day 13th of October at


day 13th of October at
“This school should be used as a model for other schools
around the country” - The Minister for Education and Science
Website Address:
Mobile site:
Telephone/fax: 8834487
Linking home and school.
Deire Fómhair / October 2014
Volume 20, Issue 02
Congratulations to the Parent’s Association on the great success of the
Family Funday this year. It raised
€3900 on the day approximately. A
lot of work went into the day which
was organised by Patrick Murphy,
Parent’s Meetings:
Meetings for parents of children in all
classes (except 6th class) are on Monday 13th of October at 7.30 p.m. in
(Continued on page 11)
the school.
Well done to all the boys in Rang 3 and
Rang 6 who participated in the RTE television programme with Donncha O’Callaghan recently. A special thanks to Ms.
Grace O’Shea who organised the whole
event and is also coaching the boys in orienteering this year.
For more please go to page 10.
We have just created a montage of
your son’s first day at school. It is
A4 size. If you wish to have one,
please contact the school at 8834487,
or email to
on or before Friday 17th of October.
There is no charge for the photo.
Photographs can be collected from
the office from the 24th of October.
If you have a Smart phone
just scan the QR Code on the
right and it will bring you
straight to our website.
On this night (Monday 13th of October at 7.30 p.m.), there is a special
meeting for parents of Junior Infant
children / parents of new children in
other classes. Parents of older children
could if they wish go to their own meeting first and then attend this meeting.
Rang 6 on Tuesday 14th of October
@ 7.30 p.m.
The AGM of the Parent’s Association
will be held on Thursday, October
16th at 8.00p.m. in the school.
Confirmation Enrolment Ceremony:
Wednesday 22nd of October @ 7.00
p.m. in the Parish Church.
Hallowe’een Fancy Dress Parade is on
Friday 24th of October.
Midterm Break - school closed 27th 31st of October inclusive.
Christmas Concerts: December 16th
(Infs. - 2nd) | 17th (3rd - 6th)
Christmas Holidays: closing @ 12.00
p.m. 19th of December. School reopens on January 5th.
Confirmation: Wednesday 29th of
April, 2015.
First Holy Communion: Saturday 23rd
of May at 11.00 a.m.
Wednesday, June 17th,
Click here
Page 2
Please do not park on the double yellow lines outside the school
as IT WILL CAUSE AN ACCIDENT. Also please do not allow your
child to sit or stand on the school wall or the railing outside the
Please respect the wardens at 3.00p.m. - they are helping to keep
our children safe.
Every year a number of parents remain in their car and and call
their child across the main road from the driver’s seat! This is
extremely dangerous and last year a child was nearly knocked
down when another driver attempted to pass out the parked car.
Come a few minutes earlier and drop your child off in the Clonakilty Playground carpark. It is perfectly safe.
The Traffic Warden has informed us that he will “ticket” anybody
who parks on the yellow lines and we fully support this.
Also please do not drop your child out at the top of the school
driveway. This is extremely dangerous and will lead to an accident. Children are not permitted to walk through the staff
carpark - either accompanied or not.
Also parents are not permitted to drive into the staff carpark
during school hours. It is already overcrowded and there is no
space for parents’ cars. After school e.g. after training it is
fine as there is lots of space.
Junior School Wardens: please be aware of the senior pupils
who do Warden Duty each day and encourage your child to cross
with them each day.
If you have changed your mobile phone recently, or your doctor,
or your Text a Parent number, or even your home phone or moved
house please let us know. Regularly we try to contact parents
only to find the number given is no longer in service.
If you have a new email address please send it in to us asap.
We emailed the Links to all parents recently - if you did not
receive it please let us know so we can sort out the problem.
Also please send in your child’s PPS number if you have not already done so.
You can obtain the number by ringing
023 - 8821900.
For the scheme to continue to be a success it is very important to
take very good care of the books you rent. These books will be
needed again next year.
Parents should check up on these books regularly. Any book that
is lost or damaged will have to be replaced by the child.
Please look after the Literacy Lift Off books also and return
on time.
Volume 20, Issue 02
Hire some fun for any occasion
Phone: Clonakilty
023 88 35595
Mobile: 086
Bantry: 027 50713
Mobile: 087
David O’Regan & Co.
Chartered Accountants
Registered Auditors
Our services include: Financial Accounting &
Audit & assurance – Taxation Consultancy
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Please contact:
David O’Regan on
Mob: 087-2043800
Confirmation: 29th of April, 2015
First Holy Communion: 23rd of May, 2014.
Children who were baptised outside of the parish of
Clonakilty will have to send in a copy of their Baptismal Certificate (unless you have already done so).
Please send in these certificates as soon as you can.
Children in other classes who have not sent in their
Baptismal Certificate can do so at any time – it will be
photocopied and the original returned immediately. For
children in Junior Infants it is the ideal opportunity to
locate and send in your Baptismal Certificate – we
won’t have to ask for it ever again.
Page 3
Volume 20, Issue 02
Thanks to Ray Blackwell and Kevin McNally for
organising the Guitar Festival to come to SnB this
year. An American pedal steel guitarist named
Lucky Oceans entertained the boys for an hour on
Friday 19th of September.
Thanks to the Sound Crew and the Front of House
Crew for setting up the room and the equipment on
the day.
Basketball 14/15: Basketball training will
start on Tuesdays and Thursdays once the
Sciath na Scol competition is finished. This
Click here
will probably be in November.
Quizzard ’14/15: will start in November.
Classes from Rang 3 - Rang 6 will be participating. Ernie McCarthy is in charge of the
quiz this year and has made out all the teams Click here
for 2014/2015. Liam Crowley is assisting.
Chess: will start in October. Boys in Rang 4,
Rang 5 and Rang 6 may participate. It will
run on Tuesdays and Wednesday after Click here
school. Notes have been given out.
Soccer Competitions Senior Infants Soccer
Held on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays or
Thursdays. No Soccer on Friday. Teams are
on website.
Rang 1
Held on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Extra
day’s soccer on Fridays - between Rang 1
and Rang 2. Teams are on website.
Rang 2
Held on Mondays or Thursdays. Extra day’s
soccer on Fridays - between Rang 1 and
Rang 2. Teams are on website.
Rang 3
Held on
Click here
Rang 4
Held on
Click here
Click here
Click here
Click here
Rang 5
Rang 6
Held on
Held on
Click here
Click here
Multi-Media Authoring / Video Editing / Computer Lessons /
Coderdojo - for Rang 2/3, Rang 3, Rang 4, Rang 5 and Rang 6 will
start in October with our new laptops.
Swimming: for Rang 6 and Rang 3 - started on 12th of September
until the 17th of October.
Wardens – Boys in fifth/sixth class will train with Mr. Harte for
Junior Warden Duty. Many thanks to Mr. Harte.
GAA - Timmy Anglin
Rugby - Ian Rea started last Friday, October 3rd.
Sciath na Scol Training - training on Thursday for Rang 5 agus
Rang 6. Matches can be held on any day.
Zumba: starts on Monday 6th October for Infants - Rang 3.
Click here
Page 4
Volume 20, Issue 02
Pictured below: New Infants First Day at School | Golf Champion ||
Swimming- Munster and All-Ireland Champions with Justin Crowley |
Montage of First Day at school | Mrs. Minihan visits Rang 6 | Musician
There are loads more photos going with this Links
online >>>>>>>>
Click here
Page 5
Volume 20, Issue 02
Pictured below: Sciath na Scol training | Sciath na Scol Challenge Match v Kilmeen | First match against Douglas | Family
Funday | Robots (Rang 4/5 - the rest of the photos are on site)
past year
there has been a large number of coats left
in the classrooms and not collected.
Please check with Thelma if you are missing a coat as all unclaimed coats will be
sent to a Charitable Organisation during
the mid term break.
There are loads more photos
going with this Links online
Click here
Page 6
Volume 20, Issue 02
All cans gratefully received .
Please contact Ms. Regina Fitzmaurice if you have any query
re. this matter. Many thanks to
Ms. Fitzmaurice.. She and her
class will also look after the
school garden and glasshouse.
The money that is collected by
this scheme is used in the school
garden. Thanks to Cian and
Jack for helping with cans this
Family Funday
Click here
Page 7
“Just One” Cent boxes will continue this year.
Rang 4 (Ms. Karen O’Regan’s 4th) will be in
charge of organising the collection each week.
Last year €507 was collected for the “Just One”
Charity. This money was be given to Declan
Murphy when he visited us recently (see below).
By Gavin Coakley, Rang 5
Declan Murphy visited us in Scoil na mBuachaillí on the 17 th of September 2014, he is from the Just One charity. This week 10 years
ago the Just One charity was born.
The charity helps out poor children in Nepal, they give children
homes, beds and food. In Nepal, Just One are renting a building
with two bedrooms with triple bunk beds on the second floor. It also
has a dining room and a kitchen, on the third floor there is a library.
Declan Murphy came to our class with one of the first boys who he
had helped, who now works for Just One as a social worker. He
brought another girl called Sooty, who we did not meet but was in
the school too. Declan showed us a video that they made to Pharrell’s song ‘Happy’ to celebrate their work. He
was in it but wanted us to close our eyes when it
was showing him!
We presented him with a cheque for €507 that we
had collected in school during the year. He told us
that this was worth
Click here
65,391 rupees and could
change alot of peoples
lives. It could buy about
45 full school uniforms
including shoes for each
The talk was really interesting and I loved it.
Thank you very much to Conor O’Callaghan & Anna Ferguson for helping out with Literacy Lift Off.
Thank you to all the parents for their help with Literacy Lift,
it is very much appreciated and we could not run the programme without them.
Thanks to Martina O’Donovan and Mary Foley who are helping in the school each day.
This very popular scheme started again on Friday, 12th of September, for all classes except Junior Infants. Stamps cost €1 each. Junior Infants will start collecting later in the year. Thanks to Eileen
O’Donovan for her assistance.
Children in Rang 6 will use this scheme for saving for their Surfing
lessons and boys in Rang 5 will use if for Kayaking.
Volume 20, Issue 02
If you would like to book an ad for the
coming school year 2014-2015 please let
Thelma know as soon as possible. The
number of ads is limited. Our Links goes
to all parents in the school - 10 times a year
- at the beginning of each month. The cost is
€20 per issue or at a discount of €150 for the
entire year! Please ring Thelma 8834487 if
you are interested.
Congratulations to Zach Harrington who was recently
picked to represent
“Orienteering Junior
Home Internationals”
in Scotland recently.
McCarthy (who also
and is now in college
in Dublin) started
orienteering in SnB
under the guidance of
Mr. David O’Brien.
Photo: Zach in action in Scotland.
Page 8
Volume 20, Issue 02
Last year 5th and 6th class took part in ‘Something
Fishy’ which was a project run by West Cork Education Centre with Inland Fisheries Ireland. We
and the water cycle for a few weeks. Then, after
by Ernie McCarthy, Rang 6
having learned all about salmon, we got to go to the River Feale on a Field Trip. We got to
look at the fish and feel their cool scaly skin. After that we caught some of the bugs in the
river and identified them. When we got back from the field trip it was announced that
Something Fishy were having a digital project competition and we decided to enter. We
made quite a good project in which we produced a CD Rom all about what we had
learned. We were delighted to hear in June that our project won best overall project in
Cork. During the summer it was sent on to Dublin for the finals. Unfortunately we didn’t
win in Dublin, but they sent us a letter commending our project and our hard work. Today,
Mary and Chrissie from West Cork Education Centre, along with Michael Mc Partland
from Inland Fisheries Ireland, came to our school and presented us with us a prize of a digital camera for the school. They also brought
us some sweets so all the hard work was worth it!! Thanks to Ms. Grace O’Shea for organising the project in SnB.
New Parents please remember to sign all school notes – they will be
in your child’s bag. Once you have it signed please return it to the
school the following day – it is the only way we know that you have
seen the note.
Recently we have sent home the following and though most of them
are back, some still have not arrived:
Yellow form (money collection form - you will receive a copy
of this later on in the month).
Allianz Insurance (blue form) | Last day for this was 30/09/14
RSE Note (appropriate for your child’s class)
Basketball Notes (Full up)
Drum Notes (Laurie still has some spaces)
Altar Server Notes (Full up)
Warden Notes
Swimming Notes (to boys in Rang 6 agus Rang 3)
Eye Forms or HSE forms to children in Junior Infants,
Senior Infants, Rang 1 and Rang 6
Dental Notes to Rang 1, 3, 6 (these haven’t been given out yet).
Chess Note (Full up)
You will know that you have to sign the note if it asks for a
parent’s signature.
The Links does not have to be signed, as all parents know
when it is being sent out. Please see your Calendar for this
A number of boys in the school are allergic to nuts and for them any contact
with nuts or products containing traces of nuts can be dangerous for example NUTELLA!!!!
Please be aware of this when organising your child’s lunch and if possible
do not allow your child to bring anything containing nuts to school. Your
help in this matter is very much appreciated.
p.s. Please give your children water to drink coming to school - not
sweet or fizzy drinks.
Our school website has just passed
the 151,000 hit
thanks to all who
regularly visit our
If you have any ideas about what else you would like to
see on our site please email
at any time and if we can we will try to accommodate
your suggestions. Our photos site has 9,300 hits and
it’s only been live for one year approximately.
Parents: now that children are back in school, please be vigilant and check your child’s hair regularly for headlice. If
you find any please notify the school and we will send a
note to all parents in that class.
Page 9
Volume 20, Issue 02
Donnacha O’Callaghan is taught Orienteering by boys in Scoil na mBuachaillí for
RTE Programme | Clon U-11 Rugby Team
Conor Minihan. 6th class.
Up for a challenge....then read this article!!
I was on Shake Down the Town during the
summer with my sister, my cousin, my mom
and my aunty as the Minihan/Connolly team.
The other family were the Smiths. Their
names were Cormac, Mary, Emily, Rorc and Charlotte. To win you had to be the first to
crack the clues and do the challenges. When you are finished you get a number to put in a
safe. To win you have to get all the numbers. In this game the children are in charge and
the adults have to do what we tell them. That’s a first.
The first challenge was where my mom had to swim across a pool of water but with wind
blowing and rain falling. There was a fake hurricane and it was dark. My mom had to swim
to a raft and climb over it and then she had to climb a rope ladder, get the number and then
jump off a diving board and swim to the edge of the pool.
The next challenge was that my mom and aunty had to put out a fire. Then she had to get
on to a platform and turn a wheel to put out all the fire and then
get the number.
The third challenge was in the secret gardens. In the challenge
you had to go down a slide and get to a pool full of yellow and
green balls. Only one had the number.
The fourth was in the cinema. You had to remember 10 numbers
or letters and put them on the screen.
The fifth was at Inchydoney beach. The challenge was Shakes
and ladders with live snakes!!!
The last challenge was in Smugglers Cove where they had to find
a number in the maze. There were 10 numbers and every 20 seconds one of the numbers blew up!!! We got the number first and
we WON!!
The prize was..... drumroll please ........ a trip
to lake Garda in Italy. I can’t wait....I am
dreaming of all those delicious pizzas!! Well
done Team Minihan /Connolly.
Click here
Page 10
Volume 20, Issue 02
Swimming this year started on Friday the 12th of September. The schedule for attending the pool for this year is as
follows: (Please note a more detailed calendar is on the website.)
Swimming: Rang 6 & Swimming: Rang
Rang 3 (Ms.
4/5 & Rang 2
McAuley’s class)
Swimming: Rang 5 &
Rang 1 (Ms. Houstoun /
Ms. O’Shea’s
Swimming: Rang 3/4 &
Rang 1/2
September 12th October 17th
December 12th February 6th
February 13th April 17th
October 24th December 5th
Click here
On Friday the 24th of October our Annual
Fancy Dress Parade will take place in the
Boys may come to school dressed up or if they
wish may get ready in the school. However
the infants should come to school dressed in
their costume.
There is always an emphasis put on boys who
make their own costume rather than buying
Boys who go swimming must be conscious of the fact that they will not be left in to the
pool with hair dye or face paint on them. If you would like to see what last year’s parade was like - just visit and look at page 5 November
in 2013/2014.
As part of the Croke Park Agreement
schools are requested to publicise use of
hours in the school year 2013/2014.
Usage was as follows:
(All figures below are approximate)
School Planning 42%,
Policy Development 33%,
Staff Meetings 25%,
The staff stay after school on Mondays as
part of the Croke Park agreement.
Of course many staff members stay back
after school on every other day of the
week also planning and doing extra curricular activities but these hours are not
shown above.
‘What’s your game’ by Gearóid Coleman Rang 3
Last Sunday we met Donnacha O’Callaghan at our school. We were showing him how to do orienteering for a new TV programme
called ‘What’s your game’. Tyrone Production were there to film it. We were all very excited to meet Donnacha. There was Darragh,
Shay, Tom and me from 2nd and 3rd class. They had 2 different cameras and a big microphone. We were asked to wear mini microphones on our jumpers. They were really cool.
First we went into the pitch in school and Donnacha went onto the big tower in the playground. He was pretending to be lost and was
shouting our names. We explained how to use the compass and the map. Donnacha wore a raincoat and they poured water over his
head to show orienteering can be done in all types of weather. Then we went to Castlefreke Woods. We did some basic things like
running along the path having looked at our map first to see which way to go. The clue for the first punch was a river. We arrived at
the first control and punched our cards. We had to say some lines off their script like “look there is the puncher”, “come on let’s go”
and “hurry up Donnacha”. We had to do our lines a few times to get it right for them. When we got to the finish we had to run down
a hill and celebrate finding the last punch. It was great fun and Donnacha learned a lot about orienteering. At the end he asked us
‘What’s your game’ and we all shouted ‘ORIENTEERING’. After the filming was finished Donnacha took us all in a selfie with him.
It was the best day ever.
Orienteering with RTE by Cian Cullinane
On Sunday 14th September 2014, 10 boys from our school went orienteering. The first part of the day we did some practice around the
school, we then drove the short distance to Castlefreke Woods. When we arrived there we were met by the RTE television crew, who
are making a programme called “Whats you Game?” for RTEjnr. Our school was picked to make this programme about orienteering.
There was another surprise, Munster rugby player Donncha O’Callaghan appeared. He is part of the programme and our job was to
teach him how orienteering works. Our teacher Ms O’Shea set up the course around the woods and when we had our maps ready, it
was lights, camera, action!.
Donnacha had to follow us around the woods finding the markers and punch the card, it is also a game of speed as you are timed
around the course. It was a very long day as some of the camera shots had to be retaken several times. The day was great but tiring
also. The TV programme “ Whats your Game?” will be shown on RTEjnr from Nov 3 rd.
Page 11
Volume 20, Issue 02
Pictured below: “Gentlemen of the Week” during the month of September
Week 3
Week 2
Week 4
These boys have made an extra effort to be polite and “gentlemanly” during the month of September. The following are deemed to be Gentleman of the Month for
September. Richard
Kennedy, Harry Ellis,
Tony O’Keeffe, Tom
Whooley, Seán Jordan,
Daniel Barry, Tom
Peet, Eoin Farrell,
Cameron Rose, Cody
Leahy, Fergal Murphy,
Jack Enright, David
Harte, and Dan Peet.
(Continued from page 1)
ably assisted by John Coleman and all members of the Parent’s Association. A lot of parents
also helped out setting up the day before and manning events on the day. Well done to everyone concerned. Many thanks also to the bands who entertained the crowds on the day:
Clonakilty Brass Band, under the baton of Ger Condon, Fusion and Mad for Trad,. SnB
Sound Crew. Thanks also to Noreen Minihan for acting as MC on the day, to Jellyfish Surf
shop for their assistance, to Finbarr and Majella O’Mahony for the use of their Bouncy Castles for the day, to Kieran White of Java Coffee, Eugene Scally of Supervalu, Michael McCarthy of Carbery Plastics.
1st prize | Wild Atlantic Challenge
Second prize for the Wild Atlantic Wipeout Challenge: Cian O'Donovan and his cousin Conor Daly's team (other team members were
Tim O'Donovan and Virge Daly) got a prize of 40 euro Clonakilty vouchers.
The Sciath na Scol team have now played 2 games in this year’s
competition. The first match was against Douglas N.S. - last
year’s finalist in Division 1. Unfortunately we were narrowly
defeated - by 4 points - in an exciting, close game. The boys
played extremely well on their first outing.
The second game was against Scoil Barra, Ballincollig. SnB won
convincingly in the end. Next game is Monday 6th in Brinny
against Cloghroe.
Many thanks to the managers of the team - Mr. Coman Duke and
Mr. Gavin O’Riordan, for all the time spent training and mentoring the boys after school. Thanks to all the parents and staff for
bringing the boys to and from the matches.
Under the new DES guidelines schools are required to undergo a
School Self Evaluation. This involved questionnaires / Surveys /
staff meetings etc.
We focussed on the area of Literacy and a copy of School Improvement Plan is available on our school website.
Please click the link in the contents section near
the bottom of the page or alternatively if you are
reading this in pdf on your computer click the
link here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Click here
Page 12
Volume 20, Issue 02
Please note: if
you have not paid
your fees yet for
Insurance, Rental Scheme, etc please do so as soon as possible.
Zumba starts on Monday - if you have not paid for it yet
(from Junior Infants - Rang 3), please do so on Monday.
If you are experiencing any difficulty in paying the fees contact the school immediately for assistance.
Next year’s calendar is on our school website.
Please note in the last Links we sent home a Calendar for
2014/2015 but there was an error in it. The bank holiday in
June 2015 is on the 1st of June and NOT ON THE 8TH OF
Apologies for this. The new
amended calendar is now up
on our school website. We
will not be sending home another paper version.
Literacy Lift Off has started for all classes Senior Infants Rang 6. This has proved to be a tremendous success in Senior
Infants and Rang 1 over the past few years. Many thanks to all
the parents who have volunteered to help throughout the year.
However we do need your support for it to be a success for
your son. Please take an interest in the books your child
brings home and also ensure they are
Maths Support Groups have started in
the 5th classes. These will benefit all children and have proved to be very successful last year. These
will ensure that children will be supported in this area of the
curriculum. We are trying our best to ensure that everyone
who needs assistance will get it.
Occasionally children will be withdrawn for a number of weeks
in small groups for Literacy
or Numeracy depending on the
resources available. This is mainly for Rang 2 - Rang 6.
EAL: We are also support children who have little or no English in all classes - depending on the needs of the children.
Click here
Listed below are the times that children will be doing P.E. or Soccer. On these days children can wear their school tracksuit only.
Boys in split classes will play soccer with their own class - i.e. Rang
1 will play with Rang 1. Please note: this is the most up to date
calendar. This is also on the website.
Weekly PE Timetable
Group perform an evening of
music and singing at INCHYDONEY Lodge &
Spa on Sunday 19th October at 7:30pm. Proceeds to West
Cork Rapid Response and CUH Breast Cancer Unit - Tickets
€10 available from O'Donovan's Hotel.
Junior Infants
Monday and Friday
Junior / Senior
Senior Infants
A Mon | B Tues |
C Wed | D Thus.
Tuesday and Friday
Senior Infants /
Rang 1
Seniors as above
Rang 1 as below
AB Tuesday
CD Wednesday
Rang 2 as below
Monday and Friday
Rang 2
A B Rang 2 Monday
C D Rang 2 Thursday
Thursday & Friday
Rang 3
Rang 3 Monday
Monday |
Rang 3/4
Rang 3 Monday
Rang 4 Tuesday
Rang 4 / 5
Rang 4 Tuesday
Rang 5 Wednesday
Tuesday | Friday
Rang 5
Rang 5 Wednesday
Rang 6
Rang 6 Thursday
Rang 1 / 2
Work is just getting underway on this year’s Christmas Magazine.
As was the case last year,
local businesses can place
advertisements in the magazine. Advertisements are
priced as follows:
 Half-page: €20
 Whole page: €40
The magazine is in the same
format as last year – that is A5 size. Money raised by advertisements last year was spent on running our Laser Printer used by all in the school.
This has become an invaluable source of revenue to the school
- it was also used to repair and purchase computers for the
school. Please place your advertisement by contacting Thelma at the school at 023-8834487/or send in a note with your
child, as soon as you can and a space will be booked for you.