NUMA NEWS - Fallon Paiute


NUMA NEWS - Fallon Paiute
Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
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Volume 8, Issue 4
Official Publication of the Paiute Shoshone Tribe of the Fallon Reservation and Colony
In this issue:
Tribal Secretary Report
Tribal Treasurer Report
Fallon Tribal Development
Corporation Board & Projects
Updates from Tribal Health
Employment Opportunities
4-H Mentoring
2014 Eligible Voters List
Senior Menu
The FPST and the Tribal Wetlands Program collaborated with the Fish and Wildlife Service to transfer one
interpretive panel from the Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge. The Interpretive Panel proclaims the inscription “The Marshes of the Carson Sink Home of the Numa People”. The weather beaten entrance panel underwent a radical transformation to become the cornerstone of the arriving FPST Tribal Wetlands Tour Loop
brought to you by FPST Environmental Protection Department. From sanding to pressure washing, to staining
and roofing, the reassigned mantle piece debuted along with resurfaced interior and exterior roads in Cells 1, 2,
and 3.
FPST Environmental Protection and FPST Tribal Wetlands angled the panel so that it lends way to beautiful
sunrises over the Fox Peak Mountains in the morning and receives greatest light in the evening. Redwood
stain, dark roof, and masonry contrast beautifully with deep greens of riparian wetlands and dark blues of the
ever expansive skies where Agency Road meets Cell 1. In time we will adorn this piece with a photo that accurately portrays the beauty of Wetlands that the Numa People have enjoyed for centuries.
Have an upcoming event or community announcement? Make sure it’s in the Numa News Newsletter!
If you have an event or announcement of public interest you may email or by mail to
565 Rio Vista Drive, Fallon, NV 89406 (attn: Numa News) for consideration. Deadline is the 1st of each month.
(All stories must be submitted in writing. Management has the right to refuse submissions)
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Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
Secretary’s Report
The Office of the Fallon Business Council (FBC) Secretary sends
greetings out to all tribal and community members.
It is my pleasure to invite all interested parties to serve in the respective committees listed
below. The strength of an organization is often directly dependent upon the strength of the
individual members of the committee. When they join together for the betterment of an orLaura Ijames,
ganization, the entire organization grows and thrives, if interested or have any questions, Tribal Council Secretary
please feel free to contact me.
On July 30, 2014, the Senior Elections were held and we would like welcome new members Merlyn Dixon,
Joan Downs, Leona Hicks, Corrine Lewis, and Linda Jackson. A warm welcome also to Law & Order Committee members Stan Hooper & Leslie Steve.
Committee Openings
We would like to welcome to our staff Jill Downs, Communications Coordinator, and Roman Sanchez & Dane Olson, Tribal Police Officers.
Constitution and Bylaws Committee
(1) one opening
The weather is nice so I hope everyone gets time do some traditional pine
nut picking.
Education Committee
(1) one opening
Health Committee
(2) two openings
Chairman Len George swears in new members of the Law & Order
Committee members Stan Hooper Jr. and Leslie Steve.
Law & Order Committee
(1) one opening
TERO Committee
(1) one opening
Settlement Fund Investments
(5) five openings
(1) one opening
(1) one opening
Natural Resources
(1) one opening
Chairman Len
George swearing
in Officer Roman
Sanchez & Dane
Reminder Tribal Elections are coming soon
remember to vote, October 4, 2014
Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
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Jon Pishion
We are in the process of receiving the
final audit report from the Tribe’s
independent auditors, REDW, for CY2013
(January 1, 2013—December 31, 2013) for
submittal to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse
by their deadline of September 30, 2014.
I am pleased to announce that we will
again have no findings in our audit for this
year - the same as last year. We were a little
concerned that the addition of the new
Housing Department to our audits may cause
some issues because of their past
performance but our auditors found no issues
from the time that we took over the program
in May 2013 through the rest of the fiscal
With the final report coming in, the Tribe
can also finalize and submit is 2015 Indirect
Cost Agreement which is based on the
audited figures. The Tribe does not pick a
rate that it wants but rather it is based on a
formula prescribed from the
Business Center using the financial
information for the audited financial
statements. Based on the audit numbers, the
IDC rate for 2015 will be 40.12% for most
programs and 42.25% for the PL93-638
programs (the higher rate is because BIA and
IHS cover these costs for separate funds and
therefore has no impact on direct operations).
As has been the same situation over the
past few months, the Tribe’s Settlement Fund
continues to go both up and down based on
the performance of the stock market. We are
being impacted by the economic events that
have been and continue to unfold not only in
this country, but across the world. Some of
our strongest performing stocks are coming
out of the developing and emerging markets
in the world, while weaker returns are
coming from the developed countries.
Our investment managers, Cambridge
Associates, continue to provide quarterly
public meetings regarding the value of the
Settlement Fund and its performance, as well
as making recommendations to the Council
to rebalance the fund to better protect the
fund from the up’s and downs occurring in
the Stock Market. On the next page is the
chart detailing our Settlement Fund
performance for the last three months.
Recently we have received some
inquiries about when a minor’s per capita
account is distributed once they turn 18 years
of age. Many people believe that they
receive their minor trust funds on or around
when they turn 18 years old. We have had to
explain to these members that this is not how
the Settlement Plan is written. Under the
approved Settlement Plan when a minor
reaches 18 years of age by October 31st of
that year the minors account will be
distributed to them (up to a maximum of
$5,000 plus that year’s per cap amount) on
the Annual Distribution Date (in December).
This means that if you turn 18 years of
age before October 31st in any given year,
then you will receive that year’s payments in
December (the regular distribution date). If
you turn 18 after October 31 in a year, the
distribution will not occur until December of
the following year. The Settlement Plan does
not provide any exceptions to this so this is
what the Tribe must follow for this process.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you.
Jon Pishion, Treasurer
Tel (775) 423-6075
Cell (775) 217-9078
565 Rio Vista Drive
Fallon, NV 89406
Tel (775) 423-6075
Fax (775) 423-1551
Lynn Castro,
Jean Marshall,
Senior Accountant
Sarah Melfe,
Grants Accountant
Denea Moyle-Zulz,
Alycia Stanfield,
Brenda Hooper,
Accounting Clerk
565 Rio Vista Drive
Fallon, NV 89406
Tel (775) 423-6075
Fax (775) 423-5202
Jennifer John,
Grants Writer
565 Rio Vista Drive
Fallon, NV 89406
Tel (775) 423-6075
Fax (775) 423-1551
Gary Bacock,
Tax Director
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Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
Purpose. The purpose of this fund is to assist Fallon Tribal members who are 60
years of age or older with costs associated with an unforeseen health, safety, or
home repair which would result in a tribal elder being without the necessities
needed to maintain a healthy home environment or healthy quality of life.
1. Recipients are limited to one (1) request per year, except in rare situations where the
immediate health and safety of an elder is at stake. The elder emergency assistance program
is not designed to pay for ongoing regular payments but rather to assist an elder with an
immediate dire situation and is typically a non-regular event.
2. If an individual has any delinquent account with the Tribe or owes money to the Tribe, he or
she may not be eligible for emergency assistance. The Council, though, may waive this
provision for situations involving emergency need and travel.
Submit your payments via:
Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe
Finance Department
P.O. Box 1709
Fallon, NV 89407-1709
In Person:
Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe
Finance Department
565 Rio Vista Drive
Fallon, Nevada 89406
The Tribe does not have any cash for payment. We only currently
accept checks and/or money orders. Thank you.
(Reservation Customers Only):
In accordance with the Sanitation Payments
Procedures adopted by the Council,
customers on the Reservation who are 55
years and older are eligible to receive a
discounted monthly water rate of $6.00.
If you want to take advantage of this rate,
please bring proof of age to Finance and
the new rate will be applied to your
account beginning the next month.
Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
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Board of Director Updates & Information
Fox Peak Cinema 9
In June 2014, the Fallon Business Council
reappointed Jon Pishion to the Board of Directors and
appointed one new member, Rochanne Downs, to the
Board of Directors - their terms are from June 2014 to
June 2017. Mr. Pishion has been on the Board since
2005, while Ms. Downs previously served on the
FTDC Board from 2005-2009. The FTDC Board
would like to thank Ms. Rulan Stands for her service to
the FTDC as a Board Member for the last six years and
as the ex-officio for the year prior for nearly 7 years of
service to the FTDC, the Tribe, and its members. Ms.
Stands resigned her position in May of 2014 to accept
an employment position that would not leave her time
to be on the FTDC Board of Directors. Mrs. Stands
had been one of the longest serving members of the
Board and her experience will be missed.
On August 27, 2014, the FTDC presented its next
major economic development project to the Fallon
Business Council at its public meeting. FTDC staff
provided an overview of the project, the funding for
the construction, its operations, and the architects
renderings of the building (exterior and interior).
FTDC staff answered questions from Council and the
public regarding the project and the expected start of
construction in September 2014 with an anticipated
opening of May 2015. This is a major project not only
for the Tribe but for the entire Churchill County area
and represents one of the biggest projects in our area.
The movie theater will be 9 screen with one large
format screen (similar to an IMAX) with a Dolby
Atmos surround sound audio system. All of the nine
theaters will have comfortable seats and can
accommodate a number of major and independent
movie releases at the same time. This project
represents the first phase in the development of 36
acres owned by the Tribe next to the Fox Peak
Convenience Store. On the remainder of this page and
the next page are the renderings of the new movie
theater. If you have any questions on this project
please contact the FTDC staff at (775) 423-6040.
At its Annual Board Meeting, the Board kept its
officers the same with the only change being making
Rochanne Downs the new Treasurer. During this
meeting, the Board kept its meeting stipend the same
as it has been since 2005 - at the rate of $150/meeting
(attended except in valid absences) for a maximum of
$300/month. Board meetings are closed due to
business items discussed. Tribal members who have
concerns, though, can request to attend meetings to
discuss items with the Board at one of its regular
monthly meetings.
567 Rio Vista Drive
Fallon, NV 89406
Ph (775) 423-6040
Fax (775) 423-6048
FTDC Board of Directors
Jon Pishion,
Janet Allen,
Denea Moyle-Zulz,
Rochanne Downs,
Herman Dixon,
Board Member
Laura Ijames
Ex-Officio Member
FTDC Personnel
Rod Ariwite,
Econ. Develop. Director
Toni Burton,
Econ. Develop. Asst.
John Richards,
Finance Manager
Ross Hill,
H.R./Office Manager
Kandi O’Donnell,
Manager, Fox Peak
Michelle Allen,
Manager, Fox Peak
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Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
Below: Interior Picture of the Lobby,
Concessions area, and Entry
Interior Picture of Hallway
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Interior Picture of the Concessions &
Ticketing Area
Interior Picture of Lounge
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Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
and ended up win-
eight of whom are expected to return this year.
From left to right
Row 1: Kyleigh Strawbuck, Vernita Fillmore, Miranda Reeder, Andrew Shults
Row Two: Skai Shults, Shiloh Jimmy, Sean Reeder, and Elayne Ernst
Row Three: Nicholas Downs, Lilliana Guiterrez, and Caleb Cole
Back Row: Coach: Anthony Berreman
the STILLWATER HOOPS placed third and won t-shirts, sweatshirts,
and a nice trophy. Skai Shults and Cruz Quintero were selected for
The team had a blast and the parents had so much fun! Family and
friends turned out to support the team.
Pictured below is Coach Anthony Berreman with some of the winning team members
(the rest of the team had a different priority
they went for Snacks and Gatorade):
shone Tribe, Fallon Tribal Development Corporation, Education Department, Assistant Coach Tyrone John, Tribal Police Chief Thomas
Pysell, Tribal Law Enforcement Department, Hansen and Jennifer
John, and team parents, and many family, friends, and community
There is a growing interest in the community for children to
join the team. Please look for posters or flyers regarding team tryouts and an upcoming planned basketball camp or two.
From left to right
Row One: Elayne Ernst, Nolan Berreman, Kyleigh Strawbuck
Row Two: Shiloh Jimmy, Nicholas Downs, Sean Reeder
Row Three: Cruz Quintero, Skai Shults
Back Row: COACH: Anthony Berreman
fundraising activities to support the team include fifty-fifty raffles,
basketball camp, bake sales, Indian taco sales, and donation requests.
Your support to help send the team to tournaments is appreciated.
You can also contact Coach Anthony Berreman (775-2943458) or Team Mother, Tiffany John (775-686-3928) for more information on the team re-
October 18-19, 2014
10am– 2 pm
Tribal Gymnasium
8955 Mission Road
Lunch will be provided
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Fallon Tribal Health Center
Two-Week delay on Flu Vaccines!
Good news! Flu shots will be available beginning September 29th. Unfortunately, the flu shot will
not be available at the Annual Health Fair due to a delay in delivery from the manufacturer. On
behalf of the Indian Health Service and National Supply Service Center we apologize for this delay. Please contact Kathy Post to schedule your appointment at 77.423.3634 X246
From the Pharmacist’s Desk:
Beginning October 6th, hydrocodone (Vicodin, Lortab and Norco) will be reclassified as a Schedule II Controlled Substance along with any other pain
medications such as methadone or morphine, and will require a new hand
signed prescription each time you need a refill. According to the Federal government, the purpose of this change is to minimize the misuse of the drugs
for recreational purposes while still ensuring that patients with severe pain still
have reasonable access to the amount of drug needed to aid in the control of
pain and suffering. For more information please contact me at::
Kent Worswick, Pharmacist
Fallon Tribal Health Center
Ph: (775) 423-3634 X233
Patient Benefits
We are here to help with any questions about your health benefits. Here are a few examples of
services we can help you better understand:
Letters or any correspondence from Insurance Carriers
Redeterminations letter for Medicaid eligibility
NV Health Link Questions
Social Security Disability /SSI application
Nevada check-up
SNAP Benefits
Please see Tiffany D. Welch, Benefits Coordinator (Exchange Enrollment Facilitator)
to schedule an appointment call 775.423.3634 X230
Please note if Tiffany is not available please contact Juanita George (Exchange Enrollment Facilitator)
to schedule an appointment at: 775.423.3634 X249
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Fallon Tribal Health Center
$10.00 FRAMES
Please stop by the Optical department to look over the selections!
Diabetic eye care available!
Evaluating the damage diabetes does to your vision.
Have you been diagnosed with diabetes? If so, you should know about Diabetic retinopathy, the longer a
person has diabetes, the more likely they are to develop retinopathy. The more serious forms of retinopathy, people sometimes have no symptoms until it is too late to treat them. Getting your eyes evaluated
once a year can help prevent the progression of diabetic retinopathy.
Appointments for a Jocelyn Vision Network (JVN) evaluation are available today; however you will need
to see your primary health care provider or optometrist for a referral. If you are currently an active
member of the JVN registry or would like to find out if you an active member please contact Leneva
George, JVN Technician directly to schedule an appointment at 775.423.3634 X223
Behavioral Health Announcements
Appointments are available with Ellen Johnson, LADC I-MFT for counseling and drug and alcohol
evaluations. Contact Roxie Pacheco to schedule an appointment 775.423.3634 X250
Tuesday’s 12-Step Group Meeting 6pm-8pm
Wednesday’s Talking Circle Group Meeting 6pm-8pm
Appointment with Dr. Ruckstuhl are available on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Contact Roxie Pacheco at 775.423.3634 x250
Mending the Circle
The program is a four-year grant funded by SAMHSA (Substance Abuse/Mental Health Service Administration). This program provides outpatient substance use and mental health disorders treatment to adolescents and transitional aged youth (13-24). Treatment includes the use of evidence-based programs that
have demonstrated effective for American Indian/Alaska Native populations.
For more information contact:
Leslie Steve
Mental Health/Substance Abuse Project Director
775.423.3634, ext. 225.
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Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
Employment Opportunities
fied Trial and Indian applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. Pays
$11.88 - $17.84/hr. Open till filled
The Clinical Informatics Training Coordinator will be a subject
matter expert and is responsible for providing clinical information system application training to providers, nursing, health care
clinicians, and ancillary staff; this position will provide full-time
technical and training assistance for staff using RPMS (Report
and Patient Management System), Vista Imaging and capturing
in EHR (Electronics Health Record); will be responsible for compiling monthly and by request statistical and clinical outcomes
reporting for the clinic; the position requires the ability to foster
maintain positive and close working relationships with provider
and clinical staff in all departments. Must have a Bachelor’s Degree preferably in Healthcare Clinical Informatics, Business, Statistics, Health Information Technology or Mathematics; experience with Athenahealth, NextGen, RPMS, Greenway, Epic Software; company paid benefits, retirement plan and vacation pay.
Must pass a background check and pre-employment and on-going
random drug test; preference given to qualified Tribal and Indian
applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. Pays $21.85 - $33.04/
hourly, closes September 12, 2014 @ 5:00 PM
The Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) is responsible for performing advance practice sessions within the scope of his/her license
and training. Provides services consistent with the stated goals of
assisting community members to maintain or increase their level
of health by various medical practices or routines; maintains confidentiality of all privileged information. Must have a Master’s
Degree in Advanced Practice Nursing, preferably Family Practice, current license (RN and APN) to practice as an Advance
Practice Nurse in the State of Nevada and certification as an Advance Practice Nurse from ANA or ANC certification agencies
are required; or equivalent combination of education and experience. . Must pass a background check and pre-employment and
on-going random drug testing, employees authorized to drive
employer vehicle must possess a current valid Nevada driver’s
license and acceptable driving record as determined by the
Tribe’s insurance company. Preference given to qualified Tribal
and Indian applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. Low cost
housing maybe available, rent is based on income. Pay Negotiable. Open till filled.
The Medical Assistant assists providers and nurses with diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, facilitates and coordinates patient
care. The Medical Assistant is required to facilitate and coordinate patient care through effective communication with providers, administrative and technical personnel. The Medical Assistant performs CLIA waved laboratory testing and specimen collection and processing. Must have a High School Diploma or
GED equivalent; must pass a background check and preemployment and ongoing random drug testing; must possess a
valid Nevada driver’s license. Preference given to quali-
The Administrative Assistant is responsible for the coordination
of daily activities between the Resident Services Department and
tenants/home buyers in accordance with established policies and
procedures. The Administrative Assistant adapts such policies
and procedures to ensure that work is done with accuracy and
completeness. Must possess a High school Diploma or GED
equivalent and must be bondable. Must pass a background check
and pre-employment and on-going random drug testing, employees authorized to drive employer vehicle must possess a current
valid Nevada driver’s license under the Tribe’s vehicle insurance
program and acceptable driving record as determined by the
Tribe’s insurance company. Preference given to qualified Tribal
and Indian applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. Pays $ $13.10
- $19.67/hr. Closes September 15, 2014.
This position is responsible for overseeing the management of the
Tax Department and all related operations including the collection of tax revenues due to the Tribal Tax Commission. This position will continuously review the Tax Code, look for and create
new taxes to add to the Tribal tax base as necessary. Must have a
Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Finance and/or Accounting and
two (2) years’ experience in taxation or equivalent combination
and minimum of three (3) years’ management/supervisory experience, this is to include supervisory duties as well . Must pass
a background check and pre-employment and on-going random
drug testing, employees authorized to drive employer vehicle
must possess a current valid Nevada driver’s license and acceptable driving record as determined by the Tribe’s insurance company. Preference given to qualified Tribal and Indian applicants
in accordance with 25 CFR. Pays $15.92 - $23.90/hr. Closes September 12, 2014 @ 5:00 PM
Accepting applications for full-time and on-call Youth Tech,
working with youths 13-18 years old, following established
guidelines and promoting therapeutic growth; must be 21, be able
to work with youth. Must have a High School Diploma or GED
equivalent , and must pass a background check and preemployment and on-going random drug testing, employees authorized to drive employer vehicle must possess a current valid
Nevada driver’s license and acceptable driving record as determined by the Tribe’s insurance company. Preference given to
qualified Tribal and Indian applicants in accordance with 25
CFR. Pays $10.26 - $15.41/hr. Open till filled.
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Employment continued….
This position will be under the supervision of the Education Director; will develop tutoring plans with classroom teachers, place
students in appropriate tutoring program and keep accurate records will be working the traditional school session; must have a
High School Diploma or GED equivalent. Must pass a background check and pre-employment and on-going random drug
testing, employees authorized to drive employer vehicle must
possess a current valid Nevada driver’s license and acceptable
driving record as determined by the Tribe’s insurance company.
Preference given to qualified Tribal and Indian applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. Pays $9.45 – $16.98/hr. Position open till
The Social Services Manager has full responsibility for planning,
directing, and administering all social service related programs
provided by the Tribe; the manager plans, organizes and monitors
department operations, functions and activities, services activities, services and staff; will also be responsible for program management and on-going community relations. The manager participates in the overall planning, development and implementation of
the Tribe’s short and long term goals as they relate to the special
social service needs of the Tribal Community. Must have a
Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work or related field and two (2)
years of experience in the delivery of human services with direct
services; or have an Associate’s Degree in Social Work or related
field and four (4) years of experience in the delivery of human
services with direct client services, or must have at least six (6)
years of work experience in the delivery of human services with
direct client services (at least four (4) years of work experience
must be with an Indian Tribe in a position involving the delivery
of human services with direct client services, company paid benefits, retirement plan and vacation pay. Must pass a background
check and pre-employment and on-going random drug testing,
must have a valid Nevada driver’s license and be insurable
through the Tribe. Preference given to qualified Tribal and Indian
applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. Pays $19.41-$29.36/
hourly, closes September 12, 2014 @ 5:00 PM
Please Join Us for a Presentation
“Older Adults and Prescription Drug
Tuesday, September 16, 2014 at
Lunch at the FPST Senior Center
Presented By Prescription Drug
Abuse Prevention Project and Churchill Community Coalition
Totes with goodies and drug lock
boxes will be given out
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Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
In Loving Memory of Iola Byers
The family of Iola Byers wish to express our appreciation for all
the support, kindness, and generosity we experienced from the
community, friends and relatives during our time of need.
The prayers, meals, phone calls, and cards helped us not only get
through this difficult time has been uplifting spiritually as well.
We would like to express special thanks to the Fallon Tribal
Business Council Tribal Members and all those who went beyond your way to help the family.
Thank you and bless you all.
Barbara J. Culbertson
Millie G. Brigham
Elizabeth A. Works & Family
Russell D. Brigham Jr. & Family
Cassandra F. Works &
Tribal Transit Program 775-423-3828
All scheduled rides require a 24 hour advance notice
for transport. Any request for a ride that is not received within the 24 hour time period will be denied.
Please call in advance to schedule your pick up and
Transit operation hours are Monday through Thursday
and all scheduled rides are on a first come first served
Any unlawful act occurring on a Transit vehicle or witnessed by a Transit employee will be reported through
an incident report and kept on file. All severe acts will
be reported to the Tribal Police Department for further investigation.
The Tribal Transit Program has the right to refuse service to anyone that is under the influence of drugs or
alcohol. No alcohol is allowed on any Tribal Transit
vehicle. Any threatening behavior or acts of aggression
toward any employee of the Tribal Transit Program
will be subject to denial of services. (775) 423-3828
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Sunshine Yesslith and Charlize Lee got their faces painted at the “Back to School Night” that the Education Department hosted on
August 13, 2014. There was face painting, games, information, ASP Sign-ups, Fun Friday Sign-ups, Higher Education Information, and free school supplies as well as refreshments.
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Victim Services Program
The Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe is collaborating with the
University of Nevada, Reno to conduct a research study with
residents over the age of 18. The survey will address a highly
sensitive topic, but we hope that you will consider participating
in this important research. The purpose of the survey is to ask
about the frequency of domestic violence, stalking, elder abuse
and sexual violence within the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe
and the response services available. Since research about
these topics in tribal communities is minimal, this study is very
National research indicates that domestic violence related
crimes are 50% higher for Native American women than the
next most victimized population. However, we do not have accurate data regarding these topics for our local tribe. This proposed study is a repeat study from one currently conducted with
the Quileute Tribe on the coast of the Olympic Peninsula in the
state of Washington. The Quileute Tribe has graciously allowed
us to use their survey to benefit our local research.
In approximately two weeks, you will be mailed a copy of the
survey and a return envelope. Your responses, should you
agree to complete the survey, will remain confidential. Though
the Tribal Council is fully supportive of the study, no tribal employees will see your survey. Your completed survey will be
mailed directly to the University of Nevada, Reno. The survey
should take no more than 20 minutes to complete. This research will help further the understanding of relationship violence and help tribal agencies as they seek to expand existing
victim services and to develop prevention programs.
If you should have any questions regarding this study, or
your participation, please feel free to contact Dr. Brenda Freeman at (775) 784-4345 or email her at You may also contact the University of Nevada,
Reno Social Behavioral Institutional Review Board, telephone
number 775-327-2368.
Again, we thank you for consideration.
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Please mail Absentee Ballot Request Form back to the
Administration Building, 565 Rio Vista Drive, Fallon, NV 89406.
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2014 Eligible Voters List
Abe, Kara Michelle
Abe, Kayll Aarin
Abe, Melinda Marie
Abla Jr., John Adnan
Abla, Craig Rahman
Abla, Janice Olivia
Achuff, Precious Morning Dove
Adent, Kathy Lynn
Aguilar, Julian Reese
Allen Jr., Gerald Warren
Allen, Cameron Tom-Ray
Allen, Carson Daniel
Allen, Chandler Kraft
Allen, Crystal Rose
Allen, Daniel Raymond
Allen, Grant Ian
Allen, Harriet
Allen, Jack Carson
Allen, Jacqueline Kay
Allen, Janet
Allen, Jesse Tyler
Allen, Joey William Franklin
Allen, Justin Dean
Allen, Leah Janet
Allen, Leonard William
Allen, Lucretia
Allen, Milissa Hope
Allen, Nellena Carla
Allen, Norman Lee
Allen, Quintin Kane Pomosanausi
Allen, Raymond Lawrence
Allen, Reese Eric
Allen, Rosalie
Allen, Sharon Lillie
Allen, Shaun Kristopher
Allen-Dewitt, Nora Gail
Allstott, Rae Lynn
Almberg, Jennifer Leeann
Alvarado, Annette Marie
Alvarez, Gregorio Galvan
Amick, Adelene
Amick, Daulton James
Amick, Stephen Brent
Amick, Stephen Don
Andreas, Clarice Faye
Andrews, Joshua Ray
Armstrong, Jonathan James
Arnett, Douglas Lee
Arrighi, Marissa Analisa
Ash, Christopher Lenn
Austin Sr., Daniel
Austin Tanner, Audrey Marlene
Austin, Aimery Archy Breckenri
Austin, Arlene Gail
Austin, Ashley Lynne
Austin, Candice Martine
Austin, Elizabeth Carol
Austin, Elizabeth Lolia
Austin, George Joseph
Austin, Joanna Lu
Austin, Marie Lynn
Austin, Marlinda Virginia
Austin, Martee Briann
Austin, Martin John
Austin, Rodney James
Austin, Roger Duane
Austin, Sonja Ruth
Austin, Steven Arthur
Austin, Terri Lynn
Austin, Vincent Allen
Austin, Waynette Marie
Austin, Weldon Ross
Ayala, Lynette Marie
Azenon, Tina
Azenon, Wendy Juliana
Baca, Amber Lee
Baca, Arlen Lee
Baca, Branden Kekoa
Baker, Amber Lynne
Baker, Karen Naala Pua
Baker, Kimberly Rochelle
Balaga, Desiree
Baldwin, Alexandria Megan
Baldwin, Andrew Charles
Baldwin, Anthony Karl
Baldwin, Christina Ray
Baldwin, Eric Glenn
Baldwin, Ervin Criss
Baldwin, Felecia Ray
Baldwin, Geoffrey Louis
Baldwin, Heather Ericka
Baldwin, Jody Colleen
Baldwin, Joleen Marie
Baldwin, Robert James
Baldwin, Stanley Eugene
Baldwin, Tara Rachele
Baldwin-Lanning, Laura Ann
Baltazar, Anthony Wayne
Baltazar, Cameo Ann
Baltazar, Cody Wayne
Baltazar, Donna Janice
Baltazar, Gregory Albert
Baltazar, James Albert
Baltazar, Jean Marie
Baltazar, Joseph Anthony
Baltazar, Victor Albert
Baltazar-Abe, Kiona Elissa
Baltazar-Abe, Michael John
Baltazar-French, Melanie Suzanne
Banks, Megan Kirsten
Beatty, Sabrina Marie
Beaty-Campbell, Wanda Rene'
Bencoma, Annette Rae
Bermudez, Sandra Susan
Berreman, Anthony John-Loren
Berreman, William Eugene
Bertrand, Benjamin Lee
Bertrand, Beverly Ann
Bertrand, Laurie Anne
Bill, Ridgley Leora
Bill, Valerie Rose
Blackwater, Rusty Coal
Blake, Amanda Marie Sue
Blake, Leonard Louis
Blake, Pauline Elizabeth
Bliss, Anthony Charles
Bliss, Chanice Ranae
Bliss, Cherice Lanae
Bliss, Delford Charles
Bliss, Delores Mae
Bliss, Marilyn Jane
Bliss, Stefanie Jane
Bliss, Trenton Darin
Bliss-Mccloud, Jeffrey Charles
Bomberry, Michael Lee
Boney, Melissa Anne
Bonta, Sage Ohm
Boothe, Claudia Dee
Boothe, Lee Ann
Boothroyd, Emily Ann
Boots, Clinton Adrian
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2014 Eligible Voters List continued
Boots, Daylon James
Boots, Evan Cordell
Boots, Maylynn Leigh
Bourne, Gabriel Bennett
Bowen, Cheri Danyale
Bowen, Gary Dean
Bowen, Kathleen Grace
Bowers, Michelle
Boydstun, Alexandria Cristine
Brady, Aaron Daniel
Brady, Dion Glenn
Brady, Heather Hope
Brady, Mary Alicia
Brady, Shirley Ann
Brady, Suzanne Elaine
Brigham Jr., Russell Dale
Brigham, Mildred Gayle
Brown Jr., Donald
Brown Jr., Raymond Ellison
Brown Jr., Richard
Brown, Dusty Harry Joaquin
Brown, Flora
Brown, Janel Amber Autumn Moon
Brown, Leroy Lee
Brown, Matthew Dean
Brown, Nacolle Marie
Brown, Nicholas Tyler
Brown, Nicole Noel Morning Star
Brown, William Joaquin
Brown-Garza, Mary Georgine
Burden, Loretta Mae
Burns, Betty Jane
Burns, Rosalie Ann
Burns, Teri Lyn
Burrow, Robin Leilani
Burton, Cheyna Gail
Burton, Paul Wallace
Burton, Thomas Craig
Burton, Toni Ann
Burton, Trudie Jane
Burtt, Dominick Scott
Cakebread-Savoji, Yvonne Lee
Caldera, Angelica Mae
Campagna, Adrianne
Campbell, Audrey Leialoha
Campbell, Christopher Hualii
Campbell, Jamila Africania Morowa
Campbell, Maile Douglas
Campbell, Shoshone Mandisa-Luana
Carter, Melissa Rae
Castillo, Pamela Jean
Cata Jr., Albert Raymond
Ceccarelli, Gina Catherine
Cesspooch, Renee Clair Star
Champagne, Ashleigh Lynn
Champagne, Karin Denise
Champagne, Korene Annette
Champagne, Laverne Virginia
Chapin Jr., Gregory Alexander
Chapin, Rebecca Jane
Charley, Soo-Kaa-ki Charlie Fay
Chasing Crow, Ramona Kaye
Chavez, Crystal Ann
Chico, Janene
Chico-Church, Brenda Lyn
Christy Jr., Stanford
Christy, Analisa
Christy, Andrea Shawna
Christy, Anthony David
Christy, Bryson George
Christy, David Jason
Christy, George Jamie
Christy, Grace
Christy, Ilene
Christy, Isiah Theodore
Christy, Jamie Lynn
Christy, Jennifer
Christy, Liann
Clairmont, Jordan Ann-Marie
Clairmont, Surina
Clampitt, Tonya Lyn
Clevenger, Donna Marie
Clevenger, Erin Janae
Clevenger, Shonna Rae
Cochran- Garfolo, Jacqueline
Cochran, Amber Nicole
Cochran, Kathleen Marie
Cochran, Mark Joseph
Colbert, Angela Marie
Colbert, David
Colbert, Eddy George
Colbert, Elena Marie
Colbert, Nicole Ann
Colbert, Richard Lee
Colbert, Shane David
Cone, Leslie Denese
Connors, Christina Helena
Conway Jr., Ralph
Conway, Amanda Lynn
Conway, Cassie Molina Martina
Conway, Colleen
Conway, Edwin
Conway, Jackie Ann
Conway, Jacob Sebastian
Conway, Kelly Ann
Conway, Michaela Kelsey Renee
Conway, Robert Tyler
Conway, Robin
Conway, Samantha Dawn
Conway, Tahnisha Little Feather
Corwin, Christopher Orion
Cossette, Donna Lynne
Cossette, Melissa Francesca
Cramer, Gardenia Ann
Cramer, Kateri Angel
Crawford, Alyssa Fawn
Crawford, Shaina Leann
Crutcher III, Gordon Wayne
Crutcher, Carmen Jean
Crutcher, Carolyn
Crutcher, Misty Athena
Crutcher, Phaedra Bernice
Culbertson, Barbara Jean
Daniels, Carolynne Joy
Darcy, Myndee Tootsie
David, Angelica Romaine
David, Brenda Mae
David, Donna Rae
David, Glenwood Ray
Davidson II, Paul Jackson
Davidson II, Rodney Jackson
Davidson, Paul Jackson
Davidson, Rodney Jackson
Davis, Shannon Marie
Davis, Sonya Nel
De Soto, Eric John
De Soto, Jo Anne
Decker, Casandra Gail
Deems, Christine Ranea
Deems, Julie Christine
Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
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2014 Eligible Voters List continued
Deems, Matthew Darin
Dela Cruz, Trisha Ann
Dendaas, Jennifer
Denmon, James Alfred
Denmon, Vivian Lavern
Dewey, Destanie Twilight
Dewey, Dorieana Marie
Dewey, Sidney Douglas
Dewey, Taylor Deeann
Dewitt, Cheryl Ann
Dick, Genevieve Jennie
Dick, George Edward Streeter
Dick, Margena Rae
Dick, Shealyn Rae
Dick, Wesley Edward
Dixon, Adam Devere
Dixon, Blanchard James
Dixon, Calvin William
Dixon, Darin Gene
Dixon, Gordon Glen
Dixon, Herman Glenn
Dixon, Jason Grant
Dixon, Jessica Renae
Dixon, Joshua William
Dixon, Joyce Kaye
Dixon, Juliana Lynn
Dixon, Katlin Marie
Dixon, Lane Tyler
Dixon, Marilyn Thomas
Dixon, Meriah Cheyenne
Dixon, Merlyn David
Dixon, Rachel Blanche
Dixon, Ronnie William
Dixon, Sarah Jane
Dixon, Shane Jason
Dixon, Tina Nacholle
Dixon, Vernon Harry
Dixon, Wayne
Dodge, Christopher Kyle
Doescher, Christopher Race
Doescher, Lori Elaine
Doolin, Amber Floretta
Dorman Jr., Bruce Wayne
Dorman, Deidre Natalie
Dorman, Eleanor Jean
Dost, Andrew Bryan
Dost, Charlotte
Dost, Scott Alan
Dowd, Jessica Blair
Downs Jr., Robert J.
Downs, Cody Tyler
Downs, Jill Ann
Downs, Joan
Downs, Martin Scott
Downs, Rochanne Lynn
Drye, Melissa Ann
Drye, Tommy Glenn
Dufur, Michelle Nealy
Dufur-Hinojos, Danyelle Lynn
Dunn, Jordyn Alyssa
Dunn, Mary Ann
Duran, Cheryl Mary
Durfee, William Edward Charles
Dyer, Lyle Mike
Dyer-Bright, Lillie
Dyer-Clark, Margot Dawn
Dyer-Redner Jr., Russell James
Dyer-Redner, Kenneth Mike
Eagle-Allstott, Brandon Wayne
Earl, Kira L.
Edralin, Brittain Ike
Ellis, Brandy Ellen
Ellison, Sandra Rae
Ellison, Wayne Orville
Evans, Kyle Jonathon
Fasthorse, Tamika Ann
Fasthorse, Tanita Angelica
Fiedler, Stacie Anne
Fillmore, Deana Faye
Fillmore, Troy Benjamin
Finley Jr., Eric Lee
Fisherman, Lynette Rose
Fogelberg, Angelica Renee-Lucille
Fogelberg, Daniel Lawrence
Fogelberg, Gloria Jane
Fogelberg, Jena Jane
Fogelberg, Mark Allen
Fogelberg, Ronald Lee
Fogelberg, Stacey Ann
Foote, Cathrn Karmen
Foster, Connie Lou
Fowler, Daniel Dewey
Fowler, Jerel James
Fragua, Jennifer Ann
Fraim III, Donald Keith
Fraim, Brian
Fraim, Jason Donald
Frank, Steven Jay
Fredericks, Shawntay Michelle
Freer III, Charles Defern
Fritz, Stephanie Deanne
Fry, David Harvey
Fry, Susan Denise
Fuentes, Donovan Duane
Furlong, Cindy
Galvan Jr., Baldomero
Galvan, Antonio
Galvan, Clifford Leon
Galvan, Daniel Jesse
Galvan, Jesse Manuel
Galvan, Kari Lillian
Galvan, Marena
Galvan, Olivia Marietta
Galvan, Ryan Michael
Galvan, Trina Jane
Garcia, Annette Rondine
Garcia, Brandon Shiloh
Garcia, Brent Thomas
Garcia, Gerald Wayne
Garcia, Leona
Garcia, Martini Thomas
Garcia, Melinda Mae
Garcia, Melissa Pinky Rose Augustina
Garcia, Randy Sonny
Garcia, Rochelle Lee
Garcia, Setorro Larry
Garcia, Stoney John
Garcia, Thedoro Gerald
Garcia, William Jack
Garnett, Paul Anthony
Garza, Mary Susana
George Jr., Leonard
George, Ashley Malford
George, Charles Martin
George, Cheyanna Sky
George, Dwight Paul
George, Everett Ray
George, Jody Alan
George, Juanita Ernestine
George, Len
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2014 Eligible Voters List continued
George, Leneva Mae
George, Leonard Orin
George, Lucier
George, Marcella Y.
George, Timothy Kyle Stovepipe
Gibson, Alec Montgomery
Gibson, Alecia Lee
Gibson, Bertha Helena
Glesmann, A Adrianna
Gomes, Charles Patrick
Gomes, Selena Rose
Gonzales, Carrie Lynn
Gonzales, Charles Edward
Gonzales, Cimmarron Charlie James
Gonzales, Eric Lee
Gonzales, Frank Linn
Gonzales, Jason Ray
Gonzales, Terri Ann
Gonzales, Virginia Margaret Rose
Graham, Alexander Ross
Graham, Darlene
Graham, Garnell Kendall
Gray, Ramona Jean
Greene, Anthony Edward
Greene, Brooke Kathryn
Greene, Jamie Ray
Greene, John Harold
Greene, John Michael
Greene, Sidney Harold
Gremich, Kathy Mae
Gremich, Linda Nadine
Gremich, Trudy Diane
Gunnells, Karen Lynn
Gutierrez, Daniel James Jr.
Gutierrez, Kathleen Lillian
Gutierrez, Nicole Nina
Gutierrez, Setta Pretty Flower
Hale, Leanna Joy
Hall II, Thomas Michael
Hall, Tricia Dia
Halligan, Wayne Clinton
Harcrow, James Derrick
Harjo, Matthew Wade
Haroni, Kayla Jade
Haroni, Magen Malouk
Haroni, Pamela Lynn
Harrison, Robin Alice
Harrison, Tulsa J.
Hemmerling, Dr. Sandra Leone
Henry, Dina Marvel
Heredia, Ishi Ira
Heredia, Rosario G.
Herrera, Tasia Marie
Herron, Bruce Allen
Herron, Dana Joe-Bianchi
Herve, Ava
Hibbard-Scott, Dayna Emerald
Hicks Jr., Fred Timothy
Hicks, Adrian Neil
Hicks, Andrew James
Hicks, Ashlee Renae
Hicks, Beverly Ann
Hicks, Brenda Jean
Hicks, Bryan Anthony
Hicks, Chris Theodore
Hicks, Christopher Ryan
Hicks, Corey Littlebear
Hicks, Floyd
Hicks, Frances Grace
Hicks, Frank
Hicks, Frank Anthony
Hicks, Gary Floyd
Hicks, Jeffrey Todd
Hicks, Kayetlynn Irene
Hicks, Kristen Marie
Hicks, Laura Lynn
Hicks, Leona
Hicks, Mark Thomas
Hicks, Samantha Josephine
Hicks, Sandra Joyce
Hicks, Shandon Lee
Hicks, Stephanie Dawn
Hicks, Steven
Hicks, Tawnya Lynn
Hicks, Troy Jonathan
Hicks, Vivian June
Hicks, Yolanda Lynn
Hill, Bruce Dale
Hill, Haylee Madison
Hodges, Ramona
Hogg, Billy Kipe
Hogg, Brittany Michelle
Hogg, Jamey Kyle
Hooper Jr., Stanley
Hooper, Brandon Richard
Hooper, Bronson
Hooper, Bryan Richard
Hooper, Connie Rae
Hooper, Debra Lynn
Hooper, Florence Frances
Hooper, Kenneth Eugene
Hooper, Kimberly Faye
Hooper, Shannon Christy
Horn-Moreno, Celia Donenecia
Huerta, Kaylee June
Hughes, Kenneth Michael-Douglas
Huntoon, Jennifer Nealy
Ijames, Avery Fox
Ijames, Laura Jean
Imm, Melissa Lynn
Ingram, Christina Lynn
Irwin, Joshua Jay
Iversen, Nevada
Jack, Audrey Lee
Jack, Eugene
Jackson Jr., Rollin Lee
Jackson, Alvary
Jackson, Deanna Marie
Jackson, Delaine Joyce
Jackson, Diana Veronica
Jackson, Leslie Mitchell
Jackson, Lynda
Jackson, Sebastian Lee
Jackson, Valerie Joanne
James, Margaret
James, Rodney Victor
Jarrett-Lee, Seth Ryan
Jimenez, Roseanne Marie
Jimmy, Brandyn Dean
Jimmy, Shalone Dawn
John, Jennifer Grace
John, Tiffany Lynnae
Johnny, Anthony George
Johnny, Tony
Johnson Jr., Joseph Keith
Johnson, Bonny Lois
Johnson, Brittany Elizabeth
Johnson, Daniel Keith
Johnson, Letisha Sage
Johnson, Philip Sky
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2014 Eligible Voters List continued
Johnson, Sierra Marie
Johnson, Stacia Falling Star
Johnston, Kari Anne
Jones, Eugene Lawrence
Jordan, Rickey
Jose, Meisha Lanina
Kancler, Tanzi Lee
Kane, Lois Nell
Keller Jr., Eugene
Keller, Jeremy Matthew
Kellerer, Cynthia Rae
Kellerer, Lavina Rae
Keller-Smith, Susan Diane
Kelley, Savahanna Yvette
Kelly, John James
Kennedy, Christine
Keno, Joyce
Kiele, Joseph Adam
Kiele, Kimberly Yvette
Kiele, Shannon Debabic Doywea
Kirkland, Brent Lee
Kirkland, Carol Annette
Kirkland, Chad Alva
Kirkland, Derek James
Kirkland, Jade Nicole
Kirkland, Kathryn Jean
Kirkland, Shane Evan
Kite, Kenneth Coulam
Krey, Melody Gay
Krey, Timothy Earl
Lamp Jr., Richard Joseph
Lamp, Genevieve Murtis
Lancaster, Nathaniel Keith
Lancaster, Zachary Wayne
Lawson, Gary Alan
Lawson, Robert William
Leader, Dylan Matthew
Lee Jr., Paul
Lee, Gauge Strongheart
Lee, Michael Edward
Leef, Sara Marie
Lett, Jeri Anay
Lewis, Alexandra Lynn
Lewis, Christina Collette
Lewis, Corrine Anita
Lewis, Regina Lynn
Leyva Jr., Marcus Orlando Raoul
Liggan, Agnes Marie
Lonewolf Jr., Donald Martell
Lonewolf, Laverne Cleo
Lonewolf, Sim Red
Loper, Alayna Marie
Loper, Brooke Ellen
Loper, Bryan Samuel
Loper, Lance Dyer
Loper, Mitchell
Lopez, Iisha Fay Desiree
Lopez, Jocelyn Marie
Lopez, Sadie Rose
Losh, Charles Raymond
Lucero, Jenevie Ann
Lumbreras, Angel
Lumbreras, Jesse
Lumbreras, Linda Gail
Lynch, James Michael
Lynch, Lisa Ann
MacIas, Judith Carol
Magers, Lucile Rae
Malcolm, Joe Aaron
Malcolm, Karen Lee
Malone, Shawn Craig
Mancha, Guadalupe H.
Manning, Anthony Ray
Manning, Ashley Michelle
Manning, Brian Alan
Manning, Jason Lee
Manning, Jaylen Rose
Manning, Joseph Wayne
Manning, Joshua Martin
Manning, Michael Lee
Manning, Michelle Roshane
Manning, Sacha Lynn
Manning, Stacey Irene
Mansfield, Wilma Jean
Marrujo, Rosanna Mae
Marsh, Dillon Ron
Marsh, Sarah Arlene
Marsh-Christy, Mary Lou
Martin Jr., Danny Floyd
Martin, Annisia Chesney
Martz, Karen Kay
Mauwee, Lorna Jean
Mc Guire, Rainbo Little Star
McCann, Joe
McCann, John Shawn
McCann, Johnathan Russell
McCann, Rick Allen
McCann, Roxanne Rae
McCann, Steven Michael
McCloud, Lacarrie Beatrice
McCorkle, Laurel Beth
McDonald, Kambria Marie
McDonald, Little Tom Tomehawk
McDonald, Teresa Tomesa Bright
McDonald, Tomas Kawah
McGinty - Cornelius, Atasha Rochelle
McGinty - Hutchison, Yuma Standing
McGinty, Marian Jean
McGinty, Rosanna
McKinnon, Velma Jane
McLain, Lila Gerraine
Medicine Eagle, Shelly Lee Little
Melero, Melissa Hosanna
Mendenhall, Tyler Nathaniel
Miguel, Lani Ellen
Miles, Anthony
Miles, Marion Gayle
Millis, Shanta Sosina
Mills, Valerie Jean
Mineard Jr., Patrick Michael
Mineard, Danen Kaine
Mineard, Debra
Mineard, Kris Michael
Mineard, Leona Morning Star
Mineard, Nicole Alexandra
Mitchell, Patricia Clark
Molino Jr., Bobbie Kenneth
Molino, Alfred George
Molino, Jason George
Molino, Kenneth Edward
Molino, Kyle Mary
Momberg, Glenda Fay
Momberg, Marjorie Lucille
Momberg, Sage Stillman
Momberg, Shaw Joel
Momberg, Sierra Seth
Momberg, Spencer Woodrow
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Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
2014 Eligible Voters List continued
Montgomery, David Gerard
Montgomery, Fermina Teresa
Moore, Julia Diane
Moose Jr., Joe
Moralez, Nicholas
Moreno Jr., Andrew Carlos-Garcia
Moreno, Aaron Victor Horn
Moreno, Anita Kay
Moreno, Jessie Phillip
Moreno, Joseph Francis
Moreno, Joshua Jose
Moreno, Rachael Leigh - Ann
Moreno, Rebecca Elidia-Horn
Moreno, Vincent Frank
Moreno, Virginia Florence
Morgan, Jeffrey Davis
Morgan, Virginia Bonnie
Mori, Yvonne Marie
Morris Jr., James Peter
Morris, James Peter
Morris, Lucille Jean
Morris, Michael Patrick
Morris, Michele Ann
Morris, Rachel Ann
Morris, William James
Mosley, John William
Mosley, Melinda Carol
Mosley, Rachel Allison
Mosley, Rhonda Rae
Moyle Jr., Allen
Moyle Sr., Allen
Moyle, Alvin
Moyle, Audrey Lynette
Moyle, David Aaron
Moyle, Derek Kusosaiyo
Moyle, Mitchell Meriden
Moyle, Russell Lee
Moyle, Vicki Ann
Moyle-Zulz, Denea Lynn
Myers, Lacey Ray
Navarro, Fermina Teresa
Naylor, Erica Lynn
Naylor, Robert Brian
Nelson, Barbara Jean
Nelson, Cody Lee
Nez, Brandi Ailene
Nielson, Bridget Ann
Nihoa III, Ermert Kalei
Nihoa, Bernice Galenna
Nihoa, David Kalani
Nihoa, Iris Anuhea
Nihoa, Jordan Kalani
Nihoa, Laura
Nix, Tricia Louise
Nolan, James Joseph
Nolan, Vernell Nadine
Noneo, Linda Elaine
Noneo, Tyrel Leon-George
Nordwall Jr., Adam Robert
Nordwall, Adam Tsosie
Nordwall, Asha
Nordwall, Cordelia
Nordwall, Dylan Curtis
Nordwall, Tonantzin Cora
O'Brien, Melinda Sue
O'Brien, Rhys Louis John
O'Daye, Ramona Fay
O'Donnell, Kandi Lyn
Ohm Jr., Jason Jeremy
Ohm, Jason Jeremy
Ohm, Jeni Janine
Ohm, Justin Erin
Oliver, Valentina Marie
Ortiz, Celestina Renee
Ortiz, Robert Willis
Ortiz, Rodulfo
Owens, Michael Joseph
Owens, Michaelle Lei
Owens, Patrick Treavor
Oxborrow, Linda Elaine
Pacheco Jr., Louis Delmar
Pacheco, Carlene Ann
Pacheco, Chester Edwin
Pacheco, Glynis Lynn
Pacheco, Mariah Lael
Pacheco, Monica Lynelle
Pacheco, Natalie Renie
Pacheco, Roxie Lee
Pacheco, Sharon Lori
Pacheco, Thomas Vincent
Pacheco, Valerie Lou
Palmer, Dorothy Lynn
Patterson, Alisa Naomi
Patterson, Andrea Kalynn
Paulson, David Lee
Paulson, Virginia
Paxman, Jill
Paxman, Jon Vincent
Peinado, Pauline Angeline
Pierce, Zachary
Pishion, Jared Martin
Pishion, Jeffery Martin
Pishion, Jessicca Marie
Pishion, Jon Michael
Pool, Lynsey Rose Marie
Premo, Suzzette Ann
Prickett, Vicki
Pritchett III, Joseph Stanley
Pritchett, James Arthur
Queep, Beverly Joyce
Rager, Rykki Joseph
Rambeau, Jackolynn Elaine
Rambeau, Jeanine P.
Ramos, Lana Paula
Ramos, Ramona Rae
Reed, Lorelei
Reedy, Alyissa Rose Mae
Reedy, Corrin Laura Lee Ann
Renzelman, Mary Beatrice
Reyes, Marcelino Antonio
Reyes-Garcia, Angelica Christina
Reyes-Garcia, Jose Antonio
Reyes-Garcia, Oscar Eliasar
Reysen, Kathleen Ellen
Richards, Leslie S.
Richards, Lester S.
Ridley, Amber Michelle
Ridley, Cody Ned
Ridley-Abla, Stephanie Monet
Rinaudo, Vance Elliot
Rinaudo, Venessa Marie
Riojas, Lucas
Riojas, Mary Virginia
Rios, Raymond Paul
Rios, Rudy
Ripley, Andrea
Rivas, Denise Esther
Rivas, Esther
Rivas, Micheal Paul
Rix, Anthony Raymond
Rix, Richard Michael
Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
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2014 Eligible Voters List continued
Rodarte Jr., Paul Joe
Rodarte Jr., Ted Ervin
Rodarte Whitaker, Haylee Marie
Rodarte, Amy Jo
Rodarte, Bonnie Lynn
Rodarte, Christina Rose
Rodarte, Cody Ty
Rodarte, Henry Joseph
Rodarte, Patrick James
Rodarte, Tia Adele
Rodarte, Tina Marie
Rodriguez, Carmelita
Rodriguez, Gerardina Alicia
Rodriquez, 000041313, Ernest Jose
Rodriquez, Alejandra Maria
Rodriquez, Angelica M.
Rodriquez, Fernando Marin
Rodriquez, Phillip Marin
Rogers, Lenora Lena
Roller, Kyle Henry
Roman, Danielle Lodine
Rossback, Gerald Dahbidah-Geezhig
Rossback, Raena Renae
Rosse, Tamalia Kay
Rotonda, Melissa Berdina
Rupert Jr., Gregory Dean
Rupert Sr., Gregory Dean
Rupert, Anna Marie
Rupert, Brittany Rose
Rupert, Gino
Rupert, Jennifer Anne
Rupert, Nicholas Jay
Rupert, Sarina Shelley
Rusk, John Stewart
Rusk, Marcelle Yvonne
Salas, Loyia Rose
Sam, Amber Nicole
Sam, Edward Gene
Samayoa, Patricia Lynn
Sammaripa, Galen Ted
Sammons, Brandy Lynn
Sammons, Jeffrey Wayne
Sanders, Carol Ann
Sanders, Dakota James
Sanders, David Louis
Sanders, David Michael Tom
Sanders, Donald Ray
Sanders, Jefferey Lawrence
Sanders, Lori Ann
Sanders, Michelle Lee
Sanders, Monique Raylynn
Sanders-Stewart, Nancy Laura
Santillan, Joni Gail
Schaefer III, Peter Nathaniel
Schaefer, Angelica Marie
Schmidt, Chelsea Ann
Schmidt, Christopher Leo
Schmidt, Kelly Marie
Schumpert III, John Peter
Schumpert, Brandy Lynn
Schumpert, Casey Diane
Schumpert, Rebecca Lynn
Seals, Erika Ruth
Sears, Heather Marie
Shaffer, Marina Rose
Shanley, Mishon Sara
Shanley, Nila
Shaver, Jennifer Marie
Shaw, Ashlie Emalyn-Rainbow
Shaw, Gwyneth Dianne
Shipwart, Eugenia Diane
Shoshone, Sheila Mae
Showaway, Unadell
Siller, Rachel Ann
Simmons, Karen Lee
Sinnett, Darien Mitchell
Sinnett, Raylene Renaye
Sinnett, Steven Michael
Sittingdown, Micah Michelle
Smith, Amelia Marie
Smith, Brandi Rae Ann
Smith, Brittnee Ann
Smith, Darlene
Smith, Dwayne Elmer
Smith, Erikk Sean
Smith, Jordan Ashley
Smith, Joseph Lawrence-Henry
Smith, Julie Ann
Smith, Justin Earle
Smith, Maureen P.
Smith, Ralyn
Smith, Robert Lee
Smith, Shawna Larose
Smith-Carrillo, Debra Diane
Smokey, Marlaina Kaye
Smokey, Michelle Renee
Snooks, Jacqualyn Lou
Snooks, Regina Ann
Soto, Arlene Marie
Spears Jr., Kevin Dee
Stands, Rulan Gay
Starlight, Charlane Lorraine
Steve, Cheryl Eileen
Steve, Corrie Aileen
Steve, Dell
Steve, Eugene
Steve, Felicia Tiffany
Steve, Geraldine
Steve, Leslie Rae
Steve, Maybelle
Steve, Russell Leon
Steve, Terri Renee
Steve, Travis Tegan
Steve, Vicki Lynette
Steve, William Dean
Stirnemann, Inabelle
Stirnemann, Kevin Neil
Stirnemann, Stephen Jon
Stover, Charles Wade
Stover, Ernie Foster
Stover, Francis Clifford
Stover, George Robert
Stover, Kasey Kristine
Stover, Kathleen Frances
Stover, Kelly Brook
Strawbuck, Jonell Tamara
Street III, James
Street Jr., William James
Street, Denise J.
Street, Donna Mae
Street, Joziah Nephi
Street, Kezarae Cora
Street, Lavina Marie
Street, Lorna Jean
Street, Natalya Shermayne
Street, Norman Ray
Street, Rembrandt Cassius
Street, Ryan Edward
Street, Stephen Ray
Street, Tina Adelle
Suman, Anne Marie
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2014 Eligible Voters List continued
Suman, Christopher Eric
Summerbell II, Thomas Edward
Summerbell, Meaghan Michelle
Summerbell, Simone Chennelle
Summerbell, Thomas Edward
Sweany, Kayla Darlene
Swordfish, Nea Nybe Duegweet
Tafoya Jr., Patricio Horacio
Tafoya, Gordon Gary
Thomas Jr., Ralph
Thomas, Angeline
Thomas, Echo Marie
Thomas, Jimmy Gilroy
Thomas, Jolene Myo
Thomas, Kristina Sky
Thomas, Mark Ashley
Thomas, Reynold
Thomas, Rose Marie
Thomas, Roxanne
Thurman, Karl Von
Titus, Benayshe-Ba-aquay
Titus, Mahnee Shawananoak
Tom, Shelbie Lynn
Tom, Thoma Lynelle
Treadaway, Sasha Renee'
Trujillo Jr., Frank Anthony
T'souvas, Patricia Elaine
Tuni, Chelsee Marie
Tuni, Wyatt Wade
Turner, Janice Lee
Turner, Mayris Rae
Turner, Patricia Maxine
Turner-Jack, Sarah Jean
Valencia, Jeremy Steven
Valencia, Shaulina Leeann
Vannoy, Rita Elaine
Vaughn, Jonathan Eugene
Vaughn, Steven Peter
Vendiola III, Rodolfo Docavie
Vidovich, Judy
Vigil, Che' Rio Szhah Wah Shash
Vogel, Brittany Ann
Wadsworth, Vivian Braelyn
Wallet, Shelly Marie
Ward, Ronnie
Wasco, Angelica Marlene
Wasco, Sharlene Elizabeth
Waseta, Michael Jeremy
Wayman, Lester Eugene
Weideman II, Gregory Lynn
Welch, Alan Lawrence
Welch, Ginger Louise
Welch, Tiffany Dawn
Wells, Elva Inez
White, Emily Donzie
White, Rachel Gracie
White, William Edward
White, William Edward
Wigginton, Josephine Rita
Williams Jr., Herbert Crazy Horse
Williams Jr., Kenneth Dale
Williams Sr., Kenneth Dale
Williams, Angie Gayle
Williams, Betty Ann
Williams, Bobby Dean
Williams, Carol Ann
Williams, Catherine
Williams, Corben Lydell
Williams, Courtney Kari May
Williams, Daniela Rose
Williams, Dianne
Williams, Ellery Dean
Williams, Gordon Little Eagle
Williams, Hattie
Williams, Heather Rose
Williams, Jalen Deandre
Williams, John Eugene
Williams, Jon Duffy
Williams, Joseph Craig
Williams, Julie Ann
Williams, Krista Jean
Williams, Krystal Lynn
Williams, Laurie Angela
Williams, Lillie Diane
Williams, Martha Mary
Williams, Micah Trent
Williams, Michael Curtis
Williams, Michael Ross
Williams, Nelson Tyler
Williams, Raymond Dean
Williams, Rhonda Faye
Williams, Richard Allen
Williams, Richard Bruce
Williams, Robert Albert
Williams, Russell Stanley
Williams, Shawntay Nicole
Williams, Tania Chantel
Williams, Tracy Ann
Williams, Trevor Shylo'
Williams, Tyler James Christopher
Williams, Valerie Rose
Williams-Tuni, Catherine Elizabeth
Wilson, Jennifer Rae
Wilson-Zermeno, Moxie Renee
Windriver, Cody J.
Windriver, Jesse Starr
Wood, Lester Lyle
Works, Cassandra Felicia
Works, Elizabeth Annette
Works, Evelyn
Works, Gerard David
Works, Prairie Rose
Wungnema, Estelle Ramona
Wungnema, Tashina Esperanza
Yazzie-Begay, Dewayne Keeth
Ybarra, Jeanette Marlene
Ybarra, Nicole Lumina
Ybarra, Tanzi Morgan Adella
Yellow Hawk, Debborah Gail
Yesslith, Elliot Virgil
Yesslith, Jillian Olivia
Yesslith, Merrill Dean
Youell, Sheryl Lynn
Young Man, Rebecca Marie
Young, Anthony William
Young, Daryn Eugene
Young, Steven Harvey
Youngman, Alicia Victoria
Zamora, Roland Isaac
Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
Numa News - Page 33
Numa News - Page 34
Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
Introduction of our Indian Education Liaisons in the
Churchill County School District.
Carlene Pacheco
My name is Carlene Pacheco; I am an
Shannon Hooper
enrolled member of the Fallon Paiute
Shoshone Tribe. I am one of two Indian Education Liaisons in the Churchill County School District. The services the program provides are; mentoring, tutoring, and assisting students
with secondary education. Another
important component is bridging the
line of communication between the
students, parents, Tribal Education,
and the School District. As a graduate
from the University of Nevada Reno,
it has always been a goal of mine to
someday give back to my community
as a professional in my expertise of
work. Today it is an honor to work
with the students and parents of my
own community.
Vision Quest is an Indian Education Program that provides educational services to
all Native American students at Churchill
County Middle School. The Vision Quest
program meets twice a month during advisory period and after school Monday
through Thursday under the supervision of
tribal member Shannon Hooper, who is the
Indian Education Liaison.
Students work on academic and cultural
activities. Vision Quest educates our students about the importance of good grades
along with Native American culture, heritage, and traditions. Vision Quest builds
confidence, leadership, school spirit,
friendships, and teaches all students to be
proud of their nationality.
New Tribal Administrator
Some of you may know that John Greenhut, the Tribal Administrator retired effective
9/4/14. In his transition, he assisted the new Tribal Administrator with information and project
review. We would like to thank him for his work for the Tribe and wish him a great retirement.
Last September, Gary Bacock was hired as the first Tax Director to establish the new
Tax Department. After a recruitment process for the Tribal Administrator, Gary was hired as
the new Tribal Administrator, effective 8/19/14.
Welcoming our New Office
Administrator , Gary Bacock
We say ‘thank you, farewell and
best wishes’ to John Greenhut,
former Tribal Administrator.
Gary was introduced last year, and here is an update. Gary has over 30 years of top
management municipal government experience, working 20 years for two cities in California,
City of South Gate and City of Cypress, and working over 10 years at the Town/City of
Fernley. Gary also worked for almost 4 years for 3 Tribal governments (Big Pine Paiute Tribe,
Bishop Paiute Tribe, and for the last year at FPST). Gary has an AA Degree in Fire Science
from Pasadena City College, and, a BS Degree in Business Administration and an MPA Degree
in Public Administration, both from Cal State University, Long Beach. Gary is Paiute, Shoshone, and Karuk, and is a member of the Bishop Paiute Tribe. Gary’s father Cleve (Bacock)
Bacock was raised in the Owens Valley (Laws) with many relatives from Big Pine, Bishop, to
Benton, (and he attended Stewart Indian School near Carson City and graduated from Sherman
Indian School in Riverside, CA). Gary’s mother Betty (Drake) Bacock was raised in Somes
Bar, CA (at the mouth of the Salmon River and Klamath River) with many relatives from Orleans, Weitchpec, to Hoopa. Gary and his wife Helen have 4 grown children & 3 grandchildren
and live in Fernley. Please welcome Gary to his new post.
If you need assistance, please contact Gary at the Tribal office at 423-6075.
Thank you,
Chairman George
Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
Numa News - Page 35
Congratulations Jon Pishion on your recent accomplishment!
We tip our hats off to you, we are so proud of all your hard work and
dedication for the achievement of your Executive Masters of Business Administration. Keep up the good work, and a job well done
love family, friends, and co-workers.
Local, national and international business executives
recently received their EMBA degrees from the University of Nevada, Reno
The Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe is collaborating on a new program,
4-H Youth and Families with Promise (YFP), with the University of
Nevada Cooperative Extension in Churchill County. The 4-H YFP
program is designed to match youth with adult mentors to develop
caring and supportive relationships. Youth and mentors meet regularly to engage in fun-filled activities and to participate in 4-H club
events. Once each month, youth and their families join with mentors
to share a meal and entertainment.
Volunteer mentors must be 18 years of age, commit to the program for
one year and be willing to devote three to four hours each month
mentoring youth. All mentors will be required to undergo a background check.
For more information about the 4-H YFP program, and the process to become a mentor, please contact LeAnn Davis, Mentoring Coordinator, at 423-5121.
She can be emailed at
Numa News - Page 36
Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
Abla Jr., John Adnan
Achuff, Precious Morning Dove
Allen, Amira Renee
Allen, Cameron Tom-Ray
Allen, Daniel Raymond
Allen, Reese Eric
Amick, Stephen Don
Anastasio, Jada Jenisa Mishel
Armstrong, Ila Jane
Arrighi, Marissa Analisa
Austin, Elizabeth Carol
Austin, Martee Briann
Baldwin, Eric Glenn
Berreman, Anthony John-Loren
Bonta, Riley Skylar Ohm
Bonta, Seth Ohm
Boothe, Alycyah Rose
Brigham, Mildred Gayle
Brown, Dusty Harry Joaquin
Bryant, Brayden Clint
Burrow, Keoni Edward
Chico, Janene
Christy, George Jamie
Christy, Ilene
Clevenger, Shonna Rae
Conway, Amanda Lynn
Conway, Robin
Crutcher, Carmen Jean
David, Glenwood Ray
De Soto, Eric John
Decker, Casandra Gail
Dewey, Darren Ashley Naki'e
Dewey, Trinity Faith Tadza
Dick, Margena Rae
Dixon, Erin Louella
Dixon, Megan Laurel
Dixon, Rylan Lee
Dodge, Aeneas
Dodge, Sebastian
Dorman, Trista Gladys
Dost, Andrew Bryan
Dost, Scott Alan
Drye, Delphina Irene Clarise
Dyer-Clark, Margot Dawn
Ernst, Elayne Dellyla
Fuentes, Donovan Duane
Galvan, Kari Lillian
Garcia, Sadie Ava
Garcia, Setorro Larry
Garcia, Thedoro Gerald
George, Marcella Y.
Gonzales, Frank Linn
Gonzales, Virginia Margaret Rose
Greene, John Harold
Halligan, Wayne Clinton
Harcrow, James Derrick
Hemmerling, Jesse Morgan
Henry, Dina Marvel
Heredia, Ishi Ira
Hicks Jr., Fred Timothy
Hicks, Adrian Neil
Hodges, Ramona
Hooper, Shannon Christy
Hughes, Angelo Mauricio
Huntoon, Jennifer Nealy
Jackson, Sebastian Lee
Jimmy, Shalone Dawn
John, Tiffany Lynnae
Johnson Jr., Joseph Keith
Johnston, Kira Layne
Kiele, Kimberly Yvette
Kirkland, Brent Lee
Kirkland, Kathryn Jean
Lee Jr., Paul
Lett, Jeri Anay
Leyva Jr., Marcus Orlando Raoul
Liggan, Agnes Marie
Lonewolf Jr., Donald Martell
Loper, Lance Dyer
Lopez, Sadie Rose
Lumbreras, Angel
Malcolm, Karen Lee
Manning, Ashley Michelle
Manning, Jaylen Rose
McDonald, Teresa Tomesa Bright Rose
Mineard-Bobb, Kandice Jazmyne
Momberg, Glenda Fay
Momberg, Sage Stillman
Moyle Jr., Allen
Moyle, Russell Lee
Nelson, Barbara Jean
Nordwall, Cordelia
Ohm, Justin Erin
Owens, Treavor Patrick
Phillips, Mekayla Skyla Womblisk Awee
Pierce, Zachary
Pishion, Jessicca Marie
Reedy, Corrin Laura Lee Ann
Reyes, Marcelino Antonio
Reyes-Garcia, Oscar Eliasar
Ridley-Abla, Stephanie Monet
Riojas, Mary Virginia
Rodarte, Amy Jo
Rupert Jr., Gregory Dean
Rupert, Alfredo Galvan
Rusk, Nolin John
Sammons, Jeffrey Wayne
Sanders, Jefferey Lawrence
Schaefer, Taylen Nathaniel
Seals, Erika Ruth
Shaver, Jennifer Marie
Shoshone, Josephine
Soonwing Jr., Kenneth
Soto, Arlene Marie
Steve, Eugene
Steve, Terri Renee
Street, Joziah Nephi
Street, Lavina Marie
Street, Natalya Shermayne
Street, Rembrandt Cassius
Sweany, Kayla Darlene
Thomas, Mark Ashley
Thomas, Rose Marie
Thomas, Roxanne
Valdez, Shalene Rose
Williams, Carol Ann
Williams, Emilyanne Rose
Williams, Kiara Sequoia Storm
Williams, Tania Chantel
Williams, Valerie Rose
Windriver, Cody J.
Ybarra, Jeanette Marlene
Zamora, Samuel Isaiah
Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
Numa News - Page 37
Alvarado, Annette Marie
Alvarado, Brianna Irene
Austin, Arlene Gail
Austin, Candice Martine
Bailey - Wayman, Tyler Frank
Baker, Amber Lynne
Balaga, Jolynn Marie
Baldwin, Ervin Criss
Baldwin, Heather Ericka
Baldwin, Joleen Marie
Baltazar-Abe, Kiona Elissa
Boney, Melissa Anne
Boothe, Claudia Dee
Bowen, Gary Dean
Brown-Garza, Mary Georgine
Burden, Loretta Mae
Burton, Paul Wallace
Burton, Trudie Jane
Campbell, Christopher Hualii
Campbell, Shoshone Mandisa-Luana
Cervantes, Devin Dwayne
Cesspooch, Renee Clair Star
Chico-Church, Brenda Lyn
Christy, Analisa
Christy, Isiah Theodore
Christy, Liann
Cochran, Kathleen Marie
Cone, Leslie Denese
Conway, Colleen
Conway, Kelly Ann
David, Brenda Mae
Dick, Ciabi Angela
Dick, Justin David
Dick, Shealyn Rae
Dick, Wesley Edward
Dixon, Ace William
Dixon, Jason Grant
Dixon, Joyce Kaye
Dixon, Merlyn David
Dixon, Olivia Rebecca
Dodge, Christopher Kyle
Downs, Joan
Dyer-Redner, Kenneth Mike
Evans, Kyle Jonathon
Fasthorse, Tamika Ann
Flowers, Stephan George-Robert
Fogelberg, Daniel Lawrence
Fowler, Tristan Shush Yashi
Freeman, Scott John Woodah Gaadah
Freer III, Charles Defern
Gallardo, Kaydence Michelle
Galvan, Antonio
Galvan, Clifford Leon
Garcia, Melissa Pinky Rose Augustina
Garnett, Paul Anthony
George, Timothy Kyle Stovepipe
Gomes, Charles Patrick
Gonzales, Cimmarron Charlie James Roy
Gutierrez, Kathleen Lillian
Gutierrez, Setta Pretty Flower
Haroni, Kayla Jade
Harrington, Raynele Dyani
Hemmerling Jr., Jasson Michael
Hicks - Lancaster, Dayson Buggs
Hicks, Frances Grace
Hicks, Tammany Frances
Hill, Bruce Dale
Hooper, Kenneth Eugene
Hooper, Kiana Rae Lynn
Jarrett-Lee, Seth Ryan
Jimenez, Savannah Lynne
Johnson, Philip Sky
Kane, Lois Nell
Kennedy, Christine
Kirkland, Carol Annette
Lamp Jr., Richard Joseph
Lamp, Genevieve Murtis
Leader, Dylan Matthew
Lee, Gauge Strongheart
Lewis, Regina Lynn
Manning, Sacha Lynn
Martin Jr., Danny Floyd
McCann, John Shawn
McCann, Rick Allen
McCann, Roxanne Rae
McGinty - Cornelius, Atasha Rochelle
Millis, Shanta Sosina
Mills, Valerie Jean
Mineard, Leona Morning Star
Molino, Jason George
Moreno, Vincent Frank
Morgan, Jeffrey Davis
Mosley, Rachel Allison
Nihoa, Kekoa Kalani
Nordwall Jr., Adam Robert
Novak, Paitten Shoopatha
Ohm, Jeni Janine
Ortiz, Rodulfo
Patterson, Samuel Austin
Pritchett, Graeson Anthony Balili
Redner-Vera, Esha Lautaro
Rhodes, Ethan Jace
Ridley, Amber Michelle
Rivas, Micheal Paul
Rodarte Jr., Ted Ervin
Rodarte, Henry Joseph
Rodarte, Tristan Allen
Rusk, John Stewart
Samayoa, Patricia Lynn
Sammons, Brandy Lynn
Sears, Heather Marie
Shanley, Mishon Sara
Shoshone, Jaymee Rose
Skenandore Rhodes, Ethan Steve
Snooks, Jacqualyn Lou
Stands, Rulan Gay
Steve, Russell Leon
Stover, Francis Clifford
Strawbuck, Jonell Tamara
Street III, James
Street, Orianah Justine
Thomas Jr., Ralph
Torres Jr., Juan Keenai - Koda
Vaughn, Jonathan Eugene
Wasco, Sharlene Elizabeth
White, Emily Donzie
White, William Edward
Williams Sr., Kenneth Dale
Williams, Bobby Dean
Williams, Hattie
Williams, Lillie Diane
Williams, Richard Bruce
Williams, Russell Stanley
Young Man, Rebecca Marie
Zulz, John Kristoff
Numa News - Page 38
Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
Numa News - Page 39
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Have an upcoming event or community announcement?
Make sure it’s in the Nuhmuh News Newsletter!
The Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe provides a venue to list/post upcoming events and community announcements in
its Nuhmuh News publication. This service is being offered to provide people with an opportunity to share information
with the members of the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe. If you have an event or announcement of public interest you
may email or by mail to 565 Rio Vista Drive, Fallon, NV 89406 (attn: Nuhmuh News) for
consideration. For events include the event name, date, time, location and event website, along with a brief description
and contact information. The Tribe is not responsible for inaccurate information, including but not limited to incorrect
dates, times, and locations, published in the newsletter. All information should be submitted by the 1st of the month for
approval prior to publish in the next month’s edition. The Tribe reserves the right to decline event submissions, as well
as to edit event information for length, spelling, clarity, and language. The newsletter is not intended to be used as a
promotional vehicle for commercial interests or events (unless from Fallon Tribal programs/entities). References or
hyperlinks in the Nuhmuh News to any individual or entity are for informational purposes only and are not an
endorsement by the Tribe or Council. The Tribe is providing no legal, accounting or other professional advice by
including references to any entity or individual. Deadline is the 1st of each month so don’t wait!
ZIP CODE 89406
Contact Tanzi in Enrollment at 775-423-6075
with any questions or concerns
Please ensure that a current/correct mailing addresses for
each Member is on file with the
Enrollment Department no later than November 21, 2014
to ensure timely delivery of the
2014 per capita distribution.
Economic Development-Rod Ariwite ............ 423-6040
Economic Development-Toni Burton………..423-6040
Fox Peak Fallon-Kandi O’Donnell ................. 423-5655
Fox Peak Fernley - Tracy Parlier ................... 575-3520
Human Resources-Ross Hill........................... 423-6040
Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe
565 Rio Vista Drive
Fallon, NV 89406
Tel (775) 423-6075
Administrator-Gary Bacock…………………..…..423-6075
Child Care - Lynette Fisherman ............................. 423-8065
Communications Coordinator-Jill Downs..…….....423-6075
Cultural Resources—Vinton Hawley..................... 423-8065
Domestic Violence - Michelle Bowers .................. 423-6075
Drug Court –Josh Cabral........................................ 423-8883
Education/JOM—Mary Williams .......................... 423-8065
Enrollment - Tanzi Kancler ................................... 423-6075
Environmental Dept. - Richard Black .................... 423-0590
Finance - Jon Pishion ............................................. 423-6075
Fire Chief –Edwin Conway................................... 426-8636
Grants Accounting - Sarah Melfe .......................... 423-6075
Headstart (ITCN) - Kim Conklin ........................... 423-6351
Health Center - Joe Herman……...…….………....423-3634
HIP Laurie Williams……………………………...423-6075
Housing Dept. - Genia Williams ………….……...423-3321
Human Resources—Debra Austin, ....................... 423-6075
Independent Living - Cheri Bowen ........................ 423-1132
Indian General Assist. - Jennifer Pishion ............... 423-1215
Language Program—Libby Austin ........................ 423-8065
Maintenance - Steven Stirnemann ......................... 423-6075
NAGPRA—Vinton Hawley...………………...…..423-8065
Numa News-Jill Downs...………………….......423-6075
Probation –Josh Cabral ......................................... .423-8883
Program Development—Jennifer John ................. 423-6075
Public Works (Water) - Kevin Snodgrass .............. 423-9954
Roads - Susan Keller-Smith ................................... 423-3725
Senior Center - Jenevie Lucero .............................. 423-7569
Social Services –Jennifer Pishion .......................... 423-1215
Stepping Stones - Yvonne Mori ............................. 423-1132
Substance Abuse—Leslie Steve.……..…………...423-3634
TERO Program - Housing...................................... 423-3321
Tribal Court - Nate Strong ..................................... 423-8883
TRIBAL POLICE - Tom Pysell, Chief .............. 423-8848
Tribal Resources - Mervin Wright ................... .….423-3725
Water/Sanitation Payments -Denea Moyle-Zulz….423-6075
Wetlands Program-Willie Steve…………………..423-3725
Aug.-Sept. 2014 Issue
Numa News - Page 40