Bealeton Flying Circus DCRC Club IMAA Big Bird Fly IN


Bealeton Flying Circus DCRC Club IMAA Big Bird Fly IN
DCRC Club Meeting
Third Friday of each Month
7:30 PM
Montgomery County
Council building
100 Maryland Ave
DCRC Club Meeting
October 18 , 2013
Rockville, MD
Rockville, MD
Jim McDaniel/ Elections
Don’t forget the model
Volume 59, Issue 9
Bealeton Flying Circus
DCRC Club IMAA Big Bird Fly IN
Jim Fisher and his flying family
District of Columbia Radio Control Club Montgomery County Maryland AMA Chartered Club 329 Established 1951
Volume 59, Issue 9
Page 2
Jim McDaniel
V.P. Walt Gallaugher
County Liaison: Jim McDaniel
Andy Finizio
Jim Fisher
Walt Gallaugher
David Garrison
Allan Hoffman
Andy Kane
Jim McDaniel
Thomas Pfarr
Jose Sanchez
Event Coordinator
Training Program
Meeting Program
Meeting Raffle/Awards
Field Maintenance
Newsletter Editor
Club President
Membership Secretary
Doug Harper
Andy Kane Event Coordinator, Bliss Teague AMA District 4 VP and
Jose Sanchez
20017 Haller Ave
Poolesville, MD 20837
President of the AMA Bob Brown. Bringing Modelers Together
Doug Harper
Jim McDaniel &
Allan Hoffman
Andy Kane
Walt Gallaugher
Thomas Pfarr
The DC/RC Newsletter is published monthly
by the District of Columbia Radio Control Inc.
Deadline for submitting materials for publication is the last Friday of each month. Any part
of the newsletter may be reproduced for nonprofit purposes unless otherwise noted. Please
credit the Newsletter and Author if named.
Articles may not reflect the opinion of the club,
but that of the author.
Did you know that any airplane brought in to the
model shop will receive 3 free raffle tickets. Bring in
your models each month for your free tickets, and to
share ideas.
PG 2
PG 3
PG 4
PG 5
PG 6
PG 7
Photo of the Fisher Family at Bealeton IMAA Big Bird fly in
Photo by Andy Kane
The line up a of Stearman’s Allan Hoffman, Walt Gallaugher, Scott
Davies, Jim McDaniel, Bob Klenke, Rick Moreland
Paul Gunther
The Bealeton Raffle winner
Volume 59, Issue 9
Kirk Wicker with his newly refurbished J-3
Page 3
Aerial shot from a Quicksilver MX!! Taken
by Lorrie Moreland
Three Cubs and
Scott Davies
Volume 59, Issue 9
by Doug Harper
DCRC held its annual Oktoberfest Funfli on Sept 29 this year.
After much good food and fun, thirteen brave flyers took to the skies to
compete against each other and to see
who the bravest of the brave were.
There were three events culminating
in the “death dive” landing where the
last down is eliminated. This makes
for some very scary landings.
First came the “Aerial Bowling”
where contestants drag a golf ball on
a string along the runway while trying
to knock over plastic jugs. The fun
part is each jug presented a different
score. After a slow start where many
Page 4
This lead to some very daring touches
as flyers gave their all to stay within
A good time was had by all and most
agreed this was one of the best Funfli’s ever. Many thanks to Andy
Finizio who coordinated the whole
event and designed the Funfli. Also,
special thanks to Kwan from Hobby
Hangar for his great support of DCRC
the lines. When the dust settled
(literally), Bob Young came out on
Lorrie and Rick Moreland from the
PGRC club enjoying Bealeton with
their Balsa USA Stearman
top with one of the few glo engine
airplanes in the event.
Finally, came the “Bomb Drop”, or
more accurately the nut with streamer
drop. This event presented a real
challenge in that the nut had to land
close to a bunch of paper plates, each
with again a different number on it.
While many seemed to have trouble
finding the plates at all, Andy Kane
and his T28 came in with a high score
of “5”.
After all was said and done, the rankings were as follows:
had difficulty hitting the jugs at all,
Ed Leibolt (of flight training fame)
emerged victorious by knocking over
a jug with a score of “12” on it.
Next came the “Touch and Go” where
contestants had to T&G within two
lines across the runway. When a flyer
missed twice, he was eliminated.
John Petley
Second Walt Gallaugher, Jim
McDaniel, Allan Hoffman,
Bob Young
Andy Kane
See what you can do if you let
somebody fly your plane.
Volume 59, Issue 9
The meeting, held at the home of
Andy Kane, was called to order by President Jim McDaniel at 7:00 PM. In attendance were Jim McDaniel, Tom Pfarr,
Walt Gallaugher, Andy Kane, Doug
Harper, Andy Finizio, Jim Fisher, Allan
Hoffman, David Garrison and Jose Sanchez. Many thanks to Andy for providing
ample refreshments for tonight's meeting.
Committee Reports:
Public Relations & County Liaison: Jim
McDaniel. No report
Sound & Safety: Walt Gallaugher. New
signs are posted at the field. Thanks to
Bob Young for getting this done.
Field Maintenance: Dave Garrison has
been checking the solar charger and it is
working well. He found one member
charging four 6S 5000mah batteries and
the system did the job.
Thanks to Bob Young for repairing the
doors on the bulletin board and for repairing the chains on the field gate.
Thanks to Allan and Dave Garrison for
repairing the table under the gazebo. A
new wind sock is on the way and will be
installed soon. A new lock has been installed by Jim McDaniel on the entrance
gate to replace the old one.
There was a lengthy discussion regarding
improvements to the heli flying side of
the field. Allan Hoffman will talk to the
heli flyers to put together an improvement
Flight Instruction/Awards: Jim Fisher
announced that there are two training
sessions left this year. We have had some
equipment issues which Jim is working
on for next year. The program has been a
great success this year and has attracted
many new members. Jim and Jose are
evaluating the best use of existing equipment as well as any new equipment they
may want to procure in the future. One
idea is to use less expensive equipment
for beginners and the better planes for
students who have progressed. Allan
Hoffman reiterated his thought from last
month to have spotters help the training
Page 5
pilots avoid other planes. Jim will come
back to the Board with a recommendation
for next year.
Events: Andy Kane reported that Bealeton was a success again this year. Even
though slightly down in attendance this
year, the entire event only cost the Club
$128. We had 47 registered pilots. Many
thanks to David Garrison for donating a
large kit which helped out greatly. We
were pleased that our AMA president,
Bob Brown, and his wife as well as Bliss
Teague, AMA AVP, were in attendance.
Many thanks to Andy and Jim McDaniel
for hosting this fine event. There was a
discussion among the Board about how to
attract more contestants to this event in
the future.
Andy Kane discussed his plans for Oktoberfest food this year.
Treasurer: Doug Harper reported that he
wrote four checks over $100 in the last
month. He presented a YTD Budget report to the Board for their consideration.
Membership: Jose Sanchez plans to send
out membership renewals in November
after the new budget is approved.
Newsletter: Andy Kane discussed his
thinking on what we might do in the future to continue producing a quality product as well as keep costs down where
applicable. There were many ideas presented by various Board members.
Web Master: Tom Pfarr. Web site is
working well. There was a discussion
about setting up a mailing list for the web
Old Business: None.
New Business: Doug presented a proposed 2014 DCRC budget to the Board
for their consideration. There was a
lively discussion of almost all the line
items which resulted in the proposed
budget being unanimously accepted by
the Board. This proposed budget will be
presented at the next Club meeting for the
membership's information. The Board
had another lengthy discussion regarding
the need for, and therefore an amount of,
a potential dues increase next year. This
will be voted on at the next Board meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40PM.
DCRC Elections
October 18, 2013
As is customary each year we
have 3 current board members terms that
are expiring. The members who have
served the board are: Walt Gallaugher,
David Garrison and Tom Pfarr.
The Constitution and By-Laws of the club
explain the nomination and election process. Nominations were held at the September club meeting and the following
members have been accepted.
Walt Gallaugher
David Garrison
Tom Pfarr
Bob Young
Each candidate had the opportunity to submit a biography to the newsletter for
publishing, None were submitted.
At the October club meeting
an election will take place to
determine which 3 members
will be voted onto the board
for a three year term. For
the elections to be validated
there must be a quorum of
18% (Currently 41 members) of the general voting
membership that participate
in the elections. Ballots will
be provided at the club
meeting once Current membership has been validated
by the membership secretary.
For members not able to attend the meeting, absentee ballots are available from
the membership secretary. Electronic
absentee ballots and Paper ballots are
acceptable if presented to the membership
secretary before 10/11/13 and will be
counted towards the needed quorum for
election validation.
Volume 59, Issue 9
September Club
Meeting Minutes
The meeting, held at the County
Office Building, was called to order by
President Jim McDaniel at 7:40 PM. Jim
asked for the introduction of any new
members or guests. None were present.
Jim stated that he plans to stir up some
"controversy", to be decided, to stimulate
meeting attendance.
County Liaison: There will be a managed
County deer hunt again this year on our
facility. They expect to take three days
scheduled on 11/9, 11/23 and Jan 3. We
can be in the facility but the County
wants the gate closed at all times. If a
plane goes down in the woods, the member should call either Jim or the posted
Jim announced that we hosted AMA
President Bob Brown, AMA/FAA liaison
Rick Hanson, and FAA interface Jamie
Lessard who came to our field a few
weeks back. They were particularly interested in seeing a working flying site as
well as seeing a hex copter in operation.
Jamie also flew one of the club trainers
using a buddy box. Jamie came back to
one of our training sessions and has
shown interest in the hobby. The AMA
web page has a reference to this event.
Jim feels that DCRC performed well in
this and that AMA was very appreciative
of our efforts.
We think this effort helped stave off a
potential change in the FAA rules regarding flying from our field within a 30 mile
radius of DCA. We thank the FAA for
heading off this change.
Events: Andy Finizio reported that Oktoberfest next Sunday, Sept 29. Food will
be provided by A Kane. There will be a
fun fly that day and Andy wants everyone
to come out and fly.
October 19 is Opening Day at the Montgomery County Airpark. DCRC will do a
model demo that day and the public is
Jim McDaniel announced that Bealeton
was a great success again this year.
Page 6
Weather was very good and, even though
attendance was a bit down, we did very
well financially. Bliss Teague, AVP, and
Bob Brown, AMA President, were in
attendance. The total cost this year was
only $128 but a special thanks is in order
to David Garrison for donating a very
nice 30% Edge kit for the raffle. The
Red, Hot and Blue meal was very good
again this year. Andy and Jim thanked all
the DCRC members who help support
this event. Jay Stargel mowed the entire
runway again this year. Finally, the night
flying was stupendous with as many as
six planes in the starlit sky. Bob Young,
first time attendee at Bealeton, testified
that he enjoyed Bealeton as much as any
event he has been to this year and that
DCRC should be proud of the effort. Bob
encouraged all to attend.
Jim wanted to give a special thanks to
Hobby Hangar for supporting DCRC
throughout this year as well as at Bealeton and our flight training program. Jim
encouraged the membership to support
local hobby shops.
Training/Community Outreach :
Fisher reported that training is going well.
62 people are in the program, 668 flights
were flown this year, and 39 students
signed up at the field for AMA and
DCRC. We have a tree guy who will
climb trees, Jose Granados, 240-8635441. Jim has more DCRC hats for sale,
$20 each.
There is a full scale Ford Trimotor at the
Frederick Airport this weekend.
Jim showed a battery that is being sold on
the Hobby King website that is a Lipo
battery being sold as a LiFe. We should
be aware of this since they are charged in
a completely different way and could
cause problems.
Field Maintenance: Jim announced that
the gate lock has stopped working so it
has been replaced with a new one that
Bob Young has created and
mounted new signage which defines the
flight box. Bob also has repaired the bulletin board as well as new chains for the
field gate. Thanks to Bob for doing that.
David Garrison announced that solar
chargers are working well. Members are
consistently using them.
Membership: Jose Sanchez. No report.
Safety Coordinator: Walt Gallaugher.
Thanks to Bob Young for the new safety
Raffle: No raffle tonight.
Treasure’s Report: Doug wrote four
checks in excess of $100 this month. He
had a copy of the YTD Budget Report for
anyone who cares to see it.
Web Site: Tom Pfarr. Web is working.
Newsletter: Andy Kane. No report.
New/Old Business: Tonight is nomination of three new Board members. The
nominations from the floor were David
Garrison, Tom Pfarr, Walt Gallaugher and
Bob Young were nominated by the membership. The members voted to accept
these nominations. Thus, these four candidates will be voted on next month at the
Club meeting to fill the three vacancies.
Model Shop: David Garrison presented a
product from Retro RC has come up with
a 15" balsa indoor airframe that can be
used to move the radio and engine parts
from an indoor foamy. In this way you
can continue to use your parts and to keep
flying. David has had very good luck
with this product.
Gus Crosetto mentioned that a picture of
his previous model shop Popsi Toad has
been published in the AMA magazine.
Tonight he presented his electric pusher
arf called the Predator (it looks like the
real Predator). His model Predator was
challenging to find a battery for since the
battery compartment is small. He solved
this problem and has flown this ship. He
plans to put a camera in it to do
Bob Young presented his Saratoga float
Plane from Hangar 9. Bob is "into" float
planes and has wanted one since he
started the hobby. The Saratoga has a 56"
wingspan and was designed from the beginning to fly on floats. Bob is powering
it with an .82 four stroke. He put the float
rudder on a separate channel so he can
independently adjust it. He plans to fly it
at the FARM Club floatfly on Oct 5. He
bought the plane used and feels he had to
spend way too much time making it suitable for his needs.
(Continued on page 7)
Volume 59, Issue 9
He has flown his glider for a hour and
thirty one minutes. He had presented the
glider at an earlier model shop.
Program: Tonight's program was presented by Walt Gallaugher on the subject
of prop balancing. Walt has done some
internet surveying on the subject. He has
two prop balancers he uses and he demonstrated both. The first is a "magnetic"
balancer that uses two magnets for support of the prop on a shaft. The second
uses a metal pivot to support the prop
shaft and is made by DuBro.
Walt used masking tape to balance the
prop for demonstration purposes. He
would sand one blade of the prop if he
Page 7
were doing an actual balance. The hub
also has to be balanced and this is accomplished by placing the prop vertically and
at 45 degrees in the balancer to see if it
stays stationary. Spinners are also important in the balancing business. The
members were very appreciative of Walt's
Horizon Hobby has a very good video on
the web covering the steps of prop balancing.
The meeting adjourned at 9:05PM.
Calendar of Events 2013
3-6 Hamburg Jet Jamboree, Ham burg,
12 DCRC Flight Training Final Session
18 DCRC Club Meeting Jim McDaniel
19 Open House at Montgomery
County Airpark, Gaithersburg, MD
23 DCRC Board Meeting, Jim McDaniel Elections
19 Montgomery County Managed
Deer Hunt at our field.
23 Montgomery County Managed
Deer Hunt at our field.
January 2014
Montgomery County Managed
Deer Hunt at our field.
District of Columbia
Radio Control Club
First Class Mail
Andy Kane/Newsletter Editor
305 Natick Court
Silver Spring, MD 20905
One of the oldest and largest RC
clubs in the US.
And now an AMA Gold Leader Club
October 2013
1/4 Scale Stearman On the flight line model line up. Along with
many other beautiful airplanes.