Jul-Sep, 34-3 - MinorPlanet.Info
Jul-Sep, 34-3 - MinorPlanet.Info
THE MINOR PLANET BULLETIN BULLETIN OF THE MINOR PLANETS SECTION OF THE ASSOCIATION OF LUNAR AND PLANETARY OBSERVERS VOLUME 34, NUMBER 3, A.D. 2007 JULY-SEPTEMBER CCD PHOTOMETRY OF ASTEROID 22 KALLIOPE Can Gungor Department of Astronomy, Ege University 35100 Bornova Izmir TURKEY cangungor@mail.ege.edu.tr 53. Kwee, K.K. and von Woerden, H. (1956). Bull. Astron. Inst. Neth. 12, 327 Trigo-Rodriguez, J.M. and Caso, A.S. (2003). “CCD Photometry of asteroid 22 Kalliope and 125 Liberatrix” Minor Planet Bulletin 30, 26-27. (Received: 13 March) CCD photometry of asteroid 22 Kalliope taken at Tubitak National Observatory during November 2006 is reported. A rotational period of 4.149 ± 0.0003 hours and amplitude of 0.386 mag at Johnson B filter, 0.342 mag at Johnson V are determined. The observation of 22 Kalliope was made at Tubitak National Observatory located at an elevation of 2500m. For this study, the 410mm f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope was used with a SBIG ST-8E CCD electronic imager. Data were collected on 2006 November 27. 305 images were obtained for each Johnson B and V filters. Exposure times were chosen as 30s for filter B and 15s for filter V. All images were calibrated using dark and bias frames and sky flats. Figure 1. Lightcurve of 22 Kalliope for Johnson B filter. X axis is JD-2454067.00. Ordinate is relative magnitude. During this observation, Kalliope was 99.26% illuminated and the phase angle was 9º.87 (Guide 8.0). Times of observation were light-time corrected. Reduction of frames was made with IRAF software. For differential photometry, GSC 1876 748 was used as a comparison star. The times of minima were computed by the Kwee-van Woerden method (Kwee & van Woerden, 1956). The rotational period for 22 Kalliope from the data presented is 4.149 ± 0.0003 hours. This is similar to the Trigo-Rodriguez (2003) value of 4.144 hours. The amplitude of lightcurve for filter B is 0.386 mag while the amplitude for filter V is 0.342 mag. Lightcurves are presented in Figure 1 for filter B and Figure 2 for filter V. Acknowledgments Many thanks to Tubitak National Observatory for use telescope time allocation and other facilities. Figure 2. Lightcurve of 22 Kalliope for Johnson V filter. X axis is JD-2454067.00. Ordinate is relative magnitude. References Guide 8.0 Software, http://www.planetpluto.com SUBSCRIPTION INCREASE NOTICE See page 55. Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) Available on line http://www.minorplanetobserver.com/mpb/default.htm 54 PHOTOMETRY OF ATEN ASTEROID (66146) 1998 TU3 Tom Richards Woodridge Observatory 8 Diosma Rd Eltham, Vic 3095, Australia tom@woodridgeobsy.org An eleven-point moving average was constructed for the phase plot, which gave an amplitude of 0.10 ± 0.01 mag, rather less than published figures, e.g. in Pravec et al (2005). The epoch used was JD 2452919.2132 Fuller information may be found on the first author’s website, http://www.woodridgeobsy.org. Greg Bolt Craigie, WA, Australia References David Higgins Hunters Hill Observatory Ngunnawal, Canberra ACT, Australia Colin Bembrick Mt Tarana Observatory Bathurst, NSW, Australia Bembrick, C. (2005). “Asteroid Research and Amateur Input”. Southern Stars, 44:3, 16-19. Binzel, R.P., Lupishko, D.F., Di Martino, M., Whiteley, R.J. and Hahn, G.J. (2002). “Physical Properties of Near Earth Objects” in Asteroids III (W. F. Bottke, A. Cellino, P. Paolicchi, R. P. Binzel, eds.), pp. 255-271. Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson. (Received: 21 March ) Harris, A.W., Warner, B.D. (2006). “Minor Planet Lightcurve Parameters”. http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/lists/LightcurveDat.html Eleven sets of photometric data for (66146) 1998 TU3 were obtained over a 14 day period in 2003 October. A synodic rotation period of 2.3779 ± 0.0004 h with amplitude 0.10 mag was derived, close to other published data. Hartley, M., Russell, K. S., Savage, A. Asher, D. J., Broughton, J., Hergenrother, C. W., Williams G. V., and Nakano, S. (1999). “1998 TU3” M P E C 1998 U03, available from http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/. Minor planet (66146) 1988 TU3 was discovered by the LINEAR NEO survey on 1998 Oct 13. Orbital elements show it is an Aten asteroid (Tesi et al 1998 and Hartley et al 1999). It has been assigned to the taxonomic class Q (Whiteley 2001) and based on its albedo its diameter is given at 3.6 km (Binzel et al 2002). Higgins, D. (2007). “Minor Planet Lightcurves”. http://www.david-higgins.com/Astronomy/asteroid/lightcurves .htm Harris & Warner (2006) give a period of 2.375 h, referencing Világi (2002) and Pravec et al. (2005). Világi’s paper shows lightcurves from two nights in 2001 October, but provides no period. Pravec et al.’s table gives a period of 2.3767 ± 0.0009 h, listing Vilagi’s paper as the source. It also lists a period of 2.37741 ± 0.00004 h, from dates in Aug-Sep 2003 near those of the present study. For another discussion of some of the data in the present paper see (Bembrick, 2005). The present study was triggered by a request for observations of this earth-crossing asteroid at a close opposition. It consists of eleven observation sets, as follows, all obtained with unfiltered CCD cameras (except Higgins who used an R filter). Obs lists the observer’s initials (see author list above), and Data the number of data points in the observation set (with a total of 4689). Richards used an 18 cm refractor, Bolt a 25 cm SCT, Higgins a 25 cm SCT, and Bembrick a 40 cm SCT. Higgins’s data and results are available separately on his personal website (Higgins 2007) for which there is a quoted period of 2.37745 + 0.00005 h, as well as a phase plot. All observations were corrected for light-time. Period analysis was carried out in Peranso 2.10 (Vanmunster, 2007). Numerous period analysis algorithms were applied, but ANOVA (SchwarzenbergCzerny 1996) produced the minimum period error and visually the tightest phase plot, as shown in the Figure. The resulting period was 2.3779 ± 0.0004 h, slightly higher than the published periods given above. A phase plot on the present data using the nearest published period figure of 2.37741 h, is noticeably less coherent. Lightcurve for (66146) 1998 TU3, corrected for light-time and phased to 2.3779 h. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Date 2003.10.06 2003.10.06 2003.10.07 2003.10.08 2003.10.09 2003.10.13 2003.10.14 2003.10.15 2003.10.16 2003.10.17 2003.10.19 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) Obs TR GB GB GB CB TR DH GB TR TR TR Data 638 745 547 732 162 115 267 524 506 358 95 Phase 29.8 29.9 30.4 31.1 31.8 35.8 37.0 38.2 39.4 40.6 43.1 LPAB 7.4 7.4 6.7 6.1 5.5 2.9 2.3 1.8 1.4 1.0 0.2 BPAB -19.8 -19.8 -19.7 -19.7 -19.5 -18.9 -18.6 -18.4 -18.2 -18.0 -17.4 55 Pravec, P., Wolf, M., and Sarounova, L. (2005). “Ondrejov Asteroid Photometry Project”, posted on http://www.asu.cas.cz/~ppravec/neo.htm. Schwarzenberg-Czerny, A. (1996). Ap J.460, L107-110. Tesi, L., Forti, G., Garradd, G. J., Broughton, J., Rogers, J. E. ,Blythe, M., Shelly, F., Bezpalko, M., Stuart, J., Viggh, H., Sayer, R., Griffin, I. P., Mendez, O., Scheck, J., Salvo, R., and Williams, G. V. (1998). “1998 TU3” MPEC 1999-C09, available from http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/ Vanmunster, T. (2007) “PERANSO Period Analysis and Light Curve Software”. http://users.skynet.be/fa079980/peranso/index.htm. Világi, J. (2002). “Asteroid photometry program at Modra Observatory” in Proceedings of Asteroids, Comets, Meteors – ACM 200, pp. 907-910. Figure 1. Dramatic upturn in number of asteroid rotations reliably known. (Figure credit: Alan W. Harris). Whiteley, R.J. (2001). A Compositional and Dynamical Survey of the Near-Earth Asteroids. PhD. Thesis, University of Hawaii. THE PRICE OF SUCCESS: SUBSCRIPTION RATE INCREASE FOR THE MINOR PLANET BULLETIN You hold in your hands the largest issue produced to date in the history of the Minor Planet Bulletin. It is a clear triumph for amateur and small college observatory astronomers who are enabled by the CCD revolution. Asteroid observations remain an open frontier where countless new scientific contributions remain to be made (Figures 1 and 2). These pages reflect only a snapshot of the most current contributions. What is the future of printed journals? No one is sure. While electronic media are clearly the wave of the future, there currently still seems a human element, value, and demand for print subscriptions to communicate and archive scientific results. We are proud that The Minor Planet Bulletin can be accessed electronically for free – and certainly this is a major contributor to our outreach and scientific growth. Yet free access also decreases the number of print subscribers, providing another impacting factor on the cost of an individual print subscription. Voluntary contributions by free electronic subscribers are rare. If you are reading this electronically, and the MPB is valuable to you, please think again about making a voluntary contribution (page 94). Figure 2. Number of lightcurves published each year in the MPB, showing amateur contributions as the major contributor to the upturn in Figure 1. (Data compiled by Derald Nye.) 140 120 Pages Published per Year in the Minor Planet Bulletin 100 Pages Success and growth do not come for free. The demand for page space in The Minor Planet Bulletin results in ever larger issues (Figure 3), which are ever more costly to produce and mail. The huge increase in issue size, increases in printing costs, and increases in postage all are factors that force an immediate increase in print subscription rates. These new rates, effective immediately, appear on page 94 If you have previously renewed under the prior rates, your current subscription will be honored in full. Renewals and new subscriptions received now, must be at the new rate. 80 60 40 20 0 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Year Figure 3. Total number of MPB pages published each year since 1985. Final column is a projection for total pages in 2007. (Figure credit: Bob Werner). Richard P. Binzel, Editor Minor Planet Bulletin Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 56 LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS OF 22 KALLIOPE Acknowledgement Kevin B. Alton 70 Summit Ave Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927 kbalton@optonline.net The assistance and encouragement by Brian D. Warner to conduct my first photometric survey of an asteroid is gratefully appreciated. References (Received: 1 April Revised: 29 April) Lightcurves for 22 Kalliope were obtained over five nights in January and February 2007 using a CCD camera. Filtered (I-band) photometric exposures were used to calculate the synodic period (4.148288 hr) and estimate the axial ratio (a/b ≥ 1.51). 22 Kalliope (~181 km) was first detected by Hind in 1852. Margot and Brown (2003) discovered that Kalliope is orbited by a companion satellite, since named Linus. Although the original objective of this photometric campaign was to capture eclipse events (1E2 and 2E1) that were predicted for this binary system from late February through early April, poor weather conditions precluded this possibility. Equipment utilized included a 0.2-m Vixen VC200L catadioptric (f/6.4) with an SBIG ST 402ME CCD camera mounted at the primary focus running at –10° C and B, V and I filters based upon the Bessell specification. I-band imaging was carried out on a total of seven nights, five of which produced acceptable light curves and are reported herein. Multiple bandwidth (V, B, and I) filtered images were taken only on a single evening (February 10, 2007). Exposures were unbinned and 15 sec for each filter. A typical session lasted from 2.5 to 4 hours with exposures automatically taken at least every 90 seconds. Image acquisition (raw lights, darks and flats) was performed using CCDSOFT 5 (SBIG) while calibration and registration were accomplished with AIP4WIN (Berry and Burnell 2005). Further image reduction with MPO Canopus (Warner 2006) was achieved using at least four non-varying comparison stars to generate light curves by differential aperture photometry. Instrumental readings were light-time corrected but not reduced to standard magnitudes. Berry, R. and Burnell, J. (2005). AIP4WIN version 2.1.0, Willmann-Bell, Inc, Richmond, VA. Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H, and Zeigler, K. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Margot, J.L. and Brown, M.E. (2003). “A Low Density M-type Asteroid in the Main Belt”. Science 300, 1939-1942. Michalowki, T., Velichko, F.P. (1990). “Photoelectric Photometry, Parameters of Rotation and Shapes of 22 Kalliope and 79 Eurynome”. Acta Astron 40, 321-332. Trigo-Rodríguez, J.M. and Caso, A.S. (2003). “CCD Photometry of Asteroids 22 Kalliope and 125 Liberatrix”. Minor Planet Bulletin 30, 26-27. Vannmunster, T. (2006). Peranso Period Analysis Software, Peranso version 2.10, CBA Belgium Observatory. Warner, B.D. (2006). MPO Software, Canopus version Bdw Publishing, Colorado Springs, CO. A total of 1283 photometric readings in I-band produced lightcurves that spanned three weeks. Relevant aspect parameters for Kalliope taken at the mid-point from each session are shown in the table. Lightcurves exhibited the expected bimodality consistent with an asteroid having a triaxial ellipsoid shape. MPO Canopus provided a period solution for the folded data sets using Fourier analysis (Harris 1989). The synodic period, determined to be 4.148288 ± 0.000001 hr, was in excellent agreement with rotational periods for 22 Kalliope published by Michalowski and Velichko (1990) and Trigo-Rodríguez and Caso (2003). Periodograms produced using “Peranso” (Vannmunster 2006) by applying periodic orthogonals to fit observations and analysis of variance (ANOVA) to evaluate fit quality, confirmed this period determination. The estimated peak-to-peak maximum change in magnitude (0.445 mag) suggests an axial ratio (a/b) of at least 1.51 where a/b ≥ 100.4•∆mag. This value falls within the range (1.32 – 1.6) reported by other investigators (Michalowski and Velichko 1990). V-, B-, and I-band filtered images of Kalliope showed no notable color effects. UT Date (2007) No. Obs Phase Angle LPAB BPAB %Phase Coverage Jan 26 Feb 8 Feb 9 Feb 10 Feb 17 322 250 251 209 251 15.4 18.5 18.7 19 20 88.5 89.9 90.1 90.3 91.2 8.5 8.9 8.9 9.0 9.1 63.2 88.9 87.1 105.5 85.5 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 57 LIGHTCURVE RESULTS FOR 81 TERPSICHORE, 242 KRIEMHILD, 503 EVELYN, 522 HELGA, AND 578 HAPPELIA Michael Fauerbach, Thomas Bennett, Scott A. Marks Egan Observatory Florida Gulf Coast University 10501 FGCU Blvd. Fort Myers, FL 33965 mfauerba@fgcu.edu (Received: 11 April) We report lightcurve periods of five main belt asteroids observed at the Egan Observatory during the late 2005 early 2006 observing campaign. The Evelyn L. Egan Observatory is located on the campus of Florida Gulf Coast University in Fort Myers, Florida. Details on the equipment and experimental methods can be found in Fauerbach and Bennett (2005). The data were analyzed with MPO Canopus Version 9, which employs differential aperture photometry to determine the values used for analysis. Canopus was also used for period analysis, using the Fourier analysis algorithm developed by Harris (1989). The targets were chosen by comparing well placed asteroids to the list of known lightcurve parameters maintained by Harris and Warner (2006). We focused our observations on those asteroids for which only one prior –sometimes incomplete or inconclusive – measurement had been published. 81 Terpsichore. The period of this asteroid was first derived by K.W. Zeigler (1990) in 1985. Zeigler derived a period of 11.02 h, which fits well with our derived period of 11.027 ± 0.010 h. The observed magnitude was less than 0.1 magnitude. 242 Kriemhild. Warner (2005) derived a rotational period for this asteroid of 4.543 ± 0.005 h, which is in excellent agreement with our period of 4.545 ± 0.010 h. Due to the different viewing geometry of the observations in 2005 and 2006, our data show a significantly larger amplitude of about 0.3 magnitude versus the 0.08 magnitude measured by Warner. ± 0.010 h. In the meantime Licchelli (2006) had published his results on 522 Helga, taken just prior to ours, which are in excellent agreement with our independently derived results. Combining the two data sets – yielding phase angle coverage from 11.9o prior to opposition to 16.4o after opposition – would be an interesting undertaking. 578 Happelia. Robinson (2002) derived a period of 10.00 ± 0.05 h for this asteroid. This is in good agreement with our measurement of 10.061 ± 0.010 h. The results are summarized in the table below, and the individual lightcurve graphs are presented afterwards. For display purposes, we binned the data in each graph by a factor of two. Acknowledgements We would like to dedicate this paper to the memory of the late Mrs. Evelyn L. Egan. Without her generous support, this work, as well as all the educational activities around the observatory, would not have been possible. References Fauerbach, M. and Bennett, T. (2005). “First Photometric Lightcurve measurements from the Evelyn L. Egan Observatory,” Minor Planet Bul. 32-2, 34-35 Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H, and Zeigler, K. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Harris, A.W., and Warner B.D. (2006). http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/lists/LightcurveDat.html Kamel, L., Lundgren, K. (1999). “The Lightcurve of 503 Evelyn,” Minor Planet Bul. 26, 4-5. Lagerkvist, C.-I., Erikson, A., Lahulla, F., Di Martino, M., Nathues, A., and Dahlgren, M. (2001). Icarus 149, 190-197. Licchelli, D. (2005). “Lightcurve Analysis of Asteroids 78, 126, 522, 565, 714, 1459, 6974”. Minor Planet Bul. 33-1, 11-13. 503 Evelyn. The only previously existing lightcurve measurement for 503 Evelyn was made by Kamel and Lundgren (1999) in 1996. They derived a rotational period of 38.71 h, which is in good agreement with our derived period of 38.70 ± 0.01 h. Our observed amplitude of 0.35 magnitude is however significantly smaller than the previously observed amplitude of almost 1 magnitude. Robinson, L.E. (2002). “Photometry of Five Difficult Asteroids: 309 Fraternitas, 366 Vincentina 421 Zahringia, 578 Happelia, 959 Anne”. Minor Planet Bul. 29-1, 30-31. 522 Helga. At the time of our observations of asteroid 522 Helga only one published period by Lagerkvist et al. (1991) of 3.4 h existed. After the first night on target, it became obvious that this result could not be correct. Utilizing measurements from late October to early December of 2005, we derived a period of 8.126 Zeigler, K.W. (1990). “Photoelectric Photometry of Asteroids 81 Terpsichore, 381 Myrrha, and 1986 DA”. Minor Planet Bul. 17, 13. # Name Date Range (mm/dd/yyyy) 81 Terpsichore 01/05/2006 - 03/07/2006 242 Kriemhild 12/02/2005 - 12/04/2005 503 Evelyn 12/02/2005 - 03/03/2006 522 Helga 10/29/2005 - 12/03/2005 578 Happelia 10/27/2005 - 10/30/2005 Warner, B.D. (2005). “Lightcurve Analysis for Asteroids 242, 893, 921, 1373, 1853, 2120, 2448, 3022, 6490, 6517, 7187, 7757, and 18108”. Minor Planet Bul. 32-1, 4-7. Data Phase LPAB BPAB Pts 365 18.5,1.3,1.9 161.5,163.4 4.3,2.9 149 16.4,16.8 23.6 -1.0 497 5.1,25.6 60.0,77.0 -0.7,+1.8 245 11.1,16.4 0.4,3.5 -4.8,-4.6 229 5.9,6.8 21.3 -0.7 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) Per (h) 11.027 4.545 38.70 8.126 10.061 PE 0.010 0.010 0.01 0.010 0.010 58 THE ROTATION PERIODS OF 36 ATALANTE AND 416 VATICANA James W. Brinsfield Via Capote Observatory 5180 Via Capote, Thousand Oaks CA 91320 jbrinsfi@gmail.com (Received: 7 April) Lightcurves for 36 Atalante and 416 Vaticana were obtained at Via Capote Observatory during 2007 February-March. The synodic rotation periods were found to be: 9.93±0.01 hr and 5.38±0.01hr, respectively. A lower amplitude (0.06 mag.) than previously reported may be due to a more pole-on aspect for 416 Vaticana. Observations of 36 Atalante and 416 Vaticana were made using a Takahashi Cassegrain at prime focus resulting in a focal length of 136 inches and a focal ratio of f11.5. The CCD imager was an Alta U6 featuring a 1024x1024 array of 24 µ-meter pixels. The CCD was operating at a temperature of –30°C. All observations were made at 1x binning yielding an image scale of 1.43” per pixel. All images were un-guided, 45 second exposures. Images were dark Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 59 and flat field corrected. Images were measured using MPO Canopus (Bdw Publishing). All observations were made using unfiltered differential photometry and all data were light-time corrected. Period analysis was also done with Canopus, incorporating the Fourier analysis algorithm by Harris (1989). 36 Atalante. Observations were conducted on four consecutive nights from UT March 10-13. A total of 232 observations were made. The synodic period was found to be 9.93 ± 0.01 hr, which agrees well with previous reports, e.g., Harris (1980) and Schober (1981). The amplitude of the curve was 0.12 ± 0.02 mag. 416 Vaticana. Observations were conducted on 3 consecutive nights from UT February 15-17. A total of 130 observations were made. Miles (1990) and Michalowski (2000) both report a period of 5.372 hr, consistent with the 5.38 ± 0.01 hr result based on my analysis. Both Miles and Michalowski reported an amplitude of about 0.37 mag, which is considerably larger than the 0.06 ± 0.01 mag. value seen at this, perhaps more pole-on aspect, apparition. References Harris, A.W., and Young, J.W. (1980). Icarus 43, 20-32. Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., and Zeigler, K.W. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Michalowski, T., Pych, W., Berthier, J., Kryszczynska, A., Kwiatkowski, T., Boussuge, J., Fauvaud, S., Denchev, P., and Baranowski, R. (2000). Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 146, 471479. Miles, R. (1990). Minor Planet Bul. 17, 25-29. Schober, H.J., Schroll, A. (1982). Astron. Astrophys. 1 0 7, 402405. ASTEROID LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS AT THE OAKLEY OBSERVATORY – NOVEMBER 2006 Richard Ditteon, Scot Hawkins Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology CM 171 5500 Wabash Avenue Terre Haute, IN 47803 ditteon@rose-hulman.edu (Received: 14 Feb Revised: 4 April) Lightcurves for 23 asteroids were obtained at the Oakley Observatory over six nights in November of 2006: 24 Themis, 26 Proserpina, 57 Mnemosyne, 66 Maja, 67 Asia, 89 Julia, 143 Adria, 159 Aemilia, 179 Klytaemnestra, 227 Philosophia, 242 Kriemhild, 298 Baptistina, 340 Eduarda, 381 Myrrha, 536 Merapi, 563 Suleika, 665 Sabine, 799 Gudula, 1046 Edwin, 1087 Arabis, 1321 Majuba, 1621 Druzhba, 2152 Hannibal, and 5142 Okutama. on the campus of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, Indiana. The data gave us useful lightcurves and rotational periods for 23 asteroids. Of these 23 periods, 14 agreed reasonably well with previously published periods, 5 periods disagreed or removed ambiguity from previously published periods, and 4 were completely new results. Three telescopes were used on all but one night. Each telescope is a 14-inch Celestron optical tube assembly mounted on a Paramount ME. One camera was an Apogee AP-8p which operated unfiltered at a pixel scale of 2.00 arcseconds per pixel. The other two cameras were SBIG STL-1001E which used a V filter at a pixel scale of 1.75 arcseconds per pixel. Two minute exposures were used for all data frames. Images were calibrated with master twilight flats and master darks. About half of the images were calibrated using MaxImDL and half using CCDSoft. All images were then measured with MPO Canopus. Asteroids were selected based on their position in the sky one hour after sunset. Priority was given to asteroids without previously published lightcurves, but asteroids with well known periods were also targeted with the hope that the new data would help with shape modeling and determination of the pole orientation. After the first two nights, it was realized that there was considerable We were able to collect data on a total of 32 main belt asteroids over six nights in November of 2006 from the Oakley Observatory Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 60 24 Themis 8.376 0.001 0.14 Amplitude Error (mag) 0.03 26 Proserpina 9, 10 110 13.06 0.03 0.21 0.01 57 Mnemosyne 21 – 24 62 12.66 0.03 0.14 0.01 66 Maja 21 – 24 114 9.736 0.009 0.30 0.04 67 Asia 21, 22, 23 55 15.90 0.02 0.26 0.04 89 Julia 21 – 24 164 11.38 0.01 0.20 0.02 21, 22, 23 60 Not found >0.08 0.01 9, 10 110 11.0 0.1 0.07 0.04 Number Name Dates of Observation Nov 2006 21 – 24 Number of Data Points 206 Period (h) Period Error (h) Amplitude (mag) 124 Alkeste 143 Adria 159 Aemilia 21 – 24 199 16.37 0.02 0.24 0.04 179 Klytaemnestra 21 – 24 63 11.13 0.02 0.55 0.02 227 Philosophia 9, 10 112 Not found 0.35 0.05 242 Kriemhild 21 – 24 51 4.558 0.15 0.02 276 Adelheid 21, 22, 23 127 Not found >0.08 0.02 298 Baptistina 9, 10 107 9.301 0.001 0.10 0.07 340 Eduarda 9, 10 103 8.04 0.02 0.25 0.03 381 Myrrha 21 – 24 180 6.572 0.002 0.34 0.05 529 Preziosa 21 – 24 185 Not found 0.20 0.08 536 Merapi 21 – 24 122 8.809 0.23 0.05 538 Friederike 21 – 24 190 Not found 0.10 0.05 563 Suleika 21 – 24 123 5.628 0.002 0.28 0.01 665 Sabine 21 – 24 124 4.294 0.001 0.50 0.04 799 Gudula 9, 10, 21 – 23 182 14.814 0.003 0.30 0.03 904 Rockefellia 21, 22, 23 134 Not found 0.10 0.03 953 Painleva 9, 10 75 Not found 0.10 0.03 1046 Edwin 9, 10 109 5.30 1071 Brita 9, 10 46 Not found 1087 Arabis 21 – 24 239 5.797 1321 Majuba 9, 10 103 5.207 1621 Druzhba 21 – 24 210 2152 Hannibal 21 – 24 4155 Watanabe 5142 Okutama 0.003 0.008 0.3 0.1 0.01 0.03 0.001 0.40 0.02 0.009 0.25 0.05 47.9 0.5 >1.00 0.05 273 5.978 0.001 0.32 0.04 9, 10 110 Not found 9, 10, 21 – 23 189 3.803 time remaining before morning twilight. So on the last four nights additional asteroids were targeted after the initial asteroids had set. To our knowledge, this is the first reported observations of the period for the following asteroids: 799 Gudula, 1621 Druzhba, 2152 Hannibal, and 5142 Okutama. Our measurements confirm the periods given by Harris and Warner (2006) for the following asteroids: 24 Themis, 57 Mnemosyne, 66 Maja, 67 Asia, 89 Julia, 143 Adria, 179 Klytaemnestra, 242 Kriemhild, 381 Myrrha, 536 Merapi, 563 Suleika, 665 Sabine, 1046 Edwin, and 1087 Arabis. On the following 5 asteroids, we report new periods or remove ambiguities from previously published values: 26 Proserpina, 159 Aemilia, 298 Baptistina, 340 Eduarda, and 1321 Majuba. 0.02 0.001 0.3 0.1 0.27 0.05 and CCDSoft to aim the telescope and operate the camera. It also automatically takes twilight flats, darks, and bias frames. We were able to get 23 reasonable lightcurves in six nights of observing which shows that the experiment was a success. However, improvements can be made. In particular we learned that it is important to at least take a quick look at the data while the observing run is in progress. If we had done this, we could have increased the exposure times for asteroids that proved to be fainter than predicted. And perhaps, we could have acquired more data on asteroids with periods longer than 8 hours. The results are summarized in the table below with individual lightcurve plots after the table. The results and lightcurves are presented without comment except when necessary. Due to large uncertainties on the individual data points, no repeatable pattern was found for the following asteroids: 124 Alkeste, 227 Philosophia, 276 Adelheid, 529 Preziosa, 538 Friederike, 904 Rockefellia, 953 Painleva, 1071 Brita, 4155 Watanabe. For these asteroids the amplitude reported in the table is actually the full range observed. 26 Proserpina. Our results agree fairly well with the period of 13.13 h reported by Scaltriti and Zappalà (1979). Our data clearly eliminate any ambiguity in the measured period, as it does not support either the 10.6 h reported by Chang, et al. (1981) or the 6.67 h period reported by Riccioli, et al. (2001). The observations were made primarily to test a custom program used to control the telescopes and cameras. The program reads a text file containing the target names and interfaces with TheSky6 67 Asia. The data from 21 November and 23 November show minima that match nicely with a period as shown. Clearly more data are needed. Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 61 159 Aemilia. According to the list of Harris and Warner (2006) this asteroid’s period is about 25 h. We had four consecutive nights of data with more than 7 hours of data each night and got a good fit to the data with a shorter period. 298 Baptistina. Even though our data are noisy, our observations do not support the 7 h period found by Wisniewski, et al. (1997). 340 Eduarda. Two nights of data result in a period slightly longer than the 0.32 d (7.68 h) reported by Lagerkvist (1978). Our data, with amplitude of 0.20 and points with individual uncertainties of 0.02, are inconsistent with the shorter period. 563 Suleika. Period given in the Harrison and Warner (2006) list is 5.69 h. 665 Sabine. Data includes simultaneous observations on two telescopes on three of the four nights. 1321 Majuba. The accepted 6.78 h period of Majuba is based on a single night’s data collected by Binzel (1987). The paper mentions that the data are consistent with either 6.78h or 5.4h, although the former was favored. Our data from two nights confirms that the latter value was close to correct. 1621 Druzhba. Based on a single night, Wisniewski, et al. (1997) reported that the period had to be greater than 12 h. We were able to determine the period based on four consecutive nights of data to be 47.9 ± 0.5 h. Due to the difficulties with a 48 h period, we were not able to obtain more than 40% phase coverage. However, this was clearly enough to determine the period as seen in the raw data plot shown. This asteroid will need more data to get higher precision on the period as well as coverage of the full cycle. References Binzel, R.P. (1987). “A photoelectric survey of 130 asteroids.” Icarus 72, 135-208. Chang, Y.C., Zhou, X.-h., Yang, X.-y., Zhang, Y.-y., Li, X.-q., Wu, Z.-x. (1981). “Lightcurves of variable asteroids. IV.” Acta Astron. Sin. 22, 169-173. Harris, A.W. and Warner, B.D. (2006). http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/lists/LightcurveDat.html Lagerkvist, C.-I. (1978). “Photographic photometry of 110 main belt asteroids.” Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 31, 361-381. Riccioli, D., Blanco, C., and Cigna, M. (2001). “Rotational periods of asteroids II.” Planetary and Space Sci. 49, 657-671. Scaltriti, F., and Zappala, V. (1979). “Photoelectric photometry and rotation periods of the asteroids 26 Proserpina, 194 Prokne, 287 Nephthys, and 554 Peraga.” Icarus 39, 124-130. Wisniewski, W.Z., Michalowski, T.M., Harris, A.W., and McMillan, R.S. (1997). “Photometric Observations of 125 Asteroids.” Icarus 126, 395-449. Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 62 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 63 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 64 PHOTOMETRY FROM GMARS AND SANTANA OBSERVATORIES – EARLY 2007 Robert D. Stephens Goat Mountain Astronomical Research Station (GMARS) 11355 Mount Johnson Court, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 RStephens@foxandstephens.com (Received: 1 April) Lightcurve period and amplitude results from Santana and GMARS Observatories are reported for 2007 January to March: 386 Siegena (9.760 ± 0.002 hours and 0.11 mag.), 1790 Volkov (10.7419 ± 0.0022 hours and 0.09 mag.), 2086 Newell (78.2 ± 0. 1 hours and 1 mag.) The author operates telescopes at two observatories. Santana Observatory (MPC Code 646) is located in Rancho Cucamonga, California and GMARS (Goat Mountain Astronomical Research Station, MPC G79) located at the Riverside Astronomical Society’s observing site. Stephens (2006) gives equipment details. 1790 Volkov and 2086 Newell were selected for lightcurve studies from a list of targets provided by Pravec (2006) for the Photometric Survey of Asynchronous Binary Asteroids. 386 Siegena was selected to follow up on the author’s observations described in Stephens (2005). The author measured the images using MPO Canopus, which employs differential aperture photometry to produce the raw data. Period analysis was done using Canopus, which incorporates the Fourier analysis algorithm (FALC) developed by Harris (1989). The results are summarized in the table below. Column 2 gives the dates over which the observations were made, Column 3 gives the number of actual runs made during that time span and column 4 gives the number of observations used. Column 5 is the range of phase angles over the full data range. If there are three values in the column, this means the phase angle reached a minimum with the middle valued being the minimum. Columns 6 and 7 give the range of values for the Phase Angle Bisector (PAB) longitude and latitude respectively. Column 8 gives the period and column 9 gives the error in hours. Columns 10 and 11 give the amplitude and error in magnitudes. 386 Siegena. Siegena was originally reported to have a 9.763 hour period (Zappala 1982). It was observed again in 1979 and 1980 Harris and Young 1983 and 1989). The resulting period was inconclusive but consistent with the Zappala period. The amplitude in 1979 was about 0.1 magnitudes and somewhat higher in 1980. Observations obtained in 2004 Stephens (2005) suggested a period of 15.98 hours. Despite the favorable 2004 opposition, the observations were extremely noisy, perhaps because it was in dense star fields. 2007 again presented a favorable opposition and observations were obtained using the 0.30m SCT/RCX operated at Santana Observatory. Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 65 Asteroid Dates Sess Phase 7 Data Points 1,502 386 Siegena 2007 02/24 – 03/11 1790 Volkov 2086 Newell 2007 01/13 – 21 2007 01/13 – 02/17 LPAB BPAB 4 10 643 1,454 6.3, 10.8 141.5, 141.4 13.4, 9.3 9.3, 0.4, 9.6 133.6, 134.3 129.3, 130.3 It was difficult to differentiate between a typical bimodal lightcurve with a period of 19.51 hr and a monomodal lightcurve with a period of 9.760 hr. The shorter solution was selected because the Zappala lightcurve observed at (PAB) longitude 333.6 presents a bimodal shape using the reported 9.763 hr period. Also, an unusual dip in the 2007 lightcurve following the extrema repeats itself in the bimodal lightcurve. 1790 Volkov. Observations were obtained on January 13 with the GMARS 0.35m SCT/RCX using a SBIG ST9e CCD camera. All subsequent observations obtained with the GMARS 0.35m SCT using a SBIG ST1001e CCD Camera. 2086 Newell. Observations were obtained on January 13 with the GMARS 0.35m SCT using a SBIG ST1001e CCD camera. All subsequent observations obtained with the Santana 0.30m SCT/RCX using a SBIG ST1001e CCD Camera. Acknowledgements Thanks are given to Dr. Alan Harris of the Space Science Institute, Boulder, CO, and Dr. Petr Pravec of the Astronomical Institute, Czech Republic, for their ongoing support of all amateur asteroid work. Also, thanks to Brian Warner for his continuing work and enhancements to the software program “Canopus” which makes it possible for amateur astronomers to analyze and collaborate on asteroid rotational period projects and for maintaining the CALL Web site which helps coordinate collaborative projects between amateur astronomers. References Harris, A.W. and Young, J. (1989). “Asteroid lightcurve observations from 1979-1981.” Icarus 81, p. 314-364. Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., and Zeigler, K.W. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Pravec, P. (2006). Photometric Survey of Asynchronous Binary Asteroids. http://www.asu.cas.cz/~asteroid/binastphotsurvey.htm. Stephens, R.D. (2005). “Rotational Periods of 96 Aegle, 386 Siegena, 390 Alma, 544 Jetta, 2771 Polzunov, and (5917) 1991 HG.” Minor Planet Bulletin 32 1-2 Stephens, R.D. (2006). “Asteroid Lightcurve Photometry From Santana and GMARS Observatories – September to December 2006.” Minor Planet Bulletin 34, 31-32. Zappala, V., Scaltriti, F., Lagervist, C., Rickman, H., and Harris, A.W. (1982). “Photometric photometry of asteroids 33 Polyhymnia nad 386 Siegena.” Icarus 52, 196-201. Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) -10.0, -8.7 Per (h) 9.760 5.9, 5.8 -1.6, 0.0 10.7419 78.2 PE Amp AE 0.002 0.11 0.02 0.0022 0.1 0.09 1 0.03 0.2 66 ASTEROID LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS FROM VOLUNTEER OBSERVATORY DECEMBER 2006 TO APRIL 2007 least 0.4 mag and, assuming a bi-modal lightcurve, the acquired data indicates the period could be in the range of 45+ hrs. 1602 Indiana. 45 sec exposures were used with a clear filter. The derived period after one night of observations in March 2007 is 2.610 ± 0.001 hr and amplitude 0.175 ± 0.047 mag. Michael L. Fleenor 10305 Mantooth Lane Knoxville, TN 37932 USA mlfleenor@charter.net 3497 Innanen. Clear filter, 45 sec exposures. Derived period from one night’s observations in April 2007 is 7.310 ± 0.001 hr and amplitude 0.563 ± 0.043 mag. (Received: 13 April) Lightcurve period and amplitude results for eight asteroids observed at Volunteer Observatory during December 2006 to April 2007 are reported: 78 Diana, 623 Chimaera, 888 Parysatis, 1502 Arenda, 1602 Indiana, 3497 Innanen, 4374 Tadamori, and (34777) 2001RH. The author operates Volunteer Observatory at Knoxville, Tennessee at an elevation of 330 meters. Instrumentation utilized for asteroid photometry includes a 0.35m Meade SCT mounted on an Astrophysics 1200 GTO mounting and an SBIG ST10XME CCD camera. The image scale for all observations was approximately 1.21 arc-seconds per pixel with 2x2 binning and data were acquired with either an R band photometric filter or custom blue blocking clear filter. The CCD operating temperature was maintained between -10ºC and -30ºC depending on ambient conditions. Image acquisition and observatory automation is accomplished with Maxim DL and Astronomer’s Control Panel software. Additional details of the equipment used are located at the author’s personal website: http://www.mikefleenor.com. All images were measured using MPO Canopus which employs differential aperture photometry to determine the values used for analysis. The period determination was accomplished with Canopus incorporating the Fourier analysis algorithm developed by Harris (1989). Amplitude determination was accomplished using photometry data generated by Canopus and the author’s custom MS Excel spreadsheets. 4374 Tadamori. Observed with clear filter during two nights in March 2007 using 45 sec exposures. Derived period is 4.503 ± 0.001 hr and amplitude 0.827 ± 0.046 mag. (34777) 2001 RH. R band, 90 sec exposures. Observations during four nights in January 2007 revealed a period of 7.495 ± 0.001 hrs. with an amplitude of 0.400 ± 0.018mag. These findings are consistent with those of Stephens and Warner (2007). Their reported period was 7.4947 ± 0.0004 hr. and amplitude 0.40 mag. Acknowledgements Special thanks are given to Brian Warner for his continuing work and enhancements to MPO Canopus. The StarBGone! feature saved many data points that would’ve been utterly lost as several of the targets were tracked through dense stellar fields. References Harris, A.W. and Young, J.W. (1989), Icarus 81, 314-364. Licchelli, D. (2006), Minor Planet Bul. 33, 11-13. Stephens, R.D. and Warner, B.D. (2007). Minor Planet Bul. 34, 46. Warner, B.D. (2003). A Practical Guide to Lightcurve Photometry and Analysis. Bdw Publishing, Colorado Springs, CO. Targets were selected from the list of asteroid photometry opportunities published by Brian Warner and Alan Harris on the Collaborative Asteroid Lightcurve Link (CALL) website (Harris 2006, 2007). Lightcurve period and amplitude results are summarized and plots are presented below. Additional comments are given as warranted. 78 Diana. 30 sec exposures, R band. Period derived after a single session in January 2007 was 7.346 ± 0.001 hr and amplitude 0.258 ± 0.010 mag. The period obtained is similar to the value of 7.225 hrs. reported by Harris & Young (1989) and 7.300 ± 0.001 hr. reported by Licchelli (2006). During the 2005 apparition the amplitude reported was 0.15 mag. 623 Chimaera. 90 sec exposures, R band. Period derived after three nights of observations in December 2006 was 14.635 ± 0.001 hr. and amplitude 0.180 ± 0.013 mag. 888 Parysatis. 30 sec exposures were used with an R band filter for four nights in December 2006 to derive a period of 5.933 ± 0.001 hr and amplitude 0.242 ± 0.010 mag. 1502 Arenda. R band, 90 sec exposures. Three nights in January 2007 revealed this object to be a very slow rotator. Amplitude is at Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 67 THE ROTATION PERIODS OF 242 KRIEMHILD AND 1094 SIBERIA Colin Bembrick Mt Tarana Observatory PO Box 1537, Bathurst, NSW 2795, AUSTRALIA bembrick@ix.net.au Greg Crawford Bagnall Beach Observatory Salamander Bay, NSW, AUSTRALIA Julian Oey Leura Observatory Leura, NSW, AUSTRALIA Bill Allen Vintage Lane Observatory Blenheim, NEW ZEALAND (Received: 1 April Accepted: 31 March) Minor planet 242 Kriemhild was observed over nine nights in Jan and Feb 2007 and 1094 Siberia over eight nights in Dec 2006 and Jan 2007. The synodic period derived for the former was 4.5478 ± 0.0014 hr. The values for the latter were 21.15 ± 0.01 hr. The peak-topeak amplitude of Kriemhild was 0.13 magnitudes, implying an axial ratio (a/b) of 1.13. For Siberia the magnitude variation was at least 0.45 implying a ratio (a/b) > 1.51. Minor planet 242 Kriemhild was discovered by J.Palisa at Vienna in 1884. This main-belt asteroid has a quoted diameter of 41.5 km and an albedo of 0.14 (Guide, 2002). Observations by Warner in 2004 yielded a rotation period of 4.543 ± 0.005 hr. (Warner, 2005). That lightcurve was somewhat noisy and in the latest rotational parameter list (Harris and Warner, 2006) it is assigned a quality value of only 2. Hence it was recently re-listed for observation (Warner et al, 2007). Minor planet 1094 Siberia (1926 CB) was discovered in 1926 by S. Beljavskij. This inner main belt asteroid has a quoted diameter of 18.1 km and an albedo of 0.083 (Guide, 2002). The latest list of parameters (Harris & Warner, 2006) has no data for this asteroid. Observations were conducted from four sites – three in Australia and one in New Zealand. All observations utilised unfiltered differential photometry and were light-time corrected. The aspect data (Tables I & 2) also shows the percentage of the lightcurves observed each night. Analysis was carried out using the “Peranso” software (Vanmunster, 2006), using various routines available including the “FALC” routine (based on Harris, et al, 1989). 242 Kriemhild: The final analysis determined a synodic period of 4.5478 ± 0.0014 hr, which was used to compile the composite lightcurve, with the arbitrary epoch of minimum at JD 2454120.078. The peak-to-peak variation in the lightcurve implies an axial ratio (a/b) of 1.13 if viewed at an equatorial aspect. Full phase coverage was achieved and this is considered a secure result. It confirms the result of Warner (2005). Kriemhild is thus a “fast rotator” for asteroids of this size (see Pravec et al, 2002). Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 68 1094 Siberia: Full phase coverage for this asteroid was not achieved and a period of 21.15 ± 0.01 hr was adopted as best fitting the available data. Other periods, including one close to 19 hr, cannot be entirely ruled out. The composite lightcurve has been compiled with an arbitrary epoch of maximum at JD 2454079.295. It appears that Siberia is a “slow rotator” for asteroids of this size (Pravec et al, 2002). References GUIDE version 8 (2002). http://www.projectpluto.com Harris, A.W. and Warner, B.D. (2006). “Minor Planet Lightcurve Parameters”. Last Updated March 2006. http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/lists/LightcurveDat.html Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H, and Zeigler, K. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863”. Icarus 77, 171-186. Pravec, P., Harris, A.W., and Michalowski, T. (2002). “Asteroid Rotations” in Asteroids III (W.F. Bottke, A. Cellino, P. Paolicchi, R.P. Binzel, eds.), 113-122. Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson. Vanmunster, T. (2006). Peranso ver 2.0. http://www.peranso.com Warner, B.D. (2005). “Lightcurve Analysis for Asteroids 242, 893, 921, 1373, 1853, 2120, 2448, 3022, 6490, 6517, 7187, 7757, and 18108”. Minor Planet Bulletin 32, 4-7. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Pravec, P., Kaasalainen, M. and Benner, L.A.M. (2007). “Lightcurve Photometry Opportunities January – March 2007”. Minor Planet Bulletin 34, 24-25. Table I. Aspect data for Kriemhild in 2007. UT Date 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Feb Feb 19 20 25 26 27 28 30 01 14 LPAB BPAB 136.2 136.3 136.4 136.4 136.5 136.5 136.5 136.6 136.8 -14.2 -14.2 -14.2 -14.2 -14.2 -14.2 -14.1 -14.1 -13.8 Phase Angle 10.3 10.0 8.5 8.3 8.0 7.8 7.4 7.1 7.7 %Phase Coverage 111 121 100 164 148 164 132 125 127 Table 2. Aspect data for Siberia in 2006/2007. UT Date 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Jan Jan Jan 10 18 25 26 28 04 05 19 LPAB BPAB 90.2 90.6 90.8 90.9 90.9 91.2 91.3 92.3 -17.2 -16.9 -16.5 -16.5 -16.3 -15.8 -15.7 -14.3 Phase Angle 11.5 9.7 9.4 9.4 9.7 11.1 11.4 15.9 %Phase Coverage 22 27 29 29 10 28 25 16 LIGHTCURVES OF 25 PHOCEAE, 468 LINA, 482 PETRINA, 551 ORTRUD, 741 BOTOLPHIA, 834 BURNHAMIA, 2839 ANNETTE, AND 3411 DEBETENCOURT Robert K. Buchheim Altimira Observatory 18 Altimira, Coto de Caza, CA 92679 USA rbuchheim@earthlink.net (Received: 7 April Revised: 25 April) Lightcurves and synodic rotation period results for the following asteroids are presented: 25 Phoceae P = 9.945 ±0.002 hrs, ∆m ≈ 0.03 mag.; 468 Lina 16.33 ± 0.02 hrs, 0.15 mag; 482 Petrina 15.73 ± 0.02 hrs, 0.5 mag; 551 Ortrud 17.416 ± 0.002 hrs, 0.15 mag; 741 Botolphia 23.93 ± 0.02 hrs, ∆m≈ 0.15 mag; 834 Burnhamia 13.875 ± 0.001 hrs, 0.2 mag; for 2839 Annette 10.4595 ± 0.0001 hrs, 0.65 mag; 3411 Debetencourt 9.93 ± 0.01 hrs, 0.35 mag. Slope parameters are also suggested for three of these asteroids. Altimira Observatory is located in southern California, and is equipped with a 0.28-m Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope (Celestron NexStar-11 operating at F/6.3), and CCD imager (ST-8XE NABG, with Johnson-Cousins filters). Details of the equipment and instrument characterization are available at the author’s website (http://www.geocities.com/oca_bob). Asteroid lightcurves were determined by differential photometry, generally using a two-color imaging sequence (e.g. VV-RR-etc.) throughout each night, although for the lightcurves in this paper, Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 69 only the R-band data is reported. None of these asteroids showed any color variation as they rotated. 25 Phoceae. The lightcurve of this asteroid has been previously well-established at P = 9.945 hr, with amplitude of at least _m ≈ 0.18 mag (peak-to-peak) by Groeneveld and Kuiper (1954). A lightcurve for the October, 2006 apparition was collected to support the evaluation of successful IOTA observations of the October 3, 2006 occultation of HIP 115725 by this asteroid. The very small amplitude (∆m = 0.03 mag peak-to-peak) suggests that the asteroid was at a nearly “pole on” orientation. Dr. Behrend’s website has a partial lightcurve from other observers that is consistent with this result. 468 Lina. Tedesco (1979) provided a partial lightcurve for this object and suggested a period of either 8.3 or 16.6 hrs. Antonini and Behrend (2006) report a lightcurve with an apparent period of 20.92 hrs and a very complex “multi-peak” shape. My lightcurve is based on five nights in December, 2005 (i.e. the same apparition as that of Antonini and Behrend). It is best fit by a period of 16.33 ± 0.02 hrs, amplitude of ∆m = 015 mag (peak-to-peak) and an unusual “three peak” shape. This is consistent with Tedesco’s result. I tried to match my data to other periods in the range 16 to 24 hours, but there was no acceptable fit; hence, the discrepancy with the conclusion of Antonini and Behrend is unresolved. my equipment, and provided typical SNR ≈ 20 in the R-band CCD images. Its lightcurve has a best-fit period of P = 9.93 ± 0.001 hr. The amplitude of its brightness variation is ∆m ≈ 0.35 mag. This is apparently the first reported lightcurve for this object. Phase Curves I attempted to determine phase curves for three of these asteroids. Since many “lightcurve” nights were contaminated by haze or unstable atmospheric conditions, I devoted separate clear and stable nights to calibrating the color indices and V-mag brightness of all of the comparison stars used on all lightcurve runs. Landolt standard stars were used to confirm the system transforms, and to determine the extinction and zero-points in V- and R-bands on these “calibration” nights. The calibrated comp stars were then used as secondary standards to determine the asteroids’ magnitude and color index. All of these calculations were accomplished using Brian Warner’s MPO Canopus/Photored program. The “reduced magnitude” of an asteroid is the brightness that it would have if it were at a solar distance of R = 1AU and an Earth distance of D = 1AU. Measured V-mag brightness of the midpoint of the lightcurve was translated into reduced magnitude by VR = V – 5 log RD 482 Petrina. Charbonnel (2002) reports a provisional lightcurve period of 18 hrs, based on a partial lightcurve gathered on a single night in 2002. The best fit period is P = 15.73 ±0.02 hrs, and the amplitude of brightness variation is ∆m ≈ 0.5 mag. Considering the deep, sharp minimum that was caught on both nights, the period seems fairly secure, and should be interpreted as a refinement of Charbonnel’s result. for each night of observation. The phase curve is the plot of V R vs. solar phase angle. 551 Ortrud. Robinson (2002) has reported a period of 13.05 hrs for this asteroid, based on four long nights of photometry. His result gives an apparently reasonable lightcurve with complex shape highlighted by one very “sharp” peak and one “long plateau” peak. Barbotin and Charbonnel (2003) report a lightcurve with a provisional period of 17.59 hrs. Poncy (2006) reports a complete lightcurve based on four nights of observation, with a period of 17.4 hrs. My lightcurve is a good match to that of Poncy, with best-fit period P = 17.416 ± 0.002 hrs, amplitude of ∆m≈ 0.15 mag, and a shape that is virtually identical to Poncy’s. 834 Burnhamia. The phase curve for 834 Burnhamia is shown with the best fit to the data having an absolute magnitude of H = 9.55, and slope parameter of G = 0.25. The relatively large slope parameter represents an object that displays only a very modest “opposition surge” in brightness at small phase angles. 741 Botolphia. Roy and Martinez (2002), and Bernasconi (2005) have reported a period of 23.93 hrs. My lightcurve matches their results, with a best-fit period of P = 23.93 ± 0.02 hrs and ∆m ≈ 0.15 mag. 834 Burnhamia. Lightcurves for this object have been reported by Bernasconi (2006), whose data shows P = 13.898 ± 0.03 hrs (for the 2005 apparition), and P = 13.85 ± 0.03 hrs (for the 2006 apparition). My data are consistent with his, showing a best-fit period of P = 13.875 ± 0.001 hrs, and amplitude of ∆m ≈ 0.2 mag. 2839 Annette. Warner (2006) reported a lightcurve period of 10.457 hrs, using two nights in late 2005. I devoted seven nights during the same apparition (October and November 2005) to this object. My lightcurve indicates a period P = 10.4595 ± 0.0001 hr with amplitude ∆m = 0.65 mag (peak-to-peak). These lightcurve parameters are in good agreement with Warner’s. 3411 Debetencourt. This asteroid happened to be in the same field as 468 Lina for four nights. It was faint, near the practical limit of 551 Ortrud. The phase curve of 551 Ortrud is shown with the bestfit curve using the equations of Bowell, et al (1989). The best-fit parameters are H = 9.72 and G = 0.28. The slope parameter appears to be definitely larger than the “default” value of 0.15. 2839 Annette. The phase curve for this asteroid indicates an absolute magnitude of H = 14.35 and slope parameter not noticeably different from the “default” G = 0.15. This absolute magnitude is significantly fainter than the H = 12.3 that is reported at the Small Bodies Node. References: Antonini, P., and Behrend, R. (2006). “Courbes de rotation d'astéroïdes et de comètes, CdR.” http://obswww.unige.ch/ ~behrend/page3cou.html Barbotin, E., and Charbonnel, S. (2003). http://obswww.unige.ch/ ~behrend/page2cou.html Bernasconi, L. (2005). http://obswww.unige.ch/~behrend/ page2cou.html Bernasconi, L., (2006). http://obswww.unige.ch/~behrend/ page3cou.html Bowell, E. et al. “Application of Photometric Models to Asteroids” in Binzel, R. P., et al (ed) Asteroids II, Univ. of Arizona Press. Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 70 Charbonnel, S. (2002). http://obswww.unige.ch/~behrend/ page2cou.html Groeneveld, I. and Kuiper, G.P. (1954), “Photometric Studies of Asteroids. I”. Astrophysical Journal 120, 200-220. Poncy, R., (2006). page2cou.html http://obswww.unige.ch/~behrend/ Robinson. L.E. (2002). “Lightcurve photometry of 551 Ortrud, 1118 Hanskya, and 1916 Boreas from Sunflower Observatory”. Minor Planet Bulletin 33, 37-38. Roy, R., and Martinez, P. (2002). http://obswww.unige.ch/ ~behrend/page2cou.html Tedesco, E. F. (1979). PhD Dissertation, New Mexico State University. Warner, B. D. (2006). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Palmer Divide Observatory – Late 2005 and Early 2006,” Minor Planet Bulletin 33, 59-62. NASA Small Bodies Node (2007). http://pdssbn.astro.umd.edu/ SBNcgi/sbdbatt Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 71 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 72 ASTEROID LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS AT THE PALMER DIVIDE OBSERVATORY – DECEMBER 2006 – MARCH 2007 Brian D. Warner Palmer Divide Observatory/Space Science Institute 17995 Bakers Farm Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80908 brian@MinorPlanetObserver.com (Received: 25 March) Lightcurves for 32 asteroids were obtained at the Palmer Divide Observatory from late December 2006 through March 2007: 22 Kalliope, 36 Atalante, 92 Undina, 108 Hecuba, 154 Bertha, 170 Maria, 275 Sapientia, 572 Rebekka, 708 Raphaela, 947 Monterosa, 1072 Malva, 1323 Tugela, 1348 Michel, 2449 Kenos, 3225 Hoag, 3410 Vereshchagin, 4764 Joneberhart, 4765 Wasserburg, 4898 Nishiizumi, 6646 Churanta, 6870 Pauldavies, (7783) 1994 JD, 9554 Dumont, (9873) 1992 GH , (16585) 1992 QR, (16681) 1994 EV7, (30856) 1991 XE, (40250) 1998 XG16, (69350) 1993 YP, (101549) 1998 YY29, (138666) 2000 RX96, and 2001 BE10. Observations of 32 asteroids were made at the Palmer Divide Observatory from December 2006 through March 2007. One of four telescopes/camera combinations was used: 0.5m RitcheyChretien/FLI IMG-1001E, 0.35m SCT/FLI IMG-1001E, 0.35m SCT/ST-9E, or 0.35m SCT/STL-1001E. The scale for each was about 2.5 arcseconds/pixel. Exposure times were 20–300s. Observations were made with a Clear filter, except those for 22 Kalliope, where a V filter was used. Guiding was used when exposures exceeded 60 seconds. All images were measured using MPO Canopus, which employs differential aperture photometry to determine the values used for analysis. Period analysis was also done using Canopus, which incorporates the Fourier analysis algorithm developed by Harris (1989). The results are summarized in the table below, as are individual plots. The data and curves are presented without comment except when warranted. Column 3 gives the full range of dates of observations; column 4 gives the number of data points used in the analysis. Column 5 gives the range of phase angles. If there are three values in the column, the phase angle reached a minimum with the middle value being the minimum. Columns 6 and 7 give the range of values, or average if the range was relatively small, for the Phase Angle Bisector (PAB) longitude and latitude respectively. Columns 8 and 10 give the period and amplitude of the curve while columns 9 and 11 give the respective errors in hour and magnitudes. An "(H)" follows the name of an asteroid in the table if it is a member of the Hungaria group or family. 22 Kalliope. Observations were made in support of a program under Jean-Luc Margot (Cornell University) during a season of mutual eclipse and occultation events involving the asteroid's satellite, Linus. A weak event was apparently captured on February 27 (Warner 2007). Two others may have been observed on March 8 and 13. The period of 4.14828 hr for the primary rotation agrees well with numerous previous determinations (Harris 2007). 36 Atalante. The period of 9.9280 agrees with the 9.93 hr period reported by Harris (1980) and Schober (1982). 92 Undina. The period of 15.941 hr agrees with the 15.94 hr period of Schober et al (1979). 108 Hecuba. The only previously reported period was that of 14.46 hr by Blanco et al (1994), which the data obtained at PDO could not be made to fit. Instead, a period of 17.859 hr was adopted. 154 Bertha. This asteroid was worked in hopes of determining which, if any, of previously reported periods was correct. Harris (1989a) >12 hr; Kamel (1998) 27.6 hr. A period of 22.30 ± 0.03 hr provided the best fit of the PDO data. 170 Maria. Previously reported periods were 13.14 hr (Denchev, 2000) and 5.510 hr (Blanco, 2000). The PDO period of 13.120 hr agrees with the former and could not be fit to the latter. 275 Sapientia. The only previously reported period was that of >20 hr by Denchev (2000). PDO data indicates a period of 14.766 ± 0.006 hr and a slightly unusual curve with only a single obvious maximum. With a low amplitude, there is a possibility that the viewing aspect was pole-on and that the true period might be approximately double the stated period. A possible solution was found at 29.53 ± 0.03 hr, however the fit of some of the data was not as good and so the shorter period was adopted. 572 Rebekka. The period of 5.656 hr agrees with that of 5.65 reported by Lagerkvist et al (1998). 947 Monterosa. The PDO data do not support the previously reported period of 2.376 hr by Behrend (2007). 2449 Kenos. Wisniewski et al (1997) reported a period of 4.118 hr but also gave one of 3.86 hr as a possibility. Coverage of more than one cycle on each of two consecutive nights at PDO resolved the ambiguity, with a period of 3.8492 ± 0.0008 hr being adopted. 4765 Wasserburg. The adopted period is 3.67 ± 0.02 hr and is the one used for the lightcurve plot. However, an alternate solution, with a weak bimodal shape, is seen at 6.07 hr. Given the low amplitude, it cannot be certain if the aspect was pole-on, which would often present a monomodal curve and so might lead to finding one-half the true period. Additional follow-up will be required to resolve the ambiguity. (69350) 1993 YP. The period of 31.79 hr is the best fit to an assumed bimodal curve. Acknowledgements Funding for observations at the Palmer Divide Observatory is provided by NASA grant NNG06GI32G, by National Science Foundation grant AST-0607505, and by a Gene Shoemaker NEO Grant from the Planetary Society. References Behrend, R. (2007). Observatoire de Geneve web site, http://obswww.unige.ch/~behrend/page_cou.html Blanco, C., Di Martino, M., Lazzarin, M., Cellino, A., Riccioli, D. (1994). “Seventy-Five Years of Hirayama Asteroid Families”, ASP Conf. Ser. 63, 280-285. Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 73 Blanco, C., Di Martino, M., and Riccioli, D. (2000). Planet. Space Sci. 48, 271-284. Schober, H.J., Scaltriti, F., and Zappala, V. (1979) Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 36, 1-8. Denchev, P. (2000). Planet. Space Sci. 48, 987-992. Schober, H.J. and Schroll, A. (1982) Astron. Astrophys. 107, 402405. Harris, A.W., and Young, J.W. (1980). Icarus 43, 20-32. Warner B. and Margot, J.L. (2007). CBET 861. Harris, A.W., and Young, J.W. (1989). Icarus 81, 314-364. Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., and Zeigler, K.W. (1989b). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186 Wisniewski, W.Z., Michalowski, T.M., Harris, A.W. and McMillan, R.S. (1997) Icarus 126, 395-449. Harris, A.W., Warner, B.D., and Pravec, P. (2007) Asteroid Lightcurve Parameters http://www.MinorPlanetObserver.com/astlc/default.htm. Kamel, L. (1998) Minor Planet Bul. 25, 1-2. Lagerkvist, C.-I., Belskaya, I., Erikson, A., Schevchenko, V., Mottola, S., Chiorny, V., Magnusson, P., Nathues, A., and Piironen, J. (1998) Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 131, 55-62. # 22 36 92 108 154 170 275 572 708 947 1072 1323 1348 2449 3225 3410 4764 4765 4898 6646 6870 7783 9554 9873 16585 16681 30856 40250 69350 101549 138666 Name Kalliope Atalante Undina Hecuba Bertha Maria Sapientia Rebekka Raphaela Monterosa Malva Tugela Michel Kenos (H) Hoag (H) Vereshchagin Joneberhart (H) Wasserburg (H) Nishiizumi (H) Churanta (H) Pauldavies (H) 1994 JD (H) Dumont (H) 1992 GH (H) 1992 QR (H) 1994 EV7 (H) 1991 XE (H) 1998 XG16 (H) 1993 YP (H) 1998 YY29 (H) 2000 RX96 (H) 2001 BE10 Date Range (mm/dd) 2006-2007 Data Pts Phase 02/25-03/14 02/27-03/02 03/02-09 03/04-09 01/01-16 01/01-17 01/01-10 02/04-05 02/11-22 01/01-07 02/04-06 01/16-19 01/23-25 03/09-14 03/13-21 03/18-21 01/17-19 12/26-27 01/23-24 01/10-02/06 02/23-25 01/16-19 12/26-01/10 02/18-22 02/21-23 02/06-21 01/23-24 12/22-01/09 02/18-25 01/23-02/16 01/24-02/21 01/17-19 1438 773 1280 868 786 740 594 184 560 247 326 508 219 125 180 86 199 90 129 138 142 533 164 155 136 294 201 181 223 335 299 132 20.8-21.7 11.7-12.6 13.7-14.8 11.0-12.4 12.4-15.2 21.2-23.3 14.2-16.6 12.1-12.5 5.9-10.7 21.0-22.4 8.4-9.1 9.7-10.5 16.5-17.2 5.0-3.5 12.9-15.4 8.7-10.4 8.6-8.8 15.2-15.8 18.9-18.6 20.6-9.1 8.2-7.5 9.5-10.3 17.4-24.7 9.7-7.4 7.8-6.8 10.5,8.1,8.9 17.1-17.2 15.0-18.4 3.0,1.6,2.8 11.4-17.6 11.5,10.9,18.1 44.6-39.0 LPAB 94.0 136.2 113.4 131.7 62.3 50.7 63.4 114.4 129.6 58.7 118.6 95.8 86.6 172.2 160.2 162.9 113.0 69.6 137.6 134.5 163.2 114.7 69.6 162.2 162.9 143.8 121.4 234.5 153.0 128.2 132.1 141.5 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) BPAB Per (h) PE 9.4 4.14828 0.00003 14.3 9.9280 0.0001 3.6 15.941 0.002 2.7 17.859 0.005 12.9 22.30 0.03 14.5 13.120 0.002 -5.0 14.766 0.006 -13.4 5.656 0.002 2.9 20.918 0.005 3.1 5.164 0.001 10.2 10.080 0.005 18.5 19.50 0.02 1.0 8.095 0.004 -5.7 3.8492 0.0008 -15.4 2.3717 0.0002 -0.8 2.5780 0.0006 -13.0 5.483 0.002 0.5 3.67 0.02 22.6 3.289 0.002 14.1 5.8711 0.0002 9.1 4.487 0.001 13.0 31.83 0.03 -0.5 28.7 0.1 6.8 2.9257 0.0003 5.7 5.273 0.005 11.9 5.3148 0.0002 27.4 5.353 0.003 7.9 20.90 0.01 2.3 31.79 0.04 17.9 56.50 0.25 -15.6 8.6827 0.0004 -6.4 4.196 0.002 Amp (m) AE 0.48 0.13 0.20 0.11 0.10 0.21 0.06 0.40 0.45 0.23 0.17 0.25 0.47 0.20 0.13 0.10 0.97 0.04 0.23 0.73 0.50 0.85 0.40 0.27 0.23 0.92 0.70 0.32 0.45 0.70 0.80 0.32 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.03 74 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 75 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 76 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 77 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 78 LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS OF 1489 ATTILA AND 1696 NURMELA Robert D. Stephens Goat Mountain Astronomical Research Station (GMARS) 11355 Mount Johnson Court, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 RStephens@foxandstephens.com Glenn Malcolm Goat Mountain Astronomical Research Station (GMARS) 7430 Lippizan Drive, Riverside, CA 92509 (Received: 27 March ) Observations of 1489 Attila and 1696 Nurmela were made in early 2007 with period and lightcurve amplitude results of 11.28 ± 0.01 hours, 0.42 mag. and 3.1587 ± 0.0001 hours, 0.33 mag., respectively. The authors selected the targets from the list of asteroid photometry opportunities published by Brian Warner and Alan Harris on the Collaborative Asteroid Lightcurve Link (CALL) website (Harris 2006). The authors measured the images using MPO Canopus, which employs differential aperture photometry to produce the raw data. Period analysis by Stephens was done using Canopus, which incorporates the Fourier analysis algorithm (FALC) developed by Harris (1989). The results are summarized in the table below. Column 2 gives the dates over which the observations were made, Column 3 gives the number of actual runs made during that time span and column 4 gives the number of observations used. Column 5 is the range of phase angles over the full data range. If there are three values in the column, this means the phase angle reached a minimum with the middle valued being the minimum. Columns 6 and 7 give the range of values for the Phase Angle Bisector (PAB) longitude and latitude respectively. Column 8 gives the period and column 9 gives the error in hours. Columns 10 and 11 give the amplitude and error in magnitudes. 1489 Attila. Observations were obtained on February 25 and March 11 with the authors’ 0.35m SCT at GMARS. Additional observations were obtained on March 13 to 17 with Stephens’ 0.30m SCT/RCX operated at Santana Observatory. All observations were obtained with an SBIG ST1001 CCD camera with the image scale of approximately 2.2 arcseconds per pixel at Santana Observatory and 2.4 arcseconds per pixel at GMARS. 1696 Nurmela. All observations were obtained with the authors’ second GMARS telescope, a 0.35m SCT/RCX using a SBIG ST9e CCD camera with an image scale of approximately 1.9 arcseconds per pixel. Asteroid Dates Sess 1489 Attila 2007 02/25 – 03/17 1696 Nurmela 2007 03/17 – 25 Acknowledgements Thanks are given to Brian Warner for his continuing work and enhancements to the software program “Canopus” which makes it possible for amateur astronomers to analyze and collaborate on asteroid rotational period projects and for maintaining the CALL Web site which helps coordinate collaborative projects between amateur astronomers. References Harris, A.W. and Warner, B.D. (2006). http://www.minorplanet observer.com/astlc/LC.zip Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., and Zeigler, K.W. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Phase LPAB 6 Data Points 690 0.7, 8.9 154.3, 154.6 3 420 2.8, 6.4 174.1, 174.5 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) BPAB PE 0.0, 0.2 Per (h) 11.28 Amp AE 3.9, 3.5 3.1587 0.01 0.42 0.04 0.0001 0.33 0.03 79 ASTERIOD LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS AT HUNTERS HILL OBSERVATORY AND COLLABORATING STATIONS – DECEMBER 2006 – APRIL 2007 David Higgins Hunters Hill Observatory (E14) 7 Mawalan Street Ngunnawal ACT 2913, Australia higginsdj@bigpond.com Julian Oey Leura Observatory (E17) 94 Rawson Pde. Leura Australia (Received: 9 April) Lightcurves for the following asteroids were obtained at Hunters Hill Observatory and collaborating stations and then analysed to determine the synodic period and amplitude: 865 Zubaida, 1164 Kobolda, 2328 Robeson, 3851 Alhambra, (6555) 1989 UU1, 13006 Schwaar, (29337) 1995 AE1. out other periods. 3851 Alhambra. The data for this target fit a period of around 26 hours but for the last session. No reason can be found for any error in the last session of data and as a result a fit at double the period (53 hr) was found. However, there are large gaps in the plot and so no definitive period can be given at this time. Note that two additional sessions of data were obtained but they are not shown in the plot since they are too short to assist in defining the curve's shape. Since the prime focus at the two observatories is on targets for the BinAstPhotSurvey, no further observations of this target are planned. 13006 Schwaar. This was a difficult target and so no clean lightcurve could be achieved. The strongest fit was found at 6.8 hrs but other periods are not ruled out. The data were sent to Dr. Petr Pravec for analysis but nothing out of the ordinary was found and he also indicated that the strongest fit was around 6.8hrs (Pravec 2007). The plot shown in this paper has been Binned 2 (average 2 data points inside a 10 minute period) Acknowledgements Hunters Hill Observatory is equipped as described in Higgins (2005). All observations reported here were made using a clear filter with guided exposure times of 240 seconds. MaxIm DL/CCD, driven by ACP4, was used for telescope and camera control while calibration and image measurements were undertaken by MPO Canopus (version 9). Leura Observatory is equipped as described in Oey 2006. The SBIG ST-8E used by Hunters Hill was funded by The Planetary Society under the 2005 Gene Shoemaker NEO Grants program. Thanks go to Brian D. Warner for his continued development and support for the data analysis software, MPO Canopus v 9 and in particular his development of StarBGone which has enabled me to gather data even in the presence of interfering background stars. Targets were chosen either from the CALL list provided by Warner (2006) or from Binary Asteroid Photometric Survey list provided by Dr. Petr Pravec (2005). Results are summarised in the table below with the individual plots presented at the end. Additional comment, where appropriate, is provided. Binary candidates and collaborative targets for which Hunters Hill was not the Principal Observer are not included. Binary candidates will be reported separately by Pravec. The strategy is to work objects carefully for potential deviations that would indicate the presence of a satellite. Considerable effort was made to identify and eliminate sources of observational errors that might corrupt the observations and lead to false attenuation events. It was particularly important to identify and eliminate data points affected by faint background stars, bad pixels, and cosmic ray hits. References 2328 Robeson. This asteroid was initially observed by Oey in December of 2006. However his sessions were too short to indicate any viable period. Higgins took up the target and was able to achieve longer observation sessions at the right phase angle to allow the data to be tied together. The data were sent to Dr. Petr Pravec for analysis, who concurred with the period. However, due to the fragmentary and noisy nature of the data, he could not rule Name 865 1164 2328 3851 5129 6555 13006 29337 Zubaida Kobolda Robeson Alhambra Groom 1989 UU1 Schwaar 1995 AE1 Date Range 04 28 07 10 28 20 18 10 Jan Jan Dec Mar Jan Jan Dec Mar – 11 – 30 06 – - 08 – 16 – 27 06 – – 27 Jan 07 Jan 07 11 Jan 07 Apr 07 Feb 07 Mar 07 11 Jan 07 Mar 07 Harris, A.W., Warner B.D. (2006). “Minor Planet Lightcurve Parameters,” Minor Planet Center website, http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/lists/LightcurveDat.html. Higgins, D. (2005). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at Hunters Hill Observatory and Collaborating Stations - Autumn/Winter 2005,” Minor Planet Bulletin 33, 8-11. Oey, J. (2007). “Lightcurve Analysis of 1495 Helsinki,” Minor Planet Bulletin 34, 2. Pravec, P. (2005). “Photometric Survey of Asynchronous Binary Asteroids,” http://www.asu.cas.cz/~asteroid/binastphotsurvey.htm. Pravec, P, (2007). Private communication. Warner, B.D. (2006). CALL Website, http://www.minorplanetobserver.com/astlc/default.htm. Session 5 3 11 7 5 9 5 3 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) Period Hrs 11.363 4.141 18.632 >26 3.6395 12.6778 6.8 4.5066 P.E. 0.004 0.002 0.004 0.0003 0.0003 0.0 0.0002 Amp Mag 0.38 0.30 0.2 >0.2 0.18 0.27 0.17 0.38 Amp Error 0.03 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.01 80 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 81 Bisque. LIGHT CURVE ANALYSIS OF 8 ASTEROIDS FROM LEURA AND OTHER COLLABORATING OBSERVATORIES 1301 Yvonne. This target was selected as a test subject for the new setup for Kingsgrove Observatory. The derived period of 7.3200 ± 0.0001 h is in agreement with previous work by Pray (2004) with the exception that the amplitude was 0.60 ± 0.03 mag compared with that obtained in this current apparition of 0.90 ± 0.03 mag. This can be explained by the phase angle difference of around 7° for Pray versus 22° for this work. Julian Oey Leura Observatory 94 Rawson Pde. Leura Australia julianoey1@optusnet.com.au J. Világi, Š. Gajdoš, L. Kornoš, A. Galád Modra Observatory 842 48 Bratislava, Slovakia 1241 Dysona. This target was selected from a list of target suggested in the CALL website (Warner 2006). Behrend (2002) previously reported a period of 8.856 h. However, correspondence with Behrend indicated that his data covered short segments of the curve and so there were a number of other possible solutions. The observations from Leura Observatory from April 21 to May 6, 2006, produced a unique period of 8.6080 ± 0.0005 h. (Received: 15 April) The synodic periods for several asteroids were obtained during the second half of 2006: 1301 Yvonne, 7.3200h; 1241 Dysona, 8.6080h; 2910 Yoshkar-Ola, 3.4233h, 3105 Stumpff, 5.0369h; 3258 Somnium, 5.3379h; 3850 Peltier, 2.4289h; (6263) 1980 PX, 3.464h; 3665 Fitzgerald, 2.4142h; 12696 Camus, 3.78h. Kingsgrove Observatory is a new addition to Oey’s observation platform. The observatory is equipped with a 10” Meade Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope operating with a focal reducer at f/5.2 The telescope is mounted on a fixed pier using a CG-11 Losmandy equatorial mount modified to accept the Gemini robotic controller. Recently a new SBIG ST-402ME was purchased to make the telescope fully functional for photometry work. The combined telescope and camera has a working resolution of 1.41”/pixel at 1x1 binning. When longer than a 2-minute exposures were required, a separate 120mm achromatic refractor guide scope and SBIG ST-4 camera were used for guiding. Kingsgrove Observatory will perform work mainly on targets in the Southern Hemisphere because surrounding buildings and vegetation prevent the telescope viewing more than 2-hours worth of Northern Hemisphere targets. Leura Observatory’s location and instrumentation has been documented previously in Oey (2006). Leura Observatory has joined the Photometry Survey of Asynchronous Binary Asteroid (PSABA) project directed by Petr Pravec. All except 1301 Yvonne, 1241 Dysona and 12696 Camus were selected from the list provided by the above project. Modra Observatory used a 0.6m,f/5.5 reflector with an AP8p CCD camera. Image dimensions were 25 arcminutes square (1.5 arcseconds per pixel). All images were taken through clear filter. Image analysis was done using MPO Canopus, which employs differential aperture photometry and the Fourier period analysis algorithm developed by Harris (1989). All images were unfiltered. Dark frames and flat fields were used for image calibration. Other software used were TheSky 6 Pro and CCDSoft V5 from Software # Name 1301 1241 2910 3105 3258 3850 6263 12696 Yvonne Dysona Yoshkar-Ola Stumpff Somnium Peltier 1980 PX Camus Date (mm/dd) Points 2006 11/13 - 04/12 223 04/21 - 05/06 248 09/23 - 10/04 323 10/31 - 11/28 471 10/09 - 10/15 356 09/28 - 10/18 260 10/12 - 10/28 196 10/10 61 2910 Yoshkar-Ola and 3850 Peltier. Both minor planets were recommended targets for observation as part of the PSABA project. There were no previous lightcurve parameters reported for either of these asteroids. The period for 2910 Yoshkar-Ola was found to be 3.4233 ± 0.0001 h while that for 3850 Peltier was determined to be 2.4289 ± 0.0001 h. 3105 Stumpff. The derived period is 5.0369 ± 0.0001 h with an amplitude of 0.34 ± 0.05 mag. No previous published parameters were found. Observations at Modra on Oct. 31 and Nov. 8 showed an unexpected brightening, near phase 0.8, that could not be explained by an intervening background star. Subsequent observations over five more sessions were not able to reproduce the above anomaly and so no reasonable explanation can be offered. 3258 Somnium. This asteroid was a target within the PSABA project and had no previously reported lightcurve parameters. Our data (five sessions by Leura and one session at Modra) revealed a synodic period of 5.3379 ± 0.0002 h with an amplitude of 0.80 ± 0.05 mag. (6263) 1980 PX. This was another target in PSABA program. A significant attenuation was noted Oct. 10, indicating that this target might be binary. However, because the asteroid was fading rapidly, it was not possible to obtain sufficient observations to confirm this possibility. The data we did obtain indicates a period of 3.464 ± 0.002 h and amplitude of 0.05 ± 0.05 mag. The next favorable apparition is in 2009. At that time, the asteroid will be bright enough for most observers to try to confirm if the asteroid is indeed a binary. 12696 Camus. This asteroid was worked because it happened to be in the same field with 3258 Somnium. The derived period derived is 3.78 ± 0.04 h. Period (h) 7.3200 8.6080 3.4233 5.0369 5.3379 2.4289 3.464 3.78 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.0001 0.0005 0.0001 0.0001 0.0002 0.0001 0.002 0.04 Amp. (m) 0.90 0.24 0.36 0.35 0.80 0.10 0.05 0.40 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) PA LPAB BPAB 0.05 21.5,23.2 50.5,52.7 -42.9,-44.0 0.05 10.2,13.1 195.3,195.5 -24.1,-24.4 0.05 12.8,11.3 223.3,226.7 -21.3,-21.1 0.02 6.8,14.3 41.5,43.4 -9.4,-9.1 0.05 4.5,4.7 17.1,17.7 -5.8,-5.3 0.05 8.0 13.6,15.0 -7.3,-7.6 0.05 6.9,16.3 9.9,12.6 -2.0,-2.2 0.05 3.0 17.3 -6.3 82 Acknowledgements I would like to thank Dr. Petr Pravec of the Astronomical Institute, Czech Republic, for his encouragement and support to the amateur astronomical community through his PSABA project. The work at Modra has been supported by the Slovak Grant Agency for Science VEGA, Grant 1/3074/06. References Behrend, R. (2002). Observatoire de Geneve web site. http://obswww.unige.ch/~behrend/page_cou.html Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., and Zeigler, K.W. (1989), “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Oey, J. (2006), “Lightcurve analysis of 10 Asteroids from Leura Observatory.” Minor Planet Bul. 33, 96-99. Pray, D. (2004), “Lightcurve analysis of Asteroids 1225, 1301, 2134, 2741, and 3974.” Minor Planet Bul. 31, pp. 6-8. Warner, B.D. (2006). Collaborative Asteroid Lightcurve Link(CALL). http://www.minorplanetobserver.com/astlc/default.htm. Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 83 LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS OF (12735) 1991 VV1 Brian D. Warner Palmer Divide Observatory/Space Science Institute 17995 Bakers Farm Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80908 brian@MinorPlanetObserver.com Petr Pravec, Peter Kušnirák Astronomical Institute, CZ-25165 Ond_ejov CZECH REPUBLIC David Higgins Hunters Hill Observatory, Ngunnawal, Canberra 2913 AUSTRALIA Zuzana Kaňuchová, Marek Husárik Skalnaté Pleso Observatory, SK 059 60 Tatranská Lomnica SLOVAKIA Adrián Galád, Jozef Világi Modra Observatory Dept of Astronomy, Physics of the Earth, and Meteorology FMFI UK Bratislava SK-84248 SLOVAKIA (Received: 25 March) Observations of the main-belt asteroid (12735) 1991 VV1 were made by the authors from July through September 2006. Data from two observing sessions appeared to show deviations indicative of an eclipse or occultation by a satellite. However, extensive follow-up observations failed to provide confirming evidence and so the nature of the aberrations cannot be explained. The data did permit finding the synodic rotation period of the asteroid, that being 3.2606 ± 0.0001 hr with the amplitude of the lightcurve being 0.21 ± 0.03 mag. Warner began observing (12735) 1991 VV1 on July 31, 2006. However, the next observations were not until nearly one month later, on August 28. The data from that session showed an unexpected deviation of nearly 0.1 mag, which might have indicated an eclipse or occultation event by a satellite. Notice was sent to the Binary Asteroid Group under the supervision on Petr Pravec at the Ondřejov Observatory in the Czech Republic, of which the co-authors are members. The only other observer that recorded an apparent deviation was Higgins, on September 11. However, the cause of those deviations was attributed to improper subtraction of a field star during measurements. During the span from late July to mid-September, the phase angle varied from 16.7° to 19.9°, reaching a minimum of 13.6° in midAugust. The PAB longitude changed by only six degrees and the PAB latitude stayed within a degree of 19°. Thus the viewing circumstances were virtually unchanged and the lack of additional events could not be attributed to changing geometry. After observing the asteroid over a total span of nearly seven weeks and with only one set of observations showing deviations, the campaign was closed for lack of conclusive evidence and the need to cover more urgent and promising targets. In addition to finding the lightcurve parameters: synodic period 3.2606 ± 0.0001 hr, amplitude 0.21 ± 0.03 mag, calibrated data at Ond_ejov was used to find HR = 13.50 ± 0.2, assuming G = 0.15 ± 0.2. If V-R is assumed to be 0.45, this gives H = 13.95. Acknowledgements Funding for observations at the Palmer Divide Observatory is provided by NASA grant NNG06GI32G, National Science Foundation grant AST-0607505, and by a 2007 Gene Shoemaker NEO Grant from the Planetary Society. The work at Ondřejov was supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Grant 205/05/0604. The work at Skalnaté Pleso Observatory was supported by VEGA: the Slovak Grant Agency for Science (grant No. 4012). The work at Modra was supported by the Slovak Grant Agency for Science VEGA, Grant 1/3074/06. The SBIG ST-8E used by Hunters Hill was funded by The Planetary Society under the 2005 Gene Shoemaker NEO Grants program. Observer Warner Kušnirák Galád/Világi Kańuchová/Husárik Higgins Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) Dates (mm/dd) 2006 07/31, 08/29-31, 09/13 09/01, 11, 13, 17 09/02, 09, 10 09/02 09/11, 12 84 2454105.0. This is a slightly different result to that by Higgins (2007) posted on his website, where a value of 11.363 ± 0.004 h is quoted. The peak-to-peak variation of 0.38 magnitudes in the lightcurve implies an axial ratio (a/b) of 1.42 (if viewed at an equatorial aspect). Full phase coverage was achieved with a high density of points and this is considered a secure result. References Bembrick, C.S., Richards, T., Bolt, G., Pereghy, B., Higgins, D. and Allen, W.H. (2004). “172 Baucis – A Slow Rotator”. Minor Planet Bulletin 31, 51-52. Fig 1. The combined data set lightcurve for (12375) 1991 VV1. The “stray” data near phase 0.9 are from Warner on Aug. 28. THE ROTATION PERIOD OF 865 ZUBAIDA Colin Bembrick Mt Tarana Observatory PO Box 1537, Bathurst, NSW 2795, AUSTRALIA bembrick@ix.net.au Greg Crawford Bagnall Beach Observatory Salamander Bay, NSW, AUSTRALIA GUIDE version 8 (2002). http://www.projectpluto.com Harris, A.W. and Warner, B.D. (2006). “Minor Planet Lightcurve Parameters”. Last Updated March 2006. http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/lists/LightcurveDat.html Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H, and Zeigler, K. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Higgins D. (2007). “Minor Planet Lightcurves”. http://www.davidhiggins.com/Astronomy/asteroid/lightcurves.htm Vanmunster, T. (2006). Peranso ver 2.0. http://www.peranso.com Greg Bolt Craigie, WA 6025, AUSTRALIA Bill Allen Vintage Lane Observatory Blenheim, NEW ZEALAND Table I. Aspect data for Zubaida in 2007. (Received: 1 April Accepted: 31 March) Minor planet 865 Zubaida was observed over 10 nights in Jan 2007. The synodic period was determined as 11.3533 ± 0.0061 h. The peak-to-peak amplitude of Zubaida was 0.38 magnitudes, implying an axial ratio (a/b) of 1.42. Minor planet 865 Zubaida (1917 BO) was discovered by Max Wolf at Heidelberg in 1917. It is an inner main-belt asteroid with a quoted diameter of 20.7 km and an albedo of 0.039 (Guide, 2002). The latest list of rotational parameters (Harris & Warner, 2006) has no quoted period. UT Date 2007 Jan 2007 Jan 2007 Jan 2007 Jan 2007 Jan 2007 Jan 2007 Jan 2007 Jan 2007 Jan 2007 Jan The observations of Zubaida were conducted from four sites – one in New Zealand and three in Australia. The locations of these sites are listed in Bembrick et al (2004) and enabled a longitude spread of some 58 degrees. All observations were made using unfiltered differential photometry and were light time corrected. The aspect data (Table I) also shows the percentage of the lightcurve observed each night. PAB is the Phase Angle Bisector. Period analysis was carried out using the “Peranso” software (Vanmunster, 2006). Various routines available in Peranso were used (including the “FALC” routine based on Harris et al 1989) and these gave near identical results, with a single strong peak in the power spectrum. The final analysis determined a period of 11.3533 ± 0.0061 h with an arbitrary epoch of minimum at Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 05 06 07 08 10 11 14 16 17 18 LPAB 101.9 102.0 102.1 102.2 102.3 102.4 102.7 102.8 102.9 103.0 BPAB -18.9 -18.9 -18.9 -18.8 -18.7 -18.6 -18.4 -18.3 -18.2 -18.1 Phase Angle 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 13.0 13.2 13.8 14.3 14.6 14.9 %Phase Coverage 31 50 61 23 44 78 31 42 50 31 85 GENERAL REPORT OF POSITION OBSERVATIONS BY THE ALPO MINOR PLANETS SECTION FOR THE YEAR 2006 Frederick Pilcher 4438 Organ Mesa Loop Las Cruces, NM 88011 USA During the year 2006 a total of 1855 positions of 566 different minor planets were reported by members of the Minor Planets Section. Of these 93 are CCD images (denoted C), and 24 are photographic measures (denoted P). All the rest are approximate visual positions. The summary lists minor planets in numerical order, the observer and telescope aperture (in cm), UT dates of the observations, and the total number of observations in that period. The year is 2006 in each case. Positional observations were contributed by the following observers: Observer, Instrument Location Planets Arlia, Saverio 15 cm f/6 reflector Buenos Aires, Argentina Bookamer, Richard E. 41 cm reflector Micco, Florida USA Faure, Gerard 20 cm Celestron, 10 cm binoculars Col de L'Arzelier, France 96 Faure, Gerard, and Dos Santos, Henri 20 cm Celestron Col de L'Arzelier, France 1 Garrett, Lawrence 32 cm f/6 reflector 20x80 mm binoculars Fairfax, Vermont, USA Harvey, G. Roger 74 cm Newtonian Concord, North Carolina, USA 2 180 15 115 Positions 24P 520 290(93C) 2 Stephenville, 257 536 Texas, USA Sep 19, 20 observations from Kenton, Oklahoma, USA Pryal, Jim 20 cm f/10 SCT Federal Way, WA USA 4 8 Watson, William W. 20 cm Celestron Tonawanda, NY USA and vicinity. Oct. observations from Portal, AZ USA 7 28 NO. OBS. Garrett, 32 Aug 25 2 Faure, 20 Jun 11 6C Mar 29-31 2 Faure and Dos Santos, 10 Garrett, 9, 32 Aug 6-25 2 14 Irene Faure, 20 Sep 1 3C 15 Eunomia Garrett, 9, 32 Aug 6-25 2 22 Kalliope Bookamer, 41 Dec 30 3 25 Phocaea Pryal, 20 Oct 28 2 44 Nysa Bookamer, 41 Dec 30 3 54 Alexandra Bookamer, 41 Nov 28 3 68 Leto Pryal, 20 Sep 28 2 70 Panopaea Bookamer, 41 Nov 30 3 75 Eurydike Bookamer, 41 Faure, 20 Pryal, 20 Aug 12 Jul 2 Aug 26 2 8C 2 91 Aegina Faure, 20 Jun 10 3C 102 Miriam Bookamer, 41 May 17 2 105 Artemis Bookamer, 41 Faure, 20 Mar 30 Jun 10 3 2C 109 Felicitas Faure, 20 Sep 1 4C 117 Lomia Watson, 20 Oct 21-25 4 119 Althaea Watson, 20 Sep18-22 3 137 Meliboea Bookamer, 41 Mar 30 3 139 Juewa Bookamer, 41 Jan 7 3 147 Protogeneia Bookamer, 41 Jan 12 2 151 Abundantia Bookamer, 41 Jan 6 2 153 Hilda Bookamer, 41 Apr 16 2 171 Ophelia Bookamer, 41 Jun 2 174 Phaedra Bookamer, 41 Feb 20 2 177 Irma Watson, 20 Oct 19-23 5 186 Celuta Bookamer, 41 Pryal, 20 Watson, 20 Sep 6 Sep 28 Sep 21-22 3 2 2 188 Menippe Bookamer, 41 Apr 17 4 191 Kolga Garrett, 32 Aug 25 2 195 Eurykleia Bookamer, 41 Apr 14 2 197 Arete Bookamer, 41 May 30 2 200 Dynamene Bookamer, 41 Garrett, 32 Aug 5 Aug 25 2 2 201 Penelope Bookamer, 41 Jul 15 2 202 Chryseïs Garrett, 32 Apr 30 2 212 Medea Bookamer, 41 Jan 6 2 217 Eudora Bookamer, 41 Jul 26 2 224 Oceana Bookamer, 41 Jan 10 2 228 Agathe Bookamer, 41 Jul 4 3 231 Vindobona Bookamer, 41 Jun 23 2 236 Honoria Bookamer, 41 Apr 29 2 244 Sita Bookamer, 41 Dec 19 2 249 Ilse Bookamer, 41 Aug 14 3 257 Silesia Bookamer, 41 Feb 5 3 268 Adorea Bookamer, 41 Feb 26 3 33 414 OBSERVING PERIOD (2006) 2 Pallas 6 Hebe Observations of positions of minor planets by members of the Minor Planets Section in calendar year 2006 are summarized. OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) 1 Ceres 4 Vesta (Received: 5 April) Hudgens, Ben 38 cm f/5 reflector MINOR PLANET Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 14 86 MINOR PLANET OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) OBSERVING PERIOD (2006) NO. OBS. MINOR PLANET OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) OBSERVING PERIOD (2006) NO. OBS. 279 Thule Bookamer, 41 Jan 2 3 601 Nerthus Bookamer, 41 Jul 26 3 292 Ludovica Bookamer, 41 Feb 22 2 603 Timandra 298 Baptistina Bookamer, 41 Oct 18 3 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Nov 28 Dec 12 2 2 300 Geraldina Bookamer, 41 Dec 21 3 608 Adolfine Hudgens, 38 Sep 30 2 612 Veronika 301 Bavaria Bookamer, 41 Aug 15 3 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Jun 24-Jul Jun 28 305 Gordonia Bookamer, 41 May 14 3 616 Elly Bookamer, 41 Mar 26 4 311 Claudia Bookamer, 41 Nov 23 4 623 Chimaera Bookamer, 41 Dec 18 3 312 Pierretta Bookamer, 41 May 5 2 637 Chrysothemis 318 Magdalena Bookamer, 41 Sep 20 3 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Nov 19 Nov 12 2 2 322 Phaeo Bookamer, 41 Jun 1 2 638 Moira Bookamer, 41 Feb 18 4 640 Brambilla Bookamer, 41 Feb 26 3 329 Svea Bookamer, 41 Aug 1 2 341 California Bookamer, 41 Aug 1 3 642 Clara Bookamer, 41 Jan 30 3 349 Dembowska Arlia, 15 Sep 15-21 9P 645 Agrippina Bookamer, 41 Jan 4 3 672 Astarte Bookamer, 41 Sep 21 3 359 Georgia Bookamer, 41 Apr 15 2 362 Havnia Bookamer, 41 Aug 14 2 678 Fredegundis Bookamer, 41 Jul 16 3 683 Lanzia Bookamer, 41 Jan 18 3 685 Hermia Bookamer, 41 Aug 18 3 695 Bella Watson, 20 Oct 22-23 2 700 Auravictrix Bookamer, 41 Feb 5 3 14(11C) 2 369 Aëria Bookamer, 41 Sep 20 2 370 Modestia Bookamer, 41 May 30 3 371 Bohemia Bookamer, 41 Garrett, 32 Sep 10 Aug 31-Sep 1 2 3 380 Fiducia Bookamer, 41 Oct 1 2 707 Steïna Bookamer, 41 Aug 28 4 393 Lampetia Harvey, 73 Dec 20 6 710 Gertrud Hudgens, 38 May 17 2 396 Aeolia Bookamer, 41 Jun 19 2 717 Wisibada Bookamer, 41 Sep 12 4 401 Ottilia Bookamer, 41 Jun 22 3 723 Hammonia Bookamer, 41 Jan 3 3 409 Aspasia Faure, 20 Jun 11-Sep 1 725 Amanda Faure, 20 Oct 27 2 414 Liriope Bookamer, 41 Dec 19 3 731 Sorga Bookamer, 41 Jun 22 3 422 Berolina Bookamer, 41 Nov 25 3 737 Arequipa Bookamer, 41 Mar 4 4 424 Gratia Bookamer, 41 Sep 22 3 743 Eugenisis Bookamer, 41 Jan 18 3 443 Photographica Bookamer, 41 Oct 4 2 747 Winchester Bookamer, 41 Jan 28 3 451 Patientia Hudgens, 38 Oct 28 2 748 Simeïsa Bookamer, 41 Jan 2 3 459 Signe Bookamer, 41 Sep 25 3 752 Sulamitis Bookamer, 41 May 31 2 465 Alekto Bookamer, 41 Aug 14 3 756 Lilliana Bookamer, 41 Apr 15 3 466 Tisiphone Bookamer, 41 Jan 3 2 759 Vinifera Bookamer, 41 Jul 28 3 474 Prudentia Bookamer, 41 Jul 28 3 760 Massinga Bookamer, 41 Jan 14 2 477 Italia Bookamer, 41 Jul 29 3 764 Gedania Bookamer, 41 Jan 20 3 482 Petrina Bookamer, 41 Apr 14 2 767 Bondia Bookamer, 41 Jul 26 3 486 Cremona Bookamer, 41 Jan 19 3 790 Pretoria Bookamer, 41 Jan 23 2 489 Comacina Bookamer, 41 Feb 8 2 798 Ruth Bookamer, 41 Jun 1 3 490 Veritas Harvey, 73 Jan 28 6 799 Gudula Bookamer, 41 Oct 14 3 492 Gismonda Bookamer, 41 Jul 26 3 802 Epyaxa 500 Selinur Bookamer, 41 Jun 18 2 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Apr 22 Mar 1 2 2 806 Gyldenia 507 Laodica Bookamer, 41 Jul 24 3 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Feb 1 Jan 3-6 2 2 521 Brixia Bookamer, 41 Jun 22 2 807 Ceraskia Hudgens, 38 Aug 26-30 4 522 Helga Faure, 20 Dec 25-26 532 Herculina Arlia, 15 Jul 19-Aug 29 565 Marbachia Bookamer, 41 571 Dulcinea 585 Bilkis 13C 2 813 Baumeia Bookamer, 41 Jan 18 3 15P 820 Adriana Hudgens, 38 Jul 19 2 Nov 23 3 822 Lalage Bookamer, 41 Dec 17 3 Bookamer, 41 Sep 10 3 824 Anastasia Bookamer, 41 Sep 12 3 Bookamer, 41 Sep 18 2 825 Tanina Bookamer, 41 Jun 19 3 587 Hypsipyle Hudgens, 38 Mar 1 2 826 Henrika Bookamer, 41 Hudgens, 38 Jul 14 Jun 28 3 2 600 Musa Bookamer, 41 Jul 24 3 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 87 MINOR PLANET OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) OBSERVING PERIOD (2006) NO. OBS. MINOR PLANET OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) OBSERVING PERIOD (2006) NO. OBS. 834 Burnhamia Bookamer, 41 Sep 16 3 1085 Amaryllis Bookamer, 41 Aug 18 3 845 Naëma Bookamer, 41 Sep 23 3 1089 Tama Bookamer, 41 Oct 25 3 866 Fatme Bookamer, 41 Mar 31 2 1094 Siberia Hudgens, 38 Dec 15 2 867 Kovacia Faure, 20 Nov 18 2 1100 Arnica Hudgens, 38 Jun 19 2 869 Mellena Hudgens, 38 Aug 26-30 4 1107 Lictoria Bookamer, 41 Dec 8 3 870 Manto Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Oct 26 Oct 13 2 2 1113 Katja Bookamer, 41 Nov 25 3 Hudgens, 38 Jul 15-16 4 1115 Sabauda Bookamer, 41 Mar 1 3 1152 Pawona Bookamer, 41 Hudgens, 38 Mar 24 Mar 25 4 2 876 Scott 879 Ricarda Hudgens, 38 Oct 13 2 880 Herba Hudgens, 38 Nov 11 2 1159 Granada 881 Athene Bookamer, 41 Faure, 20 Sep 22 Jun 11-Jul 2 4 9C Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Sep 1 Aug 31 3 2 1177 Gonnessia Bookamer, 41 Mar 25 3 882 Swetlana Bookamer, 41 Faure, 20 Sep 16 Aug 31-Sep 1 3 2 1187 Afra Bookamer, 41 Hudgens, 38 Oct 12 Oct 13 3 2 886 Washingtonia Bookamer, 41 Jun 24 4 1189 Terentia Bookamer, 41 Dec 17 3 902 Probitas Bookamer, 41 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Sep 20 Oct 26 Sep 15 3 2 2 1190 Pelagia Hudgens, 38 Oct 18 2 1191 Alfaterna Hudgens, 38 Jun 30 2 906 Repsolda Bookamer, 41 Sep 18 3 1203 Nanna Hudgens, 38 Jan 6 2 911 Agamemnon Hudgens, 38 Jul 29-30 2 1204 Renzia Bookamer, 41 Oct 23 3 916 America Bookamer, 41 Aug 19 3 1211 Bressole Hudgens, 38 Oct 28 2 918 Itha Bookamer, 41 Aug 20 3 1214 Richilde Bookamer, 41 Hudgens, 38 Oct 25 Sep 30 3 2 919 Ilsebill Faure, 20 Nov 28 2 935 Clivia Hudgens, 38 Sep 15 2 1216 Askania Hudgens, 38 Jun 30 2 1219 Britta Bookamer, 41 Oct 23 3 1223 Neckar Hudgens, 38 Jan 6 2 1227 Geranium Hudgens, 38 Oct 13 2 1242 Zambesia Bookamer, 41 Oct 1 3 1245 Calvinia Bookamer, 41 Jul 4 3 1248 Jugurtha Bookamer, 41 Jan 4 3 1257 Móra Faure, 20 Jun 23-26 6 1258 Sicilia Hudgens, 38 Aug 31 2 1261 Legia Hudgens, 38 May 17 2 1264 Letaba Bookamer, 41 Jun 15 3 1268 Libya Bookamer, 41 Jan 2 3 1269 Rollandia Hudgens, 38 Jun 19 2 940 Kordula Bookamer, 41 Jul 29 3 953 Painleva Bookamer, 41 Oct 22 3 957 Camelia Hudgens, 38 Oct 13 2 964 Subamara Hudgens, 38 Sep 15 2 969 Leocadia Garrett, 32 Nov 25 2 972 Cohnia Bookamer, 41 Aug 15 3 979 Ilsewa Bookamer, 41 Jul 16 3 983 Gunila Bookamer, 41 Jul 14 3 984 Gretia Bookamer, 41 Jul 16 5 997 Priska Hudgens, 38 Aug 21 2 998 Bodea Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Oct 16 Sep 18-19 2 3 1013 Tombecka Bookamer, 41 Oct 22 3 1273 Helma Hudgens, 38 Aug 25 2 1017 Jacqueline Hudgens, 38 Oct 21 2 1275 Cimbria Bookamer, 41 Aug 16 3 1023 Thomana Bookamer, 41 Jan 31 3 1279 Uganda Hudgens, 38 Jun 15 2 1024 Hale Hudgens, 38 Dec 14 2 1281 Jeanne Bookamer, 41 Apr 27 3 1030 Vitja Hudgens, 38 Mar 1 2 1283 Komsomolia Hudgens, 38 Nov 23 2 1039 Sonneberga Hudgens, 38 Jun 28 2 1284 Latvia Bookamer, 41 Aug 26 3 1040 Klumpkea Hudgens, 38 Oct 28 2 1285 Julietta Hudgens, 38 Oct 18 2 1050 Meta Hudgens, 38 Oct 18 2 1289 Kutaïssi Hudgens, 38 Oct 13 2 1051 Merope Hudgens, 38 Sep 30 2 1290 Albertine 1055 Tynka Bookamer, 41 Jul 14 3 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Oct 26-27 Oct 13 2 2 1293 Sonja 1059 Mussorgskia Bookamer, 41 Apr 16 3 Bookamer, 41 Hudgens, 38 Jul 22 Jul 19 4 2 1062 Ljuba Bookamer, 41 Apr 27 3 1296 Andrée Bookamer, 41 Mar 4 3 1070 Tunica Faure, 20 Jun 29 3 1297 Quadea Hudgens, 38 Nov 23 2 1071 Brita Bookamer, 41 Sep 27 3 1300 Marcelle Hudgens, 38 Oct 18 2 1078 Mentha Bookamer, 41 Feb 23 3 1305 Pongola Hudgens, 38 May 18 2 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 88 MINOR PLANET OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) OBSERVING PERIOD (2006) NO. OBS. MINOR PLANET OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) OBSERVING PERIOD (2006) NO. OBS. 1309 Hyperborea Hudgens, 38 Nov 11 2 1604 Tombaugh Faure, 20 Jul 26-27 2 1310 Villigera Bookamer, 41 Feb 21 3 1613 Smiley 1320 Impala Faure, 20 May 26-27 5 Bookamer, 41 Hudgens, 38 Jan 23 Jan 31 3 2 1329 Eliane Bookamer, 41 Aug 14 3 1623 Vivian Hudgens, 38 Jan 31 2 1629 Pecker Hudgens, 38 May 16-17 2 1332 Marconia Faure, 20 Jun 29-30 2 1336 Zeelandia Hudgens, 38 Aug 30 2 1631 Kopff Bookamer, 41 Aug 25 3 1633 Chimay Hudgens, 38 Dec 12 2 1348 Michel Hudgens, 38 Dec 12-14 4 1653 Yakhontovia Bookamer, 41 Jan 25 3 1350 Rosselia Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Aug 31-Sep 1 Aug 30 2 2 1676 Kariba Hudgens, 38 Jun 28 2 1353 Maartje Faure, 20 Sep 2 5C 1682 Karel 1362 Griqua Hudgens, 38 Dec 14 2 Bookamer, 41 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Sep 12 Aug 31-Sep 1 Aug 31 3 2 2 1364 Safara Hudgens, 38 May 16-17 2 1690 Mayrhofer Hudgens, 38 Oct 18 2 1365 Henyey Faure, 20 Nov 18 2 1692 Subbotina Hudgens, 38 Sep 15 2 1367 Nongoma Harvey, 73 Jul 31 3 1695 Walbeck Hudgens, 38 Oct 18 2 1369 Ostanina Bookamer, 41 Jul 28 3 1702 Kalahari Hudgens, 38 Jul 16 2 1384 Kniertje Bookamer, 41 Feb 17-Mar 1 4 1711 Sandrine Hudgens, 38 Sep 19 2 1385 Gelria Bookamer, 41 Jan 20 4 1717 Arlon Hudgens, 38 Jan 20 2 1388 Aphrodite Faure, 20 Apr 22 2 1720 Niels Hudgens, 38 Jan 3-6 2 1397 Umtata Bookamer, 41 Faure, 20 May 18 Jun 23 3 2 1723 Klemola Hudgens, 38 Aug 25 2 1424 Ruvuma Bookamer, 41 Sep 18 3 1724 Vladimir Hudgens, 38 Dec 15 2 1729 Beryl Hudgens, 38 Jul 29-30 2 1756 Giacobini Hudgens, 38 Nov 23 2 1773 Rumpelstilz Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Apr 22 Apr 3 2 2 1434 Margot Hudgens, 38 Sep 19 2 1435 Garlena Hudgens, 38 Jan 6 2 1444 Pannonia Hudgens, 38 Mar 1 2 1453 Fennia Hudgens, 38 Apr 3 2 1777 Gehrels Hudgens, 38 Jun 19 2 1456 Saldanha Hudgens, 38 Aug 21 2 1784 Benguella Hudgens, 38 Jul 29-30 2 1462 Zamenhof Hudgens, 38 Apr 3 3 1797 Schaumasse Hudgens, 38 Oct 13 2 1467 Mashona Bookamer, 41 Aug 18 3 1798 Watts Hudgens, 38 Dec 15 2 1493 Sigrid Bookamer, 41 Aug 2 3 1804 Chebotarev Hudgens, 38 Nov 11 2 1495 Helsinki Hudgens, 38 Jun 19 2 1808 Bellerophon Hudgens, 38 Dec 12-14 4 1503 Kuopio Bookamer, 41 Dec 21 3 1847 Stobbe 1509 Eslangona Hudgens, 38 Jun 28 2 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Jul 26 Jul 19 2 2 1515 Perrotin Hudgens, 38 Oct 28 2 1848 Delvaux Hudgens, 38 Aug 30 2 1879 Broederstroom 1517 Beograd Hudgens, 38 Jun 19 2 Bookamer, 41 Hudgens, 38 Dec 21 Dec 14 3 2 1523 Pieksämäki Hudgens, 38 Jan 3-6 2 1888 Zu Chong-Zhi Hudgens, 38 Jan 6 2 1535 Päijänne Hudgens, 38 Oct 23 2 1909 Alekhin Faure, 20 Aug 31-Sep 1 2 1542 Schalén Hudgens, 38 Jul 29-30 2 1913 Sekanina Hudgens, 38 Sep 19 2 1550 Tito Bookamer, 41 Faure, 20 Nov 22 Dec 25-26 3 2 1939 Loretta Hudgens, 38 May 17 2 1551 Argelander Hudgens, 38 Aug 31 2 1950 Wempe Hudgens, 38 Jan 20 2 1562 Gondolatsch Bookamer, 41 Hudgens, 38 Feb 28 Mar 1 4 2 1953 Rupertwildt Harvey, 73 Oct 24 3 1980 Tezcatlipoca 1581 Abanderada Hudgens, 38 May 17 2 Bookamer, 41 Hudgens, 38 Nov 23 Nov 23 3 2 1582 Martir Hudgens, 38 Jun 15 2 1988 Delores Harvey, 73 Dec 15 3 1584 Fuji Hudgens, 38 Sep 20 2 1996 Adams Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Oct 16-27 Oct 13 4 2 1587 Kahrstedt Bookamer, 41 Mar 4 3 1999 Hirayama 1590 Tsiolkovskaja Bookamer, 41 Garrett, 32 Apr 27 Apr 30 3 2 Bookamer, 41 Hudgens, 38 Feb 20 Mar 1 3 2 2007 McCuskey Hudgens, 38 May 16-17 2 1592 Mathieu Faure, 20 Apr 23 2 2023 Asaph Bookamer, 41 Oct 14 3 1599 Giomus Hudgens, 38 Dec 12 2 2027 Shen Guo Hudgens, 38 Nov 12 2 1601 Patry Hudgens, 38 Sep 15 2 2047 Smetana Harvey, 73 Apr 2 3 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 89 MINOR PLANET 2050 Francis OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) OBSERVING PERIOD (2006) NO. OBS. Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 May 28 May 26 4 2 2058 Róka Hudgens, 38 Jun 28 2 2077 Kiangsu Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Nov 18 Nov 23 6 2 2091 Sampo Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Nov 27 Oct 28 2 2 2094 Magnitka Bookamer, 41 Hudgens, 38 Mar 19 Mar 1 3 2 2098 Zyskin Hudgens, 38 Aug 31 2131 Mayall Bookamer, 41 Hudgens, 38 2140 Keremovo MINOR PLANET OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) OBSERVING PERIOD (2006) NO. OBS. 2634 James Bradley Hudgens, 38 Dec 15 2 2651 Karen Hudgens, 38 Oct 28 2 2670 Chuvashia Hudgens, 38 Oct 21 2 2674 Pandarus Harvey, 73 Feb 28 2 2675 Tolkien Faure, 20 Aug 31 2 2699 Kalinin Hudgens, 38 Nov 23 2 2754 Efimov Hudgens, 38 Sep 15 2 2 2802 Weisell Faure, 20 May 26-27 2 Aug 3 Aug 21 3 2 2819 Ensor Hudgens, 38 Aug 25 2 Faure, 20 Jul 27 2 2834 Christy Carol Hudgens, 38 Jan 6 2 2150 Nyctimene Hudgens, 38 Oct 23 2 2862 Vavilov Hudgens, 38 Mar 1 2 2873 Binzel 2151 Hadwiger Hudgens, 38 Nov 11 2 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Jun 23-24 Jun 15 3 2 2152 Hannibal Bookamer, 41 Garrett, 32 Nov 18 Nov 23 4 2 2886 Tinkaping Harvey, 73 Jan 4 3 2165 Young Hudgens, 38 Aug 25 2 2909 Hoshi-no-ie Hudgens, 38 Nov 23 2 2910 Yoshkar-Ola Harvey, 73 Sep 24 3 2950 Rousseau Faure, 20 Nov 18 7 2961 Katsurahama Hudgens, 38 Nov 23 2 2983 Poltava Hudgens, 38 Dec 15 2 2989 Imago Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Sep 17 Sep 19 3 2 3002 Delasalle Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 May 26-27 May 18 2 2 3036 Krat Hudgens, 38 Sep 30 2 3039 Yangel Faure, 20 Jun 23 2 2183 Neufang Hudgens, 38 Oct 18 2 2215 Sichuan Hudgens, 38 Nov 23 2 2222 Lermontov Hudgens, 38 Jan 3-6 2 2228 Soyuz-Apollo Hudgens, 38 Nov 23 2 2233 Kuznetsov Hudgens, 38 Oct 21 2 2237 Melnikov Hudgens, 38 Dec 12 2 2241 Alcathous Harvey, 73 Jan 26 3 2258 Viipuri Hudgens, 38 Dec 14 2 2259 Sofievka Hudgens, 38 Sep 30 2 3043 San Diego Hudgens, 38 Aug 31 2 2274 Ehrsson Bookamer, 41 Hudgens, 38 Mar 18 Mar 25 3 2 3060 Delcano Hudgens, 38 Aug 25 2 2276 Warck Hudgens, 38 Jun 28 2 3065 Sarahill Harvey, 73 Jan 4 3 2288 Karolinum Hudgens, 38 Mar 1 2 3073 Kursk Harvey, 73 Nov 18 3 2294 Andronikov Faure, 20 Aug 22 2 3077 Henderson Hudgens, 38 Dec 12 2 2302 Florya Hudgens, 38 Aug 25 2 3115 Baily Hudgens, 38 Aug 30 2 2323 Zverev Hudgens, 38 Jan 31 2 3156 Ellington Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Apr 22 Mar 25 2 2 2333 Porthan Hudgens, 38 Dec 12-14 4 2348 Michkovitch Hudgens, 38 Mar 1 2 3184 Raab Faure, 20 Oct 27 2 3197 Weissman Hudgens, 38 Dec 14 2 3216 Harrington Faure, 20 Harvey, 73 Sep 1 Aug 29 2 3 2357 Phereclos Harvey, 73 Feb 28 3 2364 Seillier Hudgens, 38 Mar 25 2 2369 Chekhov Harvey, 73 Nov 24 3 3248 Farinella Hudgens, 38 Jun 30 2 2376 Martynov Hudgens, 38 Sep 30 2 3258 Somnium Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Sep 24 Oct 21 3 2 2426 Simonov Hudgens, 38 Jun 20 2 2430 Bruce Helin Garrett, 32 Nov 23 2 3279 Solon Harvey, 73 Nov 19 3 2444 Lederle Hudgens, 38 Jan 3-6 2 3353 Jarvis Faure, 20 Aug 22 2 3431 Nakano Hudgens, 38 Sep 15 2 2466 Golson Hudgens, 38 Aug 30 2 2501 Lohja Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Apr 22 Mar 25 2 2 3438 Inarradas Hudgens, 38 Sep 19 2 3439 Lebofsky Harvey, 73 Sep 24 3 2510 Shandong Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Sep 1 Sep 15 2 2 3444 Stephanian Hudgens, 38 Jan 20 2 2535 Hämeenlinna Hudgens, 38 Mar 1 2 3453 Dostoevsky Faure, 20 Jun 29-30 5 3500 Kobayashi 2569 Madeline Hudgens, 38 Oct 13 2 2572 Annschnell Harvey, 73 May 24 3 Bookamer, 41 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Aug 16 Jul 26 Aug 21 3 2 2 2574 Ladoga Hudgens, 38 Sep 19 2 3533 Toyota Hudgens, 38 Nov 23 2 3550 Link Hudgens, 38 Dec 15 2 2621 Goto Hudgens, 38 Dec 12-14 4 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 90 MINOR PLANET OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) OBSERVING PERIOD (2006) NO. OBS. 3560 Chenquian Faure, 20 Aug 22 2 3631 Sigyn Hudgens, 38 Sep 19 2 3648 Raffinetti Harvey, 73 May 24 3652 Soros Hudgens, 38 3662 Dezhnev Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 3724 Annenskij MINOR PLANET OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) OBSERVING PERIOD (2006) NO. OBS. 4950 House Faure, 20 Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Oct 27-Nov 28 Oct 30 Nov 12 4 3 2 3 4988 Chushuho Harvey, 73 Sep 24 3 Jun 15 2 5073 Junttura Harvey, 73 Feb 1 3 Sep 24 Oct 23 3 2 5104 Skripnichenko Faure, 20 May 27 2 5135 Nibutani Hudgens, 38 May 17 2 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Oct 27 Oct 13 2 2 5142 Okutama Bookamer, 41 Faure, 20 Oct 22 Sep 2 3 2C 3728 IRAS Hudgens, 38 Jan 31 2 3731 Hancock Hudgens, 38 Dec 14 2 5143 Heracles Garrett, 32 Nov 11 3 3763 Qianxuesen Hudgens, 38 May 16-17 2 5171 Augustesen Harvey, 73 Sep 24 3 5183 Robyn Hudgens, 38 Jun 15 2 3773 Smithsonian Hudgens, 38 Sep 19 2 3786 Yamada Hudgens, 38 Aug 21 2 5192 Yabuki Hudgens, 38 Oct 28 2 3816 Chugainov Hudgens, 38 Jan 31 2 5199 Dortmund Hudgens, 38 Jun 28 2 5220 Vika Hudgens, 38 Jul 16 2 3851 Zichichi Hudgens, 38 Oct 18 2 3870 Mayré Faure, 20 Jul 26 2 5222 Ioffe Faure, 20 Jun 11 13C 5241 1990 YL Faure, 20 Harvey, 73 Nov 19 Nov 19 2 3 3913 Chemin Faure, 20 Sep 1 5C 3921 Klement'ev Harvey, 73 Nov 24 3 5247 Krylov Faure, 20 May 27-28 2 3973 Ogilvie Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Jul 26 Jul 29-30 2 2 5288 Nankichi Harvey, 73 Dec 16 3 4080 Galinskij Harvey, 73 Oct 24 3 5292 1991 AJ1 Hudgens, 38 Dec 15 2 5325 Silver Faure, 20 Apr 23 2 4082 Swann Hudgens, 38 Aug 30 2 4102 Gergana Harvey, 73 Feb 1 3 5329 Decaro Harvey, 73 Dec 16 3 5332 1990 DA Faure, 20 Feb 2 2 5350 Epetersen Hudgens, 38 Jun 19 2 5361 Goncharov Harvey, 73 Apr 2 3 5363 Kupka Harvey, 73 Dec 15 3 4214 Veralynn Hudgens, 38 Dec 15 2 4149 Harrison Harvey, 73 Apr 2 3 4155 Watanabe Faure, 20 Garrett, 32 Nov 18 Nov 25 2 2 4253 Märker Harvey, 73 Sep 15 3 5374 Hokutosei Harvey, 73 Jan 4 3 4278 Harvey Harvey, 73 Oct 24 3 5505 Rundetaarn Harvey, 73 Dec 16 3 4288 1989 TQ1 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Oct 16 Oct 13 2 2 5602 1991 VM1 Harvey, 73 May 24 3 4299 Wiyn Hudgens, 38 Oct 28 2 5671 Chanal Faure, 20 Sep 1-2 4C 5719 Křižik Hudgens, 38 Aug 25 2 5740 Toutoumi Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Nov 19 Nov 12 3 2 5745 1991 AN Harvey, 73 Nov 27 2 5764 1985 CS1 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 May 26-27 May 17 2 2 5781 Barkhatova Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Dec 16 Dec 15 3 2 5840 Raybrown Harvey, 73 Oct 30 3 4334 1983 RO3 Harvey, 73 Nov 19 3 4335 Verona Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Oct 16-17 Oct 13 2 2 4349 Tibúrcio Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Dec 25-26 Nov 23 2 2 4353 Onizaki Hudgens, 38 Jul 19 2 4420 Alandreev Bookamer, 41 Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Aug 20 Jul 27 Aug 21 4 2 2 4421 Kayor Harvey, 73 Dec 16 3 5870 Baltimore Faure, 20 Aug 31-Sep 1 2 4428 Khotinok Hudgens, 38 Aug 25 2 6042 Cheshirecat 4541 Mizuno Harvey, 73 Nov 24 3 Faure, 20 Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Dec 1 Nov 24 Dec 12 2 6 2 4644 Oumo Hudgens, 38 May 18 2 6111 Davemckay 4712 Iwaizumi Hudgens, 38 Sep 19 2 Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Oct 24 Oct 21 3 2 4718 Araki Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Feb 1 Mar 1 3 2 6155 Yokosugano Faure, 20 Nov 18 2 6260 Kelsey 4732 Froeschlé Harvey, 73 Nov 27 3 Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Aug 29 Aug 30 3 2 4843 Megantic Harvey, 73 Feb 1 3 6261 Chione Harvey, 73 Jan 27 6 6266 Letzel Harvey, 73 May 24 3 6354 Vangelis Hudgens, 38 Nov 23 2 4860 Gubbio Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Oct 17-26 Oct 23 3 2 4931 Tomsk Hudgens, 38 Sep 30 2 6361 1978 VL11 Hudgens, 38 Apr 3 2 4935 Maslachkova Harvey, 73 Jan 4 3 6371 Heinlein Harvey, 73 Jan 27 3 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 91 MINOR PLANET OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) OBSERVING PERIOD (2006) NO. OBS. MINOR PLANET OBSERVER & APERTURE (cm) OBSERVING PERIOD (2006) NO. OBS. 6387 1989 WC Harvey, 73 Nov 27 3 17260 2000 JQ58 Harvey, 73 Feb 1 3 6393 1990 HM1 Harvey, 73 Jan 26 3 17512 1992 RN Hudgens, 38 Jun 20 2 6406 1992 MJ Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 Jul 27 Jul 29-30 2 2 17681 Tweedledum Harvey, 73 Nov 18 3 6425 1994 WZ3 Faure, 20 Oct 27 2 17700 1997 GM40 Hudgens, 38 Dec 12 2 18105 2000 NT3 Harvey, 73 Nov 27 3 6495 1992 UB1 Harvey, 73 Aug 29 3 18301 Konyukhov Harvey, 73 Sep 17 3 6794 Masuisakura Garrett, 32 Hudgens, 38 Nov 25 Nov 11 2 2 18487 1996 AU3 Faure, 20 Jun 23 2 6934 1994 YN2 Hudgens, 38 Jul 19 2 18590 1997 YO10 Hudgens, 38 Jul 19 2 6979 Shigefumi Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Aug 29 Sep 19 3 2 19288 1996 FJ5 Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Oct 24 Oct 23 3 2 7083 Kant Harvey, 73 Oct 24 3 20691 1999 VY72 Hudgens, 38 Jul 19 2 7088 Ishtar Harvey, 73 Jan 27 6 21056 1991 CA1 Harvey, 73 Jan 7 3 7262 Sofue Faure, 20 Hudgens, 38 May 27-28 Jun 4 2 2 21558 Alisonliu Hudgens, 38 Jun 20 2 22321 1991 RP Hudgens, 38 Aug 30 2 7389 Michelcombes Faure, 20 Harvey, 73 Nov 19 Oct 30 2 3 22412 1995 UQ4 Harvey, 73 Nov 27 3 7467 1989 WQ1 Faure, 20 Nov 19 4 23183 2000 OY21 7496 Miroslavholub Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Nov 18 Nov 23 3 2 Faure, 20 Harvey, 73 Feb 1 Jan 25 2 6 23187 2000 PN9 7604 Kridsadaporn Harvey, 73 Dec 18 3 Hudgens, 38 Watson, 20 Mar 7 Mar 8 26361 1999 AJ5 7660 1993 VM1 Harvey, 73 Sep 17 3 Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Oct 30 Oct 28 3 2 7736 Nizhnij Novgorod Hudgens, 38 Oct 21 2 26858 Misterrogers Harvey, 73 Oct 30 3 7749 Jackschmitt Faure, 20 Garrett, 32 Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Nov Nov Nov Nov 2 3 3 2 27496 2000 GC125 Hudgens, 38 Nov 23 2 29564 1998 ED6 Harvey, 73 Aug 29 3 30522 2001 MQ15 Harvey, 73 Nov 27 3 7825 1991 TL1 Harvey, 73 Oct 24 3 7843 1994 YE1 Harvey, 73 Nov 19 3 32814 1990 XZ Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Nov 18 Nov 12 3 2 7895 Kaseda Hudgens, 38 Jan 31 2 34777 2001 RH Harvey, 73 Dec 15 3 8145 Valujki Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Oct 24 Oct 21 3 2 37152 2000 VV56 Hudgens, 38 May 18 2 51149 2000 HF52 8479 1987 HD2 Harvey, 73 May 24 3 Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Nov 18 Nov 12 3 2 8532 1992 YW3 Harvey, 73 Dec 16 3 68950 2002 QF15 Faure, 20 Harvey, 73 May 28 May 22 4 6 8648 Salix Harvey, 73 Sep 17 3 9452 Rogerpeeters Harvey, 73 Jan 4 3 85709 1998 SG36 Harvey, 73 Mar 30 6 85804 1998 WQ5 Harvey, 73 Jan 4 6 101496 1998 XM3 Hudgens, 38 Nov 11 2 134340 Pluto Bookamer, 41 Sep 21-23 3 137032 1998 UO1 Harvey, 73 Oct 2 6 143678 2003 SA224 Harvey, 73 Feb 27 6 144901 2004 WG1 Harvey, 73 Apr 2 6 2001 SG276 Faure, 20 Apr 23 5 2004 FX31 Harvey, 73 Sep 15 6 2004 XL14 Harvey, 73 Dec 19 6 2004 XP14 Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Jul 4 Jul 3 6 3 2005 TF49 Harvey, 73 Apr 12 6 2006 BX39 Harvey, 73 Feb 8 6 2006 BN55 Harvey, 73 Jan 29 6 2006 NM Faure, 20 Aug 22 5 2006 RZ Harvey, 73 Oct 3 6 2006 XD2 Harvey, 73 Dec 19 6 27-28 22-23 18 23 10064 1988 UO Harvey, 73 Oct 30 3 10479 1982 HJ Hudgens, 38 Jun 20 2 11271 1988 KB Harvey, 73 May 29 3 11395 1998 XN77 Faure, 20 Jun 30-Jul 1 11405 1999 CV3 Bookamer, 41 Hudgens, 38 Watson, 20 Jul 29 Aug 30 Aug 5 3 2 2 11574 D'Alviella Hudgens, 38 Aug 25 2 11873 1989 WS2 Harvey, 73 Dec 15 3 12081 1998 FH115 Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Oct 30 Oct 13 3 2 12832 1997 CE1 Harvey, 73 Nov 18 3 13233 1998 FC66 Harvey, 73 Sep 15 3 13255 1998 OH14 Harvey, 73 Dec 15 3 14211 1999 NT1 Harvey, 73 Aug 29 3 14356 1987 SF6 Faure, 20 Aug 31-Sep 1 2 16525 Shumarinaiko Harvey, 73 Apr 2 3 16720 1995 WT Harvey, 73 Hudgens, 38 Nov 27 Dec 15 10(5C) 3 2 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 8 10 92 LIGHTCURVE PHOTOMETRY OPPORTUNITIES JULY-SEPTEMBER 2007 belt asteroids where the maximum phase angle is about 30°. However, the extra effort can and will pay off. Brian D. Warner Palmer Divide Observatory/Space Science Institute 17995 Bakers Farm Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80908 USA brian@MinorPlanetObserver.com The fourth list gives a brief ephemeris for planned radar targets. Supporting optical observations made to determine the lightcurve’s period, amplitude, and shape are needed to supplement the radar data. Reducing to standard magnitudes is not required but high precision work usually is, i.e., on the order of 0.01-0.03mag. A geocentric ephemeris is given for when the asteroid is brighter than 16.0 (in most cases). The date range may not always coincide with the dates of planned radar observations, which – for Arecibo – are limited to a relatively narrow band of declinations. Alan W. Harris Space Science Institute La Canada, CA 91011-3364 USA Petr Pravec Astronomical Institute CZ-25165 Ondrejov, Czech Republic Mikko Kaasalainen Rolf Nevanlinna Institute FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland Lance A.M. Benner Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 USA We present here four lists of “targets of opportunity” for the period 2007 July – September. The first list is those asteroids reaching a favorable apparition during this period, are <15m at brightest, and have either no or poorly constrained lightcurve parameters. By “favorable” we mean the asteroid is unusually brighter than at other times. In many cases, a favorable apparition may not come again for many years. The goal for these asteroids is to find a well-determined rotation rate, if at all possible. Don’t hesitate to solicit help from other observers at widely spread longitudes should the initial finding for the period indicated that it will be difficult for a single station to find the period. The Low Phase Angle list includes asteroids that reach very low phase angles. Getting accurate, calibrated measurements (usually V band) at or very near the day of opposition can provide important information for those studying the “opposition effect”, which is when objects near opposition brighten more than simple geometry would predict. The third list is of those asteroids needing only a small number of lightcurves to allow Kaasalainen and others to complete a shape model. Some of the asteroids have been on the list for some time, so work on them is strongly encouraged in order to allow models to be completed. For these objects, we encourage you to do absolute photometry, meaning that the observations are not differential but absolute values put onto a standard system, such as Johnson V. If this is not possible or practical, accurate relative photometry is also permissible. This is where all differential values are against a calibrated zero point that is not necessarily on a standard system. When working any asteroid, keep in mind that the best results for shape and spin axis modeling are obtained when lightcurves are obtained over a range of phase angles, let alone viewing aspects at different apparitions. Higher phase angles allow shadowing effects to influence the lightcurve and help constrain the modeling solution. If at all possible, try to get lightcurves not only close to opposition when the asteroid is usually near its brightest, but before and after, e.g., when the phase angle is 15° or more. This can be difficult because of the geometry involved, especially main Those obtaining lightcurves in support of radar observations should contact Dr. Benner directly at the email given above. There are two web sites of particular interest for coordinate radar and optical observations. Future targets (up to 2010) can be found at http://echo.jpl.nasa.gov/~lance/future.radar.nea.periods.html. Past radar targets, for comparison to new data, can be found at http://echo.jpl.nasa.gov/~lance/radar.nea.periods.html. Once you have data and have analyzed them, it’s important that you publish your results, if not part of a pro-am collaboration, then in the Minor Planet Bulletin. It’s also important to make the data available at least on a personal website or upon request. Note that the lightcurve amplitude in the tables could be more, or less, than what’s given. Use the listing as a guide and doublecheck your work. Funding for Warner and Harris in support of this article is provided by NASA grant NNG06GI32G and by National Science Foundation grant AST-0607505. Lightcurve Opportunities Brightest Lightcurve Data # Name Date V Dec U Per. Amp. --------------------------------------------------------1880 McCrosky 7 01.0 15.0 -21 0 5527 1991 UQ3 7 01.4 14.6 -22 0 5877 1990 FP 7 01.4 14.6 -26 2 8.91 0.09 1858 Lobachevskij 7 03.5 14.3 -23 2 7.00 0.48 3300 McGlasson 7 06.8 14.0 -52 0 1209 Pumma 7 06.8 14.1 -25 0 1166 Sakuntala 7 07.3 10.4 -21 2 6.30 0.40 7559 1985 VF 7 07.4 14.4 -30 0 6091 Mitsuru 7 08.8 14.4 -39 0 5235 Jean-Loup 7 10.9 14.4 -17 0 2713 Luxembourg 7 13.0 15.0 -24 2 3.579 0.58 2440 Educatio 7 14.7 14.4 -14 0 15407 1997 WM16 7 15.3 15.0 -20 0 3492 Petra-Pepi 7 15.4 14.7 -11 0 15549 2000 FN 7 16.2 14.4 -17 0 4909 Couteau 7 16.5 14.7 -21 0 1925 Franklin-Adams 7 17.0 14.3 -21 0 137 Meliboea 7 17.9 11.4 + 1 2 15.13 0.20 15779 Scottroberts 7 18.3 14.1 -10 0 86324 1999 WA2 7 18.3 14.7 -17 0 1241 Dysona 7 19.4 13.5 -38 2 8.856 0.25 6265 1985 TW3 7 20.3 14.6 -30 0 4066 Haapavesi 7 20.4 14.5 -11 0 6028 1994 ER1 7 21.8 14.6 -21 0 2287 Kalmykia 7 22.6 14.2 -25 0 3403 Tammy 7 23.8 14.7 -11 0 2141 Simferopol 7 24.3 14.3 -15 0 4498 Shinkoyama 7 25.7 14.7 -15 0 7930 1987 VD 7 25.9 14.6 -15 1 long? 0.1 1752 van Herk 7 25.9 14.4 -13 0 3991 Basilevsky 7 26.1 14.5 -17 0 17583 1994 WV2 7 26.7 14.1 -13 0 6831 1991 UM1 7 27.6 14.6 -25 0 226 Weringia 7 28.5 11.9 -14 1 0.1 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 93 Lightcurve Opportunities (continued) Low Phase Angle Opportunities Brightest Lightcurve Data # Name Date V Dec U Per. Amp. --------------------------------------------------------669 Kypria 7 30.9 14.0 - 7 0 7318 Dyukov 8 02.2 14.2 -16 0 357 Ninina 8 03.0 12.9 -15 2 34.97 0.12 1251 Hedera 8 05.4 13.2 -16 2 15.015 0.41 1555 Dejan 8 06.1 13.6 -18 0 1240 Centenaria 8 06.8 12.5 -20 1 14. 0.08 15161 2000 FQ48 8 07.1 14.8 +11 0 294 Felicia 8 07.5 12.2 -16 0 30105 2000 FO3 8 08.4 13.9 -36 0 6420 Riheijyaya 8 08.4 14.7 -10 0 1978 Patrice 8 11.4 13.9 -25 0 4563 Kahnia 8 14.1 14.7 -16 0 5364 1980 RC1 8 17.6 14.7 -10 0 4225 1989 BN 8 19.4 14.7 -19 0 1135 Colchis 8 19.7 12.9 -16 2 23.47 0.45 6649 Yokotatakao 8 20.1 14.1 -12 0 3647 Dermott 8 20.4 14.5 -17 0 1084 Tamariwa 8 20.4 13.5 - 8 2 6.153 0.27 10701 1981 PF 8 20.5 14.6 -12 0 194 Prokne 8 20.7 9.5 - 5 2 15.67 0.27 5945 Roachapproach 8 20.7 14.9 -20 0 3915 Fukushima 8 22.7 15.0 - 2 2 8.40 0.64 46436 2002 LH5 8 23.4 14.7 +15 0 85275 1994 LY 8 25.2 14.0 -29 0 622 Esther 8 25.6 12.0 -14 2 47.5 0.57 911 Agamemnon 8 26.3 14.6 -13 1 7. 0.40 3330 Gantrisch 8 27.2 14.4 -20 0 3069 Heyrovsky 8 29.7 14.7 - 6 0 1118 Hanskya 8 30.8 13.7 - 3 2 15.61 0.18 3163 Randi 9 04.0 13.9 - 3 0 2637 Bobrovnikoff 9 04.2 13.8 -10 0 2623 Zech 9 04.5 13.8 - 8 0 4140 Branham 9 05.1 14.4 -14 0 1608 Munoz 9 05.1 14.1 - 9 0 2250 Stalingrad 9 06.7 14.6 - 7 0 501 Urhixidur 9 07.8 12.5 -14 1 15.0 0.1 575 Renate 9 08.7 13.2 - 8 2 3.678 0.20 2633 Bishop 9 08.7 14.6 -11 0 10597 1996 TR10 9 08.9 14.6 - 8 0 1325 Inanda 9 11.4 12.9 -11 1 8. 0.04 2896 Preiss 9 11.4 14.0 - 4 0 8722 Schirra 9 11.8 14.6 + 1 0 6176 Horrigan 9 14.2 14.7 -13 0 828 Lindemannia 9 14.4 14.4 - 4 ? 4583 Lugo 9 15.0 14.7 - 4 0 1607 Mavis 9 15.9 12.9 -16 0 3687 Dzus 9 16.4 14.3 +18 1 7.44 0.1 1418 Fayeta 9 17.4 13.0 - 3 0 570 Kythera 9 19.4 12.8 + 0 2 8.120 0.18 1565 Lemaitre 9 20.8 14.0 +38 0 5746 1991 CK 9 21.9 13.9 + 0 0 2687 Tortali 9 22.9 14.7 -12 2 21.75 0.19 10562 1993 UB1 9 23.0 14.4 - 9 0 1070 Tunica 9 23.0 14.7 - 6 0 1099 Figneria 9 23.1 13.2 - 8 0 1432 Ethiopia 9 23.4 13.3 -13 0 1002 Olbersia 9 23.5 13.9 + 5 0 464 Megaira 9 23.5 12.3 -16 2 12.91 0.08 13474 V'yus 9 23.6 15.0 +11 0 4070 Rozov 9 23.8 14.7 + 7 0 2123 Vltava 9 24.6 14.7 + 2 0 844 Leontina 9 24.9 13.4 + 3 0 20936 4835 T-1 9 25.8 14.7 -20 0 3509 Sanshui 9 26.2 14.7 +14 0 650 Amalasuntha 9 26.4 14.7 + 4 0 2010 Chebyshev 9 27.0 14.7 + 1 0 1501 Baade 9 28.5 13.7 - 1 2 15.132 0.40 4614 Masamura 9 29.7 14.4 + 1 0 # Name Date α V Dec --------------- ------------------------------------556 Phyllis 07 03.1 0.30 13.0 -24 1166 Sakuntala 07 07.3 0.79 10.5 -21 64 Angelina 07 07.9 0.28 11.6 -23 868 Lova 07 09.6 0.52 13.9 -21 52 Europa 07 14.0 0.97 11.0 -19 644 Cosima 07 30.0 0.21 13.9 -19 1251 Hedera 08 05.3 0.65 13.2 -16 1555 Dejan 08 05.9 0.50 13.7 -18 294 Felicia 08 07.5 0.22 12.2 -16 27 Euterpe 08 11.4 0.71 10.2 -17 73 Klytia 08 17.0 1.00 12.4 -16 1069 Planckia 08 17.0 0.13 13.9 -14 334 Chicago 08 25.7 0.62 12.9 -13 277 Elvira 08 29.0 0.69 13.2 -08 114 Kassandra 09 03.4 0.21 12.3 -07 30 Urania 09 03.8 1.00 9.7 -06 2623 Zech 09 04.4 0.74 13.9 -08 575 Renate 09 08.8 0.95 13.3 -08 35 Leukothea 09 15.5 0.15 13.2 -03 1418 Fayeta 09 17.5 0.29 13.1 -03 1074 Beljawskya 09 18.5 0.32 13.7 -03 570 Kythera 09 19.4 0.66 12.9 +00 209 Dido 09 19.8 0.26 12.5 -02 5746 1991 CK 09 21.9 0.21 14.0 +00 431 Nephele 09 23.8 0.99 12.1 -02 844 Leontina 09 25.0 0.98 13.4 +03 312 Pierretta 09 28.3 0.22 12.4 +01 Shape/Spin Modeling Opportunities Brightest Per # Name Date V Dec (h) Amp. U --------------------------------------------------------377 Campania 7 17.1 12.6 -11 8.507 0.16 3 59 Elpis 7 24.7 11.4 -10 13.69 0.1 3 40 Harmonia 8 03.0 9.3 -22 8.910 0.15-0.36 4 334 Chicago 8 25.7 12.9 -13 7.35 0.15-0.67 2 487 Venetia 8 26.4 11.4 -20 13.28 0.05-0.30 2 114 Kassandra 9 03.4 12.2 -07 10.758 0.25 3 Radar-Optical Opportunities 4954 Eric An extended campaign for this asteroid is planned for Arecibo in October and November. However, lightcurves prior to this time can help establish the spin axis solution. It will be brighter than 15th magnitude from about mid-July 2007 until mid-March 2008, when it will traverse about 120 degrees across the sky. It will be between 100-160 degrees from the Sun throughout, so it should be a tractable target for months. The period is well-known, 12.057 hr, so it makes better sense to observe it one to three nights every few weeks in order to get both the entire curve – if possible – and any changes in the curve as it moves through a very large range of PAB values. Date Geocentric Mag 2007/08 RA(2000) DC(2000) V α E LPAB BPAB --------------------------------------------------------07/01 23 22.45 -28 50.3 15.34 30.5 117 323.7 -18.7 07/31 23 46.61 -28 29.9 14.07 26.0 136 332.9 -18.0 08/30 23 28.22 -26 36.3 12.41 15.3 158 339.7 -13.8 09/29 22 15.63 -11 53.0 11.67 26.3 146 344.7 -0.6 10/29 21 29.73 +15 59.0 12.26 53.6 112 358.6 20.1 11/28 21 50.28 +39 53.8 12.82 61.9 99 27.7 35.6 12/28 23 33.38 +58 03.8 13.12 55.6 103 62.6 38.5 01/27 3 19.16 +61 46.4 13.57 45.2 112 90.6 30.8 02/26 6 01.90 +49 07.8 14.42 39.2 111 111.0 20.6 03/27 7 29.22 +36 20.9 15.41 36.6 101 127.1 12.7 04/16 8 13.08 +29 32.4 16.00 34.7 93 136.5 8.8 Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007) 94 2007 DT103 This asteroid will make a quick fly-by in late July and early August. An ephemeris is given below but it should be considered only approximate. Note that the positions are geocentric and that parallax shift will be several arcminutes. An updated ephemeris can be obtained from the Minor Planet Center website: http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/iau/MPEph/MPEph.html Date Geocentric 2007 RA(2000) DC(2000) E.D. V α E ---------------------------------------------------07/29 3 03.13 +71 06.3 0.024 15.50 109.2 70 07/30 1 34.80 +58 54.9 0.023 14.86 97.1 82 07/31 0 56.67 +45 42.6 0.025 14.50 85.2 93 08/01 0 36.53 +34 08.3 0.028 14.36 74.8 104 08/02 0 24.23 +24 52.4 0.031 14.38 66.5 112 08/03 0 15.94 +17 41.8 0.036 14.48 59.9 118 08/04 0 09.95 +12 08.9 0.041 14.62 54.7 123 08/05 0 05.39 + 7 48.5 0.046 14.77 50.5 127 08/06 0 01.77 + 4 21.5 0.051 14.93 47.1 131 08/07 23 58.80 + 1 34.0 0.057 15.08 44.1 134 08/08 23 56.30 - 0 43.7 0.063 15.23 41.5 136 08/09 23 54.13 - 2 38.8 0.068 15.37 39.2 138 08/10 23 52.22 - 4 16.2 0.074 15.51 37.2 140 THE MINOR PLANET BULLETIN (ISSN 1052-8091) is the quarterly journal of the Minor Planets Section of the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers – ALPO. Beginning with volume 32, the current and most recent issues of the MPB are available on line, free of charge at http://www.minorplanetobserver.com/mpb/default.htm . Subscription information for conventional printed copies is given below. Nonmembers are invited to join ALPO by communicating with: Matthew L. Will, A.L.P.O. Membership Secretary, P.O. Box 13456, Springfield, IL 62791-3456 (will008@attglobal.net). The Minor Planets Section is directed by its Coordinator, Prof. Frederick Pilcher, 4438 Organ Mesa Loop, Las Cruces, NM 88011 USA (pilcher@hilltop.ic.edu), assisted by Lawrence Garrett, 206 River Road, Fairfax, VT 05454 USA (LSGasteroid@msn.com). Steve Larson, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, 1629 E. University Blvd., University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA (slarson@lpl.arizona.edu) is Scientific Advisor. The Asteroid Photometry Coordinator is Brian D. Warner, Palmer Divide Observatory, 17995 Bakers Farm Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80908 USA (brian@MinorPlanetObserver.com). The Minor Planet Bulletin is edited by Dr. Richard P. Binzel, MIT 54-410, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA (rpb@mit.edu). Brian D. Warner (address above) is Assistant Editor. The M P B is produced by Dr. Robert A. Werner, JPL MS 301-150, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109 USA (robert.a.werner@jpl.nasa.gov) and distributed by Derald D. Nye. The contact for all subscriptions, contributions, address changes, etc. is: Mr. Derald D. Nye Minor Planet Bulletin 10385 East Observatory Drive Corona de Tucson, AZ 85641-2309 USA (nye@kw-obsv.org) (Telephone: 520-762-5504) Annual subscription rates for the Minor Planet Bulletin by postal delivery: Payment by check $24.00 $34.00 North America All other Payment by credit card $25.00 $35.00 To minimize our administrative time, please consider subscribing for two years. Users of the on-line MPB who are not paid subscribers are encouraged to make a voluntary contribution of $5 or more per year. Checks or money orders should be in US dollars, drawn on a US bank, and made payable to the “Minor Planet Bulletin.” To pay by credit card, (Visa, Mastercard, or Discover) please send by mail your credit card number, your name exactly as it appears on the card, and the expiration date. Be sure to specify the desired length of your subscription. Credit card charges will be made through “Roadrunner Mkt, Corona AZ.” When sending your subscription order, be sure to include your full mailing address and an email address, if available. The numbers in the upper-right corner of your mailing label indicate the volume and issue number with which your current subscription expires. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their manuscripts by electronic mail (rpb@mit.edu). Electronic submissions can be formatted either using a Microsoft Word template document available at the web page given above, or else as text-only. A printed version of the file and figures must also be sent. All materials must arrive by the deadline for each issue. Visual photometry observations, positional observations, any type of observation not covered above, and general information requests should be sent to the Coordinator. * * * * * The deadline for the next issue (34-4) is July 15, 2007. The deadline for issue 35-1 is October 15, 2007. Minor Planet Bulletin 34 (2007)
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