notice - Box Elder News Journal
notice - Box Elder News Journal
13 Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Wednesday, December 12, 2012 To Place an AD just call: 723-3471 Or visit us on the web: Classified ads must be paid for in advance, (cash, check, credit card or money order) WORD CLASSIFIEDS: $7 for 20 words plus 15 cents for each additional word per publication. Discounts may apply. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS: $10.50 per column inch. LEGAL ADS: 90 cents a line. DEADLINE: Monday at noon, unless Monday is a holiday, in which case it’s Friday at noon prior to the holiday. Box Elder News Journal PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 55 S. 100 West, Brigham City UT, 84302 | MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 370, Brigham City UT, 84302 CAXCA MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SERVICES OFFERED SERVICES OFFERED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE WANTED TO BUY bed, queen orthopedic mat tress set. new, still in plastic, $169. Will deliver 4357923133. VaLLeY deep cLeaners fast, friendly, efficient. Residential/commer cial. Free phone estimates. box elder & cache county. 4357306874 www. big carpet: at big carpet we can handle all your flooring needs. Why fight the Ogden traffic when you can get great prices & customer service close to home. You will also appreciate our installers who all have decades of experience. 1968 n 2000 W. Farr West 801675 5975. tF 126 & sat 12 5. need Fencing? see the iFa country store at 241 s. 200 W. tremonton for Tposts, field fence, corral gates, panels, barb wire and livestock equip men, 4352575419. need quicK cash? got equity in your home or own it free and clear? get cash while still owning your home! (435)2257070. Find a music teacher! music Les sons for all ages! take Lessons offers affordable, safe, guaranteed music lessons with teachers in your area. our pre screened teachers specialize in singing, guitar, piano, drums, violin and more. call 1 8887061090! (ucan) northWestern band oF the shoshone nation is accepting donated items such as: toys, coats, hats, gloves & blankets. ages: 018 For our annual tribal christmas giveaway. there will be a drop box located at 707 north main or you can contact holly @4357342286. highspeed internet eVerYWhere bY satellite! speeds up to 12mbps! (200x faster than dialup.) starting at $49.95/ mo. call now & go fast! 18666883525 (ucan) direct tV For $29.99/mo for 24 months. over 140 channels. Free hd dVr upgrade! Free nFL sunday ticket w/chice package! call today for details 18887068217. (ucan) a microFiber soFa/LoVe, neW still in plastic, $499. call 4357531738. acceLLer saVe on saVe on cable tVinternetdigital phone. packages start at $89.99/mo (for 12 months.) options from all major service providers. call acceller today to learn more! call 18669312499 (ucan) saVe 65 percent & get 2 free gifts when you order 100 percent guaran teed, deliveredñto thedoor omaha steaksFamily Value combo noW onLY $49.99. order today 1888 3012712 use code 45393LXh or www. (ucan) 1909 steiger & sons player piano and 16 piano rolls. Keyboard and strings rebuilt, bellows need work, original finish needs work. $500. 801 7320771. range Finder Leica 900 scan, new condition, $275. g.i. type metal gas cans, $10/each. 4352791831. metaL rooF/WaLL paneLs, pre en gineered metal buildings. mill prices for sheeting coil are at a 4 year low. You get the savings. 17 colors prime material, cut to your exact length. co building systems 1800cobLdgs (ucan) readers & music LoVers. 100 greatest novels (audio books) onLY $99.00 (plus s h.) includes mp3 player & accessories. bonus: 50 classical music Works & money back guarantee. call today! 18773588964 (ucan) bed, King,orthopedic mattress and split box set. new, still in plastic, $275. 4357923133. Holiday Family Portrait Specials 10% off all Orders placed when portrait is taken carpet and VinYL instaLLation & sales. repairs & restretches. call gary nebeker 4357235834. Bathroom remodeling, specializing in cultured marble • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured Call 435-225-0550 Over 20 years experience Child Care Resource & Referrals, Bridgerland • NEED help to locate child care? • WANT to become a child care provider? Free Service Call 800-670-1552 Serving Cache, Rich & Box Elder a joint project of DWS and USU www. Need a Santa for your holiday get-togethers? Call 435-734-2512 SANTA (435) 723-7572 proFessionaL piano teacher With masters degree has openings for piano students from beginner to advanced levels. sharon smith 435723 7207. aFFordabLe repairs & remodeL ing, custom carpentry, doors, tile, vinyl windows, concrete, excavation & plumb ing repairs. over 25 years experience, licensed handyman, insured & references available. call gary 435720 1914. Bankruptcy/Credit Repair $350 Licensed & Insured References available. Stop garnishments/harassing calls Also available: Divorce, Eviction and Name Change. All new clients are entered in a monthly drawing for a free cruise! SANTA Visits 35+ years experience Plan early for your Santa visits MATTING-FRAMING All art work, needle work. big garage saLe. thanKs to all for your support last weekend. Lots of things still available so i’m doing it again. it will be at 156 south 800 West on Friday and saturday, december 14 and 15, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. both days. come and see what you may have missed last week. AUTOS FOR SALE coLd hard cash For your clunk ers, abandoned, junked, and wrecked vehicles. Free pick up. 801 5295139. SERVICES OFFERED MISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL 723-6072 435-237-1378 Sewer & Water Replacement Services Backhoe & Dump truck work: sewer, water lines and tree stump removal! Driveway removal, concrete work. No job too large or small. Call for free estimates 435-734-9598 or 435-720-0237 Val Kotter & Sons, Inc. NANCI-AYN STUDIO J. McLaughlin 723-8746 Better Business Bureau of Utah Email: info@ Phone: 801-892-6009 Fax: 801-892-6002 5673 S. Redwood Rd., #22 Salt Lake City, Ut. 84123-5322 New Hope Crisis Center Domestic Violence Support Group Confidential - No Cost Meets 2nd & 4th Monday 6-7 p.m. 435 East 700 South – adopt: a happiLY married couple seeks to adopt. We’ll provide your baby with love, laughter, education, security. Wonderful extended family nearby. eX penses paid. www.annieandnickadopt. info 8889644269. (ucan) heritage For the bLind donate your care, truck or boat to heritage For the blind. Free 3 day Vacation, tax deductible, Free towing, all paperwork taken care of. 888738 9869 (ucan) Pregnant? FINANCES The Pregnancy Care Center credit card reLieF buried in credit card debt? over $10,000? We can get you out of debt quickly and save you thousands of dollars! call credit care relief for your free consultation 18778813269 (ucan) 18 North 100 East Brigham City, Utah FREE Pregnancy Tests Safe, Caring, confidential information and advice. 723-0500 New Hours of Operation Monday 1-5 p.m. Wednesday 5-8:00 p.m. FARM NEEDS iF You need Feed for your animal visit the iFa country store in tremonton. We have it all from horse, dog, lamb, pig, chicken, calf and rabbits. 241 s. 200 W. 4352575419. HEALTH 801-446-8216 Brigham area: Blair 723-7277 YARD SALES Rodney Wixom Painting MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS medicaL aLert For seniors 24/7 monitoring. Free equipment. Free shipping. nationwide service. $29.95/ month call medical guardian today 8667815882 (ucan) do You KnoW Your testosterone Levels? call 8886915762 and ask about our test kits and get a free trial of progene allnatural testosterone supplement. (ucan) ion mY sLeep attention sLeep apnea suFFerers with medicare. get free cpap replacement supplies at no cost, plus free home delivery! best of all, prevent red skin sores and bacterial infection! call 8888054260 (ucan) MISCELLANEOUS SCHOOLS airLine careers become an avia tion maintenance tech. Faa approved training. Financial aid if qualified Hous ing available. Job placement assistance. call aim 8774606894 (ucan) MISCELLANEOUS PETS precious KittY FamiLY rescued! momma and four babies, $9 a piece. needs wonderful loving homes; healthy, have been fixed and given their shots. hate to separate. 435734 9247. WANTED TO BUY booKs Wanted! i paY cash for old Lds and other books, also old photographs, papers, letters etc. call 800 8239124. RossCo Flooring Window cleaning, Raingutter clean/repair, yardcare, handyman BenchMark Svcs 435-695-3739 IFA COUNTRY STORES Pet Food & Supplies • Men’s Work Clothing Poultry, Horse, Lamb & Calf Feed • Fertilizers Lawn & Garden Supplies • Feeding Equipment Fencing • Batteries • Horse Tack • Animal Health 241 S. 200 W. Tremonton, UT 84337 Phone: 435-257-5419 HELP WANTED NOTICE The advertisements appearing in this column may or may not constitute offers of employment. Persons responding to these advertisement may be required to pay fees in advance for licensing, permits, dues, portfolios, registration, processing, or other services. Opportunities advertised in this column may require training at the expense of the applicant. No guarantee of job availability, implied or direct, is made by the publishers. cdL driVer needed cLass “a” with tanker. Oil field experience required. Call 7017700440. driVers: cLass a cdL driver train ing. $0 training cost with employment commitment if you enroll in the month of december! central refrigerated 8009937483. integritY home heaLth & hos pice is looking for an experienced cna to join our team. Fax resume to 4357349819 and/or call alison 435 7239000. doLLar cuts FuLL serVice hair salon located in brigham city. now hiring stylists management opportuni ties available– great pay up to 55% commission, 1020% retail commission. Benefits– Paid vacation, Dental and Vi sion, management salary. Fax resume to: 8016766007 call: 8016766006 email: night FemaLe and maLe mentors needed 10pm6am. no experience necessary, must be at least 21 years. great job for college students to earn extra money and still have time for home work. apply online at www.cata driVers: cLass a cdL driver train ing. $0 training cost with employment commitment if you enroll in the month of december. central refrigerated (877) 3697092 www.centraltruckdrivingjobs. com (ucan) Production Associate positions available at Autoliv Brigham, Tremonton and Promontory. All shifts including weekends at Tremonton. Competitive pay. Call 435-723-2450. Be aware of what you are purchasing and to whom you are selling. The Box Elder County Sheriff’s Office suggests that if it is not local, you may want to check with local law enforcement as well as the Better Business Bureau to confirm if the offer is valid. Several Box Elder News Journal classified ad customers have received potentially fraudelent con-tacts recently for real estate rentals or to purchase vehicles or other items that are listed for sale. Be wise and be aware for fraud in any form. Visit the Federal Trade Commission web page HELP WANTED Foster parents needed! $695 2,083 possible per month. if interested plese call Kt&t Foster care at 801 9174156. *utah residence onLY*. driVer $0.03 enhanced quar terly bonus. get paid for any portion you qualify for: safety,production, mpg, cdLa, 3 months current otr experi ence. 8004149569 www.driveknight. com (ucan) business oWners iF You need someone fast, place your classified ad in all 53 of utah’s newspapers. the person you are looking for could be from out of town. the cost is only $163, for a 25 word ad and it reaches up to 340,000 people. all you do is call the box elder news Journal at 435723 3471 for all the details. (mention ucan) You can order online FOR RENT OR LEASE Large 2 bedroom, 1 bath. all new carpet, tile, cabinets and appliances. a/c, dishwasher. $690/month with all utilities. $500 deposit. n/s, n/p. 678 south 300 east. 4357232075. Large 23 bedroom toWn homes and apartments available now. air conditioning, dishwashers, fireplaces, and covered parking. call for specials. 8019401849, 8014971897. Four bedroom, 2 bath home with carport, auto sprinklers, garden, 2 fireplaces, large family room. $990/ month, 1 year lease, n/s, n/p. 656 West 500 north, brigham city. owner/agent 4357307575, 435452 8203. neWLY remodeLed 2 bdrm apt, W/d hook ups, off street parking n/s, dishwasher, $500mo. (435)7202609 or STORAGE BAYS FOR RENT. Several sizes available. Two locations - West Forest and 800 West. Call 435-494-1374 • Carpet • Tile • Laminate • Hardwood Owner operated - 35 years installing experience 435-730-2710 Burke Whitlock Phone: heating • ventilation • air conditioning • gas line 435-734-9631 Licensed and Insured • FREE Estimates 435-230-1165 West Liberty Foods, one of North America’s fasted growing food processing companies, has immediate openings in our Tremonton, Utah facility. Production Operators (Slice) Responsibilities: Slicing, packaging, loading, and inspecting the product so it is of the highest quality and safety. $12.20 (1st shift) and $12.50 (2nd shift) to start For more information call 723-5600 Holiday Lights We paY cash noW, no Waiting for diabetic test strips. call for info: miles 8013919912. Fraud Alert Production Operators (Fab) Call for free estimate • Roofing • Remodels • Concrete NEW CONSTRUCTION CRB UNDERGROUND Trenchless Sewer & Waterlines Chad Braegger 801-644-8276 Free camera inspection with signed contract Responsibilities: Mixing, blending, forming, cooking, freezing, and inspecting the product we produce so it is of the highest quality and safety standards. $12.20 (1st shift) and $12.50 (2nd shift) to start Maintenance Mechanic Qualifications: solid mechanical background Responsibilities: repair and preventative maintenance for all equipment within the facility. $15.09-$20.45 (1st shift) and $15.39-$20.75 (2nd shift) (Higher pay is based on experience) Slice Technician (Line Tech) Qualifications: machine operator and leadership experience Responsibilities: Operations and basic maintenance of equipment; safety; quality; productivity; and yields of the line. $14.41 (1st shift) and $14.71 (2nd shift) to start Benefits include matching 401K; life, medical, dental, & vision insurance; employee discount; paid holidays; paid vacation; and attendance rewards. Interested individuals can apply on-line via the careers page on and clicking on the careers link in the upper right hand corner. 14 Wednesday, December Wednesday, December12, 12,2012 2012 CAXCA FOR RENT OR LEASE “All real estate advertise herein is subject to Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limition, or discrimination. “We will not knowlingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.” To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. For the Washington, DC area please call HUD at 275-9200. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. 4‑bedroom, 2‑bath, 2‑family room home, quarter acre, sprinkling system, great extra parking, 849 North highland, $950/year lease, N/S, N/P. owner/agent 435‑730‑7575, 435‑452‑8203. 2‑bedroom, 1 bath apartment in honeyville, N/S, N/P, $375/month plus deposit. First month’s rent free, 2544 West 7200 North. Call 435‑257‑5842 or 257‑4131. HELP WANTED FOR RENT OR LEASE 3 bedroom 1 bath duplex. Large kitchen, family room and yard, laundry room, N/S N/P, $550 month lease, $550 deposit, background and credit check. 435‑723‑8602. LookiNg For a PLaCe to live? Need a place to store your treasures? Storage Bay Rentals Call for availability and prices Gary Bywater 720-1941 PoSSibLy the NiCeSt aPtS in town. including heat, trash, cable tV, dW, $385/ month NP/NS. Call 720‑ 2609, www. rUraL 3‑bedroom home For LeaSe, large yard. horse pasture avail‑ able. all new interior. $750/month. Call for appointment 435‑225‑5627. Credit check and lease required. FULLy FUrNiShed 2 bedroom apartment, all utilities paid including cable. all linens, dishes, appliances, and furniture needed for a short/long term stay. No lease. NS/NP. 435‑730‑0824. RV OUTSIDE STORAGE Locked & Lighted 435-279-6200 Large 1‑bedroom baSemeNt apartment, all utilities paid, furnished. N/S, N/P, satellite tV provided. $550/ month, $300 deposit. 435‑723‑ 7417 or 435‑730‑0341. aNdeS aPartmeNt For reNt, brigham City, $500/month, $250 deposit, mo/to/mo. 900 sq.ft. 2bd/1bth, N/S, N/P, heat/aC, laundry facilities, carport, storage. 435‑734‑9611. See kSL.Com for pictures. STORAGE BAY RENTALS 11 x 28 & new smaller sizes Call for Rates (435) 723-1846 2‑bedroom aPartmeNt, big, W/d hookups. No smokers, no pets $520/ month. 435‑720‑2609, www.rentalsutah. com. oNe aNd tWo bedroom apart‑ ments, all utilities included except lights includes cable tV. Call 435‑723‑ 2605 after 4:30 p.m. Storage Space Available 10’x13’ and 10’x27’ 925 West 1075 South 435-720-0911 or 435-723-1152 Phone 723-3471 To Place Your CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE ADS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE “All real estate advertised herein is subject to Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limition, or discrimination. “We will not knowlingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.” To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. For the Washington, DC area please call HUD at 275-9200. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. PUBLIC NOTICE “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” UPAXLP NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ROAD VACATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Utah Code Annotated 72-3-108 that a public hearing will be held concerning the vacation of a county road located as follows: All of the county road west of the east section line of Section 17 T14N R4W. The public hearing will be held at 5:15 p.m. on the 9th day of January 2013, in the Commission Chambers at the Box Elder County Courthouse, 01 South Main Street, Brigham City, Utah 84302. If you have any questions, please contact Community Development Director Scott Lyons at 734-3316. Marla R. Young County Clerk December-12-19-26-January-2-c LeNder motiVated 90 miNS. Salt Lake. 41 acres in Utah, $12,900. Lender is selling at drastic reduction from original price, for quick exit, and providing financing as low as 2.75% fixed or discount for cash. Beautiful peroperty, amazing opportunity. Utr LLC 1‑877‑358‑5263. (ucan) NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE APN: 03-040-0013 TRA: Trust No. 1366109-40 Ref: OWENS, SHANE D IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 6/21/2006 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 1/8/2013, at 2:00pm, ORANGE TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY, as duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded 6/22/2006, as inst. No. 230078, in book 966, page 679-696, of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of BOX ELDER County, State of Utah executed FOR RENT OR LEASE FOR RENT OR LEASE NeWLy remodeLed dUPLeX, 1‑ bedroom. N/S, N/P. Credit and back‑ ground checks required. 435‑723‑8326. 2‑bedroom rUraL hoUSe, $600/ month, $200 deposit, N/S, N/P. Credit and background check, 1 year lease. 435‑723‑7382. i bUy hoUSeS! No commission! No pressure! Quick close. 435‑225‑7070, Why reNt WheN yoU can own? homes Starting at $29,000. (801)773‑ 860. 198 darlington Way, Layton Ut, 84041. 2‑bedroom hoUSe, remodeLed kitchen, dW, gas stove, mL Wd hookups, sand box in back, automatic sprinklers, all new paint. N/S, N/P, 217 West 100 South. $600mo. plus deposit. bob 435‑723‑2150. NiCe CLeaN, 2‑bedroom apartment, fireplace, A.C., N/S, N/P, utility room w/d hookups, carport, water & garbage paid. background & credit check. $525/month, $200 deposit. 105 West 700 South, 435‑723‑7382. NiCe 1‑bedroom FUrNiShed apartment, clean, attractive. Small garage. all utilities paid. Non smokers, no pets. Credit check. 435‑723‑2245. hoUSe For reNt iN brigham. 3‑bed‑ room, 2‑bath N/S. $750mo. $500dep. angie 435‑730‑2253. moVe‑iN SPeCiaL eXtra large apart‑ ment, 3‑bedroom, 3‑bath, $640/month, NS, 435‑730‑3905. 20 minutes from brigham, easy access. oNe bedroom aPartmeNt. Very nice with new carpet and paint. rent $385/month plus utilities. N/S, N/P. Coin laundry. 435‑225‑2466. 2 bedroom dUPLeX, WaSher/ dryer hook ups, central air, remodeled bathroom, new carpet, paint. No SmokerS, No PetS. references. $500, 435‑723‑7689. NeWLy remodeLed 1‑bedroom apartment, 900 sq.ft., aC, dishwasher, garbage disposal, $550/month with all utilities included.$400 deposit, N/S, N/P. Call 435‑723‑2075. braNd NeW 3 bedroom townhome in brigham. move‑in specials. 1‑ 1/2 bath, gas heat, central air, washer/dryer hookups, dishwasher, tile floors, large closets, beautiful interiors. NS, NP, $780/ month. 435‑752‑7904, 435‑770‑4225. 2‑bedroom UPStairS aPartmeNt close to shopping. Large back yard, $450/ month. 61 North 100 West, brigham . 425‑698‑0278. 3‑bedroom W/baLCoNy, PLay‑ groUNd and laundry facilities. Close to shopping. 295 east 800 South, brigham. 425‑698‑0278. 2‑bedroom aPt. W/d hookups, N/S, N/P, $500mo. Call don 435‑225‑ 3778. Marketer II – Brigham City or Vernal, Utah This position can be physically located either at the Brigham City Campus or the Vernal Campus, depending upon the successful applicants needs/desires. This position works with the Regional Campuses and Distance Education (RCDE) marketing director to strategically create and manage marketing projects for assigned USU regions. Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communications, Public Relations or related field required. Minimum of 3 years of marketing experience. See (Req. ID 053534) for more information and to apply online. AA/EOE Get in Gear Currently Hiring: OTR Class A Drivers: Entry Level, Contractors & Company Drivers. CALL TODAY to find out the CPM your qualify for. All drivers w/ one year experience start at: .35¢ and up to .42¢. The more experience the more CPM. Paid Orientation *When hired. & Sign on Bonus *For those that qualify. 8 0 1 . 5 4 6 . 1 7 3 3 • m a y t r u c k i n g . c o m PUBLIC NOTICE “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” by SHANE D. OWEN WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER, PAYABLE IN LAWFUL MONEY OF THE UNITED STATES AT THE TIME OF SALE, (SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST TENDER A DEPOSIT OF $20,000 IN CERTIFIED FUNDS TO THE TRUSTEE AT THE TIME OF SALE, WITH THE BALANCE DUE BY NOON THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY, AT THE OFFICE OF THE TRUSTEE), At the main entrance to the Box Elder County Courthouse, 43 North Main, BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: LOT 4, BLOCK 2, MOUNTAIN GLEN SUBDIVISION NO. 1, BRIGHAM CITY SURVEY, TOGETHER WITH ALL IMPROVEMENTS, APPURTENANCES AND ANY WATER RIGHTS THERETO BELONGING. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 1097 OAK DRIVE BRIGHAM CITY, UT 84302 Estimated Total Debt as of 1/8/2013 is $121,398.61 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, condition, or encumbrances, including fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to pay the remaining principle sums of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust. The current ben- PUBLIC NOTICE “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” eficiary of the Trust Deed as of the date of this notice is: FANNIE MAE AKA FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION ORGANIZED AND EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and the record owners of the property as of the recording of the Notice of Default is/are: SHANE D OWEN ORANGE TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY, TRUSTEE 1447 SOUTH 550 EAST OREM UT 84097 (801)285-0964 ORANGE TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY Signature/By Darwin Johnson Authorized Signature Dated: 11/14/2012 P1002475 11/28, 12/5, 12/12/2012 November-28-December-5-12-c Notice Notice is hereby given that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a delinquent accounts imposed on said property under public sale by competitive bidding on January 5, 2013 at 9 a.m. at KEB Investment Storage location at 1115 West Forest Street, Brigham City, UT. #5 Jim Gonzales 22 East 500 SOuth, Brigham City. TV, fish tank, speakers, children toys, baby crib, misc. box. Purchase must be paid for at the time of purchase on a cash only basis. All purchase are sold as in condition only and must be removed at time of sale. Sale is subject to cancellation on event of settlement between owner and obligated person. Minimum bids may apply. December-12-January-2-c UPAXLP 15 Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Local results Brigham City Recreation Scoreboard The Mailman���������������������������������50 Ballers�������������������������������������������46 Thursday, November 29 Boys 7-8 comp basketball BE Hackers�����������������������������������73 Yellow Jackets������������������������������20 Stingers����������������������������������������31 Bees���������������������������������������������27 BE Mustangs��������������������������������43 Mustangs�������������������������������������24 Buzz����������������������������������������������23 Rebel Badgers������������������������������20 Monday, December 3 Men’s League Swiss��������������������������������������������64 G2�������������������������������������������������55 Three��������������������������������������������50 Aneurysm�������������������������������������48 Los Viejos�������������������������������������84 Help U Sell������������������������������������60 by fall (4:34); 132—Shand Hardy (BE) def. Brantley McGuire (Syr), Tech fall, 15-0; 138—Teagan Hubbard (BE) def. Adam Sirapathane (Syr), maj. Decision, 12-1; 145—Tyler Creps (syr) won by forfeit; 152—Matt Williams (BE) def. Zane Rich (syr), dec. 4-3; 160—Rasten Yeates (BE) def. Teague Vigil (Syr) by fall (1:40); 170—Nick Sorenson (BE) def. Britton Butler (Syr) by fall (1:34); 182—Jake Tolman (BE) def. Wyat German (syr) by fall (1:49); 195—Breckin Gunter (BE) def. Spencer Woodhall (syr) by fall (2:24); 220—Joe Flores (BE) def. Aspen Naylor (syr) by fall (4:51); 285—Taylor Lancaster (BE) def. Alex Harris (syr) by fall (1:03) Wednesday, December 5 Men’s League 3’s Company���������������������������������58 Straight Shooters��������������������������45 Hero���������������������������������������������81 The Mob���������������������������������������56 Scrum�������������������������������������������55 Untouchables��������������������������������51 Federal Alarms������������������������������50 Willard/N. Ogden��������������������������46 BEHS Wrestling @ Wasatch Duals Invitational Fri.-Sat., December 7-8 Round 2: Box Elder def. Lone Peak, 65-12; Round 3: Box Elder def. Wasatch, 53-15; Round 4: Pleasant Grove def. Box Elder, 36-32; Round 5: Box Elder def. Uintah, 45-26; Round 6: Box Elder def. Green River, 59-15; Round 7: Box Elder def. Central-Grand Junction, 60-18; vs. Syracuse Thursday, December 6 Team Scores—BEHS-60, Syracuse-18; 106—Jace Tilley (BE) def. Kyler Aullman (Syr) by fall (6:31 OT); 113— Brock George (syr) def. Kyle Smith (BE) by fall (3:41); 120—Jake Smith (BE) def. Colton Berger (Syr) by fall (3:36); 126— Seth Rich (Syr) def. Jaden Jensen (BE) PUBLIC NOTICE “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” UPAXLP NOTICE OF BOX ELDER/PERRY FLOOD DISTRICT BOARD PUBLIC HEARING FOR ANNUAL BUDGET Notice is hereby given that the Administrative Control Board of the Box Elder/Perry Flood Control and Drainage District will hold, in the Perry City Council Chambers at 3005 South 1200 West in Perry, a public hearing to receive public comment regarding the Fiscal Year 2013 Flood District Tentative Budget. This budget public hearing, starting at approximately 5:15 p.m. (after a presentation regarding the budget), will be held in conjunction with the Flood District Board meeting, which starts at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 13, 2012. Final action, to approve (with or without changes) the budget as a final budget, is likely to occur during the same meeting. All interested persons shall be given the opportunity to be heard. Written concerns are welcome. Copies of the proposed Budget are available for public review in the office of the Perry City Recorder/ Flood District Clerk, located at 3005 South 1200 West, Perry, Utah. Any individual requiring auxiliary services should contact the City/Flood District offices at least 3 days in advance (1435-723-6461). By: Susan K. Obray, Flood District Clerk. December-5-12-c Notice is hereby given that the Box Elder County/Willard City Flood Control and Special Drainage District will hold its regular business meeting at 7:30 PM followed by a budget hearing at 8 PM, December 19th at the Willard City Offices, 80 West 50 South, Willard, UT. December-5-12-c PUBLIC NOTICE Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 1st Public Hearing Notice - Brigham City will hold a public hearing to consider potential projects for which funding may be applied under the CDBG Small Cities Program for program year 2013. Suggestions for potential projects will be solicited, both verbally and in writing, from all interested parties. The accepted amount of CDBG funds for this program year will be discussed, along with the range of projects eligible under this program and a review of previously funded projects. The hearing will begin at 7:00 p.m. on December 20, 2012, and will be held at the Brigham City Council Chambers, 20 North Main, Brigham City, Utah. Further information can be obtained by contacting Mr. Rick Bosworth, HR Coordinator, at 734-6613. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during these hearings, should notify the Recorder’s Office at 20 North Main at least three days prior to the hearing that will be attended. Mary Kate Christensen City Recorder Published in the Box Elder Journal December 12, 2012. December-12-c BRIGHAM CITY ORDINANCE NO. 12-16 AND NO. 12-17 Notice is hereby given that on December 6, 2012, the Brigham City Council adopted Ordinances No. 12-16 and 12-17. Ordinance No. 16 amend Chapters 29.12 and 13, 29.05 and 29.02 of the Brigham City Code to include a new use category “Vacation Rental” as a conditional use permit in several residential and commercial districts and to establish standards and a definition. Ordinance No. 12-17 amends Chapter 29.11 to reduce the setbacks for accessory buildings in A-1 (Agricultural) and RR-1 (Rural Residential) districts. A copy of both ordinances is available at the Office of the City Recorder, 20 North Main, Brigham City, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. December-12-c NOTICE OF PERRY CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 1st Public Hearing Notice: The Perry City Council will hold a public hearing to consider potential projects for which funding may be applied under the CDBG Small Cities Program for Program Year 2012. Suggestions for potential projects will be solicited, both verbally and in writing, from all interested parties. The expected amount of CDBG funds for this Program Year will be discussed along with the range of projects eligible under this program and a review of previously funded projects. The public hearing will begin at approximately 7:40 p.m., and will be held in conjunction with the regular Perry City Council meeting (in the City Council Chambers at 3005 South 1200 West in Perry), which meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 13, 2012. Further information can be obtained by contacting Susan K. Obray, City Recorder, at the city offices (3005 South 1200 West, Perry, Utah, or 1-435-723-6461). In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during the hearing should notify Susan K. Obray, at the city offices, at least three days prior to the hearing that will be attended. December-12-c UPAXLP Round 8: Box Elder def. Rock Springs, 70-12; Round 9: Maple Mountain def. Box Elder, 37-24 BEHS Swimming vs. Clearfield Tuesday, December 4 Girls’ results TEAM SCORES—1. BEHS-130, 2. Clearfield-36; 200 yard medley relay—1. Box Elder A, 2:04.03; 3. Box Elder B, 2:16.28; 5. Box Elder C, 2:40.03; 200 yard free—1. Jeppesen, Tiffany, 2:20.09; 2. Burbank, Ashley, 2:20.39; 3. Durrans, Chloe, 2:33.49; 4. Raymond, Keisha, 2:35.47; 5. Hunsaker, Chalisse, 2:43.04; 6. Harlow, Sloan, 2:54.53; 200 yard IM—1. Davis, Megan, 2:43.14; 2. Miles, Nizhoni, 2:50.83; 50 yard free—1. Bennett, Shannon, 28.07; 2. DeRyke, Skyla, 30.06; 3. Hammer, Shayla, 30.93; 4. Norman, Jessica, 31.14; 6. Rose, Kayla, 31.81; 9. Hebbert, Rebecca, 34.29; 10. Perkins, Katelynn, 34.85; 100 yard fly—3. Harlow, Sloan, 1:38.19; 4. Norman, Jessica, 1:38.49; 100 yard free—1. Miles, Nizhoni, 1:05.12; 2. Durrans, Chloe, 1:05.41; 3. Rose, Kayla, 1:15.31; 5. Perkins, Katelynn, 1:16.26; 500 yard free—1. Burbank, Ashley, 6:18.77; 2. Hammer, Shayla, 6:35.90; 3. DeRyke, Skyla, 6:40.86; 4. Hunsaker, Chalisse, 7:07.71; 5. Hebbert, Rebecca, 7:34.50; 200 yard free relay—1. Box Elder B, 1:59.10; 2. Box Elder C, 2:03.82; 100 yard back—1. Weight, Jessica, 1:09.10; 3. Raymond, Keisha, 1:22.54; 5. Weigle, Katie, 1:46.02; 100 yard breast—1. Perkins, Cassie, 1:13.97; 2. Davis, Megan, 1:26.04; 6. Williams, Shelby, 1:37.14; 400 yard free relay—1. Box Elder A, 4:18.44; 2. Box Elder B, 4:31.10; 4. Box Elder C, 5:06.66 Boys’ results TEAM SCORES—1. BEHS-159, 2. Clearfield-11; 200 yard medley relay—1. Box Elder A, 1:50.56; 2. Box Elder B, 1:53.99; 3. Box Elder C, 1:59.00; 200 yard free—1. Harlow, Chauncey, 1:56.18; 2. Collins, David, 1:58.78; 3. Huntsman, Jonathan, 2:04.47; 4. Hale, Nathan, 2:05.28; 5. Norman, Harrison, 2:12.50; 8. Hunsaker, Jensen, 2:31.47; 9. Ferry, Chase, 2:40.52; 200 yard IM—1. Hendrickson, Kevin, 2:13.05; 2. Hale, Levi, 2:21.02; 3. Morley, Michael, 2:36.51; 4. Hoyle, Darrien, 2:45.93; 5. Nielson, Garrett, 2:48.35; 50 yard free—1. Laws, Tyler, 23.42; 2. LeBaron, Thomas, 24.20; 3. Huntsman, Alex, 25.30; 6. Struble, Nathan, 25.73; 7. Dean, Eric, 26.37; 8. Hansen, Lars, 26.52; 10. Fairbourn, Justin, 27.42; 100 yard fly—1. Jackman, Talon, 1:03.19; 2. Hale, Levi, 1:04.92; 3. Bradley, Schuyler, 1:05.83; 4. Nelson, Jaron, 1:07.32; 6. Freeman, Robert, 1:24.27; 100 yard free—1. Collins, David, 53.36; 2. Harlow, Chauncey, 53.37; 3. Laws, Tyler, 53.38; 6. Butler, Eric, 59.18; 10. Ferry, Chase, 1:10.92; 500 yard free—1. Hendrickson, Kevin, 5:32.69; 2. LeBaron, Thomas, 5:32.96; 3. Hansen, Lars, 6:13.94; 4. Struble, Nathan, 6:16.38; 5. Fairbourn, Justin, 6:37.09; 200 yard free relay—1. Box Elder A, 1:41.50; 2. Box Elder B, 1:46.21; 4. Box Elder E, 1:54.37; 5. Box Elder C, 1:57.53; 7. Box Elder D, 2:05.85; 100 yard back—1. Hale, Nathan, 1:01.68; 2. Huntsman, Jonathan, 1:04.87; 3. Nelson, Jaron, 1:04.97; 4. Norman, Harrison, 1:11.73; 5. Morley, Michael, 1:16.30; 7. Hunsaker, Jensen, 1:20.57; 8. Hoyle, Darrien, 1:24.61; 100 yard breast—1. Huntsman, Alex, 1:09.61; 2. Jackman, Talon, 1:15.09; 3. Bradley, Schuyler, 1:18.05; 5. Dean, Eric, 1:23.66; 7. Nielson, Garrett, 1:31.26; 8. Adams, Hayden, 1:39.10; 400 yard free relay—1. Box Elder A, 3:38.90; 2. Box Elder B, 3:43.55; 3. Box Elder C, 4:09.57 vs. Weber Thursday, December 6 Girls results TEAM SCORES—1. BEHS-103, 2. Weber-67; 200 meter medley relay—1. Box Elder A, 2:18.44; 4. Box Elder B, 2:51.72; 5. Box Elder C, 2:56.15; 200 meter free—1. Bennett, Shannon, 2:25.82; 2. Burbank, Ashley, 2:32.56; 4. Miles, Nizhoni, 2:37.51; 200 meter IM—1. Jeppesen, Tiffany, 2:48.73; 3. Perkins, Cassie, 2:53.12; 4. Davis, Megan, 3:00.37; 50 meter free—1. Durrans, Chloe, 32.15; 3. DeRyke, Skyla, 32.84; 6. Norman, Jessica, 34.60; 7. Hammer, Shayla, 35.33; 8. Hunsaker, Chalisse, 35.57; 9. Rose, Kayla, 35.70; 100 meter fly—1. Weight, Jessica, 1:26.35; 5. Hunsaker, Chalisse, 1:43.70; 6. Harlow, Sloan, 1:45.66; 100 meter free— 2. Burbank, Ashley, 1:07.96; 3. Durrans, Chloe, 1:13.63; 5. Raymond, Keisha, 1:15.01; 7. Hammer, Shayla, 1:16.21; 8. Norman, Jessica, 1:17.44; 400 meter free—1. Bennett, Shannon, 5:10.72; 3. Davis, Megan, 5:31.78; 5. Miles, Nizhoni, 5:47.04; 200 meter free relay—1. Box Elder A, 2:04.44; 2. Box Elder B, 2:11.56; 100 meter back—1. Weight, Jessica, 1:17.24; 3. Hebbert, Rebecca, 1:30.86; 5. Raymond, Keisha, 1:31.64; 100 meter breast—1. Perkins, Cassie, 1:23.38; 2. Jeppesen, Tiffany, 1:25.68; 4. DeRyke, Skyla, 1:34.65; 7. Williams, Shelby, 1:45.43; 400 meter free relay—2. Box Elder A, 4:43.88; 4. Box Elder B, 5:20.71; 6. Box Elder C, 5:47.99 Boys’ results TEAM SCORES—1. BEHS-109, 2. Weber-61; 200 meter medley relay—1. Box Elder A, 1:58.06; 2. Box Elder B, 2:05.76; 4. Box Elder C, 2:12.58; 200 meter free— 1. Harlow, Chauncey, 2:09.23; 4. Collins, David, 2:12.80; 7. Dean, Eric, 2:19.63; 200 meter IM—1. Hendrickson, Kevin, 2:26.84; 2. Hansen, Lars, 2:36.35; 4. Hale, Levi, 2:36.97; 6. Nelson, Jaron, 2:37.88; 7. Bradley, Schuyler, 2:44.41; 8. Morley, Michael, 2:54.34; 50 meter free—1. Laws, Tyler, 25.63; 3. Huntsman, Alex, 27.34; 4. Struble, Nathan, 27.53; 8. Fairbourn, Justin, 29.53; 9. Phillips, Matt, 30.04; 10. Freeman, Robert, 30.10; 100 meter fly—2. Hale, Nathan, 1:06.86; 3. Jackman, Talon, 1:11.98; 5. Bradley, Schuyler, 1:14.65; 10. Morley, Michael, 1:22.07; 100 meter free—2. LeBaron, Thomas, 58.64; 4. Hale, Levi, 1:00.82; 6. Struble, Nathan, 1:03.45; 8. Dean, Eric, 1:03.79; 10. Phillips, Matt, 1:05.80; 400 meter free—1. Harlow, Chauncey, 4:33.10; 2. Laws, Tyler, 4:40.44; 3. Collins, David, 4:48.53; 200 meter free relay—1. Box Elder A, 1:45.94; 3. Box Elder B, 1:52.48; 5. Box Elder C, 2:01.22; 100 meter back—1. LeBaron, Thomas, 1:07.41; 2. Hale, Nathan, 1:08.23; 3. Nelson, Jaron, 1:11.51; 8. Adams, Hayden, 1:27.56; 10. Ferry, Chase, 1:40.72; 100 meter breast—1. Huntsman, Alex, 1:16.80; 2. Hendrickson, Kevin, 1:17.48; 4. Hansen, Lars, 1:21.50; 5. Jackman, Talon, 1:24.45; 6. Brothersen, Ben, 1:28.44; 10. Hunsaker, Jensen, 1:38.29; 400 meter free relay—2. Box Elder A, 4:10.94; 4. Box Elder B, 4:22.47; 5. Box Elder C, 4:33.76 16 Wednesday, December 12, 2012 “Wrestling” continued from page 11 “Girls” continued from page 11 However, Syracuse did not win another match where a Box Elder wrestler stepped on the mat. The Titan’s Tyler Creps won by forfeit due to an injured McKay Parrish. According to Ripplinger, Parrish “tweaked” his knee at the Layton Invitational—where he finished as individual champion despite the injury—and will likely be out until the first of the year. “You hate to have a guy like that missing from your lineup,” Rupplinger said, but if the Syracuse match is any indication, the other Bees should be able to cover for him. Shand Hardy (132) was one of just three weights that the Bees didn’t win by fall, but Hardy did everything except stick his opponents’ shoulders to the mat. Hardy earned nine of his 15 points from near falls to win by technical fall. Teagan Hubbard might have earned a tech fall, too, if it hadn’t been for a slow first round where neither wrestler earned a point. Hubbard picked up the pace after earning a quick reversal from the bottom position at the start of the second round, and ended the round up, 3-0 after a takedown. He then proceeded to rack up nine points in a big third round with two takedowns and two near falls to win by major decision, 12-0. In other action this week, the Bees competed in the Wasatch Duals Tournament, where the Bees lost two of their dual matches and finished third behind Maple Mountain and Pleasant Grove, which are the two teams that defeated the Bees. Perhaps somewhat surprising- fense off-balance,” Smith said. “We had players passing the ball and getting their teammates good looks.” Unfortunately, it was just the opposite against Clearfield, where several passes never found their mark, and instead led to quick buckets for the Falcons. “I thought we just got a little bit ragged with our offensive execution,” Smith said. “Just dumb mental errors.” In the third quarter the Bees forced a number of turnovers that didn’t result in points. Smith also noted that the Bees gave up a high number of turnovers against the Falcons. In the Bees’ wins this year, they have averaged 16 turnovers compared to 23 against Clearfield. “It was a story of turnovers and not converting,” Smith said about the game. “No matter what we did, it just didn’t work for us.” Kylee Rapp led Box Elder against the Falcons with 14 points. Two other Box Elder players reached double-digit scoring, With Lindsey Warner and Munns both scoring 11. Smith lauded his team’s free- Matt Williams came from behind to earn a win over reigning 5A champion Zane Rich. ly, Ripplinger was less upset about the loss to 4A rival Maple Mountain than he was about the loss to returning 5A champions Pleasant Grove. “I thought we wrestled better against Maple Mountain [than against Pleasant Grove],” Ripplinger said. “Maple Mountain got after us. They looked like they were in preseason form.” However, against Pleasant Grove, the Bees had the match in hand before losing the last four weights by pin, and thereby the match, 36-32. “I felt like we gave those four pins away at the end,” Ripplinger said. Against Maple Mountain, Ripplinger felt his team, fresh off of football season and still finding their stride, did well against a team that looked like they had been wrestling for months. “Hopefully, we improve more than they do,” Ripplinger said. “We do a pretty good job peaking at state.” The Bees lost to Maple Mountain, 24-37. The Bees won every other match at the tournament—some in quite dominant fashion—despite forfeiting the 145 weight in every one as McKay Parrish recovers from injury. “McKay’s one of our better kids, so that’s tough to lose one of your top wrestlers,” said Ripplinger. “He’s one of the pieces of the puzzle we’re missing.” See results for the Syracuse dual and the team scores for the Wasatch tournament on page 15. While the varsity team was wrestling at Wasatch, the JV squad wrestled at a varsity tournament in Roy, where they finished fifth. This week, the varsity team will travel to Reno to compete in the Reno World, one of the biggest tournaments in the western United States, while the JV travels to Viewmont. “Records” continued from page 11 torium; and the school meter records that are limited to Box Elder swimmers only. Assistant coach Marsha Martz wrote in an email that “breaking a yard time is a big accomplishment...because the yards is what everyone swims.” Some of the school’s yard records are more than 30 years old. Perkins performance is also important for the team because it shows the girls are improving in the speciality strokes. So far throughout the year, both the boys and girls have owned the freestyle events, but in the girls’ losses—which have been close— the speciality events made the difference. “I don’t think this group of girls is finished,” Robinette said. In another event that features speciality strokes, the girls’ 200 medley relay team of Perkins, Jessica Weight, Tiffany Jeppesen and Ashley Burbank, set the school record with a time of 2:03.08. The previous record had stood for more than a decade. At the Weber meet on Thursday, the Bees broke seven records. “We stepped up beyond what we expected,” said Robinette. “Ev- erybody’s working together, pushing each other.” The boys set the only pool meter record at the meet, where the 200-meter medley relay team swam the event in 1:58.06, breaking Sky View’s pool record of 1:58.50, and the school record of 2:00.34. On the girls’ side, Shannon Bennett had a big day and set two school records. She beat Perkins’ school record in the 200-free by more than two seconds with a time of 2:25.82. Bennett beat the 5:15.31 set by Celine Beard with a time of 5:10.72. Tiffany Jeppesen beat her own time in the 200 IM by a tenth of a second to set a new school record of 2:48.73. While Jeppesen set one record, she lost another when Perkins swam the 100-breast in 1:23.38, beating Jeppesen’s record of 1:24.50. Jessica Weight set a new school record in the 100 back with a time of 1:17.24, beating Natalie Capell’s record of 1:17.36. In the meet against Clearfield on Tuesday, the list of events that both the boys and the girls didn’t completely dominate is comprised of just one: the girls’ 100- yard fly, where the Bees gave up the top two spots. In every other event, however, the Bees took first. They also took the second spot more often than not and regularly had four of the top five swimmers, which made the results look like Clearfield failed to get in the pool. The meet against Weber was a little more competitive, but even so, the Bees only gave up the firstplace spot in just five events. In the 100-fly, the boys didn’t take first, but Nathan Hale, Talon Jackman and Schuyler Bradley finished 2-3-5. In the 100-free, Thomas LeBaron, Levi Hale and Nathan Struble took the second, fourth and sixth spots. The Bees also gave up the top spot in the 400-free relay. On the girls’ side, Ashley Burbank, Chloe Durrans and Keisha Raymond came in 2-3-5 in the 100free, and the 400-free relay team also gave up the top spot. Other than those examples, the Bees took first in every event, and, like the Clearfield meet, had multiple swimmers in the top five or six placers. For complete results see page 15. throw shooting in both games. The Bees went 25-of-32 (78%) against Bear River and 10-of-12 (83%) against the Falcons. This week, the Bees hosted Ogden on Tuesday (results not available by press time) and will host East on Thursday at 7 p.m. Smith said he was wary of Ogden after the Tigers played very competitive games in losses to Mountain Crest and Logan. East High School is 1-3 so far this season, which included a 4050 loss to Tooele, a team the Bees beat 45-31 in their first game of the season. REGION ROUNDUP McCall Uyematsu steals a ball from a Bear River player during the second period when the Bees’ chaos wore on the Bears. With every team having several games under their belt, Bonneville and Sky View lead the league with undefeated records. Sky View has done it with a potent offense, putting up a gaudy average of more than 64 points per game. Bonneville currently has the best defense, allowing an average of just 35 points per game. Box Elder is in third with a 4-1 record, just ahead of Logan who has played two more games and has a 5-2 record. Roy sits at 3-2, which includes a 31-point drubbing of Tooele, 7342. Mountain Crest two wins on the year, over Morgan and Ogden. “Boys” continued from page 11 start against the Warriors, and went into halftime down, 21-39, largely from getting outscored by 12 points in the second quarter. Watson led the Bees with 22 points on four 3-pointers. He also recorded four steals in the game. Bate followed Watson with 11 points. With the games, the Bees have compiled a 1-4 record. This week, the Bees have one game, on the road Friday at Fremont. The Silverwolves are winless so far this year, which includes a 38-52 loss to Mountain Crest and a 43-67 loss to Sky View. On Tuesday, December 18, the Bees will host East High School. REGION ROUNDUP With all teams having played a handful of non-league contests, Sky View currently holds the top spot in the region with a 2-1 record. The Bobcats’ only loss came at the hands of the Weber Warriors, 53-60, in Sky View’s first game of the season. Mountain Crest and Logan are tied at 3-2, and Roy is a game back at 3-3. Mountain Crest’s losses came from Weber, 70-67, and Timpanogos, 61-51. Logan dropped games to Bear River, 8464, and Desert Hills, 66-53. Bonneville holds a two-game advantage over Box Elder for the last spot in the region, 1-2. the Bees are 1-4. SportsShorts Jazz tickets available Women’s basketball registering now Brigham City Recreation has tickets available for the Utah Jazz basketball game against the Indiana Pacers on Saturday, January 26, at 7:30 p.m. The tickets cost $15 each which includes a hotdog and drink. Quantities are limited and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis at the recreation office at 641 East 200 North. For more information, call Donna Pett at 7346610. Brigham City Recreation is registering teams for its Women’s Basketball League. League play starts on Tuesday, January 8, with games being played at the Box Elder Middle School gym. The cost for the league is $275 per team. You can register in person at the Recreation office, 641 East 200 North or online at www.brighamcity.utah. If you have any questions, please call the Recreation office at 435-734-6610.
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