park press - Albion Park High School


park press - Albion Park High School
Find us at: 120 Church Street Albion Park 2527
Term 4 Week 2
Tel No: 4257 1744
13 October, 2014
Coming events
Week 2
Monday 13/10/14
HSC Exams
Yr 12
Tuesday 14/10/14
Major Work Placement
HSC Exams
Yr 12
Wednesday 15/10/14
Major Work Placement
HSC Exams
Yr 12
Thursday 16/10/14
Major Work Placement
HSC Exams
Yr 12
Friday 17/10/14
Major Work Placement
HSC Exams
Yr 12
Major Work Placement
Work Placement
Yr 8
Koori Men’s Shed
Week 3
Monday 20/10/14
HSC Exams
Joshua Marsden, Stephanee Horton, Josephine
Barkeit, Karlie Gentles and Kora Naughton.
Well done.
Principal’s Message
Welcome back to Term 4
For the past two weeks I have spent my holiday on
the cultural school trip to Japan (Omiya Kita High
School). This trip was a fabulous experience for us all.
I would like to publically praise and commend the 11
students who accompanied
myself, Mr Kent, Ms Poole,
Mrs Joynson and Mrs Mukaji.
It was an absolute joy to be
associated with Albion Park
High School students who
were well-behaved, culturally
appropriate, respectful and
good humoured at all times.
P & C Meeting – 6pm
Tuesday 21/10./14
HSC Exams
Wednesday 22/10/14
HSC Exams
Thursday 23/10./14
HSC Exams
HSC Exams
Work Placement
Yr 8
Koori Men’s Shed
Monday 20 October, 2014 at 6pm.
Missing School – Missing Out
Students of the Week
Congratulations to all of our students who
participated in the Australian Mathematics
Competition. It is designed to be a fun
event with many of the problems set in
situations to which students can relate.
All students receive a certificate showing
their level of achievement that they can keep
for their resume. A special mention should be made
of the six Year 7 students who achieved a Credit this
year, which is a very good result. These students are
This week the students will be
presenting a one-minute talk to
the junior students about their
trip, also sharing their photos
and stories.
For me the highlights were
multiple, but the Golden Temple,
Jack splitting his pants in a
karate class, seeing the students
form wonderful relationships on
their homestays and travelling
350 km per hour on the bullet
trains were pretty good!
Japan is an incredibly safe,
clean and welcoming country
and I very much look forward to
the next visit by the Omiya Kita
encourage you to consider
billeting a student. If you have
younger students I encourage you to save up for the
2016 trip which will be overseen by our new Japanese
teacher, Ms Michelle Hutchins.
A welcoming and friendly school working with and for our local community
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Term 4 Week 2
13 October, 2014
I wish to thank the staff who
attended, they were wonderful
company, extremely supportive
and hard working and paid their
own way and in their own time, in
order to ensure that our students
had this magnificent adventure. I
have absolutely no doubt that we
have 11 more students who have
caught the ‘travel bug’ and will be
skilled and ready to travel the
I wish Year 12, 2014 the very best for their
upcoming HSC examinations and hope that their
hard work pays off and they get the essay
questions that they hoped most for.
Suzi Clapham
The Australian Mathematics Competition
The 37th annual Australian
(AMC) took place on Thursday
7 August in primary and
secondary schools all over
Australia. Hundreds of thousands of students from
Year 3 to Year 12 compete on the same day, making
it possibly one of the largest single events on the
Australian education calendar.
Students of all levels of ability, from all types of
schools in vastly different locations around the country
sat a seventy five minute secondary paper, which
contained quirky questions with an emphasis on fun
and problem solving.
The AMC is also the first and believed to be one of
the largest competitions of its kind in the world, with
more than 1100 prizes and 60 medals awarded
annually. Since it began in 1978, it has become a truly
international event, attracting approximately 14 million
entries. This year, there are entries from more than 40
countries across South East Asia, the Pacific, Europe
and Africa. There is an increase in entries from
Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines.
Many of Australia's leading mathematicians under the
age of about forty were identified through the AMC
and are products of the Olympiad programs. They are
serving their country in science in areas such as
climate change and defence.
Students who are outstanding both within their state
or country and overall in the competition are awarded
medals at annual ceremonies.
The Trust is under the Trusteeship of the University of
Canberra. Support for the AMC also comes from the
Canberra Mathematical Association.
Keeping in mind that the students sitting the
competition are not allowed to use calculators, the
following are some of the questions that featured this
1. A train is scheduled to leave the station
at 10:14am and it takes 2 hours and 47
minutes to arrive at its destination. If
the train leaves 8 minutes late, when
does it arrive?
2. What is the sum of 10 consecutive twodigit whole numbers where the first
and the last numbers are perfect
3. Zac has three jackets, one black, one
brown and one blue. He has four shirts,
one white, one blue, one red and one
yellow. He has three pairs of trousers,
one brown, one white and one yellow.
How many combinations of jacket,
shirt and trousers are possible if no
two items are the same colour?
4. How many three digit numbers are
there in which one of the digits is the
sum of the other two?
These are a sample of the questions done by our
Year 7 and 8 students. How did you go?
On Monday 15 September, twelve students from Year
7 and 8 completed the SHINE course for Term 3.
SHINE is a self-esteem program for girls highlighting
their worth, strength and purpose. The girls attend the
course one period a week on a Monday for the term,
with the last week being a graduation lunch held at
Murphy’s Bar and Grill.
Congratulations to all girls who attended SHINE.
A big thank you
to the P & C
Association of
High School for
their ongoing
support of this
very worthwhile
program (with
special thanks
to Maree Bryan from the P & C who attended the
A welcoming and friendly school working with and for our local community
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Term 4 Week 2
Attendance Matters
During Term 4, all students with 100% attendance will
be rewarded with a weekly Merit. All students with
100% attendance up to and including 12 December
will go into a draw to win an iPod Nano. Those
students with 100% justified absences will also
receive Merit recognition.
As parents and caregivers we have a responsibility to
ensure that our children attend school and we explain
any absences that may occur. This can be done by
sending a note in with the students once they return,
calling the school or responding to an SMS message
if we have your mobile number. For any extended
absence, such as a family holiday, an exemption form
should be completed. These can be obtained from
out Front Office staff.
The Education Act 1990 requires your child to attend
school each day that instruction is provided unless
prevented from doing so by sickness or other
approved reason. The Principal will only grant leave
for the following instances:
sickness – where the absence is satisfactorily
explained as being due to illness
misadventure or unforseen event
participation in special events not related to the
domestic necessity such as serious illness of an
immediate family member
attendance at funerals
recognised religious festivals or ceremonial
If a student is absent, a note explaining the absence
should be handed in to the roll call teacher on the first
day of their return. The explanation should contain:
1. Date that the note was written;
2. Child’s name;
3. Days/dates the child was absent from school;
4. The reason the child was absent;
5. The signature of the child’s parent or caregiver.
If more than one child from the same family has been
absent a separate note for each child should be
Please Note: Due to technical difficulties in
sending SMS in the last week of term 3, the school
was unable to receive parent/carers responses. If
you sent a SMS in the last week of Term 3 please
send a note of explanation to the school or ring
the school.
13 October, 2014
We also have a responsibility as parents to make sure
our children are happy at school and should contact
the school to discuss anything that may be impacting
on their desire to attend. Together we can succeed.
Wise Program
Last term, the Brekkie Wise Program
was implemented at Albion Park High
School. The aim of this program was
to encourage both staff and students
to start the day with a healthy and
nutritious breakfast.
Students and staff were provided with some healthy
breakfast options. These options included mixed berry
and banana smoothies, raisin toast, ham and cheese
toasties and muesli, fruit and yoghurt tubs.
For the first two weeks of the program the nutritious
breakfast options were offered free of charge. In the
third week a small charge of a $1 was placed on most
items. Whilst the response during week three was not
quite as good as the previous ’free weeks’ many
students and staff still visited the Brekkie Wise
counter at the canteen to collect a healthy snack to
start the day.
The students involved in this project-based learning
activity (Seth Phillips, Shaun Higginbottom, Declan
Hull, Lauren Hughes, Sophie Nicholson, Amelia
Phelps, Amy Lucas, Emma Smylie) have gained
valuable skills and knowledge not only about good
nutrition, but also about the implementation of a social
Students who visited the Brekkie Wise counter at the
canteen can now place their loyalty cards in the box
outside the canteen. They will then go in the draw to
win some great prizes: iPod Touch 16GB and movie
passes to Event Cinemas at Shellharbour. The draw
will take place on Wednesday’s assembly 15 October
– so get your tickets in the box to be part of the draw.
The program has also been featured on ABC
Illawarra’s Breakfast program, with both Seth Phillips
and Amelia Phelps being interviewed by Justin
Huntsdale. To listen to the interview just click on the
mp3 symbol below.
Brekkie wise pkg.mp3
The Brekkie Wise program team have decided to
continue the program in Term 4. It is then hoped that
the serving of a healthy breakfast will become an
integral part of the services offered by the school
A welcoming and friendly school working with and for our local community
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Term 4 Week 2
13 October, 2014
Poetry Corner
Silver Medallists
In English, 7A have been composing
talismanic poems, that is, poems about
an object that has significant meaning
to them. They have done such a
fantastic job and a few have been selected to be
published in the Park Press in the coming issues.
Karissa High
My Book
By Stephanee Horton – Year 7A
Corners ripped, shredded, torn
From years of turning
Missing consonants that only
We will ever know
Cracked spine from carrying
The weight of the words
Stories stained with spilt coffee
A tattered gateway to a new world
All for me.
NSW CHS Athletics Results
At the end of Term 3 athletes from Albion Park High
School represented the South Coast region at the
NSW Combined High Schools Athletics carnival. This
carnival brings together the best school age athletes
from all over NSW and it is a great achievement by
any student to gain selection to compete at such a
prestigious event.
The names of all students involved in the event have
been published in previous issues of Park Press so
this article acknowledges those who medalled at this
12 years Girls Long Jump
12 years Girls Hurdles
14 years Boys 100m Hurdles
Nicholas High
Bronze Medallists
Connar Grozde
Nicholas High
Natasha Kanitz
15 years Boys Javelin
15 years Boys 200m Hurdles
All Age 4 x 400m South Coast
relay team
Congratulations to all our competitors with a special
shout out to those who achieved the above results.
Allyson Fisher
Normal Trading hours:
1pm till 3pm
8am till 11am
and 1pm till 3pm
Please note that the last trading day of this year will
be Tuesday 16 December 2014.
(EFTPOS available)
Gold Medallists
Nicholas Horton
Alysia Gardner
Will Worthy
Jaad Matesic
Dylan Buerckner
Brent Haze
Nicholas High
14 year Boys High Jump
17 Years Girls Discus
16 years Boys 4 x 100m Relay
Whilst Nicholas High was not a designated member of
this relay team before the carnival, he came to the
rescue when one of the other runners did not arrive to
run in the heats of the event. If Nick had not put his
hand up to be the fourth runner the team would have
failed to qualify for the final and would not even have
had the opportunity to run for the gold medal. He
graciously stepped aside the next day when the fourth
member of the team arrived to compete. This was an
amazing display of sportsmanship and team spirit and
we thank Nick for his very special efforts and
congratulate him on his silver and bronze medal.
Special opening hours for
20 January
21 January
22 January
23 January
27 January
28 January
9am to 2pm
9am to 2pm
9am to 2pm
9am to 2pm
8am to 3pm
8am to 3pm
Then back to normal trading hours
A welcoming and friendly school working with and for our local community
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A welcoming and friendly school working with and for our local community
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