Sector Autopartes


Sector Autopartes
Boletín de novedades
Mayo - Junio 2015
Sector Autopartes
Innovaciones tecnológicas
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Modelo extendido de seguimiento a un vehículo considerando la fluctuación de la distancia ...
Investigación sobre tecnología de estabilidad vehicular basada en la fuerza de las ruedas
Evaluación comparativa del riesgo en las actividades de mantención de un vehículo: Automóv...
Diseño de un sistema de asistencia en vehículo para el apoyo de la eco conducción
Análisis automatizado y proactivo de la seguridad vial a gran escala utilizando datos de v...
Innovadores materiales livianos avanzados para la próxima generación de vehículos eléctric...
Simulador de conducción para personas discapacitadas con evaluación científica de sus habi...
Aparato y método para la protección del ocupante del vehículo en las salidas de la calzada
Dispositivo de procesamiento sobre el vehículo
Elemento interior de vehículo con cubierta de espuma, proceso de fabricación correspondien...
Estructura de barras para asiento trasero de vehículo
Instalación de nodos inalámbricos en vehículos motorizados
Cristal para ventana de automóvil, método para fijar una moldura y método de fabricación d...
Aparato, método y artículo para proporcionar información de eventos relacionados al vehícu...
Partidarios de la industria automotriz utilizan un amplio espectro de soluciones para dism...
Mercedez-Benz sigue los pasos de Tesla con sus propias baterías de origen
No existe justificación para discriminar la tecnología diésel moderna, dice el organismo d...
El coche auto-conducido: una revolución en perspectiva
Trina Solar proporciona sus paneles y módulos IBC para la construcción del auto solar de O...
Industria de proveedores promueve la Ley de Innovación para Vehículos 2015
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
El Ferrari FXX K se vuelve digital probando su ciber llanta Pirelli
Hyundai Sonata 2015, el primer vehículo con Android Auto.
Solvay participa en Polimotor 2, proyecto de motores de polímero reforzado con fibra de ca...
Los Google Car inician su prueba en las calles
Cooper Tire finaliza proyecto DOE de $1.5M para desarrollar neumáticos de menor consumo, s...
Talleres de GNC certificados por el INTI.
Matrícula de vehículos de combustible alternativo: +28.8% en el primer cuatrimestre
ENGEL equipa el Open Hybrid LabFactory con máquina v-duo 3600 para la investigación sobre ...
El diseño “WaterBone” es el ganador del premio del desafío ARPA-E LITECAR
Nuevas Normas ISO 9001 e ISO 14001.
Fabricantes españoles de componentes para automoción expusieron sus productos en Automecha...
Informe Industria Mayo 2015.
Las emisiones de CO2 en el Reino Unido han disminuido por 17º año consecutivo y dos tercio...
Estudio de efectos medioambientales de la iniciativa ambiental Euro 5 para vehículos de ca...
Foro de vehículos con nueva energía SAE 2015
Simposio SAE 2016 sobre tecnologías de vehículos híbridos
Pág. 2
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Modelo extendido de seguimiento a un vehículo considerando la
fluctuación de la distancia entre vehículos
Publicada el 01/06/2015
Publication date: June 2015 Source: Measurement, Volume 70 Author(s):
Shaowei Yu , Zhongke Shi. To explore and evaluate the effects of
vehicular gap fluctuation on roadway traffic mobility, fuel economy and
exhaust emissions, we first analyzed the linkage between vehicular gap
fluctuation and the following car’s acceleration or deceleration with the
measured car-following data, and then developed an extended carfollowing model considering vehicular gap fluctuation based on the full
velocity difference model. Finally, numerical simulations are conducted to
explore how vehicular gap fluctuation affects car’s velocity, acceleration,
vehicular gap, fuel consumptions and exhaust emissions. The results show
that vehicular gap fluctuation has significant effects on the dynamic
characteristics, fuel consumptions and exhaust emissions of traffic flow,
and that considering vehicular gap fluctuation in modeling traffic flow
system can improve the stability of traffic flow, increase fuel efficiency and
reduce exhaust emissions.
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Pág. 3
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Investigación sobre tecnología de estabilidad vehicular basada
en la fuerza de las ruedas
Publicada el 31/05/2015
ESC (Electronic Stability Control) system determines the dynamic stability
of a vehicle with information fed from sensors in the vehicle, suppresses
side slip by controlling the torques of the brakes and engine, and secures
stability during cornering. The currently commercialized ESC system
predicts wheel force, which is directly related to the attitude of a vehicle,
from the body behavior information. It is thus limited by the time-delay
accompanying the suspension reaction. Studies on next generation ESC
systems thus attempt to measure the wheel force directly and apply it to
ESC. This paper compared and analyzed the fundamental differences
between control based on body behavior information — yaw rate used in
the commercial ESC system — and control based on force information, the
ESC system that is expected to be developed in the future, as well as the
systems' performance. In conclusion, control based on body behavior
information employed in the commercial ESC system is inevitably
accompanied by a delay in response time for vehicle behavior due to its
structure, and the superiority of control based on wheel force over the
commercial ESC system in terms of response time and vehicle attitude
stability was verified.
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Pág. 4
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Evaluación comparativa del riesgo en las actividades de
mantención de un vehículo: Automóviles híbridos, a batería
eléctrica y a pila de combustible de hidrógeno
Publicada el 01/05/2015
Publication date: May 2015. Source: International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Volume 47 Author(s):
Antonio López-Arquillos , Juan Carlos Rubio-Romero , Manuel Súarez-Cebador , María del Carmen PardoFerreira. In this research, vehicle maintenance activities and their safety risks were statistically analyzed. This
study focused on three types of vehicle: hybrid, battery electric, and hydrogen fuel cell cars. The repair
activities and the risks for each power train technology were identified by a panel of experts. Depending on its
frequency and severity, risk values were calculated for each maintenance activity. The method chosen was the
staticized group method, which involves collection opinions from a panel of experts. The ten experts finally
chosen were asked to anonymously respond to a survey that had been especially designed to reduce bias and
ensure the quality of the data. The most dangerous vehicle maintenance activities were the manipulation of
asbestos, charging and discharging of high value capacitors, and welding. Relevance to industry The results of
this research reflect the urgent need for workers in the automobile sector to be trained for emerging risks in
new technologies.
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Pág. 5
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Diseño de un sistema de asistencia en vehículo para el apoyo
de la eco conducción
Publicada el 24/04/2015
Publication date: 24 April 2015 Source: Transportation Research Part C:
Emerging Technologies Author(s): Daryl L. Hibberd , Hamish Jamson ,
Samantha L. Jamson This driving simulator study was the second of two
studies investigating the most effective and acceptable in-vehicle system
for the provision of guidance on fuel efficient accelerator usage. Three ecodriving interfaces were selected for test (a second-order display visual
display with auditory alerts and two haptic accelerator pedal systems)
following a pilot study of 12 different interfaces. These systems were
tested in a range of eco-driving scenarios involving acceleration,
deceleration and speed maintenance, and assessed through their effects
on fuel economy, vehicle control, distraction, and driver subjective
feedback. The results suggest that a haptic accelerator pedal system is
most effective for preventing over-acceleration, whilst minimal differences
were observed between systems in terms of the effect of the assistance
provided to prevent under-acceleration. The visual–auditory interface
lowered the time spent looking towards the road, indicating a potential
negative impact on driver safety from using this modality to provide
continuous green driving support. Subjective results were consistent with
the objective findings, with haptic pedal systems creating lower perceived
workload than a visual–auditory interface. Driver acceptability ratings
suggested a slight favouring of a haptic-force system for its usefulness,
whereas the more subtle haptic-stiffness system was judged more
acceptable to use. These findings offer suggestions for the design of a
user-friendly, eco-driving device that can help drivers improve their fuel
economy, specifically through the provision of real-time guidance on the
manipulation of the accelerator pedal position.
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Pág. 6
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Análisis automatizado y proactivo de la seguridad vial a gran
escala utilizando datos de video
Publicada el 22/04/2015
Publication date: 22 April 2015 Source: Transportation Research Part C:
Emerging Technologies Author(s): Paul St-Aubin , Nicolas Saunier , Luis
Miranda-Moreno Due to the complexity and pervasiveness of
transportation in daily life, the use and combination of larger data sets and
data streams promises smarter roads and a better understanding of our
transportation needs and environment. For this purpose, ITS systems are
steadily being rolled out, providing a wealth of information, and
transitionary technologies, such as computer vision applied to low-cost
surveillance or consumer cameras, are already leading the way. This
paper presents, in detail, a practical framework for implementation of an
automated, high-resolution, video-based traffic-analysis system,
particularly geared towards researchers for behavioural studies and road
safety analysis, or practitioners for traffic flow model validation. This
system collects large amounts of microscopic traffic flow data from
ordinary traffic using CCTV and consumer-grade video cameras and
provides the tools for conducting basic traffic flow analyses as well as
more advanced, pro-active safety and behaviour studies. This paper
demonstrates the process step-by-step, illustrated with examples, and
applies the methodology to a case study of a large and detailed study of
roundabouts (nearly 80,000 motor vehicles tracked up to 30 times per
second driving through a roundabout). In addition to providing a rich set of
behavioural data about Time-to-Collision and gap times at nearly 40
roundabout weaving zones, some data validation is performed using the
standard Measure of Tracking Accuracy with results in the 85–95% range.
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Pág. 7
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Innovadores materiales livianos avanzados para la próxima
generación de vehículos eléctricos sustentables
Publicada el 29/06/2015
Hybrid-EVs and Full-EVs on the market are products where the Internal-Combustion-Engine (ICE) is
supplemented by an electric-motor (HEV) or replaced by an all-electric power-train (FEV). Both approaches do
not address lightweight or modularity inheriting the same disadvantages as conventional ICEV - Electrification
of mobility must face a conceptual rEVOLUTION! This project breaks the paradigm of current Body-in-White
(BiW) by delegating the whole structural function to a novel BiW archetype made up of a MultifunctionalRolling-Chassis (MRC) enabled by a new generation of highly-hybridized structural components and
complemented by a non-structural upper-body. This MRC will be the common basis for a family of user friendly
vehicles differing by changing only the upper-body according to the customer demand. Advanced materials will
enable the development of novel super-lightweight hybrid components complying with safety standards and
recycling constraints, and enable the design of the innovative MRC for FEV leading to a further weight
reduction of 40% over that achieved using the current state of the art in the SuperLIGHT-CAR project.
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Simulador de conducción para personas discapacitadas con
evaluación científica de sus habilidades de conducción e
indicaciones para las adaptaciones necesarias en el vehículo
Publicada el 26/06/2015
This project involves the creation of a driving simulator for disabled people that can provide a scientific
assessment of their driving skills and indicate the type of adaptation to be made to the vehicle. The product
consists of three different components: a complex hardware device that assesses the driving context through
sophisticated sensors, software that simulates various driving situations (sudden braking, queues,
roundabouts, etc/) and a real-time analytics system that converts the series of measurements into a genuine
medical/scientific assessment.
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Pág. 8
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Aparato y método para la protección del ocupante del vehículo
en las salidas de la calzada
Publicada el 17/06/2015
A method and apparatus are disclosed for vehicle occupant protection in
unintentional roadway departure by a vehicle having at least one vehicle
seat with a seat cushion mounted on a seat frame, the height of which is
adjustable through a motor operated height adjustment device. Vehicle
travel is monitored using a remote sensor and/or a vehicle dynamics
sensor. The remote sensor detects edges of the road. The vehicle
dynamics sensor determines vehicle dynamics parameters. Road edge
signals and/or vehicle dynamics signals are processed to determine
whether the vehicle is about to leave the road. Operation of the height
adjustment device to move a seat cushion towards a crash-position is
triggered in response to an off-road signal indicating that the vehicle is
about to leave the road.
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Pág. 9
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Dispositivo de procesamiento sobre el vehículo
Publicada el 10/06/2015
An object of the present invention is to provide is an on-vehicle image
processing device that achieves low cost and provides high mounting
accuracy and high electrical adjustment accuracy during a manufacturing
process. The on-vehicle image processing device includes a first imaging
section, a second imaging section, and an enclosure having the first
imaging section at one end and the second imaging section at the other
end. The on-vehicle image processing device generates a range image
from images captured by the first and second imaging sections. The onvehicle image processing device further includes an enclosure reference
surface that comes in contact with an equipment jig during manufacture,
the enclosure reference surface being provided at two locations between
the first and second imaging sections.
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Elemento interior de vehículo con cubierta de espuma, proceso
de fabricación correspondiente y vehículo
Publicada el 10/06/2015
An interior element (1) of a vehicle comprises a core (3), a skin (11) and a
foam layer (19), the core (3) having an upper surface (5), a lower surface
(7) and a shoulder (9), the shoulder (9) having at a longitudinal end one
transverse edge (25). The lower surface (7) has at least one side rib (27)
with a rib free edge (29) in contact against the skin (11), the side rib (27)
having an end portion (31) extending up to the transverse edge (25) of the
shoulder (9) so that the skin (11) is in contact with the rib end portion (31).
The probability that leakages take place at the transverse end of the
shoulder is reduced.
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Pág. 10
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Estructura de barras para asiento trasero de vehículo
Publicada el 10/06/2015
A guard bar has an inverse-U shape, and its inward end portion is
configured to pass through a cross bar and be welded to the cross bar and
its outward end portion is fixed to the cross bar via a junction member. The
junction member has a reinforcement portion which is fastened together
with a link bracket and the cross bar. Thus, there can be provided a
seatback bar structure of a vehicle which can properly attach the guard
bar, considering the manufacturing accuracy of extrusion molding of
aluminum or aluminum alloy, and also can properly transmit a load
inputted to the guard bar in a vehicle's rollover to a leg portion and side
panels so as to achieve appropriate load dispersion.
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Pág. 11
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Instalación de nodos inalámbricos en vehículos motorizados
Publicada el 10/06/2015
A method and a computer device for installing wireless nodes in motor
vehicles, such that at least one wireless node (1) is installed in a motor
vehicle (3) which is provided with at least one electronic control unit ECU
(30) suited to wireless communication with the wireless node (1). The
computer device (5) comprises, or is connected communicatively to, a
database (51) containing identities, e.g. chassis numbers, of a plurality of
motor vehicles. The computer device (5) is provided with an authentication
unit (52) configured to couple a manufacturing identity of a wireless node
(1), e.g. a serial number, to an identity of the vehicle (3) in the database
(51), and with a communication unit (53) configured to transmit the
manufacturing identity of the wireless node (1) to the respective vehicle
(30). The method comprises registering (105) a unique manufacturing
identity, e.g. a serial number, belonging to the wireless node (1), in a
database (51), which manufacturing identity of the wireless node (1) is
coupled to an identity of the vehicle (3), e.g. a chassis number, in the
database (51), which registration is effected by the computer device (5).
The method further comprises transmitting (107) the manufacturing identity
of the wireless node (1) from the computer device (5) to the vehicle (3),
thereby authenticating the wireless node (1) for wireless communication
with the vehicle (3). Also cited are a motor vehicle (3) and a computer
programme product which comprises a computer programme for execution
by the computer device.
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Pág. 12
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Cristal para ventana de automóvil, método para fijar una
moldura y método de fabricación de cristal para ventana de
Publicada el 20/05/2015
Automotive window glass to which a molding for sealing space between a
car body and the window glass is to be attached, the window glass
including, an attachment starting point mark indicating an attachment
starting point of the molding, and at least one of a termination starting point
mark and a termination last point mark in a specification range in which a
termination of the molding, of which an attachment to the window glass
being started from the attachment starting point, is to be placed.
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Aparato, método y artículo para proporcionar información de
eventos relacionados al vehículo
Publicada el 13/05/2015
Detected events such as impacts, accidents, breakdowns, and types of
driving behaviors based on feedback from tilt, gravity, accelerometers
and/or shock sensors within a portable electrical power storage device
such as a battery and/or within a vehicle (e.g., an electric scooter) are
communicated to the user's mobile device, dashboard display and/or
backend systems over wired and/or wireless communication channels.
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Pág. 13
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Partidarios de la industria automotriz utilizan un amplio
espectro de soluciones para disminuir las emisiones de CO2
Publicada el 23/06/2015
The automobile industry remains committed to contributing its fair share
towards lowering greenhouse gas emissions, namely through fuelefficiency technologies (eg variable valve timing, turbocharging, stop-start
systems and direct injection technology) and continued investment into
alternative powertrains.
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Mercedez-Benz sigue los pasos de Tesla con sus propias
baterías de origen
Publicada el 05/06/2015
Tesla Motors [NSDQ:TSLA] may be the first automaker to try selling
standalone battery packs for powering homes and businesses, but it may
not be the only one for long. Mercedes-Benz could soon enter the energy
storage business as well.
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Pág. 14
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
No existe justificación para discriminar la tecnología diésel
moderna, dice el organismo de la industria automotriz de la
Unión Europea
Publicada el 03/06/2015
The European Automobile Manufacturer’s Association (ACEA) has voiced
its surprise and disappointment at yesterday’s announcement that Euro 6
diesel cars will not be included in Category 1 of the new French colour
coding scheme, which classifies vehicles according to their pollution levels.
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El coche auto-conducido: una revolución en perspectiva
Publicada el 02/06/2015
OECD searchers have explored two different self-driving vehicle concepts, between ride sharing and car
sharing. Based on their findings, this study underlines that, thanks to this kind of mobility services, 9 out of
every 10 cars could be remove in a mid-sized European city. Welcome to the future of city traffic.
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Pág. 15
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Trina Solar proporciona sus paneles y módulos IBC para la
construcción del auto solar de OSU
Publicada el 02/06/2015
The OSU-Model-S is fueled solely by solar power which is converted into
electricity via 565 highly efficient solar cells, and has just finished its first
test run in Shirahama Old Airport, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. The IBC
cells provided by Trina Solar have demonstrated efficiencies up to 24.4%
in laboratory tests and 23.1% in pilot industrial production. The OSUModel-S will compete in early August in the IFA Suzuka Solar Car Race,
the largest international solar car race taking place in Japan.
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Industria de proveedores promueve la Ley de Innovación para
Vehículos 2015
Publicada el 01/06/2015
MEMA has been working for months behind-the-scenes in Washington, D.C. to help bring forth the Vehicle
Innovation Act of 2015. We praise Sens. Peters, Alexander and Stabenow for their leadership in introducing
this important piece of legislation that has direct business implications for the supplier community. This
legislation funds activities in the Department of Energy’s Vehicle Technologies Office that support motor
vehicle supplier research and development activities to enhance the future of fuel efficient cars and trucks and
explore new advancements and applications for vehicle communications systems. The programs in this bill will
support domestic research and manufacturing activities in a technology neutral fashion and lead to greater
consumer choice of vehicle technologies. It is a great step to expand and strengthen U.S. manufacturing, help
increase our nation's energy independence, and keep high-tech development here in the U.S.
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Pág. 16
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
El Ferrari FXX K se vuelve digital probando su ciber llanta Pirelli
Publicada el 01/06/2015
While tires might just look like round, black pieces of rubber, their simple
exteriors belie some sophisticated engineering. And with its new Cyber
Tire technology, Pirelli has taken them into the digital age.
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Hyundai Sonata 2015, el primer vehículo con Android Auto.
Publicada el 27/05/2015
Android pasa de los teléfonos móviles a ser el nuevo cerebro de los
coches y es Hyundai quien tiene la fortuna de pasar a la historia siendo el
primer vehículo que incorpora el sistema operativo Android Auto para
hacer más inteligente al coche.
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Pág. 17
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Solvay participa en Polimotor 2, proyecto de motores de
polímero reforzado con fibra de carbono
Publicada el 19/05/2015
Solvay is taking a “leadership role” in the development of the Polimotor 2 all-plastic automotive engine to be
tested in a race car next year, demonstrating the company’s advanced specialty polymer technologies in lightweighting through metal replacement.
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Los Google Car inician su prueba en las calles
Publicada el 16/05/2015
Google ha annunciato ieri di voler iniziare i test su strada pubblica delle
vetture a guida autonoma, compiendo in tal modo un piccolo (ma assai
significativo) passo verso la completa indipendenza delle automobili. I
collaudi si svolgeranno a Mountain View, in California, all’esterno del
circuito finora utilizzato per mettere alla prova le Google Car non definitive.
Big G svolgerà i test con le vetture presentate lo scorso anno, dalla forma
quasi sferica, e non con le Lexus RX450h utilizzate finora per svolgere i
test preliminari.
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Pág. 18
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Cooper Tire finaliza proyecto DOE de $1.5M para desarrollar
neumáticos de menor consumo, superando los objetivos
Publicada el 04/05/2015
Cooper Tire & Rubber Company completed work under a $1.5-million government grant to develop advanced
tire technology aimed at increasing vehicle fuel efficiency. The grant, awarded by the US Department of Energy
(DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, called for Cooper to develop technology for light
vehicle tires that delivered a minimum 3% improvement in vehicle fuel efficiency while lowering average tire
weight by at least 20%, all without sacrificing performance.
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Talleres de GNC certificados por el INTI.
Publicada el 04/05/2015
El INTI certifica los talleres de montaje de equipos de gas natural
comprimido (GNC) en automóviles, para garantizar que reúnan las
condiciones mínimas de seguridad y calidad vigentes. La ministra de
Industria, Débora Giorgi, resaltó la normativa de seguridad en el sistema
con altos estándares internacionales comprobados.
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Pág. 19
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Matrícula de vehículos de combustible alternativo: +28.8% en el
primer cuatrimestre
Publicada el 30/04/2015
In the first quarter of 2015, total alternative fuel vehicle (AFV) registrations
in the EU significantly increased (+28.8 %), totalling 144,421. Of these,
electric vehicles (EVs) saw their registrations more than double, rising from
11,304 units in Q1 2014 to 24,630 units in Q1 2015 (+117.9%). Demand
for new hybrid cars also increased (+21.4%), totalling 56,704 units in the
first three months of the year. Propane and natural gas powered 63,087
new cars during this period, or 16.5% more than in the first quarter of
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ENGEL equipa el Open Hybrid LabFactory con máquina v-duo
3600 para la investigación sobre compuestos integrados
Publicada el 24/04/2015
Injection moulding machine manufacturer ENGEL is currently building an
ENGEL v-duo 3600 machine for the Open Hybrid LabFactory (OHLF)
public/private collaborative research partnership in Wolfsburg, Germany
where the machine will support research into functionally integrated
composite technologies.
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Pág. 20
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
El diseño “WaterBone” es el ganador del premio del desafío
Publicada el 20/04/2015
Local Motors, in partnership with the Advanced Research Projects AgencyEnergy (ARPA-E), announced the winner of the LIghtweighting
Technologies Enabling Comprehensive Automotive Redesign (LITECAR)
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Pág. 21
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Nuevas Normas ISO 9001 e ISO 14001.
Publicada el 25/05/2015
Se trata de los dos documentos normativos más empleados en el mundo;
sólo en España, más de 50.000 organizaciones han certificado la
implantación de una o ambas normas.
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Pág. 22
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Fabricantes españoles de componentes para automoción
expusieron sus productos en Automechanika Dubai.
Publicada el 08/06/2015
Una edición más, la Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Equipos y
Componentes para Automoción, SERNAUTO, estuvo presente en la feria
Automechanika Dubai, celebrada entre el 2 y el 4 de junio en Emiratos
Árabes Unidos.
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Informe Industria Mayo 2015.
Publicada el 08/06/2015
La producción nacional de vehículos fue de 45.990 unidades y registró en mayo bajas de 1,3 % respecto de
abril y de 9,7 % con relación a igual mes del año pasado. Las exportaciones se ubicaron en 22.454 unidades y
tuvieron un incremento de 5,8 % con relación a abril y una disminución de 25,5 % con relación a mayo 2014.
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Pág. 23
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Las emisiones de CO2 en el Reino Unido han disminuido por 17º
año consecutivo y dos tercios de los nuevos compradores de
automóviles disfrutan de 0 impuestos por el primer año
Publicada el 28/04/2015
The UK has once again beaten CO2 emissions targets, with the average
new car in 2014 posting CO2 emissions 4.2% below this year’s EU-wide
target of 130g/km, according to a Society of Motor Manufacturers and
Traders (SMMT) report published today.
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Pág. 24
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Estudio de efectos medioambientales de la iniciativa ambiental
Euro 5 para vehículos de categoría L
Publicada el 24/06/2015
Before an L-category vehicle is approved for registration and placing on the market, a number of environmental
tests need to be conducted. The test results should be reported to the approval authority in order to validate
that the environmental performance of a L-category vehicle type complies with the minimum requirements set
out in Regulation (EU) No 168/2013 and its delegated and implementing acts.
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Pág. 25
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Foro de vehículos con nueva energía SAE 2015
Publicada el 25/05/2015
September 15-16, 2015. Shanghai, China. International expertise comes
together at the SAE 2015 New Energy Vehicle Forum to provide
information on technology and market development of electric vehicles and
plug-in hybrids vehicles that represent the focus of this growing and
important industry.
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Simposio SAE 2016 sobre tecnologías de vehículos híbridos
Publicada el 20/04/2015
February 9-11, 2016. California, USA. SAE 2016 Hybrid & Electric Vehicle
Technologies Symposium addresses critical information on both the
technical developments in electronic vehicle technologies as well as the
business decisions around technology development and implementation.
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Boletín de novedades
Mayo - Junio 2015
Sector Autopartes
Innovaciones tecnológicas
Seguridad, conectividad y sustentabilidad
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Técnica dinámica de programación para la optimización de vehículos híbridos de pila de com...
Sistemas de producto-servicio en la industria del vehículo eléctrico: Factores críticos de...
Control adaptativo inteligente del sistema span/track de un vehículo
Identificación para vehículos brasileños utilizando un nuevo sistema de reconocimiento de ...
Estación de servicio de hidrógeno de bajo costo y transportable para la adopción inicial d...
Control óptimo de movimiento para vehículos eléctricos
Estudio comparativo de diésel y biodiesel en motores CI con énfasis en las emisiones
Extensor de alcance de nuevos compuestos para motor rotativo de vehículos eléctricos
Serie de baterías híbridas
Convirtiendo los automóviles convencionales en vehículos híbridos y solares
Dispositivo de control de iluminación para lámpara de vehículo eléctrico
Conector de pilas para un sistema de baterías o para una celda de batería de un depósito d...
Método para operar una puerta de enlace de seguridad en un sistema comunicacional para veh...
Sistema de apoyo a la conducción autónoma de vehículos y método de conducción autónoma eje...
Dispositivo de control para vehículo eléctrico y método de control para vehículo eléctrico
Dispositivo de freno electrónico para vehículo
Método y sistema para control de la seguridad en un vehículo bi-combustible
Airbag dual en vehículos con interior reconfigurable
El Bugatti Chiron será un híbrido
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Volkswagen se aproxima a la batería de 186 millas de alcance
Circuito eléctrico: Dos estaciones de carga rápida de 400-V se encuentran disponibles para...
BMW gana el premio Engine of Year 2015 por su sistema de propulsión híbrida en el i8 PHEV
Tecnología híbrida DDFlyTrain para volantes genera un 10% de ahorro en combustible
Jaguar desarrolla un sistema de seguridad que lee la mente del conductor.
Fiat retira el 500e para actualizar el software de control crucero
ISO 3006:2005 – Vehículos de carretera – Ruedas de coche de pasajeros para uso en carreter...
ISO/NP 15 118-1 – Vehículos de carretera – Interfaz de comunicaciones entre vehículo y red...
Simposio internacional de ingeniería automotriz SIMEA
Foro de vehículos con nueva energía SAE 2015
Pág. 2
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
Técnica dinámica de programación para la optimización de
vehículos híbridos de pila de combustible
Publicada el 29/06/2015
Publication date: 29 June 2015. Source: International Journal of Hydrogen
Energy, Volume 40, Issue 24 Author(s): Dima Fares , Riad Chedid ,
Ferdinand Panik , Sami Karaki , Rabih Jabr Transportation industries are
incorporating fuel cell hybrid vehicles to lower the levels of polluting
emissions. This paper develops a dynamically efficient energy
management system for the purpose of achieving an optimal power
allocation between the energy sources while adhering to component
requirements and maintaining the required operational performance using
a weighted improved dynamic programming technique. A power train
configuration with a fuel cell dominant model based on a Simulink
architecture of the electric vehicle is used for testing the energy
management system. Two stage control methodologies are addressed,
pre-driving off-line optimization using weighted improved dynamic
programming algorithm and on-line optimization using PID controller. The
technique proves convergence faster than normal dynamic programming
algorithms which suffer from dimensionality problems. Weights are
incorporated in the fitness function in-order to improve convergence rate of
such a method with long duration driving cycles. The performance criteria
is based on the overall operational cost as well as the hydrogen
consumption per trip. The stress on the vehicle sources is approximated
based on a haar wavelet transform of the instantaneous power. Results
indicate lower costs and hydrogen consumption levels using the weighted
improved dynamic programming as compared to the rule based
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Pág. 3
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
Sistemas de producto-servicio en la industria del vehículo
eléctrico: Factores críticos de éxito en marketing
Publicada el 15/06/2015
Publication date: 15 June 2015. Source: Journal of Cleaner Production,
Volume 97 Author(s): Sergio Cherubini , Gennaro Iasevoli , Laura Michelini
In the electric car industry the service component assumes considerable
importance and it is a relevant factor in purchasing decisions. Therefore,
proper management of the “Product-Service System” (PSS) is essential.
This article aims to 1) identify the main sub-systems of the PSS in the
electric car industry and 2) identify the critical success factors (CSFs) in
marketing. The review of the literature led to the definition of four subsystems: vehicle, infrastructure, on-board electronics, and energy. Based
on these PSS sub-systems, organisations belonging to each sub-system
were selected, and five managers were interviewed. The data were
analysed using a cognitive mapping technique. Ten CSFs were identified,
of which two belong to the vehicle sub-system (value proposition and
product-service system bundle); one relates to the electronic on-board
sub-system (advanced navigation systems); three relate to infrastructure
sub-system (incentives, alternative transport systems and advocacy
campaigns) and three belong to infrastructure and energy sub-systems
(ease of use, proximity of charging point and standardisation). Finally,
partnerships among players involve all the four sub-systems. Moreover,
the relevance/manageability matrix offers evidence that partnerships
represent a priority factor that requires immediate action from companies.
The research offers a new means to identify CSFs by using a PSS
analysis rather than taking an industry sector perspective.
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Pág. 4
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
Control adaptativo inteligente del sistema span/track de un
Publicada el 01/06/2015
Publication date: June 2015. Source: Mechanical Systems and Signal
Processing, Volumes 58–59 Author(s): Bartomiej Dyniewicz , Robert
Konowrocki , Czesaw I. Bajer. This paper presents the strategy of semiactive damping of vibrations of a beam span subjected to a moving load.
Intermediate supports as controlled dampers significantly decrease
transverse displacements in comparison with a system with permanently
active dampers. The gain can reach 40% in the case of high speed loads.
In a real structure with a load moving at 3m/s, considered in this paper, the
improvement is about 10%. The control is determined by a minimization
procedure. Numerical simulations are confirmed experimentally on a stand
with a length of 4m. Controlled dampers can be replaced with an intelligent
material. The potential applications are in transport or robotics.
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Pág. 5
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
Identificación para vehículos brasileños utilizando un nuevo
sistema de reconocimiento de placa
Publicada el 01/06/2015
Publication date: June 2015. Source: Measurement, Volume 70 Author(s):
Edson Cavalcanti Neto , Samuel Luz Gomes , Pedro Pedrosa Rebouças
Filho , Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque Expert systems for parking lot
access control are developed in vehicle management through tracking and
number recognition. These systems commonly use cameras to identify a
vehicle through its license plates based on intelligent and optical character
recognition techniques. This paper presents a new system to detect and
recognize Brazilian vehicle license plates, in which the registered users
have permission to enter the location. For this, techniques of Digital Image
Processing were used, such as Hough Transform, Morphology, Threshold
and Canny Edge Detector to extract characters, as well as Least Squares,
Least Mean Squares, Extreme Learning Machine, and Neural Network
Multilayer Perceptron to identify the numbers and letters. The system was
tested with 700 videos with a resolution of 640×480 pixels and AVI format,
granting access only when the plate was registered, getting a 98.5%
success rate on the tested cases. The movement detection step is linked
to the system, becoming faster and more accurate in real time. Thus, can
be concluded that the proposed system is a promising tool with high
potential which can be applied commercially.
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Pág. 6
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
Estación de servicio de hidrógeno de bajo costo y transportable
para la adopción inicial de vehículos eléctricos a pila de
Publicada el 09/05/2015
Publication date: 9 May 2015. Source: International Journal of Hydrogen
Energy Author(s): Ian A. Richardson , Jacob T. Fisher , Patrick E. Frome ,
Ben O. Smith , Shaotong Guo , Sayonsom Chanda , Mikko S. McFeely ,
Austin M. Miller , Jacob W. Leachman Thousands of public hydrogen
fueling stations are needed to support the early Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle
(FCEV) market in the U.S.; as of July 2014 there were 12. Government
agencies are the largest investors in the U.S. hydrogen fueling
infrastructure and are developing stations that cost anywhere from
$1.8–$5.9 million each. To attract private investors and decrease
dependence on government funding, a low-cost, mobile hydrogen
dispensing system must be developed. This paper describes a
transportable 700 bar hydrogen fueling station that has been designed with
an off-the-shelf component cost of $423,000; less than 23% of the capital
cost of current stations. The design utilizes liquid hydrogen storage and a
novel cryogenic compression system which can be factory built for high
volume, rapid production. These stations are contained in a standard 40
foot ISO shipping container to adapt to varying locational demand. The
demand adjusted cost to sell hydrogen is estimated to be $9.62/kg. This
paper presents the mechanical design and operation of the fueling station.
This design won the grand prize for the 2014 Hydrogen Student Design
competition and a complete report including an economic analysis and
safety features is available elsewhere.
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Pág. 7
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
Control óptimo de movimiento para vehículos eléctricos
Publicada el 01/05/2015
Publication date: May 2015. Source: Control Engineering Practice, Volume
38 Author(s): Tao Wang , Christos G. Cassandras , Sepideh Pourazarm
We study two problems of optimally controlling how to accelerate and
decelerate a non-ideal energy-aware electric vehicle so as to (a) maximize
its cruising range and (b) minimize the traveling time to a specified
destination under a limited battery constraint. Modeling an electric vehicle
as a dynamic system, we adopt an electric vehicle power consumption
model (EVPCM) and formulate two respective optimal motion control
problems. Although the full solutions can only be obtained numerically, we
propose approximate controller structures such that the original optimal
control problems are transformed into nonlinear parametric optimization
problems, which are much easier to solve. Numerical examples illustrate
the solution structures and support their accuracy.
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Pág. 8
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
Estudio comparativo de diésel y biodiesel en motores CI con
énfasis en las emisiones
Publicada el 01/05/2015
Publication date: May 2015 Source: Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Reviews, Volume 45 Author(s): V.K. Shahir , C.P. Jawahar , P.R. Suresh
Biodiesel is a renewable, nontoxic, eco-friendly and sustainable alternative
fuel for compression ignition engines. In spite of having some application
problems, biodiesel, in recent times, being considered as one of the most
promising alternative fuels in internal combustion engine. It has been
proven that the pollutants in the vehicular emissions have significant
impacts on the ecological systems and on the health of human beings.
Thus there is an increasing demand on tightening the emission standards
of motor vehicles, as well as an ever increasing need for developing
means of reducing emissions from in service motor vehicles. Biofuel, such
as alcohol and biodiesel, could partly replace petroleum fuel, reduce toxic
emissions and more importantly restrain the life-cycle emission of CO. In
the present paper, earlier studies have been collected and analyzed. The
aim of the present study is to evaluate the feasibility of biodiesel in
automobiles, with special emphasis on emission aspects. Few aspects on
durability and performance are also included. Evaluation is done on both
conventional and CRDI engines, though literature on the latter are few and
insufficient when compared to the former. Biodiesel use, when compared
to diesel as a fuel, in conventional diesel engines with little or no
modification leads to the substantial reduction in particulate matter (PM),
hydro carbon (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions. This is
accompanied by a light power loss, increase in fuel consumption and an
increase in nitrogen oxide (NO x ) emission.
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Pág. 9
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
Extensor de alcance de nuevos compuestos para motor rotativo
de vehículos eléctricos
Publicada el 18/06/2015
This project seeks to successfully demonstrate and scale up for market readiness, a completely novel, high
efficiency, low emission, compact rotary engine range extender for electric vehicles. According to the EC,
transport is the only major sector in the EU where greenhouse gas emissions are still rising, with road transport
contributing about one-fifth of the EU's total CO2 emissions. Despite the existence of environmentally friendly
electric vehicles, CO2 emissions continue to rise in the sector. This is because of range anxiety, the single
greatest obstacle to the widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EV) and the environmental benefits they
offer. As a result, while 44% of drivers consider emissions & environmental friendliness as important factors
when buying a car, only 5% would consider buying an electric car due to range concerns. Whilst automotive
manufacturers have sought to address the issue of range anxiety through the installation of range extenders,
these existing extenders are limited in performance and do not fully meet vehicle manufacturers (OEM) needs.
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Pág. 10
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
Serie de baterías híbridas
Publicada el 03/06/2015
The Hybrid Battery pack represents a unique electrical power source primary targeting the global market of
electric vehicles but also applicable wherever there is a need to combine strong power surges for relatively
short periods of time and lower average power consumption (Electric powered heavy machinery, Electric
powered airplanes). The innovation is in comprising two individual packs that mutually complement each other
in a way that the first pack (Energy pack) provides high range whereas the other pack (Power Pack) provides
huge power. The main advantages of the Hybrid battery pack are significant efficiency increase, reduction in
energy consumption and prolonging the life cycle of the cells. The Hybrid Battery Pack combines extensive
know how with cutting edge technology in the domain of electric vehicle power train Development of the Hybrid
Battery pack represents an introduction of a whole new disruptive technology that will change the direction of
the electric power train development. Hybrid Battery pack is primary intended for industrial clients in global
electric sports car and supercar market but in the future can be used in electric powered heavy machinery and
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Convirtiendo los automóviles convencionales en vehículos
híbridos y solares
Publicada el 05/05/2015
In the last decade, increasing effort has been put worldwide in reducing the impact on fuel consumption and
greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from passengers cars. HySolarKit introduces for the first time the
possibility to modify a conventional car into a plug-in solar-powered hybrid electric vehicle, allowing reduction of
fuel consumption and GHG emissions by ~20%, with limited investment cost (~2.500€), acceptable payback (23 years) and without invalidating performance and safety.
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Pág. 11
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
Dispositivo de control de iluminación para lámpara de vehículo
Publicada el 24/06/2015
A stop lamp lighting control device for an electric vehicle having an electric
regenerative braking system includes a calculation unit that converts a first
deceleration threshold value for turning on a stop lamp or a second
deceleration threshold value for turning off the stop lamp to a first
regenerative torque threshold value for turning-on the stop lamp or a
second regenerative torque threshold value for turning-off the stop lamp by
calculation assumed that a weight of the vehicle is a curb weight or a gross
vehicle weight...
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Conector de pilas para un sistema de baterías o para una celda
de batería de un depósito de energía eléctrica, batería y vehículo
a motor
Publicada el 17/06/2015
A cell connector for connecting lithium-ion battery cells of a lithium ion
battery includes a body and a fuse.
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Pág. 12
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
Método para operar una puerta de enlace de seguridad en un
sistema comunicacional para vehículos
Publicada el 17/06/2015
The invention relates to a method for operating a security gateway (1)
between data buses (10, 20) of a vehicle, in which a correlation between
an identification information item (ID) of the message (N) and a processing
rule (VR) is provided by means of a routing matrix (RM) for each message
(N) arriving on a data bus (10, 20), characterized in that at least one
processing rule (VR) allocated to an identification information item (ID) has
a reference information item (POLICY) to a security rule (SR) stored in a
memory unit (4), which rule is used for filtering the message (N) having this
identification information item (ID) by means of an interpreter (IP). In an
alternative solution, the reference information (POLICY) is omitted.
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Sistema de apoyo a la conducción autónoma de vehículos y
método de conducción autónoma ejecutado por el mismo
Publicada el 17/06/2015
An autonomous vehicle driving support system is mounted on a vehicle, is
electrically connected to an electronic control unit (ECU) of the vehicle,
and has a dangerous driving state determination device and a driving
assistance device. The dangerous driving state determination device
detects a driving condition of the driver and a collision possibility of the
vehicle. The driving assistance device provides suitable driving assistance
functions to control the vehicle through the ECU. Given the driving
condition of the driver and the collision possibility, corresponding driving
assistance function is provided to control the vehicle. Accordingly, the cost
arising from an expensive detection system required for enhanced driving
assistances to drivers and passengers can be reduced.
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Pág. 13
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
Dispositivo de control para vehículo eléctrico y método de
control para vehículo eléctrico
Publicada el 10/06/2015
A control device is used in an electric vehicle that uses a motor as a
traveling drive source and is decelerated by the regenerative braking force
of the motor when an accelerator operation amount decreases or becomes
zero. The control device detects the accelerator operation amount,
calculates a motor torque command value, and controls the motor,
according to the calculated motor torque command value. The control
device detects a speed parameter proportional to the traveling speed of
the electric vehicle and calculates a feedback torque for stopping the
electric vehicle, according to the detected speed parameter. The control
device then estimates a disturbance torque acting on the motor and, when
the accelerator operation amount decreases or becomes zero and the
electric vehicle is about to stop, converges the motor torque command
value to the disturbance torque according to the feedback torque, together
with the reduction of the speed parameter. The control device also adjusts
the feedback torque in accordance with the disturbance torque.
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Pág. 14
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
Dispositivo de freno electrónico para vehículo
Publicada el 10/06/2015
The present invention is provided with a power transmission member (INP)
rotatably supported by a caliper (CRP), and a ratchet wheel (RCH) fixed by
said member (INP). A first linear direction movement of a pawl member
(TSU) that engages with a mobile member (PBR) of a solenoid (SOL) is
guided by a guide member (GID) fixed by the caliper (CRP). The pawl
member (TSU) is continuously pressed in a release direction (Dtr) by an
elastic member (SPR). The interlocking force in an interlocking direction
(Dts), imparted by mobile member (PBR) of the solenoid (SOL) mobile
member (PBR) to the pawl member (TSU), and the release force in the
release direction (Dtr), which is imparted by the elastic member (SPR) to
the pawl member (TSU) oppose each other, and the interlocking force is
larger than the release force. The pawl member (TSU) and the mobile
member (PBR) move linearly together in one of the interlocking direction
(Dts) and the release direction (Dtr).
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Pág. 15
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
Método y sistema para control de la seguridad en un vehículo
Publicada el 10/06/2015
A method and system for controlling safety of a bi-fuel vehicle may safely
control the bi-fuel vehicle when it is in an accident. The method may
include detecting a pressure of a vaporizer configured to decompress and
vaporize liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) that is one fuel of the bi-fuel
vehicle, determining whether the detected pressure of the vaporizer is
equal to or higher than a predetermined high pressure, determining
whether the detected pressure of the vaporizer is equal to or lower than a
predetermined low pressure, determining whether an airbag has been
inflated, and switching to a gasoline mode configured to use gasoline if at
least one of the detected pressure is equal to or higher than the
predetermined high pressure, the detected pressure of the vaporizer is
equal to or lower than the predetermined low pressure, and/or the airbag
has been inflated is determined to be true.
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Airbag dual en vehículos con interior reconfigurable
Publicada el 20/05/2015
A steering wheel in a vehicle can be in one of an operating position and a
stowed position. Crash sensor data is monitored to detect a first and
second frontal collision. Upon detecting the first frontal collision, a selected
one of a first airbag and a second airbag is deployed depending on
whether the steering wheel is in the stowed position or the operational
position. When the steering wheel is in the operational position and a
second collision is detected both the first and second airbags may be
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Pág. 16
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
El Bugatti Chiron será un híbrido
Publicada el 29/06/2015
The Bugatti Veyron successor will officially go hybrid. This is the first time
that VW Group boss Martin Winterkorn has confirmed the French
automaker is working on a successor to the Veyron, despite spy
photographers catching numerous mules during testing. Winterkorn also
made it official that the successor will have a hybrid powertrain, although
the […] The post Bugatti Chiron Will Be a Hybrid appeared first on
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Volkswagen se aproxima a la batería de 186 millas de alcance
Publicada el 29/06/2015
Volkswagen is looking to improve the battery technology for its electric vehicles. Speaking to German
newspaper Bild, Volkswagen Chairman Martin Winterkorn has confirmed that the company is close to new
battery technology that will bring “a quantum leap for the electric car.” Although that’s probably a bit of a
hyperbole, the company is researching a […] The post Volkswagen Says it’s Close to Having 186-mile-range
Battery appeared first on
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Pág. 17
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
Circuito eléctrico: Dos estaciones de carga rápida de 400-V se
encuentran disponibles para propietarios de vehículos
eléctricos en Québec
Publicada el 29/06/2015
The Electric Circuit is very pleased to announce that two 400-V fast-charge stations are now available to
electric vehicle owners in Québec thanks to the support of Nissan Canada and under partnership agreements
with AddÉnergie and CAA-Québec. One such station is located at the headquarters of AddÉnergie, at 2327,
boulevard du Versant-Nord, at the intersection of AutoRoutes 440 and 740. The other fast-charge station is
located outside of the offices of CAA-Québec, at 444, rue Bouvier, near autoroutes 40 and 973.
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BMW gana el premio Engine of Year 2015 por su sistema de
propulsión híbrida en el i8 PHEV
Publicada el 25/06/2015
The BMW i8 TwinPower Turbo three-cylinder gasoline engine was voted
class winner in the 1.4-liter to 1.8-liter category, while the overall drive unit
of the BMW i8 claimed a further class win as the best “new engine”.
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Pág. 18
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
Tecnología híbrida DDFlyTrain para volantes genera un 10% de
ahorro en combustible
Publicada el 25/06/2015
The DDFlyTrain research project, conducted by Ricardo, Artemis
Intelligent Power (a group company of Mitsubishi Heavy) and Bombardier
Transportation, (earlier post) has projects a fuel savings of around 10%
based on the use of high speed flywheel brake recovery technology
retrofitted to Diesel Multiple Unit (DMU) rolling stock.
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Jaguar desarrolla un sistema de seguridad que lee la mente del
Publicada el 23/06/2015
Jaguar Land Rover está trabajando en el desarrollo de un sistema que
mejora la seguridad del conductor a mediante la lectura de ondas
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Pág. 19
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
Fiat retira el 500e para actualizar el software de control crucero
Publicada el 10/06/2015
The Fiat 500e is being recalled yet again. The Italian automaker has
announced that an estimated 3,975 units are affected by this action, which
comes as a result of an investigation that discovered certain vehicles were
inadvertently equipped with software that may misread torque levels
generated by their motors, causing them to unintentionally shift into […]
The post Fiat Recalling 500e To Update Cruise Control Software appeared
first on
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Pág. 20
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
ISO 3006:2005 – Vehículos de carretera – Ruedas de coche de
pasajeros para uso en carreteras – Métodos de prueba
Publicada el 03/06/2015
This document reached stage 95.99 on 2015-06-04 , TC/SC: ISO/TC 22/SC 33, ICS: 43.040.50
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ISO/NP 15 118-1 – Vehículos de carretera – Interfaz de
comunicaciones entre vehículo y red – Parte 1: Informaciones
generales y definición de uso
Publicada el 31/05/2015
This document reached stage 10.99 on 2015-06-01 , TC/SC: ISO/TC 22/SC 31, ICS: 43.120
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Pág. 21
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Seguridad, conectividad y
Simposio internacional de ingeniería automotriz SIMEA
Publicada el 30/06/2015
25-26 August 2015. São Paulo, Brazil. Featuring lectures, debates,
discussions, technical papers and exhibition, SIMEA 2015 will transform
the WTC Events Center, on August 25th and 26th on the main stage of
technological exhibition, business forum and the best opportunity for
networking and knowledge for all automotive chain.
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Foro de vehículos con nueva energía SAE 2015
Publicada el 25/05/2015
September 15-16, 2015. Shanghai, China. International expertise comes
together at the SAE 2015 New Energy Vehicle Forum to provide
information on technology and market development of electric vehicles and
plug-in hybrids vehicles that represent the focus of this growing and
important industry.
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Boletín de novedades
Mayo - Junio 2015
Sector Autopartes
Innovaciones tecnológicas
Procesos productivos
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Modelo orientado por control de una trampa de NOx para la regeneración catalítica en un mo...
Optimización CFD de un motor Range Extender de dos tiempos
Verificación de la precisión en el modelado de vehículos híbridos eléctricos e investigaci...
Microestructura, comportamiento mecánico y de corrosión de soldaduras por fricción-agitaci...
Predicción de la susceptibilidad de aleaciones de magnesio para el agrietamiento de soldad...
Cuerpo modular para vehículo y método de construcción del mismo
Método de fabricación de viga de parachoques para vehículo y viga de parachoques fabricada...
Acero laminado que se endurece mediante precipitación luego del conformado en caliente y/o...
Soporte para componente de vehículo a motor y método de producción del mismo
Marco de puerta para vehículo
Módulo de diodo emisor de luz para vehículo, y su producción
Construcción ligera, óptica, calentamiento variotérmico, proceso de transformación en espu...
El próximo motor W-12 de VW reúne inyección directa y turbo
Multimatic apoya la producción de Metrocab
Ford brindará acceso a otros fabricantes a sus tecnologías EV
Investigadores desarrollan técnica de soldadura por fricción de alta velocidad para unione...
Tecnología en iluminación de Laser World
Totoya y Mazda forman alianza para compatir tecnologías y afrontar los desafíos de costos
Audi inicia la producción de un combustible sintético
Fabricación de motores se presenta estable y con perspectivas positivas
Houghton patenta tecnología de grabado en aluminio
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Rajoy avanza que el próximo Consejo de Ministros aprobará un nuevo Plan PIVE.
Un horizonte plagado de oportunidades y desafíos.
Expandiendo la cadena de suministro automotriz en el Reino Unido
Steel Fab 2016.
Parco Valentino - Salón y gran premio
Pág. 2
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Procesos Productivos
Modelo orientado por control de una trampa de NOx para la
regeneración catalítica en un motor diésel de inyección directa
de 2.2 L.
Publicada el 31/05/2015
In this study a control oriented lean NOx trap (LNT) model was successfully developed for the LNT
regeneration purpose to estimate the NOx storage fraction, NOx concentration out of an LNT catalyst and an
LNT catalyst bed temperature. The LNT model consists of storage, reduction and 0-D catalyst bed temperature
submodel. The model parameters were estimated by the least square fit method in the environment of
MATLAB and Simulink. This model was validated through transient engine data to simulate the NEDC mode.
The NOx storage fraction in the LNT catalyst can be used as a mean of the determination of the LNT
regeneration timing and duration control. The catalyst bed temperature model monitors the thermal behavior.
The LNT model was validated by the NEDC mode data shows less than 7% error of cumulated NOx out
amount during the storage phase. In addition the catalyst bed temperature model exhibits quite similarly to the
experimental data. Therefore the LNT model developed in this study can be applied to the vehicle application
as an LNT regeneration control.
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Pág. 3
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Procesos Productivos
Optimización CFD de un motor Range Extender de dos tiempos
Publicada el 31/05/2015
A very promising concept for small range extenders (peak power less than 40 kW) is represented by the 2stroke, direct injection spark ignition engine, with scavenging and exhaust ports controlled by the piston, and an
external pump. The most important issue to be addressed on this type of engines is the compliance with
stringent rules on pollutant emissions, which depends on combustion patterns and the quality of the
scavenging process. The latter is generally hindered by the symmetry of ports timings, but this handicap can be
canceled by adopting a patented rotary valve, controlling the flow through a set of auxiliary transfer ports, and
using a piston pump for delivering air to the power cylinder and enhancing the balance of the crankshaft. The
paper reviews the design of a virtual engine, rated at 35 kW at 5600 rpm, and developed according to the
above mentioned concepts. Design has been driven by CFD simulation, using, whenever possible,
experimentally calibrated numerical models, or experimental information derived from similar projects.
Particular care has been devoted to characterize the scavenging process and the flow patterns within the
cylinder and through the ports, analyzing the influence of the rotary induction valve. Engine performance
parameters have been predicted by using a well-established commercial software (GT-Power, by Gamma
Technologies), while CFD-3D analyses have been carried out by means of a customized version of the KIVA3V code.
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Pág. 4
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Procesos Productivos
Verificación de la precisión en el modelado de vehículos
híbridos eléctricos e investigación de algoritmos de control
óptimo global
Publicada el 31/05/2015
Vehicle modeling and simulation is a very important part in the design and
development of electric and hybrid vehicles. To precisely simulate the
powertrain running status, many commercial software products are applied
into the development of control strategy. However, these models cost too
much time in the simulation analysis, which would be difficult to apply in
the control strategy optimization. Therefore, vehicle dynamic system model
is built by the software of matlab/Simulink and this vehicle model is
compared with the commercial vehicle simulation model. Simulation results
show that this model has relatively high simulation accuracy, which lays
the foundation for further vehicle performance optimization. In this study,
dynamic programming global optimization algorithm is applied on the
hybrid electric vehicle to search the optimal solution in the determinate
speed cycle. Obviously, this method can obtain the minimum fuel economy
while keep the balance of battery state of charge (SOC), but it is difficult to
apply in the real-time control system. Therefore, the optimal gear-shifting
rules, vehicle operation mode control rules and engine torque control rules
under the different of battery SOC are extracted into the rule-based control
algorithm. Simulation results show that rule-based optimized control based
on the DP control rules can reduce about 13.20% of fuel consumption
when compared to original logic rule control algorithm under the China's
urban driving cycle. It could obtain better fuel economy under the Beijing
driving cycle and easily be implemented in a vehicle prototype.
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Pág. 5
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Procesos Productivos
Microestructura, comportamiento mecánico y de corrosión de
soldaduras por fricción-agitación de aleación de aluminio de
alta resistencia AA7075 – Efectos del tratamiento de calor postsoldadura
Publicada el 27/05/2015
Publication date:27 May 2015. Source: Defence Technology Author(s):
P.Vijaya Kumar , G.Madhusudhan Reddy , K.Srinivasa Rao High strength
aluminium alloy AA7075 (Al-Zn-Mg-Cu) is a precipitate hardenable alloy
widely used in the aerospace, defense, marine and automobile industries.
Use of the heat treatable aluminium alloys in all these sectors is everincreasing owing to their excellent strength-to- weight ratio and reasonably
good corrosion resistance. The shortage in corrosion resistance, however,
usually poses negative concern about their reliability and lifetime when
they service in the variable marine environments. These alloys also exhibit
low weldability due to poor solidification microstructure, porosity in fusion
zone and lose their mechanical properties when they are welded by fusion
welding techniques. Friction stir welding (FSW) is a reliable technique to
retain the properties of the alloy as the joining takes place in the solid
state. The welds are susceptible to corrosion due to the microstructural
changes in the weld nugget during FSW. In this work, the effect of post
weld treatments, viz., peak aging (T6) and retrogression & reaging
(RRA), on the microstructure, mechanical properties and pitting corrosion
has been studied. Friction stir welding of 8mm-thick AA7075 alloy was
carried out. The microstructural changes of base metal and nugget zone of
friction stir welds were studied using optical microscopy, scanning electron
microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Tensile and hardness
test of base metal and welds has been carried out. Pitting corrosion
resistance was determined through dynamic polarization test. It was
observed that the hardness and strength of weld were observed to be
comparatively high in peak aged (T6) condition but the welds showed poor
corrosion resistance. The resistance to pitting corrosion was improved and
the mechanical properties were maintained by RRA treatment. The
resistance to pitting corrosion was improved in RRA condition with the
minimum loss of weld strength.
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Pág. 6
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Procesos Productivos
Predicción de la susceptibilidad de aleaciones de magnesio
para el agrietamiento de soldaduras
Publicada el 15/05/2015
Publication date: 15 May 2015 Source:Acta Materialia, Volume 90
Author(s): Tao Yuan , Xiao Chai , Zhen Luo , Sindo Kou The use of Mg
alloys for vehicle weight reduction has increased significantly recently.
Because the potential of metal inert gas (MIG) welding as a versatile
process for mass producing Mg welds has increased dramatically recently,
the need for better understanding the weldability of Mg alloys in MIG
welding also increases. Although the susceptibility of Mg alloys in MIG
welding to cracking along the weld edge has been reported, it has not
been studied. The present study investigated the susceptibility of Mg alloys
to weld-edge cracking using the circular-patch welding test and MIG
welding. A Mg circular patch of one chemical composition was placed
inside and butt welded to a tightly clamped Mg workpiece of a different
composition. Circular-patch welds were made between the most widely
used Mg casting alloy AZ91, the most widely used Mg wrought alloy AZ31,
and pure Mg with three different Mg filler wires AZ31, AZ61 and AZ92. The
susceptibility to cracking along the weld edge was predicted and compared
against the experimental results. Such a prediction has not been made for
welds between different (dissimilar) materials, which is more difficult than
that for welds between identical materials.
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Pág. 7
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Procesos Productivos
Cuerpo modular para vehículo y método de construcción del
Publicada el 10/06/2015
A method for producing a cabin for a land vehicle comprising: maintaining
an inventory including one or more of each of a forward cabin module, an
intermediate cabin module and a rear cabin module; upon receiving an
order for a cabin module of a specified seating capacity retrieving a
forward module, an appropriate number of intermediate modules and a
rearward module from the inventory.
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Método de fabricación de viga de parachoques para vehículo y
viga de parachoques fabricada mediante el mismo
Publicada el 03/06/2015
A method of manufacturing a bumper beam unit of a vehicle, wherein the
bumper beam unit includes a bumper beam formed through a roll forming
process and a stay mounted at an end portion of the bumper beam is
disclosed. The method may include: a cutout section forming step in which
a cutout section is formed by cutting out an end portion of a rear portion of
the bumper beam partially; a cutout section bonding step in which a
bonding section is formed by bonding both cutout surfaces in a state of
contacting the both cutout surfaces; and a stay bonding step in which a
stay is bonded to end portions of a rear surface of the bumper beam
corresponding to the bonding section.
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Pág. 8
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Procesos Productivos
Acero laminado que se endurece mediante precipitación luego
del conformado en caliente y/o por enfriamiento, que contiene
herramienta con mucha fuerza y ductilidad, y método de
fabricación del mismo
Publicada el 27/05/2015
A rolled steel sheet or blank is provided, the composition of which
comprises the elements listed below in per cent by weight: C!<=0.1%;
0.5%!<=Mn!<=7%; 0.5%!<=Si!<=3.5%; 0.5%<Ti!<=2%; 2%<Ni!<=7%;
Al!<=0.10%; Cr!<=2%; Cu!<=2%; Co!<=2%; Mo!<=2%; S!<=0.005%;
P!<=0.03%; Nb!<=0.1%; V!<=0.1%; B<0.005%; N!<=0.008%, and the
silicon and titanium contents are such that: Si + Ti >= 2.5 % , Ti Si >= 0.3
the remainder of the composition consisting of iron and unavoidable
impurities resulting from processing. A method for the fabrication of a part
for a land motor vehicle from the sheet or blank by hot stamping is also
provided. The microstructure of the part consisting essentially of
martensite and intermetallic precipitates of type Fe2TiSi with an area
percentage between 1 and 5% intermetallic precipitates.
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Soporte para componente de vehículo a motor y método de
producción del mismo
Publicada el 27/05/2015
The invention relates to a motor vehicle component support, in particular a
motor vehicle door lock (1), and to a method for the production thereof.
Said motor vehicle component support is equipped with a strip conductor
structure (3) composed of several strip conductors (7). According to the
invention, the strip conductor structure (3) comprises at least two
conductor strip sub-structures (3a, 3b) which are electrically
interconnected by means of at least one connecting element (8) which is
applied later.
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Pág. 9
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Procesos Productivos
Marco de puerta para vehículo
Publicada el 13/05/2015
A door frame for a vehicle for ensuring aesthetic features of the vehicle,
reducing the production cost, and minimizing the entire weight may be
coupled with a bright molding providing for improving aesthetic features of
a vehicle and a door glass run guiding open/close of a door glass. The
door frame may include: one outer frame at which the bright molding is
mounted; and one inner frame disposed at an internal side compared with
the outer frame, coupled with the outer frame.
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Módulo de diodo emisor de luz para vehículo, y su producción
Publicada el 22/04/2015
A light-emitting diode module, for a vehicle, includes a first transparent
sheet having a first main face and a second main face and an edge face;
the diodes each including an emitting chip able to emit one or more
wavelengths in the visible, guided in the first sheet; a bracket supporting
the diodes, extending as a border of the glazing and fastened to the
glazing; and a seal against fluid(s), able to protect the chips and the lightemission volume of the chips before injection into the first sheet. An
embodiment of the invention also relates to the manufacture of this
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Pág. 10
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Procesos Productivos
Construcción ligera, óptica, calentamiento variotérmico,
proceso de transformación en espuma y simulación
Publicada el 02/06/2015
En el estreno de la IIMC a principios de diciembre de 2014 en Aquisgrán,
el Instituto de Procesamiento de Plásticos IKV observó varios aspectos de
la tecnología de moldeo por inyección, centrando su atención
especialmente en las aplicaciones en el sector de la automoción. El
director del Instituto, Christian Hopmann y otros 15 conferenciantes
procedentes de Alemania, Francia, Japón y Estados Unidos hablaron
sobre las últimas tendencias y debatieron sobre las tecnologías actuales:
el control de temperatura variotérmico, el proceso de transformación en
espuma, los sistemas ópticos y los procesos de producción generativa. De
los aproximadamente 100 delegados que acudieron a este programa de
dos días, casi dos tercios provenían del extranjero, 20 de ellos de Asia. A
continuación se ofrece un breve resumen.
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El próximo motor W-12 de VW reúne inyección directa y turbo
Publicada el 01/06/2015
Volkswagen Group's next-generation W-12 engine will combine direct-injection technology and turbocharging,
a VW powertrain executive says.
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Pág. 11
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Procesos Productivos
Multimatic apoya la producción de Metrocab
Publicada el 29/05/2015
Frazer-Nash Research and Ecotive, makers of Metrocab, say that the
zero-emissions-capable vehicle will be able to enter volume production
next year, supported by the partnership with manufacturing specialist
Multimatic Niche Vehicles (MNV).
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Ford brindará acceso a otros fabricantes a sus tecnologías EV
Publicada el 28/05/2015
Ford Motor Co said it would give other automakers access to its electrified vehicle technologies for a fee to
accelerate research and development of such vehicles. Ford's offer comes nearly a year after a move by Tesla
Motors Inc, the California electric car maker, to share its patents with other companies, though at no charge.
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Pág. 12
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Procesos Productivos
Investigadores desarrollan técnica de soldadura por fricción de
alta velocidad para uniones de aluminio a velocidades de
producción de alto volumen
Publicada el 24/05/2015
In partnership with General Motors, Alcoa and TWB Company LLC,
researchers from the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory have developed a high-speed friction stir welding (FSW)
process (earlier post) to join aluminum sheets of varying thicknesses—a
key to producing auto parts that are light yet retain strength where it’s most
needed—at speeds required for high volume production.
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Tecnología en iluminación de Laser World
Publicada el 20/05/2015
Laser World 2015 will combine the usual mixture of new product launches
with the showcasing of developing technologies. For instance, laser
specialists Rofin will come to Munich with an enhanced range of highpower fibre lasers. A new, third-generation FL Series product integrates
more powerful pumping modules and sets new standards in fibre laser
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Pág. 13
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Procesos Productivos
Totoya y Mazda forman alianza para compatir tecnologías y
afrontar los desafíos de costos
Publicada el 13/05/2015
Toyota and Mazda have agreed to form a 'long-term partnership' that deepens collaboration on products,
manufacturing and technologies as carmakers race to spread spiraling development costs amid ever-stricter
emissions standards.
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Audi inicia la producción de un combustible sintético
Publicada el 23/04/2015
Audi et ses deux partenaires Climeworks et Sunfire ont débuté la production du carburant synthétique Audi ediesel dans l'usine pilote de Dresde. Le carburant est produit à partir de CO2, d'eau et d'électricité.
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Fabricación de motores se presenta estable y con perspectivas
Publicada el 23/04/2015
“Engine manufacturing has seen a stable first quarter, and the outlook for
the sector is very positive,” said Mike Hawes, SMMT Chief Executive. “UK
manufacturers have committed major investments into building the next
generation of low emission Euro-6 engines, and with these set to come to
fruition this year, we expect output to accelerate in the coming months.”
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Pág. 14
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Procesos Productivos
Houghton patenta tecnología de grabado en aluminio
Publicada el 21/04/2015
This patent is directed towards the company’s technology for aluminum acid etching, which is formulated to
provide a uniform fine matte satin finish on aluminum and aluminum alloys prior to anodizing and/or coloring.
Unlike alkaline etching, this technology produces a superior matte finish while significantly reducing aluminum
removal and sludge waste.
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Pág. 15
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Procesos Productivos
Rajoy avanza que el próximo Consejo de Ministros aprobará un
nuevo Plan PIVE.
Publicada el 11/05/2015
Con ocasión de la 38ª edición del Salón Internacional del Automóvil de
Barcelona, tenía lugar el pasado 8 de mayo un almuerzo con
representantes del sector de Automoción, entre los que se encontraba el
presidente de SERNAUTO, José María Pujol, en el que el jefe del
Ejecutivo destacó la contribución de este sector a la economía española.
España es el primer productor europeo de vehículos industriales, el
segundo de turismos en la Unión Europea y el noveno de turismos a nivel
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Un horizonte plagado de oportunidades y desafíos.
Publicada el 11/05/2015
La industria automotriz está atravesando otro año de serias dificultades. Mientras tanto, el nuevo ciclo que se
abrirá en 2016 traerá oportunidades de negocios en toda la cadena, pero también el desafío de recuperar la
competitividad, tanto para poder enfrentar en los mercados a gigantes como México y los países asiáticos,
como para fortalecer el entramado de proveedores autopartistas e incrementar el contenido local en la cadena.
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Pág. 16
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Procesos Productivos
Expandiendo la cadena de suministro automotriz en el Reino
Publicada el 20/04/2015
The Automotive Council report reveals a big jump in demand from British
vehicle manufacturers fro British-made components.
Domestic component suppliers saw a 10% rise in sales to British vehicle
manufacturers in 2014. Currently around one third of the components in a
UK-built car domestically sources, compared to more than 90% in the mid1970s.
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Pág. 17
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Procesos Productivos
Steel Fab 2016.
Publicada el 24/06/2015
17-20 January, 2016. United Arab Emirates. SteelFab is the region’s best
trade platform that consistently brings cutting-edge technology from across
the world on a single platform.
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Parco Valentino - Salón y gran premio
Publicada el 01/06/2015
8-12 Giugno 2016 - Torino, Parco del Valentino. Lungo i viali del Parco,
verranno esposti i modelli di punta e le concept car delle maggiori Case
automobilistiche, Carrozzieri e Centri Stile.
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Para más información:
Programa Nacional de Vigilancia Tecnológica e Inteligencia Competitiva · VINTEC
Dirección Nacional de Estudios (DNE) · Subsecretaría de Estudios y Prospectiva
Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva de la Nación
Godoy Cruz 2320 3 piso (entre Guatemala y Paraguay) · (C1425FQD) · Buenos Aires · Argentina
Tel: 4899-5300 int. 3004 · ·
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