

Jennifer Kumar, standing below in a group photo with her
trainees, is an American citizen who has lived, worked and
studied between the United States and India since 1998.
She has the relevant cross-cultural experience,
professional expertise and tools to help you cope
successfully between these diverse cultural landscapes.
Jennifer can help you to understand and bridge the cultural
gaps to help you work and communicate effectively with
Americans working offshore in India or onshore in the U.S.
“Through role plays, we learned about body language,
posture, and how to behave with Americans in inperson meetings and conference calls.”
There is no time to be sleepy in your
class. We are always running around
Working with Americans in the U.S. and offshore from India is a reality
A unique two-day program to expose participants to the lifestyle, workplace
for many Indian professionals. Understanding the U.S. culture is critical
culture, mindset, behaviors, traditions, and culture of the United States of
to career and business success. Interactive role plays facilitated by an
American expose your employees to the soft-skills and employability
skills needed to reduce culture shock and increase cross-cultural
American Values
Small Talk and Pleasantries
Presentation Skills
Listening & Phone Skills
Working Relationships
English Pronunciation
Meal-time Etiquette
Conversation Practice
understanding when working between Western and Eastern cultures.
for the activities. Thank you for the
good time you are providing us.
-Rona Robert
The sessions helped my team understand the basic dos and don’ts of email and phone communication and
how to paraphrase.
-Akhil NP
We were enlightened on American
values, how to communicate with
people across borders, eating
Individualized coaching for employees
manners and so on.
- Laxmi, Media Analytics
working with American clients
Group and individualized coaching for
Meeting Time Etiquette
Area-Specific Orientation
Spoken English, Accent and
Phone & Conference Call Skills
Emotional Intelligence
Pronunciation, American Business
Written & E-mail Communication
Safety Tips
Communication Skills, and more!
Customer Service Skills
Meal-time Etiquette in the US
Small Talk & Conversational Skills
Hotel and Rental Home Basics
Games on presentations and
summarizing helped me to raise my
confidence level. Your
encouragement was absolutely
fantastic for me!
- Shijina
“It was my first experience with a
foreign teacher. At first, I assumed
that I would not be able to understand your accent. I was wrong! We
were able to follow you easily. Thank
you for that!”
-Pooja, UST Global