- Wright


- Wright
September 2016
VOL. 54
The Wright-Patterson Officers’ Spouses’ Club
Table of Contents
Board of Governors .. pg 2
ROWW ..................... pg 3
Members’ Art ............ pg 3
Museum Guides ....... pg 4
Updates .................... pg 4
Antiques Societè ...... pg 5
Book Club................. pg 5
Bridge (Contract) ...... pg 5
Bridge (Duplicate)..... pg 5
Bridge Scores........... pg 5
Brush & Palette ........ pg 6
Bunco ....................... pg 6
Chicks4Flicks ........... pg 6
Euchre ...................... pg 6
Happy Hour Crafting pg 6
Lunch Bunch ............ pg 6
Mah Jongg................ pg 6
Photography Club .... pg 6
Playgroup ................. pg 7
Rubber Stamp Club . pg 7
Skylarks .................... pg 7
Spouses Night Out ... pg 7
ISG ........................... pg 8
Reservations ............ pg 9
Welfare ..................... pg 9
Thrift Shop ................ pg 10
Calendar ................... pg 11
Interesting Fact:
Please make your reservations online, if possible, until we fill the Reservations
Chair. No phone calls will be made to verify reservations made by phone.
Labor Day, the first
Monday in September,
is a creation of
the labor movement
and is dedicated to the
social and economic
achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national
tribute to the contributions workers have
made to the strength,
prosperity, and wellbeing of our country.
The 2016-2017 WPOSC Board of Governors
Executive Committee
President··················· Lynne Donahue ·······813-992-2025
1st Vice President······· Kari Tucker··············801-499-0299
2nd Vice President······ Erik Oberg···············937-395-7111
Secretary ·················· Lori Enochian···········937-912-9909
Admin Treasurer ········ Position Available
Welfare Treasurer······· Shasta Lantz ···········520-954-5718
Parliamentarian ·········· Position Available
Standing Committees
Activities···················· Sally Lee·················937-874-5123
Child Care Coordinator······ Position Available
Hospitality/Newcomers Emily Cordell ···········407-454-1493
Mah Jongg Book Sales. ···· Amy Jo Jones··········937-426-1567
CoChair·················· Marsha Hudson ·······937-426-0628
Membership ·············· Emily Cordell ···········407-454-1493
Programs ·················· Paula Cardenas ·······937-384-0092
CoChair··················· Cristina Lewis ··········937-331-8913
CoChair··················· Mary Holton·············803-260-2540
Reservations Line - Answering Machine········937-315-1550
Reservations Chair ······· Position Available
ROWW······················· Barbara Coombs ····407-923-3369
Scholarships ················ Stacey Imhoff ·········937-350-5009
Thrift Shop··················· Judy Kirkland ·········937-318-8611
Web Coordinator ·········· Christi Brendlinger. ··210-882-0166
Welfare ······················· Katherine Cook·······937-528-9571
The Wright Word ·········· Robin Stone···········850-803-3139
Special Events
Airmen’s Cookie Drive….Cara Albers ···········813-601-2335
CoChair ·················· Emily Schmidt ········813-440-0799
Holiday Decorations ······ Cara Albers············813-601-2335
CoChair ·················· Emily Schmidt ········813-440-0799
Special Volunteer Groups
A.F. Museum Guides ···· Sue Craven ···········937-233-3538
CoChair ··················· Sara Lowe ·············937-878-3558
Special Interest Groups
Int’l Spouses’ Group······ Inma Kusnierek ······937-325-0371
CoChair/Treasurer ···· Liesbeth Potman·····937-630-1024
CoChair/Programs···· Mercedes Fiol ···············937-815-5379
CoChair/Programs···· Galit Maman ··········917-900-2959
CoChair/Activities ····· Michelle Hopko ··········937-705-9993
Antiques Societé ·········· Elizabeth Clark ·······937-429-2410
CoChair···················· Kathy Cohrs···········937-427-3609
Book Club ··················· Rita Stupak ············937-318-4295
CoChair···················· Kristine Mangold ·····937-886-5234
Bridge (Contract) ·········· Mary Rodin ············937-878-0032
CoChair···················· Sue Fecke ·············937-256-6122
Bridge (Duplicate) ········· LaVerne Will ··········937-256-9833
CoChair···················· Sandy Ferrell··········937-431-1751
Brush & Palette ············ Leigh Whitehead·····937-233-5843
CoChair···················· Patty Sprouse ········937-291-2007
Bunco························· Ashlyn Summers ····480-388-9913
Chicks4Flicks··············· Destiny Tomlin········239-292-2477
Coffee Group··············· Position Available
Euchre························ Lori Enochian ·········937-912-9909
Happy Hour Crafting ····· Cara Albers············813-601-2335
Lunch Bunch ··············· Kim White··············937-522-1297
CoChair···················· Cathy Long ············937-751-4890
Mah Jongg ·················· Position Available
Play Group ·················· Amanda Amirault ····321-360-9155
CoChair····················· Rhianna Hanks·······850-420-3986
Photography Club········· Megan Markling······405-315-3970
Rubber Stamp Club ······ Lori Enochian ·········937-912-9909
Shooters’ Club ············· Katy Howard ··········937-426-2949
Skylarks ······················ Sally Lee ···············937-874-5123
CoChair····················· Mary Haritos ··········937-429-3133
Spouses’ Night Out······· Ashley Kirsch ·········937-269-1204
Honorary Executive Commitee
Honorary Advisors
Ruth Ann Thompson…….Spouse of AFLCMC Commander
Debra Brewer……………Spouse of A5/8/9 Director, AFMC
Krista McDonald ………..Spouse of 88th ABW Commander
Want to become a member of the Wright-Patt Officers’ Spouses’ Club?
Complete membership form from wrightpattersonosc.org and mail to: WPOSC Membership, P.O. Box 67, Fairborn, OH 45324
Need to make changes? Contact membership@wrightpattersonosc.org to change address, telephone number, email, rank,
organization, or resignation. If you are PCSing and have paid your dues for one year, you may request a refund of the balance.
Barbara Coombs…………….(407) 923-3369
Mary Ann Weisert…………...(937) 426-5183
Retired Officers’
Wives & Widows
Group photo from the July
luncheon. Front (L-R): Kathy
Cohrs, 1,2, Tipi Minnehan,
3, Rena Leatherman and
Mary Rodin. Back (L-R): 4,
Lori Enochian, Carol
Steeves, Judy Brainard,
Elizabeth Clark, Pam Bergren, Ruth Ann Thompson,
Patty Sprouse, Barbara
Coombs (behind Patty),
Leigh Whitehead, 6, Inma
Kusnierek, Lynne Donahue
(behind Inma), Mary Ann
Weisert, Debbie Minnich
and Yyetta Whitehead.
“Sandwich & Salad Bar”
Where: Wright-Patterson Club, Fireside Room
When: Thursday, September 29th
10:30 am Social & 11:00 am Seating
Our next ROWW meeting
is Thursday, September 29th
at the Wright-Patterson Club.
Meet us in the Club’s Fireside
Room for our traditional champagne brunch with a “Sandwich
& Salad Bar” theme. The menu
includes a variety of sandwich
and salad fixings so each person
can make her own lunch! Cost is
$12 for Wright-Patterson Club
Members and $14 for Non-Club
Members. Cash Only. Please
RSVP before Friday, September
23 to Mary Ann Wiesert or Barbara Coombs at their contacts
listed above.
Attention All OSC Members: Throughout the year, I will be asking for your help in identifying
people in photos. I will put in numbers where their name should be and if you can identify them,
email or call me with the following information: where the photo was in the newsletter, the
Number along with the name of the individual(s). I greatly appreciate your help as I also put together the
scrapbook for the year and want to make sure I have everyone identified. This time, I need help with the
above photo taken at the last ROWW meeting in July.
If you are interested
painting, crafts, or
just want to try something new, check out
the different OSC
Activities (pages 5-8)
and find your niche.
Gazebo (oil)
by Leigh Whitehead
Standing By: USNS Comfort (watercolor)
by Sally Lee
Change of date:
Just in case you
were wondering why the September OSC
event was moved, it was due to the Air
Force Ball sharing the original date.
Building 95 HVAC Installation:
Sue Craven ---------- (937) 233-3538 -------------- cravente@msn.come
Sara Lowe -------------- (937) 878-3558 ----------------- zanzibar1@att.net
clerical skills, such as filing and
Training and orientation are provided to all of our volunteers. There large volume mailings. (Specific
computer or general office experience
are Visitor Service Positions and
Technical Positions with some positions requiring more knowledge or
 Education Program Assistant
skills than others. Contact Sue or
Provides assistance for in-house
Sara for more information.
education programs and activities,
VISITOR SERVICE POSITIONS such as Home School Day, Family
Day, Space Day, Storytime and
 Exhibit Gallery Monitor: Provides
special workshops. Specialized
artifact/general museum informaknowledge is not required.
tion, surveillance and safety for museum visitors. (No experience required)
 Tour Guide: Perform daily USAF
Heritage Tours, weekly Behind
 Exhibit Building Monitor: Similar
the Scenes Tours, Holocaust and
as above, but broader to include
special scheduled tours. (Museum
buildings. (No experience required)
 Art Gallery Monitor: Provides
volunteer experience and extensive Air
Force/artifact knowledge required)
surveillance and exhibit information TECHNICAL POSITIONS
for the collection pieces.(No experience
Technical positions are available
during daytime hours on weekdays
only. Volunteers make a one day
 Lobby Desk: Provides operational,
event and local information to visi- per week commitment. You must
tors and registered youth groups and possess specialized career skills,
technical knowledge and shop exanswer incoming telephone calls.
(Extensive museum knowledge required)
perience to obtain a technical assignment.
 Friends' Membership Desk: Promotes the sale/renewal of member-  Restoration Shop Technician
Volunteer tool and die makers,
ships. (No experience required)
machinists, fabricators, sheet
metal specialists, aircraft me Air Force Museum Theatre: Anchanics and upholsterers assist
swer phones and take tickets.
the Restoration Division staff
(seasonal).(No experience required)
one day each week. Specialized
skills required. Limited avail Computer & Administrative Asst.
Performs data entry and general
Although there are no specific dates on
when the new HVAC system will be installed
(only on the OSC and Thrift Shop side, not the
Outside Rec. side), it is estimated to be midOctober thru January 2017. As soon as dates are
set, many (many, many, many….) volunteers will
be needed as everything not bolted down in the
Thrift Shop, Activities Room and OSC storage
area will need to be put in a storage POD for the
duration of the installation.
In the meantime, volunteers are busy selling as
much as they can in the Thrift Shop as well as any
un-needed kitchenware from the Activities Room.
Proceeds from the Activity Room items are directed back to the Administrative Account and not
the Welfare Account.
With that said, this is a reminder for anyone to
pick up anything they may have stored in the Activities Room, storage room or the middle room
leading to the Thrift Shop. The areas mentioned
above will NOT be accessible at all due to ceilings,
lights, etc. will be torn out for easier installation of
the HVAC system.
Open Positions:
We still have several positions for members to become active in the OSC:
Administration Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Reservations Chair, Childcare Coordinator, and Volunteer Coordinator. Please contact one of the BoG
volunteers for more information.
OSC Website:
If you haven’t been to the
OSC website lately, you should check it out.
Christi Brendlinger, our technology guru, has been
busy making it more user friendly. It still has
some bugs here and there, but don’t worry, Christi
is on the case! Thank you, Christi, for all that you
do, behind the scenes, for the OSC!
One OSC goal is to promote morale, goodwill, and fellowship among our membership through socials and special activities sure to appeal to a wide range of interests. However,
we are always looking for new and fresh ideas; so if you have a hobby or skill that others might like to try as well, make a suggestion to the Activities Chair (from list on page 2).
_____________________ _____________________
•◦•◦ ANTIQUES SOCIETÉ ◦•◦•◦ •◦•◦•◦•◦ BOOK CLUB ◦•◦•◦•◦•◦
Elizabeth Clark................ (937) 429-2410
Rita Stupak ...................... (937) 318-4295
Kathy Cohrs .................... (937) 427-3609
Kris Mangold................... (937) 886-5234
“Show & Tell Luncheon”
Where: Wright-Patterson Club
When: Friday, September 23rd
11am Social & 11:30 am Seating
Welcome to another year of the Antiques Societé, an activity that’s been
part of the WPOSC for fifty-eight
years! If you are interested in learning
about antiques, this activity is for you.
We have guest speakers who enlighten
us about a variety of subjects, yet we
also learn from each other. Once a year,
we take a trip outside the Dayton area to
visit a historic place of interest, have
lunch and shop for antiques.
In September, we encourage everyone to bring something to Show & Tell.
It can be an item you inherited, purchased over the summer from a flea
market, garage sale or antique store; or
even something you’ve had and always
wanted to know more about. You don’t
have to bring an antique to join us, just
come to learn, meet new people, enjoy a
nice meal and have fun. Our door prizes
are always antiques!
Reservations due by September 16th, 6 pm
A-L. . . . . . Betty Gray. . . 937-237-8192
M-Z. . . . . .Janet Lee. . . . .937-767-5541
Meets: Thurs., Sept. 15, 10 am - Noon
Location: Barnes & Noble, Fairfield Mall
◦•◦•◦• BRIDGE SCORES •◦•◦•◦
July 6, 2016 (Contract)
1st: Gerry Hunt & Betsy Mayer
2nd: Sue Fecke & LaVerne Will
3rd: Marilyn Christmann & Linda Cockeram
4th: Doris Kovacs & Sarah Cunningham
5th: Norma Hastler & Mary Rodin
Small Slam: Sue Fecke & LaVerne Will
The book we are reading for September is All The Light We Cannot See by
award-winning author Anthony Doerr.
This New York Times bestseller is about
a blind French girl and a German boy
whose paths collide in occupied France
as both try to survive the devastation of
World War II.
Come join us at Barnes and Noble for
a discussion of this book. Our group
meets the third Thursday
of each month from 10:00
am to Noon. We look forward to seeing all of the
regular members and
meeting our new members
on September 15th!
July 20, 2016 (Contract)
Meets: Every 1st & 3rd Wednesdays
Time: 9:30 am to mid-afternoon
Location: Rocker Lounge - WP Club
July 27, 2016 (Duplicate)
1st: Gerry Hunt & Betsy Mayer
2nd: Sue VerStreate & Joanne Miller
3rd: Sue Fecke & LaVerne Will
4th: Leah Halfpap & Marlene Frey
5th: Sarah Cunningham & Ginny Barber
6th: Norma Hastler & Mary Rodin
We play 7 progressions of 35 minutes
each, with an hour break for lunch.
Players with all skills are welcome.
1st: Gerry Hunt & Betsy Mayer
2nd: Sue Fecke & LaVerne Will
3rd: Leah Halfpap & Marlene Frey
4th: Doris Kovacs & Sarah Cunningham
5th: Marilyn Christmann & Linda Cockeram
6th: Norma Hastler & Mary Rodin
7th: Ginny Barber & Ruth Weatherhead
August 3, 2016 (Contract)
1st: Gerry Hunt & Betsy Mayer
2nd: Norma Hastler & Mary Rodin
3rd: Sue Fecke & Ruth Weatherhead
4th: Doris Kovacs & Sarah Cunningham
5th: Ginny Barber & Sharon Roy (Guest)
Small Slam: Gerry Hunt & Betsy Mayer
Meets: Every 4th Wednesday
Playtime: 9:30 am to mid-afternoon
Location: Rocker Lounge - WP Club
We play 7 progressions of 35 minutes
each, with an hour break for lunch.
Players with all skills are welcome.
◦•◦•◦•◦ BRUSH & PALETTE ◦•◦•◦
•◦•◦•◦ CHICKS4FLICKS •◦•◦•◦
Leigh Whitehead ............ (937) 233-5843
Destiny Tomlin ............. (239) 292-2477
Patty Sprouse ................. (937) 291-2007
Meets: Evenings of 2nd Wednesday
Time: Time & Place TBD
Meets: Every Wednesday
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Brush and Palette is continuing our
series of Watercolour Floral Landscapes with the website, ArtTutor.com.
This month, we will be finishing up our
Summer Meadow watercolor paintings
and moving on to the next lesson. With
our lesson on Bluebell Woods (see below), we will be studying light and
shadow in the forest, looking at how to
capture the light as it dances through
the trees. Siân Dudley, our video instructor, does a wonderful job of guiding her students with warmth and enthusiasm.
Be sure to join us in the Activities
Room in Building 95 at 9:30 on
Wednesdays this month. Each lesson in
this series is a stand-alone lesson. New
people are welcome to join us at any
time. We take a lunch break at
about noon, so bring a sack lunch.
Keep the second Wednesday free each
month to see a movie with friends. Get
your name on the Evite list by emailing
Destiny. Evite will be sent out once the
new movies and times are published usually five days out.
•◦•◦•◦• EUCHRE CLUB •◦•◦•◦•◦
Lori Enochian………(937) 912-9909
Meetings: Place & Time TBA
We’re starting a new club for those
interested in learning to play euchre, a
trick-taking card game played with
four people in two partnerships at each
table. It’s more complicated than
Bunco, but less complicated than
bridge. The game is played throughout
the country, but its strongest following
is in the Midwest. So as long as you’re
stationed at Wright-Patt, why not learn
to play?
We’re considering meeting on evenings or weekends and including
spouses, but we’ll go with when the
most people are available. Please contact Lori or find her at the Activities &
Welcome Coffee to sign up!
•◦•◦•◦ LUNCH BUNCH ◦•◦•◦•◦
Kim White ............... (937) 522-1297
Cathy Long................. (937) 751-4890
Meets: Cheddars (in front of Costco)
5341 Cornerstone N Blvd.
Centerville, Ohio 45440
When: Thursday, 9/22 at 11:30 am
Please RSVP to Kim or Cathy so table
space can be reserved for you!
•◦•◦•◦•◦ MAH JONGG ◦•◦•◦•◦
Amy Jo Jones……....(937) 426-1567
Meets: Every Tuesday
Time: 9:30 am- 12:30 (or until 2:30ish)
Megan Markling …….(405) 315-3970
We are a photography club open to all
skill levels! We have 3 September meetings!
Saturday, Sept. 10…Photography Letters
10am at Renaissance Fair
We will be photographing creative letters
at the Renaissance Fair. Entrance fee is
$21 (website lists military at $19 and
Groupon has deals as well). For information, go to www.renfestival.com. Since it's
a Saturday bring the family and make it a
fun outing for everyone! Meet at the gate
and don't forget your cameras!
_____________________ ◦•◦ HAPPY HOUR CRAFTING ◦•◦
◦•◦•◦•◦•◦•◦ BUNCO ◦•◦•◦•◦•◦•◦•◦ Cara Albers………….(813) 601-2335
Monday, Sept. 12…………Edit Meeting
10am at Starbucks on Area A
Ashlyn Summers..........(480) 388-9913
Wednesday, Sept. 14……...Wall Change
9:30 am at WP-Club
Meets: Evening of Sept. 12, Time TBA
Meets: Monday, September 26 at 6 pm
Place and Craft TBD
Email Ashlyn to get on the Evite list!
If you need help with editing your photos
or picking the right one for the wall, meet
up at the base Starbucks with your photos!
We have the whole wall this month! Please
bring a photo and frame to display at the
WPAFB Club. Don't forget to join our Facebook group for updates!
•◦•◦•◦•◦ PLAY GROUP •◦•◦•◦•◦
•◦•◦•◦ SHOOTERS CLUB ◦•◦•◦•
Amanda Amirault ..... (321) 360-9155
Katy Howard…………(937) 426-2949
Rhianna Hanks ........ (850) 420-3986
Using a firearm is a sport that requires focus, dedication and lots of
practice as Virginia Thrasher, (an AF
Brat*), proved as the 10 meter GOLD
winner at this year’s Olympic Games.
The OSC Shooter’s Club is a group of
like-minded individuals who want to
set aside range time to hone their skills
in this sport.
We will be meeting monthly on alternating Friday and Saturday mornings from 10-11:30am at various gun
ranges around the Dayton area. At
these armories, individuals can either
rent a firearm to practice with, purchase ammunition or bring their own to
use, depending on the location. (Range
time will cost anywhere from $8 to $25
for a 30min session. The price can be
lower if participants choose to share a
lane. Firearm rental can be anywhere
from $10-$15.)
At the OSC Activities Welcome
Coffee, I will be surveying those interested in joining the group and assessing the level of safety training needed.
If enough are interested, I will try to
set up a FAST (Fire Arms Safety
Training) class (typically around $75)
to make sure everyone is proficient
before they set foot on the range.
“Popsicles in the Park”
Meets: Indian Riffle Park
2801 E Stroop Rd, Kettering
When: Friday, 9/16 at 2:30 pm
“Apple Picking”
Meets: Place and Time TBD
for best pick of ripe apples
When: Thursday, 9/29
Visit our Facebook page at
Lori Enochian………(937) 912-9909
Meets: Fri, Sept. 9, 10:00-12:00
RSVP by: Wed, Sept 7
Our first creative get-together is
Friday, Sept. 9 in the OSC Activities
Room. We will make 2-4 different
projects and discuss what kind of
things we’d like to do this year. Please
RSVP to Lori by Sept. 7, so our project designers will know how many
kits to prepare.
All levels of stampers are welcome,
even beginners who have never inked
up a stamp. We’ll bring you up-tospeed in no time! We share crafting
tips and techniques, plus where to find
the best bargains, stamp conventions,
and stamping websites! Please send an
e-mail to get on our mailing list!
If you have any questions, please contact Katy Howard at fastforwardkaty@gmail.com.
* Human Interest editorial, her mom’s
also involved in OSC.
•◦•◦•◦•◦•◦ SKYLARKS •◦•◦•◦•◦•◦
Sally Lee……………(937) 874-5123
Mary Haritos………..(937) 429-3133
Meets: Every Tuesday morning
Where: Choir Room, Kittyhawk Chapel
Time: 9:30 am to 11:00 am
The singing goodwill ambassadors
of the OSC are looking forward to beginning our rehearsals this month for
our 2016 Christmas season. We will be
singing a few old favorites such as
'White Christmas', and some fun new
songs as well, including one titled,
'Christmas Shopping Blues.' We meet
each Tuesday at 9:30am – 11:00am at
the Kittyhawk Chapel on base, Area A.
Our first rehearsal of the season will be
on September 13th. If you enjoy singing, we are still looking for a few new
voices, so please come sing with us!
Ashley Kirsch ......... (937) 269-1204
Meets: Wed., September 28 at 5:30 pm
Where: Flemings at The Greene
4432 Walnut St, Dayton, OH
Flemings at The Greene has an awesome food and drinks happy hour from
5-7 pm in the bar/patio area and then
again from 8-10 pm. Feel free to check
out the menu ahead of time at flemingssteakhouse.com
Chair: Inma Kusnierek (Spain) ..........................................................Ikusnierek@aol.com
Co-Chair/Treasurer: Liesbeth Potman (The Netherlands).................liesbeth.potman@gmail.com
Co-Chair/Program Coordinator: Mercedes Fiol (Spain) ......................mferrafiol@gmail.com
Co-Chair/Program Coordinator: Galit Maman (Israel) .........................galitmmn@gmail.com
Co-Chair/Activities Coordinator: Michelle Hopko (Canada) ................hopster1812@gmail.com
(937) 325-0371
(937) 630-1024
(937) 815-5379
(917) 900-2959
(937) 705-9993
Meets every month at Chapel 3 in the Prairies Housing: 6568 Chapel Lane, Riverside, OH 45433-6003. Directions from Area B: Take Colonel Glenn
Highway toward Airway Road; turn left at the “Speedway” traffic lights onto Spinning Road; turn right onto Chapel Lane and drive to the end.
Welcome to the 2016-2017
International Spouses Group!
Our members represent countries from every continent on the
globe. Our members provide us
with exciting new and lasting
friendships while allowing each
and every one of us to experience
the uniqueness, diversity and similarities of all our cultures and having fun!
During a number of our meetings throughout the year there will
be presentations from many of our
members explaining the culture of
their own country. Please feel free
to come along (children, family
members, and spouses are welcome) and enjoy some time with
our International family based at
Wright-Patterson AFB. We provide
coffee and door prizes at our meetings, we just ask that you bring a
dish along to share every once in a
The International Spouses Group
has been meeting throughout the
summer. We’ve been busy planning the new year's activities and
outings, introducing new members
to the area and making new
August 5th meeting brought
members back from extended vacations around the country, and the
world, eager to share their experiences with all of us. During our
program presentation we were
coached in deep breathing relaxa-
tion techniques, and those interested in participating were treated
to whole body massages by Inma
Our next meeting will be September 2nd at 9:30 am. The program will be led by Gaby Mediavilla from Argentina. She will treat
us with a power point presentation
of her native country.
Thank you to all the US members for your constant support and
welcoming our new members with
open arms.
If you like to meet new people,
learn different cultures and make
life-long friends, join us for a meeting the first Friday of the month.
Everyone is welcome!
Yummy desserts to taste!
Members sharing their summer adventures.
 Go to wrightpattersonosc.org
and click on the blue “Make A
Reservation” box in the upper
right corner.
 Enter your information in the
reservation form.
 Choose whether you will pay by
cash, check, or PayPal for credit
cards. (Note: all PayPal payments
will be assessed $1.00 per reservation to cover processing fees.)
 Await a reservation confirma-
tion email (followed by a PayPal
confirmation email if you chose
to pay by credit card).
 Call 937-315-1550
 or send an email to:
 When calling or emailing, please
state the following:
Your Name,
Telephone Number,
Event Name
WP club member: Yes or No
Any Guests?
Menu selections
 Guests are welcome on a space-
available basis.
 All guest charges will be billed
to the host member.
 Anyone who is eligible for
membership in the WPOSC may
attend only one function before
 A WPOSC member cannot bring
an existing WPOSC member as
a guest.
 Cash or check payment MUST
BE received on or before the
date of the event.
 Credit Card payments are not
accepted at the door and can
only be used if using the online
reservation system.
 All confirmed reservations will
be required to pay in full for the
function even if the member
does not attend the event.
 Paying by check? Make check
payable to:
Wright-Patterson OSC
 No-shows with a reservation
will be billed the appropriate
 No reservations will be accepted
after the deadline. In addition,
walk-ins cannot be accommodated on the day of the function.
The Wright Word Editor: Robin Stone
Proofreaders from our Board Members
The Wright Word is an unofficial magazine of The Wright-Patterson Officers’ Spouses’
Club, P.O. Box 67, Fairborn, OH 45324. Standard bulk US postage paid at Xenia, Ohio.
Subscription to members is included in annual dues. The opinions expressed herein no
way represent those of the United State Air Force or the WPOSC and are solely the opinions of the individual writers. Products or services advertised do not constitute endorsement by the Air Force or the WPOSC. Reprints by permission. Printed by DOMICONE
PRINTING INC. Logos and images were obtained from the corresponding websites of the
article and/or from clipart. Editor email address: robin.stone04@gmail.com.
Besides being a social club, the OSC supports charitable endeavors on WrightPatterson and in the surrounding communities
through our welfare fundraising efforts. We
accomplish this goal by many of our members
volunteering their time through Base Thrift
Shop sales, Mah Jongg book sales, and other
fundraisers. Check here for volunteering opportunities as well.
Fisher House
Volunteer Brunch:
WPOSC members have the
opportunity to provide brunch
for the families staying at Fisher House.
Food is generally set up and ready to serve to
the guests at 10:00 am. Our Fisher House
brunch is scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday of
each month (21 September, 26 October, 16
November, 21 December). Choose to serve
or bring a dish or both at: http://www.signup
genius.com/go /20f0445a8aa28a7f94-fisher
Honor Flight Dayton:
Help welcome returning
veterans at the Dayton
Airport on the dates listed
below. After a day of visiting
Memorials built in their honor in Washington
D.C., a large homecoming crowd is their own
ticker tape parade and says, “We remember
you and will always be thankful for your sacrifice.” For more information, go to
www.honorflightdayton.org or better yet,
check it out personally by attending a homecoming on one of the following dates: 3 September, 1 October, 5 November.
Want to Volunteer at the Thrift Shop?
The Thrift Shop is a major source of income for Welfare,
and there are many ways you can help at the store. Depending on how busy, and where help is needed, you
may work in one of the following areas:
 Cashier Counter: Taking payment or removing tags and bagging.
 Consignments Counter: Interacting with consignors upon entry or
actually receiving and deciding on items to be consigned.
 Computer Entry: Every item needs to be entered into the computer
inventory for tracking purposes and printing of tags.
 Tagging & Placing: Attaching tags and placing on sales floor.
Stay for an hour or help till closing, either way your help is greatly appreciated! Not only will you have fun and make new friends, but there
are also consigning perks for volunteers.
Want to Consign at the Thrift Shop?
card to receive an account number (1 per
sponsor number).
 Condition of Items: Only items NOT on
(937) 318-8611
Thrift Shop Manager ...............Paula Cardenas
(937) 384-0092
Area A, building 95 on Wright Avenue, sharing
the building with Outdoor Recreation and the
Whether you are preparing to PCS or just clearing out
the house, consigning at the Thrift Shop is easy to do.
A brief outline for starting out is listed below. For a
complete list of rules and unaccepted items, visit the
Thrift Shop in person or go to the OSC website and
click on Thrift Shop.
 Set up Account: Present valid military ID
Thrift Shop Chair....................…..Judy Kirkland
Officers’ Spouses’ Club Activities Room.
Contact Information
Office Phone ...................... (937) 879-5630
24 Hr Info Line ................... (937) 285-0306
Volunteer Perks
 Consign TWO contracts
per week
the “Permanent No Take List” and in
 Consign ONE item from
clean and working order will be accepted.
the weekly “no take list”
Volunteers and Manager have final say in
 NO FEE (no contract or
what is accepted.
redemption fee)
 Selling: Only one contract per week per
account is accepted. Each contract is
 Childcare reimbursement
$0.25 and can be purchased at the Thrift
 Drinks provided
 Pricing: You choose the selling price
Hours of Operation
T, W, & F .....................9:30 am to 2:00 pm
Check the Thrift Shop for exact times & dates.
Hours of Consignment
T, W, & F……………9:30 am - 11:30 am
To volunteer at the Thrift Shop, call Judy
Kirkland or email her at thriftshop@wrightpattersonosc.org.
with a minimum of $2.00 (except books  Receive 75% of sales
which can be sold for $1.00) and you can
 Interested? Volunteer and
increase in .25 cent increments above the
find out more….
 Payment: Consignors receive 70% of the
sales price for items that are sold within the 5 week contract period.
 Not Sold: After the 5-week period, items can be redeemed by the
consignor or they can be left and become the property of the Thrift
BOG Meeting
ISG Meeting
Rockers Lounge, 9:30 am Chapel 3, 9:30 am
Honor Flight
Check their website
for cancellations
Thrift Shop Closed
Base Family Day
Mah Jongg
Bldg. 95, 9:30 am
Bridge (Contract)
Rubber Stamp Club Photography Club
Brush & Palette
WC Step-by-Step
Totally Awesome 80s Thrift Shop Open
10 am -2 pm
Kittyhawk Chapel 9:30 am
Rockers Lounge, 9:30 am
Bldg 95, 10 am -Noon
Bldg 95, 9:30 am
Renaissance Fair 10am
Stamp RSVPs Due
Time & Place TBA
Mah Jongg
Bldg. 95, 9:30 am
Brush & Palette
WC Step-by-Step
Book Club
Playgroup (Park)
Kettering, 2:30 pm
Photography Club
Starbucks, 10 am
Kittyhawk Chapel 9:30 am
Totally Awesome 80s
WP-Club 6:00 social
Bldg 95, 9:30 am
B&N 10:30am- Noon
Antiques Societé
RSVPs due
Photography Club
WP-Club, 9:30 am
Commissary Lot Sale 15th thru 17th
Time & Place TBD
Mah Jongg
Bldg. 95, 9:30 am
Fisher House Brunch Lunch Bunch
Bridge (Contract)
Set up by 10 am
Kittyhawk Chapel 9:30 am Rockers Lounge, 9:30 am
Cheddars, Centerville
11:30 am
Antiques Societé
Thrift Shop Open
10 am -2 pm
WP-Club, 11 am Social &
11:30 am Seating
Playgroup (Farm) ROWW RSVPs Due
Time & Place TBD
Brush & Palette
-Work on OwnBldg 95, 9:30 am
Happy Hour Craft
Craft, Time & Place
Mah Jongg
Bldg. 95, 9:30 am
Bridge (Duplicate)
Brush & Palette
-Work on Own-
Kittyhawk Chapel 9:30 am
Rockers Lounge, 9:30 am WP-Club, 10:30am Social
& 11:00am Seating
Bldg 95, 9:30 am
SNO - Flemings
The Greene, 5:30 pm
PRST Standard
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 35
Xenia, OH
The Wright-Patterson Officers’ Spouses’ Club
P.O. Box 67 FAIRBORN, OHIO 45324
POSTMASTER: Address Service Requested
Time Dated Material - Please deliver promptly
Reservation Line: 937-315-1550
Email: reservations@wrightpattersonosc.org
Web: wrightpattersonosc.org
Inside This Issue of The Wright Word
ould like all
 Have a bers to know?
OSC em
r a simple
e created o
 Ads c card will do the trick.
sues with
r multiple is ll-page ads
 Pricing , half-page ads and fu
small ads
Stone, for m
 Contact on on pricing.
September Event Flyer
September Calendar
Activities’ Meetings
LET US KNOW! The post office will not forward your newsletter, and we will be charged for each issue returned to us.
Please help us contain these costs by letting us know as soon as possible if you have changed addresses. Thank you.

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