17801 W. Washington St. Gurnee, Illinois 60031 Phone: 847
17801 W. Washington St. Gurnee, Illinois 60031 Phone: 847
We had a full house (and a lot of green) for the St. Patrick’s Day party. The bagpiper and drummer from The Shannon Rovers Irish Bagpipe Band gave a wonderful performance. The music was very moving. Joanne Adams Director, ext. *503 Jean Smuda Program Coordinator, ext. *502 Sherie Palmer Social Worker, ext. *509 Jamaal Malone Information and Referral Specialist, ext. *513 Theresa Scottberg Fitness & Wellness Coordinator, ext. *504 Neilan Sankpal Technical Specialist, ext. *501 Judy Sneyd Body Conditioning Instructor Carly Shamash Information and Referral Specialist, ext. *515 17801 W. Washington St. Gurnee, Illinois 60031 Phone: 847-244-1101ext.*501 Website: warrentowship.net 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday Supervisor’s Message……………….………………………………………………………….1 Director’s Note……...……………….…………….…………………………….………..…….1 Welcome New Staff……...………….…………………………………………………………..1 Potluck Barbecues……….……. ..….…………………………………………………………..2 Grandparent’s Day…..….……………………………………………………………………...2 Salad in the Park...……….……………..………………………………………………….…...2 Ala Cartes….……………….…………….…..……………………………………….….…..…3 Trips……….……………………….………………………………………………………....4-5 Social Service Corner…………….…………………………………………………………….6 Enrichment Classes……………….………………………………..…………………………..7 Games…………………………….……………………………………………………………..7 March & April Calendar……….……………………….……………..…………………..8-11 Exercise Classes…………………….…………………………………………..……………...12 Exercise Classes Policies & Procedures………………………………………...……………13 Container Gardening………………………………………………………………………….14 Secretary of State’s Mobile Unit…………………………………….………………………..14 Book Discussion………………………………………………………………………………..14 Bowling Banquet….………………………………………..…………………………..……..14 Health Programs………………………………………………………………………………15 Troopons……………………………………………………………………………………….15 Discount Taxi Program……………………………………………………………………….15 Movies……..……………...……………………………………………………..…………..…16 Program Policies & Procedures...…………………………………………………………….17 Word Search…..……………………………………………………………………………….18 In February and March, 2016 we added 55 new members. They are: Maria Alves, Karen Bendickson, R. Carter Blakeman, Darlene Boegen, Holly Boyer, Connie Centella, Candice Coburn, Thomas Crawford, Angelita Cruz, Alicia Curtis, Rhonda Davis, Maralyn Dayhoff, Jeanne Dewbray, Donna Donovan, Karen Dowling, Pamela Fitzgerald, Anita Fritzler, Ellen Goodman, Ralph Green Sr. Diane Gricar, Ega Harasimonwicz, Toni Hartman, Delorse Jones, Julia Kearney, Dennis Kennedy, Karen Khubchandani, Mark Larson, Joan Ligenza, Michele Lyons, Linda Malinowski, Robert Matthews, Judi McFarlin, Young McMahon, Linda Mitchell, Juliana Nacua, Terence Nichols, Pauline Ojiaku, Ronald Olson, Donna Palmieri, Sue Parr, Georgia Pascual, Salve Pobocan, James Richardson, Miriam Rosenstein, Aldona Ruth, Patty Salwach, Claire Sanders, Deb Senalik, Ann Shaffstall, Connie Skarbalus, Kathy Streicher, Laura Tussing, Lynn Tylkowski, DuAnn Webb, & Pz-Yuh Wu. Welcome to all of you from the Senior Staff. We hope you find many things to interest you in this newsletter and that you find a home away from home here at the Center. Dear Seniors, ble in the Therapeutic Intensive Monitoring Courts to serve as comfort for I am really looking forward to this year's children or those who have entered the Grandparent’s Day program on Friday, criminal justice system due to a mental June 17th. The entir e Township is inhealth illness. volved in providing you with another great opportunity for you, your children and We will have TWO CLOWNS making grandchildren to create new memories. The fun begins at balloon shapes. There will be a Truck from the Highway 10:00 AM and goes until about 2:00 PM. Once again department to sit in and climb, Cotton Candy, and Popsiwe will have the Petting Zoo which is extremely popular. cles. The Township will once again provide hot dogs, The staff and participants of the Teen Center will also be chips, and watermelon. Congressman Robert Dold assisting with Fishing again this year. There will be Face will be passing out cookies and answering your quesPainting. Each per son is limited to one simple small tions. You do NOT need to br ing a dish to shar e. The design—no full face masks. The photographer will be entire day is FREE but you do need to register and let available once again to take a picture of you with your us know how many in your family will be attending so grandchildren. Note: each senior household is allowed we have enough food. Registration begins Tuesday, ONE free 8 x10 picture with your family. Please be May 31st. sure all family members are present. You will receive the Suzanne D. Simpson picture immediately. Shredding Event: Warren Township will host a docuThis year, for the first time, Mike Nerheim, the Lake ment shredding event for your personal confidential County State’s Attorney will be here with at least one documents on Saturday, May 21st from 9:00 AM to of the Court’s Comfort Dogs. These dogs are availa- 12:00 PM in front of the Town Hall building. As of April 1st, our hour s ar e 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Please look at the days and times of all of our Exer cise classes carefully as many of those have changed. Policies regarding missing exercise classes have also changed. Please read those carefully. In addition to expanding our hours, we are expanding the Flex Room in the lower level where many of Theresa’s classes and the movies take place. That room will be unavailable to us during renovation for the first two weeks in May. Please refer to the schedule. Theresa’s exercise classes, no longer have to swipe your Warren ID cards when you come for class. Theresa will take attendance in the class. BODY CONDITIONING PARTICIPANTS STILL SWIPE YOUR CARDS. Holly Beattie left Senior Services in March to work with the special needs children. We wish her well and will miss her but, we are excited to welcome Carly Shamash to our Senior Services Team. Joanne Adams Hi everyone! My name is Carly Shamash. I am very excited to be joining the team at the Warren Township Senior Center. I am the proud mom of four amazing children and three sweet adopted dogs. We have lived in Warren Township for over fifteen years. My fiancé Rob and I are excited about, and busy planning for, our upcoming wedding. I am a big animal lover and cannot imagine life without them. A favorite activity of mine is going to movies. My favorite movie is, "It's a Wonderful Life". I graduated from Southern Illinois University with a major in Social Work, a minor in Psychology, and a specialization in Computer Information Processing. I look forward to meeting all of you. 1 Join us on Friday, May 27th for the first of our famous summer barbecues. The Senior Center will supply the hamburgers, hot dogs, and drinks and each of you brings a dish to share with the group. You must sign up for these! Lunch is ser ved at Noon. The wide var iety of food and the gr eat companionship make for fun afternoons. We play games such as baggo and ladder ball. Registration begins Thursday, May 12th and ends on Wed, May 25th. The July barbecue will be held on Friday, July 15th so we have scheduled registration to begin on Thursday, June 23rd. Look for details on this year’s celebration in “A Message From Your Township Supervisor” on Page One. Each May for the last 26 years, The Exchange Club of Gurnee has hosted Salad in the Park. Funds raised from this event are given to community agencies that support education, child abuse prevention, developing youth leadership, and promoting community. This year’s event will be held on Tuesday, May 10th from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM at Viking Park on Old Grand in Gurnee. The Senior Center is par tner ing with The Exchange Club to promote this event. If you are going to be at the Senior Center on that day and would like lunch brought to you, can pre-order a meal. (Bingo players take note. This would be an excellent lunch for the 1:00 break.) Senior Center staff will pick up the lunches and bring them to the Center. For only $7.00, you receive soup ( broccoli cheese or chicken noodle) bread, salad, and drink. Dr essing choices ar e: Bleu cheese, Fr ench, Ranch, or Italian dressing. Beverage choices: Cola, Diet Cola, Sprite, Diet Sprite, Root Beer, or Water. The first day to register is Tuesday, April 19th and the last day is Thursday, May 5th. Of course, we encourage anyone who wants to go to the park and enjoy their meal outside to do that. THE FIELD MUSEUM Above left: Corinne Clarke Middle picture above: Mary Jo Kollross and Norma Cooper Left: Lynn Berliner and Joe Cassidy Above: Pancho Rivera and Bonnie Misch 2 Join us in the Township buses on Wednesday, May 25th at 11:00 AM as we head to the Onion Pub and Brewery in Lake Barrington. Your menu choices are: Pub Burger - 8 oz beef patty on a plain bun with tomato, onion, lettuce, & pickle and ser ved with potato chips. All burgers are prepared medium; Reuben - Sliced cor ned beef, sauer kr aut, Swiss cheese and thousand island dr essing on mar ble r ye, served with potato chips; Chicken Penne Pasta - Sauteed chicken with ar tichoke hear ts, spinach, & penne pasta in a sundr ied tomato pesto cream sauce; Baby Spinach Salad - Baby spinach tossed in balsamic vinaigr ette with str awber r ies, toasted almonds, dried cranberries, & feta cheese. All four choices come with cream of chicken rice soup. Dessert - Cheesecake with ber r y compote (fr uit cooked with sugar ). Beverage choices are: Coffee, Tea, or Soda. Cost is $20.00. Registration begins Tuesday, May 3rd. We return around 2:00 PM. The last day to register is Friday, May 20th. We are traveling to Twin Oaks Country Inn in Wilmot, Wisconsin on Wednesday, June 22nd. We will leave in the Township buses at 11:00 AM. Your entrée selections are: Grilled Breast of Chicken: ser ved on a bed of fettuccini with alfr edo sauce with fr esh basil; Grilled Shrimp: ser ved on a bed of mixed gr eens with fr esh fr uit and lemon honey vinaigr ette; Grilled Salmon Fillet: with a lemon butter sauce, fettuccini, and vegetables; Grilled New York Steak: in natur al juice with mashed potatoes and vegetables; All entrees include: A house salad OR soup of the day, br ead butter , and coffee. Beverages: ALL beverages, except coffee, will be charged separately. Soft drinks are an extra $2.50. Dessert will be an ice cream with caramel or fruit sauce. Cost is $21.00. Registration begins Tuesday, June 7th and ends on Thursday, June 16th. We will r eturn to the Center around 2:00 PM. NOTE: If you have special dietary restrictions, it is your responsibility to check with us when ordering your meal to be sure that your selection meets your dietary requirements. If your meal is not acceptable when we arrive at the restaurant because you have not checked OR because you have changed your mind, you will have the option of placing a new order or making a change but any additional costs will be at your own expense. You will NOT be refunded your original payment. 3 TRIP POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ARE ON PAGE 16 NOTICE OF POLICY CHANGE: All of our trips will leave on time. Beginning May 1st, we will no longer wait five minutes for latecomers to arrive. Please be sur e to ar r ive at least fifteen minutes before departure time. The walking meter gives you a general idea of how much walking will be involved before you register for a trip to help in deciding which trips are right for you. Secrets of Savannah, Georgia, Featuring Charleston & Jekyll Island The final Meet-N-Greet and Document Distribution Meeting for our Spring Motor Coach trip to Savannah, Georgia was Thursday, April 28th at 2:00 PM, Nancy Kirner from Mayflower Tours will be here to distribute your trip documents. You will have the opportunity to ask Nancy any questions regarding the Savannah trip. The final payment and Emergency Medical form was due by Monday, April 11th. The tr ip is scheduled for May 14, 2016 through May 21, 2016. The Motor Coach tour will feature stops in Marietta, Savannah, Jekyll Island, Tybee Island, Charleston, SC and Kentucky. Cost per person is $1,619.00. You will receive a $25.00 discount per person. The cost per person/per day with the discount comes to $199.25 which includes your motor coach transportation, hotel lodging for 8 days/ 7 nights, 11 meals & meal tips and your daily tour fees. This tour is at an activity level 3; a blend of longer and shorter days on this program with more walking with some periods of standing. Expect more of the touring to be over uneven surfaces or involve stairs. Travelers should be in reasonably good health. Please contact Jean Smuda at 847-244-1101 Ext *502 for more information and a list of Warren Township Senior Center Trip Requirements. We hope you will join us in the Spring for this exciting trip to historic Savannah, Georgia. . Habitat Walk at Old School Forest Preserve The Forest Preserve presents a walking series focusing on the various habitats in the county. Guided by a Naturalist, this habitat walk will take place at Old School Forest Preserve in Mettawa, IL on Wednesday, June 1st. After the walk, the group will head over to Lambs Farm for lunch on your own at the Magnolia Café & Bakery. The restaurant will give each of us separate checks. Registration begins on Thursday, May 12th. Cost is only $2.00 for transportation. Township buses will leave the Center at 8:15 AM and return around 1:00 PM. Shopping Day in Geneva, Illinois Please join us for an enjoyable day in beautiful Geneva, Illinois on Thursday, June 9th. The motor coach will leave the Senior Center at 8:45 AM and return around 4:30 PM. If you love to shop, you will love downtown Geneva. There are over one hundred specialty shops, many nestled in historic storefronts and charming Victorianstyle homes. With each new season, Geneva merchants fill their shops with exclusive treasures from all over the world. You will have five hours to explore on your own, shop, and enjoy lunch with your friends. The cost for the motor coach transportation for the day is $18.00 per person. Lunch and shopping is extra. Registration begins Friday, May 13th. 4 Cubs/Brewers Baseball Game at Miller Park in Milwaukee Enjoy the game from the Miller Park’s newest all inclusive area—The Miller Lite Deck. On Monday, September 5th (Labor Day), you will enjoy beautiful sightlines fr om just above the bleacher s in r ight field. In addition, there is an all you can eat buffet featuring Klements grilled Italian sausages and hot dogs, grilled sirloin burgers, BBQ chicken breast, fresh spring salad, coleslaw, tater tots, popcorn, peanuts, assorted cookies and brownies, and unlimited soft drinks. Each ticket also comes with two complimentary beers per adult. Buffet begins 60 minutes prior to the first pitch and concludes at the end of the 6th inning. There is a private bar where you can purchase your own drinks. The cost is $87.00 per person which includes your general admission seating on the Miller Lite Deck, your motor coach transportation, and the buffet. Flat scr een high definition TVs ar e available in the Miller Lite deck. Registration begins Thursday, May 5th and ends Thursday, August 4th. We hope you will take advantage of this once in a lifetime chance to really pamper yourself while enjoying the baseball game and watching our Cubbies beat the Brewers! Shipshewana, Indiana Overnight Trip Join us as we travel by luxury motor coach with our tour escort from Travel Services for an overnight trip on Tuesday, August 30th & Wednesday, August 31st to Shipshewana, Indiana. The tr ip includes hotel accommodations at the Blue Gate Garden Inn plus dinner and a show at the Blue Gate Theater. Also included is the Amish Flea Market and a backroads tour of Amish Country. The cost for this truly marvelous trip is only $288.00 for double occupancy and an extra $70.00 for a single room. On Tuesday, we will shop the Shipshewana Flea Market, have dinner at the Blue Gate Garden Inn, attend the Blue Gate Theater production of “Josiah For President”, and spend the night at the Inn. After breakfast at the Inn on Wednesday, we will receive a backroads tour of Amish Country with stops at E & S Sales, Kase Haus Cheese Factory, Ben’s Bakery, Davis Mercantile, and Yoder’s Meat and Cheese Shop. We will stop for dinner at Das Essenhaus Restaurant and have time to shop at the Essenhaus Bakery and view the Amish Flower Quilt Gardens. A deposit of $100.00 is due at the time of booking and the final payment will be due on Monday, June 13th. We leave the Center at 7:00 AM on the 30th and return at 8:30 PM on the 31st. If you have any questions, please call J ean Smuda at ext. *502 or stop by to talk to her when you are in the Center. Registration began Friday, March 4th. Only a few openings left so hurry to register if you are interested. We are asking for your input to see if you have any interest in any of these trips: Starved Rock, Oglesby, Illinois—Canal Boat and Trolley Tour—Summer, 2016 Long Grove Winery Tour & Tasting—Summer, 2016 Celebration Belle Cruise & Diamond Jo Casino, Dubuque, Iowa, Fall, 2016. Two days, one night. The Shedd Aquarium in Chicago Milwaukee Art Museum in the Fall, 2016 Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament Holland Tulip Festival, May, 2017. Overnight. Two days, one night. Please let someone know in the office to put you on a list if you are interested. Please see Jean Smuda if you have questions about any particular trip. 5 In an era of growing technology, electronic mail (e-mail) has become a common alternative way of communication. Whether creating accounts, paying bills online, or keeping in touch with family and friends, you must practice internet safety and be aware of threats and scams that you may come across. Determining the difference between an authentic source and a scammer may seem like a difficult task, but there are simple signs and signals to look for when going through your email. Do you know them? You may r eceive per sonable emails saying that you should “check out” or “take a look at” a video or photo. They often start with “Congratulations” or “Trying to Reach You” with your first name included. These messages tend to come from email accounts that you do not recognize. If you do not recognize the email account, you should not open it or click on any links contained in the message. By selecting these mystery links your computer may become vulnerable to viruses, malware and spyware that may be able to access or destroy information on your computer. Is it reputable? Gr owing tr ends among inter net and email scams ar e scammer s pr etending to be fr om government or official agencies. Most email providers are able to filter messages from real accounts from the messages sent from fake accounts. However, this is not always true. There is a scam where the email looks as if it comes directly from the Discover Card services saying that someone in the Ukraine has been trying to get into your Discover account. It tells you to fill out the attached form and return it to them. The form asks for very personal information including birthdate, social security number, user names, and passwords. Never fill that out. Contact Discover immediately and let them know you received this message. They will tell you that it is not legitimate and that they would not request that kind of information. Messages from the fake accounts will usually (but, not always) be placed directly into the Spam folder. It is important that you do not open or select any links within them. Phishing scam These scams wor k by pr etending to be an impor tant message usually r egar ding a ver y serious topic. Taxes, Social Security, investments and mortgages are all some of the gateways that they use to attempt to get your attention. These emails may say that you owe or will receive a sum of money and the only way you can resolve this is by selecting a link inside the message. These messages may be sent by accounts with titles like noreply@ssa.gov. Email accounts of this nature that end in “.org” or “.com” are a telltale sign that the source may not be trustworthy. Reputable mass messages sent from government organizations are sent from their administrative accounts and offices and look more like admin@ssa.gov. Rather than state in the email address that you should not reply, within the actual message there will be instructions saying do not reply. If you get a questionable email, don’t click on any links, or open any attachments. You can report email scams to the Federal Trade Commission by forwarding the message to spam@uce.gov. If you are unsure if an email is fake or genuinely from a government agency, you can always contact the agency directly, BUT NOT THROUGH INFORMATION FOUND IN THE EMAIL. YOU WILL HAVE TO FIND THE CONTACT INFORMATION THROUGH DIFFERENT SOURCES. The Illinois Department on Aging provides information on their website to make you aware of scams. You can also visit www.fbi.gov/scams-safety to learn more about internet protection and safety. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to stop by the Senior Center for assistance. 6 Card Making Class - Sue Cusimano is coming back to share her talents and assist you with making four all occasion cards on Wednesday, June 8th from 11:30 to 2:30 PM. (Note New Time) The cards will be in the office for display when registration begins on Thursday, May 26th. Cost to make four cards is only $10.00. Fun With Spanish - Alicia Roche fills her students with enthusiasm on Thursdays from 10:00 to 11:00 AM. Learn Spanish while having fun. You must be registered in the Senior office to attend. Computer Lessons - Meinhard Gerdes is a retired professional who offers free computer lessons on Monday afternoons. Our Technical Specialist, Neilan Sankpal also schedules lessons on Thursdays. Whether you are a novice, or a seasoned user wanting to learn a new skill, or anywhere in between, set up an appointment for an hour lesson to learn at your own pace on Monday or Thursday. Please call the Center to sign up. You are limited to two classes per week. Warren-Newport library also offers tutor time on Thursdays to help with computers or iPads. For mor e info, call the libr ar y at 847-244-5150. Line Dancing - 1:00 PM on Thursdays. No sign-up necessary. Learn an entire dance and dance it every class. You pay $5.00 each time you come. Class runs until 3:00. The fabulous Dan Pye is the instructor. Spanish: Continuing - Susan Ganansky leads the experienced Spanish students who want an opportunity to practice their Spanish and learn more. No need to register. Tuesdays from 9:30 to 11:00 AM. Intermediate iPhone Class - Jamaal Malone & Neilan Sankpal will lead this Intermediate class on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 14th and 15th from 9:30 to 11:30 AM. To r egister , you must have an understanding of basic motions such as swiping and tapping along with button usage and functions of the iPhone. Registration begins Thursday, May 26th. Bingo- Played Tuesdays from Noon to around 2:30 unless otherwise noted on the calendar. You may purchase up to five (5) cards each week for $1.10 each from 11:00 to 11:50 AM. No cards sold after 11:50 so we can count the prize money and start on time. We take a br eak at 1:00 PM to give everyone a chance to str etch and eat whatever snack you bring. You may also purchase snacks from the office. Bridge- We play party bridge every Tuesday at 1:00 PM. You must sign up ahead of time. To sign up or cancel, call The Senior Office. Please arrive AT LEAST ten minutes early. Bunco- This popular parlor game is played in teams with three dice. Please call the Center to sign up. Thursdays at 1:00 PM. It is easy to lear n and the gr oup has a lot of fun. Canasta - Fridays from 12:00 - 3:30. You should know how to play. If you played in the past and want to watch to refresh your memory, you are welcome. Chess - The Chess Group welcomes new players every Monday at Noon for a game or two. Also, if you are interested in learning how to play, please call the office and let us know. A couple of the players are willing to come early and do a lesson, if the interest is there. Cribbage- Tuesdays from 12:30-3:30. Dominoes - We play Mexican Train Dominoes. Warren Township Rules. Wednesdays at 1:00. Pinochle - Double Deck - Mondays 12:00-3:30. Pinochle- Single Deck- Fridays from 12:30-3:30. 7 Sun 1 Monday Tuesday 2 8:15-9:00 Tai Chi for Health 9:00 11:00 Blood Pressure 9:30 10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Chair Yoga 12:00 Pinochle Double Deck 12:00 Chess Club 12:30 1:15 Movement/Balance 1:00 Book Discussion 3 8:15-9:00 Chair/Movement Mix 9:15– 10:00 Movement/Balance 9:30-11:00 Spanish- Continuing 10:15-11:00 Movement/Balance 12:00 BINGO 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Bridge Register: Ala Carte The Onion Pub Register: Container Gardening NO PILATES, STRETCH YOGALATES, 8 Wednesday 9 8:15-9:00 Tai Chi for Health 9:00 11:00 Blood Pressure 9:30 10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Chair Yoga 12:00 Pinochle Double Deck 12:00 Chess Club 12:30 1:15 Movement/Balance 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:30-10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:00 Floor & Balance 1:00 3:00 Mexican Train Dominoes 1:30 3:00 Caregivers Support NO STRETCH-N-FLEX, PILATES 10 8:15-9:00 Chair/Movement Mix 9:15– 10:00 Movement/Balance 9:30-11:00 Spanish- Continuing 10:15-11:00 Movement/Balance 11:00-2:00 Salad in the Park 12:00 BINGO 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Bridge 22 29 NO STRETCH-N-FLEX, PILATES 16 8:15-9:00 Tai Chi for Health 9:00 11:00 Blood Pressure 9:15 10:15 Pilates 9:30 10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30-11:15 Stretch Yogalates 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Chair Yoga 12:00 Pinochle Double Deck 12:00 Chess Club 12:30 1:15 Movement/Balance 17 8:15-9:00 Tai Chi for Health 9:00 11:00 Blood Pressure 9:15-3:00 Foot Clinic 9:15 10:15 Pilates 9:30 10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30-11:15 Stretch Yogalates 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Chair Yoga 12:30 1:15 Movement/Balance 12:00 Pinochle Double Deck 12:00 Chess Club MEMORIAL DAY NO EXERCISE CLASSES & NO DOMINOES 24 25 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30-10:15 Body Conditioning 10:15-11:15 Pilates 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:00-2:00 Ala Carte: The Onion Pub 11:30-12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:00 Floor & Balance 1:00 3:00 Mexican Train Dominoes 1:30 3:00 Caregivers Support 8:15-9:00 Chair/Movement Mix 9:15– 10:00 Movement/Balance 9:30-11:00 Spanish- Continuing 10:15-11:00 Movement/Balance 12:00 BINGO 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Bridge 30 18 9:00-11:30 Container Gardening 10:00-2:00 Sec of State Mobile Unit 1:30 3:00 Caregivers Support 8:15-9:00 Chair/Movement Mix 9:15– 10:00 Movement/Balance 9:30-11:00 Spanish- Continuing 10:15-11:00 Movement/Balance 12:00 BINGO 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Bridge 23 CLOSED FOR 11 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:30-10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:00 Floor & Balance 1:00 3:00 Mexican Train Dominoes 1:30 3:00 Caregivers Support NO PILATES, STRETCH YOGALATES, 15 4 31 8:15-9:00 Chair/Movement Mix 9:15– 10:00 Movement/Balance 9:30-11:00 Spanish- Continuing 10:15-11:00 Movement/Balance 12:00 BINGO 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Bridge Register: Grandparents Day Picnic Thursday Friday Saturday 5 8:15-9:00 Chair Yoga 10:00-11:00 Fun With Spanish 11:15–12: 00Movement/Balance 1:00 Bunco 1:00 LINE DANCING Register: Cubs/Brewers Game 6 7 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:30–10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30 12:15 Movement/Balance 12:00 Bowling Banquet 12:00 3:30 Canasta 12:30 Pinochle Single Deck NO YOGA ll, YOGA l NO MOVIE, NO STRETCH-N-FLEX 12 13 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:30–10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30 12:15 Movement/Balance 12:00 3:30 Canasta 12:30 Pinochle Single Deck Register: Geneva, Il Shopping Day NO MOVIE, NO STRETCH-N-FLEX NO YOGA ll, YOGA l 19 8:15-9:00 Chair Yoga 9:15 10:00 Yoga II 10:00-11:00 Fun With Spanish 10:15 11:00 Yoga I 11:15–12: 00 Movement/Balance 1:00 Bunco 1:00 LINE DANCING 20 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30–10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30 12:15 Movement/Balance 12:00 3:30 Canasta 12:30 Pinochle Single Deck 1:00 Movie: “Daddy’s Home” 26 8:15-9:00 Chair Yoga 9:15 10:00 Yoga II 10:00-11:00 Fun With Spanish 10:15 11:00 Yoga I 11:15–12: 00 Movement/Balance 1:00 Bunco 1:00 LINE DANCING Register: Card Class Register: Intermediate iPhone Class 14 Senior’s Depart for Savannah Georgia 27 12:00 BBQ POTLUCK 12:30 Pinochle Single Deck 12:00 3:30 Canasta 1:00 Movie: “Spotlight” NO EXERCISE CLASSES 21 Document Shredding Event 9:00am12:00pm May 8:15-9:00 Chair Yoga 10:00-11:00 Fun With Spanish 11:15–12:00 Movement/Balance 1:00 Bunco 1:00 LINE DANCING Register: BBQ POTLUCK Register: Habitat Walk & Lunch at Lambs Farm 28 2016 Sun Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 8:15-1:00 Habitat Walk/Lambs Farm 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30 10:30 Body Conditioning 10:15-11:15 Pilates 11:30-12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:00 Floor & Balance 1:00 3:00 Mexican Train Dominoes 1:30 3:00 Caregivers Support 5 12 6 8:15-9:00 Tai Chi for Health 9:00 11:00 Blood Pressure 9:15 10:15 Pilates 9:30 10:30 Body Conditioning 10:30-11:15 Stretch Yogalates 11:30-12:15 Chair Yoga 12:00 Pinochle Double Deck 12:00 Chess Club 12:30 1:15 Movement/Balance 13 8:15-9:00 Tai Chi for Health 9:00 11:00 Blood Pressure 9:15 10:15 Pilates 10:30-11:15 Stretch Yogalates 11:30-12:15 Chair Yoga 12:00 Pinochle Double Deck 12:00 Chess Club 12:30 1:15 Movement/Balance 1:00 Book Discussion 7 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30 10:30 Body Conditioning 10:15-11:15 Pilates 11:30-2:30 Card Class 11:30-12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:00 Floor & Balance 1:00 3:00 Mexican Train Dominoes 1:30 3:00 Caregivers Support 14 8:15-9:00 Chair/Movement Mix 9:15– 10:00 Movement/Balance 9:30-11:00 Spanish- Continuing 9:30-11:30 Intermediate iPhone Class 10:15-11:00 Movement/Balance 12:00 BINGO 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Bridge 15 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30-11:30 Intermediate iPhone Class 10:15-11:15 Pilates 11:30-12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:00 Floor & Balance 1:00 3:00 Mexican Train Dominoes 1:30 3:00 Caregivers Support NO BODY CONDITIONING NO BODY CONDITIONING 19 26 20 8:15-9:00 Tai Chi for Health 9:00 11:00 Blood Pressure 9:15 10:15 Pilates 9:30 10:30 Body Conditioning 10:30-11:15 Stretch Yogalates 11:30-12:15 Chair Yoga 12:00 Pinochle Double Deck 12:00 Chess Club 12:30 1:15 Movement/Balance 27 8:15-9:00 Tai Chi for Health 9:00 11:00 Blood Pressure 9:15-3:00 Foot Clinic 9:15 10:15 Pilates 9:30 10:30 Body Conditioning 10:30-11:15 Stretch Yogalates 11:30-12:15 Chair Yoga 12:00 Pinochle Double Deck 12:00 Chess Club 12:30 1:15 Movement/Balance 8 8:15-9:00 Chair/Movement Mix 9:15– 10:00 Movement/Balance 9:30-11:00 Spanish- Continuing 10:15-11:00 Movement/Balance 12:00 BINGO 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Bridge Register: Ala Carte Twin Oaks 21 8:15-9:00 Chair/Movement Mix 9:15– 10:00 Movement/Balance 9:30-11:00 Spanish- Continuing 10:15-11:00 Movement/Balance 12:00 BINGO 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Bridge Register: Chair/Movement Mix 28 8:15-9:00 Chair/Movement Mix 9:15– 10:00 Movement/Balance 9:30-11:00 Spanish- Continuing 10:15-11:00 Movement/Balance 12:00 BINGO 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Bridge 22 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30 10:30 Body Conditioning 10:15-11:15 Pilates 11:00-2:00 Ala Carte: Twin Oaks 11:30-12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:00 Floor & Balance 1:00 3:00 Mexican Train Dominoes 1:30 3:00 Caregivers Support 29 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:30 10:30 Body Conditioning 10:15-11:15 Pilates 11:30-12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:00 Floor & Balance 1:00 3:00 Mexican Train Dominoes 1:30 3:00 Caregivers Support Thursday Friday 2 8:15-9:00 Chair Yoga 9:15 10:00 Yoga II 10:00-11:00 Fun With Spanish 10:15 11:00 Yoga I 11:15–12:00 Movement/Balance 1:00 Bunco 1:00 LINE DANCING Saturday 3 4 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30–10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30 12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30 Pinochle Single Deck 12:00 3:30 Canasta 1:00 Movie: “The Martian” 9 PICNIC 10 11 17 18 24 25 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30–10:15 Body Conditioning 10:00-12:45 Free Health Screening 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30 12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30 Pinochle Single Deck 12:00 3:30 Canasta 1:00 Movie: “Brooklyn” 16 8:15-9:00 Chair Yoga 9:15 10:00 Yoga II 10:00-11:00 Fun With Spanish 10:15 11:00 Yoga I 11:15–12:00 Movement/Balance 1:00 Bunco 1:00 LINE DANCING 10:00-2:00 GRANPARENTS DAY PICNIC NO PROGRAMS ENJOY THE PICNIC 23 8:15-9:00 Chair Yoga 9:15 10:00 Yoga II 10:00-11:00 Fun With Spanish 10:15 11:00 Yoga I 11:15–12: 00 Movement/Balance 1:00 Bunco 1:00 LINE DANCING Register: JULY BBQ POTLUCK 9:15 10:00 Yoga II 10:00-11:00 Fun With Spanish 10:15 11:00 Yoga I 11:15–12: 00 Movement/Balance 1:00 Bunco 1:00 LINE DANCING 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30–10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30 12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30 Pinochle Single Deck 12:00 3:30 Canasta 1:00 Movie: “Concussion” June 8:15-9:00 Chair Yoga 8:45-4:30 Geneva Shopping Day 9:15 10:00 Yoga II 10:00-11:00 Fun With Spanish 10:15 11:00 Yoga I 11:15–12:00 Movement/Balance 1:00 Bunco 1:00 LINE DANCING GRANDPARENTS DAY 2016 30 9 The days and times for each class are listed on the calendar. You must be registered to participate in any class. Please refer to the calendar DAILY for cancellations. SESSION CLASSES: Chair/Movement Mix (Previously Arthritis/Chair Yoga) - This class includes yoga poses, balance, stretching, flexibility, and range of motion. We will NOT get down on the floor. The current session ends 06/21. The next session will run from 06/28 to 09/20 and registration begins Tuesday, June 21st. Chair Yoga - is designed for people who have difficulty getting down on the floor. Learn yoga postures, breathing techniques and ways of relaxation with the aid of a chair. The current Monday session ends 06/20 and the current Thursday session ends 06/23. New sessions: Monday: 07/11-09/19; Thursday: 07/1409/22. Registration begins Thursday, July 7th. Stretch ‘N Flex– Need a little more flexibility? Sign up for one of these classes: 9:15 to 10:00 on Wednesday OR Friday mornings. You must have the ability to get up and down off the floor ! The current Wednesday session ends 06/22 and Fridays’ session ends 06/24. New session: Wednesday: 07/13-09/21; Friday: 07/15 - 09/23. Registration begins Thursday, July 7th. Stretch Yogalates - A fusion of Stretch N Flex, Pilates, and Yoga, techniques which will enable you to stretch, strengthen, tone, and relax! The current session ends 06/27. New session runs from 07/11-09/19 and registration begins Thursday, July 7th. Tai Chi for Health— easy to learn. A safe & effective way to improve flexibility, muscle strength, improve heart/lung activity, posture and balance. The current session ends 06/20. Mondays 8:15-9:00 AM. The new session will run from 07/11-09/19 and registration begins Thursday, July 7th. CONTINUOUS CLASSES: Body Conditioning - You may sign up for up to three classes per week of this class designed for active seniors. The class uses repetitions with weights, tubes, and balls for total toning to build muscles and help strengthen bones. Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays Floor and Balance (Previously Arthritis PLUS) – This class offers gentle exercises to be done on the floor. ANY Movement/Balance class par ticipant may attend. You must have the ability to get up and down on the floor but, you can use a chair for assistance. Mix It Up– Need a step up from the Movement/Balance workout? This class combines a variety of exercises from using weights to balance to Tai Chi, and more. Every week is different. Movement/Balance (Previously Arthritis Exercise) - You may sign up for up to three classes per week of this group activity class. It provides gentle flexibility exercises. Feel better and improve range of motion. Pilates- Pilates is a series of exercises designed to evenly condition the entire body while emphasizing core stability. Smooth, continuous movements strengthen the body and help release tension. You must be signed up to attend. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a towel. YOGA - for healthy people over age 55, yoga builds strength and flexibility along with stretching and relaxation. We provide mats. You must talk to Theresa to sign up. Wear comfortable clothing. Bring a towel. 12 Please notify the instructor prior to class if you have any special needs or considerations. Beginners should be prepared to exercise at a lower level than experienced participants. Let the instructor know that you are new or have physical limitations. Give the instructor advance notice if you know you have to leave early. Please wait quietly outside the exercise room until the previous class is completely finished. DO NOT PULL OR KNOCK ON THE DOORS. During Class: Please be courteous to others around you. To avoid injury and disruption NO LATE ADMITTANCE ALLOWED INTO CLASS unless the participant has informed the instructor. For Yoga and Pilates - Please keep gym bags and shoes in the cubby outside the Flex room. Notify the instructor immediately if you are not feeling well during or after a class. Cell phones should be turned off or silenced. If you must take a call during class, please leave the room. In group classes, all participants should be doing the same activities except where special modifications have been worked out with the instructor. Please follow the instructor’s routines. One-on-one training is available. If the exercise becomes too strenuous, please slow down or ask for modifications. Remember: Proper form is more important than using heavy weights--ask your instructor for feedback. Please clean Community Yoga and Pilates mats after using them. Absences: Body Conditioning Classes: If you miss more than five (5) classes in one month, you will be removed from the class and placed on the wait list. Anyone going away or out sick for 2 weeks or more must fill out and turn into the office an absence slip. No slips or phone calls needed for a shorter absence. Theresa’s classes no longer need to swipe in for attendance. She will take attendance in class. Important Note: You will need a doctor’s release to return to classes after a hospital stay, surgery, ALL participants must fill out and turn in the follow- ing BEFORE attending an exercise class Signed Exercise Warning of Risk Waiver Emergency Card (Up to Date) You must also have a picture ID taken in the office. General Information: Read the newsletter to read a description of the classes and decide which class interests you and is at the appropriate level. (You may need to consult with Theresa Scottberg before starting a class (847-244-1101 Ext. *504). Sign up is required for all classes. Please check the newsletter and register in the office. Check with your physician before beginning any exercise program if you have health problems or concerns. Please arrive 10 minutes before classes to allow time for sign in at the Front Desk and pick up needed equipment. The Township supplies a coat room for coats. Lockers are also available for personal items. However, only Township approved locks are allowed to be placed on lockers. You can purchase one for a $5.00 deposit which is returned to you when you finish with the locker. Please check the calendar in the newsletter daily for changes to the exercise class schedule. Preparing for Class: Be properly fueled and hydrated - do not exercise on an empty stomach. The Township supplies water for classes or you may bring your own. Please no heavy perfumes, scented lotions or hairspray. Wear comfortable workout clothing. Please NO JEANS during Yoga, Pilates or any other mat classes. Please wear clean gym shoes. No street shoes or sandals, unless you have made other arrangements with the instructor. Wear proper indoor athletic shoes to provide proper support for your feet and joints. Also, be sure to bring your gym shoes and change into them here, especially during rain or snow. The floors at the Center can be very slippery. 13 Container Gardening is scheduled from 9:00 to 11:30 on Wednesday, May 18th. You must register with the Center to be part of this program. You bring your own pot or pots from home. LIMIT TWO POTS PER PERSON. No exceptions. REMEMBER, BRING POTS THAT YOU CAN CARRY AS STAFF IS NOT ALWAYS ABAILABLE TO TAKE THEM TO YOUR CAR, AND, MORE IMPORTANTLY, YOUR HAVE TO GET THEM OUT ONCE YOUR ARE HOME. When you ar r ive, you ar e given a number to pick out and pay for the flowers that you want in each pot. Sue Simpson orders a wide variety of flowers based on the number of people who are registered. We also have vegetable and herb plants available. The Township offers the plants to you at our cost. After you have picked out the flowers you like, Sue and our landscaper, Tim Webb, plant them into your pots. We provide the potting soil and fertilizer. Sue and Tim advise you on how to care for them. Everything except the flowers is free, but you MUST SIGN UP so we can estimate how many flowers to order. We sell flowers until 11:30 AM. Registration begins Tuesday, May 3rd. Space is limited to 75 participants. Secretary of State Mobile Unit: This year we have ar r anged to have the Secr etar y of State’s Mobile Unit come here to the Center from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM on Wednesday, May 18th. License plate stickers can be renewed for the normal fee, if they expire within three months from the date of this event. If you need to have your driver’s license renewed, you can do it during this event. Vision screening can be done for renewals. You will NOT be able to take the driving test at this event. The cost to r enew your dr iver ’s license var ies depending on your age. For those age 69 to 80, it is only $5.00. Those of you over the age of 65 or disabled are able to get a state identification card for free at this event. No registration is required. You will be given a number by the Secretary of State staff when you arrive. Because of low enrollment last year, we are not offering the Box Lunches or Meet the Attorneys this year. We may bring those programs back in the future. As always, you are welcome to bring a lunch and store it in our refrigerator until you want it. On Monday, May 2nd, the Book Discussion Group will be discussing The Fifties by David Halberstam. On Monday, June 13th PM the book for discussion will be The Art Forger by B. A. Shapiro. Book discussion begins at 1:00 PM time. The gr oup is led by Debbie Hoffman of the War r en Newpor t Library. At the end of the discussion of a book, the next month’s book is distributed. We sometimes have extra copies if you aren’t able to attend the meeting. There is no sign-up. Everyone is welcome to attend. Ilomae Curran has scheduled the end of year banquet to celebrate your successful season at Noon on Friday, May 6th at Baker’s Square restaurant in Gurnee. Ever yone who bowled with the gr oup this year is welcome to join them. Each person pays for their own meal and Ilomae Curran supplies the prizes to recognize outstanding performances over the year. There will be pie. Let Ilomae know if you plan to attend. 14 Blood Pressure Screenings - Come in and have your blood pressure taken. This service is free thanks to our volunteer health professionals. Mondays from 9:00-11:00 AM. Foot Clinic - The fourth Monday of every month Marla Hucker provides foot care from 9:15 AM until 3:00 PM. The May date is Monday, the 23rd and in June it is on Monday the 27th. You must call the Center for an appointment. Cost is $20.00. Please bring one towel with you. Checks should be made to Marla Hucker Caregivers Support Group - For anyone taking care of parents, elderly neighbors, or a spouse who is a senior, the group provides an opportunity to discuss concerns and share resources with other caregivers. No need to sign up. Linda Folan of Family Services facilitates the group. For more information, call her at 847-432-4981 ext. 138. They meet Wednesdays from 1:30 to 3:00 PM. Rosalind Franklin University Community Care Coach—Provides Free Health Screenings at the Senior Center. They offer screenings for blood pressure, blood sugar/diabetes, cholesterol, body mass index, waist measurements, foot screenings, and osteoporosis. The Coach staff can only accommodate 12 to 16 patients. Walk-ins only. If you are coming for a blood sugar or cholesterol screening, fasting is necessary. You’re seen in the order you sign in so, it can be a long wait, especially if you’re fasting. The next date will be Friday, June 10th at 10:00 AM. Troopons is a “Support Our Troops” program which provides Manufacturer coupons for food, non-food, baby, and pet items to military families. Manufacturer coupons for individual products (not particular stores or restaurants) can be sent to support our troops and their families. Please cut them into individual coupons before turning them in and separate into these three categories: food, non-food, and baby/pet items. We have a box in the Senior Center and Anne Hollek mails them to the troops. Military personnel can use the coupons on the military bases even if they are up to two months past their expiration dates. Thank you for your dedication to this project. If you have ANY problems with any of the cab companies, please call Joanne Adams at 847-244-1101 ext. *503. It is most helpful to have the cab number and date of travel when reporting a problem with a particular cab driver or dispatcher. American Taxi and Gurnee Red & Black Flash Cab accept our tickets. Parkinson Exercise Class: Our Body Conditioning Teacher , J udy Sneyd is a cer tified instr uctor for PWR! 4Life which is a Parkinson Exercise Revolution. It is a research-based integrated exercise and wellness program that counteracts the inactivity, motor deterioration, and symptoms of Parkinson Disease. She is willing to teach a class here at our Center and we would like to see if there is interest. Please let us know in the office if you would be interested in attending this class. Downton Abbey: Behind the Scenes and a Tea: Ar e you inter ested in a presentation by the Executive director of the Driehaus Museum which will focus on the costumes they had in a special exhibition from the Downton Abbey television show. We would combine it with an afternoon tea in the Fall, 2016. Tell us if you are interested. 15 Most Fridays at 1:00 PM we show a recent movie. J oin us for the movie and some fr ee popcor n. Please read the descriptions carefully. They include what kind of movie it is, how long it runs, and whether the language or themes may be objectionable. We love suggestions. Please continue to send me your requests. I include them whenever possible. 40 seat limit. We always show subtitles for those who have difficulty hearing. May 20th: “Daddy’s Home” Comedy. Rated PG-13 for thematic elements, crude and suggestive content and language. Will Fer r ell star s as Br ad, a mild-mannered radio executive who is just settling into his role as the best step dad ever to his wife's two children. But when their super-masculine, motorcycle-riding father (played by Mark Wahlberg) breezes in, Brad’s insecurities spin out of control as the two men compete for the affection of the kids. 1 hrs 35 mins. May 27th: “Spotlight” Dr ama. Rated R for some language including sexual references. Based on the true story of the events leading up to the Boston Globe publishing it’s blockbuster expose in January, 2002 which documented the rampant sexual abuse of young parishioners by priests and the systematic protection the Catholic Church gave them. Starring Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams, Liev Schreiber, and John Slattery. 2 hrs 9 mins. June 3rd: “The Martian” Action/Dr ama. Rated PG-13 for some strong language, injury images, and brief nudity. Matt Damon star s as Astr onaut Mar k Watney. Dur ing a manned mission to Mars, he is presumed dead after a fierce storm and left behind by his crew. With only meager supplies, he draws on his ingenuity to signal to Earth that he is alive. NASA and his crewmates concurrently plot a rescue mission. As these stories of bravery unfold, the world comes together to root for Watney’s safe return. 2 hours 22 minutes. June 10th: “Brooklyn” Romance/Dr ama. Rated PG-13 for a scene of sexuality and brief strong language. Eilis Lacey is a young Irish immigrant navigating her way through 1950s Brooklyn. Lured by the promise of America, Eilis departs Ireland and the comfort of her mother's home for the shores of New York City. The initial shackles of homesickness quickly diminish as a fresh romance sweeps Eilis into the intoxicating charm of love. But soon, her new vivacity is disrupted by her past, and Eilis must choose between two countries and the lives that exist within. 1 hour 51 minutes. June 24th: “Concussion” Dr ama. Rated PG-13 for thematic material including some disturbing images and language. Based on a tr ue stor y. Neuropathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu makes the first discovery of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, a football-related brain trauma, and fights for the truth to be known. His emotional quest puts him at dangerous odds with one of the most powerful - and beloved - institutions in the world, the league that governs the sport. 2 hours 3 mins. 16 HOW TO REGISTER FOR A PROGRAM Registration dates/first day to register are listed on the monthly calendar for all the program and events. For your convenience you may register by phone or in person at the Senior Center. Helpful hint: If you prefer to call in to register and get voicemail please continue to call back until your reach a staff member to avoid disappoint if the event fills up. Remember to dial * before the extension you are dialing to call us directly. You may register yourself and one other senior. Payments must be within one week of registration, sooner if you register after the first day of registrations. Payments: checks made payable to Warren Township or cash payment within one week of registration. Payment may be due immediately if nearing the date of the program/trip. YOU MAY ONLY REGISTER, PAY FOR AN EVENT, OR BUY TAXI TICKETS DURING OUR REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS. RETURNED CHECK CHARGE: Any check that is deposited and returned by the bank for any reason will result in an additional $17.00 charge and a replacement check will be due immediately. Our trips are offered to Warren Township Seniors; if you want to bring a friend who is not a Warren Resident we will add them to the non-resident waiting list. If the trip does not fill with Warren Seniors by a week of the trip we will call the people on the nonresident waitlist so they will be able to join you on the trip. Please arrive EARLY for trips (15 minutes prior to departure time). We will leave promptly at the posted departure time. Only one bus seat per person. Ther e ar e two people to each set of seats on the buses. Please share the seat. Final decision on trip attendance is made by Senior Center staff; decision to cancel trip due to low enrollment will be made in advance of a trip. Program/Trip credits will be given in full for programs or trips cancelled by the Senior Center. Refunds cannot be given for programs/trips that require advance admission purchase, entrance fees or meal orders unless we are able to fill your spot with someone from our wait list. If you cannot make a program or trip you have registered for, please let us know as soon as possible. We offer your spot to the first senior on the wait list. Do NOT give your spot to a fr iend or send a fr iend in your place. That defeats the purpose of a wait list. TRIP PROCEDURES AND CANCELLATION POLICY Please be sure to REGISTER EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINMENTS IF TRIPS FILL. working hours of 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM on weekdays and any trips that occur on the weekends, please schedule your pick-up before you arrive for the trip. We cannot wait for a PACE bus or cab to be called and arrive after we return. A medical emergency card is required to be on file here at the Senior Center for all participants. Please update any changes immediately. All Trips (except ala car tes) you will need your ACCIDENT PROCEDURES: Warren Township ID worn as your name tag. A lanWhen someone falls, especially if they are outyard will be provided the day of the trip. side or bleeding, your first impulse is to help them. We ask that you inform a staff person Registration fees must be paid in full one week prior right away so that we can get help. We have all to the trip or on the last registration date—whichever been trained in First Aid & CPR and have strict comes first. procedures we need to follow—especially when For trips that begin or end before our normal blood is involved. 17 Warren Township 17801 W. Washington Gurnee, IL 60031 Presort Standard U.S. Postage PAID Gurnee, IL Permit No. 1538 SUZANNE D. SIMPSON SUPERVISOR GEORGE A. ILER TOWN CLERK CHARLIE MULLIN ASSESSOR GERALD RUDD HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER KEN ECHTENACHER, JR TRUSTEE MIKE SEMMERLING TRUSTEE BILL GILL TRUSTEE DONNA RADKE TRUSTEE SAVANNAH G E O R G I A H R M O H I M W T S V Y S J I E U D S O A X Y H T D E E S R L B I M S X P T D N L K T T L B D S U P K O V F S Y O A E S A T T E I R A M I L R E B C U G B R S T I O B L I H E P I H S Q I U A S L B C T T A F R S A Y C M L L M K I N J C N T Y O R T O I A R C A K S V T N G E U L C T N A X O T Y B E E A O L T E Y D H U U I M B A C O V L L H S Z C Q K G P K Y C U U A D O E T Y O S E H C A E B X J S E R R O I L I G H T H O U S E K N T N N ____ ANTEBELLUM ____ ISLAND ____ BEACHES ____ ISLES ____ CHARLESTON ____ JEKYLL ____ CHARM ____ LIGHTHOUSE ____ DISTRICT ____ ECCENTRIC ____ GEORGIA ____ GOLDEN ____ HISTORIC ____ HOSPITALITY ____ MARIETTA ____ MUSEUMS ____ SAVANNAH ____ SOUTHERN ____ THEATRE ____ TROLLEY ____ TYBEE
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