July 2016 Numa News.pub - Fallon Paiute
July 2016 Numa News.pub - Fallon Paiute
1 Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribal Newsletter www.fpst.org Volume 10 Issue 7 July 2016 1 2 Tribal Secretary’s Report Laura Ijames Welcome New Committee and FTDC Board Members The Secretary’s Office would like to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July. Also I would like everyone to have a safe summer, please make sure you to stay hydrated, drink plenty of water, and use sun screen. It was an honor to be in attendance to recognize and handout certificates to the 2016 graduates. I would like to thank Kevin Weisaupt of Frontier Liquor and Sporting Goods who donated two bags of barbecue pellets for the wood pellet barbecue, Jill Downs and Tanzi Kancler for helping in the kitchen preparation and serving. Wally Burton and I cooked the chicken and tri-tip for the graduation dinner. A special thank you to Wally for donating his time to prepare and grilling the meat which received many rave reviews. I would like to acknowledge the dedication of the Education Department and recognize Lynette Fisherman, Chantell Johnson, and Sharon James-Tiger for putting on such a grand event. A thank you to Len George for his opening speech and Ashley (Hicks) Eastman for her inspiring words; Roy Redner for being the MC, and a part of the Young Chief Drum Group for the honor song and for all the youth that helped. Once again, a huge Congratulations to all our 2016 Seniors. Committee Openings: Chairman Len George swore in FTDC Vice President Herman Dixon and FTDC Member Natalie Pacheco. Len George swears in Joey Allen for the cultural committee Constitution and Bylaws (4) Enrollment (2) Law & Order (3) Natural Resources (3) Budget Committee (2) JOM (5) Education (2) Health Committee (1) Secretary Laura Ijames presents Alycyah Boothe with graduation certificate 3 1 4 5 1 6 Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe Statement of Financial Position As of 06/28/2016 7 1 8 DEADLINES & SUBMITTALS There are no specific deadlines to submit an application - they are available from the Tribe’s Social Services Department. PURPOSE OF PROGRAM The purpose of this fund is to assist Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe members who are 60 years of age or older with costs associated with an unforeseen health, safety, or home repair which would result in a tribal elder being without the necessities needed to maintain a healthy home environment or healthy quality of life. RESTRICTIONS/LIMITATIONS. 1. Recipients are limited to one (1) request per calendar year (January – December). 2. In rare situations where the immediate health and safety of an elder is at stake, the Council may consider an additional request in a calendar year. The elder or representative must attach supporting documentation showing immediate health and safety issues. 3. The elder emergency assistance program is not designed to pay for: a. Ongoing regular payments but rather to assist an elder with an immediate dire situation and is typically a non-regular event; b. Reoccurring personal debts, or debts owed that the individual should anticipate or be expected to pay (e.g., house payments/rent, cable TV bills, court fines, child support, other forms of court-ordered restitution, credit card payments, car payments or other auto related costs, loan payments, etc.). c. Any monies owed to the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe and/or its programs/departments (e.g., water, natural resources, housing, etc.). 4. If an individual has any delinquent account with the Tribe or owes money to the Tribe, he or she may not be eligible for emergency assistance. The Council, though, may waive this provision for situations involving emergency need and travel. CONTACT THE FALLON TRIBAL SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT AT (775) 423-1215 FOR INFORMATION & APPLICATIONS CONTACT THE FALLON TRIBAL SOCIAL SERVICE S DEPARTMENT AT (775) 423-1215 FOR INFORMATION & APPLICATIONS Lt. Jamie Greene 9 Marine MV-22 Pilot 1st Lt. Jamie Greene with his parents John and Jeanne Greene, taken June 17 at Minden AP. Marines of the 11th Expeditionary Unit are conducting urban warfare training exercises in the Reno area from June 1324. The ground units are being transported to and departing from the Minden Airport by the Marine Air Group 16, 3rd Wing, Squadron 163. Squadron 163 is primarily comprised of MV-22 Ospreys, a Tilt Rotor aircraft used for transporting Marines and equipment. All the ground forces, aircraft, and personnel attached to the above units are training for deployment later this year aboard the U.S.S. Makin Island, an amphibious assault ship that was commissioned in 2006. Attaching a pic of Marine MV-22 Pilot 1st Lt. Jamie Greene with his parents John/Jeanne taken June 17 at Minden AP. 1 10 11 1 12 13 4-H’ers Attend National Conference Fallon, NV June 28, 2016 - Fallon Paiute-Shoshone 4-H members Charlize Lee, Taeja Rossback, and Isabella Cardona have been participating in University of Nevada Reno Extension’s 4H Youth and Families with Promise (YFP) program. The program focuses on building relationships through mentoring between adult role models and students ages 14-19 as they interact through S.T.E.A.M (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) related topics and activities. These three members have been active in 4-H events and community projects. Thanks to their ongoing involvement in the program and a grant from the Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention and National 4-H Council, Lee, Rossback, and Cardona were selected to attend 4-H Leadership Washington Focus. The intensive 4-H leadership development program took place at the National 4-H Conference Center in Chevy Chase, Maryland the week of June 20. During the event, mentors and mentees participated in experiential learning that boosts leadership competency in four areas: critical thinking, collaboration, communication and confidence. The program is intended to prepare youth to become leaders in their communities and provides them with a great opportunity for personal growth and development. “We’re very excited about this opportunity for these members to learn leadership skills and to interact with other young leaders from across the country,” said LeAnn Davis, 4-H YFP coordinator. “The knowledge gained from this conference will be put to work to help our 4-H YFP program get even better.” The 4-H YFP program is going into its third year. There are currently approximately 30 youth enrolled, with four mentors signed up. For information on becoming a member or mentor, contact LeAnn Davis at 775.423.5121 or davisl@unce.unr.edu. Member applications are also available at the FPST Education Center 775.423.8065. A BIG THANK FROM SENIOR COMMITTEE The Famous Senior Lip Sisters would like to give a big “THANK YOU” to everyone who attended our Senior Fun Day. We hope you had as much fun as we did. Our Senior Fun Day was such a success because of everyone from our elders to our youth volunteers. Everyone pitched in to put it together. We are so proud to live in a community that likes to laugh and have fun and to not be afraid to help and get their hands dirty. God Bless You. Fallon Business Council All Departments/ Programs Lynette Fisherman Jill Downs Brenda Hooper Sharon James-Tiger Edwin and Jackie Conway Joe Herman Tad Williams Jennifer Pishion Jenevie Lucero Yvonne Mori Candy O’Donnell Jennifer John Sheri and Chris Taylor Sheri Hunter Pyramid Lake Tribe Leona Hicks Bryan Hooper Kevin Brady Sr. Rev. Ernie Hooper Thalia Dick Youth Volunteers Katie Wiesmann Lydia Foote Jenlee Foote Leeann Stands Travis John Cody Downs Brooklyn Whitacker Jackie Snooks Morgan Hale Oscar Moser Bryon Gustie Debbie Hooper Brooke Loper Monica Van Peer Steven Stireman Chantell Johnson Scott Downs 1 14 2016 Graduation Recognition Dinner CLASS OF 2016 By Jill Downs On June 22, 2016, the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribe convened to celebrate a milestone for all the tribal members graduating from high school or college at the 2016 Graduation Recognition Dinner. It’s the recognition of a future full of brand new possibilities and an opportunity to honor graduates and their accomplishments. GRADUATING BRYSON ABE BRIANNA ALVARADO KENRICK CRUTCHER Keynote Speaker, Ashley Hicks-Eastman gives an encouraging speech for graduates The community came out to support and salute this years graduates. Chairman Len George welcomed and honored the graduates, family and friends, Roy Redner was the Masters of Ceremonies and also did an honor song with drum group Young Chief. This years keynote speaker Ashlee Hicks– Eastman, daughter of Chris Hicks and Jennifer and Ed Ferris as well as the granddaughter of Lillie Bright. MARIA MARTINEX LEILANI O’DAYE KYLEE BALDWIN ALYCYAH BOOTHE THOMAS DICK Chairman Len George, Secretary Laura Ijames and Bryson Abe Jr. MEGAN DIXON LILY HERNANDEZ GABRIEL HICKS Presentation of gifts by Chairman Len George and Secretary Laura Ijames, a recognition dinner and closing prayers by Mildred Brigham. We would like to thank everyone who volunteered and worked hard on this years event in honoring our graduates. Congratulations Graduates! We are so proud of you!!! MONICA DIXON JOSEPH LAMP BRITTANY LEWIS SAMANTHA NIHOA Sharon Pacheco and Maria Martinez TAEJA ROSSBACK CIENNA WINDRIVER Nara Johnson, Chantell Johnson and Sharon James-Tiger 15 1 16 17 1 18 19 1 20 21 2016 HIGHER EDUCATION GRADUATES Brittany Rose Rupert graduated on May 6, 2016 from Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, KS with a BS in Elementary Education. She graduated Cum Laude/Deans List for the last 2 years. She also received an AA Para-Professional Education in May 2014 at HINU. She was the Historian, VP and Student Rep for her sorority Alpha Pi Omega. She was the VP for KNEA/Kansas National Education Association while at HINU. She had an ending 3.5 GPA / her last semester she finished with a 4.0. She has applied for her Master in Special Education. Brittany Rupert She is working full time at CLO - Community Living Opportunity in Lawrence, KS. She is the daughter of Gino (Marty) & Renee’ Rupert of Carson City, NV. CONGRATULATIONS, we're all so very proud of you!!! Marty and Renee Rupert would like to thank for Lynette Fisherman & Sharon James-Tiger for all of their help and continuing support during her last semester at Haskell. The Summerbell family would like to announce the graduation of Thomas Ed ward Summerbell II from Wyoming University. Thomas graduated May 14th, 2016, with a BA Kinesiology, Commissioned an Officer in the Army National Guard, 2nd Lt Army National Guard. ( pictured) left to right. 2nd Lt. Thomas Edward Summerbell II, grandmother Linda E. Oxborrow, Aunt Jenivive A. Lucero and Sgt. Justin Berg CONGRATULATIONS THOMAS!!! FRIENDLY REMINDER TO ALL HOUSING PARTICIPANTS Rent and Homebuyer payments are DUE on or before the 1st day of each month Rent and Homebuyers payments are DELINQUENT if not paid by 5th day of each month. Rent and Homebuyer payments may be made at the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Housing Department located at 2055 Agency Rd., Fallon, Nevada 89406 or by mailing to the same address Payments may be made by personal check, money order or cashier’s check NO partial payments will be accepted by the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Housing Department. REMINDER TO ALL APPLICANTS ON HOUSING WAITING LIST Applications for housing assistance must be updated every 6 months of the filing date with the housing department or you fall subject to being removed from the waiting list. An updated application ensures your standing on the waiting list. Updates can be accomplished in person or by completing a new application form and turning it into the FPST Housing Department. Applicants are required to notify the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Housing Department in person or in writing of any change of mailing address, housing situation or income. If we cannot contact you at the address you have provided to us, your name will be removed from the waiting list and you will have to re-apply for assistance. Thank you for your cooperation. Please call Tarita Waseta, Resident Services Specialist at 775-423-3321 or stop by the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Housing Department if you have any questions or concerns. 1 22 JULY 2016 23 TERO Department The TERO Department continually accepts applications. If your application is over one (1) year from the date you last submitted, a new application will need to be completed. Please stop by the TERO Office or pick one up, they are located by the front door of the Administration Building. If you are interested in attending trainings that are outside of the area or need help finding one, please let me know, I am happy to assist. TERO can also help with some training costs. TERO Workstation The TERO Department has a workstation available for those who need to type a résumé, update a résumé, job search or apply for job opportunities or to do an online training. Please call to schedule an appointment. A printer is also available for your use. Food Handlers Certification If you need food handler’s certification, Indian Health Services provides FREE online training at https://www.ihs.gov/foodhandler/. PYRAMID LAKE TRIBAL TERO FREE TO NATIVE AMERICAN LABOR FORCE TRAINING SCHEDULED FOOD HANDLERS/BLOOD BORNE PATHOGENS Instructor: Indian Health Service June 29, 2016 (Wednesday) 9:30 AM TO 12:00 PM Location: NIXON TRIBAL CHAMBERS 208 Capital Hill OSHA 10 Instructor: Gary Ray Safety JULY 19-20, 2016 (Tues/Wed) 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM & 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM Location: WADSWORTH COMMUNITY CTR 551 Eighth St. FIRST AID/CPT/AED Instructor: Gary Ray Safety JULY 20, 2016 (Wed) 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM Location: WADSWORTH COMMUNTY CTR 551 Eighth St. Please call Della John, Tribal Administration to sign up for classes 775-574-1000 ext. 1125. First come, First Serve Basis. Capacity 40 slots. Coffee/Donuts provided. Lunch on your own. Happy Birthday Harry You’ve been there for me through thick and thin. I love you to the moon and back. -Love Vanessa Liver I love you NORMAN STREET HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER LOVE, YOUR FAMILY 1 24 EMPLOYMENT Chief of Police Deputy Tribal Administrator The Chief of Police is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe and is responsible for the proper and efficient enforcement of all laws, ordinances and regulations of the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe, directs the daily operations of the Department of Law Enforcement. Performs administrative duties including budgeting, writing reports and utilizing corresponding data, administrative investigations and investigation of citizen complaints; serves as the Public Safety liaison between Law Enforcement, reservation communities, county, state and federal agencies. Must have a High School Diploma or GED equivalent, requires a Nevada Post Category 1 Certificate, a BA Degree in Criminal Justice or Law Enforcement, three (3) years of Law Enforcement experience, including two (2) years in Indian Country, minimum of three (3) years supervisory experience required; may consider similar combination of education and/ or experience that could likely provide the desired knowledge and abilities; must pass a background check and pre-employment and ongoing random drug testing, employees authorized to drive employer vehicle must possess a current valid Nevada driver’s license and acceptable driving record as determined by the Tribe’s insurance company. Preference given to qualified Native American applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. Pays $26.08 – $31.15/ hourly, closes July 8, 2016. Under the direction and the supervision of the Tribal Administrator, the Deputy Tribal Administrator will assist in the day to day operations of Tribal programs with guidance from the Tribal Administrator. The Deputy Tribal Administrator will assist Directors in the areas of, but not limited to; planning, reviewing and monitoring budgets, contract and grant compliance and establishing and evaluating department goals, assessing and developing facility safety plan. The Deputy Tribal Administrator will have the ability and authority to act as Tribal Administrator in the absence of the Tribal Administrator. Must have a BA or BS from an accredited university with a degree in Public Administration, Business Administration, Business Management or related field; and/or three (3) to five (5) years’ experience administering Indian Programs and strong supervisory and group training skills; must pass a background check and pre-employment and on-going random drug testing, employees authorized to drive employer vehicle must possess a current valid Nevada driver’s license and acceptable driving record as determined by the Tribe’s insurance company. Preference given to qualified Native American applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. Pays $29.36 – $35.06/hourly, er’s license and acceptable driving record as determined by the Tribe’s insurance company. Preference given to qualified Native American applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. Pays $12.83 – $15.32/hourly, closes July 8, 2016. Community Health Representative/ CHR This position is responsible for providing community health and in-home health services to the elderly, disabled and other eligible patients that cannot provide for themselves. The CHR Program endeavors to provide quality outreach health care services and health promotion/ disease prevention services to American Indians and Alaska Natives within the communities of Fallon. Must have a High School or GED equivalent, have knowledge of HIPPA, a current CPR and First Aid Certification or willing to be certified; able to work with Indian people on an individual or group basis. Must pass a background check and pre-employment and on-going random drug testing, employees authorized to drive employer vehicle must possess a current valid Nevada driver’s license and acceptable driving record as determined by the Tribe’s insurance company. Preference given to qualified Native American applicants in accloses July 8, 2016. cordance with 25 CFR. This is a part-time posiPolice Officer tion, pays $12.10 – $14.44/hr., closes July 8, Performs general Police duties and other related 2016. duties as required, requires Nevada Post Cat 1 Court Clerk Program Development Manager – certification, High School Diploma or GED Administers position functions under the direcHead Start Renovation equivalent. This is temporary (not to exceed 45 tion of the Court Administrator as outlined by The Program Development Manager will plan days), full-time appointment and does not the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe’s Law and and coordinate all construction, modernization include; Tribal paid medical benefits, retireOrder Code; must have a two (2) year degree for the Head Start renovation and will provide ment plan and paid vacation. Must have valid from a community college or technical school in a related area, three (3) years’ of related daily reports on the project. Must have a two Nevada driver’s license and be insurable experience and/or training, an equivalent com(2) year degree and diploma from a constructhrough the Tribe, must successfully pass a bination of education and experience. Must tion trade school or vocational institution or background check and pre-employment drug pass a background check and pre-employment able to provide five (5) years’ experience in the and alcohol screen. Preference will be given to and on-going random drug testing, employees construction field; and two (2) years superviso- qualified Native American applicants in acauthorized to drive employer vehicle must posry experience in the construction field or in cordance with 25 CFR. Pays $21.85/hourly., sess a current valid Nevada driver’s license and similar duties; and budgeting/progress reportcloses July 8, 2016. acceptable driving record as determined by the Tribe’s insurance company. Preference given to ing. Must pass a background check and preLaw Enforcement Secretary qualified Native American applicants in acemployment and on-going random drug testing, The Law Enforcement Secretary schedules cordance with 25 CFR. This is a part-time posiemployees authorized to drive employer vehiappointments, gives information to callers and tion, 20 hours weekly, pays $13.61 – $16.26/ cle must possess a current valid Nevada drivotherwise relieves officials of clerical work, hourly, closes July 8,2016. er’s license and acceptable driving record as must have a Associates’ Degree (AA) or equivdetermined by the Tribe’s insurance company. alent form of a two (2) year college education; Physical Fitness Trainer The goal is to provide strength-building, imPreference given to qualified Native American or six (6) months to one (1) year work related prove cardio-vascular health, and weight loss/ applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. This or training experience or combination thereof. gain activities in a professional manner for the project is estimated to be completed in six (6) Must pass a background check and pregeneral community as well as people with weeks; pays $17.24 – $20.59/hourly, closes employment and on-going random drug testing, health issues in a clean, safe facility that allows July 8, 2016. employees authorized to drive employer vehicommunity members to concentrate on physical fitness. Under the supervision of the Diabetes cle must possess a current valid Nevada driv- 25 Coordinator, the Physical Fitness Trainer will be responsible for assisting in the daily operation of the Fitness Center which will include the care and upkeep of the Fitness Center. Must have a High School Diploma or GED equivalent; certifications or near certification as an Aerobics Instructor or Personal Trainer is desired but not required, must be willing to train and obtain certification; must successfully pass a background check and pre-employment drug and alcohol screen. Preference will be given to qualified Native American applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. Pays $15.32 – $18.30/ hourly, open till filled. Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) The Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) is responsible for performing advance practice sessions within the scope of his/her license and training. Provides services consistent with the stated goals of assisting community members to maintain or increase their level of health by various medical practices or routines; maintains confidentiality of all privileged information. Must have a Master’s Degree in Advanced Practice Nursing, preferably Family Practice, current license (RN and APN) to practice as an Advance Practice Nurse in the State of Nevada and certification as an Advance Practice Nurse from ANA or ANC certification agencies are required; or equivalent combination of education and experience; must pass a background check and pre-employment and on-going random drug testing. Preference given to qualified Tribal applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. Pays$41.86 – $63.31/hourly, open till filled. Meal Delivery Driver The Meal Delivery Driver will be responsible for delivering meals to homebound elders, periodically may be required to assist with the preparation and clean-up as needed in the kitchen and dining area after meals. Must have a High School Diploma or GED equivalent, must pass a background check and pre-employment and on-going random drug testing, employees authorized to drive employer vehicle must possess a current valid Nevada driver’s license and acceptable driving record as determined by the Tribe’s insurance company. Preference given to qualified Native American applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. Pays $10.13 – $12.10/ hourly, closes July 8, 2016. Clinical Registered Nurse Assist providers with all aspects of direct patient care, facilitates and coordinates patient care by communicating with providers, administration and technical personnel. Must have an A.S. or B.S. in Nursing, licensed to as a RN in Nevada, and must have three (3) years in nursing experience. Outpatient/clinical nursing ex- perience preferred. Must pass a background check and pre-employment and on-going random drug testing, employees authorized to drive employer vehicle must possess a current valid Nevada driver’s license and acceptable driving record as determined by the Tribe’s insurance company. Preference given to qualified Native American applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. Pays $21.85 – $26.08/hourly, open till filled. Billing Clerk The Billing Clerk will be responsible for submitting claims to the Third Party Administrator (HCH), processing checks into the RPMS AR package and preparing deposits. Computerized accounting and record keeping will be maintained; must have experience with Medicare parts A, B & D. Must maintain the confidentiality, security and integrity of the patient information, must have a High School Diploma or GED equivalent, experience in health billing or processing of claims is preferred, a working knowledge of Medicare/Medicaid or private insurance requirements familiar with HCFA 1500, knowledgeable in medical terminology. Have knowledge of HIPAA , must pass a background check and pre-employment and ongoing random drug testing, employees authorized to drive employer vehicle must possess a current valid Nevada driver’s license and acceptable driving record as determined by the Tribe’s insurance company. Preference given to qualified Native American applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. Pays $12.10 – $14.44/hr., open till filled. Substance Abuse Counselor The Substance Abuse Counselor will conduct individual and group counseling sessions, education sessions, organize youth groups for diversion activities, maintain a professional office, maintain accurate records and prepare court reports as needed. Must possess an undergraduate degree in psychology, psychiatry or related field, must be or in the process of becoming a State Certified Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counselor and have at least two (2) years’ experience in the counseling field. Tribal paid medical benefits, retirement plan and paid vacation. Must have a valid Nevada Driver’s license and be insurable under the Tribe’s insurance, must successfully pass a background check and pre-employment drug and alcohol screen. Preference will be given to qualified Native American applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. , this is a SAMSHA grant funded position, pays $17.24 – $20.59/hourly, open till filled. FALLON TRIBAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Summer Youth Worker Toigaiba Construction Services 4 positions available for FPST Tribal Members that are in high school or College/Vocational Bound student. $8.25 per hour; 6-8 weeks, Temporary Under the direct supervision of the Facilities Maintenance Manager the Summer Youth Worker will perform duties in landscape maintenance and participate in career development. Must have basic knowledge of hand tools and lawn equipment including: lawn mowers, pressure washer, string trimmer, shovels, rakes, etc. Excellent communication skills, work under team concept in a positive manner with supervisor, co-workers and community. Ability to complete daily tasks with attention to detail, work in a timely manner and establish/maintain productive working relationships with coworkers and vendors. Must be reliable, dependable and flexible. Minimum Qualifications. Summer Youth program is open to members of the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe that fulfill the minimum requirements listed above. Persons of Tribe should submit a copy of the Tribal Enrollment card/certification indicating the name of the Tribe they are enrolled with. Physical Requirements: Frequently walk, sit and stand; reach above shoulder level, crouch, kneel and push/pull; carry or lift fifty (50) pounds. Work environment will be working outdoors in extreme heat and windy conditions. Proper work attire to include: work boots (steel-toed not required), jeans or cargo shorts fitting at the waist (no athletic shorts or sweats), t-shirts are acceptable (no offensive content, no tank tops), hat recommended. Drug Free Workplace. The Fallon Tribal Development Corporation is a drug-free workplace. All employees are subject to a preemployment drug test (at his/her own expense) and random drug screens. Please call the HR Department 775-423-6040 or hr.ftdc@ftdc.us for an application. 1 26 July Birthdays Allen, Jack Carson Allen, Leonard William Allen, Madisyn Erin Allen, Quintin Kane Pomosanausi Allen, Rosalie Allen, Sharon Lillie Alvarado, Julian Ivan Amick, Daulton James Andreas, Clarice Faye Baldwin, Christina Ray Baltazar II, Victor Albert Baltazar, Donna Janice Baltazar, Joseph Anthony Bertrand, Laurie Anne Blake, Amanda Marie Sue Blake, Pauline Elizabeth Boney, Lyniya Ann Bowen, Kathleen Grace Burton, Thomas Craig Campbell, Audrey Leialoha Campbell, Francis Edward Cervantes, Jesse William Christy, Anthony David Cochran, Mark Joseph Connors, Christina Helena Davidson, Paul Jackson Deems, Christine Ranea Deems, Matthew Darin Dixon, Joshua William Dodge, Cherry Janine Doolin, Amber Floretta Downs, Rochanne Lynn Dufur, Michelle Nealy Fillmore, Terrence Troy Fisherman, Lynette Rose Galvan, Olivia Marietta Garcia, Randy Sonny George, Juanita Ernestine Gonzales, Jason Ray Gonzales, Nocona Toiyabe Oracio James Graham, Alexander Ross Graham, Garnell Kendall Hale, Leanna Joy Harjo, Matthew Wade Haroni, Jared Zammon Hemmerling, Sandra Leone Hernandez, Iris Geneveva Jeraldine Hicks, Gabriell Emmalyanna Hicks, Gary Floyd Hicks, Jeffrey Todd Hill, Haylee Madison Horn-Moreno, Celia Donenecia Hunt Jr., Shane Andrew Jackson, Corrine Elyse Jackson, Leslie Mitchell Johnson, Sierra Marie Keller Jr., Eugene Keller-Smith, Susan Diane Kirkland, Jade Nicole Krey, Timothy Earl Lee, Shawnee Shyhorse Lewis, Camillus Kahane Lopez, Iisha Fay Desiree Lumbreras, Linda Gail Lynch, Lisa Ann Mancha, Samuel Louis Marsh, Dillon Ron Martinez, Maria Eugenia Matulich, Haley Noelani Mc Guire, Rainbo Little Star McCann, Joe McCorkle, Laurel Beth McKinnon, Velma Jane McLain, Lila Gerraine Medicine Eagle, Shelly Lee Little Fawn Mineard, Anthony Michael Mineard, Dacoma Michael Mineard, Kris Michael Momberg, Sierra Seth Momberg, Spencer Woodrow Moralez, Nicholas Morris, Michael Patrick Morris, Michele Ann Morris, Rachel Ann Morris, William James Nihoa III, Ermert Kalei Nihoa, David Kalani Ohm, Crystal Rose Pacheco, Glynis Lynn Pacheco, Monica Lynelle Pacheco, Natalie Renie Pishion, Jared Martin Prickett, Vicki Pritchett, James Arthur Richards, Lester S. Rodarte, Christina Rose Rodriguez, Carmelita Rodriquez, Ernest Jose Rossback, Bodie Edward Rusk, Marcelle Yvonne Sanders, Donald Ray Schumpert, Rebecca Lynn Shaver, Dominic Johnathan Shoshone, Sheila Mae Simmons, Karen Lee Sinnett, Darien Mitchell Smith, Erikk Sean Steve, Aniyah Lenzie Steve, Leslie Rae Stover, Kasey Kristine Stover, Kelly Brook Street, Kezarae Cora Street, Norman Ray Suman, Christopher Eric Vershum, Jamie Maria Williams, Dianne Williams, Gordon Little Eagle Williams, Joseph Craig Yellow Hawk, Debborah Gail Yesslith, Elliot Virgil Yesslith, Jillian Olivia Yesslith, Merrill Dean Young, Steven Harvey - - - 27 FALLON PAIUTE -SHOSHONE TRIBE Telephone / Email Contact Directory COUNCIL & ADMINISTRATION Tribal Chairman…………………………..………….Len George ........................ (775) 423-6075 Tribal Secretary……………………………………….Laura Ijames ..................... (775) 423-6075 Tribal Treasurer ...................................... ..Jon Pishion ........................ (775) 423-6075 Tribal Administrator…………………..……………Sheri Hunter ..................... (775) 423-6075 DEPARTMENTS/PROGRAMS Child Care Program……………………..………….Lynette Fisherman ............ (775) 423-8065 Communications/Numa News…………………Jill Downs. ......................... (775) 423-6075 Cultural/NAGPRA..………………………………….Brenda Hooper.................. (775) 423-8065 Education Department ................. …….……Sharon James-Tiger ........... (775) 423-8065 Emergency Management Dept.……………... Jackie Conway .................. (775) 423-0590 Enrollment Office ......................... ………….Tanzi Kancler ..................... (775) 423-6075 Environmental ............................. ………….Richard Black ..................... (775) 423-0590 Finance Department .................... ………….Lynn Castro ....................... (775) 423-6075 Grants Department ...................... ………….Sandra Hicks ...................... (775) 423-6075 Health Center .............................. ………….Joseph Herman ................. (775) 423-3634 HIP Program................................. ………….Laurie Williams ................. (775) 423-6075 Housing Department.................... ………….Tad Williams...................... (775) 423-3321 Human Resources ........................ ………….Debbie Austin .................... (775) 423-6075 Indian General Assistance ............ …………..Jennifer Pishion ................ (775) 423-1214 IT Department ............................. …………..Henri Bronsgeest ............. (775) 427-0060 Parks & Recreation ...................... …………..Vacant .............................. (775) 423-8065 Public Works ................................ …………..Kevin Snodgrass ............... (775) 423-9954 Roads Program ............................ …………..Susan Keller-Smith ........... (775) 423-3725 Senior Center ............................... …………..Jenevie Lucero.................. (775) 423-7569 Social Services.............................. …………...Jennifer Pishion............... (775) 423-1215 Stepping Stones Shelter…………………………..Yvonne Mori ..................... (775) 423-1132 Substance Abuse Program………………………..Leslie Steve ...................... (775) 423-3634 Tax/Tero Department .................. ……………Melanie McFalls .............. (775) 423-6075 Tribal Court .................................. ……………Kae Ward ......................... (775) 423-8883 Tribal Library................................ …………...Brenda Hooper ................ (775) 423-8065 Tribal Police ................................. ……………Vacant.............................. (775) 423-8848 Tribal Resources........................... ……………Leanna Hale ..................... (775) 423-3725 Victim Services ............................. ……………Michelle Bowers .............. (775) 423-6075 Water & Sanitation ...................... …………….Jessica Pishion ................ (775) 423-6075 Wetlands Program ....................... …………….Willie Steve .................... (775) 423-3725 chairman@fpst.org secretary@fpst.org fbctreasurer@fpst.org tribaladministrator@fpst.org ccdf@fpst.org tribalnews@fpst.org cultural@fpst.org educationdirector@fpst.org emd@fpst.org membership@fpst.org richard@enviro-fpst.org lynn.castro@fpst.org grants@fpst.org fthcdirector@fpst.org chairmanassist@fpst.org housingdirector@fpst.org hrmanager@fpst.org ssworker2@fpst.org it@fpst.org parksandrec@fpst.org publicworks@fpst.org roads@fpst.org elder1@fpst.org ssdirector@fpst.org ssmanager@fpst.org mhsadirector@fpst.org taxdirector@fpst.org courtclerk@fpst.org library@fpst.org chiefofpolice@fpst.org landwaterdir@fpst.org victimservices@fpst.org finance@fpst.org wetlandsmgr@fpst.org FALLON TRIBAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Telephone / Email Contact Directory If you have an emergency DIAL 911 and Tribal Police will respond. For non-emergency calls contact the Tribal Police directly at 775-423-8848 or call the Churchill County Sheriff’s Office at 775-423-3116 which will relay the message to an officer. ADMINISTRATION Finance Manager .................................................. Mary Dutra ...................................... (775)423-6040 Human Resources Manager .................................. Toni Burton ..................................... (775)423-6040 ................................. hr.ftdc@ftdc.us Planning & Development ..................................... Rod Ariwite...................................... (775)423-6040 ................................. rod.ariwite@ftdc.us BUSINESS DIVISIONS Fox Peak Cinema ...……………………..…………………...Tom Floyd……………………….…………….(775)423-7050……………………………....manager@foxpeakcinema.com Cinema Showtime's………………………………………………………………………………………………....(775)423-7099 Fox Peak Fallon ..................................................... Vacant…………….……………………………..(775)423-5655 ................................. foxpeakfallon@ftdc.us Fox Peak Fernley ................................................... Juanita Kramer ................................ (775) 575-3520................................. foxpeakfernley@ftdc.us 1 - ADDRESS/RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED PERMIT NO 18 http://stanhoopjr.wix.com/dieselandauto MAILED Fernley, NV ZIP CODE 89406 (775) 530-4574 U.S. POSTAGE PAID 155 W. Main St The Tax Department will no longer be able to access the Online Taxwise Software used to process Tax Returns after November 9th. If you need copies of your tax returns, please come by the office prior to that date. Anytime after that you will have to request all prior year tax returns through www.irs.gov . Reminder TAX Department 24 hour mobile service NONPROFIT ORG. MK’S Diesel & Auto Repair, LLC Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe 565 Rio Vista Drive Fallon, NV 89406 Tel (775) 423-6075 www.fpst.org 28 -
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