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Contents Company Information 02 LED 09 GU10 MR16 MR11 AR111 PAR30,PAR38 GX53 G4&GU9 R7s Candles GolfBall Classic CrownSilver SensorLight Plateia T8Tube Flexi 10 12 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 26 27 Marketing b,a,g, 41 b,a,g,non-dimmableECGforT5 b,a,g,non-dimmableECGforT8 b,a,g,non-dimmableECGfor2D&T5 b,a,g,non-dimmableECGTwingle technology b,a,g,non-dimmableECGforHigh Pressurelamps b,a,g,non-dimmableECGforCFL withsystemrating Igniters 41 41 42 43 NOVILIGHT eco-halogen 45 FIXTURES 47 WallLightIndoor DownlightIndoor Outdoor 48 49 50 EMERGENCY PACKS 51 INDEX 52-55 MEGAMAN IN ACTION 56 43 43 44 28 CFL 29 GU10 R50 R63 R80 GX53 Candle PingPong Classic SensorLight Tubular GU9 R7s Clusterlite PLlamps 30 31 31 31 32 33 34 34 34 35 36 36 37 39 Who are we? Our credentials and commitment to the environment Who are we? Megamaniscommittedtoreducingcarbon emissionsandimprovingenergyefficiency aroundtheworld.Weviewourenvironmental responsibilitiesseriouslyandthesustainable developmentofeachandeveryoneofour products.Asaresult,weincorporateour environmentalpolicyintoeverystageofthe productlifecycle,includingresearchand development,design,manufacturing, packaging,disposalandrecycling,througha ‘DesignforEnvironment’programme. EnergySavingLamps Ouradvancedresearchanddevelopment facilitiessupportallourlampproduction processes,frominitialconceptionthroughto finaltestingandqualitycontrol.These measuresensurethatwecontinuetodeliver innovative,reliable,andsafeproductsboth nowandintothefuture. Rigorous Quality and Management Systems ToensurethatMegamanproductscomplywiththehighestqualitystandards,ourmanufacturing plantsareequippedwithstateoftheartassemblylines.Ourin-houselaboratoryisISO17025 certifiedbyCNASandNVLAP,anditiseligibletoperformon-sitetestingforUL,SEMKOand TUVmarks. Ourinternationalrecognitions,namelyISO9001:2000,ISO14001:2004,ISO14064-1:2006,OHSAS18001:1999,SA8000:2001andQC080000:2005,ensurethatwerunourbusinessunderthe moststringentmanagementandqualitysystems,whiletakingaccountofthemany‘green’elements inouroperations.Theseinternationalaccreditationsalsodemonstrateourcareforthewelfareofour employeesandourpledgetobesociallyresponsibletothecommunitiesinwhichweoperate. Product Quality Assurance Megamanlightingproductsarerecognisedinternationallyasrepresentingthehighestqualityand reliabilityavailable.Thishasbeenachievedthroughtheuseofpremiumqualitymaterials,innovative technologiesandstringentcontrolmeasuresonproductsafetyandperformance,includingenergy savingstandards. 2 MEGAMAN® Partnerships www.BAGelectronics.com MEGAMAN® EnergySavingLamps MegamanUKhasteamedupwithb,a,g,in ajointinitiativethatwillbroadentherangeof innovative,energy-savinglightingsolutionsthat wecanbringtothemarket.b,a,g,isaneminent andlongestablishedlightingelectronics companyfoundedbackin1909inSwitzerland. TodayitisbasedinGermanyandhasaround 3000employeesworldwide. Partnerships Our Partnership with b,a,g, 3 LED Innovations Megaman LED lighting products feature a number of unique and patented design features, which allow them to deliver superior performance, including low power consumption, excellent light output and low maintenance costs. They provide measurably better quality lighting performance than any other competitive LED based product consuming the same power! DecorativeLEDs LED Innovations OurdecorativerangeofLEDsallowsyoutochoosetherightlightingeffectwhilstcutting maintenancecosts,powerconsumptionandreducingheatemissions.Itwascreatedforall installationswherethelightsourceisvisible,enablingyoutoretainthestyleofyourexistingfitting. Product Features Applications • Direct replacement for decorative incandescent lamps • Wide variety of shapes, sizes, bases and light outputs • Long Lamp Life up to 50,000 hours • Up to 80% energy savings • Instant start up • Table and Pendant Lamps • Chandeliers • Shop Displays • Showrooms • Exhibitions • Bar Areas • Dining Areas • Hotels • Restaurants ReflectorLEDSpotLamps EnergySavingLamps Megaman LED reflector LED spot lamps are quite different in design to the more common lens-style LED lamps widely available. That is because we have incorporated parabolic reflectors and employ Thermal Conductive Highway™ (TCH) technology to deliver the most efficient LED lighting solution possible. This approach has the benefits of efficient heat dissipation, better beam control and excellent optical efficiency as well as low glare lighting. Additional Benefits Unique Features • Perfect alternative to traditional incandescent, halogen and metal halide lamps • High colour rendering up to Ra94 • High colour temperature consistency: tolerance is only +/-100K • High luminous maintenance: up to 70% initial lumen can be achieved even at the end of lamp life • Emits up to one third of the heat of traditional light sources • Negligible UV and IR radiation • Colour temperature options of Warm & Cool White & Daylight • Options of different beam angles for LED Reflector Series • Mercury-free • Instant start up • Wide range of operating temperatures (-30ºC to +40ºC) Applications • Boutiques and Shops • Shopping Centres • Hotels • Restaurants • Domestic settings PATENTED FEATURES DELIVER BETTER LIGHTING SOLUTIONS Optimum Thermal Control Excellent Optical Efficiency MEGAMAN® patented TCH technology uses a unique design of heat drain across the reflector that allows the LEDs to dissipate heat efficiently via the heat sink and prevents deterioration of the LED multi-chip array and other components. The technology also gives the lamps a longer life with high lumen maintenance, resulting in up to 70% of initial lumens being available even at the end of lamp life. The technology of using reflectors for light sources is mature and widely used because of the technology’s extremely high optical efficiency of up to 98%. Due to this high optical efficiency, energy loss is minimised, creating a very effective energy saving solution. Deliver Comfortable Lighting The unique approach that MEGAMAN® takes with axial LED geometry facilitates the use of reflectors with all the associated advantages of precise beam control and allows lumens to be where they are wanted with less glare. 4 True Replacement of Traditional Lamps A reflector can spread a predefined portion of illumination from a light source to deliver the designed light distribution. The use of reflectors also dramatically reduces the amount of light spillage from outside the designated beam angle. LED spotlights with reflectors are more aesthetically pleasing and conform to the expected appearance of a spotlight. MEGAMAN® CFL Innovations Megaman® leads the way in low energy CFL lighting technology, with a number of innovative breakthroughs and unique designs. POWERLENS Thistechnologyamplifiesluminousintensityby20%andcreatesamore concentratedlightconeforourreflectorseries.Itallows80%ormorelightoutput withinanangleof120degrees,complyingwithEUregulations(EC244/2009) DIMMERABLE OuruniqueDIMMERABLElampsofferthechoiceoffulllightoutputordimmed, mood-sensitiveillumination.Compatiblewithawiderangeofelectronicdimming systems.(Seeourwebsiteforapprovedmanufacturers) Lamps that are Liquid Mercury Free BENEFITS OF USING AMALGAM • Completely safe, you can touch, handle, transport and • Even if the lamp is broken no mercury can be released. store lamps in the knowledge that they are risk free to • Reduces environmental pollution during use and when both you and the environment. recycled. Allows for excellent lumen maintenance and increased lamp efficacy. • Prevents the release of toxic mercury during the EnergySavingLamps SENSOR LIGHT Equippedwithaningeniousinternalinfraredsensor,theMegamanSensorLight automaticallylightsupatnightfallandturnsoffatdaybreak.Greatforexternal securityorgardenlightingapplications. CFL Innovations INGENIUM Internalelectronictechnologywhichprolongslamplifeupto15,000hours, extendsswitchingcyclesupto600,000timesanddeliversaprecisepreheating timeofunder1second. manufacturing process. UniqueProductFeatures Liquid Mercury Free • Megaman® uses Amalgam in all of its lamps, offering a Water-based Sealants • To prevent emission of odour during production, Plastic Lamp Base • High-heat resistant ABS with copper & nickel plating. • Recyclable, no PBB / PBDE. • Prevents rust. • No soldering or stainless steel. Mechanical “Snap-in” Method • Components are fitted together simply & firmly. • Speeds up production process and makes recycling • No toxic gas is released when lamp is in operation. safer, more eco-friendly alternative to liquid mercury. water-based sealants are used instead of glue. Pb easier. Unique Cooling Tube • Houses Amalgam and acts as a light output regulator. • Ensures Amalgam vaporises when hot to cool down the lamp and guarantee 100% light output at all times. MEGAMAN® Lead-free soldering & Glass Tubes • Eliminate harmful soldering at contact point of lamp • base. Lead-free glass tubes eliminate contamination upon disposal of lamp. Silicone Sleeve • Rids the use of acids for producing frosted finishing on • glass covers. Confines mercury & shattered glass if lamp is accidentally broken. All-round Illumination • Megaman’s Classic and Candle series have been carefully designed with translucent housing to deliver all-round illumination. 5 Dimming Technology Linear Dimming (100% to 1%) - using DC1-10V Dimming Driver or suitable Dali drivers Dimming Technology EnergySavingLamps 6 LinearDimmingfacilitatesasmoothdimming experiencecomparabletotraditionallamp sources. Dimmerable Linear Dimming (100% to 10%) Thisprovidesasmoothdimmingexperience similartothatobtainedwithtraditional incandescentandhalogenlampsconnected toaleadingedgedimmer. Thebrightnesslevelcanbeseamlesslydimmed from100%downto1%whenthelampis connectedtoaDC1-10Vdimmingdriverand DC1-10Vdimmer. MEGAMAN® Lighting Design MEGAMAN offers a FREE state-of-the-art lighting design program to help you design various indoor and outdoor lighting schemes. ® The Relux programincludesanelectroniccataloguewith datasheets,productsearchfunctionandspecificationsfor managementofluminairesandlamps.Photometricdata isalsoincludedtoprovidecomprehensiveresultswhen configuringlightingarrangements.Thelatestphotometric datacanalsobefoundonourwebsite. DIALux is a freeandcompletelightingsoftwarefor professionallightplanning.Usedbythousandsoflight plannersanddesignersworldwide,thesoftwareallows youtoplancreativelyandsupportsyouincomplyingwith therespectivenationalandinternationalregulations.Now, MEGAMAN®Plugins/Cataloguesarealsoavailablefor download.Youcantakefulladvantageofthisadvanced softwaretocreateyourownsuperblightingscenes. EnergySavingLamps DIALux for MEGAMAN® Lighting Design Relux MEGAMAN® RELUX MEGAMAN® OXYTECH The MEGAMAN® Software for Lighting Design– MEGAMAN® OXYTECH–includesanelectronic cataloguewithdatasheets,productsearchand specificationsmanagementofluminairesandlamps. Modulestomanagethecataloguetogetherwiththe photometricdatabasesarealsoincludedtoprovidea comprehensiveresultforlightingconfiguration. MEGAMAN® 7 Business Development Team Our Business Development Managers (BDMs)have years of expertise in energy management. They have been specifically trained to offer customers excellent technical advice to ensure that maximum energy savings are achieved. Cost of ownership for each project along with annual electricity/CO2 savings will be provided. Business Development Team EnergySavingLamps 8 Our BDMs will also offer free on site surveys tailored to each project, advice on changes in regulations and if required, full project management from the initial survey to the design and installation. To find your local Business Development Manager please contact the Megaman sales team on 0845 408 4625 FREE on sitesurveysspecificallytailoredfor eachclient. Annual electricityandC02savingsforeach applicationalongwithadetailedcostof ownershipbreakdown. Lighting designsusingtheReluxsoftwarefor bothnewbuildandretro-fitareasallowingour clientstorealisethepotentialthatMegaman® lightingcanofferthroughclearandprecise information. Technical productadviceandsuggestionsto ensurethatthecorrectlightingsolutionsare selectedforeachclient’srequirements. Recommendationsonhowtoreduceenergy consumptionandsaveonenergybills. Helpinloweringcarbonemissionsto meetGovernmenttargetsandfulfilISO accreditations. Adviceonchangesinregulations. Guidanceonnewlampandlighting technologies. Project managementfromsitesurveys throughtothedesignandinstallationstages ofeachapplication. MEGAMAN® All our MEGAMAN® LEDs come with a standard 3 year warranty. We will provide a further 2 year extension upon the completion of the approved registration card on the Megaman website. Please visit www.megamanuk.com/ warranty for further details. LED Series We were the first manufacturer to offer the lighting industry a viable LED halogen replacement range, leading the way in the creation of innovative LED light sources using our unique reflector design and TCH technology. Unique Features Applications Boutiques and Shops Shopping Centres Hotels Restaurants Museums Galleries Offices Homes • • • • • • • • • • A true replacement for halogen lamps High colour rendering up to Ra94 Colour temperature tolerance of only +/-100K Long lamp life up to 50,000 hours Up to 80% energy savings Options of narrow to wide flood beam angles Emits up to one third of the heat of traditional light sources Negligible UV and IR radiation A range of colour temperature options available TCH Technology LED Series Our LEDs allow you to choose the right lighting effect whilst cutting maintenance costs, power consumption and reducing heat emissions. 9 LED GU10 Series True Size 4.5W GU10 PAR16 True Size Order Code LR1204-5DGv2-WFL LED GU10 Series True Size Energy Saving Lamps 10 Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 246211 GU10 50 57 38 2800 / 80 246204 GU10 50 57 38 4000 / 80 246229 GU10 50 57 38 6500 / 80 4.5 watt 300cd 300lm 50,000 Beam Angle Standard Pack hours hours 35º 1 (10) 50,000 3600 & 16000cd 6W GU10 Dimming PAR16 True Size Order Code NEW LR01206dDGv2-WFL Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 141401 GU10 50 58 71 2800 / 80 141435 GU10 50 58 71 4000 / 80 141490 GU10 50 58 71 6500 / 80 6 600cd 410lm watt 50,000 Beam Angle Standard Pack hours hours 35º 1 (10) 50,000 3600 & 16000cd MEGAMAN® LED GU10 Series 8W GU10 Dimming PAR16 Order Code Diameter (mm) Weight (g) Length (mm) 141374 GU10 50 79 120 141396 GU10 50 79 120 8 900cd 380lm watt Colour Temp CRI (K) 2800 /80 4000 /80 50,000 Beam Angle Standard Pack hours hours 35º 1 (60) 50,000 3600 & 16000cd LED GU10 Series LR01108d-50H35D Lamp Base Energy Saving Lamps MEGAMAN® 11 LED MR16 Series 6W GU5.3 MR16 12V Order Code Lamp Base Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 141632 GU5.3 50 51 60 2800 / 82 141658 GU5.3 50 51 60 4000 / 85 240lm 24º 141683 GU5.3 50 51 60 2800 / 82 141679 GU5.3 50 51 60 4000 / 85 1000cd LED MR16 Series ER1006-35H24D ER1006-35H36D Diameter (mm) 550cd 240lm 6 watt 36º 50,000 Standard Pack hours 1 (60) 50,000 3600 & 16000cd Energy Saving Lamps 8W GU5.3 MR16 Dimming 12V Order Code NEW Lamp Base 12 Colour Temp CRI (K) GU5.3 50 62 91 2800 / 82 GU5.3 50 62 91 4000 / 85 400lm 24º 141619 GU5.3 50 62 91 2800 / 82 141628 GU5.3 50 62 91 4000 / 85 400lm 8 50,000 watt Please refer to our website for the list of recommended halogen transformers, LED drivers and compatible dimmers. www.megamanuk.com Weight (g) 141605 900cd The Megaman® LED 6W and 8W MR16 works with most conventional halogen transformers. Length (mm) 141663 1700cd ER1708d-50H36D ER1708d-50H24D Diameter (mm) 50,000 3600 & 16000cd MEGAMAN® 36º Standard Pack 1 (60) LED MR16 Series - Special Colour 6W GU5.3 MR16 12V special warm colour temp Order Code 144602 1000cd Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) GU5.3 50 51 60 2400 / 82 200lm 24º 144789 GU5.3 50 51 60 2400 / 82 550cd 36º 200lm 6 watt 50,000 Standard Pack hours hours 1 (60) 50,000 3600 12V R9 high red colour rendition 6W GU5.3 MR16 & 16000cd Lamp Diameter Base (mm) Order Code ER1006R9-35H24D Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 2800 / 94 144392 GU5.3 50 51 60 144108 GU5.3 50 51 60 6 1300cd 240lm watt 4000 / 94 50,000 Beam Angle Standard Pack hours hours 24º 1 (60) 50,000 The Megaman® LED 6W MR16 12V works with most conventional halogen transformers. 3600 & 16000cd Please refer to our website for the list of recommended halogen transformers or LED drivers. www.megamanuk.com • Maximum colour rendering of up to Ra94. LED MR16 Series - Special Colour Energy Saving Lamps ER1006-35H24D ER1006-35H36D Diameter (mm) Lamp Base • Instant start - reaches the declared colour temp at the time of switching on, while metal halides deliver a greenish colour when starting up. • Hot re-strike capability. • Eliminates the risk of potential exposures to UV and radioactive Kr85 in case of lamp breakage (with metal halide lamps). • Long lamp life of up to 50,000 hrs. • High colour temp consistency: tolerance is only +/-100K • Operating temp: -30º to +40º MEGAMAN® 13 LED MR16 Series / MR11 10W MR16 Smooth Dimming 20V Order Code LED MR16 Series / MR11 ER0510-50H36D Lamp Base Length (mm) Colour Temp CRI (K) 2800 / 82 GU5.3 50 82 123 141927 GU5.3 50 82 123 10 watt 1200cd 510lm 4000 / 85 50,000 Beam Angle Standard Pack hours hours 36º 1 (60) 50,000 Please only use with approved Megaman driver and DC dimmer module. Please refer to our website for compatible dimmers. www.megamanuk.com Order Code 141976 3600 & 16000cd Height (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) 147 50 32 133 50,000 50,000 Power Factor LD0110x1V-C460 Weight (g) 141962 Driver for 10W MR16 >0.9 hours hours Energy Saving Lamps DC 1-10V Dimmer Module DC dimming lamps will allow smooth dimming operation when used in conjunction with the Megaman dimming unit and must only be used with a DC 1-10V dimmer module. The dimmer module will operate 1 lamp minimum and up to as many as the cable diameter/run allows using IEC wiring guidelines. 1-10V dimming allows more functionality and the dimmer module can be retrofitted in to a grid system or used in an existing wall plate. Order Code 141060 MR11 4W GU4 MR11 12V Order Code NEW ER2304-20H36D 14 Diameter (mm) Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 2800 / 80 141178 GU4 35 42 19 141159 GU4 35 42 19 4 watt 600cd 230lm 50,000 Beam Angle hours 36º 1 (60) The MEGAMAN® 4W MR11 works with most conventional halogen transformers. MEGAMAN® 4000 / 80 Standard Pack 3600 & 16000cd LED AR111 Series 10W G53 AR111 Dimming 20V Order Code Lamp Base Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 111 63 189 2800 / 82 141368 G53 111 63 189 4000 / 85 530lm 8º 141352 G53 111 63 180 2800 / 82 141390 G53 111 63 180 4000 / 85 450lm 24º 141373 G53 111 63 165 2800 / 82 141319 G53 111 63 165 4000 / 85 570lm 1400cd 10 watt 45º 50,000 Standard Pack hours hours 1 (24) 50,000 LED AR111 Series G53 3600cd Please only use with approved Megaman driver. Please refer to our website for compatible dimmers. www.megamanuk.com Length (mm) 141341 16000cd ER0210-50H08D ER0110-50H24D ER0310-50H45D Diameter (mm) Driver for 10W Dimming AR111 20V Order Code 141382 LD0310x1v-C500 Height (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) 147 50 32 133 Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 50,000 Power Factor >0.9 hours Energy Saving Lamps Convert 220-240V to DC20V 3600 & Works with DC1-10V dimmer - Dimming range 1-100% 16000 cd 15W G53 AR111 12V Order Code NEW Lamp Base 141719 G53 111 62 265 2800 / 82 141761 G53 111 62 265 4000 / 85 5000cd ER2015-75H24D ER2215-75H45D 950lm 141784 G53 111 62 265 2800 / 82 141746 G53 111 62 265 4000 / 85 3600cd The Megaman® LED 15W AR111 12V works with most conventional halogen transformers. 24º 15 950lm watt 45º 50,000 Standard Pack hours hours 1 (24) 50,000 MEGAMAN® 15 LED PAR Series / GX53 15W PAR30 Order Code LR0215-100H24D Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 2800 / 85 141845 E27 96 102 239 141895 E27 96 102 239 15 watt 3200cd 530lm 50,000 Beam Angle hours hours 24º 1 (24) 50,000 LED PAR Series / GX53 15W PAR38 Order Code LR0915-75H30D Lamp Base 4000 / 92 Standard Pack Diameter (mm) Length (mm) 3600 & 16000 cd Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 141832 E27 121 133 458 2800 / 85 141867 E27 121 133 458 4000 / 92 15 watt 2200cd 630lm 50,000 Beam Angle Standard Pack hours hours 30º 1 (24) 50,000 Energy Saving Lamps 20W PAR38 R9 high red colour rendition 3600 & Order Code LR0920R9-25M25D Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) 16000 cd Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 144987 E27 121 133 485 144961 E27 121 133 485 20 5000cd 900lm 50,000 Beam Angle Standard Pack hours hours 25º 1 (24) watt 50,000 2800 / 94 4000 / 94 GX53 3600 & 16000cd GX53 60º LR1305-60D Order Code Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 147265 GX53 75 25 82 2800 / 82 147279 GX53 75 25 82 4000 / 85 5 watt 16 350cd 350lm MEGAMAN® 50,000 Beam Angle Standard Pack hours hours 60º 1 (60) 50,000 3600 & 16000cd LED G4 / GU9 / R7s 2W G4 Order Code NEW Lamp Base Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) G4 19 45 11 3000 / 80 142925 G4 19 45 11 4000 / 80 Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) watt 120lm 50,000 Standard Pack hours hours 1 (60) 50,000 4W GU9 Dimming Order Code NEW 142497 G9 28 68 40 2800 / 80 142416 G9 28 68 40 4000 / 80 4 LU0104d 3600 & 16000cd Length Diameter (mm) (mm) Lamp Base watt 220lm 50,000 Standard Pack hours hours 1 (60) 50,000 R7s 7W R7s 78mm NEW Lamp Base Order Code 142754 Height (mm) Width (mm) 30 56 R7s 7 watt 450lm Length (mm) Colour Temp CRI (K) 78 4000 / 80 50,000 Standard Pack hours 1 (60) Energy Saving Lamps 3600 & 16000cd LED G4 / GU9 / R7s 142943 2 EU0102 Diameter (mm) LJ0107 3600 & 16000cd 9W R7s 118mm NEW Lamp Base Order Code 142732 9 R7s watt 600lm Height (mm) Width (mm) 29 56 Length (mm) 118 50,000 Standard Pack hours 1 (60) Colour Temp CRI (K) 4000 / 80 LJ0209 MEGAMAN® 3600 & 16000cd 17 LED Candles 4W Clear Candle Order Code Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 245421 E14 37 99 53 2700 / 85 245264 B22 37 98 52 2700 / 85 4 watt 127lm 50,000 Standard Pack hours hours 1 (60) 50,000 LED Candles LC0104CS 3600 & 16000cd 7W Clear Candle Dimming Order Code Energy Saving Lamps NEW Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 143236 E14 42 117 52 2800 / 80 143283 B22 42 108 52 2800 / 80 143277 B15 42 116 52 2800 / 80 7 400lm watt 50,000 Standard Pack hours hours 1 (60) 50,000 LC0607dCSv2 3600 & 16000cd 7W Opal Candle Dimming Order Code NEW Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 143466 E14 42 117 52 2800 / 80 143450 B22 42 108 52 2800 / 80 143429 B15 42 116 52 2800 / 80 7 watt 400lm 50,000 Standard Pack hours hours 1 (60) 50,000 LC0607dv2 18 MEGAMAN® 3600 & 16000cd LED Golf Ball 3.5W Frosted Golf Ball Order Code Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 249394 E14 45 88 54 2700 / 85 249282 B22 45 87 55 2700 / 85 3.5 watt 117lm 50,000 Standard Pack hours hours 1 (60) 50,000 3600 & 16000cd 7W Opal Golf Ball Dimming Order Code Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 148752 E27 45 93 61 2800 / 80 148738 E14 45 99 61 2800 / 80 148724 B22 45 91 61 2800 / 80 7 watt 400lm 50,000 Standard Pack hours hours 1 (60) 50,000 3600 & 16000cd MEGAMAN® Energy Saving Lamps LG1907dv2 Lamp Base LED Golf Ball LG0103.5CS/SE 19 LED Classic 8W Opal Classic Dimming Order Code NEW Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 148502 E27 55 107 81 2800 / 80 148583 B22 55 107 80 2800 / 80 8 watt 470lm 50,000 Standard Pack hours hours 1 (60) 50,000 LED Classic LG1708dv2 3600 & 16000cd 11W Opal Classic Dimming Order Code NEW Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 148591 E27 60 119 115 2800 / 80 148574 B22 60 119 114 2800 / 80 Energy Saving Lamps 11 watt 810lm 50,000 Standard Pack hours hours 1 (60) 50,000 LG1511dv2 3600 & 16000cd ClassicGlobe 14W Opal Globe Dimming Order Code NEW Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 148207 E27 92 135 265 2800 / 80 148256 B22 92 135 265 2800 / 80 14 watt 810lm 50,000 Standard Pack hours hours 1 (24) 50,000 LG1014dv2 3600 & 16000cd 20 MEGAMAN® LED Crown Silver / Sensor Light 7W Crown Silver Classic Order Code Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 148410 E27 60 106 135 2700 / 85 148482 B22 60 106 135 2700 / 85 7 watt 300lm 50,000 Standard Pack hours hours 1 (60) 50,000 3600 & 16000cd 8W SENSOR Light Classic Order Code NEW Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 148494 E27 60 118 82 2800 / 80 148476 B22 60 116 81 2800 / 80 8 watt 420lm 50,000 Standard Pack hours 1 (60) LED Crown Silver / Sensor Light Energy Saving Lamps LS0107 Product Information LG0408rv2 • Direct retrofit & • Equipped with ingenious light sensor 3600 16000cd • Turns ON automatically in a dark environment • Turns OFF automatically in a bright environment • Illuminates only when needed, saving further • energy 50,000 hours lamp lifetime MEGAMAN® 21 LED Plateia Range The PLATEIA LED Ceiling Panel is the ideal replacement for traditional grid based recessed fluorescent luminaires. It creates an extremely harmonious and uniform lighting environment that conventional lamps cannot achieve. LED Plateia Range The PLATEIA is designed using a super bright LED light source enabling a consistently high quality long lamp life with no UV or IR emissions. It is powered by a low voltage constant current driver, which is safe, energy saving and helps to extend the expected lamp life. PLATEIA COST OF OWNERSHIP Example based on Plateia 40W Cool White square ceiling panel. COMPARISON Energy Saving Lamps Benefits: • Lightweight • 3 year guarantee • Longlife - perfect for stairwells and hard to access locations • High lumen maintenance over life • 30% energy saving versus 4x18W fluorescent lamps • Low glare, flicker free operation • Fits in a standard 600x600 mm ceiling grid • Suitable for use with daylight and occupancy detectors • White frame blends aesthetically with ceiling grid Applications: Office Lighting Hotels Schools Hospitals Hallways & Lobbies Meeting Rooms 22 Number of fittings in one room Number of lamps per fitting Lumen Energy [Watts] Ballast losses [Watts] Total energy used per fitting [Watts] Energy used for all fittings [Watts] Total Kilowatt/hour [KW/H] Power consumption per year Estimated energy cost [£/Kilowatt hour] Energy cost per hour Plateia 40W 4300K T8 4x18W 4000K 50 2900 lm 40 40 2000 2.0 8,760 £0.11 £0.22 50 4 ~ 3000 lm 72 14.4 86.4 4320 4.3 18,922 £0.11 £0.48 Average lamp life [hours] Daily usage [hours] Energy cost per day Number of days per year the fittings are on Replacement period [years] Cost per tube Lamp change cost per tube Lamp disposal cost per tube Total cost for all T8 replacement in the room 50,000 12 £2.64 365 11.4 - 15,000 12 £5.70 365 3.4 £2.00 £1.50 £0.40 Annual maintenance cost Annual energy cost £963.60 £227.76 £2,081.38 Total operating cost per year £963.60 £2,309.14 MAINTENANCE COST Plateia total saving per year Carbon saved (tonne CO2) Power consumption reduction, per year (kW hours) MEGAMAN® £780.00 £1,345.54 4.16 10,161.60 LED Plateia Range 40W Plateia LED Square Ceiling Panel Order Code Dimensions (mm) Trim Colour Weight (Kg) Colour Temp CRI (K) F0510079-39910 595.8 x 595.8 x 11.5 White 4.2 4000- / 75 4300 595.8 x 595.8 x 11.5 White 4.2 57006000 / 75 2900lm F0510080-39910 3100lm hours watt hours Beam Angle 120º EUROPEAN COMMUNITY MARK Standard Pack RoHS 2002/95/EC 2002/95/EC LVD EN 60598-1 / EN60598-2-2 60598-1 / EN 60598-2-2 LVD WEEE EN 2002/96/EC RoHS 1 50W Plateia LED Square Ceiling Panel Order Code 3600 & Dimensions 16000cd (mm) Trim Colour Weight (Kg) Colour Temp CRI (K) F0500627-39910 595.8 x 595.8 x 11.5 White 4.2 3000- / 75 3300 595.8 x 595.8 x 11.5 White 4.2 40004300 / 75 595.8 x 595.8 x 11.5 White 4.2 57006000 / 75 LED Plateia Range 40 50,000 50,000 3800lm F0500628-39910 F0510074-39910 4200lm 50 watt 50,000 Beam Angle hours hours 120º 50,000 EUROPEAN COMMUNITY MARK Standard Pack RoHS 2002/95/EC 2002/95/EC LVD EN 60598-1 / EN60598-2-2 60598-1 / EN 60598-2-2 LVD WEEE EN 2002/96/EC RoHS 1 50W Plateia LED Dimmable Square Ceiling Panel Order Code 3600 & Dimensions 16000cd (mm) F0510068-39910 595.8 x 595.8 x 11.5 50 watt 3800lm Trim Colour White 50,000 Beam Angle hours hours 120º 50,000 Standard Pack 1 Weight (Kg) Colour Temp CRI (K) 4.2 40004300 / 75 Energy Saving Lamps 3800lm EUROPEAN COMMUNITY MARK RoHS 2002/95/EC 2002/95/EC LVD EN 60598-1 / EN60598-2-2 60598-1 / EN 60598-2-2 LVD WEEE EN 2002/96/EC RoHS L: 595.8mm 3600 & 16000cd H: 595.8mm MEGAMAN® 23 LED Plateia Range 45W Plateia LED Rectangular Ceiling Panel Order Code Dimensions (mm) Colour Weight (Kg) Colour Temp CRI (K) F0510067-39910 595 x 1195 x 11 White 5.8 40004300 / 75 45 watt 2800lm 50,000 Beam Angle hours hours 120º 50,000 Standard Pack EUROPEAN COMMUNITY MARK RoHS LVD LVD WEEE RoHS 1 2002/95/EC 2002/95/EC EN 60598-1 / EN60598-2-2 EN 60598-1 / EN 60598-2-2 2002/96/EC LED Plateia Range 45W Plateia LED Dimming Rectangular Ceiling Panel Order Code Dimensions (mm) F0510069-39910 595 x 1195 x 11 45 watt 2800lm 3600 & 16000Colour cd White 50,000 Beam Angle hours hours 120º 50,000 Standard Pack Weight (Kg) Colour Temp CRI (K) 5.8 40004300 / 75 EUROPEAN COMMUNITY MARK RoHS 2002/95/EC 2002/95/EC LVD EN 60598-1 / EN60598-2-2 60598-1 / EN 60598-2-2 LVD WEEE EN 2002/96/EC RoHS 1 3600 & 16000cd L: 1195mm Energy Saving Lamps H: 595mm 8W-15W Emergency Pack This module is for use with a range of ballasts and in normal operation these power the LEDs. In emergency operation the LED will be powered by the battery. Order Code For Lamps Battery (sealed) Battery Duration Charging Time Ambient Temp. EGM0815 8W-15W ESL NiCd 1 or 3 hours 24 hours +5ºC to +50ºC Protection Class: 1 Suitable for installation to: VDE 0108+EN50172 Approved to: IEC 61347-2-13 Dimensions: Length: 210mm Width: 31.5mm Height: 21mm Fixing Centres: 206mm 24 MEGAMAN® LED Plateia Range Plateia Surface Mounting Accessory Order Code Description F9900137 Surface Mounting Accessory Kit Standard Pack 1 Plateia Recessed Mounted Accessory Order Code Description F9900138 Recessed Mounted Accessory Kit LED Plateia Range 3600 & 16000cd Standard Pack 3600 & 16000cd Energy Saving Lamps 1 Plateia Suspension Wiring Accessory Order Code Description F9900139 Suspension Wiring Accessory Kit Standard Pack 1 3600 & 16000cd MEGAMAN® 25 LED T8 Tube NEW LT0118 LED T8 Tube Energy Saving Lamps 26 18W T8 Tube Order Code Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 4000 / 80 174017 G13 28 1212 397 174034 G13 28 1212 397 18 watt 4000K / 1650lm Features & Benefits: • The most powerful luminous flux available on the market • High compatibility with the magnetic ballast with the traditional linear T8 tube • Wide range of operating temperatures (-30ºC to +40ºC) • Long rated life of up to 50,000 hours • Instant start up 6500K / 1500lm 50,000 hours hours 1 50,000 3600 & 16000cd MEGAMAN® 6500 / 80 Standard Pack LED Flexi LED Flexi NEW Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 172812 7.5 1000 40 4000 / 78 NEW watt 300lm 50,000 50,000 hours hours Standard Pack IP68 1 3600 & 16000cd 25W Flexi 24V Order Code Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 172831 7.5 5000 199 4000 / 78 25 watt 1500lm Energy Saving Lamps Order Code 5 EX0205 EX0225 5W Flexi 24V 50,000 50,000 hours hours Standard Pack 1 IP68 3600 & 16000cd 36W Constant voltage driver for Flexi 24V Order Code 172999 Height (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) 30 40 148 34 MEGAMAN® IP67 27 Marketing Marketing Energy Saving Lamps LED MEGAMAN® 28 All of our CFL’s come with a guaranteed performance warranty of 18 months. CFL Series Megaman lead the way in compact fluorescent lamp technology offering you the most comprehensive collection of low energy lighting in the UK. Unique Features • • • • • • • Applications General domestic applications Reception areas Table lamps Decorative wall or ceiling lamps Cabinet lighting Conference rooms Corridors Security Lighting Offices • • MEGAMAN® A perfect replacement for incandescent and halogen lamps Reflector, Decorative and Tubular ranges available Liquid mercury free Ingenium® lamps offer prolonged lamp life, up to 15,000 hours Environmentally friendly production techniques Up to 80% energy savings Comprehensive direct replacement decorative range with all-round illumination Silicone sleeve technology for safer breakages Colour temperature options of 2700K, 3000K, 4000K and 6500K CFL Series Designed as a direct replacement for energy-hungry incandescent bulbs, our CFLs are available in a wide range of designs making it easy to switch from incandescent to fluorescent lighting. 29 CFL GU10 Series 11W GU10 Reflector with PowerLENS Order Code CFL GU10 Series BR2911 Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 3000 />80 236103 GU10 50 74 64 236942 GU10 50 74 64 11 watt 110cd 210lm Beam Angle 8,000 90º hours 10 (60) 3600 & 16000cd 11W GU10 Reflector with PowerLENS Order Code Energy Saving Lamps BR0711i Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 3000 />80 614435 GU10 50 76 51 614718 GU10 50 76 51 11 watt 125cd 330lm 4000 />80 Beam Angle 15,000 Standard Pack 90º hours 10 (60) 3600 & 16000cd 14W GU10 Reflector with PowerLENS Order Code BR2114i Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 3000 />80 614626 GU10 50 76 65 614640 GU10 50 76 65 14 watt 150cd 360lm Beam Angle 15,000 90º hours 10 (60) 3600 & 16000cd MEGAMAN® 4000 />80 Standard Pack The 14W GU10 Reflector is not suitable for fire rated fittings. 30 4000 />80 Standard Pack CFL Reflector Range 7W E14 R50 with PowerLENS Order Code Lamp Base 615326 E14 7 watt 75cd 140lm Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) 50 87 54 Colour Temp CRI (K) 3000 />80 Beam Angle 15,000 Standard Pack 90º hours 10 (60) BR0907i 11W E27 R63 with PowerLENS Order Code Lamp Base 616323 11 E27 watt 140cd 330lm Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) 63 103 96 Colour Temp CRI (K) 3000 />80 Beam Angle 15,000 Standard Pack 90º hours 10 (60) 3600 & 16000cd 15W E27 R80 with PowerLENS Order Code Lamp Base 616897 15 E27 watt 205cd 475lm BR1215i Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) 80 111 116 Colour Temp CRI (K) Energy Saving Lamps BR111i CFL Reflector Range 3600 & 16000cd 2700 />80 Beam Angle 15,000 Standard Pack 84º hours 6 (24) 3600 & 16000cd MEGAMAN® 31 CFL GX53 9W GX53 with silicone cover Order Code GX0109i Lamp Base Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 2700 />82 710126 GX53 75 24 59 710140 GX53 75 24 59 9 watt 280lm 4000 />80 Beam Angle 15,000 Standard Pack 106º hours 10 (60) CFL GX53 3600 & 16000cd 13W Hi-Lite GX53 with frosted glass cover Order Code Energy Saving Lamps 32 Diameter (mm) Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 118 3000/>82 710232 GX53 75 37 710249 GX53 75 37 13 watt 520lm 118 Beam Angle Standard Pack 117º hours 10 (60) GX0113iF 3600 & 16000cd MEGAMAN® 4000/>80 15,000 CFL Candles 7W Smooth Frosted Candle with silicone sleeve Order Code Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 940233 E14 37 99 43 2700 />80 941650 B15 37 98 43 2700 />80 108022 E27 37 96 43 2700 />80 138029 B22 37 94 43 2700 />80 7 watt 286lm 15,000 Standard Pack hours 10 (60) CFL Candles CL707iCS/SE Lamp Base 3600 & 16000cd 9W Smooth Frosted Candle with silicone sleeve Order Code Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) E14 37 109 49 2700 />80 103161 B15 37 108 49 2700 />80 139026 B22 37 104 49 2700 />80 9 watt 405lm 15,000 Standard Pack hours 10 (60) CL709iCS/SE 3600 & 16000cd MEGAMAN® Energy Saving Lamps 119028 33 CFL Classic 7W Ping Pong Order Code GA807i Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) CFL Classic 181124 E14 45 84 41 2700 />80 191123 E27 45 74 44 2700 />80 101402 B22 45 72 44 2700 />80 Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 7 watt 286lm 15,000 Standard Pack hours 10 (60) 11W Compact Classic Order Code Lamp Base 3600 & 16000cd Length Diameter (mm) (mm) 940431 E27 60 113 80 2700 />80 940486 B22 60 111 80 2700 />80 Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 11 watt 570lm 15,000 Standard Pack hours 10 (60) Energy Saving Lamps GSU111i 18W Compact Classic Order Code Lamp Base 3600 & 16000cd Length Diameter (mm) (mm) 105001 E27 65 118 89 2700 />80 105991 B22 65 116 89 2700 />80 18 watt 900lm 15,000 Standard Pack hours 10 (60) GSU218i 3600 & 16000cd 15W SENSOR Light Classic Order Code GK715r 34 Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 402300 E27 68 128 93 2700 / 80 403277 B22 68 126 93 2700 / 80 15 watt 800lm 15,000 Standard Pack hours 10 (60) MEGAMAN® 3600 & 16000cd CFL Tubular Range 8W Tube Order Code 3P408 Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 231827 E27 44 111 52 2700 />80 231835 B22 44 108 50 2700 />80 8 watt 420lm 8,000 Standard Pack hours 10 (100) Order Code 3P411 Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 231729 E27 44 122 58 2700 />80 231522 B22 44 119 56 2700 />80 11 watt 600lm 8,000 Standard Pack hours 10 (100) Order Code Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 231454 E27 44 137 64 2700 />80 231215 B22 44 134 62 2700 />80 14 watt 800lm 8,000 Standard Pack hours 10 (100) Energy Saving Lamps 14W Tube CFL Tubular Range 3600 & 16000cd 11W Tube 3P414 3600 & 16000cd 20W Tube Order Code 3U120 Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 231278 E27 49 132 91 2700 />80 231291 B22 49 130 91 2700 />80 20 watt 1151lm 8,000 Standard Pack hours 10 (100) 35 MEGAMAN® 3600 & CFL GU9 / R7s 9W GU9 Tube Order Code Lamp Base 104326 9 4U109i Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 37 75 38 3000 />82 GU9 watt 440lm 15,000 Standard Pack hours 10 (60) CFL GU9 / R7s GU9 Socket The MEGAMAN® GU9 lamp holder 3600 &is specifically designed with a slot for GU9 lamp bases only. 16000cd *Slot Order Code 104362 *Slot * Special slot in base. This prevents halogen lamps being used in this lamp holder and means it is compliant with Part L of the current building regulations. Energy Saving Lamps R7s 24W R7s Lamp Base Order Code 4P424i Height (mm) Width (mm) 109227 R7s 58 33 109241 R7s 58 33 24 watt 1519lm Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 118 115 3000 / 82 118 115 4000 / 82 15,000 Standard Pack hours 10 (60) * Ingenium technology means our R7s lamps are the only ones compatible for use in floodlights with inbuilt PIR’s. 3600 & 16000cd 36 MEGAMAN® CFL Clusterlite Range Clusterlite Product Features • Instant restart capability with rapid start-up time • Effective operation in achieved within 120 seconds. temperature range from –40oC to +80oC. • High colour rendering index of Ra 82. • Excellent colour uniformity with minimal colour shift • Optimum operating • Engineered with patented cooling-tube to guarantee • Cluster-type lamp tube position is base up of only +/-100K. • Rated lamp life of 15,000 hours. 40W Integrated Ballast Order Code Lamp Base 807143 40 E27 watt 2680lm Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 63 166 257 4000 />82 15,000 Standard Pack hours 1 (12) CFL Clusterlite Range design allows continuous illumination upon partial failure of lamp tubes over 76% lumen maintenance throughout lamp life. HC01040i 60W Integrated Ballast Order Code Lamp Base 808140 60 watt E27 4000lm Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 63 188 315 4000 />82 15,000 Standard Pack hours 1 (12) Energy Saving Lamps 3600 & 16000cd HC01060i 3600 & 16000cd 80W Integrated Ballast Order Code Lamp Base 871691 80 watt E40 5400lm Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 80 256 563 4000 />82 15,000 Standard Pack hours 1 (12) HC01080i MEGAMAN® 3600 & 16000cd 37 CFL Clusterlite Range 100W Integrated Ballast Order Code Lamp Base 879981 Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 80 279 588 4000 />82 E40 100 watt 6700lm 15,000 Standard Pack hours 1 (12) CFL Clusterlite Range 3600 & 16000cd HC01100i 200W Clusterlite with External Power Supply Order Code Lamp Base Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) 4000 />82 Energy Saving Lamps 821200 E40 90 278 676 876802 E40 90 278 676 200 14400lm watt 4000K 13680lm 6500K 6500 />80 15,000 Standard Pack hours 1 (12) 3600 & 16000cd HC01200X Power Supply for 200W Clusterlite Main Voltage Power Factor Push-in Terminals Energy Efficiency Index Protection Class 841200 220~ 240V 0.98 1.0mm2 2.0mm2 A2 II Ext. Wire Fixing Bracket for Screws 18AW GX2C M4 CP010200 50,000 hours 38 MEGAMAN® Weight Dimensions (g) 720 175 x103 x59 Clusterlite Order Code CFL PL Range G23 - 2 pin type for magnetic ballast Order Code Lamp Base 823754 7 G23 watt 410lm Diameter (mm) Length (mm) 32 133 8,000 hrs G23 32 823650 G23 9 G23 watt 565lm 30 Colour Temp CRI (K) 3000 />80 10 (120) 163 32 2700 />80 32 163 32 3000 />80 32 3600 & 163 16000cd 32 4000 />80 Standard Pack 8,000 hrs 10 (120) 823518 G23 32 233 44 2700 />80 823614 G23 32 233 44 4000 />80 11 watt 900lm Standard Pack 8,0003600 hrs& 16000cd CFL PL Range 823601 823647 Standard Pack Weight (g) 10 (120) G24d - 2 pin type for magnetic ballast Colour Temp CRI (K) 109 37 2700 />80 41 109 37 3000 />80 41 109 37 4000 />80 Lamp Base 823245 G24d1 41 823248 G24d1 823242 G24d1 10 watt 600lm Length Diameter 3600 & (mm) (mm) 16000cd 8,000 hrs 823135 G24d1 41 823138 G24d1 41 823132 G24d1 41 13 watt 900lm Standard Pack 10 (60) 133 42 2700 />80 133 42 3000 />80 42 4000 />80 3600 & 133 16000cd Standard 8,000 hrs Pack 10 (60) 823829 G24d2 41 149 51 3000 />80 823821 G24d2 41 149 51 4000 />80 18 watt 1200lm Standard Pack 8,0003600 hrs& 16000cd 10 (60) 823530 G24d3 41 164 55 3000 />80 823527 G24d3 41 164 55 4000 />80 26 watt 1800lm MEGAMAN® 8,0003600 hrs& 16000cd 3600 & 16000cd Standard Pack Energy Saving Lamps Weight (g) Order Code 10 (60) 39 CFL PL Range G24q - 4 pin type for electronic ballast Order Code Lamp Base 823110 Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) G24q1 41 106 35 2700 />80 823113 G24q1 41 106 35 3000 />80 823102 G24q1 41 106 35 4000 />80 CFL PL Range 10 watt 600lm 8,000 hrs 823620 G24q1 41 823622 G23q1 823618 13 G23q1 watt 900lm Standard Pack 10 (60) 133 44 2700 />80 41 133 44 3000 />80 41 3600 & 16000cd133 44 4000 />80 Standard Pack 8,000 hrs 10 (60) 823801 G24q2 41 143 49 2700 />80 823788 G23q2 41 143 49 3000 />80 41 3600 & 16000cd143 49 4000 />80 823785 Energy Saving Lamps 18 G23q2 watt 1200lm 8,000 hrs 823564 G24q3 41 823560 G23q3 823587 G23q3 26 watt 1800lm Standard Pack 10 (60) 158 50 2700 />80 41 158 50 3000 />80 41 3600 & 158 16000cd 50 4000 />80 Standard Pack 8,000 hrs 10 (60) GX24q - Compact Pro PL-T2 for electronic ballast 3600 & Order Code 823324 32 watt 823442 42 823971 57 Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Weight (g) Colour Temp CRI (K) GX24q3 52 111 69 4000 />80 2400lm GX24q4 watt 3200lm GX24q5 watt 16000cd Lamp Base 4000lm 15,000 hrs 56 124 15,000 hrs 56 Standard Pack 3600 & 16000cd159 15,000 hrs 3600 & 16000cd 40 Standard Pack MEGAMAN® 3600 & 16000cd Standard Pack 10 (60) 95 4000 />80 10 (60) 115 10 (60) 4000 />80 b,a,g, Non-dimmable electronic control gear unit for fluorescent lamps PRIMUS NEW Non-dimmable electronic control gear for T5 and CFL lamps Order Code Description Voltage (V) BAG10052868 BAG10077579 BAG10077580 BAG10077581 BAG10077582 BAG10077583 BAG10077584 BAG10077585 BAG10077586 3/4x14W T5 1x14-35W T5 2x14-35W T5 1x24-39W T5, 1x18-40W CFL 2x24-39W T5, 2x18-40W CFL 1x49W T5 2x49W T5 1x54W T5, 1x55W CFL 2x54W T5, 2x55W CFL 220-240 220-240 220-240 220-240 220-240 220-240 220-240 220-240 220-240 Dimension (mm) Pack 280 x 42 280 x 30 280 x 30 280 x 30 280 x 30 1 (55) 280 x 30 280 x 30 280 x 30 280 x 30 Non-dimmable electronic control gear for T8 lamps Order Code Description BAG10050999 BAG10077588 BAG10077589 BAG10077590 BAG10077591 BAG10077592 BAG10077593 3/4x18W T8 1x18W T8 2x18W T8 1x36W T8 2x36W T8 1x58W T8 2x58W T8 MEGAMAN® Voltage (V) 220-240 220-240 220-240 220-240 220-240 220-240 220-240 Dimension (mm) b,a,g, Non-dimmable electronic control gear units Energy Saving Lamps • Short housing • Multi-power • Energy controlled • Cut-Off technology • Safety switch-off • Constant lamp output • Optimum ignition safety • Automatic restart • Quick restart of lamps Pack 280 x 42 280 x 30 280 x 30 280 x 30 1 (55) 280 x 30 280 x 30 280 x 30 41 b,a,g, Non-dimmable electronic control gear unit for fluorescent lamps BCS TC Series NEW Non-dimmable electronic control gear for 2D and T5 lamps • Compact housing • Multi-power technology • Cut-Off technology • Safety switch-off • Constant lamp output • Quick restart of lamps Order Code b,a,g, Non-dimmable electronic control gear units Energy Saving Lamps 42 Description BAG10097436 BAG10097437 BAG10097439 BAG10097634 1x28W 2D 1x38W 2D 1x55W 2D, 1x36W CFL 1x55W T5, 1x55W CFL Voltage (V) 220-240 220-240 220-240 220-240 Dimension (mm) Pack 103 x 67 103 x 67 1 (55) 103 x 67 103 x 67 Non-dimmable electronic control gear for CFL, T5 and T8 lamps with Twingle Technology • Compact housing • Multi-power technology • Twingle function: operation with 1 or 2 lamps • Electrode preserving warm start • Cut-Off technology • Safety switch-off • Constant lamp output • Automatic restart • Suitable for direct current operation and emergency lighting installations Order Code Description BAG10097544 BAG10097545 BAG10097546 Voltage (V) Dimension (mm) Pack 1/2x18W CFL 220-240 103 x 67 1/2x22-40W T5, 1/2 18-42W CFL 220-240 103 x 67 1 (55) 2x22-40W T5, 1/2 32-70W CFL 220-240 103 x 67 MEGAMAN® b,a,g, Non-dimmable electronic control gear unit for fluorescent lamps HES Estarius Series NEW Non-dimmable electronic control gear for high pressure discharge lamps ECG built-in version for high intensity discharge Order Code Description BAG00167162 Dimension (mm) Pack HI 150W, HI-CE 150W/HS 150W 220-240 135 x 75 1 (55) NEW Non-dimmable electronic control gear for CFL, T5 and T8 lamps with system rating • Electrode preserving warm start • Multi-power technology • Safety switch-off • Flicker free light • Automatic restart Order Code 10050989 10050993 10050990 10050992 10050994 10050996 Description Voltage (V) x6-16W T5 1x6-16W CFL, T5 & T8 1x13-18W CFL 1x22W T5 1x14-21W T5, 1x13-18W CFL 1x22-24W T5, 1x24-26W CFL 220-240 220-240 220-240 220-240 220-240 220-240 MEGAMAN® Dimension (mm) Pack 80 x 41 150 x 22 80 x 41 1 (55) 80 x 41 150 x 22 150 x 22 b,a,g, Non-dimmable electronic control gear units Energy Saving Lamps EBS Minipower Voltage (V) 43 b,a,g, Igniters Superimposed Igniters Superimposed igniters NI Version Order Code Description b,a,g, Igniters For what lamp Dimension (mm) Pack BAG10007317 ZG BAG NI 400 LE 4K-TU HI: 70-400W HI-CE: 35-400W HS100-400W HST-DE: Super 70W 78 x 36 x 32 1 (30) BAG10007322 ZG BAG NI 400 LE 4K HI 70 : 400W HI-CE 35 : 400W HS 100 : 400W HST-DE : Super 70W 78 x 36 x 32 1 (30) Superimposed igniters MZN Version Order Code Description BAG10006302 ZG BAG 380 MZN 2000 S For what lamp Dimension (mm) Pack HI 1000W (400V) HI 2000W (400V) 93 x 51 x 51 1 (20) Hot restrike Igniter Energy Saving Lamps 44 ZIRIUS Hot restrike igniters with intelligent ignition management for installation to luminaires Order Code Description BAG10061593 SZG BAG 230/480 ZIR 2000 AS 2L MEGAMAN® For what lamp HST-DE 250 : 1000W HIT-DE 250 : 2000W HIT-CE 250/400W (GY22) HI COMPACT 700W Dimension (mm) Pack 220 x 120 x 92 1 (1) Novilight ECO-Halogen Range Novilight ECO-Halogen Classic A55 Order Code Description Lamp Base Lumens Lifetime Length (mm) Dia. (mm) (lm) (hrs) Dimensions Colour Temp (k) E27 97 56 370 2,000 2,800 N0300045-4C1 HES 28W Classic A55 B22 97 56 370 2,000 2,800 N0300046-4B1 HES 42W Classic A55 E27 97 56 630 2,000 2,800 N0300046-4C1 HES 42W Classic A55 B22 97 56 630 2,000 2,800 N0300048-4B1 HES 70W Classic A55 E27 97 56 1,180 2,000 2,800 N0300048-4C1 HES 70W Classic A55 B22 97 56 1,180 2,000 2,800 Novilight ECO-Halogen Clear Candle Dimensions Colour Temp Lumens Lifetime Length (mm) Dia. (mm) (lm) (hrs) N0300050-4A1 HES 28W Smooth Candle B35A E14 102.5 36 370 2,000 2,800 N0300050-4W1 HES 28W Smooth Candle B35A B15D 102.5 36 370 2,000 2,800 N0300051-4A1 HES 42W Smooth Candle B35A E14 102.5 36 630 2,000 2,800 N0300051-4W1 HES 42W Smooth Candle B35A B15D 102.5 36 630 2,000 2,800 N0300051-3C1 HES 42W Smooth Candle B35E B22 98.5 36 630 2,000 2,800 Colour Temp Order Code Description Lamp Base (k) Novilight ECO-Halogen Golf Ball P45 Order Code Description Lamp Base Lumens Lifetime Length (mm) Dia. (mm) (lm) (hrs) Dimensions (k) N0300052-4B1 HES 18W Golf Ball P45 E27 77 46 210 2,000 2,800 N0300052-4C1 HES 18W Golf Ball P45 B22 77 46 210 2,000 2,800 N0300053-4B1 HES 28W Golf Ball P45 E27 77 46 370 2,000 2,800 N0300053-4C1 HES 28W Golf Ball P45 B22 77 46 370 2,000 2,800 N0300054-4B1 HES 42W Golf Ball P45 E27 77 46 630 2,000 2,800 N0300054-4C1 HES 42W Golf Ball P45 B22 77 46 630 2,000 2,800 Colour Temp Novilight ECO-Halogen Range Energy Saving Lamps N0300045-4B1 HES 28W Classic A55 Novilight ECO-Halogen R7s Order Code Description Lamp Base Lumens Lifetime Length (mm) Dia. (mm) (lm) (hrs) Dimensions (k) N0300057-4L1 HES 100W R7S J78 R7s 78 8 1,800 1,000 2,900 N0300058-4L1 HES 100W R7S J118 R7s 118 8 1,800 1,000 2,900 N0300072-4L1 HES 130W R7S J118 R7s 118 8 2,450 1,000 2,900 N0300059-4L1 HES 200W R7S J118 R7s 118 10 4,000 1,000 2,900 N0300060-4L1 HES 330W R7S J118 R7s 118 10 7,000 1,000 2,900 For more information on the Novilight ECO-Halogen Range please go to www.novilight.co.uk MEGAMAN® 45 Novilight ECO-Halogen Range Novilight ECO-Halogen R50 & R63 Order Code Lamp Base Description Dimensions Intensity Length (mm) Dia. (mm) (cd) Beam Angle Lifetime (º) (hrs) (k) Novilight ECO-Halogen Range Energy Saving Lamps N0300070-4A1 HES 28W R50 E14 86.5 51 430 30 1,500 2,800 N0300055-4A1 HES 42W R50 E14 86.5 51 580 30 1,500 2,800 N0300071-4B1 HES 28W R63 E27 105 64 600 30 1,500 2,800 N0300056-4B1 HES 42W R63 E27 105 64 960 30 1,500 2,800 N0300376-4B1 HES 53W R63 E27 105 64 1,100 30 1,500 2,800 Dimensions Intensity Beam Angle Lifetime (º) (hrs) Colour Temp Novilight ECO-Halogen GU10 Order Code Description Lamp Base Length (mm) Dia. (mm) (cd) (k) N0300061-4D1 HES 28W GU10 GU10 57 51 600 35 1,500 2,800 N0300062-4D1 HES 40W GU10 GU10 57 51 900 35 1,500 2,800 Intensity Beam Angle Lifetime (º) (hrs) Colour Temp Novilight ECO-Halogen MR16 Order Code Description Lamp Base Dimensions Length (mm) Dia. (mm) (cd) (k) N0300067-4J1 HES 20W GU5.3 12V MR16 36º GU5.3 44 49 650 36 3,000 2,800 N0300068-4J1 HES 35W GU5.3 12V MR16 36º GU5.3 44 49 1,200 36 3,000 2,800 N0300075-4J1 HES 50W GU5.3 12V MR16 36º GU5.3 44 49 1,800 36 3,000 2,800 Dimensions Colour Temp Novilight ECO-Halogen G9 Order Code Description Lamp Base Lumens Lifetime Length (mm) Dia. (mm) (lm) (hrs) (k) N0300073-4F1 HES 18W G9 JCD G9 43 13 210 1,500 2,800 N0300063-4F1 HES 28W G9 JCD G9 43 13 370 1,500 2,800 N0300064-4F1 HES 42W G9 JCD G9 43 13 630 1,500 2,800 For more information on the Novilight ECO-Halogen Range please go to www.novilight.co.uk 46 Colour Temp MEGAMAN® To complement its range Megaman in partnership with FOZZ Lighting, have drawn upon the expertise from both companies and produced a fixture range that provides the perfect combination of design and performance in lighting technology. Downlight Indoor Fixtures MAX Adjustable downlight suitable for CFL or LED - Supplied without lamp Order Code Lamp Base 749245 GU10 749298 GU10 For 4.5W, 6W, 7W and 8W GU10 LED White Material / Finish Polycarbonate Silver EUROPEAN COMMUNITY MARK 70mm 3 (36) White or Silver. Colour Cut Out Standard Pack L0302RC Light Source included RoHS 2002/95/EC LVD EN 60598-1 / EN 60598-2-2 Fixtures The above downlights can be installed with our Emergency Pack. Please refer to page 49. Round Opera IP64 downlight with GU10 reflector, CFL or LED 3600 & 16000cd 01.0522 White or Chrome. Order Code Lamp Base Light Source Colour Material / Finish F0500221-00010 GU10 Powdered Powdered Matt White Matt White Matt Chrome Die-cast aluminium F0500224-00010 GU10 CFL GU10 7W to 11W LED GU10 3W to 8W Cut Out Standard Pack 80-82mm 1 (30) IP EUROPEAN COMMUNITY MARK IP64 IP64 RoHS 2002/95/EC LVD EN 60598-1 / EN 60598-2-2 Cronos Downlights for 13W GX53 Lamp White or Chrome. Material / Finish Powdered Matt White Aluminium die-cast Epoxy painting Matt Chrome Electro plating EUROPEAN COMMUNITY MARK 2002/95/EC LVD EN 60598-1 / EN 60598-2-2 L: 200mm H1: 76mm H2: 86mm with LA5213 / LA5211 167mm CRONOS H: 65mm 3600 & 16000cd D: 110mm H1: 76mm H2: 86mm Colour RoHS ROUND OPERA Ceiling Depth: H1: 71mm/ H1: 76mm H2: 86mm ø: 80mm Ø80mm GX53 with LA2505 Ceiling depth: H1=71mm / H2 =81mm MAX 13W GX53 CFL lamp. Please refer to p.32 95-98mm 1 (24) with LA2502 GX53 Cut Out Standard Pack L0302RC Light Source Ceiling depth: H1=71mm / H2 =81mm 01.0512 3600 & F0500189-00010 16000cd F0500240-00010 Lamp Base Ceiling depth: H1=71mm / H2 =81mm Order Code H1: 76mm H2: 86mm ø: 111.5mm Ø80mm ø: 100mm MEGAMAN® Ø80mm 47 Fixtures Wall Light Indoor Arizona Wall lamp up or down for GX53 lamps 03.0225.210 LAMP NOT INCLUDED Fixtures Wall Light Indoor Order Code Lamp Base Light Source Colour Material / Finish 415038 GX53 9W GX53 CFL. Refer p.32 5W GX53 LED. Refer p.16 Matt Silver Epoxy painting aluminium Colour Material / Finish Matt Silver Epoxy painting aluminium EUROPEAN COMMUNITY MARK Standard Pack 1 RoHS 2002/95/EC LVD EN 60598-1 / EN 60598-2-2 Arizona 3600 & Wall lamp up AND down for GX53 lamps 16000cd Lamp Light Order Code Base Source 415045 GX53 9W GX53 CFL. Refer p.32 5W GX53 LED. Refer p.16 EUROPEAN COMMUNITY MARK Standard Pack 1 Energy Saving Lamps RoHS 2002/95/EC LVD EN 60598-1 / EN 60598-2-2 03.0226.210 LAMP NOT INCLUDED 3600 & 16000cd ARIZONA UP & DOWN ARIZONA UP OR DOWN W: 132mm H: 54mm 48 H: 54mm H: 96mm H: 96mm L: 168mm W: 132mm MEGAMAN® L: 168mm D: 82mm CFL Downlight Indoor Hydra IP64 Downlights for 13W GX53 Lamp 01.0525 White, Chrome. LAMP NOT INCLUDED Order Code Lamp Base Light Source F0500158-00010 GX53 F0500159-00010 GX53 13W CFL lamp. Please refer to p.32 Powdered MattWhite Aluminium die-cast Epoxy painting Electro plating Matt Silver IP64 RoHS 2002/95/EC LVD EN 60598-1 / EN 60598-2-2 Planex Downlight for 13W GX53 Lamp 3600 & 16000cd LR0504RC White, Silver. LAMP NOT INCLUDED Order Code Lamp Base Light Source Colour 703222 GX53 White 703253 GX53 13W GX53 CFL lamp Please refer to p.32 90mm 1 (60) Polycarbonate Silver EUROPEAN COMMUNITY MARK Cut Out Standard Pack Material / Finish RoHS 2002/95/EC LVD EN 60598-1 / EN 60598-2-2 Surface mounted fitting with 9W GX53 Lamp 3600 & 16000cd L0501CB Order Code Lamp Base Light Source included Colour 722020 GX53 White 722426 GX53 9W GX53 CFL lamp. Please refer to p.32 White, Silver. 95-98mm 1 (60) 3600 & 16000cd HYDRA PLANEX Polycarbonate Silver EUROPEAN COMMUNITY MARK Cut Out Standard Pack Material / Finish Energy Saving Lamps Palmlite Fixtures Downlight Indoor 135mm 1 (6) Material / Finish EUROPEAN COMMUNITY MARK Cut Out Standard Pack Colour RoHS 2002/95/EC LVD EN 60598-1 / EN 60598-2-2 PALMLITE W: 250mm H: 26mm H: 39mm H: 85mm ø: 150mm ø: 104mm MEGAMAN® ø: 83mm 49 Fixtures Outdoor Keppa IP65 Floodlight for Clusterlite 60W Lamp Lamp Base Order Code 703291 Light Source 60W Clusterlite Please refer to p.37 E27 Material / Finish Silver Polypropylene compound body, aluminium reflector and tempered glass Keppa floodlight EUROPEAN COMMUNITY MARK Standard Pack Colour L: 364mm 1 (1) IP65 RoHS 2002/95/EC LVD EN 60598-1 / EN 60598-2-2 Weight: 2800g Fixtures Outdoor F00601SM W: 296mm LAMP NOT INCLUDED ICE walkover IP67 inground Walkover for GX53 Lamp, CFL or LED 3600 & 16000cd Order Code Lamp Base Light Source Colour Material / Finish F0500467-00010 GX53 9W GX53 CFL. Refer p.32 5W GX53 LED. Refer p.16 Stainless Steel Aluminium die-cast & frosted glass Standard Pack Class II 1 (6) 04.0307.400 Class F In / Out EUROPEAN COMMUNITY MARK LAMP NOT INCLUDED IP67 ICE walkover ø: 128mm Cable RoHS 2002/95/EC LVD EN 60598-1 / EN 60598-2-2 H: 190mm Energy Saving Lamps 3 x 1.5 mm2 ø: 100mm 3600 & Louisiana up or down 16000cd IP64 Wall Lamp for GX53 lamp, CFL or LED Order Code Lamp Base Light Source Colour Material / Finish F0500247-00010 GX53 9W GX53 CFL. Refer p.32 5W GX53 LED. Refer p.16 Powdered Matt Silver Epoxy painting aluminium D:132MM EUROPEAN COMMUNITY MARK Standard Pack LOUISIANA up or down IP64 RoHS 2002/95/EC LVD EN 60598-1 / EN 60598-2-2 H: 108mm 1 (4) Weight: 1150g W:168MM 04.0321.210 LAMP NOT INCLUDED D:82MM W: 168mm Louisiana up and down D:132MM Order Code Lamp Base Light Source Colour Material / Finish F0500248-00010 GX53 2x9W GX53 CFL. Refer p.32 2x5W GX53 LED. Refer p.16 Powdered Matt Silver Epoxy painting aluminium EUROPEAN COMMUNITY MARK Standard Pack LVD EN 60598-1 / EN 60598-2-2 Weight: 1800g D:132MM H: 82mm W: 168mm 50 D:82MM W:168MM 04.0322.210 LAMP NOT INCLUDED 2002/95/EC D:82MM LOUISIANA up and down IP64 RoHS H: 180mm 1 (4) D:132MM W:168MM 3600 & 16000cd W:168MM IP64 Wall Lamp for GX53 lamp, CFL or LED ® MEGAMAN D:82MM CFL Emergency Packs 6W-13W Emergency Pack Order Code For Lamps Battery (sealed) Battery Duration Full Charge Rated Supply Low Discharge Ambient Temp. EGM1113 6W-13W ESL 7.2V 4Ah 3 hours 24 hours 230V +/- 10% 50/60Hz Electronic Protection -10ºC to +50ºC Dimensions: Length without cable: 90cm Length with cable: 110cm Suitable to operate Mains Voltage integral lamps (i.e. CFL or LED 6W GU10, etc.) Fixtures Emergency Packs Energy Saving Lamps Product Features • Kit comprises of emergency module, batteries and LED indicator. • For ‘maintained’ operation when the power supply is normal the lamp is operated by the ballast. If the power fails the lamp is automatically powered by the emergency module for 3 hours. • LED indicator to show battery operation status (green or red). • For ‘non-maintained’ operations the module only works when the power fails. 8W-15W Emergency Pack This module is for use with a range of ballasts and in normal operation these power the LEDs. In emergency operation the LED array will be powered by the battery. Order Code For Lamps Battery (sealed) Battery Duration Charging Time Ambient Temp. EGM0815 8W-15W ESL NiCd 1 or 3 hours 24 hours +5ºC to +50ºC Protection Class: 1 Suitable for installation to: VDE 0108+EN50172 Approved to: IEC 61347-2-13 Dimensions: Length: 210mm Width: 31.5mm Height: 21mm Fixing Centres: 206mm Suitable to operate Mains Voltage integral lamps (i.e. CFL or LED AR111, MR16, etc.). This emergency pack contains a new driver and batteries. No additional drivers are required to operate the lamp and the emergency pack. MEGAMAN® 51 Product Index LED Lamps Product Index Energy Saving Lamps 52 ORDER CODE CATALOGUE CATEGORY 141060 141159 141178 141319 141341 141352 141368 141373 141374 141382 141390 141396 141401 141435 141490 141605 141619 141628 141632 141658 141663 141679 141683 141719 141746 141761 141784 141832 141845 141867 141895 141927 141962 141976 142416 142497 142732 142754 142925 142943 143236 143277 143283 143429 143450 143466 144108 144392 144602 144789 144961 144987 147265 147279 148207 148256 148410 148476 148482 148494 148502 148574 148583 148591 148724 148738 148752 172812 172831 172999 174017 174034 245264 245421 ER2304-20H36D ER2304-20H36D ER0310-50H45D ER0210-50H08D ER0110-50H24D ER0210-50H08D ER0310-50H45D LR01108d-50H35D LD0310x1v-C500 ER0110-50H24D LR01108d-50H35D LR1206dDGv2-WFL LR1206dDGv2-WFL LR1206dDGv2-WFL ER1708d-50H24D ER1708d-50H36D ER1708d-50H36D ER1006-35H24D ER1006-35H24D ER1708d-50H24D ER1006-35H36D ER1006-35H36D ER2015-75H24D ER2215-75H45D ER2015-75H24D ER2215-75H45D LR0915-75H30D LR0215-100H24D LR0915-75H30D LR0215-100H24D ER0510-50H36D ER0510-50H36D LD0110x1V-C460 LU0104d LU0104d LJ0209 LJ0107 EU0102 EU0102 LC0607d CSv2 LC0607d CSv2 LC0607d CSv2 LC0607dv2 LC0607dv2 LC0607dv2 ER1006R9-35H24D ER1006R9-35H24D ER1006-35H24D ER1006-35H36D LR0920R9-25M25D LR0920R9-25M25D LR1305-60D LR1305-60D LG1014dv2 LG1014dv2 LS0107 LG0408rv2 LS0107 LG0408rv2 LG1708dv2 LG1511dv2 LG1708dv2 LG1511dv2 LG1907dv2 LG1907dv2 LG1907dv2 EX0205 EX0225 LPV-35-24 LT0118 LT0118 LC0104CS LC0104CS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PAGE DC 1-10V dimmer module 4W GU4 MR11 12V 4000K 4W GU4 MR11 12V 2800K 10W G53 dimming AR111 20V 4000K 10W G53 dimming AR111 20V 2800K 10W G53 dimming AR111 20V 2800K 10W G53 dimming AR111 20V 4000K 10W G53 dimming AR111 20V 2800K 8W GU10 dimming PAR16 2800K Driver for 10W dimming AR111 20V 10W G53 dimming AR111 20V 4000K 8W GU10 dimming PAR16 2800K 6W GU10 dimming PAR16 lookalike 2800K 6W GU10 dimming PAR16 lookalike 4000K 6W GU10 dimming PAR16 lookalike 6500K 8W GU5.3 dimming MR16 12V 4000K 8W GU5.3 dimming MR16 12V 2800K 8W GU5.3 dimming MR16 12V 4000K 6W GU5.3 MR16 12V 2800K 6W GU5.3 MR16 12V 4000K 8W GU5.3 dimming MR16 12V 2800K 6W GU5.3 MR16 12V 4000K 6W GU5.3 MR16 12V 2800K 15W G53 AR111 12V 2800K 15W G53 AR111 12V 4000K 15W G53 AR111 12V 4000K 15W G53 AR111 12V 2800K 15W E27 PAR38 2800K 15W E27 PAR30 2800K 15W E27 PAR38 4000K 15W E27 PAR30 4000K 10W GU5.3 dimming MR16 20V 4000K 10W GU5.3 dimming MR16 20V 2800K 1-10V DRIVER for 10W 20V MR16 4W dimming GU9 4000K 4W dimming GU9 2800K 9W R7s 118mm 4000K 7W R7s 78mm 4000K 2W G4 4000K 2W G4 3000K 7W E14 dimming clear candle 7W B15 dimming clear candle 7W B22 dimming clear candle 7W B15 dimming opal candle 7W B22 dimming opal candle 7W E14 dimming opal candle 6W GU5.3 MR16 12V high red colour rendition 4000K 6W GU5.3 MR16 12V high red colour rendition 2800K 6W GU5.3 MR16 12V special warm 2400K 6W GU5.3 MR16 12V special warm 2400K 20W PAR38 R9 4000K 20W PAR38 R9 2800K 5W GX53 60° 2800K 5W GX53 60° 4000K 14W E27 dimming opal globe 14W B22 dimming opal globe 7W E27 crown silver classic 8W B22 Sensor light, classic 7W B22 crown silver classic 8W E27 Sensor light, classic 8W E27 dimming opal classic 11W B22 dimming opal classic 8W B22 dimming opal classic 11W E27 dimming opal classic 7W B22 dimming opal golf ball 7W E14 dimming opal golf ball 7W E27 dimming opal golf ball 5W LED Flexi IP68 4000K, Ra78, 300 lm 25W LED Flexi IP68 4000K, Ra78, 300 lm Constant voltage driver for Flexi 18W G13 T8 Tube (4ft) 4000K, Ra80, 1650 lm, starter included 18W G13 T8 Tube (4ft) 6500K, Ra80, 1650 lm, starter included 4W B22 clear candle 4W E14 clear candle MEGAMAN® 15 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 11 15 15 11 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 14 14 14 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 13 13 13 13 16 16 16 16 20 20 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 27 27 27 26 26 18 18 Product Index LED Lamps ORDER CODE CATALOGUE CATEGORY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ER0604v2-FL LR1204.5DG v2-WFL LR1204.5DG v2-WFL LR1204.5DG v2-WFL ER0604v2-FL LG0103.5 CS/SE LG0103.5 CS/SE 0500627-39910 0500628-39910 0510067-39910 0510068-39910 0510069-39910 0510074-39910 0510079-39910 0510080-39910 9900137 9900138 9900139 4W GU5.3 MR16 12V 2800K 4.5W GU10 PAR16 lookalike 4000K 4.5W GU10 PAR16 lookalike 2800K 4.5W GU10 PAR16 lookalike 6500K 4W GU5.3 MR16 12V 4000K 3.5W E14 frosted golf ball 3.5W B22 frosted golf ball 50W PLATEIA square 3000K/3300K 50W PLATEIA square 4/4300K 45W PLATEIA rectangular 4/4300K 50W dimming PLATEIA square 4/4300K 45W dimming PLATEIA rectangular 4/4300K 50W PLATEIA square 5700K/6000K 40W PLATEIA square 4000K/4300K 40W PLATEIA square 5700K/6000K Surface Mounting Accessory Recessed Mounted Accessory Suspension Wiring Accessory PAGE 12 10 10 10 12 19 19 23 23 24 23 24 23 23 23 25 25 25 CF Lamps ORDER CODE CATALOGUE CATEGORY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PAGE 101402 103161 104326 104362 105001 105991 108022 109227 109241 119028 138029 139026 181124 191123 231215 231278 231291 231454 231522 231729 231827 231835 236103 236148 236471 236494 236932 236942 402300 403277 614435 614626 614640 614718 615326 616323 616897 807143 808140 821200 823102 823110 823113 823132 823135 823138 823242 823245 823248 823324 GA807i CL709iCS/SE 4U109i LS1GU9 GSU218i GSU218i CL707iCS/SE 4P424i 4P424i CL709iCS/SE CL707iCS/SE CL709iCS/SE GA807i GA807i 3P414 3U120 3U120 3P414 3P411 3P411 3P408 3P408 BR2911 BR0407 BR0407 BR0409 BR0409 BR2911 GK715r GK715r BR0711i BR2114i BR2114i BR0711i BR0907i BR1111i BR1215i HC01040i HC01060i HC01200X T4G24Q110 T4G24Q110 T4G24Q110 T4G24D113 T4G24D113 T4G24D113 T4G24D110 T4G24D110 T4G24D110 T1GX24Q332 7W B22 Ping-Pong 9W B15 smooth frosted candle 9W GU9 tube 3000K GU9 socket 18W E27 compact classic 18W B22 compact classic 7W E27 smooth frosted candle 24W R7s 3000K, Ra82, 1519 lm 24W R7s 4000K, Ra82Ra, 1519 lm 9W E14 smooth frosted candle 7W B22 smooth frosted candle 9W B22 smooth frosted candle 7W E14 Ping-Pong 7W E27 Ping-Pong 14W B22 tube 2700K 20W E27 tube 2700K 20W B22 tube 2700K 14W E27 tube 2700K 11W B22 tube 2700K 11W E27 tube 2700K 8W E27 tube 2700K 8W B22 tube 2700K 11W GU10 with PowerLens 3000K 7W GU10 with PowerLens 3000K 7W GU10 with PowerLens 4000K 9W GU10 with PowerLens 4000K 9W GU10 with PowerLens 3000K 11W GU10 with PowerLens 4000K 15W E27 Sensor light classic 15W B22 Sensor light classic 11W GU10 Ingenium with PowerLens 3000K 14W GU10 Ingenium with PowerLens 3000K 14W GU10 Ingenium with PowerLens 4000K, 11W GU10 Ingenium with PowerLens 4000K 7W E14 R50 with PowerLens 3000K 11W E27 R63 with PowerLens 3000K 15W E27 R80 with PowerLens 2700K 40W E27 integrated ballast clusterlite 4000K 60W E27 integrated ballast clusterlite 4000K 200W E40 clusterlite 10W G24Q1 plug-in tube 4 pin, 4000K 10W G24Q1 plug-in tube 4 pin, 2700K 10W G24Q1 plug-in tube 4 pin, 3000K 13W G24D1 plug-in tube 2 pin, 4000K 13W G24D1 plug-in tube 2 pin, 2700K 13W G24D1 plug-in tube 2 pin, 3000K 10W G24D1 plug-in tube 2 pin tube, 4000K 10W G24D1 plug-in tube 2 pin, 2700K 10W G24D1 plug-in tube 2 pin, 3000K 32W GX24Q3 PL-T2 tube 4 pin, 15000hrs, 4000K MEGAMAN® 33 32 35 35 33 33 32 35 35 32 32 32 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 29 29 29 29 29 29 33 33 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 36 36 37 39 39 39 38 38 38 38 38 38 39 Product Index Energy Saving Lamps 246147 246204 246211 246229 246826 249282 249394 F0500627-39910 F0500628-39910 F0510067-39910 F0510068-39910 F0510069-39910 F0510074-39910 F0510079-39910 F0510080-39910 F9900137 F9900138 F9900139 53 Product Index CF Lamps Product Index Energy Saving Lamps 54 ORDER CODE CATALOGUE CATEGORY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PAGE 823442 823518 823527 823530 823560 823564 823587 823601 823614 823618 823620 823622 823647 823650 823754 823785 823788 823801 823821 823825 823829 823971 841200 871691 879981 940233 940431 940486 941650 T1GX24Q442 T1G2311 T4G24D326 T4G24D326 T4G24Q326 T4G24Q326 T4G24Q326 T1G2309 T1G2311 T4G24Q113 T4G24Q113 T4G24Q113 T1G2309 T1G2309 T1G2307 T4G24Q218 T4G24Q218 T4G24Q218 T4G24D218 T4G24D218 T4G24D218 T1GX24Q557 CP010200 HC01080i HC01100i CL707iCS/SE GSU111i GSU111i CL707iCS/SE 42W GX24Q4 PL-T2 tube 4 pin, 15,000hrs, 4000K 11W G23 plug-in tube 2 pin, 2700K 26W G24D3 plug-in tube 2 pin, 4000K 26W G24D3 plug-in tube 2 pin, 3000K 26W G24Q3 plug-in tube 4 pin, 3000K 26W G24Q3 plug-in tube 4 pin, 2700K 26W G24Q3 plug-in tube 4 pin, 4000K 9W G23 plug-in tube 2 pin, 2700K 11W G23 plug-in tube 2 pin, 4000K 13W G24Q1 plug-in tube 4 pin, 4000K 13W G24Q1 plug-in tube 4 pin, 2700K 13W G24Q1 plug-in tube 4 pin, 3000K 9W G23 plug-in tube 2 pin, 4000K 9W G23 plug-in tube 2 pin, 3000K 7W G23 plug-in tube 2 pin, 3000K 18W G24Q2 plug-in tube 4 pin, 4000K 18W G24Q2 plug-in tube 4 pin, 3000K 18W G24Q2 plug-in tube 4 pin, 2700K, 18W G24D2 plug-in tube 2 pin, 4000K 18W G24D2 plug-in tube 2 pin, 2700K 18W G24D2 plug-in tube 2 pin, 3000K 57W GX24Q5 PL-T2 tube 4 pin, 15,000hrs, 4000K 200W clusterlite ballast 80W E27 integrated ballast clusterlite 4000K, 100W E27 integrated ballast clusterlite 4000K 7W E14 smooth frosted candle 11W E27 compact classic 11W B22 compact classic 7W B15 smooth frosted candle 39 38 38 38 39 39 39 38 38 39 39 39 38 38 38 39 39 39 38 38 38 39 37 36 37 32 33 33 32 b,a,g, Electronic Control Gear Units for fluorescent lamps ORDER CODE BAG00167162 BAG10006302 BAG10007317 BAG10007322 BAG10050989 BAG10050990 BAG10050992 BAG10050993 BAG10050994 BAG10050996 BAG10050999 BAG10052868 BAG10061593 BAG10077579 BAG10077580 BAG10077581 BAG10077582 BAG10077583 BAG10077584 BAG10077585 BAG10077586 BAG10077588 BAG10077589 BAG10077590 BAG10077591 BAG10077592 BAG10077593 BAG10097436 BAG10097437 BAG10097439 BAG10097544 BAG10097545 BAG10097546 BAG10097634 CATALOGUE CATEGORY 00167162 10006302 10007317 10007322 10050989 10050990 10050992 10050993 10050994 10050996 10050999 10052868 10061593 10077579 10077580 10077581 10077582 10077583 10077584 10077585 10077586 10077588 10077589 10077590 10077591 10077592 10077593 10097436 10097437 10097439 10097544 10097545 10097546 10097634 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PAGE HES Estarius HI 150W, HI-CE 150W/HS 150W ZG BAG 380 MZN 2000 S ZG BAG NI 400 LE 4K-TU ZG BAG NI 400 LE 4K EBS Minipower 1x6-16W T5 EBS Minipower 1x13-18W CFL EBS Minipower 1x22W T5 EBS Minipower 1x6-16W CFL, T5 & T8 EBS Minipower 1x14-21W T5, 1x13-18W CFL EBS Minipower 1x22-24W T5, 1x24-26W CFL Primus 3/4x18W T8 Primus 3/4x14W T5 SZG BAG 230/480 ZIR 2000 AS 2L Primus 1x14-35W T5 Primus 2x14-35W T5 Primus 1x24-39W T5, 1x18-40W CFL Primus 2x24-39W T5, 2x18-40W CFL Primus 1x49W T5 Primus 2x49W T5 Primus 1x54W T5, 1x55W CFL Primus 2x54W T5, 2x55W CFL Primus 1x18W T8 Primus 2x18W T8 Primus 1x36W T8 Primus 2x36W T8 Primus 1x58W T8 Primus 2x58W T8 BCS TC 1x28W 2D BCS TC 1x38W 2D BCS TC 1x55W 2D, 1x36W CFL BCS TC Twingle 1/2x18W CFL BCS TC Twingle 1/2x22-40W T5, 1/2 18-42W CFL BCS TC Twingle 2x22-40W T5, 1/2 32-70W CFL BCS TC 1x55W T5, 1x55W CFL MEGAMAN® 43 44 44 44 43 43 43 43 43 43 41 41 44 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 Product Index Novilight Lamps CATALOGUE CATEGORY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PAGE N0300045-4B1 N0300045-4C1 N0300046-4B1 N0300046-4C1 N0300048-4B1 N0300048-4C1 N0300050-4A1 N0300050-4W1 N0300051-3C1 N0300051-4A1 N0300051-4W1 N0300052-4B1 N0300052-4C1 N0300053-4B1 N0300053-4C1 N0300054-4B1 N0300054-4C1 N0300056-4B1 N0300057-4L1 N0300058-4L1 N0300059-4L1 N0300060-4L1 N0300061-4D1 N0300062-4D1 N0300063-4F1 N0300064-4F1 N0300067-4J1 N0300068-4J1 N0300071-4B1 N0300072-4L1 N0300073-4F1 N0300075-4J1 N0300376-4B1 0300045-4B1 0300045-4C1 0300046-4B1 0300046-4C1 0300048-4B1 0300048-4C1 0300050-4A1 0300050-4W1 0300051-3C1 0300051-4A1 0300051-4W1 0300052-4B1 0300052-4C1 0300053-4B1 0300053-4C1 0300054-4B1 0300054-4C1 0300056-4B1 0300057-4L1 0300058-4L1 0300059-4L1 0300060-4L1 0300061-4D1 0300062-4D1 0300063-4F1 0300064-4F1 0300067-4J1 0300068-4J1 0300071-4B1 0300072-4L1 0300073-4F1 0300075-4J1 0300376-4B1 HES 28W E27 classic A55 HES 28W B22 classic A55 HES 42W E27 classic A55 HES 42W B22 classic A55 HES 70W E27 classic A55 HES 70W B22 classic A55 HES 28W E14 smooth candle B35A HES 28W B15 smooth candle B35A HES 42W B22 smooth candle B35E HES 42W E14 smooth candle B35A HES 42W B15 smooth candle B35A HES 18W E27 golf ball P45B HES 18W B22 golf ball P45B HES 28W E27 golf ball P45B HES 28W B22 golf ball P45B HES 42W E27 golf ball P45B HES 42W B22 golf ball P45B HES 42W E27 R63 HES 100W R7S J78 HES 100W R7S J118 HES 200W R7S J118 HES 330W R7S J118 HES 28W GU10 HES 40W GU10 HES 28W G9 JCD HES 42W G9 JCD HES 20W GU5.3 12V MR16 36° HES 35W GU5.3 12V MR16 36° HES 28W E27 R63 HES 130W R7S J118 HES 18W G9 JCD HES 50W GU5.3 12V MR16 36° HES 53W E27 R63 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 45 46 46 46 Fixtures ORDER CODE CATALOGUE CATEGORY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 415038 415045 703222 703253 703291 722020 722426 749245 749298 EGM0815 EGM1113 F0500158-00010 F0500159-00010 F0500189-00010 F0500192-00010 F0500221-00010 F0500224-00010 F0500247-00010 F0500248-00010 F0500467-00010 03.0225.210 03.0226.210 L0504RC WHITE L0504RC SILVER F00601SM L0501CB WHITE L0501CB SILVER L0302RC WHITE L0302RC SILVER OL150 + NCD44SS EGM1113 01.0525 01.0525 01.0512 01.0512 01.0522 01.0522 04.0321.210 04.0322.210 04.0307.400 ARIZONA wall lamp Matt Chrome with lamp Up OR Down. ARIZONA wall lamp Matt Chrome with lamp Up AND Down. PLANEX white GX53 recessed downlight GX53 Lampholder and Terminal Block PLANEX white GX53 recessed downlight GX53 Lampholder and Terminal Block KEPPA floodlight for 60W ES clusterlite PALMLITE white GX53 surface fixture PALMLITE silver GX53 surface fixture MAX GU10 adjustable downlight white MAX GU10 adjustable downlight silver 8W-15W LED EMERGENCY PACK 11W - 13W EMERGENCY PACK for any integral lamp HYDRA downlight Powdered Matt White with reflector - IP64 HYDRA downlight Matt Silver with reflector - IP64 CRONOS fixed downlight Powdered Matt White CRONOS fixed downlight Matt Chrome Round OPERA downlightPowdered Matt White - IP64 Round OPERA downlight Matt Chrome - IP64 LOUISIANA wall lamp Powdered Matt Silver with up OR down light source - IP64 LOUISIANA wall lamp Powdered Matt Silver with up AND down light source - IP64 rated ICE Walkover Stainless Steel - IP67 rating PAGE MEGAMAN® 49 49 48 48 50 48 48 47 47 51 51 48 48 47 47 47 47 50 50 50 Product Index Energy Saving Lamps ORDER CODE 55 Megaman in Action Cardiff Castle Megaman has supplied a variety of its energy efficient lamps for the refurbishment of the lighting at Cardiff Castle. Megaman was chosen for this gargantuan task by Cardiff Council following assurances that the lighting would maintain the brightness required within the Castle interiors, whilst retaining the aesthetic charm of the building and providing massive energy savings. Megaman in Action Energy Saving Lamps Of the 415 light bulbs in the house alone, 117 are contained within the chandeliers in the Banqueting Hall, making the change over to energy efficient lamps quite a daunting task. Megaman supplied a combination of 5W LED Clear Candle lamps, 8W GU10 LEDs, 15W AR111 LED’s, GU10s and 18W CFL GLS lamps for use throughout the project. The LED lamps are guaranteed to last at least 3 years, offer the added benefits of low heat emission, and negligible ultraviolet and infrared output, which can be harmful to the Castle’s delicate interiors. The LED lamps run at 5W each, rather than the 25W filament lamps, and are expected to last around 50 times longer than traditional bulbs. National Marine Aquarium Energy saving lamp specialist Megaman has supplied its 7W LED GU10 lamps for use throughout the main public areas of the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth, Devon. Following installation, the estimated savings are already being calculated as 35,724kWh annually, which amounts to 15.4 tonnes of CO2. The Aquarium’s original electrical system included 240v, 12v and track fittings so it was agreed that changing some of the fittings would allow for a uniform GU10 mains powered system throughout. This, in turn, would result in an easier option for the maintenance team to keep one standard lamp type in operation throughout the building. 56 MEGAMAN®
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