March - Samish Indian Nation
March - Samish Indian Nation
Samish News Spring 2016 OFFICIAL NOTICE OF TRIBAL COUNCIL ELECTIONS ………………………………………. Tribal Council Elections are to be held on June 26, 2016 On a form to be provided by the Election Board, you must file a petition of candidacy signed by at least ten (10) enrolled members of the Samish Indian Nation who are eligible to vote. Petition of candidacy forms must be received via United States Postal Service no later than close of business on May 12, 2016. Mail to: IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RUN FOR OFFICE YOU MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: 1. Be an enrolled member of the Samish Indian Nation; and 2. Be 21 years of age or older on the annual General Council Meeting (June 26, 2016); and 3. Have resided in the State of Washington for at least one year immediately preceding the election; and 4. Be the only member of the household who is running for office in this election or any subsequent election. Samish Election Board PO Box 161 Anacortes, WA 98221 Candidacy Petition Forms can be obtained on April 11, 2016: Samish Administration Office 2918 Commercial Avenue, Anacortes, WA 98221 or download at Tribal Council Positions up for election in 2016: Position #1 Chairman Position #3 Secretary Position #5 Council Member Position #6 Council Member 4 Year Term 4 Year Term 4 Year Term 4 Year Term Any candidate who wants to provide a statement for publication in the 2016 Voters Pamphlet should also submit to the Election Board a candidacy statement not to exceed 300 words and an optional photo along with their petition of candidacy. MESSAGE FROM THE 2016 ELECTION BOARD The petition of candidacy forms and any related candidacy statements (including photos) will be collected by Pat 2016 ELECTION TIMELINE Dunn, Election Superintendent by close of business on May 12, 2016. Sarah Boersma and Peggy Waters are the other April 11, 2016—Candidacy Petition Forms available members of the 2016 Election Board. May 12, 2016—Candidacy Petition Form & Voter Contact information for Election Superintendent: Pamphlet Statement due by close of business Pat Dunn Phone (360) 202-6276 May 13, 2016—Validation of Eligible Candidates by Samish Indian Nation is having our 2016 elections Election Board contractor, TrueBallot, Inc., send absentee ballots to each eligible voter in the Tribe. May 26, 2016—Voter Pamphlets and Ballots Mailed to All Eligible Tribal Voters by TrueBallot, Inc. In person voting will still take place as usual under the oversight of the Election Board and with the technical June 25, 2016—Absentee Ballot Envelope Count by assistance of TrueBallot, Inc. at the General Council TrueBallot, Inc. and Election Board at 5pm Meeting to be held: June 26, 2016—Polls Open for In Person Voting Where: Fidalgo Bay Resort (8am to 12pm) 4701 Fidalgo Bay Road June 26, 2016—All Ballots Opened & Counted by Anacortes, WA 98221 TrueBallot, Inc. and Election Board 12pm When: June 26, 2016 June 26, 2016—Election Superintendent Certifies Polling Times: 8 am to 12 pm Election, Posts Results, and Swears in Council 1 Enrollment Information Needed Andrew Andersen Michael Armstrong Aryan Barr Lyle Barrett John Bays Kaleb Blackinton Dominick Cameron Christopher Clark Brennan Davis Zachary Davis Teal Douville Tyler Eagleheart-Charlie Brianna Engberg Karen Fisher Christian Gidlof Jeffery Hatch Theo Hawkins Jr Andrew Highley-Eastwood Shey Houser Martin Howard Jessica Jewett Lance Jones Mary Kendall Edward M. King Jr. Joshua King Stephanie King Jasmine Landa Shelbie Lucy Winnifred Marchand Chelsey McAlister Jenny Miller Shaylynn Morgan Jennifer Plaster Tuesday Rohrman Aslan Schue Mark Steele Jamie Stokes Gavin Tomlinson Sheri Underwood Nita Welburn Fredrick Wills Barrett Anderson Aston Armstrong-Rohman Robert Barr Roy Barrett II Joshua Bell Lisa Bleeck Gerickah Charlie Rhonda Colburn Gregory Davis Ian Douglas Kristin Dunlap Carolyn Edwards Steven Engberg Carrie Fix Darla Graves Phillip Hatch Jr. Karrena Heredi-Medina Kale Houser Steven Houser Bryan Jackson Anthony Johnston Rebbeca Jones Aubree King Jasen King Lanita King Steven Kruger Joe Lowman Kurtis MacDonald Hailey Mason Bryce McCarson Leann Mitchell Nicholas Paul Richard Ritter Jr Colleen Scheel Crystal Schue-Peyton William Steele Ethel Thomas-Kimble Patricia Tomlinson Milton Watson Arnold Whiteley Paige Wooten Alex Armstrong Jeffrey Bailey Lloyd Barrett Shane Barrett Jessica Blackinton George Bob Jerald Christiansen Anthony Daniels Joshua Davis Stewart Douglas Daniel Eagle Sarah Elliott Dale Fair Bradley S. Garness Candyce Hatch Heidi Hawkins Debra Higgins Kye Houser Lara Hovland Marcy James Charlotte Jones Colby Karaim Darin King Joey King Shannon King Kristina Kubik Jeanie Lucy Justin Madonna Ronald Massey Whitney McKinney Julie Moore Bruce Perry Skye Ritter Anita Schindler Richard Spoon Vonnie Stewart Kyle Tilton Norman Underwood Jr. Stephanie Wehde Bernie Wills WE ARE STILL SEARCHING FOR THESE FOLKS OR THEIR MAIL HAS BEEN RETURNED – AT THIS POINT THE ADDRESS IS REMOVED. IF YOU HAVE ADDRESSES FOR ANYONE ON THIS LIST OR YOU HAVE A CHANGE FOR YOURSELF PLEASE CONTACT JAN AT THE OFFICE P.O. BOX 217 ANACORTES,WA 98221. PLEASE BE SURE TO LET US KNOW IF THE CHANGE AFFECTS ANYONE ELSE IN YOUR FAMILY. WE WILL ACCEPT P.O. BOX’S BUT YOU MUST ALSO HAVE A LEGAL RESIDENCE. IF YOUR CARD DOES NOT HAVE A PHOTO, PLEASE SEND A PHOTO TO THE ENROLLMENT DEPARTMENT. PHOTOS ARE RETURNED WITH THE CARDS. If you are a Veteran or those of you who have an Indian name, please contact Jan Flagg PO BOX 217 Anacortes, WA 98221 (360) 293-6404 x106 2 Tribal Enterprises Samish Samish Early Learning Center Vocational Center-based, year round, licensed center providing quality care and education for young children ages 12 months to 5 years Rehabilitation C O UNS ELING AND EMPL OYMENT SERVICES TO AS S IS T IN HE LPIN G N ATIVE A M ERICANS WI TH DIS ABILI TIES BECO M E EM P LOY ED . Monday-Friday 7:30am-5:30pm Competitive Rates Available Please inquire for specific rates (360) 588-8806 1809 Commercial Ave. Anacortes, WA 98221 360-899-5282 Free meals provided through the USDA program Qualifying families may be eligible for minimal cost childcare through our CCDF grant (please contact us for details). We also accept DSHS. Fidalgo Bay Resort RV by the Sea Our Cabins are available to tribal members at a 30% discount year round and we have discontinued the 2 night minimum stay. Tribal discounts available all year •142 Full Hook-up RV sites •Gift Shop •Laundry Facilities •Small Boat Launch •Park Model Cottages The Convention Center is available to tribal members at a 50% discount. Clubhouse, Fitness & Game Rooms Open All Year ON LINE RESERVATIONS Available at: Contact our staff to make your reservations now. For rates and information call (360) 293-5353 (360) 293-5353 4701 Fidalgo Bay Rd, Anacortes, WA We welcome you to pop in for a visit! Owned & Operated by the Samish Indian Nation 3 TRIBAL MEMBER Please contact us at (360)293-6404 or by email Would you like to advertise your business in the Tribal Member Businesses Page? Providing experienced criminal defense services to King and Pierce Counties for over 15 years. Owner/Attorney: Erik P. Kaeding 25028 104th Avenue SE Kent WA 98031 (253) 850-8430 Rhonda Colburn Licensed Daycare Owners: USDA Food Program 859 South 80th Street Tacoma, WA 98408 Phone: (253) 473-4183 Urban Roots Salon Jewelry Needle Baskets Button Robes Button Hangings Owner/Stylist Cell 360.708.9080 360.299.0079 Marine Service Provider 1111 Craftsman Way Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-3088 Brie Keller 2515 Commercial Ave. Anacortes, WA 98221 Dan Hatch Jeff LaLone. Jitty Kitty Closet, Inc. Visit Wendy Hatch eBay Store Ow ner Variety of new, vintage, antique, and gently used items. Also purchases items as well and will assist in selling your items. Pat & Diana Dunn 360.293.5054 4 OWNED BUSINESSES Carrie’s CoaChing LLC. Carrie Kaeding, 425-503-6580 Look Good, Feel Good Make Better Health Your Habit Past failures are stepping stones to future success. My specialty is in the area of lasting weight loss and bringing diabetes under control with the guidance of your doctor. Ask me about: A complimentary coaching session, Coaching sessions over the phone,, getting results that last, and reduced future health care costs. If you are part of the General Membership and have a Feather Permit, please send a copy to: Samish Indian Nation Attn: Jan Flagg, Enrollment Officer PO Box 217 Anacortes, WA 98221 We will place it in your file in case your copy should get lost or destroyed. Send yours today! 5 Upcoming Events COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Satur day, Apr il 2, 2016 TIME: 9am - 5pm LOCATION: Council Chamber s 4701 Fidalgo Bay Road, Anacortes, WA 98221 RSVP: At Least 1 week in advance please CONTACT: Denise Gaggens 360-293-6404 x110 or email DETAILS: Tr ibal member s ar e encour aged to come to Council business meetings. It is a gr eat way to stay up-to-date on all happenings with the tribe. Lunch is provided. CULTURE CLASS: WEAVING CEDAR DATE: Satur day, Apr il 16 & 17, 2016 TIME: 10 am - 3pm LOCATION: Samish Admin Building 2918 Commercial Avenue, Anacortes, WA 98221 RSVP: At Least 1 week in advance please CONTACT: Admin Fr ont Desk 360-293-6404 or email DETAILS: Lunch will be a potluck COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Satur day, Apr il 30, 2016 TIME: 9am - 5pm LOCATION: Council Chamber s 4701 Fidalgo Bay Road, Anacortes, WA 98221 RSVP: At Least 1 week in advance please CONTACT: Denise Gaggens 360-293-6404 x110 or email DETAILS: Tr ibal member s ar e encour aged to come to Council business meetings. It is a gr eat way to stay up-to-date on all happenings with the tribe. Lunch is provided. SAMISH HEALTH & WELLNESS GATHERING DATE: Satur day, May 7, 2016 TIME: 10am - 3pm LOCATION: Fidalgo Bay Resor t Convention Center 4701 Fidalgo Bay Road, Anacortes, WA 98221 RSVP: At Least 1 week in advance please CONTACT: Mitch 360-293-6404 x207 or email DETAILS: Health pr esentations, exhibits, complimentar y amenities, dr awings, door pr izes and mor e. Lunch is provided. Contact Fidalgo Bay Resort (360) 293-5353 to check availability for RV sites - free to Samish Tribal Members. CULTURE CLASS: REGALIA: VESTS, SHAWLS, ETC. DATE: Satur day, May 14, 2016 TIME: 10am - 2pm LOCATION: Samish Administration Building 2918 Commercial Avenue, Anacortes, WA 98221 RSVP: At Least 1 week in advance please CONTACT: Admin Fr ont Desk 360-293-6404 or email DETAILS: Lunch will be a potluck 6 Upcoming Events COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Satur day, May 21, 2016 TIME: 9am - 5pm LOCATION: Council Chamber s 4701 Fidalgo Bay Road, Anacortes, WA 98221 RSVP: At Least 1 week in advance please CONTACT: Denise Gaggens 360-293-6404 x110 or email DETAILS: Tr ibal member s ar e encour aged to come to Council business meetings. It is a gr eat way to stay up-to-date on all happenings with the tribe. Lunch is provided. **SAVE THE DATE**ELDER’S LUNCHEON DATE: Fr iday, J une 24, 2016 TIME: 11am - 2pm LOCATION: Fidalgo Bay Resor t MORE DETAILS TO COME **SAVE THE DATE**CULTURE DAY: 20 YEAR CELEBRATION DATE: Satur day, June 25, 2016 TIME: 10am - 2pm LOCATION: Fidalgo Bay Resor t MORE DETAILS TO COME GENERAL COUNCIL MEETING & ELECTIONS DATE: Sunday, J une 26, 2016 TIME: 8am - 5pm POLLS ARE OPEN FROM 8 AM - 12 PM LOCATION: Fidalgo Bay Resor t Convention Center 4701 Fidalgo Bay Road, Anacortes, WA 98221 RSVP: At Least 1 week in advance please CONTACT: Denise Gaggens 360-293-6404 x110 or email DETAILS: Tr ibal member s ar e encour aged to come to Council business meetings. It is a gr eat way to stay up-to-date on all happenings with the tribe. Lunch is provided. **SAVE THE DATE**CANOE LANDING DATE: Thur sday, J uly 21, 2016 MORE DETAILS TO COME BEAVER LODGE CARVING CIRCLE The Beaver Lodge would like to invite tribal members to come carve with them. They meet weekly on Thursdays from 10am – 12pm. All are welcome. Come work on your current project or pick up a new skill. We would love to see you! Art pieces created by the Beaver Lodge Carving Circle will be available for purchase at the General Council Meeting in June. 7 Stay Informed! Upcoming Council Meetings Council Chambers Saturday April 2, 2016 9am - 5pm Saturday April 30, 2016 Saturday 4701 Fidalgo Bay Road Anacortes, WA 98221 Be an informed tribal member and attend an upcoming meeting of your leaders. 9am - 5pm May 21, 2016 9am - 5pm RSVP one week in advance to Denise (360) 293-6404 x110 if you want lunch ordered for you. Get Involved! Send us an email to Please state your name, address, phone and which committee(s) you would like to join. Please make sure you include “Committee Interest” as the subject. Do you have any expertise in any of these topics? There is at least one seat on the following committees: You can also call the Administration front desk with this information at (360) 293-6404 If there are committees that are in high demand, we will place your name on a waiting list. 8 Appeals Board Education Health Housing Natural Resources Health & Human Services Greetings from Health and Human Services! My name is Austin Anderson, and I am the new Social Services Specialist. I started in this position in late October. Everyone has been extremely welcoming, and it already feels like home. Samish has always been a part of my life and I am honored to get to work in this community. My parents are Pat and Patty Anderson, and my grandmother is Beverly Barrett. The social services programs are all running smoothly. The food voucher program is going quite well. Thanks to the Small Tribes Organization of Western Washington, or STOWW, we are able to provide low-income food assistance to our members in San Juan, Whatcom, Skagit, Island, and Snohomish counties. The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, or LIHEAP, is also progressing well. Through it, we are able to provide assistance with a portion of home energy bills in the same five counties, as well as King County. Call or stop by to ask for an application! This will be the first year Samish will participate in the Four Tribes Fitness Challenge, which is now officially the Five Tribes Fitness Challenge with the inclusion of Samish. It is an eight week long wellness program intended to encourage tribal members to increase their physical activity, with a special prize at the end for full participation. I’ve already had the pleasure of meeting with many of our tribal members at our elders’ lunches and the reception desk at the Health and Human Services building, and I encourage anyone to stop by and say “Hi.” I’ll have a pot of coffee ready and a fully stocked candy dish. I look forward to meeting more of you throughout the year! Austin Anderson | Social Services Specialist Office: 360.899.5282 ext. 201 | Fax: 360.299.4357 | E-mail: 9 Emergency Preparedness Are you Ready? Is your household prepared for a disaster? In our continued effort to ensure that tribal members are prepared for emergencies, we encourage households to read this regular newsletter article and take action as we break down the steps to what could otherwise be a daunting task. Flood season is upon us as spring approaches across the country. Each year, more deaths occur due to flooding than from any other thunderstorm related hazard. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that over half of all flood-related drownings occur when a vehicle is driven into hazardous flood water. The next highest percentage of flood-related deaths is due to walking into or near flood waters. People underestimate the force and power of water. Many of the deaths occur in automobiles as they are swept downstream. Of these drownings, many are preventable, but too many people continue to drive around the barriers that warn you the road is flooded. A mere 6 inches of fast-moving flood water can knock over an adult. It takes just 12 inches of rushing water to carry away a small car, while 2 feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles. It is NEVER safe to drive or walk into flood waters. The National Weather Service has produced an important public service campaign called, “Turn Around Don’t Drown™”, emphasizing these dangers and urging the public to take flooding seriously! Here are some tips when a flood warning is issued in your area: Monitor the NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards, or your favorite news source for vital weather related information. If flooding occurs, get to higher ground. Get out of areas subject to flooding. These include dips, low spots, canyons, and normally dry washes. Avoid roads already flooded. Road may be washed out under flood waters. Turn Around Don’t Drown™ when you encounter a flooded road. If heavy rain is forecast or occurring, move your camp site and vehicle away from streams and washes. Be especially cautious when driving at night when it is harder to recognize flood dangers. Many drivers over estimate their ability to navigate flooded roads, putting too much stock in their “heavy” vehicles. In reality, most motorists lose control of their vehicles, including SUVs, in just six inches of water, while 18-24 inches of moving water will force a vehicle off the road. The menace is buoyant force. When the buoyant force is greater than the vehicle’s weight, the vehicle will move with the moving water. Besides the buoyant force, erosion is another significant concern. Moving water is very powerful and can undermine the integrity of a road. A motorist will be unaware he is driving into a scoured out section of the road. For more information about flood hazards or to learn about the Turn Around Don’t Drown™ campaign, please visit: 10 Canoe Family Updates Thank you to everyone who was able to join us on February 20th, it was a great gathering. We are continuing our preparations to host and travel on Canoe Journey this year. Some news from the gathering: Our Skipper Sam is working hard to help the new Stillaguamish Canoe Family grow and thrive. We are proud of his efforts and how much our canoe family is able to share our strength with other families. Sam understands the dedication, hard work and focus required to help a canoe family succeed. With this in mind, Sam has it in his heart to pass the Samish skipper's paddle on so that both canoe families have the focused leadership that can help them grow. I was humbled to be asked to take up the paddle for Samish. I will do my best to help lead our Canoe Family. Our Canoe Family strength is in the talents and commitment of each individual that shares their wisdom and hard work, year round, on and off the water. Thank you to everyone for your support, looking forward to another great year. With this in mind, it is time to keep planning for Journey 2016, Paddle to Nisqually. Please don't hesitate to send me questions, comments, concerns. If you know of anyone that wants to get information and is not getting it currently, have them email or PM me and I will make sure they are added to the list. Send me anything you know that needs doing to prepare for hosting and journey. We will be compiling information, on prep and journey to share and be able to recruit help and leads for tackling the list. No detail is too small, no idea is too big. As we get closer, we will send out a call for volunteers and more help. Please start sending me your plans for hosting and journey, how do you want to be involved? Samish Hosting is currently shaping up for July 21st, this might change as we get closer but we will keep updates coming. July 30th is current landing in Olympia with protocol to follow until about Aug 5th. If you know of anyone interested in participating, have them contact me directly. Stay up to date on Journey planning on Nisqually's website: and on facebook: Tribal Canoe Journeys – ( ). It's going to be a wonderfully busy year! Adam (360) 293-6404 x 220 11 10th Annual Samish Health & Wellness Gathering Fidalgo Bay Resort Convention Center May 7th, 2016 “The Path to Reducing Your Risk Of Diabetes and Heart Disease” This event is open to Samish Tribal Members, their families and friends! Conference Agenda Complimentary Amenities 10:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. Welcome, Opening Song And Introductory Remarks Diabetes Screenings Vision & Acuity Screenings 10:15 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.—Elisa Zaragoza, MD Peace Health Cardiovascular Center Blood Pressure Control. What You Should Know. What You Can Do. Spinal Screenings Therapeutic Chair Massages Fidalgo Bay Resort RV Sites: Free to Samish Tribal Members 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.—Jan Rystrom, RD, CDE Diabetes Education Evergreen Health Making Healthful Food Choices 12:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.—Lunch and Health Fair Exhibits Free Wild Salmon Catered Lunch 1:15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.—Samish Canoe Family Native Cultural Presentation 1:45 p.m. to 2:30p.m.—Mandy Van Hofwegen Cardiac Rehab Therapist—Peace Health A Cardio-Based Total Fitness Program 2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.— Drawings*, Door Prizes & Closing Prayer 12x $50 Cash Gift Cards 4x $100 Gas Gift Cards *Get a health screening for a chance to win a new pair of Nike Walking Shoes! Friday May 6th and Saturday May 7th To check availability call 360-293-5353 Health Exhibitors Syélpxen (George Adams) will be sharing Samish language materials and information about traditional foods Priority Footwear & Pedorthic Services Circle of Healing Essential Oils Bellegrove Pharmacy Cascadia Eye Care Affordable Acupuncture of Anacortes Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Telecommunication Equipment Distribution Program offered through DSHS 12 Sponsored by the Samish Indian Nation Diabetes Program 1-877-470-8737 Contract Health News Should I Go to the ER? Sometimes we are faced with the difficult choice of whether or not to go to the Emergency Room for care. This is a decision no one takes lightly. Here are some questions to help guide your decision whether a trip to the ER is necessary. These are intended to be a guide. Ultimately, use your good judgment to determine if you need emergency services. Is my life in danger? Has my doctor or care provider advised me to go to the ER? Am I experiencing signs of a heart attack or stroke? Do I have active bleeding that does not stop after 10 minutes? Am I experiencing shortness of breath? Am I in severe pain? Any emergent threats to my life or health? Am I having a reaction causing difficulty breathing? Have I had a major injury, such as a head trauma? Do I have any unexplained stupor, drowsiness, or disorientation? Am I coughing up or vomiting blood? Do I have severe or persistent vomiting? Am I having suicidal or homicidal feelings? The emergency room’s primary role is to stabilize a patient until they can be seen by primary care. If your health complaint is not emergent, it is best to call your primary care provider and arrange for an appointment. This will help you avoid unnecessary lengthy wait times as well as costly ER bills. For after hours care, consider the following: Call your on-call primary care provider’s after hours help line before going to the ER Urgent care or walk-in clinics ar e an option that allows you to be seen that same day. Or, make an appointment with your primary care provider. As always, for any and all life threatening or emergent health care needs, we encourage use of the emergency room. 13 Samish Announcements Calling all Graduates It is hard to believe that it is already that time of year again and we will quickly be preparing for Summer time and our General Council gathering in June. One of our traditions that I love is recognizing all tribal members who have graduated since the last General Council meeting. If you or someone you know is graduating, please send me their name, where they are graduating from and one sentence (if you like) on their next steps. Celebrating their success is an important part of a student’s journey. I look forward to hearing from you and can’t wait to share with everyone gathered in June. Thanks, Adam, 360.293.6404 x220 To those people who received Enrollment Update Forms, please return them to Jan as soon as possible. Please Join Us! Seattle Mariners Salute to Native American Day Sunday, September 18, 2016 The Seattle Mariners are hosting a Salute to Native American Day special event at Safeco Field. The Mariners will take on the Houston Astros and game time starts at 1:10pm. Samish will be purchasing 100 tickets for tribal members to attend this special event day. Please call Christa at the front desk to reserve your tickets: (360) 293-6404 x107 or (877) 711-8896. 14 Samish Announcements Veterans served in the United States Military with honor and distinction, and have made enormous sacrifices and put their lives on the line for our security and deserve our deepest appreciation. To help us pay tribute, if you, or any member of your family is a veteran, please call 360-293-6404 at the Administration building and leave the veteran’s name, address, phone number and their email address (if they have one). We also would like to include the names of any veterans that have passed, along with a way to contact family. BIRCH BAY WATERSLIDES There will be a hundred spots available for Samish members to visit the Birch Bay Waterslides! The event will be on Saturday, August 13, 2016. Please contact Christa at (360) 293-6404 x107 to be added to the list. LIGHTS OF CHRISTMAS There will be a Samish Group Event to see the Lights of Christmas at Warm Beach, just south of Stanwood, on Sunday, December 4, 2016. Please contact Christa at (360) 293-6404 x107 to be added to the list. CONGRATULATIONS! Judith Owens-Lancaster has been honored with the Mayor's Arts Award for her contribution to the arts in our community, especially the Bellingham Theatre Guild. The awards ceremony takes place April 27 at 5:30 at the Walton Theatre located in the Mount Baker Theatre at 104 N. Commercial Street. The Mayor's Arts Award program was established in 1978 to honor those who have contributed to the arts in our community. Nominations are received from the public and reviewed by the Bellingham Arts Commission each year. 15 Chelángen Upcoming Cultural Training Opportunities The cultural committee has some funding to support tribal members interested in attending additional classes and workshops for topics of cultural interest. There are great classes available that teach additional topics beyond what is on the monthly class schedule offered by Samish. We are especially interested in supporting attendance opportunities for members who will bring knowledge back to our community to share. Typically funding will not cover the total cost of attendance but provides significant support. If you are interested, please contact: Sally Barrett, Cultural Connection Specialist, for details 360-293-6404 ext. 203, or Also watch the website for upcoming opportunities and details on how to apply for funding. Here are a couple of workshops that are highly recommended: Northwest Indian College Weavers Teaching Weavers March 31 – April 1 Northwest Indian College Bellingham, WA Info: Hazel Pete Basketry Workshop Weavers Teaching Weavers May 6 and 7 Great Wolf Lodge Grand Mound, WA Info: (use the Basketry workshop link at the bottom) Northwest Native American Basketweavers Association Sept 30 – October 2 Great Wolf Lodge Grand Mound, WA Info: A little more Chelángen Hello everyone as you read in the last newsletter, we officially have a new department focused on helping the Tribe achieve our goals and plans for helping our community learn more about our Samish traditions. We are dedicated to preserving the rich heritage of our community and helping to carry it into the future. Staff will be working closely with the Cultural Committee to continue the hard work they have done over the years. We are excited for the future. So that you know which staff positions have been gathered into the department, here is a list of current staff: Department Director/Tribal Historic Preservation Officer: Jackie Ferry Archives Program Manager: Jason Ticknor Enrollment Clerk/Librarian: Jan Flagg Cultural Outreach Manager: Rosie Cayou-James Cultural Connections Specialist: Sally Barrett Language Program Manager: George Adams Education Program Manager: Adam Lorio We all look forward to working with you, Chelángen Department Staff 16 Happy Birthday! Let’s Celebrate! Let’s take time to celebrate Tribal member’s birthdays. Listed in alphabetical order by first name. FEBRUARY Aaron Abby Aidan Alexia Allison Alyssea Andrea Andrew Annalynn Ashley Aslan Austin Auston Barbara Benjamin Benjamin Bert Blake Brandon Brenton Brody Bryan Bryce Caitlin Cameron Chad Charlotte Charlotte Chase Christopher Christopher Claire Claire Connor David David David Deanna Debra Delia Camp Eliassen Bunn Jackson Cowart King Skoglun Andersen Sands Holloman Schue Moore Armstrong-Rohrman Schnelle Heckendorn Saks Plaster Thomas Miller Barrett Smith Hall Scheel Blackinton Cobb-Shupert Labrum Dick Williams Skuza Buckman Watson Flagg Soucy Wingert Johnson Sanchez Wheeler Crumpacker Smith Branson FEBRUARY Dennis Dominic Donna Dylan Edward Eleanor Eliza Emily Emma Erin Eric Fredrick Gary Gary Gavin George Griffin Hannah Heather Henry Holly Jacob Jacqueline Jada James James James Jamie Jamie Janice Jeffery Jeffery Jeffery Jesse Jessica Jessica John Joshua Justin Karl Hadler Josephsen George Wheeler Kendall Sedlack Douglas Baker Johnson Soucy Kavanaugh Wills Kavanaugh King Ruyeras Wong Christiansen Sullivan Jenkins Tanner Herrick Josephsen Gifford Kelly Ludwig Thomas Raymond Matthews Stokes Mac Avoy Haner Hatch Vazquez Zarr Howard MacDonald Liedtke Stewart Cox Penter 17 FEBRUARY Kathryn Kaydon Kelly Kendra Kevin Kimber Kimberlee Kirk Larry Larry Lincoln Linda Lindsay Lisa Lori Lily Madison Marc Mariah Marshall Marvin Mary Melissa Michael Michelle Patrick Racie Raelynn Randal Raymond Rebecca Richard Richard Richard Richard Robert Romaine Ryan Sally Samantha Louthain Eierdam Stykel Nelson Michaels Klein Mount Hudson Thomas Jr. Thomas III Huntley Luke Cox Lemond Galluzzi Eastwood Bunn Hatch Underwood Flagg Underwood Smail Haldy Guthrie Hatch-Ebert Douglas Knudson-Mckee Thomas Guthrie Douglas Jones Barrett George Graves MacDonald Tjeerdsma Underwood Black Barrett Medina Happy Birthday! Let’s Celebrate! Let’s take time to celebrate Tribal member’s birthdays. Listed in alphabetical order by first name. FEBRUARY Sandra Sara Shanoah Shawn Stacie Susan Suzanna Tanner Tasha Terry Theodore Thomas Tobias Travis Travis Treasure Trevor Trevor Trisha Tyla Victor Vivien Wesley Zachery Zueken Marsonette Hansen-Alvarez Kubista McCallister Michaelson Spence Sam Trial Repp Barrett Estrada Wicken McLeod Hatch Wheeler Payne Barrett King Charles Jones Underwood Saldana Smith Wyngaert McEvay MARCH Abigail Adam Alice Allan Alyssa Amanda Amber Andrew Andrew Anita Ann Asa Ashley Ava Averey Barbara Barry Benjamin Bernice Brian Briana Brien Brittany Brittany Bruce Bryan Bryce Cammie Cassandra Catherine Cecelia Charlotte Charlotte Christine Christine Crystal Daniel Darvee David Deborah 18 Mandujano Camp Sam McFetridge Graddon King McFetridge Meade Spence Meade Hansen King Scheffelmaer Gooch Lemmon Wortley Hatch Leatherwood Barrington Barrett Bartone Tenaglia Payne Trial Horstman Perry McCarson Wicken Anderson Weidert-Hawkins Meurling Jones Whiteley Barrett Hansen Swinton Eagle Olsen Michaels McCarson MARCH Deborah Debra Deidra Derrick Devin Diane Dustin Edward Elizabeth Elliot Evelyn Gavin Gayle Genevieve Gordon Hannah Harold Harvey Herbert Iona Jacob Jada James Jane Janet Janice Jeffrey Jeffrey Jessica John John John Joshua Joyce Judith Kailey Katherine Kayla Kaylea Kelee Strong Romaszka Plaster-Egger Johnson Bloomingdale Bergan Jenkins King Jr. Settler Pond Thompson Tomlinson Ham Connell Misheal Cox Hatch Jr. Eagleheart-Charlie Krokos Misheal Peterson Buckman Matthews Cuculic Castilleja Joy Scheremeta Wortley Harder Bays Scheremeta Thomas II Anderson Jones Fees Ruyeras Arns Thorne Berglund Rock Happy Birthday! Let’s Celebrate! Let’s take time to celebrate Tribal member’s birthdays. Listed in alphabetical order by first name. MARCH Kevin Kory Kyla Kyle Larry Lindsey Lloyd Logan Loressa Louis Madeline Madeline Maegen Mark Mark Marvin Mason Mathew Matthew Mckenzie Mehkenzi Monica Nancy Natasha Nathan Nathaniel Olivia Parker Parker Raider Raymond Raymond Rebecca Reece Ronald Ronda Rondee Ryan Rylee Sarah McQuaid Schue Wilson Rohrman Jensen Wilson Anderson Alvarez Jones Krokos Neunzig Routhier Derbidge Steele Stringfellow Hatch Jr. Flint Ludwig Oreiro-Wion Connell Eagleheart-Charlie Clifton Camp Turner Hatch Labrum Cooper Floyd Lanier Poppe Golden Ritter Bressan Scheffelmaer Lundstrom Penter Wilson McCary Houser Mitchell APRIL MARCH Sarah Scott Shannon Shannon Shawn Shelbie Shelly Stephanie Steven Tara Teri Timothy Timothy Tobias Travis Tristen Tucker Tyler Verna Victoria Von Wendell Wendy Zachary Zachary Zachary Zachery Sturdivant Cooper Clay Shaw Murrow Lucy Black Shinn Kavanaugh Lindsay Horton Carson King Francisco Moore Gore Senter Seifert Long Lindsay McNew Payne Jr. Lynch Davis Fluit Lemmon Garness 19 Aaron Ada Alexyss Alyssa Amelio Andrea Andrew Anthony Barbara Barrett Beatrice Brandon Brianna Brenda Brian Bridget Bryan Caleb Candyce Carol Cayleigh Cedria Claire Clara Colin Connor Corey Corey Crystal Crystal Dana Daneka Daniel Darel David David David Dean Deana Deborah Douglas Hatch King Hatch Banuelos Donoghue Wilson Underwood Faulkner Anderson McNew Dick Roening Wheeler Cox Graham Jackson Stagner Hundley Hatch Blackinton Wheeler Longhurst McLaughlin Jones Black Kendall King Watson Scheffelmaer Schue-Payton Ritcheson McFetridge Fisher Dunn Garness Louthain MacDonald Christiansen Bekenyi Fix Happy Birthday! Let’s Celebrate! Let’s take time to celebrate Tribal member’s birthdays. Listed in alphabetical order by first name. APRIL Debra Delaney Dianne Donald Dylan E Colby Eliot Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Emma Erik Ethan Evan Gordon Grace Grant Jacqueline James Jan Janece Janis Janis Jansy Jaolyn Jared Jerred Jessica Jessie John John Joseph Josh Joshua Joshua Josie Joy Kaleb Karissa McDonald Vaught Peterson Thompson Mielke Karaim Cooper Breslin Golden Goodwin Skoglun Carpenter Kaeding Harder Rice Barrett Diaz Graves King Kavanaugh Jr. Stagner Flagg Bailey Wood Hansen McQuaid Blackinton King Cox-Torres Hatch Thomas Wilson Soucy McNew Hicks King Plaster Caberos McGee Culley APRIL APRIL Katherine Kathleen Kayla Keegan Keegan Kelli Kiely Kristian Kristina Laureena Lauren Lester Lisa Lisa Madison Mandy Mariah Marilyn Marnie Martin Marvin Marvin Mason Mathew Mathias Mersadies Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Mildred Nathan Nathan Neal Nita Olivia Paige Peyton McDowell-Hairston Landskron Kavanaugh Johnson King Stewart Bell Freund Kubik Peterson Rice Christiansen Jr. Bleeck Weber Dofelmire Scarborough Dreher McDowell-Conger Gaither Howard Thompson Underwood Wilson Dick Krettler Hintgen Armstrong Blewett II Bymers Day III Hatch MacDonald Dunn Labrum Wong Spoon Welburn Nichols McGee Scheremeta 20 Rebekah Richard Richard Roger Ronald Roxanne Roy Ruth Savannah Scott Selene Shaylynn Shelley Simon Tamara Tanya Tara Terry Tiffany Timothy Todd Tonya Tori Travis Tyler Tyler Tyler Valerie Victor Walter Willard Willard Zachary Douglas Pease Spoon Hansen Graves Tollefson Plaster Underwood Culley Hall Mooney Morgan Wade Alvarez Rogers Latham Sala Peterson Fix Edwards Jr. Wilson Coynor Gore Scheffelmaer Gaither Miracle Thompson Cagey Underwood Underwood Murrow Murrow Hess Happy Birthday! Let’s Celebrate! Let’s take time to celebrate Tribal member’s birthdays. Listed in alphabetical order by first name. MAY Aaron Angela Anita Artis Audrey Austin Aylssa Barbara Barbara Barbara Bernadine Blake Bradley Bryan Cassandra Cassandra Chantal Charles Cherie Cheryl Cheryl Cheyenne Christian Christopher Colin Conner Craig Craig Dakota Damian Daniel Daniel Darlene David David Dawn Denae Donae Donald Donna Nelson Powell Blackinton Thompson Turner Anderson Nelson Clonch Harvill Young Mawson Graddon Garness Walde Clark Miller McFetridge McKelvy Myler Chatt Berard Mawson Bressan Boyle Douglas Dofelmire Barrett Smith Kuch Cruz Lortz Wilson Jr. Smith Anderson Nelson Carpenter Reeves Bondi Wilson Brese MAY Donna Douglas Edward Eileen Elizabeth Elizabeth Ellen Eunice Gavin Glory Gwendolyn Housten Isaak Jack Jacqueline Jada James Jason Jaxon Jaylin Jeanie Jenna Jerald Jill Jonathan Jorda Joyce Julia Kaitlyn Kaleb Katelinn Kathleen Katie Keith Kelsey Kelly Kendra Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth McNeil Barrett Pease Adison Hauser Stewart Sedlack Thomas Wilson Truax Renteria Eagleheart-Charlie Turner Thompson Bohn Scheffelmaer Lemmon Scheffelmaer Clark King Lucy Burnett Christiansen Thompson Long Hatch Olesen Settler Gresham McDaniel Sturdevant Kiele Horton Arns Taylor Hudson Jr. Burks Hatch Howard MacDonald 21 MAY Kimberly Kristian Kristin Kyle Lane Larry Laurita Lester Lisa Lucas Luke Lynn Mabon Marcel Marilyn Marissa Mark Marlys Mavis Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Mikaela Myrna Nathan Nathan Nathan Nika Pamela Patricia Patricia Quinn Randall Renabelle Richard Richard Richard Richard Padgett Hatch Dunlap Rice Wilson Hatch Harper Christiansen III Fisher Rogers Moore Markley Josephsen Joseph George Kite Mielke Foster Donoghue Ballesteros Douglas Graddon Mandujano Wilson King Price Decato De Kay Graddon Keller Huntley Douville Naylor Barrett King Roberts Gorynski Graves Perry Wheeler Happy Birthday! Let’s Celebrate! Let’s take time to celebrate Tribal member’s birthdays. Listed in alphabetical order by first name. MAY Robert Robert Robert Robert Ronald Rose Ruby Sam Samuel Samuel Scott Scott Scott Shannon Shawn Shawn Shylah Stephen Stephen Steven Stewart Tanner Terrance Thomas Thomas Tom Travis Tyler Tyler Veronica Vicki Victor William Ogilvie Perry Scheffelmaer Turner Thompson Castilleja Tanner Armstrong Penter Jr. Trahan De Kay Gore Wooten McCary Silver Sullivan Vaught Kendall Turek Jr. Louthain Douglas Senter Barrett Barrett Kendall Mathews Kuch Eagleheart-Charlie Moore Ritter Crabtree Pounds Jr. Arns On Behalf of the Samish Indian Nation, we wish you a … 22 23 COLORING PAGE Some tribal members have expressed interest in using our tribal logo for gifts, fund raising, and other purposes. Council has an ordinance in place regarding use of the Tribal Logo and Seal, and at this time only official activities of the Tribe are permitted uses for these images. This ensures that anytime the logo is visible on posters, publications or products, the activity or fund raiser has been approved by the Tribe with all levels of control in place. Samish Indian Nation 2918 Commercial Avenue P.O. Box 217 Anacortes, WA 98221 (360) 293-6404 Please Recycle Email address Website:
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