Gates Recreation 2016 Spring/Summer Brochure
Gates Recreation 2016 Spring/Summer Brochure
NT TME RECRE AT IO N& AR TO ES N of GAT W PA R K S D EP Gates Recreation & Parks Activities Spring-Summer 2016 Registration begins April 11th for residents Creating Community Through People, Programs and Parks Department Information REGISTRATION BEGINS on Monday, April 11th at 12 noon for residents unless otherwise noted. Non-residents may register beginning on Monday, April 25th at noon unless otherwise noted. Program Cancellation Information Programs are cancelled when registration is low so please do not wait till the last minute to register. Also, it is very important that we have a correct email address for you as many program updates and cancellations will be done via email. Weather closures for programs or fields can be found on our Facebook page. OFFICE HOURS Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Thursday evening until 7:00 PM PHONE (585) 247-6100, ext. 235 24-HOUR INFORMATION PHONE (585) 426-1670 Follow us on Facebook at Gates-Recreation-and-Parks-Department E-MAIL ADDRESS WEB SITE And Twitter at GATES RECREATION & PARKS STAFF....... PHONE EXT. Linda T. Fowler, CPRP, Director ....................................... 237 Cindy L. Briggs, APRP, Recreation Supervisor................ 236 Stacie M. Paris, Recreation Supervisor............................ 234 Kim Vogler, APRP, Adult Services Coordinator............... 232 Dawn Steffenilla, Senior Services Assistant.................... 287 Linda Saraceni, Recreation & Parks Secretary................ 235 Joseph Battaglia, Vehicle Driver..................................... 233 & PARKS DEPARTMENT Mission Sta ’S tement The depart ment’s mis sion is to p affordable rovide acc , and quali essible, ty leisure p services an rograms, a d facilities ctivities, to all resid of Gates a ents of the nd to activ Town ely inform residents a and educa bout the ro te le of the G and Parks ates Recre Departme ation nt. Also, to that all pro ensure resi grams and d ents facilities are public to p available fo articipate in regardle r the income, ph ss of race, ysical disa gender, bilities, cre barriers th ed or othe at would p r reclude pa rticipation . The Gates Recreation and Parks continue to Departme stress the nt will value of po experience sitive leisu s and conti re nue to ma other publi intain liaiso c and priva n sw te organiza upon the e tions that im ith duc pact needs of re ation, health, safety and leisure sidents. GATES RECREATION & PARKS COMMISSION Rhoda E. Ride, Chairperson Gregory Westbrook, Vice Chairperson Eileen Andrews Abramo Bianchi Rob Keister Steve Murphy John Unson GATES TOWN BOARD Mark W. Assini, Supervisor Christopher DiPonzio, Deputy Supervisor Lee Cordero, Councilman David R. DiCaro, Councilman Steve Tucciarello, Councilman 247-6100 ext. 235 GATES RE CREATION 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS e Th Department Information...................1 or ct e Dir Special Events...............................3-5 Pre-school Activities......................6-7 Spring is in the air and it’s time to get outside and enjoy the sunshine and warmer weather. With the days getting longer, it is easier to stay active and participate in our great variety of programs and events for all ages. Challenge yourself to be active when the weather is good and get out and walk, assist with your child’s sports team, help an older neighbor with their lawn, or clean out your garage. We have a great opportunity for you to sell or donate your unused items at our Community Garage Sale in May. Please take the time to read through this program brochure and join in on one or more of our programs, trips, special events, and concerts. Youth & Teen Activities................7-15 Summer Camps Registration.....10-11 Gates Activity Program (GAP)........15 Adult Activities..........................16-19 Adults 50+ Activities.................19-20 Shelter & Pavilion Rental Information..........................21 Town Parks......................................22 Recreation Center Information........23 As always, I look forward to seeing you at one or many of our upcoming programs. Registration Information.................24 Registration Form...........................25 Linda Fowler General Information..................26-27 Linda T. Fowler, CPRP Director of Recreation & Parks Community Contacts......................28 Do most of your Recreation & Parks Business On-line Go to and select: • “Home” to set up your account • “Program/Registration Information” to register for programs • “Facility Information” to request a hold on a park shelter rental Wish to receive your seasonal brochure electronically only? Give us a call at 247-6100 Ext. 235 and we will remove you from our mailing list. This will save the environment and cut down on mailing costs. tment offers & Parks Depar n tio ea cr Re The Gates for all ages! great activities 247-6100 ext. 235 2 Special Events Community Garage Sale Sunday Summer Concert Series GARAGE The Gates Recreation and Parks Department has planned a summer of great entertainment that is sure to please. Concerts are outdoors and FREE of charge! In the event of inclement weather, concerts will be held inside. Bring a blanket or a lawn chair and enjoy the summer entertainment! Children under 16 years must be accompanied by a responsibile adult. Find bargains at our ever popular Community Garage Sale. Indoor and outdoor spaces with over 30 vendors will be set up. Lunch and refreshments will be sold. Remember, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Call for available space if interested in selling. For: Time: Place: Saturday, May 14 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Gates Community Center, 1605 Buffalo Road All ages 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Gates Community Center, 1605 Buffalo Road July 10: Johnny Matt Band July 17: Steel Alchemy Community Steelband July 24: MusicMakers July 31: BluesMasters This versatile and dynamic group from Rochester features both vocal and instrumental selections with a “Big Band” sound. Community Garage Sale Fundraiser This band brings together steel “pan” lovers from diverse ages and experiences, all devoted to learning and sharing the music of Caribbean steel drums. Led by percussionist Ted Canning and based in Geneseo, the band plays a variety of island and pop tunes that bring a taste of the tropics to Western New York. Do you have a lot of unwanted items but don’t have the time to polish them up, sort and price them? Donate them to the Friends of Gates Recreation & Parks to help them raise funds. Donations can be brought in after April 18th; but, please call the department to set up a time to drop off your items. Receipts will be given for donated items. The MusicMakers Big Band is a long-established superb orchestra, which appears throughout the northeastern USA all year long. They have been publicly acclaimed throughout their appearances. They are big band, plus more, performing every type of popular music from the ‘40’s and ‘50’s through the 1990’s. “Best Offer” Left Over Garage Sale Any items that do not sell at our Community Garage Sale will be put out for a one-time left over sale where you may come in and make an offer on anything and everything you see! “Steals” are sure to be found and proceeds go to the Friends of Gates Recreation & Parks. BLUESMASTERS are highly experienced, but never boring! This music is energetic, inventive, passionate and guaranteed to get everyone up and dancing! BLUESMASTERS have been a group since 2008 and have an established, growing reputation. Monday, May 16 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Gates Recreation Center – Room A August 7: WayWard Wynd The band enjoys performing to audiences, while enjoying their music, which ranges from vintage country to blues to classic rock. Each member brings unique style in both vocals and instruments to create a medley of talent. Memorial Day Service Please join us in front of the Gates Community Center Veterans’ Monument as we hold a special service to honor the men and women who have served our country and paid the ultimate sacrifice. Our guest speaker this year will be Todd Baxter, Executive Director of Veteran’s Outreach Center. Participating in the service are the Gates Chili High School Marching Band and The Keystone Club Police Pipes & Drums. Community organizations that would like to participate in the service by presenting a rose must call the Recreation and Parks Department Office at 247-6100, ext. 235 by Friday, May 6th to be included in the printed program. August 14:78 RPM This Big Band plays music from the 30’s to the 90’s. This band is unique as they include vocals in 80% of their songs. August 28:Spectra This is a diverse group of seasoned, veteran, experienced musicians from the Rochester area that are familiar to the regional music scene. They have played in many local bands that have shared stages with multiple nationally known artists. Bringing you shades of rock and blue-eyed soul, their set list is designed to get you up and moving to their own stylized versions of rock, blues, Latin, and jazz-fusion tunes. If the mood strikes, they may even cobble up an old country tune to change things up. Monday, May 30, 2016 Beginning at 9:00 AM Gates Community Center, 1605 Buffalo Road 247-6100 ext. 235 3 Special Events Town of Gates Recreation & Parks Summer Celebration Saturday, June 25, 2016 • Gates Chili High School, 1 Spartan Way Join us as we celebrate Independence Day and the start of the Summer! There will be a variety of food and beverages for sale sponsored by local school, civic, and private organizations. Community group displays and activities will also be part of this event. MAIN STAGE ENTERTAINMENT: 6:00 PM The Josie Waverly Band Josie has performed all over the United States as a headliner as well as an opening act for many of Nashville’s leading entertainers such as Tim McGraw, Charlie Daniels, Loretta Lynn, Rascal Flatts, Keith Urban, and too many more to mention. She has performed in front of thousands and her shows are attended by a variance of demographics. Once you see her perform it is easy to see how she earned the title “New York State’s Queen of Country Music.” Josie Waverly 7:30 PM INTERMISSION AND INTRODUCTIONS 8:00 PM Prime Time Funk This band is a 10-piece powerhouse of passionate musicians from Upstate, NY who write, arrange and perform a world-class combination of funk, jazz and rock that’s difficult to categorize but easy to feel. In its 20 years, PTF has played multiple times at the Lionel Hampton Jazz Club in Paris as well as at the Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival. PTF’s debut CD, Ready and Willing, was co-produced by Grammy® Award-winning producer Jeff Tyzik, RPO Principal Pops Conductor. It’s selfproduced follow-up CD, Hear and Now, is a tribute to the band’s co-founder and original bass player, Ralph Ortiz. PTF is the official house band of the Rochester Music Hall of Fame annual awards ceremonies at Eastman Theatre. Find out more at Prime Time Funk 10:00 PM FIREWORKS DISPLAY presented by Young Explosives Entry to the event and parking are free. There is a fee for games and activities. Purchase a wrist band and your children can enjoy our Family Fun Zone with giant inflatable bounce houses and slides and Gates Recreation & Parks Summer Play Camp games. There is a FREE Pre-school Play Area for your little ones! Plenty of parking is available on campus. There will be a designated area for handicapped parking for those with valid parking permits. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR SMOKING PERMITTED ON SCHOOL GROUNDS. NO DOGS ALLOWED DURING THE CELEBRATION. ALL VENDORS MUST HAVE PRIOR APPROVAL AND A PERMIT FROM THE RECREATION & PARKS DEPT. For updates and information call 426-1670. 247-6100 ext. 235 Co-sponsored by 4 Special Events Ice Cream Social Family Concert & Drive-In Movie Night! July is National Ice Cream Month and more importantly, it’s National Park and Recreation Month. Join in the fun at our celebration at Westgate Park! We’ll have a Make Your Own Sundae Bar, games and other family activities, including an inflatable bounce house. Please call us at 247-6100, ext 235 or register on-line to pre-register for this event. A small fee for sundaes is collected at the event. Class #: For: Date: Time: Location: Summer is coming to an end! Bring out the entire family for an old fashion ‘Drive-In’ movie. ZuperEvents will be setting up a big screen for a showing of a movie to be determined. Prior to the movie, we will have music to enjoy presented by “Your American City Jukebox”…Music thru the Decades; Yesteryear, This Year and Beyond! Movie will start at dusk. Bring your picnic supper or purchase food from a food truck that will be there and make an evening of it. We will also have ice cream to purchase. The event is FREE but PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED and you may do so by contacting the Recreation & Parks Department by phone at 247-6100, ext. 235 or by e-mail at 21660A All ages (children under 16 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult) Thursday, July 28 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Westgate Park Family Game Night at the Park Join our Summer Play Camp staff for a FREE evening at Westgate Park as we play some large sized board games. We will have scrabble, tic-tac-toe, checkers, candy land and more! Once you’ve tried the board games, our playground and the Gaga Ball pit will be open to play in! Pre-registration is required to assure this program will be held. Class #: For: Date: Time: Location: 22275A All ages (children under 16 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult) Friday, August 5 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Westgate Park Class #: 21750A All ages (children under For: 16 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult) Date: Friday, August 19 Time: 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM Location: Memorial Park Fee:FREE The Gates Summer Theater Art Repertory Camp Presents: Winner of the GVRPS 2015 Arts and Humanities Award “High School Musical, Jr.” Celebrate the 10th Anniversary Performances on Thursday, July 28 at 6:30 PM Friday, July 29 at 10:00 AM & 6:30 PM Gates Chili High School Auditorium Tickets: $5 available the day of the show Please see the program description of the “Be a Star Camp” in the YOUTH & TEEN section on page 12. 247-6100 ext. 235 5 Preschool Activities Munchkin Madness Storytime & Painting – Mother’s Day Does your child enjoy hands-on activities? Then come and enjoy a number of weekly themed activities and crafts. Once the children are done with their craft, there will be time for them to play with the many toys and games around the room. Please bring a shirt to get messy in. Join Miss Stacie for a special day dedicated to Mother’s Day. This is the perfect opportunity to make a keepsake gift for Mom or Grandma. We will also have a story and playtime once we are finished with our project. Our project will be Tissue Paper Butterflies & Butterfly Flower Pots. Class #: For: Time: Dates: 13147B Ages 1 – 2 years 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM Wednesdays, April 6 – May 25 (8 classes) Class #: For: Time: Dates: 13148B Ages 3 – 5 years 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM Wednesdays, April 6 – May 25 (8 classes) Class #: 23772A Ages 2 – 5 years For: Date: Friday, May 6 Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Location: Recreation Center Craft Area @ Gates Community Center Fee:$8 Class #: For: Dates: Time: 13149B Ages 1 – 5 years Thursdays, April 7 – May 26 (8 classes) 6:15 PM – 7:15 PM Storytime & Painting - Father’s Day Join Miss Stacie for a special day dedicated to Father’s Day. This is the perfect opportunity to make a keepsake gift for Dad or Grandpa. We will also have a story and playtime once we are finished with our project. Our project will be a special foam handprint keepsake and a tie treat jar. Location: Recreation Center Craft Area @ Gates Community Center Fee:$16 Class #: 23772B Ages 2 – 5 years For: Date: Friday, June 17 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Time: Location: Recreation Center Craft Area @ Gates Community Center Fee:$8 Preschool Play A large room filled with toys, mats, scooters, slides, tunnels, puzzles, blocks and other play equipment; what more could you ask for? This is a wonderful opportunity for your children to get out of the house, get exercise and interact with other children their age. Parent/Guardian supervision is required. GATES RESIDENTS ONLY. REGISTRATION REQUIRED AND PLEASE REGISTER FOR 1 DAY ONLY. Melody Kids Wouldn’t your child or children enjoy singing, dancing, exploring simple instruments (egg shakers, jingle bells & rhythm sticks) and creating fun songs? This class is created for young children and parents to learn musical skills. Miss Brenda, of Melody Kids who has a MA degree in Education and many years of experience teaching young children, as well as many years of studying cello and voice, will be your instructor for this fun class. Come join Miss Brenda for a fun musical time. For: Ages 1 – 5 years (children must be accompanied by a responsible participating adult) Location: Recreation Center Pre-School Area @ Gates Community Center Fee:FREE Class #: 23841A For: Ages 6 months – 4 years (children must be accompanied by a responsible adult) Dates: Monday, May 2 – June 6 (no class May 30 – 5 classes) Time: 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM Location: Recreation Center Room B @ Gates Community Center Fee:$26 Class #: 13266D Dates: Tuesdays, April 5 – May 24 Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Class#:13266E Dates: Thursdays, April 7 – May 26 Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Class#:13266F Dates: Tuesdays, April 5 – May 24 Time: 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM 247-6100 ext. 235 6 Preschool Activities Summer Pre-Kindergarten Activity Program Princess For a Day Creative fun activities to stimulate and interest your active pre-kindergartener! There will be a combination of crafts, games, songs, physical movement activities, safety programs and theme events. This program is for children entering Kindergarten in the fall of 2017 or 2018. Our play camp sites are staffed with CPR and First Aid certified staff. We maintain a staff/participant ratio based on ages of children. ** REGISTRATION: Complete both pages of the PLAY CAMP REGISTRATION FORMS found on pages 10 and 11, and drop off or mail both pages and immunization records to the Recreation & Parks Office. No child will be permitted to register for camp without completed forms on file in the Recreation & Parks Office. Children MUST be potty trained and are required to wear sneakers every day to attend this program. Your little ballerina will experience the enchanting world of a Fairytale Princess. This magical day will include dancing to princess music, making a princess craft, hearing a princess story, having a princess snack and emphasizing qualities that make a real princess so special. Costumes can be worn to class. All supplies provided. The class is taught by American Dance Academy. For: Creative Movement Class #: 24811A Girls ages 3 – 6 years (as of 1/1/16) For: Date: Saturday, June 18 Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Location: Recreation Center Room A at Gates Community Center Fee:$16 Ages 3 – 4 years (children must be at least 3 years by 07/01 and entering Kindergarten in fall of 2017 or 2018) Creative Movement is a fun way to explore body movements through music. Classes give children their first exposure to dance and help develop skills that will be used later in formal dance classes. We will use circle time, stretching, sing-a-long, and dance combos to help students develop independence, balance, self-confidence and a love for music and dance. The American Dance Academy will provide instruction for this fun class. Class #: 23478A Dates: July 5 – 15 (9 classes - No class Monday, July 4) Class #: 23478B Dates: July 18 - 29 Class #: 23478C Dates: August 1 - 11 (9 classes – No class Friday, August 12) Class #: 24810A For: Ages 3 – 4 years (as of 3/1/16) Dates: Tuesdays & Thursdays, July 12 - 28 (6 classes) Time: 9:45 AM – 10:25 AM Location: Large Meeting Room @ Gates Community Center Fee:$46 Time: 9:00 AM – 12 Noon Location: Gates Community Recreation Center Fee: $50 (Residents Fee) $100 (Non-Residents Fee) Youth & Teen Activities Animation Magic – Bringing Your Drawings to Life Why watch cartoons when you can make them? You will design your own characters and then make a professional style model sheet and character description sheet. You will learn how to create a motion map for smooth animation and then do a series of drawings that will be recorded to video, with music. The last 15 minutes of the final class will be used to premiere your animation for friends and family. You can borrow a copy of the video from the Recreation and Parks Office after the class is completed. Please bring two #2 pencils with erasers to class. David Puls, who has been the Creative Director at Animatus Studio for the past 17 years and has taught this class in Brighton, Henrietta, Penfield, Pittsford and Webster, is your instructor. Class #: 24705A For: Ages 8 – 14 years Dates: Monday, Tuesday & Friday, July 25, 26 & 29 (3 classes) Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Location: Recreation Center Room A @ Gates Community Center Fee:$40 247-6100 ext. 235 7 Youth & Teen Activities Lego Robotics Summer Camp Gates Chili Color Guard Spin Fest! The Lego Robotics Summer Camp is a camp designed to work with the Lego Mindstorms Kits. You will learn basic programming techniques and how to work with the sensors in the kit and get a chance to try out your robot on a field, using several of the sensors. This camp will introduce you to topics covered in the FIRST Lego League program, and provide information on starting a team if interested. A pizza lunch will be provided. Please bring a water bottle. EACH CAMP IS THE SAME, PLEASE ATTEND ONLY ONE. Instruction is provided through the Penfield FIRST Robotics Team. This unique program is designed to take either the novice or advanced performer in the pageantry world of Colorguard/Winterguard and make them into a strong performer. Classes are for all abilities--beginner through advanced and will be designed and broken up into 2 week units. The first 2 weeks of the program the students will learn the fundamentals of flag, rifle, saber, and dance. The second 2 weeks will be designed to have some fun with the students and teach them intermediate tricks along with reinforcing the fundamentals that were taught in week 1 and 2. The last 2 weeks students will be given the opportunity to apply the skills taught in weeks 1- 4 and learn different combinations and warm up routines. For: Ages 9 – 14 years Class #: Date: 24112A Friday, July 22 Class #: Date: 24112B Friday, August 19 Time: Location: Fee: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Recreation Center Common Area @ Gates Community Center $10 (no additional non-resident fee) Class #: 24805A For: Youth entering grades 3 – 12 Dates: Wednesdays, June 29 – August 3 (6 classes) Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Location: Hope Hall, 1612 Buffalo Road Fee:$25 Dance & Theater Tap, Ballet & Gymnastics This enjoyable dance class will introduce your child to the basics of tap and ballet. All levels of tumbling will be taught. Your child’s self-confidence, as well as coordination will improve. Children should wear two pair of socks or ballet shoes and hard sole or tap shoes. The American Dance Academy will provide instruction for this fun class. Class #: 24810B For: Ages 4 – 7 years Dates: Tuesdays & Thursdays, July 12 - 28 (6 classes) Time: 10:30 AM – 11:10 AM Location: Large Meeting Room at Gates Community Center Fee:$46 Parent’s Night Out This NEW program gives parents a chance to enjoy a special evening away while their children are in a safe, fun environment overnight. We will provide snacks, games, crafts and numerous activities for the children. Also, breakfast is provided the following morning. Drop off is at 6:00 PM on Friday and pick up is at 10:00 AM on Saturday morning. Please bring a sleeping bag and pillow. Hip Hop Youth will learn the latest street dance/hip hop moves with age appropriate music while getting a great workout! Dance instructors will lead the participants through the moves and help the students put these together into a full dance. Loose fitting clothing and sneakers are required. The American Dance Academy will provide instruction for this fun class. Ages 5 – 14 years For: Dates: Class # 24265A: Friday, April 15 Class # 24265B: Friday, May 6 Class # 24265C: Friday, June 10 6:00 PM Friday – 10:00 AM Saturday Time: Location: Gates Community Center Fee:$25 247-6100 ext. 235 Class #: 24810C For: Ages 7 – 14 years Dates: Tuesdays & Thursdays, July 12 - 28 (6 classes) Time: 11:15 AM – 11:55 AM Location: Large Meeting Room at Gates Community Center Fee:$46 8 Youth & Teen Activities Tap & Jazz Triple STAR Musical Theater Intensive This class is designed for youth who have always wanted to try a dance class or for those who took classes when younger. Participants will be introduced to tap and jazz in a fun environment. The American Dance Academy will provide instruction for this class. Join our intensive musical theatre summer camp and develop your performance skills by singing, dancing, and acting your way through musical theatre repertoire. This all-inclusive workshop also gives you an opportunity to perform some of the program’s material in an evening showcase on Friday, July 22. No experience necessary! Class #: 24810D For: Ages 8 – 14 years Tuesdays & Thursdays, July 12 - 28 (6 classes) Dates: Time: 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM Location: Large Meeting Room @ Gates Community Center Fee:$46 Class #: For: Dates: Time: Location: Fee: 24870B Ages 14 – 20 years Tuesdays & Thursdays, July 12, 14, 19, 21 Friday, July 22 (5 classes) 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Gates Chili High School Auditorium $100 resident, $110 non-resident See Page 7 for information on Princess for a Day program for 3 – 6 year olds. Summer Play Camps This daily activity program offers a wide range of activities and experiences. We will provide children an opportunity to explore new activities along with past fun favorites. Activities may include: active games, quiet games, crafts, athletics, safety awareness and theme events. Fee includes all trips. A calendar of events, including the trips schedule, will be available at registration. Our program is certified by the Monroe County Health Department and staffed with CPR and First Aid certified staff. We maintain a staff/participant ratio based on the ages of the children. Each summer we strive to meet the needs of all participants and parents. All participants will receive daily breakfast and lunch provided FREE by the Nutrition Consortium of New York State and the Gates Chili School District. No child will be permitted to register for camp without completed forms and immunization records on file in the Recreation & Parks Office. Dates: Session A: Monday – Friday, July 5 – 15 program begins on Tuesday, July 5 (9 classes) Session B: Monday – Friday, July 18 – 29 (10 classes) Session C: Monday – Friday, August 1 – 11 program ends Thursday, August 11 (9 classes) Time: Fee: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM $110 (Resident Fee) $220 (Non-Resident Fee) Children entering grades K – 2 Use form on page 10-11 to register Walt Disney School Class #: 24401 (Please indicate session A, B or C) Children entering grades 3 – 5 Memorial or Westgate Park Class #: 24402 (Please indicate session A, B or C) Location:Memorial Park Class #: 24403 (Please indicate session A, B or C) Location:Westgate Park Children entering grades 6 – 8 Lions Park Class #: 24403 (Please indicate session A, B or C) 247-6100 ext. 235 9 Youth & Teen Activities Summer Play Camps Extended Care Children must be registered at the corresponding play camp site to participate in these programs. Space is limited. Participants will either walk or be bused to play camp site depending on the site location. For: Children registered at Lions or Memorial Play Camp Sites or STAR Camp. Drop off and pick up will be at Memorial Park. Participants from Lions Park will walk to and from their play camp site with a staff member. Dates: Location: Session A: Monday – Friday, July 5 - 15 Session B: Monday – Friday, July 18 – 29 Session C: Monday – Friday, August 1 - 11 Memorial Park Before Care: Time: 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM Fee: $15 Resident, $30 Non-resident Class #: 24406A (Please indicate session A, B or C) After Care: Time: 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM Fee: $45 Resident, $90 Non-resident Class #: 24407A (Please indicate session A, B or C) For: Children registered at Walt Disney or Westgate Play Camp Sites. Drop off and pick up will be at Westgate Park. Participants will be bused to and from play camp site. Dates: Location: Session A: Monday – Friday, July 5 - 15 Session B: Monday – Friday, July 18 – 29 Session C: Monday – Friday, August 1 - 11 Westgate Park Be a “Star” Camp This is STAR Camp’s 18th summer! This years production will be High School Musical, Jr. Come explore the visual and performing arts this summer and discover your hidden talents. Everyone gets into the action as we learn, rehearse, create and perform. STAR Camp’s unique setting provides not only the opportunity to rehearse and perform a high quality musical production, but also educates the performer through a variety of daily workshops and master classes in the visual and performing arts. Daily classes and rehearsals are instructed by professional teachers with experience in dance, music, and art, technical and musical theatre. STAR Camp’s culminating experience includes public performance and public art exhibit. Participants are engaged in every aspect of the program and are guaranteed to be cast in the musical production. No previous experience is necessary. Class #: 24870A For: Ages 10 – 16 years Monday – Fridays, beginning on Tuesday, Dates: July 5 – July 29 (19 classes) 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Time: Location: Gates Chili High School Auditorium Fee: $325 (Resident Fee) $375 (Non-Resident Fee) *Note: Aftercare from 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM is available at Memorial Park through our Summer Playground Program. Transportation provided. See left box for details and cost. Before Care: Time: 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM Fee: $15 Resident, $30 Non-resident Class #: 24408A(Please indicate session A, B or C) After Care: Time: 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM Fee: $45 Resident, $90 Non-resident Class #: 24409A (Please indicate session A, B or C) 247-6100 ext. 235 12 Youth & Teen Activities Olympic Camp Nature Camp Get your game faces ready and join us for an Olympic Camp to celebrate the end of summer. This camp will consist of group games, activities and challenges in which each team will earn points. On the last day all of the teams will have a group celebration to reward their efforts! In case of inclement weather, we will have a number of crafts and indoor activities. Fee includes all trips and visitors, a t-shirt and breakfast daily. Please bring a bag lunch daily, unless otherwise noted. Get out in Nature with Gates Recreation and Parks this summer with our full-day nature camp. We will be enjoying the great outdoors through a number of exciting activities. In case of inclement weather, we will have a number of nature related crafts and indoor activities. Fee includes t-shirt, daily breakfast and all trips/visitors. Please bring a bag lunch daily, unless otherwise noted. For: Class #: Dates: Time: Location: Fee: For: Class #: Dates: Time: Location: Fee: Ages 5 – 14 years 24414A Monday – Friday, August 15 – 19 (5 classes) 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Westgate Park $75 resident / $100 non-resident Ages 5 – 14 years 24414B Monday – Friday, August 22 – 26 (5 classes) 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Westgate Park $120 residents / $145 non-resident Sports Camps Baseball Camp Cheerleading Camp Yo u w i l l r e c e i v e instruction to develop skills in hitting, base running, throwing, and defensive fielding, offensive and defensive strategies, and physical conditioning. Participants will be divided into groups based on age and ability. You should provide your own baseball glove, bat, baseball shoes and athletic cup. Camp T-shirt, awards, and refreshments are included in the camp fee, as well as roundtrip transportation and a ticket to the Rochester Red Wings’ game on Wednesday, July 20 at Frontier Field. The resident fee is $100 ($106 for non-residents) if you register for both Class # 24681A & Class # 24681B (10 classes). Please contact the Recreation & Parks Office at 2476100, ext. 235 or, if you would like to register on-line for both sessions and receive the multiclass discount. John Unson and Dean Dingee, former Gates Chili Varsity Baseball Coaches, are your Camp Directors. Here’s something to cheer about! The Gates Chili High School Cheerleading staff will be teaching basic, intermediate and advanced skills of cheerleading. The program will focus on preparing athletes for the upcoming season by working on partner stunts, jumps and tumbling. A dance and sideline cheers will also be taught. Parents are invited to a short performance on the last evening. Marcy Clawson, Gates Chili Varsity Cheerleading Coach, is your Camp Director. For: Class # Dates: Class #: Dates: Time: Location: Fee: Class #: 24684A For: Ages 7 – 18 years Dates: Monday, July 18 – Thursday, July 21 (4 classes) Time: 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM Location: Gates Chili High School Stadium Fee:$55 Football Basic Skills & Conditioning Participants will improve basic skills and techniques by a player’s position. Emphasis will also be placed on general conditioning. Special teams play will include all phases of the kicking game, including punt and kick-off return. Participants will need to provide T-shirt, shorts and football cleats. Jason Benham, Gates Chili Varsity Football Coach, is the Camp Director. Ages 8 – 16 years (as of 8/1/2016) 24681A Monday – Friday, July 18 – 22 (5 classes) 24681B Monday – Friday, July 25 – 29 (5 classes) 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM Gates Chili Middle School Baseball Field #14 $85 (for Class # 24681A only) $80 (for Class # 24681B only) $100 (for Class # 24681A & Class # 24681B 10 classes) 247-6100 ext. 235 Class #: 24686A For: Youth entering grades 7 – 12 Monday, July 25 – Wednesday, July 27 (3 classes) Dates: Time: 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM Location: Gates Chili High School Athletic Field #2 Fee:$25 13 Youth & Teen Activities Boys’ Lacrosse Camp FREE Soccer Skills and Development Clinic Come and learn more about the popular sport of Lacrosse. You will learn basic fundamentals: passing, catching, ground balls, team offense and defense. You will enjoy camp contests and scrimmage each day. Helmets will be provided. Please provide your own lacrosse stick. T-shirts will be included in the cost of the camp. Jake Johnson, Gates Chili Boys’ Varsity Lacrosse Coach, is your Camp Director. Join Coach Nick and Coach Dylan for a FREE introduction to our Soccer Skills and Development Clinic program. This session will introduce participants to the basic skills and concepts of soccer and leads right into our 6-week program. NOTE: PRE-REGISTRATION IS SUGGESTED in order to assure that the class runs. You may do so by submitting your registration online or in person at the Recreation and Parks Office. Class #: 24690A Boys entering grades K – 8 For: Dates: Monday – Thursday, August 1 – 4 (4 classes) 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Time: Location: Gates Chili High School Athletic Field #3 Fee:$30 Class #: 24671A Ages 6 – 10 years For: Dates: Thursday, April 28 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Time: Location: Wegman Road Park Fee:FREE Girls’ Softball Camp Soccer Skills and Development Clinic You will receive instruction to develop skills in hitting, base running, throwing and defensive fielding, as well as softball strategy and physical conditioning. Participants will be divided according to age and ability. You should provide your own glove and softball cleats. A camp t-shirt, awards and refreshments are included in the fee. The resident fee is $125 ($131 for non-residents) if you register for both Class # 24696A & Class # 24696B. Please contact the Recreation & Parks Office at 247-6100, ext. 235 or, if you would like to register on-line for both sessions and receive the multiclass discount. Vincent Candileri and Michael Candileri, Gates Chili Softball Coaches, are your instructors. For: Dates: Girls ages 9 – 17 years Monday – Friday, July 11 – 15 (5 classes) Class #: Time: 24696A 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM The world’s most popular sport continues to grow at the youth level in the United States. Coach Nick and Coach Dylan will introduce young athletes to the game at an early age and quickly enable them to build their skills, speed, strength and stamina. Our vision is to see young players develop mentally, athletically and socially into total athletes who excel both on and off the field. Coach Nick and Coach Dylan both grew up in Gates. Both played soccer at the high school and collegiate level. A soccer ball and t-shirt will be included in your fee. Class #: 24671B Ages 6 – 10 years For: Dates: Thursdays, May 5 – June 9 (6 classes) 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Time: Location: Wegman Road Park Fee:$80 Class # : 24696B Time: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM (Pitchers & Catchers only) Location: Fee: Gates Chili High School Softball Field #11 $80 (for Class # 24696A only) $65 (for Class # 24696B only) $125 (for Class # 24696A & Class # 24696B) Memorial Summer Play Camp 247-6100 ext. 235 Cheerleading Camp 14 Lions Summer Play Camp Youth & Teen Activities Before & After School Gates Activity Program (GAP) The Town of Gates Recreation & Parks Department is pleased to provide the GAP Program for your family. The GAP Program is a before and/or after-school program for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade currently attending Neil Armstrong and Walt Disney Schools. It is designed to meet the needs of parents and guardians during the before and/or after school hours. The GAP Program encompasses a variety of fun activities, arts & crafts, games and outdoor play, as well as allows time for children to work on their homework. We are very excited to offer a fun, safe, and enriching program for children during those tough hours before school begins and between school dismissal and your return from work. Our program operates from 7:30 am to class time, and then from the time school dismisses until 6:00 pm every day school is in session. Parents must provide transportation. For: Students in Kindergarten – 5th Grade at Walt Disney & Neil Armstrong Schools Dates: Monday – Friday, September 7, 2016 – June 22, 2017 (not during Vacation Days) Times: Before Care 7:30 am until class time After Care school dismissal until 6:00 pm Place: Neil Armstrong & Walt Disney Elementary Schools Fee: Before: $75 per month After: $135 per month Both: $210 per month Registration and Refund Policy and Procedures Registration will be accepted by mail-in or walk-in beginning on June 6th. All participants must be registered in the program before participating. All forms must be fully completed and $50 deposit paid to register and reserve a place for your child. Balance for first session fee must be paid by September 2nd. Registrations will not be accepted at the school site. Refunds will not be given for this program. If your child is not going to be attending for a period of time and you require a spot saved for his/her return you must pay the fees while he/she is absent. Financial Assistance: The Gates Recreation & Parks Department does not offer scholarships/financial aid for this program, however an alternate payment method may be arranged. A discount is available for families with 3 or more children. Please contact the Recreation & Parks Department to set up a meeting. Gates Activity Program for Middle School (GAP-Jr) Do you have a 5th grader heading to the Middle School? Do you already have someone attending the Middle School? Are you not sure if you want them coming home while you are still at work? We have the place for them. Come to an information night and find out what we offer and let your child come see what they can do at our program. GAP-Jr Open House information Night: Thursday, June 2nd, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm at the Gates Community Recreation Center, 1605 Buffalo Road. For: Dates: Times: Place: Fee: Students in 6th – 8th Grade at Gates Chili Middle School Monday – Friday, September 7, 2016 – June 22, 2017 (not during Vacation Days) After Care school dismissal until 6:00 pm Gates Recreation Center After: $100 per month For further program information: Call Gates Recreation and Parks Department: 247-6100, ext. 235 Office Hours: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday 247-6100 ext. 235 15 Adult Activities Bob Ross Painting Project Night Have you ever wanted to try your hand at painting a picture? Have you painted before and want to get back into it? Here is your chance! Join us as we learn the techniques of painter Bob Ross. We will have step-by-step instruction to paint a 16 x 20 landscape picture. Our instructor is Kathryn Lynda Nuss, a certified Bob Ross and Donna Dewberry instructor. She has taught at Hobby Lobby and AC Moore. All supplies will be included. A sample of the painting is on display at the Gates Recreation Center. Do you like to do crafts, knitting, sewing, etc.? Do you find it hard to find time at home to work on it? Come join us at the Recreation Center on the 3rd Tuesday of the month to work on your projects and socialize with others without the distractions of home or TV. Bring whatever you want to work on and if you wish, bring something to snack on. Maybe you are doing something that others would love to learn. We will have time for sharing skills if interested or sometimes we’ll bring in instructors to teach something new. This is a free program; but, we ask you to sign up so we know who might be coming. Class #: Dates: Class #: Dates: Class #: Dates: Class #: Dates: 15761A Monday, June 6 – “Trace of Spring” 15761B Monday, July 11 – “Lake in the Valley” 15761C Monday, August 8 – “Winter Day” 15761D Monday, September 12 – “Snow Birch” Class #: 45750A For: Ages 16 years and over Dates: 3rd Tuesday of each month Time: 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM Location: Recreation Center Common Area @ Gates Community Center Fee:FREE For: Ages 18 years and over Time: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: Recreation Center Room A Fee: $50 Euchre Club If you are looking for a time and location to play Euchre in Gates, then come out every Monday to the Gates Community Center. You can come and go as you please with our drop-in format. Pre-registration is required. Beginner’s Crocheting & Knitting This beginner class will be tailored to the class participants. Projects will include dish clothes, pot holders, and simple afghan stitches. Patterns and some supplies will be furnished. Our class is led by volunteer Hilda Thompson and members of the Wednesday morning Crochet & Knitting group. Class # 45020A For: Ages 18 years and over Dates: Mondays, May 9 – August 29 (No class on May 30, July 4) Time: 11:00 AM – 2:30 PM Location: Gates Community Center Large Meeting Room Fee:Free Class # 25717A For: Adults and home school students in grade 6 and up Dates: Tuesdays, May 3 – June 21 Time: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM Location: Recreation Center Room B Fee: $10 per person Non-Competitive Euchre Club If you are looking for a time and location to play a relaxed game of Euchre in Gates, then come out every Wednesday to the Gates Community Center. You can come and go as you please with our drop-in format. Pre-registration is required. Crochet and Knitting Group Do you enjoy crocheting or knitting? Join our ladies as they gather on Wednesday mornings to work on projects, help each other with problem projects, and just visit together. No pre-registration required; just come and join in and complete a waiver. Come every week or just some weeks. Class #: 45020B For: Ages 18 years and over Dates: Wednesdays, May 11– August 31 Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Location: Gates Community Center Annex Room Fee:Free Class #: 45716A For: Ages 18 years and over Dates:Wednesdays Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Location: Recreation Center Room B @ Gates Community Center Fee:FREE 247-6100 ext. 235 See Page 27 for Euchre Tournament Information. 16 Adult Activities Mah Jongg Beginner Ballroom - May Mah Jongg players are welcome to join our group that meets weekly. We play with the standard hands and rules of the National Mah Jongg League. Please bring your card with you. Please pre-register ahead online or in-person on your first day. Don’t sit out another dance! Come join the FUN on the dance floor! This 6-week class will teach some basic elements of frequently used social dances. The Foxtrot, Waltz, Rumba, Swing and Hustle will be introduced. No experience is necessary. Couples and singles welcome. Your instructor is Christy Burda. Class #: 45145A Ages 18 years and over For: Dates: Mondays, May 9 – August 29 (No class on May 30, July 4) Time: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Location: Recreation Center Craft Area Fee:Free Class # 25810A For: Ages 18 years and over Fridays, May 6 – June 24 (No class 5/20 & 6/10) Dates: Time: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Location: Gates Community Center Large Meeting Room Fee: $36 per person Gates Ballroom Club Join us for a fun-filled class. Expand on your social dance knowledge. Brush up on steps and techniques. Prior experience is necessary. Possible dances covered: Foxtrot, Waltz, Rumba, Swing, Hustle, Tango, Mambo, Cha Cha and Merengue. Couples and singles welcome. Your instructor is Christy Burda. Class #: 25810B For: Ages 18 years and over Dates: Fridays, May 6 – June 24 (No class 5/20 & 6/10) Time: 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM Location: Gates Community Center Large Meeting Room Fee: $36 per person Adult Traveling Golf League - 9 & 18 Hole This pay-as-you-go golf league will begin in May and play a different local golf course each month through the end of August. Our four golf courses will be Pinewood, Cragie Brae, Arrowhead and Salmon Creek. Tee times will be on Wednesday morning beginning around 7:30 AM for 18 hole players and 8:30 AM for 9-hole players. Interested persons should register by April 20th so that groups can be organized. Please indicate your level of play and any requests to be placed with another player. Once the tee times are set, they will be emailed to you. The league fee is $15 and greens fees will vary dependent on chosen course. Price includes end-of-season luncheon. If space allows, late registrations are accepted in person only at the Recreation & Parks Office. For: Dates: Fee: Ages 18 years and over Wednesdays, May 4 – August 24 $15 Class #: Time: 15626A 9 Hole League 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM Class #: Time: 15626B 18 Hole League 7:30 AM – 11:30 AM 247-6100 ext. 235 Tai Chi Tai Chi originates from ancient China. It was originally designed as an effective means of self-defense and combat. As this martial art has evolved, practitioners have learned to use slower and “softer” movements to enhance the health benefits derived from Tai Chi practice. The slow movements are often described as “meditation in movement”. Mental focus, balance, flexibility, relaxation and confidence can all be improved and enhanced by training in this amazing martial art. Tai Chi can be learned by the young and old alike. This class will provide you the opportunity to learn a centuries old form of exercise to gain greater relaxation and improved health. Come meet our instructor, Sensei David Root. Class #: 25663A For: Ages 18 years and over Dates: Fridays, April 11 – May 20 Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Fee: $25 Location: Recreation Center Room A 17 Adult Activities Gentle Yoga – Daytime Balance and harmony in the body, mind and spirit are facilitated through the experience of Kripalu Yoga. Conscience awareness of the body, both without and within, is enhanced through Hatha Yoga postures, breathing techniques and meditation. Combined in a form that is gentle enough for almost everyone, these practices promote stress reduction, increase self-awareness, and invite deep relaxation. Wear loose comfortable clothing and bring a blanket or mat to class. Noreen Lambert and Jill FitzSimmons are our Certified Kripalu Yoga instructors. DAYTIME - Led by Noreen Lambert EVENING - Led by Jill FitzSimmons For: Ages 18 years and over Time: 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM Location: Recreation Center Room A For: Ages 18 years and over Time: 6:00 PM – 7:15 PM Location: Recreation Center Room A Class #: Dates: Fee: Course #: 25696A Dates: Tuesdays, May 3 – June 21(8 classes) Fee: $80 25695A Thursdays, April 28 – June 16 (8 classes) $80 Class #: 25695B Dates: Thursdays, July 7 – August 25 (8 classes) Fee: $80 Course #: 25696B Dates: Tuesdays, June 28 – August 23 (8 classes) Fee: $80 Nicholas Sparks Movie Marathon Come join us, bring a friend, and dinner if you’d like. We will be showing 3 movies written by author Nicholas Sparks. The first movie will be “Longest Ride.” The second movie will be “Safe Haven,” and the last movie will be “The Lucky One”. Each of the movies is approximately 2 hours in length. We will be running the movies in succession with 15 minute breaks in between. Join us for all 3 movies or just 1 or 2. We are not a movie theater but we do have a large 70 inch television screen. Refreshments will be available. Please bring your own drink and a comfortable chair. Chairs will be available should you not wish to bring one of your own. Call to register in advance or register on-line please. Class #: 25140A Time: 3:00 PM – 10:00 PM For: Ages 18 years and over Location: Gates Recreation Center Date: Saturday, April 30 Fee: Free Trips for Adults Breweries of Rochester Trips that require a ticket purchase are non-refundable unless a waiting list exists or the participant is able to find someone to take their place. Are you tired of the same old generic beer? Join us as we travel to 4 different Rochester area breweries to tour their facilities and sample their beer. Please note that this is a 21 years and older program and you will need to show ID at the time of each tour. The cost includes the transportation to the brewery, tour and 1 tasting. Time will be allotted for lunch after the tour, which you will need to purchase on your own. If you sign up for all 4 tours, you will save $5! Bus will depart from the Community Center Parking lot at time below. For: Fee: Ages 21 years and over $10 each tour (no additional non-resident fee) Save $5 if you register for all 4 tours! CLASS #: 25901A 25901B 25901C 25901D 247-6100 ext. 235 DATELOCATIONTIME Saturday, May 7 Rohrbach’s Brew Hall 11:30 AM Saturday, May 21 Genesee Brew House 11:30 AM Saturday, June 4 CB Craft Brewers 11:15 AM Saturday, June 18 Swift Water Brewing Comp. 11:15 AM 18 Trips for Adults Waterloo Premium Outlets and Merry Go Round production of “Oklahoma” Neil Diamond Tribute at Seneca Alleghany Casino Spend time at the Waterloo Premium Outlet for lunch on your own and shopping then enjoy a live performance of “Oklahoma” at the Merry Go Round Playhouse. Join us for a matinee performance of “Sweet Caroline, A Tribute to Neil Diamond”, a lunch buffet and $20 in slot bonus. Class #: For: Date: Time: Location: Fee: Class #: 25900C For: Ages 18 years and over Date: Wednesday, September 14 Time: 7:45 AM – 7:15 PM Location: Via motor coach from Gates Community Center Fee:$76 25900A Ages 18 years and over Monday, June 13 9:45 AM – 6:00 PM Via motor coach from Gates Community Center $80 resident, $90 non-resident Lewiston (Niagara) Tour Letchworth State Park Fall Foliage Tour This tour includes a stop at the Niagara Fashion Outlets for shopping, a luncheon cruise aboard the Niagara Belle, followed by a guided tour of the Niagara Power Project Visitor Center with a final stop at Kelly’s Country Store. The day will begin at the Mt. Morris Dam Visitors Center for video and dam overlook presentation. You will then be treated to a guided tour of Letchworth State Park from Mt. Morris to Castile with photo stops in route and a visit to Glen Iris and Middle Falls. Lunch will be at Yard of Ale in Piffard. Menu choices will include Prime Rib, Chicken Parmesan or Garlic Shrimp Pasta. Following lunch the tour will continue to the Abbey of the Genesee for a video presentation with one of the resident Monks and free time to visit the chapel & gift shop. Our final stop of the day will be to Jane’s Pantry to shop and browse. Please make your menu choice at time of registration. Class #: For: Date: Time: Location: Fee: 25900B Ages 18 years and over Monday, August 8 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM Via motor coach from Gates Community Center $90 residents, $100 non-residents Class #: For Date: Time: Location: Fee: 25900D Ages 18 years and over Wednesday, October 12 7:15 AM – 6:00 PM Via motor coach from Gates Community Center $70 residents, $80 non-residents Adults 50+ Activities AARP Mature Driving The American Association for Retired Persons offers a retraining program designed to meet the needs of motorists over 50 years of age. No tests are given. Participants are eligible to receive up to a 10% discount on their car insurance. You must attend both classes and the program will start promptly. No one will be allowed in the room once it starts. You do not need to be a member of AARP to attend the class. Pre-registration required. You may register by phone for this class. Calls will be taken at 247-6100, ext. 235. Class # 26220A 26220B 26220C 26220D 26220E Location: Fee: Dates Time Wed & Fri, May 18 & 20 (2 classes) 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Wed & Fri, June 15 & 17 (2 classes) 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Wed & Fri, July 13 & 15 (2 classes) 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM Wed & Fri, August 10 & 12 (2 classes) 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM Wed & Fri, September 7 & 9 (2 classes) 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM Large Meeting Room @ Gates Community Center $20 (AARP member) $25 (AARP non-member) Bring check, payable to AARP, to 1st class 247-6100 ext. 235 19 Adults 50+ Activities Bridge for the Experienced Player Eldersource Care Come and enjoy a relaxing afternoon of Bridge. Preregistration is required. Experience is necessary to play with this group. An Eldersource Care Manager can provide information, consultation, and guidance on a wide range of elder issues. Issues including: accessing benefits, assistance with health insurance claims, analysis of health insurance policies, and arrangements for help with cleaning, laundry, meals and transportation. Help is also available to explore housing options, assist with budgeting, and discuss long term care. Caregivers are encouraged to seek guidance as well. Call Eldersource at 325-2800 to make an appointment. Eldersource is at the Gates Community Center on the 2nd Thursday of the month by appointment only. Class #: 46206A For: Ages 50 years and over Dates:Wednesdays Time: 12:30 PM – 3:00 PM Location: Annex @ Gates Community Center Fee: $1 paid each visit to the program supervisor Clubs For 50 + Class #: 46014A For: Ages 50 years and over Dates: Second Thursday of each month Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Main lobby reception area Place: Gates Community Center Fee:FREE Join us today for weekly fun! The Gates Recreation and Parks Department sponsors two daytime clubs for residents of Gates, ages 50 years and over. Group activities are varied but include picnics, local excursions, educational programs, board games and more. Tuesday – Gates Seniors #3 Thursday – Westgate Seniors The Health Insurance Information, Counseling and Assistance Program (HICAP) (Sponsored by the Monroe County Medical MAAP (Mature Adult Activities Program) This is a new program that will offer small group activities, speakers and trips throughout the year that are geared to more active mature older adults. Society, A.A.R.P., and the Monroe County Office for the Aging) Class # 26300A Concert by the Shore, Dady Brothers Assistance with Medicare and other health insurance claims, help with appeals, billing clarification and counseling for other health insurance programs such as EPIC, a NYS prescription plan. All services are confidential and free. Call 325-2800 between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM for assistance. The Dady Brothers are a musical duo who have been performing and winning the hearts of crowds professionally for over 40 years. The Dady’s music transcends genres and generations by the melding of American Folk Roots and Irish Traditional influences into an amalgam of sound that is uniquely their own. Medical Transportation Program This concert is held at Ontario Beach and is sponsored by Wegmans and the Ontario Beach Park Program. There are many restaurants as well as Abbotts Ice Cream where you may purchase take out if you wish. You may also bring something from home. Please bring a lawn chair you can carry as seating is limited. Transportation is available for medical appointments only for Gates senior residents. Due to the demand for this service, not more than 2 rides may be scheduled per person per month. Call Dawn Steffenilla, Senior Services Assistant, at 247-6100, ext. 287 between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM for guidelines and to arrange for a ride. For: Ages 50 and over Date: Wednesday, June 22 Time: 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM, meet van in Gates Community rear parking lot Fee:$5 Volunteer Transport Do you have a few hours per month to provide a vital service? Persons are needed to transport older adults to doctor and therapy appointments on short notice, in a town vehicle. Those interested in providing this vital community service, can contact our Senior Services Assistant at 2476100, ext. 287. Senior Angels Join our special group of Senior Angel Volunteers. Help us coordinate parties and special events for our community and senior clubs. For more information on volunteer opportunities, please contact Kim Vogler, Adult Services Coordinator at 247-6100, ext. 232. 247-6100 ext. 235 20 Shelter & Pavilion Rental Information Persons wishing to reserve the shelters at Lions, Memorial, Wegman Road or Westgate Parks may do so up to 365 days in advance by obtaining a permit at the Gates Recreation and Parks Office or on-line at To finalize your on-line reservation, you will be asked to come into the Recreation and Parks Office within 5 working days with proof of residency and payment. Please read carefully the park guidelines, refund policy and the acceptance of responsibility. Shelters are available to rent from 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 p.m. daily. Enclosed Picnic Shelters at Lions, Memorial & Westgate Parks Residents: $150 per day Non-residents: $300 per day Open Picnic Pavilions (Mid-April to Mid-October) Westgate Park Residents: $60 per day Non-residents: $100 per day Wegman Road Park $35 per day $70 per day Enclosed Park Shelter Security Deposit There will be a fee of $50 for Gates residents and $100 for non-residents required before a park key is issued to any individual in addition to the rental fee (Cash or check only). The Recreation and Parks Department reserves the right to hold all or any portion of this deposit if the shelter is left in poor condition. This deposit will be returned to you upon return of the key and satisfactory inspection of the facility. Park Shelter Reservation Refund/Change of Date Fee Policy No refunds will be made unless notification of cancellation is given 30 calendar days in advance. The processing fee for all reservation refunds is $25. There is a $20 charge for changes of date or location. Any date change must also be received 30 calendar days in advance. Ball Diamonds and Football/Soccer Fields Athletic fields can be reserved by residents or groups made up primarily of residents. Permits will be issued after Gates Youth Sports Organizations schedules are set. Field use must be compatible with other activities, programs, and picnics within the parks, and the Recreation & Parks Department reserves the right to decline requests that they feel detrimental to the turf or in conflict with other programs. Fields at times may be closed for scheduled maintenance. Field fees are based on 2 hours of use: Baseball/Softball: $50 for 2 hours Soccer/Football/Lacrosse: $50 for 2 hours Our town facilities are monitored during the day by the Park Supervisor and staff and in the evening by a Park Attendant. If you have a park problem or emergency, they can be reached at 746-0191. The park ordinance is strictly enforced. Please do not park on grass or in emergency or fire lanes. Dogs must be leashed. Help keep Gates Parks safe and clean. 247-6100 ext. 235 21 Town Parks The Gates Recreation and Parks Department owns and maintains 130 acres of parkland. Each park has recreation areas to serve various needs. MEMORIAL PARK Memorial Park is a 30-acre park located at 160 Spencerport Road. The park features 3 ball diamonds, 2 football/ soccer fields, natural pond, paved walking trail, playground, and rest rooms. The enclosed shelter, with covered patio, has a small kitchen equipped with a stove, microwave, refrigerator and freezer. Seating capacity is approximately 125. ADA restroom facilities are located inside the building for shelter patrons. WESTGATE PARK Westgate Park is a 16.5-acre park located at 1489 Howard Road, next to the post office. This facility includes an enclosed shelter with a covered patio, a kitchen equipped with a stove, refrigerator and freezer. Seating capacity is 125. The park features an open pavilion with seating up to 90, grills, 2 lighted tennis courts, 2 basketball courts, 2 baseball fields, 3 children’s play structures, and a nature trail. WEGMAN ROAD PARK This 2-acre recreation area is located at 510 Wegman Road. The park features an open pavilion to accommodate approximately 24, 2 play structures, a climbing wall, and a swing set. The park also has a paved walking trail and accessible restroom. The park is open dawn to dusk. Butterfly Garden at Westgate Park GATES TOWN PARK This 68-acre park has 4 soccer fields, restroom facilities, and a 90-foot baseball field, 2 play structures, swing set, climbers, tire swing and accessible fishing pier. The park is located at 4310 Lyell Road and is open from dawn to dusk April 1 to November 1 weather permitting. LIONS PARK Lions Park is a 14-acre park located at 100 Kentucky Avenue off of Long Pond Road. The park has an enclosed shelter with a covered patio and a kitchen equipped with a stove, microwave, refrigerator Lions Park accessible fishing dock and freezer. Seating capacity in the shelter is 95. The park features 3 lighted tennis courts, lighted basketball court, sand volleyball, ball field, soccer/football field. The park also has a bocce court; a shuffleboard court, accessible fishing pier and children’s play area. Woodland’s Disc Golf Course at Town Park With the financial help of the Friends of Gates Recreation and Parks, a nine-hole Disc Golf Course has been installed at Gates Town Park, 4310 Lyell Road. The course has been laid out by volunteer and Friends member Dan Hoock with the assistance of the Greater Rochester Disc Golf Club. The first hole is located on the west edge of the park near the playground and then crosses east to the wooded area on the east side of the course. Fairways vary in length and difficulty. More information and course maps are available on our website HINCHEY HISTORICAL HOUSE Built in the 1870’s, the historical Hinchey Homestead is the only structure in Gates listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The house and large barn sits on a 3.1 acre site located at 634 Hinchey Road. The Gates Historical Society is managing the house and can be contacted at 464-9740 for information on tours and programs. 247-6100 ext. 235 22 Recreation Center Information Come play pool, shuffleboard, ping pong, air hockey, foosball, table games of all kinds and enjoy the Wii on our large screen TV. Children under 5 can tumble and play in our Pre-School Area. Our Recreation Center is open for community use only during specified times. The Recreation & Parks Department reserves the right to limit participation of those who do not adhere to the rules set forth. For: All ages (youth under 16 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult) Times: Monday – Friday: 12 Noon – 5 PM and Thursdays: 12 Noon – 7 PM Fee:FREE Please note that there may be times that pre-registered paid programs supersede open center hours. Call 247-6100, ext. 235 or go to for further schedule information. Recreation Center Rules: 1. Participants must sign in upon entering the center and sign out when leaving. 2. Individuals will be courteous to other participants and limit their play to allow others to participate. 3. There is no swearing, fighting or disruptive behavior allowed. 4. No food or drink may be consumed or brought onto the carpeted areas of the community center. 5. Participants will take care of the equipment and take responsibility for any items that are damaged due to misuse while they are using them. 6. Toys and games must be put away and the area left as found. Thank You! The Gates Recreation and Parks Department staff would like to extend our thanks to the New York State Office of Children and Family Services through the Rochester-Monroe County Youth Bureau for partial funding. Special thanks are given to the Gates Chili School District for their continual support and cooperation in use of their facilities, equipment, and athletic instructors. Also thanks to Rochester Regional Health System Total Sports Experience and Rochester Tech Park for use of their facilities. Special thanks are also extended to the Gates Town Board, Gates Recreation and Parks Commission and Friends of Gates Recreation & Parks for their continued support and to the numerous staff and volunteers who serve our programs. Special thanks are also given to our support services, including Gates Highway, Public Works and Building and Grounds, Gates Ambulance, Gates Police and Special Police, and Gates Fire District. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. 247-6100 ext. 235 23 Registration Information Registration for programs (unless otherwise stated) begins at 12:00 Noon on Monday, April 11th for Town of GATES RESIDENTS only. Non-residents may register, as space permits, beginning at noon on Monday, April 25th. HOW TO REGISTER FOR A PROGRAM On-Line: Follow the instructions and links on our web-site to complete your registration. Payment will need to be made by MasterCard, Visa or Discover. Registrations will be processed through a secure server. Mail-in: Please use the registration form on page 25 or print it from our website. In Person: Registrations will be accepted at the Recreation and Parks Office during regular business hours 9:00 AM to 5 PM Monday thru Friday and 5:00 – 7:00 PM on Thursday evenings. During the first week of registration we ask that you “drop off” your registration and it will be processed in the order that it was received. Drop Off: The Drop box is located along the outside wall of entrance to the Recreation Center, 1605 Buffalo Road. The drop box is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. NON-RESIDENTS Beginning at noon on Monday, April 25th non-residents are welcome to register for our programs (unless otherwise noted). Anyone not residing in the Town of Gates and/or paying town taxes to the Town of Gates is considered a non-resident. For most programs there will be a $6 non-resident fee (unless otherwise stated in the program description) for each class. All fees are due at time of registration. HOW TO PAY We accept Credit or Debit Cards (MASTERCARD, VISA or DISCOVER), check, cash or money order. Please do not send cash through the mail or place in the drop box. Registration confirmations/receipts will be sent via e-mail or mail. Please note there is a $25.00 processing fee for returned checks due to insufficient funds. WAITING LISTS Once the program is full, a waiting list will be generated. You will receive a call only if a space becomes available. SPECIAL ACCOMODATIONS Upon advance request, provisions will be made for any individual with disabilities as defined in the American Disabilities Act. Scholarships are available based on need for Gates residents. Call the Recreation and Parks Office for information. PROGRAM REGISTRATION REFUND POLICY Refund request must be made at least 3 days prior to the start of an activity, unless the class is canceled, modified, or a medical condition prevents participation (doctor’s written excuse required). Trips that require a ticket purchase are nonrefundable unless a waiting list exists or the participant is able to find someone to take their place. NO refunds once a program has begun. Refunds are processed on a monthly basis and must be approved by the Gates Town Board. The Town Board meets on the first Monday of each month. Refund checks will be mailed approximately ten days after this meeting. Depending on date of refund request or notification, refunds can take up to six weeks. A processing fee of 20% of the cost of the program registration fee will be retained unless the class is canceled or modified. Refunds for under $10 will be made via a household account credit or cash, which you will need to pick up at the Recreation and Parks Office. The Gates Recreation and Parks Department reserves the right to modify or change programs and fees as necessary. Participation by any person in a Recreation and Parks program may be terminated at any time by the department at its discretion. In order to further publicize Gates Recreation and Parks programs, participants may be photographed or videotaped during a program. If you do NOT want photos of those listed on the registration form, please contact the Recreation & Parks Office. Please contact the Recreation & Parks Office by phone at 247-6100, ext. 235 Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM 5:00 PM, by e-mail at, or via internet at for more information about department programs. Call our Activities Line at 426-1670 for updated recorded information. Upcoming Program Registration Dates Fall 2016: Mailed to Gates homes around August 17, 2016; registration begins Monday, August 29, 2016; most programs begin after September 10, 2016. 247-6100 ext. 235 24 REGISTRATION FORM GATES RECREATION & PARKS REGISTRATION FORM Please Print All Information, Except Signatures Head of Household Last Name: Head of Household Dat e of Birt h: Household Address St reet Email Address: Emergency Cont act : First Name: Gender: M F Town of Gat es Resident : YES NO Gat es Chili School Dist rict Resident : YES NO Cit y Primary Phone: Zip Secondary Phone: Relat ionship: Phone: Act ivit y Inf ormat ion (Please complet e all request ed inf ormat ion, including t he appropriat e T-Shirt Size ~ YS, YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, XL, XXL ~ if a t -shirt is provided and $6 or specif ied f ee per program, if you are a non-resident ): T ot al Dat e of Shirt Ge nde r Grade Siz e Program Class # Fe e Due Part icipant ’ s Name Birt h / / M F / / M F / / M F / / M F / / M F / / M F Non- re side nt f e e ( $ 6 pe r pe rson pe r program) T ot al Amount Enclose d: Mark Met hod of Payment : Check: _ _ _ _ _ Cash: _ _ _ _ _ Charge Card: _ _ _ _ _ Debit Card: _ _ _ _ _ ( see below f or aut horizat ion) Payme nt ( Ple ase comple t e all payme nt inf ormat ion) : I aut horiz e y ou t o charge my Mast e rCard: _ _ _ _ _ Credit Card No.: V isa: _ _ _ _ _ Expirat ion Dat e: $ $ Discove r: _ _ _ _ _ Amount : Signat ure of Card Holder SPECIAL NEEDS/ LIMITATIONS/ CONCERNS: ( include name & spe cial ne e ds) Liabilit y Waive r ( Ple ase re ad t he f ollowing st at e me nt and sign and dat e whe re indicat e d) : I assume all risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of the activities listed above and do hereby further release and hold harmless the Town of Gates and the Town of Gates Recreation and Parks Department staff and volunteers. I give permission to a licensed physician or hospital staff to administer emergency medical care deemed necessary for those listed above when normal permission is unavailable. I certify that those listed above are in good physical health and have no limitations other than those I have listed in SPECIAL NEEDS/LIMITATIONS/CONCERNS section above, which may predispose those listed above to risk during the programs listed above. I also fully realize that I must provide proper hospitalization. The Town of Gates does not provide accident insurance coverage. I have also read and understand the department’s registration information, including it’s refund policy and procedure. I also understand the department is not responsible for participants’ personal items if lost or stolen. I give permission for the Town of Gates to photograph or video tape those listed above during the indicted activity. By checking here, I authorize Gates Recreation and Parks Department to e-mail receipts instead of mailing via USPS Signat ure: ( if under 1 8 parent or guardian signat ure required) 247-6100 ext. 235 25 Dat e: General Information b Everyone is Welcome The Town of Gates and the Recreation and Parks Department welcomes persons with special needs in our programs. The Department is committed to providing quality recreation and leisure opportunities for everyone. We encourage those with special needs to participate in our programs and to make your experience with us the best it can be. b Share Your Talent The Gates Recreation and Parks Department is always looking for new and innovative talent. If you possess a skill and the ability to lead an activity, please call the Recreation and Parks office at 247-6100, ext. 235 to discuss your idea. b Volunteer The Gates Recreation and Parks Department depends on volunteers to assist with a variety of seasonal special events and park clean ups. Please contact the Recreation and Parks Department by phone at 247-6100, ext. 235 or go to www. for an application and to find out more about how you can serve your community. b Share Your Photos! Gates Recreation & Parks is looking for some great photos of you and your family taken while participating in our programs or events! Just email them to us at Identify the program and the participants. By e-mailing your photos, you consent to Gates Recreation & Parks Department the right to use your photo as it deems appropriate. Who Doesn’t Love Free Food?! The Gates Recreation and Parks Department staff are members of the National Recreation & Park Association, New York State Recreation and Park Society, and Genesee Valley Recreation and Park Society. The Details… Who: All Children 18 Years and Younger When: Monday - Friday, July 5 – August 19, 2016 Where: Gates Chili High School (Just walk in Door #50) Hours: Breakfast: 7:15 am - 9:30 am Lunch: 10:45 am - 1:00 pm Questions? Call 247-7213 USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 247-6100 ext. 235 26 General Information FRIENDS OF GATES RECREATION & PARKS Friends of Gates Recreation & Parks ‘Friends’ is a group of individuals who support the Town of Gates Recreation and Parks Department. As a not-forprofit organization, they are comprised of volunteers who work towards two complementary purposes. First, they provide grant development and procurement efforts to support development of recreation opportunities and park development in the Town of Gates. Second, as a group of volunteers, they assist with Gates Recreation and Park Department’s events. EUCHRE PARTY TOURNAMENTS Each month the Friends will host a friendly tournament to raise funds for Recreation & Park projects. You are welcome to bring something to pass. Suggestions: Last name beginning with: A-H...bring a snack food, I-P.... bring a dessert, Q-Z...bring a drink (coffee and water will be supplied). Any questions, call: Carol at 802-0546 or Mike at 797-8918. No pre-registration required. Pay at the door. Joining our group is an excellent opportunity to volunteer a little time for something that can have a lasting impact. For more information, call Linda Fowler at 247-6100, ext. 237. Adults ages 18 and up For: Dates: Saturdays, April 9, May 7, June 18, July 16, August 13 Time: Doors open at 5:15pm and cards begin at 6:00pm Location: Gates Community Center Annex Room, 1605 Buffalo Road $10 cash only Fee: BOARD MEMBERS President, Dennis Laba Secretary, Virginia Paddock Vice President, Greg Westbrook Trustee, Mike Ciaccia Treasurer, James Gray Trustee, Ann Paddock 247-6100 ext. 235 27 Gates-Chili Jr. Spartans Youth Football and Cheerleading Grades K-8 Registration is now open! 585-234-3556 Call now as our teams are filling quickly. For any questions, contact Rickey Ellis at: 585-234-3556 | Gates-Chili Jr. Spartans Youth Football and Cheerleading League is a not-for-profitvolunteer organization. A member of the “RYFC” Rochester Youth Football & Cheerleading League. 247-6100 ext. 235 28 247-6100 ext. 235 29 Upcoming Events for Fall 2016 Family Movie Nights............Fridays, September 16 & November 4 Oktober Fest Concert ...................................... Sunday, October 16 “Howl-o-ween”.................. Saturday, October 22 @ Westgate Park Halloween Party..................................................Friday, October 28 Halloween Festival........... Saturday, October 29 @ Garden Factory Veteran’s Day Service...................................... Friday, November 11 Christmas Tree Lighting................................ Saturday, December 3 Meet Joe Battaglia Joe is a part-time staff member that wears many “hats” for the department. He works in the office, leads or assists with many programs, has begun planning his own programs and is our new vehicle driver. Stop in the office and say “Hi” to Joe! Share Your Talent The Gates Recreation and Parks Department is always looking for new and innovative talent. If you possess a skill and the ability to lead an activity, please call the Recreation and Parks office at 247-6100, ext. 235 to discuss your idea. Lead an Activ ity! Meet Volunteer Darlene Markham Darlene has been a valuable volunteer for the Recreation & Parks Department since 2012. She has assisted in many special events including Veteran’s & Memorial Day Services, Easter Egg Hunts, Ice Cream Socials and many more. She is a new member of our Friends group and always has a smile and a kind word for everyone. Thank you Darlene for your service! Town of Gates Recreation and Parks Department 1605 Buffalo Road Rochester, NY 14624 (585) 247- 6100 ext. 235 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID ROCHESTER, NY PERMIT NO. 4381 TOWN OF GATES PUBLIC & PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS GATES PUBLIC LIBRARY.............................................. 247-6446 GATES GARDEN CLUB................................................ 869-5062 GATES CHILI CONTINUING EDUCATION & SWIMMING LESSONS............................................. 247-5345 SPORTSNET: Inclusive Opportunities for Persons with physical disabilities................ 271-1894 ext. 1794 WESTSIDE FAMILY YMCA........................................... 247-3501 ROCHESTER REGIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM TOTAL SPORTS EXPERIENCE.................................... 458-4263 GATES SOCCER........................................................... 520-2437 GATES CHILI LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL & GIRLS’ SOFTBALL: Joe Lynch, Director...................... 766-8769 GATES JR. SPARTANS FOOTBALL & CHEERLEADING: Rickey Ellis, President.................... 234-3556 GATES HISTORICAL SOCIETY.................................... 464-9740 GENESEE WATERWAYS CENTER, CANOEING, KAYAKING & ROWING.............................................. 328-3960 ITALIAN AMERICAN COMMUNITY CENTER............. 594-8882 GATES AMITA CLUB: Quintino DiCesare, Pres........... 247-6601 WESTSIDE EXPRESS (Gates/Chili Sr. Transport Service)... 889-6104
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is required. Sign in at the door, $10 per person. If you would like to bring
something to pass, we ask that if your last name begins with A – H, bring a