tax department news - Fallon Paiute
tax department news - Fallon Paiute
1 Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribal Newsletter Volume 10 Issue 5 May 2016 1 2 Tribal Secretary’s Report Laura Ijames I went on a tour with the Resources staff (Leanna Hale & Willie Steve), attorneys (Marc Slonim & Josh Osborne-Klein), TCID staff (Rusty Jardine, Michael Adams, and Cody Biggs), and Vice-Chairman Yvonne Mori for the Reservation irrigation system and the wetlands Thursday, April 21, 2016. I attended Earth Day Celebration and the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe Youth and Family Services Annual Child Abuse Prevention Walk. The walk began at Oats Park to Fox Peak to plant Pinwheels and then back to Oats Park. Everyone bundled up since it was a little chilly. Top/Below-Tour of the irrigation system and the wetlands I attended the Senior Fun Day where everyone had a great time. I would like remind everyone that Mothers Day is Sunday, May 8 and would like to wish everyone a Happy Mothers Day. Let’s remember and give thanks to the people who defended and saved lives, and protected our country and our freedoms this Memorial Day on Monday, May 30, 2016. Committee Openings: I am continuing working with committees regarding important issues that arise and provide technical assistance to committees as needed. Constitution and Bylaws (3) 2016 Earth Day Event Enrollment (1) Law & Order (3) Natural Resources (2) Budget Committee (2) JOM (5) Boot Scootin Seniors 3 ATTENTION NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN FOR THE STILLWATER TRIBAL SENIOR COMMITTEE Please get your nominations and amendments/questions in on or before 5:00 p.m. on May 16, 2016 to the Tribal Secretary. You must be fifty (50) years of age or older and reside on the Fallon Reservation or Colony to run for a seat on the Senior Committee! The Fallon Business Council has determined that there will be a re-election for the Senior Committee. The opening for nominations will be May 2, 2016. Nominations will close on May 16, 2016. Eligible Elders can submit written notices of nomination to be on the Senior Committee to the Tribal Secretary. Nominations will not be accepted for any specific position or office, but only to be on the Committee. The nominated members who receive the highest number of votes will be placed on the Committee, subject to the Senior Committee Bylaws. The Senior Committee shall consist of (4) eligible Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribal Seniors, and one (1) Non-Tribal Member. After the Fallon Business Council confirms the election results and directs the Secretary to certify the results of the 2016 Senior Election, the Committee will select from its members the Committee’s officers at its next regular meeting. Amendments/Questions may be submitted to be placed on the election ballot to give the opportunity for Amendments to the Senior Committee Bylaws and/or Questions to be presented to the Senior Membership for decision by secret ballot. Amendments/Questions may be submitted to the Tribal Secretary May 2, 2016 to May 16, 2016. April 28, 2016 Rochanne Downs Tom Burton Jackie Conway In January 2012, the Fallon Business Council passed three resolutions (Resolution Nos. 12-F-008, 12-F-009 and 12-F-011) that asserted former Business Council members Rochanne Downs, Tom Burton and Jackie Conway took certain actions that harmed the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribe. The Business Council later undertook detailed investigations into the matters addressed in these resolutions. The investigations revealed that the three council members did not take the actions asserted, so did not harm the Tribe as alleged. To rectify this situation, the Business Council enacted on April 26, 2016 Resolution No. 16-F-076 that specifically details the matters asserted in the three prior resolutions and the results of the investigations. Resolution No. 16-F-076 acknowledges that the three prior resolutions cause professional and personal harm to the three former Business Council members. The Fallon Business Council hereby formally apologizes to Rochanne Downs, Tom Burton and Jackie Conway for these actions and the harm caused to them and their families. Fallon Business Council 1 4 5 1 6 7 1 8 9 1 10 11 1 12 13 1 14 2016 Senior Awards Dinner On Wednesday, June 22, 2016 Beginning at 6:00 pm at the Tribal Gymnasium Please join us in this celebration of recognition and achievement. Congratulations Class of 2016! If you are a current senior of either high school/college and would like to be honored at this event, please contact Chantelle Johnson, Education Specialist Teacher at 775-423-8065 ext 228. 15 EDUCATION UPDATES EDUCATION PROGRAMS AVAILABLE Hi my name is Lynette Fisherman. I’m the Fallon Tribe’s Education Department’s Higher Education Assistant. The Education Department would like to let you know of the different types of continuing education programs that available: Higher Education Program is for full time students attending post secondary education institutes at the undergraduate level and must take 12 or more credits per semester and maintain a 2.0 grade point average (GPA). – Colleges & Universities - Maximum funding $3,000 per semester and is based on needs. Deadlines are Fall Semester - June 1st Spring Semester - November 1st Adult Vocational Training Program is for students who are obtaining a marketable skill through a accredited vocational training program for a 2 years or less certificate program. – Technical Schools i.e. cosmetology – Maximum funding is $1500 per quarter based on need. Deadlines are: Spring Quarter (Jan, Feb & Mar) - November 1st Summer Quarter (Apr, May, & Jun) - February 1st Fall Quarter (Jul, Aug & Sept) - May 1st Winter Quarter (Oct, Nov & Dec) - August 1st Enrichment Program for members to enhance their life & job skills by attending education classes on a part-time basis. – Up to 9 credits (1-3 enhancement classes) – Maximum funding $650 ($550 for tuition/fees & $100 for books/supplies). Deadlines are Fall Semester - June 1st Spring Semester - November 1st If you have any questions or concerns, please call (775) 423-8065 ext. 227 or e-mail me at or Sharon James-Tiger, Education Director at (775) 423-8065 ext. 222 or Financial Aid Workshop The FPST Education Department held a Financial Aid Workshop on Tuesday April 26, 2016 at 6pm at the Education Building. Mr. Lazzari from Western Nevada College presented on the importance of the deadlines for the FAFSA as well as topics from scholarships and student loans to grants and verification. He also shared with participants new guidelines that will be coming into effect this next year school year such as the FAFSA can be completed starting in October. Lynette Fisherman presented the on FPST’s specific guidelines for Higher Education, AVT, and the Enrichment programs offered through the Education Department. The evening was informative and beneficial for participants and staff to acquire a better understanding of the continued education processes. 1 16 2016 Senior Fun Day Halftime entertainment , the Boot Scootin Seniors performed for their audience and brought down the gym with laughter - Jill Downs On Thursday April 28 at 10 am the Senior Committee held a Senior Fun Day with a western theme. In attendance was Pyramid Lake, Reno/Sparks, Schurz, Yomba, Lovelock and even as far as Elko traveled to take part in the memorable event. Rev. Ernie Hooper did opening prayers, Chairman George welcomed guests. Also in attendance was Tribal Secretary Laura Ijames. Following was ticket drawings with essential prizes and then they began their favorite all time game of BINGO!!! Rev. Ernie Hooper & Travis Jon The Senior Center provided a delicious lunch, followed by the half time entertainment “Boot Scootin Seniors”, who performed a hilarious dance which brought down the gym. There were prizes for 5 category's of recognition. Kevin Brady and Bryan Hooper played some cool jams that everyone enjoyed. Closing Prayers were by Jill Downs. A thank you to FBC, Fox Peak, all departments, Edwin & Jackie Conway, Rev. Ernie Hooper, Sherry Taylor, Bryan Hooper Band, Travis Jon, Cody Downs, Brooke Whitaker, Katie Wiesmann, LeeAnn Stands, Lydia Foote, Jenlee Foote, Lynette Fisherman & Chantelle Johnson. The Senior Committee would like to give a special thanks to Steven Stirnemann and everyone who made this years Senior Fun Day a day to remember and a huge success. Bryan Hooper and Kevin Brady Sr. 17 BOOT SCOOTIN SENIORS Loretta FLOPPY LIPS Burden Suzie HOT LIPS Hicks Gloria COYOTE LIPS Jonny Sharon DOG LIPS Williams April CRAZY LIPS George Joan SKUNK LIPS Downs Leona HORSE LIPS Hicks 1 18 Prevent Child Abuse Pinwheels for Prevention -Jill Downs begins. The Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribe supports and strives to enApril is National Child Abuse Presure a safe, nurturing environment vention Month, a time to raise for every child growing up in in awareness about child abuse and our community. Fallon Paiuteneglect and encourage individuals Shoshone Tribe also took part in and communities to support chilPrevent Child Abuse Pinwheels for dren and families. On Saturday, Prevention campaign by planting a April 23rd community members pinwheel garden. Prevent Child participated in an awareness walk Abuse America launched the nafrom Oats Park to Fox Peak to tional Pinwheels for Prevention help stop child abuse BEFORE it campaign in April of 2008. The public awareness campaign uses community activities and public policies to prioritize prevention right from the start, making sure child abuse and neglect never occur. We would like to thank everyone who came out and for all their support. Together we will prevent child abuse, step by step by step ASP making paper pinwheels The FPST After School Program students participated in the annual Pinwheels for Prevention of Child Abuse on April 14, 2016. April is Child Abuse Awareness month. Charissa Dunnett, administrative assistant for Youth and Family Services, came out to the Education Center to teach the students about child abuse awareness. Charissa showed the students how to make and decorate their pinwheels. The students were able to take their pinwheels home to share with their family and friends and to plant in their yard. She also brought information to the students on parenting and bullying and how to deal with children’s stress. Thank You Charissa for coming out to teach the ASP students the importance of child abuse prevention! 19 16th Annual Earth Day Celebration The Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribes Environmental Protection Department hosted this years 16th Annual Earth Day Celebration which was held on Saturday, April 23rd, at Oats Park from 10:00 to 2:00. This was a great family event that included entertainment, education booths, crafts and vendors. Rev. Ernie Hooper did opening prayers and Tribal Secretary Laura Ijames did a welcoming to all who attended the Earth Day Celebration, she stated, “Our goal at our Earth Day Celebration is to offer environmental education resources to people of all ages and embrace tribal traditions and culture for present and future generations”. Tribal Treasurer Jon Pishion and Council Member Michelle Bowers were also present. Performing live was Stan Sanchez and the Cosmic Boogaloo which had music that was fun and festive. The Vision Quest dancers as well as Young Chief drum group provided family entertainment. In addition to this years Annual Earth Day held at Oats Park, the Tribe did a “reservation wide” trash pick up on road ways, community clean up. All volunteers received T-shirts and lunch. This year the Housing Department assisted the Environmental Department in clean up disposal. Many community members and employees participated which symbolized their concern for our land and our people. Earth Day Round Dance There were dumpsters available at the Tribal Resources yard and at the Environmental Protection yard. There was a Free Cycle Event on Wednesday at the gym, which is a chance to give your gently used items another chance to be reused and out of the landfill. Also you may pick up something you may need. All leftover items were donated to good will. Regardless of whether you go to an event or not, anyone can celebrate Earth Day everyday by being more aware of doing their part such as turning off lights and appliances in empty rooms, turning off running water, recycling and composting, and ensuring all your trash ends up in a trash bin. Young Chiefs Drum Group Stan Sanchez and the Cosmic Boogaloo The Environmental Department thanks everyone who came out and supported the event. Vendors with great environmental information 1 20 21 MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE When: Monday, May 30, 2016 Time: Noon Location: Tribal Cemetery 8329 Reservation Road Fallon, NV There will be a community clean up day on Saturday, May 21. Snacks will be provided. On this Memorial Day, please remember to honor those veterans who have passed on by supporting those veterans who have returned. ATTENTION ALL VETERANS PLEASE BRING IN YOUR DD214 STATUS TO BE RECOGNIZED CONTACT TANZI IN ENROLLMENT AT 775-423-6075 1 22 TAX DEPARTMENT NEWS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) News The Tax Department issued $92,589.00 in refunds. The Tax Department will be using a new Tax Software next year to prepare Tax Returns. After November 9th, we will no longer be able to access the current TaxWise online Program. If you require copies of your tax return, please come by and copies can be provided to you. You can also request copies of your prior year returns at . Thank you to Lynn Castro for helping in making this years’ Tax Season a success. We look forward to providing this FREE Tax Service next year. TERO DEPARTMENT UPCOMING TRAINING Infant/Child & Adult CPR & AED + First Aid Class **ADULTS & STUDENTS** This class is open to Adults and Students. *Students, if you are interested in becoming certified for this class I have scheduled a Saturday to meet your accommodations. If you are considering babysitting during the summer or if you just wish to have this certification, I encourage you to attend and get certified. Saturday, June 4, 2016 9am - 4pm Class is limited to 20 students (Note: this class is almost full) _____________ MSHA training has been cancelled until further notice due to the instructors’ medical condition. I will be sure to get notice out as soon as it is rescheduled. 23 FRIENDLY REMINDER TO ALL HOUSING PARTICIPANTS Rent and Homebuyer payments are DUE on or before the 1st day of each month Rent and Homebuyers payments are DELINQUENT if not paid by 5th day of each month. Rent and Homebuyer payments may be made at the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Housing Department located at 2055 Agency Rd., Fallon, Nevada 89406 or by mailing to the same address Payments may be made by personal check, money order or cashier’s check NO partial payments will be accepted by the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Housing Department REMINDER TO ALL APPLICANTS ON HOUSING WAITING LIST Applications for housing assistance must be updated every 6 months of the filing date with the housing department or you fall subject to being removed from the waiting list. An updated application ensures your standing on the waiting list. Updates can be accomplished in person or by completing a new application form and turning it into the FPST Housing Department. Applicants are required to notify the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Housing Department in person or in writing of any change of mailing address, housing situation or income. If we cannot contact you at the address you have provided to us, your name will be removed from the waiting list and you will have to re-apply for assistance. Thank you for your cooperation. Please call Tarita Waseta, Resident Services Specialist at 775-423-3321 or stop by the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Housing Department if you have any questions or concerns. Cultural Program Activity The Cultural Program April Activity constructing Small Cradle Boards. The class had a good time in making the baskets and enjoying one another’s company. The work done by the participants was amazing, good job ladies. The end of the month potluck Vernon Rogers and Patty visited the group and sang songs, blessing the baskets and teaching the basket dance to the group and children. Barbara Culbertson Norma Darrough 1 24 25 1 26 Spring Trainings: Motivational Enhancement/Cognitive Behavioral Therapy The following trainings are currently being planned for the spring beginning in April and May. Motivational Enhancement Therapy/Cognitive Behavioral Therapy training was held at the Fallon Convention Center on April 26 and 26, 2016. The Change Companies Interactive Journaling is scheduled for May 23 and 24, 2016 in Carson City, Nevada. This class is full, but anyone interested could be put on a list in case of cancellations in registration. MTC Tribal Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting: The first Friday of each month: May 6, 2016 & June 3, 2016 are the next two meeting dates. Location is at the Mental Health Substance Abuse building across the street from the clinic: 1005 Rio Vista Dr. Community members are welcome to participate. For more information contact Leslie Steve, MA, LADC, Mental Health & Substance Abuse Program Director and Project Director for the MTC grant at 423-3634, ext. 225. GO MARRISA FILLMORE!!!!!! 27 1 28 29 EMPLOYMENT Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) The Family Nurse Practi- tioner (FNP) is responsible for performing advance practice sessions within the scope of his/her license and training. Provides services consistent with the stated goals of assisting community members to maintain or increase their level of health by various medical practices or routines; maintains confidentiality of all privileged information. Must have a Master’s Degree in Advanced Practice Nursing, preferably Family Practice, current license (RN and APN) to practice as an Advance Practice Nurse in the State of Nevada and certification as an Advance Practice Nurse from ANA or ANC certification agencies are required; or equivalent combination of education and experience; must pass a background check and preemployment and on-going random drug testing. Preference given to qualified Tribal applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. Pays$41.86 – $63.31/ hourly, open till filled. Clinical Registered Nurse Assist providers with all aspects of direct patient care, facilitates and coordinates patient care by communicating with providers, administration and technical personnel. Must have an A.S. or B.S. in Nursing, licensed to as a RN in Nevada, and must have three (3) years in nursing experience. Outpatient/clinical nursing experience preferred. Must pass a background check and pre-employment and on-going random drug testing, employees authorized to drive employer vehicle must possess a current valid Nevada driver’s license and acceptable driving record as determined by the Tribe’s insurance company. Preference given to qualified Native American applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. Pays $21.85 – $26.08/hourly, open till filled. Billing Clerk The Billing Clerk will be responsible for submitting claims to the Third Party Administrator (HCH), processing checks into the RPMS AR package and preparing deposits. Computerized accounting and record keeping will be maintained; must have experience with Medicare parts A, B & D. Must maintain the confidentiality, security and integrity of the patient information, must have a High School Diploma or GED equivalent, experience in health billing or processing of claims is preferred, a working knowledge of Medicare/Medicaid or private insurance requirements familiar with HCFA 1500, knowledgeable in medical terminology. Have knowledge of HIPAA , must pass a background check and pre-employment and on-going random drug testing, employees authorized to drive employer vehicle must possess a current valid Nevada driver’s license and acceptable driving record as determined by the Tribe’s insurance company. Preference given to qualified Native American applicants in accordance with 25 CFR. Pays $12.10 – $14.44/hr., open till filled. Happy Birthday Katie Girl HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIC AND MADDY I LOVE YOU LOVE GRANDMA Love Mom, Grandma, Big Brother, Little Brother , Brookie, Billy and Hunter. Happy 13th Birthday Kendra Love Mom and Dad Happy Birthday Goofy Grandmas Mary & Grace Love Jessie Sy Aaliyah Precious Angel Dillion Sarah Donald 1 30 Allen Jr., Gerald Warren Allen, Lucretia Allen, Milissa Hope Allen, Norman Lee Arnett, Douglas Lee Austin, Steven Arthur Azenon, Wendy Juliana Baker, Karen Naala Pua Baldwin, Felecia Ray Baldwin, Jody Colleen Baldwin, Robert James Baldwin, Tara Rachele Baltazar, Mary Jane Jaden Alexandria Berreman Jr., Anthony John Loren Bliss, Chanice Ranae Bliss, Cherice Lanae Bliss, Delores Mae Bliss, Marilyn Jane Bomberry, Michael Lee Boney, Tasean Dean Boney, Tyrone Dean Boots, Maylynn Leigh Boydstun, Alexandria Cristine Brady Jr., Aaron Daniel Brady, Mia Isabelle Brady, Suzanne Elaine Brown Jr., Richard Campbell, Samuel Douglas Carver, Daegan Elijah Christy, Grace Church, Sadie Ann Marie Colbert, David Conway, Cassie Molina Martina Conway, Jackie Ann Conway, Michaela Kelsey Renee Cossette, Ryan Anthony Crutcher, Phaedra Bernice Dendaas, Jennifer Dixon, Meriah Cheyenne Dixon, Monica Louise Dixon, Wayne Dorman, Travis Red Hawk Downs Jr., Robert J. Downs, Christian John Finley Jr., Eric Lee Fragua, Jennifer Ann Frank, Steven Jay Fry, Susan Denise Galvan, Ryan Michael May Birthdays Garcia, Aidan Neil Garcia, Alyssa Fawn Garcia, Mary Jane Garcia, Melinda Mae George, Ashley Malford George, Dwight Paul George, Everett Ray Gibson, Alecia Lee Gibson, Bertha Helena Graham, Darlene Greene, Jamie Ray Gutierrez, Daniel James Jr. Gutierrez, Kiley Grace Haroni, Mason Michael K Hibbard-Scott, Dayna Emerald Hicks Garcia, Aaron Timothy Hooper, Bryan Richard Hooper, Kimberly Faye Huerta, Kaylee June Jackson, Delaine Joyce Johnny, Tony Johnson, Daniel Keith Johnston, Aden Garrett Kancler, Ava Jade Karabinis, Aristotellis Stamatios Keno, Joyce Kiele, Joseph Adam Kiele, Robert Joseph Kirkland, Shane Evan Lewis, Christina Collette Lewis, Gregory Anthony Lougheed, Zoey Marie Malcolm, Joe Aaron Marsh-Christy, Mary Lou Martin, Annisia Chesney Mauwee, Lorna Jean Mauwee, Tyrese McCann, Steven Michael Mineard, Danen Kaine Molino Jr., Bobbie Kenneth Molino, Alfred George Moreno, Jessie Phillip Mosley, Rhonda Rae Moyle-Zulz, Denea Lynn Nelson, Cody Lee Nihoa, Iris Anuhea Nordwall, Tonantzin Cora O'Brien, Melinda Sue O'Brien, Rhys Louis John O'Donnell, Skye Leigh Owens, Michael Joseph Owens, Patrick Treavor Pacheco, Kendra Irene Paul, Jeanine P. Paulson, Virginia Paxman, Jon Vincent Pearce, Simone Chennelle Peinado, Pauline Angeline Pritchett III, Joseph Stanley Reed, Lorelei Rinaudo, Vanessa Marie Rinde, Quincy Raymond Rogers, Lenora Lena Rotonda, Genevieve Ofelia Sam, Edward Gene Santillan, Joni Gail Schaefer, Gabriel Ernest Seaburn Jr., Mateo Kenneth Shaw, Ashlie Emalyn-Rainbow Shaw, Gwyneth Dianne Shipwart, Eugenia Diane Shoshone, William James Smith, Brandi Rae Ann Smith, Justin Earle Smith-Carrillo, Debra Diane Smokey, Marlaina Kaye Steve, Maybelle Stover, George Robert Swordfish, Nea Nybe Duegweet Tindall, Devan Dean Treadaway, Sasha Renee' Vannoy, Liam Tristen Taft Vannoy, Mia Demi Eileen Watahomigie-Conway, Rychus Lyric-Lee Wiesmann, Katie Danyelle Williams, Courtney Kari May Williams, Nelson Tyler Williams, Tyler James Christopher Yazzie-Begay, Dewayne Keeth Yesslith, Shandiin Rose Love Mom, Grandma and family. We love you MATEO 31 FALLON PAIUTE -SHOSHONE TRIBE Telephone / Email Contact Directory COUNCIL & ADMINISTRATION Tribal Chairman…………………………..……………Len George ...................... (775) 423-6075 Tribal Secretary ............................ ……………Laura Ijames .................... (775) 423-6075 Tribal Treasurer ........................... …………...Jon Pishion ...................... (775) 423-6075 Tribal Administrator..................... ……………Sheri Hunter .................... (775) 423-6075 DEPARTMENTS/PROGRAMS Child Care Program……………………..…………….Lynette Fisherman .......... (775) 423-8065 Communications/Numa News…………………..Jill Downs ........................ (775) 423-6075 Community Development Department.......Jennifer John………………….(775) 423-3725 Cultural/NAGPRA..…………………………………...Brenda Hooper ............... (775) 423-8065 Education Department ................. ……………Sharon James-Tiger ......... (775) 423-8065 Emergency Management Dept.…………………Jackie Conway ................. (775) 423-0590 Enrollment Office ......................... ……………Tanzi Kancler ................... (775) 423-6075 Environmental ............................. ……………Richard Black ................... (775) 423-0590 Finance Department .................... ……………Lynn Castro ...................... (775) 423-6075 Grants Department ...................... ……………Sandra Hicks .................... (775) 423-6075 Health Center............................... ……………Joseph Herman ................ (775) 423-3634 HIP Program................................. ……………Laurie Williams ................ (775) 423-6075 Housing Department .................... ……………Tad Williams .................... (775) 423-3321 Human Resources ........................ ……………Debbie Austin .................. (775) 423-6075 Indian General Assistance ............ …………...Jennifer Pishion ............... (775) 423-1214 IT Department ............................. ……………Henri Bronsgeest ............. (775) 427-0060 Parks & Recreation ...................... …………...Vacant ............................. (775) 423-8065 Public Works ................................ …………...Kevin Snodgrass .............. (775) 423-9954 Roads Program ............................ …………...Susan Keller-Smith .......... (775) 423-3725 Senior Center ............................... …………...Jenevie Lucero................. (775) 423-7569 Social Services .............................. …………...Jennifer Pishion ............... (775) 423-1215 Stepping Stones Shelter…………………………….Yvonne Mori ................... (775) 423-1132 Substance Abuse Program………………………...Leslie Steve ..................... (775) 423-3634 Tax Department ........................... …………….Melanie McFalls ............. (775) 423-6075 Tribal Court .................................. …………….Kae Ward ........................ (775) 423-8883 Tribal Library................................ …………....Brenda Hooper ............... (775) 423-8065 Tribal Police ................................. …………….Tom Pysell ...................... (775) 423-8848 Tribal Resources........................... …………….Leanna Hale .................... (775) 423-3725 Victim Services ............................. …………….Michelle Bowers ............. (775) 423-6075 Water & Sanitation ...................... …………….Jessica Pishion ................ (775) 423-6075 Wetlands Program ....................... …………….Willie Steve .................... (775) 423-3725 If you have an emergency DIAL 911 and Tribal Police will respond . For non-emergency calls contact the Tribal Police directly at 775-423-8848 or call the Churchill County Sheriff’s Office at FALL O N TR IB AL D EV E LOP ME N T C OR PO RA TI ON Te l e ph o n e / E ma i l C o n ta c t D i r ec t or y ADMINISTRATION Finance Department ................................. John Richards .......................... (775) 423-6040 ........................ Human Resources Manager ..................... Diane Peters............................ (775) 423-6040 ........................ Planning & Development ........................ Rod Ariwite ............................. (775) 423-6040 ........................ BUSINESS DIVISIONS Fox Peak Cinema Fox Peak Fallon ......................................... Kandi O'Donnell ...................... (775) 423-5655 ........................ Fox Peak Fernley ....................................... Juanita Kramer ........................ (775) 575-3520 ........................ 1 ADDRESS/RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED PERMIT NO 18 MAILED Fernley, NV ZIP CODE 89406 (775) 530-4574 U.S. POSTAGE PAID 155 W. Main St If you are 55 and older and a member of the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribe in a home you own (conveyed), you may be eligible to have your annual home insurance paid through a program at the FPST Housing Department. For more details, contact Krystal Williams at 775-423-3321 at the FPST Housing Department. Elder’s Home Insurance Assistance Program 24 hour mobile service NONPROFIT ORG. MK’S Diesel & Auto Repair, LLC Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe 565 Rio Vista Drive Fallon, NV 89406 Tel (775) 423-6075 32
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