Letter - H. Tracy Hall Foundation
Letter - H. Tracy Hall Foundation
.r REIN-AJ -51-0117 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME Letter£"< FR( I c.,I The Size of Latex Particles No . I J B. R. X-Ray Scattering* LEONARD, JR . , J. W. A EREGG , PAUl. KAESU E RG,t AND W. " . BlmMAN D,,/UJrtmrlll 0/ Physics, Ullivcr . y oj ( Receiv ~Vis,olls':n. Madisol'z , Wisco1lsi1'Z October 17, 1951) HE discovery of e ext remely uniform size of the spher.· al T Jot has particles of ystyrene Dow latex S80 caused considerab interest in the possible use of these par cles as G, 358' a calibration ndard for electron microscopes. l A rvey of determinati s of the size of these particles has been esented by eterminations which depend on a mea rement with on microscope have led to an accepte value of 2590A particle diameter. Kern and Kern,' hower, have reported shadowed particles ue of 2590A for the diameter of the t a value of 2840A for obliquely shado ed particles. Recently,. investigators using other methods hav obtained diameters be· tween these two. Dandliker' has rep ted a value of 2720A as determined by light scattering an Yudowitch& has reported a value of 2740A by small angle x- ay scattering. Our result is in close agreement with these later alues. We have used the method small angle x-ray scattering 6 to . determine the particle dia eter from the secondary diffracted maxima characteristic of heres. The experimental arrangement used was similar to that f Ritland, Kaesberg, and Beeman. The angular distrib ion of scattered intensity from spheri I particles of uniform ectron density is given by the well-k own function 0:: J ) M 23, ing, s the x-ray wavelength, and R i the particle radius. The pos' IOns of the secondary maxima Cl minima of this function aT. known and are used to determ' e the particle radius. The scattered x-ray intensit depends on the square of the difference of the electron del ty between the particle and the surrounding medium. Sinc the electron density of the latex is very nearly that of wa ,the scattering from a suspension of all that its measurement is not feasible. latex in water is s Hence our sampl were run dry or in a suspension of methyl alcohol. The samples were dried over phosphorous pentoxide at oow The Effect of Pressure on Scintillation Phosphors' A. J . REINSCH ANU II. G . DR1 CKAMER Department oj Chemistry. Uui'l.lers ity oj llli" ois, Urbulln, IllilloiJ (Received October 19. 1951) I N the course of development of high lJreSSUre tracer techniques, a study has been made of the pressure coefficient of cadmium tungstate and anthracene phosphors in the range from atmospheric pressure to 10,000 atmospheres. The windows used were synthetic sapphire with the" e" axis oriented perpendicular to the fiats. 1.0,.....--..,---....,.---,---,..---, .. \ LATEX 8 . THIN ~ .----.~ ORY SAMPLE 0.8 ....... - -~ -. -~-.-- C. LATEX IN CH,OH ,.. Z 1.0 z o "'a: ..."' • \ • ,, 10 o , • II> .. 19l, • Research su pp ted in pa rt by the ONR a~d in p Alumni Rcscarcl oundation. t Departme of Biometry and Physics, Univer . y of Wisconsin. 1 R. C . Ba us and R. C. Williams, J. App!. P s. 19, 1186 (1948); R.C Backus an R. C . Williams, J. App!. Phys. ,224 (1949); G . D. ScOti' J. App!. lYS. 20, 417 (1949). . 'C, . Gerould. J. App!. Phys. 21, 183 950). 'S . Kern and R. A. Kern, J. Appl. hys . 21, 705 (1950). • . B. Dandliker, J , Am. Chern. So .72,5110 (1950). K. L. Yudowilch. J. App!. Phys. ,214 (1951). The value reported by r. Yudowtich in this article was 27 A. However. Dr. Yudowitch inrormt : the authors by private comm i tion prior to tillS experiment th.. t li~ had revised his result to 2740A • Ritland, Kaesbcrg, and B a n, J. Chem. Phys. 18, 1237 (1950); A. Guinier, Ann. phys. 12, 161 (1939); O. Kratky, J. Polyme( Sci. 3, 195 (19481. A. THICK DRY SAMPLE II> A R Y, atmospheric pressure, and the wet samples were obtained resuspending in methyl alcohol. The accompanying figure shows representative curves of I' scattered intensity vs angle obtained from two different thir'. nesses of dry sample and a wet sample. The curves all sholl' I) smea . g elTect resulting from finite slit dimensions. The I., sal lie curve also shows the elTcct of multiple scatlerin" SJ1l~a ' i g the peaks. We have observed the first seventeen axima frr,the thick sample and the first eight maxima fT n t.he thim:" samples and the wet samples. The accurac with which If, particle diameter can be determined is di ctly proportional :'" the scattering angle, and in the analysi of the data the vaL obtained are weighted in proportior 0 the angle. A weighl, average of 133 separate values 0 maxima and minima yicl,;. 2731A for the particle diameter. he weighted average devialir· of the individual measureme s from the mean is 34A, and tho statistical accuracy of the . n is about ±3A. The results fro1:1 the wet and dry s,lmples, e in agreement. We have also measure.1 a sample of the latex u d by Yudowitch in his determina ' anQ this gives a result c sistent with our value. A . .."' 1 N2{Sin(kR)-(kR) COS(kR)}2 (kR )' ' where },[ is le number of irradiated spheres, N s the number of sinO . er sphere, k=4,.. T' 0 IS one-ha 10' NUMBI!:I( o o .. 0.& .. ~----~~---~~---~------7----~~~.~~~ ~~ o SCATTERING ANGLE 4000 6000 PRBSUR£ ON CRYSTAL. FIG. I. Representative Curves of scattered x·ray intensil)' as a function of angle for nolystyrene Dow latex. FIG. 1. 152 8000 lopoo A TM • The effect of pressure on counting rate for _a CdWO. crystal on a sapphire window. .J tl Jl II f LETTERS 1 cfs 1 V. TO TH E 153 EDITOR I 1.0~ .. 7fo vcs of Ihe ent thid" I show Ihe The lhit ~ ~ • '.0 • ; in srllt>:H. ,,~. xima froll1 he thinnrr which th e )r tional t, ) the valu, .. , weightt·o\ . ima yield, : deviation -\, and Ihf !sults frum ) measure,l nation nn,l l- ---~ - - - -: --~-;-.- - . 6000 4000 2000 PRES5URE ON CRYSTAL. 8000 ,opoo A TV was no noticeable effect of pressure except on the fouling of the windows. An explanation of the phenomena can be obtained from Fig. 3, which shows the absorption cu rve for cadmium tungstate and the response curve of the photomultiplier tube. The strongest emission band for CdWO, is at 5200A, that for anthracene is at 4400A. From the absorption curve for CdWO" it is clear that no reasonable shift of the emission or absorption band combined would alone be sufficient to give the measured efTect. However, if th e emission band for CdWO, would shift 100A toward higher wavelengths, the relative response of the photomultiplier tube would decrease by 14 percent. A similar shift in the emission band for anthracene would result in a 3 percent decrease in relative tube response. The.authors are ind ebted to Dr. R. J. Maurer and his coJleagues of the Physics Department of the University of Illinois for running the absorption curve on CdWO., and for helpful conversations concerning the interpretation of the results. * This work was supported in pa rt by the AEC. 1 T. C. Poulter. Phys. Rev. 35. 297 (1930). 'Timmerhaus. Giller. Duffield. and Drickamer. Nucleonics 6. 37 (1950). Flc. 2. The effect of pressu re 011 counting rate for an anthracene crystal on a sapph ire window. ons il\. 1(48) ; R . C G. D. ~ ScUll. re por ted Iw itch inforl1U"11 Ilent that Ii,. 17 (1950); A l. 195 (194 ~J losphors' I1liu o;,f . techniqu l". of cadmiu m atmospher ic :re synthct k to the ilal . lh windows were one-half inch in diameter and one-half inch and covered a quarter-inch opening. The sapphire and the f:';r tll wcre ground and lapped Bat, and a Poulter' type seal was c«' 1. The bomb design and the other seals were standard of the \·.pc commonly used by P. W. Bridgman. In one test a plate glass >:ndo'" of approximately the same dimensions was used. III cach case the crystal was fastened to the window wi th Canada 1I.0I<'1 m, solid sulfur containing S" was piled on the crystal, and ;.n-reel with dissolved Lucite to protect it from the pressure!'.trI,rnilling fluid (heplane). The Lucite was permitted to harden . Hr night. The light was conducted from the window to a photo-liitil'li{'r tuhe hy a Lucite rod. The tu be was cooled to dry icc !'"'pcra ture. The tuhe circuit and general setup was only slighLiy .Iif,ed from that previously descrihed.' The pressure was ll1e;~sured by a manga nin gauge, calibraled rrtlm Ihe freezing point of mercury at O°C (7394 atm os). The rcsults for cadmium tungstate are shown in Fig. 1, those "'r ant hracene in Fig. 2. In each case there was an irreversihle ' ,(lel~e in cou nting rate, larger on the first run than on later runs, ":r to' the fou ling of the window. This effect was not large enough :.) mask t he distinct difi'erences in the behavior of the crystals. 1"- the case of cadmium tungstate there was a reversible pressure c:1<"\:1 on the scintillation efficiency, amounting to 15 to 20 percent ;"rcase ill efficiency at 10,000 atmospheres. For anthracene, there !~ic k. Direct Printing of Shadowed Electron Micrographs R. M. FlsrmR R esearch Laboratory. UlIiled Slates Sleel C01llpallY. Kearny. New Jer sey (Received November 5. 195t) S HADOWCASTINGI of electron microscope specimens is one of the most useful and often used techniq ues of electron microscopy. As is well known, shadowi ng, besides giving a threedimensional aspect to micrographs, improves the contrast of 'organic replicas and v'e ry fine particulate matter . Unfortunately, to obtain " black" shadows on prints a photographic reversal is required. This is done hy making a positive transparency from th e original neg.ttive and then making prinls fro m the posi tive. This extra slep increases the chance of scra tches, pin-holes, and loss of sharpness in the print and takes considerahle time, especially when many routine pictures are taken. For these reasons many laboratories make direct prints from the negatives and as a result the shadows on such prints arc white. The" shadow' cap" on heavily shadowed replicas is often mistaken for the shadow, leading to confusion as to the relief of detail on the surface. .c. 'OO;---'---::;;..,..."'<::~--r---'----'----, -. _I.... . .-.-.".,..... ........., / , ... . ...., 7· ~ CO~ 20 _ ~. I( I E,,'SS'ON SPECTRU" COW04 TRANS .... RESPONSE or ,ssrON TUBE / IPZI./' ~'~~-~--4~OOO~--~--~ so~o~o---L--'6~OOO WAVELENCTH. CdWO. ANCSTROloAS f·'G. J. CdWO. emission and transmission characteristics compared with r~sponse of photomultiplier tube I P21. Frc. 1. Cementit~ lamellae extracted from steel. Direct printed reversing paper. 16.000X. 011