17801 W. Washington St. Gurnee, Illinois 60031
17801 W. Washington St. Gurnee, Illinois 60031
The 2016 Bowling Banquet Thank you to Ilomae Curran for all her work through the entire season - especially the banquet. Joanne Adams Director, ext. *503 Jean Smuda Program Coordinator, ext. *502 Sherie Palmer Social Worker, ext. *509 Jamaal Malone Information and Referral Specialist, ext. *513 Theresa Scottberg Fitness & Wellness Coordinator, ext. *504 Neilan Sankpal Technical Specialist, ext. *501 Judy Sneyd Body Conditioning Instructor Carly Shamash Information and Referral Specialist, ext. *515 17801 W. Washington St. Gurnee, Illinois 60031 Phone: 847-244-1101ext.*501 Website: warrentownship.net 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday Supervisor’s Message……………….…………………….…………………..…………...…….1 Director’s Note ……...……………….…………….………………………..…….………..……1 Potluck Barbecues...…….……. ..….……………………………………..……………………..2 Games…………………………….……………………………………..………………………..2 Ala Cartes….……………….…………….…..……………………….....…………….……...…3 Pictures...….……………………….……………………………….………………… ….…....4-5 Trips…………….…………………………………………… …….…………………….…….6-7 Pictures…………………………………………………… ……….……………….………….8-9 Program Policies & Procedures...………………………… …….………………….…...…10-11 Social Service Corner …………………………………………….………………………...….12 Enrichment Classes……………….………………………………..…………….………….....13 Book Discussion ……………………………………………………………….……………..13 Discount Taxi Program……………………………………………..………………….……....13 July & August Calendar……….……………………….……………...………...…………14-17 Exercise Classes…………………….……………………………………….…..……………...18 Exercise Classes Policies & Procedures…………………………………….….. ….…………19 Movies…………………………………… …………………………….……………….... 20 & 21 Health Programs……………………………………….……………………………………… 21 Parkinson’s Exercise Class…………………………………………..……………………….. 21 Troopons………………………………………………………………….……………………. 21 In April and May, 2016 we added 37 new members. They are: Peggy Alberts, Joyce Ander, Josephine Bout, Debra Bradshaw, Paul and Debbie Brunder, Anna and Buddy Dennis, Judy and Tom Fleming, Lorraine Gates, Betsy Hastings, Sandy and H. Richard Huttas, Karen Jones, Mary and Nick Kanelos, Renee Lasky, Jean Madziarek, Lynn Martin, Barbara Medel, Halina Moss, Shirley Prince, Marcia Rose, Judy Ross, Bridget Savage, Karen Sherin, Joann and David Sherman, Donna Skowronski, Rosemary L. Smith, Corinne Steinberg, Karen Strecker, Nancy Torres, Carla Ward, & Charles and Mary Ziegele. Welcome to all of you from the Senior Staff. We hope you find many things to interest you in this newsletter and that you find a home away from home here at the Center. Dear Seniors, As I write this, I am still looking forward to this year's Grandparent’s Day program . However, by the time you receive it, it will hopefully be another great memory that you and your grandchildren are able to share forever. Warren Township hosted a shredding event on May 21st. It was quite successful with our residents taking advantage of this free service to bring us 86 bins of their important documents to have shredded securely. I want to remind you that it is important to check your credit reports periodically especially if you suspect you may be a victim of identity theft. We can help you with this. Our Township Administrator, Ryan Johnson, is available to check your credit report for you. Please call him to make an appointment. His number is 847-2441101 extension *125. Now that the weather has finally turned warm, please remember NEVER to leave your pets in your car. Animals are easily overcome by heat exhaustion. On a hot summer day, the inside of a vehicle heats up quickly. For instance, on an 85 degree day, the temperature inside your car with the windows open will reach 102 degrees in ten minutes. In 30 minutes it will get to 120 degrees. Parking in the sun and on asphalt can increase those temperatures. Within ten minutes an animal can become very ill and even die. If we spot an animal in a vehicle on our campus, we will try to locate the owner but, if we cannot, we will call the Lake County Sheriff department and have the animal removed. This kind of neglect is considered a Class C misdemeanor. If you stop by the Center, please feel free to bring your pet inside with you. You just need to make sure they are on a leash or in your arms and are not likely to bite anyone. Please leave your pets at home while you run errands or take them inside with you. Suzanne D. Simpson Dear Members, The bulk of the construction has been completed downstairs in the Flex Room. Although there is more work to do, we have been able to use the enlarged space to move most of you off the wait lists for Theresa’s classes. We hope you enjoy the new space. As you know, all the parking spaces near the building now require a handicapped parking placard. Those spaces are still not enough to serve all of our disabled members. Those spaces are most in demand on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please remember this when deciding where to park. If you can easily walk from the parking lot but have a placard, please park in the handicapped spots in the lots. Those of you who attend Body Conditioning classes should always park in the parking lots. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of those who cannot walk from the lots. Remember, our Senior Center staff are always willing to park your car and get it for you if there are no spots in the circle available and you are unable to walk from the parking lot. I am very excited that Judy Sneyd has been trained and will be offering a class specifically for those of you with Parkinson’s disease. This class will be on Thursdays at 12:30 beginning July 7th. See Page 21 for more details. Save the date: Walmar t phar macists will be her e on Wednesday, October 19th to pr ovide flu, pneumonia and whooping cough vaccines. There will be more information in the next newsletter. On Monday, July 18th, the Senior Center will close at 1:00 PM. We will be having a staff training and no staff will be available. There will be NO Movement and Balance, Double-deck Pinochle, Chess, or Computer Lessons that afternoon. I apologize for the inconvenience. Joanne Adams 1 BARBECUES Join us on Friday, July 15th for another one of our famous summer barbecues. The Senior Center will supply the hamburgers, hot dogs, drinks and each of you brings a dish to share with the group. You must sign up for these! Lunch is served at Noon. The wide variety of food and the great companionship make for fun afternoons. We play games such as baggo and ladder ball. Registration begins Thursday, June 23rd and ends on Wed, July 13th. The August barbecue will be held on Friday, August 12th and registration begins on Thursday, July 28th. This will be our luau barbecue. There will be no dancers this year but the Center will be decorated to take you away to the islands. We encourage you to wear your Hawaiian apparel. We provide the leis. The last day to register will be Tuesday, August 9th. DOOR COUNTY FISH BOIL AND BBQ CHICKEN FEAST Fitzgerald’s Genoa Junction Restaurant will be transporting their traditional outdoor kettle and cooking skills to our Center on Friday, September 9th. Lunch includes boneless north Atlantic Cod served with sweet drawn butter, boiled red potatoes & onions, coleslaw, BBQ chicken served with Fitzgerald’s own honey BBQ sauce, and fresh salted rye bread. Dessert will be a frosted apple square. The Township is subsidizing this meal so, your price will only be $10.00. You will be able to watch the kettle er upt into a fier y spectacle known as the “Boil Over ” right here at the Senior Center. Registration begins Tuesday, August 23rd. The luncheon will start at 11:30 AM. The last day to register is Thursday, September 1st. Bingo- Played Tuesdays from Noon to around 2:30 unless otherwise noted on the calendar. You may purchase up to five (5) cards each week for $1.10 each from 11:00 to 11:50 AM. No cards sold after 11:50 so we can count the prize money and start on time. We take a br eak at 1:00 PM to give ever yone a chance to stretch and eat whatever snack you bring. You may also purchase snacks from the office. Bridge- We play party bridge every Tuesday at 1:00 PM. You must sign up ahead of time. To sign up or cancel, call The Senior Office. Please arrive AT LEAST ten minutes early. Bunco- This popular parlor game is played in teams with three dice. Please call the Center to sign up. Thursdays at 1:00 PM. It is easy to lear n and the gr oup has a lot of fun. Canasta - Fridays from 12:00 - 3:30. You should know how to play. If you played in the past and want to watch to refresh your memory, you are welcome. Chess - The Chess Group welcomes new players every Monday at Noon for a game or two. Also, if you are interested in learning how to play, please call the office and let us know. A couple of the players are willing to come early and do a lesson, if the interest is there. Cribbage- Tuesdays from 12:30-3:30. Dominoes - We play Mexican Train Dominoes. Warren Township Rules. Wednesdays at 1:00. Pinochle - Double Deck - Mondays 12:00-3:30. Pinochle- Single Deck- Fridays from 12:00-3:30. Note New Time. 2 Join us for a unique dining experience in an authentic 1920’s Illinois train car on Thursday, July 14th at 11:00 AM at Chessies Restaurant in Barrington. You’ll feel like you ar e tr aveling acr oss the countr y while dining! The Township buses leave the Center PROMPTLY at 11:00 AM and return around 2:30 PM. Your menu choices are: Roast Pork Loin - Ser ved with mashed potatoes and vegetable medley. Chicken Parmesan - Ser ved over linguini with mar inar a sauce. Baked Penne Pasta - Ser ved with r oasted vegetables. Crusted Tilapia - Ser ved with r ice pilaf and vegetable medley. All entrees served with house salad and freshly baked bread & butter. Dessert - Chocolate br ownie. Beverage choices are: Coffee, Tea, or Soda. Cost is $21.00. Registration begins Friday, July 1st . We return around 2:30 PM. The last day to register is Monday, July 11th. We are taking the Township buses to Reflections Restaurant in Lake Villa on Wednesday, August 17th. We will leave in the Township buses PROMPTLY at 11:00 AM and return around 1:30 PM. Join us for a traditional Polish Family Style Dinner on beautiful Deep Lake. The meal includes: Soup or Salad Sausage and sauerkraut Pierogi Stuffed Cabbage Pork Loin Roast with mushroom gravy Potatoes Bread, butter, coffee, tea, and dessert Cost is $18.00. Registration begins Tuesday, August 2nd and ends on Friday, August 12th. NOTE: If you have special dietary restrictions, it is your responsibility to check with us when ordering your meal to be sure that your selection meets your dietary requirements. If your meal is not acceptable when we arrive at the restaurant because you have not checked OR because you have changed your mind, you will have the option of placing a new order or making a change but any additional costs will be at your own expense. You will NOT be refunded your original payment. Left: Mike & Mary Jo Kollross enjoyed the Container Gardening so much that Mike came back for more flowers. Right: Gail Stickels left the Center with two beautifully designed baskets. 3 ICE CREAM SOCIAL & TRIVIA GAME Everyone who came loved the ice cream social and asked that we schedule Eric St. John and his fabulous, fun game back again. Left: Ben & Rose Serrano Right: Theresia and Joyce King Everyone smiles there’s ice cream! Right: Karen Bonato enjoyed a bowl of ice cream and participating in the trivia game. Hastings when Left: Phyllis and Paul Steffan Below: Left to Right: Judy Winters, Kathy Schilling, & Sandy Berman Above: Jean Smuda serves Sara Hancock. Below: Olivina Reza and Marian Walker helped their team enjoy the competitive game. 4 MARCH CARD CLASS Once again Sue Cusimano provided some beautiful cards for everyone to make. Right: Kathy Dernell proudly displays one of them. Above: Left to Right: Kathy Dever, Pat Doucet, Susan Skarbalus, and volunteer teacher, Anita Mathews. Left: Kathy Dever happily shows us one of the gorgeous cards she created. CONTAINER GARDENING A big thank you to our Township Supervisor, Sue Simpson. Every year she offers her advice and hard work to produce beautiful baskets and pots for all those interestAbove: Left to Right: Carolyn Zbysznski, volunteer ed in participating. We are so lucky to have her. No other Senior Center offers such a fabulous service and teacher, Mary Phillips, and Kathy Dernell. we couldn’t do it without her. Below: Elinore Preis and Below: Bonnie Misch shows off the card Anita Mathews Diane Carrano display some of the gorgeous work that Sue completed. helped her create. 5 TRIP POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ARE ON PAGE 10 NOTICE OF POLICY CHANGE: All of our trips will leave on time. Beginning May 1st, we will no longer wait five minutes for latecomers to arrive. Please be sur e to ar r ive at least fifteen minutes before departure time. The walking meter gives you a general idea of how much walking will be involved before you register for a trip to help in deciding which trips are right for you. Anderson Japanese Gardens We will be traveling by motor coach on Thursday, July 21st to Rockford, Il to enjoy the Anderson Japanese Gardens. Constr uction of the gar dens began in 1978 when businessman J ohn Ander son was inspir ed by a visit to the Portland Japanese Garden in Oregon. From groundbreaking to today, the placement of every rock, alignment of every tree, and layout of all paths has been made with careful consideration by Master Craftsman and designer Hoichi Kurisu. The design principals create a work of natural art that inspires calm, renewal, discovery, and an invigorated soul. You will have free time to enjoy the gardens and then enjoy lunch at your own expense. The restaurant on site is the “Fresco At The Gardens”. They serve breakfast or lunch all day. Your choices range from omelets and waffles to sandwiches, salads and soups. There are many choices. Cost for the motor coach and entrance fee is $20.00. Registration begins Friday, July 1st. The bus leaves the Senior Center at 8:30 AM and returns around 3:30 PM. Valentino Vineyards Tour & The Village Tavern We are taking the Township buses on Thursday, July 28th to Valentino Vineyards in Long Grove for a vineyard tour, wine tasting and a wine appreciation seminar. Valentino Vineyar ds pr oduces 20 differ ent types of wine. The vineyard grows 25 varieties of grapevines. They grow grapes that are harvested, crushed, fermented, and barrel aged in fine quality French & American oak barrels, and bottled all here at their 20 Acre estate Vineyard and Winery. Wine will be available for purchase at the end of the seminar. Cost for the tour and seminar is $25.00. After the seminar, we will head over to the oldest restaurant in Illinois - “The Village Tavern in Long Grove”. Lunch will be at your own expense and separate checks will be provided for your convenience. Registration begins on Friday, July 8th. The buses leave the Center at 10:00 AM and return at approximately 2:30 PM. Great Lakes Naval Museum & Lunch at Sweet Tomatoes We will leave the Senior Center at 9:15 AM on Thursday, August 25th to travel to the Great Lakes Naval Museum. The museum collection consists of over 40,000 histor ic ar tifacts and ar chival r ecor ds including naval uniforms, company photographs, recruiting pamphlets, postcards, and newspapers. We will have a docent to answer questions and provide a general tour of the museum. After our visit, we will head over to Sweet Tomatoes for a lunch buffet featuring made from scratch soups, hot pastas, fresh fruits and salads, freshly baked breads and muffins, and dessert. Lunch will be at your own expense. Cost is only $2.00. Registration begins on Tuesday, August 9th. The buses will return to the Center around 1:30 PM. 6 Shipshewana, Indiana Overnight Trip Join us as we travel by luxury motor coach with our tour escort from Travel Services for an overnight trip on Tuesday, August 30th & Wednesday, August 31st to Shipshewana, Indiana. The tr ip includes hotel accommodations at the Blue Gate Garden Inn, plus dinner and a show at the Blue Gate Theater. Also included is the Amish Flea Market and a backroads tour of Amish Country. The cost for this truly marvelous trip is only $288.00 for double occupancy and an extra $70.00 for a single room. On Tuesday, we will shop the Shipshewana Flea Market, have dinner at the Blue Gate Garden Inn, attend the Blue Gate Theater production of “Josiah For President”, and spend the night at the Inn. After breakfast at the Inn on Wednesday, we will receive a backroads tour of Amish Country with stops at E & S Sales, Kase Haus Cheese Factory, Ben’s Bakery, Davis Mercantile, and Yoder’s Meat and Cheese Shop. We will stop for dinner at Das Essenhaus Restaurant, have time to shop at the Essenhaus Bakery, and view the Amish Flower Quilt Gardens. A deposit of $100.00 is due at the time of booking and the final payment will be due on Monday, June 13th. We leave the Center at 7:00 AM on the 30th and return at 8:30 PM on the 31st. If you have any questions, please call J ean Smuda at ext. *502 or stop by to talk to her when you are in the Center. Registration began Friday, March 4th. Only a few openings left so hurry to register if you are interested. The final Meet ‘N Greet will be held on Tuesday, August 16th. Cubs/Brewers Baseball Game at Miller Park in Milwaukee Enjoy the game from the Miller Park’s newest all inclusive area—The Miller Lite Deck. On Monday, September 5th (Labor Day), you will enjoy beautiful sightlines fr om just above the bleacher s in r ight field. In addition, there is an all you can eat buffet featuring Klements grilled Italian sausages and hot dogs, grilled sirloin burgers, BBQ chicken breast, fresh spring salad, coleslaw, tater tots, popcorn, peanuts, assorted cookies and brownies, and unlimited soft drinks. Each ticket also comes with two complimentary beers per adult. Buffet begins 60 minutes prior to the first pitch and concludes at the end of the 6th inning. There is a private bar where you can purchase your own drinks. The cost is $87.00 per person which includes your general admission seating on the Miller Lite Deck, your motor coach transportation, and the buffet. Flat scr een high definition TVs ar e available in the Miller Lite deck. Registration began in May and we already have a wait list. We hope you will enjoy this once in a lifetime chance to really pamper yourself while enjoying the baseball game and watching our Cubbies beat the Brewers! Lipizzans Performance & Lunch at Tempel Farms Café Lipizzan stallions have been enchanting audiences for 450 years. Each performance is set to music and is a study of classical horsemanship which has been practiced in Europe since the 16th century. There are very few places in the United States where such an art can be observed. One of them is in our own back yard in Wadsworth. Join us as we travel in the Township buses on Wednesday, September 7th. We will leave the Center at 11:00 AM and return around 3:30 PM. You can enjoy lunch at your own expense at the Temple Far ms Café. After the performance, you can have a self-guided tour of the stable. The performance will be general bleacher seating so if you would like to bring something to sit on, please do. There is an indoor facility in case of rain. Cost for this trip is $22.00 Registration begins Tuesday, August 9th and ends Monday, August 22nd. 7 PICTURES FROM SAVANNAH The group that went on the Savannah and Charleston trip had a fabulous time and really bonded. Below: Left to right: Mary Ann Carrier, Linda Hoeth, and Pamela Reynolds at the “Road To Tara Museum”. Above: Left to right: Susan and Jeff Bautista and Winston and Urbanita Casis at the Kentucky Rest Stop Above: Rosemary Saraceno and Kathy Kinahan walked 20 blocks for the best ice cream in town! Above: Pamela Reynolds at the Booth Museum Below, left: Mary Hagman Below right: Beverly Poczkalski and Mary Lester Below: Sisters, Linda Hoeth and DuAnn Webb. 8 Joy Washburn posed in Jonesboro, Georgia which proudly displays that it is the Home of “Gone With The Wind” . Right: Ed Waszkiewicz found the climb worth it for this beautiful view of Tybee Island. Left: Joe & Joanne Cassidy Right: Sandy Alford & Jane Sawyer took a ride on a Pedi taxi. Above: Patty Salwach and Donna Palmieri enjoying the sunshine. Below: the group relaxes on the deck of the Jekyll Island Country Club before lunch. Below: Last dinner together at Boone Tavern 9 Please be sure to REGISTER EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINMENTS IF TRIPS FILL. A medical emergency card is required to be on file here at the Senior Center for all participants. Please update any changes immediately. All Trips (except ala car tes) you will need your Warren Township ID worn as your name tag. A lanyard will be provided the day of the trip. Registration fees must be paid in full one week prior to the trip or on the last registration date—whichever comes first. For trips that begin or end before our normal working hours of 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM on weekdays and any trips that occur on the weekends, please schedule your pick-up before you arrive for the trip. We cannot wait for a PACE bus or cab to be called and arrive after we return. Our trips are offered to Warren Township Seniors; if you want to bring a friend who is not a Warren Resident we will add them to the non-resident waiting list. If the trip does not fill with Warren Seniors by a week before the trip (and we have enough interest to run the trip), we will invite the people on the non-resident list. Please arrive EARLY for trips (15 minutes prior to departure time). We will leave promptly at the posted departure time. Program/Trip credits will be given in full for programs or trips cancelled by the Senior Center. Refunds cannot be given for programs/trips that require advance admission purchase, entrance fees or meal orders unless we are able to fill your spot with someone from our wait list. If you cannot make a program or trip you have registered for, please let us know as soon as possible. We offer your spot to the first senior on the wait list. Do NOT give your spot to a friend or send a friend in your place. That defeats the purpose of a wait list. Warren Township staff cannot provide individual assistance to members with special needs on trips. For members who require assistance, we strongly recommend that you be accompanied by a companion who is capable of and totally responsible for providing you with the needed assistance. Warren Township staff, Tour Company staff or a motor coach driver cannot provide special individual assistance to members with special needs for walking, dinning or other routine activities. Warren Township, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, requests that person with disabilities who require certain accommodations to allow them to observe and/or participate in the Senior Center overnight/day trips or have questions about the accessibility of the overnight/day trips contact the ADA coordinator to allow the Township to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. Final decisions on tr ip attendance is made by Senior Center staff. Sue Simpson did a fabulous job on all these beautifully potted plants. Eleanor Pocius and Pat Doucet (left) and Betty Slobe (right) display their treasures. 10 Please be sure to REGISTER EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINMENTS IF PROGRAMS FILL. Registration dates/first day to register are listed on the monthly calendar for all the program and events. For your convenience you may register by phone or in person at the Senior Center. Helpful hint: If you prefer to call in to register and get voicemail please continue to call back until your reach a staff member to avoid disappoint if the event fills up. Voicemails are not checked until we are no longer busy. Remember to dial * before the extension you are dialing to call us directly. You may register yourself and one other senior. Payments must be within one week of registration, or sooner if you register after the first day of registration. Payments: we accept checks made payable to Warren Township or cash payment within one week of registration. Payment may be due immediately if nearing the date of the program/trip. YOU MAY ONLY REGISTER, PAY FOR AN EVENT, OR BUY TAXI TICKETS DURING OUR REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS. RETURNED CHECK CHARGE: Any check that is deposited and r etur ned by the bank for any r eason will result in an additional $17.00 charge and a replacement check will be due immediately. When someone falls, especially if they are outside or bleeding, your first impulse is to help them. We ask that you inform a staff person right away so that we can get help. We have all been trained in First Aid & CPR and have strict procedures we need to follow—especially when blood is involved. We are asking for your input to see if you have any interest in any of these trips: Starved Rock, Oglesby, Illinois- Canal Boat and Trolley Tour—Summer, 2016 Celebration Belle Cruise & Diamond Jo Casino, Dubuque, Iowa, Fall, 2016. Two days, one night. The Shedd Aquarium in Chicago Milwaukee Art Museum in the Fall, 2016 Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament Holland Tulip Festival, May, 2017. Overnight. Two days, one night. Please let someone know in the office to put you on a list if you are interested. Please see Jean Smuda if you have questions about any particular trip. 11 ILLINOIS MEDICARE-MEDICAID ALIGNMENT INITIATIVE The Illinois Medicare-Medicaid Alignment Initiative (MMAI) is a program designed to improve and streamline healthcare for individuals who are dual eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid within the state of Illinois. Through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, those that are dual eligible can now receive the benefits of Medicare Part A, Part B and Part D prescription coverage in one comprehensive healthcare plan. By encompassing Medicare and Medicaid benefits into one plan, CMS and DHFS hope to improve the quality of care for those who qualify without, cost shifting or the crossover claims that often make simultaneously billing Medicare and Medicaid difficult. This program began in 2014 and those that qualify who are new to the program may have already begun to receive notices and applications through the mail. You will be automatically enrolled in the MMAI program if: You are a resident of the Greater Chicago or Central Illinois Area 21+ years old and entitled to Medicare Part A and enrolled in Part B and Part D Eligible for and enrolled in Medicaid due to Aged, Blind and Disabled category of Assistance Do not receive developmental disability services or participate in Home and Community-Based Services waiver program for Adults with Disabilities Are not eligible for Medicaid due to spend-down clause Do not participate in the Illinois Medicaid Breast and Cervical Cancer program Do not have Comprehensive Third Party Insurance Even if you are automatically enrolled in MMAI, you can opt-out at anytime. Because it is a program designed to save the state money, it may not be beneficial to the individual. You may choose to opt out. By choosing to opt-out, individuals will receive separate Medicare and Medicaid as they do currently. If you wish to enroll in the MMAI program or have any questions, you may contact an enrollment counselor at Illinois Client Enrollment Services at 1-877-912-8880 or 1-866-565-8576(TTY). For general questions about this program, please feel free to contact either Sherie Palmer at extension *509 or myself at extension *513. LIHEAP SUMMER PROGRAM HIATUS As of the printing of this newsletter, the information we have is that the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, provided by the Community Action Partnership of Lake County, will be postponed for the summer of 2016. This program is designed to help reduce the costs associated with the electric bill and gas bill of individuals that qualify. Unfortunately, due to funding, LIHEAP will not commence this summer but is set to continue this fall. Please continue to read and check the Warren Township Senior Services newsletter for updates. Left: Sandra Parisi, Sylvia Sheeler, and Brenda Pates select their plants so Sue Simpson can create pots as beautiful as the ones Cele Bona (right w/Jamaal Malone) took home. 12 Card Making Class - Sue Cusimano is coming back to share her talents and assist you with making four all occasion cards on Wednesday, September 14th from 11:30 to 2:30 PM. The cards will be in the office for display when registration begins on Tuesday, August 23rd. Cost to make four cards is only $10.00. Fun With Spanish - Alicia Roche fills her students with enthusiasm on Thursdays from 10:00 to 11:00 AM. Learn Spanish while having fun. You must be registered in the Senior office to attend. Computer Lessons - Meinhard Gerdes is a retired professional who offers free computer lessons on Monday afternoons. Our Technical Specialist, Neilan Sankpal also schedules lessons on Thursdays. Whether you are a novice, or a seasoned user wanting to learn a new skill, or anywhere in between, set up an appointment for an hour lesson to learn at your own pace on Monday or Thursday. Please call the Center to sign up. You are limited to two classes per week. Warren-Newport library also offers tutor time on Thursdays to help with computers or iPads. For mor e info, call the libr ar y at 847-244-5150. Line Dancing - 1:00 PM on Thursdays. No sign-up necessary. Learn an entire dance and dance it every class. You pay $5.00 each time you come. Class runs until 3:00. The fabulous Dan Pye is the instructor. Spanish: Continuing - Susan Ganansky leads the experienced Spanish students who want an opportunity to practice their Spanish and learn more. No need to register. Tuesdays from 9:30 to 11:00 AM. On Monday, July 11th, the Book Discussion Group will be discussing The Train To Crystal City by Jan Jarboe Russell. On Monday, August 8th the book for discussion will be The Orphan Train by Christine Baker Kline. Book discussion begins at 1:00 PM time. The gr oup is led by Debbie Hoffman of the War r en Newpor t Library. At the end of the discussion of a book, the next month’s book is distributed. We sometimes have extra copies if you aren’t able to attend the meeting. There is no sign-up. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you have ANY problems with any of the cab companies, please call Joanne Adams at 847-244-1101 ext. *503. It is most helpful to have the cab number and date of travel when reporting a problem with a particular cab driver or dispatcher. American Taxi and Gurnee Red & Black Flash Cab accept our tickets. Please remember that if you are calling the companies to ask if they serve a particular area, you must say you have the Warren Township tickets - not the name of the town in which you live. They have our services under Warren Township. If you want to travel to Rosemont for a show, the taxi service is complicated because the City of Rosemont will only allow cab companies licensed by them to pick up at the theater. Special arrangements have to be made. Please remember that we are unable to accept fifty or hundred dollar bills for payment for any program. 13 Sunday Monday 3 Tuesday 4 5 8:15-9:00 Chair/Movement Mix 9:15– 10:00 Movement/Balance 9:30-11:00 Spanish- Continuing 10:15-11:00 Movement/Balance 12:00 BINGO 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Bridge SENIOR CENTER CLOSED 11 8:15-9:00 Tai Chi for Health 9:00 11:00 Blood Pressure 9:15 10:15 Pilates 9:30 10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30-11:15 Stretch Yogalates 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Chair Yoga 12:00 Pinochle Double Deck 12:00 Chess Club 12:30 1:15 Movement/Balance 1:00 Book Discussion: The Train to Crystal City 18 17 8:15-9:00 Tai Chi for Health 9:00 11:00 Blood Pressure 9:15 10:15 Pilates 9:30 10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30-11:15 Stretch Yogalates 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Chair Yoga 12 8:15-9:00 Chair/Movement Mix 9:15– 10:00 Movement/Balance 9:30-11:00 Spanish- Continuing 10:15-11:00 Movement/Balance 12:00 BINGO 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Bridge 19 8:15-9:00 Chair/Movement Mix 9:15– 10:00 Movement/Balance 9:30-11:00 Spanish- Continuing 10:15-11:00 Movement/Balance 12:00 BINGO 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Bridge SENIOR CENTER CLOSES AT 1:00 9:00 11:00 Blood Pressure 9:15-1:00 Foot Clinic 9:15 10:15 Pilates 9:30 10:30 Body Conditioning 10:30-11:15 Stretch Yogalates 11:30-12:15 Chair Yoga 12:00 Pinochle Double Deck 12:00 Chess Club 12:30 1:15 Movement/Balance 6 9:30-10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:00 Floor & Balance 1:00 3:00 Mexican Train Dominoes 1:30 3:00 Caregivers Support NO Mix It Up, Stretch-N-Flex, Pilates 10 24 31 8:15-9:00 Tai Chi for Health Wednesday 25 26 8:15-9:00 Chair/Movement Mix 9:15– 10:00 Movement/Balance 9:30-11:00 Spanish- Continuing 10:15-11:00 Movement/Balance 12:00 BINGO 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Bridge 13 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30-10:15 Body Conditioning 10:15-11:15 Pilates 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:00 Floor & Balance 1:00 3:00 Mexican Train Dominoes 1:30 3:00 Caregivers Support 20 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30-10:15 Body Conditioning 10:15-11:15 Pilates 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:00 Floor & Balance 1:00 3:00 Mexican Train Dominoes 1:30 3:00 Caregivers Support 27 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30-10:15 Body Conditioning 10:15-11:15 Pilates 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:00 Floor & Balance 1:00 3:00 Mexican Train Dominoes 1:30 3:00 Caregivers Support Thursday Friday 1 Saturday 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:30–10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30 12:15 Movement/Balance 12:00 Pinochle Single Deck 12:00 3:30 Canasta 1:00 Movie: “Spectre 007” Register: Ala Carte Chessies Restaurant Register: Anderson Japanese Garden & Lunch NO Stretch-N-Flex Class 7 8:15-9:00 Yoga II 9:15 10:00 Yoga I 10:00-11:00 Fun With Spanish 10:15 11:00 Chair Yoga 11:15–12:00 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:15 PWR!4Life 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:30–10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30 12:15 Movement/Balance 12:00 Pinochle Single Deck 12:00 3:30 Canasta 1:00 Movie: “Eddie The Eagle” Register: Valentino Vineyards Tour & Lunch Parkinson’s Exercise 1:00 Bunco 1:00 LINE DANCING Register: Chair Yoga & Stretch-N-Flex & Stretch Yogalates & Tai Chi NO Stretch-N-Flex Class 12:00 BBQ POTLUCK 12:00 Pinochle Single Deck 12:00 3:30 Canasta Parkinson’s Exercise EXERCISE CLASSES & MOVIE CANCELLED 1:00 Bunco 1:00 LINE DANCING 21 8:15-9:00 Yoga II 8:30-3:30 Anderson Japanese Garden & Lunch 9:15 10:00 Yoga I 10:00-11:00 Fun With Spanish 10:15 11:00 Chair Yoga 11:15–12: 00 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:15 PWR!4Life Parkinson’s Exercise 1:00 Bunco 1:00 LINE DANCING 8:15-9:00 Yoga II 9:15 10:00 Yoga I 10:00-2:30 Valentino Vineyard Tour & Lunch 10:00-11:00 Fun With Spanish 10:15 11:00 Chair Yoga 11:15–12: 00 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:15 PWR!4Life Parkinson’s Exercise 1:00 Bunco 1:00 LINE DANCING Register: August LUAU BBQ 28 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30–10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30 12:15 Movement/Balance 12:00 Pinochle Single Deck 12:00 3:30 Canasta 1:00 Movie: “The Revenant” July 14 8:15-9:00 Yoga II 9:15 10:00 Yoga I 10:00-11:00 Fun With Spanish 10:15 11:00 Chair Yoga 11:00-2:30 Ala Carte: Chessies 11:15–12:00 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:15 PWR!4Life 2016 29 30 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30–10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30 12:15 Movement/Balance 12:00 Pinochle Single Deck 12:00 3:30 Canasta 1:00 Movie: “The Big Short” 9 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 8:15-9:00 Tai Chi for Health 9:00 11:00 Blood Pressure 9:15 10:15 Pilates 9:30 10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30-11:15 Stretch Yogalates 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Chair Yoga 12:00 Pinochle Double Deck 12:00 Chess Club 12:30 1:15 Movement/Balance 7 14 21 8:15-9:00 Chair/Movement Mix 9:15– 10:00 Movement/Balance 9:30-11:00 Spanish- Continuing 10:15-11:00 Movement/Balance 12:00 BINGO 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Bridge Register: Ala Carte Reflections 8 8:15-9:00 Tai Chi for Health 9:00 11:00 Blood Pressure 9:15 10:15 Pilates 9:30 10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30-11:15 Stretch Yogalates 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Chair Yoga 12:00 Pinochle Double Deck 12:00 Chess Club 12:30 1:15 Movement/Balance 1:00 Book Discussion The Orphan Train 15 8:15-9:00 Tai Chi for Health 9:00 11:00 Blood Pressure 9:15 10:15 Pilates 9:30 10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30-11:15 Stretch Yogalates 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Chair Yoga 12:00 Pinochle Double Deck 12:00 Chess Club 12:30 1:15 Movement/Balance 22 8:15-9:00 Tai Chi for Health 9:00 11:00 Blood Pressure 9:15-1:00 Foot Clinic 9:15 10:15 Pilates 9:30 10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30-11:15 Stretch Yogalates 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Chair Yoga 12:00 Pinochle Double Deck 12:00 Chess Club 12:30 1:15 Movement/Balance 28 2 9 8:15-9:00 Chair/Movement Mix 9:15– 10:00 Movement/Balance 9:30-11:00 Spanish- Continuing 10:15-11:00 Movement/Balance 12:00 BINGO 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Bridge Register: Lipizzan’s Performance & Lunch Register: Great Lakes Naval Museum & Lunch 16 8:15-9:00 Chair/Movement Mix 9:15– 10:00 Movement/Balance 9:30-11:00 Spanish- Continuing 10:15-11:00 Movement/Balance 12:00 BINGO 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Bridge 2:00 Final Meet ‘N Greet for Shipshewana 23 8:15-9:00 Chair/Movement Mix 9:15– 10:00 Movement/Balance 9:30-11:00 Spanish- Continuing 10:15-11:00 Movement/Balance 12:00 BINGO 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Bridge Register: Door County Fish Boil Register: September Greeting Card Class 29 8:15-9:00 Tai Chi for Health 9:00 11:00 Blood Pressure 9:15 10:15 Pilates 9:30 10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30-11:15 Stretch Yogalates 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Chair Yoga 12:00 Pinochle Double Deck 12:00 Chess Club 12:30 1:15 Movement/Balance 3 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30-10:15 Body Conditioning 10:15-11:15 Pilates 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:00 Floor & Balance 1:00 3:00 Mexican Train Dominoes 1:30 3:00 Caregivers Support 10 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30-10:15 Body Conditioning 10:15-11:15 Pilates 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:00 Floor & Balance 1:00 3:00 Mexican Train Dominoes 1:30 3:00 Caregivers Support 17 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30-10:15 Body Conditioning 10:15-11:15 Pilates 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:00-1:30 Ala Carte: Reflection’s 11:30-12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:00 Floor & Balance 1:00 3:00 Mexican Train Dominoes 1:30 3:00 Caregivers Support 24 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30-10:15 Body Conditioning 10:15-11:15 Pilates 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:00 Floor & Balance 1:00 3:00 Mexican Train Dominoes 1:30 3:00 Caregivers Support 30 8:15-9:00 Chair/Movement Mix 9:15– 10:00 Movement/Balance 9:30-11:00 Spanish- Continuing 10:15-11:00 Movement/Balance 12:00 BINGO 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Bridge Shipshewana Trip: Departs 7:00am 31 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30-10:15 Body Conditioning 10:15-11:15 Pilates 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30-12:15 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:00 Floor & Balance 1:00 3:00 Mexican Train Dominoes 1:30 3:00 Caregivers Support Shipshewana Trip: Returns 8:30pm Thursday 8:15-9:00 Yoga II 9:15 10:00 Yoga I 10:00-11:00 Fun With Spanish 10:15 11:00 Chair Yoga 11:15–12: 00 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:15 PWR!4Life Parkinson’s Exercise 1:00 Bunco 1:00 LINE DANCING Friday Saturday 6 12 13 19 20 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30–10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30 12:15 Movement/Balance 12:00 3:30 Canasta 12:00 Pinochle Single Deck 1:00 Movie: “Hello, My Name is Doris” 11 12:00 LUAU- BBQ POTLUCK 12:00 Pinochle Single Deck 12:00 3:30 Canasta EXERCISE CLASSES & MOVIE CANCELLED 18 8:15-9:00 Yoga II 9:15 10:00 Yoga I 10:00-11:00 Fun With Spanish 10:15 11:00 Chair Yoga 11:15–12: 00 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:15 PWR!4Life Parkinson’s Exercise 1:00 Bunco 1:00 LINE DANCING 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30–10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30 12:15 Movement/Balance 12:00 3:30 Canasta 12:00 Pinochle Single Deck 1:00 Movie: “London Has Fallen” 25 26 8:15-9:00 Mix It Up 9:15 10:00 Stretch N Flex 9:30–10:15 Body Conditioning 10:30 11:15 Body Conditioning 11:30 12:15 Movement/Balance 12:00 3:30 Canasta 12:00 Pinochle Single Deck 1:00 Movie: “My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2” 27 AUGUST 8:15-9:00 Yoga II 9:15 10:00 Yoga I 10:00-11:00 Fun With Spanish 10:15 11:00 Chair Yoga 11:15–12: 00 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:15 PWR!4Life Parkinson’s Exercise 1:00 Bunco 1:00 LINE DANCING 8:15-9:00 Yoga II 9:15-1:30 Naval Museum & Lunch 9:15 10:00 Yoga I 10:00-11:00 Fun With Spanish 10:15 11:00 Chair Yoga 11:15–12: 00 Movement/Balance 12:30-1:15 PWR!4Life Parkinson’s Exercise 1:00 Bunco 1:00 LINE DANCING 5 4 2016 The days and times for each class are listed on the calendar. You must be registered to participate in any class. Please refer to the calendar DAILY for cancellations. SESSION CLASSES: Chair/Movement Mix (Previously Arthritis/Chair Yoga) - This class includes yoga poses, balance, stretching, flexibility, and range of motion. We will NOT get down on the floor. Registration began Tuesday, June 21st for the session that runs from 06/28 to 09/20. Chair Yoga - is designed for people who have difficulty getting down on the floor. Learn yoga postures, breathing techniques and ways of relaxation with the aid of a chair. The current Monday session ends 06/27 and the current Thursday session ends 06/23. New sessions: Monday: 07/11-09/26; Thursday: 07/1409/22. Registration begins Thursday, July 7th for the new sessions. Note new time for Thursday. PWR4!Life - more information on this class for those with Parkinson’s Disease is on Page 21. Stretch-N-Flex - Need a little more flexibility? Sign up for one of these classes: 9:15 to 10:00 on Wednesday OR Friday mornings. You must have the ability to get up and down off the floor ! The current Wednesday session ends 06/22 and Fridays’ session ends 06/24. New session: Wednesday: 07/13-09/28; Friday: 07/22 - 09/23. Registration begins Thursday, July 7th. Stretch Yogalates - A fusion of Stretch N Flex, Pilates, and Yoga, techniques which will enable you to stretch, strengthen, tone, and relax! The current session ends 06/27. New session runs from 07/11-09/26 and registration begins Thursday, July 7th. Tai Chi for Health - easy to learn. A safe & effective way to improve flexibility, muscle strength, improve heart/lung activity, posture and balance. The current session ends 06/27. Mondays 8:15-9:00 AM. The new session will run from 07/11-09/26 and registration begins Thursday, July 7th. CONTINUOUS CLASSES: Body Conditioning - You may sign up for up to three classes per week of this class designed for active seniors. The class uses repetitions with weights, tubes, and balls for total toning to build muscles and help strengthen bones. Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays Floor and Balance (Previously Arthritis PLUS) - This class offers gentle exercises to be done on the floor. ANY Movement/Balance class par ticipant may attend. You must have the ability to get up and down on the floor but, you can use a chair for assistance. Mix It Up - Need a step up from the Movement/Balance workout? This class combines a variety of exercises from using weights to balance to Tai Chi, and more. Every week is different. Movement/Balance (Previously Arthritis Exercise) - You may sign up for up to three classes per week of this group activity class. It provides gentle flexibility exercises. Feel better and improve range of motion. Pilates- Pilates is a series of exercises designed to evenly condition the entire body while emphasizing core stability. Smooth, continuous movements strengthen the body and help release tension. You must be signed up to attend. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a towel. YOGA - for healthy people over age 55, yoga builds strength and flexibility along with stretching and relaxation. We provide mats. You must talk to Theresa to sign up. Wear comfortable clothing. Bring a towel. Please note new times for both Yoga classes on Thursdays. 18 ALL participants must fill out and turn in the following BEFORE attending an exercise class Signed Exercise Warning of Risk Waiver Emergency Card (Up to Date) You must also have a picture ID taken in the office. General Information: Read the newsletter to read a description of the classes and decide which class interests you and is at the appropriate level. (You may need to consult with Theresa Scottberg before starting a class (847-244-1101 Ext. *504). Sign up is required for all classes. Please check the newsletter and register in the office. Check with your physician before beginning any exercise program if you have health problems or concerns. Please arrive 10 minutes before classes to allow time for sign in at the Front Desk and pick up needed equipment. The Township supplies a coat room for coats. Lockers are also available for personal items. However, only Township approved locks are allowed to be placed on lockers. You can purchase one for a $5.00 deposit which is returned to you when you finish with the locker. Please check the calendar in the newsletter daily for changes to the exercise class schedule. Preparing for Class: Be properly fueled and hydrated - do not exercise on an empty stomach. The Township supplies water for classes or you may bring your own. Please no heavy perfumes, scented lotions or hairspray. Wear comfortable workout clothing. Please NO JEANS during Yoga, Pilates or any other mat classes. Please wear clean gym shoes. No street shoes or sandals, unless you have made other arrangements with the instructor. Wear proper indoor athletic shoes to provide proper support for your feet and joints. Also, be sure to bring your gym shoes and change into them here, especially during rain or snow. The floors at the Center can be very slippery. Please notify the instructor prior to class if you have any special needs or considerations. Beginners should be prepared to exercise at a lower level than experienced participants. Let the instructor know that you are new or have physical limitations. Give the instructor advance notice if you know you have to leave early. Please wait quietly outside the exercise room until the previous class is completely finished. DO NOT PULL OR KNOCK ON THE DOORS. During Class: Please be courteous to others around you. To avoid injury and disruption NO LATE ADMITTANCE ALLOWED INTO CLASS unless the participant has informed the instructor. For Yoga and Pilates - Please keep gym bags and shoes in the cubby outside the Flex room. Notify the instructor immediately if you are not feeling well during or after a class. Cell phones should be turned off or silenced. If you must take a call during class, please leave the room. In group classes, all participants should be doing the same activities except where special modifications have been worked out with the instructor. Please follow the instructor’s routines. One-on-one training is available. If the exercise becomes too strenuous, please slow down or ask for modifications. Remember: Proper form is more important than using heavy weights--ask your instructor for feedback. Please clean Community Yoga and Pilates mats after using them. Absences: Body Conditioning Classes: If you miss more than five (5) classes in one month, you will be removed from the class and placed on the wait list. Anyone going away or out sick for 2 weeks or more must fill out and turn into the office an absence slip. No slips or phone calls needed for a shorter absence. Theresa’s classes no longer need to swipe in for attendance. She will take attendance in class. Important Note: You will need a doctor’s release to return to classes after a hospital stay, surgery, or extended illness. 19 Most Fridays at 1:00 PM we show a recent movie. J oin us for the movie and some fr ee popcor n. Please read the descriptions carefully. They include what kind of movie it is, how long it runs, and whether the language or themes may be objectionable. We love suggestions. Please continue to send me your requests. I include them whenever possible. 40 seat limit. We always show subtitles for those who have difficulty hearing. July 1st: “Spectre 007” Action/Adventur e. Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of action and violence, some disturbing images, sensuality and language. A cr yptic message sends J ames Bond on a rogue mission to Mexico City and eventually Rome, where he meets Lucia Sciarra, the beautiful and forbidden widow of an infamous criminal. Bond uncovers the existence of the sinister organization known as SPECTRE. As Bond ventures towards the heart of SPECTRE, he learns of a chilling connection between himself and the enemy he seeks 2 hrs 28 mins. July 8th: “Eddie the Eagle” Comedy, Dr ama. Rated PG-13 for some suggestive material, partial nudity and smoking. Michael " Eddie" Edwar ds was an unlikely but cour ageous British ski-jumper who never stopped believing in himself – even as an entire nation was counting him out. With the help of a rebellious and charismatic coach, Eddie takes on the establishment and wins the hearts of sports fans around the world by making an improbable and historic showing at the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics. 1 hr 45 mins. July 22nd: “The Revenant” Action/Dr ama/Adventur e. Rated R for strong language, frontier combat and violence including gory images, a sexual assault, language and brief nudity. Leonardo DiCaprio won the academy award for best actor as the legendary explorer Hugh Glass who is brutally attacked by a bear on an expedition of the American wilderness and left for dead by his own hunting team. In a quest to survive, Glass endures unimaginable grief as well as the betrayal of his confidant John Fitzgerald. Guided by sheer will and the love of his family, Glass navigates a vicious winter in a relentless pursuit to live and find redemption. 2 hrs 36 mins. July 29th: “The Big Short” Comedy/Dr ama. Rated R for pervasive language and some sexuality/nudity. This movie goes a long way towar d making the 2008 global collapse of the economy a little more understandable (and even more infuriating). Starring Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, and Brad Pitt., the movie reveals the dark underbelly of the modern banking system. 2 hrs 10 mins. August 5th: “Hello, My Name is Doris” Comedy/Dr ama. Rated R for language. Sally Field stars as Doris Miller a hoarder who has never married and lives in the house she shared with her late mother. She meets John Fremont (played by Max Greenfield), a much younger man, and convinces herself that they are meant for each other. When Doris begins showing up at John’s favorite stomping grounds, she wins over his friends with her eclectic vintage wardrobe, quirky naiveté and enthusiasm for their rooftop knitting circle. Her new life brings Doris a thrilling perspective, but creates a rift between her and her longtime friends and family, who believe she’s making a fool of herself over a guy half her age. Eager for all the experiences she has missed out on, Doris throws caution to the wind and follows her heart for the very first time. 1 hr 35 mins. 20 August 19th: “London Has Fallen” Action/Suspense. Rated R for strong violence and language throughout. After the Br itish Pr ime Minister dies under myster ious cir cumstances, all leaders of the Western world head to London to attend his funeral and become the targets of a deadly plot. President Asher, secret service agent Mike Banning, and an English MI-6 agent who trusts no one are the only people that have any hope of stopping it. Starring Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Morgan Freeman, Alon Aboutboul, and Angela Bassett 1 hour 39 mins. August 26th: “My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2” Comedy. Rated PG-13 for some suggestive material. Sixteen year s after Toula Por tokalos and Ian Miller get mar r ied in a wild Gr eek wedding, Toula is still working in her parents’ Greek restaurant. She and Ian strive to raise their rebellious teenage daughter, Paris, who is graduating from high school and deal with marital issues of their own. The whole Portokalos clan is brought together again when the elder Portokalos discover that the Priest never signed their wedding certificate decades ago and so they plan an even bigger and "Greeker" wedding. 1 hour 34 minutes. Blood Pressure Screenings - Come in and have your blood pressure taken. This service is free thanks to our volunteer health professionals. Mondays from 9:00-11:00 AM. Foot Clinic - The fourth Monday of every month Marla Hucker provides foot care from 9:15 AM until 1:00 PM. The July date is Monday, the 25th and in August it is on Monday the 22nd. You must call the Center for an appointment. Cost is $20.00. Please bring one towel with you. Checks should be made to Marla Hucker Caregivers Support Group - For anyone taking care of parents, elderly neighbors, or a spouse who is a senior, the group provides an opportunity to discuss concerns and share resources with other caregivers. No need to sign up. Linda Folan of Family Services facilitates the group. For more information, call her at 847-432-4981 ext. 138. Many of you expressed an interest in participating in a Parkinson’s exercise class. Our Body Conditioning Teacher, Judy Sneyd is a certified instructor for PWR!4Life which is a Parkinson’s Exercise Revolution. It is a researchbased integrated exercise and wellness program that counteracts the inactivity, motor deterioration, and symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. PWR Moves was developed by Dr. Becky Farley, a leading researcher and instructor in exercise for Parkinson’s Disease. The program includes building blocks of fundamental motions, performed with large amplitude, high effort and attention to technique, designed to target symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.We will be offering this class on Thursdays from 12:30 until 1:15 beginning Thursday, July 7th. Registration begins immediately. Troopons is a “Support Our Troops” program which provides Manufacturer coupons for food, non-food, baby, and pet items to military families. Manufacturer coupons for individual products (not particular stores or restaurants) can be sent to support our troops and their families. Please cut them into individual coupons before turning them in and separate into these three categories: food, non-food, and baby/pet items. We have a box in the Senior Center and Anne Hollek mails them to the troops. Military personnel can use the coupons on the military bases even if they are up to two months past their expiration dates. Thank you for your dedication to this project. 21 Warren Township 17801 W. Washington Gurnee, IL 60031 Presort Standard U.S. Postage PAID Gurnee, IL Permit No. 1538 SUZANNE D. SIMPSON SUPERVISOR GEORGE A. ILER TOWN CLERK CHARLIE MULLIN ASSESSOR GERALD RUDD HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER KEN ECHTENACHER, JR TRUSTEE MIKE SEMMERLING TRUSTEE BILL GILL TRUSTEE DONNA RADKE TRUSTEE Shipshewana O G P N B N I H S I M A S Q W Q R S U O N Y D V H J E U R G D U G P D I A I J O H T A G E S G I I N O T S N R A A H K Q Y H A L R A T I E S N G N Q K S N I K T T H X D E D W E J Z A R C P E J E M R A C Q S K E Q A E K S A A V A G R A S I M B K R D E H T B G C A T E Q A Z A U L O V E J A F F K V W A M F F L Z Y R W J K T O P N J W R E I S O O H A C E J G Q A G F W I G B L U E N D R A D W M E R C A N T I L E A R Y T E H T W I J C H E E S E G N E H ________ AMISH ________ BACKROADS ________ BLUE ________ BUGGY ________ ESSENHAUS ________ FLEA ________ GATE ________ HANDCRAFTED ________ HORSE ________ INDIANA ________ MERCANTILE ________ QUILT ________ THEATER ________ TRADITION ________ BAKERY ________ HOOSIER ________ CHEESE ________ MARKET ________ GARDEN ________ SHIPSHEWANA ________ YODERS
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Jamaal Malone
Information and Referral Specialist, ext. *513