The effects of temperature on Corophium volutator and its flatworm
The effects of temperature on Corophium volutator and its flatworm
The effects of temperature on Corophium volutator and its flatworm parasite: experimental studies Will Shim Department of Biology Carleton University Gynaecotyla adunca and Corophium volutator: • Life cycle of G. adunca: Shorebird (flatworm matures) C. volutator (digenean encysts to become metacercaria) cercaria Ilyanassa obsoleta Past works: Meißner and Bick, 1999 Mouritsen and Jensen, 1997 Higher number of Parasites = Corophium die faster! • According to models for the Baltic Sea region: 3.8oC increase = C. volutator population crash due to increase digenean parasitism. Maximum levels of infection intensity Mouritsen et al., 2005. Minimum population sizes In the Bay of Fundy, G. adunca can: • Affect the reproductive synchrony and output of C. volutator and • Increases the crustacean’s probability of being predated by shorebirds (McCurdy et al., 1999) In the Bay of Fundy, G. adunca can: • Affect the reproductive synchrony and output of C. volutator and • Increases the crustacean’s probability of being predated by shorebirds (McCurdy et al., 1999) However, little was known about the role of temperature on the exit patterns of G. adunca larvae from I. obsoleta snails and the effects of the parasite in the amphipod in warmer conditions. Experimental Questions: Temperature ? EXIT First host SURVIVORSHIP ? ? SWIMMING Free-living parasite ? ? INFECTION MORTALITY Second host A note on experimental parameters: Three temperatures was chosen for the experiments: ~12oC is the average water temperatures in the summer months (July & August) in the Upper Bay of Fundy according to Fisheries and Oceans Canada ~17oC is the average maximum water temperatures in the summer months in the Upper Bay of Fundy according to Oceans and Fisheries Canada 22oC is 5oC above 17oC Summer months’ temperatures were chosen because this is the time when mud snail presence is highest in the intertidal zone Most experimental specimens collected from Peck’s Cove Experimental Results 1) Exit of Parasites from snail hosts: paired t-tests on ln (datum+1)-transformed data Replicate one: Replicate two: 17oC vs. 12oC: t= 3.18, df= 19, P= 0.005, N=20, significantly different; 17oC vs. 12oC: t= -3.37, df= 6, P= 0.015, N= 7, significantly different; 17oC vs. 22oC: t= -5.79, df= 16, P <0.001, N=17, significantly different. 17oC vs. 22oC: t= -3.095, df= 6, P= 0.021, N=7, significantly different. Significantly more parasites exit from snails at higher temperatures 2) Parasite survivorship: Replicate 1 Log Rank test: X2= 70.39, df=1, P<0.001 significantly different Replicate 2 Log Rank test: X2= 57.4, df=1, P<0.001 significantly different Parasites at lower temperature survived significantly longer 2) Parasite survivorship: 3) Parasite swimming: Seems more parasites remain swimming at lower temperatures 4) Infections (number of parasites inside Corophium) Replicate 1 Replicate 2 Mann-Whitney U test: Z= 0.078; P= 0.938 Mann-Whitney U test: Z=-0.291; P= 0.771 Not Significant Not Significant There was no significant difference in infections at both temperatures 5) Mortality of infected second hosts: P value = 0.017, significant! P value = 0.269 P value = 0.233 Yes Note: Logistic regression was used = Infected Corophium mortality was only significantly different from non-infected controls at 12oC Infected No Days alive Experimental Questions: Temperature ? EXIT First host SURVIVORSHIP ? ? SWIMMING Free-living parasite ? ? INFECTION MORTALITY Second host Experimental Questions: Temperature EXIT SURVIVORSHIP T >> t T << t First host SWIMMING T<t Free-living parasite INFECTION MORTALITY T=t Affected only at low Temp. Second host Note: “T” = higher temperature; “t” = lower temperature; “>>” “<<“ = significantly less and more Experimental Questions: Temperature Past works have shown high mortality of hosts due to higher number of parasites penetrating host EXIT SURVIVORSHIP T >> t T << t First host SWIMMING T<t Free-living parasite INFECTION MORTALITY T=t Affected only at low Temp. Second host Note: “T” = higher temperature; “t” = lower temperature; “>>” “<<“ = significantly less and more Experimental Questions: Temperature Past works have shown high mortality of hosts due to higher number of parasites penetrating host Thus, mortality of Corophium in global warming scenarios might be due only to increased presence of parasites trying to infect it EXIT SURVIVORSHIP T >> t T << t First host SWIMMING T<t Free-living parasite INFECTION MORTALITY T=t Affected only at low Temp. Second host Note: “T” = higher temperature; “t” = lower temperature; “>>” “<<“ = significantly less and more Thank You! From here on are graphs of other results in case questions about them come up Field Results 4 sites sampled in May and July Grande Anse (NB) Peck’s Cove (NB) Starr’s Point (NS) Moose Cove (NS) Prevalence of infected snails varies with months and sites: Prevalence of infected snails varies with months and sites: Number of infected Corophium higher in July: Data for Peck’s Cove, NB However, few has looked at the effects of higher temperatures on the “parasite factories” (i.e. snail first hosts) Will they be around when temperature is high? Next set of experiments: 1. Long term shedding pattern of parasites from snails 2. “Health” of snails after long exposure to above average temperatures: For “health”, I measured the time the snails took to flip over from upside down position. => Quicker = more active = healthier 17oC vs. 22oC and infected vs. uninfected (control) Long term shedding patterns of parasites from snail: After the first days, number of parasites from snails remains low (lower at 22oC) Time for snails to flip after exposure to different temperatures: Time to flip (min.) full factorial analysis: Temperature (17oC vs. 22oC): F1,3=25.2, P<0.001, significant difference Snail state (infected vs. uninfected): F1,3=4.54, P=0.035, significant difference Temperature*Snail state : F1,3=0.025, P=0.875, not significant difference The snails at 22oC were quicker/more active (therefore healthier) than those at 17oC Conclusion: at 22oC, the snails will be happier than ever! Summary: 1. Parasites do not exit in high numbers once the snails are used to be living at 22oC 2. Even the infected snails won’t have problems living at 22oC Data from all my experiments indicate that the trematode G. adunca will likely not have an impact on the populations of Corophium in a warmer future