2015 publication - St. Paul Lutheran


2015 publication - St. Paul Lutheran
The St. Paul Messenger
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church • 742 Depot Street • Manawa, WI 54949
*Email Address: stpaulchurchmanawa2004@yahoo.com
'follow us on facebook' (st paul lutheran church and school, manawa wi)
Service Times: Sunday 8:15 & 10:30 a.m.
(2nd & 4th Sunday’s Communion)
Monday’s 6:30 p.m. (4th Monday Communion)
Inside this issue:
Proud of St. Paul
Ladies Aid News
School News
Shut-In Service
Confirmation Class 5
Men’s Club Picnic
Pictorial Directory
August Calendar
August Serving
Dear Friends
How’s your summer?
I might describe mine in three categories...highlights, low lights, and dimmers.
The highlights have been the following:
We’re keeping our head above board. In
other words, projects are being completed
debt free...church sign, entrance on Wells
Street, and cost of the pew cushions. And
we’ve finished our fiscal year in the black.
The lowlights have been the following: Our called pastor declined our call.
So we go back to square one.
Another lowlight would be our church attendance. In addition to the Sunday morning services, we also offer a Monday night service at 6:30 p.m. Weekends away are o.k., but worship is still available.
Last, but not least, would be our volunteer situation. I know many of you
would serve if I asked you face to face. Still I think many of you could serve in
those areas requested in the bulletin. (Right now I’m concerned about our Sunday School.)
The dimmers have been the following:
Our main mission or thrust has been our Christian Day School. Still many
of you do not take advantage of this opportunity. The staff and facilities are outstanding. The cost is negligible. It’s really a bargain for a private school. (I remember Connie and I paid $1,000.00 for each of our children in 1981). Sometimes we don’t know what we have until we lose it.
One of the other areas of concern would be our youth ministry. I know
the kids are really busy=.but I think we should promote their fellowship and involvement here at St. Paul.
As your vacancy pastor I’m proud of the progress we’ve made in the last
two years. I’m satisfied with what I have been doing. However it saddens me to
know what could be done and should be done. I don’t think we’ve scratched the
potential surface in our church and community ministry.
Let’s make the start of this school year a highlight.
Seeing the Light after feeling the heat!
Pastor Mazemke
St. Paul Messenger
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If you had watched the Rodeo Parade you will recognize that I borrowed part of that phrase
from the St. Paul School float. I just substituted the word "proud" for the word "love" that was on the
float. For those of you who don't know, a "minion" is just a character from the movies, one of which
is just recently being shown in theatres. What a great play on words! Of course, there are a million
reasons to love and be proud of St. Paul! When I saw that float I knew that it should receive a prize,
but then, a couple of floats later, I saw the Little Lambs Day Care float, with it's rainbow of balloons!
I was so happy to see our church family so visible in the parade, the Rodeo is Manawa's most ambitious undertaking each year, and the involvement of so many of our citizens is needed to make it
a success.
In addition to the parade, I saw both adults and children with "Little Lambs Day Care" T-shirts
selling raffle tickets in the stands. I understand that St. Paul School was responsible for the popcorn/snow cone stand also, and I read someplace that the chairman of the popcorn stand logged
her steps, and she had walked ten miles during that time! And, let's not forget the Mens Club who
had a Brat Fry on Saturday. These things don't "just happen." It takes someone with ideas, ambition
and perseverance to motivate others to get involved. Those teachers of St. Paul, and the employees of Little Lambs worked on those floats "on their own time!" I was so happy to read that the
school float had received a first prize award for their efforts.
There are so many other areas where the members of our church and school are involved. I
don't always attend fellowship after the early services on Sunday, but on the last Sunday in June
someone remarked to me that I just "had" to see what was being served. What a treat! The snacks
were served with a patriotic theme, there was a red, white & blue table runner, and the snacks were
all decorated in red, white & blue.
We can't forget the youth group in our congregation who planted flowers in the cross out
front of the church. The flowers are beginning to spread out, and soon they will fill up the cross entirely. Of course, it takes someone to water them, also! A huge THANK YOU is in order to all of you!
A lot of other things have happened in our church lately, the things I have mentioned are visible to
the public, but it is a statement to others outside the church, that we really CARE about our church
and are willing to go the extra mile to get involved. It gives one a good feeling, if you aren't involved
at the present time, won't you get involved so you can have that good feeling also?
The St. Paul Ladies Aid held their annual picnic meeting in the dining room of St. Paul
School on Thursday, July 2, 2015, with a picnic lunch served at noon. We began by reciting the table prayer. Circle One was in charge of serving the lunch, a variety of delicious hot dishes, salads &
desserts. We Lutheran ladies are famous for the food we serve!
No verbal roll call was taken and no business meeting was held. The afternoon was spent
playing card bingo, with everyone receiving a prize. Circle Two was in charge of the entertainment.
Birthday wishes were extended to Lois Glocke, Betty Bonikowske, Evelyn Klotzbuecher and
Margaret Fahser.
Carole had a special reading that she wanted to share with us. She read "That Ragged Old
Flag," a poem that had been written and set to music by Johnny Cash. She also invited us again to
come and visit her in Appleton. After all, she has been so faithful in making the trip to Manawa every month, to attend our meetings!
Yvonne reminded us of Bingo to be played at the nursing home on Wednesday, July 8th.
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St. Paul Messenger
Rodeo Popcorn Stand
The Popcorn Stand at the Midwestern Rodeo was a
huge success again. Together with everyone’s help, St.
Paul Lutheran School raised over $4,000 for Physical
Education, Art and Technology Supplies. The profits
will also include education fee reductions for families
that volunteered. A HUGE thank you goes out to
Christal Buch and her family for organizing this fundraiser. A well-deserved thank you also goes out to all
the families that volunteered at the Popcorn Stand.
Great Job!
St. Paul Lutheran School
Back to School Night
Wed. August 26 6:30 p.m.
Beginning in church and
continuing to classrooms.
First day of school Tuesday, Sept. 1st.
Prang Power Program
St. Paul Lutheran School is now participating in the Prang Power Free School Supply Program. You
can help our school earn free art and writing supplies by buying Ticonderoga, Prang, Dixon, or Lyra
brand products and submitting the UPC barcodes to Miss Jenks, 1st and 2nd grade teacher and program coordinator. St. Paul earns points for all UPCs submitted; the points are then used to purchase much needed supplies to supplement our supply budget. Please keep these brands in mind
when shopping for back to school supplies. Also encourage your relatives, friends, and neighbors to
clip and save their UPCs for us since St. Paul Lutheran is the only school in Manawa currently participating in the program. (Dixon Ticonderoga brand pencils: classic, high quality, easy to sharpen:
traditional style of yellow with green metallic band and green printing or black with green band)
Sponsor a Student
How do you support St. Paul Lutheran Church and School? Is your support found in regular church
attendance? Do you attend the special functions at St. Paul? Do you attend bible study or help with
Sunday School or VBS? Do you serve in a leadership role at St. Paul? Do you faithfully give to support the missions of St. Paul? The “Sponsor a Student” program will give congregational members a
chance to assist the families and students of St. Paul in another way. Unlike financial aid, this program will simply allow a congregational member to sponsor a student without the paperwork of applying for financial aid. Members can sponsor a student for a month, a semester, or an entire year.
The amount of contribution or commitment is decided by the sponsor. This commitment could range
from $50, a monthly payment, to $800, a yearly payment. Donors would remain anonymous.
Have you heard about all of the
great things happening at St. Paul
Lutheran Church and School?
Tell someone else!!!
The school theme for the 2015-2016 is “Be Strong and
Courageous” from Joshua 1:9.
Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will
be with you wherever you go
St. Paul Messenger
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St. Paul Messenger
Thursday, August 20th at 2:00 p.m.
This is a worshipful communion service in the
sanctuary as well as fellowship with other members of St. Paul. We will be bringing the communion elements to the pews where you will be
sitting (in every other row). After a brief communion worship service with Pastor Mazemke
you will have an opportunity to enjoy a snack in
the fellowship area. All are welcome to come.
Pastor Mazemke will meet with the St. Paul
School 7th-8th grade class regarding Confirmation Class on Wednesday, August 26th
during the 6:30 p.m. Back to School Night.
Pastor will meet with the Public School 7th-8th
grade Confirmation Class on Sunday, August
23rd at 9:30 a.m. between church services in
the back of church.
The July 21st meeting of LWML opened
with the devotion “One Nation Under God”. A
skit called “A Patriotic Devotion” was read. The
skit emphasized that the America Flag is about
INDEPENDENCE and the Christian Flag is
about DEPENDENCE. As Christians we depend
completely on Christ for our well being.
The meeting was called to order and
Yvonne reported on bingo and Communion Service at the Nursing Home. We decided on the
menu for the Fall Rally which we will be hosting
in September, and discussed LWML Sunday
which is the first Sunday in October. Our zone
president informed us we should be looking for a
Young Woman Representative to represent us
at the North Wisconsin District Meeting next year
in Eau Claire. The meeting was adjourned and
we closed with the “Lords Prayer”.
Our Service Projects for the month are:
Pray for our Country
Pray for our Service Men & Women
Pray for a New Pastor
Pray for our Congregation and Pastor Mazemke
Pray for those in disaster areas.
Jim & Chris Roenz .............................. 8-01-81
Lee & Georgia Wiegert ....................... 8-01-59
Jay & Pam Sturm ................................ 8-02-75
Ronald & Carol Koehler ...................... 8-05-67
Steven & Sandra Drath ....................... 8-08-92
Gordon & Audrey Suehs ..................... 8-08-53
Leonard & Kim Bartel.......................... 8-11-84
Lloyd & Shirley Ferg ........................... 8-11-56
Tom & Karen Helpap .......................... 8-11-73
Matthew & Trista Sturm ...................... 8-11-12
Scott & Tanya Jaeger ......................... 8-12-95
Randall & Suzanne Suehs .................. 8-14-92
Rolland & Christy Young ..................... 8-14-93
Duane & Alice Bartel........................... 8-18-56
Tom & Heidi Zander............................ 8-19-95
Richard & Lana Bonikowske ............... 8-20-77
Bryan & Karla Lockman ...................... 8-21-04
Henrietta & Conrad Baumer ............... 8-27-55
Gerald & Joan Bailey .......................... 8-27-82
Kelly & Charles Ramstack .................. 8-28-10
Lindsey & Hugh Leasum..................... 8-30-08
Melissa & Andrew Habeck .................. 8-30-14
Lindsay & Daniel Kassis ..................... 8-30-14
Men’s Club will hold their annual picnic Wednesday, August 19th at
Rick Bleier’s house. Contact Rick for directions (715-513-0164).
Please bring chairs, salad or dessert, and refreshments. The plates,
napkins, and silverware will be provided. This will be a garbage can
dinner and will eat at 6:00 p.m.
St. Paul Messenger
James Hanna ..................................... 8-1
Nicki Much.......................................... 8-2
Justin Wepner .................................... 8-2
Madalyn Wepner ................................ 8-2
Justin Hartwig .................................... 8-3
Joyce Chich........................................ 8-4
Caryn Frazier ..................................... 8-4
Timothy Scheller ................................ 8-4
Kassidee Zander ................................ 8-4
Audrey Johnson ................................. 8-5
Sara Baumgart ................................... 8-6
Steven Kaczorowski........................... 8-6
Jennifer Scheller ................................ 8-7
Lila Drath ............................................ 8-8
Jordan Gehrke ................................... 8-8
Jacob Krueger .................................... 8-8
Justin Riesenberg .............................. 8-8
Matthew Timm .................................... 8-8
Alyssa Zemple ................................... 8-8
Olivia Boehnlein ................................. 8-9
Lucas Kempka ................................... 8-9
Billie Jo Rosenau ............................... 8-9
Jaden Jaeger ................................... 8-10
Hazel Jahsman ................................ 8-10
Tishnya Johnson .............................. 8-10
Adam Langman ................................ 8-10
Aaron Timm ...................................... 8-11
Tiffany Wurth .................................... 8-12
Carlee Zander .................................. 8-13
Aaron Hoffman ................................. 8-14
Ronald Voss ..................................... 8-14
Alexis Glocke ................................... 8-15
Debbie Hintz..................................... 8-15
Pastor Vilas Mazemke ..................... 8-16
Betty Beyer....................................... 8-17
Lloyd Ferg ........................................ 8-17
LuAnn Kamke .................................. 8-17
Brody Timm ...................................... 8-17
Andrew Elmhorst .............................. 8-18
Barbara Flees .................................. 8-19
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Jennifer M. Meyer ........................ 8-19
Tammy Arndt ................................ 8-20
Terry Bloch ................................... 8-20
Shirley Opperman ........................ 8-20
Bradley Bartel ............................... 8-22
Samantha Blum............................ 8-22
Julie Wurth ................................... 8-22
Ronald Vaughan ........................... 8-23
Lori Elmhorst ................................ 8-24
Deklyn Bonikowske ...................... 8-25
Samantha Dusel........................... 8-25
Wesley Klotzbuecher ................... 8-25
Tanner Peters ............................... 8-25
Courtney Petersen ....................... 8-25
David Schuelke ............................ 8-25
Walter Sztuczko ........................... 8-25
Brian Mehlberg ............................. 8-26
Jesse Ort ...................................... 8-27
Kensley Seka ............................... 8-27
Kevin Buch ................................... 8-28
Rebecca Claussen ....................... 8-28
Abigail Elmhorst ........................... 8-28
Jason Rieckmann......................... 8-28
Kylie Behnke ................................ 8-29
Jessica Drath ............................... 8-29
Jeffrey Jandrt................................ 8-29
Nolan Heise .................................. 8-30
Kathy Miller .................................. 8-30
Bailey Ort...................................... 8-30
Kyle Radtke .................................. 8-30
Linda Friday ................................. 8-31
St. Paul Lutheran Church is excited to announce
that a new church directory will be compiled in
October & November 2015 with the assistance
of Lifetouch Photography, formerly Olan Mills.
The previous church directory was published in
2006 and many families and faces have
changed since then. Please watch future bulletins and newsletters for more information.