DCRC NEWSLETTER DCRC Club Meeting July 19, 2014 Noon at


DCRC NEWSLETTER DCRC Club Meeting July 19, 2014 Noon at
DCRC Club Meeting
Third Friday of each
7:30 PM
DCRC Club Meeting
July 19, 2014
Noon at the field.
Bring your plane to fly.
Montgomery County
Council building
100 Maryland Ave
Rockville, MD
Don’t forget the model
Volume 60, Issue 7
We have just doubled the
size of our existing
solar system.
Thanks to our Space Kadets
John, Bill, Guy, David, Bob
District of Columbia Radio Control Club Montgomery County Maryland AMA Chartered Club 329 Established 1951
Volume 60, Issue 7
Page 2
Jim McDaniel
Montgomery County Heritage Days
V.P. Walt Gallaugher
County Liaison: Jim McDaniel
Andy Finizio
Jim Fisher
Walt Gallaugher
David Garrison
Allan Hoffman
Andy Kane
Jim McDaniel
Jose Sanchez
Thomas Pfarr
Doug Harper
Jose Sanchez
20017 Haller Ave
Poolesville, MD 20837
Doug Harper
Jim McDaniel & Allan Hoffman
Andy Kane
Walt Gallaugher
Thomas Pfarr
The DC/RC Newsletter is published monthly by the
District of Columbia Radio Control Inc. Deadline for
submitting materials for publication is the last Friday
of each month. Any part of the newsletter may be
reproduced for non-profit purposes unless otherwise
noted. Please credit the Newsletter and Author if
named. Articles may not reflect the opinion of the
club, but that of the author.
Did you know that any airplane brought in to the model shop
will receive 3 free raffle tickets. Bring in your models each
month for your free tickets, and to share ideas.
PG 2
PG 3
PG 4
PG 5
PG 6
Photo by somebody at the field.
Our Space Kadets next to their new
Solar System. Photo by Guy Riso
Volume 60, Issue 7
Page 3
Volume 60, Issue 7
June Club
Meeting Minutes
The meeting, held at the
County Office Building, was called to
order by President Jim McDaniel at
7:40 PM. Jim asked for the introduction of any new members or guests.
New member Grant Peacock was present and warmly welcomed by the
Jim explained why the
meeting was being held
in the County Office
Building rather than at
the field.
There was
some skepticism about
his explanation. Jim then
said that we will try to do the July 19
meeting at the field, pending approval
of Flight Training. The program will
be "bring your plane and fly". This
will be confirmed via email once the
date is settled.
Jim briefly discussed an incident in
Tallahassee, FL, involving a commuter pilot who purported to see a
"model" F4 Phantom flying at 2300
feet which was a "near miss" to his
plane. AMA contacted the Club and
asked us to do a demo flight of a
model jet for a local TV news station
to show them how unlikely this might
be. Rich Hanson hosted a short demo
flight at our field last week provided
by Andy Kane and Jim McDaniel.
There was a short interview with Rich
after the flight and we are waiting to
see if anything comes of this meeting.
The consensus among Club members
is that there is no story here so will
probably not make the air.
County Liaison: No report.
Andy Finizio
announced that June 29,
Sunday, is County Appreciation Day. Food will be
Page 4
available and there are many members committed to help. Andy encouraged members to bring one other
person to this event. We want planes
ready to fly and we will do open flying most of the day. This is one of
our premier events so we want many
members and planes present. We are
very appreciative of what Montgomery County does for us so we need to
demonstrate our gratitude.
McDaniel showed a copy of the Gazette with a very prominent DCRC ad
therein. We are running two ads this
members to please lock the gate when
they are the last one leaving.
Membership: Jose Sanchez reported that we are
at 222 paid members
with another 18 or so
honorary members.
Safety Coordinator:
Walt Gallaugher had no
Raffle: David Garrison reported that
the raffle tonight is a 60 size Big Stik
short kit donated by Walt Gallaugher.
The winning ticket was held by Guy
Training/Community Out- Riso who received a resounding round
reach: Jim Fisher reported of applause.
remotely that the next Treasure’s Report: Doug wrote two
flight training date is June checks in excess of $100 this month.
28. We have had another He had a copy of the YTD Budget
successful training year Report for anyone who cares to see it.
with 5 sessions completed to date. So
Web Site: Tom Pfarr. No report.
far 80 people have participated in our
Newsletter: Andy Kane
programs! 38 folks are enrolled in
reported that we have had
Primary and Secondary Flight School.
a newsletter every month
42 people have participated in our
this year. Our transition
first Introduction to RC Flight this
to electronic media has
year; most of them Boy Scouts and
been a wild success. The
their families.
inclusion of embedded
Field Maintenance: Jim reported that
video has been well accepted. In adthere was an informal meeting last
dition, electronic media saves the
week to discuss the proposed mid
Club much money.
field charging station. At this time,
the northernmost lean to is being New/Old Business: John Petley introlooked at as a potential location for duced an incident at the field recently
the new charging station. Part of the involving helis flying over the fixed
lean to will be enclosed wing runway. Jim McDaniel spent a
to contain this station. few minutes reviewing the fact that
David Garrison reported the helicopters do fly toward the fixed
that he has many parts wing runway to avoid evening sun in
arriving daily to build their eyes. They do this occasionally
this system. He also has and only when no fixed wing planes
added two additional are flying. The Club recommends
panels to the existing charging sta- that both groups, fixed wing and helis,
tions which increased the capacity work together to ensure safety and to
promote cooperation between all
from 16 amps to 32 amps.
Jim talked briefly about the transition
from grass to the edge of the asphalt Model Shop: The first model was
runway. It is still a bit of a jump but presented by Walt Gallaugher, a big
it is getting better. Fliers should use Decathlon by Pilot RC. It features a
(Continued on page 5)
caution. Jim also encouraged all
Volume 60, Issue 7
very nice red and white
color scheme and is a
50cc size plane with a
122" wing. It has many
nice details including
wing and landing lights
and an inexpensive
switch made by Radical RC that plugs
right into the receiver. He used a custom muffler on a Zenoa G62 with
electronic ignition and smoke. The
entire fuel system is removable to
give access to the electronics. There
was an extensive discussion of the
technique used to check CG in the air
by rolling a trimmed airplane on it
back and observing whether it climbs
or dives. Walt also installed a fight
stabilization unit called a Demon Cortex which is used to provide 3-axis
gyro action and 3 programmable positions for gain. This provides a lot of
flexibility in tailoring flight characteristics. Walt did caution the membership that setting up the 3-axis gyro is
a bit of a challenge, especially regarding control direction. Walt has flown
his new plane and, after a few tweaks,
it has become a very nice flyer.
Gus Crosetto showed
how he uses foam and
foam board to build various types of airframes.
He demonstrated several
airframes using different
foam materials. One of his planes
represented his attempt to build a flying model under $5. His presentation
was well received and very interesting.
Tonight's program was
presented by Allan Hoffman on the A10 Warthog, a plane he helped
build back in the late
seventies. Allan worked
for Fairchild Aircraft as
an electrician on the A10
line in Hagerstown, MD. Fairchild
built around 713 copies of this very
successful ground support aircraft of
Page 5
which 367 are still flying. The A10
was developed as a result of the needs
indicated by the Viet Nam War. The
A10 was essentially built around a 30
caliber Gatling Gun in the nose. This
weapon was fearsome and could destroy almost any target. This gun was
almost the size of a VW beetle. It
held 4400 rounds of ammo and fired
at a rate of 3900 rounds per minute .
It featured a titanium tub around the
pilot to protect him. The A10 could
loiter over a target for some time and
was quite lethal. It has been used extensively since the early nineties.
There is talk of decommissioning
these aircraft but, at this time, there is
no logical replacement. Allan's presentation was well received and very
The meeting adjourned at 9:40PM.
Calendar of Events 2014
7/9-12 War birds over Delaware
7/12 DCRC Training and IPP
7/19 DCRC Club Meeting At the
7/23 DCRC Board Meeting/Kane
7/26 DCRC Training
7/26 Leesburg, VA Electric fly in
DCRC Training and IPP
8/15 DCRC Club Meeting
8/16 National Model Aviation
8/20 DCRC Board Meeting, Walt
8/23 DCRC Training
9/5-7 Bealeton, VA IMAA
DCRC Training and IPP
9/19 DCRC Club Meet
9/20 DCRC Training
9/24 DCRC Board Meeting/Kane
10/4 DCRC Training
10/17 DCRC Club Meeting
10/18 DCRC Training
10/22 DCRC Board Meeting
11/21 DCRC Club Meeting
12/19 DCRC Club Meeting
Please provide any additional events
you would like to see on our calendar.
Volume 60, Issue 7
“Coach" Roscoe Draper
Born in Haverford,
PA on May 14, 1919, Roscoe
Draper grew up in Haverford
and Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania.
He graduated with honors from
Haverford High School and
continued his education at the
Hampton Institute (later became Hampton University).
After enrolling in the civil pilot
training program in 1939, Roscoe received his Private Pilot license in 1940.
He was one of two men selected for the
secondary course at the Tuskegee Institute (later became Tuskegee University)
and completed his pilot training in 1942.
He was one of the first ten men of color
selected to serve as flight instructor for
the Army Air Corps "Tuskegee Experiment". He taught Army Air Corps cadets
in the primary phase of their flight training at Moton Field, Tuskegee, AL (from
1942 to 1946) and he also served on the
academic board for the Tuskegee Institute.
"Coach" was mentored by another aviation legend, "Chief" Charles Alfred
Anderson (1907-1996) who was also
from the Philadelphia area. Together, they
trained the famed Tuskegee Airmen who
went on to copile their own impressive
list of accomplishments. Roscoe was affectionately given the nickname "Coach"
by his flight students because it described
his teaching style.
Coach later worked for the US Postal
Service and the FAA in several capacities, including Pilot Examiner and Accident Investigator. Among his many airplane ratings, Coach is also certified in
helicopters. His ratings are still current
and he is teaching others to became better
Page 6
District of Columbia
Radio Control Club
Suggested web links
Legends of 2014 warbirds
Some Awesome Biplane Kyle and Skip videos
Andy Kane/Newsletter Editor
305 Natick Court
Silver Spring, MD 20905
E-mail: andykane01@gmail.com
Don’t freak out
Budapest air show 2014
Cockpit view
Check out some Polar Bears
One of the oldest and largest RC
clubs in the US.
And now an AMA Gold Leader Club
Nothing like hanging out on the approach lights
Beachy Head Cliffs
Day 70th Anniversary Fly by Solent England
Harrier Pilot Proves Marines Can Stick a Crazy Landing in a Pinch
Russian YAK Ultimate Accuracy Part 1
Russian YAK Ultimate Accuracy Part 2
Top 10 Fighter jet flybys
Other low fly bys
July 2014
Hamburg Jet Fly Inn 2013
l to r: Andy Kane, Dave Malchione, Dave Malchione jr, “Coach” Roscoe Draper Bob Tursack, Andy Finizio, Pete Malchione
Back row Cris Finck

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