
January 2015
I met with the entire
student body when we
returned from break
and refocused the students for second semester. I shared my
expectations of them
for the next five
months. We discussed the importance
of keeping up with their work, studying their notes each night and doing
their very best each day. The major
point I tried to make was that students
need to take responsibility for their
learning and any missed assignments
due to absences.
Two of their goals must be academic
and one can be a personal goal.
Finally, I asked them to also include a
statement letting me know what they
want to be when they are "grown up".
I can’t wait to read them!
The students were attentive and I am
so glad to have them back. Thank
you again for sharing your wonderful
kids with me.
Irma Nurre
Our job this semester is to help "our"
children learn how to be junior high
students and for them to read to learn,
manage their time and to advocate for
I also asked the students to submit
three goals for the second semester.
Mrs. Nurre can be reached via phone at
832-223-4103 or email inurre@lcisd.org.
Happy New Year! Our
students are at the half
way point. It is now
the time to set new
goals and refocus on
academic achievement and learning.
Parents please help us by
making sure your student is in
school every day.
Your child
should have all their supplies replenished. Remember to check the
weight of their backpacks. Backpacks that are too heavy can cause
discomfort and injury. I am looking
forward to our new year. We are off
to a great start in year 2015.
Saundra Knox
Mrs. Knox can be reached via phone at
832-223-4104 or email smiles@lcisd.org.
It is time to order your Wertheimer 20142015 yearbook. The cost is $25. The yearbooks are hard cover, full color and a wonderful way to cherish your child’s 6th grade
memories for years to come. You may purchase your yearbook anytime online using a
credit card at www.balfour.com. You may
also purchase your yearbook by filling out an order form and
returning it to the front office. Check our website for the order form or pick one up in the front office. If you have any
questions, please contact the front office at 832-223-4100.
We are offering a chance for you to put in a personal yearbook ad or “Shout Outs”. Personal ads allow parents to have
a special picture of their child (sports picture, special event,
baby pic, current pic, etc.) along with a message in the yearbook. A quarter page ad is $30 and a half page ad is $60.
“Shout Outs” are brief messages (business card size) with a
message (three lines of text) for $10. Parents can create a
message for their child. Students might also consider doing a
“shout out” to their favorite teacher or best friend. The form
to purchase ads and “shout outs” is attached. Space is limited
and orders are due to the front office by February 1st. Forms
are available on our website.
Click Here to Access Our Website
Michele Broom is our Teacher of the
Month. Mrs. Broom is an enthusiastic
math teacher and heads our math department. She is always willing to help
students and teachers alike. She is also
the coordinator of our campus UIL Academic contest.
Julie Thompson (President), Rhonda Zacharias (Vice-President),
Kay Danziger (Secretary), Members: Frank Torres , Anna Gonzales, Dar Hakimzadeh, Kathryn Kaminski, and Dr. Thomas Randle,
January is School Board Recognition Month, and
Wertheimer Middle School is proud of LCISD’s School
Board. The Board of Trustees acts as the school district’s policy-making body and is the official representative of the people for all public education in LCISD.
The Board functions according to state and federal laws,
the rules and regulations established by the State Board
of Education, the Texas Education Agency and the will
of the people as expressed in district elections. They are
a dedicated group of community leaders who are elected to overlapping four-year terms and represent specific
areas within the boundaries of the school district. The
trustees bring a wealth of experience and concern for
children to their position.
Wertheimer appreciates the School Board’s hard work
and recognizes their dedication to the success of each
and every student in our school district.
Wertheimer held its annual Spelling Bee on December 19, 2014.
Congratulations to Andrei Llamido for coming in first place, and
to Cyndi Elwood for runner-up. We appreciate our special guest
judges, Michael Semmler, Principal, Briscoe Jr. High; Victor Morales, Mayor of Rosenberg, and Rhonda Zacharias, School Board
Vice-President. Thank you also to Beverly Richard for calling the
Andrei will now move on to the county/district bee which will be
held February 14. Good luck, Andrei!
Page 2
Many of our students still need of additional immunizations before entering 7th grade. Students
who do not have their immunizations current on
the first day of 7th grade will not be able to attend
classes. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that
your child receive the up-to-date immunizations
before the end of 6th grade. If you are not sure if
you need vaccines or if you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to call or email our school
nurse, Kathy Dillard (kdillard@lcisd.org).
Wertheimer students will walk to Foster High
School on January 23rd at 8:30 a.m. to see Foster’s
presentation of “Once Upon a Mattress”.
Wertheimer students will soon receive a permission form to turn in to their P.E. teacher in order to
attend. Students will leave at 8:30 a.m. and return
to Wertheimer about 10:30 a.m. If you have appointments that cannot be rescheduled and require
your child be picked up during these times, please
contact the front office before January 21st to make
arrangements. This event is funded by proceeds
from our September Cherrydale fundraiser.
Our students are sure to enjoy this opportunity!
Briscoe JH will hold a Parent Information Meeting for parents of Incoming 20152016 7th grade parents (students currently in 6th grade). The meeting will be
held in Briscoe’s Auditorium on February 3rd at 6:00 p.m.
Wertheimer will hold a Parent Information Meeting for parents of Incoming
2015-2016 6th grade parents (students currently in 5th grade). The meeting
will be held in Wertheimer’s cafeteria on February 12th at 6:30 p.m. If you know
of someone with a child currently in 5th grade that plans to attend Wertheimer
next school year, please let them know about this meeting. More details on our
Page 3
Incoming 7th Grade
(Current 6th Grade)
Briscoe JH Auditorium
Feb 3
6:00 p.m.
Several times a year, our academic teams evaluate their students to recognize them for Attitude, Academic Achievement, and Attendance (AAA). Teachers look for students who demonstrate success or growth in a respectful manner.
We have a great deal of students who achieve this level of success and the decisions are difficult to make for each team.
Below is a list of students recognized for the first six weeks.
Eros Baua
Lilli Greenwood
Kaitlyn Lam
Jolie Roberts
Jareth Baza
Colin Griggs
Kayla Leslie
Nicholas Ruggiero
Alicia Blanton
Tucker Hathorn
Braeden Loehr
Samantha Santibanes
Macy Brady
Ainsley Hines
Maddie Miller
Tim Tapley
Jack Conway
Timmy Hoang
Macy Morrey
Alana Taylor
Zachary Daniels
Darius Jackson
Kalissa Niles
Mya Tipton
Jenna Dimmick
Ethan Kanthack
Alexis Obialo
Kendrick Tran
Hunter Eldridge
Christian Kennelly
Caroline O’Driscoll
Tamiya Urbano
Udoka Ezeani
Luke Knight
Aliyah Perez
Sean Villanueva
Camryn Gonzales
Reed Kyzar
Nicholas Rhodes
Madison Werner
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***Feature Article Written by a Wertheimer Student Reporter***
Have you ever seen someone on the street homeless
and hungry and likely wondering where their next
meal will come from? Many of us never experience
that feeling, but for some, it is a daily battle.
Wertheimer Middle School staff and students strive
to help people who find themselves in this type of
situation by contributing food to the Helping Hands
food drive sponsored by our student council. The
hope is that by participating, we can do our part to
help eliminate hunger in our community.
Ms. Candice Woods, science teacher at Wertheimer
Middle School and one of the student council sponsors, shared that our school chose to partner with
Helping Hands Food Bank as a direct result of students desire to help others during the holiday season.
She is very familiar with the Helping Hands organization because she has a history of participation, and
has taken part in many charitable activities throughout her life.
One may wonder whether or not there is a need for a
food drive here in Fort Bend County. Lily Dietz, a
student council member, explains that there is indeed
a need for a food drive in our community because
there are people who either do not have money for
food, or they do not have transportation to get themselves to the grocery store. Madeline Hemenes and
Zuhayr Haq, also WMS student council members,
agreed with Lily, but Madeline added in that instead
of bringing only cans, she wished it were possible to
supply the needy fresh food. Unfortunately, only non
-perishable items are accepted.
In addition to the drive here at Wertheimer, there are
various canned food drives going on throughout the
community. So, if you would like to participate in a
food drive, here are a few recommendations for what
you can bring:
Any type of canned food
Noodles or any type of pasta
Boxed foods
By Katja Reavis
ing Hands Food Bank branch located in the Richmond/Rosenberg area.
One may also ask what it is that motivates someone to participate in a food drive. I asked some of
my fellow student council members this very question. Zuhayr’s divulged that his motivation is to
impact people’s lives and this community. Madeline expressed the desire to stop hunger, especially
here in our community. Lily added that she is motivated to help people that are less fortunate by
meeting their basic needs.
While Wertheimer’s student council did not have a
particular goal set for this food drive, any and all
donations were be celebrated! “No matter how
much food you bring”, Lily reminds us, “it still
helps someone in need!” Madeline and Zuhayr
both hope that extra participation by the student
council members will motivate other students and
staff members to get involved.
For more information about Helping Hands, go to
www.roserichhelpinghands.org. Thank you for
lending a helping hand to stop hunger!
This is just some of the food collected by Wertheimer students for the Student Council Food Drive. Pictured (Front)
Nicholas Rhoades, Megan Smith, Lillian Deitz, Emily Torres,
Maison Rodriguez (Back) Dhonella Marquez, Miracle Donovan, Kaitlyn Brown, Jacob Muceus, Deann Ruiz, Chloe
Wertheimer’s donations were delivered to the Help-
Page 4
January Dates to Remember:
4240 FM 723
Rosenberg, TX 77471
Jan 5
Staff Development Day—Student Holiday
Jan 14
Football Jersey Dress-Up Day
Phone: 832-223-4100
Fax: 832-223-4103
Jan 16
Second Nine Weeks Ends
Jan 20
Third Nine Weeks Begins
Jan 22
Report Cards Go Home
Jan 23
Students attend Foster Play
Jan 31
UIL Contest
Irma Nurre, Principal
Saundra Knox, Assistant Principal
Rocio Espinoza, Counselor
February Dates to Remember:
Wertheimer Middle School …
Providing an enriched , successful
journey for every student.
Feb 2-6
Feb 3
Wertheimer Mission Statement
Wertheimer Middle School will prepare students for
future challenges by establishing high expectations
and fostering respect for self and others.
Feb 11
Feb 12
Feb 16
Feb 19
Feb 25
School Counselor Week
Meeting for 6th Grade parents at Briscoe
(7th Grade 2015-2016)
“Love” Dress Up Day
Meeting for 5th Grade Parents(6th Grade 2015-2016)
Student Holiday / Staff Development
Progress Reports Go Home
Dress Western Day
Be sure to check our website regularly for updates
Happy New Year! I
hope everyone had a
break. We are now beginning second semester
and are establishing high expectations for our students. Our focus is
to transition them appropriately to
prepare them for Junior High. Our
Wertheimer Hawks are ready for
this challenge. I am so proud of
Please continue to provide the support your child needs to excel in
school. Let’s have a successful
spring semester!
Mrs. Espinoza can be reached via
phone at 832-223-4105 or email
Good Luck to
Car Riders
all of the
Please remember:
Students can ONLY
be Dropped-Off or Picked-Up
From the Front of the School
For the safety of our students,
Do Not Drop-Off or Pick-Up
From the Side or Back of the Building.
These Areas Are Reserved for Buses.
in Academic UIL
on January 31st.
View Your Child’s
We know you will
Grades On-Line
represent us well!
A Link to the Skyward Family
Access Portal
can be found by clicking the
Family Access Link at