experts - Box Elder News Journal
experts - Box Elder News Journal
Boxholder LOCAL Volume 35 Number 39 Brigham City, Utah Wednesday Morning September 26, 2012 8 Pages (435) 723-3471 CAR-RT Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Brigham City, Utah Permit No. 1 LOAN EXPERTS in Box Elder County Robert Z. Tashjian, MD, Orthopaedic Specialist Now Accepting Patients with Shoulder & Elbow Disorders in the Perry, Utah Region Commercial • Mortgage (435) 723-9313 Norm Fukui Eric Blanchard Rod Hunter Dr. Tashjian is an orthopaedic surgeon at the University of Utah Orthopaedic Center, where he has practiced for over six years. He now expands his shoulder and elbow surgery practice to the Northern Utah Clinic in Perry, Utah, where he will join E. Marlowe Goble, M.D. Together with Dr. Goble, an orthopaedic surgeon and knee expert, they are bringing the best in orthopaedic care to Perry, Utah. Dr. Tashjian will continue all his regular clinics evaluating patients with shoulder and elbow disorders at the University of Utah Orthopaedic Center every week as well as seeing patients the last Thursday of each month at the Perry, Utah location. The Northern Utah Clinic-The Lodge 1950 S. Hwy 89, Perry, Utah Appointments: 435-723-0540 or 888-587-7109 Medical Assistance: 801-587-7158 I can help you protect your boat and everyone you tow. All for about $24 a month. From inboards to outboards, jet skis to pontoons, no one protects boaters like Allstate. Are you in Good Hands? CHRISTIE J JUBER (435) 723 1817 One Year Subscription Only 30 $ in B.E. County 156 NORTH MAIN BRIGHAM CITY Call 723-3471 Box Elder News Journal Call or stop by for a free quote. B O AT I N S U R A N C E Actual costs will vary and may depend on coverages selected. Subject to availability and qualifications. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Northbrook, IL. © 2010 Allstate Insurance Company 2 Wednesday, September 26, 2012 One Year Subscription Only 30 $ in B.E. County Call 723-3471 Box Elder News Journal LOAN EXPERTS in Box Elder County Commercial • Mortgage (435) 723-9313 Norm Fukui Eric Blanchard Rod Hunter Wednesday, September 26, 2012 3 Display Ad Deadline MUSIC THEATRE WEST PRESENTS Display Ads . . . 12 NOON Friday Rodgers & Hammerstein’s The KING and I prior to publication Classifieds Ads . . . 12 noon Monday prior to publication Your best advertising buy . . . Music by Richard Rodgers Book & Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II Based on “Anna and the King of Siam” by Margaret Landon Original Choreography by Jerome Robbins Box Elder News Journal 55 S. 100 West 723-3471 Starring Brigham City native Jay Richards as the King of Siam OCTOBER 11-16 ELLEN ECCLES THEATRE TICKETS CALL: (435) 752-0026 A Very Big Thank-you to Our Clients. When You’re Happy, We’re Happy. We’re pleased to announce that Edward Jones has been ranked “Highest in Investor Satisfaction with Full Service Brokerage Firms” according to the J.D. Power and Associates 2012 Full Service Investor Satisfaction StudySM. We’ve always believed our way of doing business made sense for our clients. It seems they agree. Edward Jones received the highest numerical score among full service brokerage firms in the proprietary J.D. Power and Associates 2012 Full Service Investor Satisfaction StudySM. Study based on responses from 4,401 investors measuring 16 investment firms and measures opinions of investors who used full-service investment institutions. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of consumers surveyed in February, 2012. Your experiences may vary. Visit Call or visit your local Edward Jones financial advisor today. Ken F Kennedy, CFP® Tyler N Anderson, AAMS® . . Financial Advisor 164 N Main Street Brigham City, UT 84302 435-723-5555 Financial Advisor 50 W Forest St Suite 105 Brigham City, UT 84302 435-723-3723 Member SIPC 4 Wednesday, September 26, 2012 Missing tooth or loose dentures? Dental implants may be your solution. Dental Implants 995 00 $ CAPITOL A Twin Theatre - 53 So. Main, Brigham - 723-3113. Adults in evenings $6.50. Matinees, Children and Senior Citizens $4.50. $4.50 bargain night Tuesday night. ★ Special Engagement: No Passes or Discount Tickets Permitted. Open Sunday thru Friday 3:45 and open Saturday 11:30 for Matinees. One Year Subscription Only 30 $ in B.E. County Call 723-3471 (435) 734-9144 Some Restrictions May Apply Box Elder News Journal Free Community Health Fair • Screenings:BloodPressure,Cholesterol,Diabetes,BodyMass,BoneDensity,Vision,Footandmore • “AskAPharmacist”–talkwithourpharmacistaboutyourmedicationquestions • “AskATherapist”–talkwithourphysicaltherapistaboutyourexercise/healthquestions • Prizes,Prizes,Prizes Saturday, October 6 • 9 am to noon Utah State University Brigham City Campus 185 West, 1100 South, Milton P. Miller Bldg., Brigham City, UT Free Information! Learn more about a variety of important health topics •NutritionInformation •StrokeEducation •HealthyHeart •BreastCancer •ImagingInformation •ImmunizationInformation •Oximetry(bloodoxygen) testing •ImmunizationInformation •Joinourh2uGroup attheFair FREEbloodscreeningfor allnewh2umembers Over 25 local, state and physician groups also participating! Don’tforgetthechildren •First100Childrenwill receiveaFREEbike Helmet •Children’sIDKits •Children’sScreening •FacePainting •Clown NotBigger.JustBetter. 950S.MedicalDr.,BrighamCity,UT84302•435.734.9471• WALKER CINEMAS 8 PHONE 723-6661 Open Sunday through Friday at 3:45 p.m. Open Saturday 11:30 for Matinees. $5.00 All Shows Before 6 p.m. $7.00 Adults in Evenings $5.00 Children and Seniors anytime. H Special Engagement No Passes, Discount Tickets, or $5.00 Tues. Bargain Night not permitted. $2.00 SURCHARGE ON ALL 3-D ENGAGEMENTS. 5 Wednesday, September 26, 2012 To Place an AD just call: 723-3471 Or visit us on the web: Classified ads must be paid for in advance, (cash, check, credit card or money order) WORD CLASSIFIEDS: $7 for 20 words plus 15 cents for each additional word per publication. Discounts may apply. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS: $10.50 per column inch. LEGAL ADS: 90 cents a line. DEADLINE: Monday at noon, unless Monday is a holiday, in which case it’s Friday at noon prior to the holiday. Box Elder News Journal PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 55 S. 100 West, Brigham City UT, 84302 | MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 370, Brigham City UT, 84302 CAXCA MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE YARD SALES SERVICES OFFERED SERVICES OFFERED Highspeed Internet EVERYWHERE By Satellite! Speeds up to 12mbps! (200x faster than dial‑up.) Starting at $49.95/ mo. Call now & go fast! 1‑866‑688‑3525 (ucan) HEAVY DUTY FOLDING WHEELCHAIR, like new, removable foot rest. Also has oxygen tank holder $300 435‑723‑9688. YARD SALE Saturday, SEPTEMBER 29, 9AM. 280 West 2400 South, Perry. Down sizing, lots of everything. The landscape detailer‑Fall clean‑Up, property maintenance, raking, pruning, trimming shrubs/hedges, trees topped, yard work, mowing and edging, hauling, all types. Jobs large or small. Free estimates. 435‑723‑7829. affordable repairs & remodel ing, custom carpentry, doors, tile, vinyl windows, concrete, excavation & plumbing repairs. Over 25 years experience, licensed Handyman, insured & references available. Call Gary 435‑720‑ 1914 . WINDOW CLEANING Time to clean out your flower beds and trim your bushes and trees. 435‑458‑3405 or 435‑279‑7393. are you a senior in need of assis tance and/or overwhelmed caregiver? We offer in‑home assistance. Call AL i’S ANGELS for a free RN Evaluation. 27 years of Home Health experience. 435‑734‑2472 SAWMILLS FROM ONLY $3997.00‑ MAKE/SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill‑Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: 1‑800‑ 578‑1363 Ext.300N (ucan) bed, queen orthopedic mat tress set. New, still in plastic, $169. Will deliver 435‑792‑3133. a microfiber sofa/love, new still in plastic, $499. Call 435‑753‑1738. PROFLOWERS. Send Flowers for Every Occasion! Anniversary, Birthday, Just Because. Starting at just $19.99. Go to to receive an extra 20% off any order over $29.99 or Call 1‑877‑ 612‑7449 (ucan) METAL ROOF/WALL Panels, Pre‑ engineered Metal Buildings. Mill prices for sheeting coil are at a 4 year low. You get the savings. 17 Colors prime material, cut to your exact length. CO Building Systems 1‑800‑COBLDGS (ucan) SAVE 65 PERCENT & GET 2 FREE GIFTS when you order 100 Percent guaranteed, deliveredñto‑ the‑door Omaha Steaks‑Family Value Combo Now only $49.99. Order Today 1‑888‑ 301‑2712 use code 45393LXH or www. (ucan) READERS & MUSIC LOVERS. 100 Greatest Novels (audio books) only $99.00 (plus s h.) Includes MP3 Player & Accessories. BONUS: 50 Classical Music Works & Money Back Guarantee. Call Today! 1‑877‑358‑8964 (ucan) DISH Network. Starting at $19.99/month PLUS 30 Premium Movie Channels FREE for 3 Months! SAVE! & Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL ‑ 888‑485‑2321 (ucan) MANTIS DELUXE TILLER. NEW! Fast Start engine. Ships FREE. One‑Year Money‑Back Guarantee when you buy DIRECT. Call for the DVD and FREE Good Soil book! 888‑711‑6028 (ucan) used and reconditioned washers, electric and gas dryers, and refrigerators, used microwave hoods $25 & up, used ranges. All with warranty. Murphy’s Appliance and TV. 38 South Main, Brigham City, Utah, 435‑723‑7705. bed, king,orthopedic mattress and split box set. New, still in plastic, $275. 435‑792‑3133. Family Portrait Summer Specials Get your families together, share a session fee of Call and schedule your appt. today multi‑ family yard sale. Satur day, September 29 8 AM ‑ 2 PM 1013 Wildwood Drive. Clothes, furniture, appliances, etc. SHARI`S BERRIES ‑ Order Mouthwa tering Gifts for any occasion! 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Hand‑dipped berries from $19.99 plus s/h. SAVE 20% on qualifying gifts over $29! Visit or Call 1‑888‑ 691‑8556 (ucan) MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE, Saturday, September 29, 8AM‑12PM. 662 South 700 West, Brigham. ACCELLER‑ SAVE ON SAVE on Cable TV‑Internet‑Digital Phone. Packages start at $89.99/mo (for 12 months.) Options from ALL major service providers. Call Acceller today to learn more! CALL 1‑866‑931‑2499 (ucan) YARD SALE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. 8 am ‑12 815 South 400 East. AUTOS FOR SALE 1992 Chevy 350 V8 automatic, 4 wheel drive, 159,000 miles. Transmission rebuilt in 2010. $3200 obo. 435‑ 744‑2284. cold hard cash for your clunkers, abandoned, junked, and wrecked vehicles. Free pick up. 801‑ 529‑5139. 1975 FORD PICKUP 3/4 ton, 4 wheel drive. $1,200 o.b.o. Call Don 435‑237‑ 9353. 1996 chevy 4x4 3500 CREW CAB. 4 door, long bed, 1 ton, 454 gas engine. 185,000 miles, new front brakes and rotors, great truck. $3500 obo Brad 801‑647‑8702. YARD SALES huge! huge! huge garage SALE! Too many items to list. Saturday, September 29. 8 am 437 North 400 East. yard sale, MORE INSIDE. 320 South 200 East, Saturday, September 29. 9 AM ‑ 1 PM. Just received pots n’ pans, small appliances, cutlery, blankets and bedding, collectibles. Shoes, infant to plus clothing at 50‑cents. Electronics, furniture, guy stuff, vintage, fabrics and notions. New scrapbook, card and craft items. Presbyterian Thrifty Sale. YARD SALE, Saturday, September 29, 9AM‑1PM. 926 East 350 South, Brigham. Clothes, scrapbook items, toys, household and misc items. GARAGE SALE‑ Saturday, Septem ber 29. 8 am ‑ Noon. 306 North 200 West. Organ, dishes, Mary Kay products, Stampin’ Up stamps, 11”x14” tile‑ like pictures of The First Vision, antiques and a whole lot more. yard sale ‑ Saturday September 29. 8 AM ‑ Noon, 979 Wildwood Drive. $50.00 (each family can order separately) Yamaha portable electric key board/piano, in excellent condition. $80 435‑723‑9688. YARD SALE Saturday september 29. 7 am ‑ 1 pm Baby items, tools, electrical. 45 South 600 West. CRAFT FAIR – Halloween and Christmas. Friday September 28, and Saturday, September 29, 9AM‑3PM 2555 West 7100 North, Honeyville. Professional Window Cleaning, Tilling, Yard Care, Handyman, Rain Gutter Repair Mutli family yard sale, Saturday, 29th, 7:30 a.m. 965 West 700 South, Furniture, household items, baby items, lawn furniture, nice refurbished lamps. 435-695-3739 Saturday, 8AM‑12PM 645 South 800 West, Brigham. Unopened jigsaw puzzles, children and adult. Great Christmas and birthday gifts $1‑5. Cash only. SERVICES OFFERED carpet and vinyl installation & sales. Repairs & restretches. Call Gary Nebeker 435‑723‑5834. professional piano teacher with masters degree has openings for piano students from beginner to advanced levels. Sharon Smith 435‑723‑ 7207. CONCRETE/EXCAVATION • DRIVEWAY TEAR OUT & REPLACE • Sports courts • PATIOS • STEP REPLACEMENT • SIDEWALK NEW/REPAIR • COLORED • STAMPED • EXPOSED Prepworks 730-6044 Rodney Wixom Painting 723-6072 435-237-1378 Sewer & Water Replacement Services Backhoe & Dump truck work: sewer, water lines and tree stump removal! Driveway removal, concrete work. No job too large or small. Call for free estimates benchMark Svcs Bathroom remodeling, specializing in cultured marble IFA COUNTRY STORES 241 S. 200 W. Tremonton, UT 84337 Phone: 435-257-5419 BOX ELDER MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT 115 South 1050 West, Brigham City, Utah 84302 The Box Elder Mosquito Abatement District in now accepting sealed bids on three (4) used 2011 Yamaha Big Bear 400 ATV’s , one 1997 Ford regular cab 4X4 Pickup and one 2001 PJ 5X8 Utility Trailer. Each vehicle will be sold separately. Sealed bids must be received at the District Office by 5 p.m. on October 10, 2012 and will be opened October 11, 2012. All bids must be submitted on a “Bid Submittal Form” obtained from the District office. The District reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. To obtain a form and inspect the vehicles you may contact the District office at 115 South 1050 West in Brigham City, or call (435) 723-3700 from 8 am to 4:00 pm. Child Care Resource & Referrals, Bridgerland • NEED help to locate child care? • WANT to become a child care provider? Free Service Call 800-670-1552 Serving Cache, Rich & Box Elder a joint project of DWS and USU www. Better Business Bureau of Utah Email: info@ Phone: 801-892-6009 Fax: 801-892-6002 5673 S. Redwood Rd., #22 Salt Lake City, Ut. 84123-5322 All art work, needle work. NANCI-AYN STUDIO J. McLaughlin 723-8746 Alex upholstery in utah. Call 435‑730‑0276. 20 years experience. Convertible tops, leather seats, carpets. Travel, storage covers, chairs, sofas. Repairs, full restorations. BIG Carpet: At BIG Carpet we can handle all your flooring needs. Why fight the Ogden traffic when you can get great prices & customer service close to home. You will also appreciate our installers who all have decades of experience. 1968 N 2000 W. Farr West 801‑675‑ 5975. T‑F 12‑6 & Sat 12 ‑ 5. Complete bankruptcy/credit repair. Stop garnishments and harassing creditor calls. Fast and reliable. I will cater to your needs. $350 801-446-8216 New Hope Crisis Center Domestic Violence Support Group Confidential - No Cost Meets 2nd & 4th Monday 6-7 p.m. 435 East 700 South – For more information call 723-5600 CREDIT CARD RELIEF Buried in Credit Card Debt? Over $10,000? We can get you out of debt quickly and save you thousands of dollars! Call CREDIT CARD RELIEF for your free consultation 1‑877‑881‑3269 (ucan) FREE GIVEAWAY 90% of the personal development industry is a scam. Learn how to protect yourself and access the real stuff. Call/ text for a FREE CD 435‑730‑ 2536. Over 20 years experience MATTING-FRAMING purchasing and to whom you are selling. The Box Elder County Sheriff’s Office suggests that if it is not local, you may want to check with local law enforcement as well as the Better Business Bureau to confirm if the offer is valid. Several Box Elder News Journal classified ad customers have received potentially fraudelent con-tacts recently for real estate rentals or to purchase vehicles or other items that are listed for sale. Be wise and be aware for fraud in any form. Visit the Federal Trade Commission web page FINANCES • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured Call 435-225-0550 435-734-9598 or 435-720-0237 Val Kotter & Sons, Inc. Pet Food & Supplies • Men’s Work Clothing Poultry, Horse, Lamb & Calf Feed • Fertilizers Lawn & Garden Supplies • Feeding Equipment Fencing • Batteries • Horse Tack • Animal Health Free pickup on unwanted appliances working or not Call 801-695-0185 Fraud Alert Be aware of what you are HERNANDEZ CONSTRUCTION INC. FARM NEEDS • Siding • Seamless Gutter • Roofing - New or recover • Shingle • Single Ply • Commercial and Residential Licensed and Insured 435-734-1970 435-730-4608 if you need feed for your animal visit the IFA Country Store in Tremonton. We have it all from horse, dog, lamb, pig, chicken, calf and rabbits. 241 S. 200 W. 435‑257‑5419. carpet and vinyl installation & sales. Repairs & restretches. Call Gary Nebeker 435‑723‑5834. PREMIUM PIGS FOR SALE! $200/each. Call Ron 435‑740‑0357. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Need fencing? see the IFA Country Store at 241 S. 200 W. Tremonton for T‑posts, field fence, corral gates, panels, barb wire and livestock equipm en, 435‑257‑5419. MISCELLANEOUS SCHOOLS AIRLINE CAREERS BECOME an Avia tion Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified ‑ Hous ing available. Job placement assistance. Call AIM 877‑460‑6894 (ucan) Burke Whitlock Phone: heating • ventilation • air conditioning • gas line 435-734-9631 Licensed and Insured • FREE Estimates 435-230-1165 RossCo Flooring Post Frame Buildings • Garages • Barns Sheds Licensed & Insured Call 435-257-7210 AUSTINS TREE SERVICE Tree Trimming Tree Removal Stump Grinding Senior Citizen Discount Call 801-773-2214 COLD CREEK CONCRETE “For all your flatwork needs” Licensed & Insured Concrete Contractor (435) 730-1268 Driveways, sidewalks, patios, steps & porches, RV pads, sports courts, colored & stamped • Carpet • Tile • Laminate • Hardwood Owner operated - 35 years installing experience 435-730-2710 CRB UNDERGROUND Trenchless Sewer & Waterlines Chad Braegger 801-644-8276 Free camera inspection with signed contract Computer Tune-up Virus update, scan, and removal Spyware scan and removal Tune-up of startup files Harddrive clean and defrag Speed-up recommendations $79 Save $20 48 South Main 435-723-5800 (Under the Brigham City Arch) 6 Wednesday, September 26, 2012 CAXCA WANTED TO BUY MISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL iOn MY SLEEP ATTENTION SLEEP APNEA SUFFERERS with Medicare. Get FREE CPAP Replacement Supplies at NO COST, plus FREE home delivery! Best of all, prevent red skin sores and bacterial infection! Call 888‑805‑ 4260 (ucan) Medical Alert for Seniors ‑ 24/7 monitoring. FREE Equipment. FREE Shipping. Nationwide Service. $29.95/ Month CALL Medical Guardian Today 866‑781‑5882. (ucan) HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND donate your car, truck or boat to Heritage For The Blind. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 888‑738‑ 9869 (ucan) iOn MY DIABETES ATTENTION DIA BETICS with Medicare. Get a FREE Talking Meter and diabetic testing sup plies at NO COST, plus FREE home delivery! Best of all, this meter elimi nates painful finger pricking! Call 866‑ 799‑4789 (ucan) PROGENE FEELING OLDER? Men lose the ability to produce testosterone as they age. Call 888‑691‑5762 for a FREE trial of Progene‑ All Natural Testosterone Supplement. (ucan) OVER 30 MILLION Woman Suffer From Hair Loss! Do you? If So We Have a Solution! Call Keranique to find out more. 888‑444‑5976. (ucan) SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENE FITS. WIN or Pay Nothing! Start Your Application In Under 60 Seconds. Call Today! Contact Disability Group, Inc. Licensed Attorneys & BBB Accredited. Call 866‑580‑0947 (ucan) Pregnant? The Pregnancy Care Center 18 North 100 East Brigham City, Utah FREE Pregnancy Tests Safe, Caring, confidential information and advice. 723-0500 New Hours of Operation Monday 1-5 p.m. Wednesday 5-8:00 p.m. WANTED TO BUY books wanted! i pay cash for old LDS and other books, also old pho tographs, papers, letters etc. Call 800‑ 823‑9124. need quick cash? got equity in your home or own it free and clear? Get cash while still owning your home! (435)225‑7070. WE PAY CASH now, NO WAITING for diabetic test strips. Call for info: Miles 801‑391‑9912. Car Removal Cash for cars No title required 801-668-7222 HELP WANTED TREMONTON WENDY’S IS accept ing applications for morning and day positions. To apply visit the Tremonton Wendy’s. Foster Parents Needed! $695‑ 2,083 possible per month. If interested plese call KT&T Foster Care at 801‑ 917‑4156. *Utah Residence ONLY*. Box Elder School District va cancy for head baseball coach. Box Elder High School coaching position only, not a teaching position. See complete posting at drivers: class a cdl Driver Train ing. NO EXPERIENCE? We train and employ! Experienced drivers also needed! Central Refrigerated 800‑993‑ 7483. that’s just so me Salon in Perry has openings for Nail Technicians. Full/ Part‑time available. Contact Cassie Bateman 435‑730‑0682. HELP WANTED FOR RENT OR LEASE NOTICE The advertisements appearing in this column may or may not constitute offers of employment. Persons responding to these advertisement may be required to pay fees in advance for licensing, permits, dues, portfolios, registration, processing, or other services. Opportunities advertised in this column may require training at the expense of the applicant. No guarantee of job availability, implied or direct, is made by the publishers. cdl driver needed class “A” with tanker. Oil field experience required. Call 435‑757‑0068. Drivers Wanted full time, part time or seasonal now to Christmas. Fed EX contractor needs team drivers, $300 Christmas bonus, up to 46¢ per mile, home weekends. Requires class “A” CDL with doubles endorsement. Minimum 1 year tractor and trailer ex perience. Doug 801‑510‑6077 or Lane 541‑272‑2985. DRIVER ‑ $0.01 INCREASE per mile af ter 6 months. Quarterly bonuses. Annual salary $45K to $60K. CDL‑A, 3 months current OTR exp. 800‑414‑ 9569 www. (ucan) Certified Nursing Assistant needed to work part time for a Home Health and Hospice Agency Please call Alison at 435‑915‑3424 or e‑ mail resume to apalmer@caregiversup Production associate positions available at Autoliv Brigham, Tremonton, and Promontory. All shifts. Competitive pay. Call 435-723-5179. business owners if you need someone fast, place your classified ad in all 53 of Utah’s newspapers. The person you are looking for could be from out of town. The cost is only $163, for a 25 word ad and it reaches up to 340,000 people. All you do is call the Box Elder News Journal at 435‑723‑3471. You can order online MEDICAL ASSISTANT - P/T posi- Cosmetology Instructor wanted. Instructors license or 2 years work experience needed. Call 435‑237‑9019. tion (20-25 hours per week) available at our Brigham City Clinic. Performs routine MA duties such as assisting providers w/ tray set-ups and exams, charting, obtaining vitals, ordering and preparing lab analyzes, assessing patients/training, calling in pharmacy orders, and stocking supplies. This position will also handle Front Desk responsibilities like patient greeting, check in, scheduling and telephone calls. Requires completion of a Certified Medical Assistant Training Program. Previous experience in a clinic setting, knowledge of triaging and Spanish/English bilingual skills are required. To apply: Fax Resume to 435-734-9761 or email An Equal Opportunity Employer “All real estate advertise herein is subject to Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limition, or discrimination. “We will not knowlingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.” To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. For the Washington, DC area please call HUD at 275-9200. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Looking for a place to live? possibly the nicest apts in town. including heat, trash, cable TV, DW, $445/ month NP/NS. Call 720‑ 2609, www. Moutainview Apartments (LOW INCOME HOUSING). 2 bedroom, with A/C, utilities included, available now. Apply at 679 South 200 East (rear) 435‑723‑2075, first come first serve. Equal Housing Opportunity. Storage Space Available 10’x13’ and 10’x27’ 925 West 1075 South 435-720-0911 or 435-723-1152 ONE bedroom apartment, 145 West Forest Street. Laundromat in building, 435‑257‑7245 or 435‑279‑ 7742. fully furnished 2 bedroom apartment, all utilities paid including cable. All linens, dishes, appliances, and furniture needed for a short/long term stay. No lease. NS/NP. 435‑730‑0824. brigham city office space for lease. Open area can be divided up. Best price. Call for information. 435‑ 512‑6539. Apple Tree Apartments is now taking applications for 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apts. Subsidized by Rural Development Call 734-2632 TDD/TTY 1-800-346-4128 For rent apartment with 4 bedrooms, full kitchen w/new appli ances. Living room with fireplace, 2 huge bathrooms. Great neighborhood. Pristine condition. $1,275. Includes utilities, cable, and internet. Call 435‑720‑ 1678. Currently Hiring OTR, Class A Drivers. Entry Level, Contractors & Company Drivers We have Steady Freight, CALL TODAY to find out the CPM you qualify for. All drivers w/ one year experience start at: .35¢ and go up to .42¢. Paid Orientation and Sign on Bonus. 1 . 8 0 1 . 5 4 6 . 1 7 3 3 • M a y T r u c k i n g . c o m e Ti m e t o Dr iv CPM you deserve! one and two bedroom apart ments, all utilities included except lights includes cable TV. Call 435‑723‑ 2605 after 4:30 p.m. one bedroom apartment for rent, $440/month. Heat, garbage, water and TV service included in rent. N/S, N/P. Call 435‑225‑2466. Need a place to store your treasures? Storage Bay Rentals Call for availability and prices Gary Bywater 720-1941 small one bedroom home $550 mo. ‑ $550 dep. N/S, N/P, utilities in cluded. 435‑225‑2236. newer townhome UNIT with garage, 2 bedroom, washer/dryer in cluded, water, sewer, and garbage in cluded. $725 /month. References re quired. NS/ND. For information call 435‑225‑0915. Nice two bedroom apart ment, new carpet throughout. Lots of storage space, air conditioned, quiet neighborhood. Very reasonable rent/ deposit. Phone 435‑723‑8960 435‑ 720‑0206. house for rent, 2585 North 4000 West, Corinne. 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen dining area, washer/dryer hookups, fridge, stove, dishwasher, swamp cooler, 2‑car garage. $850/month, $1000 security deposit. 435‑723‑5939 Blaine. RV OUTSIDE STORAGE Locked & Lighted 435-279-6200 move‑in special extra large apart ment, 3‑bedroom, 3‑bath, $640/month, NS, 435‑730‑3905. 20 minutes from Brigham, easy access. NEWLY REMODELED 4 bedroom 2 bath home, 424 East 100 South. No Smoking, No pets. Rent $975, Deposit $500 435‑723‑8692. 1 bedroom apartment for rent, close to town. $425 mo. N/P, heat included. Call Don 435‑225‑3778. Large 3‑bedroom townhouse 1‑1/2 bath, fenced back yard, central heat/air, W/D hook‑ups, dishwasher, stove, refrigerator. EZ freeway access. No pets, no smoking, $695mo. plus deposit, lease. 443 Westland Dr. Call 435‑720‑7464. Storage space or shop in Perry, approximately 1500 sq.ft. $220/month plus deposit. 435‑730‑5381. 3‑bedroom apartment, $600/ month, deposit $300. Large balcony, playground and close to shopping, 295 East 800 South, Brigham City. 425‑698‑0278. STORAGE BAY RENTALS Accessible Safe Storage 11’ x 28’ Very Reasonable Rates (435) 723-1846 Only 1,320 Sq Ft of Medical Office Space Remaining New State of the Art AOS Medical Office Building 1030 Medical Drive, Brigham City (Just south of Brigham City Community Hospital) Other Tenants Include Alpine Orthopaedic Specialists • Floor plan ideally suited for convenient easy living 960 W. Cotton Grove Drive, Brigham Cityroom on main floor - adjacent • Laundry to master bedroom/bath • Large Family Room adjacent to kitchen • 2,000 sq.ft. main floor (2.75 baths, 2 bedrooms) • 2,000 sq.ft. finished basement (1/2 bath, 2 bedrooms) • Double car garage • Low maintenance yard • Very nice, quiet neighborhood • No smoking • No pets Great Equipment, and the nice 1‑bedroom furnished apartment, clean, attractive. Small garage. All utilities paid. Non smokers, no pets. Credit check. 435‑723‑2245. STORAGE BAYS FOR RENT. Several sizes available. Two locations - West Forest and 800 West. Call 435-494-1374 Program Coordinator I – Little Brigham Aggies Early Care & Education Center AA/EOE clean, large 2 bedroom apart ment. Fridge, stove, swamp cooler, coin laundry, N/P $460 month. $450 dep. 675 South 300 East. Blaine 435‑ 723‑5939. Orthopaedic Therapy and Sports Performance 166 ASHE DR. BRIGAM CITY AVAILABLE BEGINNING OCT 1, 2012 Call 801-668-4939 for more information/walk through See (Req. ID 053419) for more information and to apply online. FOR RENT OR LEASE Tremonton apartment for rent. 1st month rent free. 2 bd/1.5 bath. No smoking, no pets. $425 rent plus deposit. 1675 West 100 North #A. 435‑257‑5842, 435‑257‑4131. FOR RENT – BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM HOME Responsible for the administration of the Little Brigham Aggies Early Care and Education Center (LBA). The position is responsible for the administration of a comprehensive, high-quality, inclusive, campus-based early childhood care and education center and the Natural Discovery Play Garden. Duties include; but are not limited to: child care accreditation procedures; fiscal management; supervision of staff, work study students, and volunteers; and center public relations and marketing. Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education or Child Development or Bachelor’s degree in a related field required, Master’s degree preferred. FOR RENT OR LEASE Contact Bob Doty 435-774-8549 Wednesday, September 26, 2012 PUBLIC NOTICE “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” UPAXLP Notice is hereby given that on September 29, 2012, at 9 a.m., the contents of the following storage units will be sold or disposed of, as per storage rental agreement, for delinquent payment of account. #9 Kristie Davis, Garland, UT Storage sheds are located in Tremonton. September-19-26-c BRIGHAM CITY ORDINANCE NO. 12-12 Notice is hereby given that on September 4, 2012, the Brigham City Council adopted Ordinance No. 12-12 amending Section 2.03.020 of the Brigham City Code to change the schedule of City Council meetings to eliminate meetings on the fifth Thursday of the month. A copy of the entire ordinance is available at the Office of the City Recorder, 20 North Main, Brigham City, during regular business hours. Published in the Box Elder News Journal September 26, 2012. September-26-c Auction to be held on September 29th at TLC Storage located at 925 West 1075 South, Brigham City, at 11:00 a.m. for non payment of rent by renters: #19 Matthew Wegehaupt; #25 Travis Averett; #43 Leslie Freda; #46 Kirsten Hill. September-19-26-c NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE APN: 03-091-0045 TRA: Trust No. 11-00544-8 Loan No. Ref: JARED DOMAN IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED April 28, 2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THIS PROCEEDING, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On October 16, 2012 at 12:15 p.m., James H. Woodall, as duly appointed Trustee under a Deed of Trust recorded May 12, 2006, as Entry No. 228275, in Book 962, Page 183, of the official records in the office at the County Recorder of BOX ELDER County, State of Utah executed by JARED FOR RENT OR LEASE 149 South 600 west, 3 bedroom apartment, air conditioning. N/S, N/P, $600/month plus deposit and back ground check. 435‑225‑2454. 2 bedroom, $500/month, private balcony, laundry facilities, playground, close to shopping, $250 deposit OAC, 295 East 800 South, Brigham City. 425‑698‑0278. 2‑bedroom mobile home, DW, air cooled, small yard, $375/month, 435‑720‑2609 or www.rentalsutah. com. Large one bedroom apartment‑ furnished, includes heat and water. N/P, N/S, N/D $425 month plus deposit 435‑723‑6289 or 435‑279‑ 8202. 7 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” DOMAN, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER, PAYABLE IN LAWFUL MONEY OF THE UNITED STATES AT THE TIME OF SALE. SUCCESSFUL BIDDERS MUST TENDER A DEPOSIT OF $20,000 IN CERTIFIED FUNDS TO THE TRUSTEE AT THE TIME OF SALE, WITH THE BALANCE DUE BY NOON THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY, AT THE OFFICE OF THE TRUSTEE. AT THE FRONT ENTRANCE OF THE BOX ELDER COUNTY DISTRICT COURT 43 NORTH MAIN STREET, BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: LOT 5, BLOCK 3, PARKINSON SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, RECORDS OF BOX ELDER COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. The street address and other common designation of the real property described above is purported to be: 457 Parkinson Drive, Brigham City, Utah 84302. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, condition, or encumbrances, including fees, charges, and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to pay the remaining principle sums of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust. The current beneficiary of the Trust Deed as of the date of this notice is DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR FIRST FRANKLIN MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2006FF11, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-FF11 The record owner of the property as of the recording of the Notice of Default is JARED DOMAN DATED: September 5, 2012 James H. Woodall 10808 River Front Parkway, Suite 175 South Jordan, Utah 84095 (801) 254-9450 Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Authorized Signature James H. Woodall, Trustee 09/12/12, 09/19/12, 09/26/12 R-418118 September-12-19-26-c Bidders must tender to the trustee a $20,000.00 deposit at the sale and the balance of the purchase price by 2:00 p.m. the day following the sale. Both the deposit and the balance must be paid to Lincoln Title Insurance Agency in the form of a wire transfer, cashier’s check or certified funds. Cash payments, personal checks or trust checks are not accepted. DATED: September 11, 2012. LINCOLN TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY by: Paula Maughan its: Vice President Telephone: (801) 476-0303 web site: SK File No. 11-1007 September-19-26-October-3-c Phone 723-3471 To Place Your CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE ADS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE “All real estate advertised herein is subject to Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limition, or discrimination. “We will not knowlingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.” To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. For the Washington, DC area please call HUD at 275-9200. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Why rent when you can own? Want to own a home, but can’t qualify today? We can help! Call 435‑553‑ 4748 or visit us at www.homeinvest i buy houses! No commission! No pressure! Quick close. 435‑225‑7070, BRIGHAM CITY PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Brigham City Council will hold a public hearing during the Brigham City Council Meeting on Thursday, October 4, 2012 at 7:00 PM to receive input on a complete revision and recodification of the ordinances of the City, entitled “The Code of the City of Brigham City, Utah” providing for the repeal of certain ordinances no longer included in the Code; updating references to the Utah State Code; updating City positions and responsibilities; including recent ordinance approved by the Council; and other minor clarifications and purposes as set forth in the recodification. A copy of the complete City Code being presented is available for review at the office of the City Recorder, 20 North Main, Brigham City or via email by contacting the City Recorder at Published September 26, 2012. September-26-c NOTICE OF PERRY CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Perry City Council will hold, in the City Council Chambers at 3005 South 1200 West in Perry, a public hearing to receive public comment regarding the allowed future use of Perry City’s “access road” from the “west frontage road” (parallel to Interstate-15) to the new Three Mile Creek Gun Range and other locations to the west. This public hearing, starting at approximately 7:10 p.m., will be held in conjunction with the Perry City Council meeting, which starts at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 27, 2012. Final action on this issue is likely to be taken later in the same meeting. All interested persons shall be given the opportunity to be heard. Written concerns are welcome. Any individual requiring auxiliary services should contact the City offices at least 3 days in advance (1-435-7236461). By: Susan K. Obray, City Recorder. September-26-c NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale, at the First District Courthouse, 43 North Main, Brigham City, Utah 84302, on October 23, 2012, at 1:00 p.m. of said day, for the purpose of foreclosing a trust deed dated January 24, 2003, and executed by GREGORY R. MOSER, as Trustor, in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR NEW FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORPORATION as Beneficiary, which Trust Deed was recorded on January 30, 2003, as Entry No. 177976, in Book 829, at Page 419, in the Official Records of Box Elder County, State of Utah covering real property purportedly located at 2445 South Hwy 89, Perry, Utah 84302 in Box Elder County, Utah, and more particularly described as: ALL OF LOT 1, SMITH ESTATES, PERRY CITY SURVEY, BOX ELDER COUNTY, UTAH, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF. LESS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1, THENCE SOUTH 72D28’30” EAST 141.22 FEET; THENCE NORTH 27D35’53” EAST 4 FEET; THENCE NORTH 74D3’52” WEST 141.974 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Tax ID: 02-065-0036 The current Beneficiary of the trust deed is UTAH HOUSING CORPORATION, and the record owner of the property as of the recording of the Notice of Default is GREGORY R. MOSER. INVITATION TO BID 1 USED PICKUP, 4 USED ATV’S AND 1 TRAILER FOR SALE BY SEALED BIDS The Box Elder Mosquito Abatement District (BEMAD) is accepting sealed bids on one used pick-up truck (1997 Ford 4X4, four used ATV’s (2011 Yamaha Big Bear 400’s), and one 2001 PJ 5x8 Utility Trailer. Each vehicle will be sold exclusively on an “as is” basis without warranty or guaranty, real or implied. Each vehicle will be sold separately. Bids must be received at the District office or mailing address by 5 p.m. on October 10, 2012. All bids must be submitted on a “Bid Submittal Form” obtained from the District and placed in a sealed envelope addressed as follows: BEMAD Truck (insert #L-40) or ATV (insert #39, #40, #41 or #42) or TRAILER 115 South 1050 West Brigham City, Utah 84302 The successful bidders, if any, will be determined on October 11, 2012 and will be notified thereafter. Others may call the District for the bid results. For bid forms, or to inspect the vehicles you may contact the District Office at 115 South 1050 West in Brigham City, or call (435) 723-3700, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The District reserves the right to refuse any or all bids received. September-26-October-3-c Advertisement for Bid FLAT BOTTOM CANYON WELL HOUSE - BRIGHAM CITY CORPORATION RECEIPT OF BIDS: Sealed bids will be received at the Brigham City Offices, 20 North Main Street, until 1:00 pm on October 9, 2012 for the FLAT BOTTOM CANYON WELL HOUSE PROJECT. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The work consists of the construction of a well house, well pump, PRV, associated piping and appurtenances for the Flat Bottom Canyon Well. LOCATION OF THE WORK: The work is located on the foothills east of Brigham City at about 100 North 1600 East. COMPLETION OF THE WORK: All work covered by the contract documents shall be completed within 120 calendar days following the Notice to Proceed. OPENING OF BIDS: The bids will be publicly opened at 1:00 pm on October 9, 2012 at the above mentioned Brigham City Offices, 20 North Main Street. OBTAINING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Contract Documents, including Drawings and Technical Specifications, may be obtained at the office of the Engineer: Jones and Associates, 1716 East 5600 South, South Ogden, Utah; or at the Brigham City Public Works Office, 980 West Forest Street, Brigham City, Utah; upon application and payment of a $30.00 non-refundable fee. BID SECURITY: Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid price payable to BRIGHAM CITY CORPORATION as a guarantee that the bidder, if his bid is accepted, will promptly execute the Contract, secure payment of worker’s compensation insurance and furnish a satisfactory, faithful performance bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price and a payment bond in the amount of one hundred (100%) of the contract price. WAITING PERIOD BEFORE Our Communities: Corinne Fiscal audit report good By Sandra Neff Correspondent 744-5513 be the way to increase the city’s coffers. He noted that these taxes have not been raised for eight years. The council agreed there Corinne City survived its needs to be a plan for the future. annual fiscal audit last week. Curtis Hansen reported there Mathew Regen praised both City was a need for a property deRecorder Kendra Norman and scription of the rail road ditch to Dayle Stimson, City Treasurer, enable a proper easement to be for their competency in money recorded. The council gave the matters. go-ahead for an engineers’ re Regen told the city council port. that the city had taken in more The north ditch has under than they spent and did well gone an improvement. In coin deciding where the monies operation with the city, Ferry’s would go. Cash management have agreed to clean and mainwas good along with the city’s tain the ditch for two years. This purchasing policy. arrangement may give the city Mayor Nimori thanked Retime to start to accumulate the gen for his advice and guidance $140,000 that will be needed in the management of the fiscal to pipe the mile long ditch, a matters of the city. greater amount than previously Following the auditor’s report, thought. Mayor Nimori asked if there were any projects that the city needs to plan for in the next few years. The council listed aging equipment, park development as items that may have to be met soon. Then he said “thinking not of Hyrum Fidler, 02/22/1994, us, but for those in the future” Garland UT. Plead guilty to unthere is a need for an emergen- lawful possession of alcohol. cy fund. Nimori suggested a Sentenced as follows: Pay a fine change in property taxes would of $523.00. 180 days jail with 169 days suspended. Undergo an alcohol/drug evaluation at a state PUBLIC NOTICE licensed agency. Probation for “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” at least 12 months. Supervised probation with PPSI. No similar AWARD: A waiting period of 30 calendar days from the date of opening of bids violations. No alcohol. No illegal to the award of contract may be required. drugs. Bidder’s shall assume full responsibility Joshua Alex Price, 06/13/1992, for and shall guarantee the bid price during this period and make certain the time Brigham City UT. Plead guilty to period is stated in and does not restrict unlawful consumption of alcothe proposal guarantee. hol. Sentenced as follows: Pay a PROJECT ADMINISTRATION: All questions relative to this project prior to fine of $423.00. 180 days jail with the opening of bids shall be directed to 180 days suspended. Undergo the Project Engineer. It shall be under- an alcohol evaluation at a state stood, however, that no specification interpretations will be made by telephone, licensed agency. Probation for nor will any “or equal” products be con- at least 12 months. Supervised sidered for approval prior to award of probation with PPSI. No similar contract. OWNER’S RIGHTS RESERVED: violations. No alcohol. No illegal The Owner reserves the right to reject drugs. any or all bids, to waive an informality Travis James Tabarez, in a bid, and to make awards in the inter11/18/1970, Brigham City UT. est of the Owner. Dated this 21st day of September, Plead guilty to disorderly con2012 duct and interfering with arrestBy: Mary Kate Christensen, City Recorder ing officer. Sentenced as follows: BRIGHAM CITY CORPORATION Pay a fine of $943.00. 180 days Published: September 26th & Octo- jail with 180 days suspended. ber 3rd 2012 September-26-October-3-c Undergo an alcohol/drug evaluation at a state licensed agency. Probation for at least 12 months. Supervised probation with NOTICE TO WATER USERS The application(s) below requesting PPSI. No similar violations. No an EXTENSION OF TIME WITHIN violence. No alcohol. No illegal WHICH TO SUBMIT PROOF OF BENEFICIAL USE have been filed with drugs. Justice Court the Division of Water Rights. It is represented that additional time is needed to place the water to beneficial use in Box Elder County. These are informal proceedings per Rule R655-6-2. Protests concerning an application must be legibly written or typed, contain the name and mailing address of the protesting party, STATE THE APPLICATION NUMBER PROTESTED, CITE REASONS FOR THE PROTEST, and REQUEST A HEARING, if desired. Also, A $15 FEE MUST BE INCLUDED FOR EACH APPLICATION PROTESTED. Protests must be filed with the Division of Water Rights, PO Box 146300, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6300, or by hand delivery to a Division office during normal business hours ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER 23, 2012. Please visit http://waterrights. or call (801)-538-7240 for additional information. EXTENSION(S) 29-2750 (A56780): Brigham City Corporation is/are filing an extension for 0.25 cfs. from the Unnamed spring (S. Edge of Indian School) for IRRIGATION; STOCKWATERING. Kent L. Jones, P.E. STATE ENGINEER Published in The Box Elder News Journal on SEPTEMBER 26 & OCTOBER 3, 2012. September-26-October-3-c UPAXLP Michael Dooley, 10/14/1949, Brigham City UT. Plead guilty to assault (dv). Sentenced as follows: Pay a fine of $650.00. 180 days jail with 165 days suspended. Probation for at least 12 months. Supervised probation with PPSI. No similar violations. Have psychological/anger management evaluation done and follow through on recommended counseling. John Sagez, 10/12/1958, Brigham City UT. Plead guilty to child abuse-criminal negligence. Sentenced as follows: Pay a fine of $350.00.90 days jail with 90 days suspended. Probation for at least 6 months. No similar violations. No violence. Krystal Dash, 08/31/1989, Tremonton UT. Plead guilty to disorderly conduct and criminal mischief. Sentenced as follows: Pay a fine of $750.00. 90 days jail with 90 days suspended. Probation for at least 18 months. No similar violations. No violence. Matthew Sittner, 06/02/1991, Brigham City UT. Plead guilty to assault and minor in possession of alcohol. Sentenced as follows: Pay a fine of $1448.00. 180 days jail with 180 days suspended. Probation for at least 12 months. Supervised probation with PPSI. No similar violations. No alcohol. No illegal drugs. Complete IOP Continue mental health counseling. Jared Peter Gunther, 01/11/1976, Brigham City UT. Plead guilty to animal attack, failure to vaccinate, failure to license. Sentenced as follows: Pay a fine of $180.00. 30 days jail with 30 days suspended. Probation until sentence is complete. No similar violations. Show proof of dog license. 8 Wednesday, September 26, 2012 b r i g h a m c i t y u ta h t e m p l e t h e c h u r c h o f J e s u s c h r i s t o f l a t t e r - d ay s a i n t s “ t e m p l e s a r e m o r e t h a n s t o n e a n d m o r ta r . t h e y a r e f i l l e d w i t h f a i t h a n d f a s t i n g . t h e y a r e b u i lt o f t r i a l s a n d testimonies. they are sanctified by sacrifice and service.” —president thomas s. monson b I g -D co n st r u c tIo n wo u l D lI k e to t hAnk our pArt ne r s AnD te AM M e Mb e r s Fo r t h eIr o u tstAn D I n g At t e n tI o n to De tAIl AnD DeDIcAtI on to q uAlI t y In coM p l e t Io n oF t h e brI g hAM cIt y utAh t eM p le . the c hu r c h o F J e s u s c hr I st o F l At t e r- DAy sA I nts 3-D Art Inc. All MetAls FAbr IcAt Ion I n c. Arch Itectur Al coM pone n ts I n c AlD er sAles corporAt I on Atl As b ronze cAstI n g llc Arw eng Ineers bAstIAn brothers stone MAs on ry beAcon MetAls In c. bennett contrAct g l A z I n g bowen coll I ns & AssocI Ate s , I n c. brI ckl Ine pAvers cAFFAll tI le cAnnon sA les In c. ceM MAInten Ance, I n c. chAMpIon FAbr IcAtIng & su p p ly clArk pAcIFI c colonIAl s pecIAlty co. I n c. DAw constructI on g r ou p, llc Dekko Des I gn, llc eADs s ervI ce, llc e n v I s Ion e n g I n e e rIn g Fe tze r ’ s I n c. FFk r A r chI te cts Fo n De ll A r ch I te ctu rA l woo Dwo rk , In c . Fr on t lI n e con cr e te p u M p In g g ol De r Acou stI cs I n c . gr eAt sA lt lA k e e le ctrI c In c . h A lFMoon stu DIo h e Ath e n g In e e r In g hou gh ton sp e cI A lty FI n Is hes hou s e o F DrA p e ry I n c . hu n sA k e r exte r I or s In c . I con ogr A p h y, I n c . I n s u lFoA M J t ste e l, I n c. k k Me chA n I c A l lIn For D con tr Act g l A z In g , l lc M c gr e e n & s on s , I nc . Me n De n h A ll e qu I p M en t Mgb + A th e g r Ass Il gr o u p n o rt h stA r hvAc l lc o r Ac l e co n st ru c t Io n In c . ot I s e l evAto r co M pAn y p l An n eD o u t D o o r l I v I n g p ro Fe ss Io n A l pA In t I n g r eD D ro o F In g co M pA n y, In c . r ex w. w Il l IA M s & son s , In c . ru pp tru c k In g e n t erpr I s es In c . s c ho n b ek wo rl Dw ID e l Ig ht In g In c . sheet M etA l spec IA lt I e s stA k er & pA rs o n co M pA n Ies s u per I o r In s u l At Io n & D Ist, In c . s u re st eel , In c . tA b o r In s u l At I o n t he A rt g l Ass st u D Io wA lto n co n c ret e prot ec t I o n & resto r At Io n wAt erpro o F In g w e st w est ern Au to M At Ic s pr In k l er In c . w I eM A n n M etA lc rA Ft
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