D2.1 Assumptions on accuracy of photovoltaic power to
D2.1 Assumptions on accuracy of photovoltaic power to
Project no: 239456 Project acronym OPTIMATE Project title: An Open Platform to Test Integration in new MArkeT designs of massive intermittent Energy sources dispersed in several regional power markets Instrument: Collaborative project Start date of project: 1st October 2009 Duration: 36 months D2.1 Assumptions on accuracy of photovoltaic power to be considered at short term horizons Revision: Final version Due date of delivery: 2010-09-30 Actual submission date: 2010-10-01 Organisation name of contractor(s) for this deliverable: Red Eléctrica de España Dissemination Level PU PP RE CO Public Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) X Document information Identification Deliverable number: Document name: Revision version, date Authors D2.1 Assumptions on accuracy of photovoltaic power to be considered at short term horizons Final version, 30 September 2010 Carlos Rodríguez / Mayte García Casado, Red Eléctrica de España General purpose This document is the deliverable D2.1 of the OPTIMATE project. The document describes briefly the state-of-the-art in forecasting PV power and describes some characteristics of sun power and the use of forecasting errors generation in the Optimate-model. Due to the nature of the energy source, the sun, we propose a model based on the statistics of the atmosphere that simulates the amount of solar energy reaching the earth surface. As solar energy has a stationary component that fluctuates throughout the year in a predictable cycle in each cluster, the proposed model eliminates this seasonality centering on what is truly stochastic: the clarity of the atmosphere. Thus, the main source of error in forecasting PV power generation is the error in predicting radiation. Due to the recent development of PV forecasting models, the data of accuracy statistics are not available yet or are still preliminary. Not so with the accuracy forecast data of irradiation that is now available for all Optimate clusters. The proposed model can work with both sources of statistical error, but initially we will focus on atmospheric variables. Given this framework, a methodology for generating PV scenarios and forecast errors scenarios from a root forecasted scenario is described in this document. Deliverable number: Deliverable title: Work package: Lead contractor: D2.1 Assumptions on accuracy of photovoltaic power to be considered at short term horizons WP2 Red Eléctrica de España Quality Assurance Status Verified by Coordinator Verified by Technical director Submitted by Coordinator 30/09/2010 By Athanase Vafeas, Technofi Jean-Marie Coulondre, RTE Athanase Vafeas, Technofi OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Date 2010-08-09 2010-09-17 2010-10-01 Page: 2 Table of Content Acronyms and definitions ................................................................................................................. 7 1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 8 1.1. The Optimate project ......................................................................................................... 8 1.2. This report as part of Optimate ......................................................................................... 9 1.3. Introduction to the PV technology .................................................................................. 11 2. 1.3.1. Atmospheric effects, including absorption and scattering ........................................................ 11 1.3.2. Cloud cover and pollution ........................................................................................................ 11 1.3.3. Latitude, season and time of the day ........................................................................................ 12 1.3.4. Other effects ............................................................................................................................. 14 State-of-the-art in PV forecasting ........................................................................................ 16 2.1. Forecasting irradiance ..................................................................................................... 16 2.2. PV forecasting models .................................................................................................... 21 3. The use of prediction errors in Optimate ............................................................................ 25 3.1. How prediction error enter into the modelling framework of Optimate ......................... 25 3.1.1. The DA process ........................................................................................................................ 25 3.1.2. The ID process.......................................................................................................................... 26 3.2. Intermittent generation data needed in Optimate ............................................................ 27 4. 3.2.1. Output of the proposed methodology used as input for Optimate simulator ............................ 27 3.2.2. Input data for the proposed methodology ................................................................................. 28 Methodology to handle prediction errors to be used in Optimate .................................... 29 4.1. Atmosphere simulation ................................................................................................... 33 4.1.1. The Clearness index ................................................................................................................. 34 4.1.2. The Markov Chain .................................................................................................................... 40 4.1.3. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation ............................................................. 42 4.1.4. The scenario selection based on errors forecasting irradiance ............................................... 46 4.2. Calculation of irradiation in tilted surfaces ..................................................................... 47 4.3. Transference function ...................................................................................................... 47 4.4. Distribution of errors forecasting the clearness index ..................................................... 55 5. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................. 61 6. References ............................................................................................................................... 62 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 3 List of figures Figure: 1 Position of the methodology proposed in this document............................................. 10 Figure: 2 Solar energy potential .................................................................................................... 12 Figure: 3 Air Mass........................................................................................................................... 12 Figure: 4 Sun path at Toledo .......................................................................................................... 13 Figure: 5 Sun path at Bobigny ....................................................................................................... 14 Figure: 6 Clear-sky irradiance two axes tracking ........................................................................ 14 Figure: 7 Average temperature in month ..................................................................................... 15 Figure: 8. Relative real measures at PV plant I in minutes. Sunny day .................................... 16 Figure: 9 Relative real measures at PV tracking plant in minutes. Partially cloudy day ............................................................................................................................... 17 Figure: 10 Clearness index ............................................................................................................. 17 Figure: 11. Errors in Spanish stations ........................................................................................... 19 Figure: 12: Relative errors in forecasted irradiation ................................................................... 20 Figure: 13 Relative errors in forecasted irradiation .................................................................... 21 Figure: 14. REE Forecasting model description .......................................................................... 22 Figure: 15. Forecasting model description .................................................................................... 23 Figure: 16 (a) Correlation coefficient of forecast errors of two stations over his spatial distance. (b) Error reduction factor RMSEensemble/ RMSEsingle ....................... 24 Figure: 17. Error scenarios from a forecasted (dot line) DA scenario. The error scenario must be within bands (black lines) .............................................................. 29 Figure: 18. Block diagram 1 ........................................................................................................... 31 Figure: 19. Block diagam 2 ............................................................................................................. 32 Figure: 20. Block diagram 3 ........................................................................................................... 34 Figure: 21. Examples of irradiance in winter and summer time ................................................ 35 Figure: 22. Irradiance for the full year ......................................................................................... 36 Figure: 23. Clearness Index ............................................................................................................ 37 Figure: 24. Clearness index for consecutive solar hours ............................................................. 37 Figure: 25. Histogram distribution of the clearness index. ......................................................... 38 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 4 Figure: 26. Distribution of RKc=(1.05-Kc) ................................................................................... 38 Figure: 27. Clearness index time-series process ........................................................................... 39 Figure: 28. Irradiation overlay of several weather stations. ....................................................... 39 Figure: 29. Correlation coefficient at several weather stations .................................................. 40 Figure: 30. Correlation matrices.................................................................................................... 41 Figure: 31 MCMC Simulation ....................................................................................................... 42 Figure: 32. Simulated energy production at PV plant in winter. ............................................... 43 Figure: 33.Simulated energy production at PV plant in summer. .............................................. 44 Figure: 34. Power duration curves for an average of six years simulated. ................................ 44 Figure: 35. In this flow chart two clusters correlated with a third series of temperature is shown as an example. ................................................................................... 45 Figure: 36. Bollinger bands in stock markets. .............................................................................. 46 Figure: 37. Irradiation in tilted surfaces ....................................................................................... 47 Figure: 38 Transference function .................................................................................................. 48 Figure: 39. Irradiation in W/m2 .................................................................................................... 49 Figure: 40.Temperature in 10*ºC .................................................................................................. 50 Figure: 41. Wind speed in m2/s ...................................................................................................... 51 Figure: 42. Transference function in 3D ....................................................................................... 52 Figure: 43. Distribution of residuals after interpolation ............................................................. 52 Figure: 44. Transference function in 3D. Real data. .................................................................... 53 Figure: 45. Power loses due to temperature. Real data. .............................................................. 53 Figure: 46. Calculated losses in transfer function due to the increase of Ta temperature. ........................................................................................................................... 54 Figure: 47. Wind influence in the transference function. ............................................................ 55 Figure: 48 Distribution Errors ....................................................................................................... 56 Figure: 49. Error forecasting irradiation in several weather stations. ...................................... 58 Figure: 50. RMSE forecasting irradiation for the AEMET NWP launched at 0 h for the current day. .......................................................................................................... 58 Figure: 51. Mean error ................................................................................................................... 59 Figure: 52. Relative to de forecasted irradiation mean error. .................................................... 59 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 5 List of tables Table 1. Weather stations distances used for correlation. ........................................................... 40 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 6 Acronyms and definitions AM: Air Mass is the path length which light takes through the atmosphere normalized to the shortness possible path length, that is, mid day. AR: Autoregressive model. CECRE: Centro de Control para Régimen Especial (Renewable Energy Sources Control Center). DA: Day Ahead. ID: Intra Day. kWp (Peak Power Production): The nominal peak power is the power rating given by the manufacturer of the module or system. It is the power output of the module(s) measured at 1000W/m2 solar irradiance (and a module temperature of 25°C and a solar spectrum corresponding to an air mass of 1.5 AM1.5). This means that if your modules were 100% efficient, you would need 1 m2 to get a system with a peak power of 1kW. These conditions are known as Standard Test Conditions (STC). MC: Markov Chain. They are processes describing trajectories where successive quantities are described probabilistically according to the value of their immediate predecessors. MCMC: Markov Chain and Monte Carlo, techniques that enable simulation from a MC distribution. NWP: Numerical Weather Prediction (Models). PV: Photovoltaic. REE: Red Eléctrica de España. RES: Renewable Energy Sources. RMSE: Root mean squared error. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 7 Introduction 1. 1.1. The Optimate project Optimate is a numerical simulation platform to recommend new electricity market designs integrating massive flexible generation in Europe. The project aims at developing a numerical test platform to analyse and to validate new market designs which may allow integrating massive flexible generation dispersed in several regional power markets. OPTIMATE will therefore contribute to the construction of a pan-European electricity market. Optimate is a collaborative research and demonstration project co-funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme (DG Energy). The Consortium is made of twelve partners: 5 TSOs: o ELIA (Belgium), o EnBW TSO (Germany), o REE (Spain), o RTE (France), o 50 Hertz Transmission (Germany) 6 Research providers specialised in market design and modelling: o ARMINES, o K.U.Leuven, o RISOE, o University of Madrid-Comillas, o University of Manchester, o SEAES (University of Paris) 1 company dedicated to innovation management and related dissemination activities in the power sector: TECHNOFI. Today’s electricity markets rely mostly on conventional generation, and, to a much smaller extent, on interruptible loads since such loads are less flexible than generation. Thus, European market rules have so far been developed to deal with the most widely used generation units (nuclear, hydro and thermal power plants). For instance, some block bids used in power exchanges can be understood as reflecting the dynamic constraints of the generating units. Intermittent generation, based on wind and/or solar power, have specific features which do not fit easily in these current electricity market frameworks. On the one hand, their dayahead forecasts are significantly less accurate than load forecasts. On the other hand, they are not dispatchable like most of the conventional generation units. Their increasing share in generation portfolios bidding into spot markets sets new challenges for improved market designs, e.g. balancing and congestion management rules: in some instances, congestion 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 8 and balancing costs might indeed jeopardize the expected benefits of such new generation capacities. 1.2. This report as part of Optimate This paper describes a methodology approach to generate DA error PV scenarios in each intra-day and “real-time” simulations from a given DA forecasted PV production from clusters. The OPTIMATE Simulator will go successively through the 365 days of the simulated year. The key point to be analyzed is then the functional process proposed to simulate each day and to link those successive daily simulations, the whole being called Meta-Model. The differences of market design, whose costs and benefits will be quantified by the Simulator, shall indeed be either in input data (such as Portfolio definitions), or in parametric variants allowed within the Meta-model (such as imbalance settlements rules). The 8760 hours OPTIMATE scenario standing for ”real time RT” (root scenario) values of load, PV and wind generation, are fixed data. The relationship between those fixed data, task 2.1 (PV power forecast), task 3.1 (Wind power forecast), task 1.2 (Data management) and the simulator itself is shown on the figure below. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 9 Figure: 1 Position of the methodology proposed in this document Fixed data Dispatchable generation fixed data (capacity & location) Scenario of Load, Wind & PV (per country) Grid data Data management Task 1.2 Task 2.1 Task 3.1 Clustering RT scenario of Load, Wind and PV, per cluster Draw DA forecast error for Load, Wind & PV (per cluster, per country) ID forecast error for Load, Wind & PV (per cluster, per country) DA reference scenario: unit commitment, market prices, cross-border exchanges OPTIMATE Simulator Data Management Task 1.2 Day Ahead process Intra-Day process Scheduler Time aggregation process Day Ahead and Intra-Day scenario for load, wind power and PV power is derived from this real time scenario and from the clustering (OPTIMATE data management). There will be a scenario generator with a Monte Carlo draw to select the current scenario. Correlation matrices will take care of consistency: inside each the trajectory during 36 hours; between trajectories of neighbouring clusters, therefore between cluster-wide trajectories and area-wide trajectories. Then initial thermal & hydro programmes consistent both with load, PV and Wind power DA scenario and with other fixed characteristics are assessed over the 8760 hours of the year within OPTIMATE data management task. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 10 ID forecast are mostly for wind speed, solar irradiation and load (strongly related to temperature in some countries). RT values of those items are considered as input data. The trajectory of each forecast (from 36 hours-before-RT to ½ hour-before-RT, per cluster and per area, and over the 17520 half-hours of the year) will be allowed to move away both from DA forecast and from those RT values according to distribution functions related to the 36 hours timeframe and to their geographical location. 1.3. Introduction to the PV technology While the solar radiation incident outside the Earth’s atmosphere is relatively constant, the radiation at the Earth’s surface varies widely due to: Atmospheric effects, including absorption and scattering Local variations in the atmosphere, clouds, pollution, and water vapour Latitude of the location The season of the year The time of day. Atmospheric effects, including absorption and scattering 1.3.1. Light is absorbed as it passes through the atmosphere and at the same time is subject to scattering. Red light has a wavelength larger than most particles and is unaffected. Blue light has a wavelength similar to the size of particles in the atmosphere and so is scattered. The irradiation is the energy power in W.h/m2 incident in a solar cell and can be decomposed in: Direct Beam Diffuse (scattering). For a clear day a 10% of global. (The blue of the sky) Albedo or reflected; light from ground or clouds. 1.3.2. Cloud cover and pollution Information in relation to cloud cover levels is used to provide estimates of the solar irradiation at a specific location. Such cloud cover data represents an important resource to determine the radiation at a broader level. In the following picture from European Commission PVgis [2] we see the solar energy potential for Spain in optimal tilted planes Figure: 2. It depends on the frequency of clouds and pollution averages over years. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 11 Figure: 2 Solar energy potential 1.3.3. Latitude, season and time of the day Due to the daily rotation of the earth, changing power every hour is the result of a variation of the air mass (AM) of flowing through the sunlight. Figure: 3 Air Mass θ AM1 (1) if θ= 30º the AM1.1547 if θ= 0º the AM1 if θ= 90º the AM2.37 if θ= 48º the AM1.5G (standard for cells 1 kW/m2) 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 12 AM0 means outside the Earth’s atmosphere. The rotation of the Earth around the sun and the tilt on its axis by 23.45º changes the declination angel, denoted δ. This change the sunlight path thought the atmosphere and, for instance, the AM. The seasonal declination has the following formula: (2) Where d is the day of the year with Jan 1 as d = 1. The elevation α and the azimuth z angles depends on the latitude. (3) (4) So PV plants change their maximum power every hour and every day of the year and thus depend on time and location. Figure: 4 and Figure: 5 show two examples at two different locations. The landscape of each location determines finally the sun rise and sun set. Figure: 4 Sun path at Toledo 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 13 Figure: 5 Sun path at Bobigny The final figure shows the tracked clear-sky irradiance in Nanterre, France on June. Figure: 6 Clear-sky irradiance Figure: 6 Clear-sky irradiance two axes tracking 1.3.4. Other effects Finally the power incident on a PV module depends not only on the power contained in the sunlight, but also on the angle between the module and the sun, this is the power density of the sunlight. To simplify we call this the geometry of solar cells and it depends on the cells tracking mode and surface. The increase of PV module temperature reduces its voltage and the power output about 5% for each 10ºC increase in temperature. These loss mechanisms depend on the thermal resistance of the module materials, the emissive properties of the PV module, and the ambient conditions (particularly wind speed) in which the module is mounted. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 14 The ambient temperature also affects inverters. The facilities were inverters are installed physically can be outhor or in houses with air conditioning. Its electrical power output can be less than the peak power installed solar panels. This depends on economic factors. Figure: 7 Average temperature in month For a typical commercial PV module operating at its maximum power point, only 10 to 15% of the incident sunlight is converted into electricity, with much of the remainder being converted into heat. The Figure: 7 shows the average temperature variation in Toledo (Spain) in January. The conversion efficiency depends on the spectrum of the solar radiation. Where nearly all PV technologies have good performance for visible light, there are large differences in the efficiency for near-infrared radiation. If the spectrum of the light were always the same this effect would be assumed to be part of the nominal efficiency of the modules. But the spectrum changes with the time of day and year, and with the amount of diffuse light (light not coming directly from the sun but from the sky, clouds, etc.). Some of the light is reflected from the surface of the modules and never reaches the actual PV material. The level of this reflection depends on the angle at which the light strikes the module. The more the light comes from the side (narrow angle with the module plane), the higher the percentage of reflected light. This effect varies (not strongly) between module types. Almost all module types show decreasing efficiency with low light intensity. The strength of this effect varies between module types. The light from albedo (reflected light) depends on the angle of the modules and the reflexion from the surrounding ground. It should be noted that there is no reflection from the ground if the orientation of the plate is horizontal. In this case the albedo light would come only from the reflection of clouds mainly. Finally, some module types have long-term variations in the performance. Especially modules made from amorphous silicon are subject to seasonal variations in performance, driven by long-term exposure to light and to high temperatures. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 15 State-of-the-art in PV forecasting 2. 2.1. Forecasting irradiance Forecast solar radiation is the key factor to predict the PV energy production. The clouds are therefore by far the very first driver on solar forecast. There are “stable” clouds with coherent patterns and motion that it will be predictable in the future. But convective events (“unstable” clouds) will always be a challenge to predict. Also there are excellent satellite-base cloud resources available to guide short term solar forecast. In the prediction of the wind cannot use this methodology. See [8]. Aerosols and haze also have significant impact on energy production (but less so on ramps). The PV energy is characterized by very short term ramp rates and variability forecasting in minutes in a particular PV plant for small clouds. This is a serious problem of voltage dips in small systems. Taking care to separate solar plants more than 10 km in the system reduces the risk of simultaneity. Forecast PV energy power is equivalent to forecast irradiation at the solar cells. See Figure: 8. Relative real measures at PV plant I in minutes. Sunny day and Figure: 9 Relative real measures at PV tracking plant in minutes. Partially cloudy day Figure: 8. Relative real measures at PV plant I in minutes. Sunny day 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 Irra W/m2 kW ºC Wind m/s 0.40 0.20 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 211 241 271 301 331 361 391 421 451 481 511 541 571 601 631 661 691 721 751 781 811 841 871 901 931 961 991 1021 1051 1081 1111 1141 1171 1201 1231 1261 1291 1321 1351 1381 1411 0.00 -0.20 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 16 Figure: 9 Relative real measures at PV tracking plant in minutes. Partially cloudy day 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 Irr W/m2 kW ºC wind m/s 0.40 0.20 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 211 241 271 301 331 361 391 421 451 481 511 541 571 601 631 661 691 721 751 781 811 841 871 901 931 961 991 1021 1051 1081 1111 1141 1171 1201 1231 1261 1291 1321 1351 1381 1411 0.00 -0.20 Clear-sky models for direct beam and diffuse irradiance on horizontal and tilted planes at the Earth’s surface are described in detail in [4]. The models give us an upper and lower bounds of the irradiation in clear-sky conditions. This is an important tool as starting point for prediction. Figure: 10 Clearness index Dynamic Range irradiance of Upper bound consider geometry/time/location Clear-sky model % clearness Lower bound consider geometry/time/location Clear-sky model 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 17 Numerical weather prediction programs (NWP) are the best actual tools for forecast irradiance. In the last years various research organizations and companies have developed different methods to forecast irradiance as a basis for respective power forecasts. For the end-users of these forecasts it is important that standardized methodology is used when presenting results on the accuracy of a prediction model in order to get a clear idea on the advantages of a specific approach. The paper “Benchmarking of different approaches to forecast solar irradiance” [9] is an evaluation in this way. The result shows a strong dependence of the forecast accuracy on the climatic conditions. For Central European stations the relative RMSE ranges are from 40 % to 60 %, for Spanish stations relative RMSE values are in the range of 20 % to 35 % (They have been tested in Andalucia where the atmosphere is more stable) that it is consistent with our owns results (see chapter 4.4). The paper also shows a benchmarking of several methods including the use of mesoscale numerical weather prediction models, the application of statistical post-processing tools to forecasts of a numerical weather prediction (NWP) model, and also a synoptic approach combining different forecasting models. For checking the behaviour of the irradiance models, they agree that a trivial model as persistence of the cloud situation is a suitable reference model for irradiance forecasts. The NWP tested was: European Centre for Meium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Global Forecast System (GFS) Model of the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). These global models have a coarse temporal and spatial resolution and do not allow for a detailed mapping of small-scale features. Different methods to derive optimized hourly and site specific irradiance forecasts are proposed. These include the use of mesoscale NWP models, statistical post-processing tools or a combination of both and also a synoptic combining different forecasting models. The final conclusions where: at the current stage of research, irradiance forecasts based on global numerical weather prediction models in combination with post-processing show best results. All proposed methods perform significantly better than persistence. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 18 Figure: 11. Errors in Spanish stations Another important conclusion is during winter with low solar elevations and low clear sky irradiances absolute errors are small and relative errors are large. The improvement in comparison to persistence is low during December, for all other months the NWP based forecasts perform significantly better than persistence. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 19 Figure: 12: Relative errors in forecasted irradiation The following Figure: 13 Relative errors in forecasted irradiation, give an idea of relative RMSE errors of some forecasted methods of irradiation under development: Sky persistence (clearness) Cloud motion (satellite) Cloud motion with smooth NWP Heliosat [1] 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 20 Figure: 13 Relative errors in forecasted irradiation The Heliosat method converts images acquired by meteorological geostationary satellites, such as Meteosat (Europe), GOES (USA) or GMS (Japan), into data and maps of solar radiation received at ground level. 2.2. PV forecasting models A simple forecasting model is running at REE CECRE based on the irradiation forecast see Figure: 14. REE Forecasting model description The global forecasted irradiation data acquired from Aemet [3] and the data of the main PV locations installed in each region is used to forecast the energy production. The irradiation forecast comes from a NWP running one’s a day at 0 h for the rolling horizon of the next 72 hours. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 21 Figure: 14. REE Forecasting model description NWP (run at 0h (1h resolution) global irradiation J/m2 forecast for 72h INSTALATIONS Total installed kWp for regions Forecast Model 0 Energy forecasted production kW.h This model is now working but his accuracy has only been tested for a short time interval. The data of all meters of PV power output energy are available with several month of delay. REE is developing several more advance d forecasting models in collaboration with Spanish universities. There are also private companies that offer these services and are working to improve their models. Just as with the predictions of wind generation, the final model for REE will be a combination of the outputs of the models for different horizons, as none of them proved to be the best for the entire range of estimates. A special effort to bring is being done to model the solar thermal plants. They use direct bean irradiance instead global and has some storage capacity and management. In Germany some Energy and Weather companies provides forecasted production series to Utilities. His methodology is described in the scheme of Figure: 15. Forecasting model description. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 22 Figure: 15. Forecasting model description NWP - ECMWF global irradiation J/m2 forecast (3h) for 72h Irradiation algorithms Correction Corrected Hz irradiation J/m2 forecast PV modules locations and orientation Calculation of irradiation in PV modules (Algorithm) Clear-Sky planes model for tilted Irradiation at PV tilted modules J/m2. Model of PV (Transference Function) Medium-term energy production forecast up to 48 h (1h resolution) Sample of actual data from “selected” PV modules Short-term corrections up to 4h Final (aggregated) energy production forecast Those companies have access to the historical and quasi-real time data from the owners of smalls PV plants. The forecast is an aggregated for all PV plants. The prediction of the PV power production is based on irradiance forecasts up to three days ahead provided by the global model of the ECMWF. The temporal resolution is 3h 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 23 and spatial of 0.25º. For the management of the power network is necessary derivate specific site and hourly forecasts, so spatial and time interpolation is done. One main point is the estimation of forecast accuracy for ensembles (aggregations) of distributed PV plants depending on the size of the region. The evaluation of PV power prediction in a case study presented in IEEE for this methodology (see [10]) has shown that the accuracy of the global horizontal irradiance forecast is the determining factor for the accuracy of the power forecast. For single PV systems, the RMSE of the hourly power prediction is in the range of 0.10 to 0.12 Wh/Wp. For the ensemble power prediction for a small region of 200 km x 120 km an RMSE in the range of 0.06 to 0.09 Wh/Wp was found. So the aggregation reduces the error of the model versus a single PV plant. Figure: 16 (a) Correlation coefficient of forecast errors of two stations over his spatial distance. (b) Error reduction factor RMSEensemble/ RMSEsingle Either way, the accuracy of the models has not been tested yet against energy meters in an exhaustive manner. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 24 3. The use of prediction errors in Optimate 3.1. How prediction error enter into the modelling framework of Optimate A central assumption of Optimate is that all stakeholders have access to the same forecast: either they use the same tools, or the forecast of the most accurate tool is published and used by everybody. For each current day, Optimate links together iteratively two processes, the DA process and the ID process. The DA process 3.1.1. In the DA process, the whole 24 hours of the current day are dealt considering a unique DA forecasts of load and intermittent generation: Time-to-go 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 1:00 2:00 Scheduling hours 12:00 24:00 Current hours Day Ahead (scheduling day) Current day The forecast is assumed to be the one made at DA 12:00, on the scheduling day, for the 24 hours of the current day. In other words, the time-to-goes range from 13 to 36 hours. This DA 12:00 forecast is used in each module of the DA process, whatever scheduling hour corresponds to the module in the real world (the modules’ real scheduling hour range between DA 10:00 to DA 16:00). But the decision simulated at DA takes into account not only the DA forecast average values, but also the standard deviation of their errors. Each stakeholder has indeed a certain degree of risk aversion, which means for instance that she wants to make the decision that hedges her against x% of possible case due to forecast errors. In terms of congestion management, a TSO stakeholder is looking at the distortion between nodal effect and zonal effect. To assume the risk of deviating from the DA forecast, each TSO assesses a mixed standard deviation of each cluster1 combining those of wind power forecast error, photovoltaic forecast error, load forecast error and generation sudden outage 1 In Optimate, cluster of nodes are used to mimic the nodal effects 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 25 risk error. This combination can be done straightforwardly assuming that wind, P, load and generation outage errors are not correlated. In terms of balancing requirements, a TSO stakeholder is looking at its Control block 2. To assume the risk of deviating from the DA forecast, each TSO assesses a mixed standard deviation of her Control block combining those of wind power forecast error, photovoltaic forecast error, load forecast error and generation sudden outage risk error. This combination can be done straightforwardly assuming that wind, P, load and generation outage errors are not correlated. This information is key for Control block Reserve requirements. Assuming that this information is either published, or known through experience, it is also key for Marketers: it provides an indication of volume of the physical IntraDay upward / downward3 market they should partly4 anticipate when making their DA unit commitment. But each of those DA standard deviations (for wind, PV, load and generation) per Control Block cannot be straightforwardly assessed from standard deviations per cluster, as they are related by geographical cross-correlations. Therefore DA forecast error standard deviations must be assessed both per cluster and per Control Block to feed in Optimate Simulator. DA forecast error standard deviations plays also a role when aggregated by Balance Responsible Party: depending on its Balance Responsible Perimeter (BRP) a Marketer tends to prefer to be slightly imbalanced in proportion of the imbalance prices asymmetry. In theory this effect would need to assess DA forecast error standard deviations also per BRP, which once again could not be straightforwardly assessed from standard deviations per cluster, as they are related by geographical cross-correlations. In practice, the BRP definition itself is already a proxy in Optimate5, then some proxy will be used to assess DA forecast error standard deviations per BRP out of the other simulation input data. Some guidelines for building this proxy are given in this document. 3.1.2. The ID process In the ID process, the next 8 hours from any scheduling hour are dealt considering successive hourly forecasts of load and intermittent generation. 2 A Control block currently correspond approximately to a country. Some evolutions are under discussion but Optimate first version will stick to the current situation 3 Optimate simulates only the upward anticipation of marketers, the downward one being basically fulfilled due to other assumptions made 4 Assuming a non strategic behaviour, they will anticipate the part of it which corresponds to the quantity they can expect to supply. 5 The BRP definition is commercial data out of reach of the Project. Moreover, it is not a persistent data over time and its anticipation at year 2015 would anyhow be questionable. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 26 Time-to-go 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 Scheduling 1/2 hour 00:30 Current 1/2 hours DAY AHEAD CURRENT DAY The first scheduling hour dealt by the Intra-Day process is 16:30 at DA, as some starting up /shutting down decisions can be made then for 00:30 on the current day. Then the ID process iterates on the scheduling hour per ½ hourly steps. The time-to-go period analysed at a scheduling hour of 6 am would be for instance: Time-to-go 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 Scheduling 1/2 hour 14:00 Current 1/2 hours CURRENT DAY Each current half hour benefits from its own Forecast, which is becoming more and more accurate when the time-to-go decreases (in other words, its error standard deviation decreases). The time consistency of those successive forecasts is to be ensured in between them, with the DA forecast previously used, and with the RT output used at the very end of the ID process. Standard deviation of errors being used to build consistent sets of successive forecasts, their consideration is enough in Optimate simulation to capture the anticipative behaviour of stakeholder: at each scheduling hour, Optimate simulates that each stakeholder considers the successive forecast of each next eight hours to make her decisions. The errors coming from load, wind, PV forecast and unit outages are joined straightforward assuming that the tree sources of error are independent. It should be pointed out that in reality this is a proxy because load demand is correlated with the PV power generation trough the temperature variable and recent researches from Jaen University [11] show that wind and PV generation are correlated and complementary in some cases. 3.2. Intermittent generation data needed in Optimate 3.2.1. Output of the proposed methodology used as input for Optimate simulator The following input data are needed per cluster and per (half) hours over the whole year: DA forecast of Photovoltaic power generated 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 27 DA standard deviation of Photovoltaic power forecast error ID forecasts of Photovoltaic generation for time-to-go ranging from ½ hour to 8 hours RT outputs of Photovoltaic generation The following input data are needed per Control Block and per (half) hours over the whole year: DA standard deviation of Photovoltaic power forecast error The following input data may also be needed per Balance Responsible Party and per (half) hours over the whole year: DA standard deviation of Photovoltaic power forecast error In order to keep the methodology feasible, those last inputs could be assumed to be assessed from the previous ones considering parameters such as installed capacities of each BRP per clusters, in each Control area. This calculation is part of the data pre-processing. Input data for the proposed methodology 3.2.2. Three types of data are needed in Optimate for the modeling the intermittent PV generation: Hourly realistic “Real Time PV scenario” data expected for the year to simulate will used as a starting point, see figure 1. Nevertheless this input data needed for the methodology could alternatively be output of it. In case there are too few data for PV in previous studies (e.g. EWIS) from which fixed data are going to be imported, a methodology to generate realistic “real time” PV scenarios will be also proposed within this deliverable. The kWp installed power, technology and earth coordinates of solar plants or ensembles within each cluster is needed. And for solar simulation three types of time series data are necessary for the implementation of the proposed methodology: 30/09/2010 Historical values of solar irradiation weather stations are available for all clusters, at least commercially. Historical estimates (forecasts) of this energy is available in the same way at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts or meteorological institutes of participant countries. These are the forecast solution of NWP models. Data from actual PV energy power production in a representative limited set of solar installations or farms where is also available both actual solar radiation and temperature measures. OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 28 Methodology to handle prediction errors to be used 4. in Optimate From an initial forecasted PV energy production for the DA, called “the root forecast from now”, we want to generate alternative scenarios in each ID with deviations from the initial one compatible with the precision obtained by the forecasting program tools that made the original root forecast. The Figure: 17. Error scenarios from a forecasted (dot line) DA scenario. The error scenario must be within bands (black lines), show a possible result. Figure: 17. Error scenarios from a forecasted (dot line) DA scenario. The error scenario must be within bands (black lines) 1.2000 Error scenarios from a forecasted root scenario 1.0000 0.8000 scen 1 scen 2 scen 3 scen 4 0.6000 scen 5 scen 6 scen root max 0.4000 min 0.2000 0.0000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Knowing the error of PV generation forecasts and its distribution law, it would be possible to generate scenarios that simulate actual production, which we call error scenarios (or RT scenarios), which deviate from the initial planned within the error range of the initial estimate root forecast. As forecasting PV power generation models are being developed, we have no statistical data of the errors available yet, and it is difficult to extrapolate the degree of accuracy in the future that these models can achieve and even more difficult calculate the error distribution law. Moreover, individual hourly data of actual PV production power of PV modules are not widely available in the majority of cases or actual data are only available in aggregated form and longer time intervals. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 29 On the other hand, predict photovoltaic power energy production is closely linked to the prediction of radiation incident on solar cells in a particular location of the land surface. The theoretical radiation reaching a point on the earth each day and time of year it is mathematically calculated by the clear-sky irradiation models. These models have an acceptable error, and holding constant the parameters serve as a good starting point of reference. Thus, simplifying the model, the only uncertainty left is the irradiance absorbed by the atmosphere. The final value of radiation incident on the solar cells is subject to fluctuations in the atmosphere due to clouds, water vapor or dust. The ending conversion of the sun's energy into power is determined ultimately by the tilted of panels, technology of the cells, temperature and performance of ancillary equipment. Finally, we see that the variables of the atmosphere: radiation, temperature and wind are the only random input variables in the process of PV power generation. We do not consider maintenance of solar cells, unavailability of equipment, solar cells dirt coming from snow or dust, and loses of performance of power modules in long-term. Given these factors, we propose a simplified model that uses common data available in the all the TSO, but at the same time, keeping the statistical seasonal variations of the atmosphere for each cluster. The errors are cluster dependent. Optimate is subdivided into a number of clusters for network considerations and each cluster needs forecasts error scenarios (RT scenarios) for wind, PV and load power production alongside the forecasted for the DA (root scenario). Within the clusters as defined by Optimate the prediction error will depend on a number of different issues: The installed capacities, characteristics of PV power within the cluster (kWp) and its location. The area size km2 Atmosphere conditions in the cluster The irradiation data shows a wide spatial correlation and time correlation (persistence) is very strong but not too much far away in time. The model should consider these two facts. Due to the high correlation of the atmosphere over large regions, an averaged model of atmospheric parameters is manageable. If two adjacent clusters are strongly correlated is better to make them a single PV cluster for the model. We will see this issue in more detail later on. The main idea is simulating the atmosphere through the Markov chain and then enters its variables into the transfer function which converts meteorological variables into power and then make a selection of scenarios. The process works as follows. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 30 The starting point is a particular level of clearness index at time t. This clearness index is calculated from the inverse of the transfer function. With this initial level the MCMC simulation process starts, and now for each n, where n is the time ahead distance from t period, it generates a new t + n scenario for that particular instant. If the distribution law of PV power production time-series for forecast at t + n hours from t instant of prediction was known the methodology follows the next graph. Figure: 18. Block diagram 1 clearness index at t Atmosphere simulation MCMC Clearness index t+n Clear-sky model for tilted surfaces PV plants data Geometry, Tracking and location Irradiation calculation Irradiation for tilted surfaces Forecasted Temperature Transference function Root scenario index Is the scenario within limits at t+n? Power Error Scenario No Yes PV Power Error scenario t+n 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 31 The resulting trajectory is then compared with the root scenario. If the distance to the root scenario is within the limits of k times the standard deviation, the path to t + n is accepted, if the solution is not feasible, then the limits should be relaxed to increase k. The process will continue for the next interval t+n+1 to cover the forecast horizon. Since the previous distribution law of errors in power production from a forecast is unknown for almost all clusters an alternate method is proposed base on the errors in forecasting irradiance. Thus the schema is modified as follows. Figure: 19. Block diagam 2 clearness index at t Atmosphere simulation MCMC Clearness index t+n Weather Error Scenario root scenario clearness index Is the scenario within limits at t+n? No Yes Clear-sky model for tilted surfaces Irradiation calculation PV plants data Geometry, Tracking and location Irradiation for tilted surfaces Forecasted Temperature Transference function PV Power Error scenario 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 32 In this new situation, the errors in forecasting the irradiance drives the process instead the power energy production of PV. 4.1. Atmosphere simulation The methodology simulates the irradiation of the atmosphere along seasons in a cluster. In this way the different behavior between errors in winter and in summer are taken in account. For a cluster, the available data from irradiation of the different weather stations inside are first normalized. Then data are averaged together and form a single set of clearness-index time series for a whole cluster. A Markov chain of matrices is performed with real data clearness index of horizontal surfaces. This chain models the atmosphere. Finally the random walk Markov Chain and Monte Carlo MCMC procedure simulates possible scenarios for the atmosphere. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 33 Figure: 20. Block diagram 3 Weather station_1 & location Global irradiation J/m2 Weather station_n & location Global irradiation J/m2 Clear-sky model Clear-sky 1 for Hz planes Clearness index 1 Clear-sky n for Hz planes Clearness index n Cluster aggregation Aggregated Clearness index timeseries Transition matrices MC Starting level MCMC simulation Roulete draw Weather scenario (Irradiation) 4.1.1. The Clearness index The actual irradiance data are land vary according to location and weather conditions. To reduce the effect of the location, is seeking to standardize the value of the actual and forecasted radiation with the theoretical clear-sky radiation and work with the concept of clearness index (cloud index), and thereby obtain a more stationary time series and standardized these. This eliminates the time and location component, calculated using a mathematical model, and let the time series of atmospheric clouds index alone. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 34 These series are likely to be standardized and averaged coupled, which would otherwise be impossible. The clearness index is defined as the ratio of actual irradiance and irradiance that theoretically reaches the pyranometer on the physical location in clear-sky of the weather station for each time interval of the year. (5) Where kc (t) is the clearness index from the upper bound Hcsky(t) in clear-sky conditions in horizontal surfaces versus the real irradiation Hreal(t) metered in a weather station. kc(t) take in account the AM transmissivity follow the sun light. This is a way to normalize the solar power to make it more stationary. Thus the effect of changes over the day is much lower for the normalized power than the real solar power. In other words the AM turbidity is more or less constant for next hours. The only data needed for this process is the real irradiation time-series at several weather stations along the cluster and a mathematical model for the clear-sky calculation in each weather station. The parameters of the clear-sky model can be constant since it is just a reference. The clear-sky irradiance calculation is done by any of this well known models [4] and [6]. Next plots are an example of the irradiation at Albacete’s weather station. Figure: 21. Examples of irradiance in winter and summer time 800 Irradiation in Albacete in winter time (spain) 700 600 Wh/m2 500 400 300 200 Real Wh/m2 100 Clear-Sky Wh/m2 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97 100 103 106 109 112 115 118 121 124 127 130 133 136 139 142 0 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 35 1000 Irradiation in Albacete in summer time(Spain) 900 800 700 Wh/m2 600 500 400 300 Real Wh/m2 Clear-Sky Wh/m2 200 100 118 115 112 109 106 97 103 94 100 91 88 85 82 79 76 73 70 67 64 61 58 55 52 49 46 43 40 37 34 31 28 25 22 19 16 7 4 13 10 1 0 Figure: 22. Irradiance for the full year It may be unexpected to see clearness indexes that are greater than the maximum value for a clear sky day. However, this is quite common, and results from the reflection of sunlight off the sides of clouds. And the clearness index calculated as above is illustrated below: 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 36 Figure: 23. Clearness Index 1.2 Clearness Index in Albacete 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1 14 27 40 53 66 79 92 105 118 131 144 157 170 183 196 209 222 235 248 261 274 287 300 313 326 0 And if we take off the night hours the time-series results are more suitable for later statistical analysis. Figure: 24. Clearness index for consecutive solar hours 1.2 Clearness Index in Albacete for consecutive solar hours 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1 23 45 67 89 111 133 155 177 199 221 243 265 287 309 331 353 375 397 419 441 463 485 507 529 551 573 595 617 639 661 683 705 727 749 771 793 815 837 859 881 903 925 947 969 991 1013 1035 1057 1079 1101 1123 1145 1167 0 Histograms of this time-series are showed in Figure: 25. Histogram distribution of the clearness index. And Figure: 26. Distribution of RKc=(1.05-Kc). 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 37 Figure: 25. Histogram distribution of the clearness index. 0.16 0.14 Frecuencia relativa 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 kc Figure: 26. Distribution of RKc=(1.05-Kc) 4.5 Rkc gamma(1.0124,0.25837) Estadístico de contraste para gamma: z = -0.776, valor p = 0.43767 4 3.5 Densidad 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Rkc For the whole sky in the cluster taking in account the strong correlation in wide areas we make an aggregated clear sky-index making an average of all weather stations. This is a reasonable assumption and will make a better approximation for the cluster that look at particular locations. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 38 Figure: 27. Clearness index time-series process Weaher stations historical measures time-series J/m2 Time-serie of irradiation J/m2 Time & Location Clear-sky model Agregated Clearness index calculation Clearness Index time serie for cluster Time-series of clear-sky To proof the correlation of the atmosphere an example of between several weather stations is shown in the next figures. Figure: 28. Irradiation overlay of several weather stations. In the following table a representation of weather stations at different location and its correlations coefficients is presented. The time frame is a year. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 39 Figure: 29. Correlation coefficient at several weather stations Correlation Coefficient 0.94 0.92 0.9 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0.8 0.78 0 200 400 600 800 1000 km Weather stations used in the graph are listed in the table below. Table 1. Weather stations distances used for correlation. Station Station Huelva Cadiz Huelva Albacete Cadiz Reus Albacete Córdoba Reus Córdoba Córdoba Cadiz Huelva Albacete Albacete Coruña Coruña Coruña 4.1.2. Km (Apox.) 200 200 100 480 470 356 731 680 809 The Markov Chain With the aggregated clearness index for a time-series as long as possible it will have a good sample of atmosphere conditions for all the seasons in the cluster. The behavior of a time-based system is represented using a state–transition matrix, which consists of a set of discrete states that the system can be in, and defines the speed at which transitions between those estates take place. Markov models consist representations of possible chains of events in our case, states in the atmosphere, which could be happen. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 40 With the set of transitions matrices starting for a particular clearness level (state) at period t we are able to build a simulated clearness time-series scenario kcscen(t) using the state transition matrices, and the Monte Carlo simulation. Where, • • • • i and j are levels of Kc Pij = P( Kc(t+1)=j | Kc(t)=i ) is the probability of reach the level j starting at level i i is the level at t j is the level at t+1 Figure: 30. Correlation matrices Transition Matrix from 9 to 10 h , season 1.43E-01 1.91E-01 2.86E-01 0.00E+00 3.23E-02 3.23E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3 2.86E-01 3.23E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9.52E-02 7.10E-01 1.25E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.94E-01 8.75E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Transition Matrix from 10 to 11 h , season 3 5.56E-01 1.11E-01 1.11E-01 2.22E-01 0.00E+00 3.33E-01 3.33E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.22E-01 0.00E+00 1.67E-01 1.11E-01 0.00E+00 1.67E-01 6.67E-01 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 41 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.70E-02 1.43E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.70E-02 0.00E+00 2.86E-01 7.41E-02 7.41E-02 5.71E-01 8.89E-01 8.89E-01 Transition Matrix from 11 to 12 h , season 3 5.56E-01 4.44E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.00E-01 5.00E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.50E-01 0.00E+00 5.00E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.39E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.67E-01 6.25E-01 3.39E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.50E-01 3.33E-01 3.75E-01 9.32E-01 In the above example some MC matrixes are showed. They are transition matrices from t,t+1 in a “season” in this case, the season is a whole month of March. A row with all zeros means that state level never happens. In the example, a poor sample of the sky of only one year long is taken. Even so, the results obtained for a single PV plant are acceptable. For the PV problem, the Markov chains of clearness index are generated with the irradiation data series. This data should extend at least 10 year (some research says 20 years). At REE we have data series of 5 years long for Spanish peninsula and a reduced set of locations of weather stations. 4.1.3. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation For simulation a Monte Carlo draw is used and one transition matrix in each step. Figure: 31 MCMC Simulation This method is the simplest way to generate scenarios for the future. The scenarios only depend on the clearness of AM conditions, nor the installed capacity, location, technology of plants or variation of the sunlight during the day. Markov chains have been tested successfully for generate wind power hourly annual production series scenarios for the stochastic long-term unit commitment (UC) problem. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 42 We are using the proposed methodology also to generate error scenarios derivating from a root forecasted wind power production scenario. Those scenarios are a data input for the stochastic medium-term (1 week) UC. The root scenario was generated from the wind power energy forecasted tool. The error scenarios are generated taking in consideration the errors of the wind-power forecasting tool using the Markov chain. Also, the proposed methodology has been tested to generate annual hourly scenarios of just one PV plant. The results are showed in the following plots in winter and summer. The model simulates an adequate power output in each month, which reproduces the behaviour of the evaluated year. Figure: 32. Simulated energy production at PV plant in winter. Simulated scenarios vs real production of a PV plant with tracking in January 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97 100 103 106 109 112 115 118 Real MWh 30/09/2010 Scaled CSky Hz Markov Sim MWh OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 43 Figure: 33.Simulated energy production at PV plant in summer. Simulated scenarios vs real production of a PV plant with tracking in July 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97 100 103 106 109 112 115 118 Real MWh Scaled CSky Hz Markov Sim MWh Figure: 34. Power duration curves for an average of six years simulated. 9.00E-01 Power Duration Curves. PV Tracking. 8.00E-01 7.00E-01 6.00E-01 5.00E-01 Jan Real Jan Sim Markov MW 4.00E-01 Abr Real Apr Sim Markov 3.00E-01 Jul Real Jul Sim Markov 2.00E-01 1.00E-01 0.00E+00 1 16 31 46 61 76 91 10 6 12 1 13 6 15 1 16 6 18 1 19 6 21 1 22 6 24 1 25 6 27 1 28 6 30 1 31 6 33 1 34 6 36 1 37 6 39 1 40 6 42 1 43 6 45 1 46 6 48 1 49 6 51 1 52 6 54 1 55 6 57 1 58 6 60 1 61 6 63 1 64 6 66 1 67 6 69 1 70 6 72 1 73 6 This example is made using the matrices shown above. We have simulated a full six years hourly-time series. In the example the MC behaves well. A Markov Chain will build for the future things that happened before. The method catches an “empirical distribution”. What did not happen in the past, not likely to happen in the future. A way to solve this is to adjust rows (in two dimensional matrixes) to a well known distribution instead use the empirical distribution. This is a sophistication improvement in the methodology. A point to investigate is the adjustment of the distribution function of the index of clarity to a known distribution, and in this way solve the possible problem of not have data enough. This ultimate process makes also a data cleanup. When two clusters are strongly correlated in PV a split of them into two separated Markov chain (MC) is not a good idea. Instead, it must generate a multidimensional Markov chain. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 44 Assume for simplicity that we have two clusters strongly correlated. For each cluster we construct our time series index of clarity. These two series are independent but are related by their time of occurrence. Now for each pair of clearness-index level of each cluster we will have a probability of occurrence by season and time of day to go to another couple of levels in the next hour. So we will have a mesh of pairs of points whose sum of probabilities of occurrence is one. This can be extended to three or more clusters. For three, the sum of probabilities of the resulting cube is one. To simulate a transition from one hour to the next hour is used by just a single Monte Carlo roulette spin for all clusters. Each cheese wheel has a size proportional to the probability of each node in the resulting hypercube. This ensures that with one spin of roulette obtain a clearness-index correlated for each cluster which follows the empirical distribution of time series. Figure: 35. In this flow chart two clusters correlated with a third series of temperature is shown as an example. Cluster 1 aggregation Cluster 2 aggregation Aggregated Clearness index timeseries 1 Aggregated Clearness index timeseries 2 Averaged Temperature time-series cluster 1 & 2 Multidimensional Transition matrices MC Starting level for the tree variables MCMC simulation Roulette draw Weather scenario (Irradiation custers 1 &2, temperature) The output of this stage is a set of three weather variables, two indices of clarity and a single temperature for both clusters. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 45 The temperature can be used in the load demand forecasting model to correlate this in turn. The scenario selection based on errors forecasting irradiance 4.1.4. Given an estimate of photovoltaic power generation from a root-forecast scenario we can calculate the index of clarity that corresponds using the inverse of the transformation function of irradiance into power energy. From the root forecasted scenario we will get a root forecasted clearness index. Now we define two bands, similar to the Bollinger bands used in stock markets. Figure: 36. Bollinger bands in stock markets. Bollinger Bands consist of: a middle band being an N-period simple moving average (MA) an upper band at K times an N-period standard deviation above the middle band (MA + Kσ) a lower band at K times an N-period standard deviation below the middle band (MA − Kσ) Typical values for N and K are 20 and 2, respective. These bands in PV case will be: a middle band being the root forecasted scenario RE an upper band at ku times the standard deviation std (of the clearness error forecasted) above the middle band min (Hclear-sky, (RE + ku*std)) 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 46 a lower band at kl times the standard deviation below the middle band if (RE - kl *std) > 0 then (RE – kl*std) if (RE – kl *std) <= 0 then 0. Starting at the first hour of clearness root forecasted scenario index, the MCMC hourly simulation process generates new transitions scenarios restricted to levels within the bands. Now we have transitions that differ less or equal than the statistical error of forecast at different horizons derivates from the NWP prediction errors. Similarly to what happens in the Bollinger bands, our actual production can go outside the expected, so relax the k could be necessary for feasibility in some situations. 4.2. Calculation of irradiation in tilted surfaces Figure: 37. Irradiation in tilted surfaces Clear-sky index Clear-sky model for tilted surfaces Irradiation calculation PV plants data Geometry, Tracking and location Irradiation for tilted surfaces Using the index of clarity multiplying by the theoretical radiation on a tilted plane, we can calculate the radiation will impact on the solar panel. We can also simulate the track. 4.3. Transference function The Transference Function is the way to convert radiation and temperature into energy photovoltaic power for aggregated plants. Aggregation must be done in reasonably close plants for accurate results. One way to do this is the following: 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 47 Figure: 38 Transference function If Ppk is the nominal peak power of a PV plant 0, and A is the area of the PV module: (6) The actual power depends of the Hreal(t) irradiance and the real module efficiency Ef which is a function of module temperature Tm and more things not taking in account here. (7) (8) So we don’t need to know the area A or Efnom . Efr is the relative efficiency. (9) (10) The Efr take in account the system losses which cause the power actually delivered to the electricity grid to be lower than the power produced by the PV modules. There are several causes for this loss, such as losses in cables, power inverters, dirt (sometimes snow) on the modules and so on. This means that the method can only be used on PV technologies that do not depend strongly on the solar spectrum, and do not show effects of long term exposure to irradiation or high temperatures. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 48 The formula for estimating the relative efficiency looks like (11) Where ^Hreal= Hreal/1000 The coefficients ki depends on the technology of PV plants and can be fit with linear regression. The module temperature Tm is calculated from the ambient temperature by the following formula: (12) Kt =0.035°- 0.05°C/(W/m2) for free-standing systems, for building-integrated systems, based on values taken from literature. Simplifications can be done in the above formula (11), to take out the temperature effect, and an aggregation of representative plants can be done to fit the coefficients. The European Commission shows a method of estimating average daytime and daily temperature profiles within Europe [5] . The temperature should be the same as that used to calculate the load demand. The data used for the calculation of the transference function plot as example has the following characteristics: The solar irradiation. Figure: 39. Irradiation in W/m2 Irradiance W/m2 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 5 x 10 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 49 4 Histogram of Irradiance x 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Irradiance W/m2 The temperature. Figure: 40.Temperature in 10*ºC Variation of temperature 450 400 350 300 10 x ºC 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 4 3.5 1 days 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 5 x 10 Temperature Distribution x 10 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -50 0 50 100 150 200 10 x ºC 250 300 350 400 450 And wind speed. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 50 Figure: 41. Wind speed in m2/s Wind speed 45 40 35 30 m/s 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 4 8 1 Days 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 5 x 10 Wind distribution x 10 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Speed m/s 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 51 And its transference function calculated by linear interpolation of nonlinear functions looks like Figure: 42. Transference function in 3D With a residual distribution of: Figure: 43. Distribution of residuals after interpolation 4 8 x 10 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -0.6 30/09/2010 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 52 Figure: 44. Transference function in 3D. Real data. The influence of temperature is shown in the following plot. Figure: 45. Power loses due to temperature. Real data. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 53 Figure: 46. Calculated losses in transfer function due to the increase of Ta temperature. The wind has some effect in the performance of solar plants. Wind increase performance in sunny days with low Ta temperatures Figure: 47. Wind influence in the transference function. For simplicity we will not consider this variable into the model. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 54 Figure: 47. Wind influence in the transference function. The calculation of transfer functions is another challenge. Each PV plant has its own, which depends on the cell technology, its cleanliness and efficiency of inverters. These data are not available for all plants, so a representative aggregated transfer function should be used as an approximation. This case is normal for Germany and Spain. The cluster is the relevant geographic area of work within the OPTIMATE project. Then, a transfer function for the total set of PV plants in the cluster and a forecast of solar irradiation for the cluster can be used, but in this way his location must be calculated. Working with several smaller geographical areas allows more accurate results. This is due not so much the accuracy of the transfer function as the difference due to solar rotation of the earth. In this way, we can work with a single aggregate transfer function but is particularized for different locations. 4.4. Distribution of errors forecasting the clearness index Presently there are no good forecasting PV production models in operation yet. TSOs only have at their disposal what could be seen as still rudimentary tools if compared with wind 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 55 production forecast tools. In fact only some TSOs are now in the process of developing what could be considered the firsts quality tools for PV production forecast. As it happened with the forecast of wind production, it is expected that the models that are being developed now will evolve in the future, improving their characteristics, incorporating knowledge. Nowadays it is difficult to evaluate the degree of accuracy that the future models will be able to achieve and even more difficult calculate the error distribution laws of the tools. Moreover, individual hourly data of the real production of PV modules or plants are not widely available in the majority of cases. Because time-series errors in the PV forecasting process are not available at the time being, and accuracy of PV forecast depends stronger on the accuracy forecasting the irradiation we propose a methodology based on errors forecasting of the irradiation. With the forecasted irradiation data form de NWP Hfor and real irradiation data metered for actuated pyranometers in some locations Hreal the error statistics can be calculated, the variance and the standard deviation. Figure: 48 Distribution Errors At the end we have a distribution error of forecasting kc for 1, 2… up to 36 h. The error increase with the distance of the prediction time and it will be cluster dependent. Keep in mind that this distribution function depends on time of day and season of the year. It also depends on the time of day at which the model is launched, as improvements in the next three or four hours are waiting from the actual PV generation/meteorological - 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 56 variables data feedback. This is mainly valid for the current day when the sun has risen on the horizon. There is not feedback at nights (something that in wind not happens). In the case of wind, the errors are not dependent on time of day when the forecast is released, and only depend on how far away we are the starting point of the beginning of the forecast process. The temperature in the proposed model can be simulated to be taken into account in the transference function only. It can be derived from that used for demand forecasting models. Introducing stochasticity in this variable is possible also and implies to add a new dimension to the MC process. Earlier in multidimensional MC has been shown how to do it. Statistics of this variable must then also be taken into account to narrow the scenarios. In the proposed model the errors are not “random variables” instead of that are a set of time-series solutions that follow the same distribution function and properties observed for the time-series “errors” in the forecast of solar irradiation. In particular, the error at hour h must fall within the maximum error range valid for the particular value of the real solar irradiance at hour h. Coming from the AEMET model irradiation forecasting model interesting information is already available. For example, the Root Mean Square Errors (RMSE) of the solar irradiance forecasts from 1 to 72 hours ahead in several locations in Spain are represented in the Figure: 49. Error forecasting irradiation in several weather stations. Of course it is natural that the errors in the night hours are zero. Similarly, the absolute errors in the first and lasts hours of sun light are smaller than in the mid day hours. For simplicity, the errors are assuming that the irradiation model runs just once a day at 0h in progress. In the NWP the errors are more or less constant with the distance to the prediction time. Only increases a few with the time instant from the prediction. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 57 Figure: 49. Error forecasting irradiation in several weather stations. 30 CORUÑA RMSE errors of the NWP in several weather stations BILBAO CACERES CADIZ C.REAL 25 CORDOBA GIRONA GRANADA HUELVA 20 LEON L.RIOJA % Error MADRID MURCIA 15 ASTURIAS PALMA NAVARRA PONTEVEDRA 10 SALAMANCA GUIPUZCUA CANTABRIA SORIA 5 TERUEL TOLEDO VALENCIA VALLADOLID 0 VICTORIA 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 ZARAGOZA Hours from the prediction time 0h Figure: 50. RMSE forecasting irradiation for the AEMET NWP launched at 0 h for the current day. RMSE Forecasting the irradiation 25 % rmse 20 15 10 MEAN 5 0 1 3 5 7 9 11131517192123252729313335373941434547495153555759616365676971 Hours from the prediction time (0 h) 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 58 Figure: 51. Mean error 18 ME 16 14 % Error EM 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 Hours from the forecasted time (at 0h) Figure: 52. Relative to de forecasted irradiation mean error. 200 Relative Mean Error to the forecasted irradiation 180 160 140 % RME 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 Hours from the forecasted time Lower errors are expected in the following hours from the initial root node scenario tree as the accuracy of irradiation forecast increase. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 59 The latter method simulates the error, but does not take into account improvements in the very short-term that can occur when taking into account the real time data feedback. Due to the persistence of the kc index, is natural to assume that the generation in a certain hour may depend on the generation in the hours immediately preceding. This is the case of an ID market during solar hours. Following part of the methodology used for error scenarios of wind this behavior can be introduced in the proposed model using a simple AR model to simulate the first following hours. This AR model will be used instead the MCMC in the first hours. After that, the MC chain model will be used, starting at the clearness level of last AR forecast hour. The simplest case is the AR(1) model (13) This AR model is also built on the index of clarity. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 60 5. Conclusions The present report starts by describing the need for error scenarios generation module for Optimate. This is the result of the large integration of renewable energy in the power system and its failure to accurately estimate its energy hourly production. The day-ahead forecast of these RES energy is subject to some uncertainty and it is a risk for bidders in the spot market of energy because they have to pay penalties when they do not fulfil their commitments (due to over/under estimation of RES production). Simulating the forecast error of RES sources would be a very complex task if it should be done in an operational process. Wind, PV, hydro inflows and load demand stochastic changes are indeed four sources of error and they are correlated spatially and time. In the context of OPTIMATE project, we just aim at an approach able to capture the economic trends induced by the combination of those forecast errors and therefore we can afford a large simplification of the problem. This report constitutes the deliverable D2.1 on the assumptions on accuracy of PV power to be considered at short and long-term horizons. The methodologies to be used for generate PV power error scenarios are outlined in this report for a further implementation in the project. For illustration purposes, REE has developed a program to test their feasibility and accuracy. In the next phases of the Optimate model, clusters will be defined and the needed data collected for the defined clusters. One important thing is that errors in the proposed model are not “random variables”: on the contrary, they are a set of time-series solutions that follow the same distribution function and properties observed for the time-series “errors” in the forecast process of solar irradiation. Moreover, the methodology allows generating PV scenarios for any cluster, even those who do not currently have solar production yet. These scenarios follow the solar power production specific constraints: energy and ramps, from period to period for each day of the year, taking into account also seasonal variations. The historical irradiation time-series data, location of the plants, technology and kWp are the only data needed. In a first version, OPTIMATE simulator will use the yearly scenario of forecasted errors generated as if they were deterministic. An extension is then to be foreseen where a certain number of yearly scenarios will be used. In such case, scenario reduction will become an important task for future development. 30/09/2010 OPTIMATE_D21_Assumptions on accuracy of PV data Page: 61 References 6. 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