How Democratic Values Make My Life Better


How Democratic Values Make My Life Better
How Democratic Values
Make My Life Better
2015 Scholarship
Essay Contest
Democratic Women’s Council of Horry County Officers
President—Pam Heller
1st Vice President—MaryEllen Greene
2nd Vice President—Dora Graham
Secretary— Sara Binkley
Treasurer—Sally P. Howard
Thanks to our judges: Tracy Bailey, Freedom Readers™
Inc., and Diane Moskow-McKenzie. They took the time
and careful consideration to select the “best of the best”
from the essays submitted. We know it’s not easy to
choose, and we appreciate their dedication to helping
determine our scholarship winners.
Thanks also to our advertisers, whose ongoing support
allows us to continue to encourage excellence and
ambition in our young scholars.
Dear Readers,
Our 2015 Scholarship Essay Contest is the 9th consecutive competition
conducted by the Democratic Women’s Council of Horry Council. We’ve now
surpassed the $25,000 mark of scholarship awards to deserving students in Horry
County. Many of our past winners have gone on to post-graduate studies and
successful careers. We like to think we helped them achieve their goals.
This year’s theme was “How Democratic Values Make My Life Better.” For
the first time, we allowed students to either write essays or create artwork relating
to the theme. Although we did not receive any artwork that met the criteria, we
will likely continue to offer that option in the future to encourage both writers and
artists in Horry County. However, we received many excellent essays, and so
decided to award both a $1,000 and a $500 scholarship in the essay category.
The entries were anonymously submitted to the independent judging
panel: Tracy Bailey and Diane Moskow-McKenzie. The essays were judged on
content, clarity, and relevance to the theme. Selecting the winners was no easy
task, as the essays this year were outstanding. We thank our judges for devoting
their time and efforts to come up with the winning essays.
The two scholarship-winning essays, along with our Honorable Mention winner,
are featured in this booklet.
The Council and I would like to thank the essay writers and sponsors who
have made this program a success year after year; our 2015 Panel of Judges; and
Sally Howard for her tireless efforts in organizing and coordinating ad sales (we
couldn’t offer the scholarships without her!)
With best regards,
Pam Heller, President
Democratic Women’s Council of Horry County
Democratic Women’s Council of Horry County
2015 Essay/Artwork Scholarship Contest
Rules and Criteria
1. The Democratic Women’s Council of Horry County (DWCHC) is sponsoring an Essay
and Artwork Contest/ with $1,000 college scholarship for the winning essay; $500 for
the winning artwork.
2. Essays shall be entitled “How Democratic values make my life better” and shall be no
less than 1,000 words and no longer than 1,500 words. Artwork must include the theme
title and be scalable to approx. 7”x7”.
3. Essays/artwork must be received no later than April 30, 2015.
4. Qualified applicants must be graduating high school seniors. Applicants must be
registered voters of Horry County or scheduled for High School graduation by June,
2015. Voter registration card or proof of residency (for applicants under the age of 18)
shall be required at time of essay submission.
5. Applicants agree to allow the publication of essays/artwork at the discretion of the
6. Essays must be submitted, in Microsoft Word format, via e-mail to Pam Heller Name, address, telephone number(s) must be included with
submission. Artwork must black and white and in jpg format.
7. Entrants must provide copies of:
 Completed entry form
 College/university application or acceptance letter
 Voter registration or residency.
These items may be submitted electronically with essay or mailed to Pam Heller, 712
67th Ave. N. #2C. Myrtle Beach, SC 29572. They must also be received by April 30,
8. Each applicant may submit only one essay/one piece of artwork for consideration.
9. Essays will be judged based on content, clarity, and relevance to the theme. Artwork
will be judged based on relevance to the theme.
10. Scholarship awards will be issued to the educational institution of each winning
applicant’s choice and mailed directly to the institution’s Bursar’s office in the name of
the winning applicant.
Presenting the winners of the 2015
Democratic Women’s Council of Horry County
Scholarship Contest
The 2015 theme was “How Democratic Values Make
My Life Better.”
This year, we changed some of the parameters of the
contest to limit participation to high school
graduating seniors, and to also include an art
element to the contest. However, no artwork that
met the criteria was received, so we awarded
scholarships for the top two essays.
All of our essayists recognized that Democrats truly
present a platform with principles and ideas that will
make a tremendous difference in people’s lives—
and that Democratic Values are clearly important.
Congratulations to our scholarship winners, Thomas
Kellogg and Hysjana Mince; to our Honorable
Mention essayists, Caitlyn Penter and Alia Sadek ;
and to all of the passionate, engaged, young
Democrats who entered this year’s contest. You are
the future for our party, and for our country, and
we’ll stand behind you and stand up for you every
day—because that’s what Democrats do.
$1,000 Scholarship Winner—Thomas Kellogg
I have been benefiting from Democratic values for my entire life -- since before I called
myself a Democrat or even knew what a Democrat was. Democratic values are American
values, and many of the things we think of as fundamental to the American dream are in
fact a product of Democratic activity.
Consider that I am about to graduate from a well funded public high school. As a
magnet program in the Horry County school system, Scholars Academy gives me free
access to AP courses in important areas as well as extremely useful college courses at
Coastal Carolina University (CCU). In addition to Scholars Academy, Horry County
Schools provides students with a variety of excellent programs, including abundant
access to arts, technology, vocational training, and two International Baccalaureate
When I graduate, I will have benefitted from
two public educational institutions: Horry County
Democratic values are
Schools and CCU. These programs are supported
American values, and many of by taxes, including an educational "penny tax" that
the things we think of as
Horry County residents voted to authorize. Many
fundamental to the American
people take quality public education for granted,
assuming that it will always be available. In fact,
dream are in fact a product of
however, access to quality public education for all
Democratic activity.
is under continuing threat from schemes to
undermine school funding, curricula, or teachers.
When public education is threatened, Democrats are the ones protecting it. Quality
public education makes South Carolina a better state, the United States a better country,
and Earth a better planet.
At school and at home, without a second thought, I get to drink clean water, breathe
clean air, and eat safe food. These too are things many people take for granted, but
environmental protections and food safety regulations are policies Democrats strive to
keep in place. Because of these efforts, more affordable food is still safe to eat and
lower-income areas still have air that is safe to breathe. Interestingly, the Environmental
Protection Agency and the Clean Water Act are products of the Nixon administration:
Nixon may have been the last Republican President to have kept the environmental
tradition begun by Theodore Roosevelt. In recent decades, Republicans have been
concerned more for the welfare of corporations than for the environment, but Democrats
have worked to keep these crucial protections from being undermined.
Like a lot of young people I know, I'm fairly busy, and as I plan to attend medical
school, it may be a while before I can be self-sufficient. That's one reason I think it's
good that I can stay on my parents' medical insurance until I am 26, a landmark
achievement of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). I believe it helps young people who are
just getting educated and starting to build careers to allow less worry and more security,
and staying on my parents' health insurance is exactly that: less hassle. For everyone.
The ACA or "Obamacare," among the most important legislative achievements in
decades, has slowed the growth of health care spending and brought health coverage to
over ten million Americans. It is the most recent in a series of progressive acts, including
Medicare and Medicaid, that have brought health care to more and more people. Now
young people too will be able to obtain and keep coverage between jobs and during
times of need.
In the past, I've needed to have several procedures to prevent permanently impacted
teeth and the like; these were expensive procedures, procedures we would not have been
able to afford, had we been forced to pay for them entirely out of pocket. But we had
insurance, and another important Democratic value is the idea that every American ought
to have access to the medical procedures they need. For some people, this means a lot
of procedures; for others, it means almost none. For me, it meant something in-between,
and something very important. Democratic values have helped me grow into a healthy
person without any serious medical problems.
A key part of the American dream is social mobility, the idea that everybody, no
matter their circumstances, has the opportunity to pursue
their ambitions and abilities. I am not restricted to the
Democrats are realists:
professions of my parents; I am neither guaranteed nor
they recognize that the
forced into their social class. Immigrant families are
afforded the opportunity to pursue their abilities and
dream of equal
ambitions to the fullest extent. Opportunities, we like to
opportunity must be
think, are not simply made available by chance at birth.
supported and
Through hard work and rigorous education, everybody
protected through laws,
can become what he or she wants to become. As the first
policies and practices.
African-American to hold the highest office in the land,
President Obama himself is a testament that this dream
has a basis in reality.
Both Democrats and Republicans believe in social mobility and equal opportunity. Yet
Democrats are realists: they recognize that the dream of equal opportunity must be
supported and protected through laws, policies, and practices. Democrats have been the
protectors of opportunity for all and the dream of social mobility. Democrats recognize
that discrimination takes many forms, some obvious and some subtle, and that people are
happier when their aspirations can become realities. Though I have not been the target of
systemic or institutional discrimination, I have an interest in protecting everybody's rights,
and I want to live in a society that oppresses nobody and allows everybody to flourish.
This society is still developing, and there are great challenges of social justice and
economic opportunity
ahead. Democrats favor
a system of
progressive taxation, an
…my life is enhanced by a
especially important
principle to remember in
the face of everincreasing economic
stratification. I view
progressive taxation as a
protections built and
way of ensuring that
those who are given the
protected by the actions of
great opportunities
American life provides
people who held Democratic
are able to contribute
in a highly positive way
to the communities
that made them successful.
Deep down, most
Americans recognize this
obligation to give
Just today, I heard that the National Football League, which has not paid taxes for
decades due to its classification as a nonprofit organization, will finally declare itself to
be a for-profit enterprise. This should not be seen as a setback for the NFL, but as a step
forward for society: the NFL has changed to take responsibility for the economic power it
wields. As Democratic values acknowledge, a world in which we all take responsibility is
a world in which we can all be much happier. The NFL's decision was also made after
its nonprofit status was the subject of several journalistic investigations -- and a vigorous
free press is also a Democratic value.
From the air I breathe to the career I will eventually take up, my life is enhanced by a
thousand small protections our society provides -- protections built and protected by the
actions of people who held Democratic values.
$500 Scholarship Winner—Hysjana Mince
As I have been exposed and engaged in the political process, I have developed
steadfast beliefs rooted in Democratic values. I stand resolute in my belief that no person
can be debased on the bases of their political affiliation. However, this belief alone
exemplifies a Democratic value that is rejected amongst other parties. The Democratic
Party is dedicated to the acceptance of different beliefs. Amongst the ideas I have learned
throughout my political awakening lies the notion
that to be a Democrat is to value the rights and
view the potential of each individual regardless of …to be a Democrat is to value
his/her gender, race, or religion. To be a
the rights and view the
Democrat is to believe in the government’s
potential of each individual
responsibility of maintaining the wellbeing of its
regardless of his/her gender,
people. To be a Democrat is to accept that hard
race, or religion..
work does not act as the sole distinguisher of
success, to crave progress, to want to help, and
to implement the best decisions for the masses.
Democratic values and beliefs have molded my appreciation of every individual and
generated a desire within me to shape an accepting, giving world for myself, my children,
and the generations to come.
Democratic values have made me an advocate for equality and rights for women,
people of color, and practitioners of every religion. As an Albanian immigrant woman
from a Muslim background, I know well the effects of ignorance and closed-mindedness.
Most troublesome are my memories as a child being demeaned by other children—
children unaware of the impact of their words. The history of Islam in my family and the
undemocratic, disapproving tendencies in others led to torment me. Even though I do not
practice Islam, intolerance still meddles its way into my life and into the lives of other
religious and unreligious people; I strive to dismantle the intolerance. However, the
quality for which I have been most flagrantly discriminated against is my gender.
Growing up and discovering that an innate element of me would diminish my value in the
eyes of so many others propelled my support for women’s rights. The right to terminate an
unwanted pregnancy, the right to earn equal pay, the right to marry whomever I love
regardless of pretenses set forth by religions have embedded themselves as rights for
which I will continuously fight. Additionally, recent displays of police brutality against
people of color have revived my democratic value of fair legislation and trial for everyone
regardless of race. This value inherently enriches my life by acting as an extension of
voices demanding equality. My Democratic morals have led me to support people of all
walks of life and allowed me to garner precious relationships along the way.
My unwavering belief in assuring healthcare for everyone has solidified my goals
of wanting to provide for those who cannot provide for themselves. The wellbeing of the
people, as stated by the Constitution, must be maintained by the government. However,
countless people, including myself, either cannot afford or are not approved for coverage.
This healthcare chaos prompted me to uncover the underlying problems and amend them.
I discovered that amongst other smaller issues lies the major reason why the US spends
more tax dollars on healthcare than any other country but has 44 million of its people
uninsured and 38 million inadequately insured—a lack of negotiation. The only entity
within the US to aggressively negotiate with pharmaceuticals and businesses is Medicaid,
and, uncoincidentally, is governmentally-run and receives the lowest prices on products.
Due to inelastic demand, the rest of the public lacks a voice to negotiate and must decide
between purchasing coverage from private companies that raise prices because they do
not negotiate or forgoing healthcare altogether. My Democratic values inspire me to
amplify the public’s voice through governmentalized healthcare that negotiates on behalf
of its people to provide for them just as demanded by the Constitution.
The Democratic belief in establishing equal opportunities for everyone has allowed
me to reach my current point. Commentary ranging
Supporting public education, a from academic journals to shows like House of
Cards depict a lack of entitlement, a tabula rasa
Democratic value, transcends
from which any individual can attain success if he
partisan boundaries.
or she works diligently. But, Democratic values
recognize the discrepancies in this concept. The
notion of a “self-made man” avoids the relevance of resources allotted to that man during
his making. Everyone is not born into the same situations. Some people inherit benefits
from their families, others do not. Some people encounter challenges from birth that
obstruct their paths to success and a comfortable life, others do not share the same
challenges. For the larger portion of my life, my family and I have benefited from
programs that often get debased. However, I can attest to the profound impact Medicare,
Welfare, and public education have had on my life. Without Medicare and Welfare
during our early years in the US, my family and I would have been homeless and facing
unimaginable hardship. We needed assistance to live, and we were thankful our new
country could provide us it. Since then my parents have worked relentlessly to assure my
brother and me a comfortable life. However, even by working laboriously, my parents
could have never funded private educations for my brother and me, much like they how
they cannot afford college now. Supporting public education, a Democratic value,
transcends partisan boundaries. It is a necessity to our society to allow it to advance and
flourish. My education has shaped the majority of who I am. It has generated a desire
within me to grow my knowledge, accept and appreciate people of all backgrounds, and
voice my opinions so that free education never ceases to exist. My parents have taught
me that opportunities do not manifest into benefits without a diligent effort. However,
Democratic values have taught me that each individual is not awarded the same
opportunities, and it is the government’s duty to grant assistance to its people in an
attempt to mitigate social and economic gaps and allow everyone a shot at success,
much like it has done for me.
Democratic values have afforded me a
chance at a future in which I could spread their
After college, I plan to work in
messages. Due to government assistance and my
the political arena in support
education, I will graduate high school and move
on to the University of South Carolina where I will
of other Democrats. The
study political science and law. During my time
alternative path would be
there, I will stand firm with my values and
teaching the youth about the
encourage others to see the paybacks. After
different aspects of politics to
college, I plan to work in the political arena in
guide them into being more
support of other Democrats. The alternative path
aware of their country and
would be teaching the youth about the different
aspects of politics to guide them into being more
aware of their country and world. In either
circumstance, I hope to provide people with the
resources and knowledge to become politically active and more accepting. This
scholarship would help me in my pursuit to foster knowledge and compassion.
Honorable Mention—Caitlyn Penter
Why fight for democracy? The answer is so very simple and yet so very powerful.
Aung San Suu Kyi, the champion of democracy in Burma said it best: You continue to
fight for democracy because “Freedom and Democracy are dreams you never give up.”
Democracy is the universal common dream. For many people living in highly
undemocratic societies, it truly is just a dream. This is where I realize my luck. Democracy
isn’t my dream: it is my reality. I have only the Democratic Party to thank for the continued
protection of my lucky reality. Democracy in America is like the air around us: invisible
yet influential, and fluid yet foundational. It provides us with comfort and consciousness,
and yet is so engrained in the
American way that it tends to be
overlooked: the forgotten lifeline of
Democracy isn’t my dream: it is my
sorts. Thanks to Democratic values,
reality. I have only the Democratic
my life is better.
Party to thank for the continued
protection of my lucky reality.
Aung San Suu Kyi was born in
Yangon, Burma in 1945. Her father
General Aung San was one of the
earliest freedom fighters for a democratic Burma, which ultimately led to his assassination
when little Aung San was just two years old. Aung San moved away and spent the
remainder of her childhood in an affluent home in democratic Great Britain. After living
away from Burma, Kyi returned to her home in the 1980s to discover its desolate state.
Kyi wanted the people of her homeland to enjoy the same life that she had enjoyed in
Great Britain. Kyi joined the popular protests against the then current leader U Ne Win,
and after only a year of fighting for democracy, Kyi was placed under house arrest for
the first of many times. She won the national election for Prime Minister while still under
house arrest in 1990. She recognized that the powerful voices of her country were still
not being heard, and so she kept fighting. Her husband was struck with cancer in 1999,
and she did not go see him before his death with the fear that she would not be let back
into her beloved Burma. She was determined for democracy, fighting and fighting against
a government that would not listen to her voice.
Here I sit watching a news talk show critiquing our president, scrolling through tweets
criticizing a local city council decision, and simultaneously signing a petition to change
the county’s school attendance policy without a single fear about what could happen to
me because of my participation in critical discussion. The Democratic Party fights for my
voice, and for that I am utterly thankful.
I have never been determined for democracy because it is already and has always
been a central part of who I am. “We the people of the United States” were born into the
freedom bestowed upon us at the inception of the US Constitution in 1789. I was born
with the ability to see into the inner workings of my country and subsequently view the
consequences of the decisions that govern my life. I was born into a nation free to
question what is seen: accountability and transparency are far from foreign to me. I was
born into a land where I can be involved in the choices that run my life, my family’s life,
and my community’s life. I can be whoever I want to be, and determine the course of my
life. Democratic America has taught me that it is not only okay, but celebrated when
someone is unique. I can actuate change. I can vote for who I want to represent my
almighty voice. Thanks to the tradition of democracy held by Democratic values, my life is
My vote is the single most important value that the Democratic Party has achieved
for me. Although the time has passed by like dripping molasses, I finally am reaching
voting age this year, and I could not be more excited. Elections have always been focal
points of the Penter family life. In the early years, my parents would dress my brother and
I up in our fanciest little outfits, drive us down to
the polling stations where my parents would vote,
My vote is the single most
and then we would all proudly parade into the
important value that the
restaurant with our glittering stickers ready for
Democratic Party has achieved
our celebratory lunch. Even when I couldn’t read
for me…my voice can be heard.
the two simple words on the sticker, I still felt
immeasurable pride while wearing it because I
felt like I was a part of a strangely liberating atmosphere. I am grateful for the culture of
patriotism that I have grown up with, and I feel that I have only the sweet democracy of
America to thank. In America, votes matter. I am excited to be able to vote because I
know that my one vote could change the direction of my country: a direction that I want
and I choose. Voices are heard in democracies. This is so crucial because in a great
majority of the world, where democratic values are not present, brown-eyed, blonde
haired seventeen year olds about to turn eighteen with a desire to change their
communities, girls exactly like me, aren’t afforded the same guarantee of having their
voices heard. The fact that my voice can be heard out of the 318 million people in our
nation, thanks to Democratic values, makes my life immeasurably better.
Yes our beautiful democratic America does have its downfalls. We all don’t share
the same views about life, and we all really don’t share the same views about how our
nation should be run. Gridlock government after gridlock government, stalled Senate
session after stalled Senate session: it seems like America is a vicious cycle of never-
ending conflict. How many times have we heard about the old “government shutdown?”too many. What good is democracy if nothing is actually accomplished? The ironic thing
is that America accomplishes a vast number of things because of democracy. The number
isn’t even the thing that truly matters, for it is the rich quality of American work that is truly
amazing. Look a little closer for the brightest fabric of American democracy: the glittering
thread of discussion. The American government sits and stews over every little potential
policy. Every word of a bill is read through for the purpose of creating polished, dynamic
national policy. Our most monumental pieces of legislation, ones that have surely
impacted my life for the better, have been signed through the pen of democracy. From
the Nineteenth Amendment which gives me the right to vote to the Clean Air Act which
gives me cleaner air to breathe to the Title IX portion of the Higher Education Act which
gives me great empowerment as a female student: I am thankful for my country’s
democratic framework. Diverse viewpoints are heard through the ears of democracy.
Because of this, America is able to tackle issues with solutions that see all sides. The fact
that the government officials that I elect can argue with each other, thanks to Democratic
values, makes my life better.
Oh how free I am because of the
strongly held values continually fought for by
the Democratic Party. American democracy
protected by these great Democratic ideals.
My ideas can be heard, I can hear others’
ideas, and I feel like I am truly a part of my
great nation. I get to live a dream that I hope
one day the whole world can experience.
Democracy is a dream that is my reality, and
that is why it makes my life better.
Oh how free I am because
of the strongly held values
continually fought for by
the Democratic Party.
Honorable Mention—Alia Sadek
The idea of democracy lies in essence within the tenet of equality. In action, it is a
form of government led by individuals that preserve and promote this equality in its
entirety. There is no political party within the United States that upholds the premise stated
within our constitution endowing “all men are created equal” and supporting that idea of
equality within all sects of politics like the Democratic Party. Regardless of the social,
political or economic issue, time and time again this party has shown an unwavering
devotion to promoting the simple goodness of each individual against all major adversity
for the good of our historic and supreme Constitution. As a minority female, there is no
other political linkage institution that promotes my interests for women’s equality, social
liberalism and just foreign diplomacy like the Democratic Party which improves my life
and empowers my values of freedom and justice on a daily basis.
Over the past few centuries, women’s rights have
overcome tremendous adversities to reach the privileges
There is no political
approximately 50% of our national population of females
party within the United enjoy today. Although we have freedom equally defined
States that upholds
to that of men, there are still social stigmas limiting women
to men. This issue is no more prominent than in the
the…idea of equality
economic spectrum of women getting paid an average of
within all sects of
seventy seven cents per each man’s dollar. The movement
politics like the
for equal pay began years ago but has never been
Democratic Party.
enacted in law and is today, only supported and
● ● ●
advocated by the Democratic Party, who has shown a true
interest and devotion to this issue. As a high school senior who will be entering the
workforce within the next decade, the matter of equal pay is of substantial interest to me
and the support of the Democratic Party in upholding my value to gender equality in all
aspects of society is extremely important to my future. Not only is this an economic issue,
but also an issue conflicting with justice and the integrity of women as a minority group.
As endowed within our Constitution, all persons within the Unites States have the equal
opportunity to pursue happiness within the form of property; current statutes ignore this
equality clause and continue to neglect the economic and social disparity between men
and women. The Democratic Party has taken the initiative to add this issue to the party
platform which is not only is mirrored within the Constitution, but also exemplifies the
merit principle practiced by the federal government’s civil service sector which promotes
employment purely based on experience and skills—nothing else.
Not only does the Democratic party uphold values of equality for women, but also
equality for all citizens of the United States, as our Constitution (specifically the Bill of
Rights) supports in the 14th Amendment, such as minorities, immigrants, and various
single issue groups including the LGBT community, whose interests have lately been called
into question. Along with my utmost value for equality, the right to freedom surpasses
even that, as it is the single right our nation was built on. Our founding fathers fought for
American Independence over the single issue of freedom from an unjust, abusive
government and enacted the Constitution to be living
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proof of that for the eternal existence of our nation.
Not only does the
Further, our democratic republic form of government
Democratic Party
was created and empowered to serve one purpose: to
uphold values of
protect the rights of the people. The freedom to choose
equality for women, but
one’s sexual orientation, marriage partner and lifestyle
also equality for all
is a right that even ceases to be a government-granted
right, but an inalienable right granted by our maker
citizens of the United
and protected by our government. In contrast to
America’s more conservative party, the Democratic
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Party makes no exceptions to freedom, especially by
upholding laws or restrictions that are enacted to benefit the beliefs of others at the
expense of some. The party’s value for freedom supports the idea that I live by, in which
each person has the right to live their own life by their unique choices and beliefs.
America is a nation that is color blind and religiously neutral; no preference or
empowerment shall be given to any group of individuals above another. This idea of
social liberalism also extends to many other aspects such as pro-choice, universal
healthcare, and welfare, all hot topic issues of today, that again deal with the issues of
equality, freedom and opportunity. The era in which our current leadership succeeds in
upholding our Constitutional rights, such as granting same-sex marriage as legal, and
creating further policy that improves, not restricts, the lives of Americans, is when I will
truly visualize my values enacted in government through the Democratic party.
Being of Middle Eastern descent, foreign affairs is a political topic with great value
to me, especially with the increase in tensions since the beginning of this century. As of
lately, there has been much strain on the Unites States to join many other international
coalitions as a leader in the war against terror and many other civilian disputes. Although
this shows the great strength and power of our nation, many politicians use this power to
definitively choose sides which is what even our great founding father, George
Washington, warned against. Entwining the nation in these strong alliances can isolate
the Unites States more than protect it; the Middle East exemplifies this claim more than
anything. The relationship with Israel that the United States has pursued has ultimately
severed any possible relationship with the cluster of Arabic nations. The nation’s more
conservative party sees no possibility of negotiation or an alliance for peace which has
furthered the severity of the situation. The Democratic Party, on the other hand, has
always embraced the idea of negotiation with the greater idea of preserving peace
above all else and refraining from classifying all “Arabs” as the same due to religious
and cultural demographics. This form of foreign policy represents true American values,
not only my own. Much of the hostility that is harbored within the Middle East stems from
the resentment created from many years of harsh foreign policy and one sided political
ideologies. President Obama has recently begun the resurgence of this just form of
diplomacy by offering Iran the chance to discuss the nuclear arms controversy before
submissively yielding to Congress and beginning economic sanctions without regard to
any negotiation. This historic event, close to being as monumental as Jimmy Carter’s
Camp David Accords, shows a bright future for American
● ● ●
foreign diplomacy, future Middle Eastern relations, and
…there is no better
the prospects of the Democratic Party in the upcoming
party to align with than election.
one that models the
ideals of our
sovereignty and
inalienable rights: the
Democratic Party.
Although many people would argue that America’s
party polarization leaves moderates with no political
representation, it is clear to me that there is no better party
to align with than one that models the ideals of our
Constitutional sovereignty and inalienable rights: the
Democratic Party. Protecting our rights and embodying the
goals our founding fathers dreamed of when establishing
● ● ●
America has been the party’s platform since its foundation
and existence. For diverse citizens like myself, I find solace within the party’s values and
beliefs because they work to create a free, peaceful and prosperous future for all persons
within our nation—citizen and noncitizen alike. The future of this party is bright with new,
upcoming leaders who will carry Democrats throughout the nation to a better America for
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream;
not only plan, but also believe ≈Anatole France
Congratulations to the 2015 DWCHC
Scholarship Winners
Best of Luck in College
I know you’ll do great things
Bakari Sellers
O. Fayrell Furr, Jr.
Scholarship Winners!
Furr & Henshaw
Lorraine Wachter
Proud to be a Democrat since
the 1960s
Civil Rights, Education, Social Justice
1900 Oak Street
PO Box 2909
1534 Blanding Street
Myrtle Beach, SC
Columbia, SC
Fax: 843-448-6446
Fax: 803-254-7513
Professional Beach House and Condo Vacation Rental Specialist
Beach - Myrtle Beach | North Myrtle Beach Condos - Vacation Rentals
The Official Vacation Rental Source in the Myrtle Beach Area
Toll Free: 888-669-7853
Congratulations, Students
Milly Vaughn
Blackwater, LLC
Billy Holliday
Betty H. McLeod Judson Holliday
Dan P. Gray
Best Wishes,
River Oaks Golf Plantation
Grayco Steel Corporation
Gray Real Estate
MaryEllen Greene
3512 Highway 501
1st Vice President
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
All the Best
Wayne Gray
Myrtle Beach
City Councilman
Congratulations to the
Essay Scholarship Winners
Best of Luck in
Your College Careers
Henrietta Golding
All the best to
all the student
Lori Church
Way to go, students!
Best of luck in your college years
Cynthia Swanson
Essay Winners
Good Luck to All Our
DEM Dog, Riley
Anita Moran
Congratulations to the
Women‘s Council of
Horry County
Scholarship Winners
Susan Smith
Newly Elected
Southern Regional
Pat Lloyd
Join the Democratic Women’s
Council of Horry County
Make check to DWCHC and mail to
Membership is open to all women
who are registered voters in Horry
County for $20 per year.
Associate memberships (nonvoting) are available for $10 per
year to men who are Horry County
registered voters and to all nonHorry County registered voters.
PO Box 7422, Myrtle Beach, SC, 29572
We meet the 3rd Thursday of the
month at 5:30pm in Myrtle Beach.
Monthly programs have a guest
speaker and members and guests
are invited to stay for dinner
following the program.
Sally P. Howard
Phone ___________cell______________
Voting member (woman, registered voter,
Horry County)
$20.00 per year July-June
Our annual project is a Scholarship
Essay Contest for Horry County
high school and college students.
Associate Member (man, out-of-county)
Winners awarded scholarships to
the college of their choice.
$10.00 per year July-June
For more information contact: Sally P.
Howard, Treasurer, 843-455-1936
Or Pam Heller, President 843-497-5020
2016 Scholarship Sponsorship
If you would like to have your business or message featured in
next year’s 2016 Scholarship Program booklet, please forward a
check in the desired amount made payable to DWCHC, along with
the ad or message you would like printed to:
Sally P. Howard
P.O. Box 7422, Myrtle Beach, SC 29572
Full page ad—8” wide x 10” high $500
Half page ad—8” wide x 5” high $250
¼ page ad—3-1/2” wide x 5” high $150
Business Card Size ad—10 per page--$50
Sponsor/mention line ad--$25
Please provide art to size, or, if you prefer, we can design your ad at no extra charge (please
provide logo, any artwork and copy you would like included in your ad)
“How Democratic Values Make My Life Better”
$1,000 Scholarship—Thomas Kellogg
$500 Scholarship—Hysjana Mince
2014--Why Electing a Democratic Governor in 2014 is Crucial for South Carolina
$1,000 Scholarship—Avery Noel
$750 Scholarship—Brooks Swanson
$750 Scholarship—Zachary Ohanesian
2013—Democrats Represent ME because…
$1,000 Scholarship—Margaret Shelton
$1,000 Scholarship—Sarah Martin
2012—The far-reaching effects of the 2012 election, and why electing Democrats
matters more than ever
$1,000 Scholarship—Marilyn Cox
$1,000 Scholarship—Sarah Martin
2011—I Believe in Public Education—That Is Why I Am a Democrat
$1,000 Scholarship—Caroline Clark
$1,000 Scholarship—Whitney Goings
$1,000 Scholarship—Trenton Smith
2010—Why South Carolina Needs a Democratic Governor
$2,000 Scholarship—Will Maxey
$1,500 Scholarship—Caroline Clark
$1,000 Scholarship—Lyndey Zwing
2009—Democrats—The Party of Tolerance
$2,500 Scholarship—Lyndey Zwing
$1,000 Scholarship—Matt Abee
$500 Scholarship—Caroline Clark
2008—Why America Needs a Democrat in the White House
$2,500 Scholarship—Dargan Foxworth
$1,000 Scholarship—Brandon Taylor Charpied
$500 Scholarship—Madison John Barrett
2007—Why I am a Democrat
$2,000 Scholarship—Caroline Clark
$500 Scholarship—Darielle Deigan
$250 Scholarship—Lyndey Zwing