the latest Newsletter - Samish Indian Nation
the latest Newsletter - Samish Indian Nation
Samish News Summer 2016 CERTIFIED ELECTION RESULTS SAMISH INDIAN NATION June 26, 2016 From Left to right: Jenna Burnett, Gary Hatch, Tamara Rogers, Tom Wooten, Dana Matthews, Dave Blackinton, Tim King Samish Tribal Council Congratulations, Candidates! Listed alphabetically by last name. Bold indicates elected. CHAIRMAN SECRETARY Tom Wooten — 311 Votes Dana Matthews — 303 Votes COUNCIL MEMBER POSITION 5 & 6 Dave Blackinton — 224 Votes Jenna Burnett — 183 Votes Shawn MacAvoy — 73 Votes Larry Thomas Jr. — 110 Votes 1 Enrollment Information Needed Andrew Andersen Michael Armstrong Robert Barr Lyle Barrett John Bays Kaleb Blackinton Dylan Breslin Gerickah Charlie Anthony Daniels Gregory Davis Stewart Douglas Daniel Eagle Sarah Elliott Dale Fair BradleyS. Garness Candyce Hatch Theo Hawkins Jr Andrew Highley-Eastwood Kale Houser Lara Hovland Marcy James Charlotte Jones Colby Karaim Darin King Joey King Samantha King Jasmine Landa Shelbie Lucy Winnifred Marchand Chelsey McAlister Whitney McKinney Wesley Meade Julie Moore Bruce Perry Skye Ritter Anita Schindler Mark Steele Jamie Stokes Gavin Tomlinson Norman Underwood Jr. Nita Welburn Fredrick Wills Barrett Anderson Jeffrey Bailey James Barrett Roy Barrett ii Joshua Bell Lisa Bleeck Dominick Cameron Jerald Christiansen Miranda Daniels Joshua Davis Teal Douville Tyler Eagleheart-Charlie Brianna Engberg Karen Fisher Christian Gidlof Phillip Hatch Jr. Karrena Heredi-Medina Katie Horton Kye Houser Martin Howard David Johnson Lance Jones Mary Kendall Edward M. King Jr. Joshua King Shannon King Joe Lowman Kurtis MacDonald Hailey Mason Bryce McCarson Andrew Meade Jenny Miller Shaylynn Morgan Jennifer Plaster Alice Sam Aslan Schue William Steele Ethel Thomas-Kimble Patricia Tomlinson Sheri Underwood Arnold Whiteley Paige Wooten Alex Armstrong Aryan Barr Lloyd Barrett Shane Barrett Jessica Blackinton George Bob Kaleb Chambers Christopher Clark Brennan Davis Zachary Davis Kristin Dunlap Carolyn Edwards Steven Engberg Carrie Fix Darla Graves Heidi Hawkins Debra Higgins Lisa Horton Shey Houser Bryan Jackson Anthony Johnston Rebbeca Jones Aubree King Jasen King Lanita King Steven Kruger Jeanie Lucy Justin Madonna Ronald Massey Billy McIntosh Joshe Meade Leann Mitchell Nicholas Paul Richard Ritter Jr Colleen Scheel Crystal Schue-Peyton Vonnie Stewart Kyle Tilton Jaylyn Topaum Stephanie Wehde Bernie Wills Holly Zaremba WE ARE STILL SEARCHING FOR THESE FOLKS OR THEIR MAIL HAS BEEN RETURNED – AT THIS POINT THE ADDRESS IS REMOVED. IF YOU HAVE ADDRESSES FOR ANYONE ON THIS LIST OR YOU HAVE A CHANGE FOR YOURSELF PLEASE CONTACT JAN AT THE OFFICE P.O. BOX 217 ANACORTES,WA 98221. PLEASE BE SURE TO LET US KNOW IF THE CHANGE AFFECTS ANYONE ELSE IN YOUR FAMILY. WE WILL ACCEPT P.O. BOX’S BUT YOU MUST ALSO HAVE A LEGAL RESIDENCE. IF YOUR CARD DOES NOT HAVE A PHOTO, PLEASE SEND A PHOTO TO THE ENROLLMENT DEPARTMENT. PHOTOS ARE RETURNED WITH THE CARDS. If you are a Veteran or those of you who have an Indian name, please contact Jan Flagg PO BOX 217 Anacortes, WA 98221 (360) 293-6404 x106 2 Tribal Enterprises Samish Samish Early Learning Center Vocational Center-based, year round, licensed center providing quality care and education for young children ages 12 months to 5 years Rehabilitation C O UNS ELING AND EMPL OYMENT SERVICES TO AS S IS T IN HE LPIN G N ATIVE A M ERICANS WI TH DIS ABILI TIES BECO M E EM P LOY ED . Monday-Friday 7:30am-5:30pm Competitive Rates Available Please inquire for specific rates (360) 588-8806 1809 Commercial Ave. Anacortes, WA 98221 360-899-5282 Free meals provided through the USDA program Qualifying families may be eligible for minimal cost childcare through our CCDF grant (please contact us for details). We also accept DSHS. Fidalgo Bay Resort RV by the Sea Our Cabins are available to tribal members at a 30% discount year round with no minimum stay required. Tribal discounts available all year •142 Full Hook-up RV sites •Gift Shop •Laundry Facilities •Small Boat Launch •Park Model Cottages The Convention Center is available to tribal members at a 50% discount. Clubhouse, Fitness & Game Rooms Open All Year ON LINE RESERVATIONS Available at: Contact our staff to make your reservations now. For rates and information call (360) 293-5353 (360) 293-5353 4701 Fidalgo Bay Rd, Anacortes, WA We welcome you to pop in for a visit! Owned & Operated by the Samish Indian Nation 3 TRIBAL MEMBER Please contact us at (360)293-6404 or by email Would you like to advertise your business in the Tribal Member Businesses Page? Providing experienced criminal defense services to King and Pierce Counties for over 15 years. Owner/Attorney: Erik P. Kaeding 25028 104th Avenue SE Kent WA 98031 (253) 850-8430 Rhonda Colburn Licensed Daycare Owners: USDA Food Program 859 South 80th Street Tacoma, WA 98408 Phone: (253) 473-4183 Urban Roots Salon Jewelry Needle Baskets Button Robes Button Hangings Owner/Stylist Cell 360.708.9080 360.299.0079 Marine Service Provider 1111 Craftsman Way Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-3088 Brie Keller 2515 Commercial Ave. Anacortes, WA 98221 Dan Hatch Jeff LaLone. Jitty Kitty Closet, Inc. Visit Wendy Hatch eBay Store Ow ner Variety of new, vintage, antique, and gently used items. Also purchases items as well and will assist in selling your items. Pat & Diana Dunn 360.293.5054 4 OWNED BUSINESSES Carrie’s CoaChing LLC. Carrie Kaeding, 425-503-6580 Look Good, Feel Good Make Better Health Your Habit Past failures are stepping stones to future success. My specialty is in the area of lasting weight loss and bringing diabetes under control with the guidance of your doctor. Ask me about: A complimentary coaching session, Coaching sessions over the phone,, getting results that last, and reduced future health care costs. If you are part of the General Membership and have a Feather Permit, please send a copy to: Samish Indian Nation Attn: Jan Flagg, Enrollment Officer PO Box 217 Anacortes, WA 98221 We will place it in your file in case your copy should get lost or destroyed. Send yours today! 5 Upcoming Events COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Satur day, July 16, 2016 TIME: 9am - 5pm LOCATION: Council Chamber s 4701 Fidalgo Bay Road, Anacortes, WA 98221 RSVP: At least 1 week in advance please CONTACT: Denise Gaggens 360-293-6404 x110 or email DETAILS: Tr ibal member s ar e encour aged to come to Council business meetings. It is a gr eat way to stay up-to-date on all happenings with the tribe. Lunch is provided. CANOE JOURNEY LANDING AT SAMISH DATES: Thur sday-Friday, July 21-22, 2016 LOCATION: Fidalgo Bay Resor t 4701 Fidalgo Bay Road, Anacortes, WA 98221 DETAILS: Mor e infor mation will be posted to the website as it becomes available. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Jackie Ferry at 360-293-6404 x126 or email BIRCH BAY WATERSLIDES DATE: Satur day, August 13, 2016 LOCATION: Bir ch Bay Water slides 4874 Birch Bay-Lynden Rd, Blaine, WA 98230 RSVP: ASAP limited availability CONTACT: Chr ista Goings 360-293-6404 x107 or email DETAILS: Mor e infor mation will be posted to the website as it becomes available. If you have questions, please contact Jackie Ferry at 360-293-6404 x126 or email COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Satur day, August 20, 2016 TIME: 9am - 5pm LOCATION: Council Chamber s 4701 Fidalgo Bay Road, Anacortes, WA 98221 RSVP: At least 1 week in advance please CONTACT: Denise Gaggens 360-293-6404 x110 or email DETAILS: Tr ibal member s ar e encour aged to come to Council business meetings. It is a gr eat way to stay up-to-date on all happenings with the tribe. Lunch is provided. CAMP SAMISH DATE: Thur sday-Sunday, August 25-28, 2016 LOCATION: 4734 Samish Point Road, Bow, WA 98232 RSVP: At least 1 week in advance please CONTACT: Chr ista Goings 360-293-6404 x107 or email DETAILS: Mor e infor mation will be posted to the website as it becomes available. If you have questions, please contact Adam Lorio at 360-293-6404 x220 or email or contact Sally Barrett at 360-293-6404 x203 or email 6 Upcoming Events CULTURAL BOAT TRIP DATE: Satur day, September 10, 2016 TIME: 8:30am to 4pm LOCATION: Cap Sante Mar ina, Seafar er s Way, Anacor tes, WA 98221 Address, Anacortes, WA 98221 RSVP: ASAP limited availability CONTACT: Chr ista Goings 360-293-6404 x107or email DETAILS: Ther e ar e 100 spots available with pr efer ence given to tr ibal member s who haven’t gone before. If you have questions, please contact Adam at 360-293-6404 x220 or email or Sally at 360-293-6404 x203 or email COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Satur day, September 17, 2016 TIME: 9am - 5pm LOCATION: Council Chamber s 4701 Fidalgo Bay Road, Anacortes, WA 98221 RSVP: At least 1 week in advance please CONTACT: Denise Gaggens 360-293-6404 x110 or email DETAILS: Tr ibal member s ar e encour aged to come to Council business meetings. It is a gr eat way to stay up-to-date on all happenings with the tribe. Lunch is provided. SEATTLE MARINERS SALUTE TO NATIVE AMERICAN DAY DATE: Sunday, September 18, 2016 TIME: Game star ts at 1:10 pm LOCATION: Safeco Field 1250 1st Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134 RSVP: Waitlist Only CONTACT: Chr ista Goings 360-293-6404 x107 or email DETAILS: Seats ar e in Section 146, r ows 17-24. If you have questions, please contact Jackie Ferry at 360-293-6404 x126 or email CULTURE CLASS: WEAVING YARN INTO CEDAR CAPES DATE: Satur day, September 24, 2016 TIME: 10am - 3pm LOCATION: Samish Administr ation Building 2918 Commercial Avenue, Anacortes, WA 98221 RSVP: At least 1 week in advance please CONTACT: Chr ista Goings 360-293-6404 x107 or email DETAILS: Mor e infor mation will be posted to the website as it becomes available. If you have questions, please contact Adam Lorio at 360-293-6404 x220 or email or Sally Barrett at 360-293-6404 x203 or email BEAVER LODGE CARVING CIRCLE The Beaver Lodge would like to invite tribal members to come carve with them. They meet weekly on Thursdays from 10am – 12pm. All are welcome. Come work on your current project or pick up a new skill. We would love to see you! 7 Stay Informed! Upcoming Council Meetings Council Chambers Saturday July 16, 2016 9am - 5pm Saturday August 20, 2016 Saturday 4701 Fidalgo Bay Road Anacortes, WA 98221 Be an informed tribal member and attend an upcoming meeting of your leaders. 9am - 5pm September 17, 2016 9am - 5pm RSVP one week in advance to Denise (360) 293-6404 x110 if you want lunch ordered for you. Get Involved! Send us an email to Please state your name, address, phone and which committee(s) you would like to join. Please make sure you include “Committee Interest” as the subject. Do you have any expertise in any of these topics? There is at least one seat on the following committees: You can also call the Administration front desk with this information at (360) 293-6404 If there are committees that are in high demand, we will place your name on a waiting list. 8 Appeals Board Education Health Housing Natural Resources 20 Year Re-recognition Celebration Samish Nation was restored to Federal recognition on April 26, 1996. The Tribe acknowledged the 20 year anniversary of being restored with great pride on Saturday, June 25th. The highlight of the day was a digital timeline of archival photos and related stories about the Tribe’s history from before European settlement to present day. Chairman Tom Wooten narrated the history, calling upon key elders and other audience members to provide more background and details whenever possible. A 3-minute newsreel video of war canoe races held at Coupeville WA in 1930 drew laughs and cheers, as elders called out “qelát” – the word for “again” in our Samish language. Members commented about how much the Tribe has persevered in spite of so many odds, and marveled at the number of accomplishments in the past 20 years since being re-recognized. Culminating the history and timeline presentation, tribal elder and fluent speaker Randy Daniels brought out a new song ceremonially to share with the Samish people as a Victory Song. Every one of our members are encouraged to check out the audio link on the Cultural page of the tribal website to learn it and join in proudly whenever we sing this at any events in the future. Members in attendance were gifted with 20 Year Commemorative blankets and we need your help to make sure each and every tribal member gets their blanket. Instructions on how to get your free blanket: 1. Adult tribal members may collect their own blankets from Tribal Administration a. Parents may accept on behalf of minor children b. Other family members may be able to accept on your behalf with clear communication to Tribal Administration (email or phone call preferred) 2. Please contact Tribal Administration if you are able to collect your blanket(s) in person at future trips to Anacortes (this will save the Tribe mailing costs) 3. Please contact Tribal Administration and clarify the delivery address for mailing 9 Chelángen Field Notes from our Chelángen Department An excerpt from George Adams (Syélpxen) I must point out as an example of one recent finding on the Sam ish Place Nam e s while collaborating with the Archives Manager. I have been working on and off since 3.30.15, on the Coast Salish Villages of Puget Sound [Lummi-Bellingham] off the <> site; especially on the Samish village sites: #1-59. The Samish village sites are: #31, #32, #33, #34, #35, #36, #37, #38, #39, #40, #41 and #42; and, of these listed sites, #32, #33, #35, #37 are noted as “name unknown.” Recently, on one of my regular stops at our Samish Archives, on 10.01.15, I looked at the archives materials; lo and behold, while looking though, Sally Snyder Box 1 of 4, pp 64, I saw the apparent name for the Samish Island village site (where we have ‘Camp Samish’). It was in the Dxwháha7útsid (Nuwhaha Language) by Charlie Anderson (ChA): stl’ébks (in PO) The name of Samish Island on the west end. It was called that because it was all rocks. It means ‘deep water.’ (s’tl’eb is ‘deep’). It was not a village. [ChA] Pp 64 Though it was reported that ChA said, this is ‘not a village;’ it was very common in Coast Salish to name villages as to its nearby flora (e.g., #25 T’ámxwiqsen ‘Gooseberry Pt. /village); or, as to nearby fauna (e.g., #30 Xwkw’ól7exwem ‘dog salmon place/village); or, nearby physical features (e.g., # 26 Sxwelísen ‘narrowing, water diverted through an opening portage/village’). Therefore, in the Coast Salish Villages of Puget Sound Site #37: [name unknown]. Samish, Samish Island. N end. “Biggest village of the tribe [late 1800s]. “One large building, 4 smaller [60’ x 40’] buildings;” … [C]ould only mean the present day Camp Kirby grounds on Samish Island as: Xwtl’échqs ‘Deep Water Pt./village.’ (Note: Dxwháha7útsid has /b/, which corresponds to Xws7ámeshqen /ch/ as in stl’ébks (sic) which would be Xwtl’échqs [//xw-tl’éch=qs// ‘(PRF.always-√deep=point) ‘Deep Water Pt./ village.’) On the November 14 SLC meeting, the committee formally made a motion to make Xwtl’échqs as the accepted name for the Samish Island Camp Kirby site. At this same meeting, the SLC wants to place a plaque with an explanation of our place name, Xwtl’échqs, through ceremony, during June 25th Culture Day and place the plaque in the ‘big house’ at Xwtl’échqs (Camp Kirby). 10 #30 Xwkw’ól7exwem dog salmon place/village #25 T’ámxwiqsen ‘Gooseberry Pt. /village’ 32 31 Xwtl’échqs Deep Water Pt./village 33 34 37 38 36 35 34—35 39 40 42 41 43 11 Vocational Rehabilitation Hello from your vocational rehabilitation program! We hope you’re well and would like to share a few items that may be of interest. Wellbriety Movement On May 4, 2016, in partnership with the Samish Cultural Department and Skagit Valley College, Samish Vocational Rehabilitation hosted a training about historical trauma related to boarding schools to college staff and students. The event had over 75 in attendance and included pre-discussion, a video about the Wellbriety Movement, and a panel de-briefing. We are sharing this information with you because you too can learn more about historical trauma related to boarding schools and the Wellbriety Movement by checking out the White Bison website at: The video is also available on youtube for viewing: Job Accommodation Resources If you are looking for resources for accommodations on the job (for anything from brain injury to pregnancy to sensitivity to fragrances), the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) has a wealth of online information that you can research and share with your employer. The website is: How to Say “No” without saying “No” The Washington Employee Assistance Program (EAP) has some great advice to share from their April 2016 Employee Frontline Newsletter: “Every resource on time management and productivity discusses having the ability to say no. This assertiveness helps prevent distractions, saves personal energy, reduces stress, and reduces the risk of feeling overwhelmed. If saying no is a struggle for you, here are four other ways to do it: 1) Let others know in advance that you will be busy during a certain time or defined period. 2) Ask whether a certain task can be postponed. 3) Recommend another source of help or person with better capability, more desire, or the ability to produce the preferred outcome for your requestor. 4) Postpone your commitment to saying yes or no to a future date.” Have a wonderful summer and we look forward to staying in touch! Best Regards, Ray Avery, Counselor Stephanie Adams, Counselor Associate Nancy Holland, Intake Specialist 12 Samish Breast Cancer Awareness & Prevention Campaign 5k Fun Run and 1 Mile Walk Saturday, August 20, 2016 Fidalgo Bay Resort Convention Center Tommy Thompson Trail 4701 Fidalgo Bay Road, Anacortes, Washington Please join us for the Samish Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention 5k Fun Run and 1 Mile Walk which will take place on Saturday, August 20th at the Fidalgo Bay Resort. This is a tribal and community event to increase awareness of breast cancer prevention and educate Samish Tribal members and the local community about the importance of regular breast cancer screening to help reduce the risk of breast cancer. The 5k Fun Run and 1 Mile Walk is sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The Northwest Tribal Cancer Control Project and the Samish Indian Nation. This is a FREE event! All participants receive a premium cotton commemorative t-shirt, water bottle, pedometer, healthy snacks and outreach materials on breast cancer screening, awareness and prevention. The 5k Fun Run Starts at 10:00 a.m. The 1 Mile Walk Starts at 10:15 a.m. Registration is on Day of Event Only T-Shirt and Bib Number Pick-Up: 8:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Awards for the Top Three 5k Fun Run and 1 Mile Walk Finishers Mitch Markovich, RN Samish Public Health Services 13 Purchased & Referred Care PURCHASED AND REFERRED CARE (CHS) GETS AWARDS! On May 20, 2016, it was our great pleasure to accept TWO awards for excellence from Indian Health Services on behalf of the Samish Nation for our Health Program. One award was for “Hard Work and Commitment” in the implementation of the 2016 computer system for Indian Health Services. October, November and December of 2015, Erin and Kim worked tirelessly re-entering data that could not be transferred electronically…..thousands of providers, hundreds of patients, and all the demographic and insurance info, and more. They were troopers, and are recognized for their contribution to the successful implementation of the new computer system. The second award was for “Exemplary Customer Service, acknowledging the efforts we make in PRC/CHS to provide our clients and the providers with the best possible service. We try to make each interaction pleasant, efficient and fruitful. We don’t give up on sticky issues, we are persistent, and we try to come to successful conclusions, while abiding by the Indian Health Service guidelines. We are proud of these awards. We have worked hard to earn them, and are delighted to have brought the Samish Indian Nation to the limelight in this way. Joanne Liantonio Erin Soucy Kim Padgett Health & Human Services Greetings from Health and Human Services! The social services programs are all still going well. The food voucher program is running smoothly. Thanks to the Small Tribes Organization of Western Washington, or STOWW, we are able to provide low-income food assistance to qualifying Samish members in San Juan, Whatcom, Skagit, Island, Snohomish, and King counties. The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, or LIHEAP, is also progressing well. Through this program, we are able to provide assistance with a portion of home energy bills to qualifying members in San Juan, Whatcom, Skagit, Island, and Snohomish counties. Call or stop by to ask for an application! This is the first year Samish has participated in the Five Tribes Fitness Challenge, an eight week long wellness program intended to encourage tribal members to increase their physical activity. We had a successful first year of running the program, with 39 participants. Next year we hope and expect to have even more people participate. I still have not had the pleasure of meeting many of you, so if you’re in Anacortes I encourage you to stop by, have a cup of coffee, and introduce yourself. Austin Anderson | Social Services Specialist Office: 360.899.5282 ext. 201 | Fax: 360.299.4357 | E-mail: 14 Samish Announcements SAMISH BOAT TOUR Samish Group Boat Tour of the San Juan Islands on Saturday, September 10, 2016. Please contact Christa at (360) 293-6404 x107 to be added to the list. Preference given to first time attendees. BIRCH BAY WATERSLIDES There will be a hundred spots available for Samish members to visit the Birch Bay Waterslides! The event will be on Saturday, August 13, 2016. Please contact Christa at (360) 293-6404 x107 to be added to the list. LIGHTS OF CHRISTMAS There will be a Samish Group Event to see the Lights of Christmas at Warm Beach, just south of Stanwood, on Sunday, December 4, 2016. Please contact Christa at (360) 293-6404 x107 to be added to the list. To those people who received Enrollment Update Forms, please return them to Jan as soon as possible. 15 Happy Birthday! Let’s Celebrate! Let’s take time to celebrate Tribal member’s birthdays. Listed in alphabetical order by first name. JUNE Abigail Amber Andrew Angie Anthony April Arnold Arthur Audree Avery Barrie Benjamin Benjamin Billie Jo Brandon Brayden Brenda Brent Candace Caralee Carl Charyse Chase Cindy Conner Connie Connor Crystal Curtis Daniel Daniel Darlene David Dena Denett Derek Diane Donna Dorene Earl Dofelmire Williams Highley-Eastwood Rutherford Mathews Stegeman Whiteley Anderson Raymond Nelson Taylor Barrett Boyle Settle Horstman Jr. Spence Black Morgan Sturdevant Arneson Christiansen Matthews Darling Talerico Taylor Barr Sullivan Soucy McCarson Fisher Louthain Coleman Barrett Haynes Bloomingdale Pounds Caravello Louthain Beidleman Nelson JUNE JUNE Eddie Eric Ethan Evelynn Gage Garnett Gerickah Gloria Gordon Gregory Halry Isabel Jaclynn Jake James James Jason Jason Jeremy Jessica Jody John Joni Joseph Julia Justin Kahlia Kale Kaleb Karrena Kaylene Kelly Kenneth Keri Kyle Kyra Lakelee Laura Laura Lila Plaster Andersen Wheeler Leckrone Wilson Peterson Charlie Settler Barrett III Davis Crabtree Muniz McFetridge Armstrong Flagg White Call Krokos Wilson Colburn Labrum Bruce Hartford Merriman Hendershot Penter-Phillips Lemmon Houser Blackinton Heredia-Medina Prine Hall Lemmon Hintgen Rogers Wortley Grady Egbert Pond Longhurst 16 Lydia Lynea Lynzie Madison Madylin Marc Mark Mark Marlene Maurice Melissa Michael Michael Michael Michael Michele Michelle Midas Miles Morgan Morgan Mykel Naomi Natalie Nevan Nicholas Nicholas Nicole Nicole Nicole Norman Olivia Ole Patricia Paul Peggy Rachel Ralph Randi Regan Curtis Moreland Grantham Cooper Connell Anderson McCary Peterson Wood Prine Walker Day Engberg Osborne Sheena Rhynes Mortensen Strand Christiansen Alvarez Underwood Chambers Douglas Darling Robinson Orsi Paul Hendershot McGee Williams Underwood Jr. Vazquez Olesen Jr. Fawcett Michaels Olesen Hehemann Underwood Jr. Haacke Wortley Happy Birthday! Let’s Celebrate! Let’s take time to celebrate Tribal member’s birthdays. Listed in alphabetical order by first name. JUNE Rhonda Rita Robert Roy Sabrina Samantha Sandra Sara Sarah Sean Shala Shannon Shelley Shey Shirely Stephanie Steven Steven Sylvia Taylor Taylor Tim Todd Tonya Troy Tyler Tyler Tyler Vernon Victor Victoria Vonnie Wayne William Yvonne McFetridge Louis Nelson Joseph Gooch Matthews Voigt Chatt Cox McFetridge Daniel King Trial Houser Olsen King Engberg Houser Mullen Carson Rice Mathews Bailey Bayley Labrum Rhynes Thompson Wittman Barrett Daniels Donoghue Stewart Graves Vaught Bloomingdale JULY Ada Alessia Alexander Amanda Andrea Andrew Angela Anna Anthony Anthony Anthony April Audrey Aurora Austin Ayla Aysa Barry Benjamin Betty Bianca Brande Branson Brenden Brent Brian Brianna Bruce Cheryl Chester Christian Christian Christopher Clifford Coleen Corbin Cortney Dana Danica Daniel Mawson Godsey Bruce Christiansen Hatch Eldred Williams Vandermey Clark Daniel Mathews Thompson Gartner Mac Avoy Houser Mantonya Garness Flagg Rice Parnell Watson Taylor Blewett McLeod Flagg Kavanaugh Schoch-Wasson Barrett Estes Blackinton Culley Gidlof Clark Thompson Clark Gidlof Hansen Matthews McCaslin Mcdonald 17 JULY David David Dawn Debra Dinah Dixie Donna Donovan Duane Dugan Elisha Emma Ethyn Farrell Gail Ginger Gordon Gordon Grace Hayden Henry Hunter Jack James Jana Jasen Jason Jay Jaymee Jeffrey Jeffrey Jennifer Jo Ann Jordan Jordan Joseph Joshua Joshua Joshue Judy Thompson Underwood Sr. Bekenyi Jones Lundin Moore Chambers Jones Hatch Hadler Elliott Sullivan Schindler Ford Hatch Turnbull Barrett Jr. Gidlof Cox Smith Louis Jenkins McLaughlin Jr. Nielsen Vazquez King Smith Miracle McDonald Garness Wooten Hatch Hawkins Houser Miller King Christiansen Rohrman Meade King Happy Birthday! Let’s Celebrate! Let’s take time to celebrate Tribal member’s birthdays. Listed in alphabetical order by first name. JULY Justin Kaden Kaiden Katarina Kate Kathryn Kelson Kenneth Kenneth Kenzie Kevin Kyle Landon Lanita Laura Lawrence Lillian Logan Lovena Madelyn Makayla Marcie Marco Marcus Marlise Martin Matie Matthew Matthew Mauna Merrilee Michael Michael Michael Michelle Mindy Molly Myla Nathan Nikki Scheffelmaer Call Sivo Anderson Louthain McDaniel Coughlin Van Schoick Wills Van Sant Chambers Tilton Soucy King Hovland Breslin Johnson Birkendahl Bekenyi Humphries Bloomingdale James Hatch Lynch Livolsi Louis Hofstad Eastwood Mullinax McCorkle Hagen Dofelmire Egbert Tjeerdsma Conneway Tanner Kitka Johnson Hatch Eliassen JULY Patricia Quincy Rachel Richard Rodney Ronnie Ruthann Sammantha Sarah Sean Shauna Shawn Shirley Skye Sonia Stanley Stephanie Tara Taylor Tessa Theresa Thomas Tuesday Tyrone Wayne Wendell William William Wyatt Zoe Warren Way Saldana Ritter Jr. Dofelmire Prine Sweet Kubik Conger Boyle Underwood Mac Avoy Parminter Dunn Tavis Cox Green Blackinton Guthrie Eagle Wooten McDowell Rohrman McLeod Soucy Hatch Hatch Mawson Jefferson Howard 18 AUGUST Henry Abbie Alanna Alecsander Alex Alexa Amanda Amy Angella Anita Annette Anthony Anthony Ashlee Ashley Athena Audrey Austin Baylee Bob Breanna Brenden Brennan Brianna Brody Brooke Bryce Caden Cameron Charlotte Carie Carissa Carla Carolie Casey Chyenne Cindy Colleen Connor Cooper Courtney Dan Longhurst Rosso Payne Meeks Voigt Nichols McCaslin Schindler Pitchford Labrum Sam Maddux Fix Shapley King Bays Engberg Lyon Mawson Harder Davis Engberg Lundin Thompson Peterson Hundley Rice Whiteley Fix Anderson Rosso Coughlin Lyon Underwood Fricke Scheel Huntley Hicks Miller Nelson Happy Birthday! Let’s Celebrate! Let’s take time to celebrate Tribal member’s birthdays. Listed in alphabetical order by first name. AUGUST Darren David David Deanna Debra Delbert Deven Dolores Dominick Donna Donovan Douglas Duane Dusty Dylan Edwin Edwin Elijah Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Eric Ethan Gracie Grant Grayson Haley Haley Hana Holly Isaac Jack Jacob Jacqueline Jacqueline Jacqueline James James Jane Jeffrey Jeffrey Rice Day Underwood Schultz Franks Poppe Jr. Jenkins Minatre Cameron Nelson Benites Bekenyi Plaster Rice Breslin Krokos Shaw Mortimer-Underwood Davies McCorkle Wingert Soucy Douglas Vaught Horstman Forbes Graddon Pedersen Zaremba Zaremba Graham Wong Moore Andrews Bruce Davenport Bagley Sweet Bister Engberg Wooten AUGUST Jenny Jerad Joan Jon Jonathan Jordyn Julia Kaleb Kara Karen Kathleen Kelly Kelsey Kenneth Kimberly Korey Lakayla Lance Laurie Leila Leslie Leslie Levi Linda Lindsey Logan Lorelei Lucas Machelle Mackenzie Maddisen Madison Marissa Mark Mauricia Michael Michael Milo Nancy Nathan Nicholas Miller Thompson Wills King Saks Sterling King Chambers McCaslin Wicken Wade Louis Kaeding Huntley George Scott Jr. Moreland McNew Rice Mullins Anderson Scheffelmaer McKenzie Blackinton Cover Huntley McEvay Trahan Fowler Olesen Chambers Jonas Madonna Lobeda Bill Conger Day Jr. Bloomingdale Coates Callies Labrum 19 AUGUST Nils Nina Paige Patrick Patrick Payton Peyton Rebecca Renee Renee Richard Richard Robert Robert Robert Robert Rory Rose Ryan Ryder Sarah Scott Scott Shauni Sheri Stephen Steven Susan Teresa Thomas Timothy Toby Tracy Travina Trent Trevor Tucker Tyler Wesley William Willita Andersen wooten Wooten Anderson Day Day Fairservice Gifford Krokos Peterson Fisher McDowell Cameron Louis Van Schoick Voorhees Pease Armstrong Gaither Stroud Elliott Dearing Eastwood Barrett Underwood Christiansen Huntley Losey Guthrie Wooten Guthrie Eliassen Hatch Charles-Ludman McQuaid Shaw Wilson Eldred Turner Bailey McIntosh Some tribal members have expressed interest in using our tribal logo for gifts, fund raising, and other purposes. Council has an ordinance in place regarding use of the Tribal Logo and Seal, and at this time only official activities of the Tribe are permitted uses for these images. This ensures that anytime the logo is visible on posters, publications or products, the activity or fund raiser has been approved by the Tribe with all levels of control in place. Samish Indian Nation 2918 Commercial Avenue P.O. Box 217 Anacortes, WA 98221 (360) 293-6404 Please Recycle Email address Website:
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