Would you like to sharpen your etiquette skills?
Would you like to sharpen your etiquette skills?
Would you like to sharpen your etiquette skills? Join us for an Etiquette Dinner sponsored by the Business Department and Student Life Who: Montgomery College Administrators, prominent business professionals and YOU What: Four Course, dinner program led by an etiquette professional When: Wednesday, April 6, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Where: Takoma Park, Cultural Arts Center– Art Gallery Space is limited so please RSVP immediately. Please call 240-567-1613 or email paulette.ellis@montgomerycollege.edu. For disability accommodations please contact the Office of Student Life at 240-567-1482. Would you like to sharpen your etiquette skills? Join us for an Etiquette Dinner sponsored by the Business Department and Student Life Who: Montgomery College Administrators, prominent business professionals and YOU What: Four Course, dinner program led by an etiquette professional When: Wednesday, April 6, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Where: Takoma Park/ Silver Spring Campus, Cultural Arts Center– Art Gallery Space is limited so please RSVP immediately. Please call 240-567-1613 or email paulette.ellis@montgomerycollege.edu. For disability accommodations please contact the Office of Student Life at 240-567-1482. Montgomery College is pleased to have Crystal L. Bailey, Esq. join us for an Etiquette Dinner Hosted by Student Life and the Business Department Be in the Know… Join Montgomery College administrators and prominent Fine Dining Etiquette & Protocol community business leaders for a night to remember. The evening will feature a four-course meal led by Ms. Bailey as she unveils the secrets to proper dining etiquette in The Details... business settings. You won’t want to miss this! Monday, April 6, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Takoma Park/ Silver Spring Campus Crystal L. Baily, distinguished Etiquette Cultural Arts Center, Art Gallery Trainer, is dedicated to helping young professionals polish their protocol. Space is limited so please R.S.V.P. immediately. Students are encouraged to sign-up in the Student Life Office located in ST 217. For program related questions or if you require disability accommodations, please call 240-567-1482 or email Kimberly Herrera, kimberly.herrera@montgomerycollege.edu