HAWK HERALD - Lamar Consolidated ISD


HAWK HERALD - Lamar Consolidated ISD
March 2015
Choices, choices, choices
– what’s a student to
do? This is a topic of discussion we frequently
have with our students.
At times, some of our
young people do not think through
situations before they act. Being able
to process through difficult decisions
is a life skill our students must learn
to achieve success. I must share with
you that almost all of our students
think before acting which can be difficult at times. You have done a good
job, and I encourage you to continue
the open communication you have
had with your children. This is how
they learn what to do and how to
handle difficult situations.
This is difficult for me because I have
grown to love each one. We know our
Hawks will be successful Eagles with
the choices they make. I will spend
these last few weeks enjoying them
and their unique personalities. Please
let me know if you need anything.
Irma Nurre
Mrs. Nurre can be reached via phone at
832-223-4103 or email inurre@lcisd.org.
With only weeks away from the end
of the school year, I am beginning to
realize that the children you have
shared with me will be leaving soon.
It is hard to believe we
are in our 4th Nine
Weeks. We are working hard to ensure that
your student is successful in 6th Grade, confident going into STAAR Testing,
and prepared for 7th Grade. Parents
please help us with some spring
cleaning and keeping our students
focused on working hard as the
school year comes to a close. Stu-
dents need to come to school prepared
with their supplies. Please ask your
child to show you his/her homework
to ensure it is being completed. Help
your child keep his/her backpack
clean and organized. Working together is the key to student
Saundra Knox
Mrs. Knox can be reached via phone at
832-223-4104 or email smiles@lcisd.org.
Wertheimer 2014-2015 yearbooks continue to be on
sale. The cost is $25. The yearbooks are hard cover, full
color and a wonderful way to cherish your child’s 6th
grade memories for years to come. You may purchase
your yearbook anytime online using a credit card at
www.balfour.com. You may also purchase your yearbook by completing an order form and returning it to the
front office. Check our website for the order form or
pick one up in the front office. If you have any questions, please contact the front office at 832-223-4100.
Many students are in need of the required immunizations for 7th grade.
Be sure that updated records are
turned in before the end of the school
year so the information can be input
into the system before 7th grade. Many students have
received the shots, but still need to turn in their updated
immunization record. Please turn this in to Mrs. Dillard
as soon as possible. School nurses do not work in the
summer, and return to school only a few days before
school starts. Therefore, it is best to turn in your record
now so that it is updated in the computer before you
leave sixth grade.
Click Here to Access Our Website
Congratulations to our teacher of the month,
Andrea Fullick. Mrs. Fullick goes above and
beyond for the ELA team and enjoys building
relationships with her students. Thank you Mrs.
Fullick for your hard work!
Wertheimer students will be taking the State of Texas
Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAARTM) Tests
on April 21st and 22nd. Please reschedule appointments
if necessary to ensure your child is in school on the
above dates.
If you still haven’t received your shots, please
do so before the end of
the school year. You
cannot receive a schedule in 7th grade until
your immunizations are
up-to-date. Please call
Mrs. Dillard if you have
any questions.
Mrs. Dillard
Mrs. Dillard can be reached via phone at 832-223-4106 or email
We would like to recognize our Librarian, Kara Day, in celebration of National Library Week April 13-17. Mrs. Day
creates weekly lessons as well as maintains an awesome library for our
Hawks. Thank you, Mrs. Day, for taking such good care of us.
You may find information on STAAR tests by vising Texas Education Agency’s website: Click Here
Page 2
Congratulations to Sarah McBride,
Wertheimer’s Teacher of the Year.
Mrs. McBride has been at Wertheimer
since we opened in 2008, coming from
sixth grade at Briscoe Junior High. She
leads the Social Studies team and finds
very creative ways for our kids to embrace Social Studies lessons. She not
only cares about the kids, but the kids
care about her. Many come back year
after year to visit her and share their successes. Mrs. McBride
always has a smile on her face, and it spreads to all of those
that she comes in contact.
Several times throughout the year, our academic teams
evaluate their students to recognize them for Attitude, Academic Achievement, and Attendance (AAA). Teachers
look for students who demonstrate success or growth in a
respectful manner.
Congratulations also to Claudia Mirza,
Wertheimer’s Para-professional of the
Year. As our receptionist, Mrs. Mirza
answers the phone, greets visitors,
takes attendance, and assists students in
the cafeteria at lunches on a regular
basis. She is always busy, but she is
never too busy to greet our guests with
a smile. Mrs. Mirza served as a volunteer at Wertheimer before coming to
work here. In fact, she volunteered one
year even though her child was no longer here. She loves her
job and we love her!
Mrs. McBride and Mrs. Mirza will be honored at the Lamar
Consolidated Teacher Association (LCTA) dinner in May.
We have a great deal of students who achieve this level of
success and the decisions are difficult to make for each
team. Below is a list of students recently recognized.
Amanda Allen
Ty Kingsberry
Collin Ballard
Jason Krenek
Chloe Camden
Foluke Kuforiji
Emerson Chisholm
Jake Litchfield
Sarah Chu
McKenzie Louis
Charity Cobbs
Dhonella Marquez
Reagan Cooper
Alejandro Martinez
Karina Cruz
Ella Rose Miller
Charlie Dailey
Ryan Miller
Jesse Dairo
Jobelle Navarro
Caylee Dossey
Julie Nguyen
Braden Douthitt
Jorge Ocanas
Kamryn Drakes
Erika Platas
Taiya Edwards
Rose Revett
Gaby Espinoza
Nicholas Rhodes
Augustine Esquivel
Aden Sanchez
Derek Hammer
Rod Senson
Corbin Howard
Briana Solomon
Dane Johnson
Haley Thompson
Atly Wright
Page 3
Join Us For Some Family Fun—Tailgate Style
Wertheimer Middle School
Thursday, May 7, 2015
5:30 p.m.—7:30 p.m.
Family Fun Night is once again coming to Wertheimer Middle School, May 7th,
2015 from 5:30 p.m.—7:30 p.m. We are inviting all parents, students, family and
staff to attend our annual spring celebration. Join us in the back parking lot for an
evening filled with food and fun! Bring some lawn chairs or your tailgate!
There will be a DJ rocking the lot and we will have pizza and drinks available for a
small fee.
We look forward to having our biggest turnout in school history. Let’s have some
fun and hang out with friends and family!
Page 3
***Feature Article Written by a Wertheimer Student Reporter***
It is that time of year when Wertheimer students must
begin thinking about their first year at Briscoe Junior
High, and our Hawks are excitedly choosing their courses for 7th grade.
Next year will be the first time that students have a
choice as to what physical education activity that they
take part in. Instead of basic P.E. students may choose
to try out for a major sport such as: tennis, track, cross
country, football, basketball, or volleyball. Future Briscoe students also have the responsibility of picking an
elective course such as: a foreign language, band, choir,
art, journalism and more. If students are unsure of their
selection, our counselor, Mrs. Rocio Espinoza, is always
available to give them further guidance and answer any
questions that they may have.
I had the chance to speak with Mrs. Espinoza regarding
this process and she offered some tips to the students at
Wertheimer. “Seventh grade will be very similar to 6th
grade”, she told me. “[Students] must continue to work
hard, stay organized, and always make good choices.
Remember to keep up with your work and if you aren’t
sure about something, ask someone for help.” Mrs. Espinoza loves to help students make the right choices for
7th grade classes, but, she says that most questions that
she receives are about selecting a major sport. “You
can do more than one sport, if their seasons don’t overlap,” she informed me. Even though many of the questions are about major sports, it is very important that
students choose the right classes for them. There are
different names for the 7th grade options and it can be
confusing. If you have any lingering questions, you can
Page 5
By Chloe Mills
visit the LCISD homepage or Mrs. Espinoza, in the front
office. She is always there to help us.
I also got the chance to speak with a couple of my
Wertheimer peers about going into 7th grade. They were
eager to answer questions about what they were most
excited about and anxious about regarding their junior
high experience on the horizon. Kylie Ashman admitted
that she is most excited about having lockers as well as
having the opportunity to participate in major sports.
However, Hyrum Sycamore is happy about getting to
learn a foreign language in 7th grade. Both students
agreed that they were also slightly apprehensive about
grades and bullies. Hyrum will be selecting band as his
first choice elective to continue playing the French horn,
while Kylie wants to do art because she loves to draw.
Kylie wants to try out for both the basketball and the
track team, while Hyrum, on the other hand, is looking
forward to participating the Briscoe Physical Education
program with his peers. There really is something for
Though, with all of this excitement, our Hawks are not
without some reservations. When I asked Kylie and
Hyrum about their apprehensions, it seems that what they
will miss most about Wertheimer is the faculty and staff.
Kylie admitted to being is sad to leave Mrs. Nurre, and
Hyrum will miss his fun and exciting teachers.
Next year most Wertheimer students will transfer to Briscoe Junior High. We are all in this together! I believe that
on one thing we can all agree…we can’t wait for junior
***Feature Article Written by a Wertheimer Student Reporter***
Have you ever wondered why schools across the country participate and host spelling bees? Well according to
the Scripps National Spelling Bee website, participation
in a spelling bee allows students a chance to expand
their vocabulary and help them become better at English.
Each December, Wertheimer Middle school holds both
classroom level and campus level competitions. I was
given the opportunity to sit down and speak to Andrei
Llamido, the recent Wertheimer Middle spelling bee
winner, to get his insight based on his personal spelling
bee experience.
First and foremost, I felt that it was important to find
out how Andrei was getting ready for the regional
spelling bee. He told me that his study strategy included
both reading books and preparing with the various word
lists published by Scripps and given to him for that purpose. According to Andrei, not only have spelling bees
taught him new words, but they also have helped him
expand his vocabulary and improve his reading and
writing skills.
Many people associate competitions, such as school
spelling bees, with nervousness and anxiety, but Andrei
reported that this was not the case for him. He told me
that he was very confident in his abilities because he
“knew every word by heart”. This made me curious to
ask him how he managed to memorize the spelling of so
By Katja Reavis
many different and unfamiliar words. He told me that his
primary strategy is to visualize the word in his head and
focus on the way the letters look in his “mind’s eye” before spelling it out loud.
After talking to him, I found that it was no surprise that
Andrei won the school spelling bee, because he has much
experience. He revealed that he has been competing in
spelling bees since he was in 2nd grade; this is his fifth
year of competition.
To get a better idea of just how difficult the spelling bee
words are, I asked him about the hardest word he’s ever
been asked to spell. He said, “The hardest word I’ve ever
spelt was bureaucracy. It’s French so it’s really hard.” For
students who may want to participate in a spelling bee in
the future, Andrei recommends preparing by reading
books, studying challenging vocabulary, and working
Andrei competed in the Regional Spelling Bee February
14th held at Briscoe Junior High and placed 13th out of
approximately forty students in grades 1-8
around the Fort Bend
County area. Congratulations, Andrei, we know
that you represented
Wertheimer well!
Page 5
April Dates to Remember:
Apr 1
Apr 2
Apr 3-6
Apr 7
Apr 8
Apr 13-17
Apr 14
Apr 17
Apr 21
Apr 22
Apr 24
Apr 30
4240 FM 723
Rosenberg, TX 77471
Phone: 832-223-4100
Fax: 832-223-4103
Irma Nurre, Principal
Saundra Knox, Assistant Principal
Rocio Espinoza, Counselor
Animal Print/Camo Dress-Up
Report Cards Go Home
Easter Break
Wear STAAR Shirt
Neon Dress-Up
Librarian Week
Wear STAAR Shirt
Tropical Dress-Up
Reading STAAR
Progress Report Ends
Progress Reports Go Home
May Dates to Remember:
Wertheimer Middle School …
Providing an enriched , successful
journey for every student.
Wertheimer Mission Statement
Wertheimer Middle School will prepare students for
future challenges by establishing high expectations
and fostering respect for self and others.
May 2
May 7
May 4-8
May 11
May 16
May 19
May 21
May 25
Band Solo & Ensemble at Wessendorff MS
Tailgate—Family Fun Night 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Teacher Appreciation Week & School Nurse Week
Band Concert at Foster High School Forum
Band to Main Event
Choir Concert at Briscoe Junior High
Theater Arts Presentation
Memorial Day - School Holiday
June 2, 3 & 4
Early Release—Last Day of School June 4
Be sure to check our website regularly for updates
This year is going by so
quickly and I can’t believe
it’s already April. Spring is
one of my favorite seasons
because everywhere we go,
we see beautiful flowers
blossoming. Whether we are ready or
not, our children are also blossoming and
maturing. They are taking the “tools” we
have provided them and are demonstrating and proving to us that they are ready
for the challenge. Let’s give our kids the
support they need as they enter the last
grading period of the year. Our STAAR
test is this month and we want them to be
Best of luck to our Wertheimer Hawks!
Mrs. Espinoza can be reached via phone at
832-223-4105 or email respinoza@lcisd.org.
Wertheimer Middle School staff is
participating in the
Month with other
Lamar Consolidated ISD employees.
This fun challenge is to complete
one million miles of physical activity during April—as one community—across one month. In fact, Fort
bend ISD has challenged Lamar
Consolidated ISD.
Anyone can sign up for our team
(parents, friends, etc.) Click on the
banner above to create your login
and choose a registration level. (The
Bronze “Pay What You Can” option
allows you to enter any amount—
including $0). Choose “Lamar Consolidated ISD” from the “Select your
Organization” pull-down. Then select
“Wertheimer” via the “Select Group/
Team” pull-down. Complete the
blanks on this page and click
“Complete Registration”. You will
then be registered to compete with
Lamar Consolidated ISD team.
Car Riders
Please remember:
Students can ONLY
be Dropped-Off or Picked-Up
From the Front of the School
For the safety of our students,
Do Not Drop-Off or Pick-Up
From the Side or Back of the Building.
These Areas Are Reserved for Buses.
View Your Child’s
Grades On-Line
A Link to the Skyward Family
Access Portal
can be found by clicking the
Family Access Link at