sporlov6 odeEVOH+PES, (Clacarbo), dal5ievlaknasi antistatick6 fotovy. V silade s tfm prebiehali 47vojdisperznlich farbivpre dezodoradn6, s UV-ochranou. PESu ty DyStar. lchpodielnasvetovom trhudini20%.Stru6ne sa charakterizujrl hlavn6zna6ky: DianixAC-Epresvetl6 FirmaTorayposilnujeobchodvo vzt'ahuk airbagom DianixPLUSpremikrovldkna; odtiene; DianixXF a SF s AS/ANTEXTILE BUS/NESS, 12,577,December, 2002, pre Sportov6 maxim6lnou stAlostou odevy;DianixAM pre str.58 automobily; DianixS presublimadn6 farbenie, DianixP pre TorayIndustries rozhodla o zr4Tsenivfroby PAD66 hodpreluminiscendnd tla6;DianixLuminous a Brilliant farbenie: vdbupreairbagyv Thajskuo cca6 000Vr (poetap6chv r. DianixClassicpreStandardn6 farbenie. Stru6ne sa rozvddza- 2003a 2005)a v Japonsku zo sfdasnlch7 500Urna 15 500 jI t6mydal5ieho vlvoja. t koncomr.2005(postupne o 2 000t v r. 2003).Tomuzodpoveddi zvlisenieprodukcie metr62ev Thajskuna 3,5 mil. Trvanlivfmodifikdtorvnftorn6hopovrchuPPvliikien m/rv r. 2005.Uvadzasa rastpotrebyPAD66 hodvdbuvo ASIANTEXTILE BUS/NESS, 11,576,November, 2002, svetezo 60 000tJrv r.2001na 100000Urv r. 2005.Firma str.25 takreagujena rozhodnutie vyirobcov automobilov o zavedeni FirmaCibaSpecialty pre PP airbagov vyvinulanoviimodifik6tor i na zadnlchsedadlach vozidiel. vlaknas oznacenim lrgasudHL 560umoZriujrici hydrofilitu vldkienpreaplikdcie v hygienea zdravotnictve, technick6 vf- FirmaTorayvyvija prv6 nano-nyl6nov6 vl6knana svete robky(filtrea separ6tory bat6rii).Modifikdtor sa priddvado AS/ANTEXTILE 8US/NESS, 12,577,December, 2002,str. taveninypredzvldkiovanim, takZeefektje trvanlirni. Zaistu- 59-60 je sa 8x vySSia absorpcia vodyPP netkanfchtextilii,nasiaPopisuje sa qivoj technol6gie a vlastnosti nano-vldkien z kavos{pod3 sek.,vfrobkymaj0antistatick6 vlastnosti priemerom: a PA,vyzna6uj0cich sa mimoriadnym PAh44 dtex zni2en6 trenie.S0 miikk6a majf prijemnfohmat. sa skladdz viacneZ1,4mili6nov filamentov o priemere 20100nanometrov. Doterai5ie beZn6mikrovldkna maiI r6do112 Vldkna a textli 11 (3) 112-113 (2004) Zo zahranidnfch dasopisov moZnopouZiti Technologie vo priemer1 000nanometrov. prein6polym6ry (PES,PP)a preuhllkov6 vldkna.Meniasa vlhvlastnosti vldkien,napr.absorpcia zdsadnepovrchov6 je 1000xvySSia neZu beZnfchPAvldkien, kostina povrchu je rovnak6 neZu bavlny.Pracujesa dhlejna alebovySSia vl6kien. vyuZitinovfchvlastnosti Newsfrommagazines Va, Varese,predstavilnov0skuTaliansk!doddvatel'Fil. pinubikomponentnlch a trikomponentnlTch vlakienpojenfch prevfrobu netkanych texstrizowchvlakientypupla5t-jadro tilii.Nov6vl6kna,naz'lvanfTrilon,s0 vyrdban6Specialnym postupoma mdZubyt zmesovan6s PP, PES,VS. Trojkompolymeov ponentn6vldknas0 ziskavan6z termoplastickfch ako PP, PES, Co-PES,Co-PPa s0 dostupa kopolym6rov n6 v dvoch variant6ch: A) jadrosa tavi pri 165 'C, pla5tpri 128 'C a tieZniZSich, napr. FirmaDyStarzavildzaprv6 fluorescendn6farbivona svete 100"c 2002, 8US/NESS,12,577,December, AS/ANTEXTILE B)jadrosa tavi pri 256 'C, plaStpri 128 'C a tieZniZSich, napr. str.64 reaktivneho nivoj prv6hofluorescen6n6ho Firmaohlasila Fluorescent Yellow ObevariantyA i B su dostupn6v 6 typochpre 16znepoufarbivaprecelul6zov6 vldkna,Remazol Zitie.Dl2kavldkienpre vfrobu pavu6inyje od 40 do 60 mm, FL.MoZno ho kombinovat so v5etklmiRemazolovlimifarbivamia farbivami LevafixCA a pouZitichvo vy{ahovacom,o r e k l a d e n i ev z d u c h o ma l e b ov o d o uo d 3 d o 1 2 m m . procese pad-batch farbenia. iv kontinudlnom Md zastudena pracov- Nov6 vl5kno Kermel Tech prevysokoviditel'ne Splfruje Standardy dobr6stdlosti. 52, 2, April,2002, terazfarbit CHEMICALF/BERS INTERNATIONAL, n6 a Sportov6 oSatenie i prem6du.TaktomoZno str. 98 zmesicelul6zovlich vl6kiens PESa nylonom. Europa:Programjemnostichemickfchvl6kien ZApadnA pre netkan6textilie2002 CHEMICALF/BERSINTERNATIONAL, 52,1, FebruAr,2002, str.7-8,10 vldkien vlirobcovia chemickfch Formou tabulkys0 uvedeni ZApadnej Eur6pypre vfrobu netkanlichtextilii.U kaZd6ho hmotvldknaje uvedenfvlirobca,obchodnAznacka, dlZkova vldkiena ichkonednost(jemnost) a dlZkastrihuvyrdbanSich (typnetkanfchtextilii). n6 pouZitie V prehl'ade s[ uvedenl polyesteuj'robcovia visk6zor4ich, mod6lovyich, lyocelouj'ch, idovlich,aramido47ch,polyimidovfch, akryrovfch, polyam PTFE bikomponentnlich, lovfch, polypropyl6novfch, vlAkien. a kovovlich Vfsledkomdlhorocn6hor4iskumufirmyRhodiaKermelSA, Francfzskoje novepolyimido-amidov6 vldknoKermelTech, ktor6 sphia poZiadavkyna tepeln0a chemickriodolnos{pre technick6aplikdcie.Vldkno md uj'nimodn6vlastnosti:vysovysokd kd odolnosfvo6i kyselineslroveja chlorovodikovej, pevnosta taZnostzvld5tvhodn6pre plste,extr6mnaodolnost tahu d6leZitdpre filtrdciu,prevddzkovd vodi mechanick6mu neZu ostatteplota200'C (tepelndodolnostje o15o/ovySSia vldkien),vrchol prevddzkovejteplotyje nlch nehorl'avlich privysokfchteplotdchje 240'C. Vldknos dlhouZivotnostou vhodn6pre filtrdciuhortcich plynov,elektrickriizol{ciu za vysokyich tepl6t,pre kompozitys tepelnouodolnostoua odolnostouvodiohiu. Vl6kno X-Staticod Noble Fiber Technologies CHEMI CAL FIBERSIN TERNATI ON AL, 52, 2, Aprll,2002, VfrobachemickfchvlSkienv 2005 52,2, April,2002, str. 98 CHEMICALFIBERSINTERNATIONAL, je vfrobAmerickdspolocnostNobleFiberTechnologies str.72 nitiz nekonecn;ich vldkien.Spolo6nost Podl'apredpovedi vl6- com polyamidovlich sa zuiSirodnevfrobachemicklich kieno 5,30kna44mil.tonv r. 2005.Pokrok sadosiahne zis- vyvinulapostupv 6lenenikovov6hostriebrado polyamidopolyesterov vldkien, a polyolefi- vej bdzy.Vlirobokje vel'mivhodnlipre pouZitiev potravindrkamiu syntetickfch najmdi priemyslea pri vfrobe liekov.Vldknoje nov,zatial'do trhs celul6zovfmi vl6knami sa budezniZovat. skoma drogistickom (eliminuje bakt6rie,ktor6sp6sobuj0zdpach vldkienv r. 2005zvii5isvojpodielna antimikrobidlne Spotreba chemickfch presun a pliesne),nie je toxick6,neobsahujechemikdlieani pestispotreby vldkien.Budepretrvdvat 65 o/oz celkovej qirobydoAzie,predovSetklim do Ciny,JuZnejK6reia Tchaj- cidy, je schopn6 prenosutepla, je antistatick6a lie2 vyuZiV telh6 v terapiivdaka vodivfm vlastnostiam. wanu.Druh00roveizahrfruje India,Indonezia a Thajsko. vldkienpodtabulkes[ uveden6 hodnoty vfrobychemict<rj'ch FiberVisions:Nov6 mPP mikrovl6kna I'aoblastiv r. 1990,2000a 2005. CHEMICAL FIBERS IN TERNATIONAL, 52, 2, April,2002, str.52 DuPont:Nov6flu6rkopolym6rov6 vl6kno firiemAtofina(Belgicko) a FiberVisions F/BEFSINTERNATIONAL, Ulohouspoluprdce CHEMICAL 52, 2, April,2002, (DAnskob ) o l o o p t i m a l i z o v apt o d m i e n k ys p r a c o v a n i ap r e str.74 Americkli uirobcavl6kienDuPontpredstavil novevlSkno vlirobujemnejSichPP vldkiena vfvoj polym6ru,ktoryiby bol na bdzifluorkopolym6ru, ktor6pontikavynikaj0cu odolnost p o u Z i t !p r e t e p e l n 6p o j e n i e .P o l y m e r i z d c ipar o p y l 6 n us a je chemicky podmienkam, za pritomnosti katalyzdtora, v tomtopripadesl vodipoveternostnym inertn6, so uskutodhuje pri Ziegler-Nattove katalyz6tory nahraden6metallocennymi kaZivotnostou znilenymkoeficientom treniaa dlhodobou v beZ- talyzdtormi,ktor6 umoZriujri u25iudistribIciumolekuldrnej teplotdch nad150'C. Vldknoje I'ahkospracovatel'n6 pri (tkanie,pletenie, nfchtextilnfchtechnol6gi6ch Sitie)a je do- hmotnostipolymeru.T6tovlastnostzlepSujekonzistenciu stupn6farben6v hmotev rozsahujemnostiod 'l3 do 110 zvldknovania umoZnuje4irobu vldkiens menSimpriemerom. '1,5 Vldknosa vyrdbav jemnostiach1,0: 1,2 a dtex,s pevdtex. Fil.Va: Nov6trojkomponentn6 vl6knapre netkan6 textilie CHEMICALFIBERS INTERNATIONAL, 52, 2, Aprit,2002, str.98 Vldkna a textll 11 (3) 112-113 (2004\ nosti3,0-3,5cNidtexa 200-300 %-noutaZnostou.Dal5ie vlastnostivldkiensrl uvedendv tabulkec. 1. V tabulke6. 2 si uveden6vlastnostinetkanlchtextilii.Vldknosa spracovdva predovSetkymna vyrobu tepelne pojenyichtextiliipre detskeplienky,ddmskevloZky,a na vlTroburfn kladen;ich za mokraore filtradnlmateridlv. 113
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