To Place An AD Just Call
To Place An AD Just Call
15 Wednesday, March 28, 2012 To Place an AD just call: 723-3471 Or visit us on the web: Classified ads must be paid for in advance, (cash, check, credit card or money order) WORD CLASSIFIEDS: $7 for 20 words plus 15 cents for each additional word per publication. Discounts may apply. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS: $10.50 per column inch. LEGAL ADS: 90 cents a line. DEADLINE: Monday at noon, unless Monday is a holiday, in which case it’s Friday at noon prior to the holiday. Box Elder News Journal PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 55 S. 100 West, Brigham City UT, 84302 | MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 370, Brigham City UT, 84302 CAXCA MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SERVICES OFFERED SERVICES OFFERED SERVICES OFFERED READERS & MUSIC LOVERS. 100 Greatest Novels (audio books) ONLY $99.00 (plus s h.) Includes MP3 Player & Accessories. BONUS: 50 Classical Music Works & Money Back Guarantee. Call Today! 1‑877‑358‑8964 (ucan) 100 PERCENT GUARANTEED Omaha Steaks ‑ SAVE 65 percent on the Family Value Collection. NOW ONLY $49.99 Plus 3 FREE GIFTS & right‑to‑ the‑door delivery in a reusable cooler. ORDER TODAY at 1‑ 888‑301‑2712 or www., use code 45069YLB. (ucan) affordable repairs & remodel ing, custom carpentry, tile, vinyl win dows, concrete, excavation & plumbing repairs. Over 25 years experience affordable repairs & remodeling, custom carpentry, tile, vinyl windows, concrete, excavation & plumbing repairs. Over 25 years experience, licensed & references available. Call Gary 435‑720‑ 1914 . art‑tell cash prizes for youth art and storytelling contests the week of March 28. Also themed art competi tion for high school and adults week of April 18. More information at the Fine Arts Center 723‑0740 or www. carpet and vinyl installation & sales. Repairs & restretches. Call Gary Nebeker 435‑723‑5834. METAL ROOF/WALL Panels, Pre‑ en‑ gineered Metal Buildings. Mill prices for sheeting coil are at a 4 year low. You get the savings. 17 Colors prime material, cut to your exact length. CO Building Systems 1‑800‑COBLDGS (ucan) sawmills from only $3997 make and save money with your own band mill ‑ cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info/DVD: www. 1‑800‑ 578‑1363 Ext. 300N (ucan) ACCELLER‑ SAVE ON SAVE on Cable TV‑Internet‑Digital Phone. Packages start at $89.99/mo (for 12 months.) Options from ALL major service providers. Call Acceller today to learn more! CALL 1‑866‑931‑2499 (ucan) bed, queen orthopedic mat tress set. New, still in plastic, $169. Will deliver 435‑792‑3133. a microfiber sofa/love, new still in plastic, $499. Call 435‑753‑1738. Previously Owned SEWING MACHINES with one-year warranty starting at $59.00 Brigham Sewing Center 94 S. Main 723-7191 toro super blower vac. Living room micro fiber chair, hunter green. 435‑734‑2904. DISH NETOWRK. STARTING at $19.99/month PLUS 30 Premium Movie Channels FREE for 3 Months! SAVE! & Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL ‑ 888‑485‑2321 (ucan) FIREWOOD David Tea 723-5989 SHARI`S BERRIES ‑ Order Mouthwa tering Gifts! 100 percent satisfaction guaranteed. Hand‑dipped berries from $19.99 plus s/h. SAVE 20 percent on qualifying gifts over $29! Visit www. or Call 1‑888‑691‑ 8556. (ucan) fast trees grow 6‑10 feet yearly. $12.95‑$18.95 delivered potted. Bro‑ chure online or 509‑447‑4181. used and reconditioned wash‑ ers, electric and gas dryers, and refrig‑ erators, used microwave hoods $25 & up, used ranges. All with warranty. Mur‑ phy’s Appliance and TV. 38 South Main, Brigham City, Utah, 435‑723‑7705. Engaged? Planning a Wedding? Plan Your Day your way “My Wedding My Way!” Special pricing available if scheduled by the end of February (for 2012) if you book in February Get 10% off any plan you choose MANTIS DELUXE TILLER. NEW! Fast Start engine. Ships FREE. One‑Year Money‑Back Guarantee when you buy DIRECT. Call for the DVD and FREE Good Soil book! 888‑711‑6028 (ucan) bed, king,orthopedic mattress and split box set. New, still in plastic, $275. 435‑792‑3133. • NEED help to locate child care? • WANT to become a child care provider? Free Service Call 800-670-1552 Serving Cache, Rich & Box Elder a joint project of DWS and USU www. Professional Window Cleaning, Tilling, Yard Care, Handyman, Rain Gutter Repair benchMark New Hope Crisis Center Domestic Violence Support Group YARD SALES Confidential - No Cost entertainment center, coffee/ end table set, Children’s clothes, toys, odds & ends. 7 a.m.‑1:30 p.m., Saturday, March 31, 942 Fishburn Drive. Building fund benefit, Saturday, March 31, 320 South 200 East, 9 to 2. Kids & adults clothing at 50¢, spring decor, books, kitchen essentials, day bed, couch, recliner, vintage items, collectibles. More new scrapbook and card supplies. Presbyterian’s Thrifty Sale. multi family sale, Saturday, March 31, 8‑2, 1023 West 540 South, Cotton‑ wood Grove phase II. Toys, kid’s clothes, baby items, household decor. Something for everyone. moving estate sale, Saturday, March 31, 9‑2:30, 430 North 300 West. Furniture, kid’s clothes, fishing stuff, pag‑ eant clothes. Something for everyone. ANTIQUES We buy antiques Second Chances 475 East 1000 South, Brigham City (435)730-6441 - (435)730-5756 SERVICES OFFERED expert yard work, pruning, raking, cleaning, etc. Call Ferando at 435‑720‑2496. The landscape detailer‑ spring clean‑Up, property maintenance, raking, pruning, trimming shrubs/hedges, trees topped, yard work, mowing and edging, hauling, all types. Jobs large or small. Free estimates. 435‑ 723‑7829. Sewer & Water Replacement Services Backhoe & Dump truck work: sewer, water lines and tree stump removal! Driveway removal, concrete work. No job too large or small. Call for free estimates 435-734-9598 or 435-720-0237 Val Kotter & Sons, Inc. MATTING-FRAMING All art work, needle work. NANCI-AYN STUDIO J. McLaughlin 723-8746 PFAFF EXPERT REPAIR ON ALL MAKES Sewing Machines & Vacuums Brigham Sewing & Vacuum 723-7191 IFA COUNTRY STORES Pet Food & Supplies • Men’s Work Clothing Poultry, Horse, Lamb & Calf Feed • Fertilizers Lawn & Garden Supplies • Feeding Equipment Fencing • Batteries • Horse Tack • Animal Health 241 S. 200 W. Tremonton, UT 84337 Phone: 435-257-5419 CONCRETE/EXCAVATION For more information call 723-5600 • DRIVEWAY TEAR OUT & REPLACE • Sports courts • PATIOS • STEP REPLACEMENT • SIDEWALK NEW/REPAIR • COLORED • STAMPED • EXPOSED LEROY SEBER’S YARDCARE • Lawn Mowing • Clean-up • Power Raking 435-720-2569 Rodney Wixom Painting 723-6072 435-237-1378 “CARE THEE WELL” MANAGER: GEORGIA K. HUDSON E MAIL: BUSINESS HOURS: 9A.M.‑5P.M. WEB: www. Loving care for family members ‑ Daycare of home bound seniors. $8 per hour. Grand Nanny, child care in their home. Mini mum 4 hours, maximum 3 to 4 days/ nights $8 per hour, (not to exceed $60 per day/ night care). House sitting, fee depends on responsibilities. Pet sitter $25 to $45 per day, (fee negotiable). House sitter/pet sitter can be a com‑ bined service. Free pickup on unwanted appliances working or not Call 801-695-0185 Svcs 435-695-3739 Meets 2nd & 4th Monday 6-7 p.m. 435 East 700 South – Saturday, march 31, 8 a.m. Easter gifts, Disney, excercise/kids miniature tramp, stair climber, kids bikes, toys, toddler bed, kids inflatable motorized jet ski, clothes, tools. 1725 South Highway 89 Perry. 94 S. Main Child Care Resource & Referrals, Bridgerland valley deep cleaners ‑ fast, friendly, efficient. Residential/commer cial. Free phone estimates. Box Elder & Cache County. 435‑230‑8824 www. Prepworks 730-6044 professional piano teacher with masters degree has openings for piano students from beginner to advanced levels. Sharon Smith 435‑723‑ 7207. Alex upholstery in utah. Call 435‑730‑0276. 20 years experience. Convertible tops, leather seats, carpets. Travel, storage covers, chairs, sofas. Re‑ pairs, full restorations. BIG Carpet: At BIG Carpet we can handle all your flooring needs. Why fight the Ogden traffic when you can get great prices & customer service close to home. You will also appreciate our installers who all have decades of experience. 1968 N 2000 W. Farr West 801‑675‑ 5975. T‑F 12‑6 & Sat 12 ‑ 5. country carpet cleaning. Let us take care of your carpet cleaning needs. We also do tile and furniture. 435‑723‑0314. Better Business Bureau of Utah Email: info@ Phone: 801-892-6009 Fax: 801-892-6002 5673 S. Redwood Rd., #22 Salt Lake City, Ut. 84123-5322 J & D YARD CARE • Weekly Mowing • Repair Sprinklers • Aerating • Power Raking • Edge Trees Free Estimates Locations to Honeyville, Corinne, South Willard and Mantua 12 Years Experience 723-7251 or 225-2901 HERNANDEZ CONSTRUCTION INC. • Siding • Seamless Gutter • Roofing - New or recover • Shingle • Single Ply • Commercial and Residential Licensed and Insured 435-734-1970 435-730-4608 YATES YARD CARE MOWING • TRIMMING AERATING • EDGING • HEDGES SERVING BRIGHAM CITY, TREMONTON AND THE SURROUNDING AREAS CONTACT TYLER @ 435-224-3093 Sprinklers Systems & Repairs CHECKETTS LANDSCAPING 4 All Landscaping needs/Spring clean-up office 4 Free estimates on Sprinkling Systems 279-1812 4 Ponds and waterfalls 4 Sod/retaining walls/grading 4 Great referrals Burke Whitlock Phone: heating • ventilation • air conditioning • gas line 435-734-9631 Licensed and Insured • FREE Estimates 435-230-1165 Intertech Communications Electric Panel & Services Changes • Phone & TV Jacks • Home Theater Systems New Construction and Remodels Commercial and Residential 435-723-7165 Justin’s Custom Curbing 720-1845 • Custom Curbing • Hydro Seeding & Sod • Top Soil & Grading • Asphalt Seal Coating window cleaning, inside and out. Also power washing, lawn care maintance, power raking and some sprinkler repair. 435‑458‑3405, cell 435‑279‑7393. AUTOS FOR SALE 1990 Ford F150, 4WD, 5 Spd, new tires, good condition. $3200.00 435‑ 723‑5305. 2004 Buick Parker Avenue, 148,000 miles, new tires, good condition, 28 mpg, $5500, available April 29 (leaving for mission) 435‑723‑5305. FINANCES CREDIT CARD RELIEF Buried in Credit Card Debt? Over $10,000? We can get you out of debt quickly and save you thousands of dollars! Call CREDIT CARD RELIEF for your free consultation 1‑877‑881‑3269 (ucan) FARM NEEDS if you need feed for your animal visit the IFA Country Store in Tremonton. We have it all from horse, dog, lamb, pig, chicken, calf and rabbits. 241 S. 200 W. 435‑257‑5419. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Need fencing? see the IFA Country Store at 241 S. 200 W. Tremonton for T‑posts, field fence, corral gates, panels, barb wire and livestock equipm en, 435‑257‑5419. LOST AND FOUND A set of keys (home and car) were found last week near the intersection by McDonalds. If you think they can be yours, you can find them at the police station. MISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL adopt: 1st time mom & dad promise your baby a lifetime of love. Expenses paid. Ann & Scott. 1‑888‑872‑ 7152. (ucan) adopt‑devoted married loving couple long to adopt newborn. We promise a bright, loving, secure future. Expenses paid. Please call Michelle & Bob @ 1‑877‑328‑8296 www.ourfuturefamily. com (ucan) SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENE FITS. WIN or Pay Nothing! Start Your Application In Under 60 Seconds. Call Today! Contact Disability Group, Inc. Licensed Attorneys & BBB Accredited. Call 866‑580‑0947 (ucan) meeting singles right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 866‑710‑8123. (ucan) HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND DONATE your car, truck or boat to Heritage For The Blind. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 888‑738‑9869 (ucan) Pregnant? The Pregnancy Care Center 18 North 100 East Brigham City, Utah FREE Pregnancy Tests Safe, Caring, confidential information and advice. 723-0500 New Hours of Operation Monday 1-5 p.m. Wednesday 5-8:00 p.m. WANTED TO BUY Car Removal Cash for cars No title required 801-668-7222 Fraud Alert Be aware of what you are purchasing and to whom you are selling. The Box Elder County Sheriff’s Office suggests that if it is not local, you may want to check with local law enforcement as well as the Better Business Bureau to confirm if the offer is valid. Several Box Elder News Journal classified ad customers have received potentially fraudelent con-tacts recently for real estate rentals or to purchase vehicles or other items that are listed for sale. Be wise and be aware for fraud in any form. Visit the Federal Trade Commission web page WANTED TO BUY books wanted! i pay cash for old LDS and other books, also old photographs, papers, letters etc. Call 800‑ 823‑9124. need quick cash? got equity in your home or own it free and clear? Get cash while still owning your home! (435)225‑7070. HELP WANTED NOTICE The advertisements appearing in this column may or may not constitute offers of employment. Persons responding to these advertisements may be required to pay fees in advance for licensing, permits, dues, portfolios, registration, processing, or other services. Opportunities advertised in this column may require training at the expense of the applicant. No guarantee of job availability, implied or direct, is made by the publishers. wanted‑ all about u! Is looking to add a few good people to our team. Looking for self motivated, hard working, dedicated people in the area of spa or wellness modalities such as esthetics, nails & pedicures, massage therapists, foot zoners, emotional healers, etc. Call for more details‑ 435‑730‑ 0453, 435‑533‑4877. PERRY CITY ACCEPTING APPLICA TIONS POLICE OFFICER 1: $14.64 The City of Perry is accepting applications for a part‑time Police Officer. Must have POST Cat. 1 Certification and successfully pass pre‑employment testing, background check, interviews, and drug screening. Perry City offers competitive benefits including: • Retirement • 401‑k • Health Insurance • Dental Insurance. Applications and detailed job descrip‑ tions are available at the Perry City Offices‑ 3005 South 1200 West Perry, UT 84302. To apply, submit an application and resume to Human Resources at the above address. Posting closes at 5:00p.m., April 4, 2012. EOE M/F/D/V. 16 Wednesday, March 28, 2012 CAXCA HELP WANTED DRIVERS: NO EXPERIENCE? Class a Driver Training. We train and Employ! New pay increases coming soon. Expe rienced drivers also needed! Central Refrigerated 877‑369‑7092 www.cen (ucan) seeking an experienced dental assistant for an energetic, fast‑ paced, fun‑filled environment. Please email a resume to: smiles@perrysmile. com. Invitation to Bid. The North western Band of the Shoshone Nation Housing Authority Is requesting bids for Weekly Yard Care in the Ogden City, UT area. Work will consist of mowing, trimming, weed removal, fertilizing, trash clean up, cleaning of common living areas and front yards of homes, also the back yards of elderly and handicapped tenants, and disposal of trash to dumpsters or trash cans provided in Housing owned subdivisions and properties on a weekly basis. This is a seasonal contracted labor position and will begin April 16, 2012 through Nov 1, 2012 and is subject to renewal. Experience in sprinkler repair and/or use of your own equipment is a plus. Native American Preference will be given priority. Northwestern Band of the Shoshone Nation Tribal members are encouraged to apply. Those interested must provide proof of the following: 1. A current Weber County Business License; 2.A current Liability Insurance policy; 3.A valid Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number; 4. Proof of right to work in Utah. Bids: may be submitted via US Mail or email at the addresses below. Bids will close Friday April 13, 2012. Those with questions may contact: Jon D Warner Executive Director. Telephone: (435) 723‑3013 Mon to Fri 10 am to 4 pm Email: jondsho@yahoo. com Or mail us at: NWBSN Housing Authority, 707 North Main, Brigham City, UT 84302. weed foreman: box Elder County has a job for a seasonal Weed Foreman at the County Weed Dept. The job will last approximately six months depending on weather conditions. Duties include assisting in the countywide noxious weed control program designed to prevent and control noxious weeds within Box Elder County. Applicant must 1) a High School Graduate with a minimum of two years experience with weed control program; have experience as a supervisor; have a Utah Applicators License for Herbicides and must have a Utah Commercial Drivers License with hazmat endorsement. Interested par ties may obtain an application from the Personnel Office at the County Court house in Brigham City or at our website Closing date for accepting applications will be March 30, 2012 at 5 p.m. DRIVER‑ FLEXIBLE HOMETIME! Up to $.42/mile plus $.02/mile quarterly safety bonus‑Daily pay‑New trucks‑ CDL‑A, 3 months recent experience required. 800‑414‑9569 AIRLINES ARE HIRING ‑ train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified ‑ Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance. 888‑ 886‑7318 (ucan) open your heart and home to a child in need. Become a foster family, $750 to $2250 per month with a $500 placement bonus ‑ tax free! Youthtrack ‑ Utah, 855‑883‑9370 ext. 13, toll free. FOR RENT OR LEASE “All real estate advertise herein is subject to Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limition, or discrimination. “We will not knowlingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.” To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. For the Washington, DC area please call HUD at 275-9200. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. New 4bd 3bth triplex, big fami ly/game room, A/C, fenced yard, secu rity alarm. Come by and see 355 North 100 West Brigham City. Donna 801‑885‑2783. newly painted duplex at 615 South 500 East, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, fenced backyard, large washroom, $450/ month. 435‑720‑1312. new large 2‑bedroom apart ment/Brigham City.Lots of storage, W/D hookups, carport, walk‑in closet. $595/month plus deposit. NS/NP. 435‑ 760‑3674. Apple Tree Apartments is now taking applications for 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apts. Subsidized by Rural Development Call 734-2632 TDD/TTY 1-800-346-4128 facing foreclosure? save your credit! I’ll buy your house or make your payments! Will close quickly? No commissions! No pressure! 435‑225‑7070. www.cash4utahhomes. com. nice one‑bedroom apartment, off‑street parking. Includes gas (heat and hot water). Some storage area. N/S, N/P, $425/month, $425 deposit, 1‑year lease. 129 North 100 East, Apt. A. Call Jeff @ 435‑893‑1170, 435‑723‑2190. Storage Space Available 10’x13’ and 10’x27’ 925 West 1075 South 435-720-0911 or 435-723-1152 lovely 2‑bedroom apartment, $395/month, N/S, N/P. 435‑734‑2047 After 5p.m. call 435‑730‑4441. 2‑bedroom apartment, $500/ month, $250 deposit. Laundry facilities, animals welcome. 435‑720‑ 0285. 2 bedroom, 1 bath APARTMENT New carpet, new paint, great location. N/S, N/P, $475mo. 1 year lease. 435‑ 512‑1309. FOR RENT OR LEASE FOR RENT OR LEASE Why rent when you can own? Want to own a home, but can’t qualify today? We can help! Call 435‑553‑ 4748 or visit us at www.homeinvest move‑in special extra large apart ment, 3‑bedroom, 3‑bath, $640/month, NS, 435‑730‑3905. 20 minutes from Brigham, easy access. fully furnished 2 bedroom apartment, all utilities paid including cable. All linens, dishes, appliances, and furniture needed for a short/long term stay. No lease. NS/NP. 435‑730‑0824. willard 2 bd basement APT‑ $650mo, includes utilities W/D hookups N/P. 801‑458‑7962. 2‑bedroom apartment, close to town, W/D hookups, $600/month includes heat and utilities. Contact Don at 435‑225‑3778. large 2‑bedroom apartments & townhomes available now. Some apartments allow pets and outside smoking. Ask about our move‑in specials. 435‑730‑0824. Brigham City basement apartment for rent. 1200 sq.ft., 2 bedroom, 1 bath, large living, kitchen. $650/month includes utilities. NP, NS. 435-730-2710. Need a place to store your treasures? nice 1 bedroom furnished apartment. Clean, attractive, all utilities paid. No pets, no smokers. 723‑2245. 1 bedroom apartment, $400/ month, $200 deposit, large living room, close to shopping. Call 435‑ 720‑0285. Looking for a place to live? Spacious 3bd duplex in HON EYVILLE‑ new paint, W/D hookups, N/S, N/P. $650mo. $500dep. 435‑720‑ 1008. 2 bedroom, 1 bath HOME ‑ garage, storage, great location, N/S, N/P, $625. mo. 1 year lease. 435‑512‑ 1309. large remodeled 1 bedroom apartment, main floor, dishwasher. In cludes heat, trash, cable TV, $445/month N/S, N/P. 435‑730‑6614. super affordable 2‑bedroom apartment, $425/month. Off‑street parking, storage shed, W/D hookups. Available immediately. N/S, N/P. 612 North 100 West. 435‑730‑0824. Crown Village Apartments located at 360 N 270 W in Tremonton has openings for 1, 2, & 3 bedrooms. 1st month rent incentive available! Program requirements: Must meet income qualifications. For information call Florence at Bear River Association of Governments 1-877772-7242, 435-752-7242. one and two bedroom apart ments, all utilities included except lights includes cable TV. Call 435‑723‑ 2605 after 4:30 p.m. double wide mobile home on 1/3 acre in rural Perry. 3BD, 2BTH, den. N/P, N/S. $650mo. $500dep. Available April 1st. Call 435‑225‑5466. newly remodeled 2bd, 1bth apartment. Washer/dryer included, free tv/internet. Small pets welcome $480/ mo. 435‑720‑1907. Storage Bay Rentals Call for availability and prices Gary Bywater 720-1941 Small home needs caring tenant. new paint, floor coverings, blinds. 2BD, 1BTH, W/D, covered patio. $550mo. 970‑433‑3738. ONE bedroom apartment, 145 West Forest Street. Laundromat in building, Available April 15. 435‑257‑ 7245 or 435‑279‑7742. new retail or office space, 2350 South Hwy 89, Perry, half mile south of Maddox. 1000 sq.ft./main plus 275 sq.ft./ upper level. $800/month. 801‑ 668‑5005. RV OUTSIDE STORAGE Locked & Lighted 435-279-6200 very nice 2‑bedroom brick home, dishwasher, W/D hookups, fenced yard, single car garage. No smokers. $625/ month. 435‑730‑6614. 2‑bedroom apartment‑new kitchen w/d hookups, dishwasher, cen tral air, all utilities paid, 129 N 100 W Brigham $575/month. plus deposit, Bob 435‑723‑2150. office space for lease at 704 South Main, Brigham, approx. 1200 sq. ft., $1000/month. Call Dale Bess 435‑ 237‑1040 or Noel 435‑730‑4441. REAL ESTATE ADS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE “All real estate advertised herein is subject to Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limition, or discrimination. “We will not knowlingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.” To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. For the Washington, DC area please call HUD at 275-9200. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. UPAXLP One Year Subscription Only $ 30 in B.E. County Perry UT - Priced to sell at $210,000. 2,740 sq. quiet neighborhood. Move in ready condition and many extra features throughout. See video online or call Adam Packer Brigham City - Priced to sell at $114,000. 1,760 sq. Nice Home, good condtion, large master bedroom. See video online or call Jeff Packer Corinne UT - Priced to sell at $169,900. 1,709 sq. wide open yard and a quiet setting. Large kitchen, spacious bedrooms and master suit. See Video online or call Adam APacker STORAGE BAYS FOR RENT. Several sizes available. Two locations - West Forest and 800 West. Call 435-494-1374 Conveniently located office building in downtown Brigham City where a financial company has been for the last 22 years, 1250 sq.ft. with both front and rear parking. Call Gary Bywater 435‑723‑8788 or 435‑720‑ 1941. Autoliv Human Resources Attn: Shirlene Leavitt 250 American Way, Brigham City, Utah 84302 E-mail: Equal Opportunity Employer NOTICE OF PERRY CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Perry City Council will hold, in the City Council Chambers at 3005 South 1200 West in Perry, a public hearing to receive public comment regarding Ordinance 12-C, which would restructure the pay and benefits of a certain statutory City officer; namely, the Police Chief. The public hearing, starting at approximately 7:10 p.m., will be held in conjunction with the regular Perry City Council meeting, which starts at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 12, 2012. All interested persons shall be given the opportunity to be heard. Written concerns are welcome. Any individual requiring auxiliary services should contact the City offices at least 3 days in advance (1-435-7236461). By: Susan K. Obray, City Recorder. March-28-April-4-c Brigham City - priced to sell at $157,400. 1,856 sq. Very clean home, open layout kitchen/dining/living area. See video online or call Adam Packer. for rent 2‑br home and 2‑BR apart ment, laundry hookups, AC, NS/NP. 435‑723‑5509, 730‑2711. Build an energy efficient home, 3+ bedrooms, and enjoy your own yard! Payments start at $580/ month; interest rates as low as 1% through the Mutual Self Help Housing Program! Contact Neighborhood Nonprofit Housing at 435-753-1112 or visit www.nnhc. net for more information. EHO To Place Your CLASSIFIED Thatcher UT- Priced to sell at $89,000 1,512 sq. Great house with an incredible view of the valley. Move in ready. See video online or Call Adam Packer Cna Wanted for private pay homecare. Part time only. Call 279‑ 9990 if interested. PAYING TOO MUCH FOR RENT & UTILITIES? Phone 723-3471 News Journal large 3‑bedroom apartment, new carpet, new paint, W/D hookups, large fenced backyard, shed. NS/NP, water paid. $695/month plus deposit. Call or text Julie 702‑280‑6821. 435-723-6362 - 435-730-5005 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PERRY CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that the Perry City Planning Commission will hold, in the City Council Chambers at 3005 South 1200 West in Perry, as part of its regular meeting (which starts at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 5, 2012), a public hearing to receive public comment concerning Ordinance 12-T, which would enact: (a) PMC Title 64 regarding regulations for Large Scale Utility Lines, Telecommunications Towers, and Related Structures; and (b) amendments to the Land Use Chart (PMC Chapter 45.20) to allow for said structures in certain zones. The public hearing will commence at approximately 7:05 p.m. Any individual requiring auxiliary services should contact the City offices at least 3 days in advance (1-435-723-6461). For other questions, please contact Codey Illum, Building Official, or Duncan Torr Murray, City Attorney/Acting Community Development Director. March-21-28-c FOR SALE BY OWNER‑ 3 BEDROOM, 1.5 BATH, ONE‑LEVEL HOME. A/C, newer furnace, roof and vinyl windows. $119,000. 435‑512‑ 1878. spacious 2‑bedroom apartment, large dining room, W/D hookups, off street parking. N/S, N/P, $485/month. 435‑730‑6614. 12’ x 30’ session, condition or encumbrances, including fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to pay the remaining principal sums of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust. The current beneficiary of the Trust Deed as of the date of this notice is: Bank of America, N.a., Successor By Merger To Bac Home Loans Servicing, Lp Fka Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, Lp. The record owner of the property as of the recording of the Notice of Default is/are: Arliss Scott and Ronnie Scott. Dated: March 14, 2012. Law offices Of James H. Woodall, Pllc 10808 River Front Parkway, Suite 175 South Jordan Ut 84095 (801)2549450 (800)245-1886 (Hotline) Hours: 9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Signature/by: Law offices Of James H. Woodall, Pllc R-406072 03/14/12, 03/21/12, 03/28/12 March-14-21-28-c 3 bedroom, 1 bath apartment, W/D hookups, N/P, smoking allowed outside. $495/month, $400 deposit (will work with you on deposit.) 435‑ 740‑4648 or 435‑730‑3999. drivers: no experience? Class A CDL Driver Training. We train and Employ! New pay increases coming soon. Experienced Drivers also Needed! Central Refrigerated 800‑993‑ 7483. Autoliv, Inc., the world's leading supplier of automotive safety and components systems, has immediate openings in the Brigham City facility for: AMT Production Lead Must be able to: • Directly work well with employees, management, and support personnel under the direction of area supervIsor. • Carry out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with and adhering to policies, procedures, and applicable laws. • Act as the primary trainer to ensure all team members are trained, understand and follow all policies and procedures. • Perfonn perfonnance appraisals and assist in rewarding and disciplining employees; addressing complaints, motivating employees, and resolving problems. • Must grasp continuous improvement and interact in cross-functional teams. • Ensure and assist in record keeping, including quality documentation, training records, and disciplinary action. • Must work well with other leaders in a team environment and provide effective and frequent communication, in all directions. • Must be flexible, including work schedule and work areas, be willing to learn and challenged. • Will be working on the production line with associates. • Must be able to perfonn the essential function of the production associates classification. • A demonstrated computer skill in Word, Lotus Notes, Excel and PowerPoint is required. Swing Shift $12.90 an hour plus 8% shift differential. High school diploma or general education degree (GEO) required; minimum of one year related experience and/or training; prefer three years experience in a manufacturing environment; or equivalent combination of education and experience. One-year of proven leadership responsibility required. Autoliv offers competitive salaries, comprehensive insurance coverage, 401 (k) plans, educational assistance after one year and many other exceptional benefits. Job is listed with Work Force Services, and LDS Services. You can send a resume to: UPAXLP NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE APN: 06-022-0007 Trust No. 133190407 Ref: Ronnie Scott TRA: notset Loan No. xxxx2596. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED August 26, 2004. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THIS PROCEEDING, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On April 17, 2012, at 12:15pm, Law offices Of James H. Woodall, Pllc, as duly appointed Trustee under a Deed of Trust recorded September 01, 2004, as Instrument No. 204489, in Book 903, Page 1074, of the Official Records in the office at the County Recorder of Box Elder County, State of Utah, executed by Arliss Scott, A Married Woman, will sell at public auction to highest bidder, payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale. Successful bidders must tender a deposit of $5,000 in certified funds to the trustee at the time of sale, with the balance due by noon the following business day, at the office of the Trustee. At the main entrance to the box elder county courthouse 43 North Main Street Brigham City Utah all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: Lot 2, block 1, plat c, fielding townsite survey, Box Elder, county, Utah.. The street address and other common designation of the real property described above is purported to be: 277 West Main Fielding Ut 84311. Estimated Total Debt as of April 17, 2012 is $57,856.76. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, pos- i buy houses! No commission! No pressure! Quick close. 435‑225‑7070, HELP WANTED STORAGE BAYS FOR RENT PUBLIC NOTICE “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” one bedroom apartment plus office, $440/month includes heat, water, trash, TV service. NS/NP. 435‑225‑ 2466. 2‑bedroom, 1 bath apartment in Honeyville, N/S, N/P, comes with washer & dryer. $375/month plus deposit. First month’s rent free, 2544 West 7200 North. Call 435‑257‑5842 or 257‑4131. business owners if you need someone fast, place your classified ad in all 53 of Utah’s newspapers. The person you are looking for could be from out of town. The cost is only $163, for a 25 word ad and it reaches up to 340,000 people. All you do is call the Box Elder News Journal at 435‑723‑ 3471 for all the details. (Mention UCAN) You can order online PUBLIC NOTICE “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” Call 723-3471 Box Elder one bedroom home, fireplace, large family room, laundry room, dish washer, big garage, fenced yard. No smokers. Really great place. $575/month 435‑730‑6614. STORAGE BAY RENTALS Time for Winter Storage 11’ x 28’ Very Reasonable Rates (435) 723-1846 sit Vi Perry UT - Priced to sell at $149,900. 1,848 sq. Main oor living, double car garage with large shop. Call Kevin Packer Brigham City - Priced to sell at $152,900. 1,802 sq. Historic and Charming Brick home, excellent condition, many parts restored. See video online or call Jeff Packer Call/Txt 435-720-1960 Broker, CRB, CRS www. 38 Yrs. Experience Brigham City - Priced to sell at $220,000. 1,842 sq. Large open layout and vaulted ceilings. See video online or call Adam Packer Perry UT - Priced to sell at $259,000. 4,295 Perry UT - Priced to sell at $189,900. 2,754 sq. Lots of nished space. Lots of unnnished sq. NEW LISTING!! Fully nished up and downstairs. Additional built in’s throughout room to grow. Huge garage and nice yard. See video online or call Adam Packer house. Call Kevin Packer Brigham City - Priced to sell at $359,000. 4,350 sq. Large fully landscaped yard, with lots of garage space. See video online or call Jeff Packer Brigham City - Priced to sell at $189,000. 2,584 sq. Well cared for home with too many updates to list. See video online or call Jeff Packer Call/Txt 435-720-0422 Assoc. Broker Kevin Packer 31 Yrs. Experience Call/Txt 435-720-7333 Realtor, KOU www. 11 Yrs. Experience 17 Wednesday, March 28, 2012 PUBLIC NOTICE “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” UPAXLP Public Notice A vacancy in the Bear River City Council has occurred with the resignation of Council Member Matthew V. Checketts. Residents interested in serving in the position for the remaining twenty month term should submit a letter of interest to Town Clerk Carol Andreasen at PO Box 160, Bear River City, UT 84301 or in person at the Civic Center/City Office Building. The term of the position will be until January 2014. Letters of interest will be accepted until April 18, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. Names submitted will be considered at the Town Council meeting on May 2, 2012 beginning at 7:00 p.m. where a decision will be made on who will fill the position. Contact the City Office at 279-9047 with questions. March-28-c ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID 2012 STREET MAINTENANCE PROJECTS BRIGHAM CITY CORPORATION RECEIPTS OF BIDS: Sealed bids will be received at the office of Brigham City Corporation, 20 North Main Street, Brigham City, Utah until 2:00 p.m. on April 18, 2012, for the BRIGHAM CITY 2012 STREET MAINTENANCE PROJECTS. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The work includes approximately 2,515 s.f. of asphalt patch (small areas), 376 tons of level course, raising manholes, water valves and survey monuments to grade with concrete collars, 29,945 s.y. of Slag type chip & seal, 10,405 s.y. of Utelite type “C” chip & seal, 31,434 s.y. of regular gravel type “C” chip & seal and 13,343 s.y. of regular gravel type “A” chip & seal. All chip & seal to have a fog seal placed on top after sweeping. LOCATION OF WORK: The work is located on various streets throughout Brigham City. COMPLETION OF THE WORK: All work for Schedule A - the asphalt patching and level courses shall be completed by June 30, 2012. All work for Schedule B - the chip & seal cannot begin until July 1, 2012 and will need to be completed by August 15, 2012. OPENING OF BIDS: The bids will be publicly opened at 2:00 p.m. on April 18, 2012 at the Brigham City Offices, 20 North Main Street, Brigham City, Utah. OBTAINING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Contract Documents, including Drawings and Technical Specifications, may be obtained at the office of the Engineer, Jones and Associates, 1716 East 5600 South, South Ogden, Utah, and at the Brigham City Public Works Office, 980 West Forest Street, Brigham City, Utah; upon application and payment of a $30.00 non-refundable fee (checks payable to Jones and Associates). Plans will be available on Wednesday, March 28, 2012. BID SECURITY: Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid price payable to BRIGHAM CITY CORPORATION as a guarantee that the bidder, if his bid is accepted, will promptly execute the Contract, secure payment of worker’s compensation insurance PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” and furnish a satisfactory, faithful performance bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price, and a payment bond in the amount of one hundred (100%) of the contract price. WAITING PERIOD BEFORE AWARD: A waiting period of 30 calendar days from the date of opening of bids to award of contract may be required. Bidder’s shall assume full responsibility for and shall guarantee the bid price during this period and make certain the time period is stated in and does not restrict the proposal guarantee. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION: All questions relative to this project prior to the opening of bids, shall be directed to the Project Engineer. It shall be understood, however, that no specification interpretations will be made by telephone, nor will any “or equal” products be considered for approval prior to award of contract. OWNER’S RIGHTS RESERVED: The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive an informality in a bid, and to make awards in the interest of the Owner. Dated this March 23, 2012. By: Mary Kate Christensen, City Recorder Brigham City Corporation Published: Box Elder News & Journal: March 28th, April 4th, and April 11th, 2012. March-28-April 4-11-c a deposit of $5,000 in certified funds to the trustee at the time of sale, with the balance due by noon the following business day, at the office of the Trustee. At the main entrance to the box elder county courthouse 43 North Main Street Brigham City Utah all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: Parcel 1: beginning at a point 1126 feet west along section line and 33 feet north, from southeast corner of southwest quarter of section 1, township 11 north, range 3 west, salt lake meridian said point being on north right of way line of state highway, west along state highway right of way line 75 feet, north 134 feet, east 75 feet, south 134 feet to point of beginning. Parcel 2: beginning at a point 1126.0 feet west and 167.0 feet north of southeast corner of southwest quarter of section 1, township 11 north, range 3 west, salt lake meridian, west 64.7 feet; north 86.0 feet, east 64.7 feet, south 86.0 feet to beginning. The street address and other common designation of the real property described above is purported to be: 1955 East Main Street Tremonton Ut 84337. Estimated Total Debt as of May 01, 2012 is $241,194.97. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, condition or encumbrances, including fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to pay the remaining principal sums of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust. The current beneficiary of the Trust Deed as of the date of this notice is: Gmac Mortgage, Llc. The record owner of the property as of the recording of the Notice of Default is/ are: Brittani Peterson. Dated: March 28, 2012. Law offices Of James H. Woodall, Pllc 10808 River Front Parkway, Suite 175 South Jordan Ut 84095 (801)2549450 (800)245-1886 (Hotline) Hours: 9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Signature/by: Law offices Of James H. Woodall, Pllc R-406329 03/28/12, 04/04/12, 04/11/12 March-28-April-4-11-c NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS PERRY CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that the Perry City Planning Commission will hold, in the City Council Chambers at 3005 South 1200 West in Perry, as part of its regular meeting (which starts at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 5, 2012), public hearings to receive public comment regarding three subdivision plats: (1) a Lot Line Adjustment for Casey Crossman, at approximately 1900 South and 50 West (the proposed lot line adjustment adjusts the lot line between Parcel Numbers 03220-0045 and 03-159-0135, totaling approximately 7.4 acres); (2) a Subdivision Amendment to Lot 1 of Hansen Subdivision, at 1195 West 2450 South (the proposed Subdivision Amendment divides Lot 1, Parcel Number 03-206-0001, into Lots 1 and 4, creating one new lot, Lot 4, with 10,000 sq. ft., on the southeast corner of 1200 West and 2450 South); and (3) Hargis Hill Subdivision, a new subdivision consisting of 6 lots of 1.00 to 1.21 acres each, on the west side of Hargis Hill Road (at approx. 3750 to 3900 South), immediately adjacent to the north corporate limits of Willard City, including portions of parcel numbers 02038-0005, 02-038-0010, 02-038-0061, and/or 02-038-0062. The public hearings will commence at approximately 7:05 p.m. Any individual requiring auxiliary services should contact the City offices at least 3 days in advance (1-435-7236461). For other questions, please contact Codey Illum, Building Official, or Duncan Torr Murray, City Attorney/Acting Community Development Director. March-28-April-4-c NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE APN: 05-163-0050 Trust No. 134767307 Ref: Brittani Peterson TRA: notset Loan No. xxxxxx3909. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED January 22, 2009. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THIS PROCEEDING, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On May 01, 2012, at 12:15pm, Law offices Of James H. Woodall, Pllc, as duly appointed Trustee under a Deed of Trust recorded January 28, 2009, as Instrument No. 273358, in Book 1077, Page 486-495, of the Official Records in the office at the County Recorder of Box Elder County, State of Utah, executed by Brittani Peterson, will sell at public auction to highest bidder, payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale. Successful bidders must tender NOTICE A Notice of Intent for the following project submitted in accordance with §R307-401-1, Utah Administrative Code (UAC), has been received for consideration by the Executive Secretary, Utah Air Quality Board: Company Name: CMC Southern Post Utah Location: CMC Southern Post Utah: Steel Post Manufacturing Plant – 920 West 600 South, Brigham City, UT, Box Elder County Project Description: CMC Southern Post Utah has requested a modification to its Approval Order (AO) to add a pyrolysis furnace to the existing approved equipment list and to include glycol ethers in the approved HAPs. The company operates a fence post production facility in Brigham City. The new pyrolysis furnace will be used periodically to burn off any dry paint that has accumulated on the hooks after being dipped in the paint tanks repeatedly. Glycol ethers was left out inadvertently in the previous modification. The company is located in Box Elder County. Box Elder County is a nonattainment area for PM2.5 and is an attainment area of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for all other pollutants. New Source Performance Standard (NSPS), National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) and Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) regulations do not apply to this source. Title V of the 1990 Clean Air Act does not apply to this source. The emissions, in tons per year, will change as follows: PM10 = +0.06, PM2.5 (subset of PM10) = +0.06, NOx = +0.12, SO2 = +0.01, CO = +0.22, VOC = +0.08. The emissions from the operations will result in the following, in tons per year, potential to emit totals: PM10 = 0.60, PM2.5 (subset of PM10) = 0.60, NOx = 1.92, SO2 = 0.02, CO = 1.82, VOC = 47.08. Total HAPs = 24.5, CO2 (e) (previously unidentified) = 2,450 tons per year. The completed engineering evalu- Center schedules April activities The Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point is always a highlight of April. Welcome spring this April and enjoy all the colors of the rainbow spread throughout nearly 100 different varieties of tulips during the annual Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival. Featuring 250,000 tulips spread throughout the 55-acre Thanksgiving Point Gardens, the Tulip Festival is an awe-inspiring sight that is redesigned each year to create a new display. We plan to take in the beauty on April 26, leaving the Center at 10 a.m. The cost is only $12 per person with lunch on your own at Chuck-arama following the tour. Reservations for Wendover opened on March 27. The trip sold out in two weeks last month, so hurry in to reserve your spot. Tickets are only $20 and include transportation, $5 cash back and a delicious buffet. Hearts for Home Health and Hospice is sponsoring April’s trip. They always make the trip a bit more fun. Stop in today. We will be Wii bowling with our peeps on Thursday, April 5, beginning at 10 a.m. The Youth Volunteers are out for Spring break and will be joining us. Marshmallow peeps will be awarded to those who get strikes and a grand prize Easter Basket will be awarded to the best overall score. Each year we head to St. George for three days of fun in the sun and two nights with the stars at Tuacahn. Plan to join us this year June 6 - 8 as we travel with Knight Tour and Cruises. The featured productions this year are the Tony-award winning musical Hairspray and one of the newest stage musicals, Disney’s Aladdin. Both of these productions are high energy performances that you don’t want to miss. The cost of $339/ dbl occupancy includes deluxe motor coach transportation, two night’s hotel accommodations, two Tuacahn productions, five PUBLIC NOTICE “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” ation and air quality impact analysis showed that the proposed project meets the requirements of federal air quality regulations and the State air quality rules. The Executive Secretary intends to issue an AO pending a 30-day public comment period. The project proposal, estimate of the effect on local air quality and draft AO are available for public inspection and comment at the Utah Division of Air Quality, 195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84116. Written comments received by the Division at this same address on or before April 27, 2012 will be considered in making the final decision on the approval/disapproval of the proposed project. Email comments will also be accepted at mmaung@utah. gov. If anyone so requests to the Executive Secretary at the Division in writing within 15 days of publication of this notice, a hearing will be held in accordance with R307-401-7, UAC. Date of Notice: March 28, 2012 March-28-c UPAXLP meals, fun activities and a surprise concert. Reservation forms are available from Gary Baron. This is the first year that Taste of Home Cooking School has agreed to come to the Top of Utah for a Spring show, We are going to show our support! This is always a fun evening of learning new recipes, ideas and cooking techniques. Dozens of prizes are given away during the show. Don’t miss out! This event is held at the Dee Events Center in Ogden on April 24. Our bus will leave at 5:30 p.m. The cost is only $10. AARP tax preparers are at the Center each Monday through April 16th to prepare your taxes. These IRS certified volunteers provide free tax counseling and preparation services to low- and middle-income taxpayers, with special attention to those ages 60 and older. They can prepare both your Federal and State tax return and are e-filing. Please call the Center at 226-1450 to schedule you appointment today. If you are new to Medicare or having problems with your program, Nancy and Vickie are ready and willing to assist you. If your monthly income is not more than $1,396 for singles ($1,891 for couples) and your assets are not more than $13,070 for singles ($26,120 for couples), you may be eligible for Extra Help, a federal program that helps you pay some or most of the costs of Medicare prescription drug coverage (Part D). Assets include such things as bank accounts, stocks, and bonds – they don’t count the home that you live in or any cars. Call 226-1450 to schedule an appointment. Senior Transit is providing transportation Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This service provides transportation for the elderly and disabled in the outlying communities and those who are unable to use UTA’s LIFT. An application must be completed prior to service. There is a suggested $2 donation. Call 226-1456 for more information. Lunch Thursday, March 29 - Shrimp Pasta Salad, Fresh Veggies/Dip, Oat Bran Muffin, Citrus Fruit Cup, Cookie. Friday, March 30 - Roast Beef (Fish Choice), Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Key Largo Vegetable, Whole Wheat Roll, Tossed Salad/Black Beans, Fruit Pie. Monday, April 2 - Chicken Pot Pie, Pickled Beets, Cottage Cheese/Pear Salad, Whole Wheat Roll, Fresh Fruit. Tuesday, April 3 - Hamburger Noodle Bake, Green/Wax Bean Blend, Tossed Salad/White Beans, Biscuit, Cook’s Choice Dessert. Wednesday, April 4 - Meat Loaf, Mashed potatoes/Gravy, Mixed Vegetable, Biscuit, Fruited Cole Slaw, Cake and Ice Cream. Brigham City Senior Center 24 North 300 West Open Monday – Friday 7:305:00; Meals on Wheels call Vickie 226-1455; Trip Information – Gary B 226-1453; Volunteer – Rocheal 226-1454; Transportation – Gary W 226-1456; Nancy 226-1451; Iantha 226-1452; Maxine 226-1458. Thursday, March 29 Oil Painting 9:30 Commodities 9:30 Lunch 12:00 Yoga 4:00 Friday, March 30 Sit and Be Fit 10:00 Open Ceramics 10:00 Lunch 12:00 Silver Chimers 1:00 Monday, April 2 Bunka Japanese Embroidery 9:00 Kelly Warren and his guitar 11:3-1:00 Lunch 12:00 AARP Taxes by appt 12:005:00 Line Dance 1:00 Tuesday, April 3 Water Color 9:45 Spanish 10:00 Zumba Gold 10:00 Movie and Lunch 12:00 Lunch 12:00 Beginning Ceramics 1:00 Yoga 4:00 Wednesday, April 4 Tap Dance 9:00 Sit and Be Fit 10:00 Bead Class 10:30 Lunch 12:00 Birthday Party 12:30 Foot Clinic by Appt 12:30 Line Dance 1:00 Crystal Hot Springs 1:15 Our Communities: Honeyville Deadline for dog licenses nears By Ellen Cook Correspondent 279-8270 Remember that March 31, is the deadline to renew dog licenses and proof of rabies vaccination is required. can be purchased from City offices, either by mail or in person. Licenses are $8 for altered animals and $13 for unaltered animals. Starting April 1, those fees for licensing dogs will double. Forty- two Gotta Dance clogging students competed over the weekend at the Thanksgiving Point Clog competition in Lehi. The dancers were judged by level on technique, style and delivery of choreography and competed against other studios from all over the Western United States. Out of the nine teams from Gotta Dance who attended the competition, eight brought home first place awards. For two of the teams, the winning didn’t stop there. The Gotta Dance Mini Miss and Junior teams brought home the coveted All-Around trophy. This award is given to only the top five highest scoring teams from that category. Each level had between 20-30 teams competing for the title. The seven young ladies who competed on the Mini Miss dance team are: Malorie Bingham, Breein Call, Macey Gardner, Ashlyn Weyand, Ruth Woods, Gracie Hales and Brooklyn Bennett. The Juniors dance team included: Anna Larson, Tori Wanner, Cambry Bently, Breklyn Call, Tiffany Hortin, Abby Taylor and McKenzie Sorenson. All choreography is done by Gotta Dance’s owner, Emily Bingham, whose studio is located in Honeyville. T-Ball signup begin April and run through April 25. Cost is $22, which pays for team and individual picture, T-shirt, awards and equipment. Games begin May 9, and will be played every Wednesday until June 27. The final banquet will be that last day at the Bear River City Park. Signups can be done at Lainie’s Store in Honeyville or at the Bear River City Town Hall. Sign up by phone by calling Emily Bingham (279-8391) or Jerilyn Port (2798917). If parents are interested in helping coach a team, contact Bingham in Honeyville or Port in Bear River City. Elder Dain Christensen, son of Shaun and Katie Christensen, has returned from missionary service. He spoke in the Honeyville Third Ward Sacrament meeting on Sunday. Welcome home. Welcome to the Beagly family who have purchased the Siket home. Justice Court Brad Bacher, 08/16/1970, Brigham City UT. Plead guilty to open container and expired registration. Sentenced as follows: Pay a fine of $140.00.
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