Jul-Sep, 32-3 - MinorPlanet.Info
Jul-Sep, 32-3 - MinorPlanet.Info
THE MINOR PLANET BULLETIN BULLETIN OF THE MINOR PLANETS SECTION OF THE ASSOCIATION OF LUNAR AND PLANETARY OBSERVERS VOLUME 32, NUMBER 3, A.D. 2005 JULY-SEPTEMBER 120 LACHESIS – A VERY SLOW ROTATOR Colin Bembrick Mt Tarana Observatory PO Box 1537, Bathurst, NSW, Australia bembrick@ix.net.au Bill Allen Vintage Lane Observatory 83 Vintage Lane, RD3, Blenheim, New Zealand (Received: 17 January Revised: 12 May) Minor planet 120 Lachesis appears to belong to the group of slow rotators, with a synodic period of 45.84 ± 0.07 hours. The amplitude of the lightcurve at this opposition was just over 0.2 magnitudes. 45. were light-time corrected. Aspect data are listed in Table I, which also shows the (small) percentage of the lightcurve observed each night, due to the long period. Period analysis was carried out using the “AVE” software (Barbera, 2004). Initial results indicated a period close to 1.95 days and many trial phase stacks further refined this to 1.910 days. The composite light curve is shown in Figure 1, where the assumption has been made that the two maxima are of approximately equal brightness. The arbitrary zero phase maximum is at JD 2453077.240. Due to the long period, even nine nights of observations over two weeks (less than 8 rotations) have not enabled us to cover the full phase curve. The period of 45.84 hours is the best fit to the current data. Further refinement of the period will require (probably) a combined effort by multiple observers – preferably at several longitudes. Asteroids of this size commonly have rotation rates of 120 Lachesis -1.1 Period = 1.910 days Previous observations (Debehogne et al, 1983) over three nights in 1983 could not determine a period, but did suggest it was “much longer than 20 hours” and that this asteroid belonged to the slow rotator group. Observations over two nights in 1990 (HainautRoulle et al., 1995) were also insufficient to determine a period, but an overall magnitude variation of 0.14 was noted on one night. Observations were made on three nights in 1995 (Angeli et al., 1999), but the low time resolution was totally inadequate to assist in determining the period of this minor planet. Observations by one of the authors (CB) over four nights in 1999 and six nights in 2001 were also inadequate to resolve the period, although these data did indicate that the period had to be longer than 20 hours and the magnitude variation was >0.1. Observations in 2004 were conducted from two sites – one in NewZealand and one in Australia. The locations of these sites are listed in Bembrick et al. (2004). In all, nine nights of observations were acquired, using unfiltered differential photometry. All data Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-21 Mar-24 Mar-25 Mar-26 Mar-28 Mag -1.0 Delta Minor planet 120 Lachesis was discovered on 10 April, 1872 from Marseilles by A. Borrelly. It was independently discovered the next day by C.H.F. Peters. It is named for one of the three Fates. Lachesis carries the scroll and determines the length of the thread of life. This central main-belt asteroid is estimated to be174 km diameter and belongs to Tholen class C. The albedo is quoted as 0.045 and the B-V= 0.70. The latest list of rotational parameters (Harris & Warner, 2003) gives the rotation period as greater than 20 hours and the magnitude variability as > 0.14, with a reliability of only 1. -0.9 -0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Phase 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Table I. Aspect data for 120 Lachesis observations in 2004. UT Date 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar 14 15 18 19 21 24 25 26 28 PAB Long 177.1 177.1 177.1 177.1 177.1 177.0 177.0 177.0 177.0 PAB Lat -2.2 -2.2 -2.3 -2.4 -2.4 -2.5 -2.5 -2.6 -2.6 Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) Available on line http://www.minorplanetobserver.com/mpb/default.htm Phase Angle 1.5 1.2 1.0 1.3 1.9 3.0 3.4 3.8 4.5 %Phase Coverage 11 14 8 6 3 15 15 11 14 1.0 46 more than 2 rotations per day (Binzel et al., 1989), thus Lachesis is by comparison a very slow rotator. Bembrick, C.S., Richards, T., Bolt, G., Pereghy, B., Higgins, D. and Allen, W.H. (2004). “172 Baucis – A Slow Rotator”. Minor Planet Bulletin, 31, 51-52. Acknowledgements Alan Gilmore of Mt John Observatory is thanked for his critical comments on an early version of this light curve. References Angeli, C. A., Lazzaro, D., Florczak, M.A., Betzler, A.S. and Carvano, J.M. (1999). “A contribution to the study of asteroids with long rotational periods.” Planetary & Space Sci., 47, pp 699714. Barbera, R. (2004). “AVE” Analisis de Variabilidad Estelar, version 2.51. Grup d’Estudis Astronomics. http://usuarios.lycos.es/barbera/AVE/AveInternational.htm 2004-2005 WINTER OBSERVING CAMPAIGN AT ROSE-HULMAN INSTITUTE: RESULTS FOR 1098 HAKONE, 1182 ILONA, 1294 ANTWERPIA, 1450 RAIMONDA, 2251 TIKHOV, AND 2365 INTERKOSMOS Crystal LeCrone Don Addleman Thomas Butler Erin Hudson Alex Mulvihill Chris Reichert Ian Ross Harry Starnes Richard Ditteon Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology CM 171 5500 Wabash Avenue Terre Haute, IN 47803 richard.p.ditteon@rose-hulman.edu (Received: 25 March) CCD images recorded in November and December 2004 and January and February 2005 using the Tenagra 32inch telescope and three telescopes located at RoseHulman’s Oakley Observatory yielded lightcurves and periods for six asteroids: 1098 Hakone, 7.14 ± 0.01 h, 0.40 mag; 1182 Ilona, 29.8 ± 0.1 h, 1.20 mag; 1294 Antwerpia, 6.63 ± 0.01 h, 0.40 mag; 1450 Raimonda, 12.66 ± 0.02 h, 0.64 mag; 2251 Tikhov, 5.67 ± 0.01 h, 0.40 mag; and 2365 Interkosmos, 5.78 ± 0.01 h, 0.36 mag. In addition to these results, we found little or no lightcurve amplitude, possibly indicative of long periods, for asteroids 1114 Lorraine, 1166 Sakuntala, and 4332 Milton. During the winter of 2004-2005 eight Rose-Hulman students (LeCrone, Addleman, Butler, Hudson, Mulvihill, Reichert, Ross, and Starnes) and a professor (Ditteon) obtained images with the 32-inc Ritchey-Chretien telescope with a V-filter at the Tenagra Observatory in Arizona and three 14-inch Celestron telescopes on Binzel, R.P., Farinella, P., Zappala, V. and Cellino, A. (1989). “Asteroid Rotation Rates.” In Asteroids II (Binzel, Richard P., Gehrels, Tom and Matthews, Mildred Shapley, eds.) pp416-441. Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson. Debehogne, H., De Sanctis, G. and Zappala, V. (1983). “Photelectric Photometry of Asteroids 45, 120, 776, 804, 814 and 1982 DV”. Icarus, 55, pp 236-244. Hainaut-Roulle, M.-C., Hainaut, O.R. and Detal, A. (1995). “Lightcurves of selected minor planets.” Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 112, pp 125-142. Harris, A.W. and Warner, B.D. (2003). “Minor PLanet Lightcurve Parameters”. Updated Dec. 15 2003. http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/lists/LightcurveDat.html Paramount mounts at the Oakley Observatory in Terre Haute, Indiana. The Tenagra telescope operates at f/7 with a CCD camera using a 1024x1024x24u SITe chip and the images were binned 2 by 2 (Schwartz, 2004). The Oakley Telescopes operate at f/7 with two Apogee AP7 and one Apogee AP8 cameras. The AP7s have 512x511x24u SITe chips, one of which uses a V-filter, and the AP8 has a 1024x1024x24u SITe chip. The exposures were 60 seconds for Tenagra and 240 seconds for Oakley images. Asteroids were selected for observation by using TheSky, published by Software Bisque, to locate asteroids that were at an elevation angle of between 20º and 30º one hour after local sunset. In addition, TheSky was set to show only asteroids between 14 and 16 mag. Bright asteroids were avoided because we pay for a minimum 60 second exposure while using the Tenagra telescope. The asteroids were cross checked with the list of lightcurve parameters (Harris and Warner 2003). We tried to observe only asteroids that did not have previously reported measurements or had very uncertain published results. Observation requests for the asteroids and Landolt reference stars were submitted by Ditteon using ASCII text files formatted for the TAO scheduling program (Schwartz, 2004). The resulting images were downloaded via ftp along with flat field, dark and bias frames. Standard image processing was done using MaxImDL, published by Diffraction Limited. Photometric measurements and light curves were prepared using MPO Canopus, published by BDW Publishing. A total of 9 asteroids were observed during this campaign, but lightcurves were not found for all of these asteroids. If an asteroid had a very small variation in brightness or if the signal-to-noise ratio was too small, that asteroid was dropped from further observation. This allowed the maximum number of quality observations with limited funds. The data on two asteroids (1166 Sakuntala and 4332 Milton) turned out to be little more than noise, while the data on 1114 Lorraine had no observable magnitude variation. 1098 Hakone. Asteroid 1098 Hakone was discovered on 5 September 1928 by O. Oikawa at Tokyo. It was named for a composite volcanic mountain about 80 km from the observatory Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 47 where the asteroid was discovered (Schmadel, 1999). A total of 55 images were taken over three nights: 31 January, 3 February, and 4 February 2005. The data reveal a lightcurve with a 7.14 ± 0.01 h period and 0.40 mag amplitude. All of the images of Hakone were taken at the Tenagra Observatory. 1182 Ilona. Ilona was discovered on 3 March 1927 by K. Reinmuth at Heidelberg. Any reference of this name to a person or occurrence is unknown (Schmadel, 1999). A total of 81 images were taken over five nights: 31 January, 3, 4, 7, and 8 February 2005. The data reveal a lightcurve with a 29.8 ± 0.1 h period and 1.20 mag amplitude. Ilona had a long period, which would normally disqualify it from further observation, but because we happened to catch a minimum and a maximum, additional nights were acquired to produce an acceptable lightcurve. Poor weather and equipment problems at Tenagra prevented completing the lightcurve. All of the images of Ilona were taken at the Tenagra Observatory. 1294 Antwerpia. Antwerpia was discovered on 24 October 1933 by E. Delporte at Uccle. It was named for the city of Antwerp, Belgium (Schmadel, 1999). A total of 56 images were taken over three nights: 31 January, 3 February, and 4 February 2005. The data reveal a light curve with a 6.63 ± 0.01 h period and 0.40 mag amplitude. All of the images of Antwerpia were taken at the Tenagra Observatory. Acknowledgements This research was made possible by a grant from Sigma Xi to Crystal LeCrone and funds from the Indiana Academy of Sciences. We also want to thank Michael Schwartz and Paulo Holvorcem for making remote observing with their telescope both possible and enjoyable. References Schwartz, M. (2004). “Tenagra Observatories, Ltd.” http://www.tenagraobservatories.com/, last referenced 29 April. Schmadel, Lutz D. (1999). Dictionary of Minor Planet Names. Springer: Berlin, Germany. 4th Edition. Harris, A. W. and Warner, B. D (2003). “Minor Planet Lightcurve Parameters.” 2003 Dec. 15. http://cfawww.harvard.edu/iau/lists/LightcurveDat.html, last referenced 29 April. 1450 Raimonda. Raimonda was discovered 20 February 1938 by Y. Väisälä at Turku. It was named in honor of Dr. Jean Jacques Raimond, president of the Dutch Astronomical Society and director of the Zeiss planetarium at The Hague (Schmadel, 1999). A total of 58 images were taken over four nights: 14, 16, and 17 December 2004. The data reveal a lightcurve with a 12.66 ± 0.02 h period with 0.64 mag amplitude. All of the images of Raimonda were taken at the Oakley Observatory with a V-filter. 2251 Tikhov. Asteroid 2251 Tikhov was discovered 19 September 1977 by N. S. Chernykh at Nauchnyj. It was named in memory of Gavriil Adrianovich Tikhov, who was active on the staff of the Pulkovo Observatory and head of the astrobotanical department of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences (Schmadel, 1999). A total of 37 images were taken over two nights: 10 and 11 December 2004. The data reveal a light curve with a 5.67 ± 0.01 h period with 0.40 mag amplitude. Images of Tikhov were taken at the Oakley Observatory and the Tenagra Observatory. 2365 Interkosmos. Asteroid 2365 Interkosmos was discovered on 30 December 1980 by Z. Vávrová at Klet. It was named in honor of the eastern European organization for space exploration (Schmadel, 1999). A total of 88 images taken over 3 nights: 11, 15, and 17 December 2004. The data reveal a light curve with a 5.78 ± 0.01 h period and 0.36 mag amplitude. Images of Interkosmos were taken at the Oakley Observatory and the Tenagra Observatory. All of our data is available upon request. Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 48 LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS OF ASTEROIDS 106, 752, 847, 1057, 1630, 1670, 1927, 1936, 2426, 2612, 2647, 4087, 5635, 5692, AND 6235 Donald P. Pray Carbuncle Hill Observatory P.O. Box 946 Coventry, RI 02816 dppray@hotmail.com (Received: 21 January Revised: 28 April) Lightcurve period and amplitude results are reported for fifteen asteroids observed at Carbuncle Hill Observatory during June 2004 - March 2005. The following synodic periods and amplitudes were determined: 106 Dione, 16.26±0.02h, 0.08±0.02m; 752 Sulamitis, 27.367±0.005h, 0.20±0.03m; 847 Agnia, 14.827±0.001h, 0.45±0.03m; 1057 Wanda, 28.49±0.03h, 0.14±0.02m; 1630 Milet, 32.55±0.03h, 0.37±0.03m; 1670 Minnaert, 3.528±0.001h, 0.23±0.02m; 1927 Suvanto, 8.163±0.003h, 0.60±0.03m; 1936 Lugano, 19.651±0.015h, 0.31±0.04m; 2426 Simonov, 5.811±0.002h, 0.40±0.03m; 2612 Kathryn, 7.700±0.002h, 0.43±0.02m; 2647 Sova, 9.37±0.01h, 0.30±0.02m; 4087 Part, 16.47±0.02h, 0.59±0.03m; 5635 Cole, 5.792±0.001h, 0.33±0.04m; 5692 Shirao, 2.886±0.002h, 0.12±0.03m; (6235) 1987VB, 15.515±0.002h, 0.60±0.04m. Carbuncle Hill Observatory, MPC code I00, is located about twenty miles west of Providence, RI, in one of the darkest spots in the state. Observations were made using two telescope/CCD systems housed in separate buildings. One is an SBIG ST-10XME CCD camera, binned 3x3, coupled to a 0.35m f/6.5 SCT. The other consists of an SBIG ST-7ME CCD camera, binned 1x1, coupled to a 0.32m f/3 Newtonian. These systems produced image dimensions of 21x14 arc min, and 25x16 arc min, respectively. All observations were taken through the “clear” filter. Image Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 49 calibration via dark frames, bias frames and flat field frames was performed using “MaxIm DL”. Lightcurve construction and analysis was accomplished using “Canopus” developed by Brian Warner. Differential photometry was used in all cases, and all measurements were corrected for light travel time. Nine asteroids, 1936 Lugano, 1927 Suvanto, 752 Sulamitis, 5692 Shirao, 1630 Milet, 5635 Cole, 6235 1987VB, 847 Agnia, and 106 Dione were selected from the “Call” website’s “List of Potential Lightcurve Targets” (Warner 2005). Five other asteroids, 2612 Kathyrn, 1057 Wanda, 1670 Minnaert, 2647 Sova, and 2426 Simonov were observed as part of Stephen Slivan’s Koronis family study as members of a control group. One object, 4087 Part, coincidently appeared in the same field as another target, and became a target in it’s own right. Most of these did not have their rotation periods published in the list of “Minor Planet Lightcurve Parameters” maintained by Harris and Warner (2005). The exceptions were 106 Dione, whose period was listed at 15h, but with a low quality rating, and 5692 Shirao with a listed period of 2.86h. Lightcurve plots for all objects are shown at the end of the article. Results are described below. 106 Dione. Discovered in 1868 at Ann Arbor by J. C. Watson, 106 Dione was determined to have a synodic period of 16.26+0.02h, with a lightcurve amplitude of 0.08+0.02m. 689 images taken in nine sessions between December 4, 2004 and January 11, 2005 were used to make this determination. The derived period is an improvement to the15h estimate presented in the list of Minor Planet Lightcurve Parameters, Harris and Warner (2005). The IRAS Minor Planet Survey, as appears in the Small Bodies Node of NASA’s Planetary Data System, (henceforth IRAS V4.0), lists 106 Dione as having an assumed absolute V magnitude of 7.41, a mean albedo of 0.0893 ± 0.003, and an effective diameter of 146.6 ± 2.8 km. 752 Sulamitis. G. Neujmin, and M. Belyavskij discovered 752 Sulamitis in 1913 at Simeis. IRAS V4.0 lists an “H” of 10.10, and an albedo of 0.0409+0.002, leading to an effective diameter of 62.77+1.4 km. Nineteen observing sessions were performed between January 11, and March 11, 2005. 708 images were taken to derive a synodic period of 27.367+0.005h with an amplitude of 0.20+0.03m. The phase angle ranged from 1.9 to 23.4 degrees. 847 Agnia. G. Neujmin discovered this object in 1915 at Simeis. IRAS V4.0 lists an estimated diameter of 28.04+1.7 km with an assumed absolute V magnitude of 10.29, and albedo of 0.172 +0.022. During seven sessions between December 14, 2004 and January 11, 2005, 406 images were taken to derive a synodic period of 14.827+0.001h with an amplitude of 0.45+0.03m. The observed phase angle changed from 5.1 to 15.8 degrees. 1057 Wanda. Wanda was discovered on August 18, 1925 at Simeis by, G. Shajn, although it was independently discovered on Aug. 19 by K. Reinmuth at Heidelberg, and this discovery was announced first. (IRAS V4.0). IRAS V4.0 lists an estimated diameter of 40.47+2.1km. From October 6 to November 16, 2004, a total of 501 images were taken during eleven sessions. A period of 28.49+0.03h with an amplitude of 0.14+0.02m was derived. Wanda was observed at phase angles ranging from 2.7 to 19.0 degrees. 1630 Milet. Discovered in 1952 by L. Boyer at Algiers, IRAS V4.0 lists an absolute magnitude of 11.20, and an effective diameter of 20.03+1.3 km. A synodic period of 32.55+0.03h was found with an amplitude of 0.37+0.03m. Between March 4 and March 31, 2005, twelve sessions were performed providing 542 images. The phase angle range was from 2.8 to 12.4 degrees. 1670 Minnaert. This object was discovered in 1934 at Johannesburg (LS) by H. Van Gent. The synodic period was determined to be 3.528+0.001h with an amplitude of 0.23+0.02m. 124 images were taken in two sessions on December 21 and December 30, 2004. The assumed absolute V magnitude is 11.38 (IRAS V4.0). This asteroid was observed as part of Stephen Slivan’s Koronis family study (Slivan 2004). 1927 Suvanto. Discovered in 1936 at Turku by R. Suvanto, IRAS V4.0 lists the absolute magnitude as 11.60. Five sessions were performed between February 28 and March 10, 2005, gathering 170 images. The period was found to be 8.163+0.003h, with amplitude of 0.60+0.03m. The phase angle ranged from 7.2 to 7.4 degrees. 1936 Lugano. With an assumed “H” of 11.10, and albedo of 0.104+0.008, the effective diameter is calculated to be 24.8+0.8 km (IRAS V4.0). From January 19 to February 26, 2005, eleven sessions were accomplished, netting 325 images. From these, the synodic period was derived to be 19.651+0.015h, with an amplitude of 0.31+0.04m. Phase angle ranged from 12.7 to 15.4 degrees. 2426 Simonov. 2426 Simonov has an effective diameter of 24.0+1.8 km, and was discovered in 1976 at Nauchnyj by N. Chernykh (IRAS V4.0). The derived period was found to be 5.811+0.002h. The lightcurve’s amplitude was 0.40+0.03m. Between March 6 and March 11, 2005, 93 images were taken. This asteroid was observed as part of Stephen Slivan’s Koronis family study (Slivan 2004). 2612 Kathryn. 2612 Kathryn was discovered in 1979 at Flagstaff (AM) by N. G. Thomas, (IRAS V4.0). 127 images were taken between June 8, and June 25, 2004, in six sessions. The measured synodic period was 7.700+0.002h with an amplitude of 0.43+0.02m. It was observed at phase angles varying from 18.4 to 20.2 degrees. This asteroid was observed as part of Stephen Slivan’s Koronis family study (Slivan 2004). 2647 Sova. This object was discovered in 1980 at Klet by Z. Vavrova. It is a member of the Flora family, and has a listed absolute magnitude of 12.50. 157 images were taken in three sessions between January 11, and January 19, 2005. The synodic period and amplitude were found to be 9.37+0.01h, and 0.30+0.02m, respectively. This asteroid was observed as part of Stephen Slivan’s Koronis family study (Slivan 2004). 4087 Part. This asteroid fortuitously appeared in the field of another measured object on two successive nights, so photometry was performed on it as well. It was originally discovered by E. Bowell in 1986 at Flagstaff, and is given an “H” value of 13.30 (IRAS V4.0). A synodic period of 16.47+0.02h was derived with an amplitude of 0.59+0.03m. 174 images were gathered between March 15 and March 20, 2005 in four sessions. 5635 Cole. Also known as 1981 ER5, 1986 XC5, and 1988 CO5, this object was discovered in 1981 at Siding Spring by S. J. Bus, and has an absolute V magnitude of 13.80 (IRAS V4.0). It was observed between August 23 and September 11, 2004, with phase angles ranging between 8.3 and 13.7 degrees. Seven sessions were conducted to gather 185 data points. The synodic period was found to be 5.792+0.001h, with an amplitude of 0.33+0.04m. Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 50 5692 Shirao. Shirao was discovered in 1992 at Kitami by Endate and Watanabe. 102 imaged were taken in three sessions between March 14-17, 2005 to derive a synodic period of 2.886+0.002h, with a 0.12+0.03m amplitude. The phase angle varied from 7.8 to 6.3 degrees. The period and amplitude were previously reported as 2.86h and 0.16m respectively (Behrend, 2004). (6235) 1987VB. This asteroid was discovered in 1987 at Kushiro by Ueda and Kaneda (IRAS V4.0). 396 images were taken between December 4, 2004 and January 2, 2005, in eight sessions. The measured synodic period was 15.515+0.002h with an amplitude of 0.60+0.04m. It was observed at phase angles varying from 1.9 to 15.8 degrees. It is a member of the Flora family with an assumed absolute V magnitude of 13.10 (IRAS V4.0). Acknowledgements Thanks are given to Brian Warner for his continued development and improvement of the program, “Canopus”. References Behrend, R. (2004), Observatoire de Geneve web site, http://obswww.unige.ch/~behrend/page_cou.html. Harris, Alan W., and Warner, Brian D. (2005). “Minor Planet Lightcurve Parameters”, found on the Minor Planet Center web site: http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/lists/LightcurveDat.html. IRAS V4.0 from NASA Small Bodies Node of the Planetary Data System, IRAS Minor Planet Survey V4.0. http://pdssbn.astro.umd.edu/nodehtml/sbdb.html Slivan, S.M., Koronis Family Asteroids Rotation Lightcurve Observing Program web site. http://www.koronisfamily.com/ Warner, B.D. (2005). Collaborative Asteroid Lightcurve Link ( C A L L ) w e b s i t e . http://www.MinorPlanetObserver.com/astlc/default.htm. Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 51 Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 52 LIGHTCURVE OF 423 DIOTIMA Epilogue Roger Dymock 67 Haslar Crescent, Waterlooville, Hampshire, England, PO7 6DD (Obs. Code 940) roger.dymock@ntlworld.com For those of you reading this article and who have not yet tried their hand at photometry please give it a go. If I had believed those who said “If you aren’t doing all-sky photometry to a precision of 0.001 mag it isn’t worth the effort” I would never have got started. Differential photometry isn’t hard but you do have to be quite methodical and, once you have devised a procedure that works, write it down and follow it faithfully. (Received: 26 January) Lightcurve observations of 423 Diotima result in a period and amplitude estimate: 4.825 ± 0.150 hours and 0.19 ± 0.02 mag. Lightcurve observations of asteroid 423 Diotima are reported from Hampshire, England. My observatory is located in my back garden approximately 10 miles north of the city of Portsmouth on the south coast of England. My telescope is a 25-cm Orion Optics (UK) Newtonian reflector, equipped with a Starlight Xpress MX516 CCD camera, on an equatorial mount. The telescope is operated by a laptop connected to a Skysensor hand controller. Once set up the telescope can be operated via a wireless network between a PC in my study and the laptop in the observatory. 423 Diotima was chosen as a target from the list of asteroids on the ALPO Photometry and Shape Modeling web page. Discovered on 7th December 1896 by A. Charlois at Nice. Its rotational properties suggest it belongs to the Large Amplitude Short Period Asteroid (LASPA) class. This asteroid was well placed for a lengthy observing session (high in the south east) and of a magnitude (12.1) that enabled a high signal-to-noise ratio. The short predicted period (4.8 hours) allowed that I should be able to observe a complete rotation in a single night weather permitting. Observatory set up procedure is; switch on laptop, GPS receiver (for timing purposes) and CCD camera, polar and three point align telescope, load asteroid elements in to Megastar and plot predicted path of asteroid and locate target. Test images are then taken (using Astroart) and checked to ensure that the maximum pixel intensity is of the order of 50%. In this instance the exposure time was set at 30 secs but subsequently reduced to 20 secs. All images were obtained unfiltered. Imaging commenced at 19:35 UT on 12th January and ended at 02:16 UT the following morning. Calibration frames (5 darks, 5 flatdarks and 5 flats) were then taken, all images saved to CD and the observatory closed down at 02:45 UT. Images were processed on 13th January using Canopus. This program has taken a little getting used to, but I now find it and excellent tool for creating light curves. Brain Warner’s book ‘A Practical Guide to Lightcurve Photometry and Analysis’ has also proven helpful. From analysis of the 337 unfiltered images obtained the period was estimated to be 4.825 ± 0.150 hours and the amplitude 0.19 ± 0.02 mag. These agree reasonably well with those listed in the Asteroid Lightcurve Data Files referenced below. The lightcurve is shown in Figure 1. Lightcurve and data were sent to Richard Kowalski for inclusion in the ALPO Photometry and Shape Modeling Program. More information, which I hope will be of use to those new to both photometry and NEO imaging, can be found on the Near Earth Object web site I run on behalf of the British Astronomical Association, referenced below. References ALPO Photometry and Shape http://www.bitnik.com/mp/alpo/ Modeling British Astronomical Association http://www.britastro.org/main/index.html Program. website, BAA Near Earth Object website, http://homepage.ntlworld.com/roger.dymock/index.htm C a n o p u s w e b s i t e , http://www.minorplanetobserver.com/htms/mpocanopus.htm Di Martino, M., Cacciatori, S. (1984). “Rotation periods and light curves of the large asteroid 409 Aspasia and 423 Diotima.” Astronomy and Astrophysics 130, 206-207. Harris, A. Asteroid Lightcurve Data Files revised 23 September 2003. Ondrejov Observatory. http://sunkl.asu.cas.cz/~ppravec/neo.html Schrober, H.J. (1983). “The large C-type asteroid 423 Diotima: rotation period. Lightcurve and implications for a possible satellite.” Astronomy and Astrophysics 127, 301-303. Warner, B. D. (2003). A Practical Guide to Lightcurve Photometry and Analysis. Bdw Publishing, Colorado Springs. Acknowledgments My thanks to Richard Miles of the British Astronomical Association and to Petr Pravec of Ondrejov Observatory for their guidance with this particular aspect of astronomy. Figure 1: Lightcurve of 423 Diotima. The 0% Phase is equal to JD 2453383.426184 (corrected for light time). Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 53 THE SPACEWATCH VOLUNTEER SEARCH FOR FAST MOVING OBJECTS Robert S. McMillan, Miwa Block, and Anne S. Descour Lunar and Planetary Laboratory Kuiper Space Sciences Building 1629 East University Boulevard University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 bob@lpl.arizona.edu (Received: 31 March Revised: 2 April) We describe a program in which we welcome amateur astronomers and the general public to participate in the search for fast moving near-Earth objects. A condition of a grant from the Paul G. Allen Charitable Foundation was to make it possible for the general public to participate in the search for Near-Earth Objects (NEOs). Our solution to that challenge was to allow internet access to imagery from the 0.9m Spacewatch Telescope during the night they are taken. This allows anyone to discover closely approaching asteroids that leave trails during the time of the image exposure. Most asteroids appear as point sources or only slightly trailed images and are spotted by software. However, trails more than a few pixels in length are more difficult for our software to recognize as single moving objects rather than edge-on galaxies or trails of cosmic ray secondary particles. Furthermore, our mosaic of CCDs produces images of too much sky area for one observer to examine for trails while also tending to other chores during the night. Nevertheless, such candidate objects are moving so fast that if found, they should be followed up on the same night. Spacewatch imagery is well suited to spotting Fast-Moving Objects (FMOs) because the exposures are relatively long (2 minutes) and have a resolution of one arcsecond per pixel. Image pixel data are transmitted from Kitt Peak to the FMO website in Tucson in near realtime on every clear night that the mosaic of CCDs is operational. Applications Systems Analyst Miwa Block developed and maintains the web site for the volunteer program. Volunteers self-train on real FMO images as well as other features that can be confused with FMOs. Only fresh, previously unreviewed images are presented. Bandwidth limitations require the images on the web to be in jpeg format, so the observer on the mountain can see the candidate more clearly on the original display. Most of the candidates submitted are cosmic rays. If the candidate is real and seems to be recoverable, the observer provides the reviewer with Spacewatch’s provisional designation. Using this, the volunteer can watch for the object to appear on the Minor Planet Center's NEO Confirmation Page. Some amateurs have made efforts to recover their own objects. The average number of images that a volunteer inspects between discoveries is 940, amounting to about 180 square degrees of sky. However, the number of images reviewed to discover an FMO is a matter of luck. One reviewer found an FMO after reviewing only 25 images, while others have reviewed more than 5000 images before discovering one. As of 2005 March 30, 318 people had reviewed images. On an average clear night of observing, 35-40 reviewers are examining images. Currently, 25 volunteers have credit for detections or discoveries. Recoverable FMOs seen by reviewers are illustrated at http://fmo.lpl.arizona.edu/FMO_home/news.cfm . The yield of this program to 2005 March 30 is 20 discoveries of fast-moving NEOs, 7 recoveries, 5 detections of artificial earth satellites, and 7 unconsolidated discoveries. Angular rates at the time of discovery range from 2.6 deg/day (2004 MV2) to 11.9 deg/day (2004 MO1). Absolute magnitudes H range from 29.3 (2004 YD5) to 23.2 (2004 MO1). 2004 YD5 passed Earth within 0.00023 AU, well inside the geosynchronous radius, on Dec. 19.86 UT. According to the “Close Approaches To The Earth by Minor Planets” page, this was the second closest approach by an FMO as of 2005 March 30, and is the closest approach with more than a 24 hour arc of observations. Six objects discovered by Spacewatch FMO reviewers have observations spanning only one day; the longest observed arc is 30 days for 2004 BV18. While such small objects do not present a significant impact hazard, their numbers, spin rates and surface properties are of scientific interest. The smaller the asteroid, the more likely it is a single solid piece and not a loose aggregate of pieces. The spin rates of such objects revealed by their lightcurves can show whether they are solid. Closely approaching asteroids can also be studied closely by radar, which can reveal information about their sizes, shapes, spin rates, and dielectric constants. The smallest asteroids are also unlikely to have regoliths, the blanket of loose dust or dirt that obscures the bare rock surfaces of larger asteroids. Thus spectroscopic studies of the smallest asteroids, though difficult to do, can access the bulk material of the asteroids more directly. We hope that physical studies of a Spacewatch FMO will be made sometime soon. Finally, the orbits of the smallest asteroids are most affected by nongravitational effects on very long time scales, such as the thermal-radiation-driven Yarkovsky effect on rotating asteroids. Those who discover new FMOs receive international recognition in the official discovery announcements. Some volunteers are students, some have full-time jobs, and some are retired. At least one reviewer is the operator of a large professional telescope who has free time during long integrations on targets. There are wellestablished amateur astronomers as well as those who have just begun to climb the learning curve. FMO discovery credits are held by people in five continents and over a dozen countries. We hope that this program helps fuel curiosity and participation in science in general, as well as provide a productive outlet for those eager to apply their skills. The web site for the volunteer program is http://fmo.lpl.arizona.edu/FMO_home/index.cfm. Good hunting! Acknowledgements We appreciate the assistance of Jeffrey A. Larsen during the development phase of the FMO volunteer program. We also thank the rest of the Spacewatch team for developing the systems and making observations. Much gratitude is also owed to the worldwide community of followup observers, including amateurs, who make it possible for these discoveries to be consolidated. The Spacewatch Project is supported by a grant from The Paul G. Allen Charitable Foundation, NASA Planetary Astronomy grant NNG04GK48G, NASA Near-Earth Object Observation grants NAG5-13328 and NNG05GF15G, U. S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research grant F49620-03-10107, and contributions from private individuals. Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 54 ASTEROID LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS AT THE PALMER DIVIDE OBSERVATORY – WINTER 2004-2005 Brian D. Warner Palmer Divide Observatory 17995 Bakers Farm Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80908 brian@MinorPlanetObserver.com (Received: 3 April) Lightcurves for the following asteroids were obtained and then analyzed to determine the synodic period and amplitude: 400 Ducrosa, 790 Pretoria, 829 Academia, 1010 Marlene, 1509 Esclangona, 1919 Clemence, 1989 Tatry, 2001 Einstein, 2065 Spicer, 2069 Hubble, 2131 Mayall, 3037 Alku, 3043 San Diego, 3086 Kalbaugh, 4631 Yabu, 4736 Johnwood, 5035 Swift, 6310 Jankonke, (6382) 1988 EL, 6650 Morimoto, (23200) 2000 SH3, (21181) 1994 EB2, (30311) 2000 JS10, and (33896) 2000 KL40. Three asteroids were observed previously but not reported: 1158 Luda, 1930 Lucifer, and 70030 Margaretmiller. Introduction The asteroid lightcurve program at the Palmer Divide Observatory has been previously described in detail (Warner 2003). Targets # 400 790 829 1010 1158 1509 1919 1930 1989 2001 2065 2069 2131 3037 3043 3086 4631 4736 5035 6310 6382 6650 21181 23200 30311 33896 70030 Name Date Range 2004-5 Ducrosa 01/14-16 Pretoria 01/24-02/10 Academia 01/02-01/10 Marlene 01/20-03/03 Luda 1999 10/25-30 Esclangona 12/20-25 Clemence 02/18-03/17 Lucifer 2003 10/09-16 Tatry 01/02-11 Einstein 12/20-25 Spicer 01/18-2/03 Hubble 01/17-02/04 Mayall 01/02-11 Alku 12/29-02/04 San Diego 02/20-03/17 Kalbaugh 12/17-19 Yabu 01/17-19 Johnwood 02/18-20 Swift 01/14-16 Jankonke 12/26-01/07 1988 EL 02/04-15 Morimoto 12/03-19 1994 EB2 03/04-16 2000 SH3 01/13-16 2000 JS10 12/26-01/07 2000 KL40 01/20-02/18 Margaretmiller 2003 10/05-07 Sess 3 5 4 8 4 3 11 6 3 3 5 6 3 11 8 3 3 3 3 4 4 6 6 4 4 6 3 Phase were chosen by comparing the list of known lightcurve periods maintained by Harris and Warner (Harris 2005) against a list of well placed asteroids. Asteroid are often selected and then studied in hopes of removing the observational biases against faint objects (due to size and/or distance) as well as asteroids with lightcurves of small amplitudes, long periods, or complex nature. The images were measured using MPO Canopus, which employs differential aperture photometry to determine the values used for analysis. The period analysis was done within Canopus, which incorporates an algorithm based on the Fourier analysis program developed by Harris (1989). Results The results are summarized in the table below. The individual plots are presented afterwards. The data and curves are presented without additional comment except when the circumstances for a given asteroid require more details. Column 3 gives the full range of dates of observations while column 4 gives the number of actual runs made during that time span. Column 5 is the range of phase angles over the full date range. If there are three values in the column, this means the phase angle reached a minimum with the middle value being the minimum. Columns 6 and 7 give the range of values for the Phase Angle Bisector (PAB) longitude and latitude respectively. Column 9 gives the period error in hours and column 11 gives the amplitude error in magnitudes. LPAB BPAB 8.0,8.6 92.5 9.8 11.0,13.5 81.4 -6.2 8.3,5.4 116.4 9.3 4.0,16.6 110.7 1.2 13.7,15.7 98.5 6.4 25.2,26.4 50.3 20.4 11.7,5.7,10.5 162.2 10.5,5.1 14.3,16.3 345.0 9.5 9.5,13.4 88.2 9.9 19.2,18.9 97.6 31.7 9.6,15.7 100.4 5.5 7.3,13.5 104.9 10.2 14.1,8.5 122.0 9.8,7.6 9.9,22.6 82.8,87.3 -9.7,-3.9 6.6,5.8,13.5 154.9,154.6 9.9,5.5 13.6,14.0 75.1 18.9 10.6,11.5 104.2 10.7 9.3 155.1 -13.3 12.9,13.6 94.4 13.7 26.7,29.4 50.0,52.9 -9.9,-7.1 14.7,17.1 129.7 18.9,16.8 10.2,10.1,12.1 74.4 17.5 16.6,22.6 140.1,141.7 9.3,11.6 19.4,19.8 96.0 32.7 20.7,26.2 63.5,65.5 -4.1,-6.2 10.6,9.4,17.5 130.4 10.8,17.2 13.2 16.9 20.6 Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) Per (h) 6.87 10.370 7.891 31.06 6.90 3.247 68.5 13.056 39.9 5.487 18.165 32.52 2.572 11.844 30.72 5.180 7.356 6.210 9.50 3.0418 2.895 13.49 33.8 16.22 2.266 23.8 3.98 PE Amp AE 0.01 0.62 0.02 0.002 0.08 0.03 0.005 0.44 0.02 0.02 0.32 0.02 0.01 0.14 0.02 0.002 0.17 0.02 0.1 0.60 0.03 0.005 0.43 0.02 0.1 >0.22 0.02 0.002 0.66 0.03 0.005 1.0 0.03 0.02 0.10 0.02 0.002 0.08 0.02 0.002 0.95 0.03 0.02 0.35 0.05 0.005 0.58 0.02 0.005 0.44 0.03 0.005 0.83 0.03 0.01 0.32 0.02 0.003 0.30 0.03 0.002 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.24 0.02 0.1 0.35 0.05 0.02 0.42 0.02 0.001 0.14 0.03 0.10 0.26 0.03 0.01 0.50 0.02 55 Comments 1010 Marlene. Despite the unusual shape of the curve between 0.0 and 0.35, the period seems correct. Forcing a plot to even a small change in the period causes a severe degradation of the fit. 1919 Clemence. According to Petr Pravec of the Ondrejov Observatory, Czech Republic, [Pravec, private communication] there is a chance that this is a tumbling asteroid. The fall required in the curve at 0.65 phase makes the curve suspect but no other period provided a reasonable match of all data. If the two sessions at the minimum near 0.75 are removed from the analysis completely, the period remains the same and the fit of the curve requires less imagination to complete. 1989 Tatry. The period is suspect but the slopes of the phased data are not unreasonable. The period determination was based mostly on getting the January 2 and 7 sessions to match. 3043 San Diego. This is another of the trio of suspect lightcurves. The longer runs seem to justify the reported period. Two additional sessions were removed from the analysis as no amount of manipulation of zero points or period could bring them into agreement with the rest of the data. 2069 Hubble. The tri-modal curve is unusual. No period could be found that produced a realistic bimodal solution. (21181) 1994 EB2. This is the third lightcurve of a possible but not firmly established period. The slopes appear reasonable for a bimodal solution. (33896) 2000 KL40. The near perfect resonance with the Earth’s rotation made this a difficult object. Despite the lack of coverage, the period is very likely correct, based on the extended time span of the observations. 70030 Margaretmiller. This is named in honor of the author’s wife. It was embarrassing that the period had been determined but not reported for more than a year after the fact. Acknowledgments Thanks are given to Dr. Alan Harris of the Space Science Institute, Boulder, CO, and Dr. Petr Pravec of the Astronomical Institute, Czech Republic, for their ongoing support of all amateur asteroid photometrists and for their input during the analysis of some of the lightcurves presented here. References Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., and Zeigler, K.W., (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Harris, Alan W. (2005). “Minor Planet Lightcurve Parameters” On Minor Planet Center web site: http://cfawww.harvard.edu/iau/lists/LightcurveDat.html Warner, B. D. (2003), “Lightcurve Analysis for (Several) Asteroids”, Minor Planet Bulletin 30, 21-24. Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 56 Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 57 Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 58 GENERAL REPORT OF POSITION OBSERVATIONS BY THE ALPO MINOR PLANETS SECTION FOR THE YEAR 2004 Frederick Pilcher Illinois College Jacksonville, IL 62650 USA (Received: 23 April) Observations of positions of minor planets by members of the Minor Planets Section in calendar year 2004 are summarized. During the year 2004 a total of 841 positions of 322 different minor planets were reported by members of the Minor Planets Section. Of these 36 are CCD images (denoted C) and 15 are precise photographic measurements (denoted P). All the rest are approximate visual positions. The summary lists minor planets in numerical order, the observer and telescope aperture (in cm), UT dates of the observations, and the total number of observations in that period. The year is 2004 in each case. Positional observations were contributed by the following observers: Observer, Instrument Arlia, Saverio 15 cm f/6 reflector Location Buenos Aires, Argentina Planets 1 Bookamer, Richard E. 41 cm reflector, Micco, Florida USA Faure, Gerard 20 cm Celestron Col de L'Arzelier, 86 France; observations of 324 Bamberga are with 9 cm telescope from Santo Domingo Island Garrett, Lawrence 32 cm f/6 reflector 7x35 mm binoculars 20x80 mm binoculars Fairfax, Vermont, USA Harvey, G. Roger 74 cm Newtonian Concord, North Carolina, USA Hudgens, Ben 35 cm Dobsonian 41 cm Dobsonian Stephenville, Texas, USA, and McComb, MS, USA Jardine, Don, and Pleasant Plains, Pilcher, Frederick Illinois, USA 35 cm Meade Cassegrain + CCD Watson, William W. 20 cm Celestron Tonawanda, NY USA 52 14 Positions 15P 202 196 33 51 187 155 318 9 13 36C 54 PLANET OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) OBSERVING PERIOD (2004) NO. OBS. 1 Ceres Watson, 20 Mar 10-22 4 4 Vesta Garrett, 3.5, 8, 32 Watson, 20 Sep 19-Nov 17 Oct 3-4 5 2 7 Iris Watson, 20 Mar 14-Apr 16 3 9 Metis Garrett, 8 Nov 16-17 2 32 Pomona Jardine & Pilcher, 35 Dec 3 3C 40 Harmonia Hudgens, 41 Oct 15-16 2 50 Virginia Bookamer, 41 Dec 29 5 62 Erato Bookamer, 41 Dec 27 3 81 Terpsichore Watson, 20 Oct 7-Nov 4 3 85 Io Faure, 20 Dec 12 89 Julia Arlia, 15 Apr 18-May 15 3 15P 93 Minerva Watson, 20 Sep 7-20 5 107 Camilla Watson, 20 Sep 11-20 3 150 Nuwa Watson, 20 Nov 3-14 4 151 Abundantia Garrett, 32 Oct 4 2 160 Una Garrett, 32 Sep 5 2 166 Rhodope Bookamer, 41 Nov 6 4 187 Lamberta Watson, 20 Feb 25-26 2 190 Ismene Bookamer, 41 Nov 28 4 220 Stephania Bookamer, 41 Nov 29 2 224 Oceana Watson, 20 Oct 7-12 2 235 Carolina Hudgens, 35 Jul 8-11 2 244 Sita Hudgens, 35 Jan 26-28 3 251 Sophia Hudgens, 35 Jul 21 2 262 Valda Hudgens, 35 Sep 8 2 263 Dresda Bookamer, 41 Dec 13 3 280 Philia Hudgens, 41 Oct 15-16 2 297 Caecilia Bookamer, 41 Dec 11 4 319 Leona Bookamer, 41 Dec 4 4 321 Florentina Bookamer, 41 Nov 20 3 324 Bamberga Faure, 9 Aug 19 2 325 Heidelberga Bookamer, 41 Nov 1 3 353 Ruperto-Carola Hudgens, 35 Jul 21 2 364 Isara Watson, 20 Dec 16 2 378 Holmia Bookamer, 41 Nov 20 3 381 Myrrha Garrett, 32 Jun 13 2 Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 59 PLANET OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) OBSERVING PERIOD (2004) NO. OBS. PLANET OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) OBSERVING PERIOD (2004) NO. OBS. 389 Industria Watson, 20 Mar 29-Apr 16 2 885 Ulrike Hudgens, 35 Sep 11 2 394 Arduina Bookamer, 41 Hudgens, 41 Nov 20 Oct 15-16 3 2 890 Waltraut Hudgens, 35 Sep 8 2 905 Universitas Bookamer, 41 Dec 31 3 395 Delia Hudgens, 35 Jun 17 2 913 Otila Hudgens, 35 Aug 12-16 2 944 Hidalgo Bookamer, 41 Garrett, 32 Oct 30 Oct 20 5 2 458 Hercynia 463 Lola Bookamer, 41 Dec 5 3 Bookamer, 41 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 41 Nov 5 Sep 18 Nov 6-7 3 2 2 948 Jucunda Faure, 20 Dec 13 2 467 Laura Hudgens, 35 Jun 23 2 952 Caia Bookamer, 41 Nov 28 3 479 Caprera Bookamer, 41 Nov 16 3 955 Alstede Faure, 20 Mar 29 2 495 Eulalia Bookamer, 41 Dec 9 2 961 Gunnie Hudgens, 35 Jun 23 2 499 Venusia Bookamer, 41 Nov 12 6 989 Schwassmannia Hudgens, 35 Aug 16 2 508 Princetonia Garrett, 32 Jun 13 2 990 Yerkes Hudgens, 35 Jul 15 2 512 Taurinensis Bookamer, 41 Dec 19 3 992 Swasey Hudgens, 35 May 9 2 517 Edith Bookamer, 41 Dec 29 5 993 Moultona Faure, 20 Dec 11 2 518 Halawe Hudgens, 41 Dec 3 2 995 Sternberga Bookamer, 41 Oct 14 3 530 Turandot Bookamer, 41 Dec 11 3 1003 Lilofee Faure, 20 Mar 17-18 2 539 Pamina Bookamer, 41 Oct 7 4 1004 Belopolskya Hudgens, 35 Sep 4-5 2 548 Kressida Bookamer, 41 Dec 1 3 1027 Aesculapia Faure, 20 Mar 17-18 2 550 Senta Bookamer, 41 Nov 29 3 1029 La Plata Hudgens, 35 Sep 11-12 2 553 Kundry Faure, 20 Dec 11 2 1057 Wanda Bookamer, 41 Oct 16 3 561 Ingwelde Faure, 20 Dec 10 2 1067 Lunaria Bookamer, 41 Nov 2 3 599 Luisa Bookamer, 41 Nov 6 3 1075 Helina Hudgens, 35 Sep 4-5 2 606 Brangäne Faure, 20 Mar 15-16 2 1082 Pirola Hudgens, 35 Sep 8 2 610 Valeska Faure, 20 Dec 12-13 2 1089 Tama Garrett, 32 Hudgens, 35 Jan 10-24 Jan 23-26 4 2 611 Valeria Bookamer, 41 Nov 21 3 1090 Sumida Faure, 20 Mar 15-16 2 625 Xenia Bookamer, 41 Dec 14 3 1093 Freda Bookamer, 41 Dec 7 3 634 Ute Bookamer, 41 Oct 30 4 1107 Lictoria Hudgens, 35 Jun 23 2 1109 Tata Hudgens, 35 May 9-24 2 1110 Jaroslawa Bookamer, 41 Sep 1 5 1122 Neith Bookamer, 41 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 41 Nov 15 Nov 17-Dec 11 Dec 3-8 3 2 2 1127 Mimi Bookamer, 41 Jan 13 5 1128 Astrid Faure, 20 May 15 2 Dec 12 2 636 Erika Bookamer, 41 Dec 6 3 643 Scheherezade Hudgens, 35 Jul 21 2 648 Pippa Bookamer, 41 Dec 1 3 652 Jubilatrix Hudgens, 35 Jun 16 2 677 Aaltje Bookamer, 41 Dec 12 4 680 Genoveva Garrett, 32 Jun 13 2 682 Hagar Faure, 20 Hudgens, 35 Jul 15 Jun 19-23 2 2 1149 Volga Hudgens, 41 689 Zita Bookamer, 41 Aug 20 3 1166 Sakuntala Jardine & Pilcher, 35 Dec 3 3C 747 Winchester Watson, 20 Aug 23-Sep 11 5 1181 Lilith Faure, 20 Dec 11 2 750 Oskar Hudgens, 35 Jan 26 2 1183 Jutta Hudgens, 35 Jun 17 2 761 Brendelia Hudgens, 35 May 24 2 1184 Gaea Hudgens, 35 Aug 11-12 2 762 Pulcova Bookamer, 41 Dec 29 3 1185 Nikko Faure, 20 Hudgens, 41 Dec 10 Dec 3-8 2 2 765 Mattiaca Hudgens, 35 Jan 28 2 1210 Morosovia Hudgens, 35 May 24 2 787 Moskva Bookamer, 41 Oct 17 3 1224 Fantasia Bookamer, 41 Oct 12 4 1233 Kobresia Hudgens, 35 Aug 16 2 1247 Memoria Faure, 20 Jul 16 2 1266 Tone Hudgens, 35 Sep 4-5 2 1267 Geertruida Hudgens, 35 Jul 11 2 1277 Dolores Hudgens, 35 May 9-24 2 1278 Kenya Bookamer, 41 Aug 31 4 1289 Kutaïssi Faure, 20 Mar 29 2 796 Sarita Bookamer, 41 Nov 25 4 807 Ceraskia Faure, 20 Mar 16 2 828 Lindemannia Hudgens, 35 Jan 28 2 841 Arabella Faure, 20 Sep 18 2 854 Frostia Hudgens, 35 Jul 21 2 862 Franzia Hudgens, 35 Sep 8 2 883 Matterania Faure, 20 Hudgens, 35 Sep 9 Sep 10 2 2 Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 60 PLANET OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) 1312 Vassar Hudgens, 35 Sep 8 1316 Kasan Faure, 20 Sep 17 1326 Losaka Bookamer, 41 Faure, 20 Nov 6 Nov 13 1328 Devota Faure, 20 OBSERVING PERIOD (2004) NO. OBS. Dec 13 PLANET OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) 2 1928 Summa Hudgens, 35 Jul 8 2 2 1946 Walraven Hudgens, 35 Aug 4 2 4 2 2025 Nortia Hudgens, 35 Aug 4 2 2075 Martinez Harvey, 74 Dec 16 6 2081 Sázava Hudgens, 35 Sep 12 2 2085 Henan Hudgens, 35 Sep 12 2 2088 Sahlia Faure, 20 Nov 21-22 2 2119 Schwall Hudgens, 35 Jun 17 2 2138 Swissair Hudgens, 35 Jul 8-11 3 2151 Hadwiger Faure, 20 Apr 24-25 2 2185 Guangdong Hudgens, 35 Jun 21 2 2217 Eltigen Hudgens, 35 Jun 21 2 2239 Paracelsus Faure, 20 Mar 18 5 2241 Alcathous Faure, 20 Dec 11 2 2251 Tikhov Faure, 20 Nov 22 2 2264 Sabrina Hudgens, 35 May 24 2 2301 Whitford Faure, 20 Hudgens, 41 Dec 12 Dec 3 2 2 2312 Duboshin Faure, 20 Nov 17 2 2315 Czechoslovakia Faure, 20 Hudgens, 41 Nov 22 Dec 10-12 2 2 Hudgens, 35 May 9 2 1342 Brabantia Hudgens, 35 Jan 23-26 2 1353 Maartje Faure, 20 Hudgens, 35 Dec 10-13 May 24 4 2 1375 Alfreda Faure, 20 Hudgens, 41 Dec 10 Dec 3-8 2 2 1386 Storeria Faure, 20 Hudgens, 35 Jul 15-16 Jun 21 2 2 1417 Walinskia Hudgens, 35 Jun 14-17 2 1428 Mombasa Faure, 20 Dec 13 2 1442 Corvina Hudgens, 35 NO. OBS. 2 1341 Edmee 1346 Gotha OBSERVING PERIOD (2004) Sep 10 2 1443 Ruppina Faure, 20 Mar 17 2 1450 Raimonda Hudgens, 41 Dec 8-10 2 1452 Hunnia Harvey, 74 Mar 22 3 1459 Magnya Bookamer, 41 Hudgens, 41 Oct 31 Nov 6-7 3 2 1464 Armisticia Faure, 20 Apr 21 2 1466 Mündleria Hudgens, 35 Jun 21 2 2365 Interkosmos Hudgens, 41 Dec 12 2 1473 Ounas Faure, 20 Nov 15-17 2 2378 Pannekoek Faure, 20 Apr 21 2 1481 Tübingia Hudgens, 35 Dec 12 2 2460 Mitlincoln Faure, 20 Dec 12 2 1537 Transylvania Hudgens, 35 Sep 10 2 2468 Repin Hudgens, 35 Jul 11 2 1541 Estonia Hudgens, 35 May 9-24 2 2509 Chukotka Hudgens, 35 Sep 4-5 2 1572 Posnania Bookamer, 41 Hudgens, 41 Oct 14 Nov 6-7 4 2 2562 Chaliapin Harvey, 74 Mar 22 3 2571 Geisei Hudgens, 35 Sep 8 2 2693 Yan'an Hudgens, 41 Dec 12 2 2747 Ceský Krumlov Harvey, 74 Sep 10 3 2771 Polzunov Hudgens, 35 Aug 11-12 2 2887 Krinov Hudgens, 35 Jul 21 2 2892 Filipenko Bookamer, 41 Faure, 20 Nov 8 Nov 21 3 2 2906 Caltech Faure, 20 Nov 22 Jardine & Pilcher, 35 Dec 3 2 3C 2957 Tatsuo Hudgens, 35 Jun 14-17 2 3000 Leonardo Hudgens, 35 Sep 8 2 Jun 21 2 1587 Kahrstedt Faure, 20 Sep 18 2 1605 Milankovitch Faure, 20 Mar 29 2 1614 Goldschmidt Faure, 20 Mar 29 2 1617 Alschmitt Faure, 20 Apr 26 2 1621 Druzhba Hudgens, 35 Jan 27-28 3 1638 Ruanda Hudgens, 35 Sep 10 2 1654 Bojeva Hudgens, 35 Sep 12 2 1656 Suomi Faure, 20 Apr 25 2 1657 Roemera Hudgens, 35 Jan 28 2 1683 Castafiore Faure, 20 Hudgens, 35 Sep 9 Sep 8 2 2 3018 Godiva Hudgens, 35 1684 Iguassú Faure, 20 Apr 21 2 3037 Alku Jardine & Pilcher, 35 Dec 5 3C 1687 Glarona Faure, 20 Sep 17 2 3054 Strugatskia Hudgens, 35 Sep 4-5 2 1712 Angola Faure, 20 Sep 9 2 3089 Oujianquan Hudgens, 35 Jun 14-17 2 1713 Bancilhon Hudgens, 35 Sep 23 2 3165 Mikawa Hudgens, 35 Jul 21 2 1719 Jens Hudgens, 35 Aug 12-16 2 3200 Phaethon Harvey, 74 Dec 2 6 1725 CrAO Faure, 20 Hudgens, 35 Sep 17 Sep 8 2 2 3224 Irkutsk Hudgens, 35 Jul 20-21 3 3237 Victorplatt Hudgens, 35 Aug 11-12 2 3270 Dudley Harvey, 74 Hudgens, 35 Jan 23 Jan 28 6 2 1771 Makover Hudgens, 35 Aug 4 2 1816 Liberia Faure, 20 Mar 15 2 1839 Ragazza Jardine & Pilcher, 35 Dec 3-5 6C 3277 Aaronson Hudgens, 35 Sep 8 2 1843 Jarmila Hudgens, 35 Aug 11-12 2 3326 Agafonikov Hudgens, 35 Aug 12-16 2 1902 Shaposhnikov Hudgens, 35 May 24 2 3392 Setouchi Harvey, 74 Dec 16 3 Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 61 PLANET OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) OBSERVING PERIOD (2004) NO. OBS. 3455 Kristensen Faure, 20 Mar 17 2 3519 Ambiorix Hudgens, 35 Jul 21 2 3553 Mera Harvey, 74 May 15 6 3613 Sigyn Faure, 20 Apr 21 2 3693 Barringer Harvey, 74 Hudgens, 35 Sep 6 Sep 10 3 2 3702 Trubetskaya Hudgens, 35 Aug 11-12 2 3722 Urata Hudgens, 41 Dec 10-12 Jardine & Pilcher, 35 Dec 5 2 3C 3749 Balam Faure, 20 Nov 21 2 3904 Honda Hudgens, 35 Jan 23-26 2 3908 Nyx Faure, 20 Nov 17 3 4048 Samwestfall Harvey, 74 Sep 10 3 4150 Starr Hudgens, 35 Sep 5-7 4157 Izu Hudgens, 35 May 24 4179 Toutatis Bookamer, 41 Garrett, 32 Hudgens, 35, 41 Watson, 20 Aug Sep Sep Sep 4224 Susa Hudgens, 35 Sep 8 2 4229 Plevitskaya Faure, 20 Mar 15-16 4265 Kani Hudgens, 35 Sep 12 4332 Milton Harvey, 74 4458 Oizumi Harvey, 74 4482 Frèrebasile Faure, 20 Harvey, 74 Harvey, 74 Dec 14 Jardine & Pilcher, 35 Dec 5 3 3C 5839 GOI Harvey, 74 Mar 22 3 5917 1991 NG Faure, 20 Hudgens, 35 Sep 9 Sep 10 2 2 5956 D'Alembert Faure, 20 Dec 12 2 5990 Panticapaeon Harvey, 74 Mar 22 3 6000 United Nations Faure, 20 Hudgens, 41 Nov 22 Dec 3-8 2 2 6017 Sakitama Harvey, 74 Dec 16 3 6160 Minakata Harvey, 74 Hudgens, 35 Jul 15 Aug 11-12 3 1 2 6176 1985 BH Harvey, 74 Dec 16 3 2 6192 1990 KB1 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 35 Jul 15-16 Jul 8 3 2 6235 1987 VB Harvey, 74 Hudgens, 41 Dec 14 Dec 12 3 2 6239 Minos Harvey, 74 Hudgens, 35 Jan 23 Jan 23-26 6 3 2 6245 Ikufumi Hudgens, 41 Nov 7-9 2 2 6475 Refugium Hudgens, 41 Nov 6-7 2 Dec 14 3 6490 1991 NR2 Harvey, 74 Aug 22 6 Dec 17 3 6607 Matsushima Harvey, 74 Dec 17 3 Sep 18 Aug 25 3 3 6650 Morimoto Harvey, 74 Dec 14 3 6669 Obi Hudgens, 35 May 24 2 6823 1988 ED1 Hudgens, 35 Jan 23-26 2 6838 Okuda Harvey, 74 Dec 16 3 6907 1990 WE Harvey, 74 Dec 16 3 7068 Minowa Harvey, 74 Dec 17 3 7070 1994 YO2 Harvey, 74 Dec 16 3 7187 Isobe Faure, 20 Sep 17 2 7285 Seggewiss Faure, 20 Sep 9-10 2 7393 Luginbuhl Hudgens, 35 Sep 18 2 7419 1991 PN13 Hudgens, 35 Sep 8 2 7638 Gladman Hudgens, 35 Sep 12 2 7757 1990 KO Harvey, 74 Jul 15 3 7781 Townsend Faure, 20 Hudgens, 35 Sep 17 Sep 10 4 2 31-Sep 22 5 9-22 11-21 24 2 3 17 2 4522 Britastra Hudgens, 35 Aug 11-12 2 Apr 10 Harvey, 74 Dec 16 3 4635 Rimbaud Faure, 20 Apr 25 2 4725 Milone Hudgens, 41 Dec 12 Jardine & Pilcher, 35 Dec 5 2 3C Faure, 20 Hudgens, 35 2 2 Harvey, 74 Jul 16 Jul 21 Dec 17 3 4820 Fay Hudgens, 35 Sep 8 2 4942 1987 DU6 Hudgens, 35 Jul 21 2 4986 Osipovia Harvey, 74 5 2 2 3 4631 Yaba 4711 Kathy Oct 31-Nov 12 Sep 18 Nov 5-6 NO. OBS. 5822 Masakichi Apr 25 4649 Sumoto OBSERVING PERIOD (2004) Bookamer, 41 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 41 Faure, 20 Harvey, 74 OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) 5817 Robertfrazer 4483 Petöfi 4590 Dimashchegolev PLANET Dec 16 3 5020 Asimov Harvey, 74 Sep 10 3 5044 Shestaka Hudgens, 35 Sep 10 2 8356 Wadhwa Hudgens, 35 Sep 12 2 5064 Tanchozuru Garrett, 32 Hudgens, 35 Jun 13 Jun 14-17 2 2 9601 1991 UE3 Hudgens, 35 Jun 21 2 9865 Akiraohta Faure, 20 Sep 17-18 2 5203 Pavarotti Harvey, 74 Hudgens, 35 Sep 6 Sep 10 3 2 10007 1976 YF3 Harvey, 74 Dec 17 3 5405 Neverland Harvey, 74 Apr 10 3 10046 1986 JC Hudgens, 35 Jun 23 2 5440 Terao Hudgens, 35 Jun 23 2 10261 Nikdollezhal' Faure, 20 Sep 18 2 5518 Mariobotta Faure, 20 Mar 15 2 11734 1998 KM55 Faure, 20 Dec 12 2 5525 1991 TS4 Hudgens, 35 Sep 4-5 2 12008 Kandrup 5642 Bobbywilliams Hudgens, 35 Aug 4 2 Faure, 20 Garrett, 32 Harvey, 74 Hudgens, 35 Jul Jun Jul Jun 2 4 6 2 5653 Camarillo Faure, 20 Harvey, 74 Dec 10 Dec 14 2 3 13289 1998 QK75 Harvey, 74 Dec 17 3 5687 Yamamotoshinobu Hudgens, 35 Aug 11-12 3 13934 1988 XE2 Hudgens, 35 Jun 17 2 14196 1998 XH59 Hudgens, 35 Jul 21 2 Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 15 13 7 14-17 62 OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) PLANET OBSERVING PERIOD (2004) NO. OBS. PLANET OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) OBSERVING PERIOD (2004) NO. OBS. 14829 1986 TR11 Hudgens, 35 Jul 8 2 87024 2000 JS66 Faure, 20 Harvey, 74 May 16 May 15 4 6 14893 1992 DN6 Harvey, 74 Hudgens, 35 Sep 10 Sep 12 3 2 88188 2000 XH44 Faure, 20 Harvey, 74 Mar 15 Mar 18 4 3 14951 1996 BS2 Hudgens, 35 Sep 5-7 2 89136 2001 US16 15198 1940 GJ Harvey, 74 Apr 10 3 15784 1993 QZ Harvey, 74 Hudgens, 35 Sep 10 Sep 12 3 2 17912 1999 FV44 Faure, 20 Sep 17-18 2 27700 1982 SW3 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 35 Sep 9 Sep 10 2 2 27713 1989 AA Harvey, 74 Dec 16 3 32575 2001 QY78 Hudgens, 35 Sep 20-21 3 32648 3538 P-L Hudgens, 35 Sep 10 2 34155 2000 QJ22 Harvey, 74 Hudgens, 35 Sep 10 Sep 12 3 2 LIGHTCURVES AND PERIODS FOR ASTEROIDS 463 LOLA, 523 ADA, 544 JETTA, 642 CLARA, 883 MATTERANIA, 6475 REFUGIUM Crystal LeCrone George Mills Richard Ditteon Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology CM 171 5500 Wabash Avenue Terre Haute, IN 47803 richard.p.ditteon@rose-hulman.edu (Received: 16 February Revised: 7 April) CCD images recorded in 2004 September, October, and November using three Celestron C-14 telescopes yielded lightcurves and periods for six asteroids: 463 Lola has a period of 6.20 ± 0.01h and an amplitude of 0.28 mag; 523 Ada has a period of 10.03 ± 0.01h and an amplitude of 0.60 mag: 544 Jetta has a period of 7.75 ± 0.01h and an amplitude of 0.46 mag; 642 Clara has a period of 8.19 ± 0.01h and an amplitude of 0.29 mag; 883 Matterania has a period of 5.64 ± 0.01h and an amplitude of 0.45 mag; and 6475 Refugium has a period of 8.07 ± 0.01h and an amplitude of 0.70 mag. During the fall of 2004 we obtained images at Oakley Observatory, which is located in Terre Haute, Indiana at an altitude of 178 m. The images were captured with three Celestron C-14 telescopes operating at f/7 on Paramount ME Robotic Telescope mounts using one AP8 and two AP7 CCD cameras. Exposures were 120 seconds. Asteroids were selected for observation by using TheSky, published by Software Bisque, to locate asteroids that were at an elevation angle of between 20º and 30º, one hour after local sunset. In addition, TheSky was set to show only asteroids brighter than 15. The asteroids used in TheSky are imported from the data base ASTORB maintained by Lowell Observatory (Koehn, 2005). The asteroids were cross checked with known lightcurve parameters (Harris, 2003). We tried to observe only asteroids that did not have previously reported measurements and/or had very uncertain published results. We used CCDSoft to auto dark our images. Then we median combined our images to make a flat in MaxImDL, published by Harvey, 74 Apr 17 4 2001 BE10 Garrett, 32 Jan 24 3 2002 CE26 Garrett, 32 Harvey, 74 Sep 5 Aug 25 3 6 2004 PT42 Hudgens, 35 Aug 16 2004 RZ164 Faure, 20 Dec 10 Harvey, 74 Dec 9 Jardine & Pilcher, 35 Dec 13 2004 VW14 Harvey, 74 Dec 14 3 10 6 9C 6 Diffraction Limited. Photometric measurements and lightcurves were prepared using MPO Canopus (BDW Publishing). A total of 12 asteroids were observed during these 3 months, but lightcurves were not found for all of these asteroids. We dropped 3 asteroids (303 Josephina, 374 Burgundia, and 1473 Ounas) because they had low signal-to-noise ratio. We did not capture enough data for 3 asteroids (111 Ate, 343 Ostara, and 514 Armida) to model their lightcurves as they appear to have long periods. Below we summarize our successful determinations. All of our data are available upon request. 463 Lola. Asteroid 463 Lola was discovered on 31 October 1900 by M. Wolf at Heidelberg. It was named conceivably for a character in the opera Cavalleria Rusticana by Pietro Mascagni (Schmadel, 1999). A total of 109 images taken over three nights: 2004 November 10, 13, and 14. The data reveal a lightcurve with a 6.20 ± 0.01h period with 0.28 mag amplitude. 523 Ada. Asteroid 523 Ada was discovered on 27 January 1904 by R. S. Dugan at Heidelberg. It was named in honor of Ada Helme, a school friend and neighbor of the discoverer (Schmadel, 1999). A total of 202 images were taken over five nights: 2004 Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 63 September 20 and 21, October 3, 4, and 5. The data reveal a lightcurve with a 10.03 ± 0.01h period with 0.60 mag amplitude. This period is different from the lightcurve published in 1996 by Stacy Georgilas and Charles Wetterer. They found the period to be 9.8 ± 0.002h (Georgilas and Wetterer, 1996). We believe their results contain a cycle ambiguity. Our data are uniquely fit by a 10.03 h period. 883 Matterania. Asteroid 883 Matterania was discovered on 14 September 1917 by M. Wolf at Heidelberg. This asteroid was independently discovered by R. Schorr at Bergedorf. It was named for the producer of photographic plates who donated many photographic plates for the Heidelberg Observatory (Schmadel, 1999). A total of 308 images were taken over three nights: 2004 October 3, 4, and 5. The data reveal a lightcurve with a 5.64 ± 0.01h period with 0.45 mag amplitude. 544 Jetta. Asteroid 544 Jetta was discovered on 11 September 1904 by P. Gotz at Heidelberg. It was named after a legendary figure of Heidelberg (Schmadel, 1999). A total of 205 images were taken over five nights: 2004 September 20, 21, October 3, 4, and 5. The data reveal a lightcurve with a 7.75 ± 0.01h period with 0.46 mag amplitude. 6475 Refugium. Asteroid 6475 Refugium was discovered on 29 September 1987 by P. Wild at Zimmerwald. The name is Latin for refuge (Schmadel, 1999). A total of 181 images were taken over two nights: 2004 November 12 and 13. The data reveal a lightcurve with an 8.07 ± 0.01h period with 0.70 mag amplitude. 642 Clara. Asteroid 642 Clara was discovered on 8 September 1907 by M. Wolf at Heidelberg. It was named after for a housekeeper of the Wolf family (Schmadel, 1999). A total of 156 images were taken over two nights: 2004 November 12 and 13. The data reveal a lightcurve with an 8.19 ± 0.01h period with 0.29 mag amplitude. Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 64 References Koehn, Bruce (2005). The Asteroid Orbital Elements Database. Lowell Observatory. ftp://ftp.lowell.edu/pub/elgb/astorb.html, last referenced 9 February. Schmadel, Lutz D (1999). Dictionary of Minor Planet Names. Springer: Berlin, Germany. 4th Edition. Harris, A. W. and Warner, B. D (2004). Minor Planet Lightcurve Parameters. 2003 Dec. 15. http://cfawww.harvard.edu/iau/lists/LightcurveDat.html, last referenced 9 February 2005. Georgilas, S. A., Wetterer, C. J. (1996). “CCD Photometry of 523 Ada.” MPB 23, 41-42. LIGHTCURVES AND PERIODS FOR ASTEROIDS 471 PAPAGENA, 675 LUDMILLA, 1016 ANITRA, 1127 MIMI, 1165 IMPRINETTA, 1171 RUSTAHAWELIA, AND 2283 BUNKE John L. Menke 22500 Old Hundred Rd. Barnesville, MD 20838 USA Email: John@menkescientific.com (Received: 1 February Revised: 28 March) In the 2002-2004 period, lightcurves of nearly two dozen asteroids were measured. Lightcurve period and amplitude results reported here include: 471 Papagena, 7.114 ± 0.003 hr, 0.08 mag; 675 Ludmilla, 7.71 ± 0.01 hr, 0.16 mag; 1016 Anitra, 5.9300 ± 0.0003 hr, 0.30 mag; 1127 Mimi , 12.749 ± 0.003 hr, 0.72 mag; 1165 Imprinetta, 8.107 ± 0.010 hr, 0.20 mag; 1171 Rustahawelia, 10.80 ± 0.01 hr, 0.37 mag; 2283 Bunke, 3.96 ± 0.01, 0.06 mag. All are consistent with previously reported values except 1127 Mimi for which the new period solution is 3/2 longer. Solutions for asteroids 1165 and 1171 may be slight refinements. First results are reported here of a new observing program from Barnesville, Maryland. The observatory has a Celestron-C11 on an Astrophysics AP1200 mount. The C11 with a reducer operates at f6.3 and includes a CFW-8 filter wheel fitted with Shuler photometric filters. The camera is an ST7E, controlled via MaximDL. The entire setup is operated remotely, sometimes at great distance. This allows data taking that takes advantage of even short periods of usable skies in Maryland. Approximately two dozen asteroids have been measured since Dec. 2002: this paper reports the first group. To obtain the maximum S/N ratio, virtually all asteroid photometry data are taken using a clear filter (no IR block). We use a limited V-calibration method as follows. If the sky is reasonably clear and/or uniform in transparency, when the asteroid is reasonably close to the meridian we take at least one asteroid/field image using a V-filter, immediately followed by a V and Clr image in the nearest Landolt field (the same field is always used for the same asteroid). Because most asteroid series are conducted within a few days or weeks, and because most asteroids are relatively close to the ecliptic, this method provides reasonable V-calibration and good night-to-night calibration without spending substantial time on the all-sky photometric solution. Most clear filter exposures are 180 sec, while the Vfilter exposures are 360 sec. Thus, photometric calibration activities normally take less than 10-15 minutes per night. In a few cases, when critical, and when the transparency was highly variable during the original data taking, we have returned at later dates to recalibrate the asteroid star image fields against the Landolt fields. Using MaximDL with a digital reference star, the raw brightness levels are measured, with at least 4-5 reference stars in the asteroid field being measured. The raw data are transferred to a spreadsheet for inspection and manipulation, and period analysis. The data are not normally corrected for light travel time. Using the methods described above to measure the nightly calibrations, it is found that manual (ad hoc) nightly offsets needed to produce smooth curves are typically 0.05mag or less. The uncertainty in the period is set equal to the trial period variation necessary to display a clearly bad period fit to the data. A search for aliases is done by data inspection, using a range of trial periods consistent with the apparent approximate period and the times between the data sets, and by a correlation analysis over a range of trial periods. In general, the complete data set is preserved until the last analysis stage, only deleting outliers and badly cloud-affected data after completing the period analysis. Details of the overall procedures are available from the author or the author’s web site http://menkescientific.com/lightcrv.html. Some of the data reported here were taken before our measurement and analytical processes were fully developed. Those early photometry results are reported as “Relative Mag”, i.e., not referred to a V-standard, or noted in the text. During the two years of activity, three reference stars were found to be eclipsing variables (two WWUMa and one EA type). In each case, we pursued these and have or will submit the results elsewhere (the 1.3 day EA binary required 14 nights of observation unambiguously to fix the period—a major competitor for scope/clear night time!). Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 65 471 Papagena. Papagena was discovered at Heidelberg on July 6, 1901 by M.F.Wolf. The data reported here were taken over four nights between Apr. 2-12, 2003. The period was found to be 7.114 ± 0.003 hours consistent with the period of 7.113 listed by Harris and Warner (2004). The total amplitude is 0.08 mag. The present lightcurve is asymmetric with relative phases of 0.57/0.43, with amplitudes of 0.04 and 0.08 mag. 1171 Rustahawelia. This asteroid was discovered on Mar. 10, 1930 at Uccle by S.J.Arend. The data reported here were taken over four nights between Nov. 23-Dec 1, 2003. The period was found to be 10.80 ± 0.01 hours. The total amplitude is 0.37 mag. The presented lightcurve is asymmetric with relative phases of 0.45/0.55. This reported period may be a refinement to the current tabulated value of 10.98 hours. 675 Ludmilla. This asteroid was discovered on Aug. 30, 1908 at Taunton by J.H.Metcalf. The data reported here were taken in two nights over the period Apr. 24-7, 2003. The period was found to be 7.71 ± 0.01 hours, which is consistent with the sidereal period of 0.32155 days found in 1995 by Velichko, et al, and the 7.7172 hours reported in the Harris and Warner (2004) listing. We note, however, that our data were not themselves sufficient to eliminate aliases. The amplitude of Ludmilla was 0.16 mag. The present lightcurve is asymmetric, with relative phase of 0.54/0.46. 2283 Bunke. Bunke was discovered on Mar. 22, 1974 at Cerro El Roble by C.Torres. The data reported here were taken over three nights between Apr. 13-20, 2003. The period was found to be 3.96 ± 0.01 hours, with an amplitude of 0.06 mag. Because the data are very noisy relative to the small amplitude of the asteroid, it was difficult to eliminate the possibility of an alias to the apparent period. The next most likely (alias) period was approximately 4.20 hours. This reported period is consistent with the Harris and Warner (2004) reference of 3.96 hours. 1016 Anitra. On Jan. 31, 1924 at the Heidelberg Observatory, Anitra was found by K. Reinmuth. As this was one of the first asteroids observed in this program: these data are not of the quality of later work and we did not perform a V-calibration of the brightness. In addition, the asteroid was in a relatively dense star field, so that the lightcurves are contaminated by field stars. The data presented were taken over three nights Dec. 20-26, 2002. Approximately two months later, on Mar. 3-9, 2003, we took another series when Anitra was approximately twice the distance from the earth. Although the data contain substantial scatter, the period and approximate shape appear unchanged. Both sets of data fit a period 5.93 ± 0.01 hours, with an amplitude of 0.3 mag. The presented lightcurve is asymmetric, with relative phases of 0.56/0.44. Knowing that the light travel time difference between the two data sets introduces a phase change of about 0.022, and assuming that the curve shapes are the same and that the changing geometry does not introduce any other phase change, we can refine the period measurement to 5.9300 ± 0.0003 hours. These period measurements are closely consistent with the period of 5.964 hours shown in the Harris and Warner (2004) file. References Monson, A., Kipp, S. “Rotational periods of asteroids 1165 Imprinetta, 1299 Mertona, 1645 Waterfield, 1833 Shmakova, 2313 Aruna, and (13856) 1999 XZ105.” MPB 31, 71-73. Maleszewski, C., and Clark, M. (2004). “Bucknell University Observatory Lightcurve Results for 2003-2004.” MPB 31, 93-94. Harris, A., Warner, B. (2004). “Minor Planet Light Curve Parameters.” http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/lists/LightcurveDat.html 1127 Mimi. Mimi was discovered on Jan. 13, 1929 at Uccle by S. Arend. The data reported here were taken over five nights during Jan. 21-Feb 4, 2004. Although the data were contaminated by field stars, the lightcurve is well determined, and the period found was 12.749 ± 0.003 hours with an amplitude of 0.72 mag. The presented lightcurve is asymmetric, with relative phases of 0.53/0.47. These results disagree with those recently reported in MPB (31) 2004 by Maleszewski and Clark who found a period of 8.541 hours and an amplitude of 0.95 mag. The Maleszewski data were rather sparse, and covered only a portion of the curve over two consecutive nights, and a few data points two months later. The 8.541 hour period is an alias that is clearly excluded by our data. The Maleszewski data are consistent with the 12.749 hour period. Unfortunately, the lack of calibration prevented using it to improve the period precision given here. 1165 Imprinetta. Imprinetta was discovered on Apr. 24, 1930 at Johannesburg by H. van Gent.. The data reported here were taken over three nights between Oct. 15-19, 2003. The period found was 8.107 ± 0.010 hours with an amplitude of 0.20 mag. The presented lightcurve is asymmetric, with relative phases of 0.57/0.43. This period is slightly different from the 8.0 hours shown in the Harris and Warner (2004) list, but that result was not assigned a high reliability. Our result differs somewhat from the value of 7.9374 ± 0.0016 reported by Monson and Kipp (2004). Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 66 ASTEROID LIGHTCURVE PHOTOMETRY FROM SANTANA OBSERVATORY – WINTER 2005 Robert D. Stephens 11355 Mount Johnson Court Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 USA rstephens@foxandstephens.com (Received: 5 April) Lightcurve period and amplitude results from Santana Observatory are reported for 2005 January-March. 553 Kundry: 12.605 ± 0.005 hr., 0.58 mag; 1330 Spiridonia: 9.67 ± 0.01 hr., 0.14 mag; 1777 Gehrels: 2.8358 ± 0.0001 hr., 0.27 mag; 1815 Beethoven: 54 ± 1 hr., 0.2 mag; (17556) 1993 WB: 9.17 ± 0.03 hr., 0.80 mag. Santana Observatory (MPC Code 646) is located in Rancho Cucamonga, California at an elevation of 400 meters and is operated by the author. Details of the equipment used can be found in Stephens (2003) and at the author’s web site (http://home.earthlink.net/~rdstephens/default.htm). With the exception of 1777 Gehrels, all of the asteroids were selected from the “CALL” web site (Warner 2005). The images were measured using the program MPO Canopus which uses differential aperture photometry. The period analysis was done within Canopus, which incorporates an algorithm based on the Fourier analysis program developed by Harris (1989). The results are summarized in the table below. The individual plots are presented afterwards. The data and lightcurves are Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 67 presented without additional comment, except when the circumstances for a given asteroid require more details. Column 2 gives the dates over which the observations were made, Column 3 gives the number of actual runs made during that time span and column 4 gives the number of observations used. Column 5 is the range of phase angles over the full data range. If there are three values in the column, this means the phase angle reached a minimum with the middle valued being the minimum. Columns 6 and 7 give the range of values for the Phase Angle Bisector (PAB) longitude and latitude respectively. Column 8 gives the period and column 9 gives the error in hours. Columns 10 and 11 give the amplitude and error in magnitudes. 1777 Gehrels: Gehrels was on a list of asteroids to monitor for binary status prepared by Alan Harris. It was previously listed as having a 2.84 hour period as determined from the Wisniewski data as analyzed by Harris (1997). The second and third nights of observations suffered from mediocre observing conditions. On March 12, an anomalous feature in the lightcurve suggested an attenuation event. Peter Kusnirak of Ondrejov Observatory and Brian Warner of Palmer Divide Observatory each contributed observations while Petr Pravec was the analyzer of the joint dataset. While these additional observations and remeasuring of the original images reduced the likelihood of the asteroid having a satellite, it did provide a unique solution of 2.8358 ± 0.0001 hours for the rotational period. The lightcurve shown includes the Stephens and Warner datasets, but not the Kusnirak dataset because of incompatibility in the software programs. 1815 Beethoven: It was obvious from the shallow slope of the lightcurve from the first night of data, that this asteroid has a long period. Unfortunately, a record setting rainy season in Southern California allowed only four nights of observing in the first three weeks. No additional observations could be made for the next month. The four nights obtained do not really lend themselves to a solution, although a period of 54 hours is the best fit. (17556) 1993 WB: On two nights, this asteroid was in the same field of view as 1815 Beethoven. An asteroid with a predicted Asteroid 553 Kundry 1330 Spiridonia 1777 Gehrels 1815 Beethoven 17556 1993 WB Dates 2004 12/20 – 2005 01/17 2005 03/31 – 2005 04/03 2005 03/08 – 16 Sess 5 Obs 389 4 303 6 526 2005 01/18 – 2005 02/05 2005 02/05 – 06 4 439 2 169 magnitude of 16.6 would not otherwise have been targeted. However, since images had already acquired, they were measured and a useable lightcurve was derived. No further observations were obtained. Acknowledgements Thanks are given to Dr. Alan Harris of the Space Science Institute, Boulder, CO, and Dr. Petr Pravec of the Astronomical Institute, Czech Republic, for their ongoing support of all amateur asteroid photometrists and in particular, for their assistance on 1777 Gehrels. Also, thanks to Brian Warner for his continuing work and enhancements to the software program “Canopus” which makes it possible for amateur astronomers to analyze and collaborate on asteroid rotational period projects and for maintaining the CALL Web site which helps coordinate collaborative projects between amateur astronomers. References Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L. J., Millis, R. L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H. J., Debehogne, H, and Zeigler, K. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Stephens, R. D. (2003). “Photometry of 2134 Dennispalm, 2258 Viipuri, 3678 Mongmanwai, 4024 Ronan, and 6354 Vangelis.” Minor Planet Bulletin 30, 46-48. Stephens, R. D. (2005). http://home.earthlink.net/~rdstephens/ default.htm. Warner, B. (2005). “Potential Lightcurve http://www.minorplanetobserver.com/astlc.targets. Targets”. Wisniewski, W.Z., Michalowski, T.M., Harris, A.W., McMillan, R. S. (1997). “Photometric Observations of 125 Asteroids.” Icarus 126, 395-449 Phase 1.6, 16.7 6.4, 5.8 LPAB 87.2, 89.4 BPAB 2.0, 3.2 Per (h) 12.605 PE 0.005 Amp 0.58 AE 0.03 200.4 12.8, 13.0 9.67 0.01 0.14 0.03 0.7, 0.4, 3.1 5.2, 0.5, 3.0 4.1, 4.7 168.9 -0.9, -1.1 2.8358 .0001 0.27 0.01 129.4, 129.8 0.9, 1.2 54 1 0.2 0.1 130.3, 130.4 1.1 9.17 0.03 0.80 0.03 Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 68 THE MINOR PLANET OBSERVER: TIME TO SLEEP – BUT NOT JUST YET Brian Warner Palmer Divide Observatory 17995 Bakers Farm Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80908 brian@MinorPlanetObserver.com As I write this, I’m also monitoring the three telescopes at the Palmer Divide Observatory, each one working via automation software to get images of an asteroid for lightcurve analysis. I’m sitting inside at my work computer that allows me to peek at the screens of the three computers outside just to make sure things are OK. No more sitting outside in the depths of winter when the temperatures were –30°C at times and I used to guide a single scope manually for five minutes to capture 14th magnitude asteroids on film. Now I can reach down to 15-17th magnitude in less time and have plenty of photons for photometry. Eventually, I’ll head off to bed – much later than I should – and let the no longer uncommon marvels of a modern age do all the work. Being a practicing member of the old school, I often stay up despite the conveniences and watch the images come through. Maybe it’s too many years of dealing with computers and knowing how they seem to find just the right time to do something strange. I prefer to think that it allows me to remain part of the Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 69 process – that a human is still needed to do the work. Then again, it could be just be wondering what the next image will show. I know there are those who like to turn things over to the computers completely, expecting to get up in the morning and have a completed lightcurve waiting on the screen, maybe even with period analysis and a cup of coffee to get the day going right; not me. I’m not so anachronistic to think computers don’t have their uses but lightcurve work is more than collecting photons and making plots. It sometimes becomes a mystery worthy of Sherlock Holmes. When “the game’s afoot” is when things are most interesting. It often seems that all the easy asteroids have been worked and all that’s left are the hard ones. I say that because of the last six I chose to pursue, not one has had a simple curve with a period easily determined. Five had long periods and may not have been really solved. Another seemed to have a period but it also looked like someone had sprinkled colored sparkles on the paper and the eye and analysis software were fooled into finding a period. I’ve found many times that when I start work on a numbered asteroid of 1000 or less the period is rarely easily found. I wonder if someone else once tried to work the asteroid before and gave up without reporting even meager results – as a warning to future researchers if nothing else. I’ve committed this sin lately and I think the gods took revenge on me for doing so by making all my recent targets difficult ones. I’ve long since learned my lesson that these difficult asteroids, be they long period or seemingly “chicken-scratch” are now the ones that deserve the most effort. It is these targets that might provide something new in the rapidly growing statistical pool of lightcurve data. Alan Harris ruminates on the possibilities of what might have been overlooked in the past in the regular lightcurve opportunities article elsewhere in this issue. You should make certain to read his comments. In short, there is often the temptation to abandon hard and easy targets too soon. Even if you’re able to get 8 hours on a 6-hour period two nights in a row, a third night – maybe the next or a couple nights removed – can only improve the solution and may even produce unexpected results. As for the hard targets – slow rotators in particular – it may take more work in more ways than just getting more data. You may have to start taking at least basic steps to calibrate night-to-night measurements so that the absolute values can be put somewhat on a standard system. That means more time before you start collecting asteroid photons and maybe even a little manual intervention. Automation software can’t always determine when to shoot the calibration images or, even if it can, if the conditions are right to do so. I’ve been asked if all this work is worth doing and will it continue to be so in the next few years as some large surveys start covering the sky to unprecedented depths. Of course it is and will be – even with Mikko Kaasalainen’s work on “sparse sampling” that will allow finding the period and approximate shape using only 50 or so calibrated images. First, those images have to be taken over a large range of viewing aspects. That will take time, years most likely. Even so, there will always be the need for calibration work to establish the reliability of initial results. Furthermore, the gross determinations will not always tell the full story. What they will do is find the interesting cases and then it will be up to others to do the follow up work. In many cases, that work can be done by those with smaller instruments (I refuse to use the term “amateur” here). Anyone who studied the history of science knows that not all discoveries come in sudden moments of epiphany or serendipity. Many are the result of well-planned and executed programs that go on for months if not years. I cannot imagine the day when the call of the asteroid photometrist, “More Data!” will be answered with, “No More!” What data are needed for which targets may change, but that’s the way of science. It’s up to any researcher to adapt to changing knowledge and needs. I have every confidence that the many so-called “amateurs” who read and contribute to the Minor Planet Bulletin will meet the challenge and, as they are doing more and more these days, provide a large part of the lightcurve data sought by researchers. If you’re just getting into asteroid photometry, I encourage you to join the AAVSO newsgroups. Yes, the group is dedicated to variable stars but “they know photometry”. You’ll find a great group of helpful people who will guide you as you learn the basics and nuances of photometry. Regardless of the target involved, the principles are about the same. You should take advantage of any available means to improve your technique and learn from others. I know I’ve learned quite a bit in the last couple of years just lurking in the background. Another group worth investigating is the Society for Astronomical Science (http://socastrosci.org). They hold an annual symposium in Big Bear, CA, at the end of May that is fast becoming a “must do” meeting for those wanting to do science with their telescopes. Well, the scopes are still running. The images are in focus and I’ve already begun analyzing the data from one asteroid. I don’t have to worry about a snowstorm moving in and the weather forecasters say that not even the usual late night clouds will form tonight nor will there be howling winds to take the roofs off their tracks. I have no reason to stay up and every reason to turn in early (before midnight). No reason at all – except curiosity about what the next image will look like – and the next – and the next – and the next. Clear Skies! LIGHTCURVE PHOTOMETRY OPPORTUNITIES JULY-SEPTEMBER 2005 Brian D. Warner Palmer Divide Observatory 17995 Bakers Farm Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80908 Mikko Kaasalainen Rolf Nevanlinna Institute P.O. Box 68 (Gustaf Hallstromin katu 2b, room A422) FIN-00014 University of Helsinki Finland Alan W. Harris Space Science Institute 4603 Orange Knoll Ave. La Canada, CA 91011-3364 Petr Pravec Astronomical Institute CZ-25165 Ondrejov Czech Republic ppravec@asu.cas.cz When selecting asteroids for study, it’s not uncommon to see observers choose those for which there are no known lightcurve parameters. In “the old days”, this made sense because the statistical sampling was so small as to distort the overall picture of Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 70 asteroid rotation rate versus any number of other parameters. Times have changed. The statistical sampling is much better now, though there are still some gaps, caused at least in part by an aversion to select faint objects or to stick with otherwise difficult targets. We discussed previously the work on binary asteroids being run by Pravec. Warner is concentrating on inner main-belt asteroids to see if there are family traits among the Phocaeas and Hungarias similar to those found in other asteroid groups. This time around, we’d like to make a case for working some asteroids even though the lightcurve parameters may have a ‘2’ or even ‘3’ rating. If nothing else, a ‘2’ can be converted to a ‘3’ and in either case, another curve becomes available to help Kaasalainen in his spin axis and shape studies. In a recent exchange of emails, Harris sent the following to Warner regarding the possibilities of what might have been overlooked in the early work on asteroid lightcurves: “In doing the latest revisions to the lightcurve list, as I look over all the new oddities, binaries, tumblers, and so forth, I am left wondering how we could have missed all these fun things for so long. Looking back, tumblers were only revealed when the radar observers [could offer no other solution]. Upon looking back from then, I quickly found several other likely or certain tumblers in my data files; I had simply overlooked or dismissed the clues to a then unknown and unexpected phenomenon.” “The same applies to binaries to some extent. In that case, we weren’t thinking of asynchronous binaries with two periods, and so we quit looking. I wonder how many ‘3’ rated asteroids are actually binaries but we quit looking as soon as we had seen the full cycle once. I suspect a handful of those fast rotators hanging right up against the rotation barrier are binaries; if we went back and hammered long enough, we would see mutual events.” “In this light, Pravec’s latest [binary] campaign is very well motivated. We need to look for more than one cycle of coverage before moving on and assuming everything is settled.” Given the above, there is ample justification to return to previously determined asteroids that fit some of the criteria, e.g., those near the rotation barrier. If possible, try looking at data plots of previous work and see if there is something that might give a clue that the asteroid needs additional work. That might be a single session that doesn’t quite fit or seemingly highly scattered data, which might be the result of two periods superimposed in a complex way – the result of a tumbling asteroid. This doesn’t mean that every asteroid with a ‘2’ or ‘3’ rating needs to be worked again out of course. However, by extending the search criteria to include some of these targets, there is also an extension of the number of targets that can be reached by the more modest equipment available to amateurs. One need not be required to work asteroids of 16th magnitude and fainter to do “new work.” If nothing else, keep in mind that many of the brighter targets within reach of the smaller instruments, or those using strictly standard filters, do not have spin axis or shape models. As always, some of these are in want of only one or two more curves to allow models to be constructed. You’ll find some of those in the Shape/Spin Modeling Opportunities list below. ones. This is a just short list of those reaching at least 15.0 in the coming quarter and only those reaching a particularly favorable apparition. A complete list of targets is available on the CALL w e b s i t e a t http://www.MinorPlanetObserver.com/astlc/default.htm. This covers asteroids as faint as 16.0 and regardless if they reach a favorable apparition or not. Even the short list below should tell you that there is plenty of work to be done on mostly uncharted ground. Furthermore, a review of the list of nearly 2000 known lightcurve parameters, also available on the CALL site, as well as the low phase angle opportunities list below should dispel any thoughts that those with humble instruments cannot contribute effectively to asteroid research. Lightcurve Opportunities Brightest # Name Date Mag Dec U Per Amp --------------------------------------------------------3483 Svetlov (F) 7 02.2 15.0 -37 0 6742 Biandepei (F) 7 04.1 14.6 -23 0 1321 Majuba (F) 7 05.1 13.5 -32 2 6.78 0.43 1358 Gaika (F) 7 06.3 14.2 -27 0 6790 Pingouin (F) 7 06.2 15.0 + 1 0 4049 Noragal' (F) 7 07.9 14.3 -23 0 1821 Aconcagua (F) 7 07.8 14.5 -23 0 1525 Savonlinna (F) 7 10.6 14.6 -20 0 13914 Galegant (F) 7 10.2 14.7 -26 0 2688 Halley (F) 7 14.1 15.0 -23 0 2375 Radek (F) 7 14.0 14.3 -22 0 1706 Dieckvoss (F) 7 15.1 14.1 -21 0 29769 1999 CE28 (F) 7 16.8 14.2 -28 0 7353 Kazuya (F) 7 18.9 14.5 -31 0 27139 1998 XX46 (F) 7 20.1 14.7 -15 0 49389 1998 XS20 (F) 7 23.7 15.0 -14 0 3152 Jones (F) 7 26.8 14.3 -19 0 6410 Fujiwara (F) 7 26.9 14.7 -31 0 3679 Condruses (F) 7 26.4 15.0 -20 0 5386 1975 TH6 (F) 7 27.5 14.9 -30 0 2972 Niilo (F) 7 28.5 15.0 -17 0 2454 Olaus Magnus (F) 7 28.3 14.7 -10 0 5660 1974 MA (F) 7 28.1 14.5 +39 0 13918 1984 QB (F) 7 28.4 14.4 -21 0 309 Fraternitas (F) 7 29.4 13.2 -24 2 13.2 0.10 13852 Ford (F) 7 29.3 15.0 -18 0 34669 2000 YO5 (F) 7 29.2 15.0 -18 0 5353 1989 YT (F) 7 30.1 14.9 -27 0 498 Tokio (F) 7 30.2 11.2 -27 2 >20. >0.36 11386 1998 TA18 (F) 7 31.7 15.0 - 8 0 5811 Keck (F) 7 31.7 14.7 + 3 2 60. >0.25 6599 Tsuko (F) 7 31.0 15.0 - 8 0 1648 Shajna (F) 7 31.4 13.6 -18 0 32555 2001 QZ29 (F) 7 31.7 14.9 + 1 0 29311 1994 BQ3 (F) 8 01.9 14.6 -14 0 7527 1993 BJ (F) 8 02.9 15.0 -21 0 960 Birgit (F) 8 02.2 14.4 -12 0 13553 1992 JE (F) 8 03.6 15.0 + 4 0 7534 1995 UA7 (F) 8 04.6 14.3 -24 0 4384 1990 AA (F) 8 05.9 14.5 -18 0 2680 Mateo (F) 8 08.6 14.9 -20 0 4768 Hartley (F) 8 11.4 14.3 -16 0 5505 1986 VD1 (F) 8 11.1 14.8 -14 0 6741 Liyuan (F) 8 11.9 14.8 -10 0 1056 Azalea (F) 8 12.6 13.0 -21 2 15.05 0.7 6481 Tenzing (F) 8 14.6 14.7 -15 0 6630 Skepticus (F) 8 14.9 15.0 -27 0 5437 1990 DU3 (F) 8 16.0 14.9 -13 0 810 Atossa (F) 8 17.1 13.6 -13 0 6061 1981 SQ2 (F) 8 17.0 14.8 -20 0 5537 1964 TA2 (F) 8 19.3 14.9 -16 0 2621 Goto (F) 8 20.9 14.4 -28 0 6456 Golombek (F) 8 21.2 15.0 + 1 0 7663 1994 RX1 (F) 8 22.8 14.9 + 5 1 32.3 0.40 6364 1981 ET (F) 8 24.7 14.4 -19 0 14668 1999 CB67 (F) 8 24.7 14.8 + 9 0 8556 Jana (F) 8 27.9 15.0 -18 0 3875 Staehle (F) 8 28.3 13.9 -15 0 1543 Bourgeois (F) 8 31.4 13.7 +12 0 The Lightcurve Opportunities list below does favor those targets for which there are no known parameters, or poorly established Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) continued on next page 71 Lightcurve Opportunities (continued) Shape/Spin Modeling Opportunities Brightest # Name Date Mag Dec U Per Amp --------------------------------------------------------10518 1990 MC (F) 8 31.5 14.9 + 6 0 1394 Algoa (F) 9 01.3 15.0 - 7 0 7741 Fedoseev (F) 9 01.2 14.9 - 4 0 6074 Bechtereva (F) 9 03.1 14.9 - 5 0 4655 Marjoriika (F) 9 03.9 14.7 - 6 0 4519 Voronezh (F) 9 06.0 15.0 - 7 0 9566 Rykhlova (F) 9 07.8 14.9 + 2 0 28610 2000 EM158 (F) 9 07.2 14.9 +10 0 9716 Severina (F) 9 07.0 14.9 - 5 0 2616 Lesya (F) 9 08.0 14.1 - 7 0 2406 Orelskaya (F) 9 08.0 14.6 - 8 0 7357 1995 UJ7 (F) 9 09.9 14.9 - 8 0 5176 Yoichi (F) 9 10.5 13.9 -20 0 2024 McLaughlin (F) 9 10.9 15.0 -18 0 12331 1992 UH6 (F) 9 10.4 14.9 -18 0 1636 Porter (F) 9 11.0 14.8 - 5 0 14643 Morata (F) 9 13.1 14.7 + 1 0 1490 Limpopo (F) 9 13.6 14.2 +15 0 28017 1997 YV13 (F) 9 14.3 14.3 + 6 0 2139 Makharadze (F) 9 14.8 14.7 + 1 0 1731 Smuts (F) 9 14.7 13.6 - 6 0 4031 Mueller (F) 9 16.9 14.8 - 4 0 49385 1998 XA12 (F) 9 16.2 14.7 +41 0 8290 1992 NP (F) 9 17.4 14.9 +16 0 1500 Jyvaskyla (F) 9 18.6 14.5 - 8 0 2243 Lonnrot (F) 9 18.5 14.1 - 8 0 1438 Wendeline (F) 9 19.3 14.3 + 1 0 3925 Tret'yakov (F) 9 23.2 14.2 - 7 0 6500 Kodaira (F) 9 25.5 14.8 + 5 0 2453 Wabash (F) 9 27.9 14.6 + 0 0 4132 Bartok (F) 9 27.6 13.5 - 7 0 5847 Wakiya (F) 9 28.4 14.0 +15 1 23.95 0.10 Brightest Per # Name Date Mag Dec (h) Amp. U --------------------------------------------------------5 Astraea 8 02.5 10.9 -16 16.800 0.10-0.30 4 24 Themis 8 22.2 11.9 -13 8.374 0.09-0.14 3 31 Euphrosyne 9 30.5 11.2 -16 5.531 0.09-0.13 4 36 Atalante 8 05.4 12.3 -41 9.93 0.15-0.17 3 48 Doris 8 12.3 11.4 -09 11.89 0.35 3 76 Freia 7 30.2 13.3 -16 9.972 0.10-0.33 2 276 Adelheid 8 15.9 13.6 +13 6.328 0.07-0.10 3 441 Bathilde 8 09.1 12.7 -05 10.447 0.13 3 471 Papagena 9 13.1 9.9 -29 7.113 0.11-0.13 3 480 Hansa 9 03.5 12.5 +22 16.19 0.58 3 1902 Shaposhnikov 8 16.9 14.0 -31 21.2 0.42 3 Low Phase Angle Opportunities # Name Date PhA V Dec ----------------------------------------------------40 Harmonia 07 01.6 0.14 11.4 +23 21 Lutetia 07 04.0 0.31 12.4 +24 215 Oenone 07 04.1 0.98 13.1 -25 268 Adorea 07 08.0 0.16 13.8 +22 90 Antiope 07 09.3 0.81 11.7 -24 1105 Fragaria 07 11.9 0.83 13.7 -20 49 Pales 07 12.7 0.09 12.9 +22 64 Angelina 07 16.7 0.12 12.2 +21 211 Isolda 07 18.1 0.87 12.6 -18 543 Charlotte 07 18.2 0.09 13.6 -21 863 Benkoela 07 19.2 0.14 13.3 -20 888 Parysatis 07 20.1 0.91 13.4 -18 182 Elsa 07 21.7 0.14 13.3 +21 381 Myrrha 07 22.2 0.69 12.2 -18 106 Dione 07 24.8 0.99 13.1 +23 729 Watsonia 07 25.3 0.46 12.8 -18 317 Roxane 07 30.9 0.66 12.0 -17 1648 Shajna 07 31.5 0.31 13.6 -18 5 Astraea 08 02.5 0.54 10.9 -16 159 Aemilia 08 04.6 0.15 12.7 -17 653 Berenike 08 06.1 0.07 13.3 -17 202 Chryseis 08 07.3 0.11 12.6 +16 739 Mandeville 08 11.7 0.43 12.5 -16 762 Pulcova 08 14.3 0.94 13.6 +12 44 Nysa 08 14.7 0.40 10.4 -15 810 Atossa 08 17.1 0.50 13.6 -13 141 Lumen 08 17.8 0.33 13.6 +12 354 Eleonora 08 20.6 0.71 11.2 +14 282 Clorinde 08 21.7 0.43 13.6 -13 194 Prokne 08 24.5 0.67 13.5 +09 184 Dejopeja 08 26.0 0.02 12.9 -10 192 Nausikaa 08 26.1 0.34 12.3 +11 63 Ausonia 08 26.5 0.15 12.3 +11 172 Baucis 08 27.9 0.12 13.8 +10 27 Euterpe 08 28.7 0.45 11.2 +10 122 Gerda 09 06.5 0.21 12.4 -06 91 Aegina 09 09.3 0.25 13.7 +06 30 Urania 09 09.9 0.38 12.4 +04 101 Helena 09 10.6 0.67 10.6 -03 305 Gordonia 09 13.8 0.71 14.0 +02 59 Elpis 09 13.9 0.04 13.3 +04 66 Maja 09 22.9 0.32 11.8 -01 236 Honoria 09 24.8 0.14 14.0 -01 Note that the amplitude in the table just above could be more, or less, than what’s given. Use the listing as a guide and doublecheck your work. Also, if the date is ‘1 01.’ Or ’12 31. ‘, i.e., there is no value after the decimal, it means that the asteroid reaches its brightest just as the year begins (it gets dimmer all year) or it reaches its brightest at the end of the year (it gets brighter all year). INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS The Minor Planet Bulletin is open to papers on all aspects of minor planet study. Theoretical, observational, historical, review, and other topics from amateur and professional astronomers are welcome. The level of presentation should be such as to be readily understood by most amateur astronomers. The preferred language is English. All observational and theoretical papers will be reviewed by another researcher in the field prior to publication to insure that results are presented clearly and concisely. It is hoped that papers will be published within three months of receipt. However, material submitted by the posted deadline for an issue may or may not appear in that issue, depending on available space and editorial processing. The MPB will not generally publish articles on instrumentation. Persons interested in details of CCD instrumentation should join the International Amateur-Professional Photoelectric Photometry (IAPPP) and subscribe to their journal. Write to: Douglas S. Hall, Dyer Observatory, 1000 Oman Drive, Brentwood, TN 37027 (email: douglas.s.hall@vanderbilt.edu). The MPB will carry only limited information on asteroid occultations because detailed information on observing these events is given in the Occultation Newsletter published by the International Occultation Timing Association (IOTA). Persons interested in subscribing to this newsletter should write to: Art Lucas. Secretary & Treasurer, 5403 Bluebird Trail, Stillwater, OK 74074 USA (business@occultations.org). Astrometry measurements should be submitted to the IAU Minor Planet Center and are no longer being published or reproduced in the MPB. Manuscript Preparation It is strongly preferred that all manuscripts be prepared using the t e m p l a t e f o u n d a t : http://www.minorplanetobserver.com/astlc/default.htm Manuscripts should be less than 1000 words. Longer manuscripts may be returned for revision or delayed pending available space. For authors not using the template noted above, manuscripts may be submitted electronically as ASCII text or on paper as a typescript. Typescripts should be typed double spaced and consist of the following: a title page giving the names and addresses of all authors (editorial correspondence will be Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005) 72 conducted with the first author unless otherwise noted), a brief abstract not exceeding four sentences, the text of the paper, acknowledgments, references, tables, figure captions, and figures. Please compile your manuscripts in this order. For lightcurve articles, authors are encouraged to combine as many objects together in a single article as possible. For general articles, the number of tables plus figures should not exceed two. Tables should be numbered consecutively in Roman numerals, figures in Arabic numerals. We will typeset short tables, if necessary. Longer tables must be submitted in “camera ready” format, suitable for direct publication. Font size should be large enough to allow for clear reproduction within the column dimensions described below. We prefer to receive figures in electronic format, 300 dpi or higher quality, black markings on white. Because of their high reproduction cost, the MPB will not print color figures. Labeling should be large enough to be easily readable when reproduced to fit within the MPB column format. If at all possible, you are strongly encouraged to supply tables and figures at actual size for direct reproduction. Tables and figures intended for direct reproduction to occupy one-half page width should be 8.6 cm wide, or full-page width, 17.8 cm. Size your tables and figures to fit one-half page width whenever possible. Limit the vertical extent of your figures as much as possible. In general they should be 9 cm or less. References should be cited in the text such as Harris and Young (1980) for one or two authors or Bowell et al. (1979) for more than two authors. The reference section should list papers in alphabetical order of the first author’s last name. The reference format for a journal article, book chapter, and book are as follows: Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L. J., Millis, R. L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H. J., Debehogne, H, and Zeigler, K. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Pravec, P., Harris, A. W., and Michalowski, T. (2002). “Asteroid Rotations.” In Asteroids III (W. F. Bottke, A. Cellino, P. Paolicchi, R. P. Binzel, eds.) pp 113-122. Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson. Warner, B. D. (2003). A Practical Guide to Lightcurve Photometry and Analysis. Bdw Publishing, Colorado Springs, CO. Authors are asked to carefully comply with the above guidelines in order to minimize the time required for editorial tasks. Submission All material submitted for publication in the Minor Planet Bulletin should be sent to the editor: Dr. Richard P. Binzel, MIT 54-410, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA (email: rpb@mit.edu). Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts electronically as email attachments or as ASCII text, prepared following the instructions above. Alternatively, your article may be sent by post on diskette (all diskettes must be accompanied by a complete printed copy of all material) or as a typed manuscript. When sending material by post, please include high quality original printed figures and tables that can be directly reproduced. In most cases, proofs of articles will be sent to authors prior to publication. THE MINOR PLANET BULLETIN (ISSN 1052-8091) is the quarterly journal of the Minor Planets Section of the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers – ALPO. Beginning with volume 32, the current and most recent issues of the MPB are available on line, free of charge at http://www.minorplanetobserver.com/mpb/default.htm . Subscription information for conventional printed copies is given below. Nonmembers are invited to join ALPO by communicating with: Matthew L. Will, A.L.P.O. Membership Secretary, P.O. Box 13456, Springfield, IL 62791-3456 (will008@attglobal.net). The Minor Planets Section is directed by its Coordinator, Prof. Frederick Pilcher, Department of Physics, Illinois College, Jacksonville, IL 62650 USA (pilcher@hilltop.ic.edu), assisted by Lawrence Garrett, 206 River Road, Fairfax, VT 05454 USA (LSGasteroid@msn.com). Richard Kowalski, 7630 Conrad St., Zephyrhills, FL 33544-2729 USA (qho@bitnik. com) is Associate Coordinator for Observation of NEO’s, and Steve Larson, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, 1629 E. University Blvd., University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA (slarson@lpl.arizona.edu) is Scientific Advisor. The Asteroid Photometry Coordinator is Brian D. Warner, Palmer Divide Observatory, 17995 Bakers Farm Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80908 USA (brian@MinorPlanetObserver.com). The Minor Planet Bulletin is edited by Dr. Richard P. Binzel, MIT 54-410, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA (rpb@mit.edu), produced by Dr. Robert A. Werner, JPL MS 301-150, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109 USA (robert.a.werner@jpl.nasa.gov), and distributed by Derald D. Nye. The contact for all subscriptions, contributions, address changes, etc. is: Mr. Derald D. Nye Minor Planet Bulletin 10385 East Observatory Drive Corona de Tucson, AZ 85641-2309 USA (nye@kw-obsv.org) (Telephone: 520-762-5504) Annual subscription rates for the Minor Planet Bulletin by postal delivery: Payment by check $14.00 $19.00 North America All other Payment by credit card $15.00 $20.00 To minimize our administrative time, please consider subscribing for two years. Users of the on-line MPB who are not paid subscribers are encouraged to make a voluntary contribution of $5 or more per year. Checks or money orders should be in US dollars, drawn on a US bank, and made payable to the “Minor Planet Bulletin.” To pay by credit card, (Visa, Mastercard, or Discover) please send by mail your credit card number, your name exactly as it appears on the card, and the expiration date. Be sure to specify the desired length of your subscription. Credit card charges will be made through “Roadrunner Mkt, Corona AZ.” When sending your subscription order, be sure to include your full mailing address and an email address, if available. The numbers in the upper-right corner of your mailing label indicate the volume and issue number with which your current subscription expires. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their manuscripts by electronic mail (rpb@mit.edu). Electronic submissions can be formatted either using a Microsoft Word template document available at the web page given above, or else as text-only. A printed version of the file and figures must also be sent. All materials must arrive by the deadline for each issue. Visual photometry observations, positional observations, any type of observation not covered above, and general information requests should be sent to the Coordinator. * * * * * The deadline for the next issue (32-4) is July 15, 2005. The deadline for issue 33-1 is October 15, 2005. Minor Planet Bulletin 32 (2005)