2014 Oregon District LWML Convention Update


2014 Oregon District LWML Convention Update
Spring 2014
2014 Oregon District LWML Convention Update
The 2014 Oregon District LWML Convention is drawing closer. We have been hard at work
finalizing details to make the convention informative, interesting, beautiful, and JOYful.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner on your own.
Registration opens at 10:00 am on Friday, June 27 at the Embassy Suites. You have sent in
Registration opens
your registration, haven’t you??? (Registration forms are found on page 3 of this issue of The 10:00 am
10:00 to 4:00 Servant events; Mission Faire
Leaguer and on the OR District website.) Don’t forget to include your donation for the Ser
Ingathering; Exhibits &
vant Event—the weekend lunches for children in the area coordinated by the Backpack Lunch
Concordia Store open
1:00 pm
Banner Practice
1:30 pm
Tellers meeting and training Servant Events and a Mission Fair, which include activities sponsored by each of the zones
in the district, will excite and inspire us. Exhibits and displays from many Christian organiza2:15 pm
Delegate orientation
tions, a display of the Proposed Mission Grants and Zone posters showing the varied activities 3:15 pm
Choir practice
of each zone will all be on display and available to examine. Representatives from some of the 6:30 pm
organizations will also be available to answer questions. Drop in for a visit!
7:00 pm
Convention Opening Service
with Communion
A room near the registration tables will be available for you to deposit your Ingathering Gifts.
8:30 pm
Keynote Speaker –
A listing of In Gathering Gifts can be found on page 4 of this issue of the Oregon Leaguer.
Danelle Putnam
Friday evening’s worship service at 7:00 will enrich
inspire us. This service is open to the public. Let
Table of Contents
see why the women of the Oregon District shine with the reflection of their love and deConvention Update..................Page 1
to the Living Lord and are aglow with the JOY of being a redeemed child of the Savior.
From the President...................Page 2
starts early for those participating in the Moving for Mites—those on the walking
Meet Rev. John Heckmann......Page 3
Others who are participating in the many activities may share their progress
Orphan Grain Train, In-Gathering
for Mites encouragers at the Moving for Mites station. (Signs will point the
at Convention............................Page 4
your pledge sheets!
Convention Servant Events, Mission
will help us brighten the day with their inspirational and participantFaire, Banner Information.......Page 5
the Saturday morning session. Donna Pyle’s Bible lesson will
Misson Grant Selection, Proposed
and encourage us. The “Break-Out Sessions” with Danelle Putnam
Mission Grants..........................Page 6
Republic), Linda Gage (representative of Gifts of Love) and
Mission Grants continue..........Page 7
Train will inspire and inform us. Your society delegate
Mission Grants conclude, Moving
Grants and also those willing to serve as new District
for Mites.....................................Page 8
things that happen during the day—but, some
Mite Pledger Tracker, Young Women
of those is a delicious, nutritious lunch buffet!
in the LWML.............................Page 9
Convention Registration........Page 10
Saturday evening begins with our plated banquet beginning at 6:30. Special guests will
Counselor's Chronicle, Funding Facencourage
and delight us during the evening program. Our Young Women and Teens have a
tory, Care Corner, Urgent Human
Show” that is sure to be entertaining—but there is more-- you won’t want to
Care Need................................Page 11
LWML Help Homeless, Retreat ReSunday morning’s worship service blesses our new officers, mission grants, and “Ingathering
Cap, Bethesda News...............Page 12
Donna Pyle’s second Bible lesson will encourage us in our walk with our Lord and our
L.A.M.P. VBS Team, Scholarships
to others. We will adjourn having been blessed, encouraged, and aglow with the JOY
Awarded, Financial News......Page 13
we are children of the Living Triune God—The Father, his Son Jesus Christ our
Clip-n-Save, LWML Tips.......Page 14
Savior, and the Holy Spirit.
Winter 2014
Volume #13, Issue #4, Spring 2014 - Oregon Leaguer is published quarterly by Lutheran Women in Mission (Oregon District), an auxiliary organization of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
From the President ... This is YOUR Convention
“With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.” Isaiah 1:3
This Oregon Leaguer is full of convention information. You will find the theme repeated often. As the
Steering Committee and Executive Committee worked well into the night, the JOY was building nearly to
overflowing as we created some new ideas for this convention. Actually – they are the ones which you have
been asking us to include –more missionaries, more hands on experiences, and more personal interaction.
Our home grown missionary, Danelle Putnam, will be our key note speaker. She will also conduct one of
the breakout sessions. Mr. and Mrs. Piehl will be bringing word from the missionary work done by the Orphan Grain train by conducting another of our breakout sessions. Here is where you will hear the “stories”
you have wanted.
Hands on Service
Even though the convention does not officially open until Friday, June 27 at 7:00 p.m. with a communion
service in which President Paul Linnemann will be our proclaimer, the convention activities begin when
the registration table opens at 10 a.m. Friday is packed with all sorts of opportunities with “hands on” service projects – both on campus and off campus. A Mission Faire will be hosted by our nine zone presidents. Ingathering items will be
collected. Banner processional practice and choir practice will occur along with opportunities to see a poster exhibit of all the projects
which have submitted a grant request to this convention. There are exhibitors with which to visit plus a Concordia Publishing House
store. Here is where you get to “do” something that will make a difference.
Personal interaction
What will you bring to the convention? There are many items listed for ingathering. We also would like to see your photo that brings
you JOY to be sent before the convention so they can be displayed. We also want to see Young Women Representatives and Teens
(Friends into Serving Him) from your societies. We planned this convention to be AFTER all the schools are out so more young women and teachers could come. This is the place for guests and friends too. Your mites for funding the Mission Grants will be collected in
the three offerings during the convention and also in connection with our Mitey Mite Walk/ Movin’ for Mites. Most of all, please bring
yourself with your desire to be filled with the JOY that only God can give.
Because you asked
Donna Pyle, author of many Bible studies and a much requested speaker, will lead our Bible studies during the convention. Linda
Gage, sponsored by Lutheran Women’s Missionary League and the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is coming to speak on Gifts of
Love. She will be conducting another of our breakout sessions. Rev. Heckmann, Senior pastoral counselor for LWML will be bringing
the message from President Kay Kreklau plus information on “The Time is NOW” and how each of us will be personally involved in
our mission. Plus Concordia University will be very visible at this convention – especially in outreach activities.
Another opportunity
Send your Pastor and Zone Pastoral Counselor to LUNCH.
What an excellent opportunity! We have the senior pastoral counselor from LWML at our convention. Rev. Heckmann would love to
have a luncheon with all of our pastors on Saturday at the convention. The Oregon District is covering the registration for the pastors,
but not the meals. I am encouraging you to pick up the cost of the lunch so your pastor can have this unique opportunity to hear from
the man’s side of LWML. So what does it mean to be an official auxiliary of Lutheran Church Missouri Synod? Perhaps he will tell
about the fun side of the Mite Challenge he conducted in February at Board of Director’s Meeting. Please register your pastor today!!
It is your convention
It is the delegate that makes the difference in all the decisions made at the convention. It is only when your society is present with
one delegate representing you that your choice is heard. The delegates are the majority of voters and they choose the grants for the
next biennium. They are the ones who set the next budget. They are the ones who choose the next leaders. It is when the society is
represented that the enthusiasm for being involved in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ comes home to the society and the
church. God made no mistakes by placing a church in your midst. Workers are needed for that harvest field. This convention will give
you the encouragement and JOY of being in service to our Lord so we can all “Serve the Lord with Gladness” in each society and in
each community. Register today and let your zone president know that you are going to YOUR convention!
“And you will say in that day: “Give thanks to the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim
that his name is exalted. Sing praises to the LORD, for he has done gloriously; let this be made known in all the earth. Shout, and sing
for joy, O inhabitant of Zion. For great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.” Isaiah 12: 4-6
In Christ's service,
Carolyn Stucky, Oregon District LWML President
Oregon Leaguer
Page 2
Meet the Rev. John Heckmann, LWML Pastoral Counselor
Who wears a purple boa, tiara, purple flip
flops and purple shades? If you guessed Pastoral Counselor Rev. John Heckmann, you were
correct, but only when coerced by the LWML
Young Women Representatives of the Texas
Rev. John Heckmann, Senior Pastoral Counselor
District! He was also honored to wear purple
of the LWML, will be bringing the message from
hair and fingernails courtesy of the youth at the
President Kay Kreklau to our convention. He
National Youth Gathering – another opportunity
will also be meeting with the YWRs and Teens.
to share LWML. Rev. Heckmann indicates he
A special luncheon will be featured with Rev.
has had many opportunities to share memorable
Heckmann for all pastors and pastoral counselevents with women of the LWML. He feels esors. We are inviting all societies and/or zones to
pecially blessed to work with Donna Pyle on her
“Send their Pastor to lunch”. The registration
DVD-based Bible studies, “Your Strong Suit”
form is included in this issue The Leaguer. The
and “Overflowing Abundance” along with other Bible studies she writes for
cost for the lunch is $40 per person. If the society
wishes to also send their pastor to the banquet too
Inspiration to become involved in LWML came to Rev. Heckmann when
– then the full meal package is appropriate. This
Alberta Barnes spoke to his fourth year Seminary class. His involvement
is an excellent way for all pastors to learn more
began at the society level in his first congregation, St. John Lutheran,
about Lutheran Women’s Missionary League and
Kramer, Nebraska. He considers the ladies of this congregation to be his
also what is means to be a counselor in LWML.
first LWML mentors. He then became a Zone Counselor followed by his
Registration is free for all pastors. This is a real
position as District Counselor with then Nebraska South District President,
opportunity to hear from our LWML counselor in
Linda Reiser, who he also denotes as one of his many mentors.
a such a personal way. Let us take full advantage
Rev. Heckmann’s vision for the LWML is to equip each woman of The
of this privilege and send our pastor’s to lunch at
Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod to use her gifts in ministry as her eyes
the LWML convention on June 28.
are opened wide to the ripe harvest fields. He prays that she is then led
through her faith to work in those fields so that more and more people may
Carolyn Stucky
hear about Jesus Christ whether they are in her family, church, community,
Oregon District LWML President
state, nation, and/or around the world.
Blessed by 31 years of marriage to Debra, the Heckmanns have three
children: Michelle, a parochial school teacher at Trinity Lutheran School in
Klein, Texas; Michael, a fourth year seminary student at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis; and Mikayla, an eleventh grade daughter who
lives at home. The Heckmann’s son, Michael, is the fifth generation of pastors who have trained at the St. Louis seminary.
Rev. Heckmann has served in the Texas District for eleven years and is currently in his second term as a Circuit Counselor. Ministries
that have brought him great joy include the Jesus is Lord Mission Society and serving as a Board of Directors member of the Women
for Life International pro-life organization.
Send Your Pastor to Lunch
with Rev. John Heckmann
Christian Life Committee Welcomes You to the LWML Oregon Convention
"With Joy you shall draw water from the wells of Salvation"
With the JOY of the Lord, we your Christian Life Committee,
welcome you and look forward to seeing each and every one of
you in June!! With Joy, come draw water from the refreshing well
of salvation filling your soul deeply in His Word. Together we
lift you up in Joyful prayer and share our love, so our time and
convention may be filled with the overflowing glory of the Lord.
Beloved of the Lord, COME, join us in lifting a Joyful prayer
for the 2014 LWML Oregon District Convention.
Heavenly Father, we humbly and boldly come before Your
throne and ask Your abundant blessings on our joyful hearts,
souls and minds. Richly bless our District President, Convention
CO-Chairs and Convention Committees with Your wisdom and
knowledge as they make plans. Bless the many willing hands
Oregon Leaguer
organizing the convention, facilitators, electronics and employees of the facilities. We ask blessings for our nominees who are
willing to "serve the Lord with gladness" , grant discernment and
wisdom for our voting Delegates, Board of Directors, and Executive Committee. Thank YOU for lavishing joy , health and safe
travel on all who attend . May our joyful music bring praise and
glory to Your Holy NAME. We ask all of this in Jesus precious
Name, AMEN.
To God be the joy and the glory!!
Come share the divine Joy of Jesus with your sisters and brothers in Christ.
We invite you to visit our table at convention and browse
through our devotions, skits and many more items on display.
Joyful, joyful we adore Thee, God of glory, Lord of love!!
Page 3
Orphan Grain Train Reps Coming to LWML Oregon Convention
Heinz and Carol Piehl, representing the Rocky Mountain Division of Orphan Grain Train, will be our guests at the Convention. What
is the Orphan Grain Train and how did it get started?
When the Rev. Ray Wilke, an LCMS pastor from Norfolk, NE, went to St. Petersburg Russia and Riga, Latvia, a little over twenty
years ago with a group of volunteers to help remodel a home for a Christian outreach center, he found living conditions deplorable. He
found children homeless. Parents could not find work, and fathers became alcoholics. The mothers often prostituted themselves or sold
drugs. At night the police would round up the children and put them in orphanages, Pastor Wilke cried when he saw these conditions.
Pastor Wilke asked the Rev. Wally Schulz, Associate Lutheran Hour Speaker, who was in charge of the remodeling project, for some
of that money to help alleviate the deplorable conditions. There wasn’t
any extra available. Upon returning home, Pastor Wilke asked for help
from one his parishioners, Clayton Andrews, President and CEO of Andrews Van Lines. Orphan Grain Train was formed.
Their first overseas container to Russia was filled with Nebraska grain.
It was confiscated by the Black Market. It was immediately realized
that a missionary was needed to be at the receiving end to distribute this
humanitarian aid. Since then, not one container has been lost. Over 2,000
containers have been shipped to areas all over the world since 2010. Orphan Grain Train is also in partnership with FEMA through the Red Cross
to help with disaster relief in the United States.
The Rocky Mountain Division began collecting clothing in November
2001 in a retired John Deere Dealership combine building. In the fall of
2005, Colorado Divisions were split and became the Rocky Mountain Division in the east half and Colorado West in the west half. In August 2007,
an acre of land was donated in Julesburg, CO, and in November 2007, the
new quarters were dedicated. Pastor Wilke and Clayton Andrews were
special guests.
Rocky Mountain Division has shipped 80 containers in 10 years of operation. They have shipped to India, Panama, Latvia, Haiti,
Armenia, Kyrgstan, and the Baltic area. The Southern OR Zone LWML sent them dresses in 2012, which were shipped to Christian
Sudan. Shipments are filled with clean clothing, school and medical supplies. Julesburg has shipped 193,250# of pinto beans grown in
the area. The dresses from the SO OR Zone were shipped with dried corn.
Volunteers are the hands and feet of the ministry. Their gifts of time, talent and energy make Orphan Grain Train the efficient organization it is. About one-half of their annual shipments are sent to recipients in the United States, and one-half overseas. For only about
$15.00, Orphan Grain Train can ship one box of relief supplies. About 1,000 boxes fill a semi-truck or shipment container. It costs
about $9,000 to ship one semi-load of humanitarian relief where it is most needed in the world.
“I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you.” John 14:18
Please consider supporting one or more In Gathering Recipients at the Convention
The Human Care Committee is asking each
Convcntion attendee to support one or more
of the In Gathering recipients. As you register,
there will be boxes for your donations. They
1. Pillowcase Dresses and Pants to be donated
to Orphan Grain Train to be sent to tropical
areas such as Haiti and Christian Sudan.
2. NEW men’s underwear (Tshirts, briefs/shorts) size L-XXL
and gently used men’s clothing
such as shirts, pants, and jackets to
be donated to the Portland Rescue
3. NEW bath towels and dish
towels, dishwasher and laundry
Oregon Leaguer
detergent, paper towels, toilet paper, and heavy duty
pots and pans with lids to be donated to Bethesda
Lutheran Homes.
4. VBS supplies for Lutheran Latino Missions:
scissors, crayons and watercolor sets; snacks such as
tortilla chips, salsa, go-urt, crackers, cheese.
5. LLM Youth Conference: pizza gift cards, 2 liter
bottles of soft drinks, microwave popcorn, gift certificates for grocery stores.
Please feel free to call
Gayle Wolfe, Human
Care Committee Chairman with any questions
at 541-482-6979 or
email her at ggwolfe@
Page 4
Convention Servant Events...Please Sign Up Ahead of Time
Servant Events will take place OFF-SITE during the afternoon. PLEASE email Human
Care VP Char Kolzow at ckolzow@gmail.com to sign up for these events. Please list
your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices. First come – first served. You will be notified as to your
Event # 1. Backpack Lunch project - at Concordia University. Learn about this program, from the director of the program, which feeds children that often don’t have food
on the weekends. Thankfully, they have received free school lunches during the week. Two lunches, are discreetly put into the children’s backpacks on Friday before they leave school for the weekend. 25-30 LWML-ers are needed to pack these lunches on Friday
afternoon. Two of Concordia University’s vans, in addition to private cars, will pick you up at the hotel at 1:00 P.M. for the short 7
minute drive to the beautiful Concordia University campus. Rev. Jim Pressnell and Concordia students will have purchased the food
with the $5.00 donations convention attendees are giving on their registration form. You will return to the hotel when the project is
Event # 2. Bethesda Lutheran Communities – Travel by light rail with Ministry
Consultant Mona Fuerstenau to Bethesda’s downtown Portland office (only a
one block walk from the light rail stop), to visit with people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities and are in the Vocational Skills Program. You will have opportunity to sing with the people; have a Bible study; and help with a craft. What joy as you
share Jesus’ love and receive it from these delightful sisters and brothers in Christ. Eight LWML-ers will be blessed. Cost of the light
rail is $2.50 each way. We will board the light rail near the hotel at 11:15 A.M. and leave the Portland office at 1:30 P.M. to return to
the hotel.
Event # 3. Bethesda Lutheran Communities Group Homes can always use a helping hand or two, or the hands of 6-8 energetic
ladies to clean and organize the pantry, and wash windows at the Simpson House 5717 NE Killingsworth Street, only a few minutes
from the hotel. Transportation will have to be by private cars, leaving the hotel at about 1:30 P.M. and returning when the job is finished (about 3:00 P.M.)
Event # 4. Visiting Bethesda Lutheran Communities 142nd Ave will be a joy for 4 LWML-ers as they host a tea party for the 3
ladies in their home. They love to have visitors and to sing and socialize, in their “pink” surroundings. We would be leaving the hotel
about 1:00 P.M. and returning by 3:00 P.M. Transportation will be by private car.
Convention Mission Faire to Feature Hands-On Convention Zone Banner Information
Activities and Mission Workshops
Banner Instructions
The Human Care Committee will be sponsoring
the District convention
on Friday, June 27 from
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
We are hoping that each
Zone will be able to participate in this event by
preparing a “hands-on”
activity that can easily
be “worked-on” by attendees.
Each Zone is asked to bring all
necessary materials needed to
complete the projects and deliver
them to the recipients at the close
of the Faire. Attendees will be
able to browse the Faire and
participate in activities at their
The Human Care Committee is also requesting that each
Zone sponsor their own Mission
Oregon Leaguer
Workshop where pillowcase dresses and
pants may be sewn.
We are having representatives from Orphan Grain Train as
guests at the convention. They will take
as many pillowcase
dresses and pants as
we can provide. The
Human Care Committee is hoping each Zone can make at least
50 dresses. If ten women in each
Zone made five dresses/pants,
our goal of 450 dresses/pants can
be met. Zone Presidents have
received patterns. Once materials
are organized, each dress takes
about 30 minutes to complete.
Any size pillow case can be
used. They should be only cotton
or cotton blend.
1. Finished size 3' x 5'. Added fringe may be longer.
2. The convention logo may not be used on the banner, but
base the design on the convention theme. Convention colors
may be used.
3. Attach 2 ribbons to the banner, one centered at the top and
one at the bottom, each centered 10 to 12 inches from the edge
of the back of the banner. The ties should be long enough to tie
a bow around a 2" pole to hold it to the pole.
4. If a dowel is used at the bottom of the banner, it should be
tacked in to prevent it from slipping out.
5. Attach the banner to a 1" dowel with a screw eye on each
end of the dowel. As an aid to hanging the banner on the
pole, make a small loop in the middle of the cord. Secure the
cording through each screw eye, laying the cord flat along the
dowel, with the loop around the center of the banner, and knot
it on the outside of each screw eye. Please use a strong quarter
inch or 8mm cord. Be sure to attach the cord tightly because
the cord will stretch when the banner is hung. (You are encouraged to hang your banner for a while before you bring it
to convention to adjust ahead of time for stretch.
6. The banner should be relatively easy to manage when carried. Poles and stands will be provided at the convention site.
Page 5
Everything you ever wanted to know about mission grant selection, but were afraid to ask
As your delegate prepares to represent your society at the Oregon District LWML convention in June and vote on the proposed mission grants that our mites will fund, the Gospel Outreach Committee would like to suggest that all members of your group be involved. Together, study and discuss the proposed grants and pray for each as you decide for which grants your delegate will vote.
The following guidelines could be used.
1. Open your Bibles and see what God’s Word has to say about our involvement in missions.
a. Discuss why we send out missionaries: Matt 28:18-20; Romans 10:13-15, 17
b. Consider the call of missionaries (what their “job” involves): Acts 26:17b-20
c. What support was given the first missionaries? Acts 15:13; Acts 21:5; Acts 27:3; Phil.4:10-20; Titus 3:13; 3 John 1-8
2. Pray for God’s guidance and discernment.
3. Thoroughly read each grant and discuss each, considering:
a. Outreach: 1) What is the outreach potential of this mission? 2) How many believers and the lost will be hearing the Gospel?
3) Is encouragement of others involved?
b. Longevity of this mission and potential resulting missions:
1) Is the grant equipping people so that the mission will be on-going?
2) How will relationships that the Holy Spirit can use, be built or enhanced?
3) Are Jesus’ disciples actively teaching others to become disciples too?
4. Have each member vote, and tally votes so your delegate will be voting the desire of the society members.
5. Remember to pray for the voting body at the convention, that our mites will support the grants that the Lord knows most need the
Proposed Mission Grants for 2014 Convention Ballot-2014-2016 Biennium-Oregon District
1. A Bridge to Jesus-the SSS Soccer Clinic and Beyond
Grant Amount: $5,000
Ascension Lutheran Church in Portland began hosting a free
community soccer clinic for the underprivileged kids in the
Rockwood Community. Proceeds would help cover the cost
associated with the event. It is an opportunity to witness to over
one thousand + people, serving them on the soccer field, through
daily luncheons that feed the servants, guests from the rehab
center , low-income soccer families, firefighters and anyone in
line seeking a meal.
2. Assisting Youth/College Students to "be a Friend"/Camp
Counselor at Bethesda Lutheran Communities Summer
Grant Amount: $6,500
To assist Bethesda Auxiliary in giving financial assistance to
youth/college students to "be a friend"/camp counselor at the
summer camps attended by the people with intellectual and
developmental disabilities supported by Bethesda Lutheran
Communities, so that both campers and servants can develop
friendships as they enjoy God's beautiful creation, and the youth/
college students can develop leadership skills and use their Godgiven gifts to serve their Lord now and in the future.
3. Braille Portals of Prayer
Grant Amount: $4,000
To assist with the material cost for the Braille "Portals of Prayer"
devotional books. The funds would be used for the materials to
produce 300+ copies in Braille to give to people who are blind
the comfort of funding peace and forgiveness in Jesus our Savior.
Oregon Leaguer
4. Children's Christian Rescue Center in Oriang, Kenya
Grant Amount: $6,500
This is part of a yearlong celebration of Zion Lutheran church,
Portland, Oregon 125th Anniversary and its mission outreach.
Construction of Children's Home is currently underway. Funds
will be continuously provided to Pastor David Chuchu - Director
of Diakonia Compassionate Ministries, Kisumu, Kenya for the
purpose of completion of the first model of a rescue center.
5. Client Scholarships for "In Crisis" Professional Church
workers - Shepherd's Canyon Retreat
Grant Amount: $6,000
Shepherd's Canyon Retreat is an experience of healing and restoration for Lutheran Church workers - clergy, teachers, Directors
of Christian Education, music ministers, and others who need a
renewal of the power and strength that the Lord designed for their
calling. The funds would be for a full scholarship for two couples
to attend a healing retreat.
6. Disability and Diakonia in the Dominican Republic
Grant Amount: $6,500
To support God's work in the Dominican Republic by helping
them adapted and furnish two host homes in their mercy ministry
to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities now living in a physically removed ward of the state psychiatric hospital.
Proposed Mission Grants continued on next page
Page 6
Proposed Mission Grants for 2014 Convention Ballot, continued
7. Enhancing the Ministry of Lutheran Schools through
Grant Amount: $6,500
To provide needed funds to enable a collaboration between the
Portland Lutheran Association for Christian Education Foundation Board, Trinity Lutheran School and Portland Lutheran
School aimed at ensuring a sustainable future for Lutheran
schools in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area by providing
professional development, recruitment, and marketing assistance.
8. Expanding Outreach to Native Americans on the Olympic
Peninsula, Washington
Grant Amount: $5,000
To build relationships to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with
Native North American Peoples of the Olympic Peninsula
through a Word and Sacrament Ministry, works of mercy, spiritual care and teaching of the Christian faith. This will support the
expanding outreach ministry of Tom and Cathy Benzler to the
Native Americans living on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington
beginning in January 2015.
9. Family Shield Radio Distribution and Follow-up Service
Grant Amount: 6,500
To support the expanded Gospel outreach distribution and follow
up services for this outreach radio ministry. The radio program
has expanded to 51 stations in 25 states and Canada. This is a
Recognized Service Organization of the LCMS and reaches
beyond the walls of the Church through its evangelistic and educational programs, services, and outreach ministries.
10. Graduate Studies for International Leaders at Concordia
Seminary, St. Louis.
Grant Amount: $6,500
To support the expenses of international Lutheran graduate
students. This project is currently in operation and is ongoing.
The annual cost of a graduate student is $27,500-$32,500. With
the help of supporters, graduate School can make it possible for
the hopes and the prayers of these international students to be answered and can provide the funding that is needed for those who
are ready to begin their studies.
11. Isaiah's Promise in Memory of Isabelle Schultz
Grant Amount: $6,500
To provide families, who decide to carry to term after receiving a
severe or fatal prenatal diagnosis, support, information, friendship and hope. This is an ongoing mission and funds would be
used entirely for publishing new materials and providing support
for families.
12. LPFM Radio Station
Grant Amount: $6,500
Faith Lutheran Church plans to start a new radio station in Rogue
River, Oregon which will broadcast Christian talk radio from a
Lutheran perspective during the day, and sacred music during the
Oregon Leaguer
night. Project construction to begin as funds are available and
proceeds will be used for equipment for studio and transmitter.
13. Mighty Fortress Mercy House in Lima, Peru
Grant Amount: $6,000
The Mighty Fortress Mercy House reaches out to children and
teens forced to live and work on the streets of Lima, Peru with
the love of Christ through acts of mercy in body and soul. Based
on a holistic approach to mercy outreach, every activity offered
at the Mercy House will be either a health, education or life
14. New and Transforming Campus Ministries in Oregon
Grant Amount: $3,600
Transforming Campus Ministries, a Recognized Service Organization of the LCMS, helps churches start campus ministries
and transform existing ones. Its mission is to help others make
Christ-followers - students, faculty, and staff whose lives are
transformed by the Gospel-on college and university campuses.
Pastor Greg Fairow is seeking the Lord's blessing to equip several
Oregon District LWML churches, through training and coaching,
to make Christ-followers on campus via this project.
15. Preparing Missional Leadership Through the Missional
Training Center
Grant Amount: $5,000
The Northwest District of the LCMS operates the oldest and largest program for training licensed deacons in the country. Originally called LAP (Lay Assistant Program has changed its name
to Mission Training Center (MTC). The Mission Training Center
program is centered and focused on exactly that vision - seeking
and saving those who are lost - but doing so in ways which make
sense to those who hear that Good News proclaimed. The funds
would cover the costs for five missional professors to teach five
missional courses in the program and prepare 10-15 people for
missional ministry.
16. Project "GO" Gospel Outreach Share Jesus.
Grant Amount: $5,000
To enable Oregon District LWML women to participate in mission trips associated with LCMS churches, international partner
churches and LCMS Recognized Service Organizations (RSOs)
to share Jesus' love in Word and action.
17. Responding Holistically to Refugees
Grant Amount: $5,000
To enable Christian Friends of New Americans (CFNA) to help
support essential aspects of ministry among refugees and immigrants in the St. Louis MO area. This will fund the furniture distribution and household needs portion of this ministry. Complete
services include English as a Second Language (ESL), medical
screening, furniture donations, Heart to Heart Sisters, and Peace
Center outreach to children.
Proposed Mission Grants continued on next page
Page 7
Proposed Mission Grants for 2014 Convention Ballot, continued
18. Send, Preach, Believe! Carrying God's Word to Latinos
Grant Amount: $6,500
To support the Circuit Rider missionaries of the Lutheran Latino
Ministries. The Gospel of Christ is made available to the Latino
population so they may know God's love for through Jesus and
live with us as brothers and sisters, sharing a common faith and
19. Social Outreach Ministry
Grant Amount: $5,585
To create a mission outpost through a neighborhood community
center to serve and reflect the love of Christ to youth and seniors
in NE Portland, specifically the Parkrose neighborhood. The
Social Outreach Ministry of Faithful Savior will help provide
needed and maintained computers for teaching and learning as
well as the software and funds to promote these programs to the
unchurched, thereby sharing Christ's compassionate love and
concern for all men.
20. The CLEF -( The Confessional Lutheran Educational
Foundation) International Lutheran Electronic Project
Grant Amount: $5,000
The International Lutheran Electronic Reader Project provides
Kindles (electronic readers) to the seminary students and faculty
of Lutheran church bodies who are in fellowship or partnership
with the LCMS. The CLEF is not seeking to replace the traditional "library" but is rather seeking to use the latest technology to
provide seminaries and pastors with the best theological material
for FREE.
21. The Leadership Center for Urban Church Planting and
Community Development
Grant Amount: $6,500
To plant urban congregations and develop future leaders for the
church from within urban and cross-cultural communities, supporting the expansion of our ministries and evangelism efforts
among refugees and immigrants in Northeast Ohio, especially
Muslims and Buddhists.
22. Trinity/HOPE
Grant Amount: $5,000
To assist Lutheran churches in Haiti in spreading the Gospel to
the hungry children who attend our schools by more adequately
meeting their physical needs by providing a daily nutritious noon
meal. Grant funds would be used to provide a meal for the children and their teachers in one specific school.
For additional information, contact Vice President of Outreach,
Carmen Nagel, at 503-634-2485 or arcticcats@aol.com.
Sign up to take part in Moving for Mites at the Oregon District Convention
Has something or someone in your life inspired you? Is it the miracle of creation, or someone special who
you have credited with teaching you something that changed your life? Perhaps they helped you through
something that seemed impossible at the time. Or maybe they helped you realize what you previously thought
was unachievable was actually within your reach by utilizing the power of the Holy Spirit? Have you seen
miracles in your lifetime? Can you imagine, in your most profound thoughts what it would be like to:
 Enable a blind person to ‘see’ through their reading the braille Bibles you helped provide;
 Teach someone, who didn’t speak your language, about the joy in your heart from knowing Jesus;
 Help build or repair a church by supplying funds and inspiration to those able and willing to do the work;
 Help provide food to people in West Africa; feed hundreds of orphans in Haiti;
 Provide opportunities to multi-cultural people so that they can hear the Gospel of our Lord and Savior in their own language.
Do you know the joy of any of this? I do. I know because every penny, every nickel and every quarter and check that I give to
LWML Mites, along with my prayers offered to our LORD for these missions, helps to bring to fruition these ‘every-day miracles!
Please help us in our special MIGHTY MITE FUN(D) RAISING effort at our 2014 OR District LWML Convention! Saturday morning, at 6:00 a.m. (or throughout the day if you are not an early riser) we are accepting special pledges and contributions to LWML
Mites. “Mighty Mite Pledge Tracker” forms are available here and online, if you would like to help us by participating. Talk to your
friends and acquaintances and get them to pledge something before convention. Maybe they will contribute 10-cents or $10 for every
lap you do at the Embassy Suites Portland Pool on Saturday, June 28, 2014. (Hint: I it’s not Olympic-sized.) Or maybe they’ll pledge
an amount for how many miles you walk in the morning around the building, or how much time you spend in prayer during that day.
Maybe that’s just too complicated, and they’ll offer you a lump sum. It’s all good! When we contribute to LWML Mites we can see
and experience the Joy of seeing these things happen. We give God the glory! Join in the FUN; experience the JOY; and help by contributing to God’s missions. The ladies and gentlemen of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League thank you! Sign up for the Mighty
Mite Walk on your convention registration form and join us @ 6 a.m., Saturday, June 28 in front of the Fitness Center at the Embassy
Suites, or if you want to sleep in, I’ll plan to see you later in the day on the convention floor. (The next page of The Leaguer contains
the Mighty Mite Pledge Tracker, so you can keep track of how many people have pledged.)
Mae Smith/Exhibits and Displays Committee Chairman
Oregon Leaguer
Page 8
Where are all the young women in the Lutheran Women's Missionary League?
Many LWML ladies have come to me over the years asking,
"How do we make LWML more attractive to the younger ladies
and teens?"
I wish I could give you all a cookie cutter answer on how to
have more young women in your church in LWML. I do, however, have a few suggestions.
If you are looking to add teens to LWML, then I am sorry to say
this, but you better get your running shoes on and start being active in their lives. Get to know the teens moms and start going to
the teens activities, ie; church youth group, school plays, sporting
events, and dance recitals. The more you get to know them, the
more they may want to join you at your Bible study or your ladies
As for the young women, they are very busy working and/or
raising a family, I am sure many of you reading this can relate.
Now with that said, first off, give them a break. They may want to
join LWML, but no one has asked them. Did you ask them? Did
you say, "Hey, I was thinking of you this last week and thought
how it would be nice to get to know you (and your family) more,
Oregon Leaguer
do you think you would like to have dinner at my place sometime?"
However, even after you get to know teens and/or young women, they may not want to join you at any LWML event(s). But do
not be discouraged. Keep befriending them. If God sees need of
them in LWML, then God will open their hearts.
Remember that LWML has great resources on the national
LWML website at www.lwml.org. I would also encourage you to
click on Events and then click "Cup with Kay" and invite young
women to have tea with you! Don't forget the LWML Quarterly
Magazine and Oregon Leaguer are great reading material to give
to women of the church too!
Lastly, pray for God to give you the courage to talk with the
teens and young women of your hurch. God will show you who
to talk to and He will give you the words to say. Remember you
are not alone; God is with you as you continue to share the joy of
LWML in your church!
Naomi Brown, LWML Young Women Chair
Page 9
Oregon Leaguer
Page 10
The Counselor’s Chronicle-With Joy We Fix Our Eyes on Jesus
Funding Factory
As we look forward to the Oregon District LWML Convention this June, we are urged to
ask “what brings great joy into your life?” Many of you have already heard (and all of you
will hear) the words recorded in Isaiah 12:3 which provide the theme for the convention.
“With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.”
We don’t know how much insight Isaiah had into how that salvation would be won or
provided. We do know that he put his trust in God’s gracious covenant and in the promise
of the coming Messiah. We, however, know the rest of the story. Through the wonderful
working of the Holy Spirit, the evangelists and apostles proclaim the life, the ministry, the
passion and the resurrection victory of our Lord Jesus Christ!
As we attend worship services during the season of Lent, we hear about the opposition
Jesus faced during his earthly ministry; we are reminded once again about His great and
shameful suffering at the hands of the Jewish religious leaders and Pontius Pilate. It is
hard for us to imagine that Jesus felt much joy as he endured such treatment. Yet in his
prayer recorded in John 17, Jesus prays to His Father saying: “I am coming to you now,
but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they (His disciples) may have
the full measure of my joy within them” (John 17:13, NIV).
Certainly Jesus did not relish the thought of the suffering He would endure on Good Friday. As He agonized in the Garden of Gethsemane, our Lord told the disciples: “My soul
is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death, stay here and keep watch with me”
(Mt 26:38, NIV). Our Lord prayed to His Father saying, “My Father, if it is possible, may
this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will” (Mt. 26:39, NIV). Not much
joy expressed there, but just a few hours earlier Jesus had prayed “may (they have) the full
measure of my joy within them”.
The writer of Hebrews helps us put the joy of Jesus in perspective when he writes in
chapter 12, verse 2 of this letter, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter
of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat
down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2, NIV). In the midst of the sorrow and suffering of His passion, Jesus could see the victory over Satan, sin and death for
His disciples and for all who would believe in Him—including each one of us. “For the
joy set before Him” He suffered and died.
Jesus’ resurrection victory brought great and amazing joy as the women who had come to
the tomb listened to the angel say, “He is not here; He has risen, just as he said. Come and
see the place where He lay” (Mt. 28:6, NIV). The disciples’ fear was turned to joy when
Jesus stood before them and said, “Peace be with you…Look at my hands and my feet. It
is I myself” (Luke 24:36, 39).
Jesus’ joy prior to and during His suffering and death was possible because he knew the
outcome of His passion for all who would believe in Him. He now has great joy because
He is seated “at the right hand of the throne of God”. And everyone who puts their faith
in Jesus will experience the joyful presence of Jesus in His eternal kingdom. It is in Jesus,
our victorious Lord and Savior that we draw that living water from the well of salvation! I
hope to see you at the Oregon District LWML Convention on June 27!
“Two (2) are better than one - - -“
Funding Factor monies ARE the only
“OUTSIDE” source of income that help
to cover our operational expenses here
in the Oregon District.
HOWEVER, we are NOT doing anywhere near as much “collecting” as we
could do!
SOOO – I am suggesting that each
LWML society have 2 gals to be in
charge of:
Setting out the collection boxes at the
church/school/fellowship hall, etc.
Publicizing – calling attention to the
Packing up (per F F instructions) with
the free UPS labels & sending the boxes
on their way
Zone Presidents have all the information needed as WELL as 800-number to
call for more labels if they run out.
PLEASE send me an E-mail and let me
know how this “2 are better than one” is
working for you! ckolzow@gmail.com.
Pastor Wil Gehrke, Senior Pastoral Counselor
URGENT! Human Care Need
Human Care Need: 4 LWML'ers who are Thrivent members to apply
for ACTION TEAM GRANTS for Concordia Back-Pack Lunches
event. (Does not affect your Choice Dollars)
If you are interested, please contact Char Kolzow as soon as possible
at 541-318-9885 or ckolzow@gmail.com. Thank you!
Oregon Leaguer
Care Corner
During the remainder of the Easter
Season, work on changing one of your
regular eating habits to make more
healthy choices: cut back on fast food,
lessen the amount of caffeine you drink,
or occasionally give up desserts.
Take time to work through a difficult
situation by writing down your blessings. Turn the situation over to the Lord
in prayer. He’ll help you see something
positive and uplifting through the whole
Work individually or with others in
your Zone to make pillowcase dresses/
pants for the needy in tropical areas
such as Haiti and Christian Sudan.
Gather items to support local communities and charities to be donated at the
OR District LWML convention June
Page 11
LWML Women Help Provide Housing for the Homeless
When the Lane-Douglas Thrivent Community, whose participants include the EugeneSpringfield, Cottage Grove and Roseburg areas
in the state of Oregon, began a partnership with
Opportunity Village Eugene (OVE) to build six
bungalows for the homeless, Trinity Lutheran
Women in Mission (TWIM) jumped in to help.
These LWML dynamos from Trinity Lutheran
Church in Cottage Grove, OR, joined hands to
help paint buildings, assemble flower/vegetable
beds, donate beautiful handmade quilts, and stitch together window coverings to help turn
simple wooden structures into homes for the homeless.
Opportunity Village Eugene is a unique concept in giving aid to those whose lives have
been ravaged by joblessness, illness, divorce, or other burdens. Rather than offering its
residents a “hand out”, OVE delivers a “hand up” by providing them a safe, dry and
comforting community where they can securely leave their belongings by day to look for
jobs or seek out needed services then return in the evening to warmth, food and fellowship
with their neighbors. Set on an acre of land rented from the city of Eugene for one dollar
a year, the village will be a collection of wooden structures, roughly 8 feet by 8 feet, and
smaller “Conestoga” huts. A common kitchen, bathroom/shower building, and meeting
area will be maintained by the residents. It will house 40-45 inhabitants at a time, the
numbers changing as people work their way out of their current circumstances.
Living in a state hard hit by the recent recession, the ladies of TWIM are all too familiar with the sights of homelessness, joblessness, hunger and hopelessness but keep their
hands and hearts full doing any chore they can to relieve a neighbor’s burden. Thanks to
these caring women, OVE residents are learning how loving, caring, and ever-present God
is in the lives of His children, even those who seem to have fallen too far away.
Be a friend to campers with disabilities this summer
Bethesda Auxiliary is offering financial assistance to youth in Grade 9 thru adults to “be a
friend” to campers with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) at Camp Lutherwood, Cheshire, OR (www.lutherwoodoregon.
org), July 6-11.
Bethesda Auxiliary is praying that the Holy
Spirit will work in the hearts of these volunteers to develop: 1) a passion for ministry with
people who have IDD, and 2) leadership skills
for future service to their Lord Jesus.
Brandon Stucky of Zion, Corvallis, visits with his new friend.
Please tell your congregation’s youth about
this servant event opportunity. Applications are due by May 15 and are available at www.
BethesdaAuxiliary.org. Other camp locations also offer this opportunity.
Bethesda In-Gathering List for Oregon Convention
Heavy duty pots, lids, pans and skillets, glass bakeware – new or in like new condition; Twin sheets, regular, fitted, extra long, and deep pocket – New or gently used; Bath
towels, hand towel, wash cloths, and kitchen towels – New; 4 vaccum cleaners, and one
small size (dust buster) for pet; Dishes: plates, bowls, glasses, cups, and silverware (extra
spoons); Plastic utensils for cooking; Tupperware, small plastic cups; Large crockpots,
coffee pot; Potting soil, yard tools, work gloves; Clothing protectors.
Oregon Leaguer
Retreat Re-Cap
The LWML Oregon District Fall
Christian Life Retreat that was held
September 20-22 was a beautiful time
to "Be still, and know that I am God"
(Psalm 46:10).
We were blessed in so many ways...
with the company of many guests,
caring hosts at the Christian Renewal
Center, delicious meals, renewed
friendships, shared stories, uplifting
music, and time to dwell in God's Word
with Bible studies, presentations, and
worship service.
The grace of our Lord shined upon us
each moment...from the adventurous zip
line to stillness even with the touch of
raindrops on our shoulders.
The Christian Life Committee would
like to thank all who attended. Your
presence was a gift!
Bethesda Auxiliary
Annual Celebration
Saturday, May 3, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Trinity Lutheran Church
5520 NE Killingsworth, Portland 97218
LWMLers and guests, you are invited to come celebrate with us God’s
faithfulness to each of us and to our
ministry of sharing His Word and love
with people who have intellectual and
developmental disabilities.
Keynote speakers:1) Ms. Kelly Thran,
Corporate Director of Business & Innovation for Bethesda Lutheran Communities; 2) people that Bethesda supports.
The morning begins with coffee, tea
and goodies, visiting, shopping at the
bazaar tables and silent auction items.
Throughout the day, Auctioneer Priscilla Greig will be entertaining us with
bidding on fantastic oral auction items.
After opening devotions, there will be
a very short business meeting, and presentation of the Cross and Bell Award
to a long-time, faithful volunteer. After
lunch we will be informed, motivated,
and encouraged by our speakers, and
able to praise our Lord for His faithfulness.
Page 12
L.A.M.P. Seeking a Vacation Bible School Mission Team
Pat Reck, Mission Team coordinator for
L.A.M.P., has confirmed the invitation from
the village of Kitkatla, south of Prince Rupert,
B.C. for August 7- 15 of this year, and plans
are unfolding under the guidance of Pastor
Bart Metcalf, B.C. Pastor. You may fashion it
as your summer vacation of sorts, with cultural
exchange, visual sights, hospitality of the tribe,
and the raw splendor of British Columbia
from off-shore. Sharing with these warm and
wonderful youth of the native culture is lifechanging. And they are eager for the Message
and Word of God to give them hope.
Interested in nine magic days ferrying to and from a scenic, offshore, Tsimshian Village,
population 493, of Kitkatla natives? And engaging dozens of beautiful young children and
teens there in God's Promises, the LAMP Curriculum chosen for this year? It is one of
LAMP'S favorites and so much fun to present. Because of a recent baby boom, we expect
many 5-6-7 yr. olds, and men along provides us with some safety issues and sports program potential. They love basketball and teen opportunities abound on their newly fenced,
double courts. Five Oregon folk have already expressed interest in the experience. Please
pray for this Team to grow then and become a reality. We need craft people, musicians,
camp cook, photographers. St. Peters Anglican Church will be hosting us in their new,
modern Social Hall and commercial kitchen.
Financial aid is possible through our recently funded project, “GO (Gospel Outreach)
Share Jesus!” It is a scholarship fund established as a mission project to enable Oregon
District LWML women to travel and participate in Oregon District Servant Event trips
abroad, to share Jesus' love. For more information, please contact Pat at pbmsreck@bendnet.com or 541-504-0874.
Special Gift Fund Scholarships Awarded
The Special Gifts Fund Committee is pleased to announce that Calah Clift from Bend,
Oregon and Jordan Merrifield from Roseburg, Oregon were each awarded a $500 Scholarship on December 9. Calah and Jordan are enrolled at Concordia University – Portland.
They both are participating in the Music Department as choir members and instrumentalists. Calah, a member at Trinity Lutheran Church in Bend, is a sophomore, enrolled in the
Elementary and Secondary Education Program. Jordan, a member at St. Paul Lutheran
Church in Roseburg, a freshman, is majoring in Theology and looking forward to graduate
studies in International Development and Service.
These scholarship were NOT funded from your MITE Offerings. Contributions to the
Special Gift Fund have been received as Memorials and Remembrances and are deposited
in an interest bearing account with the Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF). The
scholarships are funded from the interest in the account. We challenge and encourage you
to continue supporting the Special Gifts Fund with your donations. Contributions can be
sent to the Oregon District LWML Financial Secretary, Glenda Dougherty, PO Box 2066,
Hillsboro, OR 97123-1919.
Applications for the 2014 Scholarship will be accepted beginning July 2014, with the
scholarship(s) awarded in November 2014. The application form is on the Oregon District
LWML website, www.orlwml.org. LWML societies will receive information, in the mail,
regarding the scholarship during the late summer months. Inquiries may be made to
Rhoda Spidal, Special Gifts Fund Committee Chair by email at spidalr@spidalfamily.com
or by mail at 2451 NW Goodin Creek Road, Gaston, OR 97119.
Oregon Leaguer
A Note From Your
Financial Secretary
You may ask yourself, “Just what is
this Assessment per member for anyway?”
By now you should have received
the Assessment letter from the Oregon
District LWML Financial Secretary –
me. The annual assessment of $7.50 per
member has been known as an assessment to pay for travel. The District
pays travel expenses for every Board
member that travels to Board meetings
that turns in a voucher at thirty cents
per mile. The assessments along with
Rally offerings, Society offerings, Individual offerings, and what we receive
from Factory Funding has to pay for
all the expenses of the District. These
expenses range from storage rental,
liability insurance, PO box rental,
stamps, ink, paper, expenses to send our
leaders to workshops and conferences,
and registration fees to District convention for your Board of Directors. We
consider these expenses as “in-reach”
ministry….things we do to better equip
our ladies to serve. As our Oregon District Mission states “Lutheran Women
in Mission will, by God’s grace, ignite,
involve, equip and encourage women of
the Oregon District to express their faith
as servants of the Triune God through
joyful Christian ministry.” We feel that
no one should hesitate to step forward
to serve as a leader in the District
because they are afraid they can’t afford
the expense of attending meetings. Just
a side note; we are blessed that many
of our leaders can and do voucher their
expenses but donate the money back to
the District.
Finally I just want all of you to know
that you are a wonderful, generous,
spirit-filled group of ladies and I feel
so blessed to serve you on the Oregon
District. Blessings to you all as we together, Serve the Lord with Gladness!!
Glenda Dougherty, Financial Secretary
and Member of the Finance Committee
Oregon LWML District
Page 13
Interstate Zone Rally................................................................ April 5, 2014
Myrtlewood Zone Rally......................................................... April 12, 2014
Southern Zone Rally ................................................................. May 3, 2014
Emerald Zone Rally................................................................. April 5, 2014
West Hills Zone Rally.............................................................. April 5, 2014
Mt. Hood Zone Rally............................................................. April 26, 2014
IMPORTANT DATES in 2014 & 2015
May 2, 2014 ................... Lutheran Latino Mission’s Fundraiser Banquet & Auction
May 3, 2014 .......................Bethesda Auxiliary Annual Celebration, Trinty Portland
June 26, 2014 ....Oregon District Executive Committee/Board of Directors Meeting
End of July 2014 ................................................ Oregon District Transition Meeting
September 2014 Oregon District Executive Committee/Board of Directors Meeting
November 8, 2014..................................................... Northwest District Advancenet
January 29-February 2, 2015 ..................LWML Board Meeting, Des Moines, Iowa
June 27-29, 2014 ... LWML Oregon District Convention, Portland
June 25-28, 2015 ... LWML Convention, Des Moines, Iowa
June 22-25, 2017 ... LWML Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah
June 27-30, 2019 ... LWML Convention, Birmingham, Alabama
VP Communications: Barbara Northrop
e-mail: bnrnorthrop@centurylink.net
District President: Carolyn Stucky
VP Christian Life: Deborah Lannen
e-mail: ORPRESIDENT15@comcast.net
e-mail: gndlannen@gmail.com
VP Servant Resources: Debra Schlueter
Treasurer: Kathryn Timbs
e-mail: dachlu49@msn.com
e-mail: jktimbs@msn.com
VP Human Care: Char Kolzow
Financial Secretary: Glenda Dougherty
e-mail: ckolzow@gmail.com
e-mail: Gfdougherty2@yahoo.com
VP Gospel Outreach: Carmen Nagel
Recording Secretary: Barbara Campbell
e-mail: arcticcats@aol.com
e-mail: Gr.soup@cmspan.net
Share those wonderful JOY-filled
photos with your sisters and
brothers at the 2014 Oregon District Convention at the Embassy
Suites on June 27-29. Email them
to awesomejoyfulphotos@gmail.
com or send them to Grace Lutheran Church 51737 S. Columbia
River Hwy Scappoose, OR 97056
in care of “Lisa”. A PowerPoint
presentation is being prepared to
run during the convention. Share
your JOY!!
Oregon Leaguer
Become committed to
helping LWML make
an impact on the next
generation! Become
dedicated to sharing
your heart for Jesus
Christ, caring for your
sisters in your community and congregation,
and helping them use their gifts to serve the Lord. Be glad to be a part of LWML, and this year
invite the women in your life to consider learning more about LWML with you.
Go to www.lwml.org/now and sign up to receive an email every other Tuesday that contains
helpful ideas for sharing your passion and experience about the LWML with others in your personal circles at church and in your community. Be prepared to inform others about the heart and
spirit of the LWML mission with every woman in your congregation, whether or not she may
be active with LWML in this season of her life. You may unsubscribe at any time.
Page 14