heat flux - AICES - RWTH Aachen University
heat flux - AICES - RWTH Aachen University
RWTH Aachen University, August 25th, 2016 - Lecture 1 Calculating lattice thermal conductivity Luciano Colombo Department of Physics University of Cagliari, Italy A synopsis of available theoretical methods luciano.colombo@unica.it 1 1. Defining the canonical problem ❖ In general, heat, mass, and charge transport phenomena are coupled Reference (thermodynamics language): S. Kjelstrup & D. Bedaux “Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics of Heterogeneous Systems’’ (World Scientific, Singapore, 2008) Reference (solid-state physics language): J.M. Ziman “Electrons and Phonons” (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1960) ❖ Effective heat, mass, and charge transport diffusivity provided by Onsager coefficients ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ Jheat : heat flux d 1 1 dµ 1 dV µ : chemical potential Jheat = Lhh + Lhm + Lhc dz T T dz T dz V : electrostatic potential Lhh,hm,hc : Onsager coe↵s. ❖ General theory of Onsager coefficients proves that transport is dominated by the main coefficients Lii Ljj Lij Lji 0 i, j : h, m, c ❖ We can therefore focus just on (pure) thermal transport where the usual 1 thermal conductivity is linked to the Onsager coefficient through: = 2 Lhh T 2 ❖ Assumptions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Incompressible solid-state medium Non-polarizable medium Semiconductor or insulator Small temperature-gradient Homogeneous medium Isotropic medium no convective modes & no mass transport no electron contribution to linear response regime constant thermal conductivity scalar problem Fourier law ❖ Constitutive equations J~heat = J~ = ~ rT Heat diffusion equation J˙ ⇢ Cv @T 1 @T 2 r T+ = = @t ↵ @t steady-state conditions Jz = dT dz ❖ Most atomistic calculations addressed to calculate thermal conductivity in a steady-state condition 3 2. Synopsis of theoretical/computational methods Total-energy methods Molecular dynamics methods Equilibrium Ab initio Model potentials Boltzmann Transport Equation Non equilibrium Approach to equilibrium Green-Kubo Green-Kubo 4 - setting ∆T - setting J AEMD Part 1: solving Fourier by BTE ❖ Steady-state heat transport condition (one-dimensional case) Fourier law 1 X J= ~!q~s vq~s nq~s (T ) = N⌦ @T @z q ~s @T @nq~s vq~s @z @T BTE balance equation for the perturbed phonon population @nq~s @t phonon group velocity in the direction of heat flux linearized BTE ✓ non-equilibrium phonon population =0 scattering small perturbation @nq~s ⇠ @T (eq) @nq~s @T ❖ Standard procedure: single-mode (relaxation time) approximation (known as SMA or RTA) equilibrium for the phonon-phonon scattering term phonon population ✓ individual phonons thermalize independently @nq~s @t = scattering nq~s (eq) nq~s ⌧q~s 1 phonon population relaxes to equilibrium at rate ⌧q~s 5 ❖ Eventually, we get the full ab initio BTE thermal conductivity h i X ~2 (eq) (eq) 2 2 = ! v ⌧ n n ~s q q ~s q ~s q ~s q ~s + 1 2 N ⌦kB T q ~s linearized & SMA BTE consistent with kinetic theory 1 X = Cq~s,v vq~2s ⌧q~s N⌦ q ~s ❖ What is needed to implement the above expression (typically done using DFT-PT) phonon frequencies phonon group velocities phonon equilibrium population ❖ ❖ ❖ 3-phonon scattering rates ❖ 2nd-order interatomic force constants dynamical matrix diagonalization 3rd-order interatomic force constants account for all scattering processes Example: scattering rate for this event 1 ⌧ (~ q1 s1 ,~ q2 s2 )!~ q 3 s3 V (3) ⇠ X ~ G (eq) (eq) (eq) |V (3) (~q1 s1 , ~q2 s2 , ~q3 s3 )|2 nq~1 s1 nq~2 s2 (nq~3 s3 + 1) (~q1 s1 , ~q2 s2 , ~q3 s3 ) = ✓ ~ 8N !q~1 s1 !q~2 s2 !q~3 s3 ◆ 12 X X ~ r1 ~ r2 ~ r3 ↵ 6 ↵ ~ q ~1 +~ q2 q ~3 ,G (~q1~r1 , ~q2~r2 , ~q3~r3 ) 3rd-order interat. force consts. (~!q~1 s1 + ~!q~2 s2 ~!q~3 s3 ) e↵ (~r1 |~q1 s1 ) e↵ (~r2 |~q2 s2 ) e↵ (~r3 |~q3 s3 ) p p p m1 m2 m3 ❖ Implementation of ab initio (linearized) SMA-BTE thermal conductivity ✓ ✓ ✓ Matthiessen rule 1 X 1 = ⌧ ⌧m m ideally crystalline systems or systems containing few defects systems containing isotopic defects systems with boundaries Show-case application: thermal conductivity in homogeneous SixGe1-x alloys • • • homogeneous alloy described as (harmonic VCA + perturbations) perturbation #1: mass disorder an harmonic perturbation to VCA according to standard Tamura theory perturbation #2: anharmonicity: ✦ 2nd- and 3rd-order FCs calculated for Si, Ge, and (VCA-)Si0.5Ge0.5 ✦ FCs for SixGe1-x computed by quadratic interpolation ✦ scattering rates calculated by DFT-PT BTE SMA J. Garg, N. Bonini, B. Kozinsky, and N. Marzari, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 045901 (2011) 7 ❖ Beyond single-mode (relaxation time) approximation (eq) @n @nq~s q ~s ✓ still valid: small perturbation ⇠ @T @T ✓ new formulation of the scattering term (1st-order expansion) (eq) nq~s = nq~s (eq) kB T @nq~s fq~s ~! @z 2 describes the deviation from the equilibrium phonon population ❖ The (linearized) BTE is now cast in the form vq~s (eq) @nq~s @T = X (fq~1 s1 + fq~2 s2 q ~2 s2 ,~ q 3 s3 1 + (fq~1 s1 2 fq~2 s2 1 fq~3 s3 ) ⌧ (~ q1 s1,~ q2 s2)!~ q 3 s3 1 fq~3 s3 ) ⌧ q ~1 s1!(~ q2 s2,~ q3 s 3 ) for which there exist feasible “exact” solutions • • • iterative variational (with trial funct.) variational (with CG) M. Omini, A. Sparavigna, Il Nuovo Cimento D 19, 1537 (1997) R.H.H. Hamilton, J.E. Parrot, Phys. Rev. 117, 1284 (1969) G. Fugallo, M. Lazzeri, L. Paulatto, F. Mauri, Phys. Rev. B 88, 045430 (2013) ❖ Full ab initio exact thermal conductivity eventually obtained as h i X ~2 (eq) (eq) = !q~s vq~s nq~s nq~s + 1 fq~s 2 N ⌦kB T q ~s 8 A. Cepellotti et al., Nature Comm. 6, 6400 (2015) ❖ Is it worthy of? BTE variational CG G. Fugallo et al., Phys. Rev. B 88, 045430 (2013) BTE variational CG Isotopically enriched diamond J. Garg, Ph.D. thesis, MIT (2011) BTE SMA 9 BTE iterative solution Part 2: solving Fourier by calculating the heat flux ❖ Framework 1 : linear-response theory of transport coefficients R(t) lim = t!+1 rB a time-independent perturbation rB R(t) a response in steady-state conditions 1 = lim 3V kB T t!+1 Z t 0 ⌘ ⇠ lim t!+1 ⌘ Z t 0 ds h⇠(s)⇠(0)i the transport coefficient is the auto-correlation function of suitable physical quantity ~ · J(0)i ~ ds hJ(s) ❖ Framework 2 : direct MD simulation 1. set initial ∆T 2. age the system until reaching steady-state 3. compute J hJ(t)i = T h 10 L i Common issue: how to compute the heat flux J ❖ Fundamentals X d (tot) J~ = ~ri Ei dt J~ = i (tot) Ei X d~vi dt i (tot) Ei + X i kinetic (convective) term negligible for solid-state systems 1 = mi vi2 + Ui 2 J~ ' X i ~ri ⇣ F~i · ~vi ⌘ (tot) dEi ~ri dt potential term + Problem: how to define Ui X i dUi ~ri dt ❖ Practical implementations: classical many-body potentials Z. Fang et al., Phys. Rev. B0 92, 094301 (2015) 1 X X 1X @ U= Ui = Uij A 2 i i j6=i @Ui @Uj ~ Fji = ~rij ~rji ◆ X X ✓ @Uj J~ ' ~rij · ~vi @~rji i F~ij = j6=i general solution valid for any many-body interaction potential ab initio total-energy A. Marcolongo et al., Nature Physics, 10.1038/nphys3509 (2015) A very recent paper, finally solving the dilemma “… in first principles calculations it is impossible to uniquely decompose the total energy E(tot) into individual contributions Ei(tot) from each atom… “ We can compute J~ fully ab initio by DFT 11 ❖ Computational challenge in using 1 = lim 3V kB T t!+1 Z t 0 ~ · J(0)i ~ ds hJ(s) Y. He et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14, 16209 (2012) Need long simulations Need large simulation cells c-Si sample containing 4096 atoms c-Si sample @ 300K 12 hJ(t)i ❖ Computational challenge in using the direct method = h LT i Generating a thermal gradient by Langevin thermostats in a 500x3x3 c-Si box - THICK terminal layers 1000 900 local temparature at each slab [K] 800 1. set initial ∆T 2. age the system until reaching steady-state 3. compute J 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 200000 400000 600000 timestep [3fs] 800000 1e+06 C. Melis et al., Eur. J. Phys. B 87, 96 (2014) 13 Part 3: Solving Fourier without calculating the heat flux Key idea: set J and then compute corresponding ∆T in steady-state conditions PBCs along the heat transport direction ❖ Solution #1 : rescale kinetic energy P.K. Schelling et al., Phys. Rev. B 65, 144306 (2002) 1. kinetic energy of atoms in the “hot” and “cold” resevoir is rescaled by the same amount ±∆ekin for a time ∆t ekin 2. resulting heat flux: J = 2A t ❖ Solution #2 : swap atomic velocities F. Müller-Plathe, J. Chem. Phys. 106, 6081 (1997) 1. select the coldest/hottest atom in the“hot”/“cold” resevoir and swap their velocity vector ~vc $ ~vh 2. repeat swapping for a time ∆t X 1 v2 v2 c 3. resulting heat flux: J = m h 2 2A t #swaps 14 where Jin,out 1 @Win,out = A @t % error No PBCs along the heat transport direction 8000 4000 0 -4000 -8000 -12000 0 ✓ ✓ 15 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 2 1 0 -1 time average -2 0 0.2 200 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 0.4 0.6 time (ns) 0.8 1 1.2 1 1.2 time average 0 ✓ injected extracted time (ns) heat flux (meV fs-1nm-2) 1. couple left/right ends to a hot/cold thermostat 2. reach steady-state and keep the system there 1 3. resulting heat flux: J = (Jin + Jout ) 2 exchanged energy (eV) ❖ Solution #3 : calculate “thermostatting work” instead of heat flux 0.2 0.4 0.6 time (ns) 0.8 all atoms are used to define L accurate definition of steady-state no PBCs needed: allow for interface calcns. Part 4: Solving Fourier with no heat flux …nor long simulations C. Melis et al., Eur. J. Phys. B 87, 96 (2014) Approach to equilibrium MD (AEMD) 1. define an initial non-equilibrium (periodic) condition 2. age the system to reaching equilibrium by a NVE MD run 3. evaluate on-the-fly the difference between average temperature 4. formal solution of the heat equation provides X ↵2n ̄t TA (t) = Cn e n where ̄ = /⇢cv thermal diffusivity ↵n = 2⇡n/Lz Cn = 8(Thot Tcold )[cos(↵n Lz /2) 1]2 Just fit ∆TA(t) on the calculated hTleft (t)i 16 hTright (t)i Merits & Limitations Merits - BTE - Green-Kubo - - MD - no heat flux - AEMD - Limitations robust theoretical foundation can be exploited fully ab initio available in SMA or “exact” formulation full quantum theory robust theoretical foundation one calculation allows for the full thermal conductivity tensor available ab initio as well as by empirical potentials any structure (crystalline or not) does not require the implementation of the heat flux implementation straightforward already available in most MD codes any structure (crystalline or not) does not require the implementation of the heat flux (almost) non need of coding comparatively (much) shorter simulations any structure (crystalline or not) 17 - implementation not straightforward computationally heavy only valid for crystalline systems - does require the implementation of the heat flux long simulations needed - long simulations needed - still need to be tested more extensively, meaning: the method is still in its infancy; generalizations are needed for non-trivial configurations -