Ro6nik 9. - - Technical University of Liberec
Ro6nik 9. - - Technical University of Liberec
Ro6nik9. 2002 a I It tssilt 335-0617 lnderedin: Chemical Abstracts, ( Worldlextile Abshacls EMBASE Elsevier Biobase Elsevier GeoAbstracls Vl6kna a textil (4) 2OO2 Fibres and textiles (4) 2OO2 CONTENTS OBSAH FIBRE.FORMINGPOLYMERS VLAKNOTVORNEPOLYMERY KriStofi| M., Murdrovd A., Karabcovd N.: Polyamide6-copolyamideblendedfibres KriStofi| M., Murdrovd A., Karabcovd N.: Zmesn6 vldkna PA6-kopolyamid TEXTILEMATERIALS TEXTLNE MATERIALY Murdrova A. KriStoti| M., Jambrich M. The influenceof PET fibrescross-sectiongeometryon dyeing Murdrovd A., KriStofi1 M., Jambrich M. Vplyv geometriepriednehoprofiluPET vldkienna vyfarbenie Sodomka L., Vargovd H. Connectionbetween structure,symmetry and anisotropyof mechanicalpropertiesof woven fabrics Sodomka L., Vargovd H. S0vislost Strukt0rys anizotropioumechanickfch vlastnostl tkanin Hes L,, Balcaiikovd V. Objective evaluation of thermal efficiency of protective garmentscontainingPCM particles Hes L., Balcailkovd V. Objektivnihodnoceni0dinnostitepelne ochrannich textflii obsahujiciPCM d6stice Janypka P., Suriovd V. The plasma surface activationof aramide reinforcement materialsfor rubber industry Janypka P., Suriovd V. Aktivilcia povrchov aramidovfch vfstuinfch materidlov plazmoupre gumdrenskf priemysel TESTTNG SXUS0BN|CTVO HuStavovdM., Polldtk. Determinationof hazardousarylaminesin textilesand textile products H1SfavovdM., Polldk M. Sledovanienebezpednfcharylamlnovv textilidcha textilnfch vyirobkoch NEWS FROM DEPARTMENTS Z VEDECKO.VYSKUMNVCH A WVOJOVVCHPRACOViSK DubnickdA., SlddekD. lmplementationof the eco-label friendly "Environmentally product'in conditionsof the SlovakRepublic DubnickdA., Sl{dek D. Realiz6cia ekologickej znadky vhodnf "Enviromentdlne vfrobok"v podmienkachSR Abstractsof Student master thesis defendedat Department of chemistryand technologyof polymersand textilesFIT TnU in P0chov after 5 year's graduatestudy in 2O01|2OO2 S0hrny diplomouich pr6c obh6jenyichna Katedrech6mie a technol6giepolym6rova textilu,FPT TnU v P0chovev r6mci inZinierskehoSt0diav Skolskomroku 20Q112002 NEWS FROM MAGAZINES ZO ZAHRANIENVCHCASOPISOV Vtdknaa textit9(4) 129(2002) 129 POLYAMIDE BLENDEDFIBRES 6 - COPOLYAMIDE N., Kri5tofid, M., Murdrovd, A., Karabcova, Department of Fibresand TextileChemistry,Facultyof Chemicaland Food Technology,SlovakUniversityof Technology in Bratislava,Radlinskdho 9, 812 37 Bratislava,SlovakRepublic e-mail:mikristo@chelin.chtf copolyamide,blend of polyamides,isophtalic Key words: polyamide,PA 6, poly-e-caprolactam, e ,-bi s(3-ami nopropyl )pi perazi ne ac id, 1-(2 -a m i n o e th y l )p i p e ra z i1n,4 n f fi b re fo r mi ngpol yami de(e.9. P A 6) i s w el l -know nposi bi l i tyto preS um ma ry : M o d i fi c a ti o o pare fibreswith improvedproperties.By comonomerchemicallymodifiedPA 6 can be used as a modifierfor non modifiedPA 6. Preparationand propertiesof blendedfibres PA 6 + copolyamides ) perazi neor 1-(2 bas ed o n th e r-c a p ro l a c ta m,i s o p htal i caci d and 1,4-bi s (3-ami nopropylpi respectivelyare describedin this paper. Blendedfibres have betterelecaminoethyl)piperazine, elasticity,elasticdegreeand orientationfactor as well. trical propertiesand higher hydrophilicity, 1. Introduction Nowadaysmixingof polymersand theirspinningis a commonmethodto preparemodifiedfibreswith better properties.Many researchworks and papers about mixingof commercialpolymerswere publishedand a modificationof commercialfibre-formingpolymerswith differentotheradditivesis describedas well. Propertiesof PA 6 fibrescan be improvedby chemical or physicalmodification.The physicalmodification consistsof PA 6/additiveblendpreparation.For fibreweightor high-molecuformingPA 6 bothlow-molecular larweightcompoundscan be usedas additivesand fican be prepared. breswith M/F configuration Some propertiesof PA 6 fibres such as sorptionof watervapourand electricalpropertiesare not satisfied. atom(s) Polymeradditivescontainingcertainhydrophilic likeoxygen[1,2],nitrogen[3] or SO2groups[4]are very hygroscopicor evensolublein water.Theirintroduction polymere.g.PA 6 improveshydrophiintofibre-forming licityand electricalpropertiesof blendedPA 6 fibres[5]. Introduction of a copolymerscontainingsome derivapiperazine fibresincreases into polypropylene tivesof vapour of water and dyestuffs and electhe absorption properties trical of the blendfibres[6,71. lntroduction containingsome addiof copolyamides tionalringstructures couldhavea positiveinfluenceon sorptionpropertiesand as a consequenceon electric propertiesas well.Copolyamidescontainingpiperazine and benzenestructures[8] couldbe additiveswithsuch an effect. - lN2 or 1,4-bis(3-aminopropyl) piperaethyl)piperazine zine INBwere used: from86 wt. % of CL+ 14wt. 0/o lN2 | - copolyamide of nylonsalt lN2 from 75.4wL % of CL + 24.6 lN2 ll - copolyamide wL.% of nylonsalt lN2 from83.2wt. % of CL + 16.8tul.Yo INB- copolyamide of nylonsaltINB The mixturesconsistingof 70, 80 and 90 wt % of driedPA 6 and 30, 20 and 10 wt, % of driedcopolyribbonextruderat amideweremeltedin a single-screw of zonesTr = 200-210 "C, T2 = 210the temperatures 245"C,andT3 = 225-245"C. The blendedribbonwas cooledin the coldwaterand cut intogranules.The airdriedblendwasfinallyvacuumdriedat 105"C andused f o rs p i n n i n g . The spinningof modifiedPA 6 granuleswas performedon the laboratorymodelequipmentat the temperaturesof its three zones T : T = T = 250 "C (13 fibrils)with and withouta lubricant. Afterspinning,the fibresweredrawn(l-a= 120 'C) to t h e d r a w i n gr a t i ol r : 3 ( b o t hl u b r i c a t e da n d n o n fibres), L2: 4 and 1"3:4,5 (onlylubricated lubricated fibres),respectively. 2.2. Evaluationof the fibres properties fibers()"t: The electricalpropertiesof nonlubricated Polystat 1. The fiber sample 3.0)were measuredby a 1-1.4 cm'was chargedup to the witha surfaceof about the time maximumpotential,Uru. and simultaneously of achievingthe zero potential,tou,was recorded.From thisdependenceit was possibleto obtainthe half-time Resultsare shownin Table1. t172. of discharging, 2. Experimental The contentof low molecularcompounds(oligomers solublein the hotwater)was determinedgravimetrically. of modifiedPA 6 fibres 2.1.Preparation M o d i ife d P A 6 f i b r e s c o n t a i n i n g n o n e x t r a c t e d were extractedin the boilingwaterdur(CL) copolyamides frome-caprolactam Copolyamides [8]prepared acidand 1-(2-amino-ing 3h, driedand the masslossas a portionof the fibre anda nylonsaltfromisophtalic 130 vldkna a textil I (4) 130-134 (2002) Table 1 Electrostaticpropertiesof PA 6 and blend fibres Pofymer,WL % PA6 l N 2| 10 20 30 tN2 il 10 20 30 INB 10 20 30 Table 4 Tensilestrength,TS, elongation,E, elasticdegree,e0, ()"3= 4,5) and orientationfactor, f, (tr2= 4.0) of PA 6 and blended nonextractedfibres Uru'V tt/2,s tou, s 520 9 .0 120 500 455 490 6 .0 5.0 6,5 130 50 40 560 500 490 9 .5 8 .5 3.5 100 110 50 40 340 330 4 .0 2,0 2 .5 30 20 30 Table 2 Extractionof low molecularcompoundscalculatedto the fibre weight (EF) and to the former total amount of comonomers(EA) Polymer,wt. % t N zI tN2tl INB EF, wt.o/o 10 20 30 10 4,0 5.5 3.5 9.1 8.0 4.3, 13.5 12.0 6.7 40 55 35 EA, wt. % 20 30 46 40 22 45 40 22 mass,EF, and as a portionof the formertotalamount of comonomers,EA,was calculated(Table2). for extractedand nonThe fibres'hydrophilicities extractedfibres(SE and SN valuesrespectively)were evaluatedgravimetricallyat the temperatureT5 = 21.7"C and at the 65 % relativehumidityusinglubricatedfibreswith a drawingratio1,1= 3.0. Resultsare listedin Table3. (SE) extracted Table3 Watervapour sorption of PA6, blended and nonextracted(SN) fibres Polymer,wt.% t N 2| tN2 tl INB SE, wt. % 0102030 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.5 4.5 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.7 SN, wt. % 10 20 30 4,6 4.5 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.7 5.2 5.3 4.9 5.8 6.2 5.2 The fibres'orientationfactor,t, ()"2=4.0) was calculatedaccordingto the equation: f=1-C'JC' whereCn is the speed of sound in the absolutely nonoriented fibrebeingequalto 1.25 x 103m/s and C is the speedof soundin the relevantfibremeasuredby a PPM-SDynamicModulusTesterPPM-S(H.M.Morgan Co. Inc.,Norwood,USA). The tensilestrength,TS, elongation,E, and elasticity = 4.5)were obtained degree,e0,of tubricated fibres(1.3 usingthe apparatusInstron1112.They are listedin Table4. Vldknaa textil9 (4) 130-134(2002) Polymer wt. % To, dtex TS cN/dtex E Yo so % PA6 l N 2| 10 20 30 tN2 il 10 20 30 INB 10 20 30 214 4.85 22 62 0, 62 211 208 213 4.09 3.94 3.59 21 25 25 76 65 70 0. 70 0. 68 0. 72 213 210 200 4.16 4.09 3.63 26 26 25 69 77 72 0.70 0.70 0.71 215 219 218 4.42 3.55 3.47 24 25 26 69 80 65 0.71 0.68 0.65 | 3. Discussion Forthe spinningof all fibresthe sametemperatures, througputof materialand rateof spinningwereapplied. C o o l i n gb y a n a i r - s t r e a mc o u l d b e a p p l i e do n l y f o r in PA 6. Melt sampleswith 10 wt. % of copolyamides flow indexof modifiedPA 6 duringspinningwas onlya g.min-'in comparison littledifferent(i.e.14.1-14.2 with PA 6 equalto 13.95g.min-l)so conthatof nonmodified ditionsof spinningfor all sampleswere almosttl're same. For the evaluationof electricalpropertiesthe three All thesevalvaluesUr*, 1172 and touwere determined. ues must be taken into consideration to obtaina real view of the fibresbehaviourin this domain.A general tendencyis that higheramountof copolyamideimproveselectricalcharacteristics. Higherconcentration of the nylonsaltof lN2 is not as importantas it couldbe s u p p o s e da n d c o p o l y a m i d e lsN 2 | a n d l N 2 l l a r e aproximatelyequallyeffective.Betterelectricalproperthoughthe contiesare obtainedwithINBcopolyamide higherin centrationof INB nylonsaltis not significantly with lN2 in comparion the concentration of salt the lN2 (i.e.16.8wt. % INBand 14 wt. % lN2). I copolyamides improvementof electricalpropertiescan Substantial b e r e a c h e d w i t h 3 0 w t . % o f l N 2 | a n d IN 2 || and with 10 wt. % of INB copolyamide copolyamides ( T a b l e1 ) . The hydrophilicity of modifiedfibresis positively influencedespeciallyby an introduction of nonextracted lt is causedbasicallyby a presenceof copolyamides. lowmolecular compounds(LMC)as it is shownin Table 2 and demonstratedby diferencesbetweenwater and extractedmodified vapoursorptionof nonextracted PA 6 fibres.PA 6 blendspreparedfrom PA 6 and by a copolyamideslN2 | and lN2 ll are characterized higherpartof LMC.Valuesof LMC amountfor relevant (8)(lN2| equalto 14.2w1.o/0,lN2 ll equal copolyamides 131 to 55.5wL.% and INBequalto21.5wt. %) confirmstheir relativelyhighamountof extractible fractionswhatmanifestsin the modifiedPA 6 fibresas well.Generally4055 % of all amountof copolyamideAN2 | and AN2 ll is removedby extractionfrom modifiedfibres.ln the case o f I N B t h e s i t u a t i o ni s b e t t e r a n d t h e a m o u n t o f extractibleadditivesis 22-35 % (Table3). Tensilestrength,TS, of modifiedPA 6 fibresis negativelyinfluenced.The lowermolecularweightof copolyamides,higheramountof LMC and higheramountof c o p o l y a m i d ei n P A 6 c a u s e a d e c r e a s ei n t e n s i l e strengthof PA 6 fibresmodifiedwith all three copolyamides.The additionof 10 and 20 wt. % of any lN2 copolyamide leadsto a decreaseof tensilestrengthto 82-86% of nonmodifiedPA 6 tensilestrength.30 wt. % of lN2 copolyamidecausesthe reductionto the level 7+75 %. Additionof 10 wt. o/oof INB copolyamide causesa decreaseto the levelof 91 % while20 and 30 wt. % reduceTS to the level 72-79 % of pA 6 tensilestrength. Elongation, E, is practicallynot changed,elasticdegree,e0,and orientationfactor,f, of modifiedPA 6 fibres are couldbe explainedby the effectof low-molecular compoundspresentin the system. LMC functionprobablyas an internallubricant helpingin the orientationof macromolecules during spinninganddrawing. 4. Conclusions 1. Processability of PA 6 fibresmodifiedby 1f3O wt. % 132 o f c o p o l y a m i d e sb a s e d o n t h e e - c a p r o l a c t a m , isophtalic acid and 1-(2-aminoethyl) piperazineor 1,4-bis(3-aminopropyl) piperazinerespectively is good. 2. Electricalpropertiesof modifiedPA 6 fibresare better especiallyby usingINB copolyamide. 3. Hydrophilicity is basicallyimprovedonly for nonextractedmodifiedPA fibres. 4. Elongationof the modifiedPA 6 fibresis not influenced. 5. Tensilestrengthis negativelyinfluenced. 6. Elasticdegreeand orientation factorof modifiedpA fibres 6 havehighervaluesin comparisonwith nonmodifiedPA 6 fibres. 5. References t1l I2l t3l t4l t5l t6l I7l t8l U S p a t .4 1 1 3 7 9 4 R . A . L o f q u i s te, t a l . , T e x t i l eR e s .J . , J u n e , 3 2 S ,l g g s US pat, 2 914 427 Encyclopedia of PolymerScienceand Technology,Vol. 10, PhenolicResinsto Polyelectrolytes, John Wiley and Sons, N e w Y o r k ,1 9 6 9 M. KriStofid, A. Marcindin, A. Ujhelyiovd, A. Murdrovd:Chem. P a p e r s ,5 4 ( 1 ) , 5 3 - 5 8 ,2 0 0 0 CS pat. 234 251 CS pat. 236 152 M. KriStofi6, N. Karabcovd: Vl6knaa textil,9 (3),gg-91,2002 Acknowledgement:The presentwork was sponsored by the research grant VEGA 1/9147/02. Recieved:November2002 Vldknaa textil I (4) 130-1 34 (2002) 6 - KOPOLYAMID ZMESNEVLAKNAPOLYAMID Translation of article: Polyamide6 - copolyamideblendedfibres polyamidov(napr.PA 6) je zn6my sposob pripravyvl6kienso zlepModifik6ciavldknotvornyich Senfmi vlastnostami.Komonom6romchemickymodifikovanfPA 6 mOZebyt pouZitf ako modifikdtor pre nemodifikovanfPA 6. V tejto prdci s0 popisan6pripravaa vlastnostizmesnfch vldken PA 6 + kopolyamidyna bAze nu ebo 1,4-bi s(3-ami nopropyl )pi e- k apr o l a k td m uk ,y s e l i n yi z o fta l o v e aj 1-(2-ami noetyl )pi perazial perazinu.Zmesn6vl6kna maju lep5ieelektrick6vlastnosti,vy5Siuhydrofilitu,a vy55istupefipruZnosti i orientadnffaktor. Uvod V sfcasnostijemie5aniepolym6rova ich zvldkhovavl6kienso nie beZnoumetodoupripravymodifikovanfch projektov Vela vyiskumnyich zlepSenfmivlastnostami. a publikdciisa zaoberAmie5animpolym6rova modifipolym6rovroznymi kdcioukomercnychvldknotvornyich aditivami. VlastnostiPA 6 vldkenmoZebyt zlep5en6chemickou alebofyzikdlnoumodifikdciou.Fyzik1lnamodifik6cia spoclvav prlpravezmesi PA 6/aditivum,(pricomsa m0ZupouZitaditfvanizko-6i vysokomolekulov6) a ich zvldknenina vldknotypu M/F. Niektor6vlastnostiPA 6 vldken napr. sorpciavody (vodnlichpa| a elektrick6vlastnostinie su vyhovujfce. Polym6rneaditivaobsahujricehydrofiln6atomy ako kyslik[1,2],dusfk[3] alebo SO2skupiny[ ] s{ vel'mi hygroskopick6 ci dokoncarozpustn6vo vode. Zavedepolym6runapr. nie takfchto aditfvdo vldknotvorn6ho zmes6 zlep5uje hydrofilitu a elektrick6 vlastnosti PA PA vldken Kopolymery derivdty nfch 6 obsahuj0ce [5]. piperazinuako aditivado polypropyldnovfchvl6ken zlep5uj0ich sorpciuvodnfch par a farbiv,ako aj elektrick6vlastnosti[6,7], idov obsahujricichkruhovdStrukZavedenie kopolyam tury mdZemat vplyvna sorpdn6i elektrick6vlastnosti. a benz6nov6 Kopolyamidy obsahujucepiperazlnov6 Strukt0ry[8] mOZubyt v tomtozmysledcinn6. I N B- k o p o l y a m i2d8 3 , 2 h m . %C L + 1 6 , 8h m . %l N B , moldrnypomer16/1 zo 70, 80, 90 hm.%vysu5en6Zmes pozostdvajtica kopolyamidu ho PA 6 a 30, 20, 10 hm.%vysu5en6ho extruderipri teplote bola roztavendv jednozdvitovom jednotlivlichzon Tr = 200-210 oC,Tz = 210-245 "C d Ts = 225-245'C. Zmesndstrunabolachladendvozmesnf dou a porezandna granuldt.Vzduchosuchli granuldtbol vdkuovovysuSenfpri 105"C a zvldkneny. Zvldkneniemodifikovan6ho PA 6 granuldtubolovykonan6na laboratornom zariadenipri teplotdch3 zon T = T = T : 250 "C (13 fibril)s prepardcioui bez nej. Po zvl6kneniboli vlaknavydlZen6(To= 120"C) na dlZiace pomeryIr = 3 (vldknas prepardciouibez nej), Lz= 4 €rIs = 4,5 (ibavldknas prepardciou). 2.2 Hodnotenie vlastnosti vl6ken Elektrick6 vlastnostivl6kenbez prepardcie(),1:3,0) bolizmeran6na prfstrojiPolystat1. Vzorkavl6knas plochou asi 1-1 ,4 cm2bolanabit6na maximdlnypotencial (U,", ) a sledovalsa poklespotencidluv dasena nulov0 hodnotu(teu).Z tejto zdvislostimoZnostanovit poldasvybijania(t'rz). Vfsledkys0 v Table 1. ldtok(oligom6rov Obsahnizkomolekulo4ich rozpustnfch v hor(rcejvode bol stanovenfgravimetricky.Modifikovan6PA 6 vldknaobsahujuceneextrahovan6 kopolyamidyboli extrahovanevo vriacejvode pocas 3h a vysu5en6.Z pOvodnejhmotnostivlAknaa jej ubytku po extrakciia su5enibol vypocltanffbytok hmotnosti 2 . E x p e r i m e n t 6 l n ad a s f vzhladomna vldkno(ED i vzhl'adom na celkov6povodn6 mnoZstvo(EA)komonom6rovlN2 di INB (Table2). 2.1 Pripravamodifikovanfch PA 6 vl6ken Hydrofilita aj neextrahovanfch extrahovanyich vldken gravimetricky pritepPre pripravuzmesnfchvlaken PA 6 + kopolyamidy s prepardciou a Ir = 3 bolastanovend s0 v Table3. OrienbolipouZit6kopolyamidy[8] pripraven6z e-kaprolaktd- loteT5= 21,7"C a 65 % RH.Vyisledky mu (CL)a nylonovejsoli kyselinyizoftaloveja 1-(2-ami- tadnyfaktorf (Iz = 4,0) bolvypocitanfpodlhvztahu: (lN2)alebo1,4-bis(3-aminopropyl)pinoetyl)piperazfnu f=1-c1lc', perazinu(lNB) nasledovn6hozlolenia: lN2 | - kopolyamid z 86 hm.%CL + 14hm.%lN2,mo- kde Cn je ryichlostSireniazvuku v tiplne neorientovanom vldkne - 1,25.103 m/s, C je ryichlostSirenia l6rnypomer16/1 lNz ff - kopolyamid 2o75,4hm.%CL + 24,6hm.%lN2, zvuku v meranomvldkne,obe stanoven6na prfstroji PPM-SDynamicModulusTester. mol6rnypomer8/1 Vtdknaa textil9 (4) 130-134 (2002) 133 Pevnost(TS),taZnost(E) a stupenelasticity1e0;vla- hu nylonovejsoli lN2v kopolyamidoch lN2 I a lN2 ll. Poken s prepardcioua 1,3= 4,5 boli stanovendna pristroji citan6na hmotnostmodifikovan6ho vldkna(EF)je to lnstron1112.Vfsledkysu uveden6v Table4. +14 hm. %. V prfpadeINBje situdcialep5iaa podiel extrahovanyich frakcifEA je 22-35 hm. % a EF hodnoty su v rozsahu3-7 hm. % (f able2). Diskusia PevnostTS modifikovanlichPA 6 vldkienje negatlvne ovplyvnend. NiZ5iamolovdhmotnostkopolyamidov, Zvldkneniev5etkrichvldkenbolovykonan6pri rovna- vy55iobsah LMC a vy55fobsah kopolyamiduv PA 6 kej teplote,ddvkovanii nichlostizvldkfiovania.Chlade- sp6sobujezniZeniepevnostiu PA 6 vldkienmodifikovanie vzduchombolo moZn6pouZitlen pre vzorkys ob- nyichvSetkfmitromiaditfvami.Pridanie10 a 20 hm. %. s a h o m 1 0 h m . % k o p o l y a m i d o v P A 6 . I n d e xt o k u fN2 | 6i lN2 ll kopolyamidudo PA 6 spOsobizn[Zenie pevnostina 82-86 % pevnostinemodifikovan6ho taveninmodifikovan6ho PA 6 boltakmerrovnakri(4,1PA 6 pevnostina7f75 %. 1 4 , 2g . m i n - 1a) k o u n e m o d i f i k o v a n 6 hPoA 6 ( 1 3 , 9 5 vldkien.30 hm.%sposobizn%enie g.min-1). Z uvedenehovyplfva,2e podmienkyzvlaknoPridanie10 hm. % kopolyamidu INBvediek zniZeniu pevnostina 91o/0,zalialco 20 a 30 hm. % tohto kopovania boli pre v5etkyvzorky rovnak6. Hodnotenieelektrickfchvlastnostimodifikovanfch fyamiduspdsobijej znlleniena72-73 % povodnejhodvl6kienvyZadujepre redlnezhodnotenietejto oblasti, nojy. i tsu.VSeuvdZitv5etkytri zfskan6hodnoty- Ur"", t112 TaZnostE sa praktickynemenl,hodnotystupnapruLobecndtendenciaje takd,Ze vy55iobsahkopolyamidu nostie0a orientadn6hofaktoraf modifikovanyich PA 6 zlep5ujeelektrick6vlastnosti.VyS5iakoncentrdcia ny- vlakiens0 vyS5ie.MoZnoto vysvetlitvplyvomnfzkomolonovejsoli lN2 nie je rozhodujucaa kopolyamidylN2 lekulor4ichzludenlnprftomnfchv syst6me,ktor6pravI a lN2 lls0 pribliZne rovnakotlcinn6.Lep5ieelektrick6 depodobnefunguj0ako vnutorn6mazadloul'ahdujuce vlastnostisa zfskaj0u PA 6 vldkienmodifikovanfchko- o r i e n t d c i um a k r o m o l e k f lv p r i e b e h uz v l d k n o v a n i a polyamidomlNB, hocikoncentrdcia nylonovejsoli INB a diZenia. nieje podstatnevy5Siaako koncentr6cianylonovejsoli lN2v kopolyamide lN2 I (t.j.16,8hm.%INBa 14hm.% lN2).Podstatn6zlepSenie elektriclqich vlastnostlmoZno 4. ZAvery dosiahnutmodifik6ciou s 30 hm.%lN2 | aj lN2 ll kopolyamidua s 10 hm. % kopolyamidu INBfl-able1). 1. Spracovatelhost PA 6 vldkienmodifikovanlich 10-30 vl6kienje pozitivneovplyvHydrofilita modifikovanyich hm. % kopolyamidov na blze e-kaprolaktdmu, kysenen6 pouZitimneextrahovanfchkopolyamidov. (lN2)aleJe to linyizoftalovej a 1-(2-aminoetyl)piperazlnu (lNB)je dobrd. sp6sobenenajmd pritomnostou nizkomolekulovyichIabo 1,4-bis(3-aminopropyl)piperazinu tok (LMC)ako to vidnoz Table2 a potvrden6rozdiel- 2. Elektrick6 vlastnostimodifikovanlchPA 6 vldkiens[ mi v hydrofiliteneextrahovanfcha extrahovanlichmolep5ie,najmdv pripadekopolyamidu lNB. je podstatnezlep5endlen v prfpadeneexdifikovanfchPA 6 vldkien.ZmesiPA 6 s lN2 | aj lN2 ll 3. Hydrofilita s0 charakteristick6 vysoloimobsahomLMC. KoncentrdtrahovanfchPA 6 vldkien. cie LMC pre prislu5n6kopolyamidyI8l (lN2 | - 14,2 4. TaZnostmodifikovanfchPA 6 vldkiensa nemen[. h m .% , l N 2 l l - 5 5 h m .% a I N B- 2 1 , 5 h m . % ) s a p r e - 5. Pevnostje negativneovplyvnend. javuj0 i vysokyimobsahom extrahovatel'n;ich frakciI 6. Stupei pruZnostia orientadnffaktormodifikovanfch v modifikovanfchPA 6 vldknach(hodnotyEA). ExtraPA 6 vldkienmaj0vySSiehodnotyv porovnanisnepodieldosahuje40-55 o/c; hovatefhyi zp6vodn6hoobsamodifikovanyimi PA 6 vldknami. 134 Vldknaa textil9 (4) 130-134 (2001) THEINFLUENCE OF PETFIBRESCROSS.SECTION GEOMETRY ON DYEING M. Murdrovd, A., Kri5tofic, M.,Jambrich, Department of Fibresand TextileChemistry,Facultyof Chemicaland Food Technology, in Bratislava,Radlinskdho 9, 81237 Bratislava,SlovakRepublic SlovakUniversityof Technology ziI: murarova @chelin.chtf. Summary: Light dispersionconditionson geometricallymodifiedfibres are various and this phenomenonis relatedto optical and color propertiesof dyed fibres.The paper evaluatesthe influenceof geometricmodificationof PET fibres on their color strength.The fibres were geom et r ic a l l ym o d i fi e dd u ri n gs p i n n i n gu s ing profi l edspi nni ngnozzl esw i th Y , (-), openi ngs.Li near density,ramificationdegree,formingfactor and fibres measuringsurfaceare the properties defininggeometricmodification- change of cross-sectionprofileof fibres.These propertiesof profiledfibres with differentprofilediffer and they significantlyinfluencecolor strength. Key words: PET fibres, cross-sectionprofile,measuringsurface,formingfactor, ramification degree,color strength 1. Introduction cordingto Malinowskaand many more.The ramificationdegreeR is definedby quotientof perimetersquare physical profilesurface.The formingfactorq, Oneof possible modifications is changing and cross-section profile fibresgeometry in cross-section throughmedia accordingto Malinowska,is definedas follows(1): of profiled nozzles witha profileotherthancirspinning q = (O/nd)- 1 (1) cular. Consideringrheologyand fibre profile reproductivity, fibres O - cross-section fibre profileperimeter,nd - equivatheprocess of spinning of profiled is verydemanding. The advantage fibres lentcircleperimeter. of physical geometry modification by changing The q : 0-0,07 is for circularfibre profile.All higher cross-section of fibresprofiles duringtheirpreparation usingprofiled spin- valuesof q at the same finenessof fibresexpressdifpro- ferencesfromcircularprofilein directionof fighterlevel ningnozzles isthelackof requirements throughout whencompared duction withtypicalspinning. of configuration. ecology Profiledfibresreportchangesin physicalproperties Measuringsurfacea, definedas (2): whencompared to typicalcircular is causedby (2\ a = 2p't'(1+q)/(p,T)1/2 changeof fibremacrostructure andrelatedproperties. Influence is significantly mani- q - formingfactor,p - PET fibresdensity,T - unit linof fibresmacrostructure festedon opticalproperties andin caseof dyedfibres ear density. oncolorperception. Mutualarrangements of elementaryfibresinsideof 2. Theory band profiledfibresis randomand the profileof such bandof fibreshas diversifiedgeometryin cross-section and longitudinal directioncontraryto elementaryfibre profilerelatedwith levelof filling.Elementaryfibrescreate conditionsfor creationof capillaries of differentsizes and subsequentlyrelateddemonstrationsof surface and transportproperties,[4,5].Shapeof cross-section fibre profileand size of surfacesof elementaryfibres influenceopticenvironmentrelatedto dyeingproperties of profiledand dyed fibres,[6,71.Colorstrengthis determinedby Kubelka-Munk equation(3): Aftermeetingcriteriaof fibrescreation, fibresareobgeometry tainedhaving diversified depending onshape of profiled spinning nozzle. Usingthisprocess of modiprofileof elementary fication, fibresin cross-section and preserves longitudinal ln direction thesamegeometry. profileof orderto expressgeometryof cross-section fibres,different indicators andtheirequivalents areused whichmoreor lessexpressdifferences fromtypicalcirK/S= (1- il?z1 (3) cularprofile, [1,2,3]. The methodof cross-section fibresprofilepicture K - absorptioncoefficient,S - scatteringcoefficient, properties. geometric Apart B - reflectance value. analysis is usedto evaluate perimeter fromrealandequivalent andcross-section AbsorptioncoefficientK is a functionof spectral insideof fibre.Scatcutsurfacethereareothercriteriasuchas measuring propertiesand dye concentration surfacea, ramification degreeR, formingfactorq ac- tering coefficientS is a functionof structureand geovldkna a textil I (4) 135-141 (2002) 135 metryof fibre.Amongstructuralinfluencesare mainly molecularstructureof fibresand dye structure.Linear proand longitudinal density,geometryof cross-section geometric fileare among influences. Duringlightimpacton dyedfibresurface,partof light is absorbedand part of it is reflected.The biggerthe diffractionindex at fibre - air borderthe more light is beingreflectedand less absorbedinsideof fibre.The resultof less light being absorbedis a lighterdyeing effectof the fibre.Such lightreflectioncan be repressed by specialtreatment of sur.facethat makesthe dye perceptionof the dyedfibredarker. Arkanand Eastexpressedrelationbetweenfibrefineness and scatteringcoefficientS (a): g) S=a+b.tex-1/' Scatteringcoefficientincreasesby transferringto moresegmentedfibreprofiles.Becausetheremustbe morecriteriain orderto evaluatea complexcross-sectionprofile,thereis nota simplerelationthatwouldgenerallyexpressinfluenceof size,shapeand configurationof profiledfibresto theiropticaland colorproperties. The goal of the paperis to evaluateinfluenceof some PET fibreprofilesto theircolorstrength. 3. EXPERIMENTAL The experimental is dividedto: - determininggeometricparametersof PETfibreprofiles - dyeingof profiledPET fibres - determining colorstrengthof profiledPETfibres. a - scatteringconstant,b - fibres surface properties constant. 3.1 Determininggeometric parametersof PET Accordingto the relation(4) less light penetratesto fibre profiles moleculesof dye insideof finerfibresand morelightis beingreflectedback by so-callednoncolorfulreflection, Geometricparameters, formingfactorq accordingto Malinowska R-ramification degreewere assedin a set t8l. The colorstrength,fibresthicknessand fibresmea- of sevensamplesof PET fibreswith a unit lineardensuringsurfaceare relatedas follows(5): sityTd,= (2,3;3,0;3,5;4,6 dtex)and cross-section pro(Y, (-), profile file analysis picof cross-section l).The (K/S),/(K/S)z= dtldz = dzl4 (5) ture was used to determinethem. The picturewas KS - colorstrength,d - fibrediameter,a - fibresmea- caughtby electronmicroscope.Picture1 showsthree suringsurface. typesof cross-section fibreprofilesfromthe set of seven Relatedrelationsare validfor fibreswith circularpro- samplesof PET fibres,that were analyzedby proper fileand samestructuralproperties.Theserequirements methodof pictureanalysis.Measuringsurfaceof fibresa forfibresareverydifferenttoobtainin reallifeconditions [kg/m']wascalculatedaccordingto the relation(2). and that is why the relatedrelationsare only approximatelyvalidduringtheirusage,[8]. Dye concentration 3.2 Dyeing fibres neededto reach color saturationis proportionalto square-root of lineardensities(6): All samplesof profiledPETfibresweredyedusingthe s a m e d y e i n gp r o c e s s- d y e e x h a u s tm e t h o d .T h e (6) c1 = c2(TrlT.,)'t' TerasilBlau3RLmadeby CibaGeigy- dispersedyewas cr, e - dye concentration on fibres,Tr, Tz- linearden- usedcontaining1,5 o/oof dye in bathrelatedto fibredensityof fibres.In otherwords,finerdyedfibreswith same sity.The temperatureof dyeingbathduringfibredyeing dye concentrationas thickerfibresare seen lighterby was 100"C. The dyeingprocesswas madein presence humaneye. Logically,profiledfibrescreatebettercon- of dyecarrier.All remaining conditions duringthe dyeing ditionsfor diffraction than circularfibres. wereconformedwithformulasfor dyeingPETfibreswith dispersedyes.ln orderto avoidinfluenceof otherfactors whileevaluating dyeing,the sametime-temperature dyeing regime for was all samples. used properties Table 1 Geometric of smoothtexturedPET fibres determinedby the method of picture analysis Fibres profile 84 dtex f 36 Y 84 dtex | 24 Y 84 dtex t 24 L 84 dtex t 24 (-) '110 d t e xt 2 4 L 110 dtex t 24 (-') 1 1 0 d t e xf 3 6 Y 136 Equivalent Equivalent Forming perimeter factor surface q of picture of picture of fibre,cm of fibre,cmz 29,5 36,0 3 6 ,0 46,5 32,0 70,0 3 9 .0 50,0 76,0 74,0 77,5 62,0 130 8 6 ,0 0,182 0 ,173 0,190 0,495 0 ,147 0,725 0 ,182 3.3 Determiningfibre color strength l(S colorstrengthof all dyedsamplesof profiledPET fibreswas set by spectrofotometer Datacolor3890 using standardlightresourceDuJ1Odeg. 4. Results and discussion Figure1 showsthe maintypesof cross-section fibre profiles.Their geometrywas analyzedby methodof Vl*kna a textil9 (4) 135-141 eA02) 16 l(/S 15 01 01 14 t1 13 5-f'.', ffiiji 12 '*,'rr.i,,.,.'f #effi. 11 t2 03 10 2.5 1.5 a2 03 33.544.55 Td,,dtex 1-Y 2-(-l 3-,l. Fig.2 Dependenceof color strengthKS on unit lineardensityTd; profiles,c = 1,5 g of dye/1009of fiof differentcross-section bre 16 01 KS 15 01 14 01 13 12 profilesof fibres Fig. 1 Cross-section 11 cross-sectionprofilepictureanalysisbased on REM )2 10 l2 o3 photographs, Table1 evaluatesgeometricpropertiesof 03 analyzedpicturesof smoothtexturedfibres. The geometricpropertiesstatedin table 1 were used 10 15 to calculateR - ramification degreeof fibresand a R measuringsurfaceof fibre. 1-Y 2-(-l g-,1. Figures2-5 showgraphicdependencies of KS color Fig.3 Dependence of colorstrengthK/Son ramification degreeR geometric parameters strengthfrom profiles, of ditferent cross-section c = 1,5g of dye/1009 of - unitlineardensity,Td, fibre - ramification degree,R - formingfactor,q - measuringsurfaceof fibre,a. 16 l(s 01 4.1 Influenceof fineness on color strength The influenceof finenessof elementaryprofiledfibres withshape on KS colorstrengthmanifestsin interaction of cross-sectionprofileexpressedby formingfactor. E v e n t h o u g ht h e f i b r e sw i t h p r o f i l ep r e p a r e do n Y shapedspinningnozzlereportlowerlineardensitiesin the set of profiledfibresthey reportthe highestK/S value,accordingto picture2, table1. Diffraction on surfacesof fibreswith profiletype illustratedon picture1a) table 1 is relativelylower and that correspondswith lowerformingfactorof thesefibres.Type of fibreson picture1c) reporthigh formingfactorand relatedhigh diffraction on theirsurfaces.Theseare the reasonswhy thickfibreswith (-) profileshow low colorstrength. vl{knaa textilI (4) 135-141(2002) 15 o1 14 01 13 12 11 )2 10 03 03 l2 0 0.1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0.9 0, 9 q 1-Y 2-(-l 3- Fig. 4 Dependenceof color strengthKS on formingfactor q of difprofiles,c = 1,5 g of dye/1009of fibre ferentcross-section 137 andthickfibreswithprofiledandcircularprofiledwells in interaction of influenceof formingfactorand linear densityon colorstrength. 16 KS 15 01 01 14 01 13 4.4 Influenceof measuringsurfaceon color strength Valueof colorstrengthl(S decreases withincrease Fibremeasuring offibremeasuring surface. surface can 11 duringgeometric modification be increased eitherby t2 03 decrease of lineardensityof basicfibresor by fibres 03 10 l2 - changing profilating geometry cross-section of fibres. profiled picture, fibres In of the set evaluated on mea410 430 370 350 390 310 in direction fromY -+ A -> a, suringsurfaceis increased (-). Colorstrengthdecreases 2-(-) in thisdirection in accor1- Y 3- ,^. profiled measuring dance with surface of fibres. Fig. 5 Dependenceof color strength1(S on measuringsurfacea of 12 ditferentcross-sectionprofiles,c = 1,5 g of dye/1009of fibre 5. Conclusion Basedon resultsreachedafterevaluatinginfluence of geometricparametersof profiledfibreson theircolor strengthwe can say that they highly influencediffraction and accordingto Kubelka-Munk equationcolor prepared Profiledfibres on spinningnozzleswithY Influences of interactions lineardenstrength. between and l profiledopeningshavea verycloseramificaprofiled fibres and criteria forming sity of cross-section prepared tiondegree.Fibreswere withalmostdouble degree. nozzleof profile- formingfactorand ramification the ramification degreeon profiledspinning 4.2 Influenceof ramificationdegreeon color strength (-) type.When influence evaluating of ramification degreeoncolorstrength, figure3, interaction of influences becauseon one handfibreson mustbe considered degreelevel(Y ahd | ) havediffersameramification entcolorstrengthon the otherhandfibreson different I1l ramification degreelevelhaveclosecolorstrength(A inth.iscaseaswithlineardensity, [2] and(-)).Supposedly, t3l degreeto interact the samereasonsleadramification withformingfactor. l4l 4.3 Influenceof formingfactoron color strength whenit comesto the factorq is significant Forming lt highlyinfluences diffracinfluence on colorstrength. Whenvaluesof formingfactorare tionon fibreprofile. low,diffraction on fibressurfaceis low anddyedfibre reportshighvalueof colorstrength andviceversa.Picof q. Fibreswith ture4 listsl(S valuesin dependence Y and I profilehavecloseformingfactorsandtheir lineardensity, withincreasing colorstrength decreases intheoryof colorfulness tablel.Thiscontradiction offine 138 6. References Bla2ej,A., Sut6, S.: Vlastnostitextilnfchvl6kien, Alfa, Bratislava,SR (1982) Neckai,B.: Piize, SNTL, Praha,CZ (1990) Revil6kov6,J., Jambrich,M., Murdrov6,A.: Vl6kna a textil 1 (2) 92-e6 (1ee4) Mur6rovd, A., Jambrich,M., Zamboj,1.,Revil'dkovd, J.: Chem. 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Received:November2002 vldkna a textil I (4) 135-141 (2002) PRICCruCNO PROFILUPETVLAKIEN VPLYVGEOMETRIE NA VYFARBENIE Translation of article: The influenceof cross-sectionof PETfibres on dyeing vldknach s0 rozdielne Sfhrn: Rozptylov6podmienkysvetla na geometrickymodifikovanyich a s tfm s0visiaoptick6a koloristick6vlastnostivyfarbenfchvldkien.V prispevkusa hodnotfvplyv geometrickejmodifik6ciePET vldkienna ich silu vyfarbenia.Vldkna sa geometrickymodifikovali pri zvldfrovanls vyuZitim profilovanyichzvl6kiovacich hubic s otvormi Y, (-), I . Charakteristiky vyjadruj0cegeometrick0modifikiiciu- zmenu priednehoprofilu vldkien s0 dlZkovd hmotnost, stupei rozvetvenia,tvarovf faktor a mernf povrch vlakien.Tieto charakteristikyu profilovanfch vldkiens rOznymprofiloms0 rozdielnea ich vplyv na silu vyfarbeniaje vfznamn5i. Klucov6 slov6: PET vl6kna, priednyprofil,tvarovyifaktor,stupefrrozvetvenia,merny povrch, sila vyfarbenia 1. Uvod q : ( O / n d-) 1 (1) profiluvldkna,ndje obvodekkdeO je obvodpriecneho fyzikalnych modifikaciije Jednouz moLnych zmena profiluvldkna. vivalentn6ho kruhov6ho geometrie vldkienv priecnomprofilecestouvyuZitia Prekruhovfprofilvl6knaje q = 0-0,07.V5etkyvySprofilovanfch zvlakfiovacich hubfc,ktor6maj0profilinf q prirovnakejjemnostivl6kien Siehodnoty vyjadrujfodprofilovanfch neZkruhoui.Proceszvldkfiovania vldkien profilu li5nostiod kruhov6ho vy55iemu smerom k stupje n6rodnfz hl'adiska reologiea reprodukovatelhosti iu clenitosti. profilov vldkien.Prednostou fyzik6lnej modifikdcie vldMernfpovrchvl6kienje definovanfpodl'avztahu(2): profilov geometrie kienzmenoupriecnej vldkienpriich profilovanfcfr tuorbevyuZitim zvldkiovaclch hubfcje,2e a = 2ntr(t + q)/(p.T),t, e) nevyZaduje d'alSie n6rokyprinirobnejekologii v porovnanlsklasicklim zvldknovanim. Profilovan6 vlSknavy- k9" q je tvarovffaktor,p je hustotaPETvl6kna,T je kazuj0zmenyvo fyzikdlnych vlastnostiach v porovna- dlZkova hmotnost vldkna. ni s klasickfmi kruhovymi vldknami. Je to sposoben6 Vo zvdzkuprofilovanyich vldkienje vzdjomn6usporiazmenenou makro5trukturou vldkiena s iou s0visiacimidanieelement6rnych vl6kienndhodn6 a profiltak6hoprofilu vlastnostami. Vplyvmakro5truktfry vldkiensav5eobec- to zvdzkuvldkienna rozdielod elementdrneho nevfznamneprejavuje na optick6vlastnosti a v prfpa- vldknamd v priednom a pozdllnomsmerenerovnak0 geometriu, de vyfarbenfch vldkienna farebnfvnem. do s0visiso stupiomzaplnenia vldkien. predMedzielementdrnymivldknami satotiZvytvdraju poklady prevznikkapildrrdznejvelkosti a ndsledne s ni2.Teoretick6casf mi sfvisiacerdzneprejavypovrchovfch a transportnychvlastnosti, [4,5]. prituorbevldkiensa ziskajri Tvarpriecneho profiluvldkiena velkostpovrchov Pozvl6dnutipodmienok elegeometriou vlAknas najrozmanitej5ou v zdvislosti vldkienovplyvfiuj0 od mentdrnych optick6prostredie, do profilovanej tvarupouZitej zvldkfrovacej hubice.Profil kore5pond ujes koloristidcf mivlastnostamiprofiIovanfch elementdrneho vldknav priecnom aj v pozdlZnom sme- a vyfarbenfch vldkien, [6,7]. pritomtospdsobemodifikdcie re si zachovdva podlhKubelka-Munkovej rovno- Silavyfarbenia savyjadruje geometrie prie6neho profiluvld- rovnice(3): mernost. Navyjadrenie kiensa pouZivaju r6znevelicinya ichekvivalenty, ktor6 K/S = (1 - B)'lzp (3) viac-menej vyjadrujIodli5nosti od klasick6ho kruhov6geometrichich hoprofilu, Nastanovenie charak- kdeK je koeficient absorpcie svetla,S je koeficient roz[1,2,3]. teristfksa vyuZivametodaanal,fzaobrazupriedneho ptylusvetla,Bje stupefiremisie. profiluvldkien. Okremskutocn6ho a ekvivalentn6ho Koeficient K je funkciouspektrdlnych obabsorpcie chavodua plochypriedneho rezusa vyuZfvajti dhl5iekrite- rakteristfk farbivavo vl6kne.Koeficient a koncentrdcie ria,akos0 mernfpovrchvldkiena, stupefirozvetvenia rozptyluS je funkciouStruktfrya geometrie vldkna. R,Warovffaktorq podl'aMalinowskej a in6.Stupefiroz- K Struktrirnym vplyvompatrinajmdnadmolekulov6 vetveniaR je danlipodielomStuorca obvodua plochy Strukt0ra vldkiena Strukt0ra farbiva.Kugeometrick;im priecneho profilu.Tvarovffaktorq podl'aMalinowskej vplyvom patrinajmai geometria priecdlZkova hmotnost, je definovanf podlavztahu(1): profilu. nehoa pozdlZneho vldkna a textil 9 (4) 135-141 (2002) 139 Pri dopadesvetla na povrchvyfarben6hovldknasa 6astsvetlaodrazia 6astpohltf.Cimje indexlomusvetla na rozhranivl6kno-vzduchvi65f, tim viic5iacast svetla sa odrazfa men5ia6ast svetla sa pohltivo vldkne. V dosledkumenSiehopodielupohlten6hosvetlasa jaOdrazsvetlana povrchu vivyfarbenievldknasvetlejSie. vldknaovplyviuje vfznamne geometriapovrchuvldkna. Takfto odrazsvetlasa m62epotladitSpecidlnoupovrchovouupravbu,6fm sa dosiahnetmav5ifarebnyi vnem vyfarben6hovldkna. Zdvislostjemnostivl6knaa rozptylov6hokoeficientu S vyjadriliAkar a East vztahom(4): S=a+b.tex-1/' gl - stanoveniegeometriclaich parametrovprofilovanfch PETvldkien - farbenieprofilovanyich PET vldkien - stanoveniesilyvyfarbeniaprofilovanlich PETvldkien. 3.1 Stanoveniegeometrickfch parametrov vl6kien V s0boresiedmichvzoriekPETvlakiens jednotkovou dfZkovouhmotnostouTdi = (2,3: 3,0; 3,5; 4,6 dtex) a priednymprofilom(Y, (-), A) sa stanoviligeometrick6bezrozmerov6parametretvaroni faktorq podt'aMalinowskeja stupefirozvetveniaR. Na ich stanoveniesa pouZifametodaanalyzyobrazupriecnehoprofiluvldkna, ktoryisa ziskalzaznamenanimna rastrovacomelekNa obr. 1. s[ zaznamenan6 tronovommikroskope. tri druhy priecnychprofilovvldkienzo suborusiedmich vzoriekPETvldkien,ktor6bolianalyzovanlpodl'avlastnej metodyanalfzy obrazu.Merny povrchvldkrena, [kgim'] sa vypoditalpodl'avztahu (2). rozptylvo vl6kne, kde a je kon5tantacharakterizujr.rca je povrchuvldkkon5tanta vlastnosti b charakterizujuca na. Podl'avztahu (4) k molekuldmfarbivav jemnej5ich vldknachsa dostdvamen5iemnoZstvosvetlaa vdc5ia dastsvetlasa odrazispdtod vl6knatzv. nefarebnoureflexiou,[8]. Medzisilouvyfarbenia,hr0bkouvldknaa mernfm 3.2 Farbeniegeometricky modifikovanfch povrchomvldknaplativztah(5): vl6kien = dtldz= dzJ4 (K/S).'/(K/S)z (5) V5etkyvzorkyprofilovanfchPET vldkienboli farbeje je je priemer (K/S) vl6kna, a n6 rovnakfmfarbiacimpostupom- vytahovacimposkde sila vyfarbenia,d povrch tupomfarbivaz farbiacehok0pela.Na farbeniesa pomernf vldkna. proplatia pre vldknas kruhovfm uZilodisperzn6 farbivoTerasilBlau3RL od firmyCiba Odvoden6vztahy vlastnostami. V redlnych Geigy s obsahom1,5 0/ofarbivavo farbiacomkupeli filoma rovnalqTmi Strukturnymi podmienkach na hmotnostfarben6hovldkna.Teolota sa tieto poZiadavkyna vldknadosahuj0 vztahovan6ho kupelaprifarbenlvldkien bola100"C. FarobtiaZne,a pretomaj0'odvoden6vztahyiba pribliZn0 farbiaceho prendsacafarbiva.bal5iepodmienplatnostpri pouZfvani, bilosa v pritomnosti [8]. Koncentrdciafarbivapotrebndna dosiahnutieurditej ky prifarbeniboliobvyklepodl'arecepturprifarbeniPET Prev5etkyvzorkybol cadruhejodmocnine vldkiendisperznyimifarbivami. farebnejsftostije nepriamo0mernd sovo-teplotnfreZimfarbeniarovnakf, aby sa vylucil dlZkouichhmotnostipodl'avztahu (6): faktorovpri hodnotenfvyfarbenia. vplyvd'al5ich (6) cr : c2 (Tfr r)'t' farbivavo vl6knach,T',.T2su kdec.,,c2s0 koncentr6cie vldkien.Infmi slovamivyjadren6, vy- 3 . 3 S t a n o v e n i es i l y v y f a r b e n i av l 6 k i e n dlZkov6hmotnosti farfarben6vldknajemnej5ies rovnakoukoncentr6ciou Datacolor3890 sa stanovilafaSpektrofotometrom bivaako majf vldknahrub5iesa javia oku svetlej5ie. vyfarbenfchvzoriekprofilovavldknavytvaraj[lep5iepod- rebndsila KS v5etkyich Je logick6,Ze profilovan6 zdrojiosvetlenia mienkypre rozptylsvetlaneZ kruhov6vldkna.Rozpty- nfch PET vlakienpri Standardnom lov! koeficientvzrastds prechodomk dlenitej5impro- DuJ1Odeg. filomvldkien.Vzhladomk tomu, Ze na komplexnej5ie vyjadreniepriecnehoprofiluvldknasa vyZadujeviacej 4. Vfsledky a diskusia krit6rii,neexistujejednoduch! vztah, ktory by obecne vyjadrovalvplyvvelkosti,tvaru a 6lenitostiprofilovvl6Hlavn6druhy priecnychprofilovvldkien,ktorfch kien na ich optick6a koloristick6vlastnosti. prdceje zhodnotitvplyvniekto- geometriabola analyzovandmetodouanalyzyobrazu Cielbmpredkladanej priecnychprofilovna podkladeREM obrdzkovsu zobrfch profilovPET vldkienna ich silu vyfarbenia. razenf na obr. 1. Stanoven6geometrick6charakterisobrazovhladkfchdfZenfchvldkien tiky analyzovanlich su uveden6v tabulkel. 3. Experiment6lnacast uveden6v tabulke1 sa charakteristiky Geometrick6 Experimentdlnerie5enietematick6hozameraniasa pouZilipre vypoditaniestupna rozvetveniaR vldkien a mern6hopovrchuvldkiena, [m27kg1. delina: 140 VlLknaa textil 9 (4) 135-14.1(2002) farebnej Na obr.2-5 s0 uveden6grafick6z6vislosti parametrov sily(S od geometricklich - jednotkovej hmotnosti, Tdj dlZkovej - stupnarozvetvenia, R - tvarov6ho faktora,q - mern6ho povrchu vldkien, a. a.3 Vplyv tvarov6ho faktora na silu vyfarbenia Tvarovf faktorq je z hl'adiskavplyvuna silu vyfarbenia vfznamny.Vysokoovplyviuje rozptylsvetlana povrchuvldkien.Pri nizkychhodnotdchtvarovehofaktora je rozptyldopadajfcehosvetla na povrchuvldkien hodnotusilyvyfarnizkya vyfarben6vl6knom6 vysokrjr naopak. Na obr. 4 s0 uveden6 hodnotyK/S benia a jemnosti q. profilom Vldkna Y s 4.1Vplyv na silu vyfarbenia v zdvislostiod a Amaju blizke faktorya ich sila vyfarbeniaklesdso vzrastaj0tvarov6 profilovanfch Vplyvjemnostielementdrnych vldkien cou dlZkovouhmotnostou,tab.1.Tentorozporv zmysle nasiluvyfarbenia v interakcii s tvarom rySsa prejavuje a hrubfchvldkiens profilote6rieo farebnostijemnfch priedneho profilu,ktoryvyjadruje tvaro4ifaktor.Najvy5profilom kruhouim spo6ivav interakciivplyvu vanlima SiuhodnotuKS podlaobr.2.maj0vldknas profilom, tvarov6hofaktoraa dlZkovejhmotnostina silu vyfarbektor6bolipripraven6 nazvl6kfiovacej hubicitvaru Y, honia. vldkienniZci majftietovldknav s0boreprofilovanich hmotnosti, SiedlZkov6 tab. 1. Rozptylsvetlana povrchochvl6kiens profilom typu,ktoryje naobr.1a),tab.1 4.4Yplyv mern6ho povrchu na silu vyfarbenia je relatlvneniZ5i,co koreSponduje s niZ5imtvarovfm povrchuvl6kiensa zniZuje je uvedenf So zvy5ovanim'mern6ho faktorom tfchtovldkien.Vldknatypu,ktoryi hodnotasily vyfarbenia1(S. Mernli povrchvldkiensa naobr.1c),majf vysokftvaronifaktora s nlms0visiaci moZe.zvy5itpri geometrickejmodifikdciibud' znilovavysokfrozptylsvetlana ichpovrchu. Z tfchtod6vodov nfm dlZkovejhmotnostielementdrnych vldkien,bud' vykazujri aj hrubevldknas profilom(-) nizkusiluvyfar- profilovanim vldkienzmenouprie6nejgeometrievldkien. benia. profilovanfch vl6kien,obr.5, sa zvyV s0borehodnotenfch Sujemernyipovrchsmeromod profiluY + A -->(-). Tfmto 4.2Yplyvstupnarozvetveniana silu vyfarbenia smeromklesdsilavyfarbeniav dobrejzhodes mernlm vldknapripraven6 Profilovan6 na zvldkfrovacich hu- povrchomprofilovanfchvl6kien. biciachs profilovanlimi otvormiY a I maj0vel'miblizprofilovanfch kystupeirozvetvenia. Nazvldknovaclch hubiciach 5. Zfver typu(-) sa pripravili vldknatakmers dvakrdt vySSrm stupiomrozvetuenia. Pri posudzovani vplyvu stupiarozvefuenia nasiluvyfarbenia, obr.3, trebabrat Na zdkladedosiahnu\ichvfsledkovpri posudzovani do fvahy interakcie vplyvov,pretoZena jednejstrane vplyvugeometrickychcharakteristikprofilovanfchvl6(Y kien na ich siluvyfarbeniamdZemekon5tatovat,2eWvldknana rovnakejurovnistupia rozvetvenia a A) majf r6znusiluvyfarbenia, nadruhejstranevldk- sokoovplyviuj0rozptylsvetlaa v zmysleKubelka-MunnanardznejurovnistupnarozveNenia majublizkuhod- kovej rovnicesilu vyfarbenia.Vfznamn6 s0 vplyvy ((-)a l). Pravdepodobne notusilyvyfarbeni.a i v tomto interakciimedzidlZkovouhmotnostouprofilovanfchvldpripadeakopri dlZkovejhmotnosti z rovnaloich d6vo- kiena krit6riamivyladruj0cimi tvar priednehoprofilutvadovvstupuje do interakcie so stupiomrozvetvenia tva- rouim faktorom,stupiom rozvetveniaa mernfm povrrovf faktor. chom. Vtdknaa textil9 (4) 13ts141(2002) 141 BETWEENSTRUCTURE, CONNECTION SYMMETRY AND PROPERTIES ANISOTROPY OF MECHANICAL OF WOVEN FABRICS L.,Vargovd, Sodomka, H. TU Liberec In the paperthe connectionbetweenstructure,symmetryand anisotropyof mechanicalproperties especiallythe Young modulusand drape of the woven cottonfabricsof the three main bonds plain,twist a satin are being presented.The anisotropyof the structureis representedthrough the new quantitylinear density of the bond points puttingin the polar diagrams.The polar diagrams are being plottedfor the structure,Young modulus,for the coefficientof drape and their anisotropyare being compared. Key words: Structure,symmetry,anisotropy,elasticmodulus,drape, drapemeter l.lntroduction It is the effortof the theory and of the experimentto explainthe complicatedand complexpropertiesof the textilefabricsthroughthe basictextilecomponentsas the fibresis. Fromthe linear,planaras well as volume distributionof the fibresthe yarns and planarstructure are beingcreated.In the staticstructurethe positions of the individualfibresare beingdescribed,in the dynamicalone the movementof the fibresin the textile fabricsis beingconsideredalso.The planarstructureof textilesis beingcarriedout as the woven,knittingand web fabrics.The knowledgeof the textilefabricstructure is very importantfor the technologyof the production of the textilesof the requestedproperties.In the textilefabricspropertiesthe very importantrole are beingplayedin the interactionforcesbetweenfibresand their aggregates.There are the frictionforcesthat are beingheldthe fibrestogetheras in the yarnsas well as in the woven,knittingand nonwoventextiles.In the knitting and woven fabricsthe distributionof the fibres is periodic,in the web fabricsaperiodicone. The objectof our researchthereare the wovenfabricsthat havealso the periodicdistributionof the bondingforces representedthroughthe bond points in the woven fabrics. The bondingpointsare beingcreatedthe bond of the wovenand they can be used also as the structureelementsof the wovenfabric.When thesebondpointsare beingrepresented throughthe geometricalpoints,the complicatedwoven structureis being represented troughthe planarpoint lattice.For the structurerepresentationand descriptionof this latticethe two-dimensionalcrystallatticecan be appliedand with it the all mathematical apparatus.All thiswill be donein the folpaper. lowing Thus supposedthe textilesstructureis of inducingthe basisof the anisotropyof the properties the wovenfabricsas for instancethe mechanicalmoduli 142 and strengthof the textilesare. The furtherproperties, which are beingexpectedthe anisotropyfrom,the frictioncoefficient and drapeare [1],[2].All this presented problemsare beingsolvedin this paper. 2.The objects of research interest, the structure anisotropy ln the paperthe objectof the studythereare the cotton of the wovenfabricsof the three bonds,the plain, the twillandthe satin.The basicparametersof the studied wovenfabricsare followingones summarisedin the t a b l e1 . In the tablethe fullsquareare beingrepresented the warp bond pointand the whiteone are not the bond can be recognisedthe warp and weft bond points. propertiesof the studiedcottonwovenfabTable 1 Fundamental rics plane textile bond area mass (g/mt) thickness(mm) warp thread density (n/m) weft thread density (n/m) warp threadshorteninSfk) weft threadshortening(%) pt 1 120,5 0,38 2900 2600 16 10 twill *!r satin oL ^rcr 66', 122 0,52 2900 3000 7,8 12 11 6 0, 5 2900 2700 B 10 Vl*kna a textil9 (4) 142-148 (2002) 3.Thedescriptionand relationin the ideal structureof the woven fabrics Whentheyarejoiningthecentresofthebondsquares thegeometriinthewovenschemeit is beingobtained Thesearebeingrepresented thesamegencallattice. Fig. 2 The form of five differenttextileplanarelementaryunit cell: eralproperties of the wovenas the symmetryand parallelogram, rectangle(oblong),centredrectangle,square textilelatticeis isoare.Thusconstructed anisotropy (a = b) and triangle lattices andalltheir morphic withplanarcrystallographic properties the symmetrycanbe transferred is in the distanceL(uv),then for the densityH(uv)can especially the geometricalbe written to the textilelattice.Let us construct latticefromthewovenof theplain,twillandsatinbonds + n?,v'), H(uv) = 1/L(uv): nonr/./(n2ou2 shownin the table1. Thesethreelatticesare on the (2\ flo = 1/a, 1/b fig.1 a, b, c. withthe latticetheoryit nois the linearwarp threaddensityand n, is the werf Fromthesefigurestogether andthe one. be structure characteristics can deducedthe Forthe polardiagramplottingthereis very important symmetryof the textilelattices.Generallyit can be through to know alsothe anglebetweenthe direction[01] and shownthateachlatticepointcanbe expressed generallatticedirection[uv],0. This can be calculated relation thefollowing afterusingthe followingformula (1) r=ua+vb cos([01 ],[uv])= vn,/{(n?u'* n',v'), r is the positionvectorof the latticepoint,? , b arethe = * n'rv')) (3) o cos-11vn/./(n2"u' (seefig.1) andu, v arethe intelatticecellparameter gernumber.Because Forthe simplifying the construction of the structure the a, b areforthe definedwoit is possible of polardiagram the squareunitlatticecellis beingsupvenconstant, to useforthedesignation latticepointthesymbol[[uv]land[[00]lis theoriginof posed,a = b andH(uv)= n/!(u2* v'), wheren = no= nu, the lattice.In the textilelatticeit can be distinguished r nrrvr)) (4). 0 = cos-11vnr/r/1n2ou2 alsothe latticedirection. Eachof themis determined polardiagramarebeIn thefig.3, 4, 5 thestructure through thetwopoints;oneis theoriginandsecondis presented. point[[uv]].The thegeneral lattice directionsing often-used Fromthefig.3, 4, 5 it is seenthatthereareexisting arebeingdenoted simply[uv]. peaksin bondpoint Aftertheplanarlatticetheory,the periodicstructures fourprimaryandfoursecondary are havingthe elementsof the macro-and/or densityandthepointdensityis beinganisotropic. The is definedas thecoefficient microsymmetry. Troughthesethe fivetypeof the pla- measure of theanisotropy S(A) narlattices Therearethe of theanisotropy [1,21 arebeinginduced. squared, triangle, simpleand simpleparallelogram, (5) S(A)= (P.", - Pr,^)/(P,",* Prin) (oblong) (fig.2). Because thetextile centredrectangle planarstructureare being in the most causes Usingthe (5) it is possibleto calculatethe anisotropy the coefficientfor the structureanisotropypresentedin the orthotropic, point densityH(uv) in the The bond (geometrical) orthotropiclatticeis being definedas the numberof polardiagramon fig. 3, 4, 5. bondpointsin the lenqt 3'r=: b) 1 T_S 6 r,m 1 s6/4/ Fig. 1 Latticesof a) plain,b) twilland c) satinstructuresrespectively vldkna a textil9 (4) 142-148 (2002) 143 l0' l5' 34J" 330' 255" 27-. 2t5. c) b) a) points = plainwovena) all bond pointsof; b) warp bond points;c) weft bond Fig.3 The polarstructurediagramH(uv) H(q)for the -L- -a.L\ ...^-^ l-^h,.. , il; a) bond points diagramH(uv)= H(q)for the twillwovena) warp bond points;b) weft Fig.4 Thepolardtructure rooT i 140 80 ll5' \ /,, 210' b) a) points;b) weft bond points bond warp = a) woven satin for the H(q) H(uv) diagram Fig. 5 The polarstructure S(A) warp weft plain wovenbond twill satin 0,56 1 0,89 1 0,79 1 Allbondpoints:0,56. For the mathematical ingthe in general3D anisotropy. dJscriptionof the anisotropythe tensorsare using.The tensoifor the elasticmodulushas the forth orderand These are beinglowered in general81 components. with symmetryand 2D dimensionfor the orthotropic symmetrytothethreecomponents[3],[4]'Thussuchan tensorE,,canbe expressedin the matrixform eiasticity AS 4. Anisotropyof elasticmodulusof woven fabrics =Ez, (6) E,z llr,ll= ll;,, ;;ll, r rr t l l E . , E , l l of textilesis beingimpliedthe anisotropy Thestructure planartex' From(6)it is seenthatforthe orthotropy of the properties especially textile the of anisotropy to knowonlythreetensor propertyfromthe tile fabricsit is necessary ones.Themostimportant mechanical of thepolardiagram, construction the For onesis theelastic(Young)modulusshow- components. mechanical 1M VtLkna a textil I (4) 142-148 (2002) 270" 90o I 900 I 80" b) Fig. 6 Polardiagramof elasticmodulusa) plainstructure;b) twillstructure;c) satinstructure the dependenceof the elasticmodulusE on the polar angle0, E(q),it is necessaryto transformthe tensor formwiththe expression(6)to the moreadvantageous following result[5,6]: * (sin4e7E,; + 1/E(0)= 1sos40/Eo) F (Eos+ 1l4Eo- 1/4E,)sin22o (7) Fromthe relation(7) it is seenthat for the constructionof the wholepolardiagramthereare necessaryto know the threevalue of the elasticmodulusEois the modulusin warpdirectionEu, is the modulusin the weft directionand Eo,is the modulusin the 45 degreedirectionin polardiagram.The threeexperimental obtained modulusvaluesare sufficientto calculateafter(7) valin the polardiaues of elasticmodulusin all directions gram.Thiswill be madefor the plainbondin the fig.6 a),forthe twillbondin the fig.6 b) andforthe satinbond i n t h ef i g .6 c ) . Fromthesefiguresit is beingobservedthatonlymaximal valuesin the axis directionhave been shownand the secondarypeaksappearingin the structureanisotropyhavebeenlost.Considering thisfact it is possible to introducethe new quantity,the orthotropycoefficient S(O)throughthe followingdefinition t h e i n t e r v a l< 0 , 1 > .T h e v a l u e 1 i s r e s e r v e df o r t h e s q u a r e o r t h o t r o p ya n d t h e v a l u e 1 f o r t h e l i n e a r orthotropy,when the textilefabricsare createdonly troughthe parallelthreads.The S(O) valuesfor the three types of the woven fabricsare being calculated and are as follows: for plainstructure0,04,for twill structure0,14 and for satinwovenfabrics0,33. 5. Anisotropy of the drape of woven fabrics The drapeis definedas the deformation of the textile fabricsmadethroughthe gravitational force.Therefore for the drape measurementsthe differentset up and techniquecan be used.In the firsttechnique(1950)the circletextilesampleof the known radiusR is being coaxiallysituatedon the solidcirclebaseof the radius r. The actionof the gravitational forceis deformingthe textilecircle.The projectionof the deformedtextilefabricstroughthe parallellightbeamin the symmetryaxis directionof the set up is leadingthe creationon the bed areaA. The drapecoefficientS(S) is definedas S(S) : (A - nr'111nR'-nrl (9) Nowthe areameasurement is beingmadeusedthe program Lucia video camera and for the evaluating of S ( o ) : ( E [ 1 0 -] E [ 0 1 ] ) / ( E I 1 + 0E l [01]) (8) the S(S).This methodhas been carriedout for the whereE[10]is denotingthe elasticmodulusin the direc- drapemeasurements in [5],[6].The measurements of tionof warp[10]and E[01]in weft [01]threads. the drapeof the threewoven structureare presented The valuesof the S(O) can achievethe valuesfrom o n t h e t i g . 7 . Fig. 7 The projectionarea in drapemeasurementof the a) plainstructure;b) twillstructure;c) satinstructure. Vldknaa textil9(4) 142-148(2002) 145 Fig. 8 The set up of the drapemeterafterSodomka[7], [8] On the borderof this projectedarea the so called wavesare beingobserved.This is the expressionof the drapeanisotropy.Also their numberis its characteristic. In the fig.7 b) and 7 c), the 8 wave numberis being shown;on the tig.7 a) only7 wavesare beingobserved. Number8 can be probablycoheredwith the structure anisotropy. By the first author one fast and simple method of drapemeasuring(drapemeter) has beenproposed.lts principleis beingexplainedusingthe fig. 8. The textile fabricbandof the lengthL (200mm)and the breathB (50mm)is puttingbetweentwo planarwall and letting to createthe waves.The textilefabric is in the contact withthewallsat the heightsL,, L, , L3, ... L,, ... Ln. The drapecoefficientis definedas UL orlandS (UnL)where n is the numberof the waves.The theoryof this deformationtypeis in the beginning. Anotherdrapemeteris beingbasedon the measuring of the sag of the textilefabricbend.The drapeanisot- ropyis measuredin dependence of the bandaxisdirection in the textilefabrics.The anisotropymeasurements of the drapefor the all threebondtypesthroghthe textle bendingare beingpresentedon the fig. 9. Thesetwo lasttypesof the dynamometersare in the development. The somedetails 6 . R e v i e w ,c o n c l u s i o n sa n d f u t h e r d e v e l o p t m e n t In the paperthe connectionbetweenstructureand anisotropyof the mechanicalpropertiesof woventextileshas beenstudied.Forthe structuredescription the crystallographic analogybetweenthe 2D crystallattice and 2D woventextilehas been borrowed.The lattice p o i n t si n w o v e nt e x t i l e sa r e t h e b o n d i n gp o i n t s .O n thesesuppositions the structureanisotropy of the three typesof woventextileshavebeendesignedon the fig. 3 , 4 , 5 . T h e s ec a n b e c o m p a r e dw i t h t h e m e a s u r e d \ 2&' lm. 210. Fig. 9 Anisotropyof the drapeabilitymeasuredthroughthe textilebendingof the samplepreparationand measurements can the readerfind in [9] and [10]. 146 vldkna a textil I (4) 142-148 (2002) anisotropy of theYoungmodulusof woventextileson it is evident,that only fig.6. Fromthis comparison The subsidorthotropy symmetryis beingconserved. polar on the mechanical iarybondingpointdirections havenotbeenobserued, diagrams In the paperit is beingalsoshownthatall mechaniThe cal propertieshave been shownanisotropy. withclassical drapeability of woventextilesmeasured methodcannotbe directlymeasured.Forthesepurposesthetwo newmethodshavebeenproposed and applied. The connection betweenstructureand mechanical properties of woventextilesis not beingeasyto solve as thefirsstep, beandthispapercanbe understood pointshasbeen ofthebonding causeonlythegeometry considered andthe forcesbetweenthencan be neglected. This publication is being granted from the GACR under the grant number 106/01/0387. vldknaa textilI (4) 142-148(2002) References l 1 l Sodomka,L., et al.: Strukturatkanina jejivztah k anizotropii modulupruZnostia splyivavosti, Strutex2001 TU LiberecCR p. 147 I2l Sodomka,L., et al,: Anizotropiesoudiniteletienl zdkladnich vazeb bavlnEnfchtkanin. 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Strutex 2001 TU Liberecp. 147 Recieved:March 2002 147 SOUVISLOST STRUKTURY S ANIZOTROPII MEcHANrcKVcn vlAsTruosri rrnruiru Transtation of article: Connectionbetweenstructure,symmetryand anisotropyof mechanicalproperties of wovenfabrics V dldnkuje pojedndnoo vztahu struktury,soumdrnostia anizotropiemechanickfchvlastnosti zvld5tdmoduluv tahu, tieni a splfvavostibavlnenlichtkanintii z6kladnichvazeb : pl6tnov6,keprov6 a atlasov6.Anozotropiestrukturytkaninje kvantifikovdna soustavouvazbovfch bod0, kter6 tvoif dvojrozmdrnoumifZku.Z ni je tak vytvoien soumdrnliftvar pro vazn6 body osnovnla 0tkov6. Ty vytvdieji poldrni diagramy ve tvaru r02ice s vfraznfmi osmi maximy se dtyidetnouosou j akou maj i pol 6rnidi agramymodul 0v tahu. V 5echny s ou md rn o s tis,e s te j n o uo s o u s o u m6rnosti zaveden6charakteristikyuvaZovanfchtextiliivykazujfanizotropii. Klicovd slova: Struktura,soum6rnosta anizotropietkanin,elastickyimodul v tahu, splyivavost. Uvod ny zdkladnichvazeb:pldtnov6,keprovda atlasov6.Jejichz6kladnftextilnicharakteristiky jsoushrnutyv tabuljakteorietakexperimentu, Je snahou, vytvoiitstruk- ce a jejichstrukturnfzobrazenfje na obr. 1. Textiliejsou prvk0,jakojsouvldkna chApdnyjako dvojrozmdrn6 periodick6struktury,kter6 turutextilifz jejichzdkladnlch plo5n;ich a vytvaieni textiliiz linedrnich Zddanfch vlast- tvoii p6t elementdrnich dvojrozm6rnfchbun6kuvedenostf.Orientace arozlolenivldkena jejichorientace vy- nfch na obr.2. Jako strukturnicharakteristika bylazvoperiodickou tvaiejivtkanindch statickou stavbutkanin, lena hustotavazbovyich bodu H(uv),definovan6vztajejichgeometrickou Vazbov6sily,kter6drZi h e m ( 2 ) . J e j f m u Z i t l mb y l y z k o n s t r u o v 6 n yp o l d r n i strukturu. vl6knapohromade vytv6iejipakjejichfyzikdlnistruktu- strukturnidiagramypro zdkladnivazbypldtnovou,kepru.Je snahoujak experimentu, tak iteorieodvoditze rovou a atlasovou.Poldrnfdiagramytdchtostruktur vlastnosti struktury uiroby. H(uv): H(6)majidtyidetnounebodvojcetnouosu soutextilifprojejichtechnologii geometrick6 Z vychozi a fyzikalni struktury tkanin vyply- m6rnostia jsou uvedenypro lfc a rub na obr. 3, 4 a 5. jakojsou Jim piislu5n6poldrnidiagramymodul0v tahujsou na vajijakod0sledek v5echny vlastnosti textilif, pruZnost, pevnost, soucinitel Je proto obr. 6. Anizotropiijevilatak6 splfvavostvSechtif typ0 tieniasplfvavost. r4izkumu snahoutextilnfho vztahymezistruk- tkanin,jak ji znazorfiujeobr. 7. Prdce ukAzalana souobjevovat V5echnytytovlastnosti turoua vlastnostmi. sdruZuje visloststrukturya vlastnostitri typ0 tkanin,pldtnov6, anizotropie Piedmetem textilii. cldnkuje hledatffto sou- keprov6a atlasove.V dlankuje rozliSena celkov6(v5esvislosti. m6rovd)a jednosm6rovd spllvavosta uvedenajednoduchdmetodak hodnocenfjednosm6rov6splyivavosti Strukturni anizotropie spolus jednoduchfmmdifcimpiistrojemjednosmeroJakopiedm6tvfzkumubylyvybr6nybavlnen6 tkani- v6 splyivavosti. 148 vldkna a textil I (4) 142-148 (2002) OF OF THERMALEFFICIENCY EVALUATION OBJECTIVE PCMPARTICLES CONTAINING GARMENTS PROTECTIVE LuboS Hes, L., Balcaiikovd, V. TechnicalUniverzityof Liberec,e-mail:/uboshes@ This paper brings concise explanationof the function of fabrics and clothes which provide increasedthermal protection(insulation)on principleof dynamic thermal resistancegiven by accumulationof heat in PCM particlesintegratedinto protectivetextilelayer. Besidesdescription funcmodel of their thermo-protective of structureof the fabrics,a simplifiedthermo-mechanical t ion is g i v e n . In the second part of the paper, new methodof thermalefficiencyevaluationof the protection 'time of at leasttwofoldthermal layersin time coursetime is described.This methodis based on protection"and an originaldevice for applicationof this easy method is introduced.ln the end, first findingsfound by the new method which emphasizenecessityof relativelyhigh amount of the PCM elementsfor sufficientlygood protectioneffectare given. parametercatledthermalabsorbtivityb [Ws1t'1m'K1introducedby Hes in [2] can be determinedwith commerin the worldoffersportclothes cialapparatusAI-AMBETAdescribedin [3]. Severalcompanies withhigherthermalcapacity,whichprovidetemporary Thermalcapacityof clotheshas to defendthe body protection whethercausedby stay fromsuddentemperaturechangesin the environment, againstoverheating space and in hotsurroundings or by higherproduction of metabolic for examplewhen leavingair-conditioned func- enteringto tropicalatmosphere. heatduringhighsportor workstrain.Protective In fact,this balancingeffectis weak and short.Wool durtionof thoseproductsis basedon heatabsorption ingphasechangein so called"phasechangemateri- clothesprovidemuch higher"buffer"effectdue to valayerof the porizationheat of absorbedwater, but only in case if als"(PCM)whichareputinsideprotection high temperatureof surroundingair comeswith low specialclothes. marketing, Dueto intensive theseclothesareknown humidity.Yet this is not a usualcase.That is why fabpro- rics basedon heat accumulationby meansof phase However, to publicandtheyfoundtheircustomers. the changeappearedon the market. ducersof the fabricsare not ableto characterize in simpleman- This principlewas firstusedin civilengineering- unheatprotection effectof theproclaimed housestherewere put closed ner.Thereis growingsuspicion amongtextilespecial- der roofsof "intelligent" proportional iststhattheprotection is notnecessarily to containerswith PCM materials.The heataccumulated fabricsandgarments. duringhot days warmedthe whole houseduringcold highpriceofthese"performance" analysisof nights.Dr BarbaraPausepublishedthis principlefirst Objective of this paperis a simplified PCM - see in [a] afterthe suitableway of applicationof these mechanism of fabricscontaining thermoprotective proposal m a t e r i a l si n f a b r i c sw a s s o l v e d .T h e m o s t l yu s e d new method and related and a of elements of thermaleffi- materals- alkens- are productsof organicchemistry deviceswhichalloweasyevaluation clothesof the "outlast" and theirmeltingtemperaturelies usuallybetween15 ciencyof the thermoprotective and 40 "C. As an example eicosancan be used,with type. 36,1 'C. meltingtemperature 1. lntroduction 2. Dynamicsof fabricheating 3. A theory of using of phase change materials in thermo-protectivegarments withtemperaWhiledressing especially of underwear we feeleffectof turedifferentfrombodytemperature intheclothes, whichis givenbyarea Thesewax-likematerialsare enclosedin smallcapheataccumulation relatedthermalcapacityof clothingC U/mzlcalculated sulesof diameter5 to 15 micrometersand can be inas a productof specificheatc [J/kg]andsurfaceden- put and fixed insideany textilestructure( nonThermalconductivity of tex- woven fabric)or on the surfaceof textilefabric by sityof thefabricM [kg/m2]. meansof a resin.Recently,the PCM elementswere tilematerial takesshareontheoverallthermal-contact perception first successfully builtinsideacrylicfibres.ThesePCM eleofthefabric.WellknownProf.Kawabata pointed of dynamics of thermal-con-ments are characterizedby relativelyhigh phase outtheimportance tactperception as a partof feel or hand[1].Resulting changeheat L [cca250 J/kg]which is takenoff the fabVldknaa textil9 (4) 149-154 (20021 149 in consequence of higherexric duringits heating-up teriortemperaturetg,or when coolingit down from meltedstate. In both cases in the courseof phase changetr6 [sec],PCM elementskeeprespectivetextile layerwiththermalresistanceRp6at the phasechange tp6 for timeof fractionsto multiplesof mintemperature utes. lf the userof the protectionclothesis exposedto high exteriortemperaturetg,then protectiveclothesconsisting of two textilelayerswith innerand exteriorthermal resistanc€Rpnord Re,and PCM layerwhichis laidbetweenthe textilelayers,shouldguaranteethatthe skin temperaturet, of the wearer does not exceed at least for certaintimethe temperaturelimitlevelwhichbrings thermalcomfortfeeling.With certainsimplificationand for Rrselt;' Rr the abovementionedmechanisms can be quantifiedin the followingway: Heatflowqo[Wmt] to the skin (ts ,, 33"C)withoutprotection: Qo= (te- ts)/(Re+ Rpc+Rr*or) (1) Heatflow qo [Wm'] to the skin with protection(tpc= 35-38'C): + Rr*ot) Qp= (tpc- ts)/(O,sRpc (2) lf PCMprotection appears,thenqp.( go, Heatflow to PCM layerduringthe time of protection tocH: : (tE- tpc)/(0,5Rpc+ Re) Qpcra (3) TotalheatL U/m'l necessaryfor completemeltingof PCM layer: L = Qpcu'tpc g) Time of thermalprotectionprovidede. g. by protec(in the praction glovedeterminedunderprecondition ticeonly hardlyfeasible)that temperatureof PCM layer is for certaintime in the whole PCM layerconstant: = L.RE/(te- tpc) tpc : L/qp61,,1 (5) Fromthissimplifiedanalysisfollowsthat levelof protectivefunctionof PCM is stronglyaffectedby the level Fig. 1 Schemeof the PC Testerinstrumentfor evaluationof efficiencyof thermal protectivefabrics 150 of phasechangetemperatureand the levelof thermal resistance,and that the most importantfactoris mass of PCM elementsinsertedinto activelayerof clothes. lf theirweightportionis low (lowerthan 30%),the outsidepenetratesthroughthe PCM layerto insidelayers whichare in contactwithskinand the secondparl of the equationis invalid.To get reallyeffectivePCM heatprotection, we haveto use thicktextilelayers,whichare lessflexibleand consequently lesscomfortable. 4. New method for evaluation of thermal efficiency of PCM protection New instrumentcalledPC Testeris basedon commercialequipmentALAMBETAfor the measurentof thermal-contact and thermal-isolation characteristic of flattextiles.The schemeof thisequipmentis shownon F i g .1 . The instrumentconsistsof two blocks- boxeswith The temperatureof the firstone, differenttemperatures. so calledSKINBOX,is kepton skintemperaturetri by meansof classicalcirculationthermostat2. The second one is HOTBOX3; it is heatedor cooledelectrically. The temperaturein this case is kept by digitalregulatoror computer4 on differentlevelts. Testedfabric5 containing PCMelementsis locatedbetweensensingareasof bothboxes,and in the courseof the testingproccessit is surrounded by two flat textiles6 and 7 whichsimulatebotheffectof thermalresistanceof undenryear with respectiveair gaps Rrrorand effectof totalthermalresistanceRu betweenPCM layerand the environment withtemperature tg. Whenevaluatingeffectof PCM layersit is necessary to preparethe PCM layerwith thermalresistanceRps as well as the simulationlayerwith the same thermal resistanceRsrru, but withoutPCM elements. Evaluationof the efficiencyis startedby allocationof layers4, 5 (SlM)and 6 betweensensingsurfacesof bothboxesandtheirbringingintomutualthermalcontact.The computerbeginsto registerlevelof heatflow q [ W m z ) p a s s i n gt h r o u g h s e n s i n g s u r f a c e o f t h e SKINBOX.As it is evidentfromfig. No 2.,the heatflow reachesits maximUffigmaxo in shorttime tonot exceeding severalseconds,becauseeffectivesurfacethermal capacityof fabrics,givenby productof specificheat c [J/kg]and surfacedensityof fabric[kg/mt]is very low. Thefinalvalueof thermalresistance is thengivenby the (1). relation In nextstepthe textilefabric5(SlM)replacesprotectivelayerS(PCM)in the measuredassmblyand measurementis repeated.In this case the increaseof the levelof heatflow is slower,becauseof the effectof heat accumulationneededto accomplishingof the phase change.In theory,the abovementionedaccumulation of heat shouldbe constantfor some time and consequently,the heatflowshouldnot changein the meanvldkna.a textil I (4) 149-154 (2002) ing of the relation(3).Time of protectionshouldbe characterizedby the time of protectionaccordingto the relation(5). In reality,there is no "plateau"with constant of the heatflowgoingthough valueq at the registration the systemwith PCM layers,becausePCM layeris not continuousin usualapplicationin textiles.A non refibresfrom outside ducedheatflow penetratesbeWveen layer,and as a result of it the curve of heat flow is smoothand continuousand remindsagainan exponential one. How can we then simplyevaluatetimeof protection? a lot ln physics,the exponentialcurvescharacterize of naturalprocesses,as e.g. radioactiveisotopedecay. Forsimpleexpressionof the radiationintensitydrop,the whichis givenby halftimewas introduced, radioactive time necessaryfor drop of radiatelevelintensityto half. This parameteris useful,becauseit is clearfor understanding.Similarly,analogyof this parameterwill be usedfor evaluationof the thermalprotectiveefficiency of fabricscontainingPCM elements. As the timeof protectiontps will be appointedthe time in whichheatflow will be loweror equalto one halfof the maximumrate of heat flow qr"",o achievedwhen measuringthe fabricsimulatingthe protectivelayer,but withoutPCMelements. BecausethermalresistanceR of fabricsis givenby the knownrelation The resultswere publishedat a conferencein Portugal in 2001, but there was no detaileddescriptionof the deviceand methodgiven [5]. Duringthe preliminary t e s t st h e P C M l a y e r( m e l t i n gp o i n t2 8 ' C ) w a s s u r roundedby textileswiththe samethermalresistanceR (about0,1m2K/VV) and the quantityof PCM elements was raisedfrom 0 to 50% of the sampleweight.Time with raising necessaryto reachthe 50% level of q,n"r,o proportionof PCMwas increasingalmostlinearlyto 620 sec, whichin some extendprovesthe validityof relation(5). Anotherprototypeof the devicePCM testerwas build recentlyin theTextileResearchlnstitutein Taipei,Taiwan, andthe methodwasoncemoreverified,by providing similar results.A priorityof the describedmethodof evaluationof thermalefficiencyof PCM fabricsis coveredby a patentapplication since2001.The theoretical analysisof heat transferin protectivetextilewas completedat the TechnicalUniversityof Liberecin 2002. 6. Conclusion fabricscontainingPCM Functionof thermo-protective in thisworkand a elementswas analysedtheoretically function new methodfor evaluationof thermo-protective of thesefabricswas proposed.This methodprovides of realboundaryconditions at wearingof the simulation and to characterize fabrics enables thermaleffithese (6) R = (tE- t".J/g parameter PCM fabrics by the only which of the ciency protection in at least rise thermal in reality is time of twofold resistance. means alsothe time the thenthe timeof testscarriedout on the firstprototypeof the for what effectivethermalresistanceof protectivefab- Preliminary instrument showed,that in orderto reachthe ric is at leasttwofoldin comparisonwiththe samelayer related protection, time of thermal it is necessaryto meaningful withoutPCMelements. high of PCM amount applyrelatively elements,when s e v e r eb o u n d a r yc o n d i t i o n s( i n p r a c t i c ef r e q u e n t l y 5. Experimentalresults occuring)of wearingof the protectiveclothesare set on the device. Firstprototypeof the equipmentwas made in coop7. Literature erationwith Prof.R. Gomesat the Universityof Minho. I1l Yoneda M., KawabataS.: Analysisof TransientHeat Conductionin Textilesand lts Applications,Part ll, Journalof TextileMachinerySocietyof Japan 31, 73-81 (1983) 12) Hes L,:ThermalPropertiesof Nonwovens,in: CongresslND€X 87, Geneva 1987 l3l Hes L., DoleZall,:New Methodand Equipmentfor Measuring Thermal Propertiesof Textiles,J.Text. Machinery Soc. of Japan 42, T12+-128 (1989) I4l Pause B.: Developmentof the first protectiveclothingwith microencapsulated PCM, in: TextextilSymposium,Francfort 1995 of the PCM MicrocapsuI5l Gomes,J.N.,Lima,C. J,: Application les to Textilesfor ThermalInsulation.ln: lst AUTEX Technical TextilesConference,Povoa de Varzim, Portugal2001 l,s Fig.2 Time courseof heat flow passingthroughthe simulatedskin duringthe evaluationof thermalefficiencyof the PCMfabrics in the PC Tester Vldknaa textil9 (4) 149-154(2002) Acknowledgements:Researchwork presented in this paper as partiallysuppoftedby the grant No. 1N008090offeredby the Czech Ministry of Education. Recieved:November2002 151 HODNOCETI TEPELNE OBJEKTIVNI UEINNOSTI TEXTILII PCMEASNCE ocHRANruVcn OBSAHUJ1C1 Translation of article: Objectiveevaluationof thermalefficiencyof protectivegarmentscontainingPMC particles V prdcije strudn6 vysv6tlena funkcetextilila od6v0poskytujici zvfsenou tepelnou ochranu (izolaci)na principu dynamick6hotepelndhoodporu vytvoien6hoakumulacftepla v tzv. PCM ddsticfch,kter6jsou integrovAnydo ochrann6textilnivrstvy.Krom6popisustrukturyt6chtotextilii je tel uveden zjednoduSenftermomechanickfmodeljejich tepelnE-ochrann6 funkce. Ve druh66dstipiisp6vkuje popsdnanovd metodahodnocenitepeln6 ri6innosti tdchtoochrannfch vrstev pomocitzv. doby nejm6nddvojndsobndtepeln6ochranya je uvedeni p0vodnipifstrojpro aplikacit6to jednoduch6metody.V z6v6rujsou zmindnyi prvnivfsledkyziskan6novou metodou, kter6 zdtrazfiujf nezbytnostaplikace relativndvysok6ho mnoZstviPCM 6dstic, aby ochrannf efekt byl dostatedn6vyrazny. prostora okoll, napi. kdyl opouStimeklimatizovanyi vstupujemedo tropick6hoprostied[. Nekolikfiremna sv6t6v poslednidobdnabizisportov- Ve skutecnostije v5aktentokompenzacniefekt slabli nl od6vyse zui5enoutepelnoukapacitou,kter6posky- a krdtkodobf.Dalekovy55itzv.,,buffer"efektyposkytujf tujfdo6asnoutepelnouochranuproti piehidti,al jil zpit- dfky 4iparn6muteplu sorbovandvody vlneneod6vy, soben6hopobytemv hork6mprostiedi,nebozr4i5enou av5akjen tehdy,je-li vndj5fvysokdteplotaokolniho jeho nizkouvlhkostf.Toto vSak produkcfmetabolick6ho teplapii vy,sokesportovninebo vzduchudoprovdzena pracovnizat62l Tyto odevy se diky intensivnfmumarke- neni b6Znf piipad. Protose na trhu objevilytextilie tingu staly znAm6veiejnostia na5ly sv6 zdkazniky. zaloleni na akumulacitepla pomocffazov6zmeny. Nicm6n6,r,nirobci tdchtood6v0nejsouschopnijednodu- Tento principbyl nejdiivepouZivdnve stavebnictvichyimzp0sobemcharakterizovatucinnost proklamovan6 pod stiechami,,inteligentnich" dom0 byly umist6ny tepeln6ochrany.Mezi textilnimiodbornfkyproto klidi rozlehl6uzavien6nddobyobsahujiciPCM materidly. podezienf,Ze tato ochrananemusfbft vZdy 0mdrnd Teploakumulovan6b6hemhork6hodne pak ohilvalo vysok6cen6 t6chto"performance" textilifa z nich zhoto- celf d0m bdhenchladn6noci.Jako prvnipublikovala venyicfroddv0,zaloZenfchna pohlcovdnfteplapiifdzove tento principDr. BarbaraPause- vizl4l pot6,co bylo zmdndtzv. ,,phasechange"materidl0(PCM)uloZenyich vyie5enavhodn6formaaplikacetechtomateri6l0v texuvnitiochrann6vrstvyt6chtospecidlnlchoddv0. tiliich.NejdastdjipouZivan6materialy- alkenyjsou Cilem tohoto piispdvkuje zjednodu5en6, analyza produktyorganick6 chemie,a jejichtavn6teplotabeZne tepeln6ochrann6homechanismutextiliiobsahujicich leZi mezi 15 a2 40 "C. Jako piikladuved'meeicosan, PCM ddstice,a ndvrhnov6 metodya souvisejlclhozai[- s teplotoutAzov6zm6ny36,1'C. jednoduch6hodnocenitepeln6 zen{,kter6by umoZnily 06innostitepeln6ochrann;ichoddv0typu,,outlast". 3. Teorie pouiiti t{zov6 zm6ny materi6lu v t e p e l n 6o c h r a n n f c h o d 6 v e c h 2. Dynamika ohievu textilii jsou zapouzdieny Tytovoskupodobajlcisemateridly Pii oblekdnioddvu,zejm6napak spodnihoprddlao v mallichkapslfcho pr0m6ru$-15 mikrometr0a tyto teplotdodli5n6od teplotypokoZkyvnimdmevliv akumu- mohoubft uloZenya zafixovdnyuvnitijakekolitextilnI lace teplav od6vu,danyiplo5noutepelnoukapacitou struktury(napi. v netkan6textilii)nebo povrchulatky V poslednidob6 od6vuC [J/m2]danousoudinemm6rn6hoteplac U/kgl textiliepomocipryskyiice. se podaiilo plo5n6 piimo hmotnostitextilieM [kg/m2].Na celkov6m zabudovatPCM cdstice a do hmoty akryl6tovlch tepelnd-kontaktnim vjemuse pak podflfi tepelndvodi- vl6ken.Tyto PCMjsou charakterizovdny relativn6vysovosttextilie.Na d0leZitost dynamikytepelnd-kontaktnihokou fdzovouzm6nutepla L [asi 250 J/kg] odebfranou vjemucobysoucdstiomakujako prvniupozornilznamf z textiliepiijejim ohievuv d0sledkuvy55iteplotyokoli Prof.Kawabata[1]. Vfslednf parametrzvanytepelnd t5,flebo kdyl dochdzlk chladnuliz roztaven6hostavu. jfmavostb [Wsu2762K] zavedenf Hesem v [2] lze pak V obou piipadech,bdhemdasutazovdzm6nytps[sec], m6iit pomocfkomerdnfhopiistrojeALAMBETApopsa- PCMddsticeudrZujfpiislu5noutextilnfvrstuus tepelnfm n6honapi.v [3].Tepeln6kapacitaod6vupak by nAsdo odporemRr" na teplot6tAzov1zmeny tpc po dobu jiste miry m6la chrdnitpied n6hllimizmdnamiteploty zlomk0a2 ndsobk0minut. t. Uvod 152 vldkna a textil I (4) 149-1 54 (2002) Zkou5endtextilie5 obsahujfciPCM cdsticese pak pii m6ienf nachAzimezi snimacfmiplochamiobou box0, av5akpii testovanijeobklopenadvdmaplo5nyimitextil i e m i6 a 7 , k t e r 6s i m u l u jjia k v l i v t e p e l n 6 h oo d p o r u spodnfhoprddlaa souvisejicichvzduchovfchmezer Ro.r, tak celkov6hotepeln6hoodporu R=mezi PCM vrstvoua vn6j5improstiedimo teplotdtE. Pii mdieni 06innostiPCM vrstevje zapotiebimit k dispozicijak vlastniPCM vrstvuo tepeln6modporu 5(SlM)se stejnfmtepelRp6,tak tzv. simulacnivrstvu nyimodporemRs;y,avSakbez PCM cdstic. Hodnocenifcinnostipak za6{nAumist6n[mvrstev4, (1) 9o = (te- ts)/(Rr+ Rpc+Rocr) 5(SlM)a 6 mezisnlmaclmiplochamioboubox0a jejich uvedenimdo vzdjemn6hotepeln6hokontaktu.Pocitac tok teplaQpdo pokoZkys ochranou(tpc= 35-38 "C): pak zadneregistrovat0rovefitepeln6hotoku q [Wmt] +Roctr) (2) 9p = (tpc- ts)/(O'sRpc prochdzejiciho m6iiciplochouSKINBOXU.Jakje patrno << projevuje, pak gp z t e p e l n ytio k d o s 6 h n es v 6 h o m a x i m ag m a x o obr.2, JestliZese PCMochrana Qe,tok krdtke b6hem doby tenepievy5ujicin6koliksekund, PCM vrstvy b6hem doby ochrany tesx: teplaQpcdo plo5ndtepelndkapacitatextiliidand protoZe efektivni = (te- trc)/(O,SRpc +Re) (3) Qpq,,r soucinemmdrn6hoteplac [J/kg]a plo5ndhmotnosti celkov6teplo L U/m2lnutn6pro 0pln6roztavenlPCM textilie Ikg/mt] je velmi nizkA. Konecnd hodnota vrstvy: tepeln6hoodporuje pak ddnavztahem[1]. V dal5imkrokuse textilie5(SlM)v prom6iovan6m L = gpcu.tpc @ souborunahradiochrannouvrstvous(PCM)a meieni Cas tepeln6ochranyposkytnutfochrannourukavicf se zopakuje.V tomto piipadev5ak froven tepeln6ho piedpo- toku vzr0stdpomaleji,nebot se projevujeakumulace stanovenyza (v praxiobtiZndrealizovateln6ho) je jistou po kladu,ZeteplotaPCMvrstvy skutecn6 dobu teplapotiebndk dosaZenitlzovf zmdny.Teoretickyby z m f n 6 n 6a k u m u l a c et e p l a m 6 l a b V t p o j i s t o u d o b u v cel6 PCMvrstvdkonstatni: konstantni,a ndsledndi tepelnf tok by se ve smyslu - trc) (5) tpc = UQpcu= L.RE/(IE rovnice(3) nemel menit.Doba ochranyby pak byla jednoznacn6 jednoduch6 charakterizovdna 6asem ochranydle Jak vyplyva z t6to analyzy,Irovei v5akpii registracitepelneho ochrann6funkce PCM je silnd ovlivnenazvolenyimi vztahu(5).Ve skutednosti syst6mems PCMvrstuoupraktick6 teplotamifAzovdzm6nya hladinoutepeln6hoodporu, toku prochdzejicfho je nejd0leZitej5im faktorem pak hmotnostPCM ddstic 26dne,,plato" s konstantnihodnotouq nevznik6,a to je jejich proto,Ze PCMvrstvapii beZneaplikaciv textiliichnenf vloZenfchdo aktivnivrstvyod6vu.JestliZe hmotnostnizkl,(niZSlneZ 30 %),teplopiivdddnezvendi souvisld.Mezivldknypronikdneomezovanftepelnytok pronikdskrz PCMvrsUudo vnitinichvrstevdohikajicich z vn6j5ivrstvy,drjsledkemdehoZje kiivka tepeln6ho se pokoZky,a druhdrovnicet6to analfzy je neplatnd. toku hladkda spojitaa piipomfn6op6t exponencidlu. hodnotitdobuochrany? N 6 s l e d n 6 ,p i i p o Z a d a v c l c hn a 0 c i n n o u t e p e l n o u Jak tedyjednoduSe exponencidlni kiivkymnoho Ve fyzicecharakterizuji ochranupomociPCM casticje nutno pouZivattlust6 textilnfvrstuy,kter6jsou m6ndflexibilni,tudiZtak6 m6nd piirodnichddj0,jakfm je i napi. rozpadradioaktivnfch komfortn[. i z o t o p 0 .P r o j e d n o d u c h ev y j a d i e n ip o k l e s uu r o v n 6 intenzityzdienfbyl zavedentzv. polocasrozpadu,danli dobou potiebnouk poklesuintenzityradioaktivniho 4. Novd metoda pro hodnoceni tepeln6 zAienina polovinu.Tento parametrse vZil,protoZeje u d i n n o s t iP C M o c h r a n y s n a d n o p o c h o p i t e l n f .P r o t o b u d e a n a l o g i et o h o t o p a r a m e t r up o u Z i t ai k h o d n o c e n u I d i n n o s ttie p e l n e PCM cdstice. Novf piistroj PC Tester je do jist6 mfry zalolen na ochrannlichtextiliiobsahujicich Pr0behtepeln6hotoku simulovanoupokoZkoupii komer6nimpilstrojiALAMBETApro m6ieni tepeln6textilifv piistroji kontaktnicha tepeln6-izoladnich vlastnostfplo5nfch ov6iovdni06innostitepeln6-ochrann;ich PC Testerje na obr.2. textilif.Schemapiistrojeje uvedenona obr. 1. Piistrojsestdv6ze dvou teplotndse odli5ujicich Jako doba ochranytp6 bude stanovenadoba, po blok0- box0,z nichl prvnitzv.SKINBOX,posice1, je kteroutepelnlitok qr"" budeniZSfneborovenpolovine pomociklasick6hoob6hov6hotermostatu2 udrloviln maximdlnlhodnoty tepeln6hotoku qn,,"*,o dosaZenepii na koZniteplot6ts6.Druhf tzv. HOTBOX3 je vytapen prom6iovdnitextiIie simulujici ochrannou vrstvu,avSak resp.chlazenelektricky. Teplotaje udrZovdnadigit6lnim bez PCM cdstic.ProtoZetepelnf odporR textiliijedan reguldtorem, resp. pocitacem4 na odli5n6teplot6ts. zndmlimvztahem Je-linapi.nositelochrann6hooddvuvystavenvysok6 teplot6okolftr, pak ochrannf od6v,sest6vajicize dvou textilnichvrstevo vnitinima vndj5fmtepeln6modporu Rp€rRE,a z PCM vrstvy,um[st6n6mezitdmitovrstvami, md zajistit,aby teplotapokoZkynositelets tohoto oddvualespofipo ndjakoudobu nepiestoupilamezni frovefr, kterd poskytujepocit tepeln6hokomfortu.Po jist6mzjednoduSeni a pro Rptt' Re lze vf5e popsan6 mechanismykvantifikovatndsledovn6: Tok tepla Qo[Wm2] do pokolky (ts = 33 "C) bez ochrany: vldkna a textil I (4) 149-1 54 (2002) 153 R = (tE- tsr)/q (6) podruh6ov6iena.Popsandmetodamdienia hodnoceni tepeln6 udinnostiPCM byla v roce 2001 navrZena tak6dobu,po znamend dobaochranyve skutecnosti k patentovdnf.Teoreticka analyza pienosu tepla je kterou efektivnitepelnf odporochrann6 textilienejv ochrann6textiliibyladokon6enana Technick6univerm6n6dvojndsobnf ve srovn6nfs stejnouvrstvoubez s i t 6 v L i b e r cvi r . 2 0 0 2 . PCMddstic. 6. Zdvilr 5. Experiment6lni vfsledky prdci V byla teoretickyanalyzov6nafunkce tepelnd Prvniprototyppiistrojebyl realizovdnna MINHO ochrannfchtextiliiobsahujicichPCM ddstice,a byla universit6 v Portugalsku, a to ve spoluprdci s Prof.R. navrZenai novd metodam6ienia hodnocenitepelneVyisledky na konferenci Gomesem. bylypublikovdny ochrann6funkcet6chtotextilii.NovdmetodaumoZnuje popisu v Portugalsku v r.2001,av5akbezpodrobn6ho simulovatredln6okrajov6podmfnkypii noSenitdchto piistrojea metody[5].Priprunfch piedbeZnfch testech textiliia charakterizovat0cinnostt6chtotextilifpomoci bylaPCMvrstvao tavn6teplotd28oCobklopena texti- jedin6hoparametru, je dobazvj5enfefektivniho ktery7m = liemio shodnfchtepelnfchodporechR (piibliZnri) tepeln6hoodporuna nejm6n6dvojndsobek. Na prvnim piidemZ mnoZstvi PCMd6sticsez nulov6ho prototypupiistroje 0,1m2(flrV, bylo ov6ieno,Ze k dosaZenldoby podilupostupnd zvy5ovalo aZna 50%hmotnosti PCM vliznamnedobyochranyje zapotiebiaplikovat relativne vzorku.Dobanabdhuna 50%gr", se zvySujicfm se vysok6 mnoZstvi PCM 66stic, pokud na pirstroji podlfem rostlaa2 na 620s, coZ PCMzhrubalinedrn6 nastavimenepiizniv6(av5akv praxi se vyskytujicf) potvrzuje platnostvztahu(5). okrajov6podminkyjejichno5enf. Podobnfch vfsledk0bylodosaZeno ve Vyizkumn6m 0stavutextilnim v Taipeina Tajvanu,kdebylsestaven Poddkovdn[:Tatopublikaceddsteind vzniklaza podpory grantu druhfprototypPCMtesterua kde nov6metodabyla uSur c. LNooBogo. 154 vldkna a textil I (4) 149-154 (2002) ACTIVATION THEPLASMASURFACE OF ARAMIDE FORRUBBERINDUSTRY REINFORCEMENT MATERIALS P.,Suriovd, V. Janypka, RubberResearch Institute 8.s.,P0chov, Slovakia of Matador, j anypka peter. The adhesionpropertiesof reinforcement materialsfor rubberindustrytreatedin nitrogenplasma was measured.The plasmawas generatedby a pulsedelectricvoltageon the yarn surface.The adhesionbetweenrubber blends and aramidetire cord was evaluatedand comparewith standmeasurements w ere done on ar d c h e m i c a tre l a tme n t(R F L c o a te d)materi al s.The experi mental the standardtyre cords materialswith static and dynamicadhesiontest methods. 1. INTRODUCTION way for surfaceactivationof aramidetyre the alternative cord by the low temperaturenitrogenplasmaat atmosphericpressure. ln the rubberindustry,the "conventional technology" activationof surfacetextilereinforcementmaterialsis used most of all, in which the chemicaltreatmentof greigematerialis the lastoperationof dippingprocess. The standardprocessof manufacturing textiletyrecord fabricconsistsof the followingsteps: The textilereinforcing materialsfor the rubberindustry likerayonand nylonpossesspolarsurfaceresulting in strongphysicalor evenchemicalbondingto resorcinol-formaldehyde resin.The RF componentpromotes adhesionto the textilefabricvia polarcovalentinteractions,whilethe driedlatexrubber(L) covulcanizes with the rubbermatrixensuringadhesionto thatmaterial[1]. The optimization of treatingprocesswas publishedby manyauthors,becausethe treatmentof advancedpqlyestertyre cord,whichis usedas conventional carcass materialsfor radialpassengertyresand alsofor all other rubberapplications [2,3].The influenceof prolonged periodsof storagecan have detrimentaleffecton the adhesioncharacteristics Dippingand Hot Stretch of dippedcord[4]and alsothe influenceof temperatureand time on cord stiffnessis studiedin [5].All theseinfluences on the adhesionof For the aramideand polyestertyre cord,as the wide - rubberare reducedusing usedmaterialsfor radialpassengertyres,the "convenlayersaramidefibres-RFL tionaltechnology"doubledippedprocessis usedduring the finalstep of the productionof tyre cord fabric. Predrp The chemicaltreatmentconsistsof the predippedand dippedprocessfor bondingwithrubbermatrix(Fig.1). The comparisonof adhesionbetweenrubberblends i]{ii:;f;:t.1:l '' and standardaramidetyrecordchemically treatedand RFL surfaceactivatedby atmospheric- pressureplasmais evaluatedin this paper by staticand dynamictesting Chemrcaltreatrnent tlreige cord methods. i,#l;s.+, x.t.wp Rubber 2. EXPERIMENTAL F I B R E SA N D R A W M A T E R I A L SU S E D RF resin Latex Primer: predip Aramide fiber Fig. 1 The principleand systemsof adhesionof reinforcement materialsfor the rubberindustry- "conventional technology" vldknaa textilI (4) 155-159(2002) The propertiesof commercialtypes of aramidecord 1100 D tex 1x 2 twist 4201460 usedas reinforcingmaterialsin car tyreswereevaluatedduringthe experiment. The firsttype of aramidecordwas treatedby chemical surfacetreatmentbased on RFL and the second typewas withoutany chemicalsurfacetreatment. The rubbercompoundA waseusedfor fabriccoating materialscontainednaturalrubof alltestedreinforcing polybutadiene rubber. ber,SBR and 155 propertiesof aramidetyre cord Table 1 The physical-mechanical 1 1 0 0D t e x1 x 2 Specification Breaking Elongation Elongation Thickness of aramide Strength at Break at tension[%] lmml 45 N eoN cord t%) INI 1 1O O Dtxex 1x 2 3 5 0 4 ,7 0,9 1,5 0,56 TEST METHODS The staticadhesionof the testedcordsto rubberwas in the standardH-pulltest (ASTMD 2138characterised 83) by the forcerequiredto drawout the filamentbundle of a rubberblock. The adhesionbetweenaramidecords and rubber blend after dynamicstrain was characterisedby dynamicadhesion(Henleytestmethod)according to STN Fig. 2 The principle of HenleyTest Method,1 - Compound ,2-Tyre 621464.The principleand conditionsof stressusingthe Cord,3 - Clamps,4 - Positioningof Deformation, 5 - Fixed HenleyTest Method: Anvil.6-MovedAnvil The testing method is used to evaluate adhesion propertiesof textilereinforcingmaterialsand thoseof methodof the mercuryporosimetry.Measurements metalreinforcingmaterialscuredin a rubbercompound were performedon the apparatusPorozimetro1500,of test sampleof cylindricalshape.The test sampleis CarloErba,MilanwithattachedevaluatedunitCW 960. stressedin its centralpart applyingdynamicpressure With the maximumused pressureof the mercury150 The and bendingforcein the Henleytestingapparatus. Mpa,we can achieveporesof 5 nm in size. sampleis compressedbetweentwo anvil stakesin a speedof 450 cyclesper minute(Fig.2). Consequently, the adhesionof cordto rubberis measuredin the cen- TEST DEVICE partsof tral (deformed)and in the edge (non-deformed) Our patenteddevicewas usedfor this surfacetreatthe testsample.The frequencyof anvilstakesis 7.5 Hz. ment [6] and the informationaboutit was publishedin The standardconditionsof measuringvariouskindsof morearticleson reinforcing materials[7-11].The device cordsare givenin Table2. the surface treatment of reinforcing simplifies materials improved adhesion levels withoutRFL.Acto required Table 2 StandardConditionsof Measuringfor HenleyTest tually,onefromthe mostwidelyappliedtechniques for Deformation[%] Kind of Tyre Cord Time [hours] the surfaceactivationof polymersis the plasmatreatmentin whichthe polymericsurfaceis exposedto low12 Rayon Cord 37,41,45 12 NylonCord 3 5 ,4 3 ,51 temperatureplasma. The vast majorityof applications 12 PolyesterCord 35,39,43 were made at reducedpressureswithin 10-5-10Torr 12 AramideCord 3 5 ,4 3 ,51 [12-15],wherethe plasmacaneasilybe generatedand broughtintodirectcontactwith the fibersurface.High Note: Conditionsapply to constanttemperatureof 80 "C powerconsumption, longprocessingtimesand difficulty The changesin the chemicalstructureof the fiber to scale-upof an experimental set-upto a largeproducof the techniques. surfacewere investigatedby infraredspectroscopy tion reactorare disadvantages The plasmareactor(Fig.3) consistedof two on-axis using an attenuatedtotal reflection(ATR-|R)method. Absorptionspectrawereobtainedby FTIRspectroscop arrangedelectrodeshousedin a glasschamber.Nitrogen of a technicalpuritywas introducedintothe chamMATSONwith KRS-Scrystal. The changesin the surfacemorphologyof reinforc- ber with a flow rate on the orderof 1 cm3per second. ing aramidefibresafter surfaceactivationby low tem- The groundedstainless-steel tubularanode(Fig.3 - 1) peraturenitrogenplasmaat atmosphericpressurewere was 1 mm in innerdiameter.The cathode(Fig.3 - 2) analysed by scanning electron microscopy.The was a 15 mm diameterhemispherically cappedbrass sampleswere sputteredwith Au layerusinga Sputter rod with a 2 mm diameterhole in its axis.The treated Coaterof Balzers-SCD050. The surfacemorphology cords (Fig.3 - 3) movedon the axis of the electrode was evaluatedby scanningelectronmicroscopeTesla systemwith a speedfrom 1.5 to 60 m per minute.The distancebetweenelectrodeswas adjustedto 15 mm. BS-300withattacheddigitalunitTescan. The totalvolumebetweenfibresin the cords,even- The cathodewas connectedwith a tyratronsourceof tuallyof poreson the surfaceof treatedcords and the pulsedhighvoltage.The HV pulseratewas maintained 25 kV. distribution of size of the poreswere analysedby the at 100Hz andthe peakvoltagewas approximately Tlzn 156 F\-$'. Vldknaa textil 9 (4) 155-159 (2002) - the influenceof plasmatreatmenton the structural propertiesof aramidetyre cord - evaluationof adhesionbetweenthe N, plasmaand RFLtreatedaramidecord. The resultsof the influenceof the aramidecordssurface treatmentobtainedby mercuryporosimetryare summarizedin Table3. Fromthe comparisonof the valueof the volumepores of untreatedaramidecord and aramidecord treatedby RFL is evidentdecreasingof totalvolumeporesfrom l! u 0,538cm3/gb 0,229cm3/g.Afterapplication of plasma ,!\ \ ___-+_ J.. t r e a t m e n tt h e v a l u e o f t o t a l v o l u m e o f p o r e s i s 32.S 0,452cm3ig.The volumeof the poreswas reducedin Fig. 3 The Principleof surfaceactivationin Plasmareactor;1 - steel the case of application of chemicaltreatmentby RFL, anode,2 - brasscathode,3 - treatedcord/time/ becausethe poreswere filledwith RFL resin.The resultsconfirmthatthe aramidecord afterchemicalsurfacetreatmenthas reducedthe volumeof pores,which are availablefor rubbercompoundpenetration(the poresof sizegreaterthan 10 mm). The resultsof dynamicadhesionof aramidecordsto rubbercompoundmeasuredby a methodof Henleytest are shownin Table4. In the caseof untreatedaramidecord,adhesionwas measuredalso after washingof acetonewhich the preadhesionsurfacetreatmentappliedby the producer of cordswas removedfromthe surfaceof cords.From resultsin table4 is evidentthatthe valuedof staticand dynamicadhesionto rubbercompoundincreasedafter surfaceactivation. ln the case of treatedaramidecord by low temperapressure, turenitrogenplasmaat atmospheric the 90 % level adhesion of static and 60 % level of dynamic adFig. 4 Plasmareactor hesionin comparisonwithsurfacetreatedcordby RFL was obtained. Thesechangesin adhesionof aramide 3. RESULTS are connectednot only with chemicalchangesof the cord surface,but also with changesof morphologyof Theexperimental wasconcentrated on thefollowing the cordsurface,whichis illustrated in Fig.5. t areas: Table 3 The influenceof surfacetreatmenton the structuralpropertiesof aramidecords 1100 Dtex 1x2 Specification of aramide cord Untreatedcord Untreatedcord + N2 plasma Cord treated by RFt Hot rubberizedcord treated by RFL Total porosity I%l Total volume of pores (Vt), Icm'/g] Volume of pores (V.,0) with diameter10 pm, Icm'/g] Ratio vlo / vt, l%l M,O8 39,66 24,01 9,01 0,538 0,452 0,229 0,084 0,198 0,176 0,067 0,014 36,8 38,9 29,3 16,6 Table 4 The influenceof surfacetreatmenton the staticand dynamicadhesionof aramidecord to rubberblend (compoundA) Specification of aramide cord Untreatedcord Untreatedcord Untreatedcord Untreatedcord Treated cord by RFL Vldknaa textil I (4) 155-159 (2002) Method of sudace treatment wash activation in acetone by plasma ? ? T T Adhesion by HENLEYtest sTN 62 1464 Static,[N] Dynamic, [N] 69 t 2,5 1 0 8t 8 , 5 74 x 7,1 117x 4,2 126 t 4,2 55 t 86 x 60 t 83 t 1 3 5t 6,0 2,2 9,3 3,1 6,5 157 Table 5 The influenceof surfacetreatmenton the adhesionol reinforcingmaterialsto rubberblends 4. DISCUSSION The resultspresentedin the paperconfirmedthatthe application of lowtemperature nitrogenplasmaat atmosphericpressureon the surfaceof aramidecordsimprovesadhesionbetweencord and rubbercompound Aramide u n t r e a t e d 3 5 t 1 , 9 69 t 2,5 55 t 6,0 in comparisonwith untreatedcord. N 2p l a s m a 5 2 x 1 , 7 1 1 8t 5 , 0 9 3 x 7 , 4 coro The valuesof the volumeof pores,whichare availtreated ablefor rubberpenetration(poresizesgreaterthan '10 102 1 3,8 1 3 0 t 3 , 1 1 3 8i 8 , 3 treated ptm)obtainedby mercuryporosimetryare differentfor by RFL individualsurfacetreatmentsused. T h e p l a s m as u r f a c et r e a t m e n to f a r a m i d ec o r d , based on these obtainedresults,is more advantaln the experifmental work, it was also interestingto g e o u s f o r f a b r i c c o a t i n gi n p r a c t i c a lu s e t h a n t h e comparethe levelof dynamicadhesionand staticad- chemicalsurfacetreatment. hesionto rubbercompoundafternitrogenplasmatreatThe changesin the surfaceof aramidecordaftersurment or chemicaltreatmentby RFL.The resultsare face treatmentwere evaluatedby scanningelectron in table5. summarized microscopy. The obtainedfiguresof chemicaltreated positiveinfluenceof cordsdemonstrate Resultsin table5 demonstrated unevennessof the RFLcoatcreated surfacetreatmentby nitrogenplasmaon the adhesion by the treatmentin comparisonwith the surfaceof plasmatreatedaramidecord. of aramidecordto rubber. Type of cord Method Static Adhesionby HENLEY-test (STN 62 1464) of surface adhesion treatment H-test,[N] Static,IN] dynamicIN] Fig. 5 The morphologyof surfaceof the aramidecord;a - treatedcord by the nitrogenplasma;b - chemicalsudacetreatmentby RFL 158 Vl{kna a textil 9 (4) 155-159 (2002) The valuesof the staticand dynamicadhesionof mentand alsothe surfacecoatingof plasmatreated wasmoreuniform. u n t r e a t e da r a m i d ec o r d s a n d t h e n i t r o g e np l a s m a cordby rubbercompound treatedcordsdemonstratepositiveinfluenceof plasma surfacetreatmenton the adhesionof aramidecord to rubberblend.The staticadhesion(by Henleytest)af6. LITERATURE ter plasmasurfacetreatmentof aramidecordsis at 90 % levelof the chemicalsurfacetreatmentin this time l1l M. A., Doherty- B. 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Craig-F.Pomi6s,Treatmentoptimisationof advancedpolyness of the BFL coat, the low value of adhesionbeester tyre cord, Tyre TechnologyInternational, June 1998, p, 30-34 tweenthe cord and the RFL coatinglayer,etc,).lt will be alsonecessary to studythe influenceof the lowtem- 16] M. ierndk, K. Fusek,J. Starigazda,l. Hudec,P. Janypka: , p p l . 1 7 + 9 8 ,( 1 9 9 8 ) SK PatentA peratureplasmaapplicationat atmosphericpressureon tu. stetedxa, J. RAhel"M, cerndk, L Hudec, M. Mikula,M. the dimensionaland stiffnesscharacteristics of aramide l7l Maz0r,J.Mater.Sci. Letters,18, (1999),p. 2007-2008 tyre cordsin moredetail. StetedXa, J. Rdhel',l. Hudec,P, Janypka,M. Cerndk,M. l8l tr,rt. 5. CONCLUSION The obtainedresultsof the surfacetreatmentby low temperaturenitrogenplasmaat atmosphericpressure demonstrate thatthis methodof the surfacetreatment of aramidecord introducesa suitableand technologicallyapplicablesystemfor the improvementof adhesion of aramidereinforcingmaterialsto rubber. By optimisingthe conditionsof the plasmasurface treatmentwe can improvethe dynamicadhesionthree timesin comparisonwith untreatedcord in the case of aramidecord. The hydrophilicity and basicgroupsdensityon the surfaceof treatedcoid were improvedby plasmatreat- Kando,J. Mater.Sci. Letters,19, (2000),p. 1869-1871 tgl L Hudec,P, Janypka,M. Cerndk,M, Stefebka,J. Rdhel':Surface Treatmentof ReinforcingMaterialsby Atmospheric-Press u r e P l a s m aP r o c e e d i n gS s R C ' 9 9 ,P 0 c h o v ,( 1 9 9 9 ) ,p . 1 1 2 115 110lL Hudec, H. Krump, P. Janypka,V, Reksovd,M. Cerndk, M. Simor,Plastya kau6uk,37, (2000),p. 260-263 , . , . R e k s o v 6 l, . H u d e c ,H . K r u m p ,J . R d h e l ' M [ 1 1 ] P , J a n y p k aV Cern6k:SurfaceTreatmentof ReinforcingMaterialsfor Tyre Constructionby Atmospheric- pressure Plasma, Proceedings 13'hSymposiumon Applicationof Plasma Processes, January 15-21, Tdle, Low Tatras, 2001, p. 23-26 l12JF. Poncin- Epailard,B, Chevet,J. C. Brosse,J. Appl.Polym. S c i , ,5 2 , ( 1 9 9 4 ) ,p , 1 Q 4 7 [ 1 3 ] S . C a r l o t t iA, . M a s ,J . A p p l . P o l y m .S c i . , 6 9 , ( 1 9 9 8 ) ,p . 2 3 2 1 , . C a r l o t t iA, . M a s ,A n g . M a k r o m o lC. h e m . , 2 7 1 , [ 1 4 ] F . M a n e n gS ( 1 9 9 9 )p, . 1 1 , . S t B e r n d t ,W . O p p e r m a n nT, e c h .F e x l . , 4 2 , [15]D. BechterR N o 1 , ( 1 9 9 9 )p, , E 2 Received:October2002 AKTIVACIAPOVRCHOV VYSTUZNYCH ARAMIDOVYCH MATERIALOV PLAZMOUPREGUMARENSKV PRIEMYSEL Abstractof article: The plasma surface activation of aramide reinforcementmaterialsfor rubber industry elenof sa zaoberAhodnotenim kordovpovrchovo adhezivnych vlastnosti aramidovyich upravepregum6rskfpriemysel. plazmouku gumArskej nfch dusikovou zmesipouZfvanfch Plazmabola na povrchvldknagenerovand striedavfm elektrickfm nap?itim. Adhdziamedzigumovoumatricou plazmoubolaporovndvand a aramidovlimkordomupravenfmdusikovou s adh6zioumedzigumovou matricou a aramidovlmkordomupravenlim beZnouchemickou 0pravou(RFLimpregndciou). pre meranieadh6zie Experimentdlne meraniabolipreveden6 dynamickfmi a statickyimi metodami textilnfchvfstuZnlichmateridlov ku gumdrskej zmesina Standardnom aramidovom korde. Vtdknaa textitg(4) 1s5-1ss (2002) 1 59 ARYLAMINES IN DETERMINATION OF HAZARDOUS TEXTILES ANDTEXTILEPRODUCTS H[Stavove, M.,Polldk, M. VUTCH-CHEMITEXspo/. s r. o., Zilina, Slovak Repubtic AuthorizedBody SKTC-I19 1. lntroduction mentand Councilof the EuropeanUnionon July 19, 2002.Arylaminesreleasedby reductivecleavageare classifiedintotwo groupsdesignatedas: MAK- lll A1 - arylaminesdemonstrably carcinogenicfor a man MAK- lll A2 - arylaminessuspectedto be carcinogenicfor a man on the baseof demonstrable carcinogenic effecton animals. goods Safetyof textileproducts andotherconsumer possibility is an important factorinfluencing of increasingexportof the articles to EU-countries. Onlymanuwiththe mostadvanced onesin facturers comparable Protection of EU-countries havea guaranteed success. playsat least livingandworkingenvironment consumer, Today thesameroleasfashionin textilemanufacture. labelstryingto present therearemanyenvironmental A classof so-called Listof arylaminesprohibitedin EU healthsafeproducts to consumers. was created as well.Latextiles or eco-textiles ,,gree.p" Arylamine 100, TOXPROOF and eco-tex N o . belsOKO-TEX Standard 1 4-aminobiphenyl among the most important environbelongundoubtely 2 benzidine TheEumentallabelsin Germany butalsoin Europe. 4-chloro-o-toluidine well-known flower ropeaneco-label as the European 4 2-naphthylamine inthisconnection willcut should bementioned 5 4-chloroaniline numberof environmental labelsin downtheimmense b 2,4-diaminoanisol 7 4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane thetextilesector. J I 9 JA 2. Arylamines 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CAS number 92-67-1 92-87-5 95-69-2 91-59-8 106-47-8 615-05-4 101-77-9 3.3'-dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 3,3'-dimethoxybenzidine 119-90-4 3,3'-dimethylbenzidine 11 9 - 9 3 - 7 iphenylmethane 838-88-0 3,3' -dimethy14,4'-diaminod p-cresidine (2-methoxy-S-methylaniline) 120-71-B 101-14-4 4,4'-methylene-bis-(2-chloroaniline) 101-80-4 4,4'-oxydianiline 139-65-1 4,4'-thiodianiline 95-53-4 o-toluidine 2.4-diaminotoluene 95-80-7 137-17-7 2,4,5-trimethylaniline 2-amino-4-nitrotoluene 99-55-8 o-aminoazotoluene 97-56-3 o-anisidine(2-methoxyaniline) 90-04-0 4-aminoazobenzene 60-09-3 (2,4-dimethylaniline) 2,4-xylidine 95-68-1 2,6-xylidine(2,6-dimethylaniline) 87-62-7 Newregulations arebeingadoptedintheframeof EU knowledge aboutdemononthebasisof newscientific properties of certainchemicalsubstrablehazardous Azodyesusedfor dyeingof textileproducts stances. goodsarethemostfrequently discussed andconsumer Theyhavethecaandthebestregulated substances. pacityto releasecertainarylamines by reductive cleavprocesses. The ageandin thecourseof physiological weredefinedas demonstrable hazardous arylamines whichmayposecancerrisk.Azodyesare substances released froma textilesurfaceon humanskinby perspiration. Findingsof testsdemonstrate that the aromatic 3. Analytical methods for evaluation resorbed through theskin aminescanbesubsequently o f a r y l a m i n e sa c c o r d i n g riskof cancerexists intohumanbody.Considerable to the Directive 76l769lEEC whencontact withthehumanskinis repeated. Observationof the prohibition againstusethe dyescan be Use of azodyeswhichmay releaseone or morearohoweveranalytical maticamineslistedabovein detectableconcentrations testifiedsimplyby a declaration, is necessary verification as wellto inspectcompliancei.e.above30 ppm ('t)in finalproductsor in the withtheregulation on themarket. dyed parts thereof must not be used in textileand 761769/EEC relating to re- leatherarticleswhich may come into direct and proTheCouncilDirective on the marketing and useof certainhazard- longedcontactwiththe humanskin or oral cavity(e.g strictions (azodyes)was toys). ous substancesand preparations forthenineteenth timeandadoptedas Direc- A maximumconcentrationof 70 ppm is allowedfor amended Parlia- textilearticlesmadeof recycledfibresif the aminesare on a sessionof the European tive2002/61/EC 160 Vldknaa textil I (4) 160-164 (2002) I I roundtest fromthe international Fig. 1 A samplecontaining benzidine Fig.2 Typicalmass spectrumand structuralformulaof benzidine released dyeing The moststringentandthoroughlyelaboratedcriteria by residuaderiving fromtheprevious perioduntil for use of certainazodyesin textilemanufactureare Thisisthecasefora transitional ofthetextiles. January 1,2005.Thisprovision willenableto recycle tex- validin Germanyat present.A test methodfor proofof prohibitedazodyeshas beenworkedout by the German tiles.Themeasure is beneficial to theenvironment. A prerequisite is Federallnstitutefor ProtectingConsumerHealthand to implementation of this Directive harmonization fordetermination of testmethods of the was publishedin the Federal Thetestswillbe developed substances. by the Euro- Gazetteof test methodsin accordancewith $ 35 of the peanCommittee (CEN)preferen- GermanLawrelatingto foodstuffsand consumergoods. for Standardization level.Member of the above-mentioned methodsenablesto tiallyontheEuropean Statesshalladopt Publication provi- proveresultsof analysesin all testinglaboratories andpublish laws,regulations unandadministrative sionsnecessary to complywiththisDirective notlater der the same conditionsand in the same mannerin (TLC, 11,2003. thanSeptember spiteof the existenceof a numberof applications Vldknaa textil 9 (4) 160-1 64 (2002) 161 HPLC,GC/MS).This methodis usedalsoin the frame cise and clear analyticalresultsare requiredincreasof analysisof arylaminesin of OXO-TEX Standard100. Practicalproof limitis 30 ingly.Thus, possibilities ppm.The limitmustnot be confusedwiththe absolute textileshavebeenextendedconsiderably. prooflimitof aromaticamineswhichcan be even1 ppm. Capabilityto determinearylaminesby GC/MS was The aim of the limitset up this way is to preventfalse checkedin the frameof international roundtestsorgapositivefindings. AssociationOfO-ffX in the nizedby the International firstquarterof the year 2002.TwentyEuropeantesting Test resultsare expressedas follows: - if contentof an amineis < 30'(ppm),thenno laboratories participated in the tests.Benzidinewas prohibitedazo dyes have been determinedin the provedand determinedin a textilesample.Resultof the roundtestsconfirmedclearlythatthe testinternational sampletestedundergivenconditions - if contentof an amineis > 30,thenpro- ing laboratories of SKTC-119 havemanagedsuccesshibiteddyes havebeen usedin manufactureand fin- fully proceduresfor analysisof arylaminesin textiles. The resultscan be seen in Figuresas follows: ishingthe textiletest sample A positiveresult must be confirmedby anotheralterProhibnativemethodfor determination of arylamines. 4. Conclusion ited azodyeswhich have the capacityto releaseby cleavageof their azo groups amines:o-aminoazoare provedby this Prohibiteddyesare usedfor dyeingof textileproducts tolueneand 2-amino-4-nitrotoluene When importedmostlyfrom countrieswith cheaplabourforce methodas o-toluidineand 2,4-diaminotoluene. >30 ppm is found,fur- and cheapraw materials.Low priceof the productsis concentration of 2-naphtylamine qualitycontroland low ther information(e.9.about chemicalstructureof the oftena resultof non-consistent levelof environmental standards.Manufacturers dyesetc.)is necessaryto be obtained. and Processof determinationof arylaminesconsistsof importersare awarethat environmentalsafetyof prodstepsas follows: ucts is an inevitableconditionof successfulexportto1. Samplepreparation day. An indirectproofthroughaminesis the onlypossible 2. Extraction- methoddependingon materialcompositionof the sample and correctway regardinggreat numberof azodyes capableof decomposingby potentialcleavageinto 3. Reductivecleavageof azodyes of amines 4. Separationand concentration arylaminesthat are knownor suspectedcarcinogens. (TLC,GC/MS). Occurance of 123dyes,couplingingredients anddevel5. Detectionand determination on the market.An authorized Methodsfor determination of arylaminesin textilesby opersis stillaniticipated qualifiedstaff thin-layerchromatography and gas chromatography testinglaboratorywith an appropriately with FID detectorwere tested and adopted by the ac- and properequipmentis able to carryout successful of VUTCH-CHEMITEX, determination of all hazardousarylaminesin the applied creditedtestinglaboratories in 1999.Presence azodyesusinga suitabletime-undemanding analytical spol.s r. o., SKTC-119, Zitinaalready of the healthharmfularylamineswas testedand proved methodwithoutneedto have all referencesamplesof in textilesamplesdyed in the laboratoryfor coloristics azodyesat disposal. of SKTC-119 and subsequently alsoin textitesamples obtainedin the frame of roundtests organizedon an 5. Literature international level.The substanceswere provedalsoin a sampleof MidlonRed.Arylamines:3,3-dimethoxy76l769lEEC were in- I1l Directive benzidine;3,3-dimethylbenzidine benzidine; 2002161 IEC tzl Directive volved. Standard 100 6XO-reX I3l with massdetectorwas added A gas chromatograph to instrumentation of the analyticallaboratoriesas preRecieved:October2002 162 Vldknaa textil I (4) 160-1 64 (2002) ARylAlvtittov NEBEzpEeruVcn SLEDovANTE vVnoBKocH v rExrilncH A TEXTU-ttYcn Translationof article: Determinationof hazardousarylamines in textiles and textile products MAK lll 41 - arylaminypreukdzatelhe rakovinotvorne pre cloveka Bezpecnosttextilnyich vfrobkov a ostatnlichspotreb- MAK lll A2 arylaminy,u ktor;ichsa predpokladdrakovinotvornyi m faktorompre z4i5enieich 0cinokna dlovekana zaknyichpredmetovje d6leZihi lade preukazatelh6ho karcinog6nneho exportuschopnosti do krajinEU.Zarudenf 0spechmaj 0 len vyirobcovi 0cinkuna zvieratdch a.porovnatel'nI s najvyspelej5imi vyirobcamiv StdtochEU.Ochranaspotrebitel'a, ochranaZivotn6ho a pracovn6hoprostrediahraj0 pri vfrobe textilif minimdlne takf d6leZit0roluako m6da.V s06asnostije 3. Analytick6 metody na hodnotenie arylamfnov podl'aSmernice 6. 761769/EHS k dispoziciivelk6 mnoZstvoekoznaciek,ktor6sa snaprezentovattzv. zdravotnene5kodn6 Ziaspotrebitelbm ktor6m02uuvolnovat1 aleboviacaromavfrobky.Bolavytuorendaj tzv.triedatextiliipomenova- Azofarbivd, nlichako,,zelen6" textiliealeboekotextflie.K najdoleZi- tickyichaminov,ktor;ichzoznamje uvedenf v predtej5imekologicklimzna6k6mv Nemeckua aj v Eur6pe chddzaj[cejcasti prispevku,v zistitel'n1ich koncentrdpatriaurditeznacky6XO-f fX Standard100, TOX- cidch,t.j.nad 30 ppm ( finSlnych vfrobkoch PROOFa eco-tex.V tejto srivislostitrebaspomen{t aj alebov ichfarbenfchdastiachsa nesm0pouZivatv texeuropskuekoznackuzn6mu ako europskykvet,ktor6 tilnfch a koZenfchvfrobkoch,ktor6 m0Zuprichddzat obmedzineprehladnevelk6 mnoZstvoekologickfch do priamehoa dlhodob6hokontaktus I'udskoupokoZkou alebos 0stnoudutinou(napr.hracky). oznadeniv textilnomsektore. Na textilnevfrobky vyroben6z recyklovanyich vldkien je povolendmaximdlnakoncentrdciaaminov70 ppm 2. Arylaminy docasnedo 1. 1. 2005,ak sa aminyuvol'nuj[zo zvySkovz predchddzajuceho farbeniatlichtotextilif.Tfm sa Vdakano4im informdcidmo preuk6zatelhe zistenf- umoZnlrecykldciatextilii,co je prospe5n6pre Zivotn6 ch nebezpecnfchvlastnostiachniektonichchemickfch prostredie. ldtoksa v rAmciEU pristupujek schvalbvaniunovlich Podmienkou implementdcie tejtoSmerniceje harmolegislatfvnych opatreni.Jednouz najviacdiskutovanlich nizdciask0Sobnfchmetodpre ich stanovenie,ktor6vya legislativne najviac,,oSetrenych" latoks0 azofarbivd, pracujeEuropskynormalizacnfvyibor(CEN),najlepSie pouZivan6prifarbenItextilnfch4irobkova spotrebnfch n a e u r 6 p s k e 0 j r o v n i .C l e n s k eS t d t ys u p o v i n n 6d o predmetov.Redukcnyim Stiepenimazofarbiva v priebe- 11. 9. 2003schvdlita zverejnitzdkony,nariadenia a adpochodovmoZuvznikatarylaminy, ministrativne hu fyziologickyich opatreniazabezpedujrice suladndrodnej ktor6boli preukdzatelhe definovan6ako nebezpecn6 legislativy s toutoSmernicou. prepracovan6 latky.P6sobenimpotudochddzak uvolhovaniuazofarNajprisnejSie ale aj najdOslednejSie kribiv z povrchutextiluna povrchI'udskejpokoZky. vybranyich t6riana pouZfvanie druhovazofarbivpre 4iSk05kyukdzali,Ze ndslednesa aromatick6aminy robutextiliimajuv sfdasnejdobev Nemecku.NemecmoZuresorbovatcez pokoZkudo vn0traludsk6hote- kym spolkovyim0stavom pre ochranu zdravia la. Pri opakovanomkontaktes pokoZkouexistujeneza- spotrebitelbv a veterindrnu medicinubolavypracovand nedbatelh6nebezpedenstvo vznikurakoviny.DodrZia- testovaciametoda urdend na d6kaz zaklzanych azovanie zAkazuich pouZfvaniaje sice moZn6 splnit farbiv.Bolazverejnendv Uradnejzbierkesk05obnlich jednoduchou deklardciou, aleje nevyhnutna aj moZnost metod podl'a$ 35 Nemeck6hozakonao potravindch prevereniav rdmcikontrolyplnenialegis- a spotrebnfchpredmetoch. Zverejnenie analytick6ho uvedenejmelatfvnehoopatreniana trhu uvedenyich vfrobkov. tody umoZfiujepreveritvisledky analyzvo v5etkfch parlamentu pri rovnakyich podmienkach Na zasadnutfeuropskeho laboratoridch a radydha 19. sku5obnyich jula2002bolaopdtovnenovelizovand napriek Rady a rovnaklim extistencii viacenichapSmernica sposobom predaja pouZivania 76l769lEHSo obmedzeniach a likAcii[ILC, HPLC.,GC/MS).lde o met6dupouZivanu prfpravkov (azofarbfv) aj v rdmci normy OKO-TEXStandard100. Prakticke niektoryich nebezpecnlchldtoka ako Smernicad.2002161/ES. Arylamlny,ktor6vznika- hranicadokazuje 30 ppm.Td sa nesmiezamiefiats abj0 ich redukcnyim Stiepenimsu rozdelen6do dvochsku- sol0tnouhranicoudOkazuaromatickyich aminov,ktord pin,oznadenychako: moZebyt aj na 0rovnihodnoty1 ppm.Cielbmtaktosta1. Uvod VlLknaa textil I (4) 160-164 (2002) 163 ndle- Vzhl'adomna zvy5ujUcesa ndrokyna presnosta jednovenejhraniceje zabrdnitchybnfmpozitlvnym noznadnostanalytickfch{sledkov, boloprlstrojove vyzom. laboratoriidoplnen6 sposo- bavenieanalytick)tch Vfsledkysk0Skysa vyjadruj0nasledovn;im o plynovfchromatograf s hmotnostnyimdetektorom, cim sa bom: - akje obsahjednotliv6ho amfnu< 30, moZnostianalyzyarylamfnovv textilidchpodstatnerozpotompri danfchpodmienkach sk05anianeboli Sirili. azo- SchopnoststanovovatarylaminypomocouGC/MS v sku5anej vzorke4irobkustanoven6zakAzanf farbivd. bolapreverendv r6mcimedzindrodnfchporovndvacich - akje obsah> 30 aminu, testov,ktor6organizovalomedzindrodn6zdruZenie potompri vyirobealebo0pravesku5anejtextilnej OKO-TEXv prvom Stvrtrokur. 2002 a ktor6hosa zuvzorkybolipou2it6zakAzan6 azofarbivd. 6astnilo20 europskychsku5obnfchlaboratorii.V texqisledokje potrebn6potvrditprostrednic-tilnejvzorkebol dokdzanyia stanovenfbenzidin.VlisPozitivny metody ledokMPSjednoznacnepotvrdil,Ze metodikyanalyzy alternatlvnej tvomd'alSej stanovenia arylaminov. Zakdzanfazotarbiv6,kto16by arylamlnovv textilidchbolivfaSobnfchlaboratoriAch azoskupfn vyWdrat aminy:oSKTC-119uspe5nezvlddnut6.Vfsledky sn znAzormohlipriStiepenisvojich obrdzkoch1 a2. a 2-amino-4-nitrotolu6n sa dokdZu tou- nen6na nasleduj0cich amfnoazotolu6n Prizisakoo-toluidfn a 2,4-toluyl6ndiamin. to met6dou > 30 ppmje potrebn6 v koncentrdcii tenf2-naftylamfnu (napr.o chemickej 4. ZAver informdcie z(skatd'alSie doplnkov6 StruktfrepouZitlchfarbfva pod.). pozostdva Postupstanovenia arylaminov z nasledov- ProblematikapouZfvaniazakazanfchfarbivje v s[dasnostizamerandna textilnenirobky, ktor6su impornfch krokov: 1. Prlpravavzorky tovan6 zkrajin s lacnoupracovnousilou a vyuZivanlm - sp6sobpodl'amateridlov6ho 2. Extrakcia zlolenia lacnfch surovinovfchvstupov,uich je nizkacenadasto nisledkomnedoslednejkontrolykvalitya nizkej0rovne vzorky noriem.Environmentdlna vhodnost enviromentdlnych 3. Redukcne azofarbiv Stiepenie je v sfcasnej dobe pre vyirobcova import6vyirobkov 4. Separdcia a koncentr6cia aminov predpokladom rov nevyhnutnyim uspe5nejrealizdcie 5. Detekcia a stanovenie OLC,GC/MS) laboratoridch VUTCH- exportu. V akreditovanyich skriSobnyich potencidlktoryich Vzhladomna velkripocetazofarbfv, CHEMITEX, spol.s r.o.,SKTC-119, ZilinaboliuZv r. metodyna stanovenienym StiepenimmoZuvznikatrakovinotvorn6 a podoz1999odskfSand azaveden6 v textilidch arylaminov tenkovrsWovou chromatografiouriv6 arylaminy(ide o 132 farbiv,kopuladnfch zloliek Prftom- a vyvrjadov,o ktorfch sa predpokladA,2esa e5tevyschromatografiou s FIDdetektorom. a plynovou bolaodsk05a- kytuj0na trhu)je ich nepriamydokazcez aminyjedinf nostzdraviunebezpecnyich arylaminov v textilnfchvzorkdch modelo- moZnfa sprdvnyspdsob.Pri zvolenivhodnejanalyticnda ndsledne dokdzand 19, kej metody,pri ktorejnie je potrebn6mat k dispozicii vyfarbenfch v laboratoriu koloristiky SKTC-1 vo v rdmci v5etkyreferendn6vzorkyazofarbiva ktor6je naviaccavzorkdch ziskanyich ndsledneaj v textilnyich porovndvacfch vhodne medzilaboratornych sk0Sokrealizova- sovo nendrodnd,sa v rdmci kompetentn6ho, persondlne vybaven6ho sku5obn6ho laboakoaj vo vzorkefarbia technicky nfch na medzinArodnej-0rovni, nebez3,3-dime- ratoria,zabezpeci0spe5n6stanoveniev5etkyTch va Midlonova deruend. Sloo tietoarylamfny: pednfch arylamlnovv pouZitfchazofarbiv6ch. fn. in; 3,3-dimetyl benzid toxybenzidfn ; benzid 164 Vldknaa textil I (4) 160-1 64 (2002) IMPLEMENTATION OF THEECO.LABEL ..ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PRODUCT'' IN CONDITIONS OF THESLOVAKREPUBLIC Dubnickd, , . A., S l A d e k D VUTCH-CHEM\TEX, spo/. s r. o., Zitina, StovakRepubtic assessmentand Protectionof the environmentplaysan increasingly Basic documentsfor environmental importantrolein developedcountriesand it becomesa labellingof a productgroupare a technicalreportand decisiveconditionof sustainabledevelopmentof the a directive.The technicalreportjustifiesselectionof a managementof in- given group of productsfrom environmentalpoint of society.Systemsof environmental dustrialand manufacturingactivitiesare being intro- view and it is a basisfor workingout a draftdirective. duced,enhancedattentionis paid to the influenceof The directiveis a technicaldocumentfor assessment productson the environmentand on humanhealth,prin- of the groupof includesdefinitionof terms, with exact specificationof the group of productssubjectto and principles of voluntariness ciplesof prevention participation as wellas of publicare beingimplementedincreas- the directive,basicand specificrequirements way of verification. ingly. properties Basic requirementsreferto environmetal Tendenciesof propagationof indirecttoolsare apparpolicy performance product. of characteristics a They are ent in the environmental besidesthe nationalleg- and islation.They are basedto considerable extenton vol- to ensurethat the productis comparableregardingits with competitiveproducts untary activitiesof manufacturersand increasing performancecharacteristics purpose (environmental properenvironmental awarenessof citizens.Systemsof envi- designedfor the same quality). ronmentalevaluationand labellingare being imple- ties havenot beenachievedat the expenseof mented.Theydeclarethata productmeetsin conformity S p e c i f i c r e q u i r e m e n t sa r e h i g h e rt h a n t h a t c o n with presentstage of knowledgeselectedparameters tainedin generalbindingregulations andtechnicalstanreducingor eveneliminating adverseeffectson the en- dards.They are set up with regardto presentlevelof vironment and/orhumanhealth.At the sametime,there scienceandtechniqueandtheymustbe achievable for Methodof verification is apparentan effortto assessproductin the wholelife a manufacturer. of propertiesincycle,i.e.fromraw materials, throughmanufacture, ap- cludingtest methodsis givenin a separatepartof the plicationup to itsdisposalor recycling.lntroduction Testmethodsaccordingto STN,EN and ISO of the Directive. systemsfollowsnot only from the effortand require- standardsare usedpreferentially. mentsof stateenvironmental bodies,but alsofrom inCoordinatorof the Programmeis Ministryof the Environment terestsof manufacturers and customers. of the SlovakRepublic.Ministerof the EnviLabellingof environmentally friendlyproductswith a ronmentapprovesdirectives,awardsandwithdrawsthe guaranteedeco-labelis a recognizedand motivating applicantsauthorization to use the labelon the baseof policy.Thus,custom- recommendation indirecttoolof the environmental of the Commissionfor environmental ers obtainpositiveinformationabout"cleaner"products assessmentand productlabelling. pointof view. acceptable fromthe environmental The Commissionfor environmental assessmentand evalua- productlabellingis a collectiveauthority.lts members Somecountries,carryingout environmental of industry,trade,customerorgation and eco-labelling of products,implementa unified and representatives systemaccordingto the Directiveof the European nizations,environmental organizations on levelof govUnionEEC880/92as amendedby the Directiveof the ernmentalbodiesand voluntarynon-stateorganizaEuropeanUnionNo. 1980/2000and No. 76112001lEC tions.The Commissionis established by Ministerof the concerninga schemefor awardingeco-labelof the Environment and it is boundto followthe Organizational Community.The SlovakProgrammeof environmental Manualand Ruleof Procedure. labellingfollowsfromthe scheme.The Programmewas The Commissioninspectsfairnessof the activities of the Programme,sets adoptedby the Governmental Ordinanceof the Slovak connectedwith implementation Republicon February6, 1996as a NationalProgramme up courseof worksconcerningpreparationand revision and recommends theirfinalwordingfor and Labellingof Products of the directives of EnvironmentalAssessment lt prepares in the SlovakRepublic(furtherProgramme)withvalid- approvalby the Ministerof the Environment. to use the label "Environi t y f r o m A p r i l 1 5 , 1 9 9 7 .T h e l a b e l" E n v i r o n m e n t a l l yproposalsfor authorization FriendlyProduct"( EFP) becomesan importantinfor- mentallyFriendlyProduct"for the Minister. by mativetool of environmentaland customer-oriented The Programmeis safeguardedorganizationally policyas a resultof implementation Agency- Centrefor waste of the Programme. the SlovakEnvironmental Vtdknaa textil I (4) 165-170 (2002) 165 InstitutionalElementsof the Programme ffiffiffiffiw T-----------1 tl tl and environmental management(SAZP- COHEM), Department of environmental managementin Trnava. Feespaidfor awardingand use of the label"Environmentallyfriendlyproduct"depend also on the output. They are not too high and belongto the lowestones a m o n gn e i g h b o u r i n g c o u n t r i e sT . hey are destined mainlyfor publicitycampaignin supportof the label. bed linenmadefrom 100%cotton- Ty & Ja and Sheets '1997 - Ty & Ja with authorization to use the labelfrom to 2003. A decisivestageof bed linenis that of manufacture andthat of use- directlong-termcontactwith a manfromviewpointof its influenceon the environment. Bed linenTy & Ja is offeredin a wide gamut of coloursin spiteof the factthat use of suitableauxiliaries and dyestuffsfor its manufacturewas ratherlimitedto meet reyear 1998 from the year 1999 annual quirementsfor protectingthe environmentand human rate output rate max. fee max. fee o/o thousand Sk o/o thousandSk m il.S k health(contentof heavymetals,formaldehydeetc. in product). Application the of biologically non-degradable 1,5 0,02 u pt o 1 5 , 0 0,01 3,0 formaldehyde, agents containing chlorine, volatileor15, 0- 50, 0 0 ,0 1 5 ,0 0 ,0 2 u p to 0,0 ganic substances in amounts exceeding limits,dyethe 1 0 ,0 0 ,0 2 u p to 20,0 50, 0- 1oo, o o ,o t pigments and cleaving carcinogenic stuffs aromatic 1 5 ,0 0 ,0 2 u p to 30,0 100, 0andm or e 0 ,0 1 aminesand heavymetalsin amountsexceedingthe limits is banned. havebeenadoptedin theframe The DirectiveNo. 0001 Bed linen,validuntilnow,is Nineteen directives of implementation oftheProgramme upto now.Thefirst beingamendedon the baseof EU DirectionNo. 1999/ wasadopted forbedlinen.Thelabel"Environ- 178lEC(settingup environmental directive criteriafor awarding mentallyFriendlyProduct"was awardedfor several eco-labelEC for textileproducts).The evaluatingcritetimesonlyto thecompanyBZTexicoma.s.fora Setof ria concernparticularkindsof textilefibresand chemiThe EuropeanDirective calsusedin theirmanufacture. Steps for awarding authorizationto use the label "EnvironmentallyFriendly Product" Step Participant 1 . Manufacturer/importer applicant Result Activity Application Obtaininginformationmaterialsand/or consultations in the Centre for waste and environmentalmanagement fee Sendingcompleteapplication,paymentof registration 2 . Centre for waste and environment. Assessmentof conformityof the products management+ qualifiedcorporate with requirementsof the Directive bodies and natural persons Registeredapplication Report about resultsof conformityassessment 3. Commission Clearanceof the report about resultsof conformityassesment Proposalto award or not to award authorization to use the label EFP 4. Ministryof Environment of the Slovak Republic Authorization to use the label EFP Decisionof Ministerof the Environment Ministryof Environment of the Slovak Republic Agreementabout conditionsof the contractand about authorization to use the label EFP Contract and acceptance of the authorization to label the product 166 Vldknaa textil 9 (4) 165-170 (2002) A list of directives on environmentalassessment of products approved up to now Name of the directive Bedlinen Toiletpaperfrom 100% recycledfibres Paper handkerchieves from recycledfibres Plasticproducts containingrecycled plastics manufactured by intrusionand extrusionfor outdoorapplication Water dilutablepaints Water dilutableadhesivesand putties Electricautomaticwashingmachinesfor household Number Validity 0001 0001/2000 0002 000212000 0003 0003/2000 0004 A p r i l 1 9 9 7 - A p r i 1l 9 9 9 September2000-September2003 0005 000s/2000 0006 0006/2000 0007 April 1997-April1999 September2000-September2003 April 1997-April1999 September2000-September2003 A p r i l 1 9 9 7 - A p r i 1l 9 9 9 Directivewas held up temporary April 1997-April1999 September2000-September2003 April 1997-April1999 September2000-September2003 April 1997-April1999 Directiveunder revision Radialtyres for passengercars Electricrefrigerators and freezersfor household Heatingboilersfor gas fuels with atmosphericburner Heatingboilersfor gas fuels with overpressureburner Meansfor winterservice Biodegradableplastic packagingmaterials Washingagentsfor textiles will be takenover beforethe end of 2002on the base of recommendation of the authorizedbodies,The environmentalcriteriaare expectedto be extendedusingthe methodof life cycleassessment(LCA,e.g. according to ISO 14040series)similarlyas when awardingecolabelEU withthe flower. Althoughthe Programmeof Environmentally Firendly Productgoesalreadyon for over5 years,it is not possibleto evaluateit as verysuccessfulone becauseonly 32 productsfrom 9 manufacturershave been awarded the labeluntilnow.Onlytwo textileproductshavebeen labelled.Lowereconomicefficiencyof the Slovakenterprisesis givenas the main reason.However,the reasonis morelikelyon the sideof manufacturers and partlyalsoon the sideof publicin our opinionbecause thereare also economically strongerenterprisesthan BZ Texicomwhichdid not show interestin the labelfor the present.On the otherside it is necessaryto emphasizethat particulardirectiveshavenot beenadoptedfor manygroupsof productsyet and besidessufficientprofessionalcapacitiesare not availableto establisha valuationcommissiondue to complexityof the matter(e.g. lifecycleassessment). vtAknaa textit9 (4) 165-170 (2002') 0008 February1998-February2000 Directiveunder revision 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013/2000 001412000 September1999-September2001 September1999-September2001 September1999-September2001 September1999-September2001 September 200O-September 20A2 September2000-September2002 lntensivecommunication betweentestinglaboratories, researchinstitutesand environmentalorganizations and associations, self-administration and state administration is aimedat extensionof technicalpossibilitiesand information sources.The above-mentioned Programmeis not self-funding one and it is not promotedsufficiently for the present.The situationmight improvein the near futuredue to legislationadopted lately(mainlythe Act No.469/2002Coll.on environment a l p r o d u c tl a b e l l i n gw i t h v a l i d i t yf r o m D e c e m b e r1 , 2002).lt anticipatesalso accessionof the SlovakRepublicto the EuropeanUnionand possibilityof certificationand eco-labelling with EU flower. *** in i %1p *[* 167 A list of products authorized to bear the label "Environmentallyfriendly product" Productname/ Manufacturer DirectiveNo. Validity Set - Ty & Ja bed linen made f rom 100% cotton Bavlndrskez6vody - TEXICOM, s. r. o RuZomberok 0001 1997-1999 0001/2000 2000-2003 Sheets - Ty & Ja bed linen made f rom 100% cotton BavlndrskezAvody- TEXICOM, s. r. o RuZomberok 0001 1997-1999 0001/2000 2000-2003 EKOKRYL-MATV 2045 disperse acrylate paint, matt C h e m o l a k ,a . s . S m o l e n i c e 0005 1997-1999 0005/2000 2000-2003 EKOKRYL-LESKV 2062 disperse acrylate paint, lustre, Chemolak,a.s. Smolenice 0005 19 9 7 - 19 9 9 0005/2000 2000-2003 FARMAL V 2073 interiorpaint Chemolak,a.s. Smolenice 0005 19 9 7 - 19 9 9 PAMAKRYLlN disperse acrylate paint PAM, s.r.o. Bratislava 0005 1999-2002 SADAKRINdisperseacrylate paint for plaster cardboard PAM, s.r.o. Bratislava 0005 1999-2002 DUVILAX LP, disperseadhesivefor parquetsand cork, Duslo, a.s. Sala 0006/2000 2000-2003 DUVILAXLS-50, disperseadhesivefor wood, Duslo, a.s. Sala 0006/2000 2000-2003 DUVILAX L-58, disperse adhesivefor wall tiles and flooring,Duslo, a.s. Sala 0006/2000 2000-2003 TENTO ECO, 3-ply paper handkerchievesfrom recycledfibres, Tento, a.s. Zilina 0003 1998-2001 TENTO - BUTTERFLY,toilet paper up to 25 g/m2,Tento, a.s. Zitina 0002 1998-2001 T E N T O - L U X U S ,t o i l e t p a p e r u p t o 2 5 g l m 2 ,T e n t o , a . s . Z i l i n a OOO2 1998-2001 TENTO - STANDARD,toilet paper up to 25 g/m2,Tento, a.s. Zitina OOO2 1998-2001 TENTO - MAXI, toilet paper up to 25 glmz,Tento, a.s. Zilina OOO2 1998-2001 TENTO - ECONOMY,toilet paper up to 25 g/m2,Tento, a,s, Zitina OOO2 1998-2001 T E N T O - J 0 l i u s M e i n l ,t o i l e t p a p e r u p i o 2 5 g l m 2 ,T e n t o , a . s . Z i l i n a 0OO2 1998-2001 T E N T O - E K O , t o i l e t p a p e r u p t o 2 5 g l m z ,T e n t o , a . s . Z i l i n a 0002 1998-2001 TENTO - JOKER, toilet paper over 25 glmz,Tento, a.s. Zilina 0OO2 19 9 8 - 2 0 0 1 HARMASAN- SOLO SOFT, toilet paper over 25glm2"Z'Hatmaneck6 papierne,a.s. Harmanec0002 19 9 7 - 19 9 9 H A R M A S A N- M V V A L ,t o i l e t p a p e r o v e r 2 5 g l m z ' 7 " H a r m a n e c k 6p a p i e r n e ,a . s , H a r m a n e c OOO2 19 9 7 - 19 9 9 HARMASAN- ENCIAN,toilet paper over 25 glmz "7" Harmaneck6papierne,a.s. Harmanec OOO2 19 9 7 - 19 9 9 HARMASAN- DIVV MAK, toilet paper over 25 glmz"2" Hatmaneck6papierne,a.s. Harmanec 0002 1997-1999 HARMASAN- LEKNO, toilet paper up to do 25 glml'Z', Hatmaneck6papierne,a.s. Harmanec0002 19 9 7 - 19 9 9 HARMASAN- BREdTAN, toilet paper up to 25 glmz"7" Harmaneck6papierne,a.s. Harmanec 0002 1997-1999 0008 1998-2001 tistav,a.s.Budany 0013 Vfskumnfa Sl'achtitel'skf VF- H 108808, SELEKT, Water-soluble PVAfoilSELEKT 2001-2004 Radialtyre for passengercars 165/70 R 13 ECOFLEX-T,Matador,a.s. Puchov Stbel enamelledshower basin ESTAP, FESTAP, s.r.o. Bratislava 168 0017 2001-2004 Vldknaa textil I (4) 165-170 (2002) zNAcrv REALI zfucrA EKoLocrcKEJ vYRoBoK" vHoDruY ,,ENVTRoNMENTALNE SR V PODMIENKACH lranslation of the article: friendlyproduct"in conditions lmplementation of the eco-label"Environmentally of the SlovakRepublic OchranaZivotn6hoprostrediasa vo vyspelfchkraji- nickdsprdvaa smernica.TechnickdsprAvazdovodnundch svetadynamickyvyvijaa stdva sa rozhoduj0cou je, pre6oboladandskupinavfrobkovvybrandz hl'adisrozvojaspo- ka vplyvuna Zivotn6prostrediea je zakladomna vypsfdastoupodmienoktrvaloudrZatelh6ho . m e r n i c aj e t e c h n i c k f l o d n o s t iR . e a l i z u j 0s a s y s t 6 m ye n v i r o n m e n t d l n e h or a c o v a n i en d v r h us m e r n i c e S prislu5nej posudzovanie priemyselnfch skupinyvyirobriadenia a vyirobnfchdinnosti,zvli5end dokumentna pozornostsa venujevplyvusamotnfchvfrobkov na Zi- kov. Obsahujedefinfciupojmov,presn6vymedzenie votn6 prostrediea zdravieI'udfa dastejSiesa zacfnajti skupiny4irobkovna ktorusa smernicavztahuje,zdkuplatnovatzdsady preventfvnostia principydobrovol- ladn6a Specifick6poZiadavkya spdsoboverovania. Zflkladn6 poZiadavkysa vztahujtik environmentdlnostiaj s [dastou verejnosti. politike popri V environmentdlnej sa ndrodnejlegisla- nym a k funkcnlm vlastnostiamuirobku a maj0 zabezpovlastnostami tfve prejavujI aj tendencieroz5irovanianepriamych pedit,Zeuirobokje svojimifunkdnyimi nAstrojov,zalolenychv nemalejmierena dobrovolhfch rovnatel'nfs konkurencnlimivyirobkamisltrZiacimi po- rovnak6mufcelu (environmentdlne vlastnostinebolidoaktivitdchuirobcov a rastfcom environmentdlnom vedomiobdanov.Uplatnuj0sa syst6myenvironmentdl- siahnut6na Ikor kvality). nehohodnotenia ktor6deklaruj0 Specifick6poiiadavky s0 vySSie, akoje ich uroven a oznadovania, ,2evyrobokspiia v sulades aktudlnymstavompoznania vo v5eobecnezfvazn'ich predpisocha technicklich s prihliadnutfm na sudasnf0rovybran6parametre,minimalizuj0ce alebodokoncavy- normdch.Su stanoven6 lucujucenepriazniv60cinkyna Zivotn6prostrediealale- ven vedya technikya musiabyt pre nirobcu prakticky bo zdraviel'ud[.Je pritomsnaha posudzovatvyirobok dosiahnutelh6. SpOsoboverovania vlastnostivyrobkov, v celom Zivotnomcykle,t.j. od suroviny,cez vyirobu, vrdtanesku5obnlichmetodje uvedenyiv samostatnej pouZitiea2 po jeho zne5kodnenie sa pouZivaj0 ci recykldciu.Uplat- 6astismernice.Prednostne skri5obn6menovanietakychtosyst6movvypllva nielenz 0siliaa po- todyv zmyslenoriemSTN,EN a lSO. ZiadaviekStdtnychorgdnovZivotn6hoprostredia,ale aj Gestoromprogramuje Ministerstvo 2ivotn6hoproszo zdujmovna straneqirobcov a spotrebitel'skej verej- tredia(MZPSR). MinisterZP SR schvalujesmernice, nosti. udel'ujea odoberdZiadatelbmprdvopouZivatznadkuna a motivujricim nepriamymndstrojomen- zAkladeodporucania Komisie environmentdlneho hodUzndvanyim politikyje oznadovanie vironmentdlnej vfrobkovmenej noteniaa oznadovania 4irobkov. hodnotenia znedistujricich 2ivotn6prostrediegarantovanou Komisiaenvironmentdlneho a ozna6ovaenvironmentdlnouznackou.Spotrebitel'skd verejnosttak dos- nia 4irobkovje kolektivnaautoritapozostdvajfcaz 6lezainteresovan6 tdva pozitivneinformdcieo vfrobkoch,pouZfvanfm kto- nov zastupujucich zdujmov6skupiny: priemysel,obchod,spotrebitel'sk6 rfch prispievak ochraneZivotn6hoprostredia. organizdcie, organiNiektor6zkralin, v ktoryichprebiehaenvironmentdl- z6cieZivotn6hoprostrediana 0rovnivlddnychorgdnov ju mine hodnoteniea oznadovanie 4irobkov uplatnujtijed- a dobrovolhfchne5tdtnychorganizAcil.Zriad'uje notnli syst6m podl'anariadeniaEuropskej0nie EEC nisterZP a riadisa Organizadnfma rokovacimporiad880/92,ktor6 bolo revidovan6nariadenimEuropskej kom. fnie 6. 1980/2000 a 6.761\%OjUEC o sch6meSpoloKomisiakontrolujenestrannostvlikonovspojenyich denstuana udelbvanieenvironment6lnej znacky.Z ne- s realizdciouprogramu,odporucavytvoritnov6skupiho vychd dzaaj slovensk1iprogram e nvironmentdlneho ny vfrobkov,urdujepostuppri tvorbeareviziismernic znadenia.Ten bol prijatf uznesenimvl6dySlovenskej a odporfcaichkone6n6zneniena schvdlenie ministrovi republikydria6. februdra1996a vyhldsen;iako Ndrod- ZP SR. Pripravujepre ministrandvrhrozhodnutia o udeni programenvironmentdlneho hodnoteniaa ozna6o- leni prdvapouZivatznackuEW. ie programu realizujeSlovania4irobkovv Slovenskejrepublike(d'alejprogram) Organizacn6zabezpecen - Centrumodpaprostredia programu venskdagenturaZivotn6ho s fcinnostouod 15.aprila1997.Realizdciou a environment6lneho mana26rvhodn;ivfrobok (d'alej dov6hohospoddrstva sa znadkaEnvironmentdlne ndstrojomen- s t v a ( S A Z P- C O H E M )O d b o r e n v i r o n m e n t d l n e h o EW) zaradujek doleZitiminformativnym politiky. v Trnave. vironmentalnej manaZ6rstva a spotrebitel'skej Zaziskaniea pouZivaniezna6kyEW sa platiapoplatZAkladnymdokumentomna environmentdlne hodnoprodukcie.Tie nie teniea ozna6ovanieurditej4irobkovejskupinyje tech- ky zdvisl6aj od objemurealizovanej Vldknaa textil I (4) 165-170 (2002) 169 Postup na udelenie priva pouiiva( znadku EVV Udastnik 1. Vfrobca/dovozcaZiadatel' e innost Visledok Podanie Ziadosti Ziskanie intormadnlchmateridlova pripadn6konzult6cie na COHEM/OEM Zaslanie kompletnejprihldSky,zaplatenie registradn6hopoplatku Zaregistrovan6prihl:i5ka 2. COHEM/OEM+ sp6sobil6 prdvnick6 atyzickf osoby Pos0deniezhody prihliisenfchvfrobkov s poZiadavkamismernice Spr6va o nisledkoch pos0deniazhody 3. Komisia Prerokovaniespr6vy o vfsledkoch pos0deniazhody N6vrh na udeleniealebo neudeleniepr6va pouZfvat znaCkuEW 4. MZP SR znadkuEW UdelenieprdvapouZivat Bozhodnutie ministra 2P 5. MZPSR Ziadatel' Dohodnutiezmluvnfch podmienoka uzavretiezmluvy o prdve pouZivatznadku EW Zmluva a prevzatiepr6va oznadovatnirobok s0 prili5vysok6a v remciokolihichkrajinpatriak naj- du ISO 14040)podobneako je to pri udelbvaniznacna propagdciu znadky ky EU kvetu. niZ5fm. ShiZiapredov5etkyim medziverejnostou. Hoci programEW trvd uZ vy5e 5 rokov,nie je moZprogramuboloprijatrich n6 ho v plnej miere hodnotitako fspe5nf. Predov5etrealizdcie V rdmcidoteraj5ej urdeneprepos- klm z toho d6vodu,Ze doterazziskalozna6kulen 32 19smernfc. Z nichbolaprvdsmernica telh0bielizen. Najej zdklade bolaznadkaEnvironmen-vfrobkovod 9 vfrobcova z toho len2 na textiln6vfrobzatial'len spo- ky. Ako dovodsa uvddzapredov5etkfmniZ5iaekonot6lnevhodnfuirobokviackr6tpridelend Supravupostelhej bielizne mickdrnikonnostslovenskfchpodnikov.NakolkovSak locnosti - Ty & Ja o znadkue5teneprejavilizlujem ani ekonomickysilnejzo 100o/o bavlny- Ty & Ja a Prestieradl6 pouZfvat znackunaobdobie od Siepodnikyod BZ Texicom,vidimedovod sk6r v neoprevnenia s platnostou r. 1997do roku2003. zdujmea nepochopenisitudcie 4irobcamia ciastocne vplyvuna2P pri aj verejnostou.Na druhejstranev5aktrebazd6raznit, Rozhoduj0cimi etapaniiz hl'adiska postelhejbieIizni je fazani robya f6zapouZfvan ia - pria- 2e premnoh6skupinyuirobkove5teneexistuj0prfslu5Postel'n6bielizen n6 smernicea dokonca,vzhl'adomna zloZitost(napr. my dlhodobfkontakts dlovekom. v Sirokej farebnejSkalenapriekto- posudzovaniaLCA) ani dostatodn6odborn6kapacity Ty&Jaje pon0kan6 prfprav- pre zostaveniehodnotiacejkomisie. pouZitia vhodnfchpomocnych mu,ZemoZnost kov a farbfvna ich vfrobu bolazna6neobmedzen6 V s0casnostisa zintenzivfiuje vzdjomndkomunikacia ' poZiadaviek z hl'adiska na ochranu 2ivotn6ho splnenia niskumnfmi 0stavmi,podnikmi,enmedzisku5obframi, prostredia a zdraviacloveka(obsahtaZhichkovov,for- vironmentdlne zameranymi organizdciami a zdruleniaje pouZivaniemi, samosprdvoua Stdtnousprdvous cielbm rozSfrit maldehydu a pod.vo nirobku).Vyl06ene pripravkov, obsahuj0cichtechnick6moZnostia informa6n6zdroje.Zatial'v5ak biologicky nerozloZitelhlch prchav6organicke l6tkynadstano- uvedenliprogramnie je samofinancovatelhyi chlor,formaldehyd, a dostauvol'- todnespropagovan;i.MoZnoaj z pohlhduneddvnopriven6limity,d'alejs[ vyl06en6 farbivda pigmenty aminya taZk6kovy jatej legislativy(predov5etklmz6konae. 469120022.z. nujrlcekarcinog6nne aromatick6 prekraduj Iimity. 0cestanoven6 zna6eninirobkovs ridinnostouod o environment6lnom platnasmernica bielizen sa 1. decembra2002)by sa situ6ciav blfzkejbud0cnosti Doteraz c. 0001Postelhd EUd. 1999/ mohlazmenitk lep5iemu.Td predpokladd roz5iruje a dopffra na z6kladerozhodnutia tieZpripojekrit6ri6preudelbvanie nie Slovenskak EU a moZnostcerrifikacie pod znackou 17&lEC(ustanovuje ekologick6 pretextilne4i- EU kvetu. znadkyspolodenswa environmentdlnej najednotlive robky).Hodnotiace krit6rids0 zameran6 pouZfvadruhytextilnfchvldkien,procesya chemikdlie Nazdkladeodporfcaniaautorizova- Uveden,imateridlodznelako prednaSkana medzindn6 priichrryirobe. prevezme smernica do konca rodnej konferencii,,ECO-hbiling of textilesin Central nfch os6bsa europska roz5irenia environmen- European Countriesin the perspective of integrationto roku2002.Je tieZpredpoklad Zi- EU", poriadanejv dfioch 15.-16. 10. 2002 v Ustroni, metodyposudzovania tdlnychkrit6rifaplikovanlm Pol'sko podla (LCA, ranapr. noriem votn6hocykluvfrobkov 170 VlAknaa textil I (4) 165-170 (2002) Suhrnydiplomovlichpr6c na Katedrech6mie a technologiepolym6rova textilu,FPTTnU Studia so sidlomv Puchovev rdmciinZinierskeho v Skolskomroku 200112002 M6riaMarkechov6: LAYOUTOF A CLOTHESMEDELAND RESPOADIG FARBENTE vLNENVoH crsnrucov REAKTivruvurQUALITYOF TEXTILEMATERIALS FARBIVAMI Buducnostoufarbeniavlny vo v5etklichodtienochsri reaktfvnefarbiv6,ktor6by mohliv Merinaa.s.nahradit pouZivan farbivd.Diplomovitpr66 1:2 kovokomplexn6 ca je zalolenanavykonaniradusku5ok,kde konkr6tne vyisledkypoukdZuna 4ihody, ci nevyihodyreaktfvnych a 1:2 kovokomplexnlichfarb[v. D Y E I N GO F T H E W O O L L O O S E S T O C KW I T H A REACTIVEDYE The futureof dyeingwool in alldifferentshades,is with reactivedyes,which could replacethe 1:2 metalcomplex dyes currentlyused in Merina,d.s. Trenbin.The thesisis basedon a numberof tests and experiments and in whichthe resultsshouldpointoutthe advantages dyes. disadvantages of reactiveand 1:2 metalcomplex The diplomawork is aimedat the qualityassessment of selectedtextiles,designatedfor the proposedmodel of warmth- humiditycomfort, of clotheswithevaluation propertiesof consuptionqualitiesand assessmentof the suitability. employedmaterialsapplication Anna Jurikov6: ZLOZENIAPRIADZENA VPLW MATERIALOVEHO VLASTNOSTI HRUEVCHPANEUCHOWCH Wnoexov diplomovdprdcabola zamerandna priPredloZend pravuhrublch pancuchovyich vlirobkovzo zmesivldkien PP, ba, vl, ln, VSs. a hodnotenieich fyzikdlnovlastnosti.V diplomovejprdci mechanickyich a uZitkor4ich je spracovanliprehl'ado rozvojiPP vldkiena o odevnlich ulrobkoch.Vlastnostipripravenych vldkienbolihodnoten6 pomocoulaboratornychmetod a 0Zitkov6vlastvyirobkovnosenima hodnotenim Alena Zold6kov6: nosti pancuchovlich probantkami. Ziskan6vyisledkybudu sl0Zit PRiPRAVABIOSURFAKTANTOVKARBOXYMEryL- vybranlimi pre podklad vWoj d'al5ieho sortimentu. ako Sxnoeu vlastV tejto prdci sa Studovalifyzikdlno-chemickd MATERIAC L O M P O U N DF I L A T U R E z INFLUENCE AT nostiderivdtovpripravenfchchemickoumodifikdciou rdznymipostupmi.Stanovilisa PROPERTIES ROUGHTSTOCKINGPRODUCTS O-karboxymetyl5krobu ich povrchovo-aktivne vlastnosti:emulgacndfdinnost, The diplomaworkhas beenaimat preparation rought praciaa antiredepozicnd povrchov6 napdtie. stockingproductsof the compoundfibresPP, cotton, 0dinnost, wool,VSs, flax and evaluationphysical- mechanical PREPARATION OF BIOSURFACTANTS OF and usingproperties. Withinthe diplomawork is numPP fibresand clothesproduct. CARBOXYMETHYLSTARCH ber reviewdevelopment fibreshas beenthe evalual n t h i s w o r k p h y s i c o - c h e m i c apl r o p e r t i e so f O - The propertiespreparation carboxymethylstarch derivativesperformedchemical tion laboratorymethodand usingpropertieswear and modification variousprocedurewas studied.The sur- evaluation choicea man.Obtainresultshallhas basic propertieswas determine:emulsifyingper- for evolutionnext assortment. face-active performance,washingperformance, antiredeposition formanceand surfacetensionof water. IvanaCmikov6: MoZNOSTIVYUZITIAWPOETOvE.I TECHNIKYPRI DankaHanec6kov6: T V O R B ES T R I H O V E JD O K U M E N T A C I E V ODEV. ruAvnHODEVUA ZoDPoVEDAJUcA KVALITAN O MP R I E M Y S L E TEXTILNVCH MATERIALOV Diplomovdprdcasa zaoberdmoZnostamivyuZitia prdcaje zamerand DiplomovA na hodnotenie kvality vfpoctovejtechnikypri tvorbestrihovejdokumentdcie prenavrhnu\imodel v odevnompriemysle.Analyzujev s[casnostinajrozvybranyich druhovtextiliiurden;ich poZiadavkami, odevus konkr6tnymi na Sfrenej5i softwaresvetovlch 4irobcov CAD/CAM syst6s ohl'adom oblastpouZitia. Zaober6,sa najmdhodnotenim tepelno- mov pouZivanfchv technickejpr(pravevfroby. Porovvlhkostn6ho systdmova uvddza4ihody komfortu, ostatnfmivlastnostami fZitko- ndvamoZnostijednotlivyich vfch ukazovatelbv a pos0denfm vhodnostiaplikdcie oprotipripravevfroby klasickfmspdsobom.VyhodnopouZitfch druhovmateridlov. tenlm moZnostfjednotlivylch syst6movprdca prin65a ndvrhyna komplexn6vyuZitiesyst6muInvestronica Sistemasv spolocnostiOzeta,a.s.Trencin. Vldknaa textil 9 (4) 171-175 (2002) 171 STRATEGIES OF THE SUCCESSFUL APPLICATION OF COMPUTER.CON-INNOVATION POSSIBLE TROLLEDTECHNIQUEAT THE CREATIONOF CUT CLOTHINGCOMPANY INDUS. This registeredlabordealswith abilitiesof the appliIN CLOTHING EVIDENCE DOCUMENTARY cationsinnovationschangesin successfullclothing TRY diplomaworktreatstheapplication of business.Representsthe entityof the termsinnovation, Thesubmitted - controlled at thecreation of cut assortmentand marketingas an importantcomponent computer technique evidence in clothingindustry, analysing of the innovationstrategy.The goal of this laboris to documentary the presentmostspreadsoftwareof the world- wide analyseinnovationchangesat businessMakyta,a.s, procedural, organizasystemsusedinthetech- P0chovin spheremanufactural, knownproducer of CAD/CAM Thediploma workis tionaland to vote the sale innovationstategy,concrete nicalpreparation of manufacture. sys- creationof the Fashionclub,,Makyta" designfollowing tryingto compare the possibilities of theindividual oppositeto the marketinginquiry. temsand introduces the advantages preparation according to the classical of manufacture the possibilities of the respective Zuzana Lavorov6: way.By evaluating H fora NAVRHSYSTEMU SLEDOVANIA KVALITATIVTVC systems thediplomaworkif offering suggestions if theInvestronica Systemas system UKAZOVATETOVPRI SPRACOVANiPOTruEJVLNY complexutilization Trendfn. NA VLNEIVV OCSNNEC withintheOzetajoint- stockcompany prdceje navrhnuta na vzorkevlny Cielbmdiplomovej ElenaKim6kov6: urditejpartieodsk[Satsyst6msledovaniakvalitativnfch IEWROEXOVA.S. I{IAUTATIVTC HODNOTEN ukazovatelbvpri spracovanipotnej vlny na vlneny MERINA, Z HI}DISKAMECHANICK/CH VLASTNOSTI desanec.Na vzorkevlnypartie43 196s jemnostou66/ prAca hodno- 64 s' sa sledujriparametrev laboratoriuprddovnevlny DiplomovA sa zaoberdkvalitatfvnym po- a v laboratoriuUster. vytypovanlich vyrobkov Merinaz tenim vzoriek a.s. vlastnosti. casti hl'adumechanickfch V teoretickej sa prehl'ad poznatkov o prirodnom vldkne- vlne THE CONCEPTOF THE SYSTEMOF THE QUALITY nachddza - polyester, vlAkne USEDWITHWOOLMANUFACTURING a o chemickom ktor6s0 spracovan6 INDICATORS (tkanin). ON A SPECIFICWOOLTOP vyrobcu do findlnych nirobkov ExperimenEXECUTED u popis rnisledmetodiky, The aim of this studyis to make conceptionand untdlna6astobsahuje sk05obn6 a ky experimentov, ktor6s0 spracovan6 tabulkovou a dergothe experimenton the systemof the qualityindipouZlvanom grafickou formouv obvyklom rozsahu, vo cators used with wool manufacturingexecutedon a procese vfrobnom a.s.Merina. specificwool sample.The parametersare examinedon the sampleof wool (lot 43 196, softness66/64)in the FROM laboratoryof a wool scouringmill and in the Uster EVALUATION PRODUCTS QUANTITATIVE MERINA, a.s.HAVING ONTHEIR laboratory. CONCENTRATED MECHANICAL PROPERTIES of Lucia Vargov6; Thethesisdealswiththe quantitative evaluation products NA selected samplesfromMerina,a.s.having TEXTILNEPOMOCNEPROSTRIEDKY properties. BpZE In the OLEOCHEMICKEJ on theirmechanical concentrated partthereis an overviewof knowledge of a Studovalisa fyzikdlno- chemick6vlastnostiaviva2theoretical naturalfibre wooland a chemicalfibre polyester nych a mfikciacichtextilnfchpomocnychprostriedkov, intothe final pripravenychz produktuOLEO l, ktorf je technicky whichare workedby the manufacturer partcontains products (textiles). Stanovilisa: Theexperimental test- cistli,svetlofarebnfa biodegradabilnyi. poresults fur- dislakyslosti,viskozitapripravenyich textilnlTch ingprocedures, description andexperiments bod samovznietenia in the formof chartsandgraphsto the mocnychprostriedkov, emulzie therprocessed process. Techazil- 31 V. a.s.manufacturing ussualextent usedinMerina, ON OLEOCHEMICAL BASE LenkaJancikov6: TEXTILEAUXILIARIES The physico- chemicalproperties of fabricsofteners INOVAENE STRATEGIE USPESNEJ ODEVNEJ FIRMY prdcasazaoberdmoZnostami TAtodiplomovd aplika- obtainedfromthe OLEOl productwereexamined.The Vysvet- productOLEOI is technicallyclean,light- coloured,and zmienv rispeSnejodevnejfirme. cieinova6nfch The followingindicatorswereset:the acidI'ujepodstatupojmovinovdcia,sortimenta marketing biodegradable. ako doleZitris0castinovadnejstrat6gie.Cielbmtejto ity number,viscisityof fabricsofteners,the pointof sponprdceje analyzovat of the Techazil-31 V emulsion. inovacn6zmenyvo firmeMakyta, taneouscombustion procesnej, organizada.s.P0chovv oblastiuirobkovej, nej a navrhn[tinovacnfstrat6giupredaja,konkr6tne na zAvytvorenie koncepcie Modneho klubu,,Makyta" kladeprieskumu. 172 Vldknaa textilI (4) 171-175 (2002) SALTINFLUENCE ON DYEINGCOTTONTWIST ZuzanaKuimov6: Wsrn vHoDNEJpADsrRrZEpREKUSovEFAR- PIECEGOODSBY REACTIVEDYES BENIEDAMSKYCH PIASiOV MANTPULOVANVCHAn aim of my task was the researchof changesof dyeingcottontwistpiecegoodsmainlyfrom the colour zo zMESrVUPAD prdceje ndjsta posuditvhodn0 shade move and fastnes properties, when the Ulohoudiplomovej pld5tovmani- reconnendedelectrolyteamount is relativeradical PADstriZprekusov6farbenieddmskych pulovanyich zo zmesivUPADpomocour6znychrezer- raisedand reduced.Basedon theseresultsSlovenka vacnfchpripravkov. Na zdkladeekonomickej analfzy a.s. shouldregulateits dyeingproceduressor should prfpravkami limitusinglesssuitabledyes. farbiacich recept0rs r6znymirezeruadnfmi PADstriZ. budenavrhnutd ekonomicky najuihodnej5ia Dorota Kocmanov6: THESELECTION OF SVITABLE PADSTAPLEOF ANALVZAPROCESUPRIPRAVYWNOAY PIECE- DYEING OF WOMENS' MA. ODEVNEJFIRMYMAKYTA,a.s.PREPODMIENKY OVERCOATS BLEND NIPULATED MADEOFWOOUPAD V N U T O R N E HT OR H U Thetaskof the diplomathesisis to findandassess T6to diplomovApr6capojedn6vao procesepripravy PADstapleforpiece-dyeingof womens'over-vfroby odevnejfirmyMakyta,a.s. pre podmienkyvn0svitable coatsmadeof wooUPAD blend,withthehelpof various torn6hotrhu.Ndvrhopatrenfna odstrdnenienedostatblocking agents.On thebasicof economic analysis of kov vznikolna zdkladepodrobnejanalyzypredvlirobdyeingformulas withvariousblocking agents, themost n6ho procesu a komunikdcie so softwarovyimi svitable PADstapelis goingto be suggested. spolocnostami. EvaBenkov6: ANALYSISPROCESSOF PRODUCTIONS PREPAR. VPLW MATERIALOVEHO ZLOZENIA PRIADZE NA INGOF CLOTHESFIRMMAKYTA,a.s.PUCHOVFOR VI-ASTNOSTI PONOZIEK SLOVAKMARKETCONDITION prAcaje zamerand Diplomov6, na pripravua hodno- The followingwork dealswith processof productions prirdznom preparingof clothesfirm Makyta,a.s Puchovfor Slovak ponoZiek tenieuZitkonich vlastnostf tentcfch materidlovom zloZenI priadze. Zdtkladnou surovinou marketcondition.My improvingsuggestionsstandson je polypropyl6n ponoZiek hodnotenfch v zmesisprirod- concreteanalysisof preparingprocessand communinfmiaj syntetickfmivl6knami, akobavlna,lhn,viskozo- cationwith softwarecompanies. v6 vldknaa lycra.V experimentdlnej 6astidiplomovej prdcesa hodnotia: fyzkdlno- mechanick6 vlastnosti Alibeta Vr6blbv6: priadzi,0Zitkov6 ponoZkor4ich pletenin vlastnosti v labo- ESTERIFIKACIAXYUITIOV,CHARAKTERIZACIA podmienkach ratornych a nosenfm. n SrUoIuM ICHVLASTNoSTi Studovalisa fyzikdlno- chemick6vlastnostinovfch THEINFLUENCE OF MATERIAL COMPOSITION deriv6tovpripravenlichparciAlnouhydrofobiz6ciou YARNONTHEPROPERTIES OFSOCKS xyldnovs vinyllaurdtom, s chloridmivy55ichmastnfch Thisworkis directed on preparation andvalution of kysel[n(stearoylchloridom), a s vinyllaurdtom za vplyvu gualities utilitarian of thinsockswithvariousmaterial ultrazvuku. Stanovilisa povrchovo- aktivnevlastnosti: composition. Basicraw materialof testedsocksis emulgadndIdinnost,povrchov6napdtie,kritickdmicepolypropylen praciau6innost,antiredepozicnd in themixtureby naturalandsynthetic fi- lovd koncentrdcia, bres,suchas cotton,flax,viscoseyarnandlycra.The udinnosta penivost. partof this registered experimental workthereare physical evaluated: and mechanical characteristics of E S T E R I F I C A T I OO NF X Y L A N S ,C H A R A C T E R I Z A . yarnapplicated for production of socks,evaluation of TIONAND STUDYOF THEIRSPROPERTIES properties socksin the laboratory term,evalution of wornsocks. The physico- chemicaland performance of newly synthesisedderivatespreparedby partial MiroslavaMozolov6: hydrophobization of xylanswithvinyllaurate, withchloVPLW SOLINAFARBENIE BAVLNEruVCH ridesof higherfattyacids(stearoylchloride),with vinylUPLETOV BEAKTIVTYUI FARBIVAM I laurateunderinfluenceultrasound werestudied.Emulpr6ceboloskfmatakosa zmeni sifying power, surfacetension, critical micelle Cielbmdiplomovej qyfarbenie npletovpredovSethim bavlnenfch z hl'adiska concentracion, waschingperformance, antiredeposition posunuodtiefiaa st6losti vyfarbenia, ked'sapomerne efficiencyand foamabilitywere determined. radikdlne zvf5i a znftidoporuden6 mnoZstvo elektrolytu.Na zdkladedosiahnutfch vyisledkov si Slovenka prfpradne a.s.upravfreceptdry, obmedzlpouZfvanie menejnihodnyich farbiv. VlAknaa textil 9 (4) 171-1 75 (2002) 173 ZuzanaBorotov6: polypropylene fibresfrom Zigler-Nattaand metallocene polypropylene, evaluationof structureparametersand physical-mechanical propertiesand an experimental V PODMIENKACH TRECOfU, s. r.o,TRENOIN Tdtodiplomov 6 prilcasazaoberdSpecifikami uiroby apparatursdescription. Specrrrxn Wnoey DAMSKYcH NoHAVic nohavlc v podmienkach damskych zaddvatela Trecom, prdce r. Trencfn. V s. o, experimentdlnej dasti sa stano- ludmila Balogov6: parametre vilimechanick6 tkanin,priadzfa mikrosko- SLEDOVANIEVPLWU VPICHOVACICHIHIEL,INpick6anal'iza odevnyich textilii pouZlvanfch preddmsku TENZITYVPICHOVANIAA ZAKLADITIVCH PARA. - organi- METROVPPSA PESSNA WSLEDNU UCINNOSi konfekdu. V d'alSej 6astiprdcarie5itechnicko zalnyprojektddmskych nohavica jehovyhodnotenie.FILTRACIE NETKAITIVCH TEXTILIi Cielbmtejtodiplomovejprdcebolosledovanievplyvu SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LADIESPANTS vpichovacichihiel,intenzityvpichovaniaa zdkladnyich MANUFACTURE IN CONDITION WITHTRECOM, parametrovPPs a PESsna vfsledn00dinnostfiltrdcie Lmt., TRENCIN netkan;ichtextilii.Hlavnoudastou bolo stanovenie Thisthesisanalyzespecialcharacterictics of ladies priedu5nostinetkanyichfiltradnfchmaterialovv zdvispantsmanufacture, in condition withTrecom,Lmt, losti od druhu pouZitejihly, intenzityvpichovaniaa partaresetmechanical pa- zdkladnfchparametrovPPs a PESsvldkien. Trencin. ln theexperiment rametersof fabric,yarnand microscopical analysisof fabricusedfor ladiesclothingindustry. Thenextpartof O B S E R V A T I OO E F NEEDLING, NF I N F L U E N C O - organizational thisthesisdealswithtechnical design ITS INTENSIryAND BASICPARAMETERS PPs of ladiespantsanditsevaluation. AND PESsON THE RESULTING FILTRATION EFFICIENCY OF THE NON- WOVENTEXTILES LuciaPetrociov6: The intentionof my diplomawork is to observethe VPLW GEOMETRIE POLYPROPYLENOWCH influenceof needling,its intensityand basic PPs and VUqXICT NAUZTKOVEVLASTNOSTI TEXTILII PESsfiberparameterson the resultingefficiencyof the prdcabolazamerand Diplomovd na hodnotenie vply- non - woventextiles.The aim of the main bodyof my procesuPPvl6kiena na 0Zitko- work is to inspectand find out the permeabilityof the vu zmenytuarovacieho v6 vlastnostiich textilii.Posudzuje vplyvpriecneja non- wovenfiltrationmaterialsin relationto the kindof pozdiZpej geometrie a fyzikalno mechanicke vlastnosti needleused,intensityof needling,as well as PPs and PPvl6knanauZitkov6 vlastnosti ichtefiilnfchuirobkov. PESsfibresparameters. THEINFLUENCE GEOMETRY POLYPROPYLENE Lenka Koristov6: FIBRES ONUTILITY OF PRODUCTS NAVRH QUALITIES zufSTruIA PRODUKTIVIry A Thethesisanalyzes the influence of changeof the EFEKTiVNOSTI PRACE V ODEVNEJ FIRME formingprocess on utilityqualities of appreci- M- S,s.r.o.,Zlt-lrun geom- Cielbm prdcebolorozpracovanie atestheeffectof cross- sectionandlongitudinal diplomovej ndvrhu etryon utilityqualities of productsandit alsoeValuates projektunovejvfrobnej haly z technick6hoa technolo- mechanical physico qualities gick6hohl'adiska.Prestahovanimcastiuiroby z podlanatureof PPfibres. Liana prfzemiesa zlep5fkomunikdcia,znlli sa dasovd Folvardikov6 Katarina: ndrodnosttransformacn6hoprocesua skvalitnisa SrnurruRA A vt-ASTNosl vLqrNltnlcH MATE- kontrola. RIALoVZ NoVEJGENERACIE PoLYoLEFiNoV prAcaje zameran6na pripravuvldkien T H EC O N C E P TO F T H E I N C R E A S I NO DiplomovA GF T H E P R O . - z metalocenov6hoDUCTIVIryAND EFFECTIVENES z novejgenerdciepolyolefinov OF WORKIN THE polym6ru. V experiment6lnej castiprdcesd uveden6 TEXTILEFIRM postupyprfpravy polypropyl6no4ich striZor4ich vl6kien The aim of diplomaworkwas elaboratesa suggestion polym6rov z Zigler- Nattovyich a metalocenov6hoof a new productionhallprojectfrom the technicaland polypropyl6nu, parametrov technological hodnotenie ichStrukt0rnych standpoint.The movingof a partof pro- mechanicloich a fyzikdlno vlastnostf a popismetodpri ductionfrom the floorto the groundfloorimprovesthe anal'izevldkien. reducesthe time pretensionof the communication, processand improvesthe qualityof the transformation THESTRUCTURE ANDPROPERTIES OF FIBRES control. MATERIALS FROMTHENEWGENERATION POLYOLEFINS Ingrid Put5kov6: Thepurposeof thisworkis the preparation of fibres VPLW TECHNOLOGICK/CH PARAMETROV - frommetalloceneTERMICKEHOSPEVNOVAN polyolefins fromthenewgeneration IA NETKANYCH polymers. process Thisworkcontains of preparation of TEXTILII NAICHSEPARACIIu uEIruNoSi 174 Vldknaa textil I (4) 171-1 75 (2002) prdces0 netkan6textiliepoull- INFLUENCE OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL PARAM. T6moudiplomovej THERMIC ETERS HARDENING na nedist6t OF NON.WOVEN filtra6n6 materidly separdciu van6ako - FABRIC FORTHEYSEPARATION EFFICIENCY Predmetom srlzmenyfyzikdlno v ovzdu5i. sk0mania plo5nd (hr0bka, work non woven hmotnost, Theme of diploma are fabricapplivlastnosti mechanickfch pevnostv tahu,taZnosf)a funkcnfchvlastnosti (prie- cableasfiltermaterialfor separation impurities in atmopouZit6ho physico-mechaniv zdvislosti od sphere.Objectof searcharechange filtracnyich materidlov du5nosf) jednostran- calproperties (roughness, arealweight,tensilestrengh, vfchodiskov6ho materi6lu a od intenzity properties povrchov6ho (air-perelongation at break)andfunctional n6ho natavenia textilie. meability) at relationof usedbasicfibrousmaterial and intensity superficial smelting. unilateral FORAUTHORS INSTRUCTIONS The journal,,Vl6knaa textil"is the scientificand professionaljournal with a viewto technologyof fibresand textiles,with emphasisto chemicaland naturalfibres, processesof fibrefinishingand dyeing,to fibrousand textileengineering and orientedpolymerfilms.The original contributions and worksof backgroundresearches, new physico-analytical methodesand papersconcerning the development of fibres,textilesand the marketing of thesematerialsas well as reviewpaperswill be published in thejournal. The figureswould have been drawn at the tracing paperor Bristol,drawn roundby blackink, numbered by Arabicnumeralsand titledbeneaththe figure. The tableswould have been writtenat an individual 'paper pieceof with numberand titleabovethem. Photosand schemeshave to be sufficientlycontrastive at a photographicpaper or to be drawn at a white paper. Equationsand schemesare statedrightin the text. Numbersof the figuresand tablesshallbe statedin the text at the left margin. Manuscript Physicaland technicalpropertieshaveto be quantiThe originalresearchpapersare requiredto be writ- fiedin Sl units,namesand abbreviations of the chemit e n i n E n g l i s hl a n g u a g e( m a x i m u m1 0 t y p e - w r i t t e n cal materialshaveto be statedaccordingto the IUPAC pages)with summary(abstract- maximum10 lines). standards. Text of contribution Referencesin the text haveto be in squarebrackets from Slovakand Czech Republic haveto be in Slovakor Czechlanguageas well. and literaturecitedat the end of the text has to respect The otherpartsof thejournalwill be publishedin Slo- the international conventions. vak language,the advertisements will be publishedin The manuscripttogetherwith the tablesand figures are demandedas hardcopy. a languageaccordingto the mutualagreement. Authorsare kindlyrequestedto deliverall papersto The firstpageof the manuscripthas to contain: o The titleof the article. be publishedon PC disks3,5" in WINWORDand by r The initialsof the firstname(s) and alsosurnames e-mail. of all authors. o The completeaddress(es)of the workingplaceof Address of the Editor Office: the authors,(e-mailif it is possible). ,,Vldknaa textil" The manuscripthas to be type-writtenat the size A4 Doc. lng. MichalKri5tofid,Ph.D. in standardform,30lineswith65 beates,at a page.The FCHPTSTU totalnumberof figuresand tableswouldhavebeenless Radlinsk6ho 9 t h a n1 0 . 81237 Bratislava,SlovakRepublic Allfigures,tables,schemesand photoshaveto have e-mail: murarova@ theirown numberand title. e-mail: vldkna a textil 9 (4) 171-175 (2002) 175 ZO ZAHRANICI.IYCNCNSOPISOV vldknos absorp6nouschopnostbu enzlimov.NezrdZavdripravazlep5ujebelostvlny,zniPolyesterov6 porovnatel'nou s bavlnou Zujejej Zmolkovitosta zlep5ujejej miikkost. ADVANCES /N TEXTILES TECHNOLOGY, 2002, 6. 2, s. 2-3 Spracovaniev nadkritickom oxide uhlicitom US Patent6 258 309 udelenf korejskejfirme ADVANCES/N TEXTILESTECHNOLOGY,2002, polyesterov6c. 2, s. 5-6 SAEHANINDUSTRIES, lNC.popisuje striZov6vl6kno,modifikovan6anorganickfmi zl[6eninaMetodazariadeniafarbiva infch chemikdlifdo hadporovnatelhlimi pr[mi,s absorpdnfmi schopnostami s kritick6hokvapaln6ho oxiduuhlicitehoza udelomuprarodnfmimateridlmi. Casticeanorganickfch zl0cenin, vy textiliijepopisandv patenteUSA 6 261 326.V nanapr.oxiduv6penat6ho, hore6nat6ho, manganidit6ho, vrhovanomsyst6mesa farbivo pred [pravou rozpusti prid6vajf resp.ichzmesisa medzistupnom v rozpu5tadle,6imsa rie5iprobl6maglomerdciedastic. dotaveniny polymeriz6cie a zvldkhovania. Ostatn6aditivaakosta- Farbivosa ddvkujedo uzatvorenejnadrZes cirkulacbilizdtory, absorb6ry UV-Ziarenia sa pri- nfm okruhom,derpadlom,filtroma rozvodnfmiventilantioxidanty, po podas po- mi, naplnenejnadkriticlgim ddvajfbezprostredne esterifikdcii kvapalnyim alebo oxidomuhli6igim. lykonden zdcte.Upravanezvy5uj e vyraznevyirobn6 V procesezmie5avaniasa moZepridatpovrchovoaktivnaklady. vldknazostdvaj0 ny prostriedokalebodispergdtor.ObsahnAdrlesa ndsOstatn6fyzikdlne vlastnosti plnenah- lednezohrievatak, aby sa dosiaholtlak rovnakyT v podstate nezmenen6. NovfmateriSl mOZe ako raditbavlnuv odevnyich textflidch. v tiprav6renskomsyst6me.lzol6ciasyst6muprfpravy tipravarensk6ho roztoku je zabezpedend prostrednictvomventilov. Textilieodoln6voci prerezaniua prepichnutiu ADVANCES /N TEXTILES TECHNOLOGY, 2002, c. 2, s. 3-4 Zdokonalenf podklad z netkanej textilie pre v5iFirmaJHRGLLC(USA)patentovala sp6sobvyiroby van6 koberce vociprerezaniu ktor6zd- ADVANCES/N TEXTILESTECHNOLOGY,2002, textiliiodolnlich a prepichnutiu, rovehneprepfStaju vzducha kvapaliny. Natextfliuob- 6 , .2 , s . 7 - 8 patentWO 00/12800bol udelenyihosahuj0cu viacako25 % vl6kienpren6rodn6 aplikdcie, Medzindrodnli napr.polyetylen s vysokfmmodulom alebos vysokou landskejfirme AKZONOBELBV. Popisujepodkladpre pevnostou v tahu,sa laminuje film.Po- v5fvan6koberce,ktorutvoritkaninaz termoplastick;ich termoplasticlqi vo filmemusfbytminimdlne dieletylenu 20 %.Filmsa vldkien,spojends netkanoutextfliouprostrednictvom polym6rua termoplasticklich spolus textiliounavljav napdtomstavea zohrievasa, termopojiv6ho vl6kien. ku zrazeniu textiliea lamindcii Netkandtextiliaje vyrobendz bikomponentnych vldkien abyzmdkol.Dochddza popisa- so Strukt0roujadro/pla5ts jemnostou5-20 dtex. Jadvrstievza pdsobenia tlaku.Jednfmz variantov pldSttvoripolyamid nfch v patenteUSA6 280546je lamindts vonkaj5ou rom vldknaje polyetylentereftal6t, pren6rodn6 polym6ruje o 15-20 vrstvou, ktorftvoritextilia a vn0- 6. Teplotataveniatermopojiv6ho aplikdcie tornouvrstvouvo formefilmuz polyetyl6nu s nizkou % nillia ako teplotataveniaostatnychvldkien.Patenhustotou, mrieZka. medziktor6je vloZend tovanf podkladmd zlep5enustabilitua mechanick6 vlastnosti. Nezr6iav6vlna ADVANCES /N TEXTILES TECHNOLOGY, 2002, Transplant6ts antimikrobi6lnymprostriedkom d. 2, s. 4-5 ADVANCES/A/ TEXTILESTECHNOLOGY,2002, Ddnskymvliskumnfkom zfirmy NOVOZYMES bol c . 2 , s . 1 0 - 1 1 nezrAla- FirmaAgioTechnologiesLLCvyvinulatransplantdtudelenfUSpatent6 258 129naenzymaticku v0 fpravuvlny.Na vlnusa najprvp6sobiv plynnom textiliupovrstven0anorganickfma antimikrobidlnym prostredf plazmou. Dalejsa upravuje vo prostriedkom, ktoryisa na nu nandSarozpra5ovanim. nizkoteplotnou vodnomroztokuperoxidu nei6no- Textilianapriekpovrstveniuzostava porovitA,prulnA vodfkaza pritomnosti prostriedku v6hozmdcacieho Popldkani a prepfStakvapalinu.Upravujesa za mokrav napdtom a katalyzdtora. nasleduje fpravav kyslom,neutr6lnom stavea ndslednesa na ilu posobistlacenfmvzduchom. enzymatickd prostriedok pritomnyv poprostredf povrchovoaktfv-PrisuSenisaantibakteridlny alebozdsaditom s prldavkom Predenzymatickou nychprostriedkov. upravoualebo rochtextilieodstr6ni,dimdochddzak zachovaniuporoprostriedoks0 vhodpodasnejjevhodn6navlnukrdtkop6sobitultrazvukom.vitejStruktfry.Ako antibakteridlny n a j v i a csa v5ak osvedcil z e o l i t y , Zivoci5neho rasn 6 Proteolyticky mOZe byt alebo a n t i b i o t i c k d enzfm je priklade pouZitie p6vodu. V uvedendreceptura aj mikrobi6lnych dusidnan striebornyi. tlinn6ho Overen6 bolo 176 Vldknaa textil9 (4) 176-179 (2002) upravypolyesterovejpleteninyurcenejna cievnetransplantdty. S06asn6trendy vlikien pre netkan6textilie T E X T I L I E N4, 4 , 2 0 0 1, 6 . 4 , s . E 1 8 0 TECHNISCHE Priemyselnetkanfch textiliije vliznamnfm odbytiskom chemickfchvldkien.lch svetovdspotrebav roku 2000 predstavovala 3 mili6nyton a predpokladdsa, Ze do roku2005sa zvf5i na 3,7 mili6novton.Z uveden6ho mnoZstva2,1 mili6naton pripaddna polypropyl6n vldkna(PP, PET)a 750 250 000 ton na bikomponentn6 000 ton na polyesterov6vldkna.V bud0cnostisa odak6va vyraznyrast spotrebySpecidlnychPES vldkien, bioaktivnychvldkienalebo ko-ponapr.kopolym6rov, lyesterouichvldkienpodliehajfcichrozkladu.Perspektivu maj0 vl6knavyroben6na bAzekyselinymliecnej, Zivotn6prostredie.Vldknapre ndrodktor6nezataZuj{r n6 aplikaciezatial'v priemyslenetkanfchtextfliinehraj0 vfznamnej5iutilohu.Viskozov6vldkna sa v tomto sektorevyuZivajfnajmd pre hygienick6aplikdcie,hoci ich podielna svetovomtrhuje pomernemalyi(8 %). re pleteniny,ktordzodpoveddpredpokladanej oblasti pouZitia.Tieto 0pletysa pouZfvajtiako substrdtybiologickfchfiltrov,biofunkcn6textiliev zdravotnicNe, moZu byt s0castouvyhrievacicha chladiacichprvkov,kolektorov, izoldcif,absorb6rova pod. S0 vhodne aj na vfrobu kompozitov.V prispevkus0 uvedene4isledky skti5okabsorpcnfcha tepelnfch vlastnost(vybranfch vzoriekosnovnyichripletovzpriadz{ z du\ich vldkien. V sfdasnejdobe sa overujumoZnostidalSichStrukturdlnychmodifikdciitfchto materidlov. Pouiitie termopojivfch produktov firmy Ems pri virobe textilii do automobilov TECHNISCHETEXTILIEN,44,2001,d. 4, s. E 190-194 Na spevnenietextiln6hosubstr6tuponfka Svajdiarska vldkna firmaEms-Griltech termopojive bikomponentn6 s teplotouspracovania115-170 'C. Teplomtavitel'n6 adh6znegranulea prd5kysa pouZivaj0na lamindciu dvoch alebo viaceryichvrstiev materidlu.UmoZnuju spevfiovaniea spdjanienetkan;ichtextiliibez pouZitia rozpu5tadla a zatalovania Zivotn6ho prostredia prchaTietonetkan6textiliesi Firma Honeywell rozSirujevfrobu vl6kna Spectra 4imi organickfmizl0ceninami. vyborneodvddzajuvlhkost TECHNISCHETEXTILIEN,44, 2001, e. 4, s. E 183 zachovdvaj0priedy5nost, kladen6na materidlypre nov6kliFirmaHoneywell,USA zvf5i kapacituvfroby polye- a splnajupoZiadavky tyl6nov6hovldknaSpectras vyso$im modulom.Vlek- matizovan6Strukturysedadiel.Vyirobkyvyroben6s poproduktovfirmy Emssplnaj0predno ma najvy55ipomer pevnost/hmotnostzo v5etk;ich uZitimtermopojivych vldkien.Je I'ahk6,md 4ibornti odolnostvo- pisy EU pre recykldciu.Polyesterov6netkan6Strukt[ry synteticloich teplompouZivan6 vodea UV Ziareniu v lacichemikdlidm, a vysok0schopnost spojen6adhezlvamitavitelhylmi polykon5trukcidch vhodnou PouZiva na minovanfch su ndhradou energiu. sa Specidlnych absorbovat 4irobu pracovnfchodevov,ochrannychpomocok,ldn a pov- uretdnovejpeny. r azov,nepriestrelnyichviest,pancierovvozidiel,5portoWch vfrobkova pod.Vl6knoje zdkladnfmmateri6lom Skri5ky vyuiitia odpadovfch vl6kien z kobercov v ar- v netkanfch geotextili6ch na vfrobu kompozitovSpectraShieldvyuLivanych T E X T | L | E N , 4 4 , 2 0 0,1e . 4 , s . E 1 9 5 mdde,policajnlchzborocha v ndrocnfchpriemysel- T E C H N I S C H E Legislatfva o odpadevyZadujespracovanietextiln6nfch aplikdcidch. ho odpadudo uirobkov zodpovedajucejkvalitys co najprojektuvykopolyesterovfch Novd linka na virobu netkanich vy55imindkladmi.V rdmcivyiskumn6ho nal STFI Chemnitzsk0Skyspracovaniaodpadu zo textilii spod trysky v Berline TECHNISCHETEXTILIEN,44, 2001, e. 4, s. E 184 v5fvanfchkobercovs penovoufpravou do netkanfch Pretentofcel bolanavrhnutdoptimdlnatechFirmaJohns ManvilleEuropeGmbH vyvinulanovf geotextilii. netkanutextiliuz jemnlichvldkienvhodnf na vfrobu fil- nologiatrhaniakobercova ndsledn6ho cisteniatkaniny. vldkienbolivyroben6netkan6textitrov.Filtracn6m6diumCombi Fil ma vrstvenI Struktri- Z regenerovanlich ru tvorenuz ultrajemnyich a hrubfch polyestero4ichvla- lie spevnen6mechanickyvdzbovounitou.Optimalny je kien. Ultrajemn6filamemtyna povrchufiltravyirazne podielregenerovanfchvldkienv tfchto vyirobkoch pripade polypropyl6nu a 50 % v pripadevlzlep5uj0separacnufunkciu,hrub5ievldknana zadnej 10-15 % v minimdlnutlakov0stratu.Filterje pev- ny.Z materidlovs obsahompolypropyl6novej druhotnej stranezabezpecuj0 ny, m6 vysokriefektivnost,dlhriZivotnosta I'ahkosa cis- surovinysa vyrdbaj0geotextllieplniaceseparacn6 vlSknasa tf. Namiestotradidnyicfr spojilvsa prijehouirobe pouZfvajf a ochrann6funkcie,vlnen6regenerovan6 pouZivaj0 rohoZiazatrdvnovacich ekologickyvhodnej5iepolyesterov6kopolym6ry. do protieroznych materidlov. Spracovaniepriadzi z dutfch vl6kien do osnovSikoplast: novf syst6m recykl6cie odpadu z PP nfch upletov pre technick6 aplik6cie netkanich textilii TECHNISCHETEXTILIEN,44, 2OO1 , d. 4, S. TECHNISCHETEXTILIEN,44, 2001, 6. 4, s. E 2Q7 E 1 8 7 - E1 9 0 NoW Hybridsystem nemeckejfirmySikoplastGmbH etanof predstavujenov6typy osnovnyichupletovvyrobenyich s pouZitimpriadzlz dutfch vldkienv Struktti- umoZfiujerecyklovatodpadz PP netkanfchtextiliitak, vl'kna a textil9 (4) 176-179 (2002) 177 Zesa vraciapriamodo procesuvytlSdania. Odpadovf materidl(vldkna,priadze,odstriZky) sa najprvrozsekd peletizacie priv6dabezmedzistupfia sa pneumaticky za do zdsobnika, kdesa hromadi. To umoZiujedosahovatkon5tantn0 rlchlostvytldcania bez ohl'aduna pod6vania granuldtora. odpadu do Vfhodouje ryichlost peletizdcie to, Zeodpad6medzistupei a 2eje moZn6 recyklovat aj polymerys vysokounichlostou tokutaveniny.Hybridsystem umoZfiuje bezpredkompresie vyrobu netkanfch textiliis hmotnostou 12 glmz.Procesje polyenergeticky 0spornlia Setrnfk spracovdvan6mu m6ru. aplik6cie v priemysle a v armdde,optick6kdblea land, geotextilie, r0rky,odevyprepoZiarnikov, plachtyna hapanciere seniepoZiaru, vozidiel. V kombindcii s termosetovouZivicousa TWARONpouZfva na spevfiovanie betonoqich staviebnajmiiv oblastiach ohrozenyich zemetrasenfm. Odakdva sa rodnf10 %-nilrastspotreby tohtovldkna.Pretoaj firmaTeijinpl6nujev rokoch 2003-2004roz5iritkapacityjehovfroby. Technol6giaa pridan5hodnota- optimaliz6cia namiestokompromisu TECHNICAL TEXTILES,10, 2001,6. 10,s. 10-12 Netkan6 textllieColbackfirmyColbond(Holandsko) Hydrotex- proces recykl6cietextilnich kompo- sa vyrdbaj[z bikomponentn;ich vldkiens polyesterozitov vfm jadroma s pld5tomz polyamidu. JadrozabezpeTECHNISCHE TEXTILIEN, 44, 2001, 6. 4, s. E 216 cujetepeln0a mechanick0 stabilitu rdna,polyamid s uiplatnost V Nemecku md doskoro nadobudn[t naria- bornouafinitou plnifunkciu k farbivdm a povrsNeniam denie,podl'aktor6hoaZ80 % priemernej hmotnosti au- spojiva.Material sa speviujetermickypOsobenfm teptomobilumusfbytvyrobenyich z recyklovateln6ho ma- la a tlakubezpouZitia chemikelif. Netkan6 textilieColteridlu.FirmaWomaApparatebau GmbHvyvinula backsa pouZivaj0 podkladv5ivanfchkoakoprimdrny v spoluprdci proces bercov,tvarovanychautokobercov, s Univerzitou v Kaiserslauterne kobercovych jednotliuich Hydrotex, ktoryiumoZiujesepardciu textil- dlaZdfc. Maj04iborn0rozmerovfstabilitu. Netkan6 texprvkov.VyuZivavodn6 tilieColbacks0 vhodn6aj akonosn6textiliepreasfalnfch zloliekz automobilovfch trysky,z ktorfchpr0divodapredtlakomrfchlostou tov6ndterya stre5n6membrdny v stavebnictve. Novou je uirobokColback 250m/s.Pr0dvodyoddelujenapr.textiln6materidly generdciou tohtomateriSlu Duolock z elasticlgichsubstr6tov,Iamindtovalebokompozitnlich a ColbackEasyTuft. prvkova ridinne ichrozvldknuje. Probl6mom nieje ani oddelbvanie rubovfchpovrstvenl ahbo peny. VlirobaSpecidlnych textiliije z6rukouuspechufirmy ChristianEschler Vo v5etkich oblastiachsa odak6vazvf5eniespot- TECHNICAL TEXTILES, 10,2001,d. 10,s. 13-14 rebytechnickfchtextilii je poprednfmvyifirmaChristian Svajciarska Eschler TECHNICAL TEXTILES, 10,2001,d. 10,s. 5-7 robcomSportonich odevov,v ktonichSpickovf Sportovci V roku1995sa vo svetevyrobilo9,3milidrdtontech- dosahujuvltazstuav najvy55lch svetovfchsutaZiach. niclq?ch textili(vcelkovej hodnote 60 miliardUSdol6rov. OkremlyZiarskych odevovpreolympionikov firmaEsPredpokladd sa,2ev roku2005sa ichobjem,zvyi5i pretekuTourde Francecykna chlerdodalaticastnikom prognoz 13,7milidrd ton.Podlhoptimistickfch bytech- listick6dresyvyroben6 z PESvldkiens antimikrobidlo/o-ny nick6textflie podiel nou vfplnousedacejcasti nohav[c,ktor6sp[na1u maliv roku2005dosiahnul25 natrhutextilii.NajvadSim odberatelbm poZiadavky. techniclgich tex- najprfsnejSie hygienick6 Svojepoznatky priemysel. tiliije automobilovli V;iraznest0paspotreba zvyrobySportouich priWodevovvyuZila firmaEschler zdravotnickych pracovnfch a hygienictaich virobkov.Va65iodbyt robemultifunkdnyTch a ochrannfch odevov. technickfch textfliipre stavebnictuo limitujestagndcia Pon0kaohriovzdorn6 odevyprepoZiarnikov a zachrapriemyslu. stavebn6ho So situ6ciouv tomtosektore ndrovi klimaticky aktivneodevyprecestdrov a stavb66iasto6n6 sfvisiajspotreba textilifna ochranuZivotn6- rovs vysokfmkomfortom noseniaaj prityzickyndrocho prostredia. lch podielna trhuje relativne malf,oda- nejprdci,ktor6zfurovefi zabezpelujuochranuvociUV kdvasa v5akz4i5enieodbytu.Sektorochrannfch ode- Ziareniuaznilujurizikoochorenia tfchto pracovnikov vov charakterizuje 4ichlyrast a vysok6ceny.Objem na rakovinukoZe. vfrobyje v porovnanis ostatnymi malf. Smeryrozvojageosyntetickfchmateri6lov Teijininvestujedo svetlejbuducnostipara-arami- TECHNICAL TEXTILES, 10,2001,6. 10,s. 20-22 dovich vl6kien Textilnfsektorgeosyntetichich materiAlov sa bude TECHNICAL podlhprognozrozv[jat TEXTILES, 10, 2001, 6. 10,s. 8-9 dvomismermi.Jednfmz nichje Para-aramidov6 vldknamaj0vysolaimodul,vysokri d'alSie zdokonalbvanie a diferencidcia sortimentu, drupevnost,s0 I'ahk6, Specifick0 odoln6vocichemikdliam hfm smerom,kto4irizkostrvisfs pokrokom v oblasti je zvy5ovanie a vysokfmteplot6m.FirmaTeijinich vyrdbapod ob- skriSobnictva, kvality.Predpoklad6 sa,Ze chodnfmndzvomTWARON.PouZivaju sa na uirobu priemysel budepoZadovat nov6kompozity na bdze ochrannfchodevov,pracovnyich geotextflie rukavic,nepriestrel- geomembrdn akoaj integrovan6 so zvy5epre n6rocn6 nfmi pevnostnfmi nfch viest,vyrabaj0sa z nichkompozity V stavebnictue charakteristikami. sa 178 vldkna a textil9 (4) 176-179 (2002) nov6typyhigh-techsyst6mova multifunkdne Prv6dastadresdraje abecedn'!zoznamfiriemspolu uplatnia s ba- s ich kontaktnimiadresami,resp.osobami.V druhej geomembrdny z6termi'andstrekmi so Specidlnymi poradiuvedenfvfrobcoviastrori6rovfmefektom.Roz5frisa sortimentagr6rnych 6astis0 v abecednom pristrojov, vldkiena priadsku5obnfch geotextiliis D6razsa budekl6st jov a zariadeni, 06inkom. melioradnfm modernfchin- z[, tkanin,pletenfna netkanfchtextilii,povrstvenyich a vyu2ivanie navzdeldvanie odbornikov textilif d'alejvfrobcoviaaga laminovanfcl'r medii. formacnyich , kompozitov, textiliiprestavebnictuo, rotextilil, technickfch ochranu materidlov, Adres6r priemyslutechnickfch textilii pre rok Zivotn6hoprostredia,zdravotnickych geotextilii, odevov,obaloochrannfcha inteligentnfch 2002 10,2001, d. 10,s. 28-82 Wchmateri6lov... TECHNICAL TEXTILES, Vldknaa textil I (4) 176-179 (2002) 179
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