To Place An AD Just Call
To Place An AD Just Call
13 Wednesday, February 6, 2013 Wednesday, February 6, 2013 To Place an AD just call: 723-3471 Or visit us on the web: Classified ads must be paid for in advance, (cash, check, credit card or money order) WORD CLASSIFIEDS: $7 for 20 words plus 15 cents for each additional word per publication. Discounts may apply. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS: $10.50 per column inch. LEGAL ADS: 90 cents a line. DEADLINE: Monday at noon, unless Monday is a holiday, in which case it’s Friday at noon prior to the holiday. Box Elder News Journal PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 55 S. 100 West, Brigham City UT, 84302 | MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 370, Brigham City UT, 84302 CAXCA MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SERVICES OFFERED FARM NEEDS MISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL A MICROFIBER SOFA/LOVE, NEW still in plastic, $499. Call 435‑753‑1738. BIG CARPET: AT BIG Carpet we can handle all your flooring needs. Why fight the Ogden traffic when you can get great prices & customer service close to home. You will also appreciate our installers who all have decades of experience. 1968 North 2000 West, Farr West 801‑675‑ 5975. T‑F 12‑6& Sat 12‑5. IF YOU NEED FEED for your animal visit the IFA Country Store in Tremonton. We have it all from horse, dog, lamb, pig, chicken, calf and rabbits. 241 S. 200 W. 435‑257‑5419. DONATE YOUR, CAR, TRUCK or boat to Heritage For The Blind. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 888‑738‑9869 (ucan) Better Business Bureau of Utah MEDICAL ALERT SYSTEMS GPS units $34.95, regular units $29, Locally owned. call Ali’s Angels 734‑2472. MANTIS DELUXE TILLER. NEW! Fast‑ Start engine. Ships free. One‑Year Money‑Back Guarantee when you buy direct. Call for the DVD and free Good Soil book! 888‑711‑6028 (ucan) BED, QUEEN ORTHOPEDIC MATTRESS set. New, still in plastic, $169. Will deliver 435‑792‑3133. Think Spring!!! Think Garden weddings! Think Garden Receptions! Think The Lavender House! 801-588-9435 SHARI`S BERRIES ‑ DELIGHT all of your valentines with our freshly dipped strawberries, decadent truffles and hand‑crafted sweets! SAVE 20 percent on qualifying gifts over $29! Visit or Call 1‑888‑691‑ 8556 (ucan) BED, KING,ORTHOPEDIC MATTRESS and split box set. New, still in plastic, $275. 435‑792‑3133. METAL ROOF/WALL PANELS, PRE‑ en‑ gineered Metal Buildings. Mill prices for sheeting coil are at a 4 year low. You get the savings. 17 Colors prime material, cut to your exact length. CO Building Systems 1‑800‑COBLDGS (ucan) USED AND RECONDITIONED WASHERS, electric and gas dryers, and refrigera‑ tors, used microwave goods $25 & up, used ranges, used portable dishwasher. All with warranty. Murphy’s Appliance and TV. 38 South Main, Brigham City, Utah, 435‑ 723‑7705. OAK KITCHEN TABLE AND chairs and a trigger tram bone. Call 435‑720‑ 1506. FIREWOOD David Tea 723-5989 225-5373 Who is your Valentine? Give your Valentine Something you both can cherish, a Portrait of you together. Call and schedule an appointment and receive 10% off your entire order. Email: info@ Phone: 801-892-6009 Fax: 801-892-6002 5673 S. Redwood Rd., #22 Salt Lake City, Ut. 84123-5322 New Hope Crisis Center Domestic Violence Support Group Confidential - No Cost Meets 2nd & 4th Monday 6-7 p.m. 435 East 700 South – For more information call 723-5600 HOUSE CLEANING • Experienced house cleaner • Fast and efficient • Flexible hours, day or evening except Saturday Call Irina at 435-363-7142 or email at Child Care Resource & Referrals, Bridgerland • NEED help to locate child care? • WANT to become a child care provider? Free Service Call 800-670-1552 Serving Cache, Rich & Box Elder a joint project of DWS and USU www. MATURE WOMAN, FORMER CNA look‑ ing for a part time position sitting with elderly, light house cleaning, run errands or house sit. References available, call 435‑723‑1591. DISH NETWORK. STARTING AT $19.99/ month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) Save! Ask About same day Installation! Call Now! 1‑888‑485‑2321 (ucan) Bathroom remodeling, specializing in cultured marble • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured Call 435-225-0550 Over 20 years experience CARPET AND VINYL INSTALLATION & sales. Repairs & restretches. Call Gary Nebeker 435‑723‑5834. HIGHSPEED INTERNET EVERYWHERE BY Satellite! Speeds up to 12mbps! (200x faster than dial‑up.) Starting at $49.95/mo. CALL NOW & GO FAST! 1‑866‑688‑3525 (ucan) PROFESSIONAL PIANO TEACHER WITH masters degree has openings for piano students from beginner to advanced levels. Sharon Smith 435‑723‑ 7207. DIRECTV FOR $29.99/MO for 24 months. Over 140 channels. FREE HD‑ DVR Upgrade! Free NFL Sunday Ticket w/choice Package! Call today for details 888‑706‑8217 (ucan) ANTIQUES MATTING-FRAMING All art work, needle work. I BUY ANTIQUES OR collectibles, one piece or full estate. 435‑279‑0764. NANCI-AYN STUDIO J. McLaughlin 723-8746 SERVICES OFFERED SNOW REMOVAL AFFORDABLE REPAIRS & REMODEL‑ ING, custom carpentry, doors, tile, vinyl windows, concrete, excavation & plumbing repairs. Over 25 years experience, licensed Handyman, in‑ sured & references available. Call Gary 435‑720‑ 1914. Rodney Wixom Painting 723-6072 435-237-1378 Drives/walks/roofs BenchMark Svcs 435-695-3739 Sewer & Water Replacement Services Backhoe & Dump truck work: sewer, water lines and tree stump removal! Driveway removal, concrete work. No job too large or small. Call for free estimates 435-734-9598 or 435-720-0237 Val Kotter & Sons, Inc. IFA COUNTRY STORES Pet Food & Supplies • Men’s Work Clothing Poultry, Horse, Lamb & Calf Feed • Fertilizers Lawn & Garden Supplies • Feeding Equipment Fencing • Batteries • Horse Tack • Animal Health 241 S. 200 W. Tremonton, UT 84337 Phone: 435-257-5419 Pregnant? HEALTH The Pregnancy Care Center ATTENTION SLEEP APNEA SUFFERERS with Medicare. Get free CPAP Re‑ placement Supplies at no cost, plus free home delivery! Best of all, prevent red skin sores and bacterial infection! Call 888‑805‑4260 (ucan) DO YOU KNOW YOUR Testosterone Levels? Call 888‑691‑5762 and ask about our test kits and get a FREE Trial of Progene All‑Natural Testos‑ terone Supplement (ucan) MEDICAL ALERT FOR SENIORS ‑ 24/7 monitoring. Free Equipment. Free Shipping. Nationwide Service. $29.95/ Month CALL Medical Guardian Today 866‑781‑5882 (ucan) ATTENTION JOINT & MUSCLE Pain Sufferers: Clinically proven all‑natural supplement helps reduce pain and enhance mobility. Call 888‑485‑1865 to try Hydraflexin risk‑free for 90 days. (ucan) IF YOU USED THE Mirena IUD be‑ tween 2000 ‑ present and suffered perforation or embedment in the uterus requiring surgical removal, pelvic inflammatory disease leading to hysterectomy or had a child born with birth defects you may be entitled to compensation. Call Johnson Law and speak with female staff members 1‑800‑535‑5727. (ucan) ALI’S ANGELS ASSISTS BURNT‑out caregivers, we offer well checks, meal preparation, medical reminders, shop‑ ping, etc. to assist your loved one to stay at home. Call 734‑2472. LOST AND FOUND 18 North 100 East Brigham City, Utah FREE Pregnancy Tests Safe, Caring, confidential information and advice. 723-0500 New Hours of Operation Monday 1-5 p.m. Wednesday 5-8:00 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS SCHOOLS AIRLINE CAREERS ‑ BECOME an Avia‑ tion Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified ‑ Housing available. Job placement as‑ sistance. Call AIM 877‑460‑6894 (ucan) ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE FROM Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV authorized. Call 877‑495‑3099 www.CenturaOnline. com (ucan) WANTED TO BUY NEED QUICK CASH? GOT equity in your home or own it free and clear? Get cash while still owning your home! (435)225‑7070. WILL BUY ANY BEEHIVE Bottling Works bottles, advertisements, bottle caps, openers, crates or other memorabilia. Also looking for Brigham Bottlery Works, Beehive State and Beehive brand bottles. Jay 435‑452‑1099. HELP WANTED NOTICE The advertisements appearing in this column may or may not constitute offers of employment. Persons responding to these advertisement may be required to pay fees in advance for licensing, permits, dues, portfolios, registration, processing, or other services. Opportunities advertised in this column may require training at the expense of the applicant. No guarantee of job availability, implied or direct, is made by the publishers. FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED! $695‑ 2,083 possible per month. If interested please call KT&T Foster Care at 801‑ 917‑4156. *Utah Residence ONLY*. DRIVERS: INEXPERIENCED? GET ON the Road to a Successful Career with CDL Training. Regional Training Locations. Train and work for Central Refrigerated (877) 369‑7092 www. (ucan) HOUSE SITTER/RENTER NEEDED IN the Brigham City area. 435‑730‑4887. DRIVERS: MAKE $63,000.00YR or more, $2,500.00 Driver Referral Bonus & $1,200.00 Orientation Completion Bonus! CDL‑A OTR Exp. Req. Call Now: 1‑800‑457‑2153 BUSINESS OWNERS IF YOU need some‑ one fast, place your classified ad in all 53 of Utah’s newspapers. The person you are looking for could be from out of town. The cost is only $163, for a 25 word ad and it reaches up to 340,000 people. All you do is call the Box Elder News Journal at 435‑723‑ 3471 for all the details. (Mention UCAN) You can order online BOOKS WANTED! I PAY cash for old LDS and other books, also old pho‑ tographs, papers, letters etc. Call 800‑ 823‑9124. LOST PISTOL W/NICE HOLSTER at Promontory Point on 1/20/2013. Please call if found 801‑814‑6885 or 801‑425‑5996. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE NEED FENCING? SEE THE IFA Country Store at 241 South 200 West, Trem‑ onton for T‑posts, field fence, corral gates, panels, barb wire and livestock equipment, 435‑257‑5419. DRIVER ‑ QUALIFY FOR any portion of $.03/mile quarterly bonus: $.01 Safety, $.01 Production, $.01 MPG. Two raises in first year. 3 months recent experi‑ ence. 800‑414‑9569 www.driveknight. com (ucan) 435-730-2710 Burke Whitlock Phone: heating • ventilation • air conditioning • gas line 435-734-9631 Licensed and Insured • FREE Estimates 435-230-1165 CRB UNDERGROUND Trenchless Sewer & Waterlines Chad Braegger 801-644-8276 Free camera inspection with signed contract 2 BEDROOM BRIGHAM CITY APART‑ MENT, very clean, nice neighborhood, new flooring, forced air heat ing, central air conditioning, 1 bathroom, large closets/storage, W/D hookups, covered parking, NS/NP. $525/month $475 deposit. 435‑760‑ 3674. Gary Bywater 720-1941 1200 SQ.FT. 2‑LARGE BEDROOMS, 1&1/2 bath, Eagle Ridge townhouse. Excellent condition. Appliances, carpet, tile floor‑ ing, central vacuum, W/D hookups, off street parking, large grass area, patio. Near school and shopping. N/S, N/P. $670mo. plus deposit. Call 435‑225‑3920. 4‑BEDROOM, 2‑BATH, 2‑family room home, quarter acre, sprinkling system, great extra parking, 849 North High‑ land, $950/year lease, N/S, N/P. Owner/ agent 435‑730‑7575, 435‑452‑8203. MOVE‑IN SPECIAL EXTRA large apart‑ ment, 3‑bedroom, 3‑bath, $640/month, NS, 435‑730‑3905. 20 minutes from Brigham, easy access. Storage Space Available 10’x13’ and 10’x27’ 925 West 1075 South RossCo Flooring • Carpet • Tile • Laminate • Hardwood Owner operated - 35 years installing experience ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments, all utilities included except lights includes cable TV. Call 435‑723‑ 2605 after 4:30 p.m. Storage Bay Rentals HELP WANTED BURIED IN CREDIT CARD Debt? Over $10,000? We can get you out of debt quickly and save you thousands of dollars! Call credit care relief for your free consultation 1‑877‑881‑3269 (ucan) “All real estate advertise herein is subject to Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limition, or discrimination. “We will not knowlingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.” To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. For the Washington, DC area please call HUD at 275-9200. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Call for availability and prices COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH fund raiser Inside sale: 320 South 200 East. 9AM to 2 PM February 9. Twin mattress, utility cabinet, computer desk, chest of drawers, tables, luggage, clothing, books, kitchen needs, crafts, scrap booking. Pictures on MISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL FOR RENT OR LEASE Need a place to store your treasures? YARD SALES DRIVERS: INEXPERIENCED? GET ON the Road to a Successful Career with CDL Training. Regional Training Locations. Train and WORK for Cen‑ tral Refrigerated 800‑993‑7483 www. Be aware of what you are purchasing and to whom you are selling. The Box Elder County Sheriff’s Office suggests that if it is not local, you may want to check with local law enforcement as well as the Better Business Bureau to confirm if the offer is valid. Several Box Elder News Journal classified ad customers have received potentially fraudelent con-tacts recently for real estate rentals or to purchase vehicles or other items that are listed for sale. Be wise and be aware for fraud in any form. Visit the Federal Trade Commission web page ftc. gov/bizopps LOOKING FOR A PLACE to live? I BUY FIREARMS 801‑540‑7336. I LOST A PAIR of mens bifocal glasses in the area. If found please call 723‑ 7951. Fraud Alert 435-720-0911 or 435-723-1152 FOR RENT OR LEASE NICE CLEAN, 2‑BEDROOM apartment, fireplace, A.C., N/S, N/P, utility room w/d hookups, carport, water & garbage paid. Background & credit check. $525/ month, $200 deposit. 105 West 700 South, 435‑723‑7382. Stop wasting your time at the laundromat! This nice 1-bedroom apartment in Brigham comes with washer & dryer. $360 mo. $360 dep. N/S, N/P, references required. 435730-6754 or 435-230-0945. STORAGE BAY RENTALS 11 x 28 & new smaller sizes Call for Rates (435) 723-1846 NICE 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath home N/S, N/P, $800mo. $500dep. 157 South 400 East, Brigham. Call for details, 435‑553‑ 9440. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT WITH balcony and laundry facilities and play ground $500mo. plus deposit. 295 East 800 South, Brigham City 425‑698‑0278. BIG, SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM apartment. No smoking, no pets. $595 month 435‑720‑2609. LARGE 1800 SQ.FT. 3‑bedroom, 2 bath apartment w/master suite, walk‑in closet, and plenty of storage area. $750/month, N/P, N/S. Available March 1, 679 South 200 East. Call 435‑ 723‑2075. STORAGE BAYS FOR RENT. Several sizes available. Two locations - West Forest and 800 West. Call 435-494-1374 14 Wednesday, February Wednesday, February 6, 6, 2013 2013 CAXCA FOR RENT OR LEASE LARGE ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT‑ furnished, includes heat and water. N/P, N/S, N/D $425 month plus deposit 435‑723‑6289 or 435‑279‑ 8202. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT– single office, double office, or a suite with eight private cubical offices or one large of‑ fice. Call All Pro Real Estate ask for Jeff 435‑720‑1960. Receptionist services also available. 2‑BEDROOM UPSTAIRS APARTMENT close to shopping. Large back yard, $450/month. 61 North 100 West, Brigham . 425‑698‑0278. FULLY FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM apartment, all utilities paid including cable. All linens, dishes, appliances, and furniture needed for a short/long term stay. No lease. NS/NP. 435‑730‑0824. 2 B.R. Apt. A/C, N/P, N/S, W/D HKUP, REFS, DEP/LEASE, BKGRD CK $490/Month 560 South 200 East 801-391-2457 NEW 4 BEDROOM HOUSE in Perry, 2.5 bath, 2 car garage, maintenance free yard w/deck. $700‑$850 month in‑ cludes water. N/S, N/P. 435‑730‑0218. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, GROUND floor, parking, W/D. 129 North 100 East, Apt A. $450/month includes Heat/Gas. Deposit/Lease. Credit and back ground required. 435‑ 893‑1170. 3 BEDROOM DUPLEX APARTMENT. W/D hookups, storage shed, fenced backyard, nice. No smoking indoors, No pets. $575mo. deposit $425. 435‑ 225‑2466. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. VERY nice with new carpet and paint. Rent $385/ month plus utilities. N/S, N/P. Coin laundry. 435‑225‑2466. TIRED OF RENTING? IF you would like to own a home, but need some time to qualify, we can help! 435‑553‑ 4748 HOUSE FOR RENT IN Corinne. 3 bed‑ room, storage shed, big yard. Pets ne‑ gotiable. For more information call 435‑744‑9227. 4‑PLEX QUITE 1‑Bedroom Apartment N/S, N/P $375.00 month plus utilities Call 435‑723‑1839. RV OUTSIDE STORAGE Locked & Lighted 435-279-6200 PUBLIC NOTICE “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” UPAXLP NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS PERRY CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that the Perry City Planning Commission will hold, in the City Council Chambers at 3005 South 1200 West in Perry, as part of this meeting (which starts at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 7, 2013), public hearings to receive public comment regarding: (1) Ordinance 13-A, to amend PMC Section 58.04.030 (Prohibited Signs) to clarify certain provisions and to allow for additional signs; and (2) Ordinance 12-R, Abatement of Health and Safety Hazards. The public hearings will commence at approximately 7:05 p.m. Any individual requiring auxiliary services should contact the City offices at least 3 days in advance (1-435-7236461). For other questions, please contact Duncan Torr Murray, City Attorney/ Acting Community Development Director. January-30-February-6-c NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale, at the First District Courthouse, 43 North Main, Brigham City, Utah 84302, on February 26, 2013, at 1:00 p.m. of said day, for the purpose of foreclosing a trust deed dated May 1, 2010, and executed by BERNICE LEWIS, as Trustor, in favor of AMERICA FIRST FEDERAL CREDIT UNION as Beneficiary, which Trust Deed was recorded on May 3, 2010, as Entry No. 290902, in Book 1125, at Page 1249, in the Official Records of Box Elder County, State of Utah covering real property purportedly located at 70 South 500 West, Brigham City, Utah 84302-2432 in Box Elder County, Utah, and more particularly described as: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 2, BLOCK 77, FOR RENT OR LEASE 2‑BEDROOM IN 4‑plex, $425/month, N/S, N/P. 435‑720‑2609. www.rentalsu‑ 3‑BEDROOM W/BALCONY, PLAY‑ GROUND and laundry facilities. Close to shopping. 295 East 800 South, Brigham. 425‑698‑0278. LEASE TO OWN: 3 Bed/1Bath home in Brigham City. 1260 Sq Ft. $850/Mo + $4k Option Pymt 435‑553‑4748. See details at: http://www.reiblackbook. com/p/3585 LOW INCOME HOUSING– 2 bedroom apartment with A/C. Utilities included, pay as little as $25 month. Apply at 679 South 200 East, Brigham 435‑ 723‑2075 Equal Housing Opportunity. PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” PLAT “B”, BRIGHAM CITY SURVEY, AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 3 RODS; THENCE WEST 10 RODS; THENCE NORTH 3 RODS; THENCE EAST 10 RODS TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. Tax ID: 03-126-0007 The current Beneficiary of the trust deed is AMERICA FIRST FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, and the record owners of the property as of the recording of the Notice of Default are KAREN BERNICE LEWIS GRUNDIE, ALLEN REED LEWIS, and BRENDA LYNN LEWIS. Bidders must tender to the trustee a $20,000.00 deposit at the sale and the balance of the purchase price by 2:00 p.m. the day following the sale. Both the deposit and the balance must be paid to Lincoln Title Insurance Agency in the form of a wire transfer, cashier’s check or certified funds. Cash payments, personal checks or trust checks are not accepted. DATED: January 16, 2013. LINCOLN TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY by: Paula Maughan its: Vice President Telephone: (801) 476-0303 web site: SK File No. 12-0946 January-23-30-February-6-c turing by cutting the material to proper length, installing spades, and painting the finished product. Nucor is now seeking to provide a finished product that will include painting to the “T” posts. This will be done using a conveyor line passing the posts through a dip tank. There will be no paint spray operations where particulate could be introduced to the atmosphere. Nucor is located in Box Elder County which is an nonattainment area for PM2.5. Nucor is a Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) source and a Title V source. Nucor is currently regulated by the New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) Subpart AAa (Standards for Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen Decarbourization Vessels Constructed after August 7, 1983). The Potential to Emit (PTE) emissions (in Tons per Year (TPY)) will increase as follows: VOC = 22.14, and HAPs = 0.59. The changes in emissions will result in the following PTE (TPY) totals: PM10(including PM2.5) = 132.02, PM2.5 = 132.02, NOx = 418.21, SO2 = 328.75, CO = 2,917.86, VOC = 195.12 and HAPs = 13.61. The completed engineering evaluation and air quality impact analysis showed that the proposed project meets the requirements of federal air quality regulations and the State air quality rules. The Director intends to issue an Approval Order pending a 30-day public comment period. The project proposal, estimate of the effect on local air quality and draft Approval Order are available for public inspection and comment at the Utah Division of Air Quality, 195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84116. Written comments received by the Division at this same address on or before March 8, 2013 will be considered in making the final decision on the approval/disapproval of the proposed project. Email comments will also be accepted at If anyone so requests to the Director at the Division in writing within 15 days of publication of this notice, a hearing will be held in accordance with R307-401-7, UAC. Under Section 19-1-301.5, a person who wishes to challenge a Permit Order may only raise an issue or argument during an adjudicatory proceeding that was raised during the public comment period and was supported with sufficient information or documentation to enable the director to fully consider the substance and significance of the issue. Date of Notice: February 6, 2013 February-6-c Canal Co. will be held Feb. 27, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. In the Presentation Room at the Bear River High School, Garland, Utah The meeting will be held to consider the following matters of business: 1. To elect to the board of directors, Val Call or David John from the West Central District, Bob Roche or Craig Holmgren from the West District. Charles W. Holmgren is uncontested from the Bear River City District. Nominations are closed. 2. Annual financial report 3. Board President’s Report 4. Manager’s Report 5. By-Laws Amendments 6. Questions from the Floor VOTING WILL BE ALL DAY -Feb. 27th AT THE CANAL OFFICE FROM 8:30 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. AND At The Bear River High School 6:00 P.M. TO 7:00 P.M. Dated this 30h day of Jan. 2013 By the order of: The Bear River Canal Company By: Charles W. Holmgren Title: Board President Proxy is in the mail or at the Canal Office ALL PROXIES MUST BE SIGNED, DATED AND RETURNED TO VOTE. February-6-13-20-c able upon request to individuals with disabilities by calling Dolores Berkley at the BRAG office, (435) 752-7242 or (877) 772-7242 at least three working days prior to the meeting. Individuals with speech and/or hearing impairments may call Relay Utah by dialing 7-1-1 to use Hamilton Relay or call toll free TTY# 1 (800) 346-4128. Spanish Relay Utah: 1-888-346-3162 February-6-c NOTICE A Notice of Intent for the following project submitted in accordance with §R307-401-1, Utah Administrative Code (UAC), has been received for consideration by the Director: Company Name: Nucor Steel Location: Nucor Steel: Nucor Steel – West Nucor Rd, PO Box 100, Plymouth, UT, Box Elder County Project Description: Nucor Steel Plymouth (Nucor) operates an Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) shop, commonly known as a minimill. The facility is a recycling center which utilizes scrap steel as a raw feedstock. As a steel bar mill, Nucor manufactures many steel products. One of the products manufactured by Nucor is the fence post material commonly referred to as “T” posts. Historically, long product (ex. 30’ lengths) fence post bar was manufactured at the site and provided to downstream consumers who completed further manufac- Phone 723-3471 To Place Your CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE ADS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE “All real estate advertised herein is subject to Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limition, or discrimination. “We will not knowlingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.” To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. For the Washington, DC area please call HUD at 2759200. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. I BUY HOUSES! NO commission! No pressure! Quick close. 435‑225‑7070, BUSINESS PROPERTY– Barber Shop/ Office space, Main Street, Willard, Utah. By owner @ 435‑553‑ 4818. NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL OFFICES TO BE VOTED ON IN THE CORINNE CITY MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION On November 5, 2013 The offices up for election are Mayor and (2) two Council Member seats. Both are for a term of (4) four years. The candidate filing period begins June 3, 2013 and ends June 17th at 5:00 pm. Each person seeking to become a candidate for office must file a Declaration of Candidacy in person with the City Clerk at 2420 N 4000 W Corinne, UT during office hours. There is no filing fee. Any questions should be directed to Kendra Norman at (435) 744-5566. UCA 10-3301 January-30-February-6-c Bear River Canal Company 275 North 1600 East * Tremonton, UT 84337 Phone (435) 257-5975 * Fax (435) 257-7434 January 30, 2013 To all shareholders in the Bear River Canal Company: The annual meeting of the Bear River Public Notice Bear River Regional and Logan City Housing Authorities have reviewed and adjusted their annual agency plans. The public is invited to review these PHA plans at Bear River Association of Governments, 170 North Main, Logan, Utah. Business hours are Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. A public hearing regarding the PHA plans is scheduled for March 26, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. The hearing will be held at the Brigham City Emergency Services Facility, 420 West Forest Street in Brigham City, Utah. Further information can be obtained by contacting Kent Watson at Bear River Association of Governments, 435-7527242 Logan area, or 1-877-772-7242 outside Logan area. Auxiliary aids and services are avail- BRIGHAM CITY PUBLIC HEARING The Brigham City Council will hold a public hearing on February 21, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as practicable. The purpose of the public hearing will be to provide an opportunity for the public to comment on an application for a loan from the Utah Permanent Community Impact Board. The proposed loan will fund completion of the Academy building and infrastructure improvements on the block between 100 North and Forest Street and between Main Street and 100 East. Infrastructure improvements include street improvements to 100 East, storm drain improvements, and electrical improvements. A copy of the grant application is available for public review and comment at the office of the Brigham City Recorder, 20 North Main Street, Brigham City, Utah. February-6-13-c BRIGHAM CITY ORDINANCE NO. 13-01 Notice is hereby given that on January 17, 2013, the Brigham City Council adopted Ordinance No. 13-01 amending Title 29.05 of the Brigham City Code to allow chickens in the General Commercial District, including language to clarify location of chicken pens and penalty provisions. A copy of the entire ordinance is available at the Office of the City Recorder, 20 North Main, Brigham City, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. February-6-c UPAXLP 15 Wednesday, February 6, 2013 Wednesday, February 6, 2013 “Students” continued from page 11 lenge, calling for, and running sectional practices when needed. “He stepped into the role of leader nicely,” said Reeder. In addition to his band responsibilities, Zac is involved in many other groups here at the school, and they all rely on him for his leadership and skills, Reeder said, but Zac never lags in his duties to the band. Reeder said one thing he appreciates about Zac is his willingness to play whatever role is needed in the band. In January, the jazz band had a performance the same time as the pep band. It was determined to take a smaller jazz band so the pep band could be complete. Zac was willing to go wherever the director asked him to go. Zac stayed behind and led thepep band at the basketball game while the director was with the jazz band. “The band is lucky to have Zac McClellan as a member,” said Reeder. Amy Weeks, daughter of Robert and Shalyce Weeks, was nominated by Andrew Miller for the Science Department. Since joining Miller’s AP class at the end of the second trimester, Amy has impressed Miller with her qualities as both a person and a student. “She has such a friendly personality and is always happy and smiling,” Miller said. “As a student, she is an incredibly hard worker,” which includes showing initiative to get caught up on a trimester’s worth of information in order to prepare for the AP test. “Amy has been a great example of responsibility and accountability, and even in a class of juniors and seniors, she has demonstrated a high level of leadership,” Miller said. “When Amy works, she works hard and she always gives her best effort regardless of the type of assignment. That is one of the best qualities that can be found in any student.” Miller said he is excited to watch Amy as she continues through high school since he has “no doubt that she will be successful here at BEHS and very successful in life.” T. Ben Rust, son of Thomas and Amber Rust, was nominated as student of the month for the Math Department. Corynn Arehart, who presented Ben as student of the month at an assembly, said Ben has dedicated himself to completing assignments and doing well in class, and his hard work and diligence to the task has paid off for him. Despite Ben’s focus on his education, he also has a friendly “Hi,” or “You look nice,” for fellow students, which lifts their spirits for the day. “Ben strives for success and doesn’t forget to show concern while working toward his goals,” said Arehart. Triston Harper, son of Jered Harper and Meriah Harper, was nominated by Robbie Gunter for the P.E./Health Department. Triston has been in strength training class the last two years. Some of the reasons Gunter said Triston was selected for the honor were: he improved his strength every trimester; is a member of the state powerlifting team; he placed at state powerlifting meet as a sophomore; is a great leader in the classroom; is always willing to help other students improve their technique; and is a great example of how hard work leads to success. Morgan Astine, son of Brook Ricard, was nominated by Karen Jessop for the C.T.E. Department. Jessop nominated Morgan for the work and dedication he showed in improving his grades. “Last trimester, Morgan was failing all of his classes, including mine,” Jessop said. “He was the kind of student who showed up most of the time, usually tardy, and then when he did show up, he’d just put his head down and sleep nearly every day. It was driving me crazy!” However, Morgan started improving his classroom behavior due some exterior motivations, and his grades started improving as well. By the end of the term, Morgan had improved his grades to at least passing in most his classes. “I was excited because I felt like he was experiencing the real thrill that comes from that internal motivation, where it just feels good to be successful and achieve to your potential,” Jessop said. Morgan is taking the next level of Jessop’s class this term, and is doing well. Jessop said he’s like a different student, usually on time, and almost always attentive and trying to be successful. “I’m proud of some of the accomplishments Morgan has made, and I truly hope that he will continue on striving to reach his potential, and be able to be successful in more of his classes and enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes from doing so,” said Jessop. Hyrum Price, son of Kevin and Lisa Price, was nominated by Mike Robinson for the Foreign Language Department. Robinson said what he appreciates most about Price is his consistent hard work and his desire to succeed. “He is always on task, works well independently and makes the class better with his great attitude and desire to learn,” Robinson said. “I believe that his work ethic will help him succeed at learning a language and anything else he puts his mind to do.” “DARE” continued from page 11 to breathe in and out fifteen times deeply,” said Hood. “I never want to be a dummy and do harmful things, but if we all have someone to look up to— family, friends, officers, neighbors or any trusted adult—we can stop all these bad things,” said Olsen. Hoffman had lined up a roll call of distinguished guests to speak at the commencement ceremony. Those guests included Miss Utah 2007, Heather Anderson, Sheriff Lynn Yeates, Chief Deputy Kevin Potter and two Weber-Morgan Narcotics Strike Force Agents, Nate Hutchinson and Shawn Grogan. “These children have accomplished something great,” said former Miss Utah, Heather Anderson as she passed her crown around for the children to try on. “The reason I wanted to become Miss Utah was to be able to come out and speak to you [the students]. I won this crown, but I never wear it,” Anderson said. Anderson, who is a University of Utah graduate and also recently received her master’s degree in business from Notre Dame University, relayed to the students her story about her brother, Brad, who had been a popular guy, an athlete and a college student. Brad became involved with drugs and his life quickly spun out of control. “I watched him go through drug addiction for a year-and-ahalf,” said Anderson. “Because my brother had said ‘yes’ the rehab and counseling didn’t work.” Anderson’s brother died of a drug overdose in 2005. “Making and keeping my DARE pledge is my single greatest accomplishment and I was able to do all of those other things by saying ‘no’ to drugs and alcohol,” said Anderson. Czyzz Bartlett, grandson of Kathy Vargas, was nominated by Megan Mueller from the Counseling Department. Mueller nominated Czyzz for his example of accomplishment through dedication. “This year he has had a fabulous improvement in his academics,” Mueller said. “I have seen an increase in his motivation and his efforts to be successful. Even when things are difficult, he does not get discouraged. Czyzz is an example of what you can accomplish once you set your mind to something” Mueller also noted Czyzz’s cheerful nature and positive outlook as qualities that led to his nomination. “Czyzz always has a smile on his face,” Mueller said. “He is kind and willing to help others. He is thoughtful about other people and seems to really want to be a positive influence.” Tyrell Bennett, son of Rodney D. Bennett and Kimberly Bennett, was nominated by Wayne Burrell for the C.T.E. Department. Burrell is well-acquainted with Tyrell since the student has taken—and done “exceptionally” well—in every class Burrell teaches, which includes Future Farmers of America. Tyrell is currently serving as Burrell’s teaching assistant. No matter what is requested, Tyrell is “always willing” to get the job done. Recently, Burrell notes, Tyrell went above and beyond in getting some dead sheep brought in for observation. Just as impressive as Tyrell’s academic performance, is his success outside the school, applying what he has learned not just at Box Elder, but through additional courses at USU in beef production. Through participation in his supervised agricultural project, Tyrell was able to get a Farm Youth Loan from Farm Services to purchase five registered Charolaise cows. Tyrell has been able to grow his herd 12 head while repaying the loan. Tyrell is fulfilling an internship at the Bear River Veterinary Clinic in Tremonton. Burrell said the veterinarians at the clinic are extremely pleased. Burrell noted that the clinic is displeased with interns from time to time because of their lack of performance; however, Tyrell has done nothing but impressed them. “I congratulate Tyrell in his successes and expect many more from him,” Burrell said. Shelly Jones, daughter of Randy and Eve Jones, was nominated by Carol Dittli for the Visual Arts Department. Shelley has been a student in several of Dittli’s photography classes, where she has become synonymous in Dittli’s mind with an “A+” student. “She loves to learn and will go beyond the re- quirements for an assignment,” Dittli said. “Shelley loves photography and has continues to study photography on her own time and take pictures not for a class assignment.” Ditlli said part of Shelly’s success is the result of finding passion in projects, instead of just going through the motions to complete an assignment. That passion paid off when three of her entries in the school art show won ribbons. In addition to Shelly’s success as Dittli’s student, she in also an “amazing” teaching assistant who “was always willing and cheerful to do anything I asked of her.” Dittli also took note of Shelly’s general attitude and outlook, saying she “is an awesome person who cares about...and is willing to help others. “Shelley has great potential as a photographer. I know [she] will succeed at whatever she decides to do.” Om Patel, son of Navanitlal and Surekhabahen Patel, was nominated by LouAnn Thompson for the Language Arts Department. Om, a student in the AP literature and composition class, is a positive student with good listening skills and who learns quickly; a student committed to achieving academic success. “If he does not understand what is being asked of him, he will ask questions,” said Thompson. “He is willing to complete any task that comes his way with a smile. Om goes the extra mile to study and revise his assignments for perfection.” Thompson said that she has never heard Om say an unkind word to any of his classmates, and regularly shows respect for his peers. “Because of his vision for his own future, Om will be successful in whatever he hopes to accomplish,” Thompson said. Jina Kim, daughter of Tammy and Jerry Bench, was nominated by Jace McKee for the P.E./Health Department McKee said Jina impressed him with how she takes responsibility for her own grade and works hard in class. After missing some school, she sought out McKee to see what she missed and what she needed to do get caught up. “I gave her the work and she had it done right away and at a high level,” McKee said. “I was impressed with her taking the initiative and the responsibility for her education.” McKee noted as an example of her work ethic Jina’s oral presentation to the class on drug abuse. Part of the presentation included a class activity, and Jina’s creative application of the requirement impressed McKee. Not only did she meet the requirement for one activity, she had several, just to make sure she had enough to get the highest grade. “Jina has shown a strong commitment to her education and her grade,” McKee said. “I like how she has taken the initiative and appreciate her hard work.” SportsShorts Agents Hutchinson and Grogan were on-hand to relay their experiences in combatting drug use and trafficking. Both agents had been wounded in the line of duty while serving a search warrant with the strike force that left five officers wounded on January 4, 2012 in a shootout that killed Ogden police officer Jared Francom. “I grew up in a family with no brothers. Then I joined the [strike force] unit and found that I actually had nine brothers,” said Hutchinson speaking particularly about his strike force team members. Hutchinson spoke about the difficulty of his job, but said that with the kid’s help, and their commitment to saying no, they could defeat drugs and “put him out of a job.” “I know that ‘no’ is a small word—just two little letters—but it is powerful,” said Anderson. Register for adult co-rec volleyball Brigham City Recreation is now accepting registrations for its co-rec adult volleyball leagues. The league will have two divisions: one that’s “just-for-fun” and a competitive division. Games will be played on Monday and Wednesday nights starting March 25. The cost to register is $195 per team, and may be completed online at www.brighamcity.utah. gov or in person at 641 East 200 North, MondaysThursdays, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and Fridays, 8 a.m.-12 p.m. For more information contact Jackie at 435-7346607. Local results Brigham City Recreation Scoreboard Wednesday January 23 Men’s League basketball The Mob��������������������������������������76 3’s Company������������������������������� 73 Help U Sell���������������������������������� 63 Untouchables������������������������������ 46 Swiss������������������������������������������ 62 The Goldfish������������������������������� 43 Monday January 28 Men’s League basketball Help U Sell�����������������������������������74 The Goldfish������������������������������� 71 Three������������������������������������������ 87 Federal Arms������������������������������ 39 Aneurysm����������������������������������� 66 G2����������������������������������������������� 43 Tuesday January 29 Women’s League Motherload��������������������������������� 63 Victourious Secret���������������������� 42 OLWA����������������������������������������� 49 Gossners������������������������������������ 26 BEHS Wrestling vs Logan Thursday, January 31 TEAM SCORE: BEHS-49, Logan-15; 106: Jace Tilley (BE) def. Trenton Archuleta (Logan), 6-0; 113: Taylor Archuleta (Logan) def. Kyle Smith (BE), 7-2; 120: Jake Smith (BE) def. Tanner Thompson (Logan) by tech fall, 16-0; 126: Talon Teeples (Logan) def. Briar Bunderson (BE) by pin, 1:41; 132: Shand Hardy (BE) def. Logan Harrison (Logan) by pin, 1:24;138: Teagan Hubbard (BE) def. Kevin Vulcano (Logan) by major decision, 11-1; 145: McKay Parrish (BE) def. Matthew Mott (Logan) by maj. Decision, 10-2; 152: Matt Williams (BE) def. Kyle Weekes (Logan), 4-0; 160: Hunter Ballam (Logan) def. Clark Bown (BE), 6-4;170: Nick Sorenson (BE) def. Jake Wylie (Logan) by pin, 1:30; 182: Jake Tolman (BE) won by forfeit; 195: Breckin Gunter (BE) def. Burke Andrews (Logan) by pin, 2:35; 220: Joe Flores (BE) def. Andrew Nielson (Logan) by pin, 3:22; 285: Jacoby Wildman (Logan) def. Kohler Smoot (BE), 4-1 PUBLIC NOTICE “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” UPAXLP PUBLIC NOTICE Public notice is hereby given that Brigham City’s Independent Audit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012 has been completed by Davis & Bott. A copy is available for review at the Office of the City Recorder, 20 North Main. February-6-c BRIGHAM CITY ORDINANCE NO. 13-02 Notice is hereby given that on January 17, 2013, the Brigham City Council adopted Ordinance No. 13-02 vacating Hulse Town Homes PUD Lot 1 and associated public utility easements. A copy of the entire ordinance is available at the Office of the City Recorder, 20 North Main, Brigham City, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. February-6-c NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEAR RIVER WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT IMPACT FEE FACILITIES PLAN, IMPACT FEE ANALYSIS AND IMPACT FEE ENACTMENT RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO THE SOUTH WILLARD CULINARY WATER SYSTEM WITHIN THE SOUTH WILLARD SERVICE AREA Pursuant to Section 11-36a-502, Section 11-36a-504 and Section 17B1-111 of the Utah Code, the Bear River Water Conservancy District (the “District”) hereby gives public notice that: (i) the Board of Trustees of the District intends to adopt an Impact Fee Facilities Plan and an Impact Fee Analysis pertaining to the South Willard Culinary Water System within the District’s South Willard Service Area, (ii) the Board of Trustees of the District intends to enact an Impact Fee Enactment Resolution, pursuant to the Utah Impact Fees Act set forth in Section 11-36a-101 et seq. of the Utah Code, pertaining to the South Willard Culinary Water System within the District’s South Willard Service Area, and (iii) the Board of Trustees of the District will hold a public hearing to hear and receive public comment on the intent of the Board of Trustees of the District to adopt the Impact Fee Facilities Plan, to adopt the Impact Fee Analysis and to enact the Impact Fee Enactment Resolution pertaining to the South Willard Culinary Water System within the District’s South Willard Service Area. The public hearing will be held during the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees of the District to be held on Wednesday, February 20, 2013, beginning at 7:00 p.m. The public hearing location will be the Bear River Water Conservancy District Conference Room located at 102 West Forest Street, Brigham City, Utah. A copy of the District’s South Willard Culinary Water System Impact Fee Facilities Plan and Impact Fee Analysis, a copy of the District’s Summary of such Impact Fee Facilities Plan and Impact Fee Analysis, and a copy of the District’s proposed Impact Fee Enactment Resolution will be available to the public for review during regular business hours at the District’s Office located at 102 West Forest Street, Brigham City, Utah and will also be available for review on the District’s Website under Public Notices at and on the Utah Public Notice Website at Interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing and submit comments. Voneene J. Jorgensen General Manager Bear River Water Conservancy District To be published in the Box Elder News Journal and The Leader, February 6, 2013 February-6-c NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Notice is hereby given that the Box Elder County Planning Commission will hold public hearings on Thursday, February 21, 2013 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible in the Box Elder County Commission Chambers [Historic Courthouse, 01 South Main Street, Brigham City, Utah] to receive input on the following proposed petitions: PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. DAN THOMAS, TODD GIBBS, ROAD VACATE; VAC12-004. The county road in Portage Canyon beginning at the NE corner of parcel 08-0930006 and passing SW through Section 16 T14N R4W, Section 17 T14N R4W, Section 18 T14N R4W and terminating in Section 19 T14N R4W. Any interested parties should plan to attend. Copies of these petitions may be reviewed prior to the hearing in the Box Elder County Community Development office, Room 34 of the Box Elder County Historic Courthouse. Submitted to the Box Elder News Journal and Tremonton Leader for publication on Thursday, January 31, 2013 February-6-c Advertisement for Bid MADDOX STORM DRAIN PROJECT PERRY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT RECEIPT OF BIDS: Sealed bids will be received at the Perry City Offices, 3005 South 1200 West, until 4:45 pm on February 21, 2013 for the MADDOX STORM DRAIN PROJECT. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The work consists of the construction of approximately 94 l.f. of 24” storm drain pipe, 766 l.f. of 36” storm drain pipe, and 25 l.f. of 42” storm drain pipe with associated manhole, catch basins, and imported fill. LOCATION OF THE WORK: The work is located on 1850 South (Maddox Lane) and in the field to the south behind Maddox Restaurant in Perry, Utah. COMPLETION OF THE WORK: All work covered by the contract documents shall be completed on or before May 31, 2013. OPENING OF BIDS: The bids will be publicly opened at 5:15 pm on February 21, 2013 at the above mentioned Perry City Offices, 3005 South 1200 West. OBTAINING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Contract Documents, including Drawings and Technical Specifications, may be obtained at the office of the Engineer: Jones and Associates, 1716 East 5600 South, South Ogden, Utah; upon application and payment of a $30.00 non-refundable fee. BID SECURITY: Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid price payable to PERRY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT as a guarantee that the bidder, if his bid is accepted, will promptly execute the Contract, secure payment of worker’s compensation insurance and furnish a satisfactory, faithful performance bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price and a payment bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price. WAITING PERIOD BEFORE AWARD: A waiting period of 30 calendar days from the date of opening of bids to the award of contract may be required. Bidder’s shall assume full responsibility for and shall guarantee the bid price during this period and make certain the time period is stated in and does not restrict the proposal guarantee. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION: All questions relative to this project prior to the opening of bids shall be directed to the Project Engineer. It shall be understood, however, that no specification interpretations will be made by telephone, nor will any “or equal” products be considered for approval prior to award of contract. OWNER’S RIGHTS RESERVED: The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive an informality in a bid, and to make awards in the interest of the Owner. Dated this 31st day of January, 2013 By: Susan Obray, City Recorder PERRY CITY CORPORATION Published: February 6th & 13th 2013 February-6-13-c UPAXLP
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