(10 – 19 Years) 2015 - Met West School Sport
(10 – 19 Years) 2015 - Met West School Sport
Metropolitan West Track & Field Regional Trials (10 – 19 Years) 2015 In Pursuit of Sporting Excellence State Athletics Facility, Nathan 25, 26 & 27 August 2015 Little Athletics Queensland caters for children aged 5 to 16 years. There are over 100 little athletics centres. For more information visit http://www.littleathletics.com.au/ This Meet is running as per the nominations submitted by each District (as at 13 August 2015), for any discrepancies please see you District Team Manager. This program will be conducted under the Rules of the I.A.A.F. Handbook except as varied by the Association as indicated here or elsewhere. This booklet contains an alphabetical competitors list only. All track events will be seeded by Meet Manager and heat lists will not be advertised prior to marshalling. All competitors selected in the Met West Team must be able to abide by the following conditions:- Acceptance of Team Invitation: Competitors selected to the Met West Team are required to return the Student Payment Form along with all other forms and full payment of the Levy, Team Photo, and apparel to the Met West Sports Office. This must be received no later than 12.00pm Friday 4 September 2015 using any of the methods below:Mailing: Fax: Email: Met West School Sport, PO Box 4673, Springfield, Qld, 4300 07 3436 0300 met.west@dete.qld.gov.au Competitors who have failed to finalise full payment by 12pm Friday 4 September 2015 will be withdrawn from the team. Apparel: Competitors selected to the Met West Team are required to try-on all apparel at this Regional Trial held on 25, 26 & 27 August 2015. All apparel ordered will be provided to competitors through Team Officials at the Team Photo session to be held on Tuesday 15 September 2015 at 3.30pm. (see below) Team Photograph: All competitors must be present on Tuesday 15 September 2015 from 3.30pm to 5.00pm at Met West Sports Office (WesTec Building), 110 Nev Smith Drive, Springfield. Competitors must wear competition apparel for the Team Photo ie Met West Polo Shirt, Black Shorts/Bike Pants with enclosed shoes and socks. Team photos will be available for collection from Team Managers at the State Championships. All competitors must attend this session Officials DISTRICT OFFICIALS AND VOLUNTEER DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Role Convenors Day 1 (25/08) Day 2 (26/08) Day 3 (27/08) Met West Sports Office Met West Sports Office Met West Sports Office Cassie de Wit Cassie de Wit Cassie de Wit Tanya Kleidon Tanya Kleidon Tanya Kleidon Meet Operator Cathy Evatt-Davey Cathy Evatt-Davey Cathy Evatt-Davey Sports Medicine Peter Felton Sandra Taylor Peter Felton Sandra Taylor Peter Felton Sandra Taylor Starter Brisbane Athletics Club Brisbane Athletics Club Brisbane Athletics Club Track Referee Brisbane Athletics Club Brisbane Athletics Club Brisbane Athletics Club Field Referee Brisbane Athletics Club Brisbane Athletics Club Douglas Johnstone (BBC) Nick Vlaisavljevic (Team Off) Daneille Fajzullin (Team Off) Brisbane Athletics Club Brisbane Athletics Club Brisbane Athletics Club Danielle Fajzullin (Team Official) Brisbane Boys College Nick Vlaisavljevic (Team Official) Starting Lights Deaf Sports & Recreation Qld Deaf Sports & Recreation Qld Deaf Sports & Recreation Qld Chief Judge Brisbane Athletics Club Brisbane Athletics Club Brisbane Athletics Club Judges/ Timekeepers Bundamba State Sec College Faith Lutheran College St Aidan’s Anglican Girls Schl West Taylor Bridge District (3) Boonah SHS The Springfield College Parklands Christian College Photo Finish Brisbane Athletics Club Brisbane Athletics Club Brisbane Athletics Club Records & State Nominations Computer Operator Start Line Marshalls High Jump – Northern High Jump – Southern Greenbank District (2) Tony Harker (Team Official) Kenmore SHS Centenary SHS Runcorn SHS Bray Miller (Team Official) Long Jump – Northern Long Jump – Southern Triple Jump Central District (2) Bray Miller (Team Official) Ipswich Grammar School Ipswich SHS St Peter Claver College Tony Harker (Team Official) St Edmund’s College Forest Lake SHS Toogoolawah SHS Grant McFarlane (Team Off) West Akuna District (2) Ipswich Girls Grammar School Bremer SHS St Thomas More College Tony Harker (Team Official) St Augustine’s College Glenala SHS MacGregor SHS Grant McFarlane (Team Official) Sunnybank District (2) Redbank Plains SHS Indooroopilly SHS Ambrose Treacy College Liam Henry (Team Off) Ipswich District (2) Tammy Baart (Team Official) Stretton State College St Mary’s College West Moreton Anglican College Tammy Baart (Team Official) Lockyer District (2) Blair Young (Team Official) Discus – Northern Discus – Southern Browns Plains SHS Stuartholme School Rosewood SHS Blair Young (Team Off) Javelin – Northern Laidley SHS St John’s Anglican College Springfield Central SHS Jackie Williams (Team Off) Regional Team Coordinators Dale Spinks (Team Official) Stephanie Jones (Team Off) Dese Dunne (Team Official) Deb Sosimenko (Team Off) Fassifern District (2) Jackie Williams (Team Official) Park Ridge SHS Westside Christian College Lowood SHS Blair Young (Team Official) Woodcrest State College Yeronga SHS Queensland Academy of Science Mathematics and Technology Jackie Williams (Team Off) Dale Spinks (Team Official) Stephanie Jones (Team Official) Dese Dunne (Team Official) Deb Sosimenko (Team Off) Hurdles Set-up Apparel Sizing Calamvale Community College Brigidine College Sunnybank SHS Bray Miller (Team Official) Inala District (2) Grant McFarlane (Team Official) Shot Put – Northern Shot Put – Southern Brisbane Athletics Club Danielle Fajzullin (Team Official) Nick Vlaisavljevic (Team Official) Dale Spinks (Team Official) Stephanie Jones (Team Official) Dese Dunne (Team Official) Deb Sosimenko (Team Off) Corinda SHS Tammy Baart (Team Official) Horst Feierabend (Team Off) Horst Feierabend (Team Official) Horst Feierabend (Team Official) Track & Field Regional TrialsTrack & Field Regional Trials TRACK 100 7.30 8.30 9.30 9.45 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.15 1.15 1.30 1.45 2.15 2.30 2.45 200 400 800 1500 FIELD Sprint Hurd. 200H 400H Steep 3000 5000 WALKS DISC SHOT HJ LJ TJ JAV 14B 15G 13G 16B 15B 17-19G 15B 17-19B 14G 13B 15G 16B 17-19G 16G 14B 13G 17-19B 13B 16B 13G 15G 14G 16G 17-19B 13B 14G 15B 17-19G 14B 16G HAM POLE DAY 1 Starting Blocks Training 13-19 10-19 Heats (Inc AWD) MULTI 10-12 Heats 13-19 (Inc AWD) MULTI 10-19 Finals AWD DAY 2 8.30 10.00 11.30 12.30 MULTI 13-19 10-12 Finals AWD 1.00 1.30 2.00 3.00 7.30 8.30 9.45 10.30 11.00 11.45 12.15 12.30 1.00 1.30 1.45 2.00 2.30 3.15 NB: 10yrs AWD 11yrs 11yrs 12yrs AWD 12yrs 10yrs 12yrs 11yrs 10yrs AWD 10yrs 12yrs 11yrs 13-19 MULTI 13-19 13-19 DAY 3 Starting Blocks Training 15G 10-19 Heats (Inc AWD) 17-19G 16G 17-19B 13G 14G 16G 13B 16B 14B 14G 15B 13G 16B 17-19G 15G 13B 14B 14G 15B 17-19B 16G 16B 15G 17-19B 14B 13B 15B 17-19G 13G 14-19 13-19 10-19 Finals 13-19 13-19 (Inc AWD) All events are Timed Finals unless otherwise specified. AWD events may be combined with able-bodied events if insufficient numbers. Athletes are to be in attendance 1hr prior to the scheduled event time. 10 – 12 Years Records Boys Event Girls Age Name Record Year 80m 9yrs S. Larrescy 11.04 <2000 100m 10yrs S. Nguyen 13.12 <2000 11yrs S. Nguyen 11.99 12yrs T. Nguyen 11.87 AWD Liam Atkinson 10yrs 11yrs 200m 800m High Jump Long Jump Shot Put Discus Multi Event Relay Name Record Year 11.39 <2000 K. Docherty 13.70 <2000 <2000 M. Walkington 13.44 <2000 <2000 A. Williams 12.88 <2000 15.30 2013 Imelda Fadila 14.94 2013 S. Nguyen 27.20 <2000 M. Walkington 28.58 <2000 Alex Hall 26.25 2004 T. Riley 27.28 <2000 12yrs T. Nguyen 24.97 <2000 J. Hall 26.46 <2000 AWD Liam Atkinson 32.23 2013 Imelda Fadila 35.49 2013 10yrs B Toombes 2:27.59 <2000 K. Hetherington 2:35.24 <2000 11yrs S. Steele 2:19.43 <2000 Charlotte Caslick 2:22.69 2006 12yrs Patrick Thygesen 2:14.03 2014 Katie Rogers 2:23.04 1994 AWD Liam Atkinson 3:00.39 2013 Alyssa Haigh 3:00.39 2013 10yrs F. Riley 1.36m <2000 S. Fenn 1.46m <2000 11yrs A. Keehn 1.64m <2000 S. Jeffreys 1.60m <2000 12yrs A. Keehn 1.83m <2000 H. Stower 1.56m <2000 10yrs M. Irving 4.62m <2000 J. Butler 4.49m <2000 11yrs T. Reid 4.88m <2000 S. Cranney 5.11m <2000 12yrs S. Cranney 5.46m <2000 A. Williams 5.05m <2000 AWD Liam Atkinson 3.49m 2013 Imelda Fadila 3.03m 2013 10yrs N. Windoff 11.53m <2000 Talia Inivale 9.98m 2014 11yrs Latham Takau 14.59m 2006 J. McPhee 12.79m <2000 12yrs S. Crowley 14.84m <2000 J. Sime 13.12m <2000 AWD Liam Atkinson 5.52m 2013 10yrs Tyrone Brimble 35.91m 2004 Tahlia Inivale 37.04m 2014 11yrs A. Schimke 33.11m <2000 Rochelle Vidler 34.47m 2012 12yrs T. Winterflood 45.42m <2000 Rochelle Vidler 42.94m 2013 AWD Daniel King 10.60m 2013 10yrs Josh Russell 1147pts 2010 Shante Phillips 1533pts 2010 11yrs Nick Verrenkamp 1271pts 2010 Tereka Fasala 1868pts 2010 12yrs Feli Sheriff 1711pts 2010 Jessie-Claire Smith 1815pts 2005 10yrs West Taylor Bridge 58.09 2010 Central District 1:00.92 2010 11yrs Greenbank District 55.83 2010 West Taylor Bridge 57.63 2010 12yrs Sunnybank District 52.87 2009 Central District 56.03 2013 A. Hotz 13 – 19 Years Track Event Records Name Women Record 11.78 11.28 11.04 10.69 10.98 10.65 15.10 23.56 22.91 22.47 21.74 21.94 29/08/2013 10/10/1995 07/09/2012 10/10/1995 10/10/2000 10/10/1993 07/09/2012 02/09/2010 02/09/2010 10/10/1998 02/09/2010 10/10/2000 A. Dever J. Stie Sharon Cripps Katrina Sendall Caitlin Sargent Kerrie Kinnan Aiga Tufuga Caitlin Sargent Terri-Ann Cain Larissa Chambers Stevie Murdoch Caitlin Sargent 12.19 12.32 12.31 12.10 11.91 12.03 15.45 25.97 25.58 24.96 23.86 24.14 09/09/2005 10/10/1991 1992 10/10/1997 10/09/2009 07/06/1985 29/08/2013 09/09/2005 02/09/2010 02/09/2010 02/09/2010 10/09/2009 22.70 31.07 55.75 52.88 50.74 49.73 49.15 48.82 1:14.44 2:07.45 2:01.51 1:58.67 1:54.15 09/09/2005 08/09/2012 21/09/2007 10/10/2000 10/10/1998 10/10/1999 10/09/2009 10/10/1997 06/09/2012 10/10/1993 10/10/1994 10/10/1991 28/08/2014 Melanie Kleeberg Aiga Tufuga Vanessa Pike J. Enders Madeleine Attlee Caitlin Sargent Caitlin Sargent J. Richardson Aiga Tufuga Jodie Duff Katie Rogers A. Lonsdale S. Stephens 24.97 32.82 59.38 56.69 55.61 56.47 55.24 58.28 1:25.36 2:21.34 2:16.28 2:16.27 2:15.20 10/10/2000 29/08/2013 10/10/2002 10/10/1992 28/08/2014 25/08/2008 10/09/2009 10/10/1985 29/08/2013 21/09/2007 10/10/1996 10/10/1988 10/10/1986 1:57.57 1:54.91 4:32.94 4:14.62 4:13.28 4:10.19 4:01.65 4:21.17 9:19.57 8:53.69 02/09/2010 10/10/1993 10/10/1989 10/10/1984 10/10/1991 10/10/1998 10/10/1998 10/09/2009 08/09/2012 08/09/2012 2:12.20 2:15.20 4:57.77 4:43.82 4:48.55 4:38.10 4:36.96 4:53.93 10:22.13 10:21.86 10:22.86 17/09/2004 10/10/1986 21/09/2007 09/09/2010 07/09/2012 10/10/2000 10/10/2001 07/09/2012 08/09/2012 28/08/2014 10/10/1990 15:48.08 8:09.10 7:35.59 14:58.02 22:12.65 13.07 13.81 13.40 10/10/2000 10/09/2009 22/09/2006 21/09/2007 27/08/2008 10/10/1996 10/10/1989 08/09/2005 Vanessa Pike S. Stephens Jodie Duff Jade Dowling Elizabeth Jacques Ruth McDonnell Ruth McDonnell Helen Baade Elizabeth Jacques Elizabeth Jacques A. Lonsdale n/a Mikaela Woodward Kate Sanford Clara Smith Clara Smith Aleta Booth Renee Cook Isabelle Harland 7:30.59 8:02.29 14:16.33 24:41.54 12.88 13.44 13.40 06/09/2012 17/09/2004 29/08/2013 28/08/2014 10/10/2000 21/09/2006 12/09/2011 14.57 14.50 10/10/1991 12/09/2011 Kaleja Dawson Kassy Hill 14.76 14.60 06/09/2012 16/09/2004 18-19yrs 13-15yrs 13-17yrs D. Callaghan Joshua Kemp Rodney Zuyderwyk Chris Watson Chris Watson 14.60 26.30 55.52 10/10/2011 16/09/2004 22/09/2006 Peta Mason Emily First Madeline McGuire 15.32 29.99 1:05.47 10/10/1996 2/09/2010 29/08/2014 400m Hurdles 2000m Steeple 18-19yrs 13-15yrs S. Healy Mesele Gebre 55.14 6:22.20 10/10/1995 02/09/2010 Melissa Fawcett Jasmine Hurikino 1:01.60 7:18.36 10/10/1999 21/09/2006 2000m Steeple 16-17yrs Grant Gwynne 6:07.68 10/09/2009 Helen Baade 7:35.16 12/09/2011 2000m Steeple 18-19yrs Chris Reeves 6:07.68 10/10/2002 Krystle Israel 8:57.87 21/09/2006 Event Age 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 200m 200m 200m 200m 200m 13yrs 14yrs 15yrs 16yrs 17yrs 18-19yrs AWD 13yrs 14yrs 15yrs 16yrs 17yrs 200m 200m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 800m 800m 800m 800m 18-19yrs AWD 13yrs 14yrs 15yrs 16yrs 17yrs 18-19yrs AWD 13yrs 14yrs 15yrs 16yrs 800m 800m 1500m 1500m 1500m 1500m 1500m 1500m 3000m 3000m 3000m 5000m 1500m Walk 1500m Walk 3000m Walk 5000m Walk Sprint Hurdle Sprint Hurdle Sprint Hurdle 17yrs 18-19yrs 13yrs 14yrs 15yrs 16yrs 17yrs 18-19yrs 13-15yrs 16-17yrs 18-19yrs 17-19yrs 13yrs 14yrs 13-17yrs 13-19yrs 13yrs 13yrs 15yrs Sprint Hurdle Sprint Hurdle 16yrs 17yrs Sprint Hurdle 200m Hurdles 400m Hurdles Name Sekou Kanneh Malcolm Smith Trae Williams Nathanial Carr Mark Hillary Corrie Taurima Luke Kennedy Tremaine Peters Jesse Morgan P. Ellis Isaac Wohlsen Mark Hillary Graham Paterson Luke Kennedy Isaac Wohlsen Andrew Reees P. Ellis Mark Hillary Dane Bird-Smith Nathanial Carr Luke Kennedy Andrew Crew Andrew Crew E. Doyle Joseph Deng Jordan McCamley A. Mooney E. Doyle D. Hill G. Galvin Michael Reeves John Rich Dane McArdle Jeremy Briggs Mesele Gebre n/a Michael Reeves Matthew Ivers Nic Dewar Jonathon Birt Dane Bird-Smith Damien Bock D. Callaghan Isaac Weier Men Record Year Year 13 – 19 Years Field Event Records Event Age Name Men Record Year Name Women Record Year Shot Put 13yrs Latham Takau 16.44m 27/08/2008 Caitlin Sipple Shot Put 14yrs Latham Takau 16.72m 10/09/2009 Siiva Tafiti Shot Put 15yrs Liam Suter 17.94m 08/09/2005 Daijah Martens Shot Put 16yrs Brett Kreher 17.07m 10/10/1996 Deborah Lovely Shot Put 17yrs Liam Suter 16.35m 21/09/2007 Aransia Peters Shot Put 18-19yrs Jon Auguste 16.18m 10/10/2002 Filoi Aokuso 13.16 m 13.67 m 12.06 m 12.52 m 11.71 m 12.40 m Shot Put AWD Warren Young 7.00m 07/09/2012 Aiga Tufuga 5.49m 10/10/200 0 28/08/201 4 07/09/201 2 10/10/199 9 13/09/201 1 29/08/201 3 29/08/201 3 Discus 13yrs Sean O'Brien 42.96m 10/10/1997 Rochelle Vidler Discus 14yrs Rodney Bell 49.66m 10/10/1993 Deborah Lovely Discus 15yrs Brett Kreher 59.46m 10/10/1995 Samantha Fraser Discus 16yrs Brett Kreher 51.78m 10/10/1996 Filoi Aokuso Discus 17yrs Andrew Welch 58.16m 22/09/2006 Filoi Aokuso Discus 18-19yrs Andrew Jarvis 52.06m 10/10/2000 Filoi Aokuso Discus AWD Warren Young 14.86m 08/09/2012 Aiga Tutuga 38.58 m 42.85 m 43.11 m 48.31 m 49.78 m 47.15 m 13.10 m 28/08/201 4 10/10/199 7 10/10/199 9 12/09/201 1 07/09/201 2 28/09/201 3 28/09/201 3 Javelin 13yrs Trent Rogers 46.51m Javelin 14yrs Brett Wenzel 50.27m Javelin 15yrs Albert Momberger 57.60m Javelin 16yrs Tom Hall 59.30m Javelin 17yrs Ryan Tazelaar 66.34m Javelin 18-19yrs Brendan Markey 61.78m 42.31 10/10/2002 Danielle McLeod-Robertson m 39.66 22/09/2006 Wasie Toolis m 41.25 10/10/1986 Wasie Toolis m 43.89 16/09/2004 Sabine Mills m 45.93 02/09/2010 Wasie Toolis m 30.29 10/10/2002 Kelly Lawson m 16/09/200 4 27/08/200 8 10/09/200 9 28/08/201 4 12/09/201 1 25/08/200 8 Hammer 13-15yr Aaron Massingham 41.50m 22/09/2006 Rochelle Vidler Hammer 16-17yrs Kurt Neuendorf 38.99m 02/09/2010 Deborah Lovely Hammer 18-19yrs J. Peters 38.50m 10/10/1991 Deborah Lovely 46.64 m 55.59 m 55.59 m 28/08/201 4 10/10/200 0 10/10/200 0 High Jump 13yrs Khaele Bowen 1.80m 21/09/2007 Tanika Marshall 1.64m High Jump 14yrs S. Hingston-Curtis 1.96m 10/10/1992 Hannah Joye 1.73m High Jump 15yrs Rodney Zuyderwyk 2.00m 08/06/1995 Hannah Joye 1.70m High Jump 16yrs M. Hahn 2.01m 10/10/1993 Cassidy Purdon 1.76m High Jump 17yrs Cal Pearce 2.05m 17/09/2004 Hannah Joye 1.74m High Jump High Jump 18-19yrs AWD W. Paul 2.05m 10/10/1992 Cassidy Purdon 1.70m 02/09/201 0 02/09/201 0 12/09/201 1 08/09/201 2 29/08/201 3 28/08/201 4 Long Jump 13yrs Mitchell Watt 6.07m 10/10/2001 C. Murphy 5.37m 10/10/199 2 Long Jump 14yrs l. Neumann 6.38m 10/10/1986 Jarrah Jennings 5.35m Long Jump 15yrs Lynton Johnson 7.16m 10/10/1985 Thomasina Rutherford 5.35m Long Jump 16yrs Chris Noffke 7.34m 16/09/2004 Kathleen Norman 5.67m Long Jump 17yrs Chris Noffke 7.22m 09/09/2005 Kertisha Thompson 5.70m Long Jump 18-19yrs Adam Connolly 7.44m 10/10/1996 Kertisha Thompson 5.33m Long Jump AWD Luke Kennedy 3.81m 08/09/2012 Samantha Thurner 2.77m 10/10/200 0 10/06/199 5 10/10/199 6 10/09/200 9 02/09/201 0 29/08/201 3 13yrs 12.42m 10/10/2001 Tamara Grant 14yrs Mitchell Watt Scott McLeodRobertson 13.07m 10/10/2002 Jarrah Jennings 15yrs Chris Hill 10/09/2009 Alexis Turner 16yrs Chris Hill 13.81m 14.43 m 17yrs Lachlan Greentree 13.34m 22/09/2006 Kertisha Thompson 10/10/200 1 10/10/200 0 10/10/199 9 25/08/200 8 10/09/200 9 02/09/201 0 Triple Jump Triple Jump Triple Jump Triple Jump Triple Jump Triple Jump 18-19yrs Pama Fou 13.62m 25/08/2008 Kertisha Thompson 10.97 m 11.62 m 11.49 m 12.32 m 12.05 m 11.02 m Pole Vault 13-15yrs Luke Taylor 2.50m 10/10/2002 Stephanie Hollis 2.50m Pole Vault 16-17yrs Troy West 4.20m 10/10/1996 Ashleigh Condon 2.90m Pole Vault 18-19yrs Troy West 4.20m 10/10/1998 Sally Beree 2.70m 02/09/2010 Kertisha Thompson 21/09/200 6 06/09/201 2 21/09/200 7 Competitor seating and check-in procedures All competitors must report to their District Team Managers in their allocated seating area, no later than 7.30am or a minimum of one hour prior to their scheduled event (or 90 minutes in the case of Pole Vault). Special Consideration Applications for Special Considerations must be submitted prior to the commencement of the Regional Trial (Tuesday 25 August 2015) to be eligible for consideration. A selection panel will consider all submitted times/ distances by comparing results posted at the Regional Trial taking into account past performances and conditions experienced at the Regional Trial. The decision of the selection panel is final and is not subject to appeal. It is anticipated that all athletes affected by Special Consideration Applications will be advised of the outcome at the conclusion of the Regional Trial. Protests If an athlete feels they have been incorrectly disqualified/ fouled in a field event, the athlete’s throw/jump should be measured and recorded and the event is to continue. Athletes who are repeatedly disqualified/ fouled due to throwing/ jumping actions are entitled to request that the field referee be called to the event and assess the throwing/ jumping style. Protests, in writing, must be lodged with the Chief Judge within 10 minutes of the completion of the event concerned, and submitted to the Control Room. The Convenors reserve the right to stop or delay any field event at any time, if the event is seriously interrupting the program. The event will then be concluded when possible. General Conditions Spikes can only be worn inside the Arena and must be removed before exiting back to spectator areas. Only athletes and authorised Officials are permitted within the competition area. Coaches, Managers or Spectators are not permitted to take up positions inside the running track perimeter. Competitors must leave the competition area immediately upon completion of their events. Medals All competitors placed first, second and third in all Field events or Track Finals will receive their medal when they present to the control room after the completion of their event. Footwear Appropriate footwear must be worn in all events unless prior approval has been granted. Spikes must be removed after an event and must not be worn outside of the Competition Arena. Dress Competitors are not permitted to compete in Met West Apparel or any other representative apparel (eg. Queensland Athletics uniform). Each District committee determines the specific competition uniform to be worn by athletes from their District and all athletes are to wear the assigned uniform (School or District colours). Competitors not appropriately attired or consistent with the above conditions for a school Track & Field meet may be withdrawn from the event by the Referee or Convenors. Insufficient Nominations In the case of there being insufficient entries to contest heats in any event, the event will become a Final and will be contested at the scheduled Finals time on the program. In this scenario, Competitors must present to their heat. Only competitors who present to their heat may progress to the Final. Starting Block Training All athletes are welcome to attend the Starting Block Training Sessions conducted on the 1st and last day of competition to practice using blocks under the supervision of the Met West Team Officials. Under Queensland Secondary School Athletics guidelines, the use of Starting Blocks is compulsory for all athletes aged 13 years and over in the 100m, 200m and 400m events. Athletes aged between 10yrs & 12yrs may attend this training session. Competition Conditions Criteria for Selection – Students (excerpt from MWSSB Competition Procedures – Section 2.4) 2.4.1 Students are considered eligible and may be considered for selection in a Metropolitan West team if they: • participate in the regional trial (see 2.2 and 2.4.2) • commit to full participation at the State Championships • are participating in a higher level in that sport at that time (e.g. State, National or International level). Payment of the nominated Trial levy is required. • are absent with a QSS Regional / State Team in a different sport Name of Team:____________ • they have presented to the Regional Convenor prior to the Regional Trial commencing: - a medical certificate which identifies the illness or injury together with an anticipated recovery date - a record of prior achievement in that sport - trials documentation to verify school approval to trial (including Principal Approval Form) excepting for Aquathlon/Triathlon - pay the nominated Trial levy. 2.4.2 The major criteria for selection shall be the performance of the student at the regional trials. Areas considered shall include: • the skill level exhibited by the student • the performance of the student as a member of a team • the attitude and behaviour of the student on and off the field of competition • the age of the student. 2.4.3 Performance of a Qualifying Standard as mandated by a QSS Sport-specific committee (where applicable, currently for Swimming, Track & Field and all AWD activities). 2.4.4 If an athlete in an individual event at a Regional Trial for Swimming, Cross Country, Track & Field or Aquathlon/Triathlon is disqualified from that event, they are ineligible for selection in the Metropolitan West Team in that event. 2.4.5 The selection committee’s aim is to select the strongest possible Metropolitan West team, in keeping with the conditions outlined above. Marshalling Competitors for all events (track and field) must report to the marshalling area designated for the particular event immediately upon hearing the “First & Final” call for each event. Where a student is programmed to compete in a Track and a Field event in the same session, he/ she must register with the Field Event Officials PRIOR TO presenting at Marshalling for the Track event. Once the Track event is complete, students then return to their Field event. Ages The age groups for the regional Track and Field Carnival will be as follows:12 Yrs and Under - Born 2003 18/19 Yrs and Under - Born 1995/1996 11 Yrs and Under - Born 2004 17 Yrs and Under - Born 1998 10 Yrs and Under - Born 2005 16 Yrs and Under - Born 1999 15 Yrs and Under - Born 2000 14 Yrs and Under - Born 2001 13 Yrs and Under - Born 2002 Warm Up Warming up for track events is permitted on the surrounds of the main oval. Warm ups for field events are to take place in the relevant competition area in the 10 minutes prior to the event starting time and ONLY under the supervision of the Event Officials. The throwing of any implement is not permitted anywhere in the complex, except for in the competition arena. Equipment Field Throwing equipment to be used, will be provided by Brisbane Athletics Club. Competitors may use their own implements provided these are checked and marked as approved by the Technical Officer at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the commencement of the event, and made available to all competitors. Implements checked and marked will be retained by the Organising Committee until the completion of the event. Track Starting blocks will be provided; no personal starting blocks are permitted. Track Events Qualifiers for Finals of 100, 200, 400m, 800m, Sprint Hurdles: Two heats – first 3 from each heat shall qualify for the final plus the next fastest 4 on times Three heats – first 2 from each heat shall qualify for the final plus the next fastest 4 on times Four heats – first 2 from each heat shall qualify for the final plus the next fastest 2 on times Five heats – first 1 from each heat shall qualify for the final plus the next fastest 5 on times Six heats – first 1 from each heat shall qualify for the final plus the next gastest 4 on times Note: The number of heats may be subject to change at the discretion of the event Convenor, which may change the progression formula. The following events shall be run as timed finals only:400 metres Sprint Hurdles 100 metres Multi-Event 200 metres Hurdles 1500 metres 400 metres Hurdles 3000 metres 2000 metres Steeplechase 5000 metres 5000 metres Walk 1500 metres Walk 3000 metres Walk 800 metres Multi-Event Field Events (Please note that all Field events are conducted as Finals) High Jump Starting Heights 10yrs 11yrs 12yrs 13yrs 14yrs 15yrs 16yrs 17yrs 18/19yrs 1.02 1.12 1.20 1.40 1.50 1.56 1.62 1.64 1.64 Boys 0.92 1.02 1.12 1.29 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 Girls - Increments for all 10 – 19 Years competitors: 5cm, 5cm, 3cm, 3cm (State Qualifying), 3cm etc… Shot Put Weights 10yrs 11yrs 2kg 2kg Boys 2kg 2kg Girls 12yrs 3kg 3kg 13yrs 3 kg 3 kg 14yrs 4 kg 3 kg 15yrs 4 kg 3 kg 16yrs 5 kg 3 kg 17yrs 5 kg 3 kg 18/19yrs 6 kg 4 kg Discus Weights 10yrs 500g Boys 500g Girls 11yrs 750g 750g 12yrs 750g 750g 13yrs 1 kg 1 kg 14yrs 1 kg 1 kg 15yrs 1 kg 1 kg 16yrs 1.5 kg 1 kg 17yrs 1.5 kg 1 kg 18/19yrs 1.75 kg 1 kg Javelin Weights 10yrs n/a Boys n/a Girls 11yrs n/a n/a 12yrs n/a n/a 13yrs 600g 400g 14yrs 700g 500g 15yrs 700g 500g 16yrs 700g 500g 17yrs 700g 500g 18/19yrs 800g 600g Hammer Weights 10yrs 11yrs n/a n/a Boys n/a n/a Girls 12yrs n/a n/a 13yrs 4kg 3kg 14yrs 4kg 3kg 15yrs 4kg 3kg 16yrs 5kg 3kg 17yrs 5kg 3kg 18/19yrs 6kg 4kg 10-12 Years Met West Team Selection for State Championships Athletes who meet the criteria below will be invited to represent Met West Region at the Queensland State Championships to be held at the Townsville Sports Reserve, Burke Street, North Ward, Townsville between Friday 16 October and Saturday 17 October 2015. Track Events – The maximum number of entries allowed per Region will be: 200m and 800m track events – 3 per event 100m track events – 4 per event All relays – 1 team per event (Athletes in relay events will be selected from athletes who qualify for the Met West team in similar events Multi events – 2 per event Para-Athletes competing in 100m, 200m, 800m events – 2 per event Field Events – The maximum number of entries allowed per Region will be: All Able-bodied field events – (Long Jump, Shot Put, Discus & High Jump) - 3 per event. All Para-Athlete field events – (Long Jump, Shot Put & Discus) - 2 per event Request for Special Consideration submitted prior to commencement of the Regional Trial & selected. 13-19 Years Met West Team Selection for State Championships All athletes who meet the State Qualifying Standards advertised by Queensland Secondary School Athletics (and contained within this program) will be invited to represent the Met West Region at the Queensland State Championships to be held at QSAC, Nathan between Thursday 22 and Sunday 25 October 2015. If no athletes meet the Qualifying Standards in any individual event, Met West is entitled to nominate the athlete who places first at the Regional Trials irrespective of their actual result as an automatic qualifier. State Qualifying Standards: 13 – 19 Years only Selection in the 13 – 19 Years Metropolitan West Track and Field Team for the State Championships will ONLY be determined by attaining the relevant State Qualifying Standard at this Regional Trial. These Qualifying Standards can be attained during the heats, semi finals (if conducted) or finals. To be eligible for selection in the Met West Regional Team all competitors must have participated and met State qualifying Standards in that event at the 2015 Met West Regional Trial unless an Absent Competitor Request for Special Consideration Application has been submitted prior to the commencement of the Regional Trial (25 August 2015) and subsequently selected. State Qualifying Standards: 13 – 19 Years Event 100m 200m 400m 800m 1500m 3000m 5000m 1500mW 3000mW 5000mW Sprint Hurdle 200m H 400m H 2000m Steeple Shot Put Discus Javelin Hammer High Jump Long Jump Triple Jump Pole Vault 100m 200m 400m 800m 1500m 3000m 1500mW 3000mW 5000mW Sprint Hurdle 200m H 400m H 2000m Steeple Shot Put Discus Javelin Hammer High Jump Long Jump Triple Jump Pole Vault 13 Years 12.44 25.64 59.14 2:19.0 4:53.0 14 Years 15 Years BOYS 12.04 11.74 24.44 23.94 56.24 54.64 2:13.0 2:09.0 4:42.0 4:32.0 10:00.0 16 Years 17 Years 18-19 Years 11.64 23.74 53.44 2:06.0 4:30.0 11.64 23.34 52.84 2:06.0 4:26.0 11.64 23.34 52.84 2:06.0 4:28.0 9:40.0 17:00.0 9:00.0 18:40.0 29:00.0 15.24 12.50m 34.00m 34.00m 1.58m 5.20m 10.85m 13.44 27.84 63.94 2:30.5 5:19.0 15.84 30.04 15.74 7:10.0 12.50m 38.00m 39.00m 33.00m 1.68m 5.50m 11.50m 2.30m 16.84 16.84 62.94 6:50.0 13.50m 43.50m 43.00m 1.74m 5.80m 12.00m GIRLS 13.34 13.24 27.34 27.24 63.24 63.24 2:29.5 2:29.5 5:19.0 5:19.0 11:22.0 12.75m 13.00m 35.00m 41.00m 46.00m 49.50m 35.00m 1.80m 1.82m 6.00m 6.00m 12.30m 12.35m 2.70m 13.24 27.14 63.14 2:29.5 5:19.0 13.24 27.14 63.14 2:29.5 5:19.0 11:22.0 28:00.0 16.94 63.94 6:50.0 11.75m 32.00m 42.00m 32.00m 1.82m 6.00m 12.30m 3.00m 13.24 27.14 63.14 2:29.5 5:19.0 11:22.0 9:20.0 19:00.0 32:00.0 14.54 9.50m 26.00m 27.00m 1.47m 4.70m 9.80m 15.94 32.24 15.84 8:40.0 10.20m 10.50m 27.00m 27.50m 27.50m 29.00m 27.00m 1.50m 1.50m 4.85m 4.85m 10.20m 10.20m 2.00m Note: Highlighted time/distance is new for 2015. 17.74 17.64 73.14 8:40.0 10.75m 11.00m 28.00m 28.50m 30.00m 30.00m 32.00m 1.50m 1.50m 4.90m 4.90m 10.30m 10.30m 2.00m 32:00.0 17.64 73.14 8:40.0 9.00m 29.00m 27.00m 27.00m 1.50m 4.90m 10.30m 2.00m Venue & Event Map DAY 1—Tuesday 25 August 2015 Javelin Triple Jump Steeplechase 100m 400m Relays Long Jump Shot Put Discus High Jump Venue & Event Map DAY 2—Wednesday 26 August 2015 Pole Vault Girls Shot Put Girls Long Jump Girls High Jump Girls Discus 800m Walks Boys Long Jump Boys Shot Put Boys Discus Boys High Jump Hammer Venue & Event Map DAY 3—Thursday 27 August 2015 Javelin Triple Jump 200m 1500m 3000m 5000m 100H 200H 400H Long Jump Shot Put Discus High Jump Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 1 Performance List 27 Garland, Bridie Event 1 Women 13-19 2000 Meter Steeplechase Name 1 Manning, Zoe Age Seed Time CEN NT Event 8 Boys 10 Year Olds 200 Meter Run Prelims BID 7:20.00 2 McNamara, Kelly 16 IID 7:21.00 3 Bennett, Jessica 15 BID 7:44.00 2 Martini, Nicholas 10 4 Bradley, Chloe 15 IID 7:48.07 3 Puet, Brady 10 5 Morrison-Davies, Millicent 16 BID 8:07.00 4 Cowles, Ryan 10 6 Douglas, Georgia 14 BID 8:10.00 5 Duncan, Tim 7 Evans, Emily 14 BID 8:10.00 8 Burling, Elly 15 IID 9 Gallaher, Mikaela 15 IID 10 Beston, Emily 13 School 10 Event 10 Boys 11 Year Olds 200 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School Seed Time 1 Beachy-Head, Zac 11 WTB 29.47 29.30 2 Hartley, Tom 11 WTB 29.52 WAD 30.80 3 Ozzi, Ivan 11 SBK 29.63 WAD 30.83 4 Nelson, Jude 11 GRB 30.00 IPD 30.97 5 Hogarth, Jack 11 WTB 30.29 10 FAS 31.28 6 Pritchard, Kadin 11 CEN 30.40 6 Tuqiri, Samson 10 WTB 31.36 7 Chol, Majok 11 SBK 30.44 8:15.00 7 Lee, Harrison 10 WTB 31.39 8 Woolcock, Jeremiah11 WAD 30.55 8:25.06 8 Oyet, Levi 10 CEN 31.40 9 Colburn, Kyle 11 IPD 30.55 9 Huang, Victor 10 WTB 31.47 10 Kenyi, Titus 11 CEN 30.60 Name 1 Leota, Israel Age 10 School GRB Seed Time 17 YAG NT 11 Balmforth, Marni 13 YAG NT 10 Rae, Kimball 10 FAS 31.57 11 Harrison, Josiah 11 CEN 30.60 12 Granzien, Aeysha 16 LKY NT 11 Butlin, Toshi 10 WAD 31.58 12 Timms, Oscar 11 GRB 30.80 13 Mills, Baylee 13 YAG NT 12 Alford, Lane 10 FAS 31.58 13 Beynon, Oliver 11 WAD 30.86 14 Balmforth, Phoebe 13 YAG NT 13 Segi, Henry 10 IPD 31.69 14 Orlando-Reilly, Reegan 11 IPD 30.98 14 Rushton, Jackson 10 GRB 31.70 15 Rowe, Seth 11 GRB 31.00 15 James, Dylan 10 CEN 31.70 16 Cox, Kyle 11 LYR 31.40 16 King, Zachary 10 IPD 32.11 17 Rasmussen, Lachlan11 LYR 31.50 17 Paulson, Kaiza 10 SBK 32.46 18 Matthews, Geoffery11 IPD 31.70 18 Grb, 1 10 GRB 32.50 19 LaVinn, Lenny 11 FAS 31.71 19 Puller, Ben 10 LYR 32.52 20 Jaremenko, Max 11 LYR 31.90 20 Payne, Ty 10 LYR 32.56 21 Gilloway, Tyson 11 FAS 32.12 21 Annis-Wade, Cameron 10 CEN 32.60 22 Sbresni, Josh 11 FAS 32.16 22 Ivanovic, Ben 10 LYR 32.97 23 Reweti-Teepa, Boston 11 INA 32.24 23 Van Wyk, Ethan 10 SBK 33.02 24 Prince, Dustin 11 INA 32.43 24 Andria, Rony 10 INA 33.05 25 Yadon, John 11 INA 32.67 25 Lowal, Ding 10 INA 33.49 26 Malual, Jal 11 SBK NT 26 Nassif, Corey 10 SBK 33.57 27 Smith, Patrick 11 WAD NT Event 2 Men 13-19 2000 Meter Steeplechase Name Age School Seed Time 1 Bennett, Sam 17 BID 6:39.00 2 Norton, Jake 17 BID 6:47.00 3 Peters, Benjamin 15 IID 7:16.00 4 Medway, Harrison 15 BID 7:18.80 5 McGuire, Josh 16 BID 7:19.90 6 Salim, Zuberi 17 KAR 7:31.00 7 Hill, Lochlan 14 BID 7:35.00 8 Bradley, Shane 13 IID 7:37.74 9 Logan-Brown, Brandon 15 IPSS 10:00.00 10 Carlton, Stefan 15 YAG NT 11 Pewee, Obadiah 16 KAR NT 12 Campbell, Curtis 14 WBD NT 13 Melvin, Michael 15 WBD NT Event 7 Girls 10 Year Olds 200 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School 10 WAD 31.72 2 Threadingham, Emma 10 SBK 31.93 3 Casaceli, Gemma 10 IPD 32.13 4 Badke, Kyarni 10 GRB 32.70 5 Johnson, Ziporah 10 IPD 32.76 6 MacNeill, Chloe 10 GRB 32.80 7 Tekopi, Neema 10 GRB 33.10 8 Gover, Lakiya 10 CEN 33.30 9 Taufao, Caroline 10 CEN 33.60 10 WTB 33.65 11 Durrheim, Madison 10 WAD 33.68 12 Barnett, Lexi 10 WTB 33.86 13 Martin, Porsha 10 LYR 34.05 14 Falkenhagen, Sara 10 FAS 34.50 15 Cox, Sarita 10 SBK 34.73 16 Bradshaw, Helena 10 WTB 34.81 17 Appoo, Tia 10 IPD 34.92 18 Brandon, Anna 10 FAS 34.96 19 Pajibo, Georgia 10 SBK 34.98 20 Babic, Sara 10 FAS 35.21 21 Absolom, Sarah 10 INA 36.13 22 Wall, Brianna 10 LYR 36.96 23 Tanielu, Jessica 10 INA 36.98 24 Ambyrum, Patricia 10 INA 37.00 25 Haley, Libby 10 LYR 37.07 26 Malcolm, Sophie 10 WAD 38.28 1 Hunt, Amelia 10 Mohr, Aysha Seed Time Event 9 Girls 11 Year Olds 200 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School Seed Time Event 11 Girls 12 Year Olds 200 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School Seed Time 1 Clark, Leah 11 FAS 29.75 1 Maina, Rosemary 12 WAD 29.05 2 Moore, Keira 11 WAD 29.84 2 Chenoweth, Emilie 12 WTB 29.71 3 Wright, Erin 11 FAS 29.95 3 James, Susan 12 GRB 29.80 4 Durmaz, Hilal 11 IPD 30.07 4 Tobolov, Julia 12 SBK 29.88 5 Ike, Renee 11 SBK 30.47 5 Brook, Dana 12 FAS 30.07 6 Renton, Sophie 11 WTB 30.49 6 Va'ai, Laylani 12 CEN 30.10 7 Anglin, Txai 11 CEN 30.50 7 Rink, Georgia 12 WAD 30.13 8 Katoa, Tupoutua 11 GRB 30.70 8 Reynolds, Hayley 12 LYR 30.23 9 Mc Cormack, Bridgette 11 WAD 30.76 9 Baumgartl, Lily 12 WAD 30.28 10 Hudson, Dallas 11 GRB 31.00 10 Tang, Amy 12 GRB 30.50 11 Wtb, 2 11 WTB 31.29 11 Fielke, Siena 12 WTB 30.86 12 Watt, Emma-Kate 11 WAD 31.38 12 Isua, Tianah 12 GRB 31.00 13 Vowles, Isabella 11 WTB 31.64 13 Kellam, Hailey 12 LYR 31.07 14 Tupaea, Turani 11 SBK 31.70 14 Lyons, Ella 12 WTB 31.18 15 Doyle, Ashleigh 11 GRB 32.00 15 Blackman, Lani 12 IPD 31.23 16 Mucek, India 11 SBK 32.06 16 Irakoze, Antoinette 12 SBK 31.26 17 Carter, Jacinta 11 IPD 32.20 17 Hay, Courtney 12 FAS 31.53 18 Canning, Abbey 11 FAS 32.23 18 Gray, Madilyn 12 LYR 31.64 19 Te Namu, Ellaye 11 CEN 32.30 19 Anthony, Jenifer 12 CEN 31.80 20 Condon, Kiara 11 IPD 32.41 20 Cassady, Ellah-Louisa 12 INA 31.84 21 Barker, Lateesha 11 LYR 32.41 21 Churchward, Tiah 12 FAS 31.88 22 Yock, Florence 11 LYR 32.65 22 Fetoai, Ingrid 12 CEN 32.50 23 Gray, Rhiannon 11 LYR 33.28 23 Trail, Sarah 12 IPD 32.81 24 Hanlon, Monique 11 INA 33.29 24 Gould, Claire 12 IPD 32.81 25 Martin, Laura 11 INA 34.69 25 Jordan, Amber 12 INA 33.21 26 Watson-Paul, Ella 11 CEN NT 26 Abiya, Esther 12 INA 33.75 27 Rough, Ruby 12 SBK NT 28 Taurino, Kyrah 12 CEN NT Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 2 Performance List Event 12 Boys 12 Year Olds 200 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School Seed Time Event 16 Men 13 Year Olds 200 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School Seed Time 28 Willoughby, Kelsie 15 YAG NT Event 18 Men 14 Year Olds 200 Meter Run Prelims 1 Carrick, Joshua 12 IPD 27.20 1 Botchwey, Reggie 13 BID 24.19 2 Kruck, Dylan 12 SBK 27.39 2 Kanda, Patrick 13 YAG 24.70 1 Graham, Charlie 14 LKY 23.84 3 Berkeley, Samuel 12 WAD 27.88 3 Gregory, Isaak 13 LKY 25.49 2 Coulston, Ezraa 14 BID 23.97 4 Box, Brendan 12 IPD 28.11 4 Laei, Jamaine 13 IID 25.63 3 Lowing, Natnael 14 LKY 24.00 5 Belcher, Keegan 12 WTB 28.17 5 Vukelic, Sony 13 IID 25.71 4 Dargusch, Trent 14 LKY 24.08 6 Wood, Mark 12 GRB 28.20 6 Pholi, Tyler 13 LKY 25.78 5 Turay, Abdul 14 KAR 24.11 7 Law, Calab 12 CEN 28.20 7 Tettey, Caleb 13 KAR 25.94 6 Caulton, Angus 14 BID 24.20 8 Kolia, Zane 12 SBK 28.68 8 Wallace, Mitchell 13 IPSS 25.99 7 Churchward, Tristan14 IPSS 25.21 9 Edwards, Max 12 WTB 28.85 9 Dilla, Ceasar 13 KAR 26.26 8 Waters, Jacob 14 IPSS 25.40 10 Silva, Eli 12 WAD 29.09 10 Bradshaw, Jacob 13 BID 26.30 9 Kenyi, Ben 14 YAG 25.50 11 Gehrke, Joseph 12 IPD 29.17 11 Miller, Bailey 13 IPSS 26.37 10 Pene, Elijah 14 YAG 25.51 12 Belcher, Bryce 12 WTB 29.38 12 Tronc, Thomas 13 IID 26.78 11 McNally, Henry 14 WBD 25.63 13 Ishimwe, David 12 CEN 29.50 13 Cunningham, Paddy13 BID 26.87 12 Waddell, Jack 14 IPSS 25.71 14 Passfield, Mathew 12 LYR 29.59 14 Johnson, Byron 13 BID 27.00 13 Casey, Tom 14 IID 25.85 15 Mason, Daniel 12 WTB 29.66 15 Abegborioye, David13 BID 27.00 14 Amato, Jordan 14 YAG 25.96 16 Tennant, Kurtis 12 GRB 29.90 16 King, Ethan 13 IID 27.19 15 Clements, Ethan 14 YAG 26.02 17 Lindsay, Andrew 12 GRB 30.00 17 Taufao, Zac 13 YAG 27.52 16 Janson, Jacob 14 KAR 26.38 18 McGreevy, Blake 12 CEN 30.10 18 Jamieson, Joshua 13 WBD 27.52 17 Womal, Riley 14 BID 26.40 19 Atwal, Bavan 12 SBK 30.15 19 Simmons, Regan 13 KAR 27.55 18 Miller, Yowie 14 IID 26.46 20 Waldock, Jack 12 INA 32.15 20 Knuth, Jonathan 13 KAR 27.64 19 Togbah, Remy 14 WBD 26.48 21 Behr, Callum 12 INA 32.18 21 Cobbo, Zac 13 IPSS 27.72 20 Wilson, Clayton 14 KAR 26.59 22 Pincombe, Dominic12 LYR 32.26 22 Moffatt, George 13 IPSS 27.78 21 Martell, Tristan 14 WBD 26.62 23 Nguyen, Nathan INA 32.63 23 Versace, Ethan 13 LKY 27.81 22 Spreadborough, Luke 14 IID 26.87 24 Goddard, Josh 13 YAG 28.30 23 Heron, Sean 14 IPSS 26.90 25 Wbd, Dominic 13 WBD 28.50 24 Smith, Joel 14 BID 26.96 26 Pamatatau, Kullen 13 YAG 28.52 25 Roberts, Marshall 14 IID 26.98 27 Subritzky, Chicago 13 WBD 28.65 26 Nielsen, Esto 14 WBD 27.10 28 Williams, Connor 13 WBD 28.91 27 Fogarty, Edward 14 KAR 27.25 12 Event 14 Boys 10-12 200 Meter Run AWD Name Age 1 McQuilty ***, Nyle10 School WTB Seed Time 37.02 Event 15 Women 13 Year Olds 200 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School Seed Time 1 Webster, Haley 13 BID 26.52 2 Gilloway, Alyssa 13 IPSS 26.99 3 Williams, Kelsea 13 IID 27.25 4 Pocock, Amber 13 IPSS 28.24 5 Ike, Amy 13 BID 28.48 6 Pocock, Carla 13 LKY 28.52 7 Wells, Madison 13 IID 28.59 8 Gardner, Megan 13 WBD 28.73 IPSS 28.87 9 Garwood, Sharnah 13 10 Toto, Rina 13 BID 28.88 11 Townsend, Jade 13 BID 29.00 12 Office, Jordn 13 IID 29.08 13 Joyce, Tara 13 IPSS 29.21 14 Harris, Margaux 13 WBD 29.22 15 Mellor, Brianna 13 LKY 29.27 16 Balmforth, Marni 13 YAG 29.30 17 Scott, Libby LKY 29.65 18 Okesene, Christine 13 IID 29.79 19 Smith, Christine 13 KAR 29.82 20 Gilfoyle, Emma 13 WBD 30.37 21 Huybens, Bonnie 13 KAR 30.48 13 22 Matauaina, Jacqueline KAR 30.50 23 Patterson, Crystal 13 KAR 30.66 24 Mills, Baylee 13 YAG 30.74 25 King-Morrison, Ruby 13 WBD 31.06 26 Payne, Georgia 13 YAG 31.11 27 Pula, Tyra 13 YAG 31.67 13 Event 17 Women 14 Year Olds 200 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School Seed Time Name Age School Seed Time Event 19 Women 15 Year Olds 200 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School Seed Time 1 Chaplin, Tara 14 LKY 26.65 1 Cooper, Gabriella 15 BID 26.42 2 Fisher, Isabel 14 BID 27.44 2 Wynyard, Demi 15 BID 26.70 3 Gerbert, Stephanie 14 IID 27.59 3 Beckinsale, Romany15 BID 26.70 4 Wright, Hayley IID 27.73 4 Griffiths, Charlee 15 LKY 27.18 5 Shangara, Chrestina14 LKY 27.81 5 Langbridge, Cyndi 15 LKY 27.46 6 McGuire, Annie 14 IID 27.82 6 Nel, Irma-Jean 15 LKY 27.65 7 Hughes, Eryn 14 IID 27.83 7 Rakuita, Indira 15 IID 27.78 8 Fraser, Candace 14 IPSS 27.90 8 Newton-Smith, Camryn 15 KAR 28.26 9 Jordan, Summer 14 YAG 28.42 9 Csurches, Kirra 10 James, Eunice 14 KAR 28.79 11 Fadila, Imelda 14 WBD 12 Gale, Joyce 14 13 Norton, Theresa 14 15 IID 28.45 10 Lewis, Ella 15 IID 28.74 28.80 11 Schrieber, Robin 15 WBD 29.09 KAR 28.95 12 Parry, Aaleyah 15 BID 29.17 14 BID 28.99 13 Hey, Taylah 15 IID 29.20 14 Matthews, Tegan 14 IPSS 29.00 14 Bangoura, N'Sira 15 WBD 29.33 15 Lawrence, Jenna 14 KAR 29.01 15 Clarke, Chantelle 15 KAR 29.63 16 Lowe, Chloe 14 LKY 29.05 16 Pickett, Maddison 15 IPSS 29.65 17 Corrish, Michelle 14 BID 29.10 17 Taban, Nancy 15 YAG 29.68 18 Wbd, 15 14 WBD 29.23 18 Mudde, Ashleigh 15 IPSS 29.99 19 Grigg, Issy 14 WBD 29.26 19 Brosnan, Kelly 15 WBD 30.11 20 Hardy-Synnott, Jade14 IPSS 29.34 20 Hunter, Mackenzie 15 KAR 30.15 21 Dean, Alexandra 14 KAR 29.38 21 Sillence, Katelyn 15 IPSS 30.55 22 Harper, Caliesha 14 IPSS 29.51 22 Tansell, Kyarni 15 IPSS 30.71 23 Ginger-Delaney, Khieateya 14 YAG 29.68 23 Johnston, Kelly 15 WBD 30.72 24 Nugent, Gracie 14 WBD 30.28 24 Torrent, Theresa 15 KAR 30.95 25 Haughey, Chloe 14 BID 32.47 25 Thomas, Chloe 15 YAG 31.27 26 Yag, 3 14 YAG NT 26 Ngor, Lizzy 15 YAG NT 27 Yag, 11 14 YAG NT Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 3 Performance List Event 20 Men 15 Year Olds 200 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School Seed Time 1 Kanneh, Sekou 15 WBD 23.56 2 Dipple, Harrison 15 LKY 23.70 3 Russell, Josh 15 BID 23.80 4 Wintle-Soulis, Gage15 BID 23.90 5 Moloney, Ashley 15 KAR 23.98 6 White, Tyson 15 LKY 24.21 7 Suey, Shannon 15 IPSS 24.21 8 Wood, Branden 15 LKY 24.21 9 Tayley, Austin 15 IID 24.66 10 Mayamona-Ngoma,15 Jean-Victor BID 24.78 11 Coalter, Tiernan 15 WBD 24.87 12 Evans, Travis 15 KAR 24.88 13 Seeto, Tristan 15 IID 25.00 14 Marconato, Giuliano15 IID 25.02 15 Sami, Sean-Paul YAG 25.02 15 16 Summerville, Nicholas 15 IID 25.20 17 Gallman, Mark 15 WBD 25.21 18 Bell, Mitch 15 IPSS 25.27 19 Te Riini, Joel 15 YAG 25.27 20 Heard, Clayton 15 WBD 25.30 21 Mullen, Brock 15 IPSS 25.51 22 Galo, Patrick 15 KAR 25.62 23 Wichman, Josiah 15 KAR 26.02 24 Oyet, Olal 15 IPSS 26.11 25 Campbell, Bradyn 15 WBD NT 26 Jackson, Prince YAG NT 15 Event 21 Women 16 Year Olds 200 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School Seed Time 1 Atlee, Madeleine 16 BID 24.79 2 Peni, Miriam 16 IID 26.10 3 Godamunne, Sachini16 BID 26.13 4 Innes, Natasha 16 BID 26.28 5 Colebourne, Katie 16 BID 26.37 6 Hancock, Abbey 16 LKY 27.11 7 Benon, Evaline 16 YAG 27.21 8 Kelly, Rochelle 16 BID 27.27 IID 27.88 16 LKY 28.21 11 Davies, Diamond 16 WBD 28.30 9 Chambers, Juanita 16 10 Kelly, Savannah 12 Granzien, Aeysha 16 LKY 28.37 13 Dewilde, Ella 16 WBD 28.45 14 Kerr, Lauren 16 YAG 28.71 15 Holt, Charlotte 16 KAR 28.82 16 Gerstenberger, Abi 16 IID 28.94 16 17 Wells-Pepi, Madeleine IID 29.06 18 Bressow, Renae 16 IPSS 29.14 19 Onno, Annabelle 16 KAR 29.45 20 Pearce, Lacey 16 IPSS 29.52 21 Ross, Ellie 16 KAR 29.55 22 Cole, Megan 16 KAR 29.95 23 Calver-Malaschevsky, 16 Courtney YAG 30.42 16 IPSS 24 Cunningham, Chernaya 30.98 25 Boyce, Kaitlyn 16 IPSS 31.02 26 Yag, 12 16 YAG NT Event 22 Men 16 Year Olds 200 Meter Run Prelims Name 1 Kuresa, Frank Age 16 School IID Seed Time 23.12 16 LKY 23.18 6 Hall, Luke 17 IPSS 23.43 3 Fane, Christopher 16 2 Burchell, Rhys IPSS 23.34 7 Grigg, Solomon 17 IID 23.64 4 Walton, Dom 16 BID 23.40 8 Faamatuaini, Tautai 17 YAG 23.78 5 Joe, Lucky 16 WBD 23.42 9 Deng, Joseph 17 IID 23.87 6 Jaffe, Patrick 16 BID 23.60 10 Carson, Nicholas 17 KAR 24.04 7 Gardner, Michael 16 LKY 23.81 11 Talenfenua, Kalan 17 YAG 24.08 8 Grant, Nick 16 YAG 23.87 12 Woodley, Tyrell 17 IPSS 24.11 9 McGrath, Kian 16 KAR 24.09 13 Connor, Joshua 17 IID 24.17 10 McDonad, Tyler 16 LKY 24.46 14 Bakera, Pacific 17 KAR 24.30 11 Chhon, Rama 16 YAG 24.74 15 Olak, Franco 17 YAG 24.34 12 Aldridge, Jack 16 KAR 24.80 16 Otim, Denis 17 WBD 24.42 13 McGregor, Lochlan 16 WBD 25.01 17 Findlay, Fletcher 17 WBD 24.47 14 Spry, Treyman 16 YAG 25.02 18 Saxby, William 17 WBD 24.89 15 Debelle, Ronald 16 KAR 25.03 19 Marshall, Jordain 17 KAR 25.01 16 Holdorf, Lachlan 16 IPSS 25.05 20 Roberts, Brandon 17 KAR 25.02 17 Rane, Waleed 16 KAR 25.09 21 Williams, Jacob 17 IPSS 25.24 18 Karger, Stephen 16 WBD 25.12 22 Quint, Sam 17 WBD 25.25 19 Maclean, Josh 16 YAG 25.14 23 Fonoti, Ali 17 YAG 25.27 20 Butler-Graham, Sam16 IPSS 25.23 24 Lenehan, Blake 17 IPSS 25.68 21 Ryan, Lorenze 16 IID 25.24 22 Rehder, Matthew 16 BID 25.27 23 Weavers, Ryan 16 IID 25.36 24 Andrew-Sharrad, Tekoda 16 IID 25.43 25 Mulitalo, Ronaldo 16 IPSS 25.43 26 Robertson, Jake 16 BID 25.80 27 Kang, Leo 16 WBD NT Event 23 Women 17 Year Olds 200 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School Seed Time Event 25 Women 18-19 200 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School Seed Time 1 Conde, Jackeline 18 YAG 28.40 2 Bailey, Gabrielle 18 IID 29.03 3 Pienaar, Annelie 18 KAR 31.21 4 Manassah, Aijer 19 YAG 31.43 5 Fetu, Faagalo 18 YAG 32.34 6 Leafa, Lopala 18 YAG 33.86 7 Murphy, Jacinta 18 BID 34.41 1 Beecher, Jacinta 17 BID 24.05 8 Cregan, Georgina 18 BID 34.44 2 Stieler, Ashlee 17 IID 25.60 9 Kuk, Ann 18 KAR 34.79 3 Sunstrom, Erin 17 BID 26.16 10 Green, Megan 18 KAR 35.24 4 Phillips, Lauren 17 LKY 28.46 11 McQueen, Montana18 IID 35.49 5 King, Caitlin 17 YAG 28.74 12 Brown, Chelsea 18 KAR 35.87 6 Blignaut, Deandra 17 WBD 28.92 13 Loranger, Rosemarie18 IPSS 35.99 7 Ellis, Terri 17 KAR 28.97 8 Walmsley, Holly 17 LKY 28.99 9 McCaffery-Creed, Kellie 17 WBD 29.12 10 Paull, Janet 17 WBD 29.14 11 Zagami, Cayla 17 IPSS 29.14 12 Dickinson, Shani 17 IPSS 29.27 13 White, Kylee 17 KAR 29.34 14 Beston, Emily 17 YAG 29.36 15 List, Alexis 17 IPSS 29.49 16 Meline, Emily 17 KAR 29.50 17 Aokusa, Zitina 17 KAR 29.56 18 Greenaway, Sharni 17 LKY 29.62 19 Kur, Keth 17 YAG 30.21 20 Aust, Zoe 17 IID 30.24 21 Taufao, Matalena 17 YAG 31.02 22 Robbins, Kaitlyn 17 IPSS 31.27 23 Griffiths, Nicole 17 IID 32.28 24 Cummings, Aaliyah17 IID 34.51 Event 24 Men 17 Year Olds 200 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School Seed Time 1 Williams, Jayden 17 LKY 20.49 2 Ward, Trent 17 LKY 21.58 3 Braatvedt, Damian 17 BID 22.70 4 Dorairajan, Ruddra 17 BID 22.90 5 Taylor, Johnathon 17 IID 23.39 Event 26 Men 18-19 200 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School Seed Time 1 Kelly, Jake 18 LKY 22.55 2 Wolf, Oliver 18 BID 22.80 3 Kent, Ryan 18 IPSS 24.08 4 Larbi-Bram, Emmanuel 18 YAG 24.30 5 Baeumler, Brody 18 IID 24.42 6 Nguyen, Nhan 18 YAG 24.80 7 Plumb, Jonathon 18 IPSS 24.96 18 IID 8 Moore-Gallaher, Aidan 24.96 9 Wiblen, Joshua 18 IID 25.03 10 Ioane, Jezzy 18 KAR 25.06 11 Khan, Rafique 19 KAR 25.09 12 Darrach, Jarrod 18 IID 25.11 13 Mico, Gianni 18 KAR 25.23 14 Willmot, Jesse 18 YAG 25.34 15 Mountfield, Daniel 18 KAR 25.36 16 Hardess, James BID 25.59 17 Eldridge, Michael 18 YAG 25.80 18 Wenzel, Kyle 18 IPSS 26.04 19 Watts, Gage 18 IPSS 27.33 18 Event 27 Women 13-19 200 Meter Run AWD Name Age School Seed Time 1 Luong ***, Jessica 19 KURBY NT 2 Turner ***, Samantha 15 KURBY NT Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 4 Performance List Event 28 Men 13-19 200 Meter Run AWD Name Age School Seed Time 1 Hollywood ***, Alex 15 KAR 40.00 2 Hollywood ***, Brock 17 KAR 41.00 14 KURBY 3 Summerell ***, Camerona NT 4 Amos ***, Liam 17 KURBY NT 5 Lay ***, Lennon 14 KURBY NT Event 29 Girls 10 Year Olds 800 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School 1 Hunt, Amelia 10 WAD 2:39.99 2 Malcolm, Sophie 10 WAD 2:45.94 3 Mc Phee, Miranda 10 WAD 2:47.51 4 Mohr, Aysha WTB 2:58.14 5 Casaceli, Gemma 10 IPD 2:59.70 6 Johnson, Ziporah 10 IPD 3:00.05 7 Barnett, Lexi 10 WTB 3:00.42 8 Reid, Ellie 10 WTB 3:01.05 9 Kitching, Sharni 10 IPD 3:01.93 10 McKenna, Kate 10 FAS 3:03.49 11 Absolom, Sarah 10 INA 3:06.45 12 Johnson-Tiumalu, Claveria 10 CEN 3:07.17 13 Martin, Porsha 10 LYR 3:08.88 14 Dargan, Leah 10 SBK 3:10.18 15 O'Shaughnessy, Rylee 10 SBK 3:10.92 16 Maddox, Anna 10 CEN 3:11.89 17 Babic, Sara 10 FAS 3:13.69 18 Davis, Imogen 10 CEN 3:14.09 19 Carruthers, Hannah 10 SBK 3:14.20 20 Covey, Jessica 10 FAS 3:16.34 21 Kelly, Rory 10 LYR 3:18.22 22 Bryant, Poppy-Rose10 INA 3:19.95 23 Summerville, Jodie 10 LYR 3:22.39 24 Sugars, Kaia 10 GRB NT 25 Lester, Charli 10 GRB NT 26 Keegan, Natasha 10 INA NT 27 McCauley, Chelsea 10 GRB NT 10 Seed Time Event 30 Boys 10 Year Olds 800 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School Seed Time 1 Howie - Roy, Jake 10 WAD 2:35.46 2 Phillips, Will 10 WAD 2:37.72 3 Chenoweth, Sam 10 WTB 2:40.95 4 Cooper, Lachlan 10 INA 2:41.13 5 Forbes, Luke 10 WAD 2:42.09 6 Muhad Ahmed, Abdullahi 10 INA 2:43.98 7 Deighton, Matthew 10 WTB 2:44.49 8 Powell, Joel IPD 2:46.81 WTB 2:47.49 10 9 Alexander, James 10 10 Pond, Cardiff 10 IPD 2:50.57 11 Ivanovic, Ben 10 LYR 2:50.90 12 Scott, Jack 10 SBK 2:51.28 13 Kasunga, Emmanuel10 CEN 2:51.52 14 Villiers, James 10 SBK 2:51.71 15 Annis-Wade, Cameron 10 CEN 2:52.17 16 McKendrick, Aiden10 CEN 2:52.60 17 Walker, Harry 10 SBK 2:53.47 18 Rae, Kimball 10 FAS 2:54.26 19 Van-Walsum, Callan10 FAS 2:55.40 20 Rosazza, Cody 10 INA 2:55.74 21 Payne, Ty 10 LYR 2:56.07 22 Duncan, Tim 10 FAS 2:57.12 24 Murphy, William 11 FAS NT 23 Sutton, Ethan 10 IPD 2:57.79 25 Sandu, Gurshaan 11 SBK NT 24 Parsloe-Smith, Tate 10 LYR 3:00.91 26 Bennie, Zach 11 FAS NT 25 Grb, 1 10 GRB NT 26 Dale, Jackson 10 GRB NT 27 Smith, Zayde 10 GRB NT Event 31 Girls 11 Year Olds 800 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School Event 33 Girls 12 Year Olds 800 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School Seed Time 1 Lemmon-Warde, Sarah 12 WAD 2:38.00 2 Rink, Georgia 12 WAD 2:41.50 Seed Time 3 Robinson, Georgina12 WAD 2:46.91 1 Watt, Emma-Kate 11 WAD 2:37.30 4 Richardson, Lauren 12 INA 2:46.96 2 Moore, Keira WAD 2:38.43 5 McIntosh, Sophia 12 SBK 2:47.05 3 Mc Cormack, Bridgette 11 WAD 2:38.71 6 Hunter, Lily 12 WTB 2:49.39 4 Farrell-Thomas, Dakota 11 CEN 2:42.46 7 Horn, Ella 12 WTB 2:50.05 5 Jayasinghe, Leila 11 WTB 2:45.72 8 Bickers, Emily 12 LYR 2:50.42 6 Clark, Leah 11 FAS 2:47.70 9 Rasmussen, Tianna 12 IPD 2:51.31 7 Partrige, Amy 11 SBK 2:48.58 10 Hansen, Shanteal 12 SBK 2:52.02 8 Anglin, Txai 11 CEN 2:49.31 11 Soo, Lara 12 INA 2:52.06 9 Kenny, Lara 11 WTB 2:49.95 12 Prior, Caitlin 12 IPD 2:52.73 10 Gray, Mikaela 11 WTB 2:50.03 13 Riethmuller, Amy 12 INA 2:53.05 11 Gracey, Stella 11 INA 2:50.50 14 Va'ai, Laylani 12 CEN 2:54.62 12 McGrath, Lucy 11 INA 2:52.34 15 Maynard, Caitlin 12 CEN 2:56.00 13 Beetham, Kelsey 11 SBK 2:53.14 16 Anthony, Jenifer 12 CEN 2:58.70 14 Josiah, Josie 11 SBK 2:53.62 17 Pang, Jesica 12 SBK 3:00.93 15 Durmaz, Hilal 11 IPD 2:53.93 18 Owen, Lara 12 WTB 3:01.89 16 Breuer, Riley 11 IPD 2:57.57 19 Blatchly, Montana 12 LYR 3:04.60 17 Condon, Kiara 11 IPD 2:57.79 20 McCall, Abriana 12 FAS 3:07.65 18 Hanlon, Monique 11 INA 2:58.09 21 Brook, Dana 12 FAS 3:09.24 19 Rayner, Leilani 11 CEN 2:58.74 22 Gray, Madilyn 12 LYR 3:10.15 20 Mason, Kirra 11 LYR 2:59.97 23 Isua, Tianah 12 GRB NT 21 Barker, Lateesha 11 LYR 3:01.07 24 Hay, Courtney 12 FAS NT 22 Moran, Jessika 11 FAS 3:09.91 25 Hall, Amber 12 GRB NT 23 Varney, Steffi 11 LYR 3:13.45 26 Gemeda Omer, Abdurahan 12 INA NT 24 Willaton, Louella 11 GRB NT 27 Hargreaves, Josii NT 25 Balmforth, Summer11 GRB NT 26 Doyle, Ashleigh GRB NT 11 11 Event 32 Boys 11 Year Olds 800 Meter Run Prelims Name GRB Event 34 Boys 12 Year Olds 800 Meter Run Prelims Name Age School Seed Time 1 Bennett, Matthew 12 WAD 2:25.57 2 Berge, Vincent 12 WTB 2:30.67 Age School 1 Hartley, Tom 11 WTB 2:32.39 3 Cornish, Jack 12 WTB 2:31.29 2 Smith, Patrick 11 WAD 2:34.51 4 Lentz, Gabes 12 WTB 2:31.45 3 Beachy-Head, Zac 11 WTB 2:37.02 5 Ruthenberg, Josiah 12 WAD 2:32.63 4 Chapman, Will 11 WTB 2:38.21 6 Behr, Callum 12 INA 2:33.60 5 Randall, Hunter 11 WAD 2:38.79 7 Barrett, Jack 12 WAD 2:34.13 6 Newsham, Zack 11 WAD 2:39.10 8 Roberts, Benjamin 12 INA 2:34.31 7 Richardson, Jacob 11 SBK 2:45.22 9 Partrige, Jack 12 IPD 2:36.84 8 Prince, Dustin INA 2:46.43 10 Gehrke, Joseph 12 IPD 2:41.22 9 Orlando-Reilly, Reegan 11 IPD 2:46.43 11 Kitching, Jesse 12 IPD 2:42.28 11 Seed Time 12 10 Reweti-Teepa, Boston 11 INA 2:46.65 12 Kruck, Dylan 12 SBK 2:42.44 11 McDonald, Kynan 11 IPD 2:47.28 13 Hutchings, Finn 12 FAS 2:44.54 12 Pritchard, Kadin 11 CEN 2:47.47 14 Mienert, Luke 12 SBK 2:46.47 13 Johnson, Xavier 11 IPD 2:47.87 15 Vesper, Mitchell 12 LYR 2:46.89 14 Moore, Kambyl 11 INA 2:49.42 16 Vermeer, K'Brom 12 FAS 2:47.56 15 Majok, Eleja 11 CEN 2:49.46 17 Wadsworth, Dominic 12 SBK 2:48.25 16 Makuach, Goch 11 CEN 2:49.68 18 Parker, Zephyr 12 LYR 2:49.05 17 Fraser, Jonas 11 LYR 2:50.00 19 Dale, Brendan 12 LYR 2:52.00 18 Casha, Ryan 11 LYR 2:54.98 20 Wilson, Turin 12 FAS 2:52.80 19 Dowie, Ethan 11 LYR 2:55.52 21 Makuol, Garang 12 CEN 2:58.41 20 Goschnick, Abraham11 FAS 4:22.00 22 Ruhirika, Mibaraka 12 CEN 3:01.51 21 Toms, Harley 11 GRB NT 23 Barclay, Derek 12 CEN 3:02.50 22 Fogarty, Ryan 11 GRB NT 24 Putaura, Holden 12 GRB NT 23 Andrews, Preston 11 GRB NT 25 Jarrett, Bert 12 GRB NT Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 5 Performance List 15 Melvin, Michael 15 WBD 11:22.80 9 Cowles, Ryan 10 IPD 14.72 16 Carlton, Stefan 15 YAG 11:23.00 10 Cooper, Lachlan 10 INA 14.72 17 Brooks, Jessie 15 YAG 11:26.00 11 Puet, Brady 10 WAD 14.74 18 Garrioch, Casey 17 WBD 11:34.80 12 Martini, Nicholas 10 WAD 14.78 19 Giles, Aiden 15 YAG 11:41.00 13 Oyet, Levi 10 CEN 14.81 20 Talenfenua, Kalan 17 YAG 11:58.00 14 Puller, Ben 10 LYR 14.81 21 Leon, Olulanga 16 YAG 12:15.00 15 Segi, Henry 10 IPD 14.81 22 McCartney, Thomas16 YAG 12:20.00 16 Lapana, Moroka 10 CEN 14.83 23 Colyn, Tyrell 17 IPSS 12:24.68 17 Alford, Lane 10 FAS 14.97 24 Glover, Zach 16 YAG 12:30.00 18 Lloyd, Josh 10 LYR 15.01 25 Delbridge, Tim 16 IPSS 12:35.43 19 Awan, Akol 10 IPD 15.01 26 Pressler, Luke 16 IPSS 12:35.52 20 Samia, Marcus 10 INA 15.02 Seed Time 27 Hargreaves, Charlie14 IPSS 12:46.46 21 Huang, Victor 10 WTB 15.02 Event 34 ... (Boys 12 Year Olds 800 Meter Run Prelims) 26 Taylor, Brock 12 GRB NT Event 35 Girls 10-12 800 Meter Run AWD Name Age 1 El Sabawi ***, Mona 10 School Seed Time SBK NT Event 36 Boys 10-12 800 Meter Run AWD Name Age School 1 McQuilty ***, Nyle10 WTB 2 Leard ***, Eithen 10 IPD Seed Time 3:17.05 NT Event 37 Women 14-19 3000 Meter Run Name 1 Williams, India Age School 16 BID 10:23.00 28 Tedla, Danel Workneh 15 IPSS 12:48.58 22 O'Reilly, Marcus 10 CEN 15.09 2 Watson, Samantha 17 BID 10:59.00 29 Nedimovic, Aleksandar 14 YAG 12:50.00 23 Rushton, Jackson 10 GRB 15.40 3 Bird, Melissa 16 IID 11:10.32 30 Seydler Callaughan,14 Kayne IPSS 12:50.58 24 Duncan, Tim 10 FAS 15.41 4 Walker, Hayley 16 BID 11:14.00 31 Marshall, Bruklan 17 IPSS 12:50.99 25 Rae, Kimball 10 FAS 15.45 5 Bennett, Jessica 15 BID 11:20.00 32 De La Rosa, Samuel14 YAG 12:51.00 26 Smith, Kurtis 10 LYR 15.54 6 Barrett, Imogen 16 WBD 11:30.30 33 Hutchings, Jasper 14 IPSS 12:53.62 27 Timms, Ethan 10 GRB 15.70 7 Long, Sarah 15 IID 11:47.00 34 Currie, Daniel KAR 12:56.00 8 Bradley, Chloe 15 IID 11:48.07 9 Brosnan, Kelly 15 WBD 12:12.50 14 IID 12:50.00 WBD 13:12.40 10 Brown, Nina 11 Anderson, Natalie 15 12 Fellows, Taylah IID 13:21.00 13 Goon Chew, Carla 16 16 KAR 13:34.00 14 Hoppner, Stacey 17 YAG 13:38.00 15 Waller, Lauren 16 YAG 13:47.00 16 Iidefonsa, Jamil 17 YAG 14:26.00 17 Huynh, Kim 17 WBD 14:41.60 18 McArther, Sinead 17 KAR 15:20.00 19 Conde, Jackeline 18 YAG 16:29.00 20 Souter, Sharon 15 YAG 17:19.00 21 Bambling, Mikayla 14 IPSS 17:23.51 22 Brain, Amy 16 IPSS 17:25.88 23 Kinsella, Samoi 17 IPSS 17:28.81 24 Langwe, Bethany 14 IPSS 17:36.46 25 Browning, Hannah 17 IPSS 18:04.71 26 Wimmer, Tarese 16 IPSS 18:30.24 27 Kerrish, Sky 14 IPSS 18:34.54 28 Moore, Imogen 14 IPSS 20:36.00 29 Tansell, Kyarni 15 IPSS 20:36.00 30 Yag, 12 16 YAG NT Event 38 Men 14-17 3000 Meter Run Name Age School Seed Time 15 Event 43 Girls 10 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash Prelims Name Age School Seed Time Event 45 Girls 11 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash Prelims Name Age School Seed Time 1 Inivale, Talia 11 SBK 13.46 1 Threadingham, Emma 10 SBK 14.22 2 Durmaz, Hilal 11 IPD 13.58 2 Casaceli, Gemma 10 IPD 14.81 3 Ike, Renee 11 SBK 13.69 3 Johnson, Ziporah 10 IPD 15.05 4 Taber, Maddy 11 IPD 14.12 4 Tanielu, Jessica 10 INA 15.09 5 Tupaea, Turani 11 SBK 14.13 5 Absolom, Sarah 10 INA 15.21 6 Renton, Sophie 11 WTB 14.14 6 Hunt, Amelia 10 WAD 15.30 7 Clark, Leah 11 FAS 14.25 7 Tekopi, Neema 10 GRB 15.30 8 Hudson, Dallas 11 GRB 14.50 8 Cox, Sarita 10 SBK 15.42 9 Hanlon, Monique 11 INA 14.57 9 Malcolm, Sophie 10 WAD 15.46 10 Ambyrum, Patricia 10 INA 11 Wilson, Kelly 10 IPD 12 Gover, Lakiya 10 13 Badke, Kyarni 10 Anglin, Txai 11 CEN 14.65 15.47 11 Katoa, Tupoutua 11 GRB 14.70 15.53 12 Wright, Erin 11 FAS 14.72 CEN 15.57 13 Carter, Jacinta 11 IPD 14.73 10 GRB 15.60 14 Moore, Keira 11 WAD 14.74 14 Richardson, Grace 10 WAD 15.61 15 Te Namu, Ellaye 11 CEN 14.80 15 Bohan, Sophie 10 SBK 15.67 16 Botchway, Dyllis 11 WTB 14.81 16 Garland, Bridie 10 CEN 15.84 17 Edwards, Ella 11 WAD 14.97 17 Mohr, Aysha 10 WTB 15.87 18 Vowles, Isabella 11 WTB 14.98 18 Taufao, Caroline 10 CEN 15.87 19 Martin, Laura 11 INA 15.05 19 MacNeill, Chloe 10 GRB 15.90 20 Watson-Paul, Ella 11 CEN 15.07 20 Matthews, Allegra 10 WTB 15.92 21 Mc Cormack, Bridgette 11 WAD 15.23 21 Martin, Porsha 10 LYR 15.95 22 Fletcher, Kayla 11 FAS 15.29 22 Wall, Brianna 10 LYR 16.02 23 Gray, Rhiannon 11 LYR 15.35 23 Falkenhagen, Sara 10 FAS 16.03 24 Barker, Lateesha 11 LYR 15.48 16 1 Chamberlian, Hayden KAR 9:08.00 24 Barnett, Lexi 10 WTB 16.03 25 Doyle, Ashleigh 11 GRB 15.50 2 Renton, Braelan 16 KAR 9:30.00 25 Haley, Libby 10 LYR 16.10 26 Yock, Florence 11 LYR 15.54 3 Jenkins, Keegan 16 BID 9:42.00 26 Babic, Sara 10 FAS 16.21 4 Medway, Harrison 15 BID 9:43.73 27 Brandon, Anna 10 FAS 16.65 5 Bennett, Sam 17 BID 6 Campbell, Curtis 14 WBD 10:38.20 7 Bird, Joshua 14 IID 10:39.96 8 Hassan, Gamoradine14 WBD 10:49.10 9 Dobson, Michael 9:45.00 17 YAG 10:58.00 10 Kun, Anyieth 16 YAG 10:59.00 11 Makuach, Malat 16 WBD 10:59.60 12 Pewee, Obadiah 16 KAR 11:01.00 13 Adriko, Emmanuel 17 WBD 11:08.80 14 Wbd, 8 WBD 11:15.30 15 Event 44 Boys 10 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash Prelims Name 1 Leota, Israel Age School Seed Time Event 46 Boys 11 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash Prelims Name Age School Seed Time 1 Aliva, Rickson 11 IPD 13.50 2 Ozzi, Ivan 11 SBK 13.54 10 GRB 13.70 3 Colburn, Kyle 11 IPD 13.56 10 2 Vanden Boogaart, Kee SBK 14.16 4 Kenyi, Titus 11 CEN 13.86 3 Butlin, Toshi 10 WAD 14.44 5 Yadon, John 11 INA 13.96 4 Van Wyk, Ethan 10 SBK 14.46 6 Constantine, Ioannis11 SBK 13.97 5 Jones, Kyle 10 WTB 14.55 7 Stoddart, Riley 11 IPD 13.99 6 Paulson, Kaiza 10 SBK 14.61 8 Prince, Dustin 11 INA 14.10 7 Harper, Warren 10 INA 14.65 9 Harrison, Josiah 11 CEN 14.14 WTB 14.70 11 WTB 14.21 8 Agyapong, Opuni 10 10 Hartley, Tom Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 6 Performance List 12 FAS 13.56 14.26 10 Tran, Anthony 12 INA 13.59 12 CEN 13.60 Event 46 ... (Boys 11 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash Prelims) 11 in, Nasur 11 INA 9 Ash, Tylah 12 Beachy-Head, Zac 11 WTB 14.27 11 Elliot, Jett 13 Timms, Oscar 11 GRB 14.30 12 Ishimwe, David 12 CEN 13.60 14 Woolcock, Jeremiah11 WAD 14.39 13 Belcher, Keegan 12 WTB 13.68 15 Barrere, Sebastien 11 CEN 14.39 14 Wood, Mark 12 GRB 13.70 16 McDonaugh-Milosevic, 11 Nicholas GRB 14.40 15 Atwal, Bavan 12 SBK 13.71 17 Gersekowski, Jack 11 WAD 14.47 16 Aubrey, Floyd 12 IPD 13.74 18 Rowe, Seth GRB 14.50 17 Belcher, Bryce 12 WTB 13.76 12 GRB 13.80 11 19 Smith, Patrick 11 WAD 14.58 18 Jansen, Israel 20 Hogarth, Jack 11 WTB 14.59 19 Berkeley, Samuel 12 WAD 13.80 LYR 14.66 20 Passfield, Mathew 12 LYR 14.07 12 WTB 14.07 21 Rasmussen, Lachlan11 22 Jaremenko, Max 11 LYR 14.75 21 Edwards, Max 23 Lower, Hayden 11 FAS 14.91 22 Silva, Eli 12 WAD 14.10 24 Cox, Kyle 11 LYR 14.92 23 Simi, Declan 12 GRB 14.10 25 LaVinn, Lenny 11 FAS 14.99 24 Smith, Sam 12 WTB 14.18 26 Sbresni, Josh 11 FAS 15.06 25 Tan, Ryan 12 FAS 14.27 27 Chol, Majok 11 SBK NT 26 Hutchings, Finn 12 FAS 14.60 28 Nur, Nasur 11 INA NT 27 Hoddinott, Jacob 12 LYR 14.66 Event 47 Girls 12 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash Prelims Name 1 Tobolov, Julia Age School Seed Time Event 49 Girls 10-12 100 Meter Dash AWD Name Age 1 El Sabawi ***, Mona 10 School 1 Webster, Haley 13 BID 12.78 11 Rink, Georgia 12 WAD 14.55 2 Bell, Casey 13 IID 13.48 12 Rough, Ruby 12 SBK 14.55 3 Ike, Amy 13 BID 13.58 Event 50 Boys 10-12 100 Meter Dash AWD Seed Time 1 McQuilty ***, Nyle10 WTB 17.73 2 Ibrahim ***, Zaid 12 KURBY NT 3 Leard ***, Eithen 10 IPD NT Event 51 Women 13 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash Prelims Seed Time 13 Chenoweth, Emilie 12 WTB 14.59 4 Williams, Kelsea 13 IID 13.72 14 James, Susan 12 GRB 14.60 5 Gardner, Megan 13 WBD 13.86 15 Howden, Abby 12 CEN 14.61 6 Teevan, Paris 13 BID 13.90 16 Sitcheff, Ashleigh 12 WAD 14.63 7 Toto, Rina 13 BID 13.90 17 Abiya, Esther 12 INA 14.64 8 Pocock, Carla 13 LKY 13.92 18 Kellam, Hailey 12 LYR 14.67 9 Gilfoyle, Emma 13 WBD 13.93 19 Allen, Chloe 12 IPD 14.68 10 Lightbody, Isabelle 13 WBD 13.97 20 Gray, Madilyn 12 LYR 14.68 11 Harris, Margaux 13 WBD 14.01 21 Anthony, Jenifer 12 CEN 14.78 12 Gilloway, Alyssa 13 IPSS 14.04 22 Solomona, Naomi 12 WTB 14.86 13 Burchell, Lelani 13 LKY 14.11 23 Isua, Tianah 12 GRB 14.90 14 Office, Jordn 13 IID 14.18 24 Fielke, Siena 12 WTB 14.99 15 Scott, Libby 13 LKY 14.24 25 Jordan, Amber 12 INA 15.03 16 Wenck, Charlotte 13 IPSS 14.34 26 Taurino, Kyrah 12 CEN 15.04 17 Smith, Christine 13 KAR 14.38 27 Churchward, Tiah 12 FAS 15.31 18 Musk, Alana 13 IPSS 14.40 19 Pocock, Amber 13 IPSS 14.43 20 Okesene, Christine 13 IID 14.45 13 21 Matauaina, Jacqueline KAR 14.51 22 Faolua, Ita 13 YAG 14.74 23 Mills, Baylee 13 YAG 14.74 24 Huybens, Bonnie 13 KAR 14.76 25 Pula, Tyra 13 YAG 14.84 26 Juriansz, Grace 13 KAR 14.84 27 Dau, Maddison 13 YAG 15.30 7 Sheriff, Lasender 12 INA 13.51 8 Morris, Kaiah 12 CEN 13.52 13.11 14 Simmons, Regan 13 KAR 13.20 15 Robinson, Ben 13 WBD 13.23 16 King, Ethan 13 IID 13.26 17 Biagi, Joseph 13 WBD 13.27 18 Kanda, Patrick 13 YAG 13.27 NT 14.48 13.29 IID NT FAS WAD 13.05 13 Krause, Christian 13 YAG 12 12 LKY 13 10 Hay, Courtney 6 Lilley, Jayden 13 27 Taufao, Zac 14.40 13.09 12.81 12 Pholi, Tyler 13.84 GRB CEN IPSS YAG 12 12 13 13 9 Tang, Amy 5 Law, Calab 12.80 11 Miller, Bailey 26 Yag, 7 14.39 12.92 BID 13.78 SBK SBK 12.77 10 Abegborioye, David13 YAG 12 12 IPSS 13 8 Kenneh, Bentou 4 Kolia, Zane 12.76 9 Van Walsum, Jeremy13 25 Jonassen, Peter 14.26 12.84 KAR 13.68 CEN IPD 13 WBD 12 12 12.65 8 Dilla, Ceasar 13 7 Va'ai, Laylani 3 Box, Brendan IPSS 24 Kante, Abu 14.25 12.75 12.60 7 Wallace, Mitchell 13 13.58 FAS SBK BID WBD 12 12 13 13 6 Brook, Dana 2 Kruck, Dylan 12.49 6 English, James 23 Jamieson, Joshua 14.19 12.44 LKY 13.54 LYR IPD 13 LKY 5 Reynolds, Hayley 12 12 12.45 5 Gregory, Isaak 13 14.12 1 Carrick, Joshua 12.40 KAR 22 Versace, Ethan WAD Seed Time IID 13 13.37 4 Maina, Rosemary 12 School 13 4 Tettey, Caleb KAR 14.12 Age 3 Laei, Jamaine 13 IPD Name 12.10 21 Knuth, Jonathan 3 Blackman, Lani Event 48 Boys 12 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash Prelims BID 13.32 13.83 School 13 IPSS INA Age 11.67 2 Bradshaw, Jacob 20 Zagrovic, Clayton 13 2 Cassady, Ellah-Louisa 12 Name Seed Time BID NT SBK School School IID 13.62 Age Age 19 Tauakipulu, Keynan13 SBK Name Name 1 Botchwey, Reggie 13 Seed Time 12 12 Event 52 Men 13 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash Prelims Event 53 Women 14 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash Prelims Name Age School Seed Time 1 Adams, Destiney 14 YAG 12.58 2 Dennis, Lauren 14 YAG 12.96 3 Sanders, Olivia 14 BID 13.00 4 Fraser, Candace 14 IPSS 13.08 5 Chaplin, Tara 14 LKY 13.08 6 Fisher, Isabel 14 BID 13.13 7 Haughey, Chloe 14 BID 13.40 8 Ginger-Delaney, Khieateya 14 YAG 13.49 9 Corrish, Michelle 14 BID 13.58 10 Shangara, Chrestina14 LKY 13.62 11 Laifoo, Clarissa 14 IID 13.67 12 Turner, Lucy 14 IID 13.73 13 Wright, Hayley 14 IID 13.78 14 Hughes, Eryn 14 IID 13.79 15 Matthews, Tegan 14 IPSS 13.95 16 Hardy-Synnott, Jade14 IPSS 13.99 17 Gower, Melody 14 LKY 13.99 18 Fadila, Imelda 14 WBD 14.02 19 Harper, Caliesha 14 IPSS 14.08 20 James, Eunice 14 KAR 14.10 21 Wbd, 15 14 WBD 14.18 22 Lawrence, Jenna 14 KAR 14.29 23 Jenkins, Sophie 14 WBD 14.30 24 Gale, Joyce 14 KAR 14.45 25 Ea, Sophie 14 KAR 14.52 26 Wbd, 5 14 WBD 14.54 27 Yag, 10 14 YAG NT 28 Willoughby, Kelsie 15 YAG NT Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 7 Performance List Event 54 Men 14 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash Prelims Name Age School Seed Time Event 56 Men 15 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash Prelims Name Age School Seed Time 15 WBD 11.39 1 Bennett, Timothy 14 BID 11.57 1 Kanneh, Sekou 2 Coulston, Ezraa 14 BID 11.83 2 Wintle-Soulis, Gage15 BID 11.40 3 Dargusch, Trent 14 LKY 11.99 3 Russell, Josh 15 BID 11.50 4 Walk, Joel 14 IID 12.22 4 Sami, Sean-Paul 15 YAG 11.67 5 Graham, Charlie 14 LKY 12.25 5 Moloney, Ashley 15 KAR 11.72 6 Lowing, Natnael 14 LKY 12.28 6 White, Tyson 15 LKY 11.80 7 Turay, Abdul 14 KAR 12.30 7 Mayamona-Ngoma,15 Jean-Victor BID 11.82 8 Churchward, Tristan14 IPSS 12.46 8 Brown, Frank 15 YAG 11.84 9 Waters, Jacob 14 IPSS 12.52 9 Suey, Shannon 15 IPSS 11.84 10 Waddell, Jack 14 IPSS 12.55 10 Dipple, Harrison 15 LKY 11.86 11 Caulton, Angus 14 BID 12.60 11 Seeto, Tristan 15 IID 11.92 12 Miller, Yowie 14 IID 12.64 12 Wood, Branden 15 LKY 12.05 13 Hatton, Lachlan 14 WBD 12.67 13 Tayley, Austin 15 IID 12.09 14 Smith, Joel 14 BID 12.70 14 Marconato, Giuliano15 IID 12.13 15 Casey, Tom 14 IID 12.80 15 Barraclough, Christopher 15 IID 12.23 16 Brown, Lachlan 14 IID 12.83 16 Evans, Travis 15 KAR 12.25 17 Togbah, Remy 14 WBD 12.90 17 Mullen, Brock 15 IPSS 12.30 18 Huang, Bill 14 WBD 12.94 18 Jackson, Prince 15 YAG 12.30 19 Janson, Jacob 14 KAR 13.03 19 Hamilton, Jay 15 LKY 12.31 20 Heron, Sean 14 IPSS 13.05 20 Oyet, Olal 15 IPSS 12.33 21 Martell, Tristan 14 WBD 13.10 21 Saxby, Tom 15 WBD 12.39 16 BID 11.50 4 Fane, Christopher 16 3 Walton, Dom IPSS 11.58 5 Spry, Treyman 16 YAG 11.58 6 Burchell, Rhys 16 LKY 11.71 7 Wbd, 10 16 WBD 11.72 8 Joe, Lucky 16 WBD 11.76 9 Chhon, Rama 16 YAG 11.78 10 Lole, Joe 16 YAG 11.84 11 Hicks, Callum 16 IID 11.87 12 McDonad, Tyler 16 LKY 11.93 13 Hughes-Evans, Jeremy-Lee 16 LKY 12.02 14 Holdorf, Lachlan 16 IPSS 12.05 15 Landy, Dylan 16 KAR 12.07 16 Cleaver, Benjamin 16 IID 12.09 17 McGrath, Kian 16 KAR 12.12 18 Mulitalo, Ronaldo 16 IPSS 12.14 19 Steffe, Michael WBD 12.14 20 Jurgensen, Randy 16 IPSS 12.14 21 Cheng, Alex 16 WBD 12.15 22 Walker, Fredric 16 IID 12.16 23 Aldridge, Jack 16 KAR 12.20 24 Corcuera, John 16 KAR 12.39 25 Wallis, Brayden 16 BID 12.50 16 Event 59 Women 17 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash Prelims 22 Huirua-Canterbury, 14 GarryKAR 13.12 22 Gallman, Mark 15 WBD 12.40 23 Homann, Zeke 14 KAR 13.13 23 Burton, Brian 15 IPSS 12.43 24 Wani, Mandy 14 WBD 13.14 24 Coalter, Tiernan 15 WBD 12.47 1 Beecher, Jacinta 17 BID 11.86 25 Amato, Jordan 14 YAG 13.15 25 Galo, Patrick 15 KAR 12.50 2 Mallyon, Kathleen 17 BID 12.21 26 Pene, Elijah 14 YAG 13.15 26 Wichman, Josiah 15 KAR 12.79 3 King, Caitlin 17 YAG 13.11 27 Thai, Jack 14 YAG 13.59 4 List, Alexis 17 IPSS 13.61 28 Brosch, Malachi 14 YAG 14.02 Event 55 Women 15 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash Prelims Name Age School Event 57 Women 16 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash Prelims Name 1 Atlee, Madeleine Age School Seed Time 16 BID 12.19 Seed Time 2 Godamunne, Sachini16 BID 12.59 1 Cooper, Gabriella 15 BID 12.87 3 Colebourne, Katie 16 BID 12.60 2 Wynyard, Demi 15 BID 12.95 4 Peni, Miriam 16 IID 12.84 3 Smith, Taylor 15 BID 13.10 5 Aquili, Sharni 16 LKY 13.08 4 Barretto, Hana 15 BID 13.31 16 6 Noendeng, Khameela BID 13.17 LKY 13.34 7 Hancock, Abbey 16 LKY 13.24 6 Newton-Smith, Camryn 15 KAR 13.54 8 Kelly, Savannah 16 LKY 13.36 7 Griffiths, Charlee 15 LKY 13.59 9 Benon, Evaline 16 YAG 13.40 8 Rakuita, Indira IID 13.86 10 Chambers, Juanita 16 IID 13.46 YAG 14.02 11 Davies, Diamond 16 WBD 13.52 5 Langbridge, Cyndi 15 15 9 Willoughby, Kelsie 15 Name Age School Seed Time 5 McCaffery-Creed, Kellie 17 WBD 13.63 6 Paull, Janet 17 WBD 13.74 7 Phillips, Amber 17 LKY 13.78 8 Blignaut, Deandra 17 WBD 13.80 9 Dickinson, Shani 17 IPSS 13.87 17 IPSS 13.89 11 Taufao, Matalena 17 YAG 13.90 12 Aokusa, Zitina 17 KAR 13.95 13 Kur, Keth 17 YAG 13.95 14 Phillips, Lauren 17 LKY 13.96 15 Burton, Carol 17 LKY 14.24 16 Ellis, Terri 17 KAR 14.26 17 Wong, Elise 17 KAR 14.37 18 Iid, Ivy 17 IID 14.38 19 White, Kylee 17 KAR 14.48 20 Prior, Maddison 17 IID 14.49 21 Aust, Zoe 17 IID 14.53 22 De Villiers, Jana 17 IPSS 14.58 23 Griffiths, Nicole 17 IID 14.93 10 Zagami, Cayla 10 Lck, 2 15 LKY 14.05 12 Kerr, Lauren 16 YAG 13.62 11 Csurches, Kirra 15 IID 14.11 13 Dewilde, Ella 16 WBD 13.74 12 Allawu, Nyawaraga15 YAG 14.14 14 Yang, Joanne 16 YAG 13.78 13 Taban, Nancy 15 YAG 14.17 15 Cassidy, Majella 16 IID 13.85 14 Pickett, Maddison 15 IPSS 14.21 16 Pearce, Lacey 16 IPSS 13.99 15 Torrent, Theresa 15 KAR 14.24 17 Gerstenberger, Abi 16 IID 14.11 16 Hunter, Mackenzie 15 KAR 14.27 18 Calver-Malaschevsky, 16 Courtney YAG 14.24 17 Koroheke, Janaya 15 YAG 14.36 19 Rasova, Naomi 16 KAR 14.37 18 Sillence, Katelyn 15 IPSS 14.52 20 Holt, Charlotte 16 KAR 14.50 19 Clarke, Chantelle 15 KAR 14.55 21 Onno, Annabelle 16 KAR 14.50 1 Roper, Darcy 17 BID 20 Schrieber, Robin WBD 14.65 22 Cunningham, Chernaya 16 IPSS 14.51 2 Braatvedt, Damian 17 BID 11.30 IID 14.66 23 Cole, Megan 16 KAR 14.53 3 Williams, Jayden LKY 11.30 15 21 Anderson, Michaela15 Event 60 Men 17 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash Prelims Name Age 17 School Seed Time 10.83 22 Torpy, Angela 15 IID 14.70 24 Boyce, Kaitlyn 16 IPSS 14.56 4 Taylor, Johnathon 17 IID 11.33 23 Brosnan, Kelly 15 WBD 14.77 25 Smith, Natalee 16 IPSS 14.87 5 Dorairajan, Ruddra 17 BID 11.40 24 Johnston, Kelly 15 WBD 14.81 6 Blair, Kiemarli 17 IID 11.42 25 Gardiner, Catrin 15 WBD 14.81 7 Owen, Jack 17 LKY 11.43 26 Tansell, Kyarni 15 IPSS 14.96 8 Legovic, Matthew 17 BID 11.45 27 Kelleher, Megan 15 IPSS 15.08 9 Davis, Christopher 17 LKY 11.52 Event 58 Men 16 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash Prelims Name Age School Seed Time 1 Grant, Nick 16 YAG 11.30 2 Kuresa, Frank 16 IID 11.47 Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 8 Performance List Event 60 ... (Men 17 Year Olds 100 Meter Dash Prelims) 10 Otim, Denis Event 63 Women 13-19 100 Meter Dash AWD Event 71 Women 17 Year Olds 100 Meter Hurdles 17 WBD 11.53 11 Faamatuaini, Tautai 17 YAG 11.68 12 Olak, Franco 17 YAG 11.74 13 Nizigama, Belly 17 WBD 11.76 14 Tran, Thomas 17 WBD 11.84 15 Hall, Luke 17 IPSS 11.90 16 Connor, Joshua 17 IID 11.92 17 Williams, Jacob 17 IPSS 11.92 1 Stokes-Malivoire ***, 18 Patrick WBD 12.31 18 Bakera, Pacific 17 KAR 12.00 2 Hartley ***, Lachlan 13 18.00 Name Age School Seed Time Name Age Seed Time KURBY NT 1 Stieler, Ashlee 2 Luong ***, Jessica 19 KURBY NT 2 Smith, Jessie-Claire17 BID 14.40 15 3 Turner ***, Samantha KURBY NT 3 Jaffer, Lorraine 17 BID 14.84 4 List, Alexis 17 IPSS 17.67 Event 64 Men 13-19 100 Meter Dash AWD Name Age School KAR Seed Time 17 School 1 Young ***, Jessica 17 IID 14.34 5 McCaffery-Creed, Kellie 17 WBD 18.67 6 Smith, Kellie IPSS 20.00 WBD 20.48 17 7 Blignaut, Deandra 17 19 Talenfenua, Kalan 17 YAG 12.01 3 Summerell ***, Camerona 14 KURBY NT 20 Fonoti, Ali 17 YAG 12.05 4 Amos ***, Liam KURBY NT 21 Lawson, Chae 17 IPSS 12.08 5 Clayton ***, Rory 17 WBD NT 1 Murphy-Knight, Jarmillia 16 IID 14.70 22 Carson, Nicholas 17 KAR 12.08 6 Lay ***, Lennon KURBY NT 2 Bromage, Courteney16 BID 15.00 23 Farrell, Kalani 17 3 Howden, Erinn 16 IID 15.64 4 Pearl, Majella 16 IID 16.23 5 Coyne, Emily 16 IID 16.55 6 Davies, Diamond 16 WBD 17.12 7 Willoughby, Alannah 16 YAG 19.59 BID 12.10 24 Navolsailagi, Ben 17 IID 12.14 25 Roberts, Brandon 17 KAR 12.34 26 Lenehan, Blake 17 IPSS 12.37 27 Marshall, Jordain 17 KAR 12.40 Name Age School Seed Time 14 Event 65 Men 18-19 110 Meter Hurdles Name Age 1 Michael, Mitchell 18 School IID Seed Time 15.40 Event 66 Men 17 Year Olds 110 Meter Hurdles Name Event 61 Women 18-19 100 Meter Dash Prelims 17 Age School Seed Time 1 Berlin, Matthew 17 IID 15.40 1 Murphy, Jacinta 18 BID 14.04 2 Skene, Dylan 17 WBD 16.98 2 Manassah, Aijer 19 YAG 14.74 3 Findlay, Fletcher 17 WBD 17.14 3 Pienaar, Annelie 18 KAR 14.93 4 Otim, Denis 17 WBD 17.37 17 WBD 18.70 4 Bailey, Gabrielle 18 IID 15.06 5 Tran, Thomas 5 Fetu, Faagalo 18 YAG 15.30 6 Williams, Jacob 17 IPSS 20.00 6 Conde, Jackeline 18 YAG 15.58 7 Crilly, Josh 17 IPSS 20.00 7 Mary, Bakheta 18 IID 16.12 8 Ruhland, Jack 17 LKY NT 8 Green, Megan 18 KAR 16.24 9 Loranger, Rosemarie18 IPSS 16.37 10 Kuk, Ann 18 KAR 16.52 11 Brown, Chelsea 18 KAR 16.69 12 McQueen, Montana18 IID 16.74 13 Oliva, Pandora IPSS 17.08 18 14 Nahar, Samsun 19 BID 18.34 15 Begum, Minara 18 BID 18.36 16 Poe, Motu 18 IPSS 19.90 17 Leafa, Lopala 18 YAG NT Age School Name Seed Time 1 Kent, Ryan 18 IPSS 11.34 2 Wolf, Oliver 18 BID 11.40 3 Larbi-Bram, Emmanuel 18 YAG 11.59 4 Nguyen, Nhan 18 YAG 11.71 5 Plumb, Jonathon 18 IPSS 11.90 6 Hardess, James 18 BID 12.03 7 Willmot, Jesse 18 YAG 12.18 8 Darrach, Jarrod 18 IID 12.42 9 Clem, Kori 18 IPSS 12.42 10 Mico, Gianni 18 KAR 12.43 Age School Seed Time 1 Kuresa, Frank 16 IID 14.20 2 Wbd, 11 16 WBD 19.10 3 Abraham, Stephan 16 WBD 19.48 4 D'Roza, Aidan 16 WBD 19.84 5 Blackman-Corowa, 16 Jai WBD 20.15 Event 68 Men 15 Year Olds 100 Meter Hurdles Name Age School Seed Time School Seed Time Event 73 Women 15 Year Olds 90 Meter Hurdles Name Age School Seed Time 1 Newton-Smith, Camryn 15 KAR 13.00 2 Wynyard, Demi 15 BID 13.40 3 Csurches, Kirra 15 IID 14.58 4 Hunter, Mackenzie 15 KAR 15.47 5 Smith, Taylor 15 BID 16.13 6 Sleiman, Lillian 15 WBD 18.02 7 Johnston, Kelly 15 WBD 18.08 8 Cook, Erin 15 WBD 18.44 9 Wbd, 4 15 WBD 19.09 Event 74 Women 14 Year Olds 90 Meter Hurdles Name Age School Seed Time 1 Wright, Hayley 14 IID 14.10 2 James, Eunice 14 KAR 14.64 3 Turner, Lucy 14 IID 14.72 4 Harris, Ruby 14 BID 15.40 5 Miller, Jessica 14 BID 17.35 6 Grigg, Issy 14 WBD 17.48 2 Kovacevic, Adam 15 IID 14.40 7 Smith, Tehya 14 WBD 18.91 3 Russell, Josh BID 14.80 8 Gibson, Bianca 14 WBD 19.15 9 Kearney, Alyssa 14 WBD 19.48 14 WBD NT 4 Hughes, Nick 15 BID 15.05 5 Bowen, Dhareese 15 15 IID 15.80 6 Coalter, Tiernan 15 WBD 16.31 7 Gallman, Mark 15 WBD 16.71 8 Wbd, 17 15 WBD 16.93 9 Cook, Cameron 15 WBD 17.54 10 Broderick, Kody 15 YAG NT 11 Campbell, Bradyn 15 WBD NT Event 69 Men 14 Year Olds 100 Meter Hurdles 11 De Groot, Julian 18 BID 12.43 18 KAR 12.45 1 Casey, Tom 14 IID 15.10 13 Wenzel, Kyle 18 IPSS 12.58 2 Gibb, Tim 14 IID 15.10 14 Eldridge, Michael 18 YAG 12.58 3 Tasi, Solomon 14 IID 15.20 18 IID 15 Moore-Gallaher, Aidan 12.58 4 Martell, Tristan 14 WBD 16.80 16 Khan, Rafique Name Age School Seed Time 19 KAR 12.67 5 Capdevila, Jordi 14 WBD 17.42 17 Tshilumba, Augustin18 KAR 12.72 6 Wani, Mandy 14 WBD 17.49 13.36 Age 14.06 15 12 Yanai, Dorian 19 Keinan IID 18 McGillivray Pethybri, Name LKY 1 Wood, Branden Event 62 Men 18-19 100 Meter Dash Prelims Name Event 67 Men 16 Year Olds 110 Meter Hurdles Event 72 Women 16 Year Olds 100 Meter Hurdles 10 Nugent, Gracie Event 75 Men 13 Year Olds 90 Meter Hurdles Name 1 Jorgensen, Jai Age 13 School IID Seed Time 13.90 2 Van Hengel-Waite, Ethan 13 IID 14.42 3 Cusworth, Aidan 13 IID 14.50 4 Csurhes, Jay 13 IID 15.50 5 Subritzky, Chicago 13 WBD 16.55 6 Williams, Connor 13 WBD 17.74 7 Wbd, 9 WBD 18.28 13 Event 76 Women 13 Year Olds 80 Meter Hurdles Name Age School Seed Time 1 Parfrement, Georgie13 IID 11.22 2 Kitching, Emily 13 IID 12.03 3 Townsend, Jade 13 BID 15.00 4 Gardner, Megan 13 WBD 15.46 5 Lightbody, Isabelle 13 WBD 15.96 Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 9 Performance List 24 Rennie, Cooper 13 YAG 1:10.37 25 Hutchings, Jasper 14 IPSS 1:04.00 6 Unwin, Jordan 13 IID 16.29 25 Goddard, Josh 13 YAG 1:11.11 26 Cregan, Thomas BID 1:13.09 7 Gilfoyle, Emma 13 WBD 16.37 26 Taufao, Zac 13 YAG 1:11.14 8 Attrill, Lulu 13 WBD 16.42 9 Balmforth, Marni 13 YAG NT Event 76 ... (Women 13 Year Olds 80 Meter Hurdles) Event 83 Women 13 Year Olds 400 Meter Run Event 85 Women 14 Year Olds 400 Meter Run Name Age School Event 87 Women 15 Year Olds 400 Meter Run Name Seed Time 14 Age School Seed Time 1 Beckinsale, Romany15 BID 59.64 1 Riethmuller, Kate 14 BID 1:02.90 2 Toto, Rimaz 15 BID 1:03.22 2 Patel, Richa BID 1:04.30 3 Rakuita, Indira 15 IID 1:03.63 1 Blake, Lowis-Ngarangi 13 BID 1:03.00 3 Gerbert, Stephanie 14 IID 1:05.05 4 Randle, Sway 15 BID 1:04.00 2 Office, Jordn 13 IID 1:08.12 4 Gale, Joyce 14 KAR 1:05.29 5 Conroy, Ariana 15 BID 1:04.50 3 Wells, Madison 13 IID 1:08.91 5 Shangara, Chrestina14 LKY 1:05.96 6 Newton-Smith, Camryn 15 KAR 1:06.44 4 Balmforth, Marni 13 YAG 1:09.33 6 Norton, Theresa 14 BID 1:06.00 7 Schrieber, Robin 15 WBD 1:06.50 5 Gardner, Megan 13 WBD 1:09.80 7 Hardy-Synnott, Jade14 IPSS 1:07.00 8 James, Rachel 15 KAR 1:07.14 6 Talty, Claire 13 WBD 1:10.10 8 Dean, Alexandra 14 KAR 1:07.09 9 Nel, Irma-Jean 15 LKY 1:08.99 7 Smith, Christine 13 KAR 1:10.96 9 Hughes, Eryn 14 IID 1:08.39 10 Clarke, Chantelle 15 KAR 1:09.16 8 Wenck, Charlotte 13 IPSS 1:11.00 10 Chaplin, Tara 14 LKY 1:08.90 11 Ross, Tegan 15 KAR 1:10.18 9 Elmes, Libby 13 WBD 1:11.50 11 Grigg, Issy 14 WBD 1:09.80 12 Bradley, Chloe 15 IID 1:10.86 10 Sheppard, Brooke 13 WBD 1:11.50 12 Wbd, 15 14 WBD 1:09.80 13 Robinson, Holly 15 WBD 1:12.50 11 Mills, Baylee 13 YAG 1:11.55 13 Harper, Caliesha 14 IPSS 1:10.00 14 Pickett, Maddison 15 IPSS 1:13.00 12 Luck, Lauren 13 LKY 1:11.71 14 Stephens, Megan 14 IID 1:10.41 15 Anderson, Natalie 15 WBD 1:13.30 13 Fraser, Alex 13 BID 1:12.00 15 Adams, Adeline 14 KAR 1:10.86 16 Hagger, Kirstyn 15 WBD 1:13.50 14 Burow, Grace 13 IID 1:12.89 16 Dirckze, Holly 14 KAR 1:11.20 17 Souter, Sharon 15 YAG 1:15.71 15 Hunt, Bree 13 IPSS 1:13.00 17 Barlow, Nikki 14 LKY 1:12.90 18 Harvey, Talena 15 LKY 1:16.37 16 Apulu, Alofa 13 KAR 1:13.06 18 Leo, Bevi 14 WBD 1:13.10 19 Tansell, Kyarni 15 IPSS 1:17.00 17 Ackland, Chloe 13 YAG 1:13.24 19 Gibson, Bianca 14 WBD 1:13.20 20 Seru, Lavenia 15 LKY 1:17.81 18 Patterson, Crystal 13 KAR 1:13.82 20 Fraser, Candace 14 IPSS 1:14.00 21 Paul, Sharon 15 YAG 1:18.90 19 Holt, Rosie 13 IPSS 1:14.00 21 Langwe, Bethany 14 IPSS 1:15.00 22 Baker - Glover, Dorothy 15 IPSS 1:20.00 20 Bennett, Chloe 13 KAR 1:14.44 22 Brown, Nina 14 IID 1:15.07 23 Taban, Nancy 1:23.55 21 Adamski, Maddison13 LKY 1:14.90 23 Tran, Nikki 14 YAG 1:17.58 22 Joyce, Tara IPSS 1:15.00 24 Dennis, Lauren 14 YAG 1:18.27 23 Livingstone, Chelsea13 IID 1:15.52 25 Langguth, Isabel 14 BID 1:19.94 24 Dau, Maddison YAG 1:15.93 26 Ginger-Delaney, Khieateya 14 YAG NT Name Age 13 13 School Seed Time 14 25 Brown, Macie 13 LKY 1:16.43 27 Yag, 11 26 Fenn, Mei-Yan 13 BID 1:25.00 28 Willoughby, Kelsie 15 Age School YAG NT YAG NT Event 86 Men 14 Year Olds 400 Meter Run Event 84 Men 13 Year Olds 400 Meter Run Name 14 Seed Time Name Age School Seed Time 15 YAG Event 88 Men 15 Year Olds 400 Meter Run Name 1 Dwyer, Rupert Age School Seed Time 15 BID 2 Wintle-Soulis, Gage15 BID 54.00 54.40 3 Scheuerle, Jack 15 IID 54.53 4 Swainston, Alex 15 BID 55.00 5 Wood, Branden 15 LKY 55.08 6 Mellor, Mitchell 15 LKY 55.20 1 Vukelic, Sony 13 IID 1:00.25 1 Turay, Abdul 14 KAR 54.15 7 Ranse, Jake 15 LKY 56.81 2 Dilla, Ceasar 13 KAR 1:00.65 2 Graham, Charlie 14 LKY 54.62 8 Scheuerle, Liam 15 IID 58.45 3 Bridges, Kaiera 13 KAR 1:00.86 3 Kelland, Cameron 14 IID 56.40 9 Tobolov, Matthew 15 BID 58.49 4 Van Walsum, Jeremy13 IPSS 1:01.00 4 Womal, Riley 14 BID 57.10 10 Giles, Aiden 15 YAG 58.52 5 King, Ethan 13 IID 1:01.84 5 Hoger, Josh 14 LKY 57.55 11 Kent, Brandon 15 KAR 58.67 6 Pholi, Tyler 13 LKY 1:01.93 6 Fox, Ciaran 14 IID 58.10 12 Burton, Brian Maxwell 15 IPSS 7 Taylor, Jamie 13 LKY 1:02.34 7 Dunkley, Mark 14 BID 59.24 13 Moloney, Callum 15 IID 1:00.09 8 Johnson, Byron 59.11 13 BID 1:02.60 8 Casey, Tom 14 IID 59.87 14 Suey, Shannon 15 IPSS 1:00.14 9 Cunningham, Paddy13 BID 1:02.74 14 9 Spreadborough, Luke IID 59.87 15 Ruberintwari, Blaise15 KAR 1:00.14 10 Wallace, Mitchell 13 IPSS 1:03.00 10 Ryall, Kieran 14 LKY 1:00.18 16 Whitmore, Cameron15 KAR 1:00.47 11 Gross, Joshua 13 BID 1:03.00 11 Capdevila, Jordi 14 WBD 1:00.60 17 Oyet, Olal 15 IPSS 1:00.71 12 Cobbo, Zac 13 IPSS 1:04.00 12 Waters, Jacob 14 IPSS 1:00.81 18 Hea, Elvin 15 KAR 1:00.75 13 Tronc, Thomas 13 IID 1:04.35 13 Churchward, Tristan14 IPSS 1:00.90 19 Bell, Mitch 15 IPSS 1:01.00 14 Knuth, Jonathan 13 KAR 1:04.37 14 Kenyi, Ben 14 YAG 1:00.96 20 Robinson, Sam 15 WBD 1:01.00 15 Jamieson, Joshua 13 WBD 1:04.70 15 Lovell, Zane 14 WBD 1:01.50 21 Arriagade-Malone, Marcelo 15 IID 1:01.01 16 Haidari, Ali 13 KAR 1:04.84 16 Brosch, Malachi 14 YAG 1:01.87 22 Kanneh, Sekou 15 WBD 1:01.10 17 Zagrovic, Clayton 13 IPSS 1:05.00 17 Waddell, Jack 14 IPSS 1:02.00 23 Anthony, Jimmy 15 YAG 1:01.55 18 Davies, Alex 13 IID 1:06.21 18 Watson, Ryan 14 WBD 1:02.00 24 Coalter, Tiernan 15 WBD 1:02.90 19 Wbd, Dominic 13 WBD 1:07.10 19 Blair, Max 14 KAR 1:02.28 25 Wbd, 2 15 WBD 1:04.10 20 Pirrit, Cole 13 WBD 1:07.60 20 Goddard, Raiden 14 KAR 1:02.34 26 Tyler-Moss, Dylan 15 BID 1:06.00 21 Siale, Nelson 13 YAG 1:08.40 21 Hassan, Gamoradine14 WBD 1:02.60 27 Campbell, Bradyn 15 WBD 22 Egan, Thomas 13 LKY 1:08.90 22 Thai, Jack 14 YAG 1:02.78 23 Murray, Chris 13 WBD 1:09.80 23 Legese, Osman 14 KAR 1:02.99 24 Woods, Ky 14 YAG 1:03.81 NT Event 89 Women 16 Year Olds 400 Meter Run Name 1 Atlee, Madeleine Age 16 School BID Seed Time 55.03 Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 10 Performance List BID 1:08.00 1:00.56 6 McArther, Sinead 17 KAR 1:08.39 17 WBD 1:08.60 Event 89 ... (Women 16 Year Olds 400 Meter Run) 2 Fitzsimon, Dominica16 BID 5 Bowell, Caitlyn 17 3 Innes, Natasha 16 BID 1:01.03 7 Paull, Janet 4 Barrett, Imogen 16 WBD 1:02.30 8 Blignaut, Deandra 17 WBD 1:09.50 5 Godamunne, Sachini16 BID 1:03.23 9 Wong, Elise 17 KAR 1:09.72 6 Peni, Miriam IID 1:03.53 10 White, Kylee 17 KAR 1:09.86 7 Granzien, Aeysha 16 LKY 1:03.99 11 Phillips, Lauren 17 LKY 1:11.68 8 Benon, Evaline 16 YAG 1:04.87 12 List, Alexis 17 IPSS 1:12.00 9 Hancock, Abbey 16 LKY 1:05.40 13 Robbins, Kaitlyn 17 IPSS 1:13.00 17 YAG 1:13.46 16 10 Wells-Pepi, Madeleine 16 IID 1:05.73 14 Beston, Emily 11 Aquili, Sharni 16 LKY 1:06.02 15 Follett, Tiffanie 17 IID 1:15.00 12 Miller, Maggie 16 WBD 1:06.50 16 Harris, Chelsea 17 IID 1:15.24 17 LKY 1:17.21 13 Pearl, Majella 16 IID 1:07.19 17 Walmsley, Holly 14 Saunders, Emily 16 IID 1:08.15 18 Alberto, Joyce 17 YAG 1:17.81 15 Ross, Ellie 16 KAR 1:08.72 19 Greenaway, Sharni 17 LKY 1:17.96 16 Onno, Annabelle 16 KAR 1:12.00 20 De Villiers, Jana 17 IPSS 1:20.00 17 Godfrey, Emily 16 KAR 1:12.48 21 Browning, Hannah 17 IPSS 1:22.00 18 Yang, Joanne 16 YAG 1:13.27 22 Kur, Keth YAG 1:24.27 19 Harris, Carly 16 KAR 1:13.34 20 Pearce, Lacey 16 IPSS 1:14.00 21 Litfin, Jazmyne 16 IPSS 1:18.00 22 Preston, Lana 16 YAG 1:18.81 23 Wimmer, Tarese 16 IPSS 1:21.52 24 Brain, Amy 16 IPSS 1:21.71 17 Age School Name Age School Seed Time 1 Wolf, Oliver 18 BID 2 Baeumler, Brody 18 IID 52.50 53.64 3 Kelly, Jake 18 LKY 54.30 4 Mountfield, Daniel 18 KAR 55.29 5 Khan, Rafique 19 KAR 56.52 6 Mico, Gianni 18 KAR 57.03 7 Kent, Ryan 18 IPSS 58.14 18 YAG 8 Larbi-Bram, Emmanuel 58.99 9 Godfrey, Branden 18 KAR 59.31 59.52 10 Wenzel, Kyle 18 IPSS 11 Logo, Elijah 18 YAG 12 Hardess, James 18 BID 1:01.00 13 Plumb, Jonathon 18 IPSS 1:01.18 14 Nguyen, Nhan 18 YAG 1:04.00 15 Willmot, Jesse 18 YAG 1:07.77 59.65 Event 96 Men 13-19 400 Meter Run AWD Event 92 Men 17 Year Olds 400 Meter Run Name Event 94 Men 18-19 400 Meter Run Seed Time 1 Deng, Joseph 17 IID 48.99 2 Grigg, Solomon 17 IID 51.76 3 Hurst, Patrick 17 LKY 52.74 Name Age School Seed Time 1 Hollywood ***, Alex 15 KAR 1:30.00 2 Hollywood ***, Brock 17 KAR 1:31.00 3 Summerell ***, Camerona 14 KURBY NT 4 Braatvedt, Damian 17 BID 53.40 5 Dorairajan, Ruddra 17 BID 53.70 Seed Time 6 Paties, Bailey 17 BID 53.90 1 Betzold, Breeana 13 IID 8:46.55 13 IID 10:41.59 Event 90 Men 16 Year Olds 400 Meter Run Event 97 Women 13 Year Olds 1500 Meter Race Walk Name Age School Seed Time Name Age School 1 Wbd, 10 16 WBD 52.88 7 Godfrey, Kyle 17 IID 54.20 2 Kitching, Emily 2 McGrath, Kian 16 KAR 53.17 8 Bakera, Pacific 17 KAR 54.90 3 Balmforth, Phoebe 13 3 Hough, Matthew 16 BID 54.20 9 Olak, Franco 17 YAG 55.11 4 Jaffe, Patrick 16 BID 54.20 10 Connor, Joshua 17 IID 55.79 5 Redgrave, Shaun 16 LKY 54.68 11 Hall, Luke 17 IPSS 55.90 17 WBD 56.16 1 Kennedy, Justice 13 IID 8:20.00 2 Stewart, Ryan 13 IID 8:39.89 6 Mobbs, Chris 16 IID 56.34 12 Quint, Sam 7 Kun, Anyieth 16 YAG 56.61 13 Roberts, Brandon 17 KAR 56.42 8 Joe, Lucky 16 WBD 56.67 14 Dunn, Adam 17 WBD 56.89 9 Fox, Christopher 16 IID 56.81 15 Garrioch, Casey 17 WBD 57.03 10 Conley, Harley 16 LKY 56.84 16 Marshall, Jordain 17 KAR 57.63 11 Sammy, Benwah 16 IID 56.87 17 Woodley, Tyrell 17 IPSS 58.02 12 Maclean, Josh 16 YAG 56.87 18 Bell, Lucas 17 KAR 58.10 13 Aldridge, Jack 17 YAG NT Event 98 Men 13 Year Olds 1500 Meter Race Walk Name Age School Seed Time Event 99 Women 14-15 3000 Meter Race Walk Name Age School 1 Rowbotham, Milla 14 BID 2 Harvey, Talena LKY 15 Seed Time 9:06.00 NT 16 KAR 57.40 19 Colyn, Tyrell IPSS 58.11 14 Butler-Graham, Sam16 IPSS 57.74 20 Tewksbury, Joshua 17 WBD 58.13 15 Spry, Treyman 16 YAG 58.11 21 McDonald, Logan 17 IPSS 59.49 1 Currie, Daniel 15 KAR 18:34.00 16 Holdorf, Lachlan 16 IPSS 58.40 22 Krzciuk, Aidan 17 LKY 59.83 2 Mellor, Mitchell 15 LKY NT 17 Sippel, Harry 16 IID 58.43 23 Dobson, Michael 17 YAG 1:03.34 18 Enever, Jye 16 KAR 58.57 24 Fonoti, Ali 17 YAG 1:04.02 19 Blackman-Corowa, 16 Jai WBD 59.11 25 Fofana, Ansu 17 YAG 1:07.05 20 Pewee, Obadiah 16 KAR 59.28 21 Mulitalo, Ronaldo 16 IPSS 1:00.05 22 Noffke, William 16 IPSS 1:00.40 23 Haak, Cameron 16 LKY 1:01.58 24 Wall, Leo 16 BID 1:04.40 25 Murphy, Gerard 16 BID 1:05.88 26 Yag, 9 16 YAG NT Event 91 Women 17 Year Olds 400 Meter Run Name 1 Sunstrom, Erin Age 17 School BID Seed Time 58.60 Event 93 Women 18-19 400 Meter Run Name Age School Seed Time 58.92 Event 100 Men 14-15 3000 Meter Race Walk Name Age School Seed Time Event 105 Women 13 Year Olds 800 Meter Run Name Age School Seed Time 13 BID 1 Blake, Lowis-Ngarangi 2:25.00 2 Behr, Tayla 13 BID 2:25.00 3 Manning, Zoe 13 BID 2:29.00 4 Christie, Hannah 13 BID 2:34.00 BID 2:36.00 1 Ryan, Karin 18 BID 2 Pienaar, Annelie 18 KAR 1:15.59 5 Johnson, Charlotte 13 3 Manassah, Aijer 19 YAG 1:20.34 6 Andrews, Helena 13 IID 2:41.11 4 Green, Megan 18 KAR 1:24.15 7 Wbd, Annika 13 WBD 2:41.60 5 Loranger, Rosemarie18 IPSS 1:27.00 8 Farrell-Thomas, Madison 13 IID 2:42.47 6 Obol, Poline 18 YAG 1:27.96 9 Sinclair, Ruby 13 WBD 2:44.10 7 Conde, Jackeline 18 YAG 1:28.04 10 Smith, Christine 13 KAR 2:46.92 8 Brown, Chelsea 18 KAR 1:36.96 11 Balmforth, Marni 13 YAG 2:47.34 2 Mallyon, Kathleen 17 BID 1:00.00 9 Leafa, Lopala 18 YAG 1:46.65 12 Meares, Olivia 13 IID 2:49.57 3 Vallance, Ivie 17 BID 1:01.00 10 Fetu, Faagalo 18 YAG 1:53.50 13 Betzold, Breeana 13 IID 2:50.23 4 Ellis, Terri 17 KAR 1:06.87 11 Oliva, Pandora 18 IPSS 1:54.00 14 Sheppard, Brooke 13 WBD 2:54.00 15 Cradick, Felicity WBD 2:54.90 13 Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 11 Performance List 14 WBD 2:55.40 14 Johnson, Tameka 15 KAR 2:56.04 16 Hunt, Bree 13 IPSS 2:55.14 15 Rawlins, Shyanne 14 KAR 2:56.82 15 Heo, Min 15 WBD 2:56.30 17 Dau, Maddison 13 YAG 2:55.38 16 Shangara, Chrestina14 LKY 2:57.34 16 Nel, Irma-Jean 15 LKY 3:00.40 18 Hansen, Zara 13 KAR 2:57.59 17 van Oosten, Simone14 WBD 2:58.90 17 Bridge, Emmalee 15 KAR 3:09.16 19 Wenck, Charlotte 13 IPSS 2:58.05 18 Bambling, Mikayla 14 IPSS 2:59.96 18 Van Schie, Alisha 15 LKY 3:12.58 20 Bennett, Chloe 13 KAR 2:58.82 19 Barrett, Ruby 14 WBD 3:03.70 19 Pickett, Maddison 15 IPSS 3:12.68 21 Mills, Baylee 13 YAG 2:59.00 20 Finley, Hayley 14 WBD 3:04.20 20 Thomas, Chloe 15 YAG 3:13.53 22 Holt, Rosie 13 IPSS 3:01.40 21 Barlow, Nikki 14 LKY 3:05.90 21 Harvey, Talena 15 LKY 3:20.08 23 Balmforth, Phoebe 13 YAG 3:03.76 22 Glover-Bognar, Brianna 14 LKY 3:06.58 22 Tansell, Kyarni 15 IPSS 3:26.98 24 Apulu, Alofa 13 KAR 3:04.30 23 O'Chan, Faida 14 YAG 3:12.64 23 Pitts, Tayla 15 YAG 3:57.39 25 Luck, Lauren 13 LKY 3:07.68 24 Langwe, Bethany 14 IPSS 3:13.87 24 Prince, Carmel 15 IPSS 3:58.93 26 Joyce, Tara 13 IPSS 3:07.81 25 Kirk, Kiara 14 IPSS 3:14.34 27 Brown, Macie 13 LKY 3:10.43 26 O'Grady, Cassandra14 YAG 3:18.44 28 Adamski, Maddison13 LKY 3:15.14 27 Tran, Nikki 14 YAG 3:18.71 28 Willoughby, Kelsie 15 YAG NT 29 Yag, 11 YAG NT Event 105 ... (Women 13 Year Olds 800 Meter Run) Event 106 Men 13 Year Olds 800 Meter Run Name Age School Seed Time 14 Kearney, Alyssa 14 Event 108 Men 14 Year Olds 800 Meter Run 1 Thygesen, Patrick 13 BID 2:13.64 2 Stephen, Will 13 BID 2:16.04 3 Gross, Joshua 13 BID 2:25.00 1 Hill, Lochlan 4 Davies, Alex 13 IID 2:25.60 5 Dilla, Ceasar 13 KAR 6 Van Walsum, Jeremy13 7 Bridges, Kaiera Name Age 14 School Seed Time Event 110 Men 15 Year Olds 800 Meter Run Name Age School Seed Time 1 Maynard, Harrison 15 IID 2:08.52 2 Scheuerle, Liam IID 2:08.94 3 Arriagade-Malone, Marcelo 15 IID 2:12.44 4 Swainston, Alex 15 BID 2:14.00 5 Giles, Aiden 15 YAG 2:19.95 15 BID 2:15.00 6 Koosachi, Clay 15 KAR 2:20.20 2 Livingstone, Callum14 IID 2:16.00 7 Ruberintwari, Blaise15 KAR 2:21.15 2:26.26 3 Dunkley, Mark 14 BID 2:17.00 8 Moloney, Callum 15 IID 2:21.18 IPSS 2:26.58 4 Turay, Abdul 14 KAR 2:18.20 9 Whitmore, Cameron15 KAR 2:22.45 13 KAR 2:27.86 5 Graham, Charlie 14 LKY 2:18.93 10 Currie, Daniel 15 KAR 2:23.11 8 Tayloe, Hinton 13 BID 2:30.00 6 Watson, Ryan 14 WBD 2:19.80 11 Tilling, Jordan 15 LKY 2:23.37 9 Dennis, Allen 13 IID 2:30.06 7 Rajagopalan, Sai 14 IID 2:19.82 12 Anthony, Jimmy 15 YAG 2:24.39 10 Knuth, Jonathan 13 KAR 2:30.66 8 Fox, Ciaran 14 IID 2:20.43 13 Williams, Bailey 15 LKY 2:25.96 11 Haidari, Ali 13 KAR 2:31.77 9 Hassan, Gamoradine14 WBD 2:20.70 14 Oyet, Olal 15 IPSS 2:25.99 12 Zagrovic, Clayton 13 IPSS 2:31.84 10 Dobson, Alex 14 IID 2:23.23 15 Harvey, Jayden 15 IPSS 2:26.68 13 Jamieson, Joshua 13 WBD 2:32.60 11 Campbell, Curtis 14 WBD 2:23.90 16 Tedla, Danel Workneh 15 IPSS 2:26.87 14 Palmer, Dylan 13 WBD 2:34.70 12 Balbadhur, Ramiro 14 WBD 2:24.90 17 Burton, Brian Maxwell 15 IPSS 2:27.93 15 Majok, Daniel 13 IID 2:35.66 13 Hutchings, Jasper 14 IPSS 2:26.65 18 Beshou, Mathews 15 WBD 2:28.00 16 Bryan, Jacob 13 IID 2:36.25 14 Hoger, Josh 14 LKY 2:27.74 19 Wbd, 8 15 WBD 2:29.10 17 Pirrit, Cole 13 WBD 2:38.40 15 Blair, Max 14 KAR 2:28.10 20 Waller, Sam 15 YAG 2:29.25 18 Wallace, Mitchell 13 IPSS 2:38.64 16 Wilson, Clayton 14 KAR 2:29.00 21 Wood, Jacob 15 LKY 2:30.45 19 Pholi, Tyler 13 LKY 2:40.71 17 Ashe, Seth 14 LKY 2:30.18 22 Franls, Caleb 15 WBD 2:32.40 20 Jonassen, Peter 13 YAG 2:40.75 18 Heron, Sean 14 IPSS 2:30.80 23 Brooks, Jessie 15 YAG 2:35.96 21 Siale, Nelson 13 YAG 2:42.15 19 Churchward, Tristan14 IPSS 2:31.40 24 Melvin, Michael 15 WBD 2:36.90 22 Wbd, 12 13 WBD 2:42.60 20 Cullinan, Thomas 14 BID 2:32.00 23 Rennie, Cooper 13 YAG 2:44.69 21 Pewee, Praises 14 KAR 2:34.63 24 Kebbell, Wilkin 13 LKY 2:45.49 22 Thai, Jack 14 YAG 2:34.94 25 Burrows, Joshua 13 IPSS 2:45.84 23 Waddell, Jack 14 IPSS 2:38.11 YAG 2:47.60 26 Riseley, Kobie 13 LKY 2:47.08 24 De La Rosa, Samuel14 27 Rayner, Rowan 13 YAG 2:50.51 25 Woods, Ky 14 YAG NT 26 Yag, 8 14 YAG NT Event 107 Women 14 Year Olds 800 Meter Run Name Age School Seed Time Event 109 Women 15 Year Olds 800 Meter Run Name Age School Event 111 Women 16 Year Olds 800 Meter Run Name 1 Williams, India Age School Seed Time 16 BID 2:21.00 2 Fitzsimon, Dominica16 BID 2:22.00 3 Barrett, Imogen 16 WBD 2:23.30 4 Walker, Hayley 16 BID 2:30.00 LKY 2:34.30 5 Granzien, Aeysha 16 6 Morrison-Davies, Millicent 16 BID 2:35.00 Seed Time 7 Wells-Pepi, Madeleine 16 IID 2:36.46 1 Riethmuller, Kate 14 BID 2:19.20 2 Rennis, Saibh 14 BID 2:26.00 1 Beckinsale, Romany15 BID 2:16.00 8 McNamara, Kelly 16 IID 2:42.93 3 Patel, Richa 14 BID 2:27.00 2 Conroy, Ariana 15 BID 2:29.00 9 Goon Chew, Carla 16 KAR 2:49.49 4 Evans, Emily 14 BID 2:35.00 3 Randle, Sway 15 BID 2:33.00 10 White, Faith 16 IID 2:52.10 5 Dean, Alexandra 14 KAR 2:35.79 4 Toto, Rimaz 15 BID 2:33.11 11 Bird, Melissa 16 IID 2:52.40 6 McAuliffe, Phoebe 14 IID 2:40.06 5 Gallaher, Mikaela 15 IID 2:35.05 12 Holly, Clara 16 WBD 2:56.70 7 Stephens, Megan 14 IID 2:44.71 6 Taylor, Ella 15 IPSS 2:37.53 13 Harris, Carly 16 KAR 3:00.31 8 Brown, Nina 14 IID 2:44.93 7 Bradley, Chloe 15 IID 2:39.05 14 Hancock, Abbey 16 LKY 3:02.14 9 Hartog, Isobel 14 IID 2:46.05 8 Clarke, Chantelle 15 KAR 2:41.44 15 Ross, Ellie 16 KAR 3:03.19 10 Hardy-Synnott, Jade14 IPSS 2:46.18 9 Moffatt, Alicia 15 IID 2:41.73 16 Cockroft-Innes, Lauren 16 KAR 3:04.92 11 James, Eunice 14 KAR 2:49.25 10 Ross, Tegan 15 KAR 2:42.37 17 Brain, Amy 16 IPSS 3:07.14 12 Marais, Michelle 14 WBD 2:53.40 11 Burling, Elly 15 IID 2:45.20 18 Wickham, Hadley 16 LKY 3:11.37 13 Dirckze, Holly 14 KAR 2:53.87 12 Brosnan, Kelly 15 WBD 2:47.50 19 Waller, Lauren 16 YAG 3:16.88 13 Anderson, Natalie 15 WBD 2:52.10 20 Pearce, Lacey 16 IPSS 3:20.02 Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 12 Performance List Event 111 ... (Women 16 Year Olds 800 Meter Run) 21 Wimmer, Tarese IPSS 3:26.93 22 Cunningham, Chernaya 16 IPSS 3:27.24 23 Benon, Evaline 16 16 YAG NT Event 112 Men 16 Year Olds 800 Meter Run Name Age School Seed Time Event 114 Men 17 Year Olds 800 Meter Run Name Age School Seed Time 1 Paties, Bailey 17 BID 2:00.91 2 Deng, Joseph 17 IID 2:02.77 3 Norton, Jake 17 BID 2:08.00 4 Hurst, Patrick 17 LKY 2:12.75 3 Gale, Joyce 14 KAR 32.13 4 James, Eunice 14 KAR 32.18 5 Smith, Taylor 15 BID 32.20 6 Csurches, Kirra 15 IID 32.63 7 Conroy, Ariana 15 BID 34.00 8 Hunter, Mackenzie 15 KAR 35.47 9 Smith, MacKenzie 13 IID 37.06 16 KAR 2:04.82 5 Douglas, Alistair 17 KAR 2:15.31 2 Chamberlian, Hayden 16 KAR 2:05.86 6 Salim, Zuberi 17 KAR 2:15.43 3 McGuire, Josh 16 BID 2:06.10 7 Garrioch, Casey 17 WBD 2:16.10 4 Jenkins, Keegan 16 BID 2:09.00 8 Hall, Luke 17 IPSS 2:17.92 5 Fox, Christopher 16 IID 2:09.30 9 Colyn, Tyrell 17 IPSS 2:18.15 6 Wright, Wesley 16 BID 2:13.00 10 Friels, Josh 17 IID 2:22.97 1 Russell, Josh 15 BID 29.30 7 Pewee, Obadiah 16 KAR 2:15.01 11 Bagby, Jack 17 WBD 2:24.00 2 Buhse, Anthony 13 IID 32.04 8 Joe, Lucky 16 WBD 2:16.30 12 Olak, Franco 17 YAG 2:24.15 3 McNally, Henry 14 WBD 9 Sammy, Benwah 16 IID 2:16.78 13 Bakera, Pacific 17 KAR 2:24.36 10 Godfrey, Paul 16 IID 2:16.79 14 Kennedy, Callum 17 WBD 2:26.30 11 Radley, Luke 16 IID 2:18.17 15 Randle, Liam IID 2:29.69 WBD 2:18.40 16 Marshall, Bruklan 17 IPSS 2:29.80 KAR 2:30.68 1 McGrath, Kian 12 McGregor, Lochlan 16 17 16 LKY 2:18.61 17 Roberts, Brandon 17 14 Sharma, Loughlin 16 KAR 2:19.38 18 Mullenberg, Darren 17 IPSS 2:31.89 15 Makuach, Malat WBD 2:19.50 19 Dobson, Michael 17 YAG 2:35.15 17 BID 2:52.00 17 YAG 2:59.34 13 Redgrave, Shaun 16 16 Creedy, Clinton 16 LKY 2:20.21 20 Nagle, Oliver 17 Wall, Leo 21 Fofana, Ansu 16 BID 2:20.34 18 Butler-Graham, Sam16 IPSS 2:20.84 19 Egal Hassan, Omar 16 WBD 2:21.90 20 Kun, Anyieth 16 YAG 2:23.77 21 McCartney, Thomas16 YAG 2:26.56 22 Conley, Harley 16 LKY 2:26.87 23 Pressler, Luke 16 IPSS 2:29.18 24 Beitzel, Josh 16 LKY 2:30.49 25 Delbridge, Tim 16 IPSS 2:31.71 26 Hellyer, Nicholas 16 IPSS 2:32.65 27 Maclean, Josh 16 YAG 2:33.89 28 Kayembe, Etienne 16 YAG 2:34.08 29 Kang, Leo WBD NT 16 Event 113 Women 17 Year Olds 800 Meter Run Name Age School Seed Time 1 Vallance, Ivie 17 BID 2:20.00 2 Bowell, Caitlyn 17 BID 2:36.00 3 Ellis, Terri 17 KAR 2:42.28 4 Bailey, Chloe 17 WBD 2:43.00 5 Beston, Emily 17 YAG 2:43.50 6 Harris, Chelsea 17 IID 2:51.83 7 McArther, Sinead 17 KAR 2:52.20 8 Prior, Maddison 17 IID 2:54.07 9 Wong, Elise 17 KAR 2:56.71 10 Nguygen, Mai 17 KAR 3:00.29 11 Follett, Tiffanie 17 IID 3:02.66 12 Roth, Olivia 17 IID 3:04.84 13 Robbins, Kaitlyn 17 IPSS 3:06.93 14 Phillips, Lauren 17 LKY 3:07.67 15 Hoban, Domonique 17 LKY 3:15.18 16 Browning, Hannah 17 IPSS 3:17.46 17 Knight, Stella 17 LKY 3:19.46 18 Hoppner, Stacey 17 YAG 3:19.94 19 Potts, Felicity 17 YAG 3:20.21 20 Kinsella, Samoi 17 IPSS 3:27.38 21 Herbst, Tamika 17 IPSS 3:30.17 Age School Seed Time 1 Braithwaite, Jessica18 BID 2:26.00 2 Ryan, Karin 18 BID 2:27.00 3 Faux, Sinead 18 IID 2:50.86 4 Obol, Poline 18 YAG 3:16.00 5 Green, Megan 18 KAR 3:21.63 6 Brown, Chelsea 18 KAR 3:38.25 7 Conde, Jackeline 18 YAG 3:38.76 8 Oliva, Pandora 18 IPSS 3:43.42 9 Murphy, Jacinta 18 BID 3:44.07 10 Manassah, Aijer 19 YAG 4:32.52 11 Fetu, Faagalo 18 YAG 4:32.89 Event 116 Men 18-19 800 Meter Run Name Age School 14 LKY NT 11 Balmforth, Marni 13 YAG NT Event 120 Men 13-15 200 Meter Hurdles Name Seed Time Age School Seed Time NT Event 121 Women 16-17 400 Meter Hurdles Name Age School Seed Time 1 Murphy-Knight, Jarmillia 16 IID 1:02.74 2 Sunstrom, Erin 17 BID 1:04.70 3 Miller, Maggie 16 WBD NT 4 Innes, Natasha 16 BID NT 5 Smith, Jessie-Claire17 BID NT Event 122 Men 16-17 400 Meter Hurdles Name Event 115 Women 18-19 800 Meter Run Name 10 Chaplin, Tara Age School Seed Time 1 Kuresa, Frank 16 IID 55.30 2 Wilcox, Ben 17 BID 55.90 3 Sandford, Joel 17 IID 4 Williams, Jacob 17 IPSS 2:00.00 5 Ruhland, Jack 17 LKY NT 59.60 Event 124 Men 18-19 400 Meter Hurdles Name Age 1 Michael, Mitchell 18 School IID Seed Time 54.90 Event 125 Women 13 Year Olds 1500 Meter Run Name Age School Seed Time 1 Behr, Tayla 13 BID 4:57.00 2 Manning, Zoe 13 BID 4:58.00 3 Wells, Madison 13 IID 5:31.20 4 Farrell-Thomas, Madison 13 IID 5:31.20 1 Mountfield, Daniel 18 KAR 2:11.21 5 Kirkby, Holly 13 IID 5:33.32 2 Mico, Gianni 18 KAR 2:11.78 6 Wbd, Annika 13 WBD 5:36.40 3 Khan, Rafique 19 KAR 2:18.75 7 Johnson, Charlotte 13 BID 5:40.00 4 Moore-Gallaher, Aidan 18 IID 2:21.18 8 Cradick, Felicity 13 WBD 5:47.90 5 Yanai, Dorian 18 KAR 2:22.15 9 Betzold, Breeana 13 IID 5:59.01 6 Kelly, Jake 18 LKY 2:23.68 10 Schrieber, Aisha 13 WBD 6:02.80 7 Wenzel, Kyle 18 IPSS 2:26.99 11 Hunt, Bree 13 IPSS 6:04.46 8 Plumb, Jonathon 18 IPSS 2:27.04 12 Hogg, Shalyn 13 WBD 6:12.40 9 Logo, Elijah 18 YAG 2:34.43 13 Brown, Macie 13 LKY 6:20.46 18 BID 2:52.00 14 Roberts, Tori 13 IPSS 6:21.21 YAG 2:56.64 13 15 Moulder-Shard, Ebony IPSS 6:24.05 16 Luck, Lauren 13 LKY 6:27.68 17 Smith, Christine 13 KAR 6:30.82 18 Joyce, Tara 13 IPSS 6:31.14 19 Singh, Jasnam 13 KAR 6:39.10 20 Thornton, Kasey 13 LKY 6:42.93 21 King, Faith 13 KAR 6:45.90 22 Hansen, Zara 13 KAR 7:02.60 23 Balmforth, Marni 13 YAG NT 10 Hardess, James 11 Eldridge, Michael 18 Event 118 Men 13-19 800 Meter Run AWD Name Age School Seed Time 1 Gorgo Pedro ***, Jabi 18 WBD 2:14.20 15 2 Hollywood ***, Alex KAR 2:50.00 3 Hollywood ***, Brock 17 KAR 2:51.00 Event 119 Women 13-15 200 Meter Hurdles Name Age School Seed Time 1 Newton-Smith, Camryn 15 KAR 28.80 24 Ackland, Chloe 13 YAG NT 2 Wright, Hayley 32.00 25 Mills, Baylee 13 YAG NT 14 IID Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 13 Performance List Event 125 ... (Women 13 Year Olds 1500 Meter Run) 26 Rambang, Nyajimma 13 YAG NT Age School YAG NT 3 Scheuerle, Liam IID 4:39.65 27 Tran, Nikki YAG NT 15 IID 4 Arriagade-Malone, Marcelo 4:40.34 5 Beshou, Mathews 15 WBD 4:52.50 6 Peters, Benjamin 15 IID 4:52.53 7 Melvin, Michael 15 WBD 4:52.70 8 Wbd, 8 15 WBD 4:53.00 9 Ruberintwari, Blaise15 KAR 5:03.00 14 Event 128 Men 14 Year Olds 1500 Meter Run Event 126 Men 13 Year Olds 1500 Meter Run Name 26 O'Grady, Cassandra14 Seed Time Name Age School Seed Time 1 Thygesen, Patrick 13 BID 4:30.16 1 Briggs, Harry 14 BID 4:28.00 2 Stephen, Will 13 BID 4:35.16 2 Hill, Lochlan 14 BID 4:36.00 3 Medway, Lachlan 13 BID 4:49.00 3 Hassan, Gamoradine14 WBD 4:38.50 4 Davies, Alex 13 IID 4:55.30 4 Livingstone, Callum14 IID 4:39.98 5 Omeara, Will 13 BID 4:58.00 5 Dunkley, Mark 14 BID 4:40.00 6 Dennis, Allen 13 IID 5:04.84 6 Campbell, Curtis 14 WBD 4:40.20 7 Van Walsum, Jeremy13 IPSS 5:15.40 7 Dobson, Alex 14 IID 4:57.65 8 Dobson, Harry 13 IID 5:20.27 8 Owen, Archie 14 IID 5:00.52 9 Dilla, Ceasar 13 KAR 5:21.34 9 Gough, Alexander 14 IID 5:01.82 10 Haidari, Ali 13 KAR 5:23.53 10 Hutchings, Jasper 14 IPSS 5:04.62 11 Kennedy, Justice 13 IID 5:25.92 11 Toohey, Zach 14 KAR 5:09.00 12 Wbd, 12 13 WBD 5:26.60 12 Vucas, Michael 14 WBD 5:14.10 13 Healy-Johnson, Coen 13 WBD 5:26.60 13 Ravanelli, Jordan 14 LKY 5:14.71 14 Murray, Chris 13 WBD 5:32.10 14 Waddell, Jack 14 IPSS 5:15.55 15 Burrows, Joshua 13 IPSS 5:33.18 15 Turay, Abdul 14 KAR 5:21.00 16 Wbd, 18 13 WBD 5:33.40 16 Heron, Sean 14 IPSS 5:21.11 17 Lau, Declan 13 KAR 5:35.83 17 Egan, Thomas 14 WBD 5:23.90 18 Pressler, Alex 13 IPSS 5:42.52 18 Seydler Callaughan,14 Kayne IPSS 5:27.71 19 Bayles, Liam 15 10 Oyet, Olal 15 IPSS 5:05.71 11 Harvey, Jayden 15 IPSS 5:05.93 12 Currie, Daniel 5:07.00 15 KAR 13 Tedla, Danel Workneh 15 IPSS 5:07.11 14 Shipperley, Jay 15 IPSS 5:07.37 15 Tilling, Jordan 15 LKY 5:08.46 16 Whitmore, Cameron15 KAR 5:14.00 17 Williams, Bailey 15 LKY 5:14.27 18 Koosachi, Clay 15 KAR 5:14.70 19 Cahill-Derouet, Oshin 15 WBD 5:16.60 20 West, Justin 15 LKY 5:27.62 21 Brooks, Jessie 15 YAG NT 22 Anthony, Jimmy 15 YAG NT 23 Giles, Aiden 15 YAG NT 24 Waller, Sam 15 YAG NT Event 131 Women 16 Year Olds 1500 Meter Run 13 LKY 5:44.02 19 Tsimpikas, Matthew14 KAR 5:28.00 20 Baker, Christopher 13 KAR 5:48.64 20 Edwards, Drew 14 KAR 5:29.00 21 Versace, Ethan 13 LKY 5:49.14 21 White, Dylan 14 LKY 5:30.46 1 Williams, India 16 BID 4:40.00 22 Cumner, Boyd 13 LKY 6:04.18 22 Woodley, Jayden 14 LKY 5:37.30 2 Barrett, Imogen 16 WBD 5:00.90 23 Duncan, Johnny 13 IPSS 6:14.85 23 Woods, Ky 14 YAG NT 3 Walker, Hayley 16 BID 5:12.00 24 Rayner, Rowan 13 YAG NT 24 Pratten, Steele 14 YAG NT 4 McNamara, Kelly 16 IID 5:22.15 25 Muhizi, Ferdinand 13 YAG NT 25 Yag, 8 14 YAG NT 5 Wells-Pepi, Madeleine 16 IID 5:23.09 26 Rennie, Cooper 13 YAG NT 6 Granzien, Aeysha 16 LKY 5:37.18 27 Jonassen, Peter 13 YAG NT 7 Steyn, Storm 16 BID 5:44.88 8 Holly, Clara 16 WBD 6:09.20 9 Fellows, Taylah 16 IID 6:09.81 16 IID 6:15.38 11 Goon Chew, Carla 16 KAR 6:18.42 12 Brain, Amy Age School Name Age School Seed Time 1 Beckinsale, Romany15 BID 4:54.11 Seed Time 2 Bennett, Jessica 15 BID 5:02.00 Event 127 Women 14 Year Olds 1500 Meter Run Name Event 129 Women 15 Year Olds 1500 Meter Run 1 Riethmuller, Kate 14 BID 4:51.00 3 Conroy, Ariana 15 BID 5:12.00 2 Rennis, Saibh 14 BID 4:57.00 4 Moffatt, Alicia 15 IID 5:24.71 3 Patel, Richa 14 BID 5:12.00 5 Gallaher, Mikaela 15 IID 5:36.70 4 Evans, Emily 14 BID 5:15.00 6 Gravestein, Gabriella 15 IID 5:40.63 5 McAuliffe, Phoebe 14 IID 5:25.68 7 Brosnan, Kelly 15 WBD 5:41.20 6 Brown, Nina 14 IID 5:37.94 8 Taylor, Ella 15 IPSS 5:43.00 7 Dean, Alexandra 14 KAR 5:43.66 9 Burling, Elly 15 IID 5:45.13 8 Stephens, Megan 14 IID 5:51.88 10 Graham, Madeleine15 BID 5:52.00 IPSS 5:55.33 11 Anderson, Natalie 15 WBD 5:52.80 9 Hardy-Synnott, Jade14 Name 10 Bird, Melissa Age School Seed Time 16 IPSS 6:22.52 13 Wickham, Hadley 16 LKY 6:34.55 14 Harris, Carly KAR 6:38.59 15 Muhammad-Dawood, 16 Zohal KAR 6:39.13 16 Leeweah, Linda 16 KAR 6:40.00 17 Carlsen, Jessica 16 LKY 6:44.58 18 Wimmer, Tarese 16 IPSS 7:07.61 19 Green, Taylah 16 IPSS 7:30.30 20 Litfin, Jazmyne 16 IPSS 7:41.34 21 O'Chan, Joska 16 YAG NT 22 Benon, Evaline 16 YAG NT 23 Waller, Lauren 16 YAG NT 16 10 Marais, Michelle 14 WBD 5:57.70 12 Pearce, Louise 15 WBD 5:57.80 11 Barrett, Ruby 14 WBD 6:00.40 13 Clarke, Chantelle 15 KAR 6:19.21 12 Bambling, Mikayla 14 IPSS 6:03.71 14 Nel, Irma-Jean 15 LKY 6:19.99 13 Richards, Shauna 14 IID 6:05.83 15 Ross, Tegan 15 KAR 6:22.27 14 Smith, Amorina 14 WBD 6:09.10 16 Ross, Michelle 15 LKY 6:43.58 15 Kurki, Candice 14 KAR 6:25.20 17 Le Blansch, Glenna-May 15 LKY 6:44.93 16 Barlow, Nikki 14 LKY 6:25.34 18 Tansell, Kyarni 15 IPSS 6:58.18 17 Gower, Melody 14 LKY 6:28.86 19 Bridge, Emmalee 15 KAR 7:12.36 1 Jenkins, Keegan 16 BID 4:26.38 18 James, Eunice 14 KAR 6:33.53 20 Prince, Carmel 15 IPSS 7:12.52 2 McGuire, Josh 16 BID 4:27.60 19 Gale, Joyce 14 KAR 6:33.76 21 Kelleher, Megan 15 IPSS 7:17.30 3 Chamberlian, Hayden 16 KAR 4:37.00 20 Glover-Bognar, Brianna 14 LKY 6:36.65 22 Bland, Mahtaya 15 KAR 7:19.04 4 McGregor, Lochlan 16 WBD 4:44.50 21 Brooks, Caitlyn Event 132 Men 16 Year Olds 1500 Meter Run Name Age School Seed Time 14 IPSS 6:47.43 23 Roccella-Burns, Melissa 15 YAG NT 5 Makuach, Malat 16 WBD 4:45.50 22 Langwe, Bethany 14 IPSS 6:55.08 24 Ngor, Lizzy NT 6 McGrath, Kian 16 KAR 4:51.00 23 Hall, Shari 14 YAG NT 7 Redgrave, Shaun 16 LKY 4:52.40 24 Goode, Anna 14 YAG NT 8 Creedy, Clinton 16 LKY 4:56.24 25 Willoughby, Kelsie 15 YAG NT 9 Egal Hassan, Omar 16 WBD 4:56.40 WBD 4:56.90 15 YAG Event 130 Men 15 Year Olds 1500 Meter Run Name 1 Vozvoteca, Zane Age 15 2 Maynard, Harrison 15 School Seed Time BID 4:20.00 IID 4:38.79 10 Joe, Lucky 16 Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 14 Performance List Event 132 ... (Men 16 Year Olds 1500 Meter Run) 5 Armstrong-Ravula, 10 MosesLYR 26.74m 6 Shaw, Oscar 10 IPD 24.86m 7 Butlin, Toshi 10 WAD 24.05m 8 Dalby, Ky 10 FAS 24.00m 9 Mohammed, Mustafa 10 SBK 23.54m 10 Ah Leong, Michael 10 CEN 23.17m 11 Paulson, Kaiza 10 SBK 23.14m 12 Villiers, James 10 SBK 22.88m 13 Freeman, Cody 10 GRB 21.78m 14 Martini, Nicholas 10 WAD 21.42m 15 Dobson, Sam 10 CEN 21.06m 16 Pincombe, William 10 LYR 21.05m Seed Time 17 Barron, Lochlan 10 LYR 20.71m WBD 4:29.40 18 Cooper, Lachlan 10 INA 20.53m KAR 4:48.00 19 Uamaki, Eden 10 WTB 20.39m 18 KAR 4:58.60 20 Dalziel, Cody 10 IPD 20.24m 18 IID 5:03.73 21 Stephan, Rhys 10 FAS 20.23m 10 WTB 19.97m Event 135 Women 18-19 1500 Meter Run 11 Radley, Luke 16 IID 5:02.65 12 Chin, Henry 16 KAR 5:10.00 13 Pressler, Luke 16 IPSS 5:11.68 14 Godfrey, Paul 16 IID 5:11.71 15 Smith, Michael 16 IID 5:14.07 16 Delbridge, Tim 16 IPSS 5:15.65 17 Neller, Jarryd 16 KAR 5:19.00 18 Butler-Graham, Sam16 IPSS 5:31.55 19 Noffke, William 16 IPSS 5:40.05 20 Elkins, Justin 16 LKY 5:46.74 21 Kun, Anyieth 16 YAG NT 22 Kamara, Elijah 16 YAG NT 23 Kayembe, Etienne 16 YAG NT 1 Grant, James 18 24 McCartney, Thomas16 YAG NT 2 Mountfield, Daniel 18 3 Mico, Gianni 4 Pye, Oliver Event 133 Women 17 Year Olds 1500 Meter Run Name Age School Seed Time Name Age School 1 Braithwaite, Jessica18 BID 4:50.00 2 Ryan, Karin 18 BID 5:35.00 3 Faux, Sinead 18 IID 6:18.78 4 Green, Megan 18 KAR 7:49.45 5 Brown, Chelsea 18 KAR 8:13.81 6 Fetu, Faagalo 18 YAG NT 7 Obol, Poline 18 YAG NT 8 Conde, Jackeline 18 YAG NT Event 136 Men 18-19 1500 Meter Run Name Age School 5 Kelly, Jake 18 LKY 5:05.51 22 Bobbermein, Nic 6 Wenzel, Kyle 18 IPSS 5:06.46 23 Casey, Benton 10 FAS 19.94m 7 Dongbo, Emmanuel18 KAR 5:10.10 24 Johnston, Braith 10 INA 19.15m KAR 5:23.60 25 Johnson, Dinjari 10 INA 18.92m IID 5:49.00 26 Calverley, Jared 10 IPD 18.69m 27 Patching, Oli 10 GRB 1 Vallance, Ivie 17 BID 4:47.00 2 Bowell, Caitlyn 17 BID 5:26.00 3 Harris, Chelsea 17 IID 5:29.45 4 Ellis, Terri 17 KAR 5:57.00 5 Bailey, Chloe 17 WBD 6:03.90 6 McArther, Sinead 17 KAR 6:25.37 7 Robbins, Kaitlyn 17 IPSS 6:42.12 8 Wong, Elise 17 KAR 6:43.95 9 Knight, Stella 17 LKY 6:48.58 10 Prior, Maddison 17 IID 6:49.41 11 Browning, Hannah 17 IPSS 6:50.99 12 Huynh, Kim 17 WBD 6:53.80 13 Nguygen, Mai 17 KAR 6:55.38 14 Kinsella, Samoi 17 IPSS 7:05.02 15 Wbd, 1 17 WBD 7:11.30 16 Walmsley, Holly 17 LKY 7:13.37 1 Lealasola, Ebony 10 SBK 17 Roth, Olivia 17 IID 7:16.62 2 Grb, 5 10 18 Greenaway, Sharni 17 LKY 7:33.87 3 Curness, Abbie 19 Beston, Emily 17 YAG NT 4 Gallagher, Erin 20 Mato, Shannon 17 YAG NT 21 Hoppner, Stacey 17 YAG NT Age School 8 Khan, Rafique 19 9 Rusangiza, Tresor 18 10 Watts, Gage 18 IPSS 6:01.52 11 Yag, 5 18 YAG NT 12 Willmot, Jesse 18 YAG NT 13 Eldridge, Michael 18 YAG NT ND Event 141 Girls 11 Year Olds Shot Put Name School Seed Mark SBK 11.57m 2 Tignani, Angelina 11 SBK 10.05m 3 Lavea, Desiree 11 SBK 10.01m 4 Wright, Erin 11 FAS 9.24m 5 Fangaloka, Alisi-Keti 11 WAD 9.00m 6 Solomon, Emilee 11 CEN 8.80m 7 Baleinagasau, Violet11 GRB 8.67m 23.71m 8 Davenport, Ana 11 CEN 8.62m GRB 22.28m 9 Neuendorf, Chloe 11 FAS 8.57m 10 SBK 21.42m 10 Laikum, Raven INA 8.23m 10 GRB 20.83m 11 McNaught, Elizabeth 11 WTB 8.21m 5 Raeli, Shemiahlee 10 IPD 19.31m 12 Carter, Jacinta 11 IPD 8.13m 6 Tanielu, Kirsten-Lupe 10 CEN 19.13m 13 McCourt, Ellie 11 FAS 8.04m 7 Jorgensen, Rilee 10 IPD 18.62m 14 Finch, Brianna 11 WTB 8.03m 8 Tanielu, Jessica 10 INA 18.44m Seed Time 15 Condon, Kiara 11 IPD 8.03m 9 Tiaiti, Ella 10 SBK 18.39m 16 Somerfield, Allie 11 GRB 7.99m Event 138 Men 13-19 1500 Meter Run AWD Name Age 1 Gorgo Pedro ***, Jabi 18 School Seed Time WBD 4:44.20 Event 139 Girls 10 Year Olds Discus Throw Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Inivale, Talia Age 11 Event 134 Men 17 Year Olds 1500 Meter Run Name Seed Time 11 1 Bennett, Sam 17 BID 4:11.22 10 Eva, Jaeda 10 CEN 18.13m 2 Norton, Jake 17 BID 4:23.00 17 Bernard, Abigail 11 INA 7.95m 11 Martin, Porsha 10 LYR 17.36m 3 Grimmbacher, Jake 17 WBD 4:43.60 18 Vaka, Charlotte 11 CEN 7.91m 12 Kitching, Jessica 10 IPD 17.31m 4 Martin, Jonah 17 KAR 4:47.00 19 Boardman, Rosemary 11 WAD 7.89m 13 Bess, Ebonique 10 GRB 16.75m 5 Adriko, Emmanuel 17 WBD 4:47.10 20 Tiai, Abib 11 GRB 7.80m 14 Petrie, Andie 10 CEN 16.72m 6 Colyn, Tyrell 17 IPSS 4:54.55 21 Paull, Dimity 11 IPD 7.78m 15 Shepley, Tamischa 10 LYR 16.35m 7 Douglas, Alistair 17 KAR 5:02.00 22 Levin, Tamar 11 WAD 7.64m 16 Ember, Tahlia 10 WAD 15.91m 8 Friels, Josh 17 IID 5:05.73 23 Versace, Jessica 11 LYR 7.29m 17 Nicholls, Sophie 10 INA 15.72m 9 Gaymer, Nick 17 IPSS 5:06.52 24 Akib, Toluwa 11 WTB 7.27m 18 Brehm, Hayley 10 LYR 15.32m 10 Randle, Liam 17 IID 5:09.31 25 Lehmann, Hannah 11 LYR 6.99m 19 Willis, Ella 10 WAD 14.42m 11 Salim, Zuberi 17 KAR 5:11.80 26 Grieve, Reiney LYR 6.74m 20 Titmarsh, Emily 10 FAS 13.04m 12 Marshall, Bruklan 17 IPSS 5:17.40 21 McKenna, Kate 10 FAS 12.05m 13 Mathews, Ashlii 17 IPSS 5:17.92 22 Tradaway, Emma 10 FAS 11.21m 14 Schimke, Matthew 17 LKY 5:22.46 15 Durcau, Joseph 17 KAR 5:25.00 16 Stratford, Samual 17 LKY 5:34.70 17 Fonoti, Ali 17 YAG NT 1 Leota, Israel 10 18 Fofana, Ansu 17 YAG NT 2 Howie - Roy, Jake 10 3 Davis, Diesel 4 Kolb, Xavier Event 140 Boys 10 Year Olds Discus Throw Name Age School 11 Event 142 Boys 11 Year Olds Shot Put Name Age 1 Grb, 2 11 School GRB Seed Mark 2 Mamahit, Ethan 11 SBK 11.55m 11.83m Seed Mark 3 Bradway, Matthew 11 WAD 10.62m GRB 34.85m 4 Maugatai, Matthias 11 SBK 10.55m WAD 33.14m 5 Aliva, Rickson 11 IPD 10.26m 10 CEN 31.66m 6 Molkentien, Hayden11 LYR 10.14m 10 WTB 28.74m Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 15 Performance List 12 7 Wadsworth, Dominic SBK 1.34m 10 Jordan, Amber 12 INA NP GRB 9.95m 8 Carrick, Joshua 12 IPD 1.34m 11 Roberts, Lara 12 INA NP 8 Armstrong-Ravula, 11 IsaiahLYR 9.91m 9 Roberts, Benjamin 12 INA 1.33m 12 Hansen, Shanteal 12 SBK NP 9 Tuala, Carson Event 142 ... (Boys 11 Year Olds Shot Put) 7 Hudson, Caleb 11 11 INA 9.89m 10 Bennett, Matthew 12 WAD 1.33m 13 Heinrich, Katelyn 12 WAD NP 10 Skopp, Jack 11 LYR 9.74m 11 Josefsen, Lucas 12 INA 1.33m 14 Irakoze, Antoinette 12 SBK NP 11 Bamberry, Caleb 11 GRB 9.72m 12 Schmutter, Tyler 12 IPD 1.31m 12 Gersekowski, Jack 11 WAD 9.69m 13 Lubke, Mark 12 WAD 1.30m 13 Gourley, Blade 11 IPD 9.42m 14 De Lima, Joao 12 CEN 1.30m 14 Inoke, Desmond 11 INA 9.29m 15 Chin, Ethan 12 WAD 1.30m 12 LYR 1.29m 15 Stevens, Damon 11 SBK 9.23m 16 Martyn, Jace 16 Rees, Cadell 11 WTB 9.16m 17 Bykersma, Rueben 12 GRB 1.28m 17 Southey, Tyler 11 FAS 9.03m 18 Cannon-DeThierry, 12 TysonLYR 1.27m 12 GRB 1.26m 18 Self, Jake 11 IPD 9.02m 19 Jarrett, Bert 19 Ieli, Lington 11 INA 9.00m 20 Bulow, Kade 12 LYR 1.26m 20 Togia, Lachlan 11 CEN 8.95m 21 Boorer, Zachary 12 CEN 1.25m 21 Scanlon, Jeziah 11 CEN 8.70m 22 Jamieson, Riley 12 CEN 1.25m 22 Sila, MJ 11 CEN 8.69m 23 Nixon, Cody 12 FAS 1.23m 23 Dunne, Matthew 11 WAD 8.45m 24 Freeck, Kobe 12 FAS 1.23m 24 Murphy, William 11 FAS 8.19m 25 Tan, Ryan 12 FAS 1.23m 7.70m 26 Drinkwater, Connor12 GRB 1.23m 27 Makaafi, Alfred IPD 25 Smith, Ethan 11 FAS 26 Thygesen, Dom 11 WTB ND Age School 1 Way, Lara 12 NH Seed Mark Name Age School Points WTB 1.53m 1 McKay, Annabelle 10 WTB NP 2 Rasmussen, Tianna 12 IPD 1.36m 2 Badke, Kyarni 10 GRB NP 3 Taurino, Kyrah 12 CEN 1.36m 3 Barnett, Lexi 10 WTB NP 4 Lankowski, Zoe 12 FAS 1.30m 4 Falkenhagen, Sara 10 FAS NP 5 Fleming, Jasmin 12 INA 1.30m 5 McCauley, Chelsea 10 GRB NP IPD 1.27m 6 Chih, Sammi 10 SBK NP 7 Chenoweth, Emilie 12 WTB 1.27m 7 Threadingham, Emma 10 SBK NP 8 Rink, Georgia WAD 1.27m 8 Gover, Lakiya 10 CEN NP 9 Malcolm, Sophie 10 WAD NP 10 WAD NP 6 Kinesella, Maya 9 Deeb, Stephanie 12 12 12 WTB 1.25m 10 Dut, Veronica 12 CEN 1.25m 11 Paessler, Katie 12 CEN 1.25m 12 Anthony, Jenifer 12 CEN 1.25m 13 Pedroni, Dahniella 12 IPD 1.24m 14 Maina, Rosemary 12 WAD 1.24m 15 Gray, Madilyn 12 LYR 1.23m 16 Blatchly, Montana 12 LYR 1.21m 17 Capern, Sophie 12 WAD 1.21m 18 James, Susan 12 GRB 1.20m 19 Hargreaves, Josii 12 GRB 1.18m 20 Blanch, Trinity 12 FAS 1.18m 21 Churchward, Tiah 12 FAS 1.18m 22 Tang, Amy 12 GRB 1.15m 23 Kropman, Luci 12 LYR 1.15m 24 Davidson, Rosana 12 SBK 1.15m 25 Brunton, Emma 12 LYR 1.15m 26 Renner, Caitlin 12 SBK 1.15m 27 Kenneh, Bentou 12 SBK 1.15m Event 146 Girls 11 Year Olds Tetrathlon Name Age School 1 Finch, Brianna 11 WTB NP 2 Wtb, 2 11 WTB NP 3 Brown, Rachel 11 WAD NP 4 Mc Cormack, Bridgette 11 WAD NP 5 Sayers, Sophie 11 GRB NP 6 Wright, Erin 11 FAS NP 7 Ferris, Monet 11 GRB NP 8 Hanlon, Monique 11 INA NP 9 Condon, Kiara 11 IPD NP 10 Anglin, Txai 11 CEN NP Age School Seed Mark 1 Shaw, Lachlan 12 WTB 1.39m 2 Guet, Thon 12 IPD 1.37m 3 Kruck, Dylan 12 SBK 1.37m 4 Tillotsen, Riley 12 WTB 1.37m 5 Godbolt, Billy 12 WTB 1.37m 6 Werder, Aaron 12 SBK 1.34m Points 11 Blade, Caitlyn 11 SBK NP 12 Coutts, Millie 11 SBK NP 13 Barker, Lateesha 11 LYR NP Age School Name School 10 WTB NP 2 Grb, 3 10 GRB NP 3 Lee, Harrison 10 WTB NP 4 Alford, Lane 10 FAS NP 5 Taylor, Brock 10 FAS Points 1 Hargreaves, Josii 12 GRB NP 2 Isua, Tianah 12 GRB NP 3 Rink, Georgia 12 WAD NP 4 Chenoweth, Emilie 12 WTB NP 5 Lee, Charlotte Points NP 6 Khilstrom-Balin, Cooper 10 GRB NP 7 Shaw, Oscar 10 IPD NP 8 Paulson, Kaiza 10 SBK NP 9 Ranui-Mananui, Keeanu 10 CEN NP 10 Howie - Roy, Jake 10 WAD NP 11 Martini, Nicholas 10 WAD NP 12 Villiers, James SBK NP 10 Event 149 Boys 11 Year Olds Tetrathlon Age School Points 1 Gersekowski, Jack 11 WAD NP 2 Wright, Oscar 11 WTB NP 3 Kissell, Zac 11 SBK NP 4 Nelson, Jude 11 GRB NP 5 Murphy, William 11 FAS NP 6 Timms, Oscar 11 GRB NP 7 Harrison, Josiah 11 CEN NP 8 Prince, Dustin 11 INA NP 9 Corowa, Josiah 11 WTB NP 10 Gourley, Blade 11 IPD NP 11 Chol, Majok 11 SBK NP 12 Reweti-Teepa, Boston 11 INA NP Event 150 Boys 12 Year Olds Tetrathlon Age School 1 Lilley, Jayden Name 12 WAD NP 2 Ward, Ben 12 WTB NP 3 Werder, Aaron 12 SBK NP 4 Lindsay, Andrew 12 GRB NP 5 Tan, Ryan 12 FAS NP 6 Whisson, Tyler 12 GRB NP 7 Law, Calab 12 CEN NP 8 Box, Brendan 12 IPD NP 9 Roberts, Benjamin 12 INA Points NP 10 Kruck, Dylan 12 SBK NP 11 Gehrke, Joseph 12 IPD NP Event 151 Women 13-19 Hammer Throw Name Event 147 Girls 12 Year Olds Tetrathlon Name Event 144 Boys 12 Year Olds High Jump Name 10 Hunt, Amelia Age 1 McLeod, Sam Name Event 145 Girls 10 Year Olds Tetrathlon Event 143 Girls 12 Year Olds High Jump Name 12 Event 148 Boys 10 Year Olds Tetrathlon Age School Seed Mark 1 Vidler, Rochelle 14 IID 50.96m 2 Koop, Dayspring 16 KAR 30.00m 3 Roberts, Angela 15 KAR 20.00m 4 Smith, Kellie 17 IPSS 20.00m 5 Willoughby, Kelsie 15 YAG ND 12 GRB NP 6 Churchward, Tiah 12 FAS NP 7 James, Susan 12 GRB NP 1 Housden, Elliot 14 IID 42.00m 8 Sherrington, Ainsley12 INA NP 2 O'Brien, Flynn 16 IID 38.00m 9 Va'ai, Laylani CEN NP 3 Churchward, Tristan14 IPSS 35.00m 12 Event 152 Men 13-19 Hammer Throw Name Age School Seed Mark Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 16 Performance List 23 Nelson, Kaito 10 IPD 3.49m 25 Diaz, Kobe 11 INA 1.10m 24 Puller, Ben 10 LYR 3.46m 26 Butler, Ryan 11 SBK NH ND 25 Harrison, Tama 10 GRB 3.44m 27 Strong, Kaine 11 FAS NH ND 26 Kennedy, Dylan 10 LYR 3.44m Event 152 ... (Men 13-19 Hammer Throw) 4 Sneddon, Jacob 17 IPSS 5 Price, Lynton 16 WBD 6 Lalofau, Jordan 17 WBD 20.00m Event 159 Girls 11 Year Olds High Jump Event 157 Girls 10 Year Olds Long Jump Name Age School Seed Mark Name Age School Event 161 Girls 12 Year Olds Shot Put Name Seed Mark Age School Seed Mark 1 Churchward, Tiah 12 FAS 9.15m 1 Casaceli, Gemma 10 IPD 3.89m 1 Wtb, 2 11 WTB 1.30m 2 Hastie, Danae 12 WTB 8.95m 2 McKay, Annabelle 10 WTB 3.56m 2 Carter, Jacinta 11 IPD 1.28m 3 Fetoai, Ingrid 12 CEN 8.95m 3 Schwennesen, Ava 10 WTB 3.56m 3 Condon, Kiara 11 IPD 1.28m 4 Solomona, Naomi 12 WTB 8.18m 4 Johnson, Ziporah IPD 3.54m 4 Evans, Allera 11 IPD 1.25m 5 Bashirzadeh, Tara 12 WAD 7.95m 5 Richardson, Grace 10 WAD 3.45m 5 Brown, Rachel 11 WAD 1.25m 6 Smith, Madelin 12 CEN 7.92m 6 Kitching, Jessica IPD 3.43m 6 Levin, Tamar 11 WAD 1.25m 7 Fasi, Jo 12 CEN 7.89m 7 Threadingham, Emma 10 SBK 3.36m 7 Telecican, Elyse 11 SBK 1.25m 8 McCall, Abriana 12 FAS 7.66m 8 Lawrence, Sophie 10 LYR 3.36m 8 Wright, Erin 11 FAS 1.23m 9 Kraut, Brianna 12 IPD 7.64m 9 Remedios, Maya 10 WTB 3.32m 9 Versace, Jessica 11 LYR 1.21m 10 Lealasola, Shekinah12 SBK 7.63m 10 Smith, Taya 10 CEN 3.32m 10 Hand, Mikayla 11 WTB 1.20m 11 Iro, Jireh 12 GRB 7.59m 11 Phillips, Charli 10 CEN 3.32m 11 Hudson, Dallas 11 GRB 1.20m 12 Devi, Nandini 12 WTB 7.54m 12 Grb, 5 10 GRB 3.30m 12 Kunde, Carley 11 LYR 1.19m 13 Maina, Rosemary 12 WAD 7.41m 13 Jasch, Shanay 10 LYR 3.28m 13 Hanlon, Monique 11 INA 1.18m 14 Mika, Tracey 12 GRB 7.40m 14 Riddell, Josephine 10 WAD 3.28m 14 Laikum, Raven 11 INA 1.18m 15 Fonoti, Azaleah 12 GRB 7.33m 15 Tanielu, Jessica 10 INA 3.27m 15 Bulenga, Estimee 11 CEN 1.17m 16 Jessop, Kyara 12 SBK 7.31m 16 McKimmon, Leah 10 FAS 3.27m 16 Pinder, Rylee 11 GRB 1.17m 17 Jervis, Elizabeth 12 INA 7.20m 17 Falkenhagen, Sara 10 FAS 3.25m 17 Ukello, Sandra 11 GRB 1.17m 18 Tobolov, Julia 12 SBK 7.17m 18 Nicholls, Sophie 10 INA 3.24m 18 Solomon, Emilee 11 CEN 1.17m 19 Sitcheff, Ashleigh 12 WAD 7.14m 19 Hunt, Amelia 10 WAD 3.24m 19 Ike, Renee 11 SBK 1.16m 20 Bickers, Emily 12 LYR 7.13m 20 Sugars, Kaia 10 GRB 3.20m 20 Sbk, 1 11 SBK 1.16m 21 Berlin, Holly 12 LYR 7.13m 21 Fenn, Leila 10 GRB 3.14m 21 Barker, Lateesha 11 LYR 1.16m 22 Matthias, Greta 12 LYR 7.08m 22 Leung, Brianna 10 SBK 3.14m 22 Satriani, Vida 11 WTB 1.15m 23 McNamara, Jaslyn 12 FAS 7.05m 23 Marschke, Jada 10 FAS 3.13m 23 Freeman, Amanda 11 FAS 1.14m 24 Fox, Jemma 12 IPD 6.82m 24 Chih, Sammi 10 SBK 3.13m 24 Ampa'oi, Moale 11 CEN 1.14m 25 Chain, Bree-Anna 12 IPD 6.01m 25 Chansisourath, Indee10 INA 3.12m 25 Underwood, Emily 11 WAD 1.13m 26 Hargreaves, Ashleigh 12 IPD ND 26 Rowe, Olivia 10 CEN 3.10m 26 Dixon, Ebany 11 WAD 1.13m 27 Richards, Amber 10 LYR 3.10m 27 Stenzel, Emily 11 FAS 1.11m 28 Nunn, Kaylah 10 CEN ND 10 10 Name Event 158 Boys 10 Year Olds Long Jump Name Age School Event 160 Boys 11 Year Olds High Jump Seed Mark Seed Mark Event 163 Boys 12 Year Olds Shot Put Age School 1 Sword, Larzlo Name 12 WTB Seed Mark 10.40m 2 Lilley, Jayden 12 WAD 10.10m Age School 1 Daly, Lukas 11 WTB 1.33m 3 Lea, Saia 12 SBK 9.80m 1 Leota, Israel 10 GRB 4.33m 2 Griffith, Alex 11 WTB 1.33m 4 Kruck, Dylan 12 SBK 9.78m 2 Andria, Rony 10 INA 3.97m 3 Smith, Patrick 11 WAD 1.28m 5 Shaw, Lachlan 12 WTB 9.74m 3 Cooper, Lachlan 10 INA 3.92m 4 Gersekowski, Jack 11 WAD 1.28m 6 Winters-Chang, Kaleb 12 SBK 9.26m 4 Shaw, Ryan 10 WAD 3.91m 5 Ingham, Alec 11 WAD 1.28m 7 Kiri, Christian 12 IPD 9.22m 5 Timms, Ethan 10 GRB 3.77m 6 Timms, Oscar 11 GRB 1.27m 8 Kemp, Matthew 12 INA 9.19m 6 Villiers, James 10 SBK 3.74m 7 Lally, Tom 11 WTB 1.27m 9 Evile, Ephraim 12 CEN 9.15m 7 Ranui-Mananui, Keeanu 10 CEN 3.74m 8 Muller, Rhett 11 IPD 1.26m 10 Neumann, Charlie 12 WTB 9.05m 8 Lynch, Leo 10 WTB 3.73m 9 Reweti-Teepa, Boston 11 INA 1.25m 11 Wilkinson, Cody 12 GRB 9.05m 9 Puet, Brady 10 WAD 3.71m 10 Nelson, Jude GRB 1.24m 12 Chermside, Eric 12 GRB 8.92m 10 Segi, Henry 10 IPD 3.71m 11 Orlando-Reilly, Reegan 11 IPD 1.23m 13 Uludole, Alifereti 12 CEN 8.72m 11 Paulson, Kaiza 10 SBK 3.67m 12 Johnson, Xavier 11 IPD 1.23m 14 Mueller, Thomas 12 WAD 8.61m 12 McClain, Thomas 10 WAD 3.64m 13 Casha, Ryan 11 LYR 1.21m 15 Roberts, Benjamin 12 INA 8.52m 13 Mienert, Kyle 10 SBK 3.63m 14 Tiatia, Ezra 11 GRB 1.21m 16 Coogan, Tyler 12 WAD 8.49m 14 Kisando, Joy 10 CEN 3.61m 15 Mamahit, Ethan 11 SBK 1.20m 17 Tasi, Laki 12 CEN 8.43m 15 Lapana, Moroka 10 CEN 3.60m 16 Malual, Jal 11 SBK 1.20m 18 Tana, Malaki 12 GRB 8.36m 16 Rae, Kimball 10 FAS 3.57m 17 Harrison, Josiah 11 CEN 1.19m 19 Nichols, Corey-Jay 12 LYR 8.34m 17 Sbresni, Ryan 10 FAS 3.57m 18 Taban, Stephen 11 CEN 1.19m 20 Box, Brendan 12 IPD 8.34m 18 Forbes, Archie 10 WTB 3.56m 19 Cowdroy, Aden 11 CEN 1.19m 21 Riddell, Kyle 12 LYR 8.21m 19 Alford, Lane 10 FAS 3.53m 20 Freeman, Timothy 11 FAS 1.18m 22 Ashton-Norton, Zac12 INA 8.18m 20 Farinazzo, Jordy 10 WTB 3.51m 21 Murphy, William 11 FAS 1.18m 23 Rouse, Connor 12 IPD 8.01m 21 Smith, Kurtis 10 LYR 3.50m 22 Said, Joseph 11 INA 1.18m 24 Lowe, Kippy 12 LYR 7.85m 22 Madigan, Jesse 10 IPD 3.50m 23 Sullivan, Wil 11 LYR 1.17m 25 Ash, Tylah 12 FAS 7.69m 24 Jaremenko, Max 11 LYR 1.15m 26 Orford, Thomas 12 FAS 7.50m 11 Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 17 Performance List Event 163 ... (Boys 12 Year Olds Shot Put) 27 Ostrofski, Tyran 12 FAS 6.50m Event 164 Boys 10-12 Shot Put AWD Name Age School 1 Milburn, Rusty 11 WTB ND 2 King ***, Daniel 12 KURBY ND IPD ND 3 Leard ***, Eithen 10 Seed Mark Age School Seed Mark 1 Vidler, Rochelle 14 IID 2.45m 2 Hess, Carly 17 WBD 0.05m Event 173 Girls 10 Year Olds Shot Put Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Taufao, Caroline 10 CEN 7.96m 2 Vaaelua, Georgia 10 INA 7.58m 3 Tanielu, Kirsten-Lupe 10 CEN 7.44m 4 Jorgensen, Rilee 10 IPD 7.29m 5 Sims, Meleia 10 IPD 7.17m 6 Matapula, Rebecca 10 INA 7.07m 7 Ember, Tahlia 10 WAD 7.01m 8 Puna, Sala 10 CEN 6.92m 9 Grb, 5 10 GRB 6.85m 10 Mitchell, Olivia 10 WTB 6.79m 11 Tanielu, Jessica 10 INA 6.79m 12 Gallagher, Erin 10 GRB 6.77m 13 Curness, Abbie 10 SBK 6.71m 14 Malcolm, Sophie 10 WAD 6.56m 15 Leach Dowe, Iris 10 WTB 6.53m 16 Wong, Manesha 10 IPD 6.50m 17 Grieve, Carly 10 FAS 6.49m 18 Courtice, Maddie 10 SBK 6.48m 19 Waterworth, Winnie10 FAS 6.45m 20 Calabro, Rebecca 10 WAD 6.38m 21 Bess, Ebonique 10 GRB 6.33m 22 Connolly, Lani 10 SBK 6.24m 23 Shepley, Tamischa 10 LYR 6.03m 24 Zammit, Hannah 10 LYR 5.97m 25 Falkenhagen, Sara 10 FAS 5.92m 26 Stevens, Mikayla LYR 5.78m 10 Event 174 Boys 10 Year Olds Shot Put Name Age School 10 FAS 7.66m 23 Vever, Christian WAD 19.67m 18 Pask, Seth 10 IPD 7.66m 24 McDonald, Kynan 11 IPD 19.52m 19 McPhee, Wyce 10 LYR 7.53m 25 Grace, Nathaniel 11 CEN 19.30m 20 Sili, Samuel 10 SBK 7.53m 26 Leau, Tiamen 11 GRB 18.75m 21 Larter, Mitchel 10 SBK 7.48m 22 Lafaele, Lyric 10 FAS 7.23m Event 175 Girls 11 Year Olds Discus Throw Name Event 166 Women 13-19 Pole Vault Name 17 Taylor, Brock Seed Mark 1 Armstrong-Ravula, 10 MosesLYR 11.34m 2 Leota, Israel 10 GRB 10.51m 3 Cowan, Jarod 10 CEN 9.90m 4 Davis, Diesel 10 CEN 9.31m 5 Butlin, Toshi 10 WAD 9.26m 6 Ah Leong, Michael 10 CEN 8.51m 7 Wolske, Sateki 10 GRB 8.35m 8 Sauaga, Lafaele 10 IPD 8.24m 9 Johnston, Braith 10 INA 8.24m 10 Howie - Roy, Jake 10 WAD 8.11m 11 Dalby, Ky 10 FAS 8.07m 12 Urbina, Karl 10 GRB 7.99m 13 Pincombe, William 10 LYR 7.98m 14 Shaw, Oscar 10 IPD 7.88m 15 Groom, Nicholas 10 INA 7.77m 16 Gluch, Jared 10 INA 7.69m Age School Seed Mark 11 Event 177 Girls 12 Year Olds Long Jump Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Reynolds, Hayley 12 LYR 4.36m 2 Taurino, Kyrah 12 CEN 4.24m 1 Inivale, Talia 11 SBK 36.41m 3 Tobolov, Julia 12 SBK 4.21m 2 Edser, Jaimee 11 SBK 29.60m 4 Way, Lara 12 WTB 4.18m 3 Lavea, Desiree 11 SBK 28.72m 5 Anthony, Jenifer 12 CEN 4.18m 4 Wright, Erin 11 FAS 27.49m 6 Va'ai, Laylani 12 CEN 4.12m 5 Durmaz, Hilal 11 IPD 23.31m 7 Shiner, Kalista-Jayne 12 CEN 4.08m 6 Grb, 4 11 GRB 22.18m 8 Chenoweth, Emilie 12 WTB 4.04m 7 Condon, Kiara 11 IPD 21.16m 9 Maina, Rosemary 12 WAD 4.03m 8 Ah You, Samantha 11 IPD 19.44m 10 Kellam, Hailey LYR 4.00m 9 Thompson, Casey 11 FAS 19.41m 11 Solomona, Naomi 12 WTB 3.94m 12 10 Heteraka, Kayla 11 CEN 18.76m 12 Gray, Madilyn 12 LYR 3.94m 11 Marshall, Jamie 11 WAD 17.94m 13 Churchward, Tiah 12 FAS 3.90m 12 Behrendorff, Ashleigh 11 FAS 17.93m 14 Rasmussen, Tianna 12 IPD 3.90m 13 Bernard, Abigail INA 17.35m 15 Blashak, Emily 12 IPD 3.79m 14 Rowbotham, Elly 11 WAD 17.32m 16 Hargreaves, Josii 12 GRB 3.77m 15 Davenport, Ana 11 CEN 17.18m 17 Collins, Rose 12 GRB 3.74m 16 Finch, Brianna 11 WTB 16.85m 18 Hay, Courtney 12 FAS 3.73m 17 Co-Tan, Charlize 11 INA 16.75m 19 Williams, Kara 12 SBK 3.73m 18 Somerfield, Allie 11 GRB 16.67m 20 James, Susan 12 GRB 3.73m 19 Hanlon, Monique 11 INA 16.53m 21 Terry Vesnaver, Tanika 12 SBK 3.69m 20 Low, Courtney 11 WAD 16.26m 22 Wilson Gray, Leah 12 WAD 3.65m 21 Faamate, Lina 11 CEN 16.12m 23 Blackman, Lani 12 IPD 3.65m 22 Katoa, Tupoutua 11 GRB 15.92m 24 Scarth, Amity 12 WAD 3.64m 23 Kunde, Carley 11 LYR 15.90m 25 McCall, Abriana 12 FAS 3.62m 24 Wtb, 1 11 WTB 15.81m 26 Chapman, Tia 12 INA 3.61m 25 Noble, Alexia 11 LYR 15.41m 27 Roberts, Lara 12 INA 3.52m 26 Versace, Jessica 11 LYR 15.38m 28 Dodd, Emily 12 INA 3.48m WTB 14.73m 11 27 Beresford, Phoebe 11 Event 176 Boys 11 Year Olds Discus Throw Name Age School Event 179 Boys 12 Year Olds Long Jump Name Seed Mark 1 Kruck, Dylan Age School Seed Mark 12 SBK 5.30m 11 SBK 31.99m 2 Wadsworth, Dominic 12 SBK 4.63m 2 Maugatai, Matthias 11 SBK 30.75m 3 Leavers, Jack 12 WTB 4.53m 3 Aliva, Rickson 11 IPD 25.09m 4 Werder, Aaron 12 SBK 4.52m 4 Sullivan, Wil 11 LYR 24.90m 5 Box, Brendan 12 IPD 4.47m 5 Dunne, Matthew 11 WAD 24.86m 6 Simi, Declan 12 GRB 4.38m 6 Inivale, Ezekiel 11 SBK 24.36m 7 Densley, Mitchell 12 WTB 4.34m 7 Reweti-Teepa, Boston 11 INA 23.24m 8 Braga, Thomas 12 IPD 4.27m 8 Bradway, Matthew 11 WAD 23.17m 9 Lynch, Noah 12 WTB 4.26m 9 Gourley, Blade 11 IPD 23.08m 10 Law, Calab 12 CEN 4.26m 10 Erbacher, Ashton 11 GRB 22.10m 11 Passfield, Mathew 12 LYR 4.23m 11 Armstrong-Ravula, 11 IsaiahLYR 22.00m 12 Gehrke, Joseph 12 IPD 4.23m 12 Conroy, Baedan 11 WTB 21.82m 13 Kime, Danny 12 CEN 4.21m 13 Harrison, Josiah 11 CEN 21.66m 14 Sheriff, Lasender 12 INA 4.21m 14 Molkentien, Hayden11 LYR 21.54m 15 Roberts, Benjamin 12 INA 4.17m 15 Yadon, John 11 INA 21.13m 16 Smith, Lachlan 12 WAD 4.16m 16 Smith, Ethan 11 FAS 21.05m 17 Bennett, Matthew 12 WAD 4.15m 17 Thygesen, Dom 11 WTB 20.48m 18 Tambwe, Prince 12 CEN 4.13m 18 Bamberry, Caleb 11 GRB 20.44m 19 Beston, James 12 CEN 4.13m 19 Newell, Joseph 11 WTB 20.39m 20 Tan, Ryan 12 FAS 4.11m 20 Sila, MJ 11 CEN 20.36m 21 Courtney, Landon 12 WAD 4.10m 21 Moore, Kobe 11 FAS 20.12m 22 Whisson, Tyler 12 GRB 4.05m 22 Sbresni, Josh 11 FAS 19.78m 23 Hewson, Bailey 12 LYR 3.99m 1 Mamahit, Ethan Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 18 Performance List 20 Evans, Ryan 10 IPD 1.13m 24 Boyton, Kyte 11 FAS 3.76m 12 GRB 3.94m 21 Mapley, Max 10 WAD 1.13m 25 Kaatz, Ryley 11 FAS 3.70m 25 Pincombe, Dominic12 LYR 3.90m 22 McClain, Thomas 10 WAD 1.13m 26 Middleton, Sean 11 SBK ND 26 Ash, Tylah 12 FAS 3.89m 23 Hirsch, Jacob 10 LYR 1.11m 27 Nixon, Cody 12 FAS 3.87m 24 Roser, Rhys 10 SBK 1.10m 28 Makaafi, Alfred 12 IPD ND 25 Maas, Carl 10 FAS 1.08m Event 179 ... (Boys 12 Year Olds Long Jump) 24 Tekopi, Daniel Event 183 Girls 11 Year Olds Long Jump Event 180 Boys 10-12 Long Jump AWD Name Age School 1 McQuilty ***, Nyle10 WTB 2 King ***, Daniel KURBY 12 Seed Mark 1 Leung, Brianna Age School 30.93m 2 Roberts, Lara 12 INA 27.90m 3 Kraut, Brianna 12 IPD 25.22m 4.32m 4 Va'ai, Laylani 12 CEN 25.10m ND 2 Condon, Kiara 11 IPD 3.94m 5 Lealasola, Shekinah12 SBK 25.08m 3 Wtb, 2 11 WTB 3.94m 6 Fleming, Jasmin INA 24.54m 4 Wright, Erin 11 FAS 3.93m 7 Solomona, Naomi 12 WTB 23.62m 5 Blade, Caitlyn 11 SBK 3.91m 8 Lee, Catherine 12 LYR 23.33m 6 Kunde, Carley 11 LYR 3.91m 9 Smith, Madelin 12 CEN 23.31m 7 Hanlon, Monique 11 INA 3.87m 10 Sitcheff, Ashleigh 12 WAD 22.60m 8 Coutts, Millie 11 SBK 3.86m 11 Devi, Nandini 12 WTB 22.25m 9 Mucek, India 11 SBK 3.85m 12 Pearse, Moana 12 SBK 21.95m 10 Taber, Maddy 11 IPD 3.84m 13 Parker, Alyssa 12 FAS 21.43m 11 Renton, Sophie 11 WTB 3.69m 14 Jessop, Kyara 12 SBK 20.88m 12 Canning, Abbey 11 FAS 3.68m 15 Power, Tahlia 12 IPD 20.03m 13 Katoa, Tupoutua 11 GRB 3.68m 16 Johnson, Tahlia 12 WAD 19.72m 14 Versace, Jessica 11 LYR 3.66m 17 Howden, Abby 12 CEN 19.20m 15 Farrell-Thomas, Dakota 11 CEN 3.65m 18 Maina, Rosemary 12 WAD 19.06m 16 Brown, Rachel 11 WAD 3.63m 19 Wairau, Kayla 12 GRB 18.94m 17 Anglin, Txai 11 CEN 3.62m 20 Trim, Bella 12 FAS 18.67m 18 Edwards, Ella 11 WAD 3.61m 21 Reynolds, Brianna 12 IPD 18.20m 19 Yock, Florence 11 LYR 3.60m 22 Shepley, Shayana 12 LYR 17.81m 20 Mc Cormack, Bridgette 11 WAD 3.58m 23 Hargreaves, Josii 12 GRB 17.72m 21 Bulenga, Estimee 11 CEN 3.57m 24 Jervis, Elizabeth 12 INA 17.49m 22 Hand, Mikayla 11 WTB 3.54m 25 Butler, Eloise 12 GRB 17.12m 23 Ukello, Sandra 11 GRB 3.52m 26 Burge, Ella 12 WTB 17.10m 24 Pinder, Rylee 11 GRB 3.51m 27 Berlin, Holly 12 LYR 16.68m 25 Fletcher, Kayla 11 FAS 3.47m 28 Hargreaves, Ashleigh 12 IPD ND 26 Stopford, Hannah 11 INA 3.44m Seed Mark 2 Schwennesen, Ava 10 WTB 1.16m 3 Matthews, Allegra 10 WTB 1.16m 4 Malcolm, Sophie 10 WAD 1.15m 5 Vairoa, Mitaki 10 INA 1.15m 6 Johnson, Ziporah 10 IPD 1.14m 7 Moeser, Skyee 10 GRB 1.13m 8 Fishlock, Joanna 10 WAD 1.12m 9 Cox, Sarita 10 SBK 1.12m 10 Wynn, Teak 10 WTB 1.12m 11 Tekopi, Neema 10 GRB 1.11m 12 Gover, Lakiya 10 CEN 1.11m 13 Modiri Avezo, Diglove 10 CEN 1.11m 14 Weaver, Natasha 10 IPD 1.11m 15 Brown, Lilly 10 SBK 1.10m 16 Roberts, Indiana 10 WAD 1.09m 17 Goujon, Kaya 10 LYR 1.09m 18 Brandon, Anna 10 FAS 1.08m 19 McKimmon, Leah 10 FAS 1.08m 20 Marschke, Jada 10 FAS 1.08m 21 Kitching, Jessica 10 IPD 1.08m 22 Grb, 5 10 GRB 1.06m 23 Lawrence, Sophie 10 LYR 1.06m 24 Puna, Sala 10 CEN 1.05m 25 Anderson, Emily 10 LYR 1.05m Event 182 Boys 10 Year Olds High Jump Seed Mark 1 Leota, Israel 10 GRB 1.35m 2 Hill, Henry 10 WTB 1.28m 3 Gorea, Emmanuel 10 WTB 1.24m 4 Guet, Garang 10 CEN 1.24m 5 Segi, Henry 10 IPD 1.22m 6 Gakindi, Gabriel 10 WTB 1.22m 7 Apiu, Nhial 10 CEN 1.22m 8 Cooper, Lachlan 10 INA 1.21m 9 Chandio, Svboor 10 GRB 1.19m 10 INA 1.18m 11 Muhad Ahmed, Abdullahi 10 INA 1.18m 12 Ryan, Edward 10 Andria, Rony Seed Mark FAS IPD 1.20m School Seed Mark School 11 SBK Age School Age 1 Durmaz, Hilal 10 Name Age Name 1 Churchward, Tiah 12 2.90m Event 181 Girls 10 Year Olds High Jump Name Name Event 185 Girls 12 Year Olds Discus Throw 10 WAD 1.16m 13 Martini, Nicholas 10 WAD 1.16m 14 Calverley, Jared 10 IPD 1.16m 15 Rae, Kimball 10 FAS 1.16m 16 Walker, Harry 10 SBK 1.15m 17 Shearman, Brock 10 LYR 1.15m 18 Timms, Ethan 10 GRB 1.13m 19 Payne, Ty 10 LYR 1.13m Event 184 Boys 11 Year Olds Long Jump Name Age School 12 Event 187 Boys 12 Year Olds Discus Throw Age School Seed Mark 1 Shaw, Lachlan Name 12 WTB Seed Mark 35.22m 1 Harrison, Josiah 11 CEN 4.15m 2 Lilley, Jayden 12 WAD 32.94m 2 Tiatia, Ezra 11 GRB 4.13m 3 Kruck, Dylan 12 SBK 30.95m 3 Yadon, John 11 INA 4.09m 4 Tana, Malaki 12 GRB 30.44m 4 Wright, Oscar 11 WTB 4.09m 5 Ash, Tylah 12 FAS 27.84m 5 McDonaugh-Milosevic, 11 Nicholas GRB 4.08m 6 Wilkinson, Cody 12 GRB 27.78m 6 Mizuno, Kai 11 WAD 4.04m 7 Patrick, Jake 12 IPD 27.30m 7 Aliva, Rickson 11 IPD 4.03m 8 Lane, Joshua 12 WTB 26.71m 8 Nelson, Jude 11 GRB 4.01m 9 Beston, James 12 CEN 26.57m 9 Scott, Tom 11 WTB 3.99m 10 Shannon, Raiden 12 LYR 25.62m 10 Mamahit, Ethan 11 SBK 3.98m 11 Vaitai, Liu 12 CEN 25.17m 11 Cox, Kyle 11 LYR 3.98m 12 Hemana, Kaylan 12 SBK 25.10m 12 Moore, Campbell 11 IPD 3.98m 13 Hoffman, Nathan 12 LYR 24.36m 13 Griffith, Alex 11 WTB 3.97m 14 Evile, Ephraim CEN 24.29m 14 Douglas, Bayley 11 WAD 3.96m 15 Starrenburg, Jayden12 IPD 24.14m 15 Chol, Majok 11 SBK 3.95m 16 Stolberg, Liam 12 IPD 23.84m 16 Jaremenko, Max 11 LYR 3.94m 17 Usufono, Tony 12 GRB 23.47m 17 Ali, Rayhan 11 WAD 3.90m 18 Boole, Abdikufi 12 SBK 22.45m 18 Sbresni, Josh 11 FAS 3.84m 19 Bulow, Kade 12 LYR 22.38m 19 Paga, Xarisma 11 CEN 3.79m 20 Jones, Braydon 12 FAS 22.06m 20 Prince, Dustin 11 INA 3.79m 21 Kemp, Matthew 12 INA 22.04m 21 Barrere, Sebastien 11 CEN 3.79m 22 Hughes, Julian 12 INA 21.90m 22 Stoddart, Riley 11 IPD 3.79m 23 Moss, Ben 12 WAD 21.32m 23 Humphris, Drew 11 LYR 3.79m 24 Cannon, Zander 12 WAD 21.03m 12 Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 19 Performance List 20 Hickey, Connor 14 BID 27.42m 23 Kang, Leo 16 WBD ND 21 Pepe, Jermaine 14 KAR 26.98m 24 Itiri, Anthony 16 YAG ND ND 22 Ward, Cooper 14 IID 26.02m ND 23 Laloata, Frank 14 KAR 24.93m 24 Pardy, Asher 14 WBD ND Event 187 ... (Boys 12 Year Olds Discus Throw) 25 Roberts, Benjamin 12 INA 20.24m 26 McKenzie, Jett 12 FAS 27 Ward, Ben 12 WTB Event 188 Boys 10-12 Discus Throw AWD Name 1 King ***, Daniel Age 12 2 Leard ***, Eithen 10 School Seed Mark KURBY ND IPD ND Event 189 Women 13 Year Olds High Jump Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Bell, Casey 13 IID 1.65m 2 Williams, Kelsea 13 IID 1.60m 3 Unwin, Jordan 13 IID 1.45m 4 Veber, Emma 13 LKY 1.40m 5 Pocock, Carla 13 LKY 1.35m 6 Walker, Kasey 13 IID 1.35m 7 Dixon, Annika 13 WBD 1.35m 8 Bidgood, Lilly 13 BID 1.35m 9 Bowell, Mackenzie 13 BID 1.32m 10 Lightbody, Isabelle 13 WBD 1.30m 11 Shearer, Jasmin 13 BID 1.30m 12 Allerton, Jade 13 LKY 1.30m 13 Scott, Libby 13 LKY 1.30m 14 Oyet, Eunice 13 KAR 1.28m 15 Matauaina, Jacqueline 13 KAR 1.25m 16 Wenck, Charlotte 13 IPSS 1.25m 17 King, Abbey 13 IPSS 1.25m 18 Garwood, Sharnah 13 IPSS 1.25m 19 Smith, Abby 13 IPSS 1.25m 20 Huybens, Bonnie 13 KAR 1.20m 21 Juriansz, Grace 13 KAR 1.16m 22 Wbd, 14 13 WBD 1.15m 23 Cradick, Felicity 13 WBD 1.10m 24 Balmforth, Marni 13 YAG NH 25 Rambang, Nyajimma 13 YAG NH 26 Dau, Maddison 13 YAG NH 27 Alo, Melody 13 YAG NH Event 190 Men 14 Year Olds Discus Throw Name Age 1 Churchward, Tristan14 School Seed Mark IPSS 42.87m 2 Grayson, Samuel 14 IID 37.76m 3 Kovac, Sam 14 BID 36.75m 4 Somerville, Jake 14 BID 35.60m 5 Chotrueng, Thuwanon 14 WBD 35.48m 6 Ngembe, Jeremie 14 BID 35.30m 7 Sword, Izi 14 WBD 35.17m 8 Housden, Elliot 14 IID 33.84m 14 Codi LKY 9 Langbridge-Thompson, 10 Lowing, Natnael 32.24m 14 LKY 31.74m 11 Klewin, Thatcher 14 KAR 30.77m 12 Tauakipulu, Tiaan 14 IID 30.66m 13 Martell, Tristan 14 WBD 30.61m 14 Waters, Jacob 14 IPSS 30.31m 15 Morgan, Jackson 14 LKY 30.30m 16 Presneill, Thomas 14 IPSS 28.87m 17 Pewee, Praises 14 KAR 28.35m 18 Sione, Falaniko 14 IPSS 27.70m 19 Shirzada, Saied 14 WBD 27.51m 25 Ah Chong, Myphala14 YAG ND 26 Peace, Wayan 14 YAG ND 27 Morgan, Randy 14 YAG ND 28 Yag, 2 14 YAG ND Event 191 Women 17 Year Olds Javelin Throw Name Age School Seed Mark Event 193 Women 18-19 Javelin Throw Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Murphy, Jacinta 18 BID 21.45m 2 Kennedy, Lucy 18 IID 20.87m 3 Oliva, Pandora 18 IPSS 20.09m 4 Cox, Emily 18 LKY 19.94m 5 Tanielu, Francine 18 IPSS 16.13m 6 Kuk, Ann 18 KAR 15.78m 7 Soa, Pelelise 18 IPSS 15.68m 1 Stieler, Ashlee 17 IID 37.00m 8 Green, Megan 18 KAR 14.64m 2 List, Alexis 17 IPSS 33.36m 9 Brown, Chelsea 18 KAR 12.27m 3 Smith, Jessie-Claire17 BID 29.00m 10 Little, Shania 18 KAR 12.20m 4 James, Nadine 17 KAR 28.86m 11 Tanielu, Monique 18 IPSS 8.95m 5 Sammut, Molly 17 IID 28.07m 12 Mossi, Situmayi 18 BID 8.07m 6 Dyer, Emily 17 BID 27.00m 13 Begum, Minara 18 BID 7.77m 7 Leuga, Uriah 17 KAR 26.36m 14 Fetu, Faagalo 18 YAG ND 8 Aokusa, Zitina 17 KAR 23.92m 15 Leafa, Lopala 18 YAG ND IID 21.71m 9 Howgego, Emarie 17 10 Hunt, Kyarnnah 17 KAR 21.61m 11 Johnson, Daisy 17 WBD 21.55m 12 Walmsley, Holly 17 LKY 20.48m 13 Burton, Carol 17 LKY 19.98m 14 Davies, Matina 17 WBD 19.35m 15 Saunia, Shannonssy17 IPSS 17.66m 16 Lopau, Quinnie 17 IPSS 17.52m 17 Smith, Kellie 17 IPSS 16.91m 18 Seipel, Melinda 17 WBD 16.44m 19 Ab, Salha 17 BID 10.38m 20 Umutoni Kalisa, Summayah 17 BID 10.11m 21 Alberto, Joyce 17 YAG ND 22 Mato, Shannon 17 YAG ND 23 Abel, Leesha 17 YAG ND 24 Duroux, Darcee 17 YAG ND Event 192 Men 16 Year Olds Long Jump Name Age School Seed Mark Event 194 Men 15 Year Olds Triple Jump Name 1 Moloney, Ashley Age 15 School Seed Mark KAR 13.24m 2 Griffiths, Michael 15 BID 12.39m 3 Williams, Kooper 15 IID 11.90m 4 Galo, Patrick 15 KAR 11.89m 5 Paulo, Emanuele 15 IID 11.55m 6 Gillam, Jai 15 KAR 11.41m 7 Wood, Branden 15 LKY 11.34m 8 Suey, Shannon 15 IPSS 11.29m 9 Williams, Bailey 15 LKY 11.18m 10 Campbell, Bradyn 15 WBD 11.08m 11 Johnston, David 15 KAR 10.85m 12 Freeman, Thomas 15 IPSS 10.82m 13 Mullen, Brock 15 IPSS 10.74m 14 Duddy, Jye 15 IPSS 10.71m 15 Gallman, Mark 15 WBD 10.71m 16 Wbd, 6 15 WBD 10.68m 15 LKY 10.67m 1 Hicks, Callum 16 IID 5.98m 17 White, Tyson 2 McGrath, Kian 16 KAR 5.92m 18 Danvers-Hansen, Jak 15 IID 10.61m 3 Rasmussen, Jarod 16 IID 5.87m 19 Cook, Cameron WBD 10.52m 4 Karger, Stephen 16 WBD 5.86m 20 Czapracki, Dominic15 IID 9.36m 5 Kuresa, Frank 16 IID 5.73m 21 Fenn, Malachi 15 BID 8.03m 6 Rane, Waleed 16 KAR 5.65m 22 Brown, Frank 15 YAG ND 7 Hughes-Evans, Jeremy-Lee 16 LKY 5.61m 23 Giles, Aiden 15 YAG ND 8 D'Roza, Aidan 16 WBD 5.59m 24 Te Riini, Joel 15 YAG ND 9 Steffe, Michael 16 WBD 5.58m 25 Ormsby, Kee-Lin 15 YAG ND 10 Cleaver, Benjamin 16 IID 5.53m 11 White, Caleb 16 IPSS 5.46m 12 Debelle, Ronald 16 KAR 5.44m 13 Broadhead, Luke 16 KAR 5.32m 14 Mulitalo, Ronaldo 16 IPSS 5.30m 15 Pere, Kea 16 IPSS 5.26m 16 Burchell, Rhys 16 LKY 5.22m 17 Hilton, Jordan 16 LKY 5.20m 18 Fane, Christopher 16 IPSS 5.19m 19 Wallis, Brayden 16 BID 5.16m 20 Hardess, Gerard 16 BID 4.75m 21 Grant, Nick 16 YAG ND 22 Rangiuira, Mario 16 YAG ND 15 Event 195 Women 15 Year Olds Shot Put Name Age School 15 WBD 2 Langbridge, Cyndi 15 LKY 11.56m 3 De Glas, Phoebe 15 BID 10.89m 4 Stolberg, Tyla 15 IID 10.81m 1 Tafiti, Siiva Seed Mark 13.37m 5 Andreaasend, Savannah 15 KAR 9.93m 6 Sullivan, Keely 15 WBD 9.28m 7 Iona, Nora 15 WBD 9.15m 8 Turnbull, Kayla 15 LKY 8.90m 9 Boughen, Elizabeth 15 IID 8.82m 10 Wozencroft, Erika 15 IID 8.74m 11 Matauaina, Luse KAR 8.70m 15 Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 20 Performance List 13 Lowe, Dion 17 LKY 10.97m 8.65m 14 Lillie, Jordan 17 LKY 10.95m IID 8.62m 15 Waugh, Dante 17 WBD 10.94m 14 Pozzebon, Madison 15 LKY 8.49m 16 Lalofau, Jordan 17 WBD 10.67m 15 Tamotu, Paratina 15 IPSS 8.48m 17 Matauaina, Timothy17 KAR 10.65m 16 Repia, Jasmine 15 KAR 8.32m 18 Lenehan, Blake 17 IPSS 10.33m 17 Seth, Zaphronia 15 IPSS 8.28m 19 Sneddon, Jacob 17 IPSS 10.16m 18 Roberts, Angela 15 KAR 8.28m 20 Kirisome, Sonny 17 YAG ND 19 Tansell, Kyarni 15 IPSS 6.85m 21 Tupu, Andrew 17 YAG ND 22 Mamea, Danny 17 YAG ND Event 195 ... (Women 15 Year Olds Shot Put) 12 Heo, Min 13 Jobst, Kirrah 15 15 WBD 20 Hayton, Grace 15 IPSS 6.84m 21 Neumann, Holly 15 BID 6.33m 22 Visesio, Eseta 15 YAG ND 23 Tuileisu, Catelynn 15 YAG ND 24 Tootoo, Alice 15 YAG ND 25 Livi, Malili 15 YAG ND Event 198 Women 14 Year Olds High Jump Name Age School Seed Mark 1 McGuire, Annie 14 IID 1.62m 2 Lawrence, Jenna 14 KAR 1.56m 3 Gralton, Elizabeth 14 BID 1.54m 4 Milford, Ella 14 IID 1.50m Seed Mark 5 Brookes, Erin 14 BID 1.40m 11.75m 6 Chaplin, Tara 14 LKY 1.38m BID 10.36m 7 Grigg, Issy 14 WBD 1.35m 3 Hunter, Mackenzie 15 KAR 10.30m 8 Tierney, Holly 14 IID 1.35m 4 Bell, Amy IID Event 196 Women 15 Year Olds Triple Jump Name 1 Wynyard, Demi 2 Toto, Rimaz Age 15 15 15 School BID 9.91m 9 Rowbotham, Milla 14 BID 1.35m 14 LKY 1.35m 5 Griffiths, Charlee 15 LKY 9.72m 10 Dougall, Brooke 6 James, Rachel 15 KAR 9.70m 11 Dowlang, Tahlia 14 IPSS 1.33m 7 Harvey, Talena 15 LKY 9.51m 12 Murphy, Molly 14 BID 1.30m 8 Lewis, Ella 15 IID 9.20m 13 Nugent, Gracie 14 WBD 1.30m 9 Anderson, Michaela15 IID 9.15m 14 Port, Holly 14 IID 1.30m 10 Barretto, Hana 15 BID 9.15m 15 Pugh, Amelia 14 BID 1.30m 11 Bock, Yasmine 15 LKY 9.08m 16 Jackwitz, Natalie 14 LKY 1.30m 14 LKY 1.30m 12 Stolberg, Tyla 15 IID 8.90m 17 Gower, Melody 13 Sayer, Shianneh 15 IPSS 8.60m 18 Gale, Joyce 14 KAR 1.28m 14 Mwechiwa, Farhia 15 KAR 8.53m 19 Harper, Caliesha 14 IPSS 1.26m 14 IPSS 1.26m 15 Reed-Wilson, Chloe15 IPSS 8.51m 20 Fraser, Candace 16 Macdonald, Amy 15 IPSS 8.37m 21 Goodman, Brooklyn14 IPSS 1.26m 17 Heo, Min 15 WBD 8.33m 22 Hardy-Synnott, Jade14 IPSS 1.26m 18 Sleiman, Lillian 15 WBD 8.32m 23 Leleinasamoa, Lisa 14 WBD 1.25m 19 Martin, Elle 15 IPSS 8.30m 24 Miley, Tegan 14 KAR 1.25m 20 Roberts, Angela 15 KAR 8.02m 25 Wbd, 7 14 WBD 1.25m 21 Morris, Agnes 15 BID 7.74m 26 Wise, Tessa 14 KAR 1.21m YAG NH Event 200 Men 13-19 Shot Put AWD Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Atuatika ***, Harris13 IID 7.92m 2 Hartley ***, Lachlan 13 KAR 6.00m 3 Amos ***, Liam KURBY ND 4 Summerell ***, Camerona 14 KURBY ND 5 Stollznow ***, Joshua 18 KURBY ND 6 Rivett ***, Andre 18 KURBY ND 7 Blake, Joel 16 LKY ND 8 Clayton ***, Rory 17 WBD ND 9 Lay ***, Lennon KURBY ND 17 14 Event 201 Men 16 Year Olds Javelin Throw Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Wallis, Brayden 16 BID 41.00m 2 Green, Andrew 16 KAR 39.30m 3 Brandley, Damien 16 IID 39.16m 4 Beitzel, Josh 16 LKY 38.28m 5 Malic, Alem 16 KAR 36.52m 6 Crouch, Scott 16 KAR 36.50m 7 Leaney, Josh 16 WBD 36.39m 8 Messenger, Broderick 16 LKY 36.27m 9 Redgrave, Shaun 16 LKY 35.08m 10 Wall, Leo 16 BID 35.00m 11 Vannek, Rhys 16 IPSS 33.75m 12 Vogler, Daniel 16 IPSS 32.96m 13 Lennon, Jordan 16 IID 32.85m 14 Peckq, Lachlan 16 IID 32.75m 15 Creedy, Clinton 16 LKY 32.36m 16 Pere, Kea 16 IPSS 32.26m 17 Noffke, William 16 IPSS 31.25m 18 McNabb, Jonothan 16 KAR 31.00m 19 Hardess, Gerard 16 BID 30.98m 20 Kemp, Khaleb 16 IID 29.42m 21 Collins, Josh 16 WBD 28.45m 22 Honey, Edward 16 WBD 26.09m 23 Woulf, Elisha 16 YAG ND 24 Rangiuira, Mario 16 YAG ND 25 Tuimauga, Jeremiah16 YAG ND 22 Cook, Erin 15 WBD 7.53m 27 Willoughby, Kelsie 15 23 Bennett, Kat 15 WBD 7.51m 28 Ginger-Delaney, Khieateya 14 YAG NH 24 Boyd, Chloe 15 YAG ND 29 Yag, 11 14 YAG NH 25 Allawu, Nyawaraga15 YAG ND 30 O'Grady, Cassandra14 YAG NH 1 Tettey, Caleb 13 KAR 5.50m 26 Taban, Nancy 15 YAG ND 31 Balebanga, Tosha 14 YAG NH 2 Olayemi, Aaron 13 KAR 5.30m 27 Thomas, Chloe 15 YAG ND 3 Hobart, Toby 13 BID 5.25m 4 Tamburin, Dominic 13 BID 5.24m 5 Lo, Brandon 13 KAR 5.22m 6 Johnson, Byron 13 BID 5.20m 7 Tronc, Thomas 13 IID 5.17m 8 Dilla, Ceasar 13 KAR 5.10m 9 Sheriff, Tito 13 WBD 5.03m 10 Vukelic, Sony 13 IID 4.99m 11 Cooper, Thomas 13 WBD 4.89m 12 Pholi, Tyler 13 LKY 4.83m 13 Cox, Chandler 13 IPSS 4.80m Name Event 197 Men 17 Year Olds Shot Put Name Age School Event 199 Men 18-19 Shot Put Seed Mark Age School Seed Mark 1 Tuiga, Tuiga 18 IPSS 12.35m IID 14.18m 2 De Groot, Julian 18 BID 12.26m 17 IID 2 Latu-Meafou, Emmanuel 13.96m 3 Hardess, James 18 BID 11.80m 3 Wolske, Tevita 17 IID 13.92m 4 Tshilumba, Augustin18 KAR 10.80m 4 Lister, Brycen 17 IPSS 12.90m 5 Plumb, Jonathon 18 IPSS 10.14m 18 IPSS 10.10m 1 Sefo Wallace, Brandon 17 5 Otim, Denis 17 WBD 12.41m 6 Wenzel, Kyle 6 Kabamba, Trezor 17 KAR 12.39m 7 Ioane, Jezzy 18 KAR 10.04m 7 Keepa, Jai 17 KAR 12.32m 8 Semyraha, Tyler 18 IPSS 9.74m 8 Ballin, Brock 17 IPSS 12.17m 9 Poe, Abraham 18 KAR 9.72m 9 Anderson, Jake 17 IID 12.06m 10 Mico, Gianni 18 KAR 9.53m 10 Phillips, Cordal 17 WBD 11.59m 11 Nguyen, Nhan 18 YAG ND 11 Coles, Daniel 17 LKY 11.33m 12 Ramsay-Chapman, Jayden 18 YAG ND 12 Ratana, Freeman 17 KAR 11.28m 13 Iosua, Vaopuka ND 18 YAG Event 202 Men 13 Year Olds Long Jump Name Age School Seed Mark 14 Van Hengel-Waite, Ethan 13 IID 4.79m 15 Gregory, Isaak 13 LKY 4.76m 16 Wallace, Mitchell 13 IPSS 4.75m 17 Williams, Connor 13 WBD 4.68m 18 Moffatt, George 13 IPSS 4.68m 19 Pearson, Kodi 13 BID 4.65m Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 21 Performance List 22 Kur, Keth 17 YAG ND 7 Ghusn, William 13 BID 28.00m IPSS 4.56m 23 Duroux, Darcee 17 YAG ND 8 Cooper, Thomas 13 WBD 27.56m 24 Taala, Nikey 17 YAG ND 9 Wallace, Mitchell 13 IPSS 27.33m Event 202 ... (Men 13 Year Olds Long Jump) 20 Van Walsum, Jeremy13 21 Hudsptih, Jordan 13 IID 4.55m 22 Crave, Carl 13 WBD 4.50m 23 Versace, Ethan 13 LKY 4.34m 24 Yag, 7 13 YAG ND 25 Hoppner, Nick 13 YAG ND 26 Taufao, Zac 13 YAG ND Event 203 Men 15 Year Olds Discus Throw Name Age School Seed Mark Event 205 Men 14 Year Olds High Jump Name Age 1 Walk, Joel 14 School IID Seed Mark 1.75m 2 Capdevila, Jordi 14 WBD 1.70m 3 Lavatai, Jonathan 14 IPSS 1.60m 4 Lord, Sam 14 WBD 1.60m 5 Lowing, Natnael 14 LKY 1.57m 1 Lea, Viliami 15 IID 49.18m 6 Kelland, Cameron 14 IID 1.55m 2 Le Roux, Kyle 15 BID 39.97m 7 Tasi, Solomon 14 IID 1.55m 3 Wolske, Simi 15 IID 39.91m 8 Warbrick, Pieta 14 KAR 1.55m 4 Wood, Branden 15 LKY 39.90m 9 Shirzada, Saied 14 WBD 1.55m 5 Muaulu, Jeremiah 15 LKY 39.23m 10 Beaver, Joel 14 IPSS 1.53m 6 Rangihuna, Jorden 15 WBD 36.63m 11 Hoger, Josh 14 LKY 1.51m 7 Saxby, Tom 15 WBD 35.96m 12 Mallory, Rhys 14 IID 1.50m 8 Kanneh, Sekou 15 WBD 35.41m 13 Wani, Mandy 14 WBD 1.50m 9 Bullock, Radley 15 IPSS 34.95m 14 Casey, Harlin 14 KAR 1.50m 10 Bridges, Kaiera 13 KAR 26.40m 11 Moffatt, George 13 IPSS 25.49m 12 Richter, Jake 13 LKY 25.00m 13 Pearson, Kodi 13 BID 25.00m 14 McCance Bishop, Ardyn 13 WBD 24.53m 15 Sullivan, Jake 13 LKY 24.35m 16 Duff, Jonny 13 LKY 23.78m 17 Routledge, Josh 13 IID 22.93m 18 Curtis, Cullam 13 KAR 22.80m 19 Van Dongen, Kyle 13 KAR 22.00m 20 Hardess, Matthew 13 BID 21.15m 21 Healy-Johnson, Coen 13 WBD 20.48m 22 Yag, 13 13 YAG ND 23 Fonoti, Gatai 13 YAG ND 24 Freeman, Tyrone 13 YAG ND 25 Coombe, Brock 13 YAG ND Event 209 Women 13 Year Olds Long Jump 10 Treschman, Jack 15 IID 34.93m 15 Wilson, Clayton 14 KAR 1.49m 11 Mooka, Jeremiah 15 IID 34.91m 16 Maza, D'Javon 14 LKY 1.48m 12 Minogue, Joshua 15 BID 33.00m 17 Turay, Abdul 14 KAR 1.45m 1 Bell, Casey 13 IID 5.11m 13 Apulu, Brandon 15 KAR 32.71m 18 Presneill, Thomas 14 IPSS 1.45m 2 Ike, Amy 13 BID 4.46m 14 Johnston, David 15 KAR 31.28m 19 Waters, Jacob 14 IPSS 1.45m 3 Walters, Lucy 13 WBD 4.42m 15 Macgregor, Scott 15 KAR 30.76m 20 Brosch, Malachi 14 YAG NH 4 Toto, Rina 13 BID 4.35m 16 Turner, Kaea 15 KAR 30.58m 21 Nedimovic, Aleksandar 14 YAG NH 5 Williams, Kelsea 13 IID 4.24m 17 O`dea, Tyson 15 LKY 30.55m 22 Yag, 8 14 YAG NH 6 Raeli, Amazing 13 IID 4.23m 18 Toafa, Felise 15 IPSS 30.25m 23 Kenyi, Ben 14 YAG NH 7 Walker, Kasey 13 IID 4.22m 19 Hurwood, Harry 15 WBD 29.04m 8 King, Faith 13 KAR 4.21m 20 Tanuvasa, Chris 15 IPSS 29.00m 9 Gilfoyle, Emma 13 WBD 4.15m 21 Nelu, Antonio 15 IPSS 27.87m 10 Turnbull, Nicola 13 LKY 4.15m 22 Teremoana, Nooroa 15 YAG ND 11 Wright, Natalie 13 BID 4.10m 23 Coleman, DJ 15 YAG ND 12 Bidgood, Lilly 13 BID 4.04m 24 Brown, Frank 15 YAG ND 13 Huybens, Bonnie 13 KAR 4.03m 25 Ramazani, Ghulum 15 YAG ND 14 Nepia, Hinearoha 13 KAR 3.97m 15 Lightbody, Isabelle 13 WBD 3.96m 16 Burchell, Lelani 13 LKY 3.96m 17 Palmer, Jessamine 13 LKY 3.96m 18 Pocock, Carla 13 LKY 3.96m 19 Apulu, Alofa 13 KAR 3.92m 20 Patterson, Crystal 13 KAR 3.92m 21 Gilloway, Alyssa 13 IPSS 3.91m 22 Garwood, Sharnah 13 IPSS 3.86m 23 Setefano, Epifania 13 IPSS 3.76m 24 Counter, Nikki 13 WBD 3.75m 25 Roberts, Baylee 13 IPSS 3.71m YAG ND Event 204 Women 17 Year Olds Discus Throw Name Age School Seed Mark Event 206 Women 18-19 Discus Throw Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Poe, Motu 18 IPSS 20.59m 2 Kuk, Ann 18 KAR 18.65m 3 Tanielu, Francine 18 IPSS 18.07m 4 Murphy, Jacinta 18 BID 16.83m 5 Brown, Chelsea 18 KAR 16.77m 6 Green, Megan 18 KAR 16.64m 7 Tanielu, Monique 18 IPSS 15.92m 1 Langton, Tori 17 IID 42.05m 8 Soa, Pelelise 18 IPSS 15.43m 2 Bowell, Caitlyn 17 BID 32.00m 9 Little, Shania 18 KAR 13.24m 3 Burton, Carol 17 LKY 28.02m 10 Begum, Minara 18 BID 10.29m 4 Dyer, Emily 17 BID 25.00m 11 Akter, Parvin 18 BID 9.96m 5 Tavendale, Summer17 IPSS 24.94m 12 Nahar, Samsun 19 BID 9.77m 6 List, Alexis 17 IPSS 24.29m 13 Leafa, Lopala 18 YAG ND 7 White, Kylee 17 KAR 23.55m 14 Fetu, Faagalo 18 YAG ND 8 Walmsley, Holly 17 LKY 23.07m 9 Bunyan, Libby 17 IID 22.60m 10 Brozic, Farrah 17 LKY 22.06m 11 Logan, Cassandra 17 IID 21.78m 12 Lopau, Quinnie 17 IPSS 21.56m 13 Primus, Dana 17 KAR 21.25m 14 Wong, Elise 17 KAR 21.13m 15 Aokusa, Zitina 17 KAR 20.60m 16 Wbd, 16 17 WBD 20.48m 17 Mudde, Teigan 17 IPSS 19.74m 18 Seipel, Melinda 17 WBD 19.44m 19 Iid, Ivy 17 IID 19.16m 3 Krause, Christian 13 11.70m 4 Tronc, Thomas 13 5 McAlister, Riley 13 20 Umutoni Kalisa, Summayah 17 BID 21 Ab, Salha 17 BID 9.77m Event 207 Women 13-19 Discus Throw AWD Name Age School Seed Mark Seed Mark 26 Balmforth, Marni 13 1 Young ***, Jessica 17 KURBY ND 27 Rambang, Nyajimma 13 YAG ND 2 Luong ***, Jessica 19 KURBY ND 28 Faamate, Binary 13 YAG ND 29 Faolua, Ita 13 YAG ND Name Age School 3 Turner ***, Samantha 15 KURBY ND 4 Morgan ***, Teiri 14 KURBY ND Name Event 208 Men 13 Year Olds Javelin Throw Name Age 1 Roberts, Benjamin 13 2 Jorgensen, Jai 6 Noffke, Lachlan 13 13 Event 210 Men 17 Year Olds Triple Jump Age School Seed Mark 1 Kabamba, Trezor 17 KAR 14.73m 37.87m 2 Chol, Dual 17 KAR 13.86m 37.49m 3 Carson, Nicholas 17 KAR 13.22m IID 31.83m 4 Truelove, Nicholas 17 IID 12.88m IID 31.51m 5 Kidia, Yohana 17 KAR 12.45m IPSS 30.76m 6 Hall, Luke 17 IPSS 12.30m 29.06m 7 Berlin, Matthew 17 IID 12.22m School KAR IID IPSS Seed Mark Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 22 Performance List 12 Oyet, Samuel 18 YAG ND 12.05m 13 Iosua, Vaopuka 18 YAG ND IPSS 12.04m 14 Logo, Elijah 18 YAG ND 10 Williamson, Samuel17 IID 11.96m Event 210 ... (Men 17 Year Olds Triple Jump) 8 Owen, Jack 9 Williams, Jacob 17 17 LKY 11 Morris, Cameron 17 IID 11.82m 12 Woodley, Tyrell 17 IPSS 11.58m 13 Waugh, Dante 17 WBD 11.55m 14 Lawson, Chae 17 IPSS 11.45m 15 Summers, Murray 17 LKY 11.04m 16 Phillips, Cordal 17 WBD 10.85m 17 Ruhland, Jack 17 LKY 10.80m 18 Evans, Angus 17 WBD 10.63m 19 Neumann, Jayden 17 BID 8.56m 20 Faamatuaini, Tautai 17 YAG ND 21 Rooks, Sean 17 WBD ND 22 Fonoti, Ali 17 YAG ND 23 Olak, Franco 17 YAG ND 24 Puselj, Thomas 17 YAG ND Event 211 Women 16 Year Olds Shot Put Name Age School Seed Mark Event 213 Women 16 Year Olds Triple Jump Event 215 Women 13 Year Olds Shot Put Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Fasala, Tenealle 13 IID 11.08m 2 Bell, Casey 13 IID 10.31m 3 Coultson, Kyra 10.08m 13 WBD 1 Colebourne, Katie 16 BID 11.25m 4 Matauaina, Jacqueline 13 KAR 9.80m 2 Sewell, Emily 16 BID 10.30m 5 Raeli, Amazing IID 9.77m 3 Onno, Annabelle Name Age School Seed Mark 13 16 KAR 10.26m 6 Verrall, Emily-Rose13 IPSS 9.39m 4 Davies, Diamond 16 WBD 10.24m 7 Auda, Tahni 13 KAR 9.09m 5 Cassidy, Majella 16 IID 10.12m 8 Counter, Nikki 13 WBD 8.80m 6 Dewilde, Ella 16 WBD 9.63m 9 Shearer, Jasmin 13 BID 8.50m 7 Hancock, Abbey 16 LKY 9.62m 10 Seru, Mavis 13 LKY 8.45m 8 Pragji, Maliksha 16 KAR 9.52m 11 Masford, Hannah 13 IID 8.38m 9 Pearl, Majella 16 IID 9.46m 12 Nepia, Hinearoha 13 KAR 8.17m 10 Sirriss, Alliyah 16 WBD 9.24m 13 Maher, Ali 13 KAR 8.14m 11 Kelly, Savannah 16 LKY 9.16m 14 Francis, Elizabeth 13 WBD 8.04m 12 Lasu, Diana 16 KAR 9.12m 15 Toto, Rina 13 BID 8.00m 13 Coyne, Emily 16 IID 9.11m 16 Walters, Lucy 13 WBD 7.95m 14 Boyce, Kaitlyn 16 IPSS 9.07m 17 Tamotu, Veronika 13 IPSS 7.82m 15 Bromage, Courteney16 BID 9.00m 18 Gilloway, Alyssa 13 IPSS 7.70m 1 Battensby, Romy 16 IID 10.74m 16 Ross, Ellie 16 KAR 8.95m 19 Hunt, Haana 13 LKY 7.70m 2 Raeli, Ellenor 16 IID 10.28m 17 Smith, Natalee 16 IPSS 8.80m 20 Johnston, Jessica 13 LKY 7.49m 3 Wijeyewickrema, Savinika 16 IID 10.27m 18 Miller, Maggie 16 WBD 8.80m 21 Collins, Stella 13 IPSS 7.39m 4 Davies, Diamond 16 WBD 10.20m 19 Howden, Erinn 16 IID 8.62m 22 Barros, Marion 13 BID 5.90m 5 Koop, Dayspring 16 KAR 9.89m 20 Aquili, Sharni 16 LKY 8.24m 23 Irshad, Nabilah 13 BID 5.88m 6 Vaili, Sharmina 16 KAR 9.46m 21 Pearce, Lacey 16 IPSS 8.19m 24 Yag, 15 13 YAG ND 7 Tuiga, Lata 16 IPSS 9.09m 22 Bressow, Renae 16 IPSS 7.69m 25 Alagaelua, Courtney13 YAG ND 8 Boyce, Kaitlyn 16 IPSS 8.95m 23 Massey, Alex 16 BID 6.62m 26 Alo, Melody YAG ND 9 Bromage, Courteney16 BID 8.84m 24 Dunne, Niamh 16 BID 6.62m 10 Wise, Emily 16 KAR 8.57m 25 Benon, Evaline 16 YAG ND 11 Lotam, Kristine 16 KAR 8.49m 26 Morley, Clarie 16 YAG ND 16 YAG ND 16 YAG ND 16 LKY 8.38m 27 Parker, Zara 13 Grainger, Teneale 16 WBD 8.33m 28 Yang, Joanne 14 Bryant, Amber 16 LKY 8.32m 15 Pirrit, Tyra 16 WBD 8.31m 16 Jarvis, Charlanae 16 LKY 8.24m 17 Beck, Amelia 16 IID 8.11m 18 Weale, Amber 16 IPSS 7.75m 19 De Groot, Lyedia 16 BID 7.54m 20 Wimmer, Tarese IPSS 7.28m 21 Binti Mohd Ayub, Khushidah 16 BID 5.72m 12 Bloemers, Emily 22 Morley, Clarie 16 16 YAG ND 23 Mapusua, Chantel 16 YAG ND 24 Faresa, Lariessa 16 YAG ND 25 Benon, Evaline 16 YAG ND Event 212 Men 18-19 Triple Jump Name Age School Seed Mark Event 214 Men 17 Year Olds Javelin Throw Name Age School Seed Mark IPSS 39.53m 3 Thiyananthan, Thilacsan 18 WBD 38.46m 4 Botha, Richard 18 IPSS 34.65m 5 Ioane, Jezzy 18 KAR 31.88m 31.33m 2 Pearson, Tom 17 IID 44.56m 7 De Groot, Julian 18 BID 30.82m 3 Wendt, Caleb 17 IID 44.08m 8 Godfrey, Branden 18 KAR 30.78m 4 Otim, Denis 17 WBD 39.60m 9 Wenzel, Kyle 18 IPSS 30.06m 5 Owen, Jack 17 LKY 38.55m 10 Mountfield, Daniel 18 KAR 27.59m 6 Phillips, Cordal 17 WBD 37.50m 11 Plumb, Jonathon 18 IPSS 26.00m 7 Gwynne, Carter 17 KAR 37.33m 12 Nguyen, Nhan 18 YAG ND 8 Salman, Abdelmoneim 17 KAR 36.88m 13 Oyet, Samuel 18 YAG ND 9 Roberts, Brandon 17 KAR 36.10m 14 Logo, Elijah 18 YAG ND 10 Tei, Cedric 17 KAR 35.70m 15 Iosua, Vaopuka 18 YAG ND 11 Woodley, Tyrell 17 IPSS 34.36m 16 Vaopuka, Iosua 18 YAG ND 12 Skene, Dylan 17 WBD 34.17m 33.95m 2 Yanai, Dorian 18 KAR 12.19m 14 Lenehan, Blake 17 IPSS 33.60m 3 Tshilumba, Augustin18 KAR 12.02m 15 Findlay, Fletcher 17 WBD 33.42m 17 IPSS 28.64m 4 Ndazimana, Egide 18 KAR 11.40m 16 Ahern, Nathan 5 Michael, Mitchell 18 IID 11.29m 17 Foster, Johnathan 17 IPSS 28.17m 6 Wenzel, Kyle 18 IPSS 10.96m 18 Simeona, Asiasi 17 YAG ND 7 Watts, Gage 18 IPSS 9.99m 19 Fonoti, Ioane 17 YAG ND 8 Hardess, James 18 BID 9.88m 20 Teremoana, Teremoana 17 WBD ND 9 Plumb, Jonathon 18 IPSS 9.35m 21 Yag, 4 17 YAG ND 22 Robinson, Nic 17 YAG ND ND 18 KAR LKY 8.82m 43.31m 2 Tuiga, Tuiga 19 17 IPSS Seed Mark IID 6 Khan, Rafique 13 Jelenic, Bradley YAG School 18 46.88m 12.48m 18 Age IID KAR 18 Name 1 Darrach, Jarrod 17 18 11 Nguyen, Nhan Event 216 Men 18-19 Javelin Throw 1 Farrell, Jake 1 Mico, Gianni 10 Semyraha, Tyler 13 Event 217 Women 14 Year Olds Long Jump Name Age School Seed Mark 1 McGuire, Annie 14 IID 5.15m 2 James, Eunice 14 KAR 4.85m 3 Gralton, Elizabeth 14 BID 4.80m 4 Turner, Lucy 14 IID 4.74m 5 Wright, Hayley 14 IID 4.54m 6 Milford, Ella 14 IID 4.52m 7 Gale, Joyce 14 KAR 4.41m 8 Sims, Tara 14 BID 4.38m 9 Gibson, Bianca 14 WBD 4.38m 10 Harris, Ruby 14 BID 4.35m 11 Grigg, Issy 14 WBD 4.32m Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 23 Performance List 13 Wood, Rachael 15 LKY 1.30m 20 Hardess, Michael 14 BID 8.95m 12 Matthews, Tegan 14 IPSS 4.29m 14 Nel, Irma-Jean 15 LKY 1.30m 21 Davis, Henry IID 8.59m 13 Lawrence, Jenna 14 KAR 4.28m 15 Mwechiwa, Farhia 15 KAR 1.28m 14 22 Martawdjaja, Armand YAG ND 14 Finley, Hayley 14 WBD 4.23m 16 James, Rachel 15 KAR 1.28m 23 Amato, Jordan 14 YAG ND 15 Haughey, Chloe 14 BID 4.20m 17 Mudde, Ashleigh 15 IPSS 1.28m 24 Kenyi, Ben 14 YAG ND 16 Chaplin, Tara 14 LKY 4.16m 18 McCulloch, Emma 15 WBD 1.25m 25 Pene, Elijah 14 YAG ND 17 Jenkins, Sophie 14 WBD 4.15m 19 Bangoura, N'Sira 15 WBD 1.25m 18 Hardy-Synnott, Jade14 IPSS 4.14m 20 Wbd, 13 15 WBD 1.25m 19 Harper, Caliesha IPSS 4.11m 21 Reed-Wilson, Chloe15 IPSS 1.25m 15 IPSS 1.20m Event 217 ... (Women 14 Year Olds Long Jump) 14 20 Dowlang, Tahlia 14 IPSS 4.10m 22 Macdonald, Amy 21 Neu, Cheyenne 14 LKY 4.04m 23 Boyd, Chloe 15 YAG NH 22 Meier, Breanna 14 KAR 3.98m 24 Paul, Sharon 15 YAG NH 25 Thomas, Chloe 15 YAG NH 23 Crothers, Katie 14 LKY 3.87m 24 Willoughby, Kelsie 15 YAG ND 25 Ginger-Delaney, Khieateya 14 YAG ND 26 Nguyen, Amelia 14 YAG ND 27 Yag, 3 14 YAG ND Event 218 Men 16 Year Olds Discus Throw Name Age School Seed Mark Event 220 Women 17 Year Olds Long Jump Name Age School Seed Mark 14 Event 222 Women 18-19 Long Jump Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Murphy, Jacinta 18 BID 3.75m 2 Green, Megan 18 KAR 3.72m 3 Kuk, Ann 18 KAR 3.38m 4 Little, Shania 18 KAR 3.14m 5 Poe, Motu 18 IPSS 3.13m 6 Oliva, Pandora 18 IPSS 3.11m 7 Brown, Chelsea 18 KAR 3.05m 1 Stieler, Ashlee 17 IID 5.37m 8 Leafa, Lopala 18 YAG ND 2 Trainor, Madison 17 BID 5.22m 9 Fetu, Faagalo 18 YAG ND 3 Mallyon, Kathleen 17 BID 5.10m 4 Aokusa, Zitina 17 KAR 4.74m 17 WBD 4.61m 1 Nii, Paraka 16 BID 51.33m 5 Dixon, Renee 2 Cronin, Tom 16 LKY 48.43m 6 Smith, Jessie-Claire17 BID 4.60m 17 IPSS 4.60m Event 223 Women 13-19 Long Jump AWD Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Young ***, Jessica 17 KURBY ND 2 Turner ***, Samantha 15 KURBY ND 3 Messenger, Cameron16 LKY 39.40m 7 List, Alexis 4 Brandley, Damien 16 IID 36.85m 8 Hess, Carly 17 WBD 4.59m 5 Crouch, Scott 16 KAR 36.82m 9 Dickinson, Shani 17 IPSS 4.50m 6 Saipeoe, Jonothan 16 KAR 33.50m 10 Blignaut, Deandra 17 WBD 4.40m 1 Ripley, Lukas 13 BID 48.00m 7 Mauai, Zayne 16 KAR 32.82m 11 Ellis, Terri 17 KAR 4.39m 2 Laei, Jamaine 13 IID 39.26m 8 Urquhart, Kenneth 16 LKY 32.49m 12 White, Kylee 17 KAR 4.30m 3 Stewart, Ryan 13 IID 30.55m 9 Weight, Toby 16 IID 32.49m 13 Phillips, Amber 17 LKY 4.29m 4 Ghusn, William 13 BID 29.70m 10 O'Brien, Flynn 16 IID 31.95m 14 Phillips, Lauren 17 LKY 4.22m 5 Neuendorf, Mitchell13 IID 28.54m 11 Atuatika, Hunter 16 IID 31.14m 15 De Villiers, Jana 17 IPSS 4.16m 6 Bridges, Kaiera 13 KAR 28.25m 12 Parkinson, Daniel 16 WBD 30.45m 16 Wong, Elise 17 KAR 4.15m 7 Lees, Robert 13 IID 28.22m 13 Hardess, Gerard 16 BID 30.37m 17 Sammut, Molly 17 IID 4.13m 8 McAlpine, Zack 13 LKY 26.90m 14 Malic, Alem 16 KAR 29.58m 18 Iid, Ivy 17 IID 4.13m 9 Beddie, Kaya 13 IID 26.61m 15 Price, Lynton 16 WBD 27.48m 19 Robbins, Kaitlyn 17 IPSS 4.04m 10 Williams, Connor 13 WBD 26.37m 16 Joe, Lucky 16 WBD 26.10m 20 Burton, Carol 17 LKY 4.01m 11 Sekona, Blake 13 WBD 25.49m 17 Twyford, Jordan 16 WBD 25.28m 21 Beston, Emily 17 YAG ND 12 Robinson, Ben 13 WBD 25.29m 18 Fane, Christopher 16 IPSS 24.30m 22 King, Caitlin 17 YAG ND 13 Curtis, Cullam 13 KAR 24.76m 19 Ross, Alex 16 IPSS 23.95m 23 Kur, Keth 17 YAG ND 14 Baiteke, Collin 13 KAR 24.66m 20 Vogler, Daniel 16 IPSS 23.29m 15 Laifai, Aaron 13 KAR 23.81m 21 Sing, Aiden 16 IPSS 22.43m 16 McAlister, Riley 13 IPSS 23.11m 22 Vaoiva, Princeton 16 YAG ND 17 Zagrovic, Clayton 13 IPSS 22.36m 23 Leon, Olulanga 16 YAG ND 24 Glover, Zach 16 YAG ND 25 Kahupukoro, Callum16 YAG ND Age School Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Kelland, Cameron 14 IID 11.88m 2 Waters, Jacob 14 IPSS 11.58m 3 Capdevila, Jordi 14 WBD 11.39m 4 Westerhuis, Michael14 BID 11.26m 5 Solomona, Ludwig 14 KAR 11.15m Seed Mark 6 Williams, Brayden 14 IID 10.88m Event 219 Women 15 Year Olds High Jump Name Event 221 Men 14 Year Olds Triple Jump 1.68m 7 Lavatai, Jonathan 14 IPSS 10.85m 15 KAR 2 Newton-Smith, Camryn 1.62m 8 Togbah, Remy 14 WBD 10.85m 3 Smith, Taylor 15 BID 1.59m 9 Pewee, Praises 14 KAR 10.84m 4 Csurches, Kirra 15 IID 1.50m 10 Churchward, Tristan14 IPSS 10.82m IPSS 10.57m 1 Stieler, Carley 15 IID 5 Fanshawe, Madison15 BID 1.50m 11 Presneill, Thomas 14 Event 224 Men 13 Year Olds Discus Throw Name Age School Seed Mark 18 McCance Bishop, Ardyn 13 WBD 22.20m 19 Loew, Jack 13 IPSS 20.71m 20 Hulcombe, Damien 13 IPSS 20.54m 21 Egan, Thomas 13 LKY 20.47m 22 Cumner, Boyd 13 LKY 19.32m 23 Anganjuan, Vuli 13 BID 18.00m 24 Kruger, Peter 13 YAG ND 25 Freeman, Tyrone 13 YAG ND 26 Green, Ryan 13 YAG ND 27 Knight, Jake 13 YAG ND 6 Anderson, Michaela15 IID 1.45m 12 Mackie, Kristian 14 LKY 10.48m 7 Lewis, Ella 15 IID 1.45m 13 Minyurano, Bosco 14 WBD 10.44m 8 Lck, 2 15 LKY 1.35m 14 Warbrick, Pieta 14 KAR 10.42m 1 Koop, Dayspring 9 Griffiths, Charlee 15 LKY 1.35m 15 Houghton, Jakob 14 WBD 10.40m 2 Wijeyewickrema, Savinika 16 IID 30.96m 10 Hunter, Mackenzie 15 KAR 1.31m 16 Yawata, Celestine 14 KAR 10.27m 3 Bromage, Courteney16 BID 30.00m 11 Heo, Min 15 WBD 1.30m 17 Hibbard, Wayde 14 LKY 10.10m 4 Stallard, Jessica 16 BID 30.00m 12 Burton, Niki 15 IPSS 1.30m 18 White, Dylan 14 LKY 9.95m 5 Raeli, Ellenor 16 IID 26.40m 19 Swncer, Lachlan 14 IID 9.22m 6 Iorangi, Sade 16 KAR 24.05m Event 225 Women 16 Year Olds Javelin Throw Name Age 16 School KAR Seed Mark 33.66m Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 24 Performance List 7 Hollier, Ryan 15 BID 1.70m 10 Berlin, Matthew 17 IID 5.74m 7 Hancock, Abbey 16 LKY 23.62m 8 Paulo, Emanuele 15 IID 1.70m 11 Hall, Luke 17 IPSS 5.74m 8 Kelly, Savannah 16 LKY 23.46m 9 Wood, Branden 15 LKY 1.65m 12 Agbodzan, Victoire 17 KAR 5.73m 9 Menzies, Jasmine 16 WBD 22.75m 10 Rangihuna, Jorden 15 WBD 1.65m 13 Morris, Cameron 17 IID 5.59m Event 225 ... (Women 16 Year Olds Javelin Throw) 10 Jarvis, Charlanae 16 LKY 22.14m 11 White, Tyson 15 LKY 1.60m 14 Hamilton, Zac 17 IPSS 5.57m 11 Weier, Susannah 16 IID 21.90m 12 Suey, Shannon 15 IPSS 1.58m 15 Owen, Jack 17 LKY 5.57m 12 Lasu, Diana 16 KAR 21.83m 13 Freeman, Thomas 15 IPSS 1.58m 16 Phillips, Cordal 17 WBD 5.42m 13 Tupuola-Teo, Itulagi16 KAR 21.32m 14 Tozer, Sean 15 LKY 1.55m 17 Ruhland, Jack 17 LKY 5.34m 14 Grainger, Teneale 16 WBD 21.10m 15 Millington, Quinton15 KAR 1.55m 18 Dieckmann, Isaac 17 IPSS 5.33m 15 Mitchell, Tyrrah 16 IID 20.40m 16 Cook, Cameron 15 WBD 1.55m 19 Lck, 4 17 LKY 5.16m 16 Sirriss, Alliyah 16 WBD 19.52m 17 Bullock, Radley 15 IPSS 1.55m 20 Tamas-Cao, William17 YAG ND 17 Spiller, Carla 16 IPSS 16.01m 18 Gillam, Jai 15 KAR 1.50m 21 Olak, Franco YAG ND 18 Cregan, Cecilia 16 BID 15.92m 19 Yarrow, Thomas 15 IPSS 1.50m 19 Weale, Amber 16 IPSS 15.91m 20 McLeod, Caleb 15 WBD 1.50m 20 Smith, Natalee 16 IPSS 14.75m 21 Currie, Daniel 15 KAR 1.49m 21 Egan, Grace 16 IPSS 14.56m 22 Tyler-Moss, Dylan 15 BID 1.36m 16 22 MD Yusop, Roslyanna BID 13.78m 23 Brown, Frank 15 YAG NH 23 Calver-Malaschevsky, 16 Courtney YAG ND 24 Borman, Riley 15 YAG NH 25 Waller, Sam 15 YAG NH 24 Willoughby, Alannah 16 YAG ND 25 Pani, Linda 16 YAG ND 26 Matoe, Eileen 16 YAG ND Age School Name Age School Seed Mark Event 230 Women 17 Year Olds Shot Put Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Langton, Tori 17 IID 12.05m 2 Bunyan, Libby 17 IID 11.09m 3 Tavendale, Summer17 IPSS 11.02m 4 Howgego, Emarie 17 IID 10.48m 5 List, Alexis 17 IPSS 10.31m 6 Aokusa, Zitina 17 KAR 10.00m 7 Burton, Carol 17 LKY 9.68m 1 Bell, Casey 13 IID 11.19m 8 Dyer, Emily 17 BID 9.50m Seed Mark 2 Williams, Kelsea 13 IID 10.05m 9 White, Kylee 17 KAR 9.22m Event 226 Women 14 Year Olds Shot Put Name Event 228 Women 13 Year Olds Triple Jump 17 1 Lawrence, Jenna 14 KAR 12.39m 3 Howie-Roy, Ella 13 BID 9.99m 10 Leuga, Uriah 17 KAR 8.89m 2 Turner, Lucy 14 IID 11.05m 4 Veber, Emma 13 LKY 9.82m 11 Smith, Amy 17 LKY 8.63m 3 Sitcheff, Erica 14 BID 10.75m 5 Ike, Amy 13 BID 9.48m 12 Vatu, Klein 17 KAR 8.56m 4 Vidler, Rochelle 14 IID 10.37m 6 Wells, Madison 13 IID 9.23m 13 Sammon-Molloy, Tennille 17 IPSS 8.54m 5 Sullivan, Clare 14 WBD 10.29m 7 Raeli, Amazing 13 IID 9.14m 14 Brozic, Farrah 17 LKY 8.52m 6 Townsend, Isabelle 14 BID 10.25m 8 Gilfoyle, Emma 13 WBD 8.96m 15 Phillips, Amber 17 LKY 8.52m 7 Riese, Clare WBD 9.78m 9 Mellor, Brianna 13 LKY 8.91m 16 Saunia, Shannonssy17 IPSS 8.46m 8 Fepuleai, Monaliza 14 IID 9.52m 10 Gardner, Megan 13 WBD 8.85m 17 Holo, Stefani 17 WBD 8.44m 9 Iosefa, Lolita 14 WBD 9.37m 11 Smith, Christine 13 KAR 8.68m 18 Davies, Matina 17 WBD 8.35m 10 Vairy, Helena 14 KAR 9.32m 12 Gilloway, Alyssa 13 IPSS 8.54m 19 Fenn, Tahlia 17 BID 7.75m 11 Marsh, Bridey 14 KAR 9.25m 13 Setefano, Epifania 13 IPSS 8.49m 20 Bowell, Caitlyn 17 BID 7.13m 12 D'Roza, Loryn 14 WBD 8.83m 14 Bidgood, Lilly BID 8.44m 21 Kur, Keth 17 YAG ND 13 Greenup, Mykala 14 LKY 8.79m 15 Palmer, Jessamine 13 LKY 8.41m 22 Mato, Shannon 17 YAG ND 14 Neesom, Amber LKY 8.78m 16 Nepia, Hinearoha 13 KAR 8.30m 23 Manao, Charntelle 17 YAG ND 15 Rowbotham, Milla 14 BID 8.50m 17 Neller, Tia 13 KAR 8.20m 24 Duroux, Darcee YAG ND 16 Hatton, Samantha 14 IID 8.22m 18 Lightbody, Amy 13 WBD 8.08m 17 Fraser, Candace 14 IPSS 7.93m 19 Juriansz, Grace 13 KAR 8.05m 18 Crothers, Katie 14 LKY 7.92m 20 Walters, Lucy 13 WBD 8.02m 7.66m 14 14 13 14 KAR 7.79m 21 Flores-Harrison, Megan 13 IPSS 20 Hardy-Synnott, Jade14 IPSS 7.12m 22 Hunt, Bree 13 IPSS 7.52m 21 Gardner, Courtney 14 IPSS 7.02m 23 Wright, Natalie 13 BID 6.80m 22 Kerrish, Sky 14 IPSS 6.94m 24 Balmforth, Marni 13 YAG ND 23 Siad Issa, Samira 14 BID 6.60m 25 Mills, Baylee 13 YAG ND 19 Faotui, Victoria 24 Fuimaono, Salote 14 YAG ND 26 Theobald, Tiana 13 YAG ND 25 Yag, 3 14 YAG ND 27 Balmforth, Phoebe 13 YAG ND 26 Bell, Jorga 14 YAG ND 27 Nanai, Zaskia 14 YAG ND Event 227 Men 15 Year Olds High Jump Name Age School Seed Mark Event 229 Men 17 Year Olds Long Jump Name Age School Seed Mark 17 Event 231 Men 18-19 Long Jump Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Tshilumba, Augustin18 KAR 5.93m 2 Michael, Mitchell 18 IID 5.90m 3 Yanai, Dorian 18 KAR 5.66m 4 Ndazimana, Egide 18 KAR 5.65m 5 Khan, Rafique 19 KAR 5.46m 6 Clem, Kori 18 IPSS 5.37m 7 De Groot, Julian 18 BID 5.34m 8 Plumb, Jonathon 18 IPSS 5.04m 9 Wenzel, Kyle 18 IPSS 4.98m 10 Darrach, Jarrod 18 IID 4.96m 18 IPSS 4.90m 1 Roper, Darcy 17 BID 8.01m 11 Kent, Ryan 2 Carson, Nicholas 17 KAR 6.22m 12 Moore-Gallaher, Aidan 18 IID 4.65m 4.35m 1 Moloney, Ashley 15 KAR 1.88m 3 Truelove, Nicholas 17 IID 6.16m 13 McGillivray Pethybri, 19 Keinan IID 2 Dwyer, Rupert 15 BID 1.85m 4 Blair, Kiemarli 17 IID 5.97m 14 Iosua, Vaopuka 18 YAG ND 3 Stjepcevic, Matthew15 IID 1.80m 5 Kabamba, Trezor 17 KAR 5.91m 15 Nguyen, Nhan 18 YAG ND 4 Treschman, Jack 15 IID 1.75m 6 Ric-Hansen, Andrew17 WBD 5.90m 16 Logo, Elijah 18 YAG ND 5 Fitzgibbon, Dylan 15 IID 1.75m 7 Skene, Dylan 17 WBD 5.89m 17 Oyet, Samuel 18 YAG ND 6 Griffiths, Michael 15 BID 1.73m 8 Lawson, Chae 17 IPSS 5.82m 9 Young, Trayvon 17 KAR 5.77m Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 25 Performance List Event 232 Men 13-19 Long Jump AWD Name Age School Event 236 Women 15 Year Olds Discus Throw Seed Mark Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Summerell ***, Camerona 14 KURBY ND 1 De Glas, Phoebe 15 BID 32.68m 2 Amos ***, Liam 17 KURBY ND 2 Tafiti, Siiva 15 WBD 31.50m 3 Lay ***, Lennon 14 KURBY ND 3 Conroy, Ariana 15 BID 28.00m 4 Turnbull, Kayla 15 LKY 26.81m 5 Andreaasend, Savannah 15 KAR 26.00m 6 Gallaher, Mikaela 15 IID 24.80m 7 Roberts, Angela 15 KAR 24.63m 8 Langbridge, Cyndi 15 LKY 24.34m 9 Stolberg, Tyla 15 IID 23.90m 15 IPSS 22.66m 11 Surawski, Leticia 15 WBD 22.43m 12 Matauaina, Luse 15 KAR 22.26m 13 Misa, Anastacia 15 KAR 21.00m 14 McAlister, Ella 15 IPSS 20.49m 15 Bock, Yasmine 15 LKY 19.83m 16 Welch, Bernadette 15 IID 19.23m 17 Bull, Dionne 15 IID 19.04m 18 Heo, Min 15 WBD 18.79m 19 Seth, Zaphronia 15 IPSS 18.76m 20 Sayer, Shianneh 15 IPSS 18.39m 21 Neumann, Holly 15 BID 17.77m 22 Tootoo, Alice 15 YAG ND 23 Livi, Malili 15 YAG ND 24 Visesio, Eseta 15 YAG ND Event 233 Women 18-19 Shot Put Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Kennedy, Lucy 18 IID 9.42m 2 Poe, Motu 18 IPSS 8.82m 3 Murphy, Jacinta 18 BID 7.79m 4 Tanielu, Francine 18 IPSS 7.64m 5 Oliva, Pandora IPSS 6.90m 18 6 Soa, Pelelise 18 IPSS 6.57m 7 Kuk, Ann 18 KAR 6.42m 8 Brown, Chelsea 18 KAR 5.78m 9 Mossi, Situmayi 18 BID 5.54m 10 Begum, Minara 18 BID 5.53m 11 Little, Shania 18 KAR 5.38m 12 Akter, Parvin 18 BID 5.37m 13 Green, Megan 18 KAR 5.17m 14 Kennedy, Tilly 18 IID 5.10m 15 Fetu, Faagalo 18 YAG ND 16 Leafa, Lopala 18 YAG ND Event 234 Women 13-19 Shot Put AWD Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Young ***, Jessica 17 KURBY ND 2 Luong ***, Jessica 19 KURBY ND 3 Turner ***, Samantha 15 KURBY ND 4 Morgan ***, Teiri 14 KURBY ND Event 235 Women 14 Year Olds Javelin Throw Name Age School 10 Tamotu, Paratina Event 237 Women 16 Year Olds High Jump Name 1 Pearl, Majella Age 16 School Seed Mark IID 1.55m 2 Kirkwood, Gemma 16 BID 1.55m 3 Sewell, Emily BID 1.55m 16 Seed Mark 4 Wells-Pepi, Madeleine 16 IID 1.50m 1 Brookes, Erin 14 BID 34.00m 5 Fitzsimon, Dominica16 BID 1.50m 2 Vidler, Rochelle 14 IID 32.53m 6 Davies, Diamond 16 WBD 1.46m 3 Sitcheff, Erica 14 BID 31.00m 7 Bressow, Renae 16 IPSS 1.46m 4 Lawrence, Jenna 14 KAR 29.54m 8 Miller, Maggie 16 WBD 1.45m 5 Harper, Caliesha 14 IPSS 27.33m 9 Saunders, Emily 16 IID 1.45m 6 Rowbotham, Milla 14 BID 25.30m 10 Christensen, Katrina16 IID 1.40m 7 Riese, Clare 14 WBD 24.80m 11 Pragji, Maliksha 16 KAR 1.40m 8 Vairy, Helena 14 KAR 24.12m 12 Pirrit, Tyra 16 WBD 1.40m 9 Brockett, Jacqui 14 WBD 22.35m 13 Koop, Dayspring 16 KAR 1.35m 14 WBD 22.00m 14 Rasova, Naomi 16 KAR 1.34m 11 Hatton, Samantha 14 IID 21.57m 15 Smith, Natalee 16 IPSS 1.33m 12 Wright, Hayley 14 IID 21.48m 16 Lasu, Diana 16 KAR 1.33m 13 Fraser, Candace 14 IPSS 21.43m 17 Forster, Sophie 16 LKY 1.31m 14 D'Roza, Loryn 14 WBD 21.20m 18 Schonfeld, Cheyanne 16 LKY 1.31m 15 Miller, Jessica 14 BID 21.10m 19 Hancock, Abbey 16 LKY 1.28m 16 Rodger, Bronty 14 IID 21.00m 20 Wilson, Tahlia 16 IPSS 1.20m 16 YAG NH 10 Gibson, Bianca 6 Sanders, Olivia 14 BID 9.73m 7 Gale, Joyce 14 KAR 9.43m 8 Rasmussen, Paige 14 IID 9.43m 9 Lawrence, Jenna 14 KAR 9.32m 10 Chaplin, Tara 14 LKY 9.19m 11 Hardy-Synnott, Jade14 IPSS 9.14m 12 Sims, Tara 14 BID 9.14m 13 Harper, Caliesha 14 IPSS 9.12m 14 Gibson, Bianca 14 WBD 9.09m 15 Murphy, Molly 14 BID 9.08m 16 Grigg, Issy 14 WBD 8.87m 17 Rowbotham, Milla 14 BID 8.60m 18 Mukeshimana, Alene 14 WBD 8.57m 19 Crothers, Katie 14 LKY 8.55m 20 Gower, Melody 14 LKY 8.55m 21 Djordjevic, Isabelle 14 WBD 8.55m 22 Fraser, Candace 14 IPSS 8.50m 23 Matthews, Tegan 14 IPSS 8.39m 24 Adams, Adeline 14 KAR 8.24m 25 Ginger-Delaney, Khieateya 14 YAG ND 26 Nguyen, Amelia 14 YAG ND 27 Yag, 3 14 YAG ND 28 O'Grady, Cassandra14 YAG ND Event 239 Men 15 Year Olds Javelin Throw Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Moe, Torah 15 IID 39.95m 2 Moloney, Ashley 15 KAR 39.80m 3 Bullock, Radley 15 IPSS 39.20m 4 O`dea, Tyson 15 LKY 37.52m 5 Mooka, Jeremiah 15 IID 36.94m 6 Vang, Jonathan 15 IID 36.19m 7 Johnston, David 15 KAR 36.15m 8 White, Tyson 15 LKY 35.23m 9 Bentley, William 15 LKY 32.84m 15 IPSS 32.83m 11 Macqueen, William 15 KAR 32.57m 12 Kanneh, Sekou 15 WBD 31.90m 13 Saxby, Tom 15 WBD 30.61m 14 Okeny, Jowel 15 KAR 30.50m 15 Coalter, Tiernan 15 WBD 29.00m 16 Stowers, Davida 15 IID 28.92m 17 Suey, Shannon 15 IPSS 28.61m 18 Bennett, Isaac 15 WBD 26.32m 19 Sneddon-Cathro, Beau 15 IPSS 25.85m 20 Fenn, Malachi 15 BID 20.86m 21 Ngor, Francis 15 YAG ND 22 Toleafoa, Pacey 15 YAG ND 10 Toafa, Felise Event 240 Women 16 Year Olds Discus Throw 17 Refeld, Phoebe 14 KAR 18.89m 21 Benon, Evaline 18 Crothers, Katie 14 LKY 18.50m 22 Parker, Zara 16 YAG NH 1 Raeli, Ellenor 16 IID 34.89m 19 Hardy-Synnott, Jade14 IPSS 18.08m 23 Kerr, Lauren 16 YAG NH 2 Koop, Dayspring 16 KAR 31.86m 24 Yang, Joanne 16 YAG NH 3 Stallard, Jessica 16 BID 27.00m 4 Vaili, Sharmina 16 KAR 23.60m 5 Lasu, Diana 16 KAR 21.70m 6 Russell, Tiarna 16 IID 21.11m 7 Ross, Ellie 16 KAR 21.10m 8 Smith, Amy 16 IPSS 20.56m 9 Beck, Amelia 16 IID 20.37m 16 LKY 19.94m 20 Edwards, Dana 14 KAR 17.41m 21 Crone, Samantha-Kate 14 LKY 17.01m 14 22 Ngashaan, Albert-Jack IPSS 16.82m 23 Chaplin, Tara 14 LKY 16.33m 24 Ginger-Delaney, Khieateya 14 YAG ND 25 Tupi, Ejanah 14 YAG ND 26 Bell, Jorga 14 YAG ND 27 Yag, 16 14 YAG ND Event 238 Women 14 Year Olds Triple Jump Name Age School Seed Mark 1 James, Eunice 14 KAR 11.60m 2 Raeli, Elizabeth 14 IID 10.00m 3 Gralton, Elizabeth 14 BID 9.80m 4 Gerbert, Stephanie 14 IID 9.74m 5 Vidler, Rochelle IID 9.74m 14 Name 10 Hancock, Abbey Age School Seed Mark Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 26 Performance List 16 Egan, Thomas 13 LKY 9.84m 19.30m 17 Baiteke, Collin 13 KAR 9.80m 13 KAR 9.80m 13 WBD 9.62m Event 240 ... (Women 16 Year Olds Discus Throw) 11 Miller, Maggie 16 WBD 12 Grainger, Teneale 16 WBD 18.85m 18 Lau, Declan 13 Boyce, Kaitlyn 16 IPSS 18.75m 19 Sekona, Blake 14 Blundell, Chloe 16 WBD 18.73m 20 Zagrovic, Clayton 13 IPSS 9.42m 15 Christensen, Katrina16 IID 18.48m 21 Walmsley, Brendan 13 BID 8.90m 16 Reinke, Chloe 16 LKY 18.44m 22 Cobbo, Zac 13 IPSS 8.85m 17 Wimmer, Tarese 16 IPSS 18.35m 23 Green, Ryan 13 YAG ND 18 Tuiga, Lata 16 IPSS 18.19m 24 Yag, 6 13 YAG ND 13 YAG ND 13 YAG ND 19 Bloemers, Emily 16 LKY 17.27m 25 Freeman, Tyrone 20 Akter, Rozina 16 BID 10.80m 26 Yag, 13 21 Mossi, Sara 16 BID 10.46m 22 Nonu, Andrea 16 YAG ND 23 Benon, Evaline 16 YAG ND 24 Silafaga, Christina 16 YAG ND Event 241 Men 16 Year Olds High Jump Event 243 Men 14 Year Olds Long Jump Name 1 Coulston, Ezraa Age School Seed Mark Event 245 Men 16 Year Olds Shot Put Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Nii, Paraka 16 BID 2 Crouch, Scott 16 KAR 13.24m 13.11m 3 Leaney, Josh 16 WBD 12.45m 4 Laifai, Moses 16 KAR 12.44m 5 Sing, Aiden 16 IPSS 12.35m 6 Saipeoe, Jonothan 16 KAR 12.32m 7 Lck, 1 16 LKY 12.23m 8 Messenger, Cameron16 LKY 12.04m 9 Vaaelua, Chris 16 WBD 11.98m 10 Price, Lynton 16 WBD 11.97m 11 Hardess, Gerard 16 BID 11.66m 11.58m 14 BID 5.87m 12 O'Brien, Flynn 16 IID 2 Rodger, Benjamin 14 BID 5.68m 13 Weight, Toby 16 IID 11.41m 3 Walk, Joel 14 IID 5.62m 14 Brandley, Damien 16 IID 11.25m 4 Waters, Jacob 14 IPSS 5.51m 15 Chisholm, Anthony 16 IPSS 11.16m IID 1.83m 5 Capdevila, Jordi 14 WBD 5.37m 16 Wall, Leo BID 10.90m 2 Blackman-Corowa, 16 Jai WBD 1.80m 6 Togbah, Remy 14 WBD 5.26m 17 Siua'ana, Ali-Josiah 16 KAR 10.82m 3 Karger, Stephen 16 WBD 1.80m 7 Wilson, Clayton 14 KAR 5.23m 18 Wells, Jacob 16 LKY 10.70m 4 Chamberlian, Hayden 16 KAR 1.78m 8 Lavatai, Jonathan 14 IPSS 5.22m 19 Vannek, Rhys 16 IPSS 10.52m 5 Rasmussen, Jarod 16 IID 1.75m 9 Mackie, Kristian 14 LKY 5.20m 20 Pere, Kea 16 IPSS 10.50m 6 Willis, Hoanni 16 IID 1.70m 10 Turay, Abdul 14 KAR 5.20m 21 Thorncraft, Jaidyn 16 IID 10.16m 7 Collins, Josh 16 WBD 1.70m 11 Churchward, Tristan14 IPSS 5.18m 22 Patelesio, Arthur 16 YAG ND 8 Schulte, Jarrod 16 IPSS 1.66m 12 Smith, Joel 14 BID 5.11m 23 Kalolo, Joseph 16 YAG ND 9 Cronin, Tom 16 LKY 1.66m 13 Martell, Tristan 14 WBD 5.11m 24 Leon, Olulanga 16 YAG ND 10 Simmons, Callum 16 KAR 1.65m 14 Dang, Kevin 14 KAR 5.08m 11 Mobbs, Chris IID 1.65m 15 Ryall, Kieran 14 LKY 4.99m 14 WBD 4.93m Name 1 Hicks, Callum Age 16 16 School Seed Mark 12 Rane, Waleed 16 KAR 1.64m 16 Shirzada, Saied 13 Rayer, Shane 16 IPSS 1.60m 17 Kenneh, Mohamed 14 KAR 4.93m 14 McGrath, Kian 16 KAR 1.60m 18 Kelland, Cameron 14 IID 4.89m WBD 1.60m 19 Dargusch, Trent 14 LKY 4.87m 16 Mulitalo, Ronaldo 16 IPSS 1.55m 20 Miles, Damien 14 IPSS 4.62m 17 Lck, 1 16 LKY 1.55m 21 Rajagopalan, Sai 14 IID 4.57m 18 Ksiezopolski, Brandon 16 LKY 1.55m 22 Pickford, Dylan 14 IID 4.52m 19 Haak, Cameron 16 LKY 1.55m 23 Pene, Elijah 14 YAG 20 Neumann, Andrew 16 IPSS 1.55m 24 Kenyi, Ben 14 21 McCartney, Thomas16 YAG NH 25 Amato, Jordan 14 22 Rangiuira, Mario 16 YAG NH 23 Patelesio, Arthur 16 YAG NH 24 Donnerley, Harland 16 YAG NH 15 Swain, Mckinley 16 Event 242 Men 13 Year Olds Shot Put Name Age School Seed Mark Age Seed Mark 1.25m 2 Battaglia, Danica 18 IPSS 1.25m 3 Green, Megan 18 KAR 1.20m Event 247 Men 13 Year Olds Triple Jump Name Age School Seed Mark 10.82m 13 KAR 10.56m YAG ND 3 Laei, Jamaine 13 IID 10.41m YAG ND 4 Van Hengel-Waite, Ethan 13 IID 10.40m 5 Dilla, Ceasar 13 KAR 10.27m 6 Lo, Brandon 13 KAR 10.26m 7 Johnson, Byron 13 BID 10.22m 8 Pholi, Tyler 13 LKY 10.00m School Seed Mark 1 Valentine, Tash 17 KAR 1.44m 2 Aokusa, Zitina 17 KAR 1.41m 3 Harris, Chelsea 17 IID 1.35m LKY 1.35m 13 2 Sooalo Matua, Alapati IID 11.54m 5 White, Kylee 17 KAR 1.35m 3 Neuendorf, Mitchell13 IID 11.47m 6 Primus, Dana 17 KAR 1.35m 4 Tauakipulu, Keynan13 IID 11.11m 7 Herbst, Tamika 17 IPSS 1.30m 5 Sheriff, Tito 13 WBD 11.05m 8 Foster, Aimee 17 IID 1.30m 6 Johnson, Byron 13 BID 10.98m 9 Bell, Makarla 17 IPSS 1.25m 7 Alner, Lachlan 13 BID 10.97m 10 Lawson, Jessica 17 LKY 1.23m 17 IPSS 1.20m 13 KAR 10.90m 11 Brook, Leah 9 Wallace, Mitchell 13 IPSS 10.65m 12 List, Alexis 17 IPSS 1.20m WBD 10.61m 13 Hoban, Domonique 17 LKY 1.20m 17 LKY 1.20m 13 WBD 2 Knuth, Jonathan 17 10 Robinson, Ben School 18 ND 4 Burton, Carol 8 Lavea, Memphis Name KAR 11.62m 13 Age 1 Burrell, Ariane 13 LKY 1 McAlpine, Zack Event 246 Women 18-19 High Jump 1 Tettey, Caleb Event 244 Women 17 Year Olds High Jump Name 16 11 McAlister, Riley 13 IPSS 10.58m 14 Merritt, Rachael 12 Laifai, Aaron 13 KAR 10.19m 15 Smith, Kellie 17 IPSS 1.20m 13 Wetao, Samuel 13 WBD 10.10m 16 Beston, Emily 17 YAG NH 14 Stewart, Ryan 13 IID 10.03m 17 Mato, Shannon 17 YAG NH 15 Sullivan, Jake 13 LKY 9.90m 18 Alberto, Joyce 17 YAG NH 9 Needham, Michael 13 IID 9.88m 10 King, Ethan 13 IID 9.87m 11 Dehmie, Cyrus 13 WBD 9.83m 12 Gregory, Isaak 13 LKY 9.73m 13 Cooper, Thomas 13 WBD 9.53m 14 Abegborioye, David13 BID 9.50m 15 Moffatt, George IPSS 9.40m 16 Williams, Connor 13 WBD 9.35m 17 Clarke, Jake 13 LKY 9.16m 18 Penn, Anthony 13 IPSS 8.86m 19 Tusa, Tyrone 13 IPSS 8.84m 20 Zagrovic, Clayton 13 IPSS 8.84m 21 Walmsley, Brendan 13 BID 7.88m 22 Hardess, Matthew 13 BID 7.86m 23 Jonassen, Peter 13 YAG ND 24 Yag, 7 13 YAG ND 25 Hoppner, Nick 13 YAG ND 26 Coombe, Brock 13 YAG ND 13 Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 27 Performance List Event 248 Women 15 Year Olds Long Jump Name 1 Wynyard, Demi Age 15 School Seed Mark BID 5.40m 2 Newton-Smith, Camryn 15 KAR 5.24m 3 Toto, Rimaz BID 4.96m 4 Langbridge, Cyndi 15 LKY 4.74m 5 Bell, Amy IID 4.71m 6 Cooper, Gabriella 15 BID 4.65m 7 Barretto, Hana 15 BID 4.56m 8 Deven, Grace 15 IID 4.39m 9 Johnston, Kelly 15 WBD 4.38m 10 Anderson, Michaela15 IID 4.31m 11 Lewis, Ella 15 IID 4.23m 12 Bock, Yasmine 15 LKY 4.23m 13 Hunter, Mackenzie 15 KAR 4.19m 14 James, Rachel 15 KAR 4.14m 15 Pickett, Maddison 15 IPSS 4.10m 16 Nel, Irma-Jean 15 LKY 4.05m 17 Biega, Portia 15 WBD 4.02m 18 Gossner, Skye 15 WBD 3.96m 19 Bridge, Emmalee 15 KAR 3.91m 20 Cook, Erin WBD 3.90m 21 Reed-Wilson, Chloe15 IPSS 3.84m 22 Macdonald, Amy 15 IPSS 3.76m 23 Butler, Kirra 15 IPSS 3.76m 24 Taban, Nancy 15 YAG ND 25 Ngor, Lizzy 15 YAG ND 26 Thomas, Chloe 15 YAG ND 15 15 15 Event 249 Men 14 Year Olds Javelin Throw Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Walker, Lachlan 14 BID 35.40m 2 Farrell, Zac 14 IID 34.48m 3 Klewin, Thatcher 14 KAR 32.43m 4 Gounder, Tyler IID 32.34m 5 Churchward, Tristan14 IPSS 32.25m 6 Williams, Brayden 14 IID 32.14m 7 Kirner, Jayden 14 LKY 30.65m 8 Yawata, Celestine 14 KAR 30.56m 9 Fox, Ciaran 14 IID 30.08m 10 McNally, Henry 14 WBD 28.37m 11 Togbah, Remy 14 WBD 26.69m 12 Hardess, Michael 14 BID 25.94m 13 Lowing, Natnael 14 LKY 25.94m 14 Pardy, Asher 14 WBD 25.90m 15 Johansen, Kaleb 14 KAR 25.15m 16 Mackie, Kristian 14 LKY 25.14m 17 Sword, Izi 14 WBD 24.84m 18 Lavatai, Jonathan 14 IPSS 24.64m 19 Tusa, Amona 14 IPSS 24.59m 20 Hargreaves, Charlie14 IPSS 24.43m 21 Thompson, Ryschan14 KAR 24.42m 22 Togia, Richard 14 YAG ND 23 Lemi, Alefosio 14 YAG ND 24 Morgan, Randy 14 YAG ND 25 Nguyen, Tommy 14 YAG ND 26 Nonu, Andy 14 YAG ND 14 Event 250 Women 13 Year Olds Discus Throw Name 1 Raeli, Amazing Age 13 School IID Seed Mark 31.90m 2 Fasala, Tenealle 13 IID 31.29m 3 Wells, Madison 13 IID 29.78m 4 Verrall, Emily-Rose13 IPSS 23.15m 5 Gilloway, Alyssa IPSS 22.13m 6 Lightbody, Isabelle 13 WBD 21.72m 7 Matauaina, Jacqueline 13 KAR 20.59m 8 Shearer, Jasmin BID 20.50m WBD 19.65m 13 13 9 King-Morrison, Ruby 13 10 Wishart, Kayla 13 WBD 19.64m 11 Auda, Tahni 13 KAR 19.37m 12 Maher, Ali 13 KAR 18.47m 13 Okesene, Christine 13 IID 18.36m 14 Tamotu, Veronika 13 IPSS 18.25m 15 Smith, Christine 13 KAR 17.31m 16 Harper, Jaycee 13 WBD 17.01m 17 Burchell, Lelani 13 LKY 16.71m 18 Quick, Abbey 13 LKY 16.67m 19 McInnes, Emily 13 LKY 16.05m 20 Lopau, Joan 13 IPSS 15.98m 21 Barros, Marion 13 BID 13.89m 22 Kibungu, Sauda 13 BID 12.90m 23 Irshad, Nabilah 13 BID 9.23m 24 Balmforth, Marni 13 YAG ND 25 Yag, 15 13 YAG ND 26 Yag, 1 13 YAG ND 27 Theobald, Tiana 13 YAG ND Event 251 Women 16 Year Olds Long Jump Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Colebourne, Katie 16 BID 5.28m 2 Dewilde, Ella 16 WBD 5.15m 3 Davies, Diamond 16 WBD 4.72m 4 Onno, Annabelle 16 KAR 4.69m 5 Cole, Megan 16 KAR 4.65m 6 Pearl, Majella 16 IID 4.55m 7 Sewell, Emily 16 BID 4.50m 8 Cassidy, Majella 16 IID 4.47m 9 Hancock, Abbey 16 LKY 4.30m 10 Pirrit, Tyra 16 WBD 4.30m 11 Sirriss, Alliyah 16 WBD 4.28m 12 Coyne, Emily 16 IID 4.28m 13 Bromage, Courteney16 BID 4.21m 14 Miller, Maggie 16 WBD 4.20m 15 Ross, Ellie 16 KAR 4.14m 16 Koop, Dayspring 16 KAR 4.14m 17 Pearce, Lacey 16 IPSS 4.07m 18 Boyce, Kaitlyn 16 IPSS 4.02m 19 Forster, Sophie 16 LKY 3.98m 20 Woodley, Aleah 16 LKY 3.95m 21 Smith, Natalee 16 IPSS 3.82m 22 Cummins, Breeana 16 IID 3.80m 23 Wimmer, Tarese 16 IPSS 3.74m 24 Beck, Amelia 16 IID 3.63m 25 Mossi, Sara 16 BID 3.36m 26 Yang, Joanne 16 YAG ND 27 Parker, Zara 16 YAG ND 16 Courtney YAG 28 Calver-Malaschevsky, ND 29 Benon, Evaline ND 16 YAG Event 252 Men 15 Year Olds Shot Put Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Toafa, Felise 15 IPSS 14.22m 2 Wolske, Simi 15 IID 13.66m 3 Sauer, Ryan 15 BID 13.02m 4 Barraclough, Christopher 15 IID 12.90m 5 Lea, Viliami 15 IID 12.83m 6 Nelu, Antonio 15 IPSS 12.78m 7 Saxby, Tom 15 WBD 12.73m 8 Moe, Torah 15 IID 12.71m 9 Wood, Branden 15 LKY 12.30m 10 Sneddon-Cathro, Beau 15 IPSS 12.06m 11 O`dea, Tyson LKY 11.85m 12 Burton, Brian Maxwell 15 IPSS 11.66m 13 McDonald, Liam 15 LKY 11.38m 14 Matio, Sam 15 WBD 11.35m 15 Holes, Riley 15 KAR 11.31m 16 Moloney, Ashley 15 KAR 11.28m 17 Martin, Harry 15 WBD 11.06m 18 Le Roux, Kyle 15 BID 10.99m 19 Galo, Patrick 15 KAR 10.97m 20 Johnston, David 15 KAR 10.92m 21 Kanneh, Sekou 15 WBD 10.62m 22 Teremoana, Nooroa 15 YAG ND 23 Nelson, Josh 15 YAG ND 24 Yag, 14 15 YAG ND 25 Brockhurst, Liam 15 YAG ND 15 Event 253 Women 15 Year Olds Javelin Throw Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Newton-Smith, Camryn 15 KAR 41.40m 2 Langbridge, Cyndi 15 LKY 35.50m 3 Stolberg, Tyla 15 IID 32.49m 4 Smith, Taylor 15 BID 29.00m 5 Roberts, Angela 15 KAR 28.01m 6 Conroy, Ariana 15 BID 27.85m 7 Gallaher, Mikaela 15 IID 25.43m 8 McClintock, Tara 15 WBD 23.61m 9 Coogan, Riana 15 BID 22.68m 10 Turnbull, Kayla 15 LKY 22.41m 11 Waller, Kayla 15 WBD 22.32m 12 Ashe, Kartina 15 LKY 21.67m 13 Hayton, Grace 15 IPSS 20.64m 14 Robertson, Kyeesha15 KAR 19.73m 15 Artango, Eli 15 KAR 19.57m 16 McColm, Macy 15 IID 19.12m 17 Biega, Portia 15 WBD 19.12m 18 Gough, Tasmin 15 IID 18.40m 19 Proietti, Ella 15 WBD 17.48m 20 Prince, Carmel 15 IPSS 16.90m 21 Tamotu, Paratina 15 IPSS 15.78m 22 Morris, Agnes 15 BID 14.70m 23 Tansell, Kyarni 15 IPSS 11.90m 24 Tuileisu, Catelynn 15 YAG ND 25 Knipe, Taela 15 YAG ND 26 Johnson, Bailee 15 YAG ND Event 254 Men 16 Year Olds Triple Jump Name 1 Hicks, Callum Age 16 School IID 2 Hughes-Evans, Jeremy-Lee 16 LKY Seed Mark 12.44m 12.09m Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 28 Performance List 17 LKY 1.72m 12.03m 5 Healy, Kealan 6 Dieckmann, Isaac 17 IPSS 1.70m 17 WBD 1.70m Event 254 ... (Men 16 Year Olds Triple Jump) 3 Mulitalo, Ronaldo 16 IPSS 4 Karger, Stephen 16 WBD 11.99m 7 Drury, Sean 5 Sticher, Alex 16 IPSS 11.83m 8 Crilly, Josh 17 IPSS 1.70m 6 Makuach, Malat 16 WBD 11.80m 9 Williams, Alex 17 WBD 1.70m 7 Ryan, Lorenze 16 IID 11.72m 10 Kidia, Yohana 17 KAR 1.70m 8 Forge, Bailey 16 KAR 11.67m 11 Mackie, Bailey 17 LKY 1.69m 9 Rayer, Shane 16 IPSS 11.62m 12 Bruce, Benjamin 17 LKY 1.69m WBD 11.59m 13 Skene, Dylan 17 WBD 1.65m 17 WBD 1.65m 10 Abraham, Stephan 16 11 McGrath, Kian 16 KAR 11.57m 14 Kemp, Josh 12 Steffe, Michael 16 WBD 11.49m 15 Roberts, Brandon 17 KAR 1.60m 13 Lennon, Jordan 16 IID 11.34m 16 Carson, Nicholas 17 KAR 1.59m 17 IPSS 1.55m 14 Burchell, Rhys 16 LKY 11.24m 17 Williams, Jacob 15 Debelle, Ronald 16 KAR 11.21m 18 Lister, Brycen 17 IPSS 1.55m 16 Weavers, Ryan 16 IID 11.20m 19 Kirisome, Sonny 17 YAG NH 17 Stevenson, Jade 16 KAR 11.15m 20 Robinson, Nicholas 17 YAG NH 18 O'Connell, Cody 16 IPSS 10.63m 21 Faamatuaini, Tautai 17 YAG NH 19 Van Harskamp, Reece 16 LKY 10.54m 20 Wall, Leo 16 BID 9.70m 21 Leon, Olulanga 16 YAG ND 22 Itiri, Anthony 16 YAG ND 23 Rangiuira, Mario 16 YAG ND 24 Grant, Nick 16 YAG ND Age School Name Age School Seed Mark Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Moloney, Ashley 15 KAR 6.27m 2 Suey, Shannon 15 IPSS 5.71m 3 Gallman, Mark 15 WBD 5.60m 4 Griffiths, Michael 15 BID 5.54m 5 Williams, Kooper 15 IID 5.52m 6 Paulo, Emanuele IID 5.43m 15 7 Burton, Brian Maxwell 15 IPSS 5.40m 8 White, Tyson 15 LKY 5.40m 9 Redfern, Lachlan 15 IID 5.37m 10 Sauer, Ryan 15 BID 5.35m 11 Spillman, Archie 15 IPSS 5.30m 12 Hollier, Ryan 15 BID 5.30m 13 Cairns, Dylan 15 KAR 5.30m 14 Treschman, Jack 15 IID 5.30m 15 Galo, Patrick 15 KAR 5.29m 16 Duddy, Jye 15 IPSS 5.28m 17 Coalter, Tiernan 15 WBD 5.24m 1 Yanai, Dorian 18 KAR 1.70m 18 Gillam, Jai 15 KAR 5.24m 2 Khan, Rafique 19 KAR 1.65m 19 Kanneh, Sekou 15 WBD 5.22m 3 Mico, Gianni 18 KAR 1.60m 20 Garrioch, Ewan 15 WBD 5.21m 4 Clem, Kori 18 IPSS 1.55m 21 Mak, Fai Long 15 LKY 5.07m 5 Tshilumba, Augustin18 KAR 1.53m 22 Williams, Bailey 15 LKY 4.71m Seed Mark 6 Semyraha, Tyler 18 IPSS 1.45m 23 Brown, Frank 15 YAG ND Event 255 Women 14 Year Olds Discus Throw Name Event 257 Men 18-19 High Jump Event 259 Men 15 Year Olds Long Jump 1 Vidler, Rochelle 14 IID 38.24m 7 Plumb, Jonathon 18 IPSS 1.45m 24 Te Riini, Joel 15 YAG ND 2 Sullivan, Clare 14 WBD 33.51m 8 Wenzel, Kyle 18 IPSS 1.45m 25 Ormsby, Kee-Lin 15 YAG ND 3 Lawrence, Jenna 14 KAR 31.10m 9 Oyet, Samuel 18 YAG NH 26 Changpiny, Khan 15 YAG ND 4 Townsend, Isabelle 14 BID 28.86m 10 Nguyen, Nhan 18 YAG NH 5 Raeli, Elizabeth 14 IID 28.66m 11 Iosua, Vaopuka 18 YAG NH 6 Riese, Clare 14 WBD 27.88m 12 Logo, Elijah 18 YAG NH 7 Greenup, Mykala 14 LKY 25.80m 8 Fraser, Candace 14 IPSS 24.08m 9 Rowbotham, Milla 14 BID 23.10m 10 Trebbin, Madeline 14 IID 22.46m 11 Sugden, Laura IID 22.23m 12 Hardy-Synnott, Jade14 IPSS 20.66m 13 Marsh, Bridey 14 KAR 20.35m 14 Harper, Caliesha 14 IPSS 19.91m 15 Calderon, Tahlia 14 WBD 19.40m 16 Crothers, Katie 14 LKY 19.18m 17 James, Eunice 14 KAR 19.18m 18 Kerrisk, Kianna 14 KAR 18.22m 19 Hand, Mykaela 14 LKY 18.19m 20 Iosefa, Lolita 14 WBD 18.01m 21 Gilloway, Grace 14 IPSS 15.91m 22 Langguth, Isabel 14 BID 13.86m 23 Low, Amaya 14 BID 12.91m 14 24 Willoughby, Kelsie 15 YAG ND 25 Kolio, Petesa 14 YAG ND 26 Fuimaono, Salote 14 YAG ND 27 Bell, Jorga YAG ND 14 Event 256 Men 17 Year Olds High Jump Name Age School Seed Mark Event 258 Women 13 Year Olds Javelin Throw Event 260 Women 17 Year Olds Triple Jump Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Trainor, Madison 17 BID 11.22m 2 Aokusa, Zitina 17 KAR 10.08m 3 Dickinson, Shani 17 IPSS 9.86m 1 Nepia, Hinearoha 13 KAR 24.77m 4 List, Alexis 17 IPSS 9.78m 2 Auda, Tahni 13 KAR 23.85m 5 Phillips, Amber 17 LKY 9.57m 3 King, Faith 13 KAR 22.19m 6 Ha, Diem 17 KAR 9.30m 4 Parsons, Kate 13 WBD 22.00m 7 Wong, Elise 17 KAR 9.29m 5 Janke, Alyssa 13 IID 21.49m 8 Hess, Carly 17 WBD 9.21m 6 Gardner, Megan 13 WBD 20.75m 9 Ellis, Terri 17 KAR 9.16m 7 Harper, Jaycee 13 WBD 19.35m 10 De Villiers, Jana 17 IPSS 8.93m 8 Lopau, Joan 13 IPSS 18.95m 11 Phillips, Lauren 17 LKY 8.77m IID 18.73m 12 Robbins, Kaitlyn 17 IPSS 8.73m Name Age 9 Okesene, Christine 13 School Seed Mark 10 Raeli, Amazing 13 IID 18.26m 13 Dixon, Renee 17 WBD 8.68m 11 Toto, Rina 13 BID 18.00m 14 Iid, Ivy 17 IID 8.64m 12 Evans, Isabella 13 IPSS 17.60m 15 Blignaut, Deandra 17 WBD 8.47m 13 Kikii, Pualogomua 13 KAR 17.51m 16 Aust, Zoe 17 IID 7.45m 14 Lightbody, Amy 13 WBD 16.82m 17 Smith, Gabrielle 17 IID 7.36m 15 Collins, Stella 13 IPSS 16.61m 18 Brown, Vandoria 17 YAG ND 16 Walmsley, Emily 13 LKY 16.17m 19 Duroux, Darcee 17 YAG ND 17 McColl, Sophie Rose 13 LKY 15.97m 20 Alberto, Joyce 17 YAG ND 18 Livingstone, Chelsea13 IID 15.88m 21 Beston, Emily 17 YAG ND 19 Ewings, Jjemma 13 IPSS 14.64m 20 Luck, Lauren 13 LKY 14.57m 21 Fenn, Mei-Yan 13 BID 9.66m 1 Berlin, Matthew 17 IID 1.85m 22 Faolua, Ita 13 YAG ND 2 Dunne, Sam 17 IID 1.80m 23 Alo, Melody 13 YAG ND 3 Griffin, Alex 17 KAR 1.75m 24 Dau, Maddison 13 YAG ND 4 Robinson, Kobe 17 IID 1.75m Event 261 Men 14 Year Olds Shot Put Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Rodger, Benjamin 14 BID 13.68m 2 Tauakipulu, Tiaan 14 IID 13.20m 3 Hoger, Josh 14 LKY 12.49m 4 Lck, 3 14 LKY 12.49m 5 Langbridge-Thompson, 14 Codi LKY 12.41m 6 Churchward, Tristan14 11.76m IPSS Metropolitan West Schl Sport-Office Copy Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 10:23 AM 24/08/2015 Page 29 Performance List Event 261 ... (Men 14 Year Olds Shot Put) 7 Martell, Tristan 14 WBD 11.74m 8 Ngembe, Jeremie 14 BID 11.50m 9 Tusa, Amona IPSS 11.32m 14 10 Ward, Cooper 14 IID 11.29m 11 Vaka, James 14 KAR 11.22m 12 Sword, Izi 14 WBD 11.18m 13 Lord, Sam 14 WBD 11.08m 14 Oakden, Joseph 14 IID 11.01m 15 Cullinan, Thomas 14 BID 11.00m 16 Johansen, Kaleb 14 KAR 10.71m 17 Waters, Jacob 14 IPSS 10.38m 18 Pepe, Jermaine 14 KAR 10.29m 19 Housden, Elliot 14 IID 10.11m 20 Abdi Bulale, Salah 14 KAR 10.09m 21 Wbd, 3 14 WBD 9.93m 22 Beaver, Joel 14 IPSS 9.90m 23 Cregan, Thomas 14 BID 9.62m 24 Nonu, Andy 14 YAG ND 25 Ah Chong, Myphala14 YAG ND 26 Neil, Lapanga 14 YAG ND 27 Morgan, Randy 14 YAG ND Event 262 Women 18-19 Triple Jump Name Age School Seed Mark 1 White, Tarnia 18 LKY 9.22m 2 Murphy, Jacinta 18 BID 8.77m 3 Malish, Jackeline 18 WBD 8.58m 4 Green, Megan 18 KAR 8.05m 5 Kok, Annclan 18 KAR 6.91m Event 263 Men 13 Year Olds High Jump Name Seed Mark Event 264 Men 17 Year Olds Discus Throw Name Age 1 Keepa, Jai 17 School Event 268 Men 13-19 Javelin Throw AWD Seed Mark Name Age School Seed Mark KAR 42.91m 1 Rivett ***, Andre 18 KURBY ND 2 Sefo Wallace, Brandon 17 IID 42.19m 2 Amos ***, Liam 17 KURBY ND 3 Pearson, Tom 17 IID 38.81m 3 Stollznow ***, Joshua 18 KURBY ND 4 Setu, Wyatt 17 IID 35.45m 4 Lay ***, Lennon 14 KURBY ND 5 Kabamba, Trezor 17 KAR 33.82m 5 Blake, Joel 16 LKY ND 6 Coles, Daniel 17 LKY 33.28m 14 KURBY 6 Summerell ***, Camerona 7 Findlay, Fletcher 17 WBD 32.06m 8 Otim, Denis 17 WBD 31.72m 9 Vercoe, Jack 17 KAR 31.30m 10 Lister, Brycen 17 IPSS 31.26m 11 Lalofau, Jordan 17 WBD 30.84m 12 Yang, Jeff 17 KAR 29.33m 13 Hall, Luke 17 IPSS 28.75m 14 Williams, Jayden 17 LKY 27.28m 15 Casey, Brayden 17 IPSS 26.48m 16 Hornbuckle, Dallas 17 LKY 25.92m 17 Ballin, Brock 17 IPSS 25.44m 18 Mamea, Danny 17 YAG ND 19 Romano, Alex 17 YAG ND 20 Arnold, Matthew 17 WBD ND 21 Teremoana, Teremoana 17 WBD ND 22 Siulepa, Mikaele 17 YAG ND 23 Tupu, Andrew 17 YAG ND Event 265 Men 18-19 Discus Throw Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Munro, Lachlan 18 BID 46.27m 2 De Groot, Julian 18 BID 33.71m 3 Ioane, Jezzy 18 KAR 31.01m 4 Hardess, James 18 BID 29.68m Age School 1 Pirrit, Cole 13 WBD 1.55m 5 Tuiga, Tuiga 18 IPSS 26.25m 2 Sheriff, Tito 13 WBD 1.55m 6 Cho, Harry 18 KAR 26.08m 3 Subritzky, Chicago 13 WBD 1.55m 7 Dinh, Anthony 18 KAR 24.76m 4 Pearson, Kodi 13 BID 1.53m 8 Semyraha, Tyler 18 IPSS 23.50m 5 King, Seth 13 LKY 1.50m 9 Tshilumba, Augustin18 KAR 22.65m 6 Pholi, Tyler 13 LKY 1.50m 7 Jorgensen, Jai 13 IID 8 Meek, Nicholas 13 IID 9 Knuth, Jonathan 13 10 Plumb, Jonathon 18 IPSS 22.55m 1.50m 11 Wenzel, Kyle 18 IPSS 16.84m 1.50m 12 Nguyen, Nhan 18 YAG ND KAR 1.50m 13 Iosua, Vaopuka 18 YAG ND 10 Wallace, Mitchell 13 IPSS 1.46m 14 Logo, Elijah 18 YAG ND 11 Miller, Bailey 13 IPSS 1.46m 12 Mawhinney, Liam 13 BID 1.45m 13 Tettey, Caleb 13 KAR 1.45m 14 Dilla, Ceasar 13 KAR 1.44m 15 Zagrovic, Clayton 13 IPSS 1.43m 16 Van Dongen, Kyle 13 KAR 1.43m 17 Olsen, Hayden 13 IID 1.40m 18 Hudsptih, Jordan 13 IID 1.40m 19 Noffke, Lachlan 13 IPSS 1.40m 20 Wengel, Max 13 LKY 1.35m 21 Clarke, Jake 13 LKY 1.35m 22 Kebbell, Wilkin 13 LKY 1.35m Event 266 Men 13-19 Discus Throw AWD Name Age School Seed Mark 1 Atuatika ***, Harris13 IID 17.62m 13 2 Hartley ***, Lachlan KAR 10.00m 3 Amos ***, Liam KURBY ND 4 Summerell ***, Camerona 14 KURBY ND 5 Stollznow ***, Joshua 18 KURBY ND 6 Rivett ***, Andre 18 KURBY ND 7 Blake, Joel 16 LKY ND 8 Clayton ***, Rory 17 WBD ND KURBY ND 9 Lay ***, Lennon 17 14 23 Wbd, Dominic 13 WBD 1.30m 24 Freeman, Tyrone 13 YAG NH 25 Tran, Calvin 13 YAG NH 1 Morgan ***, Teiri 14 KURBY ND 26 Taufao, Zac 13 YAG NH 2 Young ***, Jessica 17 KURBY ND 27 Jones, Jack 13 YAG NH 3 Turner ***, Samantha 15 KURBY ND Event 267 Women 13-19 Javelin Throw AWD Name Age School Seed Mark ND Metropolitan West School Sport / Queensland School Sport CODE OF CONDUCT - Students, Parents & Spectators The following code of conduct highlights the level of expected behaviour of students, parents and spectators when participating in / attending Queensland School Sport (QSS) events. Consequences for not honouring this code of conduct are listed in the boxed sections. Please ensure that you have read and understand this code prior to participating in / attending Metropolitan West (MW) or Queensland School Sport (QSS) events. Further information is available by contacting the Metropolitan West School Sports Office on (07) 3436 0333 or the Queensland School Sport Unit on (07) 3352 1165. Please be aware that ignorance of the contents of this Code will not be accepted as an excuse for any breach. EXPECTATIONS OF STUDENT PARTICIPANTS: As a team member Take responsibility for your own behaviour and performance Compete by the competition conditions and rules. Never argue with the Judge’s, Referee’s or Umpire’s decision. Control your temper – no criticism by word or gesture. Work equally hard for yourself and your team– your team’s performance will benefit and so will your own. Be a good sport. Encourage and support your own team members. Show respect for yourself, your team mates, officials, your opponents and their skills. Behave in a manner that respects the rights of others regardless of means of communication used eg. Digital mediums such as Twitter, Facebook, emal and texts. Smoking, drinking of alcoholic beverages, use of any illegal substances and substance abuse is strictly forbidden. Entering or remaining upon restricted licensed premises unless under the supervision of team officials or billeting parents is strictly forbidden. Going to bed at a reasonable hour will assist your own and your team’s performance. Wear the official team uniform at all times, as directed by team management/officials. Check-in and check-out with team management/officials each day. Stay in the designated team area and support other team members during times when you are not competing. Follow all directions of team management/officials. Ensure that you have telephone numbers of team managers with you at all times that you are not with the team. Consequences for breaches of this code by students Team managers may deal immediately with any breaches of this code by imposing appropriate consequences, including not playing remaining fixtures, notification of parents, and being sent home at your parents’ cost. The Metropolitan West School Sport Board (MWSSB), as an affiliated body of Queensland School Sport (QSS), is responsible for imposing any longer term consequences to your future participation in MWSSB/ QSS events. Furthermore, MWSSB mayprovide a report to your school about your conduct and, as a school representative, you may be subject to discipline in accordance with the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 (EGPA). Students will be afforded natural justice in respect of breaches of this code and for any discipline under the EPGA. EXPECTATIONS OF PARENTS AND SPECTATORS: Parents Code of Conduct Cooperate with the school to achieve the best outcomes for your child Support team and event officials in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students Maintain positive relationships with team officials regarding your child’s learning, wellbeing and behaviour Encourage participation by your children. Provide a model of good sportsmanship for your child to copy. Be courteous and constructive in your communication with players, team officials, game officials and sport administrators. Behave in a manner that respects the rights of others regardless of means of communication used eg. Digital mediums such as Twitter, Facebook, emal and texts. Encourage honest effort, skilled performance and team loyalty. Make any new parents feel welcome on all occasions. Do not interfere with the conduct of any events. Support School Sport Australia’s policy of a smoke and alcohol free environment. Spectators Code of Conduct Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour at MWSSB/ QSS events. Remember children play for enjoyment; please don’t let your behaviour detract from their enjoyment. Let all officials conduct events without interference. Support skilled performances and team play with generous applause. Demonstrate respect for opposing players and their supporters. Support our policy of a smoke and alcohol free environment Consequences for breaches of this code by parents / spectators Team managers and event organisers may deal immediately with any breaches of this code by warning offenders about their conduct, asking offenders to leave venues, and calling police to intervene where necessary. The Metropolitan West School Sport Board, as an affiliated body of Queensland School Sport, is responsible for imposing any longer term consequences such as written warnings, or barring attendance at future events for a period or indefinitely. Parents and spectators should note that it is an offence to insult (meaning "to treat insolently or with contemptuous rudeness, to abuse") an officer of a state educational institution in the presence or hearing of students – s.333(2)(b) Wilful Disturbance, of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 (EGPA). Parents and spectator swill be afforded natural justice in respect of Breaches of this code. PHOTOGRAPHY AT METROPOLITAN WEST / QUEENSLAND SCHOOL SPORT EVENTS Metropolitan West/ Queensland School Sport is mindful of the issues surrounding inappropriate photography of students participating at sporting events. Metropolitan West/ Queensland School Sport is bound by the Queensland Department of Education and Training Duty of Care and Student Protection policies. Metropolitan West/ Queensland School Sport adheres to any regulations imposed by the Management at all venues which are used for its events, including the photography of participants. Metropolitan West/ Queensland School Sport believes that there needs to be a balance between the right of parents and any concerns associated with the photography of students. The taking of photographs is therefore permitted at Metropolitan West/ Queensland School Sport events, with the following exceptions: Except where an event is held at a venue which prohibits such photography Except for students who do not have parental consent for such photography The management of this policy is the responsibility of the Event Convenors in consultation with Team Officials and Venue Management. Acknowledgements The Met West School Sport Board extends thanks to the following contributors to this Meet: The staff of the Metropolitan West School Sports Office All volunteer officials, both at the venue and behind the scenes Brisbane Athletics Officials Club Deaf Sports & Recreation Queensland Our District Team Nominations Coordinators: Central District Fassifern District Greenbank District Inala District Ipswich District Lockyer District Sunnybank District West Akuna District West Taylor Bridge District BID – Boys BID – Girls Ipswich Independent Karawatha District Ipswich Secondary District Lockyer Secondary District Yagera District West Brisbane District - Danielle Fajzullin Chris Muir Sue Elliott Kevin Murray Bryan Marshall Linda Davenport Dave Robertson Chris Foreman Wayne Daunt Rachael Matt Allen-Ankins Matt Ellis Dan Michael Allan Shanks Nick Truloff Sarah Laurie Caroline Schmidt, Steve Mills, Ben Cameron, Geoff Palmer, Christian Tucker, Kate Oxenford District Secretaries, Sports Coordinators, Principals and School staff Corinda State High School Staff & Students for assisting with the Hurdles setup Stadiums Queensland and the staff of SAF/ QSAC Sports First Aid Services - Peter Felton and Sandra Taylor Regional Officials and District Team Managers Parents, friends and spectators Competitors who are giving their all to represent their school/ District whilst aiming for Metropolitan West selection. Sponsors of Metropolitan West School Sport Ipswich City Council University of Southern Queensland, Springfield Campus Quest Ipswich Serviced Apartments Proud Sponsors of Met West
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