Harpers Ferry Community Newsletter


Harpers Ferry Community Newsletter
Harpers Ferry
Community Newsletter
October 2012
Volume 9 Issue 10
Hearts for the Hungry Thanksgiving Food Drive
In 2011 the caring people of Harpers Ferry and Bolivar joined together and brought about a near miracle - more
than 3,500 pounds of food and over $2,200 to feed the hungry of Jefferson County. Mayors Bob Hardy of Bolivar
and Joe Anderson of Harpers Ferry are leading the way in saying “Let’s do it again!”
With our struggling economy, more and more families are falling into the ranks of the unemployed, the working
poor and the homeless. Town councils of Harpers Ferry and Bolivar, and all the churches of the two towns are
helping with the effort, which is led by Pastor Luther Osment of the Camp Hill-Wesley Methodist Church.
Our 2012 “Hearts for the Hungry Thanksgiving Food Drive” will follow two basic approaches. Under the Family
Box drive, generous donors are asked to fill a small “Family Box” with non-perishable Thanksgiving Dinner
favorites (but not the turkey), such as yams, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, corn, sauerkraut, beans, French
onions, vegetables of all kinds, fruit, soup, and desserts. Empty Family Boxes are available at Jason’s Antiques,
1307 Washington Street in Bolivar. Filled boxes should be returned to Jason’s. We would be glad to make
available a supply of boxes to churches and organizations. Contact Luther Osment at losment2@gmail.com or call
Inside this issue:
Women’s Club Flea Mkt
Community Trail Walk
Water Tank Inspection
Stormwater Update
Water Comm. Vacancy
Under the Collection Box drive, boxes for receiving canned goods and packaged
foods are now in place at Friendship Fire House, Harpers Ferry Middle School,
Bolivar Community Center, Bolivar-Harpers Ferry Library, Appalachian Trail
Conservancy, St. John’s Episcopal Church and the Country Café.
Jane Cummings
Tree Staking
Henry Lewis Gates, Jr.
The collection ends on November 19. All the food will be trucked to Jefferson
County Community Ministries, the county's one-stop headquarters for helping all
our neighbors who need help. Community
4 Ministries is open every weekday from 9 to
5 12, and all who need food for Thanksgiving
are urged to come there after November 14. It
is located at 238 West Washington Street in
downtown Charles Town.
Council Meeting Report
Planning Commission
Contact Info
Room Occupancy Tax
BCT Rezoning Request
H.F. Foundation
Mayor Anderson, Pastor Luther Osment,
and Mayor Hardy assist in
unloading food at last year's drive.
The Town’s official website has useful information including important notices, ordinances, meeting
minutes, official applications, and events calendar. Visit us at www.harpersferrywv.us
St. John’s Episcopal Church Rummage Sale
Woman’s Club Flea Market October 20 - 21
The Woman’s Club of Harpers Ferry will host its annual
Flea Market on Saturday and Sunday, October 20-21 at
the Clubhouse on 856 Washington Street. Items for sale
include a variety of household items, seasonal
merchandise, women’s clothing and accessories, and
kids stuff. Flea Market hours are Saturday 9am to 4pm
and Sunday 9am to 2pm.
The Harpers Ferry Woman’s Club
celebrated its 95th anniversary on
October 18 with a potluck dinner held at
Camp Hill-Wesley UMC Social Hall.
Fifty members and guests celebrated the
milestone with good food and fellowship.
SouperTuesday Dinner on October 23
The SouperNatural Kitchen is serving a creamy pumpkin soup October 23 at the Bolivar Community Center 60
Panama Street. SouperTuesday dinners raise money for fresh local food for needy families in Bolivar, Harpers Ferry
and families in Jefferson County. The cost is $15 for adults, $5 for children under 10 and free for children under. 6
Dinner is served at 6:45 pm following a speaker on nutritional topics at 6 pm.
Wear a Halloween costume for a chance to win 2 free tickets to the SouperKitchen Holiday Spectacular with a
mystery guest chef.
Tickets are available via PayPal at www.facebook.com/soupernaturalkitchen or directly at PayPal.com (use
SuperNaturalKitchen@yahoo.com), and at the Canal House Cafe and Harpers Ferry Chiropractic (1441 Washington Street)
in Bolivar.
For more information, to volunteer, or inquire about sponsorships, call Dr. Harris at Harpers Ferry Chiropractic,
304 535 3009 or email us.
Boy Scout troop #317 from
Stafford Va, taking a break
in Harpers Ferry after
backpacking on the C&O
Community Trail Walk on Saturday, October 27
Walk with the Eastern Panhandle Trailblazers and National Park Service staff along the
Potomac River on Saturday, October 27, from 8:30 to 12:30, and learn how the Potomac
Street Extension could be a part of a network of trails in the Eastern Panhandle. The easy
1.4 mile walk will have spectacular views of the Potomac River and changing colors of the
leaves. The walkers will meet at the Cavalier Heights Visitor Center for a brief orientation.
Buses will take walkers to Lower Town where the walk begins and retrieve them from the
River Riders Campground for the return to Cavalier Heights. Bring a bag lunch to enjoy
during a questions-and-answer session. Drinks will be provided.
Water Tanks Get Inspected
On September 18, the Harpers Ferry Water Works conducted
inspections of the two older water tanks. Technicians from Pittsburgh
Tank climbed the tank towers at Bolivar Heights and used a
submersible robot to travel the interior of the tanks, which then sent
videos to the ground crew. The technicians found rust spots on the
outside of the tanks and inside the tanks, along with calcium build-up. The concrete pad at
the base of the tank is also showing some deterioration. Pittsburgh Tank will prepare a
formal report to the Harpers Ferry Water Works that describes in detail the condition of
the tanks. Josh Carter, Water Works Systems Manager, will use the report in planning for
needed repair and maintenance of the tanks.
Submitted by Barbara Humes, Chair, Water Commission
Chris Styer putting in
a temporary
connector so water
meter can be
removed and tested.
The Water Works has
completed testing
25% of the meters in
the system.
Water Commission Vacancy
If you are interested in joining the Water Commission,
please send a letter of interest by November 5, with your
qualifications to Mayor, P.O. Box 217, Harpers Ferry, WV
25425. For information on the duties and responsibilities of
the Water Commission, click here, check the bulletin board
inside Town Hall, or email your questions to Chair Barbara
Stormwater Management Update
The Stormwater Management Steering Committee expects to complete its review of the
draft ordinance at its October 16 meeting. At its November meeting, the committee will be
making sure the concerns identified by committee members have been addressed, and will
be drafting a fee schedule and application review and construction inspection process.
These items will then be forwarded to the Planning Commission for its review.
Members of the Steering Committee are Charlotte Thompson (Town Council), Mike
Kennedy (Planning Commission), Steve Ramberg (Planning Commission), Barbara
Humes (Harpers Ferry Water Commission) and Matt Pennington (Region 9 rep.). The subcommittee was created
in January, 2012 by the PC to make a recommendation to the PC whether or not to adopt the draft Stormwater
Ordinance for Harpers Ferry. The draft model for Harpers Ferry was created from the Region 9 model ordinance
which was created in response to Chesapeake Bay regulations.
Submitted by Mike Kennedy, Planning Commissioner
Town Calendar
At Town Hall, unless noted otherwise
Oct 20
St. John’s Episcopal Church Rummage Sale, 898 Washington St., (see page 2)
Oct 20-21 Woman’s Club Flea Market, 856 Washington Street (see page 2)
Oct 22
Budget and Finance Committee, 7-9pm
Oct 22
Public meeting to discuss possible increase to the Room Occupancy Tax, 7pm
Oct 23
“Souper Tuesday” dinner Bolivar Community Center, 6:30pm (see page 2)
Oct 24
Ground breaking for the Harpers Ferry Middle School addition, 9:30am
Oct 24
Harpers Ferry Foundation Board meeting, 5:30-7:30pm
Oct 25
Tree Committee meeting, 7-9pm
Oct 27
Community Trail Walk, Cavalier Heights NPS Visitor Center, 8:30-12pm (see page 2)
Oct 29
Historic Landmarks Commission meeting, 7-8:30pm
Oct 31
Harpers Ferry Trick or Treating, 6-8pm
Nov 2
Historic Harpers Ferry Town Foundation fund raiser, 7pm (see page 5)
Nov 6
Potomac Street Project Steering Committee meeting, 1-3pm
Nov 6
Planning Commission meeting, 7-8:30pm
Nov 6
Election Day-Harpers Ferry precinct votes at Camp Hill social hall, 6:30am-7:30pm (click here)
Nov 6
Election Day (offices closed)
Nov 7
Municipal Court, 7-9pm
Nov 9
Harpers Ferry Foundation meeting, 7-9pm
Town Hall Hours
Nov 12
Veterans Day Holiday (offices closed)
Monday– 8:30-12 & 1-4:30
Tuesday– 2-4:30
Nov 12
Town Council meeting, 7-9pm
8:30-12 & 1-4:30
Nov 15
Water Commission meeting, 7:30pm
Thursday– 8:30-12
Nov 19
Police Committee meeting, 7-9pm
Friday– 8:30-12 & 1-4:30
Nov 22-23 Thanksgiving Holiday (offices closed)
Anthony Catanese of
Camp Hill Bed and
Breakfast is having a
sculpture made of a tree
trunk at McDowell and
Washington Streets
A happy couple celebrates their 120th wedding
anniversary on Steve and Cassie's front porch, just in
time for Halloween
What happens when you text while flying.
The Carter Family ghosts
News from the Harpers Ferry Foundation
Year End Community Celebration (Save the Date) – As a non-profit organization of volunteers, the
Foundation funds its operating expenses (insurance, web presence, supplies, etc.) through membership
dues and funds raised at our yearly community celebration and auction. Beyond the Lens Photography is
hosting this event on Friday, November 2 at 7 pm at the old funeral home on Washington Street. This
promises to be a lively evening of fun with friends. BYOB and BSFF (Bring Some Finger Food). Some
soft drinks and snacks will be provided. We are currently accepting donations of auction items so please
check your attic.
If you believe the Foundation’s work as detailed below is valuable to the town, please join us on
November 2 to celebrate with us and help us continue our work. If you hold Foundation membership,
you are also entitled, to participate in the business meeting and election of board members on November
9 at 7 pm at Town Hall.
Status of the $15K Community Participation grant We’ve received the contract letter from the state
that allows us to start work on three major projects:
1. Hire a profession consultant to assess current community conditions and the tourism market and
provide recommendations for addressing these items.
2. Work on the first phase of development of a SmartPhone app directing visitors to Places to Stay, Eat,
Shop, Play and provide self-guided app tours of historical, cultural, and natural points of interest.
3. Improve and expand our current promotions and tourism marketing efforts such as the
www.historicharpersferry.com website, brochures and visitors maps.
MAPP Grant - We’re also working on a Matching Advertising Partnership Program grant which will
provide more funding to update the website, go mobile and test a new tear sheet type of visitors guide.
Kiosk Upgrade – The prototype of the decorative painting designed to draw visitors to the kiosks has
been completed. We ask that residents review the work and provide some feedback to the Foundation and
Council members.
Potomac Street – The town’s Potomac street project steering committee has just agreed that engineering
design for the project is very close to 100% completion.
Submitted by Al Alsdorf for the Harpers Ferry Foundation Board of Directors
Al Alsdorf has provided
sample posters in the
park across from Town
Hall to illustrate the
ideal size (standard
paper) and format
(margins and text size)
for best viewing.
Friendship Fire Station volunteers learning the
sheepbend knot
Jane Harris Cummings
(March 5, 1930 - September 27, 2012)
Jane Harris Cummings, 82, of Harpers Ferry, WV, passed away on September
27. She was town clerk for Harpers Ferry for twenty- five years and a member
of the Harpers Ferry Woman’s Club. Friends, co-workers, and residents alike
knew Jane for her helpful, sweet nature.
Jane graduated from Charles Town High School in 1947. She married George
Franklin Cummings in 1955 and went on to raise their family in lower historic
Harpers Ferry.
She is survived by her daughter, Nancy Cummings Brooks, of Hamilton, VA;
two sons, David C. Cummings and John M. Cummings, both of Harpers Ferry;
one sister, Rosemary Harris Phillips, of Winchester, VA; one grandson.
Cardinal Sins of Tree Staking
The three cardinal sins of tree staking are: staking too tightly, staking too high
and staking too long. Most importantly, the goal of staking a tree is not to
immobilize the tree trunk. If a tree does not move, it does not develop a strong
trunk. Tree trunks strengthen in response to wind and movement. Imagine if
your arm were in a cast for a couple of years, with no bending, lifting or other
movement. Once the cast were removed, your arm would be thin and
incredibly weak. A firmly staked tree is no different.
Henry Lewis Gates, Jr. In Harpers Ferry
Henry Lewis Louis Gates, Jr., (executive producer, host narrator,
writer) and Jamila Wignot, (producer), were spotted in Harpers
Ferry filming a section of a new PBS show about how far African
Americans have come: from slavery at the birth of this nation to
President Obama's election in 2008.
Council Meeting Report
At its October meeting, the Council:
1. Set Halloween Trick or Treating to take place on October 31 from 6-8 pm.
2. Approved a proclamation for Red Ribbon Week, supporting a substance abuse
awareness campaign by the Shenandoah Valley Young Marines.
Amended the FY2012-13 budget to include the $1,000 donation by the Women’s
Club for refurbishment of the Gazebo.
4. Approved expenditure for Sergeant Burkholder to attend a supervisory level in-service Training
5. Received a presentation from Stacie Rohn, Teen Court Coordinator, on financial support of the
Jefferson County Teen Court through police citation fee increases. A first reading of the Jefferson
County Teen Court Ordinance was referred to the Ordinance Review Committee for additional review.
6. Approved a first reading of a new ordinance article prohibiting text messaging while operating a motor
vehicle and making it a primary offense.
7. Referred a new drug production and possession ordinance to the Ordinance Review Committee for
further review and clarification.
8. Received a presentation from SWaN Investors on their planned efforts to address protection of the
Armory houses. SWaN introduced their new onsite property manager Kevin Leary, who will be
supervising the effort.
9. Formed a Council Subcommittee (Greg Vaughn and Dan Riss) to review and make recommendations
on the Planning Commission’s proposed updating of the Town’s parking and traffic ordinances and a
proposed parking policy for managing a residential permit parking program.
10. Voted unanimously to register objection to the proposed rezoning from Rural to Commercial/Light
Industrial on unincorporated property at the intersection of Washington Street and US340 in Jefferson
owned by BCT. (See article on page 9.)
11. Approved a compensatory time policy for the Water System Manager.
12. Set October 22 at 7pm for a public meeting to discuss proposals to increase the Room Occupancy Tax
(which funds are restricted to certain tourist promotions).
13. Approved $1,200 in matching funds for Harpers Ferry Foundation projects.
14. Approved a first reading of a rewrite and updating of Article 735 – Business and Occupancy Tax.
15. Tabled a first reading of a new Article 740 – Reciprocal Information Exchange Agreement (permitting
state/local sharing of tax payment records) pending adoption of a needed misdemeanor penalty clause.
16. Approved a building permit for Ira Hale at 800 East Ridge Street to replace the existing tile roof with
architectural grade asphalt shingles.
The formal Council packet of documents under consideration by the Council is available on the town
website. To access this information click here and select the desired month of the Council meeting. A paper
copy of each packet is kept in the Town Hall and it is available for anyone who wishes to review it in the
office. The packet is put together by the close of business the Friday before the regular monthly meeting.
Planning Commission Report
The Planning Commission has been hard at work! Below are the items currently making their way through the
process. Anyone interested in learning more or participating are welcome to attend the regular meetings on
the first Tuesday of the month. Comments and suggestions are welcome at any time by any means.
Comprehensive Plan of 2007 Priority of Actions: The Planning Commission is reviewing the list of priority
action items included in the 2007 Comprehensive Plan to determine what has been accomplished and to set
new priorities for the proposed actions, taking into consideration the work done by the Vision Steering
Committee. This work is expected to be presented at the Council’s November 12 meeting.
Zoning Ordinance Re-do: The Commission, with the help of volunteers, is working on a major update to the
Zoning Ordinance. The Commission is consulting with attorneys as it proceeds and will have legal review of
the final proposal. Two major new provisions in the draft Ordinance are described in more detailed below.
Overlay District for hotel area: An overlay district for the Hilltop Hotel area would leave in place the existing
base zones and add an overlay zone allowing additional uses under certain conditions. For example, the
proposed ordinance would allow non-residential use of the existing housing units on the property provided the
units maintain their residential character, and are not modified so as to preclude future re-use as housing units.
The permitted (“by right”) uses for the hotel site itself approximate what was previously built in terms of
footprint (square feet of building on the ground) and allowed in terms of restaurant seating area and parking
spaces. Exceeding these limits would require a conditional use permit from the Board of Appeals. Guidelines
for approving such conditional uses are laid out in the draft Zoning Ordinance.
Conforming of grandfathered uses: Owners of ‘grandfathered’ legal nonconforming buildings or uses will
have a process for rendering them conforming. This can make it easier to obtain financing for improvements
and eliminate future confusion as to legal status. If adopted, the process will give the Board of Appeals the
ability to set certain conditions on the existing uses in accordance with the guidelines included in the proposed
Zoning Ordinance.
Building Code: Adoption of the WV building code is a common practice in small municipalities in the state
to ensure safe and lasting construction. The Planning Commission is considering a provision that places
responsibility for compliance on the owner/contractor for smaller projects, with no inspection required by
Town staff or contractor. For large projects, such as a new house or commercial building or one involving
major changes to an existing building, the Commission is considering a requirement in which the applicant
obtains and provides proof that certified inspectors have found the structures to be in compliance with the
building code.
Note regarding parking policy proposal – In the draft under consideration by Council, a person is not
required to obtain a parking permit unless requesting a space to be set aside on public property for residential
use only. This is expected to occur only where parking is scarce or competes with visitor parking. This ‘opt in’
provision has been a consistent policy in all drafts. The proposed policy is designed as a one year trial, in any
Public Forum on Increase to Room Occupancy Tax
On October 22, at 7 pm in Town Hall, the Harpers Ferry Town Council's Budget and Finance
Committee will hold a public forum on a proposed increase to the Room Occupancy Tax. Please
come to discuss who by law must pay this tax, how the monies can be spent, and the anticipated impacts
of having a tax increase. Public input is most important to this process. Those unable to attend the public
forum, may send comments in writing to the Committee by email.
Communicating with the Mayor and Council
Town Hall
Joe Anderson 304-582-2377 joewa2@juno.com
Kevin Carden 304-535-2206 kevin.carden@live.com
Betsy Bainbridge betsybainbridge@yahoo.com
Jerry Hutton jerwar@frontiernet.net
Dan Riss fdrfdr@comcast.net
Charlotte Thompson charlotte.thompson@harpersferrywv.us
Greg Vaughn olvaughn@frontiernet.net
Town Website Click here
Phone: 304-535-2206
Bolivar & Harpers Ferry Protest BCT Rezoning Request
At a Jefferson County Planning Commission hearing on October 9, representatives of Bolivar and Harpers
Ferry, including both Mayors, and the Harpers Ferry Planning Commission and Council and the Park Service,
testified against a BCT rezoning request.
BCT owns a small parcel of vacant land at the intersection of Washington Street and US340 on which it has
requested rezoning from Rural to a more intensive Commercial/Light Industrial zone.
This parcel is within the National Park Service acquisition boundary and adjacent to the Civil War battlefield
which is prominently visible from US340. The National Park Service has been attempting to purchase the
property in order to preserve it and the character of the area which is the gateway to the Harpers Ferry
Historical Park and is primarily open space, rural and historic in character. The US340 Corridor East
Gateway Plan, currently under consideration as an amendment to the County’s Comprehensive Plan, seeks to
preserve that character.
Despite the testimony against the rezoning request, the County Planning Commission voted to recommend to
the County Commission approval of the rezoning. The date of that meeting has not yet been announced. In
the meantime anyone wishing to write to the County about the rezoning (Application# Z12-02) may do so:
Jefferson County Commission, PO Box 250, 124 East Washington Street, Charles Town, WV 25414; email
info@jeffersoncountywv.org and put in subject box: Comments on the BCT rezoning request; or call 304728-3284; fax 304-725-7916.
To read the Mayor’s letter to the Jefferson County Planning Commission and to see the rezoning location
map click here.

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