The Eagle V12 #2


The Eagle V12 #2
n e w s l e t t e r
o f
b o y
s c o u t
t r o o p
3 8 0
t h e
Volume 12 Number 2
June 18, 2012
Troop 380 Celebrates
Eagle 126 and 127
Scoutmaster’s Minute:
“I’ll Wait”
Chairperson’s Message
by Dave Ishikawa
by Zenaida Kamine
’ll Wait.” I hear these words many times as a
Scoutmaster. Scouts tell me they will pass on an outing
or a troop activity because they “don’t feel like it at
the time.” We are often times given the opportunity to
experience things that only come around a few times as a
scout, sometimes they do not repeat themselves. Maybe the
next time the opportunity comes up the scout cannot fit it
into his schedule. We offer many experiences that are very
unique and special. Troop 380 offers so many special events
that your friends will never have the chance to do. Don’t
wait, do it now, you won’t regret it.
t he EAGLE
Summer 2012
ummer is here and now begins the busiest season for
Troop 380. As you can see from the articles in this
newsletter, the troop is just gearing up for an activityfilled summer. With summer camps at Camp Buffalo Bill
Cody as well as at Camp Winton, Smud Picnic: our biggest
fundraiser of the year at Rancho Seco, our annual Mother
& Son Rafting trip and the much anticipated Scout Expo.
Troop 380 will be abuzz with activity. The parents and
adults of Troop 380 will be busy as well.
We are in need of all the adults in the troop to step up
and help out in whatever capacity they can. There is never
a job too small or too big that we can’t do. The jobs can be
anything from driving to or from an event, helping with
packing up the trailer for the events, serving food to the
Smud employees, or working at one of the booths at Scout
Expo. The more people we have working at these events
makes for an easier and more enjoyable time for everyone,
especially for the scouts. You and your child will always
look back at these events and remember the times you
worked together to get a job done.
If you don’t know what jobs are available or if you want
to find out what other fun filled events we have planned
for the rest of the year, please plan on attending one of our
Parent Committee Meetings held on the last Tuesday of
the month in the building next to the church beginning
at 7:30pm. Because of summer camp this month, the next
Committee meeting will be held on Tues, July 31st 7:30pm.
Hope to see you there!!
Post 380
by Ralph Merrill
Eagle Watch SPL Report
by Johnie Pennington
by Charlie P.
n just a short week I have
attended three Eagle Courts
of Honor; two honoring Travers
Hopkins, Angel Echevarria and
Jamie Brown from Troop 380
and Steven Tanaka from Troop
50. Even though they were all
a little different, they had one
thing in common. Each of these
young men had set a goal that
kept them focused. Each boy who
joins Boy Scouts usually starts
out with that goal – becoming
an Eagle Scout. Some do it
because it’s a family tradition
- father, uncle, grandfather or
great grandfather are Eagles.
Then there are boys who have
set their sights on becoming
an Eagle because they want to
for the simple fact they want to
be the best. Regardless of how
it is done, setting the goal to
become an Eagle isn’t easy and
distractions can get in the way.
Don’t regret not taking advantage
of the opportunities and support
available from the troop and
community in reaching Boy
Scout’s highest achievement.
While there are no Eagle
projects currently being worked on,
several Scouts have talked to me
to begin the process of developing
ideas for projects or a project plan.
Projects can not be done in a
vacuum. Please share your ideas
with me. If you are having some
difficulty finding a project please
talk to me as I know of a couple of
community organization that are
looking for help.
hese past two weeks have
been pretty busy. On the
weekend of June 1, about twenty
scouts had left Dave’s house
for the Big Basin campout. We
split up that same Friday. The
backpackers went on a nice 8.5
mile backpacking trip and then
met back up with the scouts at
Dave’s house on Sunday. I was
one of the backpackers so I do not
know what the car campers did.
The following Monday, Angel and
Traverse had their Eagle Courts
of Honor together at our church
with at least a hundred people and
then Jamie Brown’s Eagle Court of
Honor on Friday at the church next
to the Rancho Cordova post office.
These were both great Eagle
Courts and I believe that all three
of these men worked hard towards
their rank of Eagle.
Order of
the Arrow
by Ian Chang
o article submitted at time of
ummer Camp is rapidly
coming up! Don’t be caught
without the proper uniform parts.
We have your size
in Tee Shirts,
Sweat Shirts,
Hats, Belt
Buckles, and
other items of
interest! See
Peggy or Ralph.
From The
by Becky Mesker
ues are due! As of June 1
we began our new fiscal
year, which signals new dues
for the upcoming year. As the
Committee voted a few months
ago to change our fiscal year
to a calendar year, this year will
only run from June to December.
Therefore, the dues for this short
year will be $60 instead of the
usual $100.
Dues can be paid at any
time during the year, they do not
have to be paid immediately.
Please remember though, it
is troop policy that any credits
earned through fundraisers will
first be applied to dues before
being used for other activities.
Also, another reminder that
the treasurer’s table closes when
the meeting ends at 8:30. If you
need to make payments please do
so before that time. We’re ready to
head home just like you are!!
If you have any questions,
please see myself or Joan
Stretars at the treasurer’s table.
by LaMar Mitchell
he Venturing program
is a youth development
program of the Boy Scouts
for young men and women 14
to 21.
During the last year,
members of our crew have taught
leadership at the University of
Scouting and Leave No Trace at
Woodbadge. Our crew members
will be teaching Introduction
to Leadership Skills for Crews
(ILSC) in July. This summer and
fall, crew members that have
not earned the national shooting
award will begin work with the
NRA to earn the national shooting
award. Additionally, members
of our crew have become youth
venture leaders at the council and
area level.
The Venturing program
is the next logical step in the
progression to adulthood for
those young men that have
earned their Eagle rank and
still want to share skills and
leadership they developed
through the troop with others.
As the crew advisor I urge all
young adults to consider joining
Crew 380 as you progress along
the trail to Eagle.
Summer 2012
t h e E AGL E
by Bob Williamson
he merit badge meetings
held prior to the Scout
Meeting will not happen during
the summer. Scouts that have
partially completed merit badges
(partially signed blue cards)
should use this summer to finish
up those requirements and
contact the Counselors for final
sign-off. New merit badges will
be offered next September.
A special thanks to our most
recent Troop 380 Counselors,
Sherri Brown, Joesph Jacobs,
Charles Potter, and Frank Shaw.
The Troop continues to invite all
adults who would like to help out
as Merit Badge Counselors to
sign-up with the Advancement
Assistance Scoutmasters. There
are many areas of interest that you
could help in and your help will be
greatly appreciated. It really is fun
and a great way to meet some of
your son’s fellow scouts.
by the Picture
Guy, Don Dier
roop 380
maintains a
comprehensive collection of
pictures from most of our events
and activities. They can be found
on our website at . Please
visit the website and explore all the
information it has available.
t he EAGLE
We encourage members of
Troop 380 to take pictures at
events and would like to have
them posted on the website. I’m
the conduit for getting pictures
posted. I have flash drives you
can load them onto, or you can
give me yours, or a CD/DVD, or
whatever works best for you. It’s
appreciated if you can use the
highest quality setting on your
camera. I’ll manage the file size
before uploading to the website.
As you know, we keep our
Scouts (and parents) busy with
a lot of fun activities. It would
be much appreciated if anyone
that has pictures could get them
to me as soon after the event
as possible so we can get them
posted quickly.
by Don Dier
ave you visited the troop
website at
? If you haven’t, you’re missing
out on what is probably one of
the premier troop websites on
the Internet. (Modesty is not one
of our traits in Troop 380). If you
have, then you know you can find
just about anything you want to
know about the troop there.
Check out all the features
the website has to offer:
The Home page
contains Dave’s blog and
a listing of site updates.
The Calendar is
updated continuously.
If you have any
changes, additions or
corrections, let Dave or
the webmaster know.
The Photos page we are
especially proud of. It contains
all the troop’s digital photos
back to 2000. The photos, which
are not protected so you can
copy them, can be viewed in
Summer 2012
three levels of resolution, from
thumbnail to full-sized.
The Scouts and Scouters
pages attempt to have current
information on members and
The Downloads page has
permission slips for upcoming
activities, medical form, driver
information sheet, New Scout
Guidebook, Parent Guide, adult
application, past copies of the
troop newsletter, a phone list and
roster (both password protected),
merit badge counselors, and
much more.
Finally, Venture Crew
380 has a tab which opens into
additional tabs featuring their
calendar, photos and members.
By the way, the webmaster
is Duane Dier, Troop 380’s
54th Eagle Scout. Duane is an
engineer working in the satellite
division of The Boeing Company
and lives in Los Angeles. He
wanted to continue supporting
the troop and felt developing
and maintaining the troop
website was a great way to do
so from many miles away. His
address, which can be found at
the bottom of each web page, is
A website is only useful
if the information is current
and accurate. Several leaders
attempt to keep it updated. If
you see an error, missing or
outdated information, or want
to comment on any aspect of
the site, please send Dave and
Duane a short note.
Recent Events
Troop 380 Newest Scouts heading to Skills Camp (still dry)
New Skills
by Neil Ishikawa
On March 30, 31 and April 1
the Troop spent the weekend
at camp Nauvoo in Placerville
teaching our newest Scouts
how to camp the Troop 380
way. We had 16 new Scouts
attend our training weekend at
Golden Empires Councils newest
property. It was a rather wet
weekend, the rain started around
11am Saturday and did not stop
until Sunday around the same
time. We watched the creek next
to the lodge change into a rather
raging river. And we all spent
the night in the lodge for a great
time around the campfire. Some
great songs and skits. Check
out some great photos on our
website and videos on Youtube.
was a very strict schedule for
every patrol due to the fact that
there were over 700 people in
attendance. On Saturday, the
uniform of the day was the
Zombie Apocalypse T-Shirt and
a pair of old jeans. The zombies
came over to scouts and marked
them with red paint or “the
infection” which now turned
them into zombies. Zombies
were not allowed to go back to
their campsites.
All the boys had such a great
time going to all the events such
as tomahawk throwing, BB- gun
shooting and just playing out in
the sun. Later in the day there
was a cleansing ceremony for
all of the zombies which cured
them allowing them to go back
to their campsites. We sadly
did not win any awards, but we
did have some OA members
get Brotherhood.Other 380
members were elected into
the OA. Sunday morning, we
packed up all of our stuff and
headed back to Dave’s house to
put everything away. I must say
that this was the most fun and
relaxing camporee that I have
ever been to.
by Charlie P.
The Zombie Camporee took
place on the weekend of April
27–29, at Gibson Ranch. There
Zombies on the loose
Summer 2012
t h e E AGL E
After that, most of the scouts
and adults went down to the beach.
Dan R., my Dad, Mr. Evans, and
myself, on the other hand, went
up to the headlands to get a good
view of the sea. We came back,
prepared tacos for dinner, had
a campfire with skits and songs
from each of the patrols, and ate
delicious peach cobbler courtesy of
the adults. We also retired several
flags in the campfire.
Fair Oaks
Award winners at the 2012 District Dinner
by Dave Ishikawa
We were special guests at
the Greater Yosemite Council
Jamborall on the weekend of
April 20-22. Our troop was
the only unit from the Golden
Empire Council in attendance
at the Stanislaus County
Fairgrounds, in Turlock. Our
small group enjoyed participating
in the competition, looking at the
displays, and evening campfire
program. The evening program
featured A magic show, Native
American dancing and the Order
of the Arrow Call Out Ceremony.
We set up a display to promote
the upcoming Scout Expo in
September. Troop 380 extended
an invitation to the Scouts and
leaders to our big event coming
in the fall. Thanks to all the guys
for participating.
Capital City
District Dinner
by Dave Ishikawa
On Saturday, May 12, over
130 Scouts, Scout Leaders
and Scout Families from the
Capital City District gathered at
the LDS Church in East Sac.
t he EAGLE
We came together to honor the
adult leaders in the Capital City
District who have gone above
and beyond serving the youth
of our unit, district, and council
and the community in which
we live. The evening started out
with a great dinner provided
by the district committee.
Congratulatory comments were
made by council and district
officials and were followed by
the presentations of awards and
recognition. Ralph and Peggy
Merrill were presented the Scout
Family of the Year Award. Frank
Shaw and Charles Potter were
presented the Unit Spark Plug
Award. Kim Perrry-Reed, Naomi
Kamine, Johnie Pennington,
Sue Garcia, Dave Ishikawa,
Erik Carlson, Peggy Merrill, and
Ralph Merrill were presented
certificates for serving on the
District’s Roundtable staff. The
highlight of the evening was
the presentation of the District
Award of Merit, A.K.A the Silver
Bear. Troop 380’s committee
chairperson, Zenaida Kamine
was one of only three recipients
of this award that is the highest
honor to be presented at the
district level to a volunteer. Troop
380 was represented well. We
hope to see all of you at next
year’s dinner.
Summer 2012
by Ian C.
Bodega Bay
Campout Report
by Matthew B.
We arrived at Bodega Bay and
quickly set about the somewhat
arduous task of setting up tents
in the strong winds.
We woke up in the morning
to a breakfast of pancakes, and
then went geocacheing with Mike.
We found three geocaches, and
a geocoin which we planned to
deposit in another cache during
another campout. We came back,
and set about heating water for
instant noodles. The noodles
might have been instant, but the
water took some time.
The Sand dune crew
The weekend of Memorial Day, the
Scouts from Troop 380 participated
in the annual Memorial Day Service
at Fair Oaks Cemetery.
On Saturday morning they
had over 300 people there for the
Memorial Day service; we passed
out programs and directed traffic,
and lowered a year old flag and
raised a new flag from congress
during the ceremony. Each year,
the ceremony honors veterans
buried in the cemetery from past
wars. This year they focused on
the Civil War veterans.
Later, we put away chairs,
took down the awnings, and
participated in taking as many
(thanks Wei and Byron!).
On June 9, we day-hiked 10
miles at lake Folsom. For Father’s
Day weekend, we’ve planned a
3-day backpack trip in the Sierras
from Wright’s Lake up to Twin
Lakes. We hope to get any last
kinks out of our gear and legs on
that trip. Finally, regarding safety,
Jon spent two days in training
to renew his Wilderness First Aid
card (let’s all remember to thank
him for that). We’ll have plenty of
pictures of the 50-miler trip at the
next court of honor.
Troop 380 honoring our veterans
cookies as we could from the
hundreds they had on plates.
When we came back later and
took down the avenue flags.
Monday, we put up the avenue
flags up, and then later took
them down again.
Big Basin
by Jacob M.
On Friday, June 1, two groups
of scouts met at Dave’s house
to begin our trip to Big Basin,
California’s oldest state park.
One group was headed for
Huckleberry campground, and
the other planned to hike into
some of Big Basin’s 18,000
acres of majestic redwoods.
On Saterday June 2, a group
of us, packed up our tents and
hiked about 10 miles through
huge Redwood tree lined paths to
our next campsight. The following
morning ,on Sunday June 3, we
packed up the tents and supplies
and hiked 2 miles to the beach
were we waited for our rides.
Some of the things we saw
on the trip were bannana slugs,
butterflys, and we saw this wierd
dark blue bird that had a cool
looking mohawk on his head.”
The Huckleberry Camp
campers awoke to a beautiful
sunny Saturday morning and
set out for a 5-mile hike along
the Sequoia Trail. An easy walk,
from park headquarters to
Sempervirens Falls, then over
Slippery Rock and down an
attractive redwood-covered ravine.
The hike ends with a return on
the Skyline-to-the-Sea Trail. We
checked our GPS for geocaches
along the way, but unfortunately
didn’t manage to find any. Later
that night, tired but happy, we
had a good dinner and a nice fire
circle. We took turns telling jokes
until it was time for bed.
Sunday morning, we took
a moment in our shaded
redwood glen to be thankful for
the chance to experience such
amazing natural beauty. We
packed up just before lunch, and
made it back to Dave’s house in
time to put away the equipment
and head home for dinner.
Rotary Club
by Daniel R.
On May 21st Matthew B., Kenny
B. and I had the privilege of
presenting the colors for the
Rotary Club Armed Forces
Luncheon at the Radisson
Hotel. We spoke with many of
the members and gathered
information on how the club
president wanted us to present
the colors. After the presentation
of colors we ate and sat in on the
meeting; they served chicken,
steak, shrimp and a small salad
for lunch. Terry Buck paid for our
meal and made introductions for
us. The meeting went from 11am
to 1pm, ending with us retiring
the colors.
Preparing for
High Adventure
by Charles Potter
At Camp Buffalo Bill, three scouts
(Ian C., Evan F., and Charlie P.)
and two adults (Jon Traum and
I) will be undertaking a 50-Mile
backpacking trip. We’ve been
getting in shape individually, and
as a group we started first with
an overnight 8-miler at Round
Valley Regional Preserve in the
East Bay Area, dodging a few
rattlers along the way.
For the Big Basin campout, we
backpacked 12.5 miles from
park headquarters following
Waddell creek through the
coastal redwood forests and
got picked up at Waddell Beach
Angel and
Travers, Eagle
On June 4th, the Echevarria and
Hopkins families, and the Troop
gathered at Emanuel Baptist
Church to celebrate the great
accomplishments of Troop 380’s
newest Eagle scouts, Travers
Hopkins, #126, and Angel
Echevarria, #127. It was a fantastic
evening. We had numerous guest
speakers speak on behalf of the
Eagles. Track and cross country
coach, Charles Green, gave an
introductory speech for the Eagles.
Travers’s family read off many
letters and presented him with a
document by a Missouri Senator.
We also had Supervisor Don
Nottoli come and congratulate
us on our accomplishment. We
all enjoyed a slideshow, one from
each of our families. It was a very
special night for both of us, as we
each were able to share a very
special moment with our families
and each other.
We are both very thankful
for the help from our families
and from the Troop. We will both
carry what we have learned in
scouting on to college. Thank
you all who attended our
Eagle Court and supported us
throughout the years. We are
very thankful for your support.
Summer 2012
t h e E AGL E
Save the Date
t he EAGLE
One Summer –
Two Summer
by Dave Ishikawa
The summer of
2012 will go
down as one
of our most
summers in our
troop history.
Troop 380
will be
two summer
camps, Camp
Buffalo Bill, June 20
– July 3, in Wyoming
and Camp Winton, July
15-21, on Bear River
Reservoir. This will
be a great summer for
out Scouts.
Camp Buffalo
Bill / Yellowstone
Trip: This will be
our longest road
trip in Troop 380 history. We
have traveled to Northern Tier in
Minnesota and Canada, Philmont
in New Mexico, National Jamboree
in Virginia, and Camp Mukualla
in Oregon, but these trips have
been by plane, train, and bus.
We will visit the Idaho, Grand
Tetons National Park, Jackson,
Wyoming, Yellowstone, and Cody
Wyoming. Highlights on the trip
will be to see nature’s wonders
in some of the most famous
National Parks in the country and
attend a wild west rodeo in Cody.
This will be a trip to remember
for years to come. We will attend
Camp Buffalo Bill near the Eastern
border of Yellowstone National
Park. Camp Buffalo Bill has some
unique programs including a high
adventure backpacking trip in
Yellowstone, aviation merit badge,
horseback riding at a cowboy
ranch, and much more. Over 50
Scouts, parents, and leaders are
participating in this trip.
Summer 2012
Camp Winton: Troop 380
will travel just east of Jackson
on Highway 88 to Camp Winton.
This Golden Empire Council
camp features
a wonderful
program on
beautiful Bear
River Reservoir.
Frank Shaw,
Ray Meek,
Jim Buell,
and Dave
Ishikawa will be
attending camp
with the troop. Camp
Winton has a great program
for new scouts and
advancement is the
highlight for the week.
Please make
sure all your
paperwork is
Winton turned in for
both camps. See
Chris and Becky about your
accounts and documents. Have
a wonderful time at camp.
Golf Night
by Michael Kuykendall
Calling all duffers, wedgies, and
put-puts. It is time for our annual
Golf Night. The date is August 1,
2012. Tee time is 6:00PM. It will
be a shotgun start, that means
everyone will be assigned a hole
to start on and everyone starts
at the same time. Try your hand
(or club) at longest drive, hole in
one, putting, and Payne Stewart
look-alike contest. So, dust off
those clubs, get your walk on,
and join us for Golf Night.
Mothers: Raft
the River with
Your Scout!
Scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 18,
the Mother-Son Raft trip is sure to
be a warmer adventure than the
previous years in May. Flow levels
are predicted to be good, and the
air should be hot and the river
water refreshingly cool. We will
float and paddle down the lower
American River, meeting at the
raft rental store around 9:30 a.m.
and putting in at Sunrise. We will
stop along the way for lunch and
get off the water mid-afternoon.
The cost will be around $15
per person, with the rate being
lower the more people who
Moms and Scouts getting ready to raft dwon the river
decide to join fun. All participants
must take a swim test before the
event. No non-swimmers.
The lower American River
is smooth flowing and only has
one true Class I rapid about half
way down the run, at San Juan
Rapids. These rapids are exciting
yet navigable by even the novice
rafter. This run is not a thrill
ride; it’s an easy float on which
you can enjoy sunning and
swimming one of the clearest
rivers in the west! The most
excitement will probably be from
boys with water blasters!
Be prepared with sunscreen,
sunglasses, hats, and water
bottles. Foot protection is required.
No open toed footwear.
Get ready to get wet!
BBQ for 1,200 SMUD employees, time to get out the big grill.
Mini Trek
by Jon Traum with a little
help from Dave
On the weekend of August 3-5,
2012, Scouts can participate in
our Mini Trek. Each year we take
a short High Adventure to prepare
Scouts for more challenging hikes
in the future. This year, trek leader,
Jon Traum will lead a group from
Donner Summit to Barker Pass,
along the Pacific Crest Trail (PTC).
The PTC stretches from the border
of Canada to Mexico through
three states, California, Oregon,
and Washington. The PTC covers
over 2,000 miles of wilderness
trail. Troop 380 mini-trekkers will
travel only a short portion of the
trail in our own Sierra Nevada.
Spectacular views of Lake Tahoe,
Donner Lake, Devil’s Peak,
Tinkers Knob, the Sacramento
Valley, Alpine Meadows, and
Squaw Valley can be seen from
this section of trail. Look for sign
ups after we return from camp.
You won’t want to miss this
special hike for both beginning
backpackers and those who are
more experienced.
Seco Park. This is a HUGE event
and the largest fundraiser of the
year for the troop and crew.
With your help from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m., we will provide food
and help entertain about 1,200
SMUD employees and their
families on August 11. Your help
to make this a successful event
is really needed. We expect
all scouts, scouters and crew
members to participate and
help. Sign-up sheets for specific
areas needing staffing are now
available at the front table at
every troop meeting. Siblings, 11
years and older are encouraged
to participate. Since we will have
a limited number of parking
passes available for the event we
encourage carpooling.
For more information please
contact LaMar Mitchell at
or by phone at 916-204-7861.
Remember, your help will make
this a successful fundraiser for
your scout or crew member.
SMUD Picnic
by LaMar Mitchell
Hey all you Scouts, Scouters and
Venturers, it’s time for the most
grandiose and fun extravaganza
of the year for the troop and crew.
Once again we have been asked
to host the SMUD Employee
Association annual picnic as a
fundraiser for your scout’s or crew
member’s account. We will be
hosting this fine fundraising event
on Saturday, August 11 at Rancho
Summer 2012
t h e E AGL E
September 28-30
Beale A.F.B.
Camp Pahatsi
by Dave Ishikawa
Last year Troop 380 hosted an
event for the first time at Camp
Pahatsi, near Soda Springs. It
turned out to be a great event
attended by almost 200 Scouts.
This year we plan on repeating
our Camp Pahatsi Weekend on
the Labor Day Holiday, August
31-September 3. We will offer
merit badges, special activities,
campfires, and some great food.
I know this comes at a time
when we are preparing for Scout
Expo, one of the biggest events
in our history, but we did have
such a good experience last year
we plan on doing it again. I will
need your help. Here’s a list of
jobs for the weekend:
Merit Badge Counselors: We
are looking to offer a merit badge
that can be earned in a weekend.
Rifle Range Coordinator:
Fran Shaw will not be able to join
us, so we need to see if we can
set this up.
Aquatics Coordinator: We
will offer canoeing, kayaking,
and swimming. Maybe a small
boat sailing course too.
Cooks and Cooks Helpers:
We’ll need a great team of food
Registration Team: Work to
promote the event with other troops.
Service Project Coordinator:
All participants will be doing
a service project. We need
someone to work with the site
manager to help plan this project.
Please see me if you are
interested in helping with this
great project.
Xtreme Scout
Expo 2012
by Dave Ishikawa
On September 28-30, 2012,
the fields at Beale Air Force
Base will spring up into an
instant city of 8,000 Scouts and
Scout Leaders for the weekend.
Scouts from not only the Golden
Empire Council, but surrounding
councils will join us for what
promises to be the biggest event
in our council’s history. Activities
will include aircraft displays,
climbing walls, bmx biking, a
5K fun run, an incredible arena
show, merit badge midway,
military exhibits, and displays
from NASA, Paralax, Aerojet,
Deparment of Fish and Game,
Tandy’s, California Waterfowl
Seven units, including troop 380 and crew 380 attended last years Pahatsi weekend
Summer 2012
Association, Coast Guard, and
much, much more. Also featured
will be a keynote address by
Space Shuttle Astronaut Jose
Hernandez and Chief Scout
Executive Bob Mazzuca. It is not
often that we get this caliber of
visitors to a council event.
Please plan on participating,
we are expecting 100%
participation from our troop, so
save the weekend. All parents
are encouraged to help out with
this project. I am privileged to
serve as the chairperson of
this event for the third time. I
cannot believe the dedication
of the Scouters in this council
that help to put on this event.
We have been meeting for
over a year to make this event
happen. Please see Chris
Ishikawa, Mac Cameron, Tonia
Cameron, Jimmie Garcia, Johnie
Pennington, Joseph Jacobs,
Erik Carlson, or myself if you
would like to be part of the staff
at Expo. It will be an experience
you will not forget.
by Floyd Brown and Wei Hsieh
Alden B.
Kenny B.
Matt B.
Matthew B.
Zachary B.
Ian C.
Dakota C.
Jonathan D. Tenderfoot
David D.
Angel E.
Andrew F.
Evan F.
Special Award: Ner Tamid
Lance H.
Bryan H.
Dajion J.
Ben K.
Joseph L.
Kyle L.
Kody L.
Matthew M. Second Class
Charlie P.
Logan R.
Daniel R.
Max R.
Fabian R.
Joseph S.
Fred S.
Grayden S.
Merit Badge
Citizenship in the Community*
Silver Palm
Dog Care
Personal Fitness*
Coin Collecting
Citizenship in the Community*
Family Life*
Upcoming Events
20 Depart for Yellowstone
24-30 Camp Buffalo Bill
25 Troop Meeting
Dave’s House
Shaw’s House
6:00 AM
6:30 PM
No Troop Meeting
Return from Yellowstone
Troop Meeting
OA Meeting
CCD Roundtable
Camp Winton
Troop Meeting
Calendar Planning Meeting
Patrol Leaders’ Council
Troop Meeting
Troop Parent Meeting
1 Golf Night
3-5 Mini Trek
6 Troop Meeting
9 OA Meeting
CCD Roundtable
11 SMUD Picnic
13 Troop Meeting
18 Mother / Scout Raft Trip
20 Troop Meeting
27 Patrol Leaders’ Council
28 Troop Parent Meeting
31 Camp Pahatsi Weekend
Dave’s House
LDS Church
LDS Church
Bear River Reservoir
7:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
7:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
Bradshaw Ranch
Pacific Crest Trail
7:00 PM
LDS Church
6:30 PM
LDS Church
7:30 PM
Rancho Seco
All Day
7:00 PM
American River
All Day
7:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
Camp Pahatsi All Weekend
1-3 Camp Pahatsi Weekend
8-9 California Capital Air Show
10 Troop Meeting
New Merit Badges
17 Fall Court of Honor
21 Beale Air Force Set Up
28-30 Scout Expo 2012
Beale AFB
Beale AFB
Camp Pahatsi
Summer 2012
All Weekend
All Weekend
7:00 PM
6:30 PM
All Day
All Weekend
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