FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH PRAYER BEFORE WORSHIP: We thank You this day for all the talents and 310 Southdale Road East London, Ontario N6E 1A1 O Giver of all that is good, work through us to bring blessings to others. abilities You have given us, O Lord. Help us to see all the ways that we can use our gifts to Your glory. Give us the courage to use the gifts You have given us whenever we have the opportunity to share them. And help us to shape and sharpen our skills into what You want them to be. Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost November 9, 2014 OUR WORSHIP TODAY ORDER OF SERVICE: Divine Service Setting 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 184 Holy Communion Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost November 9, 2014 Living Our Faith Under His Grace MORNING WORSHIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. Grace Lutheran, Strathroy Worship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 a.m. HYMNS: 802; 509; 801; 474; 803; 917 CHOIR: With Grateful Hearts, We Thank You, Lord FIRST LESSON: Amos 5:18-24 (p.768) EPISTLE LESSON: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (p.987) GOSPEL LESSON: Matthew 25:1-13 (p.830 ) SERMON: “Be Ready!” - Matthew 25:1-13 OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Website: Email: Rev. James Scholz, Senior Pastor - Home Phone 519-204-5854 Rev. Oscar Castillo, Pastor - Cell Phone 226-376-1692 Office: Ph: 519-685-9700, fax: 519-685-1480 WELCOME TO ALL OF YOU in the name of our Saviour, especially the Rev. John S. Obeda, Pastor Emeritus Elizabeth Biser, Secretary Mrs. Jane Skelding, Organist GROUPS AND COMMITTEES: Please remember to list meetings and events visitors who have joined us this morning. If you do not have a church that you call home, we invite you to make Faith your spiritual home. Amid the trials and tribulations of life it's good that we can come to our Lord for strength through His Word. Please introduce yourself to the Pastor, and fill in the “Worship attendance registration” at the end of the pew. on the large calendar posted outside of the church office. This helps the office staff to announce your events to the church membership in a timely manner. Faith Lutheran Church 22nd Sunday after Pentecost - November 9, 2014 Page 3 Faith Lutheran Church 22nd Sunday after Pentecost - November 9, 2014 Page 4 GUESTS AND HOLY COMMUNION: In the Nicene Creed we confess "and OUR STEWARDSHIP OF GOD’S GIFTS: Current 3,845.54; Missions He will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead." The exalted Christ will come again! This time He will not be spit upon and crowned with thorns, but He will be crowned with glory as Lord and Judge of all. Is it not a wonder that He who fills and rules all things comes to us even now in Holy Communion with His very body and blood under the bread and wine? In joyful obedience to the teaching of Scripture, the congregations of Lutheran ChurchCanada practise closed communion. Guests who desire to commune are asked, as such, to speak with the pastor before the service. 330.00; Building 335.00 SERVING IN GOD'S HOUSE TODAY: USHERS: Henry Balasch, James Balasch, Joseph Balasch, Jack Geurkink, Brian Pierce FINANCE STEWARDS: Pam Oelke and Barb Werner STEWARDS NEXT WEEK: Lisa Bildy and Greg Bie ELDERS OF THE MONTH: Mike Ansell, David Livingstone ACOLYTE: Jennifer Isaac NEXT WEEK: Sonia Gauld SANCTUARY CLEANER (November 16th ): Volunteer needed ALTAR GUILD: Erika Chamberlain COFFEE NEXT WEEK: Choir IN OUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK: Special Needs: Else Jacobsen, John and Maria Paal, Pat Phillips, Sandra Stewart, David and Imogen Strike, Sandra Stockman, Ellen Phillips, Pastor Kenneth Voege, Nancy Curtis, David Chamberlain, Frank Kleiber, Sophie Wilson, Joanna Bode, Jackson Lavers and family, Helen Livingstone, Doris Jensen, Sarah Lawson, Marianne Muller, Dan Frederick, Judy Barker and family, Jean Mountenay, Sandy Harrison, Marie Nixon, John and Nancy Crowther Homebound: Becky Ames, Ana Greksa Family Focus: Ralph and Lynn Humphrey; Jim, Sara, Olivia and Samantha Irons; Emmanuel, Salomi, Sophia and Angela Isaac; Reiner and Marianne Issendorf ATTENDANCE LAST WEEK: 79+ 31= 110 (‘13:93+ 28) BIBLE CLASS: 28 SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9 NON-BUDGET GIFTS: Capital Improvement 20.00; CLWR 20.00; Haiti 60.00; LBT 10.00; Memorial Fund 30.00; Mom 10.00; Food Bank 10.00; Church Anniversary (Love Fund) 120.00; Loose 9.25; S.S. Current 6.00; S.S. Mission 1.00 Praise The Lord! Our Stewardship of God's Gifts Current Missions Building 21,454.00 14,892.25 19,230.80 January - Sept. Total Received 156,277.61 Needed 190,858.80 21,076.80 Over/Short -34,581.19 377.20 -4,338.55 MEMORIALS AND SPECIAL GIFTS: * to Choir in memory of Greg Bie’s father from Pastor and Marian Obeda * to Lift Fund in memory of Marie Kaufmann from Pastor and Marian Obeda * to Lift Fund in memory of all the soldiers who fought for their country from Betty Muir OUR WORSHIP ATTENDANCE REGISTRATION: Recording the presence of our members, visitors and friends each week really is an “Act of Friendship” because it allows us to know who is sitting down the pew from us, and it enables the church to respond to the needs of our members and visitors alike. Please take the time to fill this form out and pass it down the pew. When it reaches the far end, please pass it back up to the centre aisle. Please use this to register communion attendance, too. WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY on November 12th will be cancelled since both Pastors will be attending the Pastors’ conference in Niagara next week. Bible study will resume the following Wednesday at 10:00 a..m. Faith Lutheran Church 22nd Sunday after Pentecost - November 9, 2014 Page 5 Faith Lutheran Church 22nd Sunday after Pentecost - November 9, 2014 Page 6 THE FLOWERS that adorn the altar today are given to the glory OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROGRAMME entitled “Path to th Bethlehem” will be held December 7th at 11:00 a.m. as part of the Worship Service. A pot blessing lunch will follow the service and a sign up sheet for this meal is located across from the coat racks. Rehearsals are scheduled for Saturday, November 29th from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and Saturday, December 6th from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. of God by Reverend and Marian Obeda in celebration of their 57 wedding anniversary. ADVENT MAKE AND TAKE 2014 will be on Sunday, November 30th during Sunday School time (9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.). All children, parents, grandparents, and godparents are invited to join in making a names of “Jesus Tree”. All supplies will be provided and there will be snacks for everyone. RSVP to Judy Balasch in person or by email ( no later than Sunday, November 23 rd. SANCTUARY CLEANING: What does it take? About 1½ hours of your time! This includes 75 minutes to vacuum the carpets and 15 minutes to dust. All equipment is supplied. If you have any questions, please speak with a Trustee. Remember, it is the Lord’s house. The schedule is posted on the library window. Please consider signing up. CHIMERS NEEDED: We are planning on starting up Chimers again on Wednesday, November 12th from 6:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. No experience is required. The hand chimes are fun and easy to play. Please let Shirley Mitchell know if you would like to be part of this group. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HAVE GIVEN AND CONTINUE TO GIVE GENEROUSLY to our Food Bank here at Faith! Your kind donations meet a real need. Those who benefit are very appreciative! If you would like to help out in a different capacity, you are most welcome to provide grocery store gift cards. These cards are given at the discretion of the pastors to those individuals requiring perishable items. MISSION OF THE MONTH: Fresh Start Maternity Support LUTHERAN HOUR MINISTRIES: “S.O.S....Call Upon Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:9-11) Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Greg Seltz God’s SOS brings real lasting hope and rescue, an SOS that shows us our Saviour. Hear this inspirational message on 1290AM CJBK on Sunday, November 16th at 9:00 a.m. Streaming audio and pod-casts at THE ANNUAL LUTHERAN LAYMAN’S LEAGUE CHEESE SALE is under way. For information and order placement, see Jack Geurkink or David Holden in the library directly after morning worship. The funds raised will be used for the printing of booklets in Nicaragua. Each month, they print 4,500 copies of booklets that are used as a tool to outreach to people of all ages. Over the course of a year, more than 50,000 booklets can be distributed in Nicaragua; half distributed to pastors and half distributed to high schools, communities and visitors. Since more than one person may read each booklet, it is difficult to estimate the number of lives touched with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this way. All orders and payment must be received by Sunday, December 7th. Delivery of cheese orders will be mid-December. If paying by cheque, please make the cheque out to Diane Geurkink. NOVEMBER HAS A 5TH SUNDAY, and we would like to give you the opportunity to sing your favourite hymns. If you have a favourite hymn that you would like sung on November 30th, please let one of the pastors know. THE OTHER END OF LIFE: Join us on Tuesday, November 18th at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church at 7:00 p.m. for a DVD presentation with Dr. James Lamb, executive director of Lutherans for Life, which looks into the theological and practical aspects of end of life issues. All are welcome to come for the DVD presentation, discussion and refreshments. LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES (LONDON) SCHOLARSHIP PLAN: If you wish to apply, please note the terms of application as posted on the bulletin boards. Applications can be submitted up to December 10 th, 2014. Faith Lutheran Church 22nd Sunday after Pentecost - November 9, 2014 Page 7 Faith Lutheran Church 22nd Sunday after Pentecost - November 9, 2014 Page 8 PLEASE REMEMBER to bring God our regular offerings and tithes as well for the ongoing work of His Church. God calls us here to be in His glorious presence, that He may bless us. Let us commit ourselves to Him who is our forgiveness, life and salvation. GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERYONE of you who helped me celebrate my 80th birthday. To God be the glory! Doris Jensen IT’S POINSETTIA TIME! Sign-up lists are posted at both entrances, one by the mailboxes and the other beside the flower calendar sign-up. Cost is $7.70 for a 6-inch pot and $17.00 for an 8-inch pot. Deadline for orders is November 30 th. If you have any questions, please speak with Marian Rutledge. THE OTHER END OF LIFE: Join us on Tuesday, November 18th at Good Agnus Day appears with the permission of Shepherd Lutheran Church at 7:00 p.m. for a DVD presentation with Dr. James Lamb, executive director of Lutherans for Life, which looks into the theological and practical aspects of end of life issues. All are welcome to come for the DVD presentation, discussion and refreshments. THIS WEEK AT FAITH AND GRACE CHECK YOUR MAILBOXES: November 2014 calendars are in your mailbox. If you haven’t visited your mailbox recently, please do so in order to get your copy of the calendar to ensure that you are aware of the various activities happening this month. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE UPDATE: This world-wide campaign of prayer to end abortion finished in London on Saturday, November 1st and in other cities on Sunday, November 2. We haven't heard of any babies saved in London (yet) but 546 babies were saved and abortion clinic workers hearts were changed around the world. Thanks to all the members who prayed at the vigil site (Victoria Hospital) and those who joined us in prayer at home. GOD IS GREAT!!! IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN! Operation Christmas Child has begun. You can pick up a box and an information brochure in the library. The due date for these boxes to be returned is next Sunday, November 16th. For other ways to get involved, please see Joanna Bode or email her at Mon. Pastor Castillo/Pastor Scholz at Pastors’ Conference in Niagara Tues. Pastor Castillo/Pastor Scholz at Pastors’ Conference in Niagara 7:30 p.m. LWML Wed. Pastor Castillo/Pastor Scholz at Pastors’ Conference in Niagara 6:30 p.m. Chimers 7:30 p.m. Choir Thurs. 10:00 a.m. Pastor Castillo at Grace 7:00 p.m. Faith Bible Study at Gerda Martinuzzi’s Sat. 8:00 a.m. Men’s breakfast at Faith 4:00 p.m. Estudio Biblico en Español at Faith Sun. 9:00 a.m. Grace Bible Class 9:30 a.m. Faith Sunday School/Bible Class 10:00 a.m. Grace Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Faith Morning Worship