1 May 2015 Newsletter - All Saints College St Mary`s Campus Maitland


1 May 2015 Newsletter - All Saints College St Mary`s Campus Maitland
Inspired by the Dominican Tradition, St Mary’s Campus is an inclusive, caring and student centred community,
committed to a holistic education that celebrates personal excellence.
Friday, 1 May 2015 REFLECTION
Loving God, we pray for all those affected by the earthquake in Nepal as we offer the words of the psalm: “be
strong and take heart, all who hope in the Lord” (psalm31:25)
May those who are paralysed by fear ….Be strong and take heart
May those who are lost or are searching for loved ones.. Be strong and take heart
May those who remain trapped … Be strong and take heart
May the rescue workers who provide comfort, relief, and recovery… Be strong and take heart
May those who are moved by compassion to help …. Be strong and take heart
God, whose love knows no bounds, fill all those who suffer with your comfort and peace.
We ask this through Christ, Redeemer and Friend, Amen
Our Prayer reflects not only our own need for support but also for other events over the past week where loss
and devastation have had to be faced. This reflection was taken from the TG prayer on Thursday – thank you
to Ms Kearney.
Dear Parents
What an incredible week. We came back hopeful of celebrating, during last week, Easter and Anzac day in liturgies only to
be overwhelmed by the storm on Tuesday and its aftermath.
The floodwaters have left the St Mary’s site with some damage. The water lapped at the back steps of Rosary Place and
inundated the staff carpark, the student toilet block and the Trade Training Centre. As I write this the waters are now only
partly in the field and much flood debris has been removed (over 8 tonnes of flood material was removed from the staff car
park and around B Block). The hydraulics of the sewerage system are once again working, the carpets in the
TTC have been pulled up and the staff carpark and paths
have been pressure cleaned.
Thank you to those families who offered to come and
clean but considering the health risks and road issues we
have used commercial cleaners who have been extremely helpful and worked extremely hard to clean the flood
debris. Thank you to Mr Tobin who has organised and
supervised plumbers, electricians and security to rectify
some of the immediate damage.
Mrs McLoughlin has kept the communication going to the
community so that families were aware of the ongoing
issues and when students could return safely to school.
All Saints College, St Mary’s Campus
Email: MAM-Admin@mn.catholic.edu.au
16 Grant Street Maitland NSW 2320
Website: http://www.maitlandsm.catholic.edu.au/
Phone: (02) 4933 6177 Fax: (02) 4934 2667
Intranet: http://intra.maitlandsm.catholic.edu.au/
Many other staff have supported in many and varied ways despite their own personal difficulties that this
weather event has caused to so many of our families. If there are any families who may need our support
please do not hesitate to contact us.
Wednesday was a great day where the majority of Yr12 students were able to return to classes and they
were excited to do so. Yr11 were also more than happy to return to classes and meet up with friends.
Thank you to Mr Mulley who was able to attend with William Legg the ANZAC Ceremony which was moved
to the Town Hall last Saturday. We are planning to hold the school Anzac Ceremony at the school assembly next Tuesday at 8.50am.
Mrs Woloschyn has also had on display in the Library a wonderful collection of memorabilia which many
students and staff have appreciated.
As from Wednesday 29th April students can access their personal HSC exam timetable available via their
Student Online Account. Mr Tobin has already forwarded by email a summary of the HSC timetable.
Enrolment for 2016
St Mary’s is accepting enrolments for YR11, 2016. If you are aware of parents who have an interest in education at Stage 6 please ensure they attend an Information Evening. Students from St Peter’s on Monday
4th May and St Joseph’s and others on Tuesday 12th May. Both sessions will be in the Town Hall beginning at 7pm.
P&F Meeting
A reminder that the next P&F meeting is on Tuesday 5th May at 7pm in the School Hall – entry via the Admin Building. Mr Tobin will be presenting our 2014 HSC results. Hope to see you there.
Best wishes and God bless
Mrs Elizabeth Cornwall
FROM THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL The HSC is seen as a major event in the lives of our student body. This week I want to focus on a series of
articles presented by the Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards NSW designed to give
both parents and students an insight as to how the BOSTES conducts its business. This week’s article is
titled Behind the HSC - The People, the Papers, the Processes.
The HSC is a huge annual operation. If you brought together all the HSC students, markers and exam supervisors in a single year you would fill Sydney Olympic Stadium to capacity, and that’s leaving all your
class teachers outside! Of course, if you only wanted to house all the HSC markers, supervisors, exam
committee members and support staff, you’d still need to evacuate a town the size of Forster, and most of
Tuncurry too.
The People
Everyone working in the HSC operation is bound by strict security arrangements and confidentiality agreements. Anyone with a family member or close family friend studying the HSC must declare their connection, and some jobs are not available to teachers with current Year 12 classes. Many of our temporary staff
apply to join the operation again, year after year.
All Saints College, St Mary’s Campus
Email: MAM-Admin@mn.catholic.edu.au
16 Grant Street Maitland NSW 2320
Website: http://www.maitlandsm.catholic.edu.au/
Phone: (02) 4933 6177 Fax: (02) 4934 2667
Intranet: http://intra.maitlandsm.catholic.edu.au/
Exam committee members
We appoint expert teachers and academics to exam committees and give them clear guidelines for writing your exam
questions. Chief examiners are appointed for each committee, and their role also includes returning during the marking period to help markers ensure appropriate judgements are made about each question.
We employ and train more than 7000 teachers to mark your exams at marking centres in Sydney and regional NSW.
They are selected for their experience and subject knowledge and undergo extensive training to ensure you are
awarded a mark matching your examination performance.
Markers work in teams for Senior Markers, who are each responsible for a single question or small section of a paper.
Supervisors of Marking (SOMs) are responsible for the whole paper in their subject
We employ more than 5000 people to supervise the HSC exams each October/November. The Presiding Officer is
the person responsible for running each exam centre – usually a school – to meet the Board’s strict security and quality control procedures. Presiding Officers are helped by a number of other trained supervisors. It’s not uncommon for
retired teachers and principals to apply for these positions, saying they like to feel they are still helping students with
the HSC.
Support staff
More than 800 support staff – mostly experienced temporary employees – help make your HSC possible. From monitoring the scanners to repacking delicate artworks to driving forklifts, every job is important.
The Papers
All HSC papers have straightforward instructions to show you what is expected. The paper will show you how many
marks can be earned for each question, and give a guide to how much time to spend on each section. Papers usually
offer you several types of questions – such as multiple choice, short and long answers – to show your knowledge in a
range of ways.
Before an exam is approved and printed, an experienced teacher of that subject ‘sits’ the paper to check it can be
completed in the time allowed. The teacher also comments on how well the paper covers the syllabus and whether
the language is clear.
Each year’s HSC exams need about 13 million printed pages of questions, which in some estimates could mean a
whole hectare of trees. Since 2009, exam papers have been printed on Forest Stewardship Council certified paper,
meaning the greatest possible care is taken for our environment.
The exam papers are printed under strict security, transported in guarded vehicles and tracked at every stage. The
Board has been accredited for its information security management around the development of HSC exam papers.
The Processes – check, and check again
System checks
Each year, before any marks are collected, we carefully check and test the computer algorithms that perform the
many calculations that go into producing your HSC results. For example, marks for each question on a paper may be
weighted or adjusted to take account of different options before they are totalled.
Moderated assessments must be calculated; exam marks and moderated assessments are added together and averaged to produce an HSC mark. We check that the computer systems are all correctly set up to perform these calculations accurately.
Once HSC exam marks are entered, reports are generated after each step so that our measurement experts can
check that the computer systems are producing accurate results.
Evaluation and review
Any operation as large and complex as the HSC must be evaluated thoroughly every year to maintain its success.
Each year, we put a lot of effort into reviewing the previous year’s operation from every angle. We consider changes
and improvements carefully and consult on any that affect the wider education community. The Board’s members
play an important role in supervising the quality of the HSC.
Be good to, and responsible for, each other
Phil Tobin
Assistant Principal
All Saints College, St Mary’s Campus
Email: MAM-Admin@mn.catholic.edu.au
16 Grant Street Maitland NSW 2320
Website: http://www.maitlandsm.catholic.edu.au/
Phone: (02) 4933 6177 Fax: (02) 4934 2667
Intranet: http://intra.maitlandsm.catholic.edu.au/
ANZAC DAY display
Australian War Memorial.… eat your heart out!
Our ANZAC display on show in the library was outstanding.
After appealing to the staff for any memorabilia from their families we were suddenly inundated. We had a number of authentic items generously donated including a fixed rifle bayonet, a Japanese ceremonial sword, an army jacket, a slouch hat worn in WW2, discharge papers and awards from WWI, an authentic water bottle from
WW1 and a dilly bag used by soldiers in 1913, before war even began! Medals were polished and on display
with information explaining their value. Red poppies, so important in an ANZAC exhibition, were made and
placed to enhance the flowing khaki fabric, indicative of our armed forces.
Photos from family archives and war records of great grandfathers, grandfathers and great uncles were all on display. Actual WW1 posters and banners,
created by the library staff, depict our war heroes both past and present. Naturally, being a library we also had numerous books and AV resources all
about the wars on display as well.
Though all the items were shown with pride, a special mention must be made
of the donation generously given by one of our parents, Mrs Kylie Gardner,
who copied her grandfather’s actual war diary, written by him while fighting in
Europe from 1915-1919, and his war medical records. As well as adding them
to our library we also presented them at the Maitland ANZAC Day service last
As a bonus, Anzac biscuits were also given to any student that had the energy to walk up the 3 flights of stairs to look at our display – a little bribery goes
a long way!
We had great difficulty in trying to encapsulate the entire display by camera.
The photos just don’t do it justice…..it was so much better in reality!
All Saints College, St Mary’s Campus
Email: MAM-Admin@mn.catholic.edu.au
16 Grant Street Maitland NSW 2320
Website: http://www.maitlandsm.catholic.edu.au/
Phone: (02) 4933 6177 Fax: (02) 4934 2667
Intranet: http://intra.maitlandsm.catholic.edu.au/
Date for Calendar Tue 5 May - 6:30pm Yr 12
Formal Meeting in School
Hall followed by P&F Meeting
at 7pm.
Canteen Roster
Mon 4/5/15
V McDougal
A Howell
Tue 5/5/15
M Delaney
Thur 7/5/15
L Sullivan
S Waeger
Fri 8/5/15
L/S Saxby
Mon 11/5/15
S Cairns
A Abdulla
D Gordon
Tue 12/5/15
J Kauter
L Taylor
Thur 14/5/15
L Bowe
T McClung
Fri 15/5/15
A Mitchell
All Saints College, St Mary’s Campus
Email: MAM-Admin@mn.catholic.edu.au
16 Grant Street Maitland NSW 2320
Website: http://www.maitlandsm.catholic.edu.au/
Phone: (02) 4933 6177 Fax: (02) 4934 2667
Intranet: http://intra.maitlandsm.catholic.edu.au/
“Choose a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” (Confucius). 
Want to receive the latest Careers News on what interests you? Want to quickly find information to help with career choices? Go to www.jobjump.com.au and watch the 3 minute video on the top right hand corner. Our school's password is: mares. You will find this a really valuable resource and a great help with your career path planning! Employment Opportunities! 
Frost Group is currently advertising Sheetmetal Apprenticeships @ http://www.seek.com.au/job/28514210?pos=3&type=standard  Trade Qualified and Apprentice Bakers ‐ Bakers Delight Green Hills are currently being advertised @ http://www.seek.com.au/job/28518720?pos=1&type=standout  Apprentice Fitter/Machinist in Mulbring is currently being advertised @ http://www.seek.com.au/job/28502646?pos=8&type=standard  Goldfish Bar & Kitchen Hunter Valley looking for chefs & kitchen staff! This position is currently being advertised @ http://www.seek.com.au/job/28438378?pos=2&type=standout  A Full Time or Part Time Retail Sales Position is currently being advertised @ Drummond Golf @ http://www.seek.com.au/job/28517192?pos=11&type=standout. Applications close 3 May 2015.  Apprentice Chefs 1st and 2nd Year positions are currently being advertised @ http://www.seek.com.au/job/28421422?pos=3&type=standard  Fantastic Opportunity – An Apprentice Chef positon is currently being advertised @ http://www.seek.com.au/job/28529635?pos=6&type=standard  A Business Administration Traineeship ‐ Part Time at Hunter Valley Training Company is currently being advertised @ http://www.seek.com.au/job/28515349?pos=1&type=standout. Applications close 3 May 2015.  MIGAS is currently advertising a fulltime Automotive Sales Traineeship in Maitland @ http://www.seek.com.au/job/28420695?pos=10&type=standard  Mission Australia Early Learning Service Cooranbong is currently advertising a Certificate III in Child Care 12 month Traineeship @ http://www.seek.com.au/job/28450328?pos=12&type=standard  A Magical Time Children's Centre is currently advertising a 12 month traineeship in childcare @ http://www.seek.com.au/job/28418097?pos=12&type=standard  ARL Careers ‐ Full time Junior Administrative Assistant is currently being advertised @ http://jobview.careerone.com.au/getjob.aspx?jobid=148916150&WT.mc_n=AFC_indeed_priority_sp
onsor  Full Time Junior Property Manager in Newcastle is currently being advertised @ http://jobview.careerone.com.au/GetJob.aspx?JobID=149230041&aid=97327886&uid=1000100C233
mc_n=JSA_  A position as a Crew Member with Hungry Jacks Raymond Terrace is currently being advertised @ http://jedi.worldmanager.com/careers/position.php?id=2813&source=external&back=index  A position as a Crew Member with Hungry Jacks Broadmeadow is currently being advertised @ http://jedi.worldmanager.com/careers/position.php?id=2808&source=external&back=index  A position as a Crew Member with Hungry Jacks Beresfield is currently being advertised @ http://jedi.worldmanager.com/careers/position.php?id=2965&source=external&back=index  Cessnock Oporto Drive Thru is currently advertising a Customer Service casual position. If you are interested please visit: http://www.oporto.com.au/job/1173 New Updates! 
Engineering Girls Talk is happening on Thursday 21 May 2015 @ 5.30pm @ Engineers Australia, 122 Parry Street, Newcastle. To RSVP and for more info please contact: 4911 7310 The Hunter Valley Careers Expo is on Friday 22 May 2015 @ the Basketball Stadium. The University Admissions Centre (UAC) is the organisation that administers university applications for NSW and the ACT. Please visit regularly, www.uac.edu.au or www.uac.edu.au/publications/news/ to keep up to date with university applications. There is also a lot of other very valuable info on this site. April 2015 Issue is out now @ http://www.uac.edu.au/documents/publications/news/2015/april.pdf 2015 edition of Australian Jobs is available online at https://employment.gov.au/news/australian-jobs2015-handy-guide-labour-market. Provides current info about the Australian job market. The University of NSW Engineering High School Information Day is on Wednesday 20 May 2015. If interested in attending please register @ https://www.whatson.unsw.edu.au/egateway/students.schedules_search?p_event_id=67 Professional Cadetships Australia (PCA) Engineering & Technology Cadetship Program combines university study with paid work at a leading global company. 2016 applications for the Engineering & Technology Cadetship Program opened on the 28 April 2015 and closes on the 12 June 2015. For more details please visit: www.etcad.com.au The 2015 University of NSW Co‐Op Scholarship Application will open on the 1 May 2015 and close 30 September 2015. This is a very lucrative scholarship and connects students with a business organisation. For more info please see me or visit: http://www.coop.unsw.edu.au/ Construct My Career ‐ Careers and news in the construction and property industry, and scholarships and mentor programs. For details please visit: http://www.constructmycareer.com.au/ A Day @ University of NSW is on Thursday, 25 June 2015. Students will spend the day attending lectures, meeting new friends and experience all that uni life has to offer. If you are interested in attending please call (02) 9385 1844 to RSVP and for more details Macquarie University Student and Parent Information Evening – Wednesday 20 May. Students in Years 10 to 12 and their parents are invited to learn more about the Macquarie experience at the Student and Parent Information Evening on Wednesday 20 May, 5.30pm–8.30pm. You’ll hear from UAC on application procedures, as well as the opportunity to speak to current students to get your questions answered. Please register now at www.mq.edu.au/study/undergraduate/events 2015 HTN Peter Howard Future Chef Scholarship. Submissions are now being accepted for this scholarship. Each year, HTN selects two Year 12 students studying Hospitality as part of their HSC to be the recipients of the prestigious scholarship. This opportunity awards tomorrow’s chefs with a week’s supported culinary experience. Submissions close 31 August 2015. For more information & to download the form visit http://htn.com.au/peter‐howard‐scholarships/. Applications open NOW for NYSF 2016: Online applications for National Youth Science Forum 2016 are currently being taken at http://www.nysf.edu from students now in year 11 and considering tertiary study and careers in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). NYSF offers a 12 day program in January 2016 for students to learn more about tertiary study, life at uni and how to build personal and professional networks along the way
Design Courses Information Evening Tuesday, 26 May 2015. Find out about the range of design courses on offer, view the premises and meet the lecturers. Staff will be on hand to answer any questions you may have regarding fees, enrolments and career paths in the design industry. This info session will run from 6.00pm‐8.00pm, Design Centre Enmore, Building G, Level G Room 110 Edgeware Rd, Enmore. Please RSVP Janna Madorski 02 9394 5700 Australian Institute of Music Access All Areas Info Session is happening on 15 May 2015 from 9.30am to 12.30pm in the Tom Mann Theatre, 136 Chalmers St, Surry Hills. Info will be presented on AIM's business degree for the music and entertainment industry. For more details please visit: http://www.aim.edu.au/events/2015/access‐all‐areas Whitehouse Institute of Design Open House is on 19 and 20 June @ 2 Short Street, Surry Hills. There will be exhibitions and parades showcasing the work from Fashion Design, Interior Design and Creative Direction & Styling. For bookings & information please email enquiry@whitehouse‐
design.edu.au or phone 1300 551 433
 Sydney Design School Open Day is happening on 13 June 2015 from 12.00 to 2.00pm (Presentation at 12.30pm) on Level 2, 40 Oxley Street, St Leonards Sydney. This is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the exciting world of Interior Design and Decoration and learn more about career opportunities. Please RSVP: info@sydneydesignschool.com.au or book at http://sydneydesignschool.com.au/info‐
 Tractor Design at the Crossroads is happening on 30 May 2015 @ the Harbourside Room, Level 6, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia. See Australia’s leading digital designers working in digital innovation. For info please visit: http://www.tractor.edu.au/vivid‐ideas‐exchange‐2015/  University of Notre Dame Career in Business and Law is happening on 2 July 2015, 9.00am to 12.00pm @ 104 Broadway, Chippendale. Speak to law and business staff and try a class. For more details please contact: 02 8204 4404 or sydney@nd.edu.au or visit http://www.nd.edu.au/events/2015/suit‐up  AFS Open Day Online sessions are happening on 20 May, 16 June and 15 July 2015 at 7pm. Collect info about Exchange programs worldwide and Open Days sessions. For more details please visit: http://www.afs.org.au/news‐and‐events/open‐days/  AFS Intercultural Programs Information Sessions are happening in Newcastle on 16 May and 11 July 2015 @ Wallsend District Library Bunn Street, Wallsend. Learn about International exchange programs in 52 countries! For more details please visit: http://www.afs.org.au/news‐and‐
events/open‐days/  WEP Student Exchange 2015/16 Programs – this organization is now accepting applications from students wishing to complement their secondary studies with an international exchange experience during the summer holidays for 8 to 10 weeks or long term in 2016. To request program information please visit: http://wep.org.au/info or email info@wep.org.au  The University of Notre Dame “Day in the Life of a Nursing Student” is happening on 1 July 2015, @10.30am @ 160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst. This is an opportunity to experience Nursing activities and tour the campus. For more details and to RSVP please contact: 02 8204 4404 or sydney@nd.edu.au or visit: http://www.nd.edu.au/events/2015/a‐day‐in‐the‐life‐of‐a‐nursing‐student  Rural Career Guide provides info on employment, education and training opportunities in rural industries. For more details please visit: http://www.ruralcareers.net.au/  Professional Cadetships Australia (PCA) Business Cadetship Program combines university study with paid work at a leading global company. 2016 applications for the Business Cadetship Program opened on the 9 March 2015 and closes on the 13 May 2015. For more details please visit: www.businesscadetships.com.au  The University of Wollongong Early Admissions Application will open on 3 August 2015 and close 28 August 2015. If you are interested in applying for this please see me for a copy of the information booklet or visit: www.uow.edu.au/future/early‐admission  The Australian College of Applied Psychology 2015/16 Student Guide is available from the Careers Resource Centre. If interested please see me for a copy or for info please visit: www.acap.edu.au/future‐students or call 1800 061 199  St Andrew’s College within the University of Sydney is a residential college. It offers a number of scholarships and bursaries under the St Andrew’s Scholars Program. If interested please visit: http://www.standrewscollege.edu.au/st‐andrews‐scholars/ . The closing date for applications is 30 June 2015. Information you may have missed!  Charles Sturt University MYDay 2015 Calendar is available @ www.csu.edu.au/myday . These are an excellent opportunity to experience a day in the life of a university student in a particular course. Please visit the above website for more details  The Undergraduate Medicine & Health Sciences Admission Test (UMAT) 2015 must be completed by any student who is interested in applying for medicine or health science courses at certain universities. Registration closes online on Friday 5 June 2015 and the test date is Wednesday 29 July 2015. International students need to sit the ISAT. Please visit http://umat.acer.edu.au to collect 
more info and details regarding which University courses require this test result as part of their entry procedures and for sample test papers. Also, you can collect from me a copy of the UMAT 2015 Information Booklet if interested Med Entry is a UMAT Preparation course. If you are intending to apply for medicine and a number of other Health Science professions at a variety of Universities across Australia, you will need to sit the UMAT test which is scheduled for end of July 2015. This preparation course is designed to improve your chances of success in this test. If you are interested please see me for a brochure or visit www.medentry.edu.au for more details. Scholarships are available and there is a discount for groups of students completing this course. Please see me ASAP if you are intending to do this course as you may apply for the Principal’s Bursary that will pay up to 60% of the course costs. National Institute of Education (NIE) also offers programs to prepare for the UMAT. If you are interested in their courses/programs please see me for a copy of their flyer or visit www.nie.edu.au or Call 1300 974 187 MyJob App ‐ The MyJob app and website provides easily accessible information for students looking for work. Information provided includes, what you need before you get a job; how to find a job; writing a resume, cover letter and key selection criteria; interviews. Free on iOS and Android. For more info please visit: http://www.myjobinfo.comau/about The 2015 Bert Evans Apprentice Scholarships and Country Apprentice Scholarships applications open on 30 May 2015. 50 scholarships available. Updated eligibility criteria apply to include apprentices working in a skills shortage area and experiencing hardship in both metropolitan and regional areas. Scholarships are open to apprentices who meet the eligibility criteria and are in the first year of their apprenticeship contract including school based apprentices. Scholarship recipients receive $5,000 per year up to year 3 of their apprenticeship contract. For details please visit: https://www.training.nsw.gov.au/individuals/apprenticeships_traineeships/financial_help/bert_evan
s_scholarships.html HSC Charity Seminars at University of Technology Sydney for Year 11 & 12 students will happen on 5th May 2015 from 6:30 to 8:30pm. These 40 minute sessions are presented by Senior HSC Teachers, Counsellors and previous high achieving students. Tickets are $10 with proceeds going to Youth Off The Streets charity. If interested please register at http://hscintheholidays.com.au or call 1300 677 336 University of Newcastle Science and Engineering Challenge will be happening in Newcastle from the 27 to 31 July 2015. IoT World Forum Young Women Innovation Grand Challenge ‐ Round 1closes 18 May 2015. Innovate and be rewarded for internet technology ideas. More info available @ http://iotchallenge‐
cisco.younoodle.com/ The University of Technology Sydney Information Technology Undergraduate Info Evening is happening on the 10 June 2015 from 5.30 – 8.00pm in Sydney. For more info please visit: http://www.uts.edu.au/about/faculty‐engineering‐and‐information‐technology/events/information‐
technology‐undergraduate The HSC and Careers Expo 2015 is happening on Thursday 28 May to Sunday 31 May 2015 at the Royal Hall of Industries, Moore Park, Sydney. If you are interested in attending please see me for a program/brochure or visit: www.hscandcareers.com.au Southern Cross University Access closes 3 May 2015. “SCU Access provides an opportunity for Year 11 and 12 students to gain direct entry and advanced standing into a variety of Associate degrees offered at Southern Cross University. Free from university fees, the program offers you the chance to gain a taste of university life, stimulate your interest in academic pursuits and enhance your educational performance and long term aspirations”. Year 11 and 12 students gain direct entry and advanced standing at SCU. Applicants are selected on recommendation from principal, registration form and personal statement. For more details please visit: http://scu.edu.au/futurestudents/index.php/51 The University of New England, Armidale, HSC Booster Days are happening on Monday 1 June to Wednesday 3 June 2015. Registration will open on Monday 20 April 2015 at: www.une.edu.au/hscbooster 
Western Sydney Careers Expo 2015 is happening from 18 to 21 June 2015 at the Sydney Show Ground, Sydney Olympic park. For more details please see me for a brochure or visit www.westernsydneycareerexpo.com.au or call 1300 190 290 2015 Galuwa Engineering and IT Experience @ University of Technology Sydney for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students is happening from 29 June to 3 July 2015. If you are interested in attending this free event please see me for a flyer or apply through Jumbunna by Friday 29 May 2015 by email to atsevents@uts.edu.au . Application forms can be downloaded from: http://www.uts.edu.au/about/faculty‐engineering‐and‐information‐technology/what‐we‐
do/outreach‐and‐community/galuwa Defence Force Recruiting at 528 Hunter St Newcastle is holding the following information sessions:  Army Communication Roles – Wednesday 29th May @ 6pm Please RSVP by email cptnewcastle@dfr.com.au or call 02 4974 5400 AIE Open Day is on 16 May 2015, from 10.00am to 3.00pm at their Sydney and Canberra Campuses. Information sessions on their Full‐time/part‐time courses and entry requirements will be provided. Student work will be on display and Career opportunities explained. If you are interested in attending please visit: http://www.aie.edu.au/articles/aie‐open‐day‐saturday‐16th‐may‐2015 Lattitude Global Volunteering applications are now open for 2016. Priority applications will close on the 5 June 2015. If you are interested in this alternative for a gap year, please visit: http://www.lattitude.org.au/how‐to‐apply/ready‐to‐apply‐for‐2016 for more info. An info session will be held in Sydney on the 6 May 2015. For more details please visit: http://www.lattitude.org.au/index.php?nodeId=202 UNSW 2016 Guaranteed Entry refers to selection rank details which allow for guaranteed entry into specific 2016 UNSW courses. The selection rank is both raw ATAR and eligible bonus points. For more details please visit: https://gallery.mailchimp.com/a8f413ea842f87cb70f1566f9/files/UNSW_221848_Guaranteed_Entry_
web.pdf University of Notre Dame Logos for Schools‐  Logos I – Philosophy 29 June to 3 July  Logos II Ethics 14th December to 18 December. This program allows Year 11 students to study at Uni and have the 2 Unit course appear on their HSC but not in their ATAR. For more details please contact: (02) 8204 4164 or umit.hibbert@nd.edu.au or visit: http://www.nd.edu.au/sydney/schools/theology/logosforschools UNSW School of Civil and Environmental Engineering High School Work Experience Program is on the 15 to 19 June 2015 @ UNSW Kensington Campus Sydney. Students experience engineering projects first hand. For more details please visit: http://www.engineering.unsw.edu.au/civil‐engineering/high‐school‐work‐experience‐program Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School Discovery Days are on 13 July to 15 July, 7 October to 9 October and 2 December to 4 December 2015. This is a Hospitality three day residential program. For more info please visit: http://www.bluemountains.edu.au/apply/discovery‐days/ Skills Road Job Interviews 101 Checklist – need help preparing for an interview ‐ please visit: http://www.skillsroad.com.au/news‐events/news/all‐news/november‐2014/job‐interviews‐
101#.VNrHg_mUeW4. Have no ideas what you would like to do at the end of school? Please come and make an appointment to complete an Occupational Search Inventory (OIS) assessment tool/questionnaire that “measures an individual’s vocational interests”. This assessment will help you look at what careers might suit and/or be of interest to you. Then we can have a chat about collecting info regarding following these possible career paths Ms Lyn McKendry
Careers Adviser

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Professional Fire and Smoke Damage Cleaning Services in Sydney Find the professional fire and smoke restoration team that will help you to overcome from all the damages happened from storm. The Restoratix is a specialized company offers the excellent fire and smoke damage cleaning services in Sydney to recover from the disasters. For More Info : http://www.restoratix.com.au/fire-smoke-damage.html

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