Raipur - The Pioneer
Raipur - The Pioneer
7`]]`hfd`_+ 0DXU4QY\i@Y_^UUb >@?6J"! B186A>D?@ =4C38?B&'1DC B0HBF>ABC>5=?0B1478=38C RNI Regn. No. CHHENG/2012/42718, Postal Reg. No. - RYP DN/34/2013-2015 VQSUR__[S_]TQY\i`Y_^UUb H@C=5& CAD<?20;;B78B8B8B C06>=>10<0²B0A20B< DA@CED"# 8=380³B>;H270;;4=64 8=0A274AH4=3B A08?DAB0CDA30H 0D6DBC " ! %*?064B !C fffSPX[h_X^]TTaR^\ 4bcPQ[XbWTS '%# ?dQ[XbWTS5a^\ 34;78;D2:=>F 17>?0; 17D10=4BF0AA0=278A08?DA 270=3860A7347A03D= k m 2Xch E^[$ 8bbdT !! 0XaBdaRWPaVT4gcaPXU0__[XRPQ[T C1>91B?81> 5>D5B=9H54 4?E2<5CA6 !"C@?BD A>hR_ed:_UZRe`aRjAR\SRT\ 6&OLIWVEDQRQELJGLHVHO 0RGLVD\V3R.LVSDUWRI,QGLDDVNV0($WRFRQWDFWFLWL]HQVRI3R.WRH[SRVH3DN ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 ATVXbcaPcX^]^UPQ^eT !RRRPabP[[^fTS X]3T[WX=2A P rime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday raised the issues of Pakistan’s atrocity in PoK and Balochistan as an allparty meeting discussed the “Pak-sponsored” violence in Jammu & Kashmir and the Government proposed a financial package of Rs 80,000 crore to the development of the State. The all-party meet did not take any decision on banning the use of pellet guns by the security forces or sending a political delegation to engage with different stakeholders in the Valley. Addressing the all-party meeting, Modi said the Government was ready to address “grievances” of all sections of people in Jammu & Kashmir as per the Constitution but made it clear that there cannot be any compromise with the nation’s integrity. He also praised the work of security forces to maintain peace in the Valley and said certain elements across the border were inciting few people to create violence and spreading unrest. Blaming Pakistan for the root cause of unrest in Kashmir, Modi said India need no teaching from Pakistan who uses air force to bomb its citizens in Balochistan. “Cross-border terrorism is the root cause of unrest in Kashmir. Normal life is affected due to terrorism in the Valley from 1989,” said Modi detailing the seizure of arms and ammunition from 20?BD;4 C0;810=?;0=B0CC02: >=8=380F0A=B?0: ;PW^aT) ?PZXbcP]³bc^_ R^d]cTacTaa^aXb\PVT]RhWPb XbbdTScf^P[TacbfPa]X]V PQ^dc_^bbXQ[TcTaa^aPccPRZbQh cf^CP[XQP]bdXRXSTQ^\QTabPc cWTFPVPWP]S6P]SPBX]VW Q^aSTabfXcW8]SXPPa^d]ScWT 8]ST_T]ST]RT3Ph ?# 6DA60>=4G?A4BBF0H F0C4A;>66430608= 6daVP^])BTaeXRT[P]TbPc7Ta^ 7^]SP2W^fZ^]cWT3T[WX 6daVP^]4g_aTbbfPhfPcTa [^VVTSPVPX]^]5aXSPhPUcTa WTPehaPX]P]^UUXRXP[bPXS 8=5;0C8>=B7>>CBC>% 502C>AH>DC?DC! =Tf3T[WX) 8]SXP³bP]]dP[aTcPX[ X]U[PcX^]bW^cd_QTh^]ScWT ^UUXRXP[c^[TaP]RT[TeT[^U%_Ta RT]cU^a9d[h\PX][h^]WXVWTa U^^S_aXRTb[XZT_d[bTbP]S eTVTcPQ[TbfWX[T^]cWTQaXVWcTa bXSTcWTUPRc^ah^dc_dca^bT! _TaRT]cX]9d]T^UUXRXP[SPcP bW^fTS^]5aXSPh ? 0BB0<58ABCBC0C4C> A0C85H6BC18;; 6dfPWPcX)0bbP\^]5aXSPh QTRP\TcWTUXabcBcPcTX]cWT R^d]cahc^aPcXUhcWT 2^]bcXcdcX^]0\T]S\T]c1X[[^] cWT6^^SbP]SBTaeXRTbCPg 6BCPbcWT0bbT\Q[h d]P]X\^db[h_PbbTScWT1X[[ CWTBcPcT2PQX]TcP__a^eTScWT 1X[[^]5aXSPh\^a]X]V QTU^aTXcfPb_[PRTSX]cWT 7^dbTSdaX]VcWT^]V^X]V 0bbT\Q[hBTbbX^] ?& FDUVVODSV JUHHQFHVV A4;845C>0DC><>18;48=3DBCAH ?=BQ =4F34;78 n a major relief to the automobile industry, the Supreme ICourt on Friday lifted the restric- ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXRWPXabP]P[[_Pach \TTcX]V^]:PbW\XaX]=Tf3T[WX ?C8 Pakistan infiltrated terrorists into the Valley. Asserting that PoK is part of India, the Prime Minister said, “When we talk about Jammu & Kashmir, we must talk about all the four regions of the State — Jammu, Kashmir Valley, Ladakh and Pakistanoccupied Kashmir (PoK).” “With so many weapons being recovered and so many foreign terrorists infiltrated into the Valley to create violence, Pakistan may speak as much lie before the world and no one going to believe them. Pakistan forgets that it bombs its own citizens by fighter planes. Now it is time to make Pakistan answerable before the world on 94`cUVcd43: ac`SVZ_e` 3f]R_UdYRYc XR_XcRaV ?=BQ 0;;070103 he Allahabad High Court T on Friday ordered a CBI enquiry into the sensational gangrape of a mother and her minor daughter on National Highway 91 in Bulandshahr district, observing that it was “not satisfied” with the police investigation so far. The HC, which had taken suo motu cognisance of the July 29 incident, also said it intended to “monitor the investigation in the case”. The HC passed this order while hearing a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the case. A Division Bench comprising Chief Justice DB Bhosale and Justice Yashwant Varma passed the order a day after the Uttar Pradesh Government submitted a status report on the investigation into the incident in a sealed cover to the court. “We are not satisfied, neither with the way the investigation appears to be taking place nor with the material that has been placed on record,” the HC said and directed the UP Government to produce the FIR lodged in connection with the crime, the medical reports Continued on Page 4 0;;?0ACH<44C8=6>=:0B7<8A T <^SXbPXScWT6^eTa]\T]cfPbaTPShc^ PSSaTbb²VaXTeP]RTb³^UP[[bTRcX^]b^U_T^_[TX]9: Pb_TacWT2^]bcXcdcX^] T 7^fTeTacWT?<\PSTXcR[TPacWPccWTaTRP]]^c QTP]hR^\_a^\XbTfXcWcWT]PcX^]³bX]cTVaXch T 2a^bbQ^aSTacTaa^aXb\XbcWTa^^cRPdbT^Ud]aTbc X]:PbW\XabPXScWT?< T 7T_aPXbTScWTf^aZ^UbTRdaXchU^aRTbc^\PX]cPX] _TPRTX]cWTEP[[Th the atrocities against people in Balochistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir,” said Modi. Promising to find a permanent and peaceful solution as per the basic principles of the Constitution, Modi said, “We all are committed to this national sentiment that there cannot be T CWT\TTcSXS]^c cPZTP]hSTRXbX^]^] QP]]X]VcWTdbT^U _T[[TcVd]bQhcWT bTRdaXchU^aRTb^a bT]SX]VP_^[XcXRP[ ST[TVPcX^]c^ T]VPVTfXcWSXUUTaT]c bcPZTW^[STabX] cWTEP[[Th any compromise with the country’s regional integrity.” “We are ready to address the grievances of all sections under the Constitution,” the Prime Minister said. Sharing the main points of his Government’s Kashmir policy, Modi asked the External Affairs Ministry to try to contact citizens of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, living in different parts of the world, to get details of the area’s pitiable condition and share them with the international community. Continued on Page 4 Related reports on P5, 7 tion on registration of diesel cars and SUVs having engine capacity of 2000cc and above in Delhi and National Capital Region on payment of one per cent of the ex-showroom price of such vehicles as green cess. The cess, charged as environment protection charge, has to be paid by the vehicle manufacturer with Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) which will open a separate account with a scheduled public sector bank. The SC said that the registration of the vehicle would be done by the Regional Transport Officer on the satisfaction that 1 per cent of the cost of the vehicle has been deposited with the CPCB by the vehicle manufacturers/dealer/subdealer. However, a Bench headed by Chief Justice T S Thakur left open for adjudication Centre’s opposition that such charge cannot be levied by the court. The SC will decide later whether green cess can be levied on diesel vehicles of below 2000cc engine capacity. The order was welcomed by the automobile industry T CWTRTbbRWPaVTSPbT]eXa^]\T]c_a^cTRcX^]RWPaVTWPbc^QT_PXS QhcWTeTWXR[T\P]dUPRcdaTafXcW2T]caP[?^[[dcX^]2^]ca^[1^PaSfWXRW fX[[^_T]PbT_PaPcTPRR^d]cfXcWPbRWTSd[TS_dQ[XRbTRc^aQP]Z T CWTaTVXbcaPcX^]^UcWTeTWXR[Tf^d[SQTS^]TQhcWTATVX^]P[ CaP]b_^ac>UUXRTa^]cWTbPcXbUPRcX^]cWPc _TaRT]c^UcWTR^bc^UcWT eTWXR[TWPbQTT]ST_^bXcTS T B21T]RW[TUc^_T]U^aPSYdSXRPcX^]2T]caT³b^__^bXcX^]cWPcbdRW RWPaVTRP]]^cQT[TeXTSQhcWTR^dac T FT[R^\X]VcWTB2^aSTaPdc^\^QX[TX]SdbcahbPXSTUU^acb\dbcQT \PSTc^PSSaTbbcWTaTP[RPdbT^U_^[[dcX^]X]bcTPS^UcPaVTcX]VP _PacXRd[Pach_T^UUdT[ which said efforts must be made to address the real cause of pollution instead of targeting a particular type of fuel. The Apex Court’s direction on modifying its December 16, 2015 order came on a plea of automobile companies Toyota and Mercedes-Benz. Appearing for Mercedes, senior advocate and former solicitor general Mohan Parasaran said the company has offered to pay 1 per cent of the ex-showroom price of these cars as green cess on being permitted to resume sales in Delhi and NCR. Toyota and Mercedes had insisted their offer to the court was voluntary in order to overcome the ban and not on the premise that their vehicles are polluting 'RQ¶WSDUDO\VHMXGLFLDU\6&WHOOV*RYW 5^d]SPcX^]bc^]T[PXSU^a HZ]]WZiRTT`f_eRSZ]Zej W`c_`_ViVTfeZ`_`W T`]]VXZf^¶dUVTZdZ`_ hRc_d4;:ED EYR\fc ?=BQ =4F34;78 I n an unprecedented attack on the Government, the Supreme Court has accused the Centre of trying to paralyse the judiciary by dragging its feet on implementing the collegium’s decision to appoint and transfer Chief Justices and judges of High Courts. This came on a day the Government told the Rajya Sabha that 478 vacancies were yet to be filled in 24 HCs of the country and nearly 39 lakh cases were pending there. Chief Justice of India TS Thakur, who recently broke down while making an emotional appeal to the Government to fill the vacant post of judges, sent out a stern message to the Centre over non-execution of the collegium’s decision, saying the SC will not tolerate the “logjam” and would intervene to make it accountable. In April, the collegium cleared the names of over 70 judges, but the Government has so far neither approved them nor sent any of them back to the collegium for reconsideration. \Z °FWhXbcWTaT\Xbcadbc.FWTaT³bcWT_a^_^bP[ \Z 8]0_aX[cWTR^[[TVXd\R[TPaTS 20;;8=60 cWT]P\Tb^U^eTa&YdSVTbQdc B?0340B?034 [P]VdXbWX]V.4eT]cW^dVW&$]P\TbWPeTQTT] aTR^\\T]STSQhcWTR^[[TVXd\cWTaTbTT\bc^ cWT6^eTa]\T]cWPbb^UPa QT]^aTb_^]bT4eT]cWTP__^X]c\T]c^U2WXTU ]TXcWTaP__a^eTScWT\]^abT]c 9dbcXRTbXb_T]SX]VCaP]bUTab^UYdSVTbPaT P]h^UcWT\QPRZc^cWT _T]SX]VFTS^]³cfP]cP[[cWXbCWXb[^VYP\Xb R^[[TVXd\U^aaTR^]bXSTaPcX^] ]^cV^^S±bPXScWT1T]RWP[b^R^\_aXbX]V \Z 0cWaTT\T\QTa1T]RWWTPSTS 9dbcXRTb0<:WP]fX[ZPaP]S3H2WP]SaPRWdS QhCWPZdafW^P[b^WTPSbcWT B2³bR^[[TVXd\aTUTaaTSc^cWTSXUUTaT]RTbQTcfTT]cWT \Z °8UcWTaTXbP_a^Q[T\fXcWaTVPaSc^P]h]P\T _[TPbTbT]ScWTUX[TQPRZc^dbU^aaTR^]bXSTaPcX^]± YdSXRXPahP]ScWT2T]caT^eTacWT<T\^aP]Sd\^U bPXScWT1T]RW ?a^RTSdaT<^?STP[X]VfXcWcWTP__^X]c\T]c^U YdSVTbP]SbPXScWT_a^RTbb^UP__^X]c\T]cRP]]^c QTbcP[[TS^fX]Vc^ST[PhX]cWTUX]P[XbPcX^]^UcWT<^? Lamenting that the Centre was trying to bring the judiciary to a halt, the SC asked the Attorney-General to seek instructions from the Centre. “We won’t tolerate logjam in judges’ appointment which is stifling judicial work. We will fasten accountability,” said TS Thakur. A three-member Bench headed by Thakur, who also heads the SC’s collegium, referred to the differences between the judiciary and the Centre over the Memorandum of Procedure (MoP), dealing with the appointment of judges, and said the process of appointment cannot be stalled owing to delay in the finalisation of the MoP. The Bench said that it may intervene on the “judicial” side as the eight-month-old decision of the collegium on transfer and appointment of HC judges has not been given effect. “Why is there mistrust? Where’s the proposal languishing? Even though 75 names have been recommended by the collegium there seems to be no response. Even the appointment of Chief Justices is pending. Transfers of judges are pending. We don’t want all this. This logjam is not good,” said the Bench, also comprising Justices AM Khanwilkar and DY Chandrachud. The Bench said that if the Government has any reservation against any name then it can always come back to the collegium. “If there is a problem with regard to any name, please send the file back to us (for reconsideration),” said the Bench. The CJI, referring to his recent visit to Hyderabad, said that the Andhra Pradesh HC was working at 40 per cent of its original strength and the pendency had risen immensely. Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi said, “I will take it up at the highest level and will come back to the court”. He pleaded that no notice be issued for the time-being on the PIL filed by 1971 war veteran Lieutenant Colonel Anil Kabotra on the issue. Continued on Page 4 C Ra³C^^[A^^\´_a^YTRc BC055A4?>AC4AQ 3DA6 he Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) provides T employment to 14 crore people in India and constitutes 45 percent of total manufacturing along with more than 44 percent share in exports market for products said Union MSME Minister Kalraj Mishra while taking part in the foundation stone laying ceremony of ‘Tool Room’ here on Friday. Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh also took part in the programme. Tool Room — a Technology Center of MSME will be constructed at Borai Industrial area in Durg district. The project spanning over 25 acres of land would cost about 110 crore and is focussed at enhancing the skill of new entrepreneurs as well as imparting technical knowledge to unemployed youths. “In these Centers, entrepreneurs would be informed about the machines used in industrial units so that they may get acquainted with the nuances of the trade. Tool Room will be helpful for aspiring industrialists,” he said while addressing the gathering. The Union Minister informed that during former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s tenure, 18 tool rooms were established and now Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government is pushing the projects forward. Mishra while mentioning about global recession, attributed MSME’s contribution in controlling the recession D]X^]<B<4<X]XbcTa:P[aPY<XbWaPP]S effect in India. 2WWPccXbVPaW2WXTU<X]XbcTaAP\P]BX]VW[XVWcX]VcWT Continued caPSXcX^]P[[P\_PccWTU^d]SPcX^][PhX]VRTaT\^]h on Page 4 ?X^]TTa_W^c^ >j?R^V:d<YR_aRce::Z_FD 3KHOSVUHLJQVVXSUHPH ?=BQ =4F34;78 EUHDNV\UUHFRUG 0Rc^aBWPWAdZW:WP] STcPX[TS U^acWXaScX\TPc;^b0]VT[Tb 0Xa_^acfWX[T BPa^S\PTbca^ DbcPS0\YPS0[X:WP]³beXbP P__[XRPcX^]fPbaTYTRcTSQhcWT D]XcTS:X]VS^\7XVW 2^\\XbbX^]DB0\QPbbPS^ac^ 8]SXPAXRWPaSETa\PP_^[^VXbTS c^BWPWAdZWPUcTaWTcfTTcTS PQ^dcWXbSTcT]cX^]PccWTPXa_^ac A ctor Shah Rukh Khan was detained at the Los Angeles Airport on Friday over security concern while Sarod maestro Ustad Amjad Ali Khan’s visa application was rejected by the United Kingdom High Commission. Shah Rukh Khan was visiting the USA with his daughter on a holiday and Amjad Ali Khan Khan was to perform at the Royal Festival Hall in London next month. US Ambassador to India Richard Verma apologised to actor Shah Rukh after he tweeted about his detention at the Los Angeles Airport. This is the third time in the last seven years when Khan was stopped by US immigration officials at the country’s airports. Verma said the US was working to ensure that it does not happen again. “I fully understand & respect security with the way the world is, but to be detained at US immigration every damn time really really sucks,” Khan tweeted on Friday from the US. However, shortly after Khan the environment. While supporting the automobile companies’ plea for modification of the order, the Ministry of Heavy Industry and Public Enterprises had opposed imposition of green cess on buyers of big diesel cars and SUVs. On July 4, the court had reserved its verdict on pleas seeking modification of its order banning registration of diesel-run SUVs and high-end cars with engine capacity of 2000 cc and above in Delhi and NCR, indicating that such vehicles may be allowed to be registered again on payment of one per cent of ex-showroom price as green cess. Continued on Page 4 tweeted, the US administration responded apologising for the inconvenience. Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia in the US Department Nisha Desai Biswal replied, “Sorry for the hassle at the airport, @iamsrk — even American diplomats <XRWPT[?WT[_bdbTSc^SaTP\ PQ^dcfX]]X]VP]>[h\_XRV^[S \TSP[U^acWTDBQdc]TeTaWPS WTX\PVX]TScWPc^]TSPhWT f^d[SfX] "X]SXeXSdP[V^[S \TSP[bP]SQaTPZP! %'hTPa ^[SaTR^aS^U !b^[^cXc[TbbTcQh ;T^]XSPb^UAW^STb ?=BQ =4F34;78 W get pulled for extra screening.” “Sorry for the trouble at LAX @iamsrk. We are working to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Your work inspires millions, including in the US,” Verma tweeted. Khan thanked the envoy for his concern. Continued on Page 4 hen he was 15, swimmer Michael Phelps used to dream about winning an Olympic gold medal for the US. But, never had he imagined that one day he would win 13 individual gold medals and break a 2,168-year-old record of 12 solo titles set by Leonidas of Rhodes. Leonidas had competed in four successive Olympiads (164 BC, 160 BC, 156 BC and 152 BC) running barefoot in extremely hot and humid conditions and becoming the only athlete to have won 12 solo titles in any discipline. But then they say, records are meant to be bro- ken sooner or later. So on Friday morning, after winning a gold in the 200 meter individual medley, 31year-old pool shark Phelps broke Leonidas’ record. Phelps clocked 1 minute and 54.66 seconds, followed by Kosuke Hagino of Japan with a time of 1:57.05 and Wang Shun of China with 1:57.21. Ryan Lochte, the world record-holder in the event, finished fifth. “Right now I don’t know how to wrap my head around that,” said Phelps on winning his 13th individual gold. “I don’t know what to say. It’s been a hell of a career.” Centuries earlier, Leonidas rather impressively won all three races at four straight Olympic Games and was unmatched in the world, until Phelps came along. According to Olympic historians, Leonidas was the closest thing to an Olympic god winning his last three gold medals at the ripe old age of 36. Phelps also became the oldest man to win individual swimming gold in 96 years, breaking a record set by Hawaiian surfing legend Duke Kahanamoku in 1920. Hopefully, Leonidas enjoyed his 2,168 years on top! ]PcX^]! A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0D6DBC "! % ³7867;H?A>3D2C8E4´<>=B>>=B4BB8>= 302\PhcPZTd_APUP[TUXVWcTaYTcSTP[ CD T]VRcd8DE RU`aed<RdY^ZccVd`]feZ`_ T ?=BQ =4F34;78 ?=BQ =4F34;78 assage of the long-pending GST Bill and an unaniP mous resolution on Kashmir were the highlights of the "highly productive" Monsoon Session of Parliament, which was adjourned sine die on Friday after 20 sittings. While 13 legislations were passed by the Lower House, the Upper House approved 14 laws. Interestingly, though the productivity of the Lok Sabha was higher than the Rajya Sabha in the Monsoon Session its performance was less than what it had achieved in the Budget Session. Hailing the Session as "highly productive", Rajya Sabha Chairman Hamid Ansari said the House debated issues of "national concern", including the situations arising out of inflation, Kashmir violence and attacks on Dalits. Incidentally, the Monsoon Session of Parliament ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXP]S^cWTa<X]XbcTab P]S\T\QTabbcP]SX]VU^a]PcX^]P[b^]VX]cWT APYhPBPQWPX]=Tf3T[WX^]5aXSPh ?C8 last year was a stormy affair, which had witnessed several disruptions over the Lalit Modi controversy and the Vyapam scam. Echoing similar feelings, Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan noted that while the Lower House lost over 6 hours and 33 minutes of time due to interruptions followed by forced adjournments, it sat late for over 18 hours to discuss various important issues. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was in both the Houses, which were adjourned sine die one after another. After Rajya Sabha was adjourned sine die, Modi, Congress leader Manmohan Singh, and some other leaders went to the Chairman's chamber to thank him for conducting House proceedings. The Session also witnessed an AAP leader Bhagwant Mann being barred from attending the Lok Sabha after he filmed and uploaded a video of Parliament complex on social media, which is being probed into by a Parliamentary Committee set up by Speaker Sumitra Mahajan. Besides the GST Constituional Amendment, the Bills which were passed, include Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Bill, Taxation laws (Amendment) Bill, Factories (Amendment) Bill, Employee's Compensation (Amendment) Bill and the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) bill. While the RS deliberated for more than 112 hours during 20 sittings, the Lok Sabha sat for 121 hours. As many as 59 elected, re-elected and nominated members joined the RS. Ansari said the RS held an "animated debate" while considering and passing the Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill, 2014, to pave the way for rollout of a new indirect tax regime, GST. "The incidents of violence in Kashmir engaged the undivided attention of the House. The debates took ten hours of the House in two separate days," Ansari said. The Lower House also took up four discussions, including violence in Kashmir, price rise, sustainable development goals and atrocities against dalits. Both the Houses passed an unanimous resolution on the Kashmir Valley. It appealed to all sections of the society in J&K, to work for the early restoration of normalcy and unanimously resolved to restore confidence among people in general and youth in particular. It also resolved there can be no compromise with the country's unity, integrity and national security. Parliamentar y Affairs Minister Ananth Kumar said while the productivity of the Lok Sabhs was 110.84 per cent, that of the Rajya Sabha was 99.54 per cent. The Rajya Sabha had recorded a productivity of 91 per cent, lower than what it achieved in the latest Session. he much-awaited proposed Rafale fighter jet deal is likely to come up in the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) meeting chaired by Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar next week after the negotiating team of the Defence Ministry submitted its final report recently. The team was holding meetings with its French counterpart to hammer out the final price of the 36 jet deal. The price tag is likely to be C60, 000 crore. The DAC, the apex body for clearing acquisition of weapon systems for the armed forces, had last month reviewed the multi-billion Euro Rafale deal and directed the Indian negotiating team to submit its report "expeditiously." The next meeting of the DAC is likely to be on August 18 Giving the progress report, Parrikar in a written reply in the Lok Sabha said on Friday "the negotiating team has submitted its report which is under F^]´ccfTPZR^]bcXcdcX^]P[_a^eXbX^]^] aTbTaePcX^]\X]^aXchX]bcXcdcX^]b)2T]caT HTRWdah) =4? SaPUccPZT] Ua^\ABBS^Rd\T]c ?=BQ =4F34;78 ith serious concerns on several issues expressed W by Rajya Sabha members over the draft education policy, the Centre on Friday asserted that it will not tweak the constitutional provision regarding reservation and minority institutions. On the demand from the members, the HRD Ministry extended the last dates for suggestions on National Education Policy till the middle of next month. A day after the Opposition in Rajya Sabha slammed the NEP draft as an RSS document, HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar said only inputs or comments have been sought on a draft for which the deadline too has been extended till September 15. While the debate on the draft education policy had remained inconclusive on Thursday, Deputy Chairman P J Kurien said the short-duration discussion was not over and it would be completed whenever time permits, including in the next session. As members protested and demanded that the debate be concluded, Javadekar sought to allay fears through a brief statement. "We are not tinkering with Constitutional provision with regard to minority institutions or reservation. We believe in democracy... We believe education must be imparted with the objective of raising standard of lives," HRD Minister said. Opposition benches however wanted the debate to be completed and the Minister to give a detailed reply. However the House was adjourned sine die. Kanimozhi (DMK) vehemently protested on the issue but Kurien said Zero Hour submissions would be taken up and whenever time permits the discussion would resume, including in the Winter Session. In his speech during the debate, Sitaram Yechury (CPI-M) on Thursday had said the draft policy was a lift from an RSS document presented in Amarkantak and in the name of Vedic education, the study of history is being converted into the study of Hindu mythology, the study of Indian philosophy into a study of Hindu theology. Former HRD minister Kapil Sibal (Cong) had stated that no education system in the world has ever survived the infusion of ideology. ?A824C06;8:4;HC> 14C%2A examination." During his visit to France in April last year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced that India would purchase 36 Rafale jets in a Government-to-Government contract. The commercial negotiations started in January this year between the Indian and French Government officials besides Dassault Aviation, manufacturer of Rafale jets. The proposed deal comes with the clause of delivering 50 per cent offsets, creating business worth at least 3 billion Euros for smaller Indian companies and generating thou- 330 bW^d[ScPZT^eTa7TaP[S 7^dbT)BfP\hdaVTb=PXSd <PabWP[^UcWT8]SXP]0Xa5^aRT<8050aYP]BX]VWP[^]VfXcW2WXTU^UcWT0XaBcPUU0Xa2WXTU<PabWP[0ad_APWPU^a\Ta2WXTU ^UcWT0XaBcPUU=2BdaXP]S0Xa>UUXRTaX]RWPaVT?Tab^]]T[0>?0Xa<PabWP[1BdaTbWfXcWcWaTT]Tf[hR^\\XbbX^]TS f^\T]UXVWcTa_X[^cbPcWXbaTbXST]RTX]=Tf3T[WX^]5aXSPh ?C8 New Delhi: Stepping up his attack in the National Herald case, BJP leader Subramanian Swamy on Friday filed a petition to Urban Development Minister Venkaiah Naidu, demanding taking over the controversial Herald House building by Delhi Development Authority (DDA). In his petition, Swamy said Herald House was appropriated by Congress president Sonia Gandhi and vice-president Rahul Gandhi by floating a private company called Young Indian and DDA which allotted the land, should take over as there is no publishing activity there. "DDA now has the right to enter the said premises and take it over because it is being misused by Young Indian for collecting rent at exhorbitant rates by letting out the premises to a number of corporate parties and the Passport of MEA," said Swamy. DDA allotted land to Associated Journal Limited (AJL) in early 70s for printing and publishing of National Herald newspaper and the paper has become defunct from 2008. Swamy said as the trail court to Supreme Court has ratified the prima facie cheating and fraud in the case, the DDA should take over the building as the land belongs to it. AJL lost all right to continue in the building from 2008, as when they stopped the publishing activity, he said. "I may also say that the AJL properties in Harayna, Madhya Pradesh and Mumbai have been taken over the respective State Governments since my complaint case was filed in the Patiala House Courts. Hence, I urge you to do the same thing with the Herald House on Bahadurshah Zafar Marg, New Delhi," said Swamy. PNS &HQWUHIRUPRUHUREXVWDQWLWHUURUODZV ?fUb!<T_WRYdUY^SYTU^dcY^ New Delhi: Against the backdrop of terrorists widely using social media for their propaganda and emergence of new threats, the Centre on Friday said it is working on strengthening the anti-terror laws and specialised organisations besides providing legal protection for undercover operations. Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh, while addressing the ‘national conference on investigating agencies’, said the Government is committed to punish terrorists and is working to strengthen the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act and the National Investigation Agency (NIA) Act. "We are considering legal protection for undercover operation, use of intelligence collected as evidence and entire gamut of issues relevant to combating terrorism," he maintained adding due to widespread use of social media by terrorists, new threats have been emerging in the country. "To face these challenges, the present capabilities of specialised organisations like Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-IN), Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) need to be strengthened," he said. He said the Government is also examining enactment of the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act to provide legal sanction for evidence obtained through Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties and remove doubts about admissibility of such evidence. He said the Government has taken steps to improve the quality of investigation and has revamped the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network Systems (CCTNS) project for complete computerisation of the working of police and extended it to court, jail, prosecution and forensic laboratories. With atrocities against Dalits making headlines, Singh said the NDA has strengthened Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act by amending it in 2014 and adding a new category of offences. On the issue of women safe- sands of jobs in India through offsets. France has also offered to collaborate with India in developing Kaveri jet engine. The Indian scientists are yet to achieve breakthrough in developing the highly complex engine for indigenously developed and manufactured Tejas fighter jet. Once the DAC and the Defence Ministry clears the deal, the Finance Ministry will scrutinise it before showing it to Cabinet Committee on Security(CCS) headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The final nod for the deal will be given by the CCS. ty, he said dedicated Investigative Units on Crime against Women are being established in 564 districts of India to investigate crime against women. In these units, one-third of investigators will be women, to be funded by Centre and States on 50-50 partnership basis, he said adding the Centre will spend C324 crore in next two years on these units. Singh said investigation agencies are facing many challenges and hoped that the conference would be an opportunity to discuss ways to overcome them even as he stressed for improving investigation at police station level given that as per the National Crime Records Bureau conviction rate is very low. PNS ;UbQ\QY^" !%!&*C3`Q^U\ ?=BQ =4F34;78 ore than one lakh people in Kerala have been bitten M by dogs in 2015-16, a Supreme Court-appointed panel on Friday said, while warning that frequent stray dog attacks on children in the State have created a dangerous situation. "India is a nation with substantial fatal rabies cases, mainly due to stray dog bites. Kerala is estimated to have stray dog population of 2.5 lakh, that feeds on the garbage dumps across cities and towns,” the three-member committee headed by former Kerala High Court judge Justice SS Jagan said in its report. The committee also comprising the State law secretary and the director health services, filed the report before a Bench of Justices Dipak Misra and UU Lalit. :TaP[PXb TbcX\PcTSc^ WPeTbcaPhS^V _^_d[PcX^]^U!$ [PZWbcWPcUTTSb ^]cWTVPaQPVT Sd\_b The Bench directed the committee to continue its work and asked the State Government to provide all necessary infrastructure to it. On April 5, the apex court had appointed the committee to look into the aspect of treatment of people, who have been bitten by stray dogs and the claims of compensation. 8=B7>AC 02C8>=>A34A430608=BC 1A>>55824AB =Tf3T[WX) 0RcX^]bWPeTQTT] ^aSTaTSPVPX]bc ^UUXRTabP]S %bdQ^aSX]PcTb^UcWT1^aSTa A^PSb>aVP]XbPcX^]1A>PUcTa cWThfTaTU^d]SVdX[ch^U XaaTVd[PaXchX]P_a^YTRc3TUT]RT <X]XbcTa<P]^WPa?PaaXZPabPXS ^]5aXSPhX]PfaXccT]aT_[hc^cWT ;^ZBPQWP?PaaXZPabPXSPRPbT ^UXaaTVd[PaXchX]cWT_daRWPbT^U ePaX^dbch_Tb^U7d\T_X_TbfPb ]^cXRTSX]?a^YTRcEPacPZ## 1AC5^U1A>U^afWXRWP] X]cTa]P[2^dac^U8]`dXahWPSQTT] ^aSTaTSQhcWT^aPVP]XbPcX^]X] >Rc^QTa! # ³=22=>C2><?D;B>AH 3D4C>=>=540B018;8CH´ =Tf3T[WX)CWT6^eTa]\T]cWPb ]^cU^d]SXcUTPbXQ[TX]cTa\b ^UX]UaPbcadRcdaTP]SaTb^daRTb c^\PZT=22caPX]X]V R^\_d[b^ahU^abRW^^[P]S R^[[TVTbcdST]cbcWT;^ZBPQWP fPbX]U^a\TS^]5aXSPh3TUT]RT <X]XbcTa<P]^WPa?PaaXZPabPXS SdaX]V@dTbcX^]7^dacWPcXUXcXb \PSTR^\_d[b^ahcWT]]TPa[h# Ra^aTh^dcWfX[[WPeTc^QT caPX]TSPVPX]bccWT "[PZW QTX]VS^]T]^f AB<4<14ABC>6> 8=C>28C8I4=B78?18;; =Tf3T[WX) APYhPBPQWP^] 5aXSPh]P\TS ^UXcb\T\QTab c^cWT9^X]c2^\\XccTT^U ?Pa[XP\T]ccWPcfX[[V^X]c^cWT 2XcXiT]bWX_0\T]S\T]c1X[[ ! %<T\QTabfW^fTaT ]^\X]PcTSc^cWT2^\\XccTT fTaTEX]PhBPWPbaPQdSSWT 19?3X[X_?P]ShPQ^cW19?? 1WPccPRWPahP1WdQP]TbfPa :P[XcPQ^cW2^]V9PeTS0[X :WP]B?3TaTZ>1aXT]C<2 7PaXeP]bW93D?aPbP]]P 0RWPahP193BPcXbW2WP]SaP <XbWaP1B?P]SBfP_P] 3PbVd_cP=^\ 0A<H?0AC>50<8CH´B 830H24;41A0C8>=B =Tf3T[WX)0\XchD]XeTabXch^] 5aXSPhRT[TQaPcTS8]ST_T]ST]RT 3PhfXcWcWT_TaU^a\P]RT^U 0a\hb6aP]SBh\_W^]h1P]S QhcWT!!8]UP]cah3XeXbX^]^U 8]SXP]0a\h^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U &cW8]ST_T]ST]RT3Ph 2T[TQaPcX^]CWT_TaU^a\P]RTQh cWT2WXTU^U0a\hBcPUUb Bh\_W^]h1P]SP]SBcaXZX]V BTeT]CPVaP0bbP\?X_Tab T]cWaP[[TScWTPdSXT]RTP]S _PcaX^cXRUTae^daaTPRWTSP RaTbRT]S^cWa^dVWcWT\dbXRP[ ]^cTb^UQP]S RWWPccXbVPaW" A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0D6DBC "! % @h_#&RTcVd0J`fTR_dVefaRµacZgReVZ_UfdecZR]VdeReV¶ BC055A4?>AC4AQ 18;0B?DA T he Chhattisgarh Government has come out with a unique scheme which allows owners of private land with minimum of 25 acres of holdings to be able to establish their own ‘Private Industrial Estate’ in Bilaspur district. Notably, the Industries Department had been making efforts to promote a number of industrial estates in the private sector, officials informed. It may be recalled that the Chhattisgarh Government had introduced a special promotion scheme for setting up of private industrial estates in its industrial policy 2014-19. The incentives for the scheme include 100 per cent stamp duty exemption and 30 Government grant upto C5 crore on infrastructure cost excluding cost of land. Notably,the Chhattisgarh State Industrial Development Corporation (CSIDC) is also in the process of developing comprehensive infrastructure for Bartori Industrial Area at Tilda in Raipur district, officials informed. The infrastructure development being taken up at the industrial area includes roads, drainage, Administrative build- 2B8328B0;B>1A8=68=6D?C74B8;?070A8 8=3DBCA80;4BC0C40B0²;0A648=3DBCA80; 0A40³=40A18;0B?DA ing, I-type quarter, shopping complex, pump house, bore well, water supply scheme including over head tank, sump well and pipe line, street light and sign boards . Notably, CSIDC is also bringing up the Silpahari Industrial Estate as a ‘Large Industrial Area’ near Bilaspur. An infrastructural development plan has been formulated which includes basic infrastructure like water supply, roads, drainage and street light, officials informed. On the other hand, Chhattisgarh Government has finally completed the development of ‘Iron and Steel Cluster’ near Raipur at an estimated cost of C54.86 crores. The cluster project was approved by the Central Government on March 4, 2005 during the 10th plan period. The Central Government had released grant of C30.79 crores for development of the cluster, according to the available Central Government data. Notably, a Centralized Effluent Treatment Plant had been proposed to be constructed at the ongoing Metal Park project which is being established on 87.57 hectares of land at Rawanbhata about 12 kms from Raipur city, officials informed. The project is being executed by CSIDC). A Waste Water Drainage system has also been proposed at the site. The first phase of Metal Park has been completed in 20 hectares of land. The proposed industries to be established at the Park are downstream metal (ferro and non ferro) industries like tower manufacturing units, wind mills, nut-bolt, hand tools, forgings, castings, utensils, auto components, machine manufacturing, pipe/tubes ropes, transformers, welding electrodes, modular furniture/kitchen, control panels etc. Plots of various sizes ranging from 1000 sqmt to 10000 sqmt.are available. The Metal Park shall provide quality infrastructure like roads, water supply, street light, commercial and amenities zone. Notably, the Central Government has approved projects worth C99 crore for upgradation of key industrial infrastructure in Chhattisgarh. Currently infrastructure of Urla Industrial Area in Raipur and Sirgitti Industrial Area in ³BcPcT[TPSbX]?<:::H_a^YTRcb´X\_[T\T]cPcX^]´ Bilaspur are also being upgraded which includes improvement of roads, water and power supply facilities, officials stated. The Centre has approved an estimated C54.81 crore for upgradation of infrastructure facilities at Urla Industrial Area BC055A4?>AC4AQ 178;08 T C hhattisgarh has taken the lead in the country with launch of five projects under Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY) in insurgency infested Dantewada district of Bastar, the Central Government has informed. The projects are funded through District Mineral Fund (DMF) under PMKKKY. Other state Governments are also processing their projects under PMKKKY. This was informed in a meeting of the Parliamentary Consultative Committee attached to the Ministry of Mines was held in New Delhi on Thursday for reviewing the “Steps to Expand/Promote Mining Sector” . Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Power, Coal, New & Renewable Energy and Mines Piyush Goyal had chaired the meeting. In his opening remarks, Goyal had informed the Committee members that the Ministry of Mines is regularly monitoring the implementation of District Mineral Foundation (DMF) and Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY). Notably, DMF is to work for the interest and benefit of persons and areas affected by mining related operations, which is to be funded out of the contribution received from holders of mining lease. As per the latest information available 10 states have framed the rules for DMF and constituted DMFs and a total of C1427.2 crore has been collected through contributions to DMF across the states. On the occasion, Secretary, Mines, Balvinder Kumar made a detailed presentation giving highlights of achievements of the Mines Ministry during 2015-16. The presentation also gave an overview of major initiatives and activities being undertaken by the Ministry of Mines. Reforms in the mining sector have been initiated through the amendment to MMDR Act, 1957 through the MMDR Amendment Ordinance, 2015 that was replaced by the MMDR Amendment Act, 2015, notified on 27th March, 2015 and which came into effect from January 12, 2015. He detailed out the salient provisions of the MMDR (Amendment) Act, 2015. Kumar said that Mineral Conser vation and Development Rules (MCDR), 2016 and Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act, 2002 (OAMDR) (Amendment) are under active consideration. Constitution of InterMinisterial Group, post Auction mining Clearances and FXcWPQdbhUTbcXeTbTPb^]PWTPScWT\PaZTcU^aAPZWXbXbP[aTPShPQdiifXcWPRcXeXchX]APX_da Chhattisgarh, officials stated. The proposed Plastic Park will be established by a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) with CSIDC as a partner. Around 50 units to be set up in this park, officials stated. The Chhattisgarh Government would hold a mandatory 26 per cent equity in the SPV. The Chhattisgarh Government had sent a proposal to the Central Government for setting up a Plastic Park on July 7, 2015. 0[[1B?ad]bRW^^[bc^X\_Pac2^\_dcTa4SdRPcX^]b^^] he Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP) administration is making elaborate arrangements to impart Computer Education to the students of all its administered schools. BSP is also developing as many as 21 villages in the periphery of Bhilai township which have been identified for adoption as ‘model steel villages'. BC055A4?>AC4AQ A08?DA and around C44.60 crore for Sirgitti Industrial Area. Notably, the Union Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilisers has also accorded ‘in principle’ approval to the proposed Plastic Park project in Rajnandgaon district of The company's Corporate S ocial Responsibility Department is engaging in a number of activities in the adopted villages such as empowering the rural folk, specially the women under the Swyamsiddha or self-employment project, providing basic infrastructure facilities development as well as activities aimed at providing school children opportunities to express their talent, officials informed. Notably, in 2007, the BSP established 'Bhilai Ispat Vikas Vidyalaya' and 'Ispat Kalyan Chikitsalaya' for the benefit of the economically backward section of society in the township and its periphery. The BSP has also adopted over 100 tribal children, providing free residential education, accommodation and meals. The mega-sports event that Bhilai has been organising in Narayanpur for tribal schoolchildren for three consecutive years since 2006 attracts more than 1500 students from schools in remote areas of Bastar every year, officials stated. The company has also adopted four girls from Abujhmad area of Bastar for their education in Bhilai Nursing College. Approvals Facilitator (PAMCAF) to facilitate and expedite various clearances/ approvals required after the mineral block is allocated through e- auction, it was informed. Elaborating the ‘Steps to Expand/ Promote Mining Sector’, Kumar said that the Ministry of Mines in its recently released National Mineral Exploration Policy-2016, has identified many activities for accelerating mineral exploration in the country. Action towards taking up these activities have already been initiated by the Geological Survey of India (GSI), he said. Transparency is ensured in grant of mineral concessions through e-Auction of mineral blocks. The organisations of Ministry of Mines viz. GSI, MECL and IBM are offering intensive hand holding of State Governments in identification of mineral blocks for auction, Kumar said. BP]c^bWBPWdk?X^]TTa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·VZLOOQRWEHKHOGUHVSRQVLEOHIRUDQ\NLQGRIFODLPPDGHE\WKHDGYHUWLVHUVRIWKHSURGXFWVVHUYLFHVDQGVKDOOQRWEHPDGHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUDQ\NLQGRIORVVFRQVHTXHQFHVDQGIXUWKHUSURGXFWUHODWHGGDPDJHVRQVXFKDGYHUWLVHPHQWV 3ULQWHGDQG3XEOLVKHGE\9LMD\%XGKLDIRUDQGRQEHKDOIRI&0<.3ULQWHFK/LPLWHG´7KH3LRQHHU%XLOGLQJµ&LYLO/LQHV1HDU5DM%KDYDQ2SS6DQVNULWL%KDYDQ5DLSXU7HOHSKRQHDQG3ULQWHGDW.DY\D3UDNDVKDQ([SUHVV7RZHU $GDUVKQDJDU0RZD5DLSXU(GLWRU&KDQGDQ0LWUD5HVLGHQW(GLWRU6XMHHW.XPDU ]PcX^]# A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0D6DBC "! % ::E3YZ]RZY`]Ud UVSReVT`^aVeZeZ`_ BC055A4?>AC4AQ A08?DA A debate competition was organised by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bhilai here on Thursday. The competition involved the participation of five students each from Indian Institute of Management Raipur, Government Engineering College and Indian Institute of Technology, Bhilai. The competition, which was part of “Independence fortnight 2016”, aimed at not only finding potential speakers but also upon polishing their qualities, general awareness and confidence. The topics were given on the spot and covered different aspects of society ranging from “The abolition of capital punishment” to “Women Empowerment”. 089VZHSW 2P]]PQXbP]S>_Xd\ DZD\LQULYHU TaPSXRPcX^]SaXeTUa^\0dV!! VL[PLVVLQJ BC055A4?>AC4AQ 90B7?DA A t least six persons went missing when a Mahindra Bolero got swept away while crossing a culvert on a river in Jashpur district here on Friday afternoon. “Thirteen people all residents of Baturabahar village of Pathalgaon block in the FWX[TRa^bbX]VcWT QaXSVT^]<PX]X AXeTacWTeTWXR[T fPbRPdVWcX]cWT WTPehRdaaT]cP]S V^cfPbWTSPfPh district were going to Kailashgufa for immersing mortal remains of one of their relatives, in a Mahindra Bolero vehicle. While crossing the bridge on Maini River, the vehicle was caught in the heavy current and got washed away,” Superintendent of Police (SP) Jashpur, Girjashankar Jaiswal said.Seven people including the driver managed to somehow get out of the vehicle in raging river located about 450 km from Raipur, he said. The search and rescue operation has been launched; but police has not been able to find the vehicle or bodies of any person in it, the SP noted while adding that continuous rain was also impeding search operations. ?=BQ B78<;0 A sserting that it was serious about the issue of drug abuse and was taking various initiatives to check the menace of drugs, Himachal Pradesh Government on Friday said a cannabis and opium eradication campaign would be carried out from from August 22 to September 5. A spokesperson of the State Government said that the campaign will be carried out at the directions of Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh. He said that the cultivation of Cannabis and Opium both in private and Government lands was posing a threat to social well being of the people of the State, which was leading to drug trafficking and many other social crimes. The spokesperson said a meeting was held recently in this regard under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary who directed the officers to chalk out an action plan to implement the campaign. The plan has been drafted and Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj has been made the Nodal Department at the State level for carrying out Cannabis/ Opium Eradication Campaign. The Chief Secretary would review and monitor the Cannabis/ Opium eradication campaign at the State level and at District level the Nodal Officers would be the Deputy Commissioners whereas SDMs would be the Nodal Officers at Sub Divisional level. All Panchayati Raj Institution representatives would also be included in the campaign. The Spokesperson said that eradication of Cannabis/Opium would be done in all lands including Gram Panchayats, forest, PWD, IPH, Agriculture, Horticulture lands and roadsides, etc. He said that the sector officers would also submit the “Cannabis/ Opium free land” certificate to the Nodal Officer at Sub Divisional level. He informed that the Director, Education would also issue directions to the colleges and schools to organise Cannabis/ Opium eradication campaign through NSS volunteers in S enior S econdar y S chools and Colleges during the period. .RGRPLOOHWIDUPLQJ 27X?Bc^ST_[^h³=Tcf^aZ JHWWLQJELJSXVKLQ <^]Xc^aX]VBhbcT\´U^a26BF0= .DELUGKDPGLVWULFW BC055A4?>AC4AQ A08?DA he Chhattisgarh Infotech and Biotech Promotion T Society (CHiPS) will be deploy- CWT:^S^\X[[TcRa^_X]3P[SP[X^U1^S[PQ[^RZX]cWTSXbcaXRc B708;4=3A0D?037H0H0Q :0F0A370 odo millet — that has been traditionally cultivated mostK ly by tribal people on a non-commercial basis — is witnessing a greater farming push in Kabirdham district of Chhattisgarh. “There has been an increase in the acreage of Kodo millet as its demand is on the rise. The Agriculture Department is working in this direction and we are getting desired results,” a farmer said. This year, Kodo millet was cultivated in over 6,929 hectares of land,” District Agriculture Officer, NL Pandey said while adding that the crop takes 110 days to mature. According to the official, Kodo is beneficial for diabetes patients and this crop require very less water, so it is also famous as ‘crop of drought’. ?X^]TTa_W^c^ Baiga people take a special interest in cultivating Kodo millet which is also called the ‘sugar free rice’. The Kodo millet demand has jumped on a national scale in recent times. The crop is being sent to Mumbai, Jalgaon, Pune, Dehli, Nagpur and other parts of India, it was learnt. This crop is being cultivated mostly in Bodla and Pandaria block in the district. The indigenous people who are engaged in the millet farming say that once the Kodo seeds are sown, then only a few times irrigation is required. The crop does not need pesticides as well. Interestingly, the ‘Baiga tribe’ which is one of the primate tribe group (PTC) are also cultivating maize crops in the district. According to district administration officers, tribal people are taking up maize farming in a big way. in 37 layers, officials stated. Through this system, Land Record Map, Topography, Land use, Drainage System, Forest, Land fertility, Minerals data has been collected. Computerisation of more than 20,000 village Land maps has been completed. Administrative and physical map of all 27 districts has been completed. Dial 100 project of Police Department is also using GIS and based on GPS, officials informed. Moreover, in order to establish coordination among students, educational institutes and industries, 'Chhattisgarh Campus Connect Portal' has also been started. Through this portal students get to know about skill development schemes. Chhattisgarh's eGovernance projects has been lauded all over India and we have received various awards in this field recently, officials stated. Prominent among this are "eReadiness Award" for extensive use of IT services in the State for the year 2013, CSI-Nihilent eGovernance Awards 2013-14 – Sustainability Award to Chhattisgarh Geographic Information System, CSINihilent e-Governance Awards 2013-14 Award for Sustained Excellence in e-Governance. 2WPaVTbWTTcUX[TSPVPX]bc bTgaPRZTcTTaBd]X[<TWTa ?=BQ 17D10=4BF0A against sex racket kingpin Sunil Meher and his nine associates. The Quick Action Team (QAT) of the Commissionerate police had arrested Meher from Kolkata on April 21 this year. Meher, who was wanted in nine cases, was running sex rackets at various places in Odisha, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Siligudi, according to sources. He had as many as 150 girls, mostly college students, working as call girls and ‘paid girlfriends’ for rich customers across the country. He was making business of around Rs 15 lakh a month, the sources added. He had also allegedly roped in a young Kyrgyz woman, who was rescued in March from an apartment in Bhubaneswar, into his flesh trade. Meher is a notorious criminal involved in immoral trafficking for a long time and had managed to dodge the police during raids earlier. He was declared the most wanted in three of nine cases lodged against him. From Page 1 Meanwhile, the Government informed the Rajya Sabha that 478 vacancies were yet to be filled in 24 HC’s of the country and nearly 39 lakh cases were pending there. The Government also said the sanctioned strength of judges in the HC’s has increased from 906 in June 2014 to 1,079 in June this year. Though the sanc- tioned strength has increased, according to the latest Law Ministry data, as on August 1, the working strength of the 24 HCs is 601 judges, which means 478 vacancies are yet to be filled. The SC, with a sanctioned strength of 31 judges, including the Chief Justice, has three vacancies. The figures relating to the total number of pending cases in the HCs and the increased sanctioned strength of judges was given by Minister of State for Law PP Chaudhary in a written response to a question. Giving out the reasons behind pendency of cases, he said increased impact of State and Central legislations, accumulation of first appeals, vacancies of judges, frequent adjournments were the main causes for pending cases. B2[XUcbQP] <h=P\T8b:WP] _Pac888X]DB he Commissionerate police on Friday submitted a 300T page chargesheet in court 94`cUVcd43: ac`SVZ_e` 'RQ¶WSDUDO\VHMXGLFLDU\ From Page 1 of the rape victims and statements of witnesses by the next date of hearing on August 17. The court also expressed dissatisfaction with details of the backgrounds, criminal records and political affiliations which had been provided in the status report as per its earlier order, dated August 8. The court said even a single day’s delay in sending this case to the CBI for investigation will be harmful for the victims. The Bench will continue to hear the other cases of rape that occurred on highways recently on August 17. The Bench had asked the UP Government on Wednesday through the Advocate General to make available detailed reports regarding rapes and robberies on National Highways, especially in and around Bulandshahr. The Additional Advocate General also filed an affidavit in respect of the action taken in other cases of robbery and rape which occurred a few days before this gangrape. During an earlier hearing, beside seeking a status report, the court had also sought to know from the UP Government whether it was “willing to hand over the investigation of the case to the CBI” and “what steps the State would like to take to avoid such incidents in future”. A>hR_ed:_UZRe` From Page 1 The Government’s efforts include reaching out to the civil society and speed up measures to integrate Kashmir’s youth with the State’s economic activities. Seeking support of all political parties, the Prime Minister said, “When terrorism is on the rise across the world and when we are encircled by terrorism sponsored by the neighbouring country, then we will have to be united in this ing an Enterprise-level ‘Network Monitoring System’ for 'Chhattisgarh State Wide Area Network' (CGSWAN) upgradation project, officials informed. In Chhattisgarh, more than 3,000 rural CHOICE Centres, 200 urban CHOICE Centres and Common Service Centres (CSCs) are functioning where citizens are getting online citizen centric services, they informed. All the districts now have Lok Seva Kendra and even in remote districts like Sukma, Bijapur, Balrampur people are getting Income Certificate, Birth & Death Certificate, Khasra & B1 Copy, Marriage Registration, Aadhar Registration, Epic Card printing, Caste Certificate, Resident Certificate, Gumashta Licence etc. online. The State Portal Service has been provided to more than 40 Lakh persons. The various departments of the State are providing online services to citizens. The Revenue Department has put their services online like Mutation, Demarcation, Batankan and providing loan Booklet. Any eligible person can apply online to get benefit of pension schemes of Social Welfare Department. Municipal Corporation, CSEB, RTO are also providing their services online. Online payment of electricity bill is popular and time saving for urban as well as rural folks. More than 153 rural CHOICE Centres has been designated as Banking Agents and they have opened more than 1.40 lakh Bank accounts.Commerce and Industry Department has also started online land allocation portal for investors. Public Health Engineering Department is monitoring online, the functioning of departmental activities. The Health Department has started monitoring and registering of various schemes online like Janani Suraksha Yojna, E-Mahatari. e-Scholarship has been started by School Education department. Likewise Commercial Tax Department, Forest Department, Finance Department and other Government establishments are also fully implementing the e-Governance project. The e-Procurement system has been implemented in many Government departments. Chhattisgarh is also the first state to prepare GIS (Geographical Information System) of villages fight. The Government expects constructive support from all Opposition parties on this.” “I have complete confidence that with the dedication of the State Government and with your total cooperation we will soon restore normal life in Jammu & Kashmir again,” he said as he praised Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti’s Government, in which BJP is a partner, for its “careful handling” of the issue despite odds. Like every Indian, he also felt “deep pain” over the events in the State, he said, adding it was painful that students were unable to study, apples produced in large quantity in the Valley were not reaching markets and Government offices were unable to carry out public welfare works. “Whoever be killed, whether civilians or security forces, we all feel the pain. I have full sympathies with their families. From Page 1 Despite the Apex Court order, Toyota insisted its stand to hold back investments in India will continue till it gets clarity on the future roadmap both from a court’s stand point and Government’s policy side. “Our vehicles meet every norm laid out in the country. We made the offer of 1 per cent green cess under duress. While we welcome the Supreme Court decision, we wish if only the Court did this earlier,” Toyota Kirloskar Motor ViceChairman and Director Shekar Viswanathan said. Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAMs) Director General Vishnu Mathur said the decision will bring certain amount of relief for those companies whose vehicles were affected by the ban. From Page 1 “No trouble sir, respect the protocol & not expecting 2 b above it. It’s just a tad inconvenient. Thx for ur concern,” Khan responded. In April 2012, Khan was detained at the White Plains Airport near New York for over two hours by immigration officials. In 2009, he was detained at the Newark Airport in New Jersey for nearly two hours. Meanwhile, tagging Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj in his tweet, Amjad Ali Khan wrote, “My UK visa rejected. Extremely sad for artists who are spreading the message of love & peace @HCI_London @MEAIndia @ U K i n I n d i a @SushmaSwaraj.” 5^d]SPcX^]bc^]T [PXSU^aC Ra From Page 1 He informed that the registration process for promoting MSME has been relaxed and anyone who wants to set up their own industrial unit could get their registration done by providing 20 point information just in a few minutes. “In past 6 months, more than 12 lakh people have been registered across India,” he said. Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh, who was presiding over the programme, said that Durg-Bhilai had been industrial region for past several years and this Center will hone the skills of entrepreneurs and the youth. f^a[S$ A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0D6DBC "! % Ecf^aTR]]dYZd:D:DeRX `_@SR^RµdRcTRd^¶ Q 7XbV^^Ud_bf^aahAT_dQ[XRP]bcWaX[[3T\^RaPcb Q 7X[[Pahb[P\bWXb²_a^aXRW³TR^]^\XRPVT]SP BA0906>?0;0= Q F0B78=6C>= early 36 hours after denouncing President N Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as “founders” of ISIS at an election rally and repeating the description in several media interviews, Donald Trump sought to backtrack on Friday, claiming he was only being sarcastic. While doing so, he resorted to a dose of media-bashing, specifically targeting CNN. “Ratings challenged @CNN reports so seriously that I call President Obama (and Clinton) “the founder” of ISIS, & MVP (Most Valued Player). THEY DON’T GET SARCASM?” the real estate mogul tweeted on Friday morning. On Thursday, Trump had an escape route during an interview but he opted to double down on his accusation. When a conservative radio host wondered if his reference was to the vacuum created by President Obama’s abrupt withdrawal of forces from Iraq, Trump insisted: “No, I meant that he’s the founder of ISIS. I do.” Trump’s belated claim of sarcasm has come amid mounting worries within his own Republican Party that his campaign goof-ups will cost the party not only the White House race, but the Congressional elections as well. This fear prompted 75 former Republican staffers to sign a letter urging Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus to “suspend” funding for Trump’s campaign and divert all resources to Congressional races. “Given the catastrophic impact that Donald Trump’s losing presidential campaign will have on down-ballot Senate and House races, we urge you to immediately suspend all discretionary RNC support for Trump and focus the entirety of the RNC’s available resources on preserving the GOP’s congressional majorities,” says the letter, which is still in the process of being submitted to Priebus. Trump, however, poohpoohed the report, telling Fox News that it is not the party that is raising money for him, but it is he who has been raising money for the party candidates. In contrast to the goings-on within the Republican Party, the Democrats appeared to be thrilled over the Trump gaffes, confident that these will boomerang on the billionaire and Clinton’s task much easier in the run-up to the November election. Clinton, meanwhile, released her own economic policy, touting is pro-middle class as against Trump’s “pro-rich” tax proposals. “Trump wants America to work for him and his friends. We need to build an economy that works for everyone,” Clinton said after unveiling her economic vision. #ZX[[TS"#WdacPbQ[Pbcb CdaZThbPhb³_^bXcXeT a^RZCWPXaTb^acRXcXTb bXV]P[b´Ua^\DB^] ?C8 Q 10=6:>: string of coordinated bomb blasts within hours A rocked Thailand’s famous tourist towns, including Phuket, killing four people and injuring 34 others, days after the country voted to accept a military-backed Constitution. At least 11 bombs, many of them twin blasts, hit five southern provinces in the past 24 hours. Police said they had detained some suspects but ruled out international terrorism. Two bombs went off in the resort of Hua Hin this morning near the clock tower, a city landmark, killing one and injuring three. Around 200 metres away, another two bombs exploded late yesterday as foreign tourists were leaving local bars to go back to their hotels, Police Lieutenant Colonel Samoer Yoosumran said. At least 11 people — mostly citizens from Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Austria — were injured and a woman who had a food vending cart in front of a bar was killed, Yoosumran said. No Indian has been reported injured. Hua Hin is a popular coastal resort, about 145 kilometers southwest of the Thai capital, Bangkok. It’s also home to the Klai Kangwon Palace, the seaside residence of Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej. The palace is located less than about 2 kilometres from the bombing site. Two more persons were killed in three blasts in Surat Thani and Trang area. There were reports of bomb explosions in popular resort town of Phuket in Patong beach injuring a few but no fatalities were reported. A bomb also exploded near the governor’s residence in Muang district. The blasts came as the country celebrated the birthday of Queen Sirikit, a holiday. This is is first time there have been bomb blasts in popular tourist spots like Hua Hin and Phuket. No one has claimed responsibility for the blasts and it is not clear if they are connected. Thai police said that the bombings were acts of local sabotage and not “terrorist” in nature. 6d[T]TgcaPSXcX^] 05?Q 0=:0A0 T urkey said on Friday it has received “positive signals” from the United States over its requests to extradite Pennsylvania-based preacher Fethullah Gulen whom Ankara accuses of ordering last month’s attempted coup. “We have star ted to receive some positive signals on the calls we have made” for Gulen’s extradition, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told reporters in Ankara, saying further documents relating to the case for his deportation were being drawn up to send to Washington. Gulen is accused of ordering the July 15 coup during which a group within the military tried to remove President Recep Tay yip Erdogan from power. He strongly denies the claim. Since then, Turkey has sent several documents to the United States which Ankara claims proves that Gulen was involved. “Everyone in the world ³"!38?;><0CBA420;;43 05C4A2>D?BC8;;<8BB8=6´ 0]ZPaP) CdaZTh^]5aXSPhbPXS "!CdaZXbWSX_[^\PcbfTaTbcX[[ \XbbX]VSTb_XcTQTX]VaTRP[[TS Qh0]ZPaPX]cWTfPZT^U[Pbc \^]cW³bUPX[TSR^d_bTTZX]Vc^ ^dbc?aTbXST]cATRT_ CPhhX_4aS^VP] °CWXachcf^^UcWT!' SX_[^\PcbaTRP[[TSc^CdaZThSXS ]^cR^\TQPRZc^CdaZTh± 5^aTXV]<X]XbcTa<Te[dc 2Pedb^V[dc^[SaT_^acTabSdaX]V P?aTbbR^]UTaT]RTfXcWWXb 8aP]XP]R^d]cTa_Pac<^WP\\PS 9PePSIPaXUX]0]ZPaP 7TbPXS0]ZPaPWPSX]U^a\PcX^] cWPcb^\TWPSU[TSc^^cWTa R^d]caXTbdbX]VSXUUTaT]c\TP]b X]R[dSX]VPXacaPeT[X]cWTfTTZb PUcTaPa^VdT\X[XcPahUPRcX^] caXTSc^aT\^eT?aTbXST]cATRT_ CPhhX_4aS^VP]Ua^\_^fTa^] 9d[h $ 05? knows who is behind this coup attempt,” Cavusoglu said. Last week, an arrest warrant was issued in Turkey for Gulen. ?dcX]bPRZb RWXTU^UbcPUU BTaVTX8eP]^e Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin has unexpectedly dismissed his chief of staff Sergei Ivanov. Ivanov has been part of Putin’s trusted inner circle for many years. The 63-yearold has now been made a special representative for environmental and transport issues. A statement from the Kremlin said that Putin had “decreed to relieve Ivanov of his duties as head of the Russian presidential administration”, but gave no reason. Ivanov’s deputy since 2012, Anton Vaino, has been appointed as his successor. 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 "A4;>20C438=278=0 05C4A740EHA08= 1TXYX]V)=TPa[h"_T^_[TX] 2WX]PfTaT^]5aXSPhaT[^RPcTS P]S"#c^daXbcb_^cbR[^bTSSdT c^c^aaT]cXP[aPX]X]PSXbcaXRc^] cWT^dcbZXacb^U1TXYX]VcWPc _a^\_cTS[^RP[PdcW^aXcXTbc^ XbbdTPaTSP[Tac 1;0BC6D=58A4A>2: ?78;8??8=4908;* 3403 <P]X[P) 0Q[PbcUa^\P bdb_TRcTSVaT]PSTP]SVd]bW^cb a^RZTSP?WX[X__X]TYPX[[TPeX]V X]\PcTbSTPSX]R[dSX]Vcf^ P[[TVTS2WX]TbTSadVRaX\X]P[b ^UUXRXP[bbPXS^]5aXSPh 1´34B70CC02:)$74;3 <0BC4A<8=3834=C85843 3WPZP)5XeT\T\QTab^U 9P\P³Pcd[<dYPWXSTT] 1P]V[PSTbWWPeTQTT]PaaTbcTS U^acWTXaX]e^[eT\T]cX]cWT 3WPZPRPUTPccPRZcWPc[TUc!! _T^_[TSTPSPb_^[XRT^]5aXSPh XST]cXUXTSPbTR^]S\PbcTa\X]S ^UcWTf^abccTaa^abcaXZTX]cWT <db[X\\PY^aXchR^d]cah ³D:A08=41;>2:B947038 A>DC4BC>BHA80´ :XTe)DZaPX]T³bbTRdaXchbTaeXRT bPXSXcWPSQ[^RZTSRWP]]T[b QTX]VdbTSQhYTWPSXbcaPeT[[X]V c^UXVWcfXcWcWT8B8BVa^d_X] BhaXPP]S8aP`P]SSTcPX]TSP] ²8B8BaTRadXcTa³Ua^\^]T^UcWT U^a\TaB^eXTcaT_dQ[XRb 8A0=CDA:4H06A44C> 2>>?4A0C4>E4ABHA80 0]ZPaP)CWT5^aTXV]<X]XbcTab^U CdaZThP]S8aP]WPeT_[TSVTS VaTPcTaR^^_TaPcX^]^]aTb^[eX]V cWTBhaXPRaXbXbe^fX]Vc^ZTT_ cWTSXP[^VdT^_T]STb_XcTcWTXa SXUUTaT]RTb &!<06=8CD34@D0:4 78CB>55=4F20;43>=80 BhS]Th)0&!\PV]XcdST TPacW`dPZTWXc^UUcWTR^Pbc^U =Tf2P[TS^]XP^]5aXSPhX]cWT cTRc^]XRP[[hPRcXeT?PRXUXRaTVX^] QdccWTaTfPb]^cbd]P\XcWaTPc bTXb\^[^VXbcbbPXS 5>DA:8;;438=05670= 4G?;>B8>= :PQd[) 0c;TPbcU^daRXeX[XP]b fTaTZX[[TS^]5aXSPhX]P a^PSbXSTQ^\QX]VX] 0UVWP]XbcP]³b:P]SPWPa _a^eX]RTP]^UUXRXP[bPXS ^_X]X^]% A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0D6DBC "! 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(P]SPccPX]X]V&#hTPabWTXb]^fPhT[XVXQ[T U^aaTT[TRcX^]CWTR^d]cahbaTR^aSd]T\_[^h\T]c_^^aVa^fcWaPcTP]SP_Pach [TUcfXcW]^UdcdaTId\PfX[[b^^]_PbbX]c^^Q[XeX^] C ,QGLD¶V6WHHO)UDPHLV LQGLUHQHHGRIG\QDPLVP 0B7>:<0;8: ATU^a\^UcWTS^\TbcXRRXeX[bTaeXRTXbSTb_TaPcT[h]TTSTSPb^eTacWThTPabbdRRTbbXeT6^eTa]\T]cbWPeT T]WP]RTScWTPVT[X\XcfWXRWWPbaTbd[cTSX]PbdQbTV\T]c^U8]SXPbh^dcWQTX]V_Ta\P]T]cPb_XaP]cb T his past week in Parliament, Jitendra Singh, Minister of State for Personnel, told MPs that the oldest age to appear for the civil service examination was “47 years, and at 50 years they are eligible for retirement”. The age limit for a “general” candidate — one who does not get additional benefits that are available to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, OBC and differently-abled candidates — is 32 years. He or she could be competing with somebody 10 or 11 years his junior, and in terms of lived experience and contemporariness, a generation removed. The discussion in Parliament followed a recommendation by a committee set up by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) that the age limit be progressively reduced by five years, to 27 years for general candidates. Consequently, age limits for other categories will also decline. Over the years, Governments have gradually enhanced the age limit. There was a time in the 1950s and early 1960s, when only a young 20-something could get into the civil service. Today, much older candidates, having worked for years in the private sector or simply sat the UPSC examination time after time, make it. Their reasons for joining, their motivation, their idealism, given their fairly advanced age, their spirit of public service, their ability to learn and adapt, all suffer in the process. This has resulted in a sub-segment of India’s youth being permanent civil service aspirants. Those who fail to make it after several attempts — a general candidate can make six attempts — find their lives have been wasted. A 32-year-old who hasn’t made it after a sixth attempt has little to show for himself or herself, other than college and university degrees. By then his or her peers would have worked elsewhere through their twenties and would be settling into middle management or even knocking at the doors of senior management. Reform of the domestic civil service is desperately needed in India and is an issue the Narendra Modi Government has, most regrettably, only slightly touched in the past two years. True, it needs to be said that “reform” means different things to different people. Neither is it the case that merely reducing the upper age limit for those who can sit the UPSC examination is the be all and end all of such reform. Nevertheless it is an important ingredient. A related issue is the strict, hide- bound norm of “seniority”. Every system — whether a civil service, a private sector corporation or an academic institution - has a hierarchy; that is understandable. However, the best institutions make avenues for exceptional talent to be able to move up quicker, to get to key and appropriate positions quicker and to become part of an informal or even formal fast track. In the Indian Foreign Service, much smaller as a cadre, this is being slowly implemented. In the domestic civil service, it is much more difficult to do. Recruiting younger civil servants, with greater motivation, is one option but it is not the only one. There needs to be a system where — say after 20 years of service or perhaps after a two-year stint at the joint secretary level — officers outgrow their batches and years of entry. At this point, all senior civil servants form a common pool and can be assigned any job. Theoretically a younger person could head a department and have an older person working under him. Today, this can only happen if the older person is from a batch that is junior and entered the civil service — after successfully completing the UPSC examination DXU>417_fUb^]U^d Ycg_b[Y^Wd_cdbU^WdX U^dXUQ^dYdUbb_b\Qgc Q^T`b_fYTU\UWQ\ `b_dUSdY_^V_be^TUb S_fUb_`UbQdY_^c E^Y_^8_]U=Y^YcdUb °BQZ^QdXCY^WX 0A4;0C438BBD48B C74BCA82C 78341>D=3=>A<>5 ²B4=8>A8CH³4E4AH BHBC4<70B0 784A0A27H*C70C8B D=34ABC0=301;4 7>F4E4AC7414BC 8=BC8CDC8>=B<0:4 0E4=D4B5>A C7414CC4AC0;4=C C>1401;4C> <>E4D?@D82:4A and interview — a year or more after his boss (who may be chronologically younger). Frankly, in the final 10 odd years of a typical civil service career — which is the path from senior joint secretary rank to secretary rank and retirement — this “batch trap” should cease to matter. The intermediate rank of additional secretary should be abolished. Everybody in this common pool should have the same baseline seniority. Next the Government should have the freedom to place anybody in this pool in any position Ministry/department, irrespective of age or (original) batch and after judging the person’s aptitude for and interest in a particular job. Positions that fall vacant in the upper echelons of the bureaucracy should be thrown open to applicants from this entire pool of civil servants who have outgrown their former batch identities. The positions should be of a three or five year duration, so that a 50-year-old and a 58-year-old can both apply, without fear of the retirement age of 60. Selection should be overseen by the political executive but helped by a structure of vetting of applications and in-house job interviews. This could be run in con- B>D=318C4 junction with the UPSC but should ideally involve a variety of stakeholders, HR professionals and those institutions outside the Government concerned with the ministry or job in question. For example, aviation industry specialists should have a voice — but by no means a veto — in selecting the Civil Aviation Ministry secretary. Ideally the interview panel should include at least one such specialist. What will this system do? It will allow a capable 50 year old a role as head of a ministry or as the top policy driver for as long as 10 years (till retirement at 60) rather than for the two or three years (becoming secretary at 57 or 58 and retiring at 60) that he or she now gets. Those who are losing out and not getting jobs or specialisations they want — an economic Ministry, a trade negotiating agency, a social sector department, the Education Ministry or whatever — would be free to leave the government with a golden handshake. Otherwise, they could be kept in service till 60 and given a default role the Government chooses for them. (The author is distinguished fellow, Observer Research Foundation. He can be reached at malikashok@gmail.com) 9TYT^_dgQ^ddXU] ]Q[Ubcd_]Q[U]UQ XUb__bW\Q]_bYcU]URed bQdXUbcX_gdXUZ_eb^Ui dXUcdbeWW\U DXUbUYc^_dXY^W QWQY^cd]UQ^TYVYdYc RUSQecU_VdXUcdQVV9 T_^dXQfUQ^i[^_g\ UTWUQR_edYd9VdXUi RbY^WdXY^Wcd_]UdXU^ _^\i9SQ^T_Q^idXY^W 3bYS[UdUb °=C4X_^Y C`_bdc=Y^YcdUb ° FYZQi7_U\ ;4CC4ABC>C74438C>A 4U\QiUTTUSYcY_^ Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Ending the historic fast” (August 11). Manipuri activist Irom Sharmila’s decision to end her 16-year-old fast demanding the repeal of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Acts has surprised many in her home State, including her ardent supporters and even her family members. In a democracy, everyone has the right to do what he/she wants, but a right step taken at the right time yields good results. Had Sharmila not taken such a drastic decision which downgrades military and upgrades the terrorists’ and married off at a right time, she would have been much happier and enjoyed her marital life than finding no taker in such a precarious situation when she has been left forlorn by her own admirers. Sagar Singh Delhi D_eSXY^WXUQbdc Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Ending the historic fast” (August 11). Iron lady Irom Sharmila may not have changed anything with her 16-year-old fast but the apparent failure of her mission takes noth- :eZdeZ^Ve`acVgV_e]`de XV_VcReZ`_`W2cRSj`feY C WXbaTUTabc^cWTTSXc^aXP[°CWTaTbcXeT0aPQh^dcW±0dVdbc 6^]T PaTcWTV^[ST]SPhbfWT]h^dcWbPa^d]ScWTf^a[Sf^d[SQTWP]ZTaX]V U^aY^QbfXcWT]cXRX]VT\^[d\T]cbX]cWT0aPQR^d]caXTb6[^QP[TR^]^\ XRb[^fS^f]WPb]^cb_PaTSTeT]cWT^X[aXRWR^d]caXTb7T]RTaTbc[Tbb]Tbb P\^]VcWT0aPQh^dcWUPRX]V[PRZ^UT\_[^h\T]c^]cWTXacdaUbXbQdc]Pc daP[FWX[TcWXbSXRTh_[XVWc\PhQTTg_[^XcTSQhb^\TeTbcTSX]cTaTbcbPVPX]bc cWTad[X]VaTVX\Tb^eTacWTaTcWTX]cT]bXch^UcWXbaTbcXeTcaT]SfPbTeXST]c Ua^\cWTCTWaXaB`dPaTT_Xb^ST 0aVdPQ[hd]T\_[^h\T]cXbcWTa^^cRPdbT^U\P]hb^RXP[X[[bX]R[dSX]V RaX\Tb^Ub^acb8]R^\_PaXb^]c^cWTXaQaTcWaT]X]PSeP]RTSFTbcTa]]PcX^]b cWTbTh^dcWbX]0aPQR^d]caXTbUX]ScWT\bT[eTbd]STaaPcTS8cXbcX\Tc^QaX]V b^\TSaPbcXRRWP]VTbX]cWTWPVVPaSP]ScaPSXcX^]P[fPhbcWPcPaT]^f_P[T X]R^\_PaXb^]c^cWTUPbcSXVXcP[V[^QP[XbPcX^]7T]RTcWTbdVVTbcX^]cWPcXc XbWXVWcX\Tc^_aTeT]ccWTbTh^dcWbUa^\cPZX]Vc^P]hX[[fX[[TSVTbcdaTb 0iWPa0[X:WP] AP\_da ing away either from her struggle or from the issue of excessive State power that it highlighted. Still, this indomitable young woman’s extraordinary, even superhuman, self-imposed suffering touched many hearts. The Government in 2004, appointed a commission to enquire whether the law needed to be amended or repealed in order to conform to the Government’s obligations to human rights. The commission recommended repeal of the law (even as it suggested that many of its provisions be incorporated in other laws). But successive Governments chose to not act in accordance even with the commission’s conservative counsel. Hemavathi A Secunderabad ?edcdQ^TY^W_VVYSYQ\ Sir — Outgoing Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan, whose term ends on September 4, has said that he was open to the idea of having a two-year second term. He is indeed candid enough to admit that he wanted a second term, but on being denied one, he is set to go back to academia when he demits office early next month. This is a graceful way to go. Undoubtedly, he was an excellent Governor who did a good job stabilising the currency from the time he took over in 2013, when the rupee had come under severe strain. Two aspects of Rajan’s tenure stand out: Not wavering from the primary duty to bottle up the inflation genie, and forcing banks clean up their bleeding balance sheets wounded by chronic bad loans. J Akshay Bangalore ?dXUbQ\dUb^QdYfU Sir — This refers to the editorial, “More energy to nation” (August 12). In an over-populated country like India, there is no isolated place to set up these atomic reactors. The disaster in Japan, a country known for its efficiency and technology, should serve as a warning of the dangers of nuclear energy. We are blessed with more than ample sunlight. Why not use that? There are no lurking dangers and it does not, rather cannot, damage the environment. Ashok K Mehta Via web BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ "aSThTjbPcdaSPhb_TRXP[l & A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0D6DBC "! % CVgVR]Z_XeYV3cRkZ]ZR_WRf]e]Z_VdReCZ` t was in 2009, Brazil, one of the most emerging and promising Ieconomies of South America, had ?^[XcXRP[f fTPcWTaf fWXRW bW^d[SWWPeTaaXVWc[h bd__^acTSccWT6 6P\TbXXb bTaX^db[h\ \^eX]Vcc^fPaSb P]TTg_[^^bX^]UU^abbdaT 1Th^]SccWT6 6P\Tbf fWPc QaX]VbWW^\TPP]Scc^ccWT X]cTa]PcX^]P[RR^\\d]XchXXb cWTbbX\\TaX]]V__^[XcXRP[ RaXbXbXX]11aPiX[ <0:70=B B08:80 bagged the right to host the prestigious Olympic Games in this part of the world. The then President who was considered one of the most powerful politicians of the country, Luis Inacio Lula da Slva, had added another feather to the cap of his Leftruled Rio de Janerio, the “cidade maravilhosa” (wonderful city). The city became the first venue in South America hosting the Olympic Games. Lula who was at the peak of his political career, promised to the international community, “Those who give us this chance will not regret it.” Many political observers simply put it: the staging of the Olympic in Rio in 2016 was meant to be the crowning moment of evolution on Brazil’s long route to one of the most powerful and arguably, the successful democracies in the oft-neglected bizarre world of Left bastions of the southern hemisphere. Why the ‘Rio 2016’ will pass on as a dark saga in the history of the Olympic Games? First of all, political weather which should have rightly supported the Games is seriously moving towards an explosion for sure. Beyond the games, what brings home and to the international community is the simmering political crisis in Brazil. This Wednesday, the country’s Senate voted to hold an impeachment trial, which could have eventually seen the embattled President Dilma Rousseff out of office. If the political trend is correct, then she will definitely be out of office permanently. The vote in favour of Rousseff ’s impeachment was 59; and 21 in against. The Senate suspended Rousseff, the first female President of Brazil, on May 12 over the accusations of illegal accounting practices and fiddling the entire budget to hide a sliding economy. Now, it is expected that just after four days of the end of the mega Olympic Games, around August 25, Rousseff’s impeachment trial is all set to begin. Second, it seems the very impeachment process was initiated both by the opponents of Rousseff and the crooks of the country. The conservative political class of the country who are long waiting for overthrowing the Left front Government from power is taking full advantage of the economic crisis. They are also quietly building on the rising resentment of the middle classes towards the Rousseff Government. Undeniably, her massive financial irregularities and an overt attempt to shield her mentor Lula may certainly help the country’s elite put forward their self-perpetuating agenda in the days to come. It is not just possible to rule the country without the blessings of the elite. Even her election was an unacceptable fact and accident for this class which is slowly feeling that they are losing the grip on power. Henceforth, her current suspension, propelled by business federations and a legislature that resembled almost a circus, reflects that the Brazilian elite is fully prepared to sacrifice the political and institutional achievements brought by two decades of democratic rule for grabbing the State. Third, campaigns echoed earlier, just months before starting the carnival, the mood of the people, who were demanding ‘fora Dilma’ (Dilma out’) and today, the same Brazilians shout in much stronger voice ‘fora Temer’, for an ouster of the current interim leader and deeply unpopular Vice-President Michel Temer.. What does this mean? The commoners across Brazil and particularly in Rio are not in a mood to celebrate the arrival of the historic Games to their city. They are too detested with their political class. Fourth, above all Rio 2016 is too different from London and Beijing. London had the advantage of everything — the wealth of a first world nation. The great heritage architecture of an imperial power and the support from all their Western brethren. When it comes to Beijing, it enjoys the rare advantage of political stability, which very few big powers enjoy. The famous British sports historian, David Goldblatt, ranks the preparation for Rio 2016 as the ‘worst in Olympic history’. Thus Rio neither enjoys the advantage of one party rule of China nor the pomp and glory of the former imperial power of Britain. Hence Rio 2016 may be rated by many as not more than a typical South American fiesta. Fifth, recently the International Monetary Fund has given a little respite to Brazil by indicating that there may be a slight improvement in the economic fortunes of the country by 2017. It all can happen through a relative improvement of the country’s economic indicators like that of the currency and the stock market. But global experts say it will be hard to realise this optimism against the backdrop of the growing unrest among the middle class, civil society organisations, trade unions and massive forces that represent the Brazil’s poor population. Sixth, it can be safely said that the ugly heads of this crisis are not going to be seen soon at least inside the Rio Olympic stadiums as they are full of people coming from the rich sections of society. But it is hoped that the Brazilian police and security personnels will not deter the ordinary citizens to showcase their peaceful protests just outside the grandiose stadiums and playgrounds made for Olympic participants. Seventh, Brazil has seen its per capita income fall by 35 per cent over the past five years. This has forced the Brazilian State to struggle for aligning the priorities of the federal, state and the city administrations of Rio. Even within half a year, the country has seen three successive Sports Ministers. Eighth, the Rio city administration has not been able to offer regular salaries to its police and security forces in the past. But recently there has been an infusion of cash from the federal coffers to ensure the security of the Olympic Games. At least this immediate step from the federal policy makers has stopped the country’s police from going to strike. As their salaries were delayed by the bankrupt State Government of Rio, the police have greeted the visitors in the international airport with banners saying ‘welcome to hell’. This is shocking and unbelievable. Ninth, Rio has been a seat of banking and bureaucracy which the State has failed to replaced so far. But in 2007, the discovery of huge underwater oil deposits had brought a glimmer of hope to the unemployed youth of the State. Unfortunately, the global slowdown in oil prices and a devastating scam of the national oil company, the Ptrobras, have once again put back the Rio State into the crisis. Always blessed with natural resources and beauty of the glam beaches, the State has never tried to generate any alternative sources of livelihood. Thus many observers on Brazilian society say, Cariocas (as the people of Rio are known) do not plant, they just pluck all the time. This is one of the reasons why the Rio State is not been able to provide a stable financial back to the glorious game. Finally, especially Brazil and the entire South America is known as a paradise for football and its greatest ever legends. So people are not much enthusiastic about the Olympic Games. Thus almost a fifth of tick- ets are still not sold out. Many sports analysts say this tepid interest in Olympic may be because of the Brazilians obsession with the game of football. Barring all the naysayers, Carlos Nuzman, the President of the Organising Committee of Rio 2016, says, “We strongly believe that the Games can be the antidote to the doom and gloom. The Games can lift the national mood, unite the population behind the outstanding exploits of the athletes and show the very best of Brazil.” Hope this comes true. Brazil continues its long journey to democracy. Its people are dying to see the wonderful city in reality. But when? Or is Brazil slowly plunging into a deep political crisis? Is it again sliding back to the hands of the elite of the country? Of course, successful Games, minus the political and economic turmoil, could have lifted the downbeat mood currently prevailed across Brazil. Anyway, the Olympic Games can be a seasonal event that comes once in a blue moon less for economic empowerment than for showcasing a country’s prestige to the international community. So, this can never be an economic dynamo to lift Rio from its economic mess. The entire nation is in need of better fiscal management, crime fighting and a sense of not looting the public coffer for sure. First and foremost, veterans Lula and Rousseff must fall in line. They must be treated as per the law of the land for mismanaging the massive public fund of the country. And the rest of the looters, too be brought to the book. In the meantime, the Brazilians must ensure that the country’s power hungry elite does not take over the State. Democracy must survive for the betterment of all Brazilians. With the farewell to the Olympic fanfare, the Brazilians will be caught with the hard realities of their life. Then the real carnival will begin. (The writer is Senior Editor, The Pioneer) ?4AB?42C8E4 /LVWHQ0RRG\¶V,QGLDVWDQGVIRUVROYHQF\FUHGLELOLW\VWDELOLW\ Dear Marie Diron Senior VP, Sovereign Risk Group, Moody’s Investors Service I have followed your work at Moody’s closely and, needless to add, have been thoroughly impressed with the sheer detailing that goes into every pronouncement that you make, among other things. This letter from my end is to share with you my concerns on why Moody’s has a Baa3 Sovereign rating for India. Surely, it is time to upgrade India’s Sovereign rating from Baa3 to at least A3, if not more, the same that China enjoys. The reasons for this overdue upgrade are many but the more specific ones to start with, to which I wish to draw your kind attention, are the following: India’s huge future GDP growth trajectory In the last two fiscal years, India has clocked a real GDP growth of 7.2 per cent and 7.6 per cent, notwithstanding two failed monsoons with agricultural growth grinding to a negative 0.2 per cent in 2014-15 and just 1.1 per cent in 2015-16. With normal monsoons this year, foodgrain production which has been stagnant at about 252 million tonnes in the last two years, is slated to come in at 272 million tonnes in 2016-17, as per initial estimates, which would be an all-time record in India’s postIndependent history, higher than the previous high of 265 million tonnes. Also, now that GST will become a pleasant reality in 2017, thanks to the dogged perseverance of Arun Jaitley, India’s dynamic Finance Minister, it should add 1 to 2 per cent to India’s GDP in the medium term. The stage is set to aspire for and achieve a sustainable GDP growth of 8 to 10 per cent and more in the decade ahead. A high rate of economic growth increases a country’s ability to service its debt burden, over a period of time, thereby improving its solvency. China and India are the 2nd and 9th largest countries of the world, in terms of nominal GDP. On PPP basis, China was at 1st and India at 3rd place in 2014. Both countries together share 16.08 per cent and 23.16 per cent of total global wealth in nominal and PPP terms, respectively. However, the moot point to be noted is, China’s best is behind it while India’s best is yet to come! Between 1980 and 2013, average real GDP growth in China was 9.8 per cent and India’s 6.23 per cent. That is set to reverse dramatically, starting now. In the next 10 years, the Chinese juggernaut is slated to crawl at between 6 and 7 per cent, maybe far lower, in real terms, as noted by prominent economist, Cai Fang. Last year China’s real GDP grew at 6.9 per cent, the slowest ever in 25 years, while in nominal terms, the growth was even lower, at just 6.2 per cent. India’s nominal GDP growth, on the other hand, should be in the region of 11-14 per cent in 2016-17. China has the fastest growing old-age population globally, says the World Bank. That indeed is its “Achilles heel”, by far. Last year, the Chinese labour force shrank by 4.87 million people. It is said, by 2050, more than 40 per cent of China will be more than 60 years old and the number of “Old Chinese” will be larger than the combined populations of Germany, Japan, France and Britain! With an average life expectancy of 76 years, the demographic upheaval is sure to result in both socio-political and economic unrest in the land of the Dragon. What is not helping matters is the fact that more than 85 per cent of China’s exports are produced by coastal China but surprisingly, coastal China is among its poorest regions, with most of the wealth being concentrated in the inland provinces. In sharp contrast, more than 65 per cent of India is 35 years old or lower and more than 50 per cent of India is 25 years old or lower. Again, where India scores over China is employment. China’s unemployment rate is 4.1 and India’s 4.2 per cent. However, the Chinese figure of 4.1 per cent that hides more than it reveals, computed by its National Bureau of Statistics, has been trashed by its Urban Health Survey that pegs the unemployment rate at more than 10 per cent! Likes of Fathom Consulting in fact, say, China’s unemployment rate is a whopping 12.9 per cent! Fiscal Balance India’s fiscal deficit stood at 4.5 per cent and 4 per cent in 2013-14 and 2014-15. However, in 2015-16, the fiscal deficit was reined in at 3.9 per cent of GDP; for the first time at sub 4 per cent in seven years. What is even more commendable is the fact that the fiscal gap was reduced without curtailing plan expenditure. In 2016-17, fiscal deficit target has been retained at 3.5 per cent and again this, despite increasing plan expenditure allocation by 15.3 per cent. The additional fiscal space to the Modi Government comes from the slew of subsidy reforms that have been undertaken. Subsidies have reduced from 2.1 per cent of the GDP in 2014-15 to 1.9 per cent in 2015-16, with that number slated to go down to just 1.7 per cent in 201617, thanks to Direct Benefit Transfer, which has already transferred sub- sidies worth more than C62,000 crore to the accounts of more than 2 lakh beneficiaries. The fact that revenue deficit in 2015-16 stood at just 2.5 per cent versus Government’s target of 2.8 per cent of the GDP is again a reflection of the vast improvement in quality of public spending, which deserves kudos. In 2016-17, the Government has earmarked about C48,000 crore for agriculture and irrigation and a sizeable C2.21 lakh crore for rail and roads, of which C97,000 crore will be spent on roads alone. These numbers prove beyond doubt the Modi-led Government’s intent to ensure growth remains the foremost agenda, without compromising on fiscal prudence. Coming back to China, its national fiscal expenditure growth rose significantly by 15.8 per cent in 2015 from 8.3 per cent in 2014, while national fiscal revenue growth slowed to 8.4 per cent from 8.6 per cent, resulting in a headline fiscal deficit of 3.5 per cent of the GDP. That’s up from 2.1 per cent deficit in 2014. This, despite Governmentfunded infrastructure investment declining to 17 per cent in 2015 from 19.9 per cent in 2014. Interestingly, the IMF recently estimated that the real fiscal deficit in China averaged around 10 per cent of the GDP, due to leveraged SOEs (State-owned enterprises). This fiscal deficit suggests the Chinese Government is not shy about launching a mindless “pump-priming” exercise to offset slowing growth from structural headwinds, adding to the problems. Inflation Average Wholesale Price Inflation (WPI) that was 7.4 per cent in 2012-13 in India, averaged just 2 per cent in 2014-15. After being in a negative zone since November 2014, WPI came in at a positive 1.62 per cent in June 2016, signifying pick-up in demand and purchasing power and more importantly, return of pricing power in the hands of manufacturers. However, it is not WPI but Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) or retail inflation that is the key variable to watch out for, argue Modi’s critics. Well, average CPI that was 10.2 per cent in 2012-13, hit a high of 11.16 per cent in November 2013 under a corrupt Congress-led UPA, before falling to an average of just 5.9 per cent in 2014-15, with a new low of 3.69 per cent in July 2015, under the Modi-led Government. Every 5 per cent rise in pulses inflation adds 12bps to CPI and the recent surge in CPI at 5.76 per cent and 5.77 per cent in May and June 2016 is primarily due to pulses inflation that has been hovering at close to 30 per cent. However, a 40 per cent rise in area sown under pulses this year should sharply bring down pulses inflation, which should in turn help the Government stick to its retail inflation target of 5 per cent by March 2017. In fact, formal inflation targetting of 4 per cent by 2021, with a 2 per cent margin on either side, is a radically bold step by the BJP-led NDA Government in ensuring a lower inflationary path going forward, that augurs well for India, as it is credit positive. And yes, for those who say inflation under Modi Government is down only thanks to lower crude oil prices globally, let me point out, “fuel and power” as a category only has a 14.91 per cent weightage in WPI. In CPI, “fuel and light”, has a weightage that is even lower, at just 6.84 per cent! The truth of the matter is inflation is down in the last two years primarily due to the Government’s efforts in removing various supply bottlenecks, including carrying out APMC reforms. Speaking of China, CPI between July 2015 and July 2016 averaged at 2 per cent, versus Government’s target of 3 per cent and that is not good news as it hides disinflationary trends. Also, PPI, Producer Price Index, for instance, has been contracting since March 2012 and in July 2016, it fell by 1.7 per cent; this, after a 2.6 per cent fall in June 2016. Excess of anything is bad. Hyper-inflation is a tax on the poor. Equally, a deflationary spiral that China is currently experiencing in terms of producer prices could be even worse as businesses are being forced to absorb costs and compromise profit, just to get their products moving. China is facing a double whammy, with parts of the economy facing disinflation and other parts, deflation. That can be a devastating mix, if not nipped in the bud. Simply printing more money that PBOC is notoriously infamous for may make matters worse by raising inflation without raising growth. China clearly has more problems in its hands, stuck between a rock and a hard place! External balance India’s rapid progress on the external front is best captured by the CAD (Current Account Deficit) data. CAD which was 4.8 per cent of the GDP in 2012-13 under an inept Congress-led UPA was down to 1.3 per cent in 2014-15 and even lower at just 1.1 per cent in 2015-16. While CAD is likely to inch up to 1.6 per cent of the GDP in 2016-17, on the back of higher domestic demand fuelled by a good monsoon, Seventh Pay Commission recommendations and higher capex spending by the Government, among other things, what is clear is, CAD will be reined in at sub 2 per cent of GDP in the medium term, driven by a healthy Balance of payments on the back of a lower trade deficit. For instance, trade deficit that was $145bn in 2014-15 fell to $130bn in 2015-16. While a lower trade deficit is partly due to a fall in imports, thanks to weakness in global trade, one cannot underestimate the fact that India’s trade deficit has come down sharply, among other things, due to a sharp fall in frivolous gold imports and that is laudable. Besides CAD, India scores very well on another vital parameter... External debt is just 23.6 per cent of the GDP. More importantly, short-term debt as a portion of overall external debt is just 17 per cent, well below the 24 per cent in 2013. Short-term debt as a portion of forex reserves too is down from 33 per cent in 2013 to just 24.8 per cent now. Meanwhile, India’s total debt to the GDP ratio remains at a very reasonable 67 per cent, giving it the much-needed cushion for policy manoeuvres, if need arises. In sharp contrast, China is sitting on a ticking time bomb with total debt to the GDP ratio having snowballed from 160 per cent in 2007 to 282 per cent in 2014-15. In the said period, China has added more than 21 trillion dollars to its burgeoning debt pile. If it continues to add debt at the same rate, by 2018, China’s total debt to the GDP ratio could be a dangerous 400 per cent! To compound matters, more than 70 per cent of China’s external debt is short-term in nature. Also, with more than 50 per cent of China’s external debt being Renmimbi, RMB denominated, any depreciation against the dollar could be fatal, leading to massive capital flight, as was witnessed in August 2015. Spread between onshore and offshore RMB widened to 1,100 bps in January 2016 and that is a story in itself, suggesting that huge capital outflows at quick intervals, will be the norm rather than the exception for China, going forward. Unfortunately, China is running out of choices. Sudden and sharp exchange rate depreciation will lead to capital flight, while exchange rate depreciation may actually, just be the tonic that its exporters crave for at this stage, what with exports falling by 7 per cent in dollar terms both in 2015 and in the first five months of 2016. What a mighty fall for a country which had an average export growth in excess of 25 per cent, prior to the Lehman crisis of 2008! I know Moody’s recently raised India’s outlook from “stable” to “positive” and downgraded China’s outlook from “stable” to “negative”. Ms Diron, as a corollary to that, I would sincerely urge you and your team at Moody’s to upgrade India’s Sovereign rating too, from Baa3 to A3, more so, given the policy push and reforms that have been unleashed on a war footing by India’s visionary Prime Minister Modi, in the last two years. Be it the Aadhar Bill aimed at financial inclusion, the Bankruptcy code Bill that will purge banks of bad loans by fixing culpability and accountability, or the GST Bill that will eradicate supply-chain inefficiencies, India has come a long way from that scary moment in 1990-91, when saddled with forex reserves of just 1.2 billion dollars, it had to pledge 67 metric tonnes of gold with the IMF, to raise a mere 600 million dollars. Today, with forex reserves of about 365 billion dollars and more than 20,000 tonnes of idle gold that is greater than the combined gold reserves of the IMF, Germany, the USA and Switzerland, India stands for solvency, credibility, stability and much more. (The writer is an economist, Stock market expert & spokesperson for the Mumbai BJP. Views are personal. Verma can be reached on sanjuvverma@yahoo.com) FWh< <^^Sh´bWWPbPP1 1PP" B^eTaTXV]aaPcX]VUU^a88]SXP BdaT[hXXcXXbccX\Tcc^dd_VaPST 8]SXP´bBB^eTaTXV]aaPcX]V Ua^\1 1PP"cc^PPc[[TPbc0 0"XXU ]^c\ \^aTccWTbbP\TccWPc 2WX]PTT]Y^hbQQTRPdbT^^U _[T]ch^^UaaTPb^]b B0=9DE E4A<0 ]PcX^]' A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0D6DBC "! % D?<PWX[P2^]VaTbbc^[Pd]RW bXV]PcdaTRP\_PXV]c^QP][X`d^a Lucknow: UP Mahila Congress would soon launch a massive signature campaign to press for the implementation of ‘anti-liquor’ policy in the State. Mahila Congress workers said that they will try to get the said policy included in the party manifesto for the coming Assembly elections. PNS µCRZ]c`\`¶a`hVcWRZ]fcV YZe>f^SRZecRZ_dVcgZTVd #%caPX]bRP]RT[[TSPbR^\\dcTabWP[ccaPX]bPc1PS[P_da C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 n a double whammy for Icommuters, Mumbai suburban railway the Central Railway on Friday morning cancelled as many as 46 train services — either fully or partially, after a delay in the operation of services triggered a spontaneous “rail roko” by commuters at Badlapur, while the services on the Western Railway remained disrupted for more than an hour later in the evening owing to a power failure. The day began with hundreds of irate commuters squatting on the tracks and staging a “rail roko” at Badlapur on the Central Railway at 5.25 am. The commuters blocked movement of trains, after a Karjat-CST local arrived at Badlapur station 20 minutes behind owing to a technical snag at Level Crossing Gate no.26 between Karjat and Bhivpuri Road stations. The suburban train services between Ambernath and Karjat were disrupted for more than five hours. Things came to such a pass at one stage that Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu took to twitter and sought to calm down the angry commuters. He directed the CR officers, including CR General Manager and Divisional Railway Manager, to listen to the agitating commuters’ demands. “GM, DRM, officers directed early morning to help passengers in #Badlapur, sort out their problems. Requesting all not to agitate, all steps taken,” Prabhu tweeted. The services were finally restored at 10.55 hrs. Following the agitation, the CR authorities cancelled 34 services fully and 12 services partially. The protests by the commuters not only affected the services on the stretch between Ambernath and Karjat, but also had a cascading effect on the arrivals and departure schedule of long-distances at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST), Lokmanya Tilak Terminus (LTT) and Dadar terminus. Badlapur is located 60 km from Mumbai- 1XWPa6de\PhaTUTa?a^WXQXcX^] 1X[[c^APbWcaP_PcX1WPeP] 508I0=07<03Q ?0C=0 close to two week but Raj Bhavan has not reactIedttheistonow the controversial Bihar Prohibition and Excise Bill, 2016. After its passage from the bicameral legislature on August 1, the Bill had been sent to the Governor for his assent in order to convert it into an Act. Governor Ramnath Kovind is taking time to study and seek legal and constitutional opinion on various provisions of the Bill. If sources are to be believed, the Governor is contemplating to refer the Bill to the President for his consideration. Under the Constitution the Governor can “reserve a Bill for the assent of the President.” In all 13 Bills had been forwarded to the Governor of which he has signed only a couple, both Money Bills. The delay in giving his assent to the Prohibition Bill has raised suspicion that Raj Bhavan was not pleased with certain provisions in the Bill which have elicited all-round criticism. The Governor has already been urged by the BJP lawmakers not to give his assent to the “draconian” and “Talibani” Bill for some of its scary provisions. They requested that the Governor should prevail upon the Government to make necessary amendments. Outspoken RJD leader Raghubansh Prasad Singh also urged the Governor not to give his nod on this controversial Bill. Kovind, himself a lawyer with four decades of career practising in Delhi High Court and Supreme Court, seems not in haste. There are indications that he might refer the Bill to the Rashtrapati Bhavan for the consideration of the President. Former Advocate General P K Shahi told The Pioneer that Governor has constitutional option to send any Bill to the President. But in practice such Bills are referred to the Government of India through the Ministry of Home Affairs. CST. Following th agitation, the services on the KalyanCST ser vices were also affected. Following the disruption in ser vices, the Central Railway operated 30 special trains between Ambernath and CST, Kalyan, Vangani and Karjat, Karjat and Khopoli to clear the stranded crowds of passengers. In an effort to ensure against the agitation taking a violent turn, the Thane Police, GRP and RPF personnel rushed to Badlapur to pacify the commuters who were getting increasingly restive with every passing hour. Following the agitation, the Central Railway authorities held up and regulated at least four long-distance CST-bound trains, while they diverted two other trains Karjat-PanvelDiva stations. The authorities regulated en route 18520 LTTVisakhapatnam Express and 11007 CST-Pune Deccan Express and re-scheduled 11301 CST-KSR Bengaluru Udyan Express, which leaves Mumbai at 08.05 hrs, to 14.20 hrs. BcdST]cbfaXcTc^?<<^SX PQ^dc_^[[dcTSEPacWda ;PZTPSY^X]X]VcWTXabRW^^[ :4BCDAE0BD:8Q 14=60;DAD I n an effort to clean choking lakes in IT city Bengaluru hundreds of students of a school have approached Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a novel way by writing their grievances in postcards. The students of KK High School located on the borders of highly-polluted Varthur Lake have sought the intervention of Prime Minister to save them from the polluted lake where their school is located. The first instalment of the letter posted on Monday seeks the intervention of PM to help save the lake. It said “Dear Modi Uncle, clean air, clear water and clean environment is our right. Protect our lakes and rivers from encroachment and pollution. We need our Varthur and Bangalore for our future. We need your intervention in protecting them.” Varthur lake one of the very big lakes in Bengaluru which is part of natural interlinkage of lakes has been a victim of man made catastrophe. Heavy rains in the past month have led to the froth — a result of industrial and domestic effluents being dumped in the lake — increase in proportion. The school had tied up with Indian Institute of Science researcher professor TV Ramachandra to monitor the water quality in the 445-acre lake since 1998. It has first-hand experience of the deteriorating ecology of the water body. The students who live in and around areas have become mute witness to the growing urbanisation and large scale encroachment. The froth, analysis showed, contained detergent, urine and faecal matter — the result, experts said, of untreated sewage being dumped into the lakes. Even though so many approaches and media glare did not made any impact on the BBMP, the Bengaluru corporation which till date have not done anything to address the issue. The choking lake have become unbearable and people are facing many health issues. The letters addressed by students of this school is also part of their intention to ask PM to address the issue of choking lakes across the country in his Independence Day address from the Red Fort. The PM had sought issues from the people for his independence day address. :TaP[P2?<f^^X]V :2<<db[X\;TPVdT <^eTc^RPbWX]^]RaXbXbX]2^]V[TSD35 EA90H0A09Q :>278 I n a determined bid to deny the BJP the opportunity to cash in on the current crisis in the Congress-led Opposition UDF, the Kerala CPI(M) has started openly wooing the Kerala Congress (M), a major regional party that had ended its threedecade-long relationship with the UDF last Sunday, as speculations are rife over whether the KC(M) will stay as an independent party, return to the UDF or join hands with the CPI(M)-led ruling LDF or BJP-headed NDA. The CPI(M) has also clearly but indirectly indicated that cooperation is possible between the Left and major UDF partner Muslim League, which has so far been viewed by Marxists as a party that survives on communal politics. “There is no justification for keeping anybody away (from the Left) by alleging communalism,” an editorial in CPI(M) organ Deshabhimani daily said. The editorial in the CPI(M) mouthpiece extended an open invitation to the KC(M), led by its chairman KM Mani who had resigned in November last as Finance Minister in the previous UDF Government over the charge that he had taken C1 crore as bribe from the State’s bar owners, just when the Congress was on a desperate bid to bring it back into the UDF and the BJP reportedly was trying to rope it into the NDA. “There are areas where (the Left) can cooperate with the KC(M) and other parties (like Muslim League) that are presently in the UDF as part of building a broad unity on issues concerning people,” says the editorial titled, ‘UDF’s Fall and Future Kerala’. The CPI(M) move is expected to cause dis- comfort in the LDF as the CPI is against the idea of having alliance with Mani. CPI’s State secretar y Kanam Rajendran has said that his party is not prepared to “beatify” Mani, who has been accused of taking bribe from bar owners. However, the Deshabhimani editorial is in tune with State CPI(M) secretary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan’s theory that the BJP should not be allowed to cash in on the current crisis in the UDF. Sources in the Kerala BJP, however, say that there will be no initiative from their side to rope in the KC(M) to the NDA. A section in the BJP is said to be of the view that it would be counterproductive if they join hands with the party of Mani, against whom it had launched political and legal battles over the bar bribery scandal. 0UcTaBWPa\X[P Cf^SPh6dY<^]b^^] P]^cWTaf^\P] BTbbX^]^]0dVdbc!! c^bXc^]UPbc 0__^X]c\T]c^U 0=D?B70A<0 Q 8<?70; Wd\P]aXVWcbf^aZTaX] <P]X_daP]S\^cWTa^Ucf^ fP]cbc^cPZTXcUa^\fWTaT <P]X_da³b²8a^];PSh³8a^\ BWPa\X[P[TUc HTb0UcTa8a^\BWPa\X[P T]STSWTa %hTPa[^]VUPbcU^a aT_TP[^UcWT0a\TS5^aRTbB_TRXP[ ?^fTab0Rc05B?0^]CdTbSPh P]SSTRXSTSc^_dabdTcWTbcadVV[T _^[XcXRP[[hP]^cWTaWd\P]aXVWcb PRcXeXbc^UcWTca^dQ[TSBcPcT A^QXcP;TX\PWPbR^\TU^afPaSc^ bXcX]X]STUX]XcTUPbcST\P]SX]V aT_TP[^UcWTX]UP\^dbPRcA^QXcP W^fTeTabPXScWPcbWTfX[[P[b^ ST\P]SU^aX\_[T\T]cPcX^]^UcWT 8]]Ta;X]T?Ta\Xc8;?P[^]VfXcW cWTaT_TP[^UcWT05B?0 "!hTPa^[SA^QXcPWPbP hTPa^[Sb^]P]SPU^dahTPa^[S SPdVWcTa CWTf^\T]^aVP]XbPcX^]P]S ^cWTaWd\P]aXVWcb^aVP]XiPcX^]b ^UcWTbcPcTPaTW^fTeTahTcc^ aP[[hQTWX]SA^QXcPPbcWThPaT]^c V^X]Vc^P[[^fP\^cWTa^Ucf^c^ cPZTbdRWPSTRXbX^]BTeTaP[ ^aVP]XbPcX^]b[XZT0_d]QP;d_ <TXaP?PXQX0_d]QP=d_X;d_bPXS cWPccWThf^d[STeXRcA^QXcPXUbWT V^TbPWTPSfXcWWTaSTRXbX^]c^bXc U^aX]STUX]XcTUPbc 8c\PhQT\T]cX^]TSWTaTcWPc A^QXcPWPbQTT]PWd\P]aXVWcb PRcXeXbcU^aP[^]VcX\TP]SbWT ad]bP]^aVP]XiPcX^]cXc[TS²8]SXP] F^\T]0VPX]bc2aX\T³BWTWPb QTT]UXVWcX]Vc^bTRdaTcWTaXVWcb ^Uf^\T]P]SU^acW^bTf^\T] fW^WPeTQTR^\TeXRcX\b^U RaX\T °8P\V^X]Vc^bcPaccWT X]STUX]XcTUPbcc^\^aa^fPc :TXbP\_PcPaTPX]8\_WP[ c^\^aa^f8P\V^X]Vc^bTTZcWT Q[TbbX]Vb^U8a^\BWPa\X[PPccWT 9PfPWPa[P[=TWad8]bcXcdcT^U <TSXRP[BRXT]RT0UcTacPZX]VWTa Q[TbbX]Vb8bWP[[bcPac\hUPbc± bPXSA^QXcP 0 B_TPZTaP]S3h \PX]PVT]SP =0H0=30E4Q 60=378=060A he two-day Gujarat Assembly Monsoon Session T is beginning on August 22 in which new Speaker and Deputy Speaker are expected to be appointed by the MLAs. For the new State Government headed by Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, it would be the first Assembly Session. Appointment of the Speaker and its deputy would be the main agenda of the Session as Speaker Ganapat Vasava and his deputy Atmaram Parmar already resigned from their posts. Both Vasava and Parmar are now part of the Rupani Government. Senior BJP MLA and former Minister Parbatbhai Patel has been temporarily given responsibility of the post of Speaker. Other key issue on the agenda would be to clear the Goods and Services Tax (GST), which was recently passed by the Parliament and needs to be passed by at least 15 of the 29 States before April 1. The Narendra Modi Gover-nment at the Centre has said that it expected at least 16 States to clear the GST Bill in the coming 30 days. With BJP national president Amit Shah's visit to Ahmedabad for Raksha Bandhan (August 18) Shah, he too is expected to attend the Monsoon session for at least a day as an MLA. 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The Assam Cabinet had already approved the Bill in the morning on Friday before it was placed in the ongoing session of the House. “I declare the Bill, which was passed by both the Houses of Parliament, to be ratified unanimously by the Assam Legislative Assembly,” Speaker of the Assam Legislative Assembly, Ranjit Das announced in the House on Thursday. The Opposition including the Congress and the All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) had earlier demanded a discussion in the floor of the House to evaluate the impact of the Bill in the State and on its people. The Speaker, however, turned down their request. The Opposition members also later supported the Bill. Assam Chief Minister termed the ratification of the Bill as a historic one and said, “I am sure Assam will benefit from the GST through higher economic growth and better revenue collection". He later told newsmen that Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a telephonic conversation congratulated him for ratification of the Bill by Assam Legislative Assembly. “This is a historic occasion for us to become the first State to pass this Bill. I would like to thank the Speaker for allowing us to introduce it today after we informed him just last night,” said State Finance Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, who introduced the Bill on behalf of the Chief Minister. Sarma later distributed sweets in the House. He said that the Assam wanted Assam to become the first State to pass the amendment Bill as this would send a positive signal to the industry. He explained the Central GST portion, 42 per cent tax will be given back to the State. “The GST will also have a special concession option for N-E and Himalayan States if they request reduction of taxes for any reason. Besides, these States can collect special tax during any natural calamity or disaster subject to approval by GST Council,” he added. “We can also collect special tax during natural calamities like flood if we feel the need to generate more revenue,” Sarma explained. hinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Friday asked India to decide on its position on the vexed South China Sea (SCS) issue, which has triggered escalated tension in that region. Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of his visit to the coastal State, to review the security arrangements ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Goa for the BRICS summit in October this year, Wang said, "It is up to India to decide what position to take". Wang said this in reply to a question whether the Chinese Government was keen on seeking India's support in the ongoing maritime dispute. Wang, who is on a threeday tour to India, arrived in Goa to held a hour-long meeting with Goa Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar and other top officials of the State over the BRICS summit. The statement came soon after a State-run Chinese daily warned that India's focus on the SCS will harm its ties with China and create obstacles for Indian businessmen. "WdacX]P]^cWTac^dVW5aXSPhX]9: :7DAB7443F0=8Q BA8=060A A mid a Valley-wide curfew and restrictions on public movement, thousands of people on Friday staged demonstrations across Kashmir even as clashes between security forces and the protesters left scores of people injured on the 35th day of unrest that began after the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani during an encounter in south Kashmir on July 8. The protests spilled over to Jammu and at least ten people, including an SHO were injured in Jammu’s Doda, after clashes erupted between protesters and security forces after the Friday prayers. Protests were reported from Bhaderwah area of Doda district. A police spokesman said that more than three dozen incidents of stone pelting were reported from different districts of the Valley including Anantnag, Pulwama, Kulgam, Shopian, Baramulla, Sopore, Kupwara and Bandipora. “After Friday prayers miscreants assembled at various places and tried to disrupt the vehicular movement. At most of the places the miscreants started pelting stones on moving vehicles, police and security force deployments. Many police/security force men have been reported injured during these clashes,” the spokesman said. Six Awami Ittehad Party (AIP) activists were reported injured during clashes with security forces after authorities disallowed 72 hour sit-in pro- gramme of Independent Legislator and AIP president Er Rasheed, at Press Enclave Srinagar area. In the Valley, this was the fifth Friday in a row when the authorities faced a tough challenge to prevent escalation in the situation. Thousands of B25>A0DC>?BH >5BA8=060A H>DC7D=34A39 BD?4AE8B8>= =Tf3T[WX)CWTBd_aT\T2^dac ^]5aXSPh^aSTaTScWPc TgWd\PcX^]P]SPdc^_bh^UcWT Q^Sh^UP!%hTPa^[S\P]fW^ fPbZX[[TSP[[TVTS[hQh_^[XRTPc CT]V_^aPX]1PcP\P[^^PaTP^U BaX]PVPa^]9d[h f^d[SQT RPaaXTS^dcd]STacWT bd_TaeXbX^]^UcWT3XbcaXRcP]S BTbbX^]b9dSVT 0QSd[ATW\P]<XaWPS P[[TVTScWPcWXbb^]BWPQXa 0W\PS<XafPbZX[[TSQh_^[XRT PcWXbW^\T^]9d[h fWX[TcWT 9P\\d:PbW\Xa?^[XRTWPS R[PX\TScWPcWTSXTSSdaX]V _a^cTbcbX]cWTEP[[Th 0cc^a]Th6T]TaP[<dZd[ A^WPcVXPbbdaTScWTR^daccWPc cWT_a^QTf^d[SWPeTcWT WXVWTbc[TeT[^UcaP]b_PaT]RhP]S cWPccWTPdcW^aXcXTbf^d[S[TPeT ]^bc^]Td]cda]TSc^VTcc^cWT Q^cc^\^UcWTRPbTCWT1T]RW R^\_aXbX]VYdbcXRTb?26W^bT P]S0\XcPePA^hbPXScWPccWT 3XbcaXRcP\SBTbbX^]b9dSVT^U BaX]PVPaf^d[SQTPc[XQTachc^ WPeTcWTPbbXbcP]RT^U^UUXRTab^U WXbRW^XRTU^acWTX\_PacXP[ TgTaRXbT^URPaahX]V^dccWT TgWd\PcX^]P]SPdc^_bh ?C8 people took to the streets after the culmination of Friday’s mid-day prayers to stage antiIndia and pro-freedom protests in response to the protest call given by separatist groups. The protests took place despite a police advisory asking parents to counsel their chil- hile agreeing that restoration of normalcy should W be the first priority in Jammu & Kashmir, the Opposition parties including the Congress on Friday said that the Government has yet not accepted that it would talk to "all stakeholders" in the State. The Government, after the all-party meet, did not spell out whether separatists would be included in the ambit of the talks. Sharing his party's opinion during the all-party meeting on the Kashmir crisis, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said the "Centre must show it is a caring Government." Leader of Oppostion in Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad said "We will be satisfied only when the ground situation improves and the Government takes steps". Congress pitched for talks with mainstream and nonmainstream parties and "other stakeholders" to defuse the "extremely tense and tragic" sit- uation. Singh said the most important thing with regard to J&K is to defuse the present situation. Initiating the discussion, Manmohan Singh asserted that in the 10 years of the UPA Government, all efforts were made to solve such issues and the incumbent Government should design a roadmap for defusing the prevailing situation of the Valley. Talking about the all party meet, Azad said that the Opposition has a problem with the Centre on many aspects, however, their priority is to get normalcy back in the Valley. "We spoke to all the various political groups, common people, intellectuals, security personnel and police today. The youth present in the Valley is getting most-effected by the situation. "In order to resolve the situation of Kashmir, the Government has our full support," added Azad. Azad, who was Chief Minister of J&K, emphasised that there can be no talks with Pakistan at the "moment" when it is "waging a war of words". 6dY8?B^UUXRTafXcWSaPfb R^\_[PX]c^eTa6^ecU[Pc Gandhinagar: The Gujarat cadre IPS officer Sastish Verma on Friday withdrew his application which he filed before the Gujarat High Court challenging a notice asking him to vacate the State Government flat he occupies in Ahmedabad. Verma had approached HC on Thursday against State Government notice asking him to vacate his Ahmedabad-based Government house, as he has already been allotted an official residence at his current place of work in Shillong. “We on our own approached the High Court today and said that we would approach the appropriate forum, which is Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT), and seek appropriate remedy. The court acceded to our request,” IH Syed, advocate for Satish Verma told The Pioneer. Verma had been the lead investigating officer in the Ishrat Jahan encounter case which saw seven senior policemen from the State, including in-charge DGP PP Pandey, IPS officer (retired) DG Vanzara, GL Singhal and four others chargesheeted. PNS ?^[XRT\T]RWPbT_a^cTbcTabX]BaX]PVPa^]5aXSPh 0? Wang also visited several top resorts in the State, where some of the BRICS meetings are scheduled to be held and the Chinese delegation is expected to be hosted. Later, Parsekar said that Wang had evinced interest in the two upcoming flagship projects undertaken by the Bharatiya Janata Party-led coalition Government in the State, namely the Electronic City at Tuem, 30 kms from Panaji and the IT city at Chimbel Village, located near the State Capital. "He has shown interest in Goa's Electronic City and IT park and said that after the 2WX]Pb5^aTXV]<X]XbcTaFP]VHXXbfT[R^\TSQh6^P2WXTU<X]XbcTa;Pg\XZP]c BRICS summit there would ?PabTZPaU^aP\TTcX]VX]?P]PYXX]6^P^]5aXSPhHX^]5aXSPhPaaXeTSX]6^Pc^ interest in bringing investment SXbRdbbPQ^dc_aT_PaPcX^]bU^acWT1A82Bbd\\XcbRWTSd[TSU^a>Rc^QTa ?C8 here and we have welcomed it. Especially there is scope for rich resources and hardwork- his day-long visit to the State. investment in Electronic City, "I have come here because because we are in a budding ing people and is one of the most developed States in India the BRICS summit will be held stage," Parsekar told The as the Chief Minister just said, in Goa hosted by Prime Pioneer. "The Central Government Goa is small, but beautiful. I Minister Modi. He has invited believe that this State is an epit- Chinese President Xi Jinping to has given Goa the opportuniome of the future and bright come and attend the BRICS ty to host the BRICS summit in prospect of India and I am sure summit and now that I am pay- 2016. It shows the significance that the BRICS summit will put ing a visit to India I have come which has been given to Goa by the State of Goa at an even big- to Goa to take a look at the the Prime Minister. Goa and ger stage," Wang told reporters venues," Wang told reporters. China share historic ties," After meeting Parsekar, Parsekar added. at the State Secretariat during :A8B7=0?DB7:0A0;DBC0ACB8=C4;D6DBC0C4B ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 dren against indulging in stonepelting and a request to Imams to desist from delivering “inflammatory speeches”. Sources said over 130 protesters were injured during clashes with security forces. Curfew and strict restrictions remained in force in Srinagar. 4V_ecV^fdedY`hZe TRcVd+>R_^`YR_ ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 "India may want to avoid unnecessary entanglement with China over the SCS debate during Wang's visit if the country wishes to create a good atmosphere for economic cooperation, which would include reducing tariffs on Made-in-India products exported to China amid the ongoing free trade talk known as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership," the Global Times said in its editorial on Tuesday. Wang will meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday, where he would try to make efforts to ensure that Modi does not join other countries in raising the controversial issue of SCS during the G20 summit. Wang is also scheduled to meet Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj in New Delhi on Saturday Wang also gave a cheerful thumbs up to Goa, the venue for the upcoming BRICS summit, even as he expressed positive interest in upcoming technology-related projects in the state and said that the developed coastal State was the face of the future of India. "Goa has a time honouredhistory, beautiful landscape n air of festivity and gaiety enveloped both the Telugu States as Krishna Pushkaralu began on A Friday with hundreds of thousands of pilgrims gath- 0]SWaP?aPSTbW2< 2WP]SaPQPQd=PXSdfXcW fXUT=PaP1WdeP]TbWfPaX cPZX]VW^[hSX_X]:aXbW]P AXeTa^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U :aXbW]P?dbWZPad[dX] EXYPhPfPSP^]5aXSPh ?C8 ering on the banks of river Krishna for a holy dip. The once in 12 years event is celebrated coinciding with a particular celestial formation when Jupiter enters into constellation Virgo. Hindus believe that a holy dip in Krishna during this auspicious period cleanses all their sins and evils. Though this formation will continue for one year but only the first 12 days are deemed to be more auspicious during which the festival is held. In Andhra Pradesh the major congregation of the pilgrims was in district Krishna, named after the river specially Vijayawada. Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu and his wife Bhuvaneswari took the holy dip at Durgaghat in Vijayawada and offered prayers. \^]Th A08?DAkB0CDA30H k0D6DBC "! % >daeTWXR[Tb\TTcTeTah]^a\b [PXS^dcX]cWTR^d]cahFT\PST cWT^UUTa^U _TaRT]cVaTT] RTbbd]STaSdaTbbFWX[TfT fT[R^\TcWTBd_aT\T2^dac STRXbX^]fTfXbWXU^][hcWT 2^dacSXScWXbTPa[XTa 2EJJ 6B?= 31B=1;5BC C>H>C0:8A;>B:0A<>C>A E8242708A<0=0=3F7>;4C8<4 38A42C>AB74:0AE8BF0=0C70= 5^[[^fX]VcWTR^dacbdVVTbcX^]fT PbPe^[d]cPahX]cTaX\\TPbdaT ^UUTaTSc^_Ph _TaRT]c^UcWTTg bW^fa^^\_aXRT^UcWTeTWXR[T c^fPaSbP]cXRX_PcTS4]eXa^]\T]c 2^\_T]bPcX^]2WPaVTPbPST_^bXc P]S]^c^]cWT_aT\XbTcWPc^da eTWXR[TbPaT_^[[dcX]VcWT T]eXa^]\T]c <4A2434B14=I8=380<3 0=324>A>;0=3B5>;64A 6%,*URXS4QHWGLSVEXWVD\VZRUVWRI13$VEHKLQGLW <D<108)State Bank of India on Friday reported 78 per cent plunge in consolidated net profit at C1,046 crore in April-June on higher provisions for bad loans at its five associates, though asset quality seemed to be improving. Total income during the three-month period rose to C69,415 crore against C63,164.5 crore in April-June, 2015-16. On a standalone basis, net profit of the State-run bank declined at a much lower rate of 32 per cent to C2,521 crore from C3,692 crore a year ago. “The worst is behind us when it comes to stressed assets. But let me warn you that the recovery will be slow and staggered as all those accounts marked in the watch list display stress. But I don’t think we will be revising upwards the watch list of C31,000 crore going forward,” Chairperson Arundhati Bhattacharya told reporters here. She went on to add that “we are still looking at resolution picking up pace. Resolution has started but they have not picked up pace to that extent and specially in respect of the larger accounts, we really need to see much more movement. But that will happen over a period of time.” Bhattacharya attributed the lower numbers to the massive provisioning the five subsidiary banks have done in the quarter ahead of their merger with the parent towards the end of the year. “Whether the stress is in their books or in the combined entity’s it makes the same impact. So they made additional provisions to match the parent’s level provisioning ahead of the merger.” The market lapped up the improvement in asset quality and the bottomline numbers which were as per the market’s estimate and also the guidance. SBI counter rallied over 9 per cent intra-day on the BSE, one of the best gains in many years. Gross non-performing assets rose to 6.94 per cent to C1,01,541 crore in the first quarter from 4.29 per cent or C56,421 crore, while net NPA rose to 4.05 per cent to C57,421 crore as against 2.24 per cent, or C28,669 crore. Accordingly, total provisions jumped up by 55 per cent to C8,533 crore from C5,510 crore. Loan loss provisions was at C6,340 crore and standard asset provisions stood at C917 crore. 5HWDLOLQIODWLRQSLFNVXSSDFHWR LQ-XO\,,3JURZWKGLSVLQ-XQH ?=BQ =4F34;78 ith rise in prices of food items and slow economic W activities of the country, retail inflation went up to nearly 2-year high of 6.07 per cent in July, while industrial factory output grew at slow pace at 2.1 per cent in June on account of poor show by manufacturing and heavy contraction in capital goods production. The inflation number remained well above the central bank’s comfortable level following unprecedented surge in food prices as demand for sugar, oil & fats and spices rose ahead of the festival season. The outgoing Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor, Raghuram Rajan, whose term ends on 4 September, left the key policy rates unchanged, flagging upside risks to the inflation target in his last monetary policy review on Tuesday. The RBI had said that going forward, the strong improvement in sowing on the back of the monsoon’s steady progress along with supply management measures would augur well for food inflation. “The prospects for inflation excluding food and fuel are more uncertain; if the current softness in crude oil prices proves to be transient and as the output gap continues to close, inflation 6ia`cedd]Za') Z_;f]j,X`]UZ^a`ced ^`cVeYR_YR]gV ?=BQ =4F34;78 fter rising for the first time in 18 months in A June, exports shrank again in July, contracting 6.84 per cent due to decline in shipments of engineering goods and petroleum products. Gold imports, which till recently was a matter of concern for the Government, more than halved to $1.08 billion in the month. Merchandise exports totalled $21.69 billion in July as against $23.28 billion in the same month last year. Declining exports as well as in imports narrowed the trade deficit in July to $7.76 billion as against $13.09 billion in the year-ago period. excluding food and fuel may likely trend upwards and counterbalance the benefit of the expected easing of food inflation,” the RBI statement had said. Keeping growth and manufacturing scenario of the country, India Inc expressed concern on the issue. As far as retail inflation is concerned, it is based on Consumer Price Index (CPI) which was 5.77 per cent in June and in July 2015, it was at 3.69 per cent. Inflation was highest since September 2014, when it was at 6.46 per cent. Food inflation during the month rose to 8.35 per cent, up from 7.79 per cent in June. On industrial growth front, Index of Industrial Production or IIP also had a poor show on account of poor show by manufacturing and heavy contraction in capital goods production, growing by only 2.1 per cent in June, down from 4.2 per cent a year ago. On cumulative basis, the factory output in the AprilJune quarter grew by 0.6 per cent compared to 3.3 per cent growth in the year-ago period. The June growth was however higher than 1.1 per cent (revised from 1.2 per cent provisionally) in May. The IIP showed that the manufacturing sector that constitutes over 75 per cent of the index saw a meager growth of 0.9 per cent in June compared to 5.2 per cent a year ago. C74F>ABC8B1478=3DB F74=8C2><4BC>BCA4BB43 0BB4CB1DC;4C<4F0A= H>DC70CC74A42>E4AH F8;;14B;>F0=3 BC0664A430B0;;C7>B4 022>D=CB<0A:438=C74 F0C27;8BC38B?;0HBCA4BB 1DC83>=³CC78=:F4F8;; 14A4E8B8=6D?F0A3BC74 F0C27;8BC>5C" 2A>A46>8=65>AF0A3 B182708A?4AB>=0AD=370C8170CC0270AH0 In the last quarter of FY2015-16, the bank had put up accounts worth C31,000 crore on ‘special watch list’ following the AQR (Asset Quality Review) of the Reserve Bank. Bhattacharya said there are no additions to the watch list and it has been retain at C31,000 crore. The net interest margins declined to 2.83 per cent from 2.99 per cent. “The kind of spike in NPAs we saw last quarter, wedefinitely do not expect that going forward. When the resolution process starts we would definitely see the residual numbers looking much better,” Bhattacharya said. In the last quarter of fiscal 2015-16, fresh slippages of the bank were around C30,000 crore. Fresh slippages during the reporting quarter jumped to C8,790 crore from C7,318 crore a year ago. “Our slippages are still elevated but over a period of time this will normalise. I would not put that period of time beyond the next three quarters,” she added. Out of the C8,790 crore of fresh slippages, C4,122 crore were from the retail assets and C987 crore from the international banking group. Slippages in the corporate sector were C3,681 crore, of which C2,950 crore has come from the watch list. The bank has recovered C1,647 crore of loans while it upgraded C1,169 crore during the quarter. The lender sold only C77 crore of loans to asset reconstruction companies in the quarter and did not do any S4A scheme as it is being still worked out. The bank invoked SDR provisions in 22 accounts worth Rs over 18,000 crore out of which three have slipped into NPAs again. Deposits increased 10.46 per cent to C17,82,371 crore from C16,13,545 crore and advances rose 11.41 per cent to C14,63,690 crore from C13,13,735 crore. The bank had set a loan growth target of 12 per cent for this fiscal. Bhattacharya said SBI Life Insurance will be listed in the next 2-3 years. On the SBI Card JV, she said the bank will not be buying out its partner GE Capital but expressed the hope that they will be able to find a buyer by September. State Bank of India has performed better than other staterun lenders in managing its bad loans. It is also better placed on NPA front due to a higher share of low-cost deposits, a comfortable capital ratio and improving operating profitability, according to a recent Goldman Sachs report. Emkay Research said the numbers are as per its expectations and the stability in the asset quality has been better than the Street view and it therefore has an ‘accumulate’ call on the SBI stocks. ?C8 6WW`ced^fde SV^RUVe`RUUcVddcVR] TRfdV`Wa`]]feZ`_dRjdRfe`Z_Ufdecj ?=B Q =4F34;78 W hile welcoming decision of the Supreme Court on lifting ban on cars and SUVs with diesel engine capacity of 2,000cc and above in Delhi-NCR Automobile industry said efforts must be made to address the real cause of pollution instead of targetting a particular type of fuel. Worst affected carmakers in like Toyota and Mercedes-Benz, which had offered to pay 1 per cent green cess, insisted they made the voluntary offer in order to overcome the ban and “not on the premise that our vehicles are polluting the environment”. The Japanese auto maker insisted that its stand to hold back investments in India will continue till it gets a clarity on the future road map both from a court’s stand point and Government’s policy side. “Our vehicles meet every norms laid out in the country. We made the offer of 1 per cent green cess under duress. While we welcome the Supreme Court decision, we wish if only the Court did this earlier,” Toyota Kirloskar Motor Vice-Chairman and Whole-time Director Shekar Viswanathan told news agency PTI. He further said the diesel fuel has been maligned and wondered if it has damaged the environment so much that it had to be banned. When asked if Toyota would now reconsider its decision to hold back investments in India, Viswanathan said: “We will still wait for the final pronouncement. We will wait for a clear statement from the court and government on the road ahead for diesel fuel.” Echoing the view, MercedesBenz India MD and CEO Roland S Folger said the company had followed the earlier direction of the Supreme Court and filed an Interim Application seeking relief on the ban on its cars. “Following the court suggestion, we as a voluntary interim measure, offered to pay 1 per cent of the ex-showroom price of the vehicle towards anticipated Environment Compensation Charge as a deposit, and not on the premise that our vehicles are pol- FT]TTSc^[^^Z PccWT[^]VcTa\ P]SUX]ScWTaTP[ RPdbT^U_^[[dcX^] c^PSSaTbbcWT XbbdTFTbcP]SQh ^daeXTfcWPcRPab PaT^][hP\X]^a R^]caXQdc^ac^cWT ^eTaP[[_^[[dcX^] B80<38A42C>A 64=4A0;E8B7=D <0C7DA -HW$LUZD\VQHWGLYHVWRCFURUH =4F 34;78) Bogged down by competitive pressure and lower revenues, Jet Airways on saw its consolidated net profit fall 44 per cent to C126 crore in the three months to June. The second largest airline by market share had a net profit of C226 crore in the year-ago period. Total revenue dropped to C5,406 crore in the first quarter of the current financial year from C5,508 crore in the same period a year ago, it said in a release. Naresh Goyal, Chairman, Jet Airways, said: “Jet Airways has strengthened its core operations and achieved better capacity utilization and greater efficiency. We have been able to report lower non-fuel cost in spite of inflationary increases and weakening of Indian Rupee against US Dollar by almost 6%.” “Due to the intense competitive environment, industry yields were under pressure in Q1 and the trend is expected to continue in Q2.” luting the environment,” he said. Mercedes-Benz had also said it was putting on hold its future investments in India in the wake of the ban on big diesel cars and SUVs. Welcoming the apex court’s decision, Mahindra & Mahindra Executive Director Pawan Goenka, said: “We are very relieved with the decision of the Honourable Supreme Court today. Hope this decision will put all controversy surrounding diesel fuel behind us and we will be able to focus on the more important task of making our vehicles compliant with BS 6 norms by April 2020.” Maruti Suzuki Chairman R C Bhargava termed the decision as one “which the entire industry was waiting for a long time”. Hyundai Motor India Senior Vice-President Sales & Marketing Rakesh Srivastava said: “It is a positive step and will address the challenge being faced by customers and various stakeholders.” SIAM Director General Vishnu Mathur said the Supreme Court’s decision will bring certain amount of relief for those com- panies whose vehicles were affected by the ban. “However, they will be at a comparative disadvantage due to the one per cent green cess. The main concern of the automobile industry is that this issue will crop up again in October-November with the onset of winter when pollution increases,” he said. He further said: “We need to look at the long term and find the real cause of pollution to address the issue. We stand by our view that cars are only a minor contributor to the overall pollution.” Speaking on the development, Tom von Bonsdorff, Managing Director, Volvo Auto India said: “It has come as a big relief for the automobile industry and related stakeholders. We are sure this decision has been taken keeping in mind the desire of the Apex Court to protect Delhi’s environment and we are happy to contribute to that cause. With Volvo launching the first plug-in hybrid petrol SUV soon, we hope to give a product to the customers which comes as a package of green luxury.’’ A08?DA B0CDA30H 0D6DBC "! % B70A:´BC4AA8C>AH C > 3 0 H 8 = 0 2 C 8 > = 1\]Qj1iQ^Q_V5dXY_`YQcUdcg_b\TbUS_bT Y^g_]U^c! ]UdUbbQSUVY^YcXY^WY^ ")]Y^edUc!'$%cUS_^TcDXUV_b]Ub g_b\TbUS_bT_V")*#!'(]Y^edUcgQccUd Ri3XY^QcGQ^W:e^hYQY^!))# CWXb\TSP[XbPaTb_^]bTU^aP[[cW^bTfW^ bPXS8bW^d[SQTX]PRPVTCWXbRP]QTP] TgP\_[TU^aRWX[SaT]Ua^\_^^aR^\\d]XcXTb ¯9dS^ZPAPUPT[PBX[eP WXccX]V^dcPcWTa RaXcXRbPUcTaQPVVX]V6^[SX]AX^ ● ● ● ● ● ;8E4 02C8>=>=BC0AB?>ACB33 5 0 B C 5 4 4 C =:89E?:?83@=E C625JE@DEC:<6 7_\TbecX S_^dY^eUcV_b@XU\`c 05?■ A8>3490=48A> STATISTIX <XRWPT[?WT[_bfW^ _^bcTSPcX\T^U^]T\X]dcT $#%%bTR^]SbWPbf^] \^aTcWP]cfXRTPb\P]hV^[S \TSP[bPbP]h^]TT[bTfXcW U^a\TaB^eXTcVh\]Pbc;PaXbP ;Pch]X]PbTR^]S^]cWT[XbcfXcW ]X]T <XRWPT[?WT[_bfW^_^bcTS PcX\T^U^]T\X]dcT$#%% bTR^]SbWPbf^]\^aT cWP]cfXRTPb\P]hV^[S\TSP[b PbP]h^]TT[bTfXcWU^a\Ta B^eXTcVh\]Pbc;PaXbP;Pch]X]P bTR^]S^]cWT[XbcfXcW]X]T CWT" hTPa^[S <XRWPT[?WT[_bf^] WXb!!]SV^[S¯ \^aTcWP]P]h^cWTa>[h\_XP] UX]XbWTSP[\^bccf^bTR^]Sb R[TPa^U9P_P]b:^bdZT7PVX]^ 5PXbT[55TPcdaTb in 1:56.61. Wang Shun was third in 1:57.05. Ryan Lochte led at the halfway point, but couldn't keep up and finished fifth. Will Phelps retire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iji's first medal <430;?A>B?42CB)E4AH1A867C <4=³B < C8<4)%?< RIO DE JANEIRO: The "Usain Bolt Variety Hour" hit Brazil, big time. The closing number said it all: After talking about life, sprinting and the Olympics — and yes, Bolt insisted the Rio de Janeiro Games will be his last — the 6-foot-5 Jamaican pulled out his cell phone and started taking selfies while he shimmied off stage , surrounded by more than a dozen thong-andheaddress-wearing Samba dancers. In the lead up to the Rio Olympics, his legs haven't fared as well. He pulled out of his national championships last month with a sore hamstring, which he has been trying to rehabilitate in time to put on a show in Brazil. Bolt takes to the track on Saturday for the early rounds of the 100 meters. If he wins the 100, 200 and 4x100 relay, the way he has at the last two Olympics, he'll close his Olympic career with nine gold medals. By now, though, it's as much about the show as the results, and Bolt said as much last Monday night. "I'm definitely a sprinter first, but I like to entertain," he said. "That's what people come out to see. They like it when I do crazy stuff. I try to entertain and make it different, help people enjoy it." By doing that, he has obliterated the decades-old image of the sullen, skulking sprinter - and has =Q^eU\YcVYbcd1VbYSQ^ 1]UbYSQ^g_]Q^d_gY^7_\T also offered a much-needed breath of fresh air in a sport devoured by doping scandals that have dominated the lead-up to the Olympics. "I think we're going in the right direction," Bolt said. "I must say, we're weeding out the bad ones. I think people should have faith. We have to go through the rough times before we get to the good times." Speaking of which, Bolt hasn't ruled out a goal he set a long time ago — to better his record of 19.19 seconds in his favorite race, the 200. He has long said he'd like to take the record, which stood at 19.32 for 12 years before he first A8>3490=48A>)The World's Fastest Man has been "I've been trying to pick the top three for the paying attention to the world's fastest women in longest while," Bolt said. "It's going to be a hard one. The women are really pushing. The guys have the run-up to the Olympics. really let us down this season." While the men have been taking the Until this year, the 10.7-and-better ter100 meters at a leisurely pace this year ritory was dominated by four women: or, in the case of Usain Bolt, barely at all World-record holder Jackie Joyner-Kersee, - the women have been playing "Can You Marion Jones (who has had several of her Top This?" results overturned because of doping), Five sprinters have joined the small list Fraser-Pryce and Carmelita Jeter, who ran of women to crack the 10.8-second mark: the anchor leg in the U.S.'s world-record Elaine Thompson of Jamaica, Murielle 4x100 at the London Games. Ahoure of the Ivory Coast and American Thompson bullied her way into that teammates English Gardner, Tianna group by running 10.70 at Jamaica's Bartoletta and Tori Bowie. Throw in twonationals to beat Fraser-Pryce. Both have time defending Olympic champion ShellyAnn Fraser-Pryce, who has cracked 10.8 CXP]]P1Pac^[TccP been dealing with minor injuries since (Fraser-Pryce a toe, Thompson a hamstring), seconds 11 times before, and the women's 100 might be the most up-for-grabs race on the but their coach, Stephen Francis, told the Jamaica Gleaner they should be ready to go. AP card. :UT[V'ROV[TOYNKY6GQOYZGT 05?■ ;>=3>= imone Manuel leaned her head into her hands and cried when she recSognized her historic achievement. oeen Ali made Pakistan pay for their latest fielding lapses with a M century that saw England fight back on With her victory in the 100meter freestyle, she became the first African-American woman to win an Olympic gold medal in swimming. The 20-year-old Manuel upset world-record holder Cate Campbell of Australia and tied with Penny Oleksiak of Canada at the Rio Games on Thursday night. "I hope that I can be an inspiration to others, so this medal is for the people who come behind me and get into the sport and hopefully find love and drive to get to this point," Manuel said. Campbell was on pace to take her world record even lower when she made the turn out front, with little sister Bronte right behind her. But the Aussie siblings, who teamed up to lead their country to gold in the 4x100 freestyle relay, couldn't hang on. Bronte faded to fourth, and Cate dropped all the way to sixth at the fin- the first day of the fourth Test at The Oval on Friday. Ali's 108 was the cornerstone of England's 328 all out. And there was still time in the two overs before stumps for Stuart Broad to have Sami Aslam lbw for three. Pakistan ended the day three for one, with both Azhar Ali and nightwatchman Yasir Shah yet to score a run between them. England, 2-1 up in the four-match series and bidding to become the world's top-ranked Test side, collapsed to 74 for four before lunch after captain Alastair Cook won the toss. They were still struggling at 110 for five when number seven Ali came in. But Ali, missed on nine and 15, turned the tide in a fifth-wicket stand of 93 with Jonny Bairstow (55) that followed their key partnership of 152 in England's 141-run win in the third Test at Edgbaston last week. 0? ish. Instead, it was Manuel who touched at the same time as 16-yearold Oleksiak, the youngest swimmer in the field. The Canadian became the first swimmer born in the 21st century to win a gold medal in any Olympic sport. Manuel and Oleksiak shared the top spot on the medal podium, with the U.S. anthem played first followed by the Canadian anthem. Tears rolled down each of Manuel's cheeks as she sang along. "It's been a long journey and I'm super excited with where it has brought me," she said. toward your goal," he said. "It's a hard road. Never let anyone tell you you can't do it." But as much as sending messages, Bolt pretty much laughed his way through 30 minutes of dance, drama and jokes. He said the only problem he's encountered during his stay in Rio had to do with TV. The apartment he's sharing with teammate Asafa Powell didn't have one. "Somebody told us they were going to get it," Bolt said. "After two days, I was just, 'Buy a TV.' I'm a good teammate. So I got him a TV." As always, keeping the people entertained. AP (URZOTG]KUL]USKT©YYVKKJ 0?■ A8>3490=48A> BX\^]T<P]dT[[TUcfXcWWTa\TSP[ broke it at the Beijing Olympics, into the 18-second range. But the leg injury leading up to the Olympics made it a less-manageable goal to pursue. Then, after his only Olympic tune-up run — a 200 late last month in London — he met with coach Glen Mills, who told him, "That's one of the worst races you've ever run," according to Bolt. Still, why not aim high? "I really, really, really want that one," Bolt said. And going after dreams is the main message he wants people to take away from his career. "For me, it's always to work The off-spinning all-rounder also added 79 in just 86 balls with Chris Woakes (45). Sohail Khan took five for 68 — his second five-wicket innings haul in as many Tests — including a burst of three for six in 13 balls that reduced England to 286 for nine. At that stage, Ali was still 11 runs shy of a hundred. But last man James Anderson stuck in for long enough to allow Ali to go to a third hundred in 30 career Tests in style by dancing down the pitch and lofting leg-spinner Shah for six high over midwicket. Off-spinning all-rounder Ali's second Test hundred of the season, following his 155 not out against Sri Lanka at Chester-le-Street in May, took 140 balls, with 12 fours and two sixes. Ali was last man out when he was caught in the deep by Shah hooking at Sohail, who kissed the pitch in celebration of his fifth wicket. Cook decided to bat first despite overcast conditions and a green-tinged pitch offering the promise of assistance for Pakistan's seamers. :_UZR_R^VWf]] decV_XeYdbfRU W`cFDe`fc ?C8■ =4F34;78 imited-overs captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni will L lead a full strength Indian cricket squad for the two-match T20 series against West Indies to be played in USA on Aug 27 and 28. The 14-member Indian team will witness the return of as many as 11 regular players who were rested from the tour to Zimbabwe in May earlier this year. The notable players who will be making their return to the team are Kohli, Rohit Sharma, Dhawan, Rahane, Jadeja. Squad Mahendra Singh Dhoni (C), Rohit Sharma, Shikhar Dhawan, Virat Kohli, Ajinkya Rahane, K. L. Rahul, Ravindra Jadeja, Ravichandran Ashwin, Jasprit Bumrah, Mohammed Shami, Bhuvneshwar Kumar, Umesh Yadav, Amit Mishra, Stuart Binny. )LMLKDVLWVILUVWHYHU2O\PSLFPHGDO³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inyi tested positive &KLQHVHRIILFLDOVVD\D IHPDOH&KLQHVHVZLPPHU KDVWHVWHGSRVLWLYHIRUD EDQQHGVXEVWDQFHDWWKH 5LR2O\PSLFVWKHILUVW FRPSHWLWRULQWKHVSRUWWR IDLODWHVWDWWKHJDPHV 7KH&KLQHVH6ZLPPLQJ $VVRFLDWLRQVD\V\HDU ROG&KHQ;LQ\LKDVWHVWHG SRVLWLYHIRUWKHGLXUHWLF K\GURFKORURWKLD]LGHDIWHUVKHILQLVKHGIRXUWKLQWKH ZRPHQ VPHWHUEXWWHUIO\6XQGD\PLVVLQJD EURQ]HPHGDOE\QLQHKXQGUHGWKVRIDVHFRQG ;LQKXD&KLQD VRIILFLDOVWDWHQHZVDJHQF\UHSRUWHG WKHVWRU\)ULGD\&KHQZDVDOVRVFKHGXOHGWRFRP SHWH)ULGD\LQWKHPHWHUIUHHVW\OH Police officer dies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gencies/Rio de Janeiro 0HGDOV7DOO\ >C74AB?>ACB 6>8=60608=BC 78<8B03A40< 2><4CAD474B >=4>5C7414BC =>CBF8<<4A 4E4A14BC 0C7;4C48=C74 >;H<?82B ¯AH0=;>27C4 RIOLYMPICS Rotich released on bail 8<3458=8C4;H0 B?A8=C4A58ABC1DC8 ;8:4C>4=C4AC08= C70CBF70C?4>?;4 2><4>DCC>B44C74H ;8:48CF74=83> 2A0IHBCD558CAHC> 4=C4AC08=0=3<0:48C 38554A4=C74;? ?4>?;44=9>H8C ¯DB08=1>;C M ichael Phelps seized another slice of Olympic history Thursday with a dominant victory in the 200m individual medley at the Rio Games, his fourth straight in the event. Phelps joined discus thrower Al Oerter and Carl Lewis in the long jump as the only Olympians to win the same individual event at four straight Games. He took his total of Olympic golds to 22 — with a crack at two more in Rio in Friday's 100m butterfly and the 4x100 medley relay on Saturday. For fans who tune into swimming only when the Olympics roll around, Phelps's longtime coach Bob Bowman had a message: Phelps may make it look easy, but it isn't. "You just have no idea how difficult it is for anybody to win an Olympic gold medal," Bowman said. "Michael has done it so frequently it really is hard to put it into perspective because every one of those was hard. "Look at his numbers compared to everybody else. It's not because of the talent it's because of the work. It's a combination, but work is the thing that did it — particularly this time around." Now he seems capable of sweeping all six of his events. "I don't know if I'm in better shape than I was in 2008," Phelps said of his fitness now compared to the year he won eight gold medals in eight events in Beijing. He said his 200m medley final, closely followed by a 100m butterfly semi-final in which he secured his spot in the final with the fifth-fastest time "hurt a lot". Lurking in second until the end of the breaststroke third leg of the medley he surged home on the closing freestyle lap to win in 1min 54.66sec. That was almost two seconds in front of silver medallist Kosuke Hagino of Japan, the 400m individual medley champion who powered from fifth at the final wall to touch 5T]RX]VTeT]cbUa^\$)"_\8BC A^fX]VUX]P[bUa^\%)_\8BC 7P]SQP[[TeT]cbUa^\%)_\8BC E^[[ThQP[[Ua^\%_\8BC 2hR[X]VUa^\%)"_\8BC 2^d]cah DB 2WX]P 9P_P] AdbbXP 0dbcaP[XP 1aXcPX] 8cP[h B:^aTP 7d]VPah 5aP]RT 6^[S BX[eTa 1a^]iT $ ' % # & # $ " $ " # % " % " # ! " $ ! " ! C^cP[ "! !" ' $ " " ! 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Sania and Bopanna, who are being touted as India's medal hope at the Olympics, broke little sweat in their opening round match to post a 7-5, 6-4 win in 73 minutes. The fourth seeded Indian pair took a little time to settle down but once they got the rhythm, there was hardly any looking back. "Personally for me it would be amazing to win a medal at the Olympics, which I don't have. It would mean the world us. We would do whatever we can and put our best forward," the world number one women's doubles player Sania told reporters after the match. On a chilly and windy evening at a small court of the Tennis Centre in Barra, a lot of Indian supporters waited patiently since 3.30pm local time for the match to begin. It was delayed by men's doubles semifinals featuring Rafael Nadal and Marc Lopez, that took more than two hours to finish. Waiting among the 'spectators' were Leander Paes, Sports Minister Vijay Goel and SAI director Injeti Srinivas. In the first set, both teams did not drop a point till the ninth game before Peers' serve was broken by the Indians and they went 54 up. But it did not help Sania and Bopanna's cause as they conceded the advantage in the next game itself and were broken back with the scoreline levelled at 5-5 BaXZP]cWbcPacbfXcWQP]V* 9fP[P0bWfX]X_PXa^dbcTS ?C8Q A8>3490=48A> orld No 11 Kidambi Srikanth overcame some stiff resistance in the W second game from lower ranked Mexican rival Lino Munoz before winning his group H clash in straight games in men's badminton singles at the Olympic Games here. Srikanth, the only Indian male shuttler in fray in singles, got past world No 85 Munoz 21-11, 21-17 in 41 minutes to give a perfect ending to the sixth day of competitions. If Srikanth, who had defeated badminton super star Lin Dan to win the Chinese Open two years ago, had expected an easier outing than he encountered, it was belied by the Mexican's will to fight with good backing from the crowd, especially in the second game. After taking the opening game comfortably, the cushion of a 16-9 lead proving handy, Srikanth was given a tough fight in the second as he had to rally from behind on quite a few occasions before using his better court craft and experience to see him through. Srikanth led 6-2 but the Mexican drew level and then led 8-6 before the Indian fought back to restore parity. Srikanth was 11-9 ahead at the break but a series of poor returns of serve saw the Indian down 11-12. Things were neck to neck from this point till 13-all before Munoz again went up to 16-13 with the help of some weak mid-court clears by the Indian that were "killed" without much ado by the Mexican. Srikanth again caught up at 16, fell behind 16-17 through another weak mid-court clear, but finally brought his game back on track to level the scores at 17 with a superb smash to the forehand side of his rival. From then on the superiority of the Indian shuttler came to the fore as he came up with successive cross court and down the line smashes to lead 19-17 which were followed by a netted shot by his rival to give Srikanth four match points. The last point was won by the Indian with a bodyline smash followed by a push to the back court that caught the Mexican in no-man's land. 9F0;00B7F8=81>F>DC The experienced Indian pair of Jwala Gutta and Ashwini Ponnappa were today eliminated from the Olympics women's doubles event after losing their second successive group A clash here. In a rollercoaster game against the Dutch team of Eefje Muskens and Selena Piek, Jwala and Ashwini went down 16-21 21-16 17-21 in a 48minute clash. ¶'RQ·WDVNDERXWSDVW·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