Human Body Systems - Fall River Public Schools


Human Body Systems - Fall River Public Schools
Human Body Systems
Body Organization and Homeostasis
• Describe how the human body is organized
• Explain homeostasis
Organization of the Body
• Every cell in the human
body is both an
independent unit and
an interdependent part
of a larger community
(the entire organism)
– In other words, each cell
is its own living thing,
but each cell works with
other cells in order to
maintain a larger, more
complex organism
Organization of the Body
• The levels of organization
in a multicellular organism
Organ systems
• A cell is the basic unit of
structure and function
in living things
• Specialized cells
perform a particular
• A tissue is a group of cells that perform a single
• There are 4 basic types:
– Epithelial tissue includes glands and tissues that cover
interior and exterior body surfaces
– Connective tissue provides support for the body and
connects its parts
– Nervous tissue transmits nerve impulses throughout
the body
– Muscle tissue works with bones to enable the body to
• An organ is a group of
tissues that work
together to perform a
single function
• For example, in the eye,
epithelial tissue,
nervous tissue, muscle
tissue, and connective
tissue all work together
for a single function sight
Organ Systems
• An organ system is a
group of organs that
perform closely related
• Example: the brain is an
organ in the nervous
Nervous System
• Brain, spinal cord,
peripheral nerves
• Recognizes and
coordinates the body’s
response to changes in
its internal and external
Integumentary System
• Skin, hair, nails, sweat
and oil glands
• Serves as a barrier
against infection and
• Helps to regulate body
• Provides protection
against the sun’s UV
Skeletal System
• Bones, cartilage,
ligaments, tendons
• Supports the body
• Protects internal organs
• Allows movement
• Stores mineral reserves
• Provides a site for blood
cell formation
Muscular System
• Skeletal muscle, smooth
muscle, cardiac muscle
• Works with skeletal
system to produce
voluntary movement
• Helps to circulate blood
and move food through
the digestive system
Circulatory System
• Heart, blood vessels, blood
• Brings oxygen, nutrients, and
hormones to cells
• Fights infection
• Removes cell wastes
• Helps to regulate body
Respiratory System
• Nose, pharynx, larynx,
trachea, bronchi,
bronchioles, lungs
• Provides oxygen needed for
cellular respiration and
removes excess carbon
dioxide from the body
Digestive System
• Mouth, pharynx,
esophagus, stomach,
small and large
intestines, rectum
• Converts foods into
simpler molecules that
can be used by cells of
the body
• Absorbs food
• Eliminates wastes
Excretory System
• Skin, lungs, kidneys,
ureters, urinary bladder,
• Eliminates waste products
from the body in ways that
maintain homeostasis
Endocrine System
• Hypothalamus, pituitary,
thyroid, parathyroids,
adrenals, pancreas, ovaries
(in females), testes (in
• Controls growth,
development, and
• Maintains homeostasis
Reproductive System
• Testes, epididymis, vans
deferens, urethra, and
penis (males)
• Ovaries, Fallopian tubes,
uterus, and vagina
• Produces reproductive
• In females, nurtures and
protects developing
Lymphatic/Immune System
• White blood cells, thymus,
spleen, lymph nodes, lymph
• Helps protect the body from
• Collects fluid lost from blood
vessels and returns the fluid
to the circulatory system
• Homeostasis means “keeping things in balance”
• Homeostasis is the process by which organisms keep
internal conditions relatively constant despite changes
in external environments
• Feedback inhibition is the process in which a stimulus
produces a response that opposes the original stimulus
• To maintain homeostasis, all of the organ systems must
be integrated at all times
– For example, if the nerves sense that the temperature
drops, the brain sends signals to the body to increase cell
activity, which produces heat to increase the body’s
Review Questions
• What are the levels of organization in the
human body from smallest to largest?
– Cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems
• What is homeostasis?
– Homeostasis is the process by which organisms
keep internal conditions relatively constant
despite changes in external environments