
The Cranleigh School Newsletter
Issue No 40
Cranleigh School, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8QQ Tel: 01483 273666
Summer 2011
Dear Parents,
As we look back on this term, there is much to
celebrate. There have been the challenges of key
examinations, to which almost all pupils rose
commendably, some extraordinary team successes
in hockey and riding, a highly entertaining Junior
Play, The Odyssey, the treat of some wonderful music,
including the Summer Concert and the Encore
concert, our recent Good Schools Guide awards for
Design and History of Art, the outstanding individual
achievements of so many pupils in the wider arena –
and, of course, the sunshine, encouraging pupils to
enjoy the grounds and keeping spirits high to the end.
The breadth and quality of the activity this term have
closely reflected our belief in the ‘Cranleigh Ethos’ –
our conviction that academic success cannot be seen
as standalone, it is part of a much bigger picture in
which self-discovery and the growth of an individual’s
personal commitment in the many spheres of Cranleigh
life lead to an inherent self-belief. This in turn enables
pupils to believe that they can do it... they can get to
the top of the mountain, or play a part in a school play,
or sing a solo in front of a packed house, or take the
vital wicket and, yes, achieve their full potential in the
It’s an ethos that has stood the test of time – and we
believe will continue to do so, as we look towards our
150th anniversary in 2015 and beyond. And so, as we
break up for the holidays, we wish all those heading off
in search of yet more challenges and discoveries on the
various School trips – be they to the Alps or to Australia
– safe, rewarding journeys. We wish all those who are
leaving us – including, sadly, some particularly longserving members of Common Room this year – a happy
and prosperous future, and we wish all our Cranleigh
families a wonderful, relaxing summer break. I look forward
to catching up with all your news in September!
Guy Waller
As Cranleigh launches its first ever Organ Awards, we speak to its new Organist in Residence,
Phil Scriven, about his past, his first year at Cranleigh and his hopes for the future development
of organ playing at Cranleigh...
Phil, tell us a bit about your past...
I’ve been passionate about music for as long as I can
remember. Both of my parents are brass players, so some
of my earliest memories are of hearing them play in the
local bands, and I gained my love of the organ through
listening to my dad play at the local church. My own
musical life really began as a chorister at Westminster
Abbey when I was nine, and I started to learn the piano and
flute at that stage. I gained a music scholarship to
Charterhouse, followed by two gap years spent as Organ
Scholar at St George’s Chapel, Windsor and at the Royal
Academy of Music. At university I was Organ Scholar at
St John’s College, Cambridge, where I developed my
interest in opera and orchestral conducting. I continued to
study this for the next five years at the Vienna
Musikhochschule and the Juilliard School in New York,
and was able to experience a much broader musical scene
in those wonderful cities. Upon my return to the UK, I
worked for opera companies in London and Cardiff, and
became Sub-Organist at Westminster Abbey and later
Assistant Director of Music at Winchester Cathedral.
Following eight years as Organist and Master of the
Choristers at Lichfield Cathedral, I moved to Cranleigh in
2010 to take up the new post of Organist in Residence,
and have very much enjoyed my first year settling into
this bustling community and taking up the new challenges
the position presents.
What attracted you to Cranleigh?
Obviously the arrival of the new Mander organ was
a big draw! The first time I played it, it felt a bit like
Christmas day, unwrapping a much-desired new present.
I was also attracted by the strong sense of community that
was clearly apparent when I first visited; by the challenge
of creating a new role, and helping to shape a new organ
department from scratch; and by the implementation of
Cranleigh Music 7-18, an innovative and exciting new
venture between the Prep and Senior Schools, which offers
the opportunity to get younger Prep School pupils involved
with the organ. The organ tends to be something that
people progress to later on, so it’s fantastic to get them
enthused and fired up at an early age.
Also, having spent some of my childhood in the area, it
was lovely to come back to a campus and village that
epitomise leafy Surrey....
Chapel Choir. Taking the Chapel Choir to sing Evensong
in my old stomping ground, Windsor Castle was a real
treat. And restarting the Chamber Choir, a handselected group of singers now known as “Cranleigh
Voices”, together with their beautiful singing for the
Advent Carol Service, has definitely provided some
wonderful memories this year.
What is so special about the John Mander organ?
First and foremost, it is the wonderfully crisp,
clean and colourful sound that the organ produces. It
has a very fine tracker action, and is a superb teaching
instrument on which to discover the organ’s many
subtleties. This is an instrument with three manuals,
thirty-one speaking stops and over two thousand pipes!
It is also an amazingly versatile instrument, which
plays baroque and classical music fantastically well,
but can also perform more romantic and modern
repertoire equally well (including the likes of Gershwin,
Sousa and excerpts from “The Jungle Book”, which I
had to play for someone’s christening recently!).
September 2011 sees the launch of the new
Organ Awards. What sort of pupil is likely to be
given one of these unusual Awards?
There will be Awards offered at two different entry
points. At 13+ we will be looking for pupils who
demonstrate particular talent as organists or as pianists
who would like to diversify and take on the different
challenges that the organ offers. Candidates should be of
at least Grade 5 Organ or Piano standard when applying.
At 16+ we are looking for pupils who are already fairly
proficient as organists, and who show potential and
enthusiasm to take it further after Cranleigh, possibly
even as Oxbridge Organ Scholars. Candidates should be
of at least Grade 7 Organ standard when applying.
What has been the highlight of your first year?
And what can they aspire to in receiving an
Organ Award?
Am I allowed a few?... The opening recitals of the
new instrument were very memorable, involving Thomas
Trotter (one of the finest organists in the world) and the
The fundamental aim would be to develop their
technique at playing the organ and its diverse repertoire
through specialist tuition. The Award will also provide the
For full details of all School and House news, please visit the website at www.cranleigh.org/community
Continued over.....
opportunity to take a role in the musical life of the Chapel –
playing for Chapel services, recitals and other occasions
and developing skills in accompaniment of choral and
congregational singing and in choral conducting through
working closely with the Chapel Choir and Cranleigh Voices.
Where applicable, Organ Scholars will be guided in
preparation for all aspects of Oxbridge Organ Scholarships,
RCO diplomas and auditions for music colleges.
Aside from overseeing the launch of the new
Organ Awards, what are your other key ambitions
at Cranleigh for next year?
In celebration of the installation of the Mander organ,
I am planning to perform the complete works of Bach in
a series of 24 lunchtime recitals and two evening concerts
over the course of the 2011/12 academic year. These
works are not only the finest body of music ever written
for the ‘king of instruments’, but one of the greatest
treasures of Western Music. For the evening concerts I
will be joined by the Chapel Choir and Cranleigh Voices,
for some of Bach’s best-loved choral music. At over
twenty hours of music, this is the most substantial single
musical project ever undertaken at Cranleigh, which is a
really exciting venture for me: an historic event in the
musical life of the School and a fitting tribute to such a
magnificent instrument.
I am also really looking forward to some wonderful
opportunities with Cranleigh Voices over the next
academic year, including a Remembrance Day
performance of the Requiem by John Rutter, accompanied
by an orchestra of pupils, staff and local musicians, and
a visit to sing Evensong in Canterbury Cathedral.
Finally, having been all alone up in the gallery throughout
this year, it will be lovely to be joined by some of the
pupils, once the gallery support and seating have been
completed this summer! Once that has been done, we
can then start focussing on fundraising efforts to refurbish
the seating arrangements in the main body of the Chapel.
Joining a new school, teaching, launching new
Awards and practising for a Bach marathon – you
are clearly not someone who rests on his laurels!
No, I suppose not... I will also be travelling to Hong
Kong, Singapore, Australia and the United States to perform
organ recitals in the School holidays – a great opportunity
to spread the news with regards to everything going on at
Cranleigh, and to bring back new ideas... I am also
extremely excited about my (very!) recent appointment as
Assistant Conductor and Accompanist of the famed Bach
Choir in London, which has been hailed by critics as
“probably the finest independent choir in the world”. I will
start working with them in September 2011 (alongside
my work at Cranleigh), and in my first season will be
performing with the choir regularly in the Royal Albert
Hall, the Royal Festival Hall, at the Barbican, at the Proms,
and at other venues throughout the capital.
“Present and future generations of
pupils and staff at Cranleigh have
reason to be most grateful to their
generous donor, and admiring
of the achievements of the organ
builders, whilst the rest of us should
look forward to seeing and hearing
talented young organists emerging
from this part of Surrey.”
Organ & Choir magazine
For further details on the Organ Awards, including
application procedures, please contact the Music
Administrator: telephone 01483 542009
or email: music@cranleigh.org
For further details on the Bach Concert Series, and
for tickets, please email: tickets@cranleigh.org
As outlined by the Chairman of the Governing Body,
Mr Anthony Townsend, on Speech Day, Andrew
Griffiths will be heading off to New Zealand during
the Michaelmas Term, to work on his research in
the potential hazard of submarine volcanoes and to
visit a number of schools in NZ with whom we have
had collaboration in the past. We wish him the very
best on his trip, and a safe return in January to take
up the mantle of acting Head for a term. In his
absence, Tim McConnell-Wood will be stepping up
as acting Deputy Head.
This has once again been a very busy and demanding
term for the pupils in the three Senior years of the
School taking external exams at GCSE, AS and A2
Level (and for the Lower Fifth taking their RS ShortCourse GCSE, too). The next stage of the process is
of course the publication of the results, and the details
for this process are outlined below.
A Level and AS results will be available at School for
candidates by 10.00am on Thursday 18th August.
The results slips will be posted to candidates that
afternoon if not already collected.
GCSE and IGCSE results are being issued a week
later, on Thursday 25th August. As on the previous
Thursday, results will be available from School by
10.00am, and will be posted first class on that
afternoon if they are not collected. Those who may wish to enquire about re-marks should
read carefully the documentation enclosed with the
Naturally, we wish all our candidates in external
exams good luck for Results Day!
The Cranleigh Foundation Christmas Fair,
Saturday 12th November – after the success
of last year’s Christmas Fair, please save the date
for the 2011 Christmas Fair to be held in the Wyatt
Hall at Cranleigh Prep. ALL parents from both the
Senior School and the Prep School are most welcome
at this extremely popular event, where you will be
able to do all your Christmas shopping, with over 60
exhibitors selling a fantastic range of gifts, decorations
and festive food – so be sure not to miss out.
The Term in
A selection of highlights from
all that has gone on at Cranleigh
this Summer Term, intended to give
just a taste of Cranleigh life…
Please refer to the website/The
Cranleighan for a more detailed
review of all news and events.
Pictures, from left to right, working across:
Surrey cycle ride in support of Beyond Cranleigh
Helen Wareham Winners
Henry Taylor’s pot firing
Henry Taylor: U18 England Cap
School hockey match
Music and Physics lecture on Einstein
Design student at work
Roc Soc Concert
Deep in concentration
Girls’ Holland hockey tour team
Hockey team in Amsterdam
Ready for the Leavers’ Ball
Speech Day 2011
Duke of Edinburgh Silver practice
Pot-holing on Easter camp
Ben Durston, Swimming, Inter-County Championship
National Rotary Public Speaking Final,
hosted by Cranleigh
Easter Camp
School cricket match
Cake sale
Oliver Harris, Helen Wareham Brass winner
National riding competition winners
National Rotary Public Speaking Final
Australia rugby tour 2011 squad
Spanish Play
Ready for sponsored walk in aid of the Beyond
Cranleigh Zambia project
Physics trip to Cern
Junior Play, The Odyssey
Outside the United Nations
Enjoying cricket around Jubilee on
Speech Day 2011
Summer Concert
Red Arrows over Cranleigh, June 18th 2011
House Athletics
Radio Interview for Tildy’s Song
Mr Stuart Block with his tandem bicycle
White-water rafting, Senior Harlech trip
House Athletics: shot put
Challenge Day with Lebanese guests
Visit to the National Student Drama Festival
Summer Concert: Rosie Singleton
Spot in grounds for quiet reflection
Design studios
Devizes-to-Westminster Canoe Race 2011
Practising building techniques for Zambia trip
Enjoying the Royal Wedding celebrations
Girls’ tennis match
House Athletics: long jump
Roc Soc: Charlotte Bradbrook
Pupils on school sponsored walk in aid of
Beyond Cranleigh Zambia project
Examination time
For weekly updates of all of Cranleigh’s news and events, please visit the website at www.cranleigh.org/community
This term has seen quite an eclectic mix of ‘Cranleigh
firsts’. Some pupils have branched out into the public
arena – most notably Alex Knox, who ran in the local
elections, and members of the band Easy on the
Amoeba, fronted by Alex Tracey (LVth East), which
has released ‘Tildy’s Song’ for Tildy Curran on iTunes
(please do download it: all proceeds will go directly
to Tildy’s Trust, which is dedicated to raising money
for research and treatment for childhood leukaemia).
As Cranleigh celebrates a remarkable season, celebrating becoming National Outdoor
Hockey Champions at U18 level, National Indoor Finalists, Boarding Schools Cup winners
(for the third time in a row), St George’s Sixes winners and National Finalists at U16 level,
we go behind the scenes and chat with the U18 Captain, Tom Batchelor.
How old were you when you first picked up a hockey
stick? Who/what were your first influences?
I was probably not quite five when I first started to ‘play’
with a stick, probably due to hanging out at my Dad’s
(Steve Batchelor) SJB Academy. Every Sunday, Dad would
coach and I went along – and on Wednesday nights, when
he trained at Brighton Hockey Club, the goalkeeper used
me to warm up! I started having training at Horsham when
I was 7-8 years old, with Hugh Jolly, Josh Hughes and Gus
Powell (all now in the Cranleigh 1st XI).
Do you have any particularly fond early memories?
Playing for Horsham, and in particular playing for the U7s in
the John Wright tournament, which was great fun: I scored
one of my favourite-ever goals, managing to pass three of the
opposition in a row by flicking the ball through their legs.
Other pupils have seen unprecedented national
performances on the hockey field and in the riding
arena (see adjacent interview and Personal Bests
section). On the cricket pitch, brothers Jack and Brad
Scriven both scored centuries in one match (helping
towards a score of 300 for five from 50 overs). We
also saw the inaugural girls’ cricket match between
the Old Cranleighans and the School, taking place on
the St Andrew’s square on Sunday, 19th June. Moving on to the incredible season you and all the boys
in the 1st XI have just had: what have been the foundations
for the success that you have had as a team?
Teamwork: we really work hard for each other. We’ve
established trust and friendship, and there’s always plenty
of banter. At the beginning of the season I didn’t know
some of the guys coming up, but we’ve all blended
together both on and off the pitch. Everyone challenged
themselves and each other to lift their performance levels,
and going on tour to the Netherlands in December really
galvanised the group.
What lessons has the team had to learn along the way?
Probably the key one is that everyone has his own strengths
– which we should try to play to as much as possible. This
was a slight problem at the start, but slowly the boys on
the team began to believe that they could do it. There was
some real brilliance too – James Gall and Jonny Gall have
unreal skills: I am in awe. I’ll never forget Jonny dribbling
past someone who ended up on his backside: he just
couldn’t keep up with him. We also learned to have fun!
In Art, we have seen the first OC Art Exhibition, held
in London in collaboration with Cranleigh’s Director
of Art Peter McNiven, who also showcased some of
his own works. In Drama, we’ve seen the School’s
first Spanish Play by Mr Clarke, in which Rosie
Peters and her five ‘sons’ gave great performances in
what was a very entertaining evening. In Design, key
developments have included the arrival of a laser
cutting machine and a rapid prototyping machine,
giving pupils a major technological advantage in their
work. Our annual visit by Lebanese students included
a new, very testing Three Day Challenge, involving
Cranleigh pupils and the visiting Lebanese students
– including a team-building day, an International
Political Forum aimed at building negotiation and
diplomacy skills, and a Cultural Awareness day. And finally, of course, there was the Midsummer Ball
– Cranleigh’s first-ever joint School and OC social
gathering, and an unmitigated success, capped without
doubt by an incredible display by the Red Arrows.
We then went on to beat Whitgift, which was undoubtedly
the biggest highlight – because we’d lost both our two
previous games against them, including the National Indoor
Final. To beat them in the one that really mattered was
such a good feeling. The penalty shoot-out was amazingly
tense – but our players did the job, and it was incredible.
What and when was your first major breakthrough
onto the scene outside Cranleigh? When did you first
do county, regional and national matches?
I played for Surrey U13s when I was 12. On the first day I
was scared, I felt out of my depth – but over time my
confidence grew, and I still keep in touch with quite a few
of the boys in the squad. I then went on to play for Surrey
U14s and the South Regional side, which I captained:
then I was moved up to the U15 South Side and played for
the Saxon Tigers in the Futures Cup. Soon after that, I
played for U16 England – for which one of my strongest
memories is having to share a room with a goalkeeper
whom we had put six shots past earlier that day, so that
was a little awkward! Finally I joined the top local club,
Guildford, playing for their 1st XI.
Are there any particular routines that you have had to
adhere to strictly in order to be successful at county,
regional and national level?
In warm-up, it’s really important to do something good –
to create a positive memory right from the start. I try to
focus on one bit, and do it well. Fitness is also essential
– you have to be at your peak. I just try to run and run on
the pitch. I also try to go into every game relaxed and
looking to enjoy it – that is how I perform at my best level.
Is there any advice you would give to younger players?
Enjoy it! From this fundamental enjoyment stems practice
– even if it’s only with a mini-stick and a ping-pong ball!
What were the highlights for you and the team during
the Boarding Schools Cup?
Having the first home game in years, the Semi-Finals
against Dean Close, when the School could watch. That
was an amazingly uplifting experience for us. Also going
to the Final at Southgate HC to face Felsted. The
experience of winning a high profile game like that was
tremendous. We had been able to maintain a 100% record
in three years of the competition (including the previous
two Finals). It was also amazing for me personally, to have
played in all three Boarding Schools Cup finals.
What were the highlights for you and the team during
the National Indoor competition in January?
From the point of view of the team, getting through to the
Regional South Finals, and beating Seaford College, who
had the European Junior Indoor Player of the Year on their
team. We were obviously gutted to then lose to Whitgift
on penalty flicks in the final.
What were the highlights for you and the team during
the National Outdoor Championships at Cannock in May?
Our match against Repton was a massive learning curve. We
were 2-0 up and cruising, we took our foot off the pedal a bit,
and as a result two scrappy goals were conceded. Luckily, in
the last second we scored a winning goal – which
demonstrated the determination of the squad. There was a
minute left, but the ball was still in our D: instead of settling
for the ordinary, we pushed for an extra goal. After we’d won,
and qualified for the Final, Richard Organ (justifiably) gave us
quite a telling-off for almost letting it go.
What were the highlights for you and the team during
the St George’s Sixes in March?
Beating last year’s winners, The Perse School, by a margin
of 5-1. We were second to them in 2010 and were able to
go one step better in 2011 to win the tournament. And
watching a wonder goal from James Gall was pretty special.
What has been your most memorable moment so far?
There have been so many great moments. If I can
choose three:
1. Playing Germany in my first-ever England game. I was
so nervous, and believed that the Germans were a machine.
In the end we drew 4-4, much better than expected.
2. Playing against Germany in a 4-3 win in the Four Nations
Tournament in April 2011 – it could have gone either way.
The German U18s were very physical. I scored in the last
moments to get a win. Jonny Gall gave me the cross, I
deflected it in: it is fantastic playing with him: we just have
a very good understanding of each other’s game.
3. The National Finals against Whitgift! On a personal
(rather than team) level, it was more relief than joy at first,
having lost the U14 Nationals to them and the U18 Indoor
Championships. Third time lucky!
What has been the deepest low that you have experienced?
Last year, I played too much hockey, and it felt quite repetitive.
I wasn’t enjoying it, and thought I’d take a break from it – but
it took only a week to realise how much I missed it.
Where do you go from here? How do you see your
future developing?
My main ambition is to play in the U21 England World
Cup in 2014 in India. It’s going to be hot! And hopefully
Jonny Gall will be with me – though he may well be
promoted to Senior level sooner rather than later,
probably after 2012.
by Tim McConnell-Wood, Assistant Deputy Head
This term has again seen some outstanding performances by
Cranleigh pupils (individuals and teams) competing or
performing at the very highest level, who undoubtedly deserve a
special mention:
National Biology Challenge: four Cranleigh pupils –
Joe Hardy, Annabel Thompson, Justin Browning and Nat
McAleese-Park – competing against 20,000 students,
completed both rounds of the Challenge and achieved
Gold Awards.
Summer 2011 has been full of sporting success, with
some quite historic performances from the boys and
girls, including a number of significant national
successes. The 2010 U16 National Hockey winners
went the next step by winning the U18 National Outdoor
Hockey Championships with a thrilling penalty-flicks
victory over Whitgift (with Hugh Jolly scoring and
Owen Quant saving the Whitgift stroke). Sadly the
U16 side couldn’t make it an unbelievable double,
narrowly losing 1-0 in the final of the U16 competition.
Tom Batchelor, Jonny and James Gall not only
represented England, but were joint captains (Tom and
Jonny) of the England
U18 side, and James
was captain of the U16
side – and all in Cubitt
House! In addition, our
junior riding team of Briony Pearson (West), Erin
McCombe (West), Hattie Allison (South) and Ailsa
Wates (Cranleigh Prep) won the British Schools’
Eventing Championships at Stonar in May. Finally, on
the last weekend of term, Maddie Austin (West) won
Silver at the English Schools’ National Athletics
Competition at Gateshead in the 800m, and has been
chosen to represent England this summer.
In regular School sport the boys’ cricket 1st XI have
had a strong summer, including a new record in
centuries thanks to outstanding individual
performances from Jack Scriven (Loveday), Ollie
Davies (Loveday) and Bradley Scriven (Loveday)
(though collectively they managed to lose their House
match final to East!). They are looking forward with
relish to Cricket Week. More boys have been playing
senior cricket regularly than for many years, with a
strong 4th XI having to rotate the squad to ensure that
all players had a game – a real testament to the fun
and dedication of the coaching staff. James Corbishley
scored a century for the
U16s, and the junior
sides have had a spirited
cricket season. The girls’
1 st XI lost only to the
MCC, and had a notable
victory over a strong Wellington side. The tennis
club has had a strong season in both the boys’ and
girls’ sides. The pick of the crop would be the U14A
girls’ team, who have been unbeaten (with first pair
Chloë Nicholls and Poppy Bathhurst dropping only
one set all term) and Mara Waters in the 1st team,
who has not lost a set all season. This swimming
season, an incredible 24 girls’
records and 6 boys’ records
were broken, with Maddy Austin
and Sophie Kinally (West)
winning gold in the County
Championships. The girls’
Senior side remain unbeaten for
two years now, an extraordinary
achievement. With another successful year at the
Devizes-to-Westminster International Canoe Race,
a dedicated golf squad and a myriad of House matches
including badminton, croquet and rounders, Cranleigh
has been as busy as ever on the sports field.
Karl Popper Debating Championships in Turkey: Mark
Czajkowski, Paddy Wilson and Alex Clarke have been
selected to represent the UK.
‘Good Schools Guide’ 2011 award for The Best Point
Score for girls at an English Independent School taking
Design and Technology at GCSE: Cranleigh School Design
Department. Furthermore, over half of all students are
moving on to either product/industrial design or
engineering at university.
English Schools’ National Athletics Competition:
Maddy Austin took Silver in the 800m, and has been
selected to represent England this summer.
Surrey representation: Ben Durston (LVIth)
represented Surrey in the annual Inter-County
Swimming Championships.
Results: 100m breaststroke, 3rd; freestyle and medley
relay team events, 2nd.
IRB Junior World Championship in Italy: Prop Will
Collier (East, 2009) was a member of the England side
who finished runners-up to New Zealand.
Record number of centuries for the 1st XI: this
summer has seen a record six centuries scored to
date by Jack Scriven (3), captain Ollie Davies (2) and
Bradley Scriven (1).
Winner: Hebe Westcott
Surrey Emerging Players Programme Academy:
Jennifer Vincent.
Winner: Ellie Ayling
Winner: Sam McCagherty
Four Nations Tournament, England U18s: Tom
Batchelor, Jonny Gall (joint captains of the U18
England team), with Tom scoring a goal and the team
gaining the Silver medal.
Winner: Giles Rozier Pamplin
Four Nations Tournament, England U16s: James Gall
(captain of the U16 England team), with James scoring
a goal and the team gaining the Bronze medal.
GRADE 8 in AB Exam, Oboe: Eli Morgan
England U21s v Canada: Jonny Gall and Tom
Junior Royal College of Music essay prize: Chloë Allison
National Outdoor Finals, U18s: Cranleigh took the
medal, with outstanding contributions from all
members of the squad: Tom Subba-Row, Owen Quant
(both goalkeepers), Ollie Davies (Joint Vice-Captain),
Josh Hughes, Felix Irwin-Brown, Hugh Jolly, Jonny
Pullar, Gus Powell, Alex Thompson, Ed Stokes, James
Gall, Jonny Gall (Joint Vice-Captain), Tom Batchelor
(Captain), Sanjay Appan, Giles Rozier Pamplin, Ted
Croker and Sam Camsey.
National Outdoor Finals, U16s: Cranleigh’s U16 team
were runners up.
Winner: Oliver Harris
GRADE 8 in AB Exam, Harp: Rowan Von Sprekelsen
World premiere of John Taveners ‘Towards Silence’ at
Salisbury Cathedral: Louisa Golden
The cast, crew, Director (Miss Nikki Lockwood),
technical team and stage designers/painters of the
Junior Play, The Odyssey, should all be credited for
their outstanding efforts in producing “one of the best
Junior plays since I have been here”, in the words of Mr
Griffiths – please do take a look at PJL’s extended
review on the Cranleigh School website.
England U18s: Henry Taylor (LVIth) has become the
fourth Cranleigh School rugby player in three years to
represent England U18s, even though he is still U17.
75 pupils will be taking up the Duke of Edinburgh challenge
at the end of this term.
British Schools’ Eventing Championships, Stonar:
the junior riding team of Briony Pearson (West), Erin
McCombe (West), Hattie Allison (South) and Ailsa
Wates (Cranleigh Prep) took the title.
St Leonards-Mayfield Inter Schools One Day
Eventing: the Cranleigh team of Holly Partridge (West);
Caileigh Faure (South); Hattie Allison (South) and
Amelia Adorian (Cranleigh Prep) won the Novice
Schools’ Winter National Championships: Cranleigh
have now qualified teams for Arena Eventing, Show
Jumping and the Dressage, following their successes at
this term’s qualifying events
In support of the forthcoming ‘Beyond Cranleigh’ trip to
Zambia, six Cranleigh pupils – Ben Allon-Smith, Chris
Lehrter, Harvey Cullis, Ali Craig, Ollie Davies and Ross
Preston – cycled 100km around some of Surrey’s toughest
hills, joined by ARH and SAAB and a couple of boys from
St John’s School, Leatherhead.
Archie Clarke, Jamie Harrison and Tom Gudgeon’s headshave for Tildy’s Trust (www.tildystrust.com) raised £2,500.
The School sponsored walk on Sunday 1st May, involving
340 members of the Cranleigh Community, has raised
£28,000 so far for the new community school in Zambia.
For weekly updates of all of Cranleigh’s news and events, please visit the website at www.cranleigh.org/community
As the Good Schools Guide awards Cranleigh’s Design Department the Award for The Best
Point Score for Girls at an English Independent School taking Design and Technology at
GCSE, we showcase some of the key production processes, and resulting products,
undertaken in the Department this year...
An indoor pool – a plunge bath – was
constructed in 1885 in what is now the
Music School. Older boys were expected to
bathe in it, despite it being necessary to
break the ice at times in the winter.
Well done to the following, who have been awarded
their School Colours this term:
Ollie Davies
Jack Scriven
Tennis :
Natasha Fothergill-Misbah,
Chrissie Hoolahan,
Alex Knox, Jonny Pullar,
Giles Rozier-Pamplin,
Mara Waters
Sam McCagherty
James Boyle
Ben Monks
by Peter Longshaw
The musical highlight of the Summer Term is always
the Helen Wareham Competition Grand Final, followed
by the black-tie ‘Encore’ concert, in which this year
the winners and invited performers – Chloë Allison
and Tom Hollister – played again on Friday 20th May.
Adjudicator Professor Mark Wildman was clearly blown
away by the sheer quality of all the finalists, not just
the winners: the finalists being Ellie Ayling, who sang
‘Quando m’en vo’ by Puccini with phenomenal
conviction; Giles Rozier-Pamplin on saxophone; Oliver
Harris for his forthright trumpeting; Sam McCagherty
for a masterful reading of Kreisler’s Praeludium and
Allegro for violin; and Hebe Westcott for a wonderfully
artistic rendering of a Brahms piano intermezzo.
The competition was testimony to the sheer quality of
the School’s performers – and likewise it was
testimony to the energy and breadth of Cranleigh’s
Music Department and their pupils that this year’s
Summer Concert had ended at five minutes past ten
with nearly twenty substantial movements on the
programme. A particular highlight was the Big Band,
with Bob Wilson handing the baton to Eddie ‘Big Bird’
Hamilton in the theme from ‘Sesame Street’ and Rosie
Singleton singing ‘Sunny Side of the Street’. The most
heart-warming music-making of all, however, came
from the McCagherty brothers: violinist Sam and oboist
Harry in a Bach double concerto.
Another special treat was the welcome return to
Cranleigh by Jocelyn Waller, one of the finest pianists
the School has produced in recent years, with her regular
duet partner Benjamin Charlston. The sheer pleasure
these young pianists took in making music was nowhere
more ebullient than in the final ‘Le bal’ from Bizet’s
‘Jeux d’Enfants’, which was deservedly encored.
The Junior Play is not just about stars of the future:
many of this year’s actors are already stars. Nikki
Lockwood’s rollicking, uproarious production of Hattie
Naylor’s ‘The Odyssey’ provided a myriad of delights
for its audience. At the centre was Ollie Clarke’s crafty
Odysseus and Tilda Martin’s memorable Circe; Freddie
Banks’s wonderfully square Eurolychus; Isie Marcar’s
resolute Penelope; Grace Lent’s Athene; Dalvyn
Hayden’s Zeus; Fin Johnston’s Mercury and Rory
Weyman’s vengeful Poseidon were just some of the
most divine performances. Odysseus’s final reunion
with his wife, his son Telemachus (Weston Lord) and
father Laertes (James Doherty) produced sensitive,
mature acting that almost makes us want to reconsider
the ‘Junior Play’ label.
Finally, in the last week of term, the Lower Sixth Spanish
set, directed by Jimena Clarke, premièred with both
linguistic and artistic flair Head of Spanish Robert
Clarke’s ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba: La Continuación’.
This was a skilful and amusing re-working of the Lorca
classic for the present day, in which a widowed mother
confronts the problem of what to do with five children
who, far from yearning for unattainable freedom under
a ruthlessly oppressive regime, see no reason at all to
leave the comforts of home.
The Foundation’s work has continued apace this term,
resulting in further work on the organ gallery in the
Chapel this summer; the seeding of Bluett’s and its
adjacent rugby pitch; the funding of a new cricket
‘bubble’ as part of its School-Community project
work, and the support of a third Foundationer to start
at the Prep School in September 2011. The highlight
of the Trustees’ extraordinary efforts, however, was
of course the Midsummer Ball – the first partnership
event between the Foundation, the OC Society and
the School in Cranleigh’s history. A Red Arrows
display, a star-spangled marquee, delicious catering
by Cottage Caterers with Rhubarb, humorous hosting
by Angus Deayton, an outstanding auction and some
exuberant dancing among the 600 guests all combined
on the night to create one of the most memorable
social events ever held at the School. Sincere
congratulations and thanks go to all of the Trustees
and parents who worked so tirelessly on the Ball,
lead by Lulu Hampson, Belinda Graham-Rack and
Chairman Rick Johnson. And we look forward with
eager anticipation to the next one!
If you would like to purchase any photos from
this fantastic evening, please visit:
First of the ‘Beyond Cranleigh’ trips to Zambia
Senior Rugby Tour to Singapore and Australia
British Eventing SE Qualifier, Tweseldown
CCF Summer Camp, Crowborough
The Open Golf Championships,
Royal St George’s
Senior Rugby Tour to Australia
All England Schools Summer Show Jumping
Championships, Hickstead
D of E Gold Expedition, French Alps
Girls’ Hockey 1st XI Tour to Holland
Good luck also to the four Cranleigh pupils – Ben
Allon-Smith, Chris Lehrter, Harvey Cullis and Ali
Craig – cycling from Cranleigh to Rome to raise
money for the Beyond Cranleigh Zambia project. And
finally to Mr Block, as he sets off on his epic journey
from Johannesburg to the London Olympics..!
For weekly updates of all of Cranleigh’s news and events, please visit the website at www.cranleigh.org/community
Neil and Susie Bennett, who have for many
years been an absolutely integral part of the
Cranleigh School community. Not only have they
been close work colleagues to so many within
Cranleigh, but, more importantly, great friends to
us all. They have given so much support and
advice over the years to both younger and older
members of the Common Room, which I am
sure many of us will remember for years to come.
One such pearl of wisdom Neil once gave me,
which I still use to this day, is ‘The Paper Trick’. Neil said to me
one day, “Always carry a piece of paper in your hand while
walking around the campus, so colleagues will always think
you are busy!” Both Neil and Susie have worked in so many
areas of the School – be it the Maths and English departments,
being Assistant Housemaster in Cubitt and Housemistress in
South, running the 1st XV rugby and 1st VII netball teams or
just providing great banter in the Common Room bar over so
many years – that it is impossible to imagine Cranleigh without
their friendly faces and upbeat good humour. We wish them
the very best in their retirement, and have no doubt that they
will bring a breath of fresh air to their new home in Norfolk.
Alice Claydon, teacher of Physics and Chemistry,
who leaves us to return to charity work in Oxford.
Alice’s creativity and enthusiasm for her subjects
inspired all those who taught alongside her, as
well as the students in her care. She set extremely
high standards in the classroom and her involvement elsewhere
in the school ranged from taking Oxbridge groups to being in
charge of cross-country and running an activity in jewellery
making (she is a trained silversmith)! Her professionalism will
be sorely missed by both departments.
Frank Hardee, Politics and Economics Teacher
and Tutor in North, who is moving to South Korea
to teach at the new North London Collegiate Jeju
School. His passion for politics will be missed by
pupils and colleagues alike, alongside the
enthusiasm that he has brought to everything that he has
done at Cranleigh, whether organising Model UN Days or
coaching Cranleigh’s finest rounders players. He leaves a
tremendous legacy in the fields of debating and public speaking,
and has left strict instructions that House croquet must
continue as an annual event. We wish him every success in
his ‘Korea move’.
Sam Harrod Booth, who joined the Maths
department only in September 2010, but very
made her mark. The department quickly grew to
realise that, never backwards in coming forwards,
Sam was a straight shooter and frank with her
views. The department grew to love her, not just for her
quick remarks, but also for her homemade cakes! She is an
excellent teacher, inspiring both young and older pupils, and
one that will be sorely missed in the department. She is also
a Tutor in West and made a huge impact on her tutees in no
time at all. She is moving on to bigger and better things, and
we would like to wish Sam all the best for her new position as
Head of Maths at Tormead.
Damian Henderson, Head of Modern Languages
and Assistant Director of Studies, leaves us after
just one year. His passion for teaching and for the
process of learning was apparent to all who worked
with him. This came across in his teaching, but
also in his work within the boarding house, where he was
equally keen to help the House Staff build pastoral systems
that helped the pupils to succeed. Like all good schoolmasters,
he was also adept in many facets of school life – whether on
the sports pitch, or in just engaging with pupils about their
Felix Hill, who joined us for two terms, teaching
mathematics, tutoring and providing extremely
proficient support in the IT department. A very
fine mathematician, he took to teaching superbly,
with his infectious enthusiasm for the subject
...and finally, Cranleigh
Staff would like to wish
everyone a wonderful
summer break
striking a chord with the pupils. He is also a modest yet highly
talented sportsman, throwing himself into this side of Cranleigh
life. In the Summer Term he impressed us all with his
organisational skills with regard to the Lebanese visit. Felix is
moving on to start a PhD in Cognitive Science and we all wish
him every success.
Alan Smith, Master of the Scholars, one-time
Head of Spanish, Head of Critical Thinking, Editor
of ‘The Cranleighan’ for 25 issues, Ephor ever
after, Chairman of Schools’ Challenge, finally,
after 38 years at Cranleigh, flies away to begin a
well-earned retirement in a penthouse flat in Oxford. Words
are inadequate when one attempts to pay due homage to the
immense contribution Alan has made to Cranleigh’s life
since he joined us, straight from Cambridge, to teach Spanish
in 1973. Frequently in the forefront of events and activities,
working tirelessly in the background (we won’t know what he
actually did until it isn’t done the next time around…), Alan
has proved indispensible to three Headmasters, many
Governors (he’s Secretary to the Education Committee) and
has been a generous friend and host to innumerable members
of the Common Room. His style is unique and, as the Head
said at one of the many ‘celebrations’ of Alan’s departure,
“After they made him they threw away the mould”. Perhaps
he will be remembered for the development of the Purvis
Society and its wide range of distinguished speakers, perhaps
for his brilliant after-dinner speeches, or will it be for his
mastery of the pun? Whatever it is, Vulture, we wish you the
very best for the future.
Fergus Wilson, Warden of Cubitt and former
Deputy Housemaster of East, who is promoted to
the post of Housemaster at Milton Abbey School
in Dorset after 10 years at Cranleigh. Fergus will
be remembered for his boyish enthusiasm in so
many fields of Cranleigh life; as an inspirational Biology
teacher, CCF Officer (and Head Fireman), Chairman of
Common Room and on the sports fields, most notably as a
very successful Head of Athletics. Mostly he will be
remembered by former East boys and his other tutees as
“Uncle Ferg”: totally on their wavelength, giving
encouragement, advice, correction and support to all with
whom he came into contact. He and his family will be
missed indeed by the Cranleigh Community and we wish
them well. DATES FOR NEXT
A quick-glance round-up of some key events
(in-school and out) to which parents are
warmly invited – or at which their support
would be, as ever, extremely welcome!
Fri 2 Sept
4.00pm Rugby: 1st XV v Guildford U19s
Sat 10 Sept
2.30pm Rugby: 1st XV v Brighton (away)
2.00pm Girls’ Hockey 1st XI v Reed’s (away)
Sun 11 Sept 8.15pm Informal Chapel: Mr Jonathan
Aitken (Speech Hall)
(Reception at 7.30pm in Reading Room)
Fri 16 Sept
7.30pm Senior Music Scholars’
Concert (MMS)
Wed 21 Sept 7.30pm Concert Series: The Band of the
Scots Guards (SH)
Fri 23 Sept
7.30pm Junior Music Scholars’ Concert
Sat 24 Sept
7.45pm Big Band Supper Dance
(Emms Centre)
Sun 25 Sept 6.00pm Zambia Trip Parents’ Briefing
Fri 30 Sept
7.30pm Parents’ and CR Prayer Supper
(Jubilee Memorial Pavilion)
Sat 1 Oct
2.30pm Rugby: 1st XV v Marlborough (home)
3.30pm Girls’ Hockey 1st XI v
Hurstpierpoint (home)
Wed 5 Oct
7.30pm Opening Concert: Bach
Complete Organ Works (Chapel)
Wed 5 –
Fri 7 Oct
7.30pm Sixth Form Play: ‘Ghosts’ (VCT)
Tue 18 Oct – 7.30pm East House Plays: ‘To Walk a
Thu 20 Oct Mile’;’Trammel’ (VCT)
Veronica Harrison, who retires as the School’s
Librarian at the end of term after twenty very
successful and full years. For the last eight
years she has also taught History of Art to the
Sixth Form with a real sense of personal
enthusiasm. Veronica, as you would expect, has always
shown herself passionate about books and learning and her
charm and sense of humour have inspired generations of
Cranleigh pupils. She has helped stir many an academic
appetite or guide many an individual pupil towards an interest
which has become enduring for that pupil; and in a quiet and
calm way she has offered to hundreds a kind of unofficial
pastoral support to many of those Cranleighans who gravitated
towards the Library as one of their favourite areas of the
School. It was a favourite area for many precisely because of
Veronica’s presence. Her protection of the Reading Room as
a place of learning has remained undiminished over her
tenure as Librarian, and so has that twinkle in her eyes and
smile on her face. Veronica will be missed and we wish her
every happiness in retirement. Wed 19 Oct
7.30pm Concert Series: Violin/Piano
Recital (MMS)
Sat 5 Nov
2.30pm Rugby: 1st XV v Tonbridge (away)
Wed 9 Nov
7.30pm Helen Wareham Competition:
Pat Dixon Woodwind Performance (MMS)
Fri 11 Nov
7.30pm Music for Remembrance:
Rutter ‘Requiem’ (Chapel)
Christine Fairhurst, who retires at the end of
term after nearly 30 years at Cranleigh. She has
run the payroll for most of her time here and we
are all indebted for the diligent and detailed way
that she has tackled the multitude of regulations
she has had to contend with in getting her job done. Her
cheerful yet thoughtful approach to life will be missed and
we wish her all the very best for a happy retirement. I am sure
that family commitments will ensure that she remains busy
for many years to come.
Tue 15 Nov – 7.30pm School Play: ‘A Midsummer
Fri 18 Nov
Night’s Dream’ (SH)
Wed 23 Nov
7.30pm Helen Wareham Competition:
Brass Performance (MMS)
Thu 24 Nov
2.30pm Rugby: 1st XV v Wellington (home)
3.15pm Girls’ Hockey 1st XI v Wellington
Fri 2 Dec
7.30pm Christmas Concert (SH)
Sat 3 Dec
2.30pm Rugby: 1st XV v Old Cranleighans
3.30pm Girls’ Hockey 1st XI v Bradfield
8.30pm Tom Avery Society Lecture –
Lewis Pugh: ‘Achieving the Impossible’ (ALT)
N.B. Some events do require tickets.
For full details of all of next term’s events, including
individual teams’ sporting fixtures, please refer to the
School Calendar and to the Events Guide (also
available online at www.cranleigh.org).
Jane Underdown – Director of Finance
For weekly updates of all of Cranleigh’s news and events, please visit the website at www.cranleigh.org/community
For House News, please visit the dedicated Houses section at www.cranleigh.org/community
For comments and requests for content you
would like to see featured in Cranleigh Matters,
please email egmd@cranleigh.org
A sincere thank you to Stephen Owen for providing the
photography featured within, and to Nick Smith at Andesign
for all the design and artwork.

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