SCHOOL NEWSLETTER - May 19 2016_opt


SCHOOL NEWSLETTER - May 19 2016_opt
Your Fortnightly News Update
May 19
Yr 8 Girls HPV
May 20
BOP/Pov Bay Indoor
May 26
EPro8 Challenge
Jun 2
Basketball Tournament
The Student Led Conference were followed by the Lip Sync, as usual we had a
very good audience although we had fewer entries.
Jun 6
1st Place
Jimmie Setu-Galo
with Greased Lightin
Jun 10 to
Jul 4
2nd Place
Bailey Nelson
with I Wil Never Let You Down
Life Education
3rd Place = Anzac & Lennox
Rose, Jade & Victoria
Jun 23
Football Tournament
Jun 30
BOP/Pov Bay League
The standard of this years Lip Sync was outstanding and our judges Ms Lewis
and Mrs Burns had a difficult time selecting the winner.
Jul 5
Mini Marathon
Jul 7
Reports go home
Jul 8
Term II ends
Thank you to the parents and caregivers who came to the Student Led
Conferences on Tuesday night. The turn out was the best we have had for
years and I hope you were able to find out where your child is with their
learning and where they need to go in the future.
Is was great to have the Pita Pit people here giving away free samples of their
delicious product. There is some information about when we will start
providing Pita Pit as a lunch option further on in this newsletter.
with Love Yourself
with When I Was 7 Years Old
We have had the Education Review Office (ERO) in the school for four days last
It was a very positive visit and ERO recognised the great work we are doing
and the journey we are on. When the official report is published we will say
more about it but in the meantime here are some of the comments under one
Outcome of Students
Students are confident, friendly and engaging in learning activities both inside and outside the classroom
Students are encouraged to take on leadership roles and contribute to school tasks, roles and responsibilities
Students are able to articulate what their level of learning was and their next steps - talk about their learning activities
Outside the classroom students have many opportunities to participate in performing arts, competitions, events, sports,
kapa haka etc.
School leaders are gathering more reliable students achievement information in relation to national standards. This
information :
Reported to Board of Trustees
Used by senior leaders to report progress to MOE and make resourcing decisions about appropriate professional
Analysed by teachers to identify target students, plan for groups & individuals and design programmes of learning
Reported to parents in relation to National Standards
Some students are able to speak confidently about their reading, writing and maths levels and their next learning steps
Students with diverse learning needs are identified on enrolment and provided with appropriate support & programmes
tailored to their needs
Success in awards in technology & music media, sports reps
______________ Rory O’Rourke: Principal
Read like an Egyptian
Nyny (Greetings from Ancient Egypt)
The term is off to great start in the Library. All classes have had a chance to visit the library
and students have got back into the swing of finding and issuing books they would like to
read. Our Library currently has around 9,000 books covering a wide range of genres, subjects
and interests. There are books to cater for all reading levels – from emergent readers to full
on books nerds. We have boy stories, girl stories, teary stories, fairy stories, scary stories –
something for everyone. Just last week Kaitao Library issued over 780 books…that’s 780
chances to learn more about life, the world, and how things work; 780 chances to increase
our general knowledge and get brighter, smarter and more informed…
Speaking of more informed, last week in Kaitao Library we learnt about hieroglyphs and the
formation of our own writing system. We had a class-wide “Deciphering Ancient Egyptian
Hieroglyphics Competition”. The answer to our competition was ‘Pharaoh Tutankhamen’
which most students had no trouble figuring out. However, when it came to writing our
initials in ancient hieroglyphs; well, that was another story….I saw a lot of vultures that
looked like sparrows, a lot of lions that looked like pussy-cats and, hands and feet that looked
like deformed paddles and snakes that looked like smiley spaghetti …it was a lot of fun J The
winner of our competition was Jack in Rm 4 – and after giving hieroglyphs a crack –I think we
are all very thankful to the ancient Phoenicians who influenced the ancient Greeks, who in
turn brought us a far less complicated system of written communication.
Board of Trustees Triennial Elections 2016
Nomination close Tomorrow - Friday 20th May.
Voting papers will be sent - to all parents/caregivers by Wednesday 25th May.
Votes will be counted - on Thursday 9th June and new Trustees will take office on
Friday 10th June.
For more information please go to
How water becomes contaminated after an earthquake
Water becomes contaminated after an earthquake when all pipes are broken. The portable water mixes
with the sewage water, when they should be going into different pipes. This makes the water undrinkable. Disease can be spread from person to person because of this contaminated water.
The Inner core of the Earth
The inner core is the centre of the earth. It is a solid ball made of nickel and iron. It is the hottest part of
the Earth, where temperatures can reach 5000°C. The inner core has a radius of about 1,220km. This
discover as made by the late Inge Lehman in 1936.
By Angel Pera
How does a Room 6 Effective Learner behave?
An effective learner in Room 6 learns from their mistakes. This means that the learner will fix all their mistakes
and will not do them again.
An effective learner in Room 6 uses their initiative. This means the learner will not have to be told to do the right
thing. An example of a learner that uses their initiative is when the teacher is working with other students, they
will behave responsibly.
All effective learners can use all of the qualities, but it is up to individuals to choose to do so.
By Narain Osborne
The Following Students Have Achieved Awards
Citizenship (Wk 1)
Merit (Wk 1)
In Term 1, students from Discovery Academy enjoyed a visit and tour through the SCION Crown Research Institute facilities.
They were able to take part in a variety of
different laboratory experiences such as extracting DNA from fruit. They also had opportunities to speak with scientists about
their work to enhance the forestry industry
of New Zealand. Discovery Academy
would like to thank the staff of SCION and
Future-In-Tech for making this opportunity
Manu Biddle (17)
Connah Stewart (17)
Bailey Nelson (5)
Cassidy Fletcher (5)
Senity Hiki (8)
Violet Forster (8)
Taylor Amoroa (6)
Jorja King (6)
Jemyia Simons (11)
Liam Brady (11)
Jacob Tuhakaraina (17)
Henare Taspell-Pireroa (17)
Kyan Raimona-Tupou (5)
Jayden Summers (5)
Jahzaevia Taoho (5)
Mercedez Corbett (8)
Brian Doidge (8)
Arihana Pompey (6)
Shakaisha Simon (6)
Victoria Sturt (11)
Nakitah Paul (11)
Citizenship (Wk 2)
Merit (Wk 2)
Kelis Taipeti (6)
An Seyong (6)
Te Rohu Hona-Mallinson (17)
Harvey Breadmore (17)
Moengarau Clarke (6)
Levi Akroyd (6)
Arahia Wade (3)
James MacDonald (3)
Shikyall Heke (11)
Jerome Te Kiri (11)
Cheyenne Alsop (17)
Hayden Moeau (17)
Sport Camp
Indoor Bowls
Girls 7’s
Boys Rugby 15
Girls Football
Boys Football
Boys League
McKay Basketball
Boys 7’s
McKay Basketball
McKay Netball
Karaha Netball
Boys Basketball
Yr8 Girls Basketball
Yr 7 Girls Basketball
Andrew Netball
Wade Netball
Games will be played;
Basketball Wednesday Night
Hockey Friday Night
Netball Saturday Morning
Basketball Result for 4th May
Kaitao McKay lose 20-16
Kaitao y8 girls won 8-2
Kaitao y7 girls lose 20-18
Kaitao y8 boys won 22- 15
Kaitao y7 boys lose 50-6
Hockey result for Friday 13th
Kaitao won 3-1
Netball results for 7th and 14th.
Kaitao McKay lose 15-11
Kaitao Andrew lose 20-3
Kaitao Wade lose 13-7
Kaitao Karaha lose 33-9
McKay won 21-8
Andrew won 5-2
Wade lose 13- 8
Karaha won 11-4
As the school have to pay all sport’s association this month. All sport’s fee’s
need to be paid by the end of next week Friday 20th. Otherwise no pay no play.
MATH TUTORING – Tayla McKenzie Bethell
For students who need extra support, advanced students who wish to learn more,
and any other students who’d like to further their understanding of mathematics.
I am a previous student of Kaitao Middle School, and was the top academic student of 2012.
I am looking to use the maths knowledge I have gained, particularly from my Cambridge Math
high school classes, to offer 40-minute sessions to students looking to advance their math
knowledge. The first session is only $10, and all sessions after that for $20. For more information, please contact me using the details below.
Phone: 0211172767
Pita Pit
Pita Pit is coming to Kaitao. Starting Wednesday 1 June 2016.
The Following Student/s
Have Achieved:
The website should be up and running next week so keep an eye
out for it
Pitas come in a choice of wholemeal, plain or gluten free bread.
The options for the main fillings are:
Grace Jensen
Tayla Akurangi
Jahzaevia Taoho
Natasha Kihi-Marshall
Rhearne Tarawa
• Cheeky Chicken; Chicken Breast - (approximately 50 grams).
Grace Jensen
Tayla Akurangi
Jahzaevia Taoho
• Marmite Mania; Marmite liberally spread on the Pita Bread.
• Brave Beef;
• Happy Ham;
(approximately 96
(approximately 56
• Falafel (approximately 42 grams).
• Very Veg - mite; Vegemite liberally spread on the Pita Bread.
• Tuna; (approximately 50 grams).
• Super Vege; the vegetarian option.
WALT: write from personal experience
WILF: strong sense of personal voice, imagery for impact, deliberate choice of vocabulary.
Standing at the edge, my stomach is fluttering with butterfllies. My saliva is like sandpaper burning my throat, but my face shows no fear.
A chill runs through my spine, while my lower limbs are shaking.
My focus isn’t on the task in front of me, it is elsewhere. The clouds rushing overhead while a gust of wind follows angrily. All of a
sudden the fear surges through me like the engine of a V8... and I leap.
Ashlee Egan-McTainsh
I wake up to the sound of 45 chatty kids, I moan to myself saying “shut up”. I get out of my nice warm sleeping bag to the freezing cold
temperature. I grab my bowl and spoon and head to the shelter to get my horrible weetbix, but we had a bonus.... a sausage aswell.
It was only five o’clock in the morning, my eyes were red and angry. “Get ready, get ready” Mum yelled as I was half asleep. I yawned as
my tummy giggled in silence, I was hungry. I started to make my breakfast, moving in every direction. I had forgotten that my step dad
was asleep and we had to drop him off too. I grabbed my bag that I had packed my clothes in. I rushed and put it in the back of the car.
We were finally ready, we went as fast as we could to drop both me and my step dad off. I arrived at school, damn, they were gone, so
Mum had to meet the van in Ngongotaha.
Trio Bidois
Curriculum and Learning:
Learning Journey;
Hopefully many of you took the opportunity to come along to Student Led Conferences on Tuesday
night and have a look at what your child is doing at school and find out about the next steps in their
I am currently reading a book written by David Galbraith who is a Sports Psychologist (Unleashing Greatness In Sport and Life Through the Pathway of Courage) and has worked alongside many of our top
sportsmen and woman and teams, The Chiefs, Sarah Walker and Lisa Carrington to name a few.
In his book David makes a lot of comparisons between sport and life and the importance of growing selfbelief and confidence.
Three questions you can ask your child every day after school to get them to focus on school in a positive
way and grow self-belief and confidence are:
What was your best memory today at school?
What did you learn at school today that will help you tomorrow or later in life?
What were you most proud about today?
I would be interested in hearing from parents how these discussions go so please feel free to email me
and let me know –
International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)
This year we will again be offering ICAS to students for English and Maths. These assessments are administered
by the University of New South Wales in Australia and are delivered to school in over 20 countries.
Each student who participates will receive a certificate and an individual student report indicating which questions they answered correctly and their score compared with the rest of the students tested.
If you would like your child to enter please return the form below to school with the correct amount of money by
the closing date for entry for the assessment.
It is an expectation that students who are in the Accelerate Academy complete both the English and Maths as outlined in the School Prospectus.
Only students who have paid by the closing date will be entered
Closing Date
Assessment Date
Friday 17 June
Tuesday 2 August
Friday 17 June
Tuesday 16August
Name: ___________________________________ Room: ________
Please complete and return to the school office and go in the
fortnightly draw
I have read the school Newsletter dated May 19, 2016
Child’s name:__________________
Parent/Caregiver signature: