AGENDA Wytheville Town Council April11, 2016 7:00p.m
AGENDA Wytheville Town Council April11, 2016 7:00p.m
AGENDA Wytheville Town Council April11, 2016 7:00p.m. Wytheville Municipal Building 150 East Monroe Street Wytheville, Virginia 24382 A. INVOCATION- VICE-MAYOR JACQUELINE K. KING B. CALL TO ORDER-MAYOR TRENTON G. CREWE, JR. C. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM-MAYOR TRENTON G. CREWE, JR. D. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE-COUNCILMAN WILLIAM B. WEISIGER E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of March 28, 2016 2. Request of the Virginia Cooperative Extension for waiver of fees for use of Withers Park on Saturday, April 30, 2016, for a 4-H sponsored SK Run activity F. CITIZENS' PERIOD G. OLD BUSINESS-TOWN MANAGER C. WAYNE SUTHERLAND, JR. H. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. 2. I. Budget and Finance a. Wythe Arts Council requests Chautauqua Festival in the Park b. Community shredding event associated with the Annual Public Works a. Final reading of Homestay Establishment Ordinance b. Review of mowing regulations ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS 1. Ordinance No. 1306, an ordinance amending and reenacting Ordinance No. 640, generally known as the Zoning Ordinance, by amending Article Ill - Definitions to add Section 3-42.2 Homestay Establishment or Airbnb, and to amend the following Articles to add the use of Homestay Establishment or Airbnb: Article V-Agricultural District A-1; Article VI- Residential District R-1; Article VI-A-Residential District R-1A; Article VIM-Residential District R-1 M; Article VII-Residential District R-2; Article VIII-Residential District R-3; Article VIll-A-Residential District R-3MH; Article X-Business District B-1; Article XI-Business District B-2 (General); Article XI-A-Business District B-2DT General Business DistrictDowntown, on third and final reading J. APPOINTMENTS 1. K. OTHER BUSINESS 1. L. Appointment or reappointment of members to the Tree Advisory Committee to fill the expiring terms of Mr. David Richert and Mr. Wythe Morris (terms expire May 14, 2016) Issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for 276 Express, LLC, for the operation of taxicabs for 2016 ADJOURNMENT G:\COUNCIL\COUNCIL AGENDAS\2016\041116.doc WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION Meeting Date: Monday,Apnl11,2016 Item Name: Consent Agenda Item Number: E-2 Subject: Virginia Cooperative Extension Waiver of Fees Request SUMMARY: Enclosed is the request of the Virginia Cooperative Extension for waiver of fees for use of Withers Park on Saturday, April 30, 2016, for a 4-H sponsored 5K Run activity. The Virginia Cooperative Extension meets the requirements for waiver of fees. Recreation Director Showalter has reviewed and approved the request. _, Town of Wytheville Departme111 ofParks and Recreation Request for Waiver of Fees c:;l a \:c. (}),1'126 Gtrx='\ 30, ~(") \le Name of OrganizationN· \ DateofAc:tlvlty: Purpose of Ac:tlvlty: Request of Area Withers Park Elizabeth Park Y±\ I .S.fon ~() ce.. d u-= '.Ja=..'r Number of Persons in Attendance: I i i I) c ~") ~ >a I el Profit Tax-exemptNo: _ _ _ __ S '&-. Use Fee ~\lp Additional Information S.'E:i)~-\ -+l.O~D....c.... . ______ ~~e activity provides a direct recreational, educational or entertainment value to the participants. it'"Aicoholic beverages will not be sold, served, or consumed. Jafhe activity was scheduled through the Department of Recreation at least one month in advance of the date of the ~up requesting waiver of fees is a public agency, or group incorporated by the Commonwealth of Virginia as non-profit organization. i?'flroceeds raised will be donated to: LJ 4-- ~ (The generation of funds for o chmitable or worthy cause shall n t, of itself, be deemed as a reason for waiver of Center or Park use fees). {\ • Organization Representative:\'\ 2l4LJ( 1 'Y\ ~.5 @\ \0\\\ u~ St. City/State: (A) '1 ..f-bQ_V; \ \ l } Vf\ Zip Code: --=~:.....;(l~~"""""S"--'~=----Day Phone: QJ (o d 8 ?> (o0U 0 Night Phone: CJ J tp ;:)9 ~'CD]( Signature: 1-:\.~ ~ {1 A~ Date: 31& \ /QOI!o Aporoya! cJ ~~ _/ I DirectorofRecreation: ~ Date: ,J{.:JLII'Address: Comments: _____________________________~----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Date:------ Approved By: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Commen~ : J:\FORMII\I'ACIU1Y UII!IWAM!ft OF F!I!S.DOC T~~tU~-~·t~--~ Rental Contract I Permit 'Pa&s ~ :t2ecr~ 'Dep~ l\1 (",,...,.,,.,"' 111•&1 W~·tto~•·olh:. \'.\HI~~ ~7t. ;:.::"\ H'H Imp ''1~<: Printed: 21 Mar 2016, 02.:52 PM User. /1111 ~)'IIIC\~~II:.<ttj; Conuact#: 24995 User: crystalh Date: 21 Mar 2016 Status: Firm Town of Wytheville Parks & Recreation, hereby grants Virginia Cooperative Extension I VA Tech (hereinafter called the "Licensee") represented by Kelsey Grimes, permission to use the Facilities as outlined, subject to the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement contained herein and attached hereto all of which form part of this Agreement. Special Event W/0 Alcohol 5K I) Purpose of Usa Attach Special Event Agreement Here! II) Conditions of Use Ill) Date(s) and Tlme(s) of Use # of Bookings: 1 Fac::lllty/Equlpment Day Start Date Start Time Withers Park • Park Sat 30Apr2016 07:00AM Expected: 100 Starting: Sat 30 Apr 16 07:00AM Ending: Sat 30 Apr 16 01 :00 PM End Date 30Apr2016 End Time Fee 01:00PM $100.00 XFee $0.00 Tax $0.00 Total $100.00 lv) Additional Fees v) Payment Method Rental Fees Extra Fees $100.00 so.oo Tax Rental Total Damage Deposit $100.00 $50.00 so.oo Total Applied $50.00 Balance Current $100.00 $0.00 Rental charges are due according to the following schedute: Amount Date $100.00 09 Apr2016 Payment Type Visa Card Amount Reference Deposit vi} Other lnformaUon Prompt Tables & Chairs? vii) Additional Notes Park • Withers Park 550.00 Answer Date 21 Mar2016 Receipt Number 405842 mo.·\ I &pos.i+ VC.~- W4~ i" ~--- -N Ct.JW~~ rel·:. ·- ~v- 4-17 d..q.o. o liN'. -7 d The undersigned has read and on behalf of the Licensee agrees to ~·oound~y this Perm1filrce'nse anathe Terms and Conditions contained herein and attached hereto, and hereby warrants and represents that he/she executes this Permit/License on behalf of the Licensee and has sufficient power, authority and capacity to bind the Licensee with his/her s.lgnature. ~ • b x: · ..titOt~ DA un kl x: Kelsey Grimes Name: Virginia Cooperative Extension I VA Tech 2110 N 4th St WythevHie VA 24382 USA Title: Page: 1 ·' Printed: 21 Mar 2016, 02:52PM User: jill/ Contract#: Date: Home: 0 Fax: (276) Date: Rental Contract I Permit 24995 21 Mar 2016 User: Status: crystalh Firm Business: (276)223-6043 Town of WythevUie Parks & Recreation Cr'(&..">Cb,Q ' ) AO I ( Q Date: -------------------------------- Page: 2 T~~lU~---~·t~--~ 'P~ -t :eeaeatlmJVep~ FACILITY RENTAL POLICIES Deposit: A deposit is required for each room reservation payable when making the reservation (see Center Rate Schedule). The deposit is refunded if the group has fulfilled the contract terms, the group cleans up adequately, vandalism and damages have not occurred and group has stayed within rental hours. Any overage in rental hours will be withheld from the security deposit. If the security deposit does not cover overage, addition will need to be paid upon leaving. Behavior problems of any nature will result in forfeiture of the deposit. Re11tal Fee: Rental fees are to be paid in full three weeks prior to event date or the rental is subject to be cancelled. Refund ofDeposit: Deposit refunds will be issued in the fonn of a check and will be made out to and mailed to the person whose name the reservation is in within 30 days of rental date. Cancellations: If a reserver notifies staff of cancellation at least three (3) weeks prior to the reservation, rental use fees will be refunded in full. If a cancellation is made less than three weeks of the scheduled reservation, a $25 cancellation fee will be deducted from the fees paid. If a reservation is canceled or altered within one week, rental fees will not be refunded. C/aristn•as and New Year's Parties: Reservations for the Community Center during the months of December and January are in much demand due to the holiday season. Therefore the following cancellation policies will be enforced for any activity scheduled in December or January: More than two months; $75 cancellation fee: Two months or less; $150 cancellation fee: Less than one month; no refund for facility usc. 1-..~!2_ LU h ) f' 1 +-L.q. /~ O._l SETUP Plans for decorating, setting up or using any equipment must be scheduled when reserving and is included in rental use hours. All groups requiring the use of tables and/or chairs shall make arrangements on layout when making reservation. Community Center Staff will set up tables and chairs according to layout. Groups needing any audio/visual equipment must make arrangements upon reservation and must bring in any personal equipment for testing at least two weeks in advance. Under no circumstances are groups holding a pennit to remove chairs, tables or other equipment from the Community Center. No decorations may be hung or attached to the ceiling, walls or windows. Table decorations arc allowed. CLEAN UP Any group using a facility operated by the Town of Wytheville Department of Parks and Recreation agrees to leave the facility as it was found. Clean up by user group includes but is not limited to cleaning up of an decorations, food, and trash; cleaning tables; sweep and mop if needed. Supplies, including additional trash bags, for clean up are supplied and are in closet. Clean up must be perfonned immediately after the activity concludes and is included in rental use hours. Failure to clean areas shall result in forfeiture of all or part of the deposit and/or assessed additional costs for cleanup operations if deemed necessary. 1 • .-.l.!.D.. ENTERING AND LEAVING FACILITY Everyone must enter and exit through the front entrance. Room doors to the outside are for emergency exit only and will alarm. J:\Forms\Facility Use\FACILITY RENTAL POLICIES handout 3.doc Entering: A representative from the group !!!!!!! report to the front desk of the buDding upon entering the facility before area is unlocked. The supervisor will record the time group enters, review contract infonnation and general operating policies if needed. Departure: A representative from the group must report to the front desk of the buDding upon departing the facility. The attendant and the representative review conditions of areas utilized prior to departure. Any area not cleaned or damaged is to be noted on the reservation fonn. The representative is required to sign acknowledging the damages. Failure to sign this fonn will result in forfeiture of the deposit in full. Additional fees maybe charged to the individual or group for damages or additional staff needed to clean area. DAMAGES TO FACILITY OR EQUIPMENT/DISRUPTIONS Damages: Any reserver that causes physical damage to the faciiity or to any equipment shall forfeit the deposit and/or be assessed additional costs for repairs (if deposit is not sufficient). The reserver, agency or organization may also forfeit the privilege of future use of the building. Disruptions: Any reserver or other person involved in a disruption at a facility operated by the Town of Wytheville Department of Parks and Recreation will be suspended according to the rules and regulations pertaining to disciplinary actions. In addition, any disruption occurring during a scheduled reservation will result in forfeiture of the deposit. LIABILITY Individuals, groups, agencies, or organizations contracting to use the Center or any facility shall assume the responsibility for all persons Bnd area of use. Neither the Town of Wytheville, nor any of its operating agencies, shall be liable to any organization, agency or individual using the facility nor to any other person, firm or corporation for any loss or damage suffered during the use of said premise or on account of any defective condition or deprecjation of the portion of the premises used of any building, structure or equipment upon the premises and entity using said facility assumes all risks to persons or property due to latent or patent defects in the premises and fixtures thereon and the entity using the facility expressly agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Wytheville and all of its operating agencies from any and all claims resulting from the use of the same. &y individual, agency, or group hosting a conununity activity or fund-raising activity must :~~!~thetz;artment with a 'p~ a.current Liability Insurance Policy notless than Sl :f Signature: /f 1\~9 U.\\AlJ"N/J Date: )[.Q\ f-Y(X (o TO BE COMPLETED WHEN LEAVING Time In: Clean up: Time Out: -------- Cl Completed 0 Not Completed Notes: ------------------------------------------------- 0 Damages Explanation'--------------------------------- Staff Signature:._____________ Rental Signature:_____________ J:\Fonns\Facility Use\FACILITY RENTAL POLICIES handout 3.doc WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL Meeting Date: Monday,April11 , 201 6 Item Name: Committee Reports Item Number: H-1 Subject: Budget and Finance AGENDA INFORMATION SUMMARY: The Budget and Finance Committee will report on the following matters: a. Wythe Arts Council requests associated with the Annual Chautauqua Festival in the Park b. Community shredding event BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT APRI~ 1. 11,2016 We have received a letter from the Wythe Arts Council, Ltd., seeking action by the Town on a number of matters relating to the annual Chautauqua Festival. A copy of the letter from the Wythe Arts Council is enclosed. They are completing the necessary paperwork for the Request for Waiver of Fees through the Community Center. This year, the opening parade will be held on June 18, and the final day of the Festival will be held on Saturday, June 25. Again, this year, the Arts Council has requested that certain fees for the use of the Park and the Fourth Street Civic Center be waived, as well as certain business license fees. We have reviewed the requests made by the Arts Council and find them to be, essentially, the same requests that have been made for many years. We do not anticipate a problem with any of these items. We would note that the Town has again, this year, applied for grant funds on the Arts Council's behalf. As such, for all of the areas where fees are being requested to be waived, the Arts Council will need to pay these fees (up to $5,000) and then be reimbursed by the Town, provided they receive the grant funds. We applaud the Wythe continued efforts in bringing quality entertainment to our citize s. It is the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee that th Council approve the requests of the Wythe Arts 1 Council, with the stipulations noted earlier and contingent on the receipt of the Request for Waiver of Fees application. 2. We wanted to take this opportunity to make everyone aware of the upcoming community shredding event. The Town has provided this service on four previous occasions. The fifth shredding event will be held on Saturday, April 23, 2016, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. The document destruction services will be provided by Shred-it. Due to the volume of documents that was received previously, we will, again, impose the standard that no one can bring anything in excess of what would be held by a 55 gallon container. The event is limited to town residents only, and businesses are not allowed to participate. Similar to prior events, the shredding event will be held in the Municipal Building parking lot. William B. Weisiger Jacqueline K. King H:ICOUHCILIBFCOMMIT RPT\2tl18\8FAPR11.doc 2 ..• MAR 2~ 2016 Wythe Arts Council, Ltd. Sponsor of Chautauqua Festival-in-the-Park March 22,2016 Mr. C. Wayne Sutherland, Town Manager Town of Wytheville P. 0. Drawer 553 Wytheville, VA 24382 Dear Wayne: The Wythe Arts Council, Ltd., and related committees, requests the following consideration regarding the Chautauqua Festival in the Park to be held June 18th- 25th, 2016. (The Chautauqua Parade and opening ceremonies are planned for June 18th): • • • • The Town of Wytheville to furnish water and electricity for the festival in accordance with previously established guidelines. The Council will work cooperatively with the Public Works Department to ensure that requirements are met. The Town electrician be available on Friday, June 17th for a period of approximately 4 hours, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. to facilitate the hook-up of food vendors and sound system for the Festival. As in the past, scaffolding and a bucket truck will be required on-site to complete the sound system set-up and removal. The Council will be responsible for providing assistance with unloading. · Chautauqua Festival, June 18-25, be given adequate allowance for set-up time and clean-up prior to and following the Festival. The Council requests that a waiver of fees (or other consideration) be granted for planned activities as follows: o The areas requested for the Festival are: Elizabeth Brown Park, the Community Center and parking areas, and Withers Park for specific children's activities and Car Show. o A permit is requested to conduct a 50/50 Raftle as a fund-raising activity for the Festival. The tickets will be sold all week and a drawing will be held on Saturday, June 25th. The proceeds will be divided equally between the winning ticket holder and the Wythe Arts Council. o A waiver of business license fees for vendors in accordance with previous guidelines is also requested. P.O. Box 911 · Wytheville, VA 24382 · 276-228-6855 ... . I • • • • • A permit is requested to conduct a parade on June 18th, with the line-up to begin at 9 a.m., the parade to start at 10 a.m., using the normal route from previous parades, beginning from South 12th Street along Main Street, and ending in the Municipal Building parking lot. It is requested that a route be designated for the 5-K run on Saturday, June 25th and be blocked from flow thru traffic during the race. Registration will begin at 7:45a.m., with the start of the race at 9 a.m. Use ofWithers Park is requested for the Car Show, Saturday, June 25th. Traffic control assistance is requested if needed for the Hot Air Balloon Rally on Saturday, June 18 and Sunday, June 19. Coordination with the Town Police Department and the Wytheville Fire Department is requested regarding security for the eight (8) days of the Festival. Your consideration of these requests is appreciated. The continued support of Town Council and the employees of the Town of Wytheville is crucial to the success of the Chautauqua Festival. We look forward to working together again to bring the excitement of the Festival to Wytheville and the citizens of Wythe County. Please let me know of a time when a festival coordination meeting would be convenient for you and the various town staff members. W/1::# Sid Crockett, Chairman Wythe Arts Council, Ltd. (276)228-4050 (H) (276)613-5781(C) crockettsnCa>, cc: Rick Arnold Ikey Davidson P.O. Box 911 · Wytheville, VA 24382 • 276-228-6855 WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL Meeting Date: Monday,April11,2016 Item Name: Committee Reports Item Number: Subject: AGENDA INFORMATION : H-2 Public Works SUMMARY: The Public Works Committee will report on the following matters: a. Final reading of Homestay Establishment Ordinance b. Review of mowing regulations ' PUBUC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT APRIL 11, 2016 1. Over the past two Council meetings, we have reviewed a proposed ordinance that would impose certain regulations on Homestay Establishments, also known as Airbnbs. The study of this topic began in January 2016 when the Planning Commission noted that it may be worthwhile to consider regulations regarding Homestay Establishments. During this most recent session of the General Assembly, Homestay Establishments throughout the State made an aggressive push in the General Assembly to have Virginia become the first State in the nation to remove all local zoning and taxation authority to regulate short term stays. Under the State's definition of a short term stay, it would be less than 30 days in a residential dwelling. The Bill that was ultimately adopted by the Virginia General Assembly merely developed a mechanism for collecting the appropriate taxes from the Homestay Establishment, but excluded local jurisdictions from imposing any additional regulation. During this next year, committees of the General Assembly will reevaluate the current situation and determine if there is any need to make amendments during their 2017 session. Our intent in proposing the ordinance was to make sure that we protected the Town, its neighborhoods and visitors using these Homestay Establishments. However, it is clear that even if we were to implement these policies, it is likely that they would be rescinded by State law. Having said that, we do not believe that there is any purpose in continuing our review of these proposed regulations. It would be the recommendation of the Public 1 Works Committee that when the ordinance considering these proposed regulations is considered later in the meeting that it be defeated on the third and final reading. This would mean that there would be no regulations imposed on Homestay Establishments. Obviously, if there is a change to State law during the next session, we could reconsider the matter at that time. 2. Last year, the Town amended its regulations with regard to mowing. Generally speaking, the new mowing regulations require that properties be mowed three times per year- -once before May 15, once before July 15 and once before August 15. The regulations provide that when grass, weeds/vegetation and other foreign growth reach a maximum of 12 inches in height, the property owner shall mow the property. We wanted to remind everyone about these new mowing regulations. In slightly more than one month, the first cutting is required.ln any event, if the property is not mowed, the Town will give notice regarding the failure to remove the weeds as required and collect from the property owner the charges needed to perform the mowing. We would urge any property owners who have questions to contact Director of Public Works Tommy Seagle at the Municipal Office Building. Thomas F. Hundley H. Judson Lambert H.IICOUNCil'I'WCOP.QIIT.RPT\201fN"WAPRII.doc 2 WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION Meeting Date: Monday, April 11, 2016 Item Name: Ordinances/Resolutions Item Number: 1-1 Subject: Ordinance No. 1306 - Homestay Establishment or Airbnb SUMMARY: Please find enclosed Ordinance No. 1306, an ordinance amending and reenacting Ordinance No. 640, generally known as the Zoning Ordinance, by amending Article Ill Definitions to add Section 3-42.2 Homestay Establishment or Airbnb; and by amending the following Articles to add the use of Homestay Establishment or Airbnb: Article VAgricultural District A-1; Article VI-Residential District R-1; Article VI-A-Residential District R-1A; Article VI-M-Residential District R-1 M; Article VII-Residential District R-2; Article VIII-Residential District R-3; Article VIll- A-Residential District R-3MH; Article XBusiness District B-1; Article Xi-Business District B-2 (General); Article Xi-A-Business District B-2DT General Business District-Downtown. The ordinance is before the Council on third and final reading. ORDINANCE NO. 1306 At a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Wytheville. Virginia. held in the Council Chambers on the 14th day of March, 2016, at 7:00p.m. Present: Absent: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING ORDINANCE NO. 640, GENERALLV KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE BY AMENDING ARTICLE Ill· DEFINITIONS TO ADD SECTION 3-42.2 HOMESTAV ESTABLISHMENTS OR AIRBNB, AND TO ADD THE USE OF HOMESTAV ESTABLISHMENT OR AIRBNB TO ARTICLE V-AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT A-1; ARTICLE VI· RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT R-1; ARTICLE VI-A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT R·1A; ARTICLE VI-M RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT R-1 M; ARTICLE VII-RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT R-2; ARTICLE VIII-RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT R-3; ARTICLE VIll-A-RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT R·3MH; ARTICLE X-BUSINESS DISTRICT 8·1; ARTICLE XIBUSINESS DISTRICT B·2 (GENERAL); AND ARTICLE XI-A BUSINESS DISTRICT B·2DT GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT-DOWNTOWN BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of the Town of Wytheville. Virginia, that Ordinance No. 640, generally known as the Zoning Ordinance be amended and reenacted by amending Article Ill-Definitions to add Section 3-42.2 Homestay Establishment or Airbnb and to add the use of Homestay Establishment or Airbnb to Article V-Agricultural District A-1; Article VI-Residential District R-1 ; Article VI-AResidential District R-1A; Article VI-M-Residential District R-1 M; Article VII-Residential District R-2; Article VIII-Residential District R-3; Article VIll-A-Residential District R3MH; Article X-Business District B-1 ; Article Xi-Business District B-2 (General); and, Article Xi -A-Business District B-2DT General Business District-Downtown as follows: ARTICLE Ill • DEFINITIONS HOMESTAY ESTABLISHMENT OR AIRBNB: A single family residential building or townhouse. which serves as a private home, that is provided on a daily basis to non-family members for compensation and normally for no more than seven (7) consecutive days/nights. The advertisements and arrangements or reservations for these operations are made over the internet through sites such as "Airbnb." The following regulations shall apply to a Homestay Establishment or Airbnb: 1. No more than two rooms per building shall be offered for overnight stay, and each room shall accommodate no more than two adults. 2. Rooms shall be a minimum of 120 square feet and shall have reasonable access to full bath facilities that shall meet residential code standards. 3. One off-street parking space (9' x 18') shall be provided for each room offered for rent in addition to other parking requirements. 4. A Homestay permit shall be obtained from the Town. 5. As a part of the Homestay permit process, the Town's Building Official shall verify that the residence meets residential building code standards, including egress, has working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and has appropriate and code-conforming heat, light and ventilation. 6. Homestays shall keep a detailed record of their rentals and shall pay lodging taxes to the Town. 7. No signs for the Homestay shall be permitted. 8. The Homestay owner shall be responsible for complying with the Town's noise ordinance and shall enforce the ordinance standards. 9. No obvious exterior changes to the residential building shall be made as a result of the Homestay operation. ARTICLE V- AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT A-1 5-1.26 Homestay Establishment or Airbnb ARTICLE VI· RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT R-1 6-1.1 0 Homestay Establishment or Airbnb ARTICLE VI·A ·RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT R-1A 6-1.1 OA Homestay Establishment or Airbnb ARTICLE VI-M· RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT R-1M 6-2.1 OM Homestay Establishment or Airbnb ARTICLE VII - RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT R-2 7-1 .15 Homestay Establishment or Airbnb ARTICLE VIII - RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT R-3 8-1 .17 Homestay Establishment or Airbnb ARTICLE VIll-A - RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT R-3MH 8-1.17A Homestay Establishment or Airbnb ARTICLE X- BUSINESS DISTRICT B-1 10-1.35 Homestay Establishment or Airbnb ARTICLE XI - BUSINESS DISTRICT B-2 (GENERAL) 11-1 .49 Homestay Establishment or Airbnb ARTICLE XI-A - BUSINESS DISTRICT B-2DT GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT- DOWNTOWN 11-2.36A Homestay Establishment or Airbnb H:\ORDINANC\1306-Homestay Establishments.doc WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL Meeting Date: Monday, April 11, 2016 Item Name: Appointments Item Number: J-1 Subject: Tree Advisory Committee AGENDA INFORMATION SUMMARY: The terms of Mr. David Richert and Mr. Wythe Morris expire on the Tree Advisory Committee on May 14, 2016. Mr. Richert and Mr. Morris are eligible for reappointment, and they both have indicated a willingness to serve again, if reappointed. These appointments would be for four year terms, which expire May 14, 2020. WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION Meeting Date: Monday,April11,2016 Item Name: Other Business Item Number: K-1 Subject: Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity 276 Express, LLC SUMMARY: Please find enclosed the request of 276 Express, LLC for the issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the operation of taxicabs for calendar year 2016. Two matters to be reviewed by the Council in the course of issuing the certificate include an evaluation of the vehicles and evidence of the appropriate liability insurance. Enclosed is the evaluation from the Police Department noting the vehicle is acceptable for use by the company. Also, enclosed is the certificate of insurance. G:\COUNCIL\Agenda lnfo\2016\Agenda lnfonnatlon041116.doc . PERMIT TO OPERATE TAXICABS IN THE TOWN OF WYTHEVILLE, VIRGINIA Date April 11. 2016 TO: Clavton W. Bush/ Coleman Throckmorton OPERATING AS 276 Express. LLC The Town Council has authorized operation by you of the following listed taxicabs as applied for during 2016. 2006 Chrysler Sedan Black This permit is issued in accordance with the provisions of the Town Code and may be revoked for cause. C. Wayne Sutherland, Jr., Town Manager Authorization must be secured from the Town Manager to substitute any vehicle for one listed above. This is not your Business License to operate public vehicles. G:\SHERR\'\Taxicab-Limo\Permlts\276 EXPRESS, LLC PERMIT 16.doc DATE: March 8. 2016 APPLICATION HAS BEEN MADE BY THE FOLLOWING OWNER TO OPERATE PUBLIC VEHICLES AS INDICATED IN THE TOWN OF WYTHEVILLE DURING THE YEAR 2016 Operating Under the Name of 276 Express, LLC Name of Owner No. of Each Clayton W. Bush/ Coleman Throckmorton 2006 Chrysler 4 DR Sedan - Black I know of no reason why a permit to operate the public vehicles as listed herein should not be approved, except as listed below. Bll pccMA1'1 ~MchoA£ ~ & cJ., Wtfi.. y9·,~bio s±cwlo.~tb G:\SHERRY\Taxlcab-Umo\AppllcaUon Letter\276 Express LLC taxi seiVIca Inspection 2016.doc APPLICATION TO OPERATE TAXICABS WYTHEVILLE, VIRGINIA I 7~. &_ _ Date____;::3;....,j..-,/ ..:......=...l TO: Town Council, Town of Wytheville, Virginia. 1. Application t operate Taxicabs/Limousines/R blic Vehicles is hereby made by: NAME ·I ~ tJ. f3;sk , ~oJefY\aA... lhroc.kmorJ.oC'\.- 0, "7 (/) &(Yt'S5i W ..~..R~o.___;·.\_ro_~_::;,_....:...A...:.....t;..:e:;.......__ _ _ _ _ __ HOME ADDREss _ _ ) _5_o____;;W---=. ·BUSINESS STREET ADDRESS._ _I:....;;5::;..0..;;;....._W___;_. . . . ;.R. . :.: o.=.·;. .~. .\"'j:.....:.o~c.d=---..:....At~e:......\ _ _ __ )_!-----'-'---------J. 7 G G13 9oso BusiNEss PHONE._~_~_rP_~_I3_Cl_'o5_o BUSINESS MAILING ADDRESS_ _ _ _ HOME PHONE 2. Financial ability and responsibility of applicant. (Show evidence of adequate insurance, indicating liability limits, and company.) 3. Name and address of person lending money or furnishing capital to applicant. 4. Number of vehicles, kind, seating capacity, body type, year model, and color for each vehicle. lo'tffr.~ ~~cftrsw~~;~;:~e~:CZ...U~e YEAR MODEL BODY TYPE 4b.-5~ J-CJ()(b CAPACITY ~ 5. Conviction or pleas of guilty for arJY violation of the law? YES NO ~ IF YES, HOW MANY?_ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6. Reason why applicant believes public convenience and necessity require granting of application. pc-ov~de 0- ~a.~, cleo.-f\"' der,en~b \e +ovc; ~e~J:ct! +h~ tt!Jwl\ /c..ovnfV o~ tJyfhev~lle. Operating under Company Name of_ _....:.~~(~~~..;..;;&~~~re~5:=S__..::;;;L;;;;;..;....L.....;(!_;;::.__ _ _ _ __ Ia +-o Signed·--~-""""-~~......z....::..~~g.....;---------- G:\FoRMSLEl\TAX ICAB APPLICATION.doc ACORD• I CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DA1& CUIIiDDI'fYYY) 0312412016 ~ lliiS CERTlFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMA110N ONLYANO CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CER11FICAlE HOLDER. THIS CEftl1FICAll! DOES NOT AFFIRMA11VELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSllTUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATlVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERliFICAlE HOLDER. IMPORTAN"C If the certlftcale holder Is an ADDI110NAL INSURED, the polcy(les) must be endorsed. If SUBROGAllON IS WAIVED, subject to lhe terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certlncaae does not confer rights to the certlftcale holder In lieu of such endorsemenl(s). t.r"~"' PRODUCER l~Nol: ~.hrl: rii'St Community ln$UtenCe Services :.;;a,ss: PO Bolt 5069 INSURERtSlAFFOADINGC:OVERAGE vvv Princeton 24740 INSURER A : INSURED ~· NaUorteJ Indemnity Ccmpeny 20087 INSUM!t• : 276 Express LLC INSUMRC : 150 W Railroad Lane INSUA!Jt I! : MUAEitO : VA 24332 CER11FICATE NUMBER· Wythe\lllle . COVERAGES INSUA&RF: REVISION NUMBER· THIS IS TO CERTIFY 'THAT THE Pot.ICIES OF t.ISURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE t.ISURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD t.IDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDINGNfY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF NfY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MA'I 8E ISSUED OR MAY PERTAt.l, THE INSURANCEAFFOROED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO All THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS Of SUCH POLICI£S.LWJITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID ClAIMS. li.Tr TYP& OF INSURANCE GENERAL LIAIIILilY P'OLJCY MJMIER "~~~ 1'\A.!-.>: "-''VI ......... COMMERCIAl GEtiERA l I a,Ai~ D UMITS 1 ~lliTY OCCUP EACH OCCUR~EtiC£ I ~sYE~~~...., s MED EICP lAm me Mnonl s s FERSONAL 4 ~ lflJ.IR'I' ~ ~ll.AGGA,Eri liMIT APPI.nPER POliCY 'f)]; LOC PROOUCTS ~COPoiPIOPAGG s . ~~~~fiNGI.E LW.IIl AUfOIIOBLE UAIIUJY 1-A - -- lr Is GEIBAL~REC:.AtE ~VPoiJ'TO AI..LOV.N£0 .AUTOS HIRED .AUTOS X ....._. - UII8RiUA UAa EXCUSUAB Is SOEOOLEO ~~V.NED 70APS063977·01 AUTOS 1,000.000 s 6001LY •IJJRY !Ptfpen;cnl 0312212016 0312212017 DOOR.V lt~JJRY 1~ ecoo.nn t s I ~?~J.!..'r'""..,c. s H~CUR • EACH OCCUQREtiCE /oGGBeGATC oeo L lAETatnoN s J. I IT~;~~ I WORKERS COMI'INIATION ANOE~OVEKS"LIABIUTY YIN ANYPROPRETO~ARTNER~ECUT~E[!O NIA OfFICERit.EMei!R EXClUOED7 el , . .. . .otylnNH) IOJ:- EN:H .accsoem f E L DISEASE · EASII=1.0YEf Is ~~~~ERAT!OtiSIII&Ow E l OtSEASE -POt. ICY lNIT s DUCAIP110N 01' OPeftATICINS/LOCA'IIONS I YENCU!S SAitiCh ACORD 101,AdGiollll fttii!UIII Schtelllle, lfmore opece Ia required) PER POUCY SCHEDULE CER11FICATE HOlDER CANCEL lAllON SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES B! CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATlON DAlE 1HEREOF, NOnce WIU. BE DEUV!REO IN ACCORDANCE wmt 1HE POLICY PROVISIONS. T~ ofWylhevllle 150 E Monroe Sl Wytheville I ACORD 25 t201 0105) VA 24382 A\IYHOfaZEO REPREIENTATI\IE ~~ C) 1988-201 DACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. lhe ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD '. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2016, AT 7:00 P.M. Members present: Trenton G. Crewe, Jr., Jacqueline K. King, William B. Weisiger, H. Judson Lambert, Thomas F. Hundley Others present: Town Manager C. Wayne Sutherland, Jr., Assistant Town Manager Stephen A. Moore, Town Clerk Sharon G. Corvin, Becky Grubb, Pat Snapp, Joseph Hand, Jr., Leslie Harwood, Danny Gordon with WYVEAM/WXBX-FM/WLOY-AM, Police Officer Joel Crigger RE: CALL TO ORDER, QUORUM, PLEDGE Mayor Crewe called the meeting to order and established that a quorum of Council members was present. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Hundley. RE: CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Crewe presented the consent agenda consisting of (a) the minutes of the regular meeting of March 14, 2016; (b) the request of the Spiller Elementary School PTA Board to conduct a 5K Run on Friday, May 6, 2016, at 7:00 p.m.; (c) the request of the Fort Chiswell High School After Prom for a Special Exception Facility Use Permit for their After-Prom Party Celebration to be held at the Recreation Center on May 7 and 8, 2016; (d) and, the request of the American Cancer Society Relay for Life Teams for issuance of a raffle permit for 2016. He inquired of the Council if there is a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented or to consider the items separately. A motion was made by Vice-Mayor King and seconded by Councilman Weisiger to approve the consent agenda consisting of (a) the minutes of the regular meeting of March 14, 2016; (b) the request of the Spiller Elementary School PTA Board to conduct a 5K Run on Friday, May 6, 2016, at 7:00 p.m.; (c) the request of the Fort Chiswell High School After Prom for a Special Exception Facility Use Permit for their After-Prom Party Celebration to be held at the Recreation Center on May 7 and 8, 2016; (d) and, the request of the American Cancer Society Relay for Life Teams for issuance of a raffle permit for 2016, as presented. Mayor Crewe inquired if there is any discussion on the motion to approve the consent agenda, as presented. There being none, the motion was approved with the following voting in favor and there being no opposition: For: Trenton G. Crewe, Jr., Jacqueline K. King, William B. Weisiger, H. Judson Lambert, Thomas F. Hundley. Against: None. RE: CITIZENS’ PERIOD Mayor Crewe advised the next agenda item is Citizens’ Period. He noted that there was no one listed on the sign in sheet who indicated that they wished to address the Council. Mayor Crewe stated if anyone had changed their mind, the Council would be glad to hear from them at this time. There being no one to address the Council during Citizens’ Period, Mayor Crewe proceeded with the agenda. RE: OLD BUSINESS Under Old Business, Town Manager Sutherland reported the following: 1. The Council Work Session will be held on Tuesday, March 29, 2016, at 7:00 a.m. Next week’s Council Work Session will be held on Wednesday, April 6, 2016, at 7:00 a.m. 2. The deadline to purchase Town decals is Friday, April 15, 2016. RE: BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Councilman Weisiger, reporting for the Budget and Finance Committee, stated at the last meeting of Council, an ordinance was considered that would place certain regulations on Homestay Establishments, also known as Airbnbs. He explained that as a result of the information received at that meeting, the Council has had the opportunity to give additional consideration to the proposed ordinance. Councilman Weisiger noted that the Virginia General Assembly addressed this topic during their past session and approved a Bill setting forth certain regulations, but then chose to put the matter in abeyance until 2017. He remarked that the framework that the State is proposing, primarily, develops a structure for remitting lodging taxes from these residential rentals. Councilman Weisiger expressed that the remainder of the legislation provides that no locality can impose standards on such establishments. He commented that the Town’s proposed ordinance, similar to others across the Commonwealth, establishes standards for safety, density, off street parking, providing for inspections, etc. Councilman Weisiger stated the ordinance, as proposed, does allow for these homestay rentals based on zoning districts compared to some communities who have completely outlawed such activity. He noted that this question was debated at length in the past General Assembly session when various statewide lodging organizations protested that they would be under standards not applicable to Homestay Establishments. Councilman Weisiger explained that the Council, also, had questions with regard to insurance coverage in these rental situations. He commented that as it turns out, Airbnb, one of the homestay internet providers, does provide certain insurance coverage for participants. Councilman Weisiger advised that later in the meeting, the Council will consider the adoption of the Airbnb ordinance, and it would be the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee that it be approved on second, but not final, reading. He stated that the Committee does acknowledge that Council may, yet, want to amend some of the language within the ordinance that could be accomplished during the adoption of the ordinance on third reading. Councilman Weisiger, also, reported that the Town has had several inquiries with regard to Town cemeteries and thought it may be helpful to provide reminders to citizens that the Town Code provides that dogs or other animals are prohibited in West End Cemetery, East End Cemetery and the Oakwood Cemetery. He explained that there have been some circumstances where there have been dogs allowed to run free within the cemeteries or there have been dogs on leashes taking a walking tour merely for exercise. Councilman Weisiger noted that the Council would remind everyone that allowing animals in the cemetery is prohibited. He commented that the Council would also note that, while not specifically prohibited, it is often disturbing or inconsiderate for people who are in the cemetery for the purpose of paying respect to loved ones to have people casually strolling through on a walk. Councilman Weisiger advised that the Council would encourage everyone to be observant and as respectful as possible to everyone in the cemeteries. A copy of the Budget and Finance Committee report is attached and made part of these minutes. RE: PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT Councilman Lambert, reporting for the Public Works Committee, stated that there are a variety of ongoing activities in the downtown area. He noted that Town forces have completed certain interior renovations to the Farmers’ Market building (previously the Hobert N. Grubb warehouse building). Councilman Lambert explained that Town forces are also, currently, performing construction on the exterior of the building. He remarked that the sidewalk on Spring Street, between Second and Fourth Streets, is being replaced to provide a better walkway for the new facility. Councilman Lambert explained that in addition, plans for the Heritage Walk Project have been submitted to the Virginia Department of Transportation, and the Public Works Committee anticipates that the Town will be released to start this project in the very near future. He remarked that a group is now proceeding with work on property owned by Mr. Joseph Hand, Jr., located at the corner of Main and First Streets, which will house the new Moon Dog Pizza establishment. Councilman Lambert stated, finally, the Council hopes that within the next month or so the Town will be able to bid all of the streetscape work in the downtown area. He explained that this project will consist of all new curb and gutter, brick sidewalks, street lighting and new signal lights in the downtown area. Councilman Lambert advised that the most recent occurrence is the visitation by the Department of Housing and Community Development and the Virginia Main Street Program to review the Town’s plans for moving the economic enhancement of the downtown forward. He expressed that it was a very positive visit, and these organizations were very complimentary of the positive efforts being made by the Town and Downtown Wytheville, Incorporated. Councilman Lambert commented that the Council realizes that some of these improvements have taken longer than anticipated, but by using State and Federal grant funding, there are always certain regulations that slow a project. He explained that this summary is provided for informational purposes only, and there is no action required by the Council at this time. Mayor Crewe advised that the Council can amplify that a little by stating that, earlier in the day, the announcement was finally made that the Town of Wytheville has been accepted into the Virginia Main Street Program. He remarked that the visitation by the Department of Housing and Community Development was more than just a complimentary visit. Councilman Hundley commented that he was going to report on that later in the meeting. Councilman Lambert reported that the Town has several applications before the Virginia Department of Transportation for grant funding for various street projects. He stated that the Town has its ongoing request before the Department to complete Community Boulevard from a point near the end of Cassell Road to Lithia Road. Councilman Lambert noted that this application seeks to complete the roadway that was constructed several years ago, of which only one half was funded. He commented that this is the first year that the Town has submitted a project under the new HB2 rules, and the Council thinks the Town has a very positive score, but the Commonwealth Transportation Board has yet to establish the formula under which projects will be awarded. Councilman Lambert expressed that, also, the Town has submitted certain sections of streets to the Virginia Department of Transportation to be considered for paving. He stated the Virginia Department of Transportation provides certain funding for repaving portions of streets that they have identified to qualify. Councilman Lambert stated that qualifying streets must be part of the Federal Highway System. He noted that the streets that are eligible, and for which the Town has made application, are as follows: North 4th Street – Commonwealth Drive to Interstate 81; North 4th Street – Main Street to Ridge Road; East Main Street – Lithia Road to Cassell Road; and, West Lee Highway – 24th Street to Laural View Drive. Councilman Lambert advised that these projects will be valued at $567,000.00, when funded. He stated the Town anticipates that an award of the paving fund should occur within 60 days. Councilman Lambert commented that the Committee would like to note that previously funded improvements to East Main Street are nearing the completion of the design phase. He explained that this project will install curb and gutter and a sidewalk along the portion of roadway between Cassell Road and the interstate. Councilman Lambert noted that the Town will, also, include new lighting fixtures and other enhancements. He commented that the Town looks forward to getting this project underway. Councilman Lambert advised that all of this is for informational purposes only, and there are no actions required by the Council at this time. A copy of the Public Works Committee report is attached and made part of these minutes. RE: VIRGINIA MAIN STREET PROGRAM Mayor Crewe stated that he did not intend to speak out of turn in regard to the Virginia Main Street Program before Councilman Hundley was able to discuss the topic first. Councilman Hundley assured Mayor Crewe that his comments were good, but that he did have some really great news to share. He explained that earlier in the day, Governor McAuliffe announced the designation of four communities into the Virginia Main Street Program. Councilman Hundley commented that the Town of Wytheville was the very first town mentioned in the announcement, which, also, included the Cities of Danville and Lexington and Gloucester County Court House in Gloucester County. He noted that this is big news for the Town of Wytheville. Councilman Hundley expressed that, personally, he would like to thank all of the Council for their support and effort over this six year process and the Downtown Wytheville, Incorporated Board members and volunteers for putting this together. He stated that, most importantly, he wanted to thank the Town staff for taking their time, efforts and talents to get the Town of Wytheville to the place where it qualifies for this prestigious honor of becoming a Virginia Main Street Program. Councilman Hundley expressed that he wanted to share the good news, and he thanked Mayor Crewe for bringing it to everyone’s attention. Mayor Crewe apologized for addressing the subject before Councilman Hundley had a chance. Councilman Hundley stated that it is such good news, and he was happy to see the announcement first thing on a Monday morning. Mayor Crewe congratulated Councilman Hundley in regard to this accomplishment. He noted that like Councilman Hundley commented, it is a long process, but it will really open some doors for the community, make some big differences, etc. Mayor Crewe reiterated that he would like to congratulate Downtown Wytheville, Incorporated’s efforts. He expressed that he speaks on behalf of the Town Council when he states that they are all glad they can play a small part in helping with this accomplishment, but Town staff has worked really hard on the project, and the Council really appreciates their work. RE: APPLICATIONS TO VDOT FOR REPAVING CERTAIN STREETS Town Manager Sutherland advised that he would note, in regard to the VDOT Projects that the Town made application, the streets that were identified and the funding that would be available is in addition and is not part of the Town’s normal paving schedule. He commented that, if funded, this is free paving. Mayor Crewe expressed that this opens another door. He noted that he hopes the Town will get the funding needed. RE: ORDINANCE NO. 1306 – HOMESTAY ESTABLISHMENT OR AIRBNB Mayor Crewe presented Ordinance No. 1306, an ordinance amending and reenacting Ordinance No. 640, generally known as the Zoning Ordinance, by amending Article IIIDefinitions to add Section 3-42.2 Homestay Establishment or Airbnb, and to amend the following Articles to add the use of Homestay Establishment or Airbnb: Article V – Agricultural District A-1; Article VI-Residential District R-1; Article VI-A- Residential District R-1A; Article VIM- Residential District R-1M; Article VII – Residential District R-2; Article VIII –Residential District R-3; Article VIII-A-Residential District R-3MH; Article X- Business District B-1; Article XIBusiness District B-2 (General); Article XI-A- Business District B-2DT General Business District – Downtown, on second reading. He remarked that the recommendation from the Budget and Finance Committee is to approve the ordinance on second, but not final, reading. Mayor Crewe stated that he was not sure if Ms. Leslie Harwood had any comments that she would like to make. He remarked that before Ms. Harwood arrived, Citizens’ Period was already visited on the agenda. Mayor Crewe stated that he would be glad to hear from Ms. Harwood, if there is something she wished to address the Council. He commented that the Council has researched the topic more since the last meeting and may still want to revise the ordinance. Ms. Harwood advised that she had no comments to make. A motion was made by Councilman Weisiger and seconded by Vice-Mayor King to approve Ordinance No. 1306, an ordinance amending and reenacting Ordinance No. 640, generally known as the Zoning Ordinance, by amending Article III-Definitions to add Section 3-42.2 Homestay Establishment or Airbnb, and to amend the following Articles to add the use of Homestay Establishment or Airbnb: Article V – Agricultural District A-1; Article VI-Residential District R-1; Article VI-A- Residential District R-1A; Article VIM- Residential District R-1M; Article VII – Residential District R-2; Article VIII –Residential District R-3; Article VIII-A-Residential District R-3MH; Article X- Business District B-1; Article XIBusiness District B-2 (General); Article XI-A- Business District B-2DT General Business District – Downtown, on second, but not final, reading. Mayor Crewe inquired if there is any discussion on the motion to approve the ordinance on second, but not final, reading. There being none, the motion was approved with the following voting in favor and there being no opposition: FOR: Trenton G. Crewe, Jr., Jacqueline K. King, William B. Weisiger, Thomas F. Hundley, H. Judson Lambert AGAINST: None ABSTENTIONS: None Ordinance No. 1306 was approved on second, but not final, reading. RE: RESOLUTION – GEORGE WYTHE HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL TEAM Mayor Crewe advised the next agenda item is a resolution commending the George Wythe High School Boys Basketball Team for an outstanding 2016 season. He inquired of Mr. Danny Gordon if he would like the resolution to be read for the radio because he can certainly read it if it helps Mr. Gordon. Mr. Gordon noted it was not necessary to read the resolution. Mayor Crewe inquired of the Council if there is a motion concerning the resolution for the basketball team’s success. A motion was made by Councilman Weisiger and seconded by Vice-Mayor King to adopt a resolution recognizing the George Wythe High School Boys Basketball Team for an outstanding 2016 season. Mayor Crewe inquired if there is any discussion on the motion to adopt the resolution. There being none, the motion was approved with the following voting in favor and there being no opposition: For: Trenton G. Crewe, Jr., Jacqueline K. King, William B. Weisiger, H. Judson Lambert, Thomas F. Hundley. Against: None. RE: RESOLUTION – GEORGE WYTHE HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING TEAM Mayor Crewe advised the next agenda item is a resolution commending the George Wythe High School Wrestling Team for a successful 2016 season. He inquired of the Council if there is a motion to adopt the resolution for the Wrestling Team. A motion was made by Councilman Hundley and seconded by Councilman Lambert to adopt a resolution recognizing the George Wythe High School Wrestling Team for a successful 2016 season. Mayor Crewe inquired if there is any discussion on the motion to adopt the resolution to recognize the success of the Wrestling Team including the three State Champions. There being none, the motion was approved with the following voting in favor and there being no opposition: For: Trenton G. Crewe, Jr., Jacqueline K. King, William B. Weisiger, H. Judson Lambert, Thomas F. Hundley. Against: None. RE: ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to be discussed, a motion was duly made, seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting (7:17 p.m.). Trenton G. Crewe, Jr., Mayor Sharon G. Corvin, Town Clerk G:\COUNCIL\Minutes\2016\Council Minutes 032816.doc BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT MARCH 28, 2016 1. At our last meeting of Council, an ordinance was considered that would place certain regulations on Homestay Establishments, also known as Airbnbs. As a result of the information received that evening, we have had the opportunity to give additional consideration to the proposed ordinance. The Virginia General Assembly addressed this topic during their past session and approved a Bill setting forth certain regulations, but then chose to put the matter in abeyance until 2017. The framework that the State is proposing, primarily, develops a structure for remitting lodging taxes from these residential rentals. The remainder of the legislation provides that no locality can impose standards on such establishments. Our proposed ordinance, similar to others across the Commonwealth, establishes standards for safety, density, off street parking, providing for inspections, etc. The ordinance, as proposed, does allow for these homestay rentals based on zoning districts compared to some communities who have completely outlawed such activity. This question was debated at length in the past General Assembly session when various statewide lodging organizations protested that they would be under standards not applicable to Homestay Establishments. We, also, had questions with regard to insurance coverage in these rental situations. As it turns out, Airbnb, one of the homestay internet providers, does provide certain insurance coverage for participants. 1 Later this evening, the Council will consider the adoption of the Airbnb ordinance, and it would be the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee that it be approved on second, but not final, reading. We do acknowledge that we may, yet, want to amend some of the language within the ordinance that could be accomplished during the adoption of the ordinance on third reading. 2. We have had several inquiries with regard to Town cemeteries and thought it may be helpful to provide reminders to citizens that the Town Code provides that dogs or other animals are prohibited in West End Cemetery, East End Cemetery and the Oakwood Cemetery. There have been some circumstances where there have been dogs allowed to run free within the cemeteries or there have been dogs on leashes taking a walking tour merely for exercise. We would remind everyone that allowing animals in the cemetery is prohibited. We would also note that, while not specifically prohibited, it is often disturbing or inconsiderate for people who are in the cemetery for the purpose of paying respect to loved ones to have people casually strolling through on a walk. We would encourage everyone to be observant and as respectful as possible to everyone in the cemeteries. William B. Weisiger Jacqueline K. King H:\COUNCIL\BFCOMMIT.RPT\2016\BFMAR28.doc 2 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT MARCH 28, 2016 1. There are a variety of ongoing activities in the downtown area. Town forces have completed certain interior renovations to the Farmers’ Market building (previously the Hobert N. Grubb warehouse building). Town forces are also, currently, performing construction on the exterior of the building. The sidewalk on Spring Street, between Second and Fourth Streets, is being replaced to provide a better walkway for the new facility. In addition, plans for the Heritage Walk Project have been submitted to the Virginia Department of Transportation, and we anticipate that we will be released to start this project in the very near future. A group is now proceeding with work on property owned by Mr. Joseph Hand, Jr., located at the corner of Main and First Streets, which will house the new Moon Dog Pizza establishment. Finally, we hope that within the next month or so we will be able to bid all of the streetscape work in the downtown area. This project will consist of all new curb and gutter, brick sidewalks, street lighting and new signal lights in the downtown area. The most recent occurrence is the visitation by the Department of Housing and Community Development and the Virginia Main Street Program to review our plans for moving the economic enhancement of the downtown forward. It was a very positive visit, and these organizations were very complimentary of the positive efforts being made by the Town and Downtown Wytheville, Incorporated. We realize that some of these improvements have taken longer than anticipated, but by using State and Federal grant funding, there are always certain regulations that 1 slow a project. This summary is provided for informational purposes only, and there is no action required by the Council at this time. 2. We have several applications before the Virginia Department of Transportation for grant funding for various street projects. We have our ongoing request before the Department to complete Community Boulevard from a point near the end of Cassell Road to Lithia Road. This application seeks to complete the roadway that was constructed several years ago, of which only one half was funded. This is the first year that we have submitted a project under the new HB2 rules, and we think we have a very positive score, but the Commonwealth Transportation Board has yet to establish the formula under which projects will be awarded. Also, we have submitted certain sections of streets to the Virginia Department of Transportation to be considered for paving. The Virginia Department of Transportation provides certain funding for repaving portions of streets that they have identified to qualify. Qualifying streets must be part of the Federal Highway System. The streets that are eligible, and for which we have made application, are as follows: North 4th Street – Commonwealth Drive to Interstate 81; North 4th Street – Main Street to Ridge Road; East Main Street – Lithia Road to Cassell Road; and, West Lee Highway – 24th Street to Laural View Drive. These projects will be valued at $567,000.00, when funded. We anticipate that an award of the paving fund should occur within 60 days. We would like to note that previously funded improvements to East Main Street are nearing the completion of the design phase. This project will install curb and gutter and a sidewalk along the portion of roadway between Cassell Road and the 2 interstate. We will, also, include new lighting fixtures and other enhancements. We look forward to getting this project underway. All of this is for informational purposes only, and there are no actions required by the Council at this time. Thomas F. Hundley H. Judson Lambert H:\COUNCIL\PWCOMMIT.RPT\2016\PWMAR28.doc 3