LED Light Source
LED Light Source
LED Light Source Product Guide 2016 www.megaman.cc CONTENT About MEGAMAN® MEGAMAN® Technology 04 04 05 05 06 08 10 12 Who we are MEGAMAN® milestones Rigorous quality and management systems Innovativeanduniqueproducts Thebanningoftraditionallightsources Product series HybridReflector U-DIM™ MEGAMAN® LED Products Technology Tube 14 18 22 26 28 29 64 66 Dim to Warm Step Dimming RichColour Perfect White Mellotone Brilliant Tone Smart Lighting 30 32 INGENIUM® BLU INGENIUM® ZB Reflector 34 40 44 48 48 49 49 50 51 51 52 53 PAR16 MR16 AR111 PAR20 PAR30S PAR30 PAR38 R50 R63 R80 GX53 MR11 Classic 54 56 60 61 62 63 Candle Classic Globe GX53 Liliput T-lamp T8 S19 Flexi & Strip 67 68 Flexi Strip Decorative 69 72 73 74 Filament Lamp G4 G9 Crown Silver Converter & Transformer 94 95 95 LED Constant Current Converter LED Constant Voltage Converter LED Phase-Cut Dimmable Electronic Transformer Technical Information 96 99 99 100 102 103 Nomenclature Energy Saving Tips LightingDesignSoftware MarketingTools LEDLampsvsTraditionalLamps Product Index Special Application 75 76 77 78 79 80 R7s CLUSTERLITE® Sensor Light Night Light Plant Lamp Colour Bulb Light Engine & Module 82 84 85 86 87 88 89 92 93 TECOH® THx TECOH® CFx TECOH® APx TECOH® MHx TECOH® RDx TECOH® RLx TECOH® FLx TECOH® PLx TECOH® DFx MEGAMAN® 3 About MEGAMAN® Who We Are Artificiallightenhancesthewayweliveandwork.Itbringsus safety,comfortandproductivity.MEGAMAN®iscommittedto providing light in a way that is truly sustainable, energy-saving and ofsuchaqualitythatitbringsapositivedifferenceintothelivesof allwhousethecompany’sinnovativeLEDlightingsolutions. MEGAMAN® is proud to be the only major brand to have exclusively manufacturedlow-energylightingproductsthroughoutitsentire history,offeringmorethan20yearsofindustryexpertiseand innovationtothelightingmarket. Beginningin1994withthehighlysuccessfulproductionofCFL light sources, MEGAMAN® has evolved to become a complete low-energylightingsolutionsprovider.MEGAMAN® has built a reputationforproducinghigh-performanceLEDlightsourcesthat offeratruereplacementfortraditionalmetalhalideandhalogen –combiningqualitylightingperformancewithsubstantialenergy savings. MEGAMAN® is now applying its market-leading experience to an evenwiderrangeoflightingsolutionsincludingrevolutionarySmart Lightingcontrol,afullrangeofcomponentsandasuiteoflowenergyfixtures. • The MEGAMAN® range now includes more than 400 high quality light sources; • MEGAMAN®nowofferssmartlightingwithINGENIUM® BLU and ZB–providingfurtherenergysavingpotentialbygivingusersfull lightingcontrolviatheirsmartdevice; • MEGAMAN®nowoffersafullsuiteoflightingsolutionswiththe additionofseveralnewfixturelines,forbothindoorandoutdoor applications; • MEGAMAN®’s TECOH® light engine and module range provides low-energyserviceablesolutionsforfixturemakersworldwide; • MEGAMAN® operates in over 90 countries across Europe, AsiaPacific,theMiddleEast,Africa,NorthandSouthAmerica,theUSA and Canada; • Ouradvancedresearchanddevelopmentfacilitiesensurea continuoussupplyofnewandexcitingenergy-efficientlighting productscometomarketeveryyear. MEGAMAN®continuestoplayaleadroleincombatingclimate changeandcarbonemissionsbypursuingcontinuousinnovationin theproductionoflow-energylightingsolutions. 4 MEGAMAN® MEGAMAN® Milestones 2014 Launchedfirstsmartlightingrange,INGENIUM® BLU IndustryfirstfullrangeofDimtoWarmLEDproducts 2013 Integrated LED luminaires introduced 2012 Patented LED module - TECOH® MHx TECOH®CFx–World’sfirst2000lmZhagaBook2Certified Light Engine 2011 R9 technology introduced to LED range ThefirstNVLAPlabcertificationforLEDproducts 2010 LaunchedthefirstMEGAMAN® LED Candle and Classic InternationalofficeforProfessionalMarketingopensin Europe 2009 InnovativeThermalConductiveHighway™technology incorporated into MEGAMAN®LEDreflectors NVLAPlabcertificationforCFLproducts 2008 Amalgam technology is employed in full CFL range 2007 DIMMERABLE® technology introduced to CFL range 2005 DorS technology introduced to CFL range IndustryfirstRoHScompliantCFL MEGAMAN® goes global, selling lamps in over 90 countries 2004 INGENIUM® technology is introduced to CFL lamps for long lifeandshortpreheatingtime 2002 IndustryfirstCFLGU10reflectorlaunched IntroducedSiliconeProtectiontechnologytoCFLrange 1999 Patented Cooling-Tube technology introduced to CFL range 1997 Industryfirstcandle-shapedCFL 1996 Industryfirstclassic-shapedCFL 1994 MEGAMAN® incorporated Rigorous Quality and Management Systems All MEGAMAN® products are designed, tested and produced in our ownfactoriesinXiamen,China.Standardshavebeenimplemented factory-wide to ensure the MEGAMAN® manufacturing processes deliverinnovative,reliableandsafeproductswithhigh-quality standardsnowandinthefuture. To ensure that MEGAMAN® products comply with the highest quality standards, company manufacturing plants are equipped withtheirownassemblylines.Thein-houselaboratoryisISO 17025certifiedbyCNASandNVLAP,andiseligibletoperform on-sitetestingforIntertek,TÜVRheinland,ULandEnergyStar. The MEGAMAN® business runs under the most stringent managementandqualitysystems.Thegreenelementsofthe productionprocessaremaximised,employeewelfareisprioritised andthecompanyissociallyresponsibletothelocalcommunity.To continuallydeveloptheseareas,MEGAMAN® has undertaken a rangeofinternationalaccreditations.Theseinclude: Quality Management System MEGAMAN®productsaremanufacturedandcertifiedtoISO 9001:2008,ISO14001:2004,ISO14064-1:2006,OHSAS 18001:2007,SA8000:2008andQC080000:2012. Corporate Social Responsibility MEGAMAN®hasreceivedOHSAS18001:2007andSA 8000:2008,confirmingthelevelofcareforemployeesand reinforcingthecompany’spledgetobesociallyresponsible. Controlling the Use of Hazardous Substances MEGAMAN®plantsareQC080000certified,underliningthefact that company manufacturing processes are closely monitored to ensureultimatecontrolofhazardoussubstances. CNAS ISO14064-1 NVLAP OHSAS 18001 ISO 9001 SA 8000 ISO 14001 QC080000 Product Quality Assurance MEGAMAN® products are made using premium quality materials andinnovativetechnologieswithinstringentcontrolmeasures,to delivermaximumperformanceandenergyefficiencies. ® Rheinland Innovative and Unique Products With our patented LED design and technology, the MEGAMAN® LED products are able to deliver superb performance, including low powerconsumption,excellentlightoutputandlowmaintenance costs.Theyprovidethehighestqualitylightingperformanceofany LED based product on the market consuming the same power! AnewerainLEDlightingsolutions. Unique Features • Energyefficientreplacementfortraditionalmetalhalide,CFL, halogen and incandescent lamps • Deliversuperblightingperformance • Highluminousefficacyupto177lm/W • Highlumenmaintenance:ratedlumenmaintenanceof70% (L70) at up to 50,000 hours life • Long rated life up to 50,000 hours • High colour rendering up to Ra95 • High colour temperature consistency • DifferentcolourtemperatureoptionsofMellotone,Warm White, Cool White and Brilliant Tone • OptionsofdifferentbeamanglesfortheLEDReflectorrange • Upto91%energysavings • Simpleinstallationandservicing • NoUVandIRradiation AdditionalBenefits • Mercury-free • Instant start-up • Widerangeofoperatingtemperatures Applications • • • • • • • Boutiques/Shops Shopping Malls Hotels/Restaurants/Lounges Museums Galleries Offices Household MEGAMAN® 5 The banning of traditional light sources From 1 September 2016, the phasing out of mains voltage halogen reflectorlampswillbeginintheEU.Evenstandardhalogenenergy savinglightbulbswillgothesamewaytwoyearslater. ThistrendissettocontinueacrosstheworldbutMEGAMAN® ismorethanreadywithreliableandaffordableenergyefficient solutionstoreplaceeveryuseoftheseoutdatedtechnologies, supportedbyitsglobaldistribution. Using light vs Consuming light Withtraditionalhigh-energyconsuminglightsourcesbeingphased out, the high quality and durability of MEGAMAN® light sources offerstheopportunityforustouselightoveraperiodofyears, ratherthanconsumeandreplaceit,aswehavebeenusedto. Asabrandthathasonlymanufacturedlow-energylightingoverour 21 year life, MEGAMAN® understands that light quality is every bit asimportantasenergysavings. Offeringbetween15,000and50,000hourlifetimes,outstanding colour quality through our RichColour range, unique dim-towarmfunctionalityandevensmartlightingcontrol,MEGAMAN® productsprovidenotjustareplacementforconventionallight sourcesandfixtures,butanenhancementtoanylightingscheme. Shortpaybacktimesthankstothehighefficacyofourproducts, as well as the availability of Economy and Smart ranges alongside ourProfessionaloffering.meansthatintermsofaffordability, MEGAMAN®hasasolutiontosuitallcustomers.Customerswill be using the same MEGAMAN®lampyearafteryear,ratherthan consumingandthrowingawayoutdatedconventionallightsources. 6 MEGAMAN® DirectionalLamps underCommissionRegistration(EC)No.1194/2012 StartingSeptember Phase-out Schedule 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 A++ A+ A Will be phased out in Sept 2016 HalogenMR11,halogenMR16andhighefficiencyhalogenAR111 B Already phased out in Sept 2013 withfewexceptions1 LessefficientCFLandLEDreflectors C HalogenAR48,halogenAR70andlowefficiencyhalogenAR111 D Halogenreflectors PAR16, PAR20, PAR30, PAR38, R50, R63 and R80 E Incandescentreflectorandlessefficienthalogenreflectors R50, R63, R80 and PAR38 Already phased out in Sept 2014 Will be phased out in Sept 2016 Already phased out in Sept 2013 Non-directionallamps underCommissionRegistration(EC)No.244/2009 StartingSeptember 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 A++ A+ A HighefficiencyhalogenG4lamps RemainsafterSept2018 LessefficientCFLandLEDlamps AlreadyphasedoutinSept2009withfewexceptions2 HighefficiencyhalogenR7slamps RemainsafterSept2018 B C LowefficiencyhalogenG4lamps HighefficiencyhalogenG9lamps D E Halogen energy saver lamps (including Candle and Classic) andlowefficiencyhalogenR7slamps Clear incandescent lamps and low efficiency halogen G9 lamps Originally C class were to be banned in Sept 2016, but the schedule has been postponed to Sept 2018 Ban Remainsafter2018 Originally D class were to be banned in Sept 2016, but the schedule has been postponed to Sept 2018 Ban Already phased out in Sept 2012 Remarks: 1Exceptionsincludes: -CFLlampwithCRI≥90 -lampswithanti-glareshield 2Exceptionsincludes: - discharge lamp with cap GX53 -dischargelampwithCRI≥90andcolourtemperature≥5000K -non-clearlampwithCRI≥90 - non-clear lamp with second envelope 3 Opalandpearllampswereallbannedfrom2010. MEGAMAN® 7 Product Series As a leading innovator of LED technology, MEGAMAN® has developed an extensive range of LEDproductsforvariousdomesticandcommercialapplications.Ourproductsareclassified intothreemaincategories,namelyProfessional,SmartandEconomyseries.Eachserieshasits ownfeaturesdesignedtomeeteveryneedofconsumersandprofessionals. Professional Series Suitableforcommercialandhigh-endinteriorapplications,theProfessionalseries delivershighqualityandcomfortablelightsources.Thisseriespossessestheadvantages ofpowerfullightingperformance,perfectopticaldesignandexcellentcolourrendering. Havingasimilarprofileandoutlooktotraditionalhalogenlamps,theMEGAMAN® LEDreflectorinProfessionalseriesisdesignedwithuniquetechnologysuchasour HybridReflectorandthepatentedThermalConductiveHighway™(TCH)technologyfor maximumdurabilityandvalueoverlifetime. Smart Series Thisseriesisavalue-addedoptionforconsumerslookingforhighqualitylightingat affordableprices.Featuringsuperblightoutputwithhighefficacyandperformance, theSmartseriesisanidealreplacementfortraditionalincandescentorhalogenlamps. Thebenefitsofenergysavingsupto90%andlongerlamplifeaddtoitsappealfor consumers. Economy Series Themosteconomicaloptionamongallserieswhichservesanentry-levelLEDsolution toreplacehalogen,incandescentandCFLlamps.Itslongratedlamplifeandhighenergy savingsprovidealltheadvantagesyouexpectovertraditionallightingproducts,but with the MEGAMAN®guaranteeofquality. 8 MEGAMAN® Smart Lighting: THE NEXT CHAPTER MEGAMAN® 9 Hybrid Reflector ™ Excellent Optics, Efficacy and Beam Control BuildingonthesuccessofourpatentedThermalConductive HighwayTM (TCH) technology, MEGAMAN®isproudtooffera newrangeofproductswithagroundbreakinghybridreflector. Offeringenhancedbeamcontrolandefficacy,MEGAMAN ’s hybridreflectorcombinesthebestfeaturesofMEGAMAN®’s popularfacettedreflectorrangewiththetotalinternal reflectionofouropticalreflectortoprovideasolutionthat performsevenbetterthancompetingLEDtechnologies. ® Avoidingthe‘showerhead’lookofmultiplelenssolutions,the hybridreflectorisstillabletotakeadvantageoftheprecise beamcontroloftheparabolicreflectorapproach,while minimisingspilllight,reducingglareandeliminatingthe‘visual noise’ofmultiplelensarrays. MEGAMAN®’shybridreflectortechnologyalsocombines superiorperformance,withbeautifulaesthetics–barely distinguishablefromthemuch-lovedandfamiliarlookofa halogenreflector,butwithfarhigherefficiency. MEGAMAN® Hybrid Reflector Beam Control with TotalInternalReflection 10 MEGAMAN® Legacy Reflector SpillLightofConventional Reflector Not only does MEGAMAN®LEDlampswithhybridreflector technologyoffertheperfectaestheticreplacementforhalogen lamps, but each lamp in the series comes with U-DIM™ technology as standard,takingtheheadacheoutofreplacingyouroldhalogens. MEGAMAN® U-DIM™ technology ensures these lamps can be usedwiththewidestpossiblerangeofexistingdimmersastheyare compatiblewithbothLeading-edgeandTrailing-edgedimmersused withtraditionallightsources.Italsoallowssuperiorperformancewith enhanceddimmingfrom100%rightdowntojust5%. Excellent Optics, Efficacy and Beam Control MEGAMAN® 11 U-DIM™ Flicker free dimming compatible with widest range of existing dimmers Withthephaseoutofhigh-energyconsumingtraditional lightsources,lightingmanufacturershavearesponsibilityto make it as easy as possible for consumers to make the switch toLEDlighting.ItiswiththisinmindthatMEGAMAN® has developedarevolutionaryU-DIM™technologythatmakes switchingtoLEDeasy. Overtheyearstraditionallightsourceshaverequireddifferent typesofdimmersdependingontheirtechnology.The revolutionthatLEDbringstolightingbyreplacingalltypesof conventionalsourcesmeansauniversalsolutionisrequired forLEDtodimonalltheseexistingcircuits. Uptonow,whenreplacingtraditionallampswithLED, workingwithanincompatibledimmermayhavecauseda multitudeofissuesfromflickeringtofailure.MEGAMAN® lamps with U-DIM™ is a breakthrough in dimming technology andmakesourlampscompatiblewiththewidestpossible rangeofexistingdimmers,whethertheyareLeading-edgeor TrailingEdge.Itiseasytouse,youjust‘plug&play’soittakes theheadacheoutofupgradingyourlightingscheme. MEGAMAN® U-DIM™ also allows superior performance, flicker-freedimmingfrom100%rightdowntojust5%; combine this with our latest Dim to Warm technology and you can even have the exact same warmth as halogen when dimmedforacosyambience. U-DIM™technologywillbeofferedasstandardwith MEGAMAN®lampsusingeye-catchinghybridreflector technology.Withmainsvoltagehalogenreflectorlampsbeing phased out in the EU from September 1st 2016, this means you can rely on MEGAMAN® LEDs to replace your halogen lampsintermsofdimmingcompatibility,performanceand aesthetics,whilebenefitingfromtheenergy-savingsoffered byLEDtechnology. Leading-edge and Trailing-edge are the most popular dimmers used forconventionallightsources.Theyworkbychoppingoutparts of the voltage and reducing power to the light source in order to achievethedimmingperformance. Leading-edge also known as ‘forward-phase control dimmers, ‘triac dimmers’ or ‘incandescent dimmers’ Leading-edge dimmer switches were used originally to dim incandescentandhalogenlampsmagneticlowvoltagetransformers. OFF ON Voltage Delay Dimmed to 70% brightness Trailing-edge also known as ‘reverse-phase control dimmer’ or ‘electronic dimmers’ Trailing-edgedimmersaretraditionallyusedforelectronicdriversor lowvoltagetransformers(capacitiveloads). ON OFF Voltage Delay Dimmed to 70% brightness 12 MEGAMAN® Leading Edge or Trailing Edge? No need to worry MEGAMAN®U-DIM™lampsarecompatiblewithboth— taking theheadacheoutofdimming. MEGAMAN® 13 Dim to Warm Emits a warmer light when it is dimmed Improved dimming performance with the warmth of Halogen MEGAMAN®isproudtobethefirsttointroduceawide rangeofLEDproductsincorporatingabrandnewDimto Warmtechnology.TheseLEDlampsemitawarmerlight whentheyaredimmed.Thecolourtemperatureofthese LEDlampschangesfrom2800K(2700K)to1800Kwhenthe lampsaredimmedfrom100%to10%(from100%to1%for LED AR111 and LED MR16 constant current types), perfectly simulatingthecharacteristicsofincandescentandhalogen lamps. Unlikemanyproductsonthemarketwhichusemultiplelens arrays, MEGAMAN®’s Dim to Warm lamps contain a unique singlecircuitchipleveltechnicalsolution,allowingthemto havethesamecompactprofileasincandescentandhalogen lampswhilealsoreplicatingtheirwarmthanddimmingcurve. The MEGAMAN® LED lamps with the Dim to Warm feature are true replacements for incandescent and halogen lamps in termsoftheoutlook,size,lightingeffectandproducelighting performancethatisfamiliartoconsumers. 330°illuminationangle 330º 120º 2700K 1800K MEGAMAN®DimtoWarmistheLEDlampthatdimsliketraditionallightsources.Moving throughawidecolourtemperaturerangeof2800K(2700K)to1800Kasthelampsdimfrom 100%to10%,theclosereplicationofthedimmingcurveofhalogenandincandescentmakes MEGAMAN®DimtoWARMauniqueofferingtotheLEDmarket. 2800 MEGAMAN® LED Classic Other LED Classic Colour Temperature (K) 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Wattage MEGAMAN® Dim to Warm 14 MEGAMAN® Traditional light source Other brand Dim to Warm TCH AR111/ProfessionalSeries 2800K-1800K│ Ra82 Model No. ER3712w-75H24D ER3912w-75H45D Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) 80º 12 80º 5000 24 80º 60º 12 60º 2000 45 60º 0 1250 Total Luminous Flux (lm) 0 350mA (DC 36V) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Dim to Warm 40000 hrs Length (mm) 111mm Dimmable G53 Energy Label 85080º 750 58 100-1% A 85060º 750 58 100-1% A 500 1000 2500 Capableoflineardimmingfrom100%to1%whenconnectedtoaLEDconstantcurrentreductionconverterwithoutputcurrentof350mAandvoltageDC36VandDC1-10Vdimmer. 40º 40º 40º 40º 1500 If the lamps are connected to a MEGAMAN®LEDconverterLD0214x1d-C350,thedimmingrangeis100%to10%. 3750 5000 ER3712w-75H24D 0 80º 1250 60º 20º 60º 2500 40º 3750 40º 5000 20º 0º 0º 20º 80º 20º m Lux Ø cm 20000 21 1 5000 43 1.5 2222 64 2 1250 85 20º 0 80º 0.5 2000 ER3912w-75H45D 500 60º 60º 1000 40º 40º 1500 2000 Beam angle = 24° 20º 0º 20º m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 0.5 20000 21 0.5 8000 41 1 5000 43 1 2000 83 1.5 2222 64 1.5 889 124 2 1250 85 2 500 166 Beam angle = 24° 0º 20º 80º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 8000 41 1 2000 83 1.5 889 124 2 500 166 Beam angle = 45° Beam angle = 45° TCH MR16/Professional Series Dim to Warm ER3306w-50H36D 0 80º 275 80º 60º 275 60º 60º 2800K-1800K│ Ra82 350mA (DC 18V) 40000 hrs Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable ER3306w-50H36D 6 1100 36 500 330 45 100-1% 50mm Capableoflineardimmingfrom100%to1%whenconnectedtoaLEDconstantcurrentreductionconverterwithoutputcurrentof350mAandvoltageDC18VandDC1-10Vdimmer. If the lamps are connected to a MEGAMAN®U-DIM™LEDconverterLD0208x1d-C350,thedimmingrangeis100%to5%andcompatiblewithbothleading-edgeandtrailing-edgedimmers. ForfurtherinformationonU-DIM™technology,pleaserefertopage12. GU5.3 80º 0 80º 60º 550 550 40º 40º 825 40º 40º 825 Energy Label 20º A m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 4400 Ø cm 32 0.5 1 4400 1100 32 65 1 1.5 1100 489 65 95 1.5 2 489 275 95 126 2 275 Beam angle = 36° 126 20º 0º 0º 1100 1100 20º 20º Beam angle = 36° Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/userguideforthecompatibledimmerlist. MEGAMAN® 15 Dim to Warm Dim to Warm PAR16/SmartSeries LR5006wDG-WFL 0 80º 0 120 80º 80º 60º 120 60º 60º 2800K-1800K│ Ra82 220-240V 25000 hrs 50mm GU10 Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label LR5006wDG-WFL 6 480 35 400 280 57 100-5% A 80º 60º 240 240 40º 40º 360 40º 40º 360 20º 480 480 0º 20º 0º 20º 20º m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 1920 Ø cm 32 0.5 1 1920 480 32 63 1 1.5 480 213 63 95 1.5 2 213 120 95 126 2 120 Beam angle = 35° 126 Beam angle = 35° Dim to Warm CANDLE/SmartSeries 1 2 3 4 2700K-1800K│ Ra80 Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) 25000 hrs 220-240V Dimmable Energy Label E14 Product Photo 25 LC0404w 4 250 35 100 100-10% A+ 1 25 LC0404wCS 4 250 35 100 100-10% A+ 2 40 LC1106w 6 470 40 106 100-10% A+ 3 40 LC1106wCS 6 470 40 106 100-10% A+ 4 Dim to Warm CLASSIC/SmartSeries 1 2 3 4 2700K-1800K│ Ra80 25000 hrs 220-240V Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. Lamp Base Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product photo P45 25 LG2604w E14 4 250 45 84 100-10% A+ 1 P45 40 LG5206w E14 6 470 45 80 100-10% A+ 2 A55 40 LG2207w E27 7 470 55 104 100-10% A+ 3 A65 60 LG2310.5w E27 10.5 810 65 125 100-10% A+ 4 E27lampbaseisavailableforCandlewith470lmandClassicP45. Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. 16 MEGAMAN® Dim to Warm MEGAMAN® 17 Step Dimming LED lamp with a 'built-in dimmer' MEGAMAN® launched an LED product range with a 'built-in dimmer'thatoffersLEDlampswithastepdimmingfeature.These LED lamps provide a convenient, simple and instant way to adjust thebrightnesslevelto100%,60%and20%withtheuseofany standard(ON/OFF)switch. Thisnewproductrangeisdesignedtoofferyoutheflexibilityto createtheperfectmoodforanyoccasion.TheLEDlampsavailable inthisrangeincludetheCandle,Classic,PAR16reflector,R50 reflector,R63reflectorandGX53,theyofferexcellentlightoutput fordifferenthouseholdandcommercialapplications.Withthestep dimming technology embedded in the LED lamp, users can enjoy reducedelectricitycostswhenthelampisdimmed. Three adjustable brightness levels: 100%, 60% and 20% 100% 60% Dim the LED lamp with any ordinary light switch A convenient and simple way to create the perfect mood for any occasion Fullrangetocaterfordifferentapplications 18 MEGAMAN® 20% Step Dimming Step Dimming PAR16/SmartSeries 2800K│ Ra82 Model No. 60º LR2105sDG-WFL LR2106sDG-WFL 0 80º 60º 40º 255 0º 350 0º 350 60º 40º 20º 20º Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam 80º Angle (°) 350 40 m Lux Ø cm 0.5 1400 36 1 350 73 1.5 156 109 2 88 146 Beam angle = 40° 250 480 40º 40 360 360 LR2106sDG-WFL 0 60º 60º 40º 360 0º 480 0º 480 40º 220-240V 25000 hrs 20º m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 0.5 1400 36 0.5 1920 36 1 350 73 1 480 73 1.5 156 109 1.5 213 109 2 88 146 2 120 146 Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 220 57 100%,60%,20% A 265 57 100%,60%,20% A 20º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 1920 36 1 480 73 1.5 213 109 2 120 146 Beam angle = 40° Step Dimming R50 & R63/SamrtSeries 1 2 Model No. R50 LR2606s-SWFL E14 90 R63 LR2408s-SWFL 40º E27 8 135 80º Lamp Base 2800K│ Ra82 Lamp Type Wattage 0 (W) 80º Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) 80º 190 90 230 90 45 60º LR2606s-SWFL 20º 0 60º 90 40º 40º 135 0º 190 6 0º 190 60º 40º 20º 80º 45 60º 20º 20º LR2408s-SWFL m Lux Ø cm 0.5 760 100 1 190 200 1.5 84 300 2 48 400 Beam angle = 90° 60º 110 40º 40º 165 0º 40º 230 Total 0 Luminous Flux (lm) 55 400 600 0º Luminous Flux in 90° 80º cone (lm) 60º 250 110 40º 350 165 230 4000K│Ra85 220-240V 25000 hrs Luminous Flux in 120° cone (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo 340 50 87 100%,60%,20% A+ 1 520 63 104 100%,60%,20% A+ 2 20º 80º 55 60º 20º 60º 20º 0 80º 20º m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 0.5 760 100 0.5 920 100 1 190 200 1 230 200 1.5 84 300 1.5 102 300 2 48 400 2 58 400 Beam angle = 90° GU10 Beam angle = 40° Beam angle = 40° 80º 50mm 80º 240 40º 60º 240 20º 120 20º 0 Total Luminous 80º Flux (lm) 120 60º 80º 80º 170 40º 6 255 20º 85 60º 5 170 40º LR2105sDG-WFL 20º 0 Wattage 80º (W) 85 80º 4000K│Ra85 m Lux Ø cm 0.5 920 100 1 230 200 1.5 102 300 2 58 400 Beam angle = 90° Beam angle = 90° MEGAMAN® 19 Step Dimming Step Dimming CANDLE & CLASSIC/SmartSeries 1 2 3 4 5 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│Ra80 220-240V 25000 hrs Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. Lamp Base Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo Candle 40 LC1106s E14 6 470 40 106 100%,60%,20% A+ 1 P45 40 LG5206s E14 6 470 45 80 100%,60%,20% A+ 2 A55 40 LG2206s E27 6 470 55 104 100%,60%,20% A+ 3 A60 60 LG2509.5s E27 9.5 810 60 115 100%,60%,20% A+ 4 A65 75 LG2311s E27 11 1055 65 125 100%,60%,20% A+ 5 E27 lamp base is available for Candle and Classic P45 Step Dimming GX53/SmartSeries 1 2 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 25000 hrs 75mm Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo LR2205s 5 300 24 100,60%,20% A+ 1 LR3307s 7 520 32 100,60%,20% A+ 2 20 MEGAMAN® GX53 Step Dimming MEGAMAN® 21 RichColour True Colour Reproduction MEGAMAN RichColour is a new range of LED lamps designed tomaximisetherichnessandqualityofcolours.Withhighcolour rendering of up to Ra95, MEGAMAN® RichColour is the perfect LEDreplacementforhalogenlampsinapplicationswherethe faithfulcolourreproductionassociatedwithnaturallightiscrucial. Theseplacesincluderetailstores,artgalleriesandmuseums. ® Taking colour enhancement yet a step further, MEGAMAN® RichColour+combinesallthebenefitsofstandardRichColour technologywithenhancedredcolourrendition(R9)of≥75- maximisingthevisualimpactofmeat,freshfruitandvegetables. The well-balanced and high quality light of RichColour+ lamps makesthemtheperfectchoiceforfoodandotherdisplaylighting applicationswherethevisualappealofitemsisessential. TSC Appearance under daylight R1 Light greyish red R2 Dark greyish yellow R3 Strong yellow green R4 Moderate yellowish green R5 Light bluish green R6 Light blue R7 Light violet R8 Light reddish purple R9 Strong red R10 Strong yellow R11 Strong green R12 Strong blue R13 Light yellowish pink R14 Moderate olive green Sample Figure 1 Test Colour Sample 100 80 RichColour 60 40 RichColour+ RichColour 20 0 High colour rendition of Ra ≥95 + High red colour rendition (R9) value of ≥ 75 High colour rendition of Ra ≥90 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 Colour Rendering Index (CRI) MEGAMAN® R9 LED 2800K MEGAMAN® Standard LED 2800K Whenwedeterminethegeneralcolourrenderingindex,thefirst eightcoloursintheTestColourSample(TCS;seeFigure1)defined inaccordancewithDIN6169areemployedforthecalculation.In additiontotheseeightcolours(R1toR8),thereareanothersix colours (R9 to R14) that are more vivid and known as “saturated” colours. The MEGAMAN® RichColour+ lamp not only has high colour rending indexof≥95andahighredcolourrendition(R9)valueof≥75,butit also has a high value of the other “saturated” colours (R10 to R14), whichallowsthebeautifulredofanobjecttoberevealedandcreates well-balancedandhigh-qualitylighting. 22 MEGAMAN® RichColour+ Hybrid Reflector PAR16/ProfessionalSeries 2800K│Ra95 Model No. LR5907dR9HR-75H24D LR5907dR9HR-75H35D 4000K│Ra95 U-DIM™ 220-240V Ra95 RichColour + 25000 hrs 50mm GU10 value≥75 Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label NEW 7 2650 24 580 420 57 100-5% A+ NEW 7 1650 35 580 420 57 100-5% A+ Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.ccforthelatestphotometricandluxdiagrams. Dimmable MR16/SmartSeries 1 Model No. 600 60º ER3308dR9LN-FL NEW ER3308dR9DG-WFL ER3308dR9LN-FL 1200 40º 1800 0º 2400 Wattage 80º (W) 8 1200 NEW 18008 0º 20º Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) 60º 2400 40º 20º 80º 60º 40º 40º 20º 600 60º 20º 0 80º 80º m Lux Ø cm 9600 21 1 2400 43 1.5 1067 64 2 600 85 Beam angle = 24° 2400 24 1450 40º 36 ER3308dR9DG-WFL 0 20º 362 60º 724 40º 40º 1086 0º 1450 500 60º 724 500 1086 0º 1450 40º 4000K│Ra95 Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) AC12V Length (mm) 25000 hrs 50mm Dimmable GU5.3 Energy Label value≥75 Product photo 420 49 100-10% A 1 420 49 100-10% A 2 20º 80º 362 60º 20º Total Luminous 80º Flux (lm) 0 60º 80º 0.5 Beam Angle (°) 80º 20º m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 0.5 9600 21 0.5 5800 32 1 2400 43 1 1450 63 1.5 1067 64 1.5 644 95 2 600 85 2 363 126 Beam angle = 24° Ra95 2 2800K│Ra95 0 RichColour + m Lux Ø cm 0.5 5800 32 1 1450 63 1.5 644 95 2 363 126 Beam angle = 35° Beam angle = 35° For further information on U-DIM™ technology, please refer to page 12. Please refer to the website www.megaman.cc/user-guide for the compatible dimmer and halogen transformer lists. Preliminary data MEGAMAN® 23 RichColour Dimmable CLASSIC/SmartSeries 1 Lamp Type 2 Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) 3 2800K│Ra92 Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) 4000K│Ra92 Length (mm) Ra92 RichColour 220-240V Dimmable 25000 hrs Energy Label Product Photo A60 40 LG7207dR9 NEW 7 470 60 112 100-10% A+ 1 A60 60 LG7310.5dR9 NEW 10.5 810 60 117 100-10% A+ 2 A65 75 LG7813dR9 NEW 13 1055 65 125 100-10% A+ 3 RichColour CANDLE/SmartSeries 1 2 3 4 Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. Candle 25 LC0403.5R9v2 NEW 5 2800K│Ra92 4000K│Ra92 E27 Ra92 220-240V 15000 hrs Lamp Base Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo E14 3.5 250 35 100 No A+ 1 Candle 40 LC0405.5R9 NEW E14 5.5 470 35 100 No A+ 1 P45 25 LG2603.5R9v2 NEW E14 3.5 250 45 84 No A+ 2 P45 40 LG2605.5R9 NEW E14 5.5 470 45 84 No A+ 2 A60 40 LG7105.5R9 NEW E27 5.5 470 60 109 No A+ 3 A60 60 LG7310R9 NEW E27 10 810 60 117 No A+ 4 A65 75 LG7812R9 NEW E27 12 1055 65 125 No A+ 5 E27lampbaseisavailableforCandlewith470lmandClassicP45. Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. Preliminary data 24 MEGAMAN® MEGAMAN® 25 Perfect White Brings whites to life MEGAMAN®PerfectWhitetechnologyisasolutionthatoffers retailersadistinctadvantageenhancingtextilesbybringingwhites tolifewhilestillofferingsuperbefficacyandenergyefficiency, comparedtotraditionallightsources.Itisideallysuitedforretail lightingaswellasotheraccentanddisplayapplications. The Perfect White range produces a high quality light that mimics theeffectofdaylightonwhiteobjects,givingthemanatural vibrancythatmakesthemstandoutfromcrowd. Designed to replace 75W halogen AR111, MEGAMAN® LED AR111reflectorswithPerfectwhiteTechnologysavesupto84% ofenergywhiledeliveringexcellentlightoutput.Itslonglasting naturegreatlyreducesmaintenancetimeandtheglasscover designmakesmaintenanceeveneasier. So how does it work? MEGAMAN® ‘s Perfect White introduces violet light with a peak at 410nm in the near visible, non-harmful part of the spectrum - also found in natural sunlight - to provide an output that closely mimics theeffectofnaturaldaylightonwhiteobjects. 1.5 1.5 Violet ‘peaks’ at 410 0.5 0 0 400 500 600 700 800 MEGAMAN® Perfect White LED Spectral Response Curve The rest of the spectrum is unchanged – ensuring all other colours remain just as vibrant 1.5 1.0 Violet ‘peaks’ at 410 0.5 0 400 500 600 700 800 The rest of the spectrum is unchanged ensuring all other colours remain just as v 1.0 No ‘peak’ in Violet part of spectrum 0.5 0 MEGAMAN® MEGAMAN® Perfect White LED Spectral Response Curve 1.0 How does MEGAMAN® achieve this? Manywhiteobjectsandespeciallytextilesfoundinretailstores contain Fluorescent Whitening Agents (FWAs) which, when excited,fluoresce–givingtheobjectabrighterandlivelier appearance.Thisiswhyclothesoftenlookbetterwhenshown innaturaldaylight.Importantlythevioletelementwithin ® MEGAMAN Standard MEGAMAN®’s Perfect White technology, leaves the rest of the 2800K LED their Spectral Response Curve spectrum unchanged - so other colours maintain vibrancy 1.5 too.ThevioletjustexcitestheFWAs,producinga‘Perfect’ whitefinishthatnotonlymakestheproductleapoutfromany backgroundbutincreasescontrast.Asaresultretailshops, 1.0 inparticularfashionstores,willfindtheirmerchandisemore No ‘peak’ in Violet part of spectrum attractiveandconvincingwhenexposedtoPerfectWhite’slight source. 0.5 26 MEGAMAN® Standard 2800K LED Spectral Response Curve 400 500 600 700 800 400 500 600 70 Perfect White TCH AR111/ProfessionalSeries Dimmable 3000K│Ra82 Model No. 80º 60º ER2712p-75H24D 12 12 3150 40º 60º 20º 0º 20º 0 1050 60º 60º 2100 40º 3150 4200 0º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 16800 21 1 40º 20º 60º 1500 40º 0 4200 60º 1867 64 2 1050 85 1125 40º 1500 20º 0º 20º m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 0.5 16800 21 0.5 6000 41 1 4200 43 1 1500 83 1.5 1867 64 1.5 667 124 2 1050 85 2 375 166 Beam angle = 24° 35000 hrs 111mm Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 700 560 58 100-10% A 70040º 1125 560 58 100-10% A 750 45 AC 12V Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) 60º 24 20º 60º 40º Total Luminous 80º 375 Flux (lm) 0 G53 0º 20º 80º 750 43 1.5 Beam angle = 24° 375 Beam Angle (°) 1500 ER2912p-75H45D 80º 80º 80º 4200 40º 4200 ER2712p-75H24D 80º Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) 2100 ER2912p-75H45D 20º Wattage 80º (W) 1050 0 Perfect White m Lux Ø cm 0.5 6000 41 1 1500 83 1.5 667 124 2 375 166 Beam angle = 45° Beam angle = 45° Please refer to the website www.megaman.cc/user-guide for the compatible dimmer and halogen transformer lists. MEGAMAN® 27 LED MELLOTONE Withawarmcolourtemperatureof2400K,theMEGAMAN® LED Mellotone seriesisdesignedtodeliverharmoniousilluminationtocreateawarmandcosy environment.Whentheselampsareusedinaroomwithwoodenwallpanels orfurniture,acomfortableandinvitingenvironmentiseasilyachieved. LEDMellotonemakesspecificcommercialenvironmentssuchashotels, restaurantsandfurniturestoresevenmoreattractiveandinspiringfortheir customers.Itisalsopopularforbakerylightingandpresentsacosyshopping environmentandvibrantpastriesandbreads. Dimmable MELLOTONE/PAR16/Smart Series LR1206dDGv2-WFL 0 80º 85 80º 60º 85 60º 60º 2400K│ Ra80 220-240V 25000 hrs 50mm Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable LR1206dDGv2-WFL 6 350 35 300 230 57 100-10% GU10 Energy Label A 80º 0 80º 60º 170 170 40º 40º 255 40º 40º 255 20º 0º 20º 0º 350 350 20º 20º m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 1400 Ø cm 32 0.5 1 1400 350 32 65 1 1.5 350 156 65 95 1.5 2 156 88 95 126 2 88 Beam angle = 35° 126 Beam angle = 35° Dimmable MELLOTONE/Candle/Smart Series 1 2 2400K│ Ra80 220-240V 25000 hrs Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo 21 LC0803.5dCS 3.5 210 100 100-10% A+ 1 30 LC0805dCS 5 330 100 100-10% A+ 2 Dimmable MELLOTONE/Classic/Smart Series 1 2 3 4 E14 35mm 2400K│ Ra80 220-240V 25000 hrs Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. Lamp Base Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo P45 21 LG2603.5d E14 3.5 210 45 84 100-10% A+ 1 P45 21 LG4003.5dCS E14 3.5 210 45 84 100-10% A+ 2 A55 33 LG4106dCS E27 6 380 55 104 100-10% A+ 3 A55 33 LG2207d E27 7 380 55 104 100-10% A 4 E27lampbaseisavailableforClassicP45. Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. 28 MEGAMAN® LED BRILLIANT TONE Utilising5500Killumination,MEGAMAN® LED Brilliant Tone produces captivatingandsparklinglighteffects.Itistheidealchoicetodemonstratethe beautyofjewellery,diamondsandcrystals.Thebrightandvividlightcolour unfolds the detail of the merchandise and gives the displayed jewellery an extra sparkletoattracteveryone’sattentionandhelpdriveapurchase.Itgenerates lessheatascomparedtoconventionallamps,andcanbeover80%more energyefficient. TCH BRILLIANT TONE/MR16/ProfessionalSeries 5500K│Ra85 Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) 0 80º Beam Angle (°) ER0510-50H24D 10 825 ER0510-50H36D 10 1650 60º 3300 24 1500 36 60º 40º 2475 Total Luminous Flux (lm) 0 80º 80º 375 620 60º 80º 60º 750 700 40º 40º 1125 Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) 460mA (DC20V) Length (mm) Dimmable 30000 hrs Dimmable 50mm GU5.3 Energy Label 575 82 100-1% A 600 82 100-1% A 40º LEDconstantcurrentconverterwithoutputcurrentof460mAandvoltageDC20VisrequiredforER0510-50H24DandER0510-50H36D.TherecommendedMEGAMAN®LEDconverterisLD0110x1v-C460. 3300 ER0510-50H24D 20º 20º 825 60º 1650 40º 2475 40º 3300 0º 20º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 13200 21 1 3300 43 1.5 1467 64 2 825 85 Beam angle = 24° 1500 ER0510-50H36D 20º 375 60º 750 40º 1125 40º 1500 0º 20º m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 0.5 13200 21 0.5 6000 32 1 3300 43 1 1500 65 1.5 1467 64 1.5 667 97 2 825 85 2 375 130 Beam angle = 24° 20º 80º 60º 20º 0º 0 80º 80º 60º 20º 0º 0 80º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 6000 32 1 1500 65 1.5 667 97 2 375 130 Beam angle = 36° Beam angle = 36° MEGAMAN® 29 Smart Lighting INGENIUM® BLU is a brand new series of LED lamps which use Bluetoothtechnologytoconnecttoandcontrollightingfixtures inhomesandcommercialspaces.WiththeINGENIUM® BLU solution’sintegratedBluetoothtechnologyyoucanenjoythe benefitsofsmartlightingwithinstantandeasyset-up. Simple and Affordable INGENIUM® BLU is the most economical way to get started with a smart lighting solution. Easy Installation Can be set up without wiring, making it accessible and cost-effective for everyone Mobile Control Control the latest MEGAMAN® LED via a smart devices Scene Setting Set lighting routines that fit your lifestyle Energy-savings High energy savings when dimming function is used For the product specifications, please refer to page 36 (LED PAR16), page 56 (LED Classic) and page 82 (LED Light Engine TECOH® THx) for details. 30 MEGAMAN® INGENIUM® BLU INGENIUM®BLUappliesBluetooth4.1technologyandusesamesh network topology – a key network architecture that extends the coverageareaseveraltimeswiderthanbeforeandallowsforthecontrol ofsubstantiallymorelampsordevices–allwhileusinglessofyour smartdevice’sbatterypower.Givinguserssimultaneouscontrolofup to8timesmorelampsordevices(64)thanwithitsfirstgeneration products, the upgraded INGENIUM® BLU system also boasts improved dimmingperformancewitharangeof100%-5%. How it works with Retrofit LED Products with Dimming Modules 4.1 4.1 Standard MEGAMAN® LED products INGENIUM® BLU Products Wall-mounted controller 250W Dimming module Phase-out dimming 100W Dimming module Phase-out dimming Remote controller INGENIUM BLU App ® Power Switchthelightsonandoff Dimming Adjust brightness level with linear dimming functions Timer Pre-setthetimetolightupthelampfrom lowest to full brightness Grouping Controllightingdevicesroom-by-room Scenes Simple,stylishandintelligent–theadvantagesincludeeasyinstallation, availabilityofdirectLEDretrofit,wirelesscompatibility,dimmingfeature, precisionscenesettingandgreaterenergy-savingusingtheapp. Technical Information Bluetooth version 4.1 Expected coverage 10 metres Maximumnumberoflamps/devicestobe connectedatthesametime 64 Maximum number of groups At least 8 groups available (dependent of smart device) Maximum number of lamps per group 64 Maximum number of scene set per group At least 8 scenes available (dependent of smart device) Control unit Smart device with app (iOS or Android), remote controller and wall-mounted controller Network topology Mesh Applications Householduse,showroom,lounge,functionroom, conferenceroom,receptionarea,office,etc. Recommendedoperatingsystemsversionsof the smart devices iOS6.1andlaterversion,Android4.3andlaterversion Setprogrammersforyourfavoritesettings for repeated use Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.ingenium.ccforlatestinformation. Preliminary data MEGAMAN® 31 Smart Lighting Scalable and Interoperable Smart Lighting System for High-end Applications INGENIUM®ZBisascalablesmartlightingsolutionworkingwith ZigBee® technology that allows users to gain wireless control over all INGENIUM®ZBlightingproducts.Itiscompatiblewithpopular ZigBee® equipped super gateways, allowing you to add general lightingtoyoursmarthomeautomationsystem. How it works with Retrofit LED Products Wifi / 3G Wifi / 3 or Compatible with Common ZigBee® Equipped Super Gateways Super Gateway INGENIUM® ZB Gateway Allows interoperability between MEGAMAN®LEDlightingand other home equipment Super Gateway with Dimming Modules Detectors & Sensors Home Security Lighting Wifi / 3G Wifi / 3G Locks & Garage Doors or Super Gateway Dimmer, Switch & Outlets INGENIUM® ZB Gateway Thermostat Video Camera or Super Gateway INGENIUM® ZB Gateway Air-Conditioner / Water Heater MEGAMAN® Standard Dimmable LED Products CompatiblewithotherZigBee smarthomesolutions 32 MEGAMAN® Scalable, large coverage Remote access MEGAMAN® Smart Lighting – INGENIUM® ZB MEGAMAN®SmartLightingwillbeabridgebetweengenerallightingandsmarthomesystem INGENIUM® ZB Products Wall-mounted controller Gateway 250W Dimming module*; Triac dimming 100W Dimming module*; Triac dimming Remote controller Technical Information Expected coverage 30 metres Maximumnumberoflamps/devicestobe connectedatthesametime At least 200 units Maximum number of groups At least 200 groups Maximumnumberoflamps/devicespergroup 200 Maximum number of scene set per group At least 255 scenes available Control unit Smart device with app (iOS or Android), remote controller, wall-mounted controller Network topology Mesh Applications Hotel,office,restaurant,showroom,gallery,household use etc Recommendedoperatingsystemsversionsof the smart devices iOS7andlaterversion,Android4.0andlaterversion For the product specifications, please refer to page 56 for details. Preliminary data MEGAMAN® 33 LED PAR16 CombiningthebenefitsofthepopularMEGAMAN®facettedreflectordesign withthetotalinternalreflectionofouropticalreflector,MEGAMAN® is proudtoofferaground-breakingHybridReflectorsolutionwithenhanced beamcontrolandefficacy.ThenewLEDPAR16withHybridReflector technologydeliverssuperiorperformancewithbeautifulaesthetics–barely distinguishablefromthefamiliarlookofahalogenreflector,butwithfarhigher efficiency. EachdimmablelampwiththeHybridReflectortechnologycomeswith the latest MEGAMAN® U-DIM™ technology as a standard feature, which ensurestheselampscanbeusedwiththewidestpossiblerangeofexisting dimmers(compatiblewithbothleading-edgeandtrailing-edgedimmers)with theenhanceddimmingrangefrom100%rightdowntojust5%.Forfurther informationontheHybridReflectorandU-DIM™technologies,pleasereferto pages10-13. Differentfromthemultiplelenssolutionsinthemarket,the MEGAMAN®LEDPAR16reflectorrangeusesthreedifferent methodstocontrollight:dualaxiallymountedLEDsusinga parabolicreflectorwithHybridReflector,ThermalConductive HighwayTM(TCH)technology,opticalreflector,andLEDplus prismaticcontroller.Thisapproachallowsforalltheassociated advantagesofprecisebeamcontrol,highefficiency,excellent lightingperformance,minimisedspilllight,andlessglare. Toenhancetoanylightingscheme,MEGAMAN®offersthe LED PAR16 range with outstanding colour quality through our RichColour+technology,uniqueDimtoWarmfunctionality,Step Dimmingtechnologytodimthelampwithordinaryon/offswitch, andevensmartlightingcontrol. 50W Alternatives Hybrid Reflector PAR16/ProfessionalSeries 1 2 Model No. LR5606dHR-50H24D1 NEW 2800K│ Ra82 220-240V 4000K│Ra85 25000 hrs U-DIM™ 50mm GU10 Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo 6 2200 24 500 350 57 100-5% A+ 1 LR5907dHR-75H24D NEW 7 3200 24 700 500 57 100-5% A+ 2 LR5606dHR-50H35D1 NEW 6 1200 35 500 350 57 100-5% A+ 1 NEW 7 2000 35 700 500 57 100-5% A+ 2 1 LR5907dHR-75H35D1 Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.ccforthelatestphotometricandluxdiagrams. TCH PAR16/Professional Series 2800K│ Ra82 Model No. LR4407d-50H24D 0 80º LR4407-50H24D 550 Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) 7 2200 7 60º LR4407d-50H35D 11007 40º LR4407-50H35D 7 1650 LR4407-50H24D/LR4407d-50H24D 20º 80º 0º 20º 550 60º 60º 1100 40º 1650 40º 2200 20º 0º 20º 1200 LR4407d-50H35D/LR4407-50H35D 20º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 8800 21 1 2200 43 1.5 978 64 2 550 85 Beam angle = 24° 300 60º 600 40º 40º 900 0º 1200 20º m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 8800 21 0.5 4800 32 1 2200 43 1 1200 65 1.5 978 64 1.5 533 95 2 550 85 2 300 126 Beam angle = 35° Please refer to the website www.megaman.cc/user-guide for the compatible dimmer list. 1 Preliminary Data 34 MEGAMAN® 450 330 64 100-10% A 335 64 No A 330 64 100-10% A 335 64 No A 600 450 900 0º 1200 40º 500 20º 80º 0.5 Beam angle = 24° Energy Label 0 60º 20º Dimmable 60º 35 m Lux Ø cm 0.5 4800 32 1 1200 65 1.5 533 95 2 300 126 Beam angle = 35° 50mm Length (mm) 500 40º 25000 hrs Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) 80º 35 220-240V Total Luminous Flux (lm) 300 60º 80º 80º 0 24 1200 40º 0 80º 24 80º 2200 60º 2200 Beam Angle (°) 4000K│Ra85 GU10 50W Alternatives PAR16/SmartSeries 1 2 3 2800K│ Ra82 Model No. LR4605dLN-WFL1 220-240V 4000K│ Ra85 25000 hrs 50mm Wattage (W) Max. Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo 5 600 35 345 265 57 100-5% A+ 1 LR5007dDG-WFL 7 780 35 700 460 57 100-10% A+ 3 LR4605.5dDG-WFL 5.5 560 35 500 345 57 100-5% A+ 2 480 40 265 57 100-5% 200 60 300 60 NEW LR4605dDG-WFL LR4605dDG-VWFL 50 80º 5150 60º LR4605.5dDG-VWFL LR5007dDG-VWFL LR4605dLN-WFL 0 80º 60º 40º 450 20º 0º 600 m Lux LR4605dDG-WFL 0.5 80º 1 60º 1.5 2400 600 0 120 267 150 Lux 0.5 80º 2400 1 60º 1.5 0º Ø cm LR5007dDG-VWFL m Lux 0.5 80º 1920 1 60º 1.5 480 2 90 213 120 40º Beam angle = 40° 20º 0 180 270 0º 360 60 LR5007dDG-WFL 20º 0 120 267 195 60º 390 63 60º 95 150 40º 40º 585 20º 0º 126 40º 360 480 20º 63 60º 95 Lux 0.5 80º 1920 1 60º 1.5 480 Ø cm 20º 90 213 120 40º Beam angle = 40° 20º Ø cm 0 0º 180 270 360 1 60º 1.5 36 80º 146 40º 3120 780 0 50 347 2 40º 195 Beam angle = 35° 20º 20º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 1440 58 1 360 115 1.5 160 173 2 90 231 0º Ø cm 40º 700 40º 0º 780 Lux 20º 0.5 80º 3120 LR4605.5dDG-WFL 1 60º 1.5 780 50 347 3280º 63 60º 95 195 Beam angle = 35° 140 60º 280 40º 40º 420 20º 0º 200 20º 20º 63 60º 95 150 20º m Lux 0.5 800 58 1 200 115 1.5 59 173 2 50 231 Beam angle = 60° Ø cm 1 60º 1.5 0º 560 2240 560 0 Ø cm 75 63 60º 95 140 0º 126 40º 225 300 20º m Lux Ø cm m Lux 0.5 800 58 0.5 1200 58 1 200 115 1 300 115 1.5 59 173 1.5 133 173 2 50 231 2 75 231 Beam angle = 60° 2 A+ 3 60º 40º 420 0º 100-10% 560 m Lux 20º 0.5 80º 2240 1 60º 1.5 560 Ø cm 0 75 249 3280º 63 60º 95 140 Beam angle = 35° 20º 0º 126 40º 225 300 20º 3280º 249 Beam angle = 35° 20º A+ 2 40º 20º 150 2 40º 100-5% 150 LR4605.5dDG-VWFL m Lux 0.5 80º 280 80º 80º 60º 126 40º 150 2 57 20º 0 Ø cm 0 A+ 57 80º m 100-5% 40º 460 585 2 140 0 60º 345 3280º 126 40º 200 60º A+ 57 80º 265 500390 2 40º 20º 146 40º 60º 80º 100 100 73 60º 109 36 80º 73 60º 109 780 LR4605dDG-VWFL m Lux 20º 0.5 80º m 0º 360195 80º 60º 3280º 3600 80º 20º 0 Ø cm 3280º 126 40º 480 600 Beam angle = 35° 2 20º 360 80º m 2 40º 20º 360 Beam angle = 35° 0º 600 240 240 2 40º 7 40º 450 20º 300 40º 60º 80º 150 60º 80º 300 5.5 40º GU10 m Lux 0.5 1200 58 1 300 115 1.5 133 173 2 75 231 Ø cm Beam angle = 60° Ø cm Beam angle = 60° Beam angle = 60° 20º m Lux 0.5 1440 Ø cm 58 1 360 115 1.5 160 173 2 90 231 Beam angle = 60° PAR16/Economy Series 2800K│ Ra80 Model No. 80º LR4605DGv2-WFL 40º 0 80º 207 60º 60º LR4605DGv2-WFL 0 80º 20º 60º 414 40º 40º 621 20º 0º 830 0º 830 15000 hrs 50mm Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 5 830 35 500 420 57 No A++ GU10 20º 80º 207 60º 40º 220-240V Wattage (W) 414 621 4000K│ Ra80 20º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 2800 36 1 700 73 1.5 311 109 2 175 146 m Lux Ø cm 0.5 2800 36 1 700 73 1.5 311 109 2 175 146 Beam angle = 35° Beam angle = 35° Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. 1 Preliminary Data MEGAMAN® 35 Smart Lighting The next chapter 50W Alternatives INGENIUM® BLU PAR16/Smart Series LR3808dBT-WFL 0 80º 0 188 80º 188 60º 60º 2800K│ Ra82 Model No. Wattage (W) LR3808dBT-WFL Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) 8 750 Beam Angle (°) 4000K│ Ra85 Total Luminous Flux (lm) 35 540 220-240V Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) 410 25000 hrs Length (mm) 50mm Dimmable 65 100-10% GU10 80º 80º 60º 375 375 40º 563 40º 60º 40º 40º 563 Energy Label A ThePAR16reflectorLR3808dBT-WFLisBluetooth4.0enabledLEDlamp. 20º 0º 20º 0º 750 750 20º 20º m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 3000 Ø cm 32 0.5 1 3000 750 32 65 1 1.5 750 333 65 95 1.5 2 333 188 95 126 2 188 Beam angle = 35° 126 Beam angle = 35° Dim to Warm PAR16/Smart Series LR5006wDG-WFL 0 80º 0 120 80º 80º 60º 120 60º 60º 2800K-1800K│ Ra82 220-240V 25000 hrs 50mm Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable LR5006wDG-WFL 6 480 35 400 280 57 100-5% GU10 Energy Label A Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. 240 240 40º 360 40º 80º 60º 40º 40º 360 20º 0º 20º 0º 480 480 20º 20º m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 1920 Ø cm 32 0.5 1 1920 480 32 63 1 1.5 480 213 63 95 1.5 2 213 120 95 126 2 120 Beam angle = 35° 126 Beam angle = 35° Step Dimming PAR16/Smart Series LR2106sDG-WFL 0 80º 0 120 80º 80º 60º 120 60º 60º 2800K│ Ra82 4000K│ Ra85 220-240V 25000 hrs 50mm Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable LR2106sDG-WFL 6 480 40 360 265 57 100%,60%,20% GU10 Energy Label A 240 240 40º 360 40º MEGAMAN® 60º 40º 40º 360 20º 0º 20º 0º 480 480 20º 20º m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 1920 Ø cm 36 0.5 1 1920 480 36 73 1 1.5 480 213 73 109 1.5 2 213 120 109 146 2 120 Beam angle = 40° 146 Beam angle = 40° 36 80º 50W Alternatives Hybrid Reflector PAR16/ProfessionalSeries 2800K│Ra95 Model No. 4000K│Ra95 U-DIM™ 220-240V 25000 hrs Rich Colour+ 50mm Ra95 GU10 value≥75 Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label LR5907dR9HR-75H24D NEW 7 2650 24 580 420 57 100-5% A+ LR5907dR9HR-75H35D NEW 7 1650 35 580 420 57 100-5% A+ Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.ccforthelatestphotometricandluxdiagrams. Please refer to the website www.megaman.cc/user-guide for the compatible dimmer list. Preliminary Data MEGAMAN® 37 35W Alternatives Hybrid Reflector PAR16/ProfessionalSeries 2800K│ Ra82 Model No. LR5604HR-35H24D1 LR5604HR-35H35D1 4000K│Ra85 220-240V 25000 hrs 50mm GU10 Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label NEW 4 1300 24 350 250 57 No A+ NEW 4 600 35 350 250 57 No A+ Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.ccforthelatestphotometricandluxdiagrams. TCH PAR16/ProfessionalSeries 2800K│ Ra82 Model No. 80º 325 60º LR4204.5-35H24D 650 40º LR4204.5-35H35D Wattage 80º (W) 4.5 975 4.5 20º 0º 20º 325 60º 60º 650 40º 975 0º Lux Ø cm 5200 21 1 40º 1300 20º m 0.5 20º 1300 578 64 2 325 85 Beam angle = 24° 20º 150 60º 300 40º 450 0º 600 40º 20º Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 5200 21 0.5 2400 32 1 1300 43 1 600 65 1.5 578 64 1.5 267 95 2 325 85 2 150 126 Beam angle = 35° 38 MEGAMAN® 25000 hrs 50mm Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 210 55 No A 450 240 210 55 No A 600 40º 20º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 2400 32 1 600 65 1.5 267 95 2 150 126 Beam angle = 35° 220-240V 240 80º m Preliminary Data 0º 4000K│Ra85 300 0 0.5 Beam angle = 24° Total Luminous 80º Flux (lm) 60º 35 60º 20º 150 24 LR4204.5-35H35D 43 1.5 80º 40º 600 80º 80º Beam Angle (°) 0 60º 1300 40º 0 80º Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) 60º 1300 LR4204.5-35H24D 1 0 GU10 35W Alternatives PAR16/Economy Series 1 2 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 15000 hrs 50mm GU10 Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Luminous Flux in 120° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo LR4604DG-WFL 4 500 35 250 220 N/A 57 No A+ 1 LR4604.5DG-WFL 4.5 0 80º LR4604DG-VWFL 4125 60º LR4604.5DG-VWFL LR4604DG-WFL 125 60º 250 40º 40º 375 0º 500 m Lux 0.5 80º 1 2000 0 500 90 LR4604.5DG-VWFL 60º 1.5 222 2 125 40º Beam angle = 35° 20º 0º 180 20º Ø cm m Lux 0.5 80º 1 2000 500 60º 1.5 222 2 125 60 160 90 LR4604.5DG-WFL 0 Ø cm 0 90 32 80º 63 60º 95 180 60º 40º 420 126 40º 270 360 20º 0º 560 Lux 0 Ø cm 560 40 1400 58 60º 1.5 249 360 115 2 140 1.5 160 173 2 90 231 60º 95 0.5 1 20º LR2104DG-SWFL 40º Beam angle = 35° Beam angle = 60° 20º 80 Ø cm 40º 40º 420 250 0º 560 m Lux 0.5 80º 1 2240 0 560 40 60º 1.5 249 2 140 Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 58 0.5 640 100 1 360 115 1 160 200 1.5 160 173 1.5 71 300 2 90 231 2 40 400 220 32 80º 63 60º 95 160 40º 230 0 Ø cm 80 60º 20º 75 60º 60º 150 40º 40º 225 126 20º 300 0º 20º Lux 1200 58 Ø cm 1 300 115 640 100 1.5 133 173 160 200 2 75 231 1.5 71 300 2 40 400 20º A+ 1 57 75 No A+ 1 57 150 No A+ 1 A+ 2 0 No 80º 60º 40º 57 225 0º 300 No 20º 80º m 0º 1 1400 N/A 57 80º 0.5 20º 0.5 m 265 40º 60º 95 20º N/A N/A LR4604DG-VWFL 20º 120 Lux 126 265 220 80º m 0.5 Beam angle = 60° 60º 360 280 32 80º 63 40º 160 60º 40º Beam angle = 35° 20º 120 0º 80º 140 250 20º 280 40º 360 0 80º 80º 140 60º 2240 Lux 20º 360 m 0º m 40º 35 60 0.5 80º 1 20º 32 80º 63 126 560 300 80º 40º Beam angle = 35° 20º 270 360 0º 500 40º 80º 60º 20º 4375 20º 0 80º 60º 4.5 250 40º LR2104DG-SWFL 80º m Lux 0.5 1200 58 1 300 115 1.5 133 173 2 75 231 Ø cm Beam angle = 60° Ø cm Beam angle = 60° Beam angle = 90° Beam angle = 90° Step Dimming PAR16/Smart Series LR2105sDG-WFL 0 80º 0 85 80º 80º 60º 85 60º 60º 2800K│ Ra82 4000K│ Ra85 220-240V 25000 hrs 50mm GU10 80º 60º 170 170 40º 40º 255 40º 40º 255 Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label LR2105sDG-WFL 5 350 40 250 220 57 100%,60%,20% A 20º 20º 0º 0º 350 350 20º 20º m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 1400 Ø cm 36 0.5 1 1400 350 36 73 1 1.5 350 156 73 109 1.5 2 156 88 109 146 88 2 Beam angle = 40° 146 Beam angle = 40° MEGAMAN® 39 LED MR16 DesignedforMR16applications,theMEGAMAN®LEDMR16reflectorhas thesamecompactprofileasthehalogenMR16anddeliverssuperblighting performance.Withdifferentapproachescontrollinglightandbeamangle optionsavailable,MEGAMAN®offerssolutionsthatdeliverexcellentlight efficiencywithbetterglarecontrolforbothaccentandambientlighting applications.TheyworkwellwithmostconventionalAC12Vhalogen transformersandgeneratemuchlessheatthanhalogenlamps. Toofferanenhancementtoanylightingscheme,MEGAMAN®offersthe LED MR16 range with outstanding colour quality through our RichColour technology,uniqueDimtoWarmfunctionality,StepDimmingtechnology todimthelampwithordinaryon/offswitch,andevensmartlightingcontrol. MEGAMAN®alsooffershighperformanceLEDMR16solutions withdifferentfeaturestoenhancelightingschemesandthe uniqueDimtoWarmtechnologysimulatesthecharacteristics ofahalogenlampandemitsawarmerlightwhendimmed. RichColour+technologyoffersahighcolourrenderingofRa95 andhighR9value≥75,thecolouraccuracyisclosertonatural sunlight, making it a perfect halogen replacement for retail locations,artgalleries,museums,andanywhereaccuratecolouris needed. 50W Alternatives TCH MR16/ProfessionalSeries 2800K│ Ra82 Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) ER3207.5d-50H24D 7.5 2000 24 ER3207-50H24D 0 7 2000 24 80º ER3207.5d-50H36D 500 7.5 60º ER3207-50H36D 80º 60º 7 1000 40º 1500 ER3207.5d-50H24D/ER3207-50H24D 20º 20º 0 80º 500 60º 1000 40º 1500 40º 2000 20º 0º 20º 1100 36 550 40º 825 ER3207.5d-50H36D/ER3207-50H36D 20º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 8000 21 1 2000 43 1.5 889 64 2 325 85 Beam angle = 24° 275 60º 550 40º 825 40º 1100 0º 20º m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 0.5 8000 21 0.5 4400 32 1 2000 43 1 1100 65 1.5 889 64 1.5 489 95 2 325 85 2 275 126 Beam angle = 24° 330 56 100-10% A 500 330 56 No A 450 60º 330 56 100-10% A 500 330 56 No A 40º 20º Lux Ø cm 0.5 4400 32 1 1100 65 1.5 489 95 2 275 126 Beam angle = 36° Beam angle = 36° MEGAMAN® 450 m Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerandhalogentransformerlists. 40 Energy Label 80º 60º 20º Dimmable 1100 0º 50mm Length (mm) 0 80º 80º 60º 275 25000 hrs Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) 80º 36 60º 40º 2000 0º 80º AC 12V Total Luminous Flux (lm) 0 1100 4000K│Ra85 GU5.3 35W Alternatives MR16/Smart Series 1 2 3 2800K│ Ra82 4000K│ Ra85 AC 12V 25000 hrs 50mm GU5.3 Model No. Wattage (W) Max.LuminousIntensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo ER3308dLN-SP 8 5500 12 450 350 46 100-10% A 1 ER2607.5LN-FL 7.5 2900 24 500 420 51 No A 2 A 1 0 80° ER3308dLN-FL 8 80° 1375 60° ER2607.5LN-WFL 7.5 20° 0 60° 2750 40° 40° 4125 5500 0° 22000 1 60º 1.5 5500 2 40º 2444 0 450 900 1375 1350 Beam angle = 12° 42 40º 1800 20º 0º 0.5 80º 22000 1 60º 1.5 5500 2 40º 1375 0 1180º 450 2444 900 1350 21 60º 32 20º 0º 60º 60º 1450 40º 2900 0º Lux Ø cm 0.5 7200 32 1 1800 65 1.5 800 97 2 450 130 20º 0.5 80º 11600 1 60º 1.5 2900 2 40º 1289 1 60º 1.5 2900 2 40º 725 450 21 80º 450 900 1350 43 60º 64 0º 900 85 40º 1350 0º Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 7200 32 0.5 7200 32 1 1800 65 1 1800 65 1.5 800 97 1.5 800 97 2 450 130 2 450 130 Ø cm 0.5 7200 32 1 1800 65 1.5 800 97 2 450 130 1500 40º 40º 2250 3000 0º No A 2 2250 100-10% 40º A 3 0º 20º m Lux Ø cm 12000 21 1 3000 43 1.5 1333 64 2 750 85 m Lux Ø cm 0.5 12000 21 1 3000 43 1.5 1333 64 2 750 85 Beam angle = 24° 20º 0.5 Beam angle = 24° TCH Beam angle = 36° Beam angle = 36° 1500 49 Beam angle = 36° 20º m 60º 20º Lux 51 20º 60º 20º 60º 80º 85 40º m 100-10% 0 750 1800 20º 43 60º 64 0.5 MR16/Professional Series 0 80º 750 3000 ER3308dLN-FL 21 80º 1800 20º 1289 Beam angle = 24° Ø cm 0 725 Beam angle = 24° 11600 40º 500 Ø cm Lux 0.5 80º 20º ER3308dDG-WFL m Lux m 40º 2175 420 80º m 725 20º 20º 0º 80º 42 40º Beam angle = 36° 20º 20º 0 Ø cm Lux 1180º 21 60º 32 2900 0 49 60º 40º 6002175 80º 500 60º 5001450 40º 36 80º 1800 Ø cm 36 ER2607.5LN-FL 20° Beam angle = 12° 20° m ER2607.5LN-WFL Lux 0° m 60° 0.5 80º 1800 80° 1375 20° 1800 4125 5500 ER3308dLN-SP 80° 2750 80º 600725 60º 40° 8 0 80º 24 60° 40° ER3308dDG-WFL 3000 Dim to Warm ER3306w-50H36D 0 80º 275 80º 275 60º 60º 1800K-2800K│ Ra82 350mA (DC 18V) 40000 hrs 50mm GU5.3 80º 0 80º 60º 60º 550 550 40º 40º 825 40º 40º 825 Model No. Wattage (W) ER3306w-50H36D Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) 6 Beam Angle (°) 1100 Total Luminous Flux (lm) 36 500 Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) 330 Length (mm) Dimmable 45 100-1% Energy Label 20º 20º A Capableoflineardimmingfrom100%to1%whenconnectedtoaLEDconstantcurrentreductionconverterwithoutputcurrentof350mAandvoltageDC18VandDC1-10Vdimmer. If the lamps are connected to a MEGAMAN®U-DIM™LEDconverterLD0208x1d-C350,thedimmingrangeis100%to5%andcompatiblewithbothleading-edgeandtrailing-edgedimmers. ForfurtherinformationonU-DIM™technology,pleaserefertopage12. 1100 1100 20º 0º 0º 20º m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 4400 Ø cm 32 0.5 1 4400 1100 32 65 1 1.5 1100 489 65 95 1.5 2 489 275 95 126 2 275 Beam angle = 36° 126 Beam angle = 36° Dimmable MR16/SmartSeries 1 Model No. ER3308dR9LN-FL1 ER3308dR9DG-WFL1 ER3308dR9LN-FL 0 60º 40º 1800 20º 0º 2400 Wattage80º (W) 600 60º 60º 40º 20º 1200 40º 80º 0 NEW 8 1200 NEW 8 1800 0º 2400 40º 20º 80º 600 60º Ra95 2 2800K│Ra95 80º Rich Colour+ 20º Max.LuminousIntensity (cd) m Lux Ø cm 9600 32 1 2400 63 1.5 1067 95 2 600 126 Beam angle = 24° 2400 362 725 36 40º ER3308dR9DG-WFL 0 20º 60º 725 40º 40º 1087 0º 1450 0º 1450 AC 12V 25000 hrs GU5.3 50mm value≥75 Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo 500 420 49 100-10% A 1 40º 500 420 49 100-10% A 2 Total Luminous Flux 80º (lm) 20º 80º 362 60º 1087 4000K│Ra95 Length (mm) 60º 24 1450 20º 80º 60º 80º 0.5 Beam Angle (°) 0 20º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 5800 32 1 1450 63 1.5 644 95 2 363 126 Beam angle = 36° Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerandhalogentransformerlists. m m Lux Ø cm Lux Ø cm 1 Preliminary Data 0.5 9600 32 0.5 5800 32 1 2400 63 1 1450 63 1.5 1067 95 1.5 644 95 2 600 126 2 363 126 MEGAMAN® 41 35W Alternatives TCH MR16/ProfessionalSeries 2800K│ Ra82 Model No. 80º ER2404.5-35H24D ER2404.5-35H36D ER2404.5-35H24D 0 80º 40º 975 1300 0º 4.5 40º 975 0º 1300 20º Beam 80º Angle (°) 1300 24 600 3640º 0 Total Luminous 80º Flux (lm) 150 60º Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) 60º 240 300 240 450 40º Length (mm) 25000 hrs Dimmable 50mm GU5.3 Energy Label 210 45 No A 210 45 No A 600 ER2404.5-35H36D 20º 80º 80º 650 20º 650 Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) AC 12V 0º 20º 0 60º 40º 40º 80º 60º 4.5 20º 325 60º 60º Wattage0 (W) 325 4000K│Ra85 20º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 5200 21 1 1300 43 1.5 578 64 2 325 85 80º 150 60º 60º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 2400 32 1 600 65 1.5 267 97 2 150 130 300 40º 40º 450 600 Beam angle = 24° 20º 0º 20º m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 0.5 5200 21 0.5 2400 32 1 1300 43 1 600 65 1.5 578 64 1.5 267 97 2 325 85 2 150 130 Beam angle = 36° Beam angle = 36° Beam angle = 24° MR16/EconomySeries 2800K│ Ra80 0 80º Model No. Wattage 85 (W) 60º 60º Max.LuminousIntensity(cd) 60º 170 ER3405DG-WFL 5 40º 255 ER3406DG-WFL 350 ER3405DG-WFL 20º 0º 40º 40º 6 350 500 20º 170 255 20º 0º 350 40º 20º m Lux Ø cm ER3406DG-WFL 250 375 0.5 1400 32 1 350 65 1.5 156 97 2 88 130 Beam angle = 36° 20º 60º ER3405DG-WFL 60º 250 40º 375 40º 500 20º 0º 20º m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 1400 32 0.5 2000 32 1 350 65 1 500 65 1.5 156 97 1.5 222 97 2 88 130 2 125 130 ER3405DG-WFL Beam angle = 36° Beam angle = 36° MEGAMAN® AC 12V 15000 hrs 50mm Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 250 220 47 No A 400 300 47 No A 40º 0º 20º 80º 125 0.5 42 60º 0 60º 40º 36 80º 500 80º 80º 85 60º Beam 125 Angle (°) 36 0 80º 4000K│ Ra80 0 80º 80º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 2000 32 1 500 65 1.5 222 97 2 125 130 Beam angle = 36° GU5.3 MEGAMAN® 43 LED AR111 MEGAMAN®offersacomprehensiveProfessionalseriesofLEDAR111 reflectorsfor50W,75Wand100WhalogenAR111replacement. MEGAMAN®LEDAR111comeswiththepatentedThermalConductive Highway™(TCH)technologyandreflectordesignwhichhasasimilar appearancetothehalogenAR111butwithafarhigherefficiencywithupto 84%power-saved.MEGAMAN®alsooffersdifferentLEDAR111solutions thatcanbedrivenbyahalogentransformerfordirectretrofit,anLED converter for perfect dimming performance, and worked in line voltage for easymaintenance. andbrighteningthewhitecolour.IncorporatingDimtoWarm technology, the MEGAMAN® LED AR111 is capable of dimming from100%downto1%,thecolourtemperaturechangesfrom 2800Kto1800K–perfectlysimulatingthecharacteristicsof halogenlampsforcreatingtheidealmoodandsettingjustthe rightambience. Linear dimming capability is a standard feature of the MEGAMAN® LED AR111.MEGAMAN®alsooffersLEDAR111withthebrandnewPerfect Whitetechnology,whichexcitesfluorescentwhiteningagents,intensifying 100W Alternatives TCH AR111/Drivenbyhalogentransformer 1 2 2800K│ Ra82 Model No. Wattage (W) ER2116d-100H08D ER2016d-100H24D 16 80º 0 60º 16 4250 16 8500 60º 40º 12750 4000K│Ra85 Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) 19000 8 1300 0 1000 80º 80º ER2216d-100H45D 7000 24 2500 45 1300 60º 80º 1000 60º 3500 1300 40º 40º 80º 1750 60º 1000 40º 62 0 19000 20º 0º 20º 4250 60º 60º 8500 40º 12750 19000 20º 0º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 76000 7 19000 1 40º 20º ER2016d-100H24D 0 80º 80º 60º 3500 8444 21 2 4750 28 Beam angle = 8° 40º 0º 7000 7000 20º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 28000 21 7000 ER2216d-100H45D A 1 100-10% 60º A 2 100-10% A 2 80º 62 1250 40º 1.5 3111 64 2 1750 85 60º 40º 40º 1875 0º 2500 Lux Ø cm 10000 41 1 2500 83 1.5 1111 124 2 625 166 Beam angle = 45° 20º m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 76000 7 0.5 28000 21 0.5 10000 41 1 19000 14 1 7000 43 1 2500 83 1.5 8444 21 1.5 3111 64 1.5 1111 124 2 4750 28 2 1750 85 2 625 166 Beam angle = 24° 20º m 1250 20º 2500 0.5 625 43 0º 80º 0.5 Beam angle = 8° 100-10% 62 20º 0 60º Beam angle = 24° 20º Product Photo Beam angle = 45° TCH LED AR111/DrivenbyLEDconverter 1 Wattage (W) ER0218-100H08D 18 ER0118-100H24D 80º 18 ER0318-100H45D 60º 18 Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) 1500 1150 20000 8 80º 8000 24 80º 1500 60º 2600 45 60º 1500 0 5000 0 15000 20º 0º 20000 5000 60º 60º 10000 40º 15000 20º 0º 20000 40º 20º 40º 40º 20º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 80000 7 1 20000 14 1.5 8889 21 2 5000 28 Beam angle = 8° 58 80º 1150 80º 58 60º 1150 60º 58 40º ER0118-100H24D 0 20º 2000 60º 60º 4000 40º 40º 6000 20º 0º 8000 0º 8000 20º 20º 80º 20º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 32000 21 1 8000 43 1.5 3556 64 2 2000 85 Beam angle = 24° 650 60º 60º 1300 40º 40º 1950 2600 20º 0º 20º Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 7 0.5 32000 21 0.5 10400 41 1 20000 14 1 8000 43 1 2600 83 1.5 8889 21 1.5 3556 64 1.5 1156 124 2 5000 2 2000 85 2 650 166 28 Beam angle = 24° A 1 80º 100-1% A 2 60º 100-1% A 2 40º 1950 0º 20º 80º 80000 MEGAMAN® 100-1% 2600 ER0318-100H45D m 44 Product Photo 0 80º Beam angle = 45° m Lux Ø cm 0.5 10400 41 1 2600 83 1.5 1156 124 2 650 166 Beam angle = 45° 111mm Energy Label 650 40º 40000 hrs Dimmable 1300 0.5 Beam angle = 8° 0 6000 80º 80º Length (mm) 4000 0 80º 500mA (DC 36V) 2000 10000 40º 4000K│Ra85 Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Capableoflineardimmingfrom100%to1%whenconnectstoaDC1-10VdimmingdriverandaDC1-10Vdimmer. ER0218-100H08D Dimmable 2 2800K│ Ra82 Model No. G53 1875 80º 1 40º 5250 20º 0º 111mm Energy Label 40º 80º 1750 60º 14 1.5 20º 25000 hrs Dimmable 625 5250 0 80º AC 12V Length (mm) Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerandhalogentransformerlists. ER2116d-100H08D Dimmable G53 75W Alternatives TCH AR111/Drivenbyhalogentransformer 80º 4250 Model No. 60º 40º ER2115d-75H08D 2800K│ Ra80 0 80º Wattage (W) 8500 15 12750 60º 40º 4000K│Ra80 AC 12V Dimmable 25000 hrs 111mm G53 Max.LuminousIntensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 17000 8 850 650 62 100-10% A 17000 ER2115d-75H08D 20º 0º 20º 0 80º 80º 4250 60º 60º 8500 40º 40º 12750 17000 20º 0º 20º m Lux 0.5 68000 7 1 17000 14 1.5 7556 21 2 4250 28 m Lux 0.5 68000 7 1 17000 14 1.5 7556 21 2 4250 28 Ø cm Beam angle = 8° Ø cm Beam angle = 8° TCH AR111/Drivenbyhalogentransformer 2800K│ Ra82 Model No. 80º 80º 1250 60º ER2712d-75H24D ER2912d-75H45D 40º 12 12 60º 2500 3750 40º 5000 ER2712d-75H24D 20º 0º 20º 0 80º 1250 60º 2500 40º 3750 40º 5000 0º 20º Max.LuminousIntensity Beam 80º (cd) Angle (°) 60º 5000 2000 40º 0 m Lux Ø cm 0.5 20000 21 1 5000 43 1.5 2222 64 2 1250 85 Beam angle = 24° 500 60º 20º 60º 1500 40º 2000 20º 0º 20º m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 0.5 20000 21 0.5 8000 41 1 5000 43 1 2000 83 1.5 2222 64 1.5 889 124 2 1250 85 2 500 166 Beam angle = 24° 500 1500 AC 12V 35000 hrs 111mm G53 Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 60º 850 750 58 100-10% A 850 750 58 100-10% A 1000 45 4000K│Ra85 Total Luminous Flux 80º (lm) 40º 0º 20º 80º 1000 40º 24 0 2000 ER2912d-75H45D 80º 80º 60º 20º Wattage 0 (W) Dimmable m Lux Ø cm 0.5 8000 41 1 2000 83 1.5 889 124 2 500 166 Beam angle = 45° Beam angle = 45° Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerandhalogentransformerlists. MEGAMAN® 45 75W Alternatives TCH AR111/Inlinevoltage 1 2 Model No. Wattage (W) LR1715d-75H08D 15 80º LR1615d-75H24D 60º LR1815d-75H45D 0 15 80º 5000 15 60º 10000 2800K│ Ra82 Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) 20000 8 950 700 89 5000 24 2000 45 LR1715d-75H08D 20º 0 80º 5000 60º 60º 10000 40º 40º 15000 20º 0º 0º 20000 20º 0 80º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 80000 7 1 20000 14 1.5 8889 21 40º 2 5000 28 40º 5000 60º 750 0º 5000 20º 60º 20º m Lux Ø cm 20000 21 1 5000 43 1.5 2222 64 2 1250 85 Beam angle = 24° LR1815d-75H45D 0 500 60º 20º 80º 60º 40º 40º 1500 20º 0º 2000 Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 7 0.5 20000 21 0.5 8000 41 1 20000 14 1 5000 43 1 2000 83 1.5 8889 21 1.5 2222 64 1.5 889 124 2 5000 28 2 1250 85 2 500 166 ER3712w-75H24D 80º ER3912w-75H45D 60º 0 1250 Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) 12 5000 80º 24 12 2000 60º 45 60º A 1 100-10% 60º A 2 89 1000 100-10% A 2 40º 0º 2000 20º Ø cm 8000 41 1 2000 83 1.5 889 124 2 500 166 TCH Beam angle = 45° Wattage (W) 80º 100-10% 80º 0.5 2800K-1800K│ Ra82 Model No. 0 500 2500 Product Photo Beam angle = 45° 80000 Beam angle = 24° Energy Label Lux 20º m AR111/DrivenbyLEDconverter Dimmable m 1000 0.5 Beam angle = 8° GU10 1500 80º 0.5 111mm 500 0 40º 40º 20º 40º 0º 60º 40000 hrs 89 3750 3750 20º 80º 800 9502500 2500 Beam angle = 8° 80º 80º 1250 60º 9501250 60º LR1615d-75H24D 20º 80º 0 80º 15000 Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. 20000 220-240V Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) 40º 40º 4000K│Ra85 Dimmable 350mA (DC 36V) Dim to Warm 40000 hrs 111mm G53 Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 80º 850 750 58 100-1% A 60º 850 750 58 100-1% A 1000 Capableoflineardimmingfrom100%to1%whenconnectedtoaLEDconstantcurrentreductionconverterwithoutputcurrentof350mAandvoltageDC36VandDC1-10Vdimmer. 40º 40º 40º 40º 3750 1500 If the lamps are connected to a MEGAMAN®LEDconverterLD0214x1d-C350,thedimmingrangeis100%to10%. 5000 ER3712w-75H24D 20º 0 80º 1250 60º 2500 40º 3750 5000 20º 0º 20º 0 80º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 20000 21 1 5000 43 1.5 2222 64 2 1250 85 2000 ER3912w-75H45D 20º 80º 60º 40º 0º 500 60º 20º 60º 1500 40º 2000 Beam angle = 24° 20º 0º 20º 80º 1000 40º 0º 20º m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 0.5 20000 21 0.5 8000 41 1 5000 43 1 2000 83 1.5 2222 64 1.5 889 124 2 1250 85 2 500 166 m Lux Ø cm 0.5 8000 41 1 2000 83 1.5 889 124 2 500 166 Beam angle = 45° TCH AR111/Drivenbyhalogentransformer Beam angle = 24° Beam angle = 45° 3000K│Ra82 Model No. 0 80º ER2712p-75H24D Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) 80º 12 1050 60º 80º 4200 12 2100 40º 0 24 375 60º 60º ER2912p-75H45D Beam Angle (°) 1500 45 750 1125 3150 Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerandhalogentransformerlists. 4200 ER2712p-75H24D 20º 0º 20º 0 80º 80º 80º 1050 60º 60º 2100 40º 3150 40º 4200 20º 0º m Lux 0.5 16800 1 4200 46 20º Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 0.5 16800 21 1 4200 43 1.5 1867 64 2 1050 85 Beam angle = 24° ® MEGAMAN 21 43 0 375 60º 20º 750 1125 40º 1500 20º 0º 0º 20º 80º 60º 40º 40º 1500 ER2912p-75H45D 20º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 6000 41 1 1500 83 AC 12V Perfect White 35000 hrs 111mm G53 Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 700 560 58 100-10% A 700 560 58 100-10% A 60º 40º 40º 80º Dimmable m Lux Ø cm 0.5 6000 41 1 1500 83 1.5 667 124 2 375 166 Beam angle = 45° 50W Alternatives TCH AR111/Drivenbyhalogentransformer 1 2 2800K│ Ra80 Model No. Wattage (W) ER2111d-50H08D 11 80º ER2711d-50H24D 60º 0 80º 11 3750 11 7500 40º Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) 15000 8 550 0 400 3600 24 1400 45 80º 900 600 60º 20º 0º 20º 0 80º 3750 60º 60º 7500 40º 40º 11250 15000 20º 0º 20º ER2711d-50H24D m Lux Ø cm 0.5 60000 7 1 15000 14 1.5 6667 21 2 3750 28 20º 900 60º 1800 40º 40º 2700 3600 Beam angle = 8° 20º 0º 20º 0º m Lux Ø cm 14400 21 1 3600 43 1.5 1600 64 2 900 85 350 60º 700 40º 1050 1400 20º 0º m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 60000 7 0.5 14400 21 0.5 5600 41 1 15000 14 1 3600 43 1 1400 1.5 6667 21 1.5 1600 64 2 3750 28 2 900 85 1.5 622 124 2 350 166 Wattage (W) ER0210-50H08D 10 80º ER0110-50H24D 10 60º ER0310-50H45D 10 40º 1 A 2 100-10% A 2 58 700 80º 60º 40º 1050 0º 20º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 5600 41 1 1400 83 1.5 622 124 2 350 166 TCH Dimmable Beam angle = 45° 2 2800K│ Ra82 Model No. A 100-10% 83 AR111/DrivenbyLEDconverter Beam angle = 24° 1 100-10% Beam angle = 45° 20º 0.5 Beam angle = 8° Product Photo G53 80º 60º Beam angle = 24° 20º Energy Label 350 20º 0 40º 111mm 1400 ER2911d-50H45D 80º 0.5 0 35000 hrs Dimmable 58 40º 80º 60º 60º 40º 0 80º 80º 62 550 3600 AC 12V Length (mm) 80º 500 60º 11250 2700 Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerandhalogentransformerlists. ER2111d-50H08D 80º 1800 630 40º 40º 15000 4000K│Ra80 Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) 60º ER2911d-50H45D Dimmable 0 80º 4000 60º 8000 12000 40º 4000K│Ra85 Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) 16000 8 0 550 80º 330 60º 500 3600 80º 24 1400 45 900 600 60º 1800 630 40º 550 40º 500mA (DC 20V) Length (mm) 80º 58 60º 58 40º 0 40000 hrs 111mm Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo 100-1% 80º A 1 60º 100-1% A 2 A 2 G53 350 700 58 100-1% 40º 1050 2700 Capableoflineardimmingfrom100%to1%whenconnectstoaDC1-10VdimmingdriverandaDC1-10Vdimmer.TherecommendMEGAMAN®LEDconverterisLD0310x1v-C500. ER0210-50H08D 20º 0º 16000 20º 0 4000 60º 60º 8000 40º 40º 12000 20º 0º 16000 20º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 64000 7 1 16000 14 1.5 7111 21 2 4000 28 Beam angle = 8° 20º 0 80º 80º 80º ER0110-50H24D 900 60º 1800 40º 40º 2700 0º 3600 20º 20º 80º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 14400 21 1 3600 43 1.5 1600 64 2 900 85 350 60º 60º 700 40º 40º 1050 1400 20º 0º Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 64000 7 0.5 14400 21 0.5 5600 41 1 16000 14 1 3600 43 1 1400 83 1.5 7111 21 1.5 1600 64 1.5 622 124 2 4000 28 2 900 85 2 350 166 1 AR111/Inlinevoltage 12 80º LR1612d-50H24D 60º LR1812d-50H45D 0 12 4000 12 8000 80º 60º Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) 16000 8 550 460 3600 24 1400 45 40º 40º 0 80º 4000 60º 20º 8000 40º 40º 12000 20º 0º 16000 0º 16000 20º 80º 60º 20º 41 1 1400 83 1.5 622 124 2 350 166 TCH 0 m Lux Ø cm 64000 7 1 16000 14 1.5 7111 21 2 4000 28 Beam angle = 8° 40º 2700 0º 3600 60º Length (mm) 89 80º 500 630 1800 20º 1800 20º 60º 80º 60º 550 Dimmable 0º 3600 20º 111mm Energy Label Product Photo 100-10% A 1 89 350 100-10% A 2 89 700 100-10% A 2 0 80º 60º GU10 40º 1050 20º LR1812d-50H45D 0 80º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 14400 21 1 3600 43 1.5 1600 64 2 900 85 Beam angle = 24° 30000 hrs Dimmable 40º 40º 80º 60º 40º 900 600 220-240V 2700 900 60º 0 80º 40º LR1612d-50H24D 80º 0.5 4000K│Ra80 Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. 12000 LR1712d-50H08D Ø cm 2 Wattage (W) LR1712d-50H08D Lux 5600 Beam angle = 45° 2800K│ Ra80 Model No. m 0.5 Beam angle = 45° 20º m Beam angle = 24° 20º 80º 0.5 Beam angle = 8° 0º 0 Beam angle = 24° 20º 1400 ER0310-50H45D 80º 60º 20º 3600 0º 350 60º 20º 60º 700 40º 40º 1050 20º 0º 1400 0º 1400 20º 80º 20º m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 0.5 64000 7 0.5 14400 21 0.5 5600 41 1 16000 14 1 3600 43 1 1400 83 m Lux Ø cm 0.5 5600 41 1 1400 83 1.5 622 124 2 350 166 Beam angle = 45° MEGAMAN® 47 LED PAR Reflectors EnhancedbyourpatentedThermalConductiveHighway™(TCH)thermal controlsandreflectordesigns,theMEGAMAN®LEDPARreflectorsin Professionalseriesdeliverhighqualityandcomfortablelightingwithadimming featuremakingitidealforcommercialandhigh-endinteriorapplications. MEGAMAN®alsointroducestheLEDPARreflectorsineconomicalsolutions withadiffuserglassdesign,whichcandirectlyreplacetraditionalhalogenlamp equivalentswiththesameprofileandexcellentlightoutput.TheseLEDPAR reflectorsdeliverevenlightdistribution,softandcomfortablelightingwithout glare.Designedforoutdoorapplications,theMEGAMAN® PAR38 has a water resistantoutdoorversionthatmaintainstheIPratingofthelightfitting(uptoa maximumofIP55). TCH PAR20/ProfessionalSeries Dimmable LR0308d-50H30D 0 80º 0 400 80º 400 60º 60º 2800K│ Ra82 4000K│Ra85 25000 hrs 65mm Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable LR0308d-50H30D 8 1600 30 430 405 95 100-10% E27 Energy Label 1200 40º 20º 80º 60º 60º 800 40º 20º A 800 80º 1200 40º 40º 1600 1600 20º 0º 0º 20º m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 6400 Ø cm 27 27 54 0.5 1 6400 1600 1 1.5 1600 711 54 80 1.5 2 711 400 80 107 2 400 Beam angle = 30° 107 Beam angle = 30° PAR20/EconomySeries LR2906-WFL 0 80º 0 110 80º 80º 60º 110 60º 60º 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 15000 hrs 63mm E27 220 220 40º 330 40º 330 Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable LR2906-WFL 6 450 35 350 250 90 No Energy Label A 20º 0º 20º 0º 450 450 80º 60º 40º 40º 20º 20º m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 1800 Ø cm 32 0.5 1 1800 450 32 63 1 1.5 450 200 63 95 1.5 2 200 113 95 126 2 113 Beam angle = 35° 126 Beam angle = 35° TCH PAR30S/ProfessionalSeries Dimmable LR1412d-75H30D 0 80º 80º 0 575 60º 575 60º 2800K│ Ra82 4000K│Ra85 220-240V 30000 hrs 95mm E27 1150 80º 80º 60º 60º 1150 40º 1725 40º 1725 40º 40º Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 20º LR1412d-75H30D 12 2300 30 600 580 88 100-10% A m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 9200 Ø cm 27 0.5 1 9200 2300 27 54 1 1.5 2300 1022 54 80 1.5 2 1022 575 80 107 2 575 Beam angle = 30° 107 20º 0º 0º Beam angle = 30° Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. 48 MEGAMAN® 2300 2300 20º 20º PAR30S/EconomySeries LR3010.5-WFL 0 80º 0 200 80º 80º 60º 200 60º 60º 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 15000 hrs E27 95mm Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable LR3010.5-WFL 10.5 850 35 700 635 88 No 80º 60º 400 400 40º 40º 600 40º 40º 600 Energy Label A 20º 0º 20º 0º 850 850 20º 20º m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 3400 Ø cm 32 0.5 1 3400 850 32 63 1 1.5 850 378 63 95 1.5 2 378 213 95 126 2 213 Beam angle = 35° 126 Beam angle = 35° TCH PAR30/ProfessionalSeries Dimmable LR0215d-100H24D 0 80º 60º 4000K│Ra92 220-240V 30000 hrs 96mm E27 Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label LR0215d-100H24D 15 3200 24 530 500 102 100-10% A 80º 800 60º 2800K│ Ra85 80º 0 800 80º 60º 60º 1600 1600 40º 40º 2400 40º 40º 2400 3200 3200 0º 20º 20º 20º 0º 20º m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 12800 Ø cm 21 0.5 1 12800 3200 21 43 1 1.5 3200 1422 43 64 1.5 2 1422 800 64 85 800 2 Beam angle = 24° 85 Beam angle = 24° TCH PAR38/ProfessionalSeries 2800K│ Ra82 Model No. 80º 40º LR0920d-25M25D 0 1700 60º 5100 0º 6800 60º 5100 20º 0º 6800 40º 60º 40º 20º Max.Luminous80º Intensity (cd) 20 6800 20 2200 20º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 27200 22 1 6800 44 1.5 3022 67 2 1700 89 20º 60º 60º 1100 40º 1650 0º 45 40º 1650 20º m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 0.5 27200 22 0.5 8800 41 1 6800 44 1 2200 83 1.5 3022 67 1.5 978 124 2 1700 89 30000 hrs 121mm E27 Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 1200 1000 133 100-10% A 1200 1000 133 100-10% A 0º 20º 2 550 166 m Lux Ø cm 0.5 8800 41 1 2200 83 1.5 978 124 2 550 166 Beam angle = 45° IP55 PAR38/WaterResistantOutdoorVersion/Economy Series Beam angle = 25° 220-240V Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) 80º 550 20º 1100 4000K│Ra85 Total Luminous Flux (lm) 2200 2200 Beam angle = 25° 80º 60º 25 40º 0 40º Beam 0 Angle (°) 550 60º LR0920d-25M45D 80º 80º 3400 40º Wattage 80º (W) 3400 LR0920d-25M45D 80º 1700 60º LR0920d-25M25D 20º 0 Dimmable Beam angle = 45° LR3215.5-WFL 0 80º 0 375 80º 80º 60º 375 60º 60º 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 15000 hrs 121mm Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label LR3215.5-WFL 15.5 1500 35 950 760 132 No A E27 80º 60º 750 750 40º 40º 1125 40º 40º 1125 20º 20º 0º 0º 1500 1500 20º 20º m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 6000 Ø cm 32 0.5 1 6000 1500 32 63 1 1.5 1500 667 63 95 1.5 2 667 375 95 126 2 375 Beam angle = 35° 126 Beam angle = 35° Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. MEGAMAN® 49 LED R50, R63, R80 The MEGAMAN®LEDR50,R63andR80deliverimpressiveambientlighting, butwithmuchhigherefficiencyandbetterlightqualitythantheirincandescent counterparts, and use far less energy — savingupto89%.Theirstylishand lightweightfinishingfacilitateseasyinstallationinanyluminairesandcatersto variousapplications. To provide a convenient, simple and instant way to dim the light, the MEGAMAN® LED R63 and R80 with Step Dimming technology has a ‘built-in dimmer’thatallowsuserstoadjustthebrightnesslevelto100%,60%and20% byusingastandard(ON/OFF)switch. R50/EconomySeries 2800K│ Ra80 Model No. 80º Wattage (W) 30 0 60º LR2603.5-SWFL LR2603.5-SWFL 60º 60 40º 40º 90 20º 0º 120 40º 90 0º 120 120 90 190 90 20º LR2605-SWFL m Lux Ø cm 0.5 480 100 1 120 200 1.5 53 300 2 30 400 Total Luminous 80º Flux 47 (lm) 60º 94 40º 40º 141 20º 0º 190 20º m Lux Ø cm m Lux Ø cm 0.5 480 100 0.5 760 100 1 120 200 1 190 200 1.5 53 300 1.5 84 300 2 30 400 2 48 400 Beam angle = 90° 220-240V 15000 hrs 50mm E14 Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Luminous Flux in 120° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 250 94 40º 400 141 0º 190 40º 145 210 87 No A+ 250 340 87 No A+ 20º 80º 47 60º 4000K│ Ra80 60º 20º 0 80º Beam angle = 90° 20º Beam80º Angle (°) 60º 80º 30 60º 60 5 20º 0 80º Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) 60º 3.5 40º LR2605-SWFL 80º 0 m Lux Ø cm 0.5 760 100 1 190 200 1.5 84 300 2 48 400 Beam angle = 90° Beam angle = 90° Step Dimming LED R50/SmartSeries LR2606s-SWFL 0 80º 0 45 80º 80º 60º 45 60º 60º 2800K│ Ra82 4000K│ Ra85 220-240V 25000 hrs 50mm E14 90 90 40º 135 40º 80º 60º 40º 40º 135 Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Luminous Flux in 120° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable LR2606s-SWFL 6 190 90 400 250 340 87 100%,60%,20% Energy Label A+ 20º 0º 20º 0º MEGAMAN® 20º 20º m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 760 Ø cm 100 0.5 1 760 190 100 200 1 1.5 190 84 200 300 1.5 2 84 48 300 400 2 48 Beam angle = 90° 400 Beam angle = 90° 50 190 190 R63/EconomySeries LR2407.5-SWFL 0 80º 80º 0 57 60º 57 60º 2800K│ Ra80 Model No. Wattage (W) LR2407.5-SWFL 7.5 Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) 230 Beam Angle (°) 90 Total Luminous Flux (lm) 4000K│ Ra80 Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) 600 350 220-240V Luminous Flux in 120° cone (lm) 15000 hrs Length (mm) 520 103 63mm E27 Dimmable Energy Label No A+ 80º 80º 60º 60º 114 114 40º 40º 171 40º 40º 171 20º 0º 20º 0º 230 230 20º 20º m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 920 Ø cm 100 0.5 1 920 230 100 200 1 1.5 230 102 200 300 1.5 2 102 58 300 400 2 58 Beam angle = 90° 400 Beam angle = 90° Step Dimming R63/SmartSeries LR2408s-SWFL 0 80º 0 55 80º 80º 60º 55 60º 60º 2800K│ Ra82 4000K│ Ra85 220-240V 25000 hrs 63mm E27 80º 60º 110 110 40º 40º 165 40º 40º 165 Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Luminous Flux in 120° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label LR2408s-SWFL 8 230 90 600 350 520 104 100%,60%,20% A+ 20º 0º 20º 0º 230 230 20º 20º m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 920 Ø cm 100 0.5 1 920 230 100 200 1 1.5 230 102 200 300 1.5 2 102 58 300 400 2 58 Beam angle = 90° 400 Beam angle = 90° R80/EconomySeries LR4307-SWFL 0 80º 80º 0 57 60º 57 60º 78mm E27 Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) 2800K│ Ra80 Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) 4000K│ Ra80 Luminous Flux in 120° cone (lm) 220-240V Length (mm) 15000 hrs Dimmable Energy Label LR4307-SWFL 7 230 90 520 300 420 112 No A+ 80º 80º 60º 60º 114 114 40º 40º 171 40º 40º 171 20º 0º 20º 0º 230 230 20º 20º m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 920 Ø cm 100 0.5 1 920 230 100 200 1 1.5 230 102 200 300 1.5 2 102 58 300 400 2 58 Beam angle = 90° 400 Beam angle = 90° MEGAMAN® 51 LED GX53 The MEGAMAN®LEDGX53seriesprovidesintegralLEDcabinetlightingwith aGX53lampbaseandanultraslimprofile.Itoffersaninnovativesolutionfor narrowsurface-mountedluminariesandrecessedfittingsthathavelongbeen hauntedbyblazing-heathalogens,causingoverheating,discolourationand deformationtofurnitureanddisplayitems. Designedformerchandisedisplayandaccentlightingapplications,the MEGAMAN®LEDGX53withthepatentedThermalConductiveHighway™ (TCH)technologyandreflectordesigndelivershighqualitylightingandprecise beamcontrol.MEGAMAN®alsoofferstheeconomicalLEDGX53solution, whichcomeswithaprismaticcontrollertodeliveranevenlightdistribution withsoftlightingforgenerallightingapplications.Pleaserefertopage61for moredetails. TCH GX53/ProfessionalSeries 2800K│ Ra82 Model No. 80º 60º LR1305-30D LR1305-60D 40º LR1305-30D Wattage0 (W) 200 60º 5 400 5 20º 80º 600 0º 850 40º 200 60º 60º 400 40º 600 20º 0º 850 40º 20º 60º 850 350 20º m Lux Ø cm 0.5 3400 58 1 850 115 1.5 378 173 2 213 231 Beam angle = 30° 60 20º 0 60º 200 40º 40º 350 400 20º 0º 20º Lux Ø cm m Lux 3400 58 0.5 1400 58 1 850 115 1 350 115 1.5 378 173 1.5 156 173 2 213 231 2 88 231 Beam angle = 60° MEGAMAN® Ø cm 75mm Dimmable Energy Label 350 300 25 No A+ 35040º 300 25 No A+ 20º m Lux 0.5 1400 58 1 350 115 1.5 156 173 2 88 231 Beam angle = 60° 30000 hrs Length (mm) 80º 100 60º 0º 220-240V Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) 400 LR1305-60D 0.5 52 Total Luminous 80º Flux (lm) 100 200 40º m Beam angle = 30° 0 60º 30 80º 80º Beam Angle (°) 80º 350 0 80º Max.LuminousIntensity (cd) 4000K│Ra85 Ø cm GX53 LED MR11 The MEGAMAN®LEDMR11reflectorisanidealretrofitforhalogenspot lighting,providingsignificantenergysavingsof80%andlessheatoutput.It offersasuperblightoutputof600cdwith4Wpowerconsumptionreplacing the20WhalogenMR11toilluminateyourproductdisplays.Thesmallprofile LEDMR11withbothWarmWhiteandCoolWhiteoptionsavailable,isperfect foruseinmerchandisedisplayareas. MR11/ProfessionalSeries ER2304-20H36D 0 80º 200 80º 60º 200 60º 60º 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│Ra80 AC 12V 25000 hrs 35mm GU4 80º 0 80º 60º 400 400 40º 40º 40º 40º 600 600 Model No. Wattage (W) Max.Luminous Intensity (cd) Beam Angle (°) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Flux in 90° cone (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 20º ER2304-20H36D 4 600 36 230 210 42 No A+ m Lux Ø cm m 0.5 Lux 2400 Ø cm 32 0.5 1 2400 600 32 65 1 1.5 600 267 65 97 1.5 2 267 150 97 130 2 150 Beam angle = 36° 130 20º 0º 0º 20º 20º Beam angle = 36° Please refer to the website www.megaman.cc/user-guide for the compatible halogen transformer list. MEGAMAN® 53 LED CANDLE MEGAMAN®LEDCandleshaveanevenlightdistributionof330°tocreatea comfortablelighting.TherangeisavailablewithMEGAMAN® Dim to Warm emitsawarmerlightwhendimmed,simulatingthecharacteristicsandlighting performanceofincandescentlampsforcreatingcosyandintimatesettings. Smoothandsleekfinishingwithalldirectionlightemission,andanLEDCandle with360°lightilluminationdeliversthesameclassiclookastheincandescent lampsfamiliartousers. TheRichColourrangeallowsLEDCandletoofferhighcolourrenderingof up to Ra92, which maximises the richness and quality of colours, providing a perfectLEDreplacementforincandescentlamps.Lastbutnottheleast,Step Dimmingtechnologyofferstheflexibilitytocreatetheperfectmoodforany occasionbysimplypushingtheordinaryon/offswitch. Dim to Warm CANDLE/Smart Series 1 2 Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) 3 Model No. 4 Wattage (W) 2700K-1800K│ Ra80 Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable 220-240V Energy Label 25000 hrs Product Photo 25 LC0404w 4 250 35 100 100-10% A+ 1 25 LC0404wCS 4 250 35 100 100-10% A+ 2 40 LC1106w 6 470 40 106 100-10% A+ 3 40 LC1106wCS 6 470 40 106 100-10% A+ 4 Dimmable CANDLE/Smart Series 1 2 Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) 2800K│ Ra80 Model No. Wattage (W) 25 LC0403.5dv21 40 LC1106d NEW Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) 4000K│ Ra80 Dimmable 220-240V Energy Label 25000 hrs 3.5 250 35 100 100-10% A+ 1 470 40 106 100-10% A+ 2 Step Dimming 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 25000 hrs Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 40 LC1106s 6 470 40 106 100%,60%,20% A+ Please refer to the website www.megaman.cc/user-guide for the compatible dimmer list. E27 lamp base is available for Candle with 400lm or above. 1 Preliminary Data MEGAMAN® E14 Product Photo 6 CANDLE/Smart Series 54 E14 E14 360° illumination CANDLE/Smart Series 2800K│ Ra80 Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. 25 LC20031 NEW 4000K│ Ra80 Model No. 25 LC0403.5R9v21 40 LC0405.5R9 1 15000 hrs E14 Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 3 250 35 98 No A++ RichColour CANDLE/Smart Series Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) 220-240V 220-240V Ra92 2800K│Ra92 4000K│Ra92 Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable 15000 hrs Energy Label E14 NEW 3.5 250 35 100 No A+ NEW 5.5 470 35 100 No A+ CANDLE/Economy Series 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 15000 hrs Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 15 LC0402 2 136 35 100 No A+ 25 LC0403.5v2 3.5 250 35 100 No A+ 29 LC04051 5 320 35 100 No A+ 40 LC0405.5 5.5 470 35 100 No A+ NEW E14 Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. E27lampbaseisavailableforCandlewith400lmorabove. 1 Preliminary Data MEGAMAN® 55 LED CLASSIC MEGAMAN® LED Classic range minimises heat sink material for a sleek and stylishclassicshapeinacompacthousing.MostLEDClassicmodelsprovide auniformlightdistributionof330°withhighqualitylightingperformance andenergyefficiency,makingtheseriesidealforupto100Wincandescent replacement. MEGAMAN®offerstheLEDClassicrangewithahostofspecialfeatures: INGENIUM® BLU and INGENIUM®ZBsmartlightingtechnology,uniqueDimto Warmfeaturetocreatecosyandintimatesettings,outstandingcolourquality throughRichColour,smoothandsleekfinishingfor360°lightillumination,and StepDimmingtechnologytodimthelampwiththestandardon/offswitch. INGENIUM® BLU CLASSIC/Smart Series 2800K│ Ra80 Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. A65 60 LG7809dBT21 NEW 4000K│ Ra80 25000 hrs 220-240V E27 Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 9 810 65 125 100-5% A+ TheClassicLG7809dBT2isBluetooth4.1enabledLEDlamp. INGENIUM® ZB CLASSIC/Smart Series 2800K│ Ra80 Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. A65 60 LG7811dZB1 NEW 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 2 3 Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 11 810 65 125 100-10% A+ Dim to Warm 4 2700K-1800K│ Ra80 220-240V 25000 hrs Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. Lamp Base Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo P45 25 LG2604w E14 4 250 45 84 100-10% A+ 1 P45 40 LG5206w E14 6 470 45 80 100-10% A+ 2 A55 40 LG2207w E27 7 470 55 104 100-10% A+ 3 A65 60 LG2310.5w E27 10.5 810 65 125 100-10% A+ 4 E27lampsbaseisavailableforLEDClassicP45. Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. 1 E27 Wattage(W) CLASSIC/Smart Series 1 25000 hrs Preliminary Data 56 MEGAMAN® Dimmable CLASSIC/SmartSeries 1 2 3 Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. A60 40 LG7207dR91 A60 60 LG7310.5dR91 A65 75 LG7813dR91 2800K│Ra92 RichColour 4000K│Ra92 220-240V 25000 hrs E27 Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo NEW 7 470 60 112 100-10% A+ 1 NEW 10.5 810 60 117 100-10% A+ 2 NEW 13 1055 65 125 100-10% A+ 3 Dimmable CLASSIC/Smart Series 1 Ra92 2 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 25000 hrs E14 Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. Wattage(W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo P45 25 LG2603.5d 3.5 250 45 84 100-10% A+ 1 P45 40 LG5206d 6 470 45 80 100-10% A+ 2 Dimmable CLASSIC/Smart Series 1 2 3 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 25000 hrs E27 Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo A60 40 LG7207d 7 470 60 112 100-10% A+ 1 A60 60 LG7310.5d 10.5 810 60 117 100-10% A+ 2 A65 75 LG7813d 13 1055 65 125 100-10% A+ 3 Step Dimming CLASSIC/Smart Series 1 2 3 4 2800K│ Ra80 Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. Lamp Base Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) 4000K│ Ra80 Dimmable 220-240V Energy Label 25000 hrs Product Photo P45 40 LG5206s E14 6 470 45 80 100%,60%,20% A+ 1 A55 40 LG2206s E27 6 470 55 104 100%,60%,20% A+ 2 A60 60 LG2509.5s E27 9.5 810 60 115 100%,60%,20% A+ 3 A65 75 LG2311s E27 11 1055 65 125 100%,60%,20% A+ 4 E27lampsbaseisavailableforLEDClassicP45. Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. 1 Preliminary Data MEGAMAN® 57 LED CLASSIC 360° illumination CLASSIC/Smart Series 3 1 2 3 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 25000 hrs 220-240V 35000 hrs Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. Lamp Base Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo P45 25 LG4303.5 E14 3.5 250 45 84 No A+ 1 A55 40 LG4405.5 E27 5.5 470 55 100 No A+ 2 A60 60 LG4507.4 E27 7.4 810 60 107 No A++ 3 360° illumination CLASSIC/Smart Series 1 2 2800K│ Ra80 Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. P45 25 LG79031 A60 40 LG8005.51 A60 60 LG8008.51 Diameter (mm) Length (mm) 4000K│ Ra80 Dimmable Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) NEW E14 3 250 45 72 No A++ 1 NEW E27 5.5 470 60 108 No A+ 2 NEW E27 8.5 810 60 108 No A+ 2 2 3 Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. P45 25 LG2603.5R9v21 P45 40 LG2605.5R91 A60 40 A60 A65 4 2800K│ Ra92 4000K│ Ra92 Product Photo Ra92 15000 hrs 220-240V Lamp Base Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo NEW E14 3.5 250 45 84 No A+ 1 NEW E14 5.5 470 45 84 No A+ 1 LG7105.5R91 NEW E27 5.5 470 60 109 No A+ 2 60 LG7310R9 NEW E27 10 810 60 117 No A+ 3 75 LG7812R91 NEW E27 12 1055 65 125 No A+ 4 E27lampsbaseisavailableforLEDClassicP45. 1 Preliminary Data 58 Energy Label RichColour CLASSIC/Smart Series 1 15000 hrs 220-240V Lamp Base MEGAMAN® 1 LED CLASSIC IP54 CLASSIC/WaterResistantOutdoorVersion/EconomySeries 2800K│Ra80 Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. P45 40 LG10605.51 NEW 4000K│Ra80 220-240V 15000 hrs Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 5.5 470 45 77 No A+ E27 IP54meanstheproductisawater-resistantoutdoorversiondesignedtomaintaintheIPratingofthelightfittingused(uptoamaximumofIP54). CLASSIC/Economy Series 1 Lamp Type 2 2800K│Ra80 Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. Lamp Base Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) 4000K│Ra80 Length (mm) Dimmable 15000 hrs 220-240V Energy Label Product Photo P45 15 LG2602 E14 2 136 45 84 No A+ 1 P45 25 LG2603.5v2 E14 3.5 250 45 84 No A+ 1 1 P45 40 LG2605.5 E14 5.5 470 45 84 No A+ A60 25 LG71031 E27 3 250 60 109 No A++ 2 A60 40 LG7105.5 E27 5.5 470 60 109 No A+ 2 NEW CLASSIC/Economy Series 1 2 3 Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. A60 47 LG7107v21 A60 60 LG7209.5 A60 75 A70 100 4 2800K│Ra80 4000K│Ra80 220-240V 15000 hrs E27 Wattage(W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo 7 600 60 109 No A+ 1 9.5 810 60 112 No A+ 2 LG7311 11 1055 60 117 No A+ 3 LG7414 14 1521 70 131 No A+ 4 NEW E27lampbaseisavailableforClassicP45. 1 Preliminary Data MEGAMAN® 59 LED GLOBE The MEGAMAN® LED Globe minimises heat sink material for a simple andbeautifulglobeshapewithacompacthousing.TheMEGAMAN® LED Globedeliversanevenlightdistributionwith330°illuminationjustlikean incandescentglobe,andisbestforgenerallightingapplications,suchastable, wallandfloorlamps. Dimmable GLOBE/Smart Series 1 2 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 25000 hrs Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo G95 60 LG7610.5d 10.5 810 95 132 100-10% A+ 1 G95 75 LG7613d 13 1055 95 132 100-10% A+ 1 G120 75 LG7713d 13 1055 120 155 100-10% A+ 2 E27 GLOBE/Economy Series 1 2 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 15000 hrs Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo G95 60 LG7610 10 810 95 132 No A+ 1 G95 75 LG7611 11 1055 95 132 No A+ 1 G120 75 LG7711 11 1055 120 155 No A+ 2 G120 100 LG7714 14 1521 120 155 No A+ 2 Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. 60 MEGAMAN® E27 LED GX53 The MEGAMAN®LEDGX53serieshasanultraslimprofile,whichprovidesan innovativeintegralLEDsolutionfornarrowsurfacemountedluminariesand recessedfittings.Designedforgeneralandambientlightings,MEGAMAN® LEDGX53withprismaticcontrollerisaneconomicalsolutionwithevenlight distributionandsoftlighting. Foraccentlightingandmerchandisedisplayapplications,MEGAMAN® LED GX53inprofessionalrangecomeswiththepatentedThermalConductive Highway™(TCH)technologyandreflectordesignforprecisebeamcontroland high-qualitylighting.Pleaserefertopage52formoredetails. Dimmable GX53/Smart Series 1 2 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 25000 hrs 75mm Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo LR2205d 5 300 24 100-10% A+ 1 LR3307d 7 480 32 100-10% A+ 2 Step Dimming GX53/Smart Series 1 2 GX53 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 25000 hrs 75mm Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo LR2205s 5 300 24 100%,60%,20% A+ 1 LR3307s 7 520 32 100%,60%,20% A+ 2 GX53 GX53/Economy Series 1 2 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 15000 hrs 75mm Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo LR2203.5 3.5 220 24 No A+ 1 LR2205 5 300 24 No A+ 1 LR3307 7 520 32 No A+ 2 GX53 Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. MEGAMAN® 61 LED LILIPUT MEGAMAN® LED Liliput has been newly introduced to replace 47W incandescentand11WCFLlamps.Itdeliversahighlumenoutputof600lm withacompactprofileandadiameterof40mmonly,whichisaperfectecofriendlysolutiontofitintotheluminaireofdecorativeluminaires. LILIPUT/Economy Series 2800K│ Ra80 Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. 47 LG8207 Preliminary Data 62 MEGAMAN® NEW 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 15000 hrs 40mm E14 Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 7 600 101 No A+ E27 LED T-LAMP MEGAMAN® LED T-lamp delivers the same light output as its 18W incandescentcounterpart,butconsumesatleast87%lessenergy.Itisthe idealreplacementforanincandescentT-lamp.LEDT-lampgeneratesless heat,makingitanideallightsourcefordomesticrefrigeratorsandforgeneral decorativepurposes. Dimmable T-LAMP/Smart Series 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 25000 hrs 26mm E14 26mm E14 MEGAMAN® 63 Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label LG2402d 2 100 57 100-20% A+ T-LAMP/Economy Series 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 15000 hrs Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label LG5501.2 1.2 100 57 No A++ LG5502.4 2.4 180 57 No A+ Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. LED T8 TUBE CompatiblewithtraditionalmagneticballastfortheT8fluorescent,MEGAMAN® LEDT8utilisesaglasstubewithshatterproofdesign.Itsrefined,glossyand smoothappearanceresemblingafluorescentT8tube,butprotectingtheuser frombrokenglassandothercomponents.Featuringawide330°exitwindow, theLEDT8offersanevenlightdistributionthatcloselyresemblesthetraditional fluorescentT8tube. Tocaterforavarietyofapplications,MEGAMAN®offersaprofessionalLEDT8 tubewithhighlumenoutput,highefficacyofupto148lm/W,longlamplifeof 50000hoursandahighpowerfactorlargerthan0.9forcommercialandhighendinteriorapplications;smartserieswithexcellentlightoutputandalonglamp lifeof50000hoursataffordableprices.Theeconomyserieswithanextremely competitivepricefeaturingalonglamplifeof40000hoursareavailablefora widerangeofapplicationsinhouseholdorretailsettings. High Power Factor >0.9 T8 TUBE/ProfessionalSeries 3000K│ Ra80 6500K│Ra80 220-240V 50000 hrs 27.5mm G13 Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) LuminousEfficacy (lm/W) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label LT0409.5H1 9.5 800lm[3000K] 880lm[4000K] 880lm[6500K] 84lm/W[3000K] 93lm/W[4000K] 93lm/W[6500K] 602 No A+ LT0412.5H 12.5 1280lm[3000K] 1400lm[4000K] 1400lm[6500K] 102lm/W[3000K] 112lm/W[4000K] 112lm/W[6500K] 602 No A+ LT0518H1 18 1600lm[3000K] 1750lm[4000K] 1750lm[6500K] 89lm/W[3000K] 97lm/W[4000K] 97lm/W[6500K] 1212 No A+ LT0524.5H 24.5 2560lm[3000K] 2820lm[4000K] 2820lm[6500K] 104lm/W[3000K] 115lm/W[4000K] 115lm/W[6500K] 1212 No A+ LT0624.5H1 24.5 2400lm[3000K] 2600lm[4000K] 2600lm[6500K] 98lm/W[3000K] 106lm/W[4000K] 106lm/W[6500K] 1513 No A+ 25 3400lm[3000K] 3700lm[4000K] 3700lm[6500K] 136lm/W[3000K] 148lm/W[4000K] 148lm/W[6500K] 1513 No A++ 29.5 3300lm[3000K] 3600lm[4000K] 3600lm[6500K] 112lm/W[3000K] 122lm/W[4000K] 122lm/W[6500K] 1513 No A+[3000K] A++ [4000K] A++ [6500K] NEW NEW NEW LT0625H1 NEW LT0629.5H 1 4000K│Ra80 Preliminary Data 64 MEGAMAN® T8 TUBE/Smart Series 3000K│ Ra80 4000K│Ra80 6500K│Ra80 220-240V 50000 hrs 27.5mm Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) LuminousEfficacy (lm/W) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label LT0523.5 23.5 2200lm[3000K] 2400lm[4000K] 2400lm[6500K] 94lm/W[3000K] 102lm/W[4000K] 102lm/W[6500K] 1212 No A+ LT0624.5 24.5 2400lm[3000K] 2600lm[4000K] 2600lm[6500K] 98lm/W[3000K] 106lm/W[4000K] 106lm/W[6500K] 1513 No A+ G13 T8 TUBE/Economy Series 3000K│ Ra80 4000K│Ra80 6500K│Ra80 220-240V 40000 hrs 27.5mm Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) LuminousEfficacy (lm/W) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label LT0409.5 9.5 800lm[3000K] 880lm[4000K] 880lm[6500K] 84lm/W[3000K] 93lm/W[4000K] 93lm/W[6500K] 602 No A+ LT0518 18 1600lm[3000K] 1750lm[4000K] 1750lm[6500K] 89lm/W[3000K] 97lm/W[4000K] 97lm/W[6500K] 1212 No A+ LT0622 22 2000lm[3000K] 2200lm[4000K] 2200lm[6500K] 91lm/W[3000K] 100lm/W[4000K] 100lm/W[6500K] 1513 No A+ MEGAMAN® G13 65 LED S19 MEGAMAN® has introduced a new series, LED S19, the new LED linear tube withS19capistheperfectlong-lastingreplacementforincandescenttubular lamps.MEGAMAN®LEDS19with330°illuminationoffersanevenlight distributionthatcloselyresemblesthetraditionalincandescenttubularlamps. TheshatterproofdesignofLEDS19canprotecttheuserfrombrokenglass andothercomponents. Itdeliversahighlumenoutputof700lmwithacompactprofileandadiameter of37mmonly,whichisaperfecteco-friendlysolutionforbathroomsand kitchens. S19/Economy Series 2800K│ Ra80 Model No. LT0708.5 NEW Preliminary Data 66 MEGAMAN® 4000K│Ra80 6500K│Ra80 220-240V 15000 hrs Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 8.5 700 308 No A+ 37mm S19 LED FLEXI Designedtobecurvedfreelyandfixedonanunevensurface,theMEGAMAN® LEDFlexieliminatesthedarknessbetweenflexiconnectionswithanIPrating ofIP68,whichisanidealsolutionforinteriorandexteriorconcealedlighting applications. It is available in up to 25W 5-metre lengths and can be cut every 10cm to meetdesignrequirements.Whenworkingwithpulsewidthmodulation (PWM)dimmers,itcanbedimmedforcreatingmoodandsettingtheright atmosphere. IP68 Dimmable FLEXI /WaterResistantOutdoorVersion/Smart Series 3000K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 DC 24V Model No. Input Current (mA) Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label EX0205 208 5 300 14 5 1000 Yes A++ EX0225 1042 25 1500 14 5 5000 Yes A++ 25000 hrs The LED Flexi are capable of dimming when working with a pulse width modulation (PWM) dimmer. Dimming performance depends on the specification and quality of PWM dimmer. MEGAMAN® 67 LED STRIP MEGAMAN®LEDStripdeliversuniformlightdistributionwithoutanyhot spotstocreateacomfortableenvironment,makingitanidealsolutionfor everythingfromshowcaselightingthroughtocontinuouscovelightingand linearilluminationapplications. MEGAMAN®LEDStripisavailableinprismaticcontrollerandclearfilmoptions tocatertodifferentapplications.Theprismaticcontrollerversioneliminates glarebyturninghotspotsintoasoftlightsource,whilsttheclearfilmversion hasahighlumenoutputupto1200lm/mandIP65ratingwaterresistant outdoorversionavailable. Dimmable STRIP/Smart Series 3000K│ Ra85 4000K│ Ra85 DC 24V Model No. Input Current (mA) Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label ST0103 167 4 200 8 13 310 Yes A++ ST0106 334 8 400 8 13 610 Yes A++ ST0109 480 11.5 600 8 13 910 Yes A++ ST0112 667 16 800 8 13 1210 Yes A++ ST0115 792 19 1000 8 13 1510 Yes A++ ST0118 1000 24 1200 8 13 1810 Yes A++ 30000 hrs TheLEDstripavailableinavarietyoflengthsfrom310mmto1810mm(in100mmincrements);pleasecontactusfordifferentlengthspecifcations. STRIP/WaterResistantOutdoorVersion/Smart Series Dimmable 3000K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 IP65 DC 24V Model No. Input Current (mA) Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label EX0405 208 5 400 15 7 305 Yes A+ Dimmable STRIP/Smart Series 3000K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 DC 24V Model No. Input Current (mA) Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label EX0305 208 5 400 15 7 305 Yes A+ TheLEDStriparecapableofdimmingwhenworkingwithapulsewidthmodulation(PWM)dimmer.DimmingperformancedependsonthespecificationandqualityofPWMdimmer. 68 MEGAMAN® 25000 hrs 25000 hrs LED FILAMENT LAMP MEGAMAN® has extended the LED Filament Lamp family, adding more waystobringouttheaestheticappealofvariousdecorativelightingfixtures. MEGAMAN®offersLEDFilamentlampswith360ºlightilluminationin2200K and2700Kforcosyandharmoniousilluminationbestforcreatingmoodand settingtheambience. Lineardimmingof100-10%andcarrier-freedesignforall-directionemission withdifferentlamptypeoptionsavailable,MEGAMAN® LED Filament Lamp series easily establishes a cosy and comfortable environment ideal for hospitalitylighting. Dimmable FILAMENT LAMP/Candle/Smart Series 1 2 2700K 2700K│ Ra80 Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. 22 LC1503.2dCS 35 LC2504.5dCS 1 NEW Lamp Base Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo E14 3.2 220 35 121 100-10% A+ 1 E27 4.5 400 35 93 100-10% A+ 2 2700K FILAMENT LAMP/Candle/Economy Series 1 2 3 Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. 25 LC1403CS 25 LC1403TP 35 LC2204CS1 35 LC2204TP1 1 15000 hrs 220-240V 4 2700K│ Ra80 220-240V 15000 hrs Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo 3 250 35 101 No A++ 1 NEW 3 250 38 116 No A++ 2 NEW 4 400 35 98 No A++ 3 NEW 4 400 38 116 No A++ 4 E14 Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. E27lampbaseisavailableforCandlewith400lmorabove. 1 Preliminary Data MEGAMAN® 69 LED FILAMENT LAMP Dimmable FILAMENT LAMP/Classic/Smart Series 1 2 2700K 3 2700K│ Ra80 Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. P45 25 LG9603dCS1 A60 40 LG6205.5dCS A60 60 LG9809dCS NEW 1 NEW 15000 hrs 220-240V Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo 3 250 45 72 100-10% A++ 1 5.5 470 60 118 100-10% A+ 2 9 810 60 102 100-10% A+ 3 2700K FILAMENT LAMP/Classic/Economy Series 1 2 3 4 2700K│ Ra80 Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. P45 25 LG9603CS1 P45 35 LG9704CS1 A60 40 LG6104.8CS A60 60 LG9808CS1 Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. E27lampbaseisavailableforClassicP45. 1 Preliminary Data 70 MEGAMAN® E27 Wattage (W) 220-240V 15000 hrs Lamp Base Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo NEW E14 3 250 45 78 No A++ 1 NEW E14 4 400 45 77 No A++ 2 E27 4.8 470 60 103 No A++ 3 NEW E27 8 810 60 108 No A+ 4 LED GOLDEN FILAMENT LAMPS Dimmable GOLDEN FILAMENT LAMPS/Smart Series 1 2 3 2200K 4 2200K│ Ra80 220-240V 15000 hrs E27 Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo ST58 21 LG6603dGD 3 210 58 152 100-10% A+ 1 A75 21 LG6303dGD 3 210 75 156 100-10% A+ 2 G95 21 LG6403dGD 3 210 95 159 100-10% A+ 3 G125 21 LG6503dGD 3 210 125 196 100-10% A+ 4 2200K GOLDEN FILAMENT LAMPS/Economy Series 1 2 3 4 5 2200K│ Ra80 Lamp Type Equivalent Incandescent LampWattage(W) Model No. Candle 21 LC1403GD/TP1 ST58 21 LG7003GD A75 21 G95 21 G125 21 15000 hrs 220-240V Lamp Base Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo E14 3 210 35 118 No A+ 1 E27 3 210 58 131 No A+ 2 LG6703GD E27 3 210 75 135 No A+ 3 LG6803GD E27 3 210 95 138 No A+ 4 LG6903GD E27 3 210 125 173 No A+ 5 NEW Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. 1 Preliminary Data MEGAMAN® 71 LED G4 With the advanced sub-miniature MEGAMAN® LED technology, the MEGAMAN® LED G4 has the same form factor as halogen, which makes it an idealenergysavingalternativetothehalogenG4. Designedwithadelicateprofile,itdelivershalogen-likesparklingeffects, whichbestfitintoaintricateorcompactluminairesorchandeliers,creating thedesiredatmospheresinstantly. G4/Economy Series 1 2 2800K│ Ra80 Model No. 1 Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable 15000 hrs Energy Label AC 12V Product Photo EU0301.2 1.2 100 9 30 No A++ 1 EU0401.81 1.8 180 10 37 No A++ 2 NEW Preliminary Data 72 MEGAMAN® G4 LED G9 MEGAMAN®LEDG9isaneconomicalsolutionwithanexquisiteprofilefor replacinghalogenG9indisplay,trackanddecorativelightingfixturessuchas chandeliersandpendants.LEDG9delivershighlyluminousefficacyofupto 90lm/WwithenergylabelGradeA++. Itgenerateslessheatthanhalogenlamps,eliminatingoverheatingand frequentre-lampingduetolampsburningoutarenolongerdisturbances. Dimmable G9/Smart Series 1 2 Model No. 2800K│ Ra80 Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) 4000K│ Ra80 Dimmable 25000 hrs Energy Label 220-240V GU9 Product Photo LU0202d 2 100 20 46 100-20% A+ 1 LU0303d 3 180 22 46 100-20% A+ 2 G9/Economy Series 1 2 15000 hrs 220-240V GU9 Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Colour Temp [CRI] Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo LU0702 2 180 2800K[Ra80] 19 43 No A++ 1 LU0403 3 220 2800K/4000K[Ra80] 22 53 No A+ 2 Please refer to the website www.megaman.cc/user-guide for the compatible dimmer list. MEGAMAN® 73 LED CROWN SILVER With the unique silver-plated or brass-plated crown top and clear light bulb finishing,MEGAMAN®LEDCrownSilverisbestforflawlessmirrorlightingand decorativelightingwithanaesthetictouch.Itdeliversnon-glarelightingjust likeanincandescentlampwithsilverorgoldcoating,whilstgreatlyreducing electricityandmaintenancecosts. Dimmable CROWN SILVER /Smart Series 1 2 3 4 2800K│ Ra80 Lamp Type Model No. Lamp Base Wattage (W) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable 4000K│ Ra80 Energy Label 220-240V Product Photo P45 LS0303.5d E14 3.5 45 84 100-10% A 1 A55 LS0405d E27 5 55 104 100-10% A+ 2 A60 LS0505d E27 5 60 107 100-10% A+ 3 A60 LS0505d-Brass E27 5 60 107 100-10% A+ 4 Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. 74 MEGAMAN® 25000 hrs LED R7s The new MEGAMAN® LED R7s delivers a superb light output of up to 1000lmwith25000hoursofcontinuousillumination,makingittheperfect energy-savingalternativetobehalogenR7s.Ithasawiderangeofoperating temperaturesof-30°Cto+40°CandfitsintomostluminaireswithanR7slamp holder. LED R7s generates much less heat than halogen counterparts without the overheatingandburnoutconcernsoftheextremelyhotdouble-ended halogens.Withthedimmableoptionavailable,youcanadddimmingandscene settingtoyourenvironment. Dimmable R7s/SmartSeries 2800K│ Ra80 Model No. LJ0409d1 NEW 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 25000 hrs Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label 9 810 118 100-10% A+ 25mm R7s/SmartSeries 1 2 3 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 25000 hrs Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Diameter (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo LJ0107 7 450 N/A 56 30 83 No A+ 1 LJ0209 9 600 N/A 56 29 118 No A 2 LJ04081 8 1000 25 N/A N/A 118 No A++ 3 NEW TheLEDR7sLJ0408canbeusedinoutdoorfloodlightwithminimumvolumeofW120xL160xH80(mm)atambienttemperatureof25°C,theestimatedlifetimeis15,000hours. Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. 1 Preliminary Data MEGAMAN® 75 LED CLUSTERLITE® MEGAMAN® LED CLUSTERLITE® delivers an extremely high lumen output of upto4160lmwith35Wpowerconsumptiononly(EnergyLabelGradeA++). It perfectly replaces 40W CFL (and 120W mercury tungsten blended lamp) and 60W CFL (and 180W mercury tungsten blended lamp) by 27W and 35W solutionsrespectively.Itoffersimmenseilluminationoutputforlarge-scale commercialandindustrialapplications,includingbusandtrainterminuses, exhibitionhalls,shoppingmalls,showrooms,factories,warehouses,street lightingandbillboards. MEGAMAN® LED CLUSTERLITE®comeswithshatterprooffinishing, protectingtheuserfrombrokenglassandothercomponents,alsofreeof harmfulUVandradioactiveKr85,evenifthelampbreaks. CLUSTERLITE®/SmartSeries 2800K│ Ra80 Model No. Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Length (mm) 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V Dimmable 25000 hrs 63mm Energy Label LH0127 27 2800 188 No A+ LH0135 35 4000[2800K],4160[4000K] 188 No A+[2800K],A++ [4000K] The LED CLUSTERLITE®isnotwaterresistant.ThewaterproofperformanceofthelampwouldonlybeattainedifthelampisusedwithalightfittingwithanIPratingofIP44orabove. Theambienttemperatureinsidethefixturemustnotexceed60°C,whichisequivalenttoaminimumvolumeof120x360x220(mm). Thenoiselevelis23dBinanenclosedfixtureand35dBwhenfreeburning. 76 MEGAMAN® E27 LED SENSOR LIGHT Equipped with an ingenious light sensor, the MEGAMAN® LED Sensor Light automaticallylightsupindarknessandturnsitselfoffinabrightenvironment. It reduces electricity costs and investment on costly security lights and helps makesignificantenergysavings. SENSOR LIGHT/SmartSeries 1 2 Model No. LG7105.5r LG7206r LG7309.5r 3 2800K│ Ra80 4000K│ Ra80 220-240V 25000 hrs 60mm Wattage (W) Total Luminous Flux (lm) Length (mm) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo NEW 5.5 470 109 No A+ 1 NEW 6 600 112 No A+ 2 NEW 9.5 810 117 No A+ 3 E27 Preliminary Data MEGAMAN® 77 LED NIGHT LIGHT Designedtogivelightforasenseofsecurityorasolutionagainstafearofthe dark, the MEGAMAN®LEDNightLightseriesoffersasleekappearancethat illuminates and outlines your staircase, corridors and bedrooms, and is perfect forchildren’srooms.Itslowheatdesignmakesitmuchsaferthanincandescent bulbs. NIGHT LIGHT/SmartSeries 1 2 3 220-240V 20000 hrs Model No. Wattage (W) Plug Type Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Colour Available Product Photo NL010.2 0.2 EU 65 76 N/A N/A WarmWhite(2700K),Blue,Flame,Green,Red,White 1 NL050.2 0.2 AU 41 57 N/A N/A WarmWhite(2700K),Blue,Flame,Green,Red,White 2 NL050.2 0.2 CN 41 56 N/A N/A WarmWhite(2700K),Blue,Flame,Green,Red,White 2 NL050.2 0.2 EU 41 66 N/A N/A WarmWhite(2700K),Blue,Flame,Green,Red,White 2 NL050.2 0.2 UK N/A 50 46 64 WarmWhite(2700K),Blue,Flame,Green,Red,White 3 78 MEGAMAN® LED PLANT LAMP Artificiallightingiscommonlyusedinhorticulturewhennaturalsunlightis notsufficientforproperplantgrowth.MEGAMAN® LED Plant Lamp series isaneco-friendlysolutionforhorticulturelightingtoassistplantsinthe photosynthesisprocess,whichcanincreasetheplantyield.Itishighlyenergy efficient,helpinggrowerstolowerelectricityconsumption,particularlyduring coldseasons. IP55 PLANT LAMP/PAR38/WaterResistantOutdoorVersion/Smart Series 220-240V 25000 hrs 121mm E27 60mm E27 MEGAMAN® 79 Lamp Type Model No. Wattage (W) Length (mm) Photon Flux (umol/s) PAR38 LR3208.5PT 8.5 132 5 IP55meanstheproductisawater-resistantoutdoorversiondesignedtomaintaintheIPratingofthelightfittingused(uptoamaximumofIP55). PLANT LAMP/Classic/SmartSeries 220-240V 25000 hrs Lamp Type Model No. Wattage (W) Length (mm) Photon Flux (umol/s) Classic A60 LG2506.5PT 6.5 115 1.8 AdditionalphotonfluxcanbedeliverediftheLEDplantlampisinstalledinafixturewithareflector. LED COLOUR BULB Withfourcolouroptions:blue,green,orangeandredavailable,the MEGAMAN®LEDColourBulbfeaturesdelightfulcolourstosuitdifferent occasions.Withawater-resistantfeature,itisdesignedtomaintainthe IPratingofthelightingfittingused(uptomaximumofIP55)foroutdoor applications.Theselampshavelowpowerconsumptionofonewatt,which is the perfect replacement for incandescent colours bulbs and helping make significantenergysavings. IP55 COLOUR BULB/WaterResistantOutdoorVersion/Smart Series 220-240V Model No. Wattage (W) Colour Length (mm) LG1801BU 1 Blue E14:92/E27:87 LG1801GN 1 Green E14:92/E27:87 LG1801OR 1 Orange E14:92/E27:87 LG1801RD 1 Red E14:92/E27:87 IP55meanstheproductisawater-resistantoutdoorversiondesignedtomaintaintheIPratingofthelightfittingused(uptoamaximumofIP55). 80 MEGAMAN® 25000 hrs 45mm The MEGAMAN® TECOH®LEDportfolioconsistsofarangeofhigh performanceLEDlightenginesandmodules.TheTECOH® Family is enhancedbyintroducing: TECOH® THx, LEDmodulesandlightenginesthatofferexcellent alternativestoAR111,MR16andPAR16halogenlamps TECOH® CFx, theworld’sfirst2000lumenZhagaCertifiedBook2LED light engine TECOH® APx, a planar LED light engine with driver integrated on board fordirectmainsoperation TECOH® MHx, delivers high light output of 3500lm, which is a perfect alternativeto35Wmetalhalidelamps TECOH® RDx, arounddiscLEDmodulethatoffersexcellentlumen packages of up to 8310 lumens TECOH® RLx, a round shaped constant current LED module with high qualityoflightforgenerallightingapplications TECOH® FLx, enhanced range now includes bi-colour, high output and 8mm versions TECOH® PLx,afinger-shapedmodulethatisaperfectalternativeto fluorescentlights TECOH® DFx, a rectangular-shaped LED module with high quality white lightspecificallydesignedforambientlighting TECOH® THx The MEGAMAN® TECOH®THxoffersexcellentalternativestohalogenPAR16,MR16 and AR111 for recessed and surface mounted spotlights • • • • • • • Thebuilt-inopticsandheat-sinksimplifytheupgradetohighefficientLEDsolution IncludesfirstserviceableLEDsolutionforfirerateddownlights EmpoweredbyHybridReflector,TECOH®THxoffersenhancedbeamcontroland excellentefficacy Dim to Warm and INGENIUM®BLUoptionsavailabletoofferanenhancementtoany lightingscheme A dimming feature is available and the performance can be enhanced by driver choice Highsystemefficiencyofupto91lm/WandA+energyclass Long life of up to 50,000 hours Hybrid Reflector TECOH® THx/LightEngine 220-240V Product Code Wattage (W) TH0309dBT2-24D/828-230V Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Efficacy (lm/W) Luminous Flux in 90° Cone (lm) Beam Angle (°) Max Luminous Intensity (cd) ColourTemp. [CRI] INGENIUM® BLU 50mm Life Time at L70 B50 and Ta 25°C (hrs) L SDCM 75mm ≤5 Dimmable Energy Label NEW 11.5 900 78 830 24 3500 2800K[>Ra80] 25000 100-5% A+ TH0309dBT2-24D/840-230V NEW 11.5 900 78 830 24 3500 4000K[>Ra80] 25000 100-5% A+ TH0309dBT2-36D/828-230V NEW 11.5 900 78 830 36 1900 2800K[>Ra80] 25000 100-5% A+ TH0309dBT2-36D/840-230V NEW 11.5 900 78 830 36 1900 4000K[>Ra80] 25000 100-5% A+ The TECOH®THxisBluetooth4.1enabledLEDlightengines. Hybrid Reflector TECOH® THx/LightEngine 2800K-1800K│>Ra80 Product Code TH0205w-36D/828-230V NEW U-DIM™ 220-240V 50mm L SDCM 65mm ≤5 Wattage (W) Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Efficacy (lm/W) Luminous Flux in 90° Cone (lm) Beam Angle (°) Max Luminous Intensity (cd) Life Time at L70 B50 and Ta 25°C (hrs) Dimmable Energy Label 8 500 63 460 36 1100 25000 100-5% A Hybrid Reflector TECOH® THx/LightEngine 220-240V Product Code Dim to Warm U-DIM™ L SDCM 50mm 65mm ≤5 Wattage (W) Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Efficacy (lm/W) Luminous Flux in 90° Cone (lm) Beam Angle (°) Max Luminous Intensity (cd) ColourTemp. [CRI] Life Time at L70 B50 and Ta 25°C (hrs) Dimmable Energy Label TH0205d-24D/828-230V NEW 8 500 63 460 24 2000 2800K[>Ra80] 25000 100-5% A TH0205d-24D/840-230V NEW 8 500 63 460 24 2000 4000K[>Ra80] 25000 100-5% A NEW 8 500 63 460 36 1100 2800K[>Ra80] 25000 100-5% A NEW 8 500 63 460 36 1100 4000K[>Ra80] 25000 100-5% A TH0205d-36D/828-230V TH0205d-36D/840-230V Pleaserefertothewebsitewww.megaman.cc/user-guideforthecompatibledimmerlist. Preliminary data 82 MEGAMAN® Dimmable TECOH® THx/LightEngine 220-240V 53mm L SDCM 66mm ≤5 Product Code Wattage (W) Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Efficacy(lm/W) Luminous Flux in 90° Cone (lm) Beam Angle (°) Max Luminous Intensity (cd) ColourTemp. [CRI] Life Time at L70 B50 and Ta 25°C (hrs) Dimmable Energy Label TH0106d-36D/828-230V 8 600 75 420 36 650 2800K[Ra80] 30000 100-10% A TH0106d-36D/840-230V 8 630 79 440 36 650 4000K[Ra80] 30000 100-10% A Hybrid Reflector TECOH® THx/LightEngine 1 2 220-240V Product Code L SDCM 50mm 65mm ≤5 Wattage (W) Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Efficacy (lm/W) Luminous Flux in 90° Cone (lm) Beam Angle (°) Max Luminous Intensity (cd) ColourTemp. [CRI] Life Time at L70 B50 and Ta 25°C (hrs) Dimmable Energy Label Product Photo TH0205-24D/828-230V1 NEW 7.5 500 67 460 24 2000 2800K[>Ra80] 25000 No A+ 1 TH0205-24D/840-230V1 NEW 7.5 500 67 460 24 2000 4000K[>Ra80] 25000 No A+ 1 TH0205-36D/828-230V1 NEW 7.5 500 67 460 36 1100 2800K[>Ra80] 25000 No A+ 1 TH0205-36D/840-230V1 NEW 7.5 500 67 460 36 1100 4000K[>Ra80] 25000 No A+ 1 NEW 8.5 700 82 640 24 2800 2800K[>Ra80] 25000 No A+ 2 NEW 8.5 700 82 640 24 2800 4000K[>Ra80] 25000 No A+ 2 700 82 640 36 1500 2800K[>Ra80] 25000 No A+ 2 TH0307-24D/828-230V1 TH0307-24D/840-230V1 NEW 8.5 TH0307-36D/840-230V1 NEW 8.5 700 82 640 36 1500 4000K[>Ra80] 25000 No A+ 2 TH0309-24D/828-230V NEW 10.5 900 86 830 24 3500 2800K[>Ra80] 25000 No A+ 2 TH0309-24D/840-230V1 NEW 10.5 900 86 830 24 3500 4000K[>Ra80] 25000 No A+ 2 TH0309-36D/828-230V1 NEW 10.5 900 86 830 36 1900 2800K[>Ra80] 25000 No A+ 2 TH0309-36D/840-230V1 NEW 10.5 900 86 830 36 1900 4000K[>Ra80] 25000 No A+ 2 TH0307-36D/828-230V1 1 Hybrid Reflector TECOH® THx/Module Dimmable SDCM 1 2 Product Code TH0405-36D/828-350mA1 ≤5 Input Current (mA) Nominal Voltage (V DC) Wattage (W) Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Efficacy (lm/W) Luminous Flux in 90° Cone (lm) Beam Angle (°) Max. Luminous Intensity (cd) ColourTemp. [CRI] Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Life Time at L70 B10 and Tc 85°C (hrs) Energy Label Product Photo NEW 350 16-21 6.5 500 77 350 36 1200 2800K[Ra82] 50 30 50000 A 1 16-21 6.5 500 77 350 36 1200 4000K[Ra85] 50 30 50000 A 1 NEW 350 TH0406-36D/828-350mA1 NEW 350 16-21 6.5 630 97 500 36 1500 2800K[Ra82] 50 30 50000 A+ 1 TH0406-36D/840-350mA1 NEW 350 16-21 6.5 630 97 500 36 1500 4000K[Ra85] 50 30 50000 A+ 1 TH0520-15D/830-700mA1 NEW 700 35 25 2000 80 1840 15 17800 3000K[>Ra80] 111 92 50000 A 2 TH0520-15D/840-700mA1 NEW 700 35 25 2000 80 1840 15 17800 4000K[>Ra80] 111 92 50000 A 2 TH0520-24D/830-700mA1 NEW 700 35 25 2000 80 1840 24 10200 3000K[>Ra80] 111 92 50000 A 2 35 25 2000 80 1840 24 10200 4000K[>Ra80] 111 92 50000 A 2 TH0405-36D/840-350mA1 NEW 700 TH0520-45D/830-700mA1 NEW 700 35 25 2000 80 1840 45 4450 3000K[>Ra80] 111 92 50000 A 2 TH0520-45D/840-700mA1 NEW 700 35 25 2000 80 1840 45 4450 4000K[>Ra80] 111 92 50000 A 2 TH0532-24D/830-1050mA1 NEW 1050 35 35 3200 91 2940 24 16300 3000K[>Ra80] 111 92 50000 A+ 2 TH0532-24D/840-1050mA1 NEW 1050 35 35 3200 91 2940 24 16300 4000K[>Ra80] 111 92 50000 A+ 2 TH0532-45D/830-1050mA1 NEW 1050 35 35 3200 91 2940 45 7100 3000K[>Ra80] 111 92 50000 A+ 2 35 35 3200 91 2940 45 7100 4000K[>Ra80] 111 92 50000 A+ 2 TH0520-24D/840-700mA1 NEW 1050 TH0532-60D/830-1050mA1 NEW 1050 35 35 3200 91 2940 60 400 3000K[>Ra80] 111 92 50000 A+ 2 TH0532-60D/840-1050mA1 NEW 1050 35 35 3200 91 2940 60 400 4000K[>Ra80] 111 92 50000 A+ 2 TH0532-45D/840-1050mA1 Adimmingfeatureisavailableandperformancecanbeenhancedbydriverchoice. Please refer to the website www.megaman.cc/user-guide for the compatible dimmer list. 1 Preliminary data MEGAMAN® 83 TECOH® CFx Theworld’sfirst2000-lumenLEDlightenginesdesignedinlinewithZHAGASpecification Book 2 • • • • • • • DesignedinlinewithZHAGAInterfaceSpecificationBook2,enabling interchangeabilityandeasyintegrationintofixtures PerfectalternativetoCFLnon-integratedandhalogenlampsingenerallighting applications Twist-lockdesignwithintegrateddriverthatallowseasyinstallationdirectlyonmains input Idealforuseindownlights,replacingconventionallightsourcessuchasthe50W halogenandthe2x13Wand2x18Wcompactfluorescentlamps SmoothLambertianoutput Highefficiencyrangethatofferssystemefficaciesofupto83lm/W Theextendedlifedimmablerangeoffers100%to10%lineardimmingfeature TECOH® CFx /HighEfficiency 220-240V Product Code Wattage (W) Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Efficacy(lm/W) ColourTemp. [CRI] LifeTimeatL70B10&Tc 65°C (hrs) 70mm L SDCM 41mm ≤5 Dimmable Energy Label CF0112/PHJ65d-2-828-230V 15 1200 80 2800K[Ra80] 25000 No A+ CF0112/PHJ65d-2-840-230V 15 1200 80 4000K[Ra80] 25000 No A+ CF0120/PHJ65d-2-828-230V 26 2000 77 2800K[Ra80] 25000 No A CF0120/PHJ65d-2-840-230V 26 2000 77 4000K[Ra80] 25000 No A Dimmable TECOH® CFx /ExtendedLifeDimmable 220-240V Product Code Wattage (W) Luminous Flux (lm) Luminous Efficacy(lm/W) ColourTemp. [CRI] LifeTimeatL70B10&Tc 65°C (hrs) 70mm Dimmable L SDCM 41mm ≤5 Energy Label CF0212d/PHJ65d-2-828-230V 15 1100 73 2800K[Ra82] 35000 100-10% A CF0212d/PHJ65d-2-840-230V 15 1200 80 4000K[Ra85] 35000 100-10% A+ CF0220d/PHJ65d-2-828-230V 24 1800 75 2800K[Ra82] 35000 100-10% A CF0220d/PHJ65d-2-840-230V 24 2000 83 4000K[Ra85] 35000 100-10% A+ Capableoflineardimmingfrom100%to10%whenworkingwithconventionalleadingedgedimmers. Pleasevisitwww.megaman.cc/user-guideforalistofcompatibledimmerslist. For use in Class I luminaires only. 84 MEGAMAN® TECOH® APx MEGAMAN® TECOH® APx is a planar LED light engine with driver integrated on board for directmainsoperation • • • • • • Canbeintegratedintofixturesorontoheatsinkswithoutadditionaldriver Differentfixtureshapesandsizescanbeaddressedusingsingleormultipleunits Highluminousefficacyofupto123lm/WandenergylabelA++ Withhighpowerfactorof>0.9,whichcancontributetoahigherenergysavingsinthe endapplication Idealforuseinceilingandwalllightbehinddiffusorwithalimiteddepth Lowflickeroptionavailable≤30% High Power Factor of >0.9 TECOH® APx SDCM 1 2 220-240V ≤4 Product Code Wattage (W) Luminous Flux at Ta 25ºC(lm) Luminous EfficacyatTa 25ºC(lm/W) Luminous Flux at Tc 75ºC(lm) Luminous EfficacyatTc 75ºC(lm/W) ColourTemp. [CRI] Life Time at L70B50&Tc 75°C (hrs) Width (mm) Height (mm) Length (mm) Energy Label Product Photo AP0106/830-230V 9 680 76 630 70 3000K[Ra80] 50000 40 5.6 40 A+ 1 AP0106/840-230V 9 700 78 650 72 4000K[Ra80] 50000 40 5.6 40 A+ 1 AP0536/840-230V1 35 3900 111 3600 102 4000K[Ra80] 50000 80 15 80 A+ 2 NEW TECOH® APx High Power Factor of >0.9 SDCM 1 2 3 Product Code 4000K│Ra80 220-240V ≤4 Luminous Flux atTa25ºC(lm) LuminousEfficacy atTa25ºC(lm/W) Luminous Flux atTc75ºC(lm) LuminousEfficacy atTc75ºC(lm/W) Life Time at L70 B50 and Tc 75°C (hrs) Diameter (mm) Height (mm) Energy Label Product Photo AP0211/840-230V1 NEW 12 1200 100 1100 92 50000 60 5.6 A+ 1 AP0907/840-230V1 NEW 9.5 750 79 700 74 50000 60 6.5 A+ 2 AP1014/840-230V1 NEW 18 1490 83 1400 78 50000 60 6.5 A 2 AP1121/840-230V1 NEW 27 2180 81 2100 78 50000 70 6.5 A 3 AP1235/840-230V1 NEW 35 3800 109 3500 100 50000 140 6.5 A+ 4 NEW 48.5 5950 123 5500 113 50000 140 6.5 A++ 4 AP1355/840-230V1 1 Wattage (W) 4 Preliminary data MEGAMAN® 85 TECOH® MHx MEGAMAN® TECOH® MHx delivers excellent light output of 3500lm, is a perfect alternativeto35Wmetalhalidelamps • ExtendedrangeofLEDmodulesofferingviablealternativesto20,35and50Wceramic metal halide • Withminimaldesignmodificationsrequired,theTECOH® MHx can be used in many existingfixtures(thelightcentrefromthebaseisthesameheightasinG12orGU6.5 lamps) • Highluminousefficacyofupto146lm/W • Capableoflineardimmingfrom100%to1%whenusedwithaDC1-10Vdimming driver and DC1-10V dimmer • Future-proof design enable easy upgrading of the TECOH® MHx • HighcolourrenderingofuptoRa85;aRichColouroptionoffersanoutstandingCRI of Ra95 TCH TECOH® MHx Dimmable RichColour+ 42mm Product Code Input Current (mA) Nominal Voltage (V DC) Wattage (W) Luminous Flux at Ta 25ºC(lm) Luminous EfficacyatTa 25ºC(lm/W) Luminous Flux atTc75ºC(lm) Luminous EfficacyatTc 75ºC(lm/W) ColourTemp. [CRI] Life Time at L70 B50&Tc75°C (hrs) Ra95 L SDCM 62mm ≤3 Suggested LED Converter Energy Label MH0130R9/930-700mA 700 36 24 2700 113 2300 96 3000K[Ra95] 50000 LD0424x1v-C700 A+ MH0130R9/940-700mA 700 36 24 2900 121 2500 104 4000K[Ra95] 50000 LD0424x1v-C700 A+ TCH TECOH® MHx Dimmable SDCM 1 2 Product Code ≤3 Input Current (mA) Nominal Voltage (V DC) Wattage (W) Luminous Flux at Ta 25ºC(lm) Luminous Luminous Efficacyat Flux at Tc Ta25ºC 75ºC(lm) (lm/W) Luminous ColourTemp. Efficacyat [CRI] Tc75ºC (lm/W) Life Time at L70 B50 &Tc75°C (hrs) Diameter (mm) Height (mm) Suggested LED Converter Energy Label Product Photo MH0219/830-500mA 500 34 17 2000 118 1700 100 3000K[Ra82] 50000 25 50 LD0217x1v-C500 A+ 1 MH0219/840-500mA 500 34 17 2200 129 1900 112 4000K[Ra85] 50000 25 50 LD0217x1v-C500 A+ 1 MH0130/830-700mA 700 36 24 3200 133 2700 113 3000K[Ra82] 50000 42 62 LD0424x1v-C700 A+ 2 MH0130/840-700mA 700 36 24 3500 146 3000 125 4000K[Ra85] 50000 42 62 LD0424x1v-C700 A+ 2 MH0130 + holder MH0219 + holder Base to light centre length Base to light centre length = STANDARD G12 (GU6.5) Ceramic Metal Halide Lamp | Holder | Base MEGAMAN® TECOH® MHx LED Module (MH0219) + Lamp = Lamp holder LB2601 Capableoflineardimmingfrom100%to1%whenconnectedtoaDC1-10VdimmingdriverandaDC1-10Vdimmer. 86 MEGAMAN® + Lamp Lamp holder LB2602 TECOH® RDx The MEGAMAN® TECOH®RDxoffersexcellentlumenpackagesofupto8310lumens • • • • • • • DesignedwithZHAGAInterfaceSpecificationBook3inmind,enabling interchangeabilityandeasyintegrationintofixtures Highthermalandopticalperformance,enablingefficientandcompactfixturedesigns Packages from 1690 lumens up to 8310 lumens with same outer dimension of 50mm diameterand6.2mmheightformultifunctionalfixturedesign SmallLESofonly(17-19mm)withoutputpackagesupto8310lumensofferingprecise beam control at high output for extra punch Allmodulesaredesignedformultipleoperationsondifferentdrivers.Bysimply changingtheinputcurrent,themodulescanbeoperatedinhighefficiency,normaland high output modes Highcasetemperatureof85°Cformoreflexibilityonfixturedesign Long lamp life (L70 B10) of up to 50000 hours Dimmable TECOH® RDx Gen2 1 Product Code 2 Input Current (mA) Typical Voltage at Tc 85°C (V DC) 50mm Typical WattageatTc 85°C (W) Luminous Flux at Ta 25ºC(lm) Luminous EfficacyatTa 25ºC(lm/W) Luminous Flux at Tc 85°C (lm) Luminous EfficacyatTc 85°C(lm/W) ColourTemp. [CRI] Life Time at L70 B10 and Tc 85°C (hrs) LES Size (mm) L SDCM 6.2mm ≤3 Energy Label Product Photo RD0121M/830-350mA-HE 350 34.6 12.1 1690 140 1400 116 3000[Ra82] 50000 17 A++ 1 RD0121M/840-350mA-HE 350 34.6 12.1 1870 155 1550 128 4000[Ra82] 50000 17 A++ 1 RD0121M/830-500mA-NE 500 35.4 17.7 2290 129 1900 107 3000[Ra82] 50000 17 A+ 1 RD0121M/840-500mA-NE 500 35.4 17.7 2530 143 2100 119 4000[Ra82] 50000 17 A++ 1 RD0121M/830-700mA-HO 700 36.2 25.3 2890 114 2400 95 3000[Ra82] 50000 17 A+ 1 RD0121M/840-700mA-HO 700 36.2 25.3 3200 126 2650 105 4000[Ra82] 50000 17 A+ 1 RD0231M/830-500mA-HE 500 34.6 17.3 2530 146 2100 121 3000[Ra82] 50000 17 A++ 1 RD0231M/840-500mA-HE 500 34.6 17.3 2770 160 2300 133 4000[Ra82] 50000 17 A++ 1 RD0231M/830-700mA-NE 700 34.8 24.4 3370 138 2800 115 3000[Ra82] 50000 17 A++ 1 RD0231M/840-700mA-NE 700 34.8 24.4 3740 153 3100 127 4000[Ra82] 50000 17 A++ 1 RD0231M/830-1050mA-HO 1050 35.2 37.0 4400 119 3650 99 3000[Ra82] 50000 17 A+ 1 RD0231M/840-1050mA-HO 1050 35.2 37.0 4820 130 4000 108 4000[Ra82] 50000 17 A+ 1 RD0343M/830-700mA-HE 700 33.2 23.2 3675 158 3050 131 3000[Ra82] 50000 19 A++ 2 RD0343M/840-700mA-HE 700 33.2 23.2 4095 177 3400 147 4000[Ra82] 50000 19 A++ 2 RD0343M/830-1050mA-NE 1050 33.6 35.3 4940 140 4100 116 3000[Ra82] 50000 19 A++ 2 RD0343M/840-1050mA-NE 1050 33.6 35.3 5420 154 4500 127 4000[Ra82] 50000 19 A++ 2 RD0343M/830-1400mA-HO 1400 34.0 47.6 5900 124 4900 103 3000[Ra82] 50000 19 A+ 2 RD0343M/840-1400mA-HO 1400 34.0 47.6 6500 137 5400 113 4000[Ra82] 50000 19 A++ 2 RD0555M/830-1050mA-NE 1050 42.0 44.1 6020 137 5000 113 3000[Ra82] 50000 19 A++ 2 RD0555M/840-1050mA-NE 1050 42.0 44.1 6620 150 5500 125 4000[Ra82] 50000 19 A++ 2 RD0555M/830-1400mA-HO 1400 44.1 61.7 7590 123 6300 102 3000[Ra82] 50000 19 A+ 2 RD0555M/840-1400mA-HO 1400 44.1 61.7 8310 135 6900 112 4000[Ra82] 50000 19 A++ 2 A dimming feature is available and performance can be enhanced by driver choice. MEGAMAN® 87 TECOH® RLx The MEGAMAN® RLx is a round shaped constant current LED module with high quality of lightforgenerallighting • • • • • • • EnergyefficientLEDalternativestoCFLandhalogenproductsforgenerallighting applications Differentlumenpackageswithsamesizeandfixingholesallowingmultifunctional fixturedesignandflexiblestocking Tobeusedincombinationwithdiffusecoversforoptimumperformance Long lamp life (L70 B10) of 30,000 hours Widerangeofoperatingtemperaturefrom-30°Cto+40°C PricecompetitiveconstantcurrentLEDsolution Dimming feature is available and driver choice can enhance performance Dimmable TECOH® RLx 1 2 Product Code Input Current (mA) 3000K│Ra82 Nominal Voltage (V DC) Wattage (W) Luminous Flux at Ta 25°C (lm) Luminous EfficacyatTa 25°C(lm/W) Luminous Flux at Tc 85°C (lm) Luminous EfficacyatTc 85°C(lm/W) 34mm Life Time at L70 B10 at Tc 75°C (hrs) H SDCM 2.4mm ≤4 Energy Label Product Photo RL0107/830-350mA NEW 350 22 8 800 100 720 90 30000 A+ 1 RL0216/830-700mA NEW 700 22 15 1750 116 1600 106 30000 A+ 2 Preliminary data A dimming feature is available and performance can be enhanced by driver choice. 88 MEGAMAN® TECOH® FLx The MEGAMAN® rectangular-shaped LED modules TECOH®FLxisaperfectalternative tofluorescentlights • • • • • • • • • • • DesigninlinewiththeZHAGAInterfaceSpecificationBook7 Tobeusedinlinearandflatluminaireswithdiffusecoverstoreplacetraditional fluorescentlightinginnewluminaires The lengths of 280mm or 560mm with a width of 20mm, 31mm and 40mm can be mixedandmatchedtomakeuptheregularfluorescenttubelengthsof0.6m,1.2mand1.5m High lumen output of up to 4500lm per module HighlyefficientlightingsolutionswithenergylabelA+andA++withefficaciesupto170lm/W SimpleinterconnectionoftheLEDmodulesmakethemaflexiblesolutionsuitablefor continuouslineconfigurationswithoutgapsanddarkzones Thebi-colourversionoffersTunableWhiteformulti-applicationlighting Themultipleoperationin8mmwidthforsideliteapplication Widerangeofoperatingtemperaturesfrom-30°Cto+50°C Self-cooling modules that do not need specially designed heat-sinks HighCRIversions:Ra≥90availableidealforretailapplications Dimmable TECOH® FLx/HighEfficacy W H SDCM 20mm 6.7mm ≤3 Product Code Input Current (mA) Nominal Voltage (V DC) Wattage (W) Luminous Flux at Ta 25°C (lm) Luminous EfficacyatTa 25°C(lm/W) Luminous Flux at Tc 85°C (lm) Luminous EfficacyatTc 85°C(lm/W) ColourTemp. [CRI] Life Time at L70 B10 at Tc 85°C (hrs) Length (mm) Energy Label FL0305v2/830-L28W2-700mA 700 6 4 513 128 500 125 3000K[Ra80] 50000 280 A++ FL0305v2/840-L28W2-700mA 700 6 4 563 141 525 138 4000K[Ra80] 50000 280 A++ FL0411/830-L56W2-700mA 700 12 8 1025 128 1000 125 3000K[Ra80] 50000 560 A++ FL0411/840-L56W2-700mA 700 12 8 1125 141 1100 138 4000K[Ra80] 50000 560 A++ FL0311/830-L28W2-700mA 700 12 8 1025 128 1000 125 3000K[Ra80] 50000 280 A++ FL0311/840-L28W2-700mA 700 12 8 1125 141 1100 138 4000K[Ra80] 50000 280 A++ FL0422/830-L56W2-700mA 700 24 16 2050 128 2000 125 3000K[Ra80] 50000 560 A+ FL0422/840-L56W2-700mA 700 24 16 2250 141 2200 138 4000K[Ra80] 50000 560 A++ FL3506/830-L28W2-700mA 700 5.5 3.87 630 162 610 157 3000K[Ra80] 50000 280 A++ FL3506/840-L28W2-700mA 700 5.5 3.87 660 170 640 165 4000K[Ra80] 50000 280 A++ FL3413/830-L56W2-700mA 700 11 7.75 1255 162 1220 157 3000K[Ra80] 50000 560 A++ FL3413/840-L56W2-700mA 700 11 7.75 1320 170 1280 165 4000K[Ra80] 50000 560 A++ FL3513/830-L28W2-700mA 700 11 7.75 1255 162 1220 157 3000K[Ra80] 50000 280 A++ FL3513/840-L28W2-700mA 700 11 7.75 1320 170 1280 165 4000K[Ra80] 50000 280 A++ FL3426/830-L56W2-700mA 700 22 15.5 2510 162 2440 157 3000K[Ra80] 50000 560 A++ FL3426/840-L56W2-700mA 700 22 15.5 2635 170 2560 165 4000K[Ra80] 50000 560 A++ Otherwidthoptionsarealsoavailable,pleasecontactusfordetails. Dimmable TECOH® FLx/High Output W H SDCM 40mm 6.7mm ≤3 Product Code Input Current (mA) Nominal Voltage (V DC) Wattage (W) Luminous Flux at Ta 25°C (lm) Luminous EfficacyatTa 25°C(lm/W) Luminous Flux at Tc 85°C (lm) Luminous EfficacyatTc 85°C(lm/W) ColourTemp. [CRI] Life Time at L80B10&Tc ≤40°C(hrs) Length (mm) Energy Label FL0922/830-L28W4-700mA 700 24 16 2050 128 2000 125 3000K[Ra80] 50000 280 A++ FL0922/840-L28W4-700mA 700 24 16 2250 141 2200 138 4000K[Ra80] 50000 280 A++ FL1044/830-L56W4-700mA 700 48 32 4100 128 4000 125 3000K[Ra80] 50000 560 A++ FL1044/840-L56W4-700mA 700 48 32 4500 141 4400 138 4000K[Ra80] 50000 560 A++ A dimming feature is available and performance can be enhanced by driver choice. MEGAMAN® 89 TECOH® FLx Dimmable TECOH® FLx W H SDCM 20mm 6.7mm ≤3 Product Code Input Current (mA) Nominal Voltage (V DC) Wattage (W) Luminous Flux at Ta 25°C (lm) Luminous EfficacyatTa 25°C(lm/W) Luminous Flux at Tc 85°C (lm) Luminous EfficacyatTc 85°C(lm/W) ColourTemp. [CRI] Life Time at L70 B10 at Tc 85°C (hrs) Length (mm) Energy Label FL0305v3/830-L28W2-700mA 700 6.25 4.4 475 109 450 103 3000K[Ra80] 50000 280 A+ FL0305v3/840-L28W2-700mA 700 6.25 4.4 500 115 475 109 4000K[Ra80] 50000 280 A+ FL0410v2/830-L56W2-700mA 700 12.5 8.7 950 109 900 103 3000K[Ra80] 50000 560 A+ FL0410v2/840-L56W2-700mA 700 12.5 8.7 1000 115 950 109 4000K[Ra80] 50000 560 A+ FL0310v2/830-L28W2-700mA 700 12.5 8.7 950 109 900 103 3000K[Ra80] 50000 280 A+ FL0310v2/840-L28W2-700mA 700 12.5 8.7 1000 115 950 109 4000K[Ra80] 50000 280 A+ FL0420/830-L56W2-700mA 700 25 17.4 1900 109 1800 103 3000K[Ra80] 50000 560 A+ FL0420/840-L56W2-700mA 700 25 17.4 2000 115 1900 109 4000K[Ra80] 50000 560 A+ Dimmable TECOH® FLx/HighEfficacy RichColour Ra90 W H SDCM 20mm 6.7mm ≤3 Product Code Input Current (mA) Nominal Voltage (V DC) Wattage (W) Luminous Flux at Ta 25°C (lm) Luminous Efficacyat Ta 25°C (lm/W) Luminous Flux at Tc 85°C (lm) Luminous EfficacyatTc 85°C (lm/W) ColourTemp. [CRI] Life Time at L70 B10 at Tc 85°C (hrs) Length (mm) Energy Label FL0305v2R9/930-L28W2-700mA 700 6 4 450 113 440 110 3000K[>Ra90] 50000 280 A++ FL0305v2R9/940-L28W2-700mA 700 6 4 495 124 485 121 4000K[>Ra90] 50000 280 A++ FL0411R9/930-L56W2-700mA 700 12 8 900 113 880 110 3000K[>Ra90] 50000 560 A++ FL0411R9/940-L56W2-700mA 700 12 8 990 124 970 121 4000K[>Ra90] 50000 560 A++ FL0311R9/930-L28W2-700mA 700 12 8 900 113 880 110 3000K[>Ra90] 50000 280 A++ FL0311R9/940-L28W2-700mA 700 12 8 990 124 970 121 4000K[>Ra90] 50000 280 A++ FL0422R9/930-L56W2-700mA 700 24 16 1800 113 1760 110 3000K[>Ra90] 50000 560 A+ FL0422R9/940-L56W2-700mA 700 24 16 1980 124 1940 121 4000K[>Ra90] 50000 560 A++ Dimmable TECOH® FLx RichColour Ra90 W H SDCM 20mm 6.7mm ≤3 Product Code Input Current (mA) Nominal Voltage (V DC) Wattage (W) Luminous Flux at Ta 25°C (lm) Luminous EfficacyatTa 25°C(lm/W) Luminous Flux at Tc 85°C (lm) Luminous EfficacyatTc 85°C(lm/W) ColourTemp. [CRI] Life Time at L70 B10 at Tc 85°C (hrs) Length (mm) Energy Label FL0304R9/930-L28W2-700mA 700 6.3 4.4 440 100 420 96 3000K[Ra90] 50000 280 A++ FL0304R9/940-L28W2-700mA 700 6.3 4.4 465 106 440 101 4000K[Ra90] 50000 280 A++ FL0409R9/930-L56W2-700mA 700 12.5 8.8 880 100 840 96 3000K[Ra90] 50000 560 A+ FL0409R9/940-L56W2-700mA 700 12.5 8.8 925 105 880 101 4000K[Ra90] 50000 560 A+ FL0309R9/930-L28W2-700mA 700 12.5 8.8 880 100 840 96 3000K[Ra90] 50000 280 A+ FL0309R9/940-L28W2-700mA 700 12.5 8.8 925 105 880 101 4000K[Ra90] 50000 280 A+ FL0418R9/930-L56W2-700mA 700 25 17.5 1760 101 1675 96 3000K[Ra90] 50000 560 A+ FL0418R9/940-L56W2-700mA 700 25 17.5 1850 106 1760 101 4000K[Ra90] 50000 560 A+ A dimming feature is available and performance can be enhanced by driver choice. 90 MEGAMAN® TECOH® FLx Dimmable TECOH® FLx Tunable White W H SDCM 40mm 6.7mm ≤3 Product Code Input Current (mA) Nominal Voltage for 1 Channel Only (V DC) Nominal Voltage for 2 Channels (V DC) Wattagefor Wattagefor Luminous 1 Channel 2 Channels Flux at Ta Only (W) (W) 25°C (lm) Luminous Efficacyat Ta 25°C (lm/W) Luminous Flux at Tc 85°C (lm) Luminous Efficacyat Tc 85°C (lm/W) ColourTemp. [CRI] Life Time at L80 B50&Tc 85°C (hrs) Length (mm) Energy Label FL0722/828-L28W4-700mA 700 12 24 8 16 1125 141 1100 138 2800K[Ra80] 50000 280 A++ FL0722/865-L28W4-700mA 700 12 24 8 16 1125 141 1100 138 6500K[Ra80] 50000 280 A++ FL0722/828-865-L28W4-700mA 700 12 24 8 16 2250 141 2200 138 4000K[Ra80]1 50000 280 A++ FL0844/828-L56W4-700mA 700 24 48 16 32 2250 141 2200 138 2800K[Ra80] 50000 560 A++ FL0844/865-L56W4-700mA 700 24 48 16 32 2250 141 2200 138 6500K[Ra80] 50000 560 A++ FL0844/828-865-L56W4-700mA 700 24 48 16 32 4500 141 4400 138 4000K[Ra80]2 50000 560 A++ CCTrange2800Kto6500Kisatmin.1100lm.Maxluminousfluxatfullpoweris2200lmand4000Klisted. CCTrange2800Kto6500Kisatmin.2200lm.Maxluminousfluxatfullpoweris4400lmand4000Klisted. 1 2 Dimmable TECOH® FLx/MultipleOperationin8mmWidth W L H SDCM 8mm 570mm 2.4mm ≤3 Product Code Input Current (mA) Nominal Voltage (V DC) Wattage (W) Luminous Flux at Ta 25°C (lm) Luminous EfficacyatTa 25°C(lm/W) Luminous Flux at Tc 65°C (lm) Luminous EfficacyatTc 65°C(lm/W) ColourTemp. [CRI] Life Time at L80B10&Tc ≤40°C(hrs) Energy Label FL1814M/830-L57W0.8-350mA-HE 350 30 10.0 1450 145 1350 135 3000K[Ra80] 50000 A++ FL1814M/830-L57W0.8-500mA-HO 500 30 14.5 1900 131 1800 124 3000K[Ra80] 50000 A++ FL1814M/840-L57W0.8-350mA-HE 350 30 10 1500 150 1400 140 4000K[Ra80] 50000 A++ FL1814M/840-L57W0.8-500mA-HO 500 30 14.5 1950 134 1850 128 4000K[Ra80] 50000 A+ FL1814M/930-L57W0.8-350mA-HE 350 30 10.0 1150 115 1100 110 3000K[Ra90] 50000 A+ FL1814M/930-L57W0.8-500mA-HO 500 30 14.5 1600 110 1550 107 3000K[Ra90] 50000 A+ A dimming feature is available and performance can be enhanced by driver choice. Please refer to the website www.megaman.cc/user-guide for the compatible dimmer list. MEGAMAN® 91 TECOH® PLx The MEGAMAN®finger-shapedTECOH®PLxisaperfectalternativeforfluorescentlights • • • • • • Tobeusedinrectangularandflatluminaireswithdiffusecoversforawiderangeof generallightingapplications SimpleinterconnectionoftheLEDmodulesmaketheTECOH®PLxaflexiblesolution HighlyefficientlightingsolutionswithenergylabelA++withefficaciesupto140lm/W Non-socketable and to be operated with a separated constant current driver Self-cooling modules that do not need specially designed heat-sinks Capableoflineardimmingfrom100%to1%whenusedwithaDC1-10Vdimingdriver and DC1-10V dimmer • Widerangeofoperatingtemperaturesfrom-30°Cto+50°C Dimmable TECOH® PLx 700mA (DC 12V) W L H SDCM 236mm 259mm 6.7mm ≤3 Product Code Wattage (W) Luminous Flux at Ta 25ºC(lm) Luminous EfficacyatTa25ºC (lm/W) Luminous Flux at Tc65ºC(lm) Luminous EfficacyatTc65ºC (lm/W) ColourTemp. [CRI] LifeTimeatL70B10& Tc 85°C (hrs) Energy Label PL0111/830-L25W23-700mA 8 1000 125 900 113 3000K[Ra80] 50000 A++ PL0111/840-L25W23-700mA 8 1120 140 1000 125 4000K[Ra80] 50000 A++ A dimming feature is available and performance can be enhanced by driver choice. 92 MEGAMAN® TECOH® DFx The MEGAMAN® TECOH® DFx is a rectangular-shaped LED module with high quality whitelightspecificallydesignedforambientlighting • • • • • • • • • Tobeusedwithdiffusersaslonglasting,energysavingalternativesfortraditional compactandcircularfluorescentlighting Differentshapesandsizescanbeaddressedbyusingsingleormultipleunits Lambertianlightdistributionforambientlightingapplications Highluminousefficacyofupto145lm/WandenergylabelA++ Mtypemodulesforflexibleoperationinhighefficiencyandhighoutputmodesby simply changing the input current Operated with separate constant current control gear Lowpowerandvoltageconsumptionallowingserialconnectionofupto9pcsand remain SELV compliant Socketablesolutionforeasyinstallation,notoolsrequired Widerangeofoperatingtemperaturesfrom-40°Cto+50°C Dimmable TECOH® DFx W L H SDCM 7mm 50mm 1.55mm ≤4 Product Code Input Current (mA) Nominal Voltage (V DC) Wattage (W) Luminous Flux atTa25ºC(lm) Luminous EfficacyatTa 25ºC(lm/W) Luminous Flux atTc65ºC(lm) Luminous EfficacyatTc 65ºC(lm/W) ColourTemp. [CRI] Life Time at L70B10&Tc 65°C (hrs) Energy Label DF0103.5M/830-L5W0.7-350mA-HE 350 6.2 2 270 135 255 128 3000[Ra82] 50000 A++ DF0103.5M/840-L5W0.7-350mA-HE 350 6.2 2 290 145 270 135 4000[Ra82] 50000 A++ DF0103.5M/830-L5W0.7-500mA-HO 500 6.2 3 340 113 320 107 3000[Ra82] 50000 A++ DF0103.5M/840-L5W0.7-500mA-HO 500 6.2 3 365 122 340 113 4000[Ra82] 50000 A++ A dimming feature is available and performance can be enhanced by driver choice. MEGAMAN® 93 LED CONVERTER & TRANSFORMER MEGAMAN®offersarangeoftailormadeLEDconvertersandtransformerto optimisetheperformanceofitsLEDproductsandmodules.AllMEGAMAN® LED converters and transformer have a long service life of 50000 hours,compliantwithinternationalstandardswithrespecttosafetyand electromagneticinterferenceandareabletohaveflicker-freeoperationwith stablelightoutputevenwithafluctuationofmainssupply. LED Constant Current Converter 1 2 3 4 Model No. Mains Input Voltage (V) Input Voltage Range (V) Output Voltage (V) Output Current (mA) Lamp Wattage (W) Max.System Wattage (W) Rated Life (hrs) Power Factor Width (mm) Length (mm) Height (mm) Dimmable Product Photo LD0208x1d-C350 220-240 180-260 DC16-23V 350 8 11 50000 >0.7 45 100 25 100-5%1 1 LD0214x1d-C350 220-240 180-260 DC30-40V 350 14 18 50000 >0.9 55 116 25 100-10%2 2 LD0310x1v-C500 120-240 120-240 DC17-23V 500 10 16 50000 >0.9 50 147 32 100-1%3 3 LD0217x1-C500 220-240 180-260 DC30-39V 500 17 23 50000 >0.9 55 116 25 No 2 LD0217x1v-C500 220-240 180-260 DC28-43V 500 17 26 50000 >0.9 55 116 25 100-1% 2 LD0424x1-C700 220-240 180-260 DC30-39V 700 24 31 50000 >0.9 79 123 35 No 4 LD0424x1v-C700 220-240 180-260 DC30-43V 700 24 36 50000 >0.9 79 123 35 100-1%3 4 3 LampsorModulesSupported: LD0208x1d-C350 1 2 3 ER3306w-50H36D LD0214x1d-C350 ER3712w-75H24D/ER3912w-75H45D LD0310x1v-C500 ER0110-50H24D/ER0210-50H08D/ER0310-50H45D LD0217x1-C500 MH0219 LD0217x1v-C500 MH0219 LD0424x1-C700 MH0130/MH0130R9 LD0424x1v-C700 MH0130/MH0130R9 Enhanced by MEGAMAN® latest U-DIM™ technology, the LED lamp works with this converter is capable of linear dimming from 100% to 5% when working with conventional leading or trailing edge dimmers. The LED lamp works with this converter and a conventional leading-edge dimmer, it is capable of linear dimming from 100% to 10%. The LED lamp works with this converter and a DC1-10V dimmer, it is capable of linear dimming from 100% to 1%. 94 MEGAMAN® LED Constant Voltage Converter Model No. Mains Input Voltage (V) Input Voltage Range (V) Output Voltage (V) Output Current (mA) LampWattage (W) Max.System Wattage(W) Rated Life (hrs) Power Factor Width (mm) Length (mm) Height (mm) Dimmable LD0106-K12 220-240 180-260 AC12V 500 6 8 50000 >0.4 45 100 25 No MEGAMAN® LED constant voltage converter supports all MEGAMAN®G4,MR11andMR16lampswithinputvoltageofAC12Vandmaximumwattageof6W. LED Phase Cut Dimmable Electronic Transformer Model No. Mains Input Voltage (V) Input Voltage Range (V) Output Voltage (V) Output Current (mA) LampWattage (W) Max.System Wattage(W) Rated Life (hrs) Power Factor Width (mm) Length (mm) Height (mm) Dimmable LD0216-K12 220-240 180-260 AC12V 1380 16 19 50000 >0.7 50 147 32 100-1% MEGAMAN® LED phase cut dimmable electronic transformer supports all MEGAMAN®G4,MR11MR16andAR111lampswithinputvoltageofAC12Vandmaximumwattageof16W. TheLEDlampworkswiththistransformerandaconventionalleading-edgedimmer,itiscapableoflineardimmingfrom100%to10%. MEGAMAN® 95 NOMENCLATURE DECODING THE MEGAMAN® PRODUCT CODE MEGAMAN®productcodereferstoaspecificproductwhichassistscustomertoreleaseorder.ItconsistsofMEGAMAN® model number together withdetailspecificationlikeslampbase,colourtemperatureandinputvoltageorcurrent.Foreasycommunication,amodelnumberisappliedfor lampsandaproductcodeisappliedforlightengineandmodulesinthisproductguide. LED Reflector in Professional Series LR 56 07 dR9 HR - 75H 24D - GU10 - 2800K - 230V Sequence Two digits for indication From 01-99 Category Name LR = Integral LED reflector ER = LED reflector with external converter Technology / Product Feature d = Phase-cut Dimming p = Perfect White R9 = RichColour w = Dim to Warm Lamp Base Beam Angle Firsttwodigitsforindication: 08 = 8° 24 = 24° 35 = 35° Optic Design HR = Hybrid Reflector Wattage Twodigitsforindication: 07 = 7W 12 = 12W Last letter ‘D’ stands for degree Wattage of Suggested Replacement Firsttwotothreedigitsforindication: 35 = 35W 50 = 50W 75 = 75W 100 = 100W Voltage Maximum four digits for indication 12V = AC 12V 230V = AC 220 – 240V Colour Temperature First four digits for indication 2800=2800K 4000=4000K Lastletter‘K’standsforKelvin Last letter stands for suggested replacement H = Halogen lamp M = Metal Halide lamp LED Reflector in Smart and Economy Series LR 12 06 d DG v2 WFL - GU10 - 2800K - 230V Sequence Two digits for indication From 01-99 Category Name LR = Integral LED reflector ER = LED reflector with external converter Beam Angle Lamp Base Maximum four digits for indication SP (spot) = 8° to 20° FL (flood) = 21° to 30° WFL (wide flood) = 31° to 45° VWFL (very wide flood) = 46° to 60° SWFL (super wide flood) = 61° to 90° Optic Design DG = Diffuser glass LN = Optical reflector Wattage Two digits for indication: 06 = 6W 11 = 11W Technology / Product Feature dBT = INGENIUM® BLU Gen 1 (usingBluetooth4.0technology) d = Phase-cut Dimming PT = Plant Lamp R9 = RichColour s = Step Dimming w = Dim to Warm Voltage Maximum four digits for indication 12V = AC 12V 230V = AC 220 – 240V Version One digit for indication From 1-9 Colour Temperature First four digits for indication 2800=2800K 4000=4000K First letter “v” stands for version Lastletter‘K’standsforKelvin LED Classic, Flexi, Strips, Decorative and Special Lamp LG 26 03.5 R9 v2 - E14 - 2800K - 230V Sequence Two digits for indication From 01-99 Category Name EU = LED G4 EX = LED Flexi or LED Strip with 305mm length LC = LED Candle LG = LED Classic, ST58, Globe, Liliput or T-lamp LH = LED CLUSTERLITE® LJ = LED R7s LR = LED GX53 LU = LED G9 LS = LED Crown Silver ST = LED Strip with flexible length option Lamp Base Version Onedigitsforindication: From 1-9 Last letter “v” stands for version Wattage Maximum four digits forindication 03.5=3.5W 07 = 7W 18 = 18W Lamp finishing (blank) = Opal cover CS = Clear cover GD = Golden cover GD/TP =GoldencoverwithFlameTip TP = with Flame Tip Technology / Product Feature dBT = INGENIUM® BLU Gen 1 (usingBluetooth4.0technology) dBT2 = INGENIUM® BLU Gen 2 (usingBluetooth4.1technology) dZB = INGENIUM® ZB d = Phase-cut Dimming PT = Plant Lamp r = Sensor Light R9 = RichColour s = Step Dimming w = Dim to Warm For LED Colour Bulb BU = Blue GN = Green OR = Orange RD = Red 96 MEGAMAN® Voltage Maximum four digits for indication 12V = AC 12V 230V = AC 220 – 240V Colour Temperature First four digits for indication 2800=2800K 4000=4000K Lastletter“K”standsforKelvin LED Tube LT 04 12.5 H - G13 - 3000K - 230V Sequence Twodigitsforindication: From 01-99 Category Name LT = Integral LED Tube T8 or S19 Voltage Maximumfourdigitsforindication: 230V = AC 220 – 240V Lamp Base Technology / Product Feature H = High power factor Colour Temperature Firstfourdigitsforindication: 3000 =3000K 4000 =4000K 6500 =6500K Wattage Maximumfourdigitsforindication: 09.5 = 9.5W 12.5 = 12.5W 25 = 25W LED Night Light Lastletter‘K’standsforKelvin NL 05 0.2 - EU Plug - 2700K - 230V Wattage Threedigitsforindication: 0.2=0.2W 0.6=0.6W Voltage Maximumfourdigitsforindication: 230V = AC 220 – 240V Plug Type Colour Temperature 2700K=WarmWhite BU = Blue FL = Flame GN = Green RD = Red WH = White Sequence Twodigitsforindication: From 01-99 Category Name NL = Night Light LED Light Engine and Module TECOH® THx TH 03 09 dBT2 -24D / 840 - 230V Luminous Flux Indication Twodigitsforindication: 06 = Nominal 600lm 12 = Nominal 1200lm Sequence Twodigitsforindication: From 01-99 Lastletter‘D’stands for degree Input Voltage For light engine in line voltage 230V = AC 220-240V Lasttwodigitsforcolourtemperatureindication: 30=3000K 40=4000K Technology d = Phase-cut dimming dBT2 = INGENIUM® BLU Gen 2 (usingBluetooth4.1technology) w = Dim to Warm Category Name TH = TECOH® THx LED Light Engine TECOH® CFx CF 01 12 d / PHJ65d-2 - 828 - 230V Luminous Flux Indication Twodigitsforindication: 06 = Nominal 600lm 12 = Nominal 1200lm Sequence Twodigitsforindication: From 01-99 Category Name CF = TECOH® CFx Beam Angle First two digit for indication: 24 = 24° 36 = 36° Colour Indication FirstdigitforCRIindication: 8 = Ra80-89 9 = Ra90-99 Lamp Base Technology d = Phase-cut Dimming Input Voltage For light engine in line voltage 230V = AC 220-240V Colour Indication FirstdigitforCRIindication: 8 = Ra80-89 9 = Ra90-99 Lasttwodigitsforcolourtemperatureindication: 28=2800K 40=4000K MEGAMAN® 97 NOMENCLATURE DECODING THE MEGAMAN® PRODUCT CODE LED Light Engine and Module TECOH® APx, TECOH® MHx, TECOH® RDx and TECOH® RLx RD 01 21 M / 830 - 350mA - HE Sequence Twodigitsforindication: From 01-99 Operation mode for M type modules HE =Highefficiency HO = High output mode NE =Normalefficiency Colour Indication FirstdigitforCRIindication: 8 = Ra80-89 9 = Ra90-99 Luminous Flux Indication Twodigitsforindication: 09 = Nominal 900lm 21 = Nominal 2100lm 30 = Nominal 3000lm Last two digits for colour temperature indication: 30=3000K 40=4000K Category Name AP = TECOH® APx MH = TECOH® MHx RD = TECOH® RDx RL = TECOH® RLx Input Voltage For light engine in line voltage 230V=AC 220-240V Input Current For module driven by constant current converter 350mA = constant input current of 350mA 500mA = constant input current of 500mA 700mA = constant input current of 700mA Technology M=Multipleoperationmode R9 = RichColour LED Module TECOH® DFx, TECOH® FLx and TECOH® PLx FL 18 14 M / 930 - L57W0.8 - 500mA - HO Sequence Twodigitsforindication: From 01-99 Colour Indication FirstdigitforCRIindication: 8 = Ra80-89 9 = Ra90-99 Luminous Flux Indication Maximumfourdigitsforindication: 04 = Nominal 400lm 11 = Nominal 1100lm Category Name DF = TECOH® DFx FL = TECOH® FLx PL = TECOH® PLx Operation mode for M type modules HE =Highefficiency HO = High output mode NE =Normalefficiency Last two digits for colourtemperatureindication: 30=3000K 40=4000K Technology M =Multipleoperationmode R9 = RichColour Input Current For module driven by constant current converter 350mA = constant input current of 350mA 500mA = constant input current of 500mA 700mA = constant input current of 700mA Dimension Thesecondandthirddigitsforlengthindication: 5 = 50mm 28 = 280mm 57 = 570mm Firstletter“L”standsforlength Lastonetothreedigitsforwidthindication: 0.8=8mm 2 = 20mm to 29mm 23 = 230mm Theletter“W”standsforwidth LED Converters and LED Phase Cut Dimmable Electronic Transformer LD 02 08 x1 d - C 350 Sequence Twodigitsforindication: From 01-99 Category Name LD = LED converter or phase cut dimmable electronic transformer 98 MEGAMAN® Wattage Twodigitsforindication: 08 = 8W 17 = 17W 24 = 24W Type C = Constant Current K=ConstantVoltage Technology d = Phase-cut Dimming v = DC1-10V Minimum quantity of LED lamp(s) to be connected x1= one piece x2 = two pieces Output Current / Voltage For constant current converter, three digits stand for output voltage 350 = 350mA 700 = 700mA For constant voltage converter, two digits stand for output voltage 12 = AC 12V Energy Saving Tips MEGAMAN® lamps are designed to help you conserve energy and save money, which in turn reduces CO2emission.Let’sseehowmuch energy and money can be saved and CO2 can be reduced when switching to MEGAMAN®. TotalCostofOwnership(TCO)after25,000hours Example:4WLEDPAR16vs.35WHalogenPAR16 Lamp Type MEGAMAN® LED PAR16 Halogen PAR16 Wattage(W) 4.5 35 Average Lamp Life (hrs) 25,000 3,000 Relamping Interval Every 25,000 hrs Every 3,000 hrs EstimatedWholesalePriceafter25,000hrs(US$) 52 63($7x9) MaintenanceCostsafter25,000hrs 0 80(relampingat8timesx$10/lamp) EnergyCostsafter25,000hrs(US$) 25 193 TotalCostofOwnership(US$) 77 336 TotalSavingsfor1lightpoint(US$) 259 -------- Breakeven Time (hrs) 4,184(approx.6months) -------- Using one MEGAMAN® lamp in this case can help reduce up to 470kg of CO2emissionafter25,000hours. Calculation Formulas: • EnergyCosts=wattagexoperatinghoursxelectricitycosts/1,000 • Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) = lamp costs + relamping costs + energy costs • Breakeven Time* (h) is derived when the TCO of MEGAMAN®LEDisequaltohalogen: LEDlampcosts+wattagexhxelectricitycosts/1,000=halogenlampcostsx(h/halogenlamplife)+relampingcostsx(h/halogenlamplife)+wattagexhx electricitycosts/1,000 • CO2Emission=wattagexoperatinghoursx0.616/1,000 Assumptions: • ElectricityCosts=US$0.2kWh •kWh=0.616kgofCO2 emission • Calculationsforair-conditioningcostshavebeenexcluded. • Abovelampcostsarebasedonestimatedwholesalepriceandareforreferenceonly. *Pleasevisitwww.led.megaman.ccforthecalculations MEGAMAN® LED PAR16 4.5W Lighting Design Software MEGAMAN®offersafreeandcompletelightingdesignprogramtohelpyoudesignvariousindoor andoutdoorlightingschemes.Theprogramincludesanelectroniccataloguewithdatasheets, productsearchfunctionandspecificationsformanagementofluminairesandlamps.Aphotometric databaseisalsoincludedtoprovidecomprehensiveresultswhenconfiguringlightingarrangements. Thelatestphotometricdatacanalsobefoundonourwebsite. Pleasevisitwww.megaman.ccandselectthelightingdesignsoftwareicontodownloadthemostupto-datepluginsandphotometricinformation. MEGAMAN® 99 Marketing Tools Establish the MEGAMAN® brand and capture market share with MEGAMAN®marketingtools. Sales Racks Sales Display •Delicatelycraftedfrommaterialthatislight,durableandattractive •Suitableforconfineddisplayareas Demo Kit •TodemonstratethelightingeffectofMEGAMAN® LED lamps in an innovativeway 100 MEGAMAN® Power Bar • To display and demonstrate MEGAMAN® lamps in a convenient way •ItalsofitsneatlyontotheMEGAMAN® sales racks Marketing Tools Establish the MEGAMAN® brand and capture market share with MEGAMAN®marketingtools. Lamp Tester Wobbler and Hanger •InnovativewaytotestMEGAMAN® lamps in E14, E27, B22 and GU10 lamp bases •Stickthewobbleronthesalesdisplayorthehangerontheceilingtoattract customers to the latest MEGAMAN® products available Lamp Holder •Fitsontovarioussalesdisplayapplicationsforcustomersto experience MEGAMAN®lampsinamoreintimatefashion Alluring eco-friendly packaging for easy viewing of MEGAMAN® lamps Blister Smart Box Gift Box • Compact in size with a simple structure • The transparent display makes our innovativeproductsvisible • The transparent display makes our innovativeproductsvisible • Encases our products in a notable and discernible way to make them standout amongst other products • The simple structure is best for wholesale and project use • Flexible in terms of design, which allows its availability for most of the product series MEGAMAN® 101 LED Lamps vs. Traditional Lamps BasedonEuropeanUnioneco-designrequirementsfordirectionallamps,lightemittingdiodelampsandrelated regulations(1194/2012),thefollowingistheequivalenceclaimreferenceforMEGAMAN®LEDreflectorlamps. PAR16 MR16 35W Alternatives 50W Alternatives 35W Alternatives Professional Series Professional Series Professional Series Professional Series LR4204.5-35H24D LR4204.5-35H35D LR5604HR-35H24D LR5604HR-35H35D LR4407-50H24D LR4407-50H35D LR4407d-50H24D LR4407d-50H35D LR5606dHR-50H24D LR5606dHR-50H35D LR5907dHR-75H24D LR5907dHR-75H35D LR5907dR9HR-75H24D LR5907dR9HR-75H35D ER2404.5-35H24D ER2404.5-35H36D ER3207-50H24D ER3207-50H36D ER3207.5d-50H24D ER3207.5d-50H36D ER3306w-50H36D Smart Series LR2105sDG-WFL Economy Series LR2104DG-SWFL LR4604DG-VWFL LR4604DG-WFL LR4604.5DG-VWFL LR4604.5DG-WFL Economy Series ER3405DG-WFL ER3406DG-WFL Smart Series LR2106sDG-WFL LR3808dBT-WFL LR4605dDG-VWFL LR4605dDG-WFL LR4605dLN-WFL LR4605.5dDG-VWFL LR4605.5dDG-WFL LR5006wDG-WFL LR5007dDG-VWFL LR5007dDG-WFL LR4605DGv2-WFL AR111 50W Alternatives 75W Alternatives 100W Alternatives Professional Series Professional Series Professional Series ER0110-50H24D ER0210-50H08D ER0310-50H45D ER2111d-50H08D ER2711d-50H24D ER2911d-50H45D LR1612d-50H24D LR1712d-50H08D LR1812d-50H45D ER2115d-75H08D ER2712d-75H24D ER2712p-75H24D ER2912d-75H45D ER2912p-75H45D ER3712w-75H24D ER3912w-75H45D LR1615d-75H24D LR1715d-75H08D LR1815d-75H45D ER0118-100H24D ER0218-100H08D ER0318-100H45D ER2016d-100H24D ER2116d-100H08D ER2216d-100H45D MEGAMAN® Smart Series ER2607.5LN-FL ER2607.5LN-WFL ER3308dLN-FL ER3308dLN-SP ER3308dDG-WFL ER3308dR9DG-WFL ER3308dR9LN-FL Economy Series 102 50W Alternatives Product Index Model No. / Product Code Series Name Page No. Model No. / Product Code Series Name Page No. AP0106/830-230V TECOH® APx 85 ER3308dLN-SP LED MR16 41 AP0106/840-230V TECOH APx 85 ER3308dR9DG-WFL RichColour 23, 41 AP0211/840-230V TECOH® APx 85 ER3308dR9LN-FL RichColour 23, 41 AP0536/840-230V TECOH® APx 85 ER3405DG-WFL LED MR16 42 AP0907/840-230V TECOH APx 85 ER3406DG-WFL LED MR16 42 AP1014/840-230V TECOH® APx 85 ER3712w-75H24D Dim to Warm 15, 46 AP1121/840-230V TECOH APx 85 ER3912w-75H45D Dim to Warm 15, 46 AP1235/840-230V TECOH® APx 85 EU0301.2 LED G4 72 AP1355/840-230V TECOH® APx 85 EU0401.8 LED G4 72 CF0112/PHJ65d-2-828-230V TECOH CFx 84 EX0205 LED Flexi 67 CF0112/PHJ65d-2-840-230V TECOH® CFx 84 EX0225 LED Flexi 67 CF0120/PHJ65d-2-828-230V TECOH CFx 84 EX0305 LED Strip 68 CF0120/PHJ65d-2-840-230V TECOH® CFx 84 EX0405 LED Strip 68 CF0212d/PHJ65d-2-828-230V TECOH CFx 84 FL0304R9/930-L28W2-700mA TECOH FLx 90 CF0212d/PHJ65d-2-840-230V TECOH® CFx 84 FL0304R9/940-L28W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 90 CF0220d/PHJ65d-2-828-230V TECOH® CFx 84 FL0305v2/830-L28W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 89 CF0220d/PHJ65d-2-840-230V TECOH CFx 84 FL0305v2/840-L28W2-700mA TECOH FLx 89 DF0103.5M/830-L5W0.7-350mA-HE TECOH® DFx 93 FL0305v2R9/930-L28W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 90 DF0103.5M/830-L5W0.7-500mA-HO TECOH DFx 93 FL0305v2R9/940-L28W2-700mA TECOH FLx 90 DF0103.5M/840-L5W0.7-350mA-HE TECOH® DFx 93 FL0305v3/830-L28W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 90 DF0103.5M/840-L5W0.7-500mA-HO TECOH® DFx 93 FL0305v3/840-L28W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 90 ER0110-50H24D LED AR111 47 FL0309R9/930-L28W2-700mA TECOH FLx 90 ER0118-100H24D LED AR111 44 FL0309R9/940-L28W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 90 ER0210-50H08D LED AR111 47 FL0310v2/830-L28W2-700mA TECOH FLx 90 ER0218-100H08D LED AR111 44 FL0310v2/840-L28W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 90 ER0310-50H45D LED AR111 47 FL0311/830-L28W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 89 ER0318-100H45D LED AR111 44 FL0311/840-L28W2-700mA TECOH FLx 89 ER0510-50H24D LED Brilliant Tone 29 FL0311R9/930-L28W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 90 ER0510-50H36D LED Brilliant Tone 29 FL0311R9/940-L28W2-700mA TECOH FLx 90 ER2016d-100H24D LED AR111 44 FL0409R9/930-L56W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 90 ER2111d-50H08D LED AR111 47 FL0409R9/940-L56W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 90 ER2115d-75H08D LED AR111 45 FL0410v2/830-L56W2-700mA TECOH FLx 90 ER2116d-100H08D LED AR111 44 FL0410v2/840-L56W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 90 ER2216d-100H45D LED AR111 44 FL0411/830-L56W2-700mA TECOH FLx 89 ER2304-20H36D LED MR11 53 FL0411/840-L56W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 89 ER2404.5-35H24D LED MR16 42 FL0411R9/930-L56W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 90 ER2404.5-35H36D LED MR16 42 FL0411R9/940-L56W2-700mA TECOH FLx 90 ER2607.5LN-FL LED MR16 41 FL0418R9/930-L56W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 90 ER2607.5LN-WFL LED MR16 41 FL0418R9/940-L56W2-700mA TECOH FLx 90 ER2711d-50H24D LED AR111 47 FL0420/830-L56W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 90 ER2712d-75H24D LED AR111 45 FL0420/840-L56W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 90 ER2712p-75H24D Perfect White 27, 46 FL0422/830-L56W2-700mA TECOH FLx 89 ER2911d-50H45D LED AR111 47 FL0422/840-L56W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 89 ER2912d-75H45D LED AR111 45 FL0422R9/930-L56W2-700mA TECOH FLx 90 ER2912p-75H45D Perfect White 27, 46 FL0422R9/940-L56W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 90 ER3207.5d-50H24D LED MR16 40 FL0722/828-865-L28W4-700mA TECOH® FLx 91 ER3207.5d-50H36D LED MR16 40 FL0722/828-L28W4-700mA TECOH FLx 91 ER3207-50H24D LED MR16 40 FL0722/865-L28W4-700mA TECOH® FLx 91 ER3207-50H36D LED MR16 40 FL0844/828-865-L56W4-700mA TECOH FLx 91 ER3306w-50H36D Dim to Warm 15, 41 FL0844/828-L56W4-700mA TECOH® FLx 91 ER3308dDG-WFL LED MR16 41 FL0844/865-L56W4-700mA TECOH® FLx 91 ER3308dLN-FL LED MR16 41 FL0922/830-L28W4-700mA TECOH FLx 89 ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® MEGAMAN® 103 Product Index Model No. / Product Code Series Name Page No. Model No. / Product Code Series Name Page No. FL0922/840-L28W4-700mA TECOH® FLx 89 LG1801OR LED Colour Bulb 80 FL1044/830-L56W4-700mA TECOH FLx 89 LG1801RD LED Colour Bulb 80 FL1044/840-L56W4-700mA TECOH® FLx 89 LG2206s Step Dimming 20, 57 FL1814M/830-L57W0.8-350mA-HE TECOH® FLx 91 LG2207d LED Mellotone 28 FL1814M/830-L57W0.8-500mA-HO TECOH FLx 91 LG2207w Dim to Warm 16, 56 FL1814M/840-L57W0.8-350mA-HE TECOH® FLx 91 LG2310.5w Dim to Warm 16, 56 FL1814M/840-L57W0.8-500mA-HO TECOH FLx 91 LG2311s Step Dimming 20, 57 FL1814M/930-L57W0.8-350mA-HE TECOH® FLx 91 LG2402d LED T-Lamp 63 FL1814M/930-L57W0.8-500mA-HO TECOH® FLx 91 LG2506.5PT LED Plant Lamp 79 FL3413/830-L56W2-700mA TECOH FLx 89 LG2509.5s Step Dimming 20, 57 FL3413/840-L56W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 89 LG2602 LED Classic 59 FL3426/830-L56W2-700mA TECOH FLx 89 LG2603.5d LED Mellotone 28 FL3426/840-L56W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 89 LG2603.5d LED Classic 57 FL3506/830-L28W2-700mA TECOH FLx 89 LG2603.5R9v2 RichColour 24, 58 FL3506/840-L28W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 89 LG2603.5v2 LED Classic 59 FL3513/830-L28W2-700mA TECOH® FLx 89 LG2604w Dim to Warm 16, 56 FL3513/840-L28W2-700mA TECOH FLx 89 LG2605.5 LED Classic 59 LC0402 LED Candle 55 LG2605.5R9 RichColour 24, 58 LC0403.5dV2 LED Candle 55 LG4003.5dCS LED Mellotone 28 LC0403.5R9v2 RichColour 24, 55 LG4106dCS LED Mellotone 28 LC0403.5v2 LED Candle 55 LG4303.5 LED Classic 58 LC0404w Dim to Warm 16, 54 LG4405.5 LED Classic 58 LC0404wCS Dim to Warm 16, 54 LG4507.4 LED Classic 58 LC0405 LED Candle 55 LG5206d LED Classic 75 LC0405.5 LED Candle 55 LG5206s Step Dimming 20, 57 LC0405.5R9 RichColour 24, 55 LG5206w Dim to Warm 16, 56 LC0803.5dCS LED Mellotone 28 LG5501.2 LED T-Lamp 63 LC0805dCS LED Mellotone 28 LG5502.4 LED T-Lamp 63 LC1106d LED Candle 55 LG6104.8CS LED Filament Lamp 70 LC1106s Step Dimming 20, 54 LG6205.5dCS LED Filament Lamp 70 LC1106w Dim to Warm 16, 54 LG6303dGD LED Filament Lamp 71 LC1106wCS Dim to Warm 16, 54 LG6403dGD LED Filament Lamp 71 LC1403CS LED Filament Lamp 69 LG6503dGD LED Filament Lamp 71 LC1403GD/TP LED Filament Lamp 71 LG6603dGD LED Filament Lamp 71 LC1403TP LED Filament Lamp 69 LG6703GD LED Filament Lamp 71 LC1503.2dCS LED Filament Lamp 69 LG6803GD LED Filament Lamp 71 LC2003 LED Candle 55 LG6903GD LED Filament Lamp 71 LC2204CS LED Filament Lamp 69 LG7003GD LED Filament Lamp 71 LC2204TP LED Filament Lamp 69 LG7103 LED Classic 59 LC2504.5dCS LED Filament Lamp 69 LG7105.5 LED Classic 59 LD0106-K12 LEDConverter&Transformer 95 LG7105.5r LED Sensor Light 77 LD0208x1d-C350 LEDConverter&Transformer 94 LG7105.5R9 RichColour 24, 58 LD0214x1d-C350 LEDConverter&Transformer 94 LG7107v2 LED Classic 59 LD0216-K12 LEDConverter&Transformer 95 LG7206r LED Sensor Light 77 LD0217x1-C500 LEDConverter&Transformer 94 LG7207d LED Classic 57 LD0217x1v-C500 LEDConverter&Transformer 94 LG7207dR9 RichColour 24, 57 LD0310x1v-C500 LEDConverter&Transformer 94 LG7209.5 LED Classic 59 LD0424x1-C700 LEDConverter&Transformer 94 LG7309.5r LED Sensor Light 77 LD0424x1v-C700 LEDConverter&Transformer 94 LG7310.5d LED Classic 57 LG10605.5 LED Classic 59 LG7310.5dR9 RichColour 24, 57 LG1801BU LED Colour Bulb 80 LG7310R9 RichColour 24, 58 LG1801GN LED Colour Bulb 80 LG7311 LED Classic 59 104 MEGAMAN® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Product Index Model No. / Product Code Series Name Page No. Model No. / Product Code Series Name Page No. LG7414 LED Classic 59 LR2605-SWFL LED R50 50 LG7610 LED Globe 60 LR2606s-SWFL Step Dimming 19, 50 LG7610.5d LED Globe 60 LR2906-WFL LED PAR20 48 LG7611 LED Globe 60 LR3010.5-WFL LED PAR30S 49 LG7613d LED Globe 60 LR3208.5PT LED Plant Lamp 79 LG7711 LED Globe 60 LR3215.5-WFL LED PAR38 49 LG7713d LED Globe 60 LR3307 LED GX53 61 LG7714 LED Globe 60 LR3307d LED GX53 61 LG7809dBT2 INGENIUM® BLU 56 LR3307s Step Dimming 20, 61 LG7811dZB INGENIUM ZB 56 LR3808dBT-WFL ® INGENIUM BLU 36 LG7812R9 RichColour 24, 58 LR4204.5-35H24D LED PAR16 38 LG7813d LED Classic 57 LR4204.5-35H35D LED PAR16 38 LG7813dR9 RichColour 24, 57 LR4307-SWFL LED R80 51 LG7903 LED Classic 58 LR4407-50H24D LED PAR16 34 LG8005.5 LED Classic 58 LR4407-50H35D LED PAR16 34 LG8008.5 LED Classic 58 LR4407d-50H24D LED PAR16 34 LG8207 LED Liliput 62 LR4407d-50H35D LED PAR16 34 LG9603CS LED Filament Lamp 70 LR4604.5DG-VWFL LED PAR16 39 LG9603dCS LED Filament Lamp 70 LR4604.5DG-WFL LED PAR16 39 LG9704CS LED Filament Lamp 70 LR4604DG-VWFL LED PAR16 39 LG9808CS LED Filament Lamp 70 LR4604DG-WFL LED PAR16 39 LG9809dCS LED Filament Lamp 70 LR4605.5dDG-VWFL LED PAR16 35 LH0127 LED CLUSTERLITE® 76 LR4605.5dDG-WFL LED PAR16 35 LH0135 LED CLUSTERLITE 76 LR4605dDG-VWFL LED PAR16 35 LJ0107 LED R7s 75 LR4605dDG-WFL LED PAR16 35 LJ0209 LED R7s 75 LR4605DGv2-WFL LED PAR16 35 LJ0408 LED R7s 75 LR4605dLN-WFL LED PAR16 35 LJ0409d LED R7s 75 LR5006wDG-WFL Dim to Warm 16, 36 LR0215d-100H24D LED PAR30 49 LR5007dDG-VWFL LED PAR16 35 LR0308d-50H30D LED PAR20 48 LR5007dDG-WFL LED PAR16 35 LR0920d-25M25D LED PAR38 49 LR5604HR-35H24D LED PAR16 38 LR0920d-25M45D LED PAR38 49 LR5604HR-35H35D LED PAR16 38 LR1206dDGv2-WFL LED Mellotone 28 LR5606dHR-50H24D LED PAR16 34 LR1305-30D LED GX53 52 LR5606dHR-50H35D LED PAR16 34 LR1305-60D LED GX53 52 LR5907dHR-75H24D LED PAR16 34 LR1412d-75H30D LED PAR30S 48 LR5907dHR-75H35D LED PAR16 34 LR1612d-50H24D LED AR111 47 LR5907dR9HR-75H24D RichColour 23, 37 LR1615d-75H24D LED AR111 46 LR5907dR9HR-75H35D RichColour 23, 37 LR1712d-50H08D LED AR111 47 LS0303.5d LED Crown Silver 74 LR1715d-75H08D LED AR111 46 LS0405d LED Crown Silver 74 LR1812d-50H45D LED AR111 47 LS0505d LED Crown Silver 74 LR1815d-75H45D LED AR111 46 LS0505d-Brass LED Crown Silver 74 LR2104DG-SWFL LED PAR16 39 LT0409.5 LED T8 Tube 65 LR2105sDG-WFL Step Dimming 19, 39 LT0409.5H LED T8 Tube 64 LR2106sDG-WFL Step Dimming 19, 36 LT0412.5H LED T8 Tube 64 LR2203.5 LED GX53 61 LT0518 LED T8 Tube 65 LR2205 LED GX53 61 LT0518H LED T8 Tube 64 LR2205d LED GX53 61 LT0523.5 LED T8 Tube 65 LR2205s Step Dimming 20, 61 LT0524.5H LED T8 Tube 64 LR2407.5-SWFL LED R63 51 LT0622 LED T8 Tube 65 LR2408s-SWFL Step Dimming 19, 51 LT0624.5 LED T8 Tube 65 LR2603.5-SWFL LED R50 50 LT0624.5H LED T8 Tube 64 ® ® MEGAMAN® 105 Product Index Model No. / Product Code Series Name Page No. Model No. / Product Code Series Name Page No. LT0625H LED T8 Tube 64 TH0205-24D/828-230V TECOH® THx 83 LT0629.5H LED T8 Tube 64 TH0205-24D/840-230V TECOH® THx 83 LT0708.5 LED S19 66 TH0205-36D/828-230V TECOH® THx 83 LU0202d LED G9 73 TH0205-36D/840-230V TECOH® THx 83 LU0303d LED G9 73 TH0205d-24D/828-230V TECOH THx 82 LU0403 LED G9 73 TH0205d-24D/840-230V TECOH® THx 82 LU0702 LED G9 73 TH0205d-36D/828-230V TECOH THx 82 MH0130/830-700mA TECOH® MHx 86 TH0205d-36D/840-230V TECOH® THx 82 MH0130/840-700mA TECOH® MHx 86 TH0205w-24D/828-230V TECOH® THx 82 MH0130R9/930-700mA TECOH MHx 86 TH0205w-24D/840-230V TECOH THx 82 MH0130R9/940-700mA TECOH® MHx 86 TH0307-24D/828-230V TECOH® THx 83 MH0219/830-500mA TECOH MHx 86 TH0307-24D/840-230V TECOH THx 83 MH0219/840-500mA TECOH® MHx 86 TH0307-36D/828-230V TECOH® THx 83 NL010.2-EU LED Night Light 78 TH0307-36D/840-230V TECOH THx 83 NL050.2-AU LED Night Light 78 TH0309-24D/828-230V TECOH® THx 83 NL050.2-CN LED Night Light 78 TH0309-24D/840-230V TECOH® THx 83 NL050.2-EU LED Night Light 78 TH0309-36D/828-230V TECOH THx 83 NL050.2-UK LED Night Light 78 TH0309-36D/840-230V TECOH® THx 83 ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® PL0111/830-L25W23-700mA TECOH PLx 92 TH0309dBT2-24D/828-230V TECOH THx 82 PL0111/840-L25W23-700mA TECOH® PLx 92 TH0309dBT2-24D/840-230V TECOH® THx 82 RD0121M/830-350mA-HE TECOH® RDx 87 TH0309dBT2-36D/828-230V TECOH® THx 82 RD0121M/830-500mA-NE TECOH RDx 87 TH0309dBT2-36D/840-230V TECOH THx 82 RD0121M/830-700mA-HO TECOH® RDx 87 TH0405-36D/828-350mA TECOH® THx 83 RD0121M/840-350mA-HE TECOH RDx 87 TH0405-36D/840-350mA TECOH THx 83 RD0121M/840-500mA-NE TECOH® RDx 87 TH0406-36D/828-350mA TECOH® THx 83 RD0121M/840-700mA-HO TECOH® RDx 87 TH0406-36D/840-350mA TECOH® THx 83 RD0231M/830-1050mA-HO TECOH RDx 87 TH0520-15D/830-700mA TECOH THx 83 RD0231M/830-500mA-HE TECOH® RDx 87 TH0520-15D/840-700mA TECOH® THx 83 RD0231M/830-700mA-NE TECOH RDx 87 TH0520-24D/830-700mA TECOH THx 83 RD0231M/840-1050mA-HO TECOH® RDx 87 TH0520-24D/840-700mA TECOH® THx 83 RD0231M/840-500mA-HE TECOH® RDx 87 TH0520-45D/830-700mA TECOH® THx 83 RD0231M/840-700mA-NE TECOH RDx 87 TH0520-45D/840-700mA TECOH THx 83 RD0343M/830-1050mA-NE TECOH® RDx 87 TH0532-24D/830-1050mA TECOH® THx 83 RD0343M/830-1400mA-HO TECOH RDx 87 TH0532-24D/840-1050mA TECOH THx 83 RD0343M/830-700mA-HE TECOH® RDx 87 TH0532-45D/830-1050mA TECOH® THx 83 RD0343M/840-1050mA-NE TECOH® RDx 87 TH0532-45D/840-1050mA TECOH® THx 83 RD0343M/840-1400mA-HO TECOH RDx 87 TH0532-60D/830-1050mA TECOH THx 83 RD0343M/840-700mA-HE TECOH® RDx 87 TH0532-60D/840-1050mA TECOH® THx 83 RD0555M/830-1050mA-NE TECOH RDx 87 RD0555M/830-1400mA-HO TECOH® RDx 87 RD0555M/840-1050mA-NE TECOH® RDx 87 RD0555M/840-1400mA-HO TECOH RDx 87 RL0107/830-350mA TECOH® RLx 88 RL0216/830-700mA TECOH RLx 88 ST0103 LED Strip 68 ST0106 LED Strip 68 ST0109 LED Strip 68 ST0112 LED Strip 68 ST0115 LED Strip 68 ST0118 LED Strip 68 TH0106d-36D/828-230V TECOH® THx 83 TH0106d-36D/840-230V TECOH® THx 83 106 MEGAMAN® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® www.megaman.cc © Copyright 2016. All rights reserved by MEGAMAN®. All information stated is correct at the time of printing and subject to changes without prior notice. Please refer to website for the most updated information. CA-LED-E-2016.1 31/F., AIA Kowloon Tower, Landmark East, 100 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2305 1722 Fax: (852) 2758 5957 Email: info@megaman.cc
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