Historic Harpers Ferry Takes on Shut Down!
October 2013 Volume 10 Issue 10 Historic Harpers Ferry Takes on Shut Down! Locals Take Control: Fill in Gaps Left by Feds So Historic Town Remains Open On October 3, following the government shut-down, the Harpers Ferry Merchant Association, merchants and other locals came together to make sure visitors would have the memorable experience they expect and deserve. According to Gary DuBrueler, President of the Merchant Association, merchants and other locals stepped in to provide the information ordinarily handed out by the Park employees. Visitors came in droves with the weather perfect for strolling from their cars parked along the streets the entire length of Harpers Ferry (below). The ATC visitors center (left) did a booming business handing out maps and advice on the many hiking trails. Portable toilets were made available to visitors thanks to a collaborative effort on the part of the Town of Harpers Ferry, the Harpers Ferry Merchants Association, and the Harpers Ferry Historical Town Foundation. Inside this issue: Calendar Annual Flea Market 2 Senator Unger Library Book Sale Thanksgiving Food Drive 3 Council Meeting Report Contact Info Volunteers Needed Foundation Update 4 Blast from the Past Amtrak Bike Service Tree Plan Approved Helping Hands 6 Some mer chants offer ed discounts and special deals on pr oducts, food and activities, many with local or historic themes. Cindi Dunn, proprietress of the Vintage Lady boutique, featuring local, handcrafted items, is one of those merchants. According to Dunn: “We are working together, unlike the government! When visitors come, they’ll experience America as they want it to be.” 5 7 Senator Unger Commends Town During his opening statements at a special town meeting, West Virginia Senator Unger commended the Corporation of Harpers Ferry, along with other towns and Mayors for being the glue that keep things together during the Federal government shut down. The Town’s official website has useful information including important notices, ordinances, meeting minutes, official applications, and events calendar. Visit us at www.harpersferrywv.us. Town Calendar 2 All meetings at Town Hall, unless noted otherwise. Oct 19-20 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 21 Woman’s Club Flea Market, (see box below) Police Committee meeting (Bolivar Town Hall), 8:30 - 9:30am Trail & Town Alliance meeting, 7 - 9pm Joint Town Council/Planning Committee meeting, training session on proposed zoning ordnance changes, 7-9pm Oct 22 Canal Town Partnership/Bike America meeting, 10am - 12pm Oct 23 Harpers Ferry Foundation Board meeting, 5:30 - 7:30pm Oct 24 Water Commission, 6-7pm Oct 24 Tree Committee meeting, 7 - 9pm Oct 25 Lyn Widmyer, Humorous Adventures in Farming, Library, 6pm Oct 28 Historic Landmarks Commission meeting, 7 - 8:30pm Oct 31 Halloween - Harpers Ferry & Bolivar - Trick or Treat, 6-8pm Nov 2 Tree planting , 11am (See page 3) Nov 5 Potomac Street Project Steering Committee meeting, 1 - 3pm Nov 5 Planning Commission meeting, 7 - 8:30pm Waiting for Trick-or-Treat Nov 6 Municipal Court, 7 - 9pm to save him? Nov 8 Deadline for submission to the newsletter Nov 11 Veterans Day - Town Hall Office Closed Nov 11 Town Council meeting, 7 - 9pm Nov 13 Parks & Recreation Commission meeting, 6 - 7pm Nov 18 Police Committee meeting, 8:30 - 9:30am (Bolivar Town Hall) Nov 18 Trail & Town Alliance meeting, 5 - 7pm Nov 21 Water Commission meeting, 7 - 9pm Nov 25 Historic Landmarks Commission meeting, 7 - 8:30pm Nov 27 Harpers Ferry Foundation meeting, 5:30 - 7:30pm Nov 28-29 Thanksgiving Holiday - Town Hall Office Closed Dec 5 Tree Committee, 7-9pm Woman’s Club Annual Flea Market The Woman’s Club holds its Annual Flea Market in Harpers Ferry this weekend (October 19 & 20), at it’s historic clubhouse at 856 Washington Street. The sales opens at 9am. Lyn Widmyer's Humorous Adventures in Farming On October 25 at 6 pm, Bolivar-Harpers Ferry Public Library, Lyn Widmyer will give a presentation on the changing role of farm women over the past 50 years. Lyn's humorous adventures as a third generation farm wife form the backdrop for her presentation. Sandwiches will be provided so please register for this program by calling Bolivar-Harpers Ferry Public Library at 304-535-2301. Rain or shine, inside and out, we will have items for sale, including collectibles, framed art, wearables, toys, books, glassware, home goods, whimsy, holiday items and always a surprise or two to make you say “I’ve just got to have it!” We appreciate your charitable shopping that helps us deliver needed projects benefiting our entire community. Thank you in advance and see you there! 3 Year-Round Library Book Sale WV Senator Unger presents State Community Participation Grant to Mayor Greg Vaughn. The $20,000 grant will help fund the storm water management facility beneath Potomac Street. Photo by Kathryn Payne. Lower Town merchants Gary DuBrueler and Cindi Dunn stop working briefly on the new pavilion for a photo op. Tree Planting Event Come to the corner of Fillmore and Gilmore Streets on Saturday, November 2 at 11am for the Tree Committee’s fall planting of two new street trees. (Rain date is November 9.) Bolivar-Harpers Ferry Public Library invites you to browse through our year-round book sale. There is something for everyone: children’s and young adult books, fiction, nonfiction, science fiction, and mysteries as well as a nice selection of inspirational, arts and crafts and cookbooks. Suggested donations are a dollar and under. For more information, call 304-535-2301. We also accept donations. For any ghouls and goblins out there, we will be giving out candy on Halloween until 8pm. Hearts for the Hungry Thanksgiving Food Drive Last year the caring people of Harpers Ferry and Bolivar joined together and brought about a near miracle— more than 3,500 pounds of food and more that $2,200 to feed the hungry of Jefferson County. This year Mayors Greg Vaughn of Harpers Ferry and Bob Hardy of Bolivar, along with pastors John Unger and Luther Osment, are leading the way in saying “Let’s do it again!” Jefferson County Community Ministries, the recipients of the in-gathering, fed over 3,000 families last year and the needs are even greater this year. With our struggling economy, more and more families are falling into the ranks of the unemployed, the “working poor” and the homeless. Our 2013 “Hearts for the Hungry Thanksgiving Food Drive” will follow two basic approaches. Track #1 involves Family Boxes in which gener ous donor s fill a small “Family Box” with your Thanksgiving Dinner favorites (but not the turkey!). These free boxes are now available at Jason’s Antiques, 1307 W. Washington Street, and they are to be returned to Jason’s. We would be glad to make available a supply of boxes to churches and organizations. Track #2 involves collection boxes at locations acr oss our communities to r eceive canned goods and packaged foods. Collection boxes are now in place at Friendship Fire House, Harpers Ferry Middle School, Bolivar Community Center, Bolivar-Harpers Ferry Library, Appalachian Trail Conservancy, St. John’s Episcopal Church and The Country Café. The final delivery will be made to Jefferson County Community Ministries no later than Monday, November 19. Council Meeting Report 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 4 At its October meeting, the Town Council: Heard a presentation by Champe Burnley of the Virginia Bicycling Federation on the planned US Bike Route 11, which will extend from Harpers Ferry to North Carolina. Approved the “Proclamation for Red Ribbon Week” in Harpers Ferry from October 23-31. The National Red Ribbon campaign was established by Congress in 1988 to encourage drug prevention and reduction efforts. Discussed the application from Taylor Bishop to build a rear deck at 991 Town Website Click here Putnam Street. Miss Bishop filed an addendum to her original permit. Council voted to reconsider the amended application next month after it has had time to review this new information. Approved a sign for Waffle Buzz, 180 High Street. Approved $7,800 to upgrade the Police Department’s CAD system, a communication system used for driver’s license checks, running arrest records, etc., as part of a county-wide upgrade. Cost is based on population served. Discussed possible modifications to the parking policy and the feasibility of installing parking meters in the Lower Town area. Discussed moving the guardrail at Shenandoah Street and US340. Discussed installing 15 mph signs on High Street. Scheduled a Council training session to be conducted by the Planning Commission on the proposed zoning ordinance modifications and related amendments, for Monday, 21 October at 7pm. Approved the Harpers Ferry Tree Plan and Standards document. Approved a request from the Water Department for new truck tires. Approved $45,000 for purchase of a dump truck, trailer and skid steer loader for the Water Department. Approved a job description for a part-time or contracted Ordinance Compliance Officer. Approved the first reading of Ordinance 2013-11 Municipal Court, which codifies a $50.00 court cost in addition to other fines levied for any infraction or conviction. Heard from the new Grants and special Projects Committee on the status of street signage replacement and of a Federal land Access Program (FLAP) grant. Discussed a “Letter of Requirements” received from the Board of Zoning Appeals and approved a line item of $500 for BZA expenses. The Mayor introduce a proposed Vacant and Uninhabitable Vacant Structures ordinance, which was referred to the Ordinance Review Committee. Communicating with the Mayor or Council Mayor Greg Vaughn hfmayor@frontier.com Recorder Kevin Carden kevin.carden@harpersferrywv.us Council Betsy Bainbridge betsybainbridge@yahoo.com Members Jerry Hutton jerwar@frontiernet.net Dan Riss fdrfdr@comcast.net Charlotte Thompson charlotte.thompson@harpersferrywv.us Helen “Hap” Becker hap.becker@harpersferrywv.us Town Hall Phone: 304-535-2206 Sylvie and Maya enjoying the view Anyone wishing to review any of the documents or information considered by the Council (the Council “packet”) for past (or pending) meetings can find them on the town website (www.harpersferrywv.us) under “Council Docs.” The documents are posted to the website the Friday before regular Council meetings. A paper copy is also available in a public meeting notebook available at Town Hall. 5 Volunteers Needed The Mayor is seeking anyone interested in serving on the "Grants and Special Projects Committee." The committee, chaired by council member Charlotte Thompson, is responsible for researching, developing, submitting, and following up on all grants that may benefit Harpers Ferry. In addition, the Committee also assists the Mayor with developing and completing special projects and assignments. If interested in serving with Charlotte and assisting the Town, please email a letter of interest to the Town Hall. Harpers Ferry is seeking a resident to serve as an Alternate Member on the Board of Zoning Appeals. The Board is charged with deciding appeals and reviews orders from other board decisions on land and premises use. Board members serve without compensation for a term of three years. You must be a resident for three years and cannot hold any other elective or appointed office in Harpers Ferry. If you are interested please forward a resume and letter of interest to the Mayor by November 4, 2013. A hunter participating in the town deer control harvest this season found this rubber cylinder on a doe. The cylinder was cutting into the skin. Historic view of the Gap Foundation Update Newsletter Information: The Harpers Ferry Historic Foundation board has developed a draft revised Mission Statement, Vision Statement, and a list of Core Values. These will be discussed with our consultant McCollum Development Strategies and finalized in the next month or so. Editor: Christy Huddle Layout: Leslie Stout We have developed a preliminary new website and will be working with both a website graphic design company and a website database/ content management company to produce a new website in the next few months. We will shortly also be releasing a version of the Visit Harpers Ferry and Bolivar smartphone app as a mobile website. Email for submittal rules and deadline or to be added to the notification list. Deadline is 5pm on the second Friday of the month 6 Blast from the Past: Notes from 122 years of Town Council Minutes Curated by Dan Riss (with original spellings) 6 Sep 1895 “Moved...that the Mayor have 2 signs painted and placed at One at The Jonadab Hall & one at Edward Higgins’ Corner to read as follows “Walk your Horse up and downhill or pay a fine of one to five Dollars” 27 june 1913 “it is moved...that the Stor er Collage is gr anted per mission to lay a pipe for Conveying water from the Collage to the Morell & other houses on the South Side of Fillmore Street.” 1 mar 1917 “Be it her eby or dained that Har per s Fer r y Electr ic Light and Power Co has full authority to trim all trees interfering with electric Light wires within the jurisdiction of Harper’s Ferry corporation. Provided that the said company trim the trees uniformly and with the full approval of the property Holders.” Amtrak Tests Roll-on Bike Service On October 15, Amtrak tested roll-on bike service on the Capitol Limited route. At the train station in Harpers Ferry, three cyclists boarded with their bikes on the morning train headed for Union Station. If approved, this could be a popular connection for cyclists using the C&O canal path as well as US Bike Route 11. Tree Plan and Standards Approved The Town Council approved the Tree Plan and Standards, developed by the Tree committee over two years. The Plan is available online. 7 Finding Services for the Aging, Disabled and Ill On September 26 an information session was held at Camp Hill-Wesleyan United Methodist Church to learn what services for the aging, disabled and ill are available to Bolivar and Harpers Ferry residents. Four organizations described their services and answered questions. Jefferson County Office on Aging, (304) 725-4044, 103 West 5th Avenue, Ranson Hospice of the Panhandle, (304) 264-0406, 122 Waverly Court, Martinsburg Shepherdstown Area Independent Living (SAIL), (304) 870-7245, 210 W. German Street, Shepherdstown Good Shepherd Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers, (304) 725-2262, 221 E. Washington Street, Charles Town WV Aging and Disability Resource Center, (304) 263-3943, 115 Aikens Center, Suite 18A, Martinsburg SAIL is unique among these providers in that it is a membership organization whose mission is to enable members from the Shepherdstown area to remain active, connected, independent and in their homes and the community for as long as possible. This “village” concept was of great interest to those gathered at the information session. Thus the next session, Monday, November 4, 7pm, at the Woman’s Club, will consider the possibility of forming such an organization in our area in addition to other topics sparking interest that night, including senior legal services. If you were unable to attend the Sept. 26 session and wish to be on the email or phone list for any future sessions regarding these topics in general, please contact Betsy Bainbridge by email or call (304) 885-4577. Services Transportation to medical appts Events and outings for seniors Council on Aging Hospice SAIL Good Shepherd x x x x x x Other transportation Senior day care x x Help navigating longterm care possibilities x x Speakers bureau x x Information such as nutritional sites, free meds x Medicare counseling x x x x Lists of vetted or recommended service providers x x Home repairs x Grocery shopping x x x Reassurance calls x x x Loans or donations of medical equipment x Grief counseling Meals on Wheels or similar meal delivery x x x Chaplain services x In-home care x Senior center x In-home hospice services Respite care Aging & Disability Ctr x x x x Palliative care x Grief counseling x
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