MAY, 2011 idings of hope Hope Lutheran Church 206 Washington Everly, IA 51338 (712) 834-2767 Pastor‟s Pause: MISSION STATEMENT “As a community of Christians, we commit ourselves to worship, grow in faith, to witness and reach out with Christ‟s love to promote healing, support and service to one another, society and the world.” EDUCATION HOUR: 9:00 a.m. WORSHIP: 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion on the first and third Sundays of the month. INTERIM PASTOR: Pastor Lorene Glant O: 834-2767 H: 834-2744 C: 712-251-7880 hopepastor@evertek.net YOUTH DIRECTOR: Eric Patten-229-1340 eric.patten@simpson.edu SECRETARY: Marilyn Winterboer Phone: O: 834-2767 H: 834-2449 C: 712-260-8739 hope@evertek.net Secretary’s Hours: Thursdays and additional hours as needed. Luke 18:15-17 (RSV) “Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them; and when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child, shall not enter it.” One of my joys in serving Hope Lutheran Church especially these past weeks has been to baptize infants and young children, to receive new members, and to confirm two young people on Easter Sunday. But more important than these actions, it has been uplifting to witness the excitement on the faces of family members of the children and on the faces of the older “children,” that is adults, who are learning of God‟s love through classes and this community of faith. In addition, during the midweek Lenten services, it has been pure delight to watch the happiness of Austin, Brian John, and Taya when they put on the robes and the role of serving as acolytes. It is these children, the youngsters who come forward for the children‟s sermons and the many others who are growing in the faith that bring to mind the words in I Peter 2: “Like newborn babes, (you) long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up to salvation; for you have tasted the kindness of the Lord.” As a congregation, it is your responsibility to continue to teach these children the joy of the Gospel, that God sent His Son into the world so that all might believe in Him, and that it is by grace through faith in Christ, that we are saved. Treasure the Good News, and hold fast to it. It is not the law that sanctifies but God‟s love, Christ‟s sacrifice, and the working of the Holy Spirit that propels Christ‟s body, the Church, forward. May each of us continue to hear Jesus‟ marching orders given to all who follow him “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,...” (Matthew 28:19) Be creative in your thinking and share any and all ideas with your council; and continually keep in your prayers the members of the church council and all those who are working on a new beginning. Finally, are Jesus‟ words found in John 15 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” Thank you for these past months. I have enjoyed the time spent with you and have learned much from you, and hopefully these thoughts are mutual. As we go our separate ways, know that you will continue to be in my prayers. Vaya con Dios, (Go with God) Pastor Lorene 1 MAY BIRTHDAYS 02 Joel Hartmann 04 Bill Follon 05 Megan Harris 06 Kate Adolf 08 Maurice Dougal 08 Lynda Wilcox 09 Kim Doppler 09 John Welle 10 Jacob Schipper 11 Maynard Holtz 11 Nicole Riley 11 Clarissa Seversen 11 Arvin Tesch 11 Anthony Quail 12 Nicole Berends 12 Lucas Nelson 12 McKenzie Reynolds 12 Brian John Schmidt 13 Jan Dose 13 Ben Harris 13 Mike Scharnberg 14 Kathleen Richmond 15 Dan Wick 17 Grover Reiser 18 LaVonne Winterboer 20 Allison Nolin 20 Wayne Wolthuizen 22 Jim Wilcox 24 Ron Doran 24 Connie Lux 27 Tammi Heuck 27 Vern Ostermann 28 Shanda Wolthuizen 30 Virgil Schmeling 30 Marie Stricker 31 Nancy Harmon MAY ANNIVERSARIES 03 Justin and Michelle Frideres 07 Scott and Lisa Johnson 07 Jeff and Cindy Pearson 12 Todd and Tracy Meyer 18 Mark and Teresa Hansen 19 Walt and Clara Goeken 26 Terry and LaVonne Peters STEWARDSHIP REPORT (GENERAL OFFERINGS) Budget Goal for 1/1-4/17/11: $ 33,000.01 Offerings-1/1-2/20/11: 33,243.97 Difference: $ +243.96 A Come and Go bridal shower salad luncheon honoring Iesha Meyer bride-to-be of Josh Toft will be held Sat. May 7, 2011 from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at Hope Lutheran Church of Everly. For those interested in the past month’s expenses, there are copies in the secretary’s office on the counter in the black basket. NOTE Sunday, May 1st will be the final Sunday School session this spring. Worship will continue through the end of May at 10:00 a.m. Beginning Sunday, June 5th, the worship time will change to 9:00 a.m. Iesha is registered at the Hen House. 2 HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH COUNCIL MARCH 09, 2011 NEW BUSINESS: Pat Adolf reported that a total of $534. was raised for the CCE snack program from the Lenten meals. President Eric Rud called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Eric Patten reported that the number of youth attending Youth Group is growing. They are planning a mission trip to Colorado this summer. Members present: Pastor Lorene Glant Eric Rud-President Kim Tessum-Vice President Sharon Maaland-Secretary Jon Berends-Deacon Quinton Harmon-Deacon Dave Hoye-Deacon Maynard Holtz-Trustee Neil Scharnberg-Trustee Jeff Schoelerman-Trustee Amanda Beougher-Chr. Ed. Pat Adolf-WOH Pres. Eric Patten-Youth Leader John Jensen-Lay Minister Pastor Glant‟s last Sunday will be Easter. There will be a farewell coffee following the worship service on May 1st. M/S/C Tessum/Berends that John Jensen and Dave Hoye be in charge of coordinating Sunday services until an interim pastor is found. John Jensen will make an announcement in church regarding the need for members wishing to be involved in either the call process or reviewing and changing the constitution of the church. Pastor Lorene gave devotions. Next meeting: Wed. May 11, 2011 at 8:00 p.m. SECRETARY‟S REPORT: reviewed -M/S/C Berends/ Tessum to approve report as written. Meeting adjourned with the Lord‟s Prayer at 9:15 p.m. Sharon Maaland-Secretary TREASURER‟S REPORT: reviewed- M/S/C Scharnberg/Hoye to approve the report and pay current bills. GUEST DAY PRESIDENT‟S REPORT: Certified letter has been sent to Bishop Last with the results of our final vote to leave the ELCA. He will then send a letter of release. Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Hope Lutheran Church Everly, IA. 2:00 pm Program: Martha Thomas PASTOR‟S REPORT: Craig and Carol Schmeling will be joining the church membership on April 17th. Membership report: Baptisms: (04/03/11) Logan John Ehlers, son of Loren and Julie Ehlers Funerals: None Weddings: None Transfer In: Lindsay Hyde (Affirmation of Baptism) Craig and Carol Schmeling from Concordia Lutheran, Lake Park, IA (M.S.L.C) Transfer Out: Brian, Charity, Christina, and Caitlyn Mueggenberg to Hope Reformed, Spencer, IA. Donna Ott to First English Luth. Spencer, IA M.S.L.C. Justin Falline to Bethany Luth. Spencer, IA. E.L.C.A Chile and Bolivia Mission Projects Sign-up sheet is posted in narthex on Church Women’s bulletin board for those planning to attend. OLD BUSINESS: May 22 will be CHURCH CLEANUP DAY. A paper shredder has been purchased for the office. 3 WOMEN OF HOPE BOARD MEETING APRIL 6, 2011 M/S/C J. Englert/J. Thomsen to donate the offering to the Everly Habitat House Project. A shower is being planned at a later date for the Everly Habitat family. The Women of Hope Board met on April 6, 2011. President Pat Adolf called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Other board members present were Pat Jensen, Judy Englert, Janet Thomsen, Donna Schoelerman, Cheri Hoye, Arlene Meyer, Marlene Schoelerman, and Nancy Welle. MISSION GROWTH: The General Meeting will be held May 4th at 2:00 p.m. Martha Thomas will be speaking. M/S/C A. Meyer/J. Englert to pay Martha $50.00 Everly and Royal churches will be invited. CIRCLE REPORTS: Circle attendance: Naomi-8 and Martha-9. President Adolf led devotions entitled “Will God Really Come Through?” based on Psalm 32:8. OLD BUSINESS: Our Board served 37 at the March 23 Lenten meal. The offering will go to the CCE School snack program. Good Friday service will be at Hope. We will leave the church in silence so no coffee/ bars will be served. Easter Services will be at Hope. Pat Adolf will get the carnations for the confirmands, Paige Reynolds and Skylar Iske. Senior Communion will be April 12 at 2:00 p.m. Minutes of regular meeting of March 2nd were approved as read. A thank you note was received from Jillian Rud. General fund balance on 3/31/11 was $1,632.51 and Love Fund was $884.42. M/S/C Jensen/M. Schoelerman to approve the Treasurer‟s report and pay the following bills: D. Schoelerman-$19.97 for tape; A. Meyer for $11.16 for light bulbs; D. Klett-$16.60 for cards and stamps; and one half of the circle offerings to the ELCA. Passed. NEW BUSINESS: Cluster II Spring Gathering is at Bethany in Spencer on April 9 with registration at 8:15 a.m. Tracy Meyer will be providing special music. M/S/C J. Thomsen/ C. Hoye to donated $100 to the Gathering. Paula Smith and Joanne Follon are coordinating the Easter Breakfast. They will be calling women to furnish food, work or donate $10. Please give monetary donations to Treasurer, Nancy Welle. M/S/C P. Jensen/M. Schoelerman to give Kaleb Beougher a $20. camp scholarship. Scholarship will be presented May 1st. Board meeting in June will be at 9:00 a.m. followed by cleaning of the kitchen. M/S/C P. Jensen/ C. Hoye to donate $100. to Drew Stanley for his “People to People” trip from the General Fund and to invite him to come to share his experiences. MISSION ACTION: Arlene Meyer reported that there were 2 quilt days. There were 11 ladies on the first day and 13 on the second. They made 24 quilts. Next quilt day is April 27th. Quilts will be displayed on Easter Sunday and packed on April 27th. They will be delivered to Spencer on May 7th. We are still collecting soap through the end of April. A fund-raising auction for the Habitat House will be held on the last Saturday in April from 10:00 until 2:00. They are requesting new or gently used items to be donated. Meal of hot dogs and chips will be available. Hope women are asked to sign up to donate bars. They need to raise $20,000 to $30,000 for the project. MISSION COMMUNITY: Please bring May Basket donations to the church office by noon on Friday, April 29. Baskets will be packed at 2:00 p.m. and delivered on Friday and Saturday. Love Service is scheduled for June 5th. Ladies‟ Night Out is June 15 at 6:00 p.m. We will have a salad bar and invite local congregations. Possible program by CASSA. Service Group update: Service Gr. 1: add Leah Keene 712-209-0954 and Lindsay Hyde 712-260-5917. Remove Nancy Wicks name as she has transferred to another congregation. Service Group 2, please remove Charity Mueggenberg and Donna Ott‟s names as they have also transferred to other congregations. M/S/C A. Meyer/D. Schoelerman to purchase the minimum order requirement for „The Lutheran Prayer Book”. We will give these to confirmands and new members. The next Board meeting will be held at 1:00 p.m. on May 4th followed by the General Meeting at 2:00. C.J. Hoye, Secretary 4 HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING APRIL 10, 2011 Church Council President Eric Rud called the meeting to order at 11:03 a.m. The purpose of the meeting was to hold the second vote of two on whether to stay with the ELCA or to leave the ELCA and join the LCMC. (Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ) Pastor Lorene Glant led the congregation in singing, “They‟ll Know We are Christians by our Love”. Each eligible voting member signed the registry and received a ballot. A „YES‟ note was to leave the ELCA and join the LCMC. A „NO‟ vote was to stay in the ELCA. Tellers were Leo Behrens, Allen Boyles, Brad Schmidt, and Lester Tessum. While the votes were being counted, John Jensen led the congregation in a hymn sing. President Rud read the voting results as follows: 95 „YES‟ votes (88.7%) and 12 „NO‟ votes (11.3) for a total of 107 votes (100 %). The vote determined Hope Lutheran Church will leave the ELCA and join the LCMC. President Rud offered a closing prayer and the meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m. Pat Adolf, Secretary Pro-Tem VOLUNTEERS NEEDED John and Nancy Heuck invite everyone to join them on Sunday, May 15th following worship in the church basement for cake and coffee in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary which was April 30th. A Constitution Committee and a Call Committee will be formed in the near future. Prayerfully consider volunteering to one of the Council members if you feel you are called by God to help out in this way. FAREWELL for Pastor Lorene Glant following the worship service Sunday, May 1, 2011. you are invited to the basement for bars and coffee and to show your appreciation to Pastor Lorene for the time she has been with us. SUNDAY SCHOOL NOISY OFFERINGS Jan. 23-$86.69 Feb. 13-$52.83 March 13-$80.63 Balance in account-$377.93 We hope to use some of the balance for Habitat for Humanity House in Everly, As well as year end gifts for children and teachers, with the remainder for VBS. There will be another VBS Fundraiser at a later date. 5 HOPE LUTHERAN WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS Sunday, April 10, 2011 a new member, Lindsay Hyde was welcomed into the fellowship of the church. On Sunday, April 17, we welcomed Craig and Carol Schmeling into our church family. If you have not introduced yourself to these new members, be sure to do so soon. MEET LINDSAY HYDE Lindsay joined Hope through Affirmation of her baptism. She works at Rides in Spencer, IA. Lindsay is the proud mother of Amrie Curry and Connor Pearson. Welcome to your new church family, Lindsay! MEET CRAIG AND CAROL SCHMELING Craig and Carol come to us from Concordia Lutheran in Lake Park. They live on a farm north of Everly where they have a dairy operation. They have four daughters, Tanya, Bobbie, Kelly, and Carrie and twelve grandchildren, Seven of their grandchildren are members of Hope along with other family members. Welcome, Craig and Carol! Hope Lutheran Church, Everly, IA MAY SUNDAY 2011 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY COMMUNION: Quinton Harmon, John Jensen ALTAR: Arlene Meyer, Betty Ann Steuben USHERS: Allen Boyles-Head; Jon Erick, Joel Buenger, Gary Seversen FUNERAL SERVING SCHEDULE: Gr. # 2, Gr. # 1 1 2 9:00 Final Ed. Hour 10:00 Worship/Communion/S.S. Sings/Noisy Offering Teacher/Student Recognition/Pastor Lorene's Farewell Greeters: Jon and Judy Erick Reader: Paula Smith Proj.: Drew B. Organist: Marilyn W. 6:30 Youth Group 8 9 10:00 Contemporary Worship Greeters: Joel Buenger family Reader: Rachel Schoelerman Proj.: Denny Harmon Pianist: Connie G. 6:30 Youth Group 15 16 10:00 Worship/Communion Greeters: Gary and Vicki Seversen Reader: Brigette A. Proj.: Judy Englert Pianist: Sue H. 50th Ann. Cele.for John and Nancy Heuck. 22 23 10:00 Worship Greeters: Justin and Michelle Frideres Reader: Judy Englert Tidings articles due Proj.: John Welle Org.: Marilyn W. SPRING CLEAN-UP DAY 29 30 10:00 Worship Greeter: Allen Boyles MEMORIAL DAY Reader: John Goeken Projection: Eric Rud Pianist: Sue Hartmann 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 1:00 WOH Bd. Mtg. 2:00 General Mtg. Gr. # 1 serves 10 8:00 Baccalaureate at Royal 8:00 Council 17 18 9:00 Naomi Circle 3:00 Martha Circle at Darlene Klett 24 25 9:00 Final Quilt Day 31