Suto et al.2009
Suto et al.2009
Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin Itsuki Suto,1 Richard W. Jordan2 and Mahito Watanabe3 1 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, Chikusa, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, Yamagata University, Kojirakawa-machi 1-4-12, Yamagata 990-8560, Japan 2 3 Institute of Geology and Geoinformation, Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Central 7, 1-1-1 Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8567, Japan email: email: email: ABSTRACT: In the late summer of 2004, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 302, also called the Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX), successfully drilled the first deep boreholes on the Lomonosov Ridge in the central Arctic Ocean. The well preserved fossil diatoms used here are from biosiliceous Unit 2 in Holes 2A and 4A of middle Eocene age. In the lower part of Unit 2, resting spores occurred abundantly with other fossil diatoms. 25 diatom resting spore taxa and five allied vegetative cell taxa are described in this study of ACEX samples. Moreover 11 diatom taxa which did not occur in these sediments are also described for comparison with the Eocene Arctic resting spores. Their biostratigraphic ranges are also indicated. 10 of the resting spore species which occur in the ACEX samples had already appeared during the late Cretaceous while the rest of them appeared in Eocene. 21 of 25 (84%) resting spore taxa became extinct during the middle Eocene to early Oligocene. Most resting spore taxa described in this study do not belong to Chaetoceros resting spores because they lack a single ring of puncta on the hypovalve mantle that characterizes the resting spores of Chaetoceros and became extinct before Oligocene, therefore it is clear that Chaetoceros did not flourish in the middle Eocene in the Arctic Ocean. Other diatom genera that produced resting spores such as Pterotheca and Pseudopyxilla, might have prospered before the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, although their vegetative cells are unknown so far. Since some Chaetoceros resting spore taxa are reported in this study, most coastal regions experienced regular seasonal environmental change, which benefitted genera such as Pterotheca, Pseudopyxilla and Odontotropis, but also there might have been some patchy coastal upwelling regions with nutrient depletion and sporadic supplies where Chaetoceros may have survived. The abundant dinoflagellate cysts preserved in middle Eocene ACEX cores provide evidence of stable conditions before the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. The resting spore ecology of most resting spore taxa before the Eocene may have been similar to that of dinoflagellate cysts rather than that of Chaetoceros resting spores after the Oligocene. INTRODUCTION Fossil diatoms have been reported in many oceanic sediment cores, especially those of the DSDP (Deep-Sea Drilling Project) and ODP (Ocean Drilling Program), as biostratigraphic markers in various geological epochs, particularly Miocene (e.g. Yanagisawa and Akiba 1998). Although extensive studies of fossil Arctic diatoms in diatomites (e.g. Strelnikova 1974, Barron 1985, Medlin and Priddle 1990, Tapia and Harwood 2002) have been reported, these studies only documented the late Cretaceous or Holocene and Pleistocene diatoms, and since then there have been few papers on Eocene Arctic diatoms. Moreover, the taxonomy of fossil diatom resting spores has been neglected. Some coastal planktonic diatoms survive unfavorable environmental conditions as resting spores. The model of Gran (1912) proposed that resting spores were benthic resting stages, and subsequent studies showed that they are formed in response to nutrient depletion, darkness and low temperature (e.g. Kuwata et al. 1993, Oku and Kamatani 1995, 1997, 1999, McQuoid and Hobson 1996). Resting spores having thick silicified valves and lacking areolae are preserved frequently as fossils in nearshore sediments. The occurrences of fossil diatom resting spores are concentrated in coastal waters and are most common in temper- ate and boreal waters, but are also found in polar and tropical regions (e.g. Schrader 1978, Leventer 1991), especially in upwelling areas (Hargraves 1984) and reported from ancient sediments, extending back to the Cretaceous (Hanna 1927b, Ross and Sims 1974). Fossil diatom resting spores have been used as paleoclimatic, especially upwelling, indicators. Suto (2006a) proposed that the increase in diversity and abundance of Chaetoceros resting spores from the late Eocene to early Oligocene in the Norwegian Sea indicated a change from a stable environment with regular seasonal supply of nutrients to an unstable one with depletion and sporadic supply. He also mentioned that Chaetoceros might have established itself as the main primary producer in the Oligocene Norwegian Sea, replacing dinoflagellates and/or nannoplankton which had been the main producers till the late Eocene because their diversities decreased across the boundary (Falkowski et al. 2004). In the late summer of 2004, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 302, also known as the Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX), successfully drilled the first deep boreholes in the central Arctic Ocean, penetrating a ~430m-thick package of sediment on the Lomonosov Ridge (Backman et al. 2005a, b, Moran et al. 2006) (Text-figure 1). The well preserved Eocene fossil diatoms used here are from biosiliceous Unit 2 in Holes micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, pp. 259-312, text-figures 1-9, plates 1-13, 2009 259 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin cies is separated from Peripteropsis norwegica Suto (2005b) by lacking branched thin and wide processes. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species occurred in middle Eocene sediments from IODP Leg 302 Sites 2A and 4A in the central Arctic Ocean. Remarks: This species does not appear to belong to the fossil resting spore morpho-genus Peripteropsis of extant Chaetoceros because of the absence of a ring of puncta on the hypovalve margin. Porotheca danica (Grunow) Fenner 1994 Plate 7, figures 1-28 Porotheca danica (Grunow) FENNER 1994, p. 114, pl. 4, figs. 16, 17; pl. 15, figs. 1-6. Basionym: Stephanogonia (Pterotheca?) danica GRUNOW in VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 83 bis., figs. 7, 8. References: Stephanogonia danica GRUNOW 1866, p. 146. – CLEVEEULER 1951, Handl. 2: 1, p. 110, figs. 232a, b. – HOMANN 1991, p. 141, pl. 55, figs. 7, 9-16. Synonymy: Pyxilla carinifera var. russica PANTOCSEK 1905, Bd. 3, pl. 35, fig. 491; Bd. 3, pl. 29, fig. 423. Pterotheca danica GRUNOW, HANNA 1927a, p. 119, pl. 20, fig. 11. – PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 203, pl. 75, fig. 9. – HAJÓS 1976, p. 829, pl. 16, figs. 12-15. – GOMBOS 1977, p. 596, pl. 23, fig. 5. – LEE 1993, p. 42, pl. 3, fig. 4. – DELL’AGNESE and CLARK 1994, fig. 9.11. Pterotheca cf. aculeifera Grunow sensu HAJÓS and STRADNER 1975, p. 933, pl. 28, figs. 1, 2 nec pl. 12, fig. 6. Pterotheca carinifera Grunow in VAN HEURCK sensu MCCOLLUM 1975, p. 535, pl. 10, fig. 4 nec pl. 16, figs. 6, 7. Pterotheca danica (Grunow) FORTI 1909, p. 13. – GOMBOS 1983, p. 570, pl. 3, fig. 9. – GOMBOS and CIESIELSKI 1983, p. 603, pl. 13, figs. 1-3, 9. – BARRON et al. 1984, p. 156, pl. 8, fig. 10. – BALDAUF 1985, p. 464, pl. 12, figs. 8, 9. – HARWOOD 1988, p. 86, fig. 18.12. – DESIKACHARY and SREELATHA 1989, p. 218, pl. 100, figs. 1, 2, 5. Pterotheca major JOUSÉ 1955, p. 101, text-fig. 1; pl. 6, fig. 2. – GOMBOS 1983, p. 570. – GOMBOS and CIESIELSKI 1983, p. 603, pl. 13, figs. 6-8. – HARWOOD 1988, p. 86, fig. 18.16. Pterotheca spada TEMPÈRE et BRUN sensu GOMBOS and CIESIELSKI 1983, p. 603, pl. 13, figs. 4, 5. Pterotheca (Grunow) FORTI sensu HARGRAVES 1984, p. 71, figs. 14-16. Pterotheca carinifera (Grunow in Van Heurck) FORTI sensu HARWOOD 1988, p. 86, fig. 18.6. Stephanogonia novazelandica Grunow sensu DESIKACHARY and SREELATHA 1989, p. 228, pl. 100, figs. 3, 4. Pyxilla? carinifera Grunow sensu HOMANN 1991, p. 139, pl. 55, fig. 6 nec figs. 1-5, 8. Pterotheca carinifera Grunow sensu HARWOOD and BOHATY 2000, p. 93, pl. 3, fig. t; pl. 9, fig. o. Emended description: Epivalve convex, cylindrical with a high mantle, diameter 13-45µm, transapical axis 30-65µm. The central part of epivalve face protracted forming a hollow tube with a flat top. Epivalve surface generally structured by seven to TEXT-FIGURE 8 Geographic and stratigraphic distribution of Trochosira spinosa Kitton. 1-25. Trochosira spinosa 15 Fur Formation, Denmark (Fenner 1994); 1-17. Reported as Trochosira spinosa. 1 Mors, Denmark (Kitton 1871); 16 ODP Hole 908A (Scherer and Koç1996); 2 Mors Formation, Denmark (Van Heurck 1880-1885); 3 Lower course of the Anadyr River, Russia (Sheshukova-Poretskaya 1967); 4 DSDP Site 173 (Schrader 1973a); 5 west Kazakhstan (Glezer et al. 1974); 6 DSDP Site 337 (Schrader and Fenner 1976); 7 DSDP Site 338 (Schrader and Fenner 1976); 8 DSDP Site 339 (Schrader and Fenner 1976) 9 DSDP Site 343 (Schrader and Fenner 1976); 10 DSDP Site 338 (Dzinoridze et al. 1978); 11 DSDP Site 339 (Dzinoridze et al. 1978); 12 DSDP Site 340 (Dzinoridze et al. 1978); 13 Hawthorn Formation, South Carolina (Abbott and Andrews 1979); 14 Mors and Fur Formations, Denmark (Homann 1991); 274 17 DSDP Site 338 (This study). 18, 19. Reported as Trochosira spinosus. 18 Jutland, Denmark (Sims 1988); 19 Cape Roberts Project, Antarctica (Scherer et al. 2000). 20. Reported as Trochosira spinosa? 20 McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (Harwood and Bohaty 2000). 21, 22. Reported as Trochosira ornata. 21 Jutland, Denmark (Van Heurck 1880-1885); 22 Fur Formation, Denmark (Fenner 1994). 23. Reported as Sceletonema ornatum. 23 eastern slopes of Ural Mountains, USSR (Jousé 1955). 24. Reported as Sceletonema spinosum. 24 eastern slopes of Ural Mountains, USSR (Jousé 1955). 25. Reported as Trochosira coronata. 25 ODP Hole 913B (Scherer and Koç 1996). Micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 TEXT-FIGURE 8 Legend on opposite page. eight radial hyaline ridges from the edge between the mantle and the valve face to the elevated central top. Radial hyaline ridges with arranged knobs and short spines on it, and smaller anastomosing hyaline ridges present between these ridges. Mantle hyaline, perforated by small pores and small hyaline anastomosing ribs. The pore which is present on the top of the central raised platform (Fenner 1994) was not observed in this study. Hypovalve is featureless, with a raised rim and concave central area, occasionally with a slightly central elevation (see figure 14 in Hargraves 1984), although frustule was not observed in this study. Type level and locality: Lower Eocene, Mors Formation in Jutland, Denmark (Grunow in Van Heurck 1880-1885). Type specimen: Depository not designated. Comparison: This species is very similar to Kentrodiscus blandus Long, Fuge et Smith (1946) of Nikolaev et al. (2001, p. 25, pl. 36, figs. 1-5), which was found in late Cretaceous marine deposits in the Marca Shale Member, California. Both species have a cylindrical highly vaulted valve shape with a flat top possessing a slit in the central part. In Nikolaev et al. (2001), the specimens are illustrated with a nearly flat hypovalve covered with numerous short strong spines. The genus Kentrodiscus Pantocsek (1903), which contains some species from the late Cretaceous, for example, K. fossilis Pantocsek (1903), K. aculeatus Hanna (1927b), K. andersoni Hanna (1927b) and K. armatus Hajós in Hajós and Stradner (1975), is characterized by having valves protracted to form a hollow tube with a flat top with numerous strong spines on the epi- and hypovalve faces. Kentrodiscus blandus lacks spines on the epivalve surface, but has radially arranged hyaline ridges which run from the edge 275 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin between the mantle, therefore K. blandus may belong to the genus Porotheca although the hypovalve structure of Po. danica is unknown. This species is also similar to Pseudopyxilla carinifera in that the valve shape forms a hollow tube with radially arranged hyaline ridges running from the flat top to mantle edge, but it differs from the latter by its larger valve size and the possession of hyaline ridges with knobs and spines on it. Pterotheca pokrovskajae Jousé sensu Harwood (1988, p. 86, figs. 12.9-10, 18.19-23) may be distinguished from Po. danica by the lack of abundant pores on its valve. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species was frequently found in late Cretaceous to early Miocene sediments (Text-figure 3). This species was found in late Cretaceous and early Paleocene sediments from Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula (Harwood 1988), from late Cretaceous DSDP Site 275 sediments at the southeast margin of Campbell Plateau near New Zealand (Hajós and Stradner 1975), and from the Alpha Ridge, Arctic Ocean (Dell’Agnese and Sreelatha 1989). With regards to Eocene sediments, this species has been reported from all parts of the world including the IODP Expedition 302, central Arctic Ocean, however it was also found in the Southern Hemisphere in Oligocene sediments and from the high latitude Pacific Ocean in early Miocene deposits. Etymology: Not designated. – but presumably refers to Denmark. Pseudopyxilla carinifera (Grunow in Van Heurck) Suto, Jordan et Watanabe comb. nov. Basionym: Pyxilla ? carinifera GRUNOW in VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 83, fig. 5, 6. – HOMANN 1991, p. 139, pl. 55, figs. 1-5, nec figs. 6, 8. Synonymy: Pterotheca carinifera (GRUNOW in VAN HEURCK) FORTI 1909, p. 13. – DESIKACHARY and SREELATHA 1989, p. 218, pl. 142, fig. 10. Pterotheca carinifera GRUNOW, HANNA 1927a, p. 119, pl. 20, figs. 9, 10. – PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 203, pl. 75, figs. 7a, b; pl. 77, fig. 1; pl. 98, fig. 8. – SHESHUKOVA-PORETSKAYA 1967, p. 270. – GOMBOS 1976, p. 596, pl. 23, figs. 1, 2. Pyxilla (Rhizosolenia?) carinifera Grunow sensu CLEVE-EULER 1951, Handl. 2: 1, p. 93, fig. VI-p. Pterotheca carinifera var. curvirostris JOUSÉ 1955, p. 99, pl. 2, fig. 7. – HARWOOD 1988, p. 86, fig. 18.7. Pterotheca carinifera GRUNOW in VAN HEURCK – MCCOLLUM 1975, p. 535, pl. 16, figs. 6, 7 nec pl. 10, fig. 4. Pterotheca carinifera (Grunow) FORTI – SCHRADER and FENNER 1976, p. 994, pl. 9, fig. 6; pl. 43, fig. 12. – LEE 1993, p. 42, pl. 1, fig. 19; pl. 2, fig. 17 nec pl. 3, fig. 10. – FENNER 1994, p. 116. Pterotheca minor HARWOOD 1988, p. 86, figs. 12.12, 13. – HARWOOD and BOHATY 2000, p. 93, pl. 3, figs. r, s. Description: Epivalve convex, cylindrical with a high mantle, diameter 7-22µm, transapical axis 10-70µm. The central part of epivalve face protracted to form a hollow tube with a flat top. Epivalve surface generally structured by four radial hyaline ridges from the edge between the mantle and the valve face to the elevated central top, hyaline between radial hyaline ridges. Mantle distinct and hyaline. Hypovalve nearly flat and featureless (see pl. 55, figure 2 in Homann 1991), although frustule was not observed in this study. Type level and locality: Lower Eocene, Jutland, Denmark. Type specimen: Depository not given. 276 Comparison: This species is easily distinguished from Porotheca danica by its more slender valve and its possession of hyaline ridges lacking knobs and spines. This species also resembles Pterotheca spada (= Pt. subulata) and Pseudopyxilla capreolus in possessing a hollow tube on its epivalve, but is identified from the former by its nearly flat hypovalve and from the latter by lacking a dichotomous branching hyaline process at the distal end of the hollow tube. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species occurs from the late Cretaceous to the late Miocene (Text-figure 3). This species was not observed in this study. Remarks: This species is characterized by its hyaline cylindrical to conical valve, therefore this species was transferred to the genus Pseudopyxilla in this study. When Fenner (1994) erected the genus Porotheca, she mentioned that it is characterized by cylindrical to conical valves with a central elevation with a pore-like opening on top. It is unknown whether or not Ps. carinifera possesses such a pore-like opening, however its stratigraphic and geographic distributions resemble closely those of Po. danica, therefore Ps. carinifera may belong to the genus Porotheca and be a variety of Po. danica. The specimens of Pterotheca carinifera in Harwood (1988, p. 86, fig. 18.6), Harwood and Bohaty (2000, p. 93, pl. 3, fig. t; pl. 9, fig. o) and McCollum (1975, p. 535, pl. 16, figs. 6, 7 nec pl. 10, fig. 4), and of Pyxilla? carinifera in Homann (1991, p. 139, pl. 55, figs. 6, 8 nec figs. 1-5) are identified as Porotheca danica because their large valves with hyaline ridges are covered with knobs and spines. The specimen of Pterotheca carinifera in Lee (1993, p. 42, pl. 3, fig. 10 nec pl. 1, fig. 19; pl. 2, fig. 17) is Pterotheca subulata. Etymology: The Latin carinifera means “coarse keel”. Pseudopyxilla dubia (Grunow in Van Heurck) Forti 1909 Plate 8, figures 1-21 Pseudopyxilla dubia (Grunow) FORTI 1909, pl. 1, figs. 1-3. – HAJÓS 1968, p. 136, pl. 38, figs. 2, 3. – HANNA 1970, p. 191, figs. 66, 68. – SCHRADER and FENNER 1976, pl. 44, figs. 13, 14. – FENNER 1978, p. 526, pl. 14, fig. 9; pl. 17, figs. 1-6. – GOMBOS and CIESIELSKI 1983, p. 603. – GOMBOS 1984, p. 500, pl. 2, figs. 10-12. – FENNER 1994, p. 115, pl. 9, fig. 12. – HARWOOD and BOHATY 2000, pl. 4, fig. d. Pseudopyxilla dubia Grunow – PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 200, pl. 73, fig. 13; pl. 98, figs. 1a, b. Pseudopyxilla dubia (Grunow in Van heurck) FORTI – BARRON 1975, p. 152, pl. 11, fig. 13. – HARWOOD 1988, p. 85, figs. 17.23, 24. Basionym: Pyxilla? dubia Grunow in VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 83, figs. 7, 8. References: Pyxilla dubia Grunow in VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 83, fig. 12. – HASEGAWA 1977, p. 87, pl. 21, fig. 4. – DESIKACHARY and SREELATHA 1989, p. 219, pl. 93, figs. 3-6, 15. Pyxilla dubia Grunow – HANNA 1927a, p. 119, pl. 20, fig. 13. Pyxilla (Rhizosolenia?) dubia Grunow in CLEVE-EULER 1951, Handl. 2: 1, p. 93, figs. VI-n. Pyxilla (Pyxilla) dubia Grunow ex VAN HEURCK sensu KANAYA 1957, p. 114, pl. 8, fig. 10. Rhizosolenia dubia (Grunow) HOMANN 1991, p. 69, figs. 1-8, 11-13. Synonymy: Rhizosolenia americana Ehrenberg sensu EHRENBERG 1854, pl. 18, figs. 98a, h, i nec figs. 98b-g. Pseudopyxilla americana (Ehrenberg) FORTI sensu HAJÓS and STRADNER 1975, p. 933, pl. 12, fig. 3. Pyxilla ? baltica Grunow in VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 83, figs. 1, 2. Pyxilla baltica Grunow in VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 83 bis., fig. 4. Micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 TEXT-FIGURE 9 Generalized biostratigraphic ranges of diatom resting spore morpho-species from the early to middle Eocene cores in the central Arctic Ocean and their allied species. Black and gray lines mean the occurrences from sediments in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, respectively. Star symbols mean that the specimens may be vegetative cells. Species enclosed with squares were not observed in the IODP Expedition 302 samples. The biostratigraphic data of genera Goniothecium and Odontotropis are modified after Suto et al. (2008 and submitted). Pseudopyxilla baltica (Grunow) FORTI 1909, pl. 1, figs. 8, 9. – PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 201, pl. 98, figs. 6a-c. – SCHRADER and FENNER 1976, p. 994, pl. 44, figs. 3, 6, 9. Pseudopyxilla baltica (?)(Grunow) FORTI – HARWOOD and MARUYAMA 1992, p. 705, pl. 2, figs. 9, 10. Pyxilla russica PANTOCSEK 1905, Bd. 3, pl. 19, fig. 277. – DESIKACHARY and SREELATHA 1989, p. 220, pl. 93, fig. 12. Pseudopyxilla russica (Pantocsek) Forti sensu HANNA 1927b, p. 27, pl. 4, fig. 4. – PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 200, pl. 97, fig. 7; pl. 75, fig. 3. – HAJÓS and STRADNER 1975, p. 933, pl. 12, figs. 1, 2; pl. 27, fig. 9. – FENNER 1994, p. 115. – NIKOLAEV et al. 2001, p. 24, pl. 35, figs. 1, 2. Pseudopyxilla rossica (Pantocsek) FORTI 1909, p. 14, pl. 1, fig. 13. – SHESHUKOVA-PORETSKAYA 1967, p. 261, pl. 39, figs. 1a, b. – STRELNIKOVA 1974, p. 111, pl. 56, figs. 6-8. – SCHRADER and FENNER 1976, p. 994, pl. 12, figs. 19, 20; pl. 44, figs. 2, 4, nec pl. 44, fig. 5. – HARWOOD 1988, p. 86, figs. 17.28, 29. – HOMANN 1991, p. 134, pl. 54, fig. 12. Pseudopyxilla rossica (?) – SCHRADER and FENNER 1976, p. 994, pl. 12, figs. 19, 20; pl. 44, figs. 2, 4 nec pl. 44, fig. 5. Pyxilla hungarica PANTOCSEK 1905, Bd. 3, pl. 26, fig. 392. Pseudopyxilla hungarica (Pantocsek) FORTI 1909, p. 14. – HARWOOD 1988, p. 85, figs. 17.26, 27. Pyxilla vasta PANTOCSEK 1905, Bd. 3, pl. 40, fig. 551. Pseudopyxilla tempereana FORTI 1909, p. 15, pl. 1, fig. 11. – PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 200, pl. 98, fig. 2. – GLEZER et al. 1974, pl. 53, fig. 11. – FENNER 1991. p. 139, pl. 9, fig. 3. – FENNER 1994, p. 115. Pseudopyxilla peragallorum FORTI 1909, p. 16, pl. 1, fig. 10. – PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 200, pl. 97, fig. 6. Pseudopyxilla obliquepileata FORTI 1909, p. 17, pl. 1, fig. 12. – PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 200, pl. 98, figs. 3a-b. Pyxilla (Rhizosolenia?) antiqua CLEVE-EULER 1951, Handl. 2: 1, p. 93, figs. 167, VI-o. Pseudopyxilla sp. of FENNER 1978, p. 526, pl. 17, fig. 7. – FENNER 1991, p. 139, pl. 9, fig. 4. – NIKOLAEV et al. 2001, p. 24, pl. 35, fig. 3. 277 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin Rhizosolenia setigera Brightwell sensu HOMANN 1991, p. 71, pl. 35, figs. 9, 10. Description: Frustule heterovalvate. In valve view, valve circular, convex in the middle. Valve surface hyaline or covered with numerous dense and minute puncta. In girdle view, valve convex, cylindrical with a high mantle, 5-70µm in diameter. Height of valve is variable, nearly 1 to 7 times its diameter. Mantle distinct and all surface hyaline or hyaline near the top or bottom of mantle with numerous puncta on lower area. Opposite valve circular, convex in the middle, sometimes preserved with a delicate crown which are covered with dense and minute puncta. Valve surface hyaline or covered with numerous dense and minute puncta. In girdle view, valve convex, cylindrical with a high mantle. Height of valve is variable, nearly 1 to 7 times its diameter. Mantle distinct, entire surface hyaline or hyaline near the top or bottom of mantle with numerous puncta on lower area. It is unknown which of the valves is the epivalve or hypovalve in this study. Type level and locality: Lower Eocene, Jutland, Denmark. Type specimen: Depository not designated. Comparison: This species is very similar to other Pseudopyxilla species like Ps. aculeata and Ps. directa in having cylindrical and conical valves, and Ps. americana, Ps. capreolus and Ps. jouseae in having cylindrical valves, but is differentiated from the former two species by its lower convex valve, and from the latter three species by the absence of a branching process on the valve top. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species is cosmopolitan and a long-ranged species from the late Cretaceous through to the Pliocene (Text-figure 4). Remarks: Several species which possess highly cylindrical and convex valves that are hyaline or covered with numerous dense puncta have been described as Ps. baltica, Ps. dubia, Ps. hungarica, Ps. obliquepileata, Ps. peragallorum, Ps. russica (sometimes misspelled rossica) and Ps. tempereana. These species may be separated by the presence or absence of puncta on the valve mantle and by differences in the height of the holotype specimens. Another confusion may have been caused by the difficulty in identifying specimens which are preserved in the sediments as separated valves (such as only one valve or an opposite valve with/without a crown). However several forms with/without puncta were observed in middle Eocene IODP Leg 302 samples (at one site) and most of the stratigraphic and geographic distributions of these species are cosmopolitan and long-ranged indicating little differences between them (Text-figure 4). Therefore we assumed that these species belong to a single or are varieties of one species. According to Homann (1991), the resting spore type “Pseudopyxilla” belongs to species related to the genus Rhizosolenia, because Homann (1991) found that the vegetative cells look like Rhizosolenia and are very different from resting spores. Thus most relationships between these different frustule types remain unknown. Therefore the resting spore morpho-genus Pseudopyxilla is here maintained. The Rhizosolenia-like vegetative valves are also illustrated in Proschkina-Lavrenko (1949). Moreover, Marino et al. (1991) also hypothesized that the fossil species Pyxilla dubia has a closer affinity to the genus Chaetoceros than to the genus Rhizosolenia based on the origi- PLATE 1 Anaulus arcticus sp. nov. All figures are transmitted light micrographs (LM). Scale bar = 10µm, which applies to all figures. 1,2 Holotype. IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 18,19 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 3,4 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 20,21 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 5,6 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 22,23 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 7,8 IODP Site 302-2A-55X-CC. Girdle view of paired valves. 24,25 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 9,10 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 26,27 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 11,12 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 28,29 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of frustule. 13-15 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 30,31 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule connected to hypovalve of opposite valve. 16,17 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 278 Itsuki Suto, Richard W. Jordan and Mahito Watanabe micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 Plate 1 279 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin nal drawing of Forti (1909). Sometimes valves are preserved with a delicate crown covered with dense puncta (see Van Heurck 1880-1885, Desikachary and Sreelatha 1989). From their illustrations, the crown on some spore valves may represent preserved vegetative cells. Etymology: The Latin dubia means “uncertain”. Pseudopyxilla jouseae Hajós in Hajós and Stradner 1975 Plate 8, figures 22-31 Pseudopyxilla jouseae HAJÓS in HAJÓS and STRADNER 1975, p. 933, pl. 12, figs. 4, 5. Synonym: Pterotheca sp. (aff. carinifera Grunow) of JOUSÉ 1951, p. 59, pl. 4, fig. 4. Emended description: Frustule heterovalvate. In valve view, valve circular. Valve surface hyaline, covered with numerous wrinkles and nearly straight ridges from the top of the conical area to the mantle margin. In girdle view, valve 5-20µm in di- ameter, cylindrical with a high mantle, conical at one end, and extending into a long tapered spine. The tapered spine bifurcated at the end (see pl. 8, fig. 30). Height of valve is variable, nearly 1 to 4 times its diameter not including the conical area with long tapered spine. Mantle distinct, covered with numerous wrinkles. Opposite valve (perhaps hypovalve) circular, convex (see pl. 8, figs. 26, 27). Type level and locality: Upper Cretaceous. DSDP Site 275 (lat. 50° 26.34’ S, 176° 18.99’ E) in 2,837 m water depth on the eastern edge of the Campbell Plateau to the southwest of the Bounty Islands, South Pacific; in sample 1-1, 118-120cm. Type specimen: Deposited in the collections of the Hungarian Geological Survey, Budapest; holotype (figs. 4, 5), no. 2799/1. Comparison: This species is characterized by a conical and cylindrical valve covered with wrinkles, and a long tapered and bifurcating spine. PLATE 2 Anaulus arcticus sp. nov. Figures 1-35 are LM and figs. 36-47 are SEM, respectively. The scale bar in fig. 1 is 10µm and it also applies to figs. 2-35. The scale bars in figs. 36-47 are 10µm. 1 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Valve view. 2,3 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Valve view. 4-6 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Frustule in valve view. 7,8 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Valve view. 9,10 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 11,12 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 13,14 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 15,16 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 17,18 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 19,20 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Valve view. 37 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view of epivalve. 38 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view of epivalve. 39 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Inner valve view of epivalve. 40 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Inner valve view of epivalve. 41 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Inner valve view of epivalve 42 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Oblique valve view of hypovalve. 43 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 21,22 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 23,24 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view. 25-27 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view. 28,29 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view. 30,31 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Valve view. 32,33 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Valve view. 34,35 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Valve view. 36 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view of epivalve. 280 44 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of hypovalve. 45 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of hypovalve. 46 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 47 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Oblique girdle view of frustule. Itsuki Suto, Richard W. Jordan and Mahito Watanabe micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 Plate 2 281 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: Hajós and Stradner (1975) reported this species from the late Cretaceous cores of DSDP Site 275 and this species was observed in middle Eocene cores of IODP Leg 302 in this study (Text-figure 4). Etymology: This species was named in honor of Dr. A. P. Jousé. Pterotheca aculeifera Grunow in Van Heurck 1880-1885 (= Pterotheca crucifera Hanna 1927b) Plate 9, figures 1-47 Basionym: Pterotheca (Pyxilla ??) aculeifera GRUNOW in VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 83 bis, fig. 5. References: Pterotheca aculeifera GRUNOW, VAN HEURCK 1896, p. 430, fig. 151. |PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 202, pl. 75, fig. 4b nec fig. 4a. – SHESHUKOVA-PORETSKAYA 1967, p. 266. – GLEZER et al. 1974, pl. 12, fig. 5. – STRELNIKOVA 1974, p. 114, pl. 57, figs. 1-16, 23-26 nec figs. 17-22 – GOMBOS 1977, p. 596, pl. 23, figs. 1, 2. – SCHRADER and FENNER 1976, p. 994, pl. 43, figs. 1-4. – FENNER 1978, p. 527, pl. 17, figs. 8-21. – DZINORIDZE et al. 1978, pl. 9, fig. 6. – GOMBOS 1983, p. 570. – GOMBOS and CIESIELSKI 1983, p. 603. – GOMBOS 1984, p. 500. – SANFILIPPO and FOURTANIER 2003, pl. 3, fig. 7. – TSOY 2003, pl. 1, fig. 7. Pterotheca aculeifera Grunow in VAN HEURCK 1896, p. 430, fig. 151. – HAJÓS 1976, p. 829, pl. 16, figs. 6-8. – SCHERER and KOÇ 1996, p. 86, pl. 8, fig. 11. – TAPIA and HARWOOD 2002, p. 328. Pterotheca aculeifera (Grunow) VAN HEURCK – BALDAUF 1985, p. 464, pl. 10, figs. 13, 14. – FENNER 1994, p. 116, pl. 4, fig. 8. Pterotheca aculeifera (Grunow in VAN HEURCK) VAN HEURCK – HARWOOD 1988, p. 86, figs. 18.3, 4. – DESIKACHARY and SREELATHA 1989, p. 218, pl. 93, fig. 11. Pterotheca aculeifera (Grunow) GRUNOW em. HOMANN 1991, p. 135, pl. 35, figs. 15-18. – HARWOOD and BOHATY 2000, p. 93, pl. 1, fig. l; pl. 9, fig. p. PLATE 3 Figures 1-22, 24-36, 38, 39, 41-52 are LM and figs. 23, 37, 40 and 53 are SEM, respectively. The scale bars in figs. 1 and 2, and 24 and 25 are 10µm and those also apply to figs. 3-22 and 41-52, and 26-33, respectively. The scale bars in figs. 23, 37, 38 and 39, 40 and 53 are 10µm, respectively. 1-23. Resting spore sp. C. 1,2 IODP Site 302-2A-54X-CC. Girdle view of frustule. 3,4 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 5,6 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 7,8 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 9,10 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 11,12 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 13,14 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 15,16 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 17,18 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 19,20 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 21,22 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 23 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view. 24-37. Costopyxis trochlea (Hanna) Strelnikova in Glezer et al. 24,25 DSDP Leg 38, Site 338-29-1, 130-131cm. Girdle view of frustule. 26,27 DSDP Leg 38, Site 338-29-1, 130-131cm. Girdle view. 282 28 DSDP Leg 38, Site 338-29-1, 130-131cm. Valve view. 29,30 IODP Site 302-2A-54X-CC. Girdle view. 31-33 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view. 34-36 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view. 37 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view. 38-40. Liradiscus ? sp. A. 38,39 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Valve view. 40 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Valve view. 41-53. Peripteropsis ? sp. A. 41,42 IODP Site 302-2A-52X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 43,44 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 45,46 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 47,48 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 49,50 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 51,52 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 53 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Oblique girdle view of frustule. Itsuki Suto, Richard W. Jordan and Mahito Watanabe micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 Plate 3 283 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin 2A and 4A of IODP Expedition 302 (Moran et al. 2006). In the lower part of Unit 2, resting spores occurred abundantly with other fossil diatoms. In this paper, we have attempted to provide taxonomic notes on the fossil resting spore taxa from middle Eocene Arctic core materials, with a synonymy list, microscope observations and several key references for each taxon. Our main goal is to identify the main diatoms and resting spore assemblages in order to apply diatom biostratigraphy to the stratigraphic sequence of the material from the central Arctic Ocean. The detailed stratigraphic data and paleoceanographic and paleoecological implications of the Eocene Arctic Ocean were presented by Stickley et al. (2008) for Holes 2A and 4A. However, the taxonomy of some of the other diatoms except for resting spore taxa from the ACEX cores will be described in subsequent papers. MATERIAL AND METHODS IODP Expedition 302 (or ACEX), recently obtained Recent to Cretaceous marine sedimentary records from Holes 2A and 4A (~87°52.00’N; 136°10.64’E; 1288m water depth; Text-figure 1), on the Lomonosov Ridge in the central Arctic Ocean. Biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy were used to construct an age model, with dinocysts providing the bulk of the Neogene biostratigraphic data, and diatom, ebridian and silicoflagellate data being used to date the Eocene (Backman et al. 2005a). The expanded late early to middle Eocene sediment sequences of Holes 302-2A and 302-4A typically comprise abundant fossils of dinoflagellate and chrysophyte cysts, diatoms, ebridians, and silicoflagellates. Biosilica is not present before the late early Eocene interval (~320m) and above the interval (205m~). In these Eocene sediments, a lot of fossil resting spore valves were preserved with other diatom frustules. In this study, samples of a nearly complete section of Tertiary sediments of DSDP Leg 38 Site 338 (67° 47.11’ N, 05° 23.26’ E; water depth 400.8m; Text-figure 1) are also used to compare some resting spore taxa in the Norwegian Sea with those in the Arctic Ocean. These samples contain well-preserved diatoms of middle Eocene, Oligocene and early to middle Miocene. Processed strewn slides were prepared following the method of Suto (2003). Diatom frustules were mounted in pleurax for LM observations and coated with gold for SEM observation. Identification and photodocumentation of resting spores were made at x400 using an Olympus BM40 light microscope and Olympus DP-12 digital camera. SEM examinations were carried out using a JEOL JSM-5800 LV scanning electron microscope at the National Science Museum of Japan. RESULTS Anaulus arcticus Suto, Jordan et Watanabe sp. nov. Plate 1, figures 1-31; Plate 2, figures 1-47 Synonymy: Anaulus sibiricus STRELNIKOVA sensu BARRON 1985, p. 141, pl. 10.2, fig. 10. – HARWOOD 1988, p. 79, figs. 9.12-14. – DELL’AGNESE and CLARK 1994, fig. 3.3. Anaulus sp. A in HARWOOD 1988, p. 79, figs. 9.16, 17. Anaulus sp. in BARRON and MAHOOD 1993, p. 38, pl. 4, fig. 7. Description: Frustule heterovalvate. Valve broadly linear with large, cuneate, bluntly rounded apices, apical axis 10-35µm, transapical axis 6-14µm. Valve divided into 3 or 5 equal parts by 2 or 4 transverse internal septa. Epivalve rectangular, 260 vaulted with 3 or 5 slightly inflated undulations in girdle view. Epivalve surface covered with randomly scattered fine pores. Each end is slightly raised with one strong short curved spine. One rimoportula near the center of the epivalve. Mantle of epivalve distinct with rows of dense pores. Hypovalve rectangular with marginal ridge in girdle view. There are two types of marginal ridge, one at the absolute margin between hypovalve and mantle, the others close to the inner part of the margin. Internal marginal ridge area flat or slightly undulated. No rimoportula on the hypovalve. Mantle of hypovalve distinct with fine pores near the valve area, hyaline around opposite part. Paired valves formed by two types of hypovalves completely connected by marginal ridges. Type level and locality: Middle Eocene, IODP Expedition 302-4A, 11X-CC, Arctic Ocean. Holotype here designated: Slide MPC-04958 (Micropaleontology Collection, National Science Museum, Tokyo, England Finder N31-4; illustrated in Plate 1, Figs. 1, 2). Comparison: It is difficult to distinguish our new species from A. mediterraneus var. mediterraneus Grunow in Van Heurck (1880-1885) and A. americanus Hustedt (1955), however, A arcticus has random scattered pores on its epivalve. This species differs from A. mediterraneus var. intermedia Grunow in Van Heurck (1880-1885) by its round apex, and from A. minutus Grunow in Van Heurck (1880-1885) and A. sibiricus Strelnikova (1974) by its rounded valve in girdle view. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species occurred abundantly in middle Eocene sediments from IODP Leg 302 Sites 2A and 4A in the central Arctic Ocean (Text-figure 2). Barron (1985) and Dell’Agnese and Clark (1994) also reported this species as A. sibiricus from the late Cretaceous Alpha Ridge, Arctic Ocean. On the other hand, Harwood (1988) and Barron and Mahood (1993) also reported this species as A. sibiricus and A. sp A. from the early Paleocene to the late Cretaceous Antarctic Ocean, and as A. sp. from the early Oligocene Antarctic Ocean, respectively. According to Hustedt (1930) and Abbott and Andrews (1979), the similar species A. mediterraneus was a littoral form inhabiting warm waters, such as the south coast of England and the Mediterranean, therefore our new species may have lived in warm and littoral environments. Remarks: Harwood (1988) mentioned that the occurrence of A arcticus (= their specimens of A. sibiricus) and Hemiaulus elegans in resting spore and vegetative cell diatom assemblages, respectively, from the Arctic Ocean (Kitchell et al. 1986), and suggests that A. arcticus is a resting spore of H. elegans. Anaulus mediterraneus var. intermedia Grunow in Van Heurck (1880-1885, pl. 102, fig. 9) and in Wornardt (1967, p. 68, fig. 134) is characterized by its constricted valve center and tapered valve apex, but this variety illustrated in Hustedt (1930, p. 892, fig. 535), Proschkina-Lavrenko (1949, p. 212, pl. 99, fig. 13) and Abbott and Andrews (1979, p. 233, pl. 1, fig. 14) may be a new variety of this species because their valves are not constricted and have a slightly lanceolated apex. Hustedt (1955) indicated that A. americanus differs from A. mediterraneus by its smaller size and finer structure but A. americanus might be only a variety of A. mediterraneus. Etymology: The Latin word arcticus means “Arctic”. Micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 TEXT-FIGURE 1 Location map of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition (or the Arctic Coring Expedition, ACEX) Leg 302 in the Arctic Ocean. Costopyxis trochlea (Hanna) Strelnikova in Glezer et al. 1988 Plate 3, figures 24-37 Costopyxis trochlea (Hanna) STRELNIKOVA in GLEZER et al. 1988, p. 51, pl. 32, figs. 17, 18. – SCHERER and KOÇ 1996, p. 86, pl. 8, figs. 8-10. – GLADENKOV 1998, pl. 1, figs. 11a, b. – TSOY 2003, pl. 2, fig. 12. Basionym: Trochosira trochlea HANNA 1927a, p. 123, pl. 21, figs. 8, 9. Synonymy: Pterotheca sp. (1) of SCHRADER and FENNER 1976, p. 994, pl. 35, fig. 15. Pterotheca sp. (3) of SCHRADER and FENNER 1976, p. 994, pl. 35, figs. 17, 18. Pterotheca sp. (4) of SCHRADER and FENNER 1976, p. 994, pl. 35, fig. 19. Trochosira trochlea HANNA sensu DZINORIDZE et al. 1978, pl. 4, figs. 12, 13. – FENNER 1985, p. 741, fig. 12.10. – FENNER 1991, pl. 11, fig. 15. Pterotheca gracillima FENNER 1978, p. 527, pl. 12, figs. 5, 6. – BARRON et al. 1984, p. 156, pl. 8, fig. 11. Pterotheca sp. of FENNER 1978, p. 527, pl. 12, fig. 3. Pterotheca sp. 4 of FENNER 1978, p. 527, pl. 12, fig. 4. Pterotheca sp. of BARRON et al. 1984, p. 156, pl. 8, fig. 12. Trochosira aff. gracillima (Fenner) FENNER 1991, p. 141, pl. 11, figs. 22, 25. Stephanopyxis ornata SCHULZ sensu HARWOOD and MARUYAMA 1992, p. 706, pl. 2, fig. 6. Trochosira gracillima (Fenner) Fenner. – FENNER 1994, p. 122. 261 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin Genus et species indet. C of HARWOOD and BOHATY 2000, p. 94, pl. 5, fig. p. base of the mantle there is a ring of relatively large pedal “segments” (Fenner 1985). Description: Frustule isovalvate, 4-8µm in diameter, pervalvar axis 6-13µm without spine. Valves circular in valve view, highly cylindrical with a convex upper part in girdle view. One or sometimes two (Plate 3, figures 29, 30) long bifurcate spines on top of the center. Valve face covered with very finely punctate (20-22 puncta in 10µm) which are of constantly equal size on the whole valve and are arranged in straight radial double- to triple-rows. A ring of short hyaline ridges at the transition between convex and cylindrical mantle of the valve. At the Type level and locality: Lower Miocene, locality 894, Phoenix Canyon, 7 miles north of Coalinga, Fresno County, California (basionym species Trochosira trochlea Hanna 1927a). Middle Eocene, planktonic foraminiferal zone P10/P11 (synonym species Pterotheca gracillima Fenner 1978). Type specimen: Sample no. 3050, deposited in the Museum of California Academy of Sciences (basionym species Trochosira trochlea Hanna 1927a). Deposited in the sample collections of TEXT-FIGURE 2 (opposite page) Geographic and stratigraphic distribution of Anaulus arcticus Suto, Jordan et Watanabe, Costopyxis trochlea (Hanna) Strelnikova in Glezer et al., Leptoscaphos punctatus (Grove et Sturt) Schrader and Leptoscaphos levigatus (Sheshukova-Poretskaya) Suto, Jordan et Watanabe. a-f. Anaulus arcticus a IODP Site 302-2A and 4A (This study). b-d. Reported as Anaulus sibiricus. b Alpha Ridge, Arctic Ocean (Barron 1985); c Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula (Harwood 1988); d Alpha Ridge, Arctic Ocean (Dell’Agnese and Clark 1994). e, f. Reported as Anaulus sp. e Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula (Harwood 1988); f ODP Hole 739C (Barron and Mahood 1993). 1-20. Costopyxis trochlea 1-4. Reported as Costopyxis trochlea. 1 Kamchatka, Russia (Glezer et al. 1988); 2 ODP Hole 913B (Scherer and Koç 1996); 3 Kamenka Formation, Bering Island (Gladenkov 1998); 4 IODP Site 302-2A and 4A (This study). 5-9. Reported as Trochosira trochlea. 5 the lower Miocene shales, north of Coalinga, California (Hanna 1927a); 6 DSDP Site 338 (Dzinoridze et al. 1978); 7 DSDP Site 340 (Dzinoridze et al. 1978); 8 Kellogg Shale, California (Fenner 1985); 9 DSDP Site 208 (Fenner 1991). 10-14. Reported as Pterotheca gracillima or Trochosira gracillima. 10 DSDP Site 356 (Fenner 1978); 11 DSDP Site 338 (Fenner 1978); 12 Kellogg Shale, California (Barron et al. 1984); 13 DSDP Hole 700B (Fenner 1991); 14 Fur Formation, Denmark (Fenner 1994). 15-17. Reported as Pterotheca sp. 15 DSDP Site 338 (Schrader and Fenner 1976); 16 DSDP Site 356 (Fenner 1978); 17 Kellogg Shale, California (Barron et al. 1984). 18, 19. Reported as Stephanopyxis ornata. 18 ODP Hole 748B (Harwood and Maruyama 1992); 19 ODP Hole 749B (Harwood and Maruyama 1992). 20. Reported as Genus et species indet. C. 20 McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (Harwood and Bohaty 2000). A-C. Leptoscaphos levigatus A Rekinnik Inlet, eastern side of Penzhina Bay, Kamchatka, Russia (Sheshukova-Poretskaya 1967); B Anadyr River, Russia (Sheshukova-Poretskaya 1967); C IODP Site 302-2A and 4A (This study). D-F. Leptoscaphos punctatus D Oamaru, New Zealand (Schrader 1969); E Oamaru, New Zealand (Desikachary and Sreelatha 1989); F IODP Site 302-2A and 4A (This study). 262 Micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 TEXT-FIGURE 2 Legend on opposite page. DSDP samples of Dr. H.-J. Schrader, School of Oceanography, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon (synonym species Pterotheca gracillima Fenner 1978). Comparison: The only similar form observed in the literature is the upper Cretaceous Costopyxis schulzii (Steinecke) Glezer, but this species is distinguished from C. trochlea by its much larger size and coarser areolation with many small scattered spines on the valve surface besides the two subcentral long spines. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: The oldest occurrence of this species is from the early to late Paleocene sedi- ments of ODP Hole 700B in the southwest Atlantic (Fenner 1991). This species mainly occurred from the early Eocene to late Oligocene sediments all around the world (Text-figure 2). Fenner (1978) described the species Pterotheca gracillima (p. 527, pl. 12, figs. 5, 6 in Fenner 1978) from the middle to late Eocene cores of DSDP Site 356 at the southwestern edge of the Sao Paulo Plateau, western South Atlantic. The youngest specimens are reported from early Miocene sediments in California (Hanna 1927a). Remarks: This species was formerly observed and named as Pterotheca gracillima (e.g. Fenner 1978, Barron et al. 1984) and Pt. sp. 1, 3 and 4 (Schrader and Fenner 1976), Stephano- 263 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin TEXT-FIGURE 3 (opposite page) Geographic and stratigraphic distribution of Porotheca danica Grunow in Van Heurck and Pseudopyxilla carinifera (Grunow in Van Heurck) Suto, Jordan et Watanabe. 1-28. Porotheca danica 1-2. Reported as Porotheca danica. 1 Fur Formation, Denmark (Fenner 1994); 2 IODP Site 302-2A and 4A (This study). 3-16. Reported as Pterotheca danica. 3 Mors Formation, Denmark (Van Heurck 1880-1881); 22. Reported as Stephanogonia novazealandica. 22 Oamaru, New Zealand (Desikachary and Sreelatha 1989). 23. Reported as Pterotheca cf. aculeifera. 23 DSDP Site 275 (Hajós and Stradner 1975). 24-26. Reported as Pterotheca carinifera. 24 DSDP Site 274 (McCollum 1975); 4 the early Miocene shales north of Coalinga, Fresno County, California (Hanna 1927); 25 Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula (Harwood 1988); 5 DSDP Site 275 (Hajós and Stradner 1975); 26 McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (Harwood and Bohaty 2000). 6 DSDP Holes 280A, 281A and 283 (Hajós 1976); 7 DSDP Site 328 (Gombos 1977); 8 DSDP Hole 512 (Gombos 1983); 9 DSDP Site 511 (Gombos and Ciesielski 1983); 10 Kellogg Shale, northern California (Barron et al. 1984); 11 DSDP Hole 552A and Site 553 (Baldauf 1985); 12 Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula (Harwood 1988); 27. Reported as Pyxilla? carinifera. 27 Fur Formations, Denmark (Homann 1991). 28. Reported as Pterotheca spada. 28 DSDP Site 511 (Gombos and Ciesielski 1983). a-l. Pseudopyxilla carinifera a-f. Reported as Pterotheca carinifera. a early Miocene shales north of Coalinga, California (Hanna 1927a); b DSDP Site 274 (McCollum 1975); 13 Oamaru, New Zealand (Desikachary and Sreelatha 1989); c DSDP Site 338 (Schrader and Fenner 1976); d. DSDP Site 348 (Schrader and Fenner 1976); 14 Yeonil Group in the Pohang Basin, Korea (Lee 1993); e Oamaru, New Zealand (Desikachary and Sreelatha 1989); 15 Alpha Ridge, Arctic Ocean (Dell’Agnese and Clark 1994); 16 McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (Harwood and Bohaty 2000). 17-18. Reported as Pterotheca major. 17 eastern slope of Ural Mountains, USSR (Jousé 1955); 18 DSDP Hole 512 (Gombos 1983); 19 DSDP Site 511 (Gombos and Ciesielski 1983); 20 Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula (Harwood 1988). 21. Reported as Stephanogonia danica. 21 Fur Formations, Denmark (Homann 1991). f Yeonil Group in the Pohang Basin, Korea (Lee 1993). g, h. Reported as Pyxilla carinifera. g Jutland, Denmark (Van Heurck 1880-1881); h Fur and Mors Formations (Homann 1991). i, j. Reported as Pterotheca carinifera var. curvirostris. i eastern slope of Ural Mountains, USSR (Jousé 1955); j Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula (Harwood 1988). k, l. Reported as Pterotheca minor. k Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula (Harwood 1988); l McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (Harwood and Bohaty 2000). 264 Micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 TEXT-FIGURE 3 Legend on opposite page. pyxis ornata (sensu Harwood and Maruyama 1992) and Genus et species indet. C (Harwood and Bohaty 2000), but these taxa all bear the same characteristics as C. trochlea. Specimens of this species may not be resting spores, but actually vegetative cells. This species was described as a species of the genus Trochosira by Hanna (1927a) because it possesses one long spine at the valve center. Later, Trochosira trochlea was transferred to the genus Costopyxis by Strelnikova in Glezer et al. (1988), because it has much coarser areolation with strong hyaline ridges than other Trochosira species. Etymology: The Latin costo-pyxis and trochlea means “box with ribs” and “pulley”, respectively. Dispinodiscus ? sp. A Plate 4, figures 40-45 Description: Frustule heterovalvate, apical axis 8-10µm, pervalvar axis 4-6µm without bristles. In girdle view, epivalve hyaline, slightly vaulted with strong bristle near each apex and its center, with distinct mantle. Mantle of epivalve hyaline. Hypovalve vaulted in central area or nearly flat, with a strong bristle at the center, with distinct mantle. Mantle of hypovalve hyaline with a single ring of puncta at its base (see Plate 4, figure 40). Comparison: This species is characterized by its hyaline epiand hypovalves with strong bristles at the valve center and near each apex. 265 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin TEXT-FIGURE 4 Geographic and stratigraphic distribution of Pseudopyxilla dubia (Grunow in Van Heurck) Forti and Pseudopyxilla jouseae Hajós in Hajós and Stradner. 1-44. Pseudopyxilla dubia 1-18. Reported as Pyxilla dubia and Pseudopyxilla dubia. 1 Jutland, Denmark (Van Heurck 1880-1881); 2 Deposit in Monterey, California (Van Heurck 1880-1881); 3 6 miles northwest of Newman, California (Hanna 1927a); 4 Mors Formation, Denmark (Cleve-Euler 1951); 5 Kellogg and “Sidney” shales, California (Kanaya 1957); 24 DSDP Site 338 (Schrader and Fenner 1976); 25 ODP Hole 747A (Harwood and Maruyama 1992). 26. Reported as Pseudopyxilla hungarica. 26 Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula (Harwood 1988). 27-37. Reported as Pyxilla russica (or P. rossica) and Pseudopyxilla russica (or Ps. rossica). 27 Moreno Gulch, California (Hanna 1927b); 6 Szurdokpüspöki diatomite stop, Hungary (Hajós 1968); 28 North and South Sakhalin, Russia (SheshukovaPoretskaya 1967); 29. Western Siberia (Strelnikova 1974); 7 St. Paul Island, Bering Sea, Alaska (Hanna 1970); 30 DSDP Site 275 (Hajós and Stradner 1975); 8 Sisquoc Formation, California (Barron 1975); 31 DSDP Site 338 (Schrader and Fenner 1976); 9 DSDP Site 338 (Schrader and Fenner 1976); 32 DSDP Site 348 (Schrader and Fenner 1976); 10 Nakayama Formation, Sado Island, Japan (Hasegawa 1977); 33 Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula (Harwood 1988); 11 DSDP Site 356 (Fenner 1978); 12 DSDP Hole 511 (Gombos and Ciesielski 1983); 34 Oamaru, New Zealand (Desikachary and Sreelatha 1989); 13 DSDP Hole 524 (Gombos 1984); 35 Fur Formation, Denmark (Homann 1991); 14 Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula (Harwood 1988); 36 Fur Formation, Denmark (Fenner 1994); 37 Moreno Gulch, California (Nikolaev et al. 2001). 15 Oamaru, New Zealand (Desikachary and Sreelatha 1989); 38. Reported as Rhizosolenia setigera. 38 Mors Formation, Denmark (Homann 1991). 16 Fur Formation, Denmark (Fenner 1994); 39-41. Reported as Pseudopyxilla tempereana. 39 Western Siberia (Glezer et al. 1974); 17 McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (Harwood and Bohaty 2000); 18 IODP Site 302-2A and 4A (This study). 19. Reported as Rhizosolenia dubia. 19 Mors and Fur Formations, Denmark (Homann 1991). 20, 21. Reported as Rhizosolenia americana and Pseudopyxilla americana. 20 Richmond, Virginia, USA (Ehrenberg 1854); 21 DSDP Site 275 (Hajós and Stradner 1975). 22. Reported as Pyxilla (Rhizosolenia?) antiqua. 22 Mors Formation, Denmark (Cleve-Euler 1951). 266 23-25. Reported as Pyxilla baltica and Pseudopyxilla baltica. 23 Mors Formation, Denmark (Van Heurck 1880-1881); 40 ODP Hole 700B (Fenner 1991); 41 Fur Formation, Denmark (Fenner 1994). 42-44. Reported as Pseudopyxilla sp. 42 DSDP Site 356 (Fenner 1978); 43 ODP Hole 700B (Fenner 1991); 44 Moreno Gulch, California (Nikolaev et al. 2001). a, b. Pseudopyxilla jouseae a DSDP Site 275 (Hajós and Stradner 1975); b IODP Site 302-2A and 4A (This study). Micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 TEXT-FIGURE 4 Legend on opposite page. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species occurred rarely in middle Eocene sediments only from IODP Leg 302 Site 4A-6X-2, 2-3cm in the central Arctic Ocean. Stratigraphic occurrence: This species was recognized abundantly in middle Eocene sediments from the Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean in this study. Remarks: This species may belong to the fossil resting spore morpho-genus Dispinodiscus of extant Chaetoceros because of the presence of a ring of puncta on the hypovalve margin. This species looks like a Dispinodiscus species (see Suto 2004b), but is distinguished from them by its central bristles on the epi- and hypovalves. Goniothecium decoratum Brun Goniothecium danicum Grunow in Cleve et Möller emend. Suto in Suto, Jordan et Watanabe 2008 Goniothecium rogersii Ehrenberg Emended description: See Suto, Jordan and Watanabe (2008). Emended description: See Suto, Jordan and Watanabe (2008). Stratigraphic occurrence: This species was not observed in the IODP Leg 302 samples. Emended description: See Sims and Mahood (1998) and Suto, Jordan and Watanabe (2008). 267 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin Stratigraphic occurrence: This species was not observed in the Arctic Coring Expedition sediments. lowly truncated. Valve surface covered with numerous scattered fine puncta. Mantle distinct with scattered fine puncta. Leptoscaphos levigatus (Sheshukova-Poretskaya) Suto, Jordan et Watanabe comb. nov. Type level and locality: the upper Middle Miocene to lower Upper Miocene, Etolon suite, Rekinnik Inlet, Kamchatka, Russia. Plate 5, figures 1-28 Basionym: Biddulphia levigata SHESHUKOVA-PORETSKAYA 1967, p. 218, pl. 35, figs. 4a, b ; pl. 36, figs. 3a, b. Type specimen: Deposited in the collection of the Chair of Lower Plants, St.-Petersburg University, St.-Petersburg, Russia, exhibit no. 1154. Description: Frustule heterovalvate, apical axis 25-70µm, pervalvar axis 7-10µm. Valve elongate, narrowly elliptical, or narrowly lanceolate with rounded corners, sides subuniformly curved. One valve slightly convex, the other nearly flat and Comparison: This species resembles L. punctatus in valve shape but is differentiated from the latter by its nearly hyaline valve. Sheshukova-Poretskaya (1967) mentioned that this species is similar to spores of modern Antarctic neritic Biddulphia TEXT-FIGURE 5 (opposite page) Geographic and stratigraphic distribution of Pterotheca aculeifera (Grunow) Forti. 1-35. Pterotheca aculeifera 19 Fur Formation, Denmark (Fenner 1994); 1-27. Reported as Pterotheca aculeifera. 1 Jutland and Mors, Denmark (Van Heurck 18801881); 20 ODP Hole 913B (Scherer and Koç 1996); 2 Mors, Denmark (Van Heurck 1896); 3 Kellogg and “Sidney” shales, California (Kanaya 1957); 4 Lower course of the Anadyr River, Russia (Sheshukova-Poretskaya 1967); 5 Western Siberia (Glezer et al. 1974); 6 Western Siberia (Strelnikova 1974); 7 DSDP Site 328 (Gombos 1977); 8 DSDP Site 283 (Hajós 1976); 9 DSDP Site 338 (Schrader and Fenner 1976); 21 McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (Harwood and Bohaty 2000); 22 Slidre Fjord Section, Canada (Tapia and Harwood 2002); 23 Horton River Section, Canada (Tapia and Harwood 2002) 24 ODP Hole 1128C (Sanfilippo and Fourtanier 2003); 25 Kronotskii Bay, east Kamchatka, Russia (Tsoy 2003); 26 DSDP Site 338 (This study); 27 IODP Site 302-2A and 4A (This study). 28-31. Reported as Pterotheca crucifera. 28 Moreno Gulch, California (Hanna 1927); 10 DSDP Site 356 (Fenner 1978); 29 DSDP Site 275 (Hajós and Stradner 1975); 11 DSDP Site 340 (Dzinoridze et al. 1978); 30 Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula (Harwood 1988); 12 DSDP Holes 512 and 512A (Gombos 1983); 31 Moreno Gulch, California (Nikolaev et al. 2001). 13 DSDP Site 511 (Gombos and Ciesielski 1983); 14 DSDP Site 524 (Gombos 1984); 15 DSDP Hole 553A (Baldauf 1985); 33 ODP Hole 700B (Fenner 1991); 16 Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula (Harwood 1988); 34 McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (Harwood and Bohaty 2000). 17 Oamaru, New Zealand (Desikachary and Sreelatha 1989); 35. Reported as Pseudopyxilla americana. 35 Alpha Ridge, Arctic Ocean (Dell’Agnese and Clark 1994). 18 Mors and Fur Formations, Denmark (Homann 1991); 268 32-34. Reported as Pterotheca sp. 32 DSDP Hole 327A and Site 328 (Gombos 1977); Micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 TEXT-FIGURE 5 Legend on opposite page. striata Karsten, but differs from it by the asymmetry of the frustule, narrower valves, and random distribution of the areolae. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: SheshukovaPoretskaya (1967) observed this species from the lower course of the Anadyr River, the late Eocene to Oligocene opoka silt stones, and from Etolon suite Rekinnik Inlet, Kamchatka, Russia. According to the last Russian Stratigraphic Schemes for the Cenozoic of Kamchatka and Sakhalin, the age of the Etolon suite is the late middle Miocene to early late Miocene. This species was observed abundantly in middle Eocene sediments from IODP Leg 302 Sites 2A and 4A in the central Arctic Ocean in this study (Text-figure 2). Remarks: Specimens of this species may be resting spores of L. punctatus or a related species because of the similarities in valve size and shape, and the possession of much less puncta on the valve surface. Etymology: The Latin word levigatus means “smooth”. Leptoscaphos punctatus (Grove et Sturt) Schrader 1969 Plate 6, figures 1-33 Leptoscaphos punctatus (GROVE et STURT) SCHRADER 1969, p. 15, pl. 9, figs. 4a-b. – DESIKACHARY and SREELATHA 1989, p. 110, pl. 75, figs. 9, 10. Basionym: Stoschia (?) punctata GROVE et STURT 1887, p. 145, pl. 14, fig. 52. 269 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin Description: Chain-forming (Plate 6, Figs. 32, 33). Frustule isovalvate, apical axis 25-52µm, pervalvar axis 5-13µm. Valve elongate, narrowly elliptical, or narrowly lanceolate with rounded corners, sides subuniformly curved. Valve surface slightly convex, with numerous scattered coarse puncta, some interrupted by widely transverse hyaline unequal interspaces irregularly arranged. Rimoportula near the edge of mantle on the valve central area. Mantle distinct with scattered equally spaced and clearly separated puncta. Comparison: This species bears a close resemblance to L. levigatus but differs from it by having a valve covered with coarser puncta. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: Schrader (1969) collected this species from the late Eocene Totara Limestone, Oamaru, New Zealand. This species was observed abundantly in middle Eocene sediments from IODP Leg 302 Sites 2A and 4A in the central Arctic Ocean in this study (Text-figure 2). Type level and locality: Not designated. Remarks: Specimens of this species may be vegetative cells of L. levigatus. Type specimen: Depository not designated. Etymology: The Latin word punctatus means “punctate”. TEXT-FIGURE 6 Geographic and stratigraphic distribution of Pterotheca evermanii Hanna, Pterotheca harrensis (Fenner) Suto, Jordan et Watanabe, Pterotheca kittoniana Grunow in Van Heurck, Pt. kittoniana var. minuta Fenner, Pt. kittoniana var. kamtschatica Gaponov, Pt. minuta (Fenner) Suto, Jordan et Watanabe and Pt. reticulata Sheshukova-Poretskaya. 1-9. Pterotheca evermanii 1 upper Moreno Shale, California (Hanna 1927); 2 Western Siberia (Glezer et al. 1974); 3 Western Siberia (Strelnikova 1974); 4 Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula (Harwood 1988); 5 ODP Hole 700B (Fenner 1991); 6 Mors and Fur Formations, Denmark (Homann 1991); 7 Fur Formation, Denmark (Fenner 1994); 8 Moreno Gulch, California (Nikolaev et al. 2001); 9 IODP Site 302-2A and 4A (This study). 10, 11. Pterotheca harrensis 10 IODP Site 302-2A and 4A (This study). 11 Reported as Pseudopyxilla harrensis. Fur Formation, Denmark (Fenner 1994). a, b. Pterotheca kittoniana var. kamtschatica a Kronotsk area, Kamchatka, Russia (SheshukovaPoretskaya 1967); b Western Siberia (Glezer et al. 1974). c-j. Pterotheca kittoniana var. kittoniana c-g. Reported as Pterotheca kittoniana. c Jutland and Mors, Denmark (Van Heurck 18801881); d Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula (Harwood 1988); e ODP Hole 702B (Fenner 1991); 270 f DSDP Site 214 (Fenner 1991); g DSDP Hole 524A (Fenner 1991); h Mors and Fur Formations, Denmark (Homann 1991); i Fur Formation, Denmark (Fenner 1994). j. Reported as Pterotheca aculeifera. j Western Siberia (Strelnikova 1974). k. Pterotheca kittoniana var. minuta k Fur Formation, Denmark (Fenner 1994). A-D. Pterotheca minuta A Reported as Pterotheca minuta. A. IODP Site 302-2A and 4A (This study). B Reported as Pseudopyxilla minuta. B. Fur Formation, Denmark (Fenner 1994). C Reported as Hemiaulus kittonii. C. Mors, Denmark (Van Heurck 1880-1881). D Reported as Pterotheca tuffata. D. Fur Formation, Denmark (Fenner 1994). E-I. Pterotheca reticulata E Rekinniki Bay, eastern side of Penzhina Bay, Kamchatka, Russia and Nituy, Gurovka, and Gornaya rivers, South Sakhalin, Russia (SheshukovaPoretskaya 1967); F DSDP Site 348 (Schrader and Fenner 1976); G DSDP Site 348 (Dzinoridze et al. 1978); H Szurdokpüspöki diatomite stop, Hungary (Hajós 1986); I DSDP Site 338 (This study). Micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 TEXT-FIGURE 6 Legend on opposite page. Liradiscus ? sp. A Plate 3, figures 38-40 Description: Frustule not observed. Valve elliptical to oval in valve view, apical axis 20-28µm, pervalvar axis 8-9µm. Valve hyaline, nearly flat, entire surface covered with net-like veins. Remarks: It is unknown whether or not this species belongs to the fossil resting spore morpho-genus Liradiscus of extant Chaetoceros because its frustule was not observed and we could not confirm the presence or absence of a single ring of puncta on the hypovalve. Odontotropis arctica sp. A Comparison: This species is similar to Liradiscus species, especially L. pacificus (Suto 2004a) in possessing net-like veins, but differs from L. pacificus by having a nearly flat valve. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species was observed in middle Eocene sediments only from IODP Leg 302 Site 2A-59X-2, 122-123 in the central Arctic Ocean in this study. Description: See Suto, Watanabe and Jordan (submitted). Type level and locality: See Suto, Watanabe and Jordan (submitted). Stratigraphic occurrence: This species is preserved abundantly in middle Eocene sediments from the Lomonosov Ridge. 271 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin Odontotropis arctica sp. A var. 1 Suto in Suto, Watanabe et Jordan submitted Description: See Suto, Watanabe and Jordan (submitted). Description: See Suto, Watanabe and Jordan (submitted). Stratigraphic occurrence: This species did not occur in Lomonosov Ridge sediments. Type level and locality: See Suto, Watanabe and Jordan (submitted). Stratigraphic occurrence: This species occurred abundantly in middle Eocene sediments from the Lomonosov Ridge. Odontotropis? carinata Grunow 1884 Basionym: Odontotropis ? carinata GRUNOW 1884, p. 59 (with no illustration). Odontotropis danicus Debes in Hustedt 1930 Description: See Suto, Watanabe and Jordan (submitted). Stratigraphic occurrence: This species was preserved abundantly in middle Eocene sediments from the central Arctic Ocean in this study. Odontotropis galeonis Hanna 1927b Description: See Suto, Watanabe and Jordan (submitted). Stratigraphic occurrence: In this study, this species was preserved abundantly in middle Eocene sediments from the Lomonosov Ridge. Stratigraphic occurrence: This species was not observed in this study. Odontotropis cristata Grunow 1884 Odontotropis birostrata Pantocsek 1903 Basionym: Biddulphia ? cristata GRUNOW in VAN HEURCK 18801885, pl. 102, fig. 4. Basionym: Odontotropis birostrata PANTOCSEK 1903, Bd. 2, pl. 17, fig. 286, Bd. 3, pl. 14, fig. 214. TEXT-FIGURE 7 (opposite page) Geographic and stratigraphic distribution of Trochosira coronata Schrader and Fenner, Trochosira mirabilis Kitton and Trochosira polychaeta (Strelnikova) Sims. 1-9. Trochosira coronata 1-6. Reported as Trochosira coronata. 1 DSDP Site 338 (Schrader and Fenner 1976); g ODP Hole 698A (Fenner 1991); 2 DSDP Site 339 (Schrader and Fenner 1976); h ODP Hole 700B (Fenner 1991); 3 DSDP Site 340 (Schrader and Fenner 1976); i ODP Hole 702B (Fenner 1991). 4 DSDP Site 338 (Sims 1988); A-H. Trochosira polychaeta 5 Fur Formation, Denmark (Fenner 1994); A, B. Reported as Trochosira polychaeta. A Alpha Ridge, Arctic Ocean (Sims 1988); 6 IODP Site 302-2A and 4A (This study). 7-9. Reported as Trochosira mirabilis 7 DSDP Site 338 (Dzinoridze et al. 1978); 8 DSDP Site 339 (Dzinoridze et al. 1978); 9 DSDP Site 340 (Dzinoridze et al. 1978). a-i. Trochosira mirabilis a-e. Reported as Trochosira mirabilis. a Mors, Denmark (Kitton 1871); b Mors Formation, Denmark (Van Heurck 1880-1885); c ‘Kamishev’, eastern slopes of the Ural mountains, USSR (Sims 1988); d Mors and Fur Formations, Denmark (Homann 1991); e Fur Formation, Denmark (Fenner 1994). 272 f-i. Reported as Trochosira cf. or aff. mirabilis. f Mors and Fur Formations, Denmark (Homann 1991); B IODP Site 302-2A and 4A (This study). C-E. Reported as Sceletonema polychaetum. C Western Siberia (Strelnikova 1971); D Western Siberia (Strelnikova 1974); E Alpha Ridge, Arctic Ocean (Barron 1985). F. Reported as Pyrgodiscus triangulatus. F DSDP Site 275 (Hajós and Stradner 1975). G, H. Reported as Trochosiropsis polychaeta. G Slidre Fjord Section, Canada (Tapia and Harwood 2002); H Horton River Section, Canada (Tapia and Harwood 2002). Micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 TEXT-FIGURE 7 Legend on opposite page. Description: See Suto, Watanabe and Jordan (submitted). Stratigraphic occurrence: This species occurred in middle Eocene sediments from the Lomonosov Ridge in this study. Odontotropis hyalina Witt 1886 (= Odontotropis klavsenii Debes) Description: See Suto, Watanabe and Jordan (submitted). Stratigraphic occurrence: This species occurred in middle Eocene sediments from the Lomonosov Ridge in this study. Peripteropsis ? sp. A Plate 3, figures 41-52 Description: Frustule isovalvate, apical axis 10-32µm, transapical axis 5-12µm not including the thin and wide processes. Valve narrowly to broadly elliptical in valve view. Epivalve hyaline, slightly convex in the center, with numerous thin and wide processes, with distinct valve mantle. Epivalve mantle hyaline, high. Hypovalve hyaline, vaulted with one hump, with numerous thin and wide processes, with distinct valve mantle. Mantle of hypovalve hyaline. The thin and wide processes hyaline, flat around the margins of the epi- and hypovalves, slender processes becoming at their tips and curved near their apices. Comparison: This species is characterized by its numerous thin and wide processes around the margins of the epi- and hypovalves, slender processes becoming at their tips. This spe- 273 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin cies is separated from Peripteropsis norwegica Suto (2005b) by lacking branched thin and wide processes. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species occurred in middle Eocene sediments from IODP Leg 302 Sites 2A and 4A in the central Arctic Ocean. Remarks: This species does not appear to belong to the fossil resting spore morpho-genus Peripteropsis of extant Chaetoceros because of the absence of a ring of puncta on the hypovalve margin. Porotheca danica (Grunow) Fenner 1994 Plate 7, figures 1-28 Porotheca danica (Grunow) FENNER 1994, p. 114, pl. 4, figs. 16, 17; pl. 15, figs. 1-6. Basionym: Stephanogonia (Pterotheca?) danica GRUNOW in VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 83 bis., figs. 7, 8. References: Stephanogonia danica GRUNOW 1866, p. 146. – CLEVEEULER 1951, Handl. 2: 1, p. 110, figs. 232a, b. – HOMANN 1991, p. 141, pl. 55, figs. 7, 9-16. Synonymy: Pyxilla carinifera var. russica PANTOCSEK 1905, Bd. 3, pl. 35, fig. 491; Bd. 3, pl. 29, fig. 423. Pterotheca danica GRUNOW, HANNA 1927a, p. 119, pl. 20, fig. 11. – PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 203, pl. 75, fig. 9. – HAJÓS 1976, p. 829, pl. 16, figs. 12-15. – GOMBOS 1977, p. 596, pl. 23, fig. 5. – LEE 1993, p. 42, pl. 3, fig. 4. – DELL’AGNESE and CLARK 1994, fig. 9.11. Pterotheca cf. aculeifera Grunow sensu HAJÓS and STRADNER 1975, p. 933, pl. 28, figs. 1, 2 nec pl. 12, fig. 6. Pterotheca carinifera Grunow in VAN HEURCK sensu MCCOLLUM 1975, p. 535, pl. 10, fig. 4 nec pl. 16, figs. 6, 7. Pterotheca danica (Grunow) FORTI 1909, p. 13. – GOMBOS 1983, p. 570, pl. 3, fig. 9. – GOMBOS and CIESIELSKI 1983, p. 603, pl. 13, figs. 1-3, 9. – BARRON et al. 1984, p. 156, pl. 8, fig. 10. – BALDAUF 1985, p. 464, pl. 12, figs. 8, 9. – HARWOOD 1988, p. 86, fig. 18.12. – DESIKACHARY and SREELATHA 1989, p. 218, pl. 100, figs. 1, 2, 5. Pterotheca major JOUSÉ 1955, p. 101, text-fig. 1; pl. 6, fig. 2. – GOMBOS 1983, p. 570. – GOMBOS and CIESIELSKI 1983, p. 603, pl. 13, figs. 6-8. – HARWOOD 1988, p. 86, fig. 18.16. Pterotheca spada TEMPÈRE et BRUN sensu GOMBOS and CIESIELSKI 1983, p. 603, pl. 13, figs. 4, 5. Pterotheca (Grunow) FORTI sensu HARGRAVES 1984, p. 71, figs. 14-16. Pterotheca carinifera (Grunow in Van Heurck) FORTI sensu HARWOOD 1988, p. 86, fig. 18.6. Stephanogonia novazelandica Grunow sensu DESIKACHARY and SREELATHA 1989, p. 228, pl. 100, figs. 3, 4. Pyxilla? carinifera Grunow sensu HOMANN 1991, p. 139, pl. 55, fig. 6 nec figs. 1-5, 8. Pterotheca carinifera Grunow sensu HARWOOD and BOHATY 2000, p. 93, pl. 3, fig. t; pl. 9, fig. o. Emended description: Epivalve convex, cylindrical with a high mantle, diameter 13-45µm, transapical axis 30-65µm. The central part of epivalve face protracted forming a hollow tube with a flat top. Epivalve surface generally structured by seven to TEXT-FIGURE 8 Geographic and stratigraphic distribution of Trochosira spinosa Kitton. 1-25. Trochosira spinosa 15 Fur Formation, Denmark (Fenner 1994); 1-17. Reported as Trochosira spinosa. 1 Mors, Denmark (Kitton 1871); 16 ODP Hole 908A (Scherer and Koç1996); 2 Mors Formation, Denmark (Van Heurck 1880-1885); 3 Lower course of the Anadyr River, Russia (Sheshukova-Poretskaya 1967); 4 DSDP Site 173 (Schrader 1973a); 5 west Kazakhstan (Glezer et al. 1974); 6 DSDP Site 337 (Schrader and Fenner 1976); 7 DSDP Site 338 (Schrader and Fenner 1976); 8 DSDP Site 339 (Schrader and Fenner 1976) 9 DSDP Site 343 (Schrader and Fenner 1976); 10 DSDP Site 338 (Dzinoridze et al. 1978); 11 DSDP Site 339 (Dzinoridze et al. 1978); 12 DSDP Site 340 (Dzinoridze et al. 1978); 13 Hawthorn Formation, South Carolina (Abbott and Andrews 1979); 14 Mors and Fur Formations, Denmark (Homann 1991); 274 17 DSDP Site 338 (This study). 18, 19. Reported as Trochosira spinosus. 18 Jutland, Denmark (Sims 1988); 19 Cape Roberts Project, Antarctica (Scherer et al. 2000). 20. Reported as Trochosira spinosa? 20 McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (Harwood and Bohaty 2000). 21, 22. Reported as Trochosira ornata. 21 Jutland, Denmark (Van Heurck 1880-1885); 22 Fur Formation, Denmark (Fenner 1994). 23. Reported as Sceletonema ornatum. 23 eastern slopes of Ural Mountains, USSR (Jousé 1955). 24. Reported as Sceletonema spinosum. 24 eastern slopes of Ural Mountains, USSR (Jousé 1955). 25. Reported as Trochosira coronata. 25 ODP Hole 913B (Scherer and Koç 1996). Micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 TEXT-FIGURE 8 Legend on opposite page. eight radial hyaline ridges from the edge between the mantle and the valve face to the elevated central top. Radial hyaline ridges with arranged knobs and short spines on it, and smaller anastomosing hyaline ridges present between these ridges. Mantle hyaline, perforated by small pores and small hyaline anastomosing ribs. The pore which is present on the top of the central raised platform (Fenner 1994) was not observed in this study. Hypovalve is featureless, with a raised rim and concave central area, occasionally with a slightly central elevation (see figure 14 in Hargraves 1984), although frustule was not observed in this study. Type level and locality: Lower Eocene, Mors Formation in Jutland, Denmark (Grunow in Van Heurck 1880-1885). Type specimen: Depository not designated. Comparison: This species is very similar to Kentrodiscus blandus Long, Fuge et Smith (1946) of Nikolaev et al. (2001, p. 25, pl. 36, figs. 1-5), which was found in late Cretaceous marine deposits in the Marca Shale Member, California. Both species have a cylindrical highly vaulted valve shape with a flat top possessing a slit in the central part. In Nikolaev et al. (2001), the specimens are illustrated with a nearly flat hypovalve covered with numerous short strong spines. The genus Kentrodiscus Pantocsek (1903), which contains some species from the late Cretaceous, for example, K. fossilis Pantocsek (1903), K. aculeatus Hanna (1927b), K. andersoni Hanna (1927b) and K. armatus Hajós in Hajós and Stradner (1975), is characterized by having valves protracted to form a hollow tube with a flat top with numerous strong spines on the epi- and hypovalve faces. Kentrodiscus blandus lacks spines on the epivalve surface, but has radially arranged hyaline ridges which run from the edge 275 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin between the mantle, therefore K. blandus may belong to the genus Porotheca although the hypovalve structure of Po. danica is unknown. This species is also similar to Pseudopyxilla carinifera in that the valve shape forms a hollow tube with radially arranged hyaline ridges running from the flat top to mantle edge, but it differs from the latter by its larger valve size and the possession of hyaline ridges with knobs and spines on it. Pterotheca pokrovskajae Jousé sensu Harwood (1988, p. 86, figs. 12.9-10, 18.19-23) may be distinguished from Po. danica by the lack of abundant pores on its valve. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species was frequently found in late Cretaceous to early Miocene sediments (Text-figure 3). This species was found in late Cretaceous and early Paleocene sediments from Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula (Harwood 1988), from late Cretaceous DSDP Site 275 sediments at the southeast margin of Campbell Plateau near New Zealand (Hajós and Stradner 1975), and from the Alpha Ridge, Arctic Ocean (Dell’Agnese and Sreelatha 1989). With regards to Eocene sediments, this species has been reported from all parts of the world including the IODP Expedition 302, central Arctic Ocean, however it was also found in the Southern Hemisphere in Oligocene sediments and from the high latitude Pacific Ocean in early Miocene deposits. Etymology: Not designated. – but presumably refers to Denmark. Pseudopyxilla carinifera (Grunow in Van Heurck) Suto, Jordan et Watanabe comb. nov. Basionym: Pyxilla ? carinifera GRUNOW in VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 83, fig. 5, 6. – HOMANN 1991, p. 139, pl. 55, figs. 1-5, nec figs. 6, 8. Synonymy: Pterotheca carinifera (GRUNOW in VAN HEURCK) FORTI 1909, p. 13. – DESIKACHARY and SREELATHA 1989, p. 218, pl. 142, fig. 10. Pterotheca carinifera GRUNOW, HANNA 1927a, p. 119, pl. 20, figs. 9, 10. – PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 203, pl. 75, figs. 7a, b; pl. 77, fig. 1; pl. 98, fig. 8. – SHESHUKOVA-PORETSKAYA 1967, p. 270. – GOMBOS 1976, p. 596, pl. 23, figs. 1, 2. Pyxilla (Rhizosolenia?) carinifera Grunow sensu CLEVE-EULER 1951, Handl. 2: 1, p. 93, fig. VI-p. Pterotheca carinifera var. curvirostris JOUSÉ 1955, p. 99, pl. 2, fig. 7. – HARWOOD 1988, p. 86, fig. 18.7. Pterotheca carinifera GRUNOW in VAN HEURCK – MCCOLLUM 1975, p. 535, pl. 16, figs. 6, 7 nec pl. 10, fig. 4. Pterotheca carinifera (Grunow) FORTI – SCHRADER and FENNER 1976, p. 994, pl. 9, fig. 6; pl. 43, fig. 12. – LEE 1993, p. 42, pl. 1, fig. 19; pl. 2, fig. 17 nec pl. 3, fig. 10. – FENNER 1994, p. 116. Pterotheca minor HARWOOD 1988, p. 86, figs. 12.12, 13. – HARWOOD and BOHATY 2000, p. 93, pl. 3, figs. r, s. Description: Epivalve convex, cylindrical with a high mantle, diameter 7-22µm, transapical axis 10-70µm. The central part of epivalve face protracted to form a hollow tube with a flat top. Epivalve surface generally structured by four radial hyaline ridges from the edge between the mantle and the valve face to the elevated central top, hyaline between radial hyaline ridges. Mantle distinct and hyaline. Hypovalve nearly flat and featureless (see pl. 55, figure 2 in Homann 1991), although frustule was not observed in this study. Type level and locality: Lower Eocene, Jutland, Denmark. Type specimen: Depository not given. 276 Comparison: This species is easily distinguished from Porotheca danica by its more slender valve and its possession of hyaline ridges lacking knobs and spines. This species also resembles Pterotheca spada (= Pt. subulata) and Pseudopyxilla capreolus in possessing a hollow tube on its epivalve, but is identified from the former by its nearly flat hypovalve and from the latter by lacking a dichotomous branching hyaline process at the distal end of the hollow tube. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species occurs from the late Cretaceous to the late Miocene (Text-figure 3). This species was not observed in this study. Remarks: This species is characterized by its hyaline cylindrical to conical valve, therefore this species was transferred to the genus Pseudopyxilla in this study. When Fenner (1994) erected the genus Porotheca, she mentioned that it is characterized by cylindrical to conical valves with a central elevation with a pore-like opening on top. It is unknown whether or not Ps. carinifera possesses such a pore-like opening, however its stratigraphic and geographic distributions resemble closely those of Po. danica, therefore Ps. carinifera may belong to the genus Porotheca and be a variety of Po. danica. The specimens of Pterotheca carinifera in Harwood (1988, p. 86, fig. 18.6), Harwood and Bohaty (2000, p. 93, pl. 3, fig. t; pl. 9, fig. o) and McCollum (1975, p. 535, pl. 16, figs. 6, 7 nec pl. 10, fig. 4), and of Pyxilla? carinifera in Homann (1991, p. 139, pl. 55, figs. 6, 8 nec figs. 1-5) are identified as Porotheca danica because their large valves with hyaline ridges are covered with knobs and spines. The specimen of Pterotheca carinifera in Lee (1993, p. 42, pl. 3, fig. 10 nec pl. 1, fig. 19; pl. 2, fig. 17) is Pterotheca subulata. Etymology: The Latin carinifera means “coarse keel”. Pseudopyxilla dubia (Grunow in Van Heurck) Forti 1909 Plate 8, figures 1-21 Pseudopyxilla dubia (Grunow) FORTI 1909, pl. 1, figs. 1-3. – HAJÓS 1968, p. 136, pl. 38, figs. 2, 3. – HANNA 1970, p. 191, figs. 66, 68. – SCHRADER and FENNER 1976, pl. 44, figs. 13, 14. – FENNER 1978, p. 526, pl. 14, fig. 9; pl. 17, figs. 1-6. – GOMBOS and CIESIELSKI 1983, p. 603. – GOMBOS 1984, p. 500, pl. 2, figs. 10-12. – FENNER 1994, p. 115, pl. 9, fig. 12. – HARWOOD and BOHATY 2000, pl. 4, fig. d. Pseudopyxilla dubia Grunow – PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 200, pl. 73, fig. 13; pl. 98, figs. 1a, b. Pseudopyxilla dubia (Grunow in Van heurck) FORTI – BARRON 1975, p. 152, pl. 11, fig. 13. – HARWOOD 1988, p. 85, figs. 17.23, 24. Basionym: Pyxilla? dubia Grunow in VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 83, figs. 7, 8. References: Pyxilla dubia Grunow in VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 83, fig. 12. – HASEGAWA 1977, p. 87, pl. 21, fig. 4. – DESIKACHARY and SREELATHA 1989, p. 219, pl. 93, figs. 3-6, 15. Pyxilla dubia Grunow – HANNA 1927a, p. 119, pl. 20, fig. 13. Pyxilla (Rhizosolenia?) dubia Grunow in CLEVE-EULER 1951, Handl. 2: 1, p. 93, figs. VI-n. Pyxilla (Pyxilla) dubia Grunow ex VAN HEURCK sensu KANAYA 1957, p. 114, pl. 8, fig. 10. Rhizosolenia dubia (Grunow) HOMANN 1991, p. 69, figs. 1-8, 11-13. Synonymy: Rhizosolenia americana Ehrenberg sensu EHRENBERG 1854, pl. 18, figs. 98a, h, i nec figs. 98b-g. Pseudopyxilla americana (Ehrenberg) FORTI sensu HAJÓS and STRADNER 1975, p. 933, pl. 12, fig. 3. Pyxilla ? baltica Grunow in VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 83, figs. 1, 2. Pyxilla baltica Grunow in VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 83 bis., fig. 4. Micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 TEXT-FIGURE 9 Generalized biostratigraphic ranges of diatom resting spore morpho-species from the early to middle Eocene cores in the central Arctic Ocean and their allied species. Black and gray lines mean the occurrences from sediments in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, respectively. Star symbols mean that the specimens may be vegetative cells. Species enclosed with squares were not observed in the IODP Expedition 302 samples. The biostratigraphic data of genera Goniothecium and Odontotropis are modified after Suto et al. (2008 and submitted). Pseudopyxilla baltica (Grunow) FORTI 1909, pl. 1, figs. 8, 9. – PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 201, pl. 98, figs. 6a-c. – SCHRADER and FENNER 1976, p. 994, pl. 44, figs. 3, 6, 9. Pseudopyxilla baltica (?)(Grunow) FORTI – HARWOOD and MARUYAMA 1992, p. 705, pl. 2, figs. 9, 10. Pyxilla russica PANTOCSEK 1905, Bd. 3, pl. 19, fig. 277. – DESIKACHARY and SREELATHA 1989, p. 220, pl. 93, fig. 12. Pseudopyxilla russica (Pantocsek) Forti sensu HANNA 1927b, p. 27, pl. 4, fig. 4. – PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 200, pl. 97, fig. 7; pl. 75, fig. 3. – HAJÓS and STRADNER 1975, p. 933, pl. 12, figs. 1, 2; pl. 27, fig. 9. – FENNER 1994, p. 115. – NIKOLAEV et al. 2001, p. 24, pl. 35, figs. 1, 2. Pseudopyxilla rossica (Pantocsek) FORTI 1909, p. 14, pl. 1, fig. 13. – SHESHUKOVA-PORETSKAYA 1967, p. 261, pl. 39, figs. 1a, b. – STRELNIKOVA 1974, p. 111, pl. 56, figs. 6-8. – SCHRADER and FENNER 1976, p. 994, pl. 12, figs. 19, 20; pl. 44, figs. 2, 4, nec pl. 44, fig. 5. – HARWOOD 1988, p. 86, figs. 17.28, 29. – HOMANN 1991, p. 134, pl. 54, fig. 12. Pseudopyxilla rossica (?) – SCHRADER and FENNER 1976, p. 994, pl. 12, figs. 19, 20; pl. 44, figs. 2, 4 nec pl. 44, fig. 5. Pyxilla hungarica PANTOCSEK 1905, Bd. 3, pl. 26, fig. 392. Pseudopyxilla hungarica (Pantocsek) FORTI 1909, p. 14. – HARWOOD 1988, p. 85, figs. 17.26, 27. Pyxilla vasta PANTOCSEK 1905, Bd. 3, pl. 40, fig. 551. Pseudopyxilla tempereana FORTI 1909, p. 15, pl. 1, fig. 11. – PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 200, pl. 98, fig. 2. – GLEZER et al. 1974, pl. 53, fig. 11. – FENNER 1991. p. 139, pl. 9, fig. 3. – FENNER 1994, p. 115. Pseudopyxilla peragallorum FORTI 1909, p. 16, pl. 1, fig. 10. – PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 200, pl. 97, fig. 6. Pseudopyxilla obliquepileata FORTI 1909, p. 17, pl. 1, fig. 12. – PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 200, pl. 98, figs. 3a-b. Pyxilla (Rhizosolenia?) antiqua CLEVE-EULER 1951, Handl. 2: 1, p. 93, figs. 167, VI-o. Pseudopyxilla sp. of FENNER 1978, p. 526, pl. 17, fig. 7. – FENNER 1991, p. 139, pl. 9, fig. 4. – NIKOLAEV et al. 2001, p. 24, pl. 35, fig. 3. 277 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin Rhizosolenia setigera Brightwell sensu HOMANN 1991, p. 71, pl. 35, figs. 9, 10. Description: Frustule heterovalvate. In valve view, valve circular, convex in the middle. Valve surface hyaline or covered with numerous dense and minute puncta. In girdle view, valve convex, cylindrical with a high mantle, 5-70µm in diameter. Height of valve is variable, nearly 1 to 7 times its diameter. Mantle distinct and all surface hyaline or hyaline near the top or bottom of mantle with numerous puncta on lower area. Opposite valve circular, convex in the middle, sometimes preserved with a delicate crown which are covered with dense and minute puncta. Valve surface hyaline or covered with numerous dense and minute puncta. In girdle view, valve convex, cylindrical with a high mantle. Height of valve is variable, nearly 1 to 7 times its diameter. Mantle distinct, entire surface hyaline or hyaline near the top or bottom of mantle with numerous puncta on lower area. It is unknown which of the valves is the epivalve or hypovalve in this study. Type level and locality: Lower Eocene, Jutland, Denmark. Type specimen: Depository not designated. Comparison: This species is very similar to other Pseudopyxilla species like Ps. aculeata and Ps. directa in having cylindrical and conical valves, and Ps. americana, Ps. capreolus and Ps. jouseae in having cylindrical valves, but is differentiated from the former two species by its lower convex valve, and from the latter three species by the absence of a branching process on the valve top. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species is cosmopolitan and a long-ranged species from the late Cretaceous through to the Pliocene (Text-figure 4). Remarks: Several species which possess highly cylindrical and convex valves that are hyaline or covered with numerous dense puncta have been described as Ps. baltica, Ps. dubia, Ps. hungarica, Ps. obliquepileata, Ps. peragallorum, Ps. russica (sometimes misspelled rossica) and Ps. tempereana. These species may be separated by the presence or absence of puncta on the valve mantle and by differences in the height of the holotype specimens. Another confusion may have been caused by the difficulty in identifying specimens which are preserved in the sediments as separated valves (such as only one valve or an opposite valve with/without a crown). However several forms with/without puncta were observed in middle Eocene IODP Leg 302 samples (at one site) and most of the stratigraphic and geographic distributions of these species are cosmopolitan and long-ranged indicating little differences between them (Text-figure 4). Therefore we assumed that these species belong to a single or are varieties of one species. According to Homann (1991), the resting spore type “Pseudopyxilla” belongs to species related to the genus Rhizosolenia, because Homann (1991) found that the vegetative cells look like Rhizosolenia and are very different from resting spores. Thus most relationships between these different frustule types remain unknown. Therefore the resting spore morpho-genus Pseudopyxilla is here maintained. The Rhizosolenia-like vegetative valves are also illustrated in Proschkina-Lavrenko (1949). Moreover, Marino et al. (1991) also hypothesized that the fossil species Pyxilla dubia has a closer affinity to the genus Chaetoceros than to the genus Rhizosolenia based on the origi- PLATE 1 Anaulus arcticus sp. nov. All figures are transmitted light micrographs (LM). Scale bar = 10µm, which applies to all figures. 1,2 Holotype. IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 18,19 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 3,4 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 20,21 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 5,6 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 22,23 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 7,8 IODP Site 302-2A-55X-CC. Girdle view of paired valves. 24,25 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 9,10 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 26,27 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 11,12 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 28,29 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of frustule. 13-15 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 30,31 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule connected to hypovalve of opposite valve. 16,17 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 278 Itsuki Suto, Richard W. Jordan and Mahito Watanabe micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 Plate 1 279 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin nal drawing of Forti (1909). Sometimes valves are preserved with a delicate crown covered with dense puncta (see Van Heurck 1880-1885, Desikachary and Sreelatha 1989). From their illustrations, the crown on some spore valves may represent preserved vegetative cells. Etymology: The Latin dubia means “uncertain”. Pseudopyxilla jouseae Hajós in Hajós and Stradner 1975 Plate 8, figures 22-31 Pseudopyxilla jouseae HAJÓS in HAJÓS and STRADNER 1975, p. 933, pl. 12, figs. 4, 5. Synonym: Pterotheca sp. (aff. carinifera Grunow) of JOUSÉ 1951, p. 59, pl. 4, fig. 4. Emended description: Frustule heterovalvate. In valve view, valve circular. Valve surface hyaline, covered with numerous wrinkles and nearly straight ridges from the top of the conical area to the mantle margin. In girdle view, valve 5-20µm in di- ameter, cylindrical with a high mantle, conical at one end, and extending into a long tapered spine. The tapered spine bifurcated at the end (see pl. 8, fig. 30). Height of valve is variable, nearly 1 to 4 times its diameter not including the conical area with long tapered spine. Mantle distinct, covered with numerous wrinkles. Opposite valve (perhaps hypovalve) circular, convex (see pl. 8, figs. 26, 27). Type level and locality: Upper Cretaceous. DSDP Site 275 (lat. 50° 26.34’ S, 176° 18.99’ E) in 2,837 m water depth on the eastern edge of the Campbell Plateau to the southwest of the Bounty Islands, South Pacific; in sample 1-1, 118-120cm. Type specimen: Deposited in the collections of the Hungarian Geological Survey, Budapest; holotype (figs. 4, 5), no. 2799/1. Comparison: This species is characterized by a conical and cylindrical valve covered with wrinkles, and a long tapered and bifurcating spine. PLATE 2 Anaulus arcticus sp. nov. Figures 1-35 are LM and figs. 36-47 are SEM, respectively. The scale bar in fig. 1 is 10µm and it also applies to figs. 2-35. The scale bars in figs. 36-47 are 10µm. 1 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Valve view. 2,3 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Valve view. 4-6 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Frustule in valve view. 7,8 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Valve view. 9,10 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 11,12 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 13,14 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 15,16 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 17,18 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 19,20 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Valve view. 37 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view of epivalve. 38 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view of epivalve. 39 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Inner valve view of epivalve. 40 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Inner valve view of epivalve. 41 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Inner valve view of epivalve 42 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Oblique valve view of hypovalve. 43 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 21,22 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 23,24 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view. 25-27 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view. 28,29 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view. 30,31 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Valve view. 32,33 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Valve view. 34,35 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Valve view. 36 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view of epivalve. 280 44 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of hypovalve. 45 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of hypovalve. 46 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of paired valves. 47 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Oblique girdle view of frustule. Itsuki Suto, Richard W. Jordan and Mahito Watanabe micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 Plate 2 281 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: Hajós and Stradner (1975) reported this species from the late Cretaceous cores of DSDP Site 275 and this species was observed in middle Eocene cores of IODP Leg 302 in this study (Text-figure 4). Etymology: This species was named in honor of Dr. A. P. Jousé. Pterotheca aculeifera Grunow in Van Heurck 1880-1885 (= Pterotheca crucifera Hanna 1927b) Plate 9, figures 1-47 Basionym: Pterotheca (Pyxilla ??) aculeifera GRUNOW in VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 83 bis, fig. 5. References: Pterotheca aculeifera GRUNOW, VAN HEURCK 1896, p. 430, fig. 151. |PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 202, pl. 75, fig. 4b nec fig. 4a. – SHESHUKOVA-PORETSKAYA 1967, p. 266. – GLEZER et al. 1974, pl. 12, fig. 5. – STRELNIKOVA 1974, p. 114, pl. 57, figs. 1-16, 23-26 nec figs. 17-22 – GOMBOS 1977, p. 596, pl. 23, figs. 1, 2. – SCHRADER and FENNER 1976, p. 994, pl. 43, figs. 1-4. – FENNER 1978, p. 527, pl. 17, figs. 8-21. – DZINORIDZE et al. 1978, pl. 9, fig. 6. – GOMBOS 1983, p. 570. – GOMBOS and CIESIELSKI 1983, p. 603. – GOMBOS 1984, p. 500. – SANFILIPPO and FOURTANIER 2003, pl. 3, fig. 7. – TSOY 2003, pl. 1, fig. 7. Pterotheca aculeifera Grunow in VAN HEURCK 1896, p. 430, fig. 151. – HAJÓS 1976, p. 829, pl. 16, figs. 6-8. – SCHERER and KOÇ 1996, p. 86, pl. 8, fig. 11. – TAPIA and HARWOOD 2002, p. 328. Pterotheca aculeifera (Grunow) VAN HEURCK – BALDAUF 1985, p. 464, pl. 10, figs. 13, 14. – FENNER 1994, p. 116, pl. 4, fig. 8. Pterotheca aculeifera (Grunow in VAN HEURCK) VAN HEURCK – HARWOOD 1988, p. 86, figs. 18.3, 4. – DESIKACHARY and SREELATHA 1989, p. 218, pl. 93, fig. 11. Pterotheca aculeifera (Grunow) GRUNOW em. HOMANN 1991, p. 135, pl. 35, figs. 15-18. – HARWOOD and BOHATY 2000, p. 93, pl. 1, fig. l; pl. 9, fig. p. PLATE 3 Figures 1-22, 24-36, 38, 39, 41-52 are LM and figs. 23, 37, 40 and 53 are SEM, respectively. The scale bars in figs. 1 and 2, and 24 and 25 are 10µm and those also apply to figs. 3-22 and 41-52, and 26-33, respectively. The scale bars in figs. 23, 37, 38 and 39, 40 and 53 are 10µm, respectively. 1-23. Resting spore sp. C. 1,2 IODP Site 302-2A-54X-CC. Girdle view of frustule. 3,4 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 5,6 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 7,8 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 9,10 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 11,12 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 13,14 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 15,16 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 17,18 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 19,20 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 21,22 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 23 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view. 24-37. Costopyxis trochlea (Hanna) Strelnikova in Glezer et al. 24,25 DSDP Leg 38, Site 338-29-1, 130-131cm. Girdle view of frustule. 26,27 DSDP Leg 38, Site 338-29-1, 130-131cm. Girdle view. 282 28 DSDP Leg 38, Site 338-29-1, 130-131cm. Valve view. 29,30 IODP Site 302-2A-54X-CC. Girdle view. 31-33 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view. 34-36 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view. 37 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view. 38-40. Liradiscus ? sp. A. 38,39 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Valve view. 40 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Valve view. 41-53. Peripteropsis ? sp. A. 41,42 IODP Site 302-2A-52X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 43,44 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 45,46 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 47,48 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 49,50 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 51,52 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 53 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Oblique girdle view of frustule. Itsuki Suto, Richard W. Jordan and Mahito Watanabe micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 Plate 3 283 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin Synonymy: Pyxilla ?? aculeifera Grunow in VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 83, figs. 13, 14. Pterotheca crucifera HANNA 1927b, p. 30, pl. 4, fig. 5. – PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 202, pl. 98, fig. 7. – HAJÓS and STRADNER 1975, p. 934, pl. 12, figs. 8, 9, 22; pl. 27, fig. 7; pl. 28, fig. 3. – HARWOOD 1988, p. 86, fig. 18.5. – NIKOLAEV et al. 2001, p. 26, pl. 39, figs. 8, 9. Pyxilla (Rhizosolenia?) aculeifera Grunow sensu CLEVE-EULER 1951, Handl. 2: 1, p. 93, figs. 168a-d, VI-r. Pyxilla (Pterotheca) aculeifera (Grunow ex Van Heurck) sensu KANAYA 1957, p. 109, pl. 8, figs. 1, 2. Pterotheca uralica JOUSÉ sensu STRELNIKOVA 1974, p. 115, pl. 57, figs. 27-30a, b. – FENNER 1978, p. 527, pl. 17, fig. 22. Pterotheca sp. 2 in MCCOLLUM 1975, p. 535, pl. 10, fig. 10. Pterotheca sp. A in GOMBOS 1977, p. 526, pl. 23, figs. 3, 4. – HARWOOD and BOHATY 2000, p. 93, pl. 9, figs. l-n. Pterotheca sp. 1 in FENNER 1991, p. 139, pl. 2, fig. 10. Pseudopyxilla americana sensu DELL’AGNESE and CLARK 1994, fig. 4.6. Description: Frustule heterovalvate, apical axis 4-15µm, pervalvar axis of epivalve 8-17µm not including the spine. In valve view, valve shape circular. In girdle view, epivalve strongly convex or inflated with about 10 coarse, weak or strong siliceous ridges extending from the margin to the apex, interspaces hyaline, sometimes these ridges not developed (Simple type; see Plate 9, Figs. 44-47). Apex crowned with a huge spine (sometimes two, double spiny type; see Plate 9, Figs. 41-43) apparently square in shape and with sharp keels on each corner. Keels extending down over the conical portion for a short distance, two heavy sides, wing-like projections are developed near the top of the spine and connected with each other. Mantle of epivalve distinct and hyaline. Hypovalve slightly convex and hyaline. Mantle of hypovalve distinct and hyaline. Type level and locality: Lower Eocene, Jutland, Denmark. Type specimen: Depository not designated. Comparison: This species is very similar to Pt. kittoniana by having siliceous ridges extending from the margin to the apex but is distinguished from the latter by its huge spines with wing-like projections on the valve apex. This species also resembles Pt. evermanii as both possess a branching process on their valve tops, but can easily be separated from the latter by its strongly inflated rather than conical valve shape and its valve surface with siliceous ridges. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: The first occurrence of this species is unknown, but the oldest is known from PLATE 4 Figures 1-38, 40-45 are LM and fig. 39 is SEM, respectively. The scale bars in figs. 1 and 2 is 10µm and it also applies to figures 3-38 and 40-45. The scale bar in fig. 39 is 10µm. 1-39. Resting spore sp. D 1,2 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 3,4 IODP Site 302-2A-52X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 5,6 IODP Site 302-2A-52X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 7,8 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 9,10 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 11,12 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Girdle view of frustule. 13,14 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 15,16 IODP Site 302-2A-52X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 284 23,24 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 25,26 IODP Site 302-2A-54X-CC. Girdle view of frustule. 27,28 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view of hypovalve. 29,30 ODP Site 302-2A-52X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view of hypovalve. 31,32 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view of hypovalve. 33,34 IODP Site 302-2A-52X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view of hypovalve. 35,36 IODP Site 302-2A-54X-CC. Epivalve view of frustule. 37,38 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Hypovalve view of frustule. 39. IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 17,18 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 40-45. Dispinodiscus ? sp. A 40,41 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 19,20 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 42,43 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 21,22 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 44,45 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. Itsuki Suto, Richard W. Jordan and Mahito Watanabe micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 Plate 4 285 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin the late Cretaceous (Text-figure 6). The reported last occurrences of this species are in the early Oligocene from sediments of DSDP Site 511 (Gombos and Ciesielski 1983) and ODP hole 1128C (Sanfilippo and Fourtanier 2003). Remarks: The fossil closest in appearance to this diatom was described by Hanna (1927b, p. 30, pl. 4, fig. 5) from the Moreno Shale in California, upper Cretaceous, as Pterotheca crucifera Hanna. He discriminated the species from Pt. aculeifera because it has a “shorter valve” and “much heavier radiating ridges”. However, Pt. crucifera is identified as Pt. aculeifera in this study, because their valve shapes and sizes are dependent on the capacities of their vegetative valves. Pterotheca aculeifera in Proschkina-Lavrenko (1949, p. 202, pl. 75, fig. 4a), Jousé (1963, figs. 111, 114) and Strelnikova (1974, p. 114, pl. 57, figs. 17-22) belong to Pt. kittoniana because they lack a branching process on their valve tops and siliceous ridges on their valve surfaces. Pterotheca cf. aculeifera in Hajós and Stradner (1975, p. 933, pl. 12, fig. 6) and Pterotheca sp. cf. P. crucifera in Harwood (1988, p. 86, figs. 12.14, 15) look like a species in the genus Monocladia Suto, but the first occurrence of the genus Monocladia is reported from latest Oligocene in the Atlantic Ocean (Suto 2005c). Therefore, these specimens might be Pterotheca spp. Other specimens of Pterotheca cf. aculeifera in Hajós and Stradner (1975, p. 933, pl. 28, figs. 1, 2) are identical to Porotheca danica because of their valve shapes. Etymology: The Latin aculeifera means “rough spines” Pterotheca evermanii Hanna 1927b Plate 8, figures 32-50 Pterotheca evermanii HANNA 1927b, p. 31, pl. 4, fig. 6. – PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 203, pl. 98, fig. 9. – GLEZER et al. 1974, pl. 12, fig. 4. – STRELNIKOVA 1974, p. 112, pl. 56, figs. 12-15. – HARWOOD 1988, p. 86, fig. 18.13, 14. – FENNER 1991, p. 139, pl. 2, fig. 13. – HOMANN 1991, p. 137, pl. 53, figs. 21-23. – FENNER 1994, p. 116, pl. 4, fig. 9. – NIKOLAEV et al. 2001, p. 26, pl. 39, figs. 6, 7. Synonymy: Pterotheca sp. in JOUSÉ 1963, fig. 113. Pseudopyxilla sp. in HARWOOD 1988, p.86, fig. 17.25. Description: Frustule heterovalvate, diameter 5-20µm, transapical axis of epivalve 6-20µm excluding the spines. In valve view, valve shape circular. In girdle view, epivalve highly cylindrical, hyaline. Epivalve surface thick and heavy with one or two huge spines on the top, at the upper end of which there are several irregular branches. Length of each valve varies considerably in proportion to diameter and the arrangement of the branched spine is not uniform, although in all the specimens observed so far the branching portion is about the same distance from the tip of the spine; the spine is bent slightly away from the axis. Mantle of epivalve distinct, high and hyaline. Hypovalve slightly convex or nearly flat and hyaline. Mantle of hypovalve not distinct and hyaline. Diameter of holotype, 20µm. Type level and locality: Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian), upper Moreno Shale in the upper half of a 200 foot thick diatomaceous shale near the top of the formation in Moreno Gulch, Panoche Hills, northwestern Fresno County, California. Type specimen: Deposited in the collections of the Museum of the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California; holotype (Fig. 6 of Hanna 1927b), no. 2031. Comparison: This species closely resembles Pt. aculeifera by possessing a branching process on the valve top, but can be easily identified from the latter by its conical rather than inflated valve shape and its valve surface which lacks siliceous ridges. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: The occurrence reports of this species are few, however the oldest ones are reported from the late Cretaceous sediments in the Moreno Shale, California (Hanna 1927b) and in West Siberia (Strelnikova 1974) (Text-figure 6). The youngest one is from the middle Eocene core of IODP Expedition 302. PLATE 5 Leptoscaphos levigatus (Sheshukova-Poretskaya) Suto, Jordan et Watanabe Figures 1-18 are LM and figs. 19-28 are SEM. The scale bar in fig. 1 is 10µm and it also applies to figs. 2-18. The scale bars in figs. 19-28 are 10µm. 1,2 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Valve view. 3-5 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Valve view of frustule. 6-8 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view of frustule. 9,10 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm.Valve view. 11,12 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Valve view. 13,14. IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Valve view. 15,16 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Girdle view of frustule. 286 17,18 IODP Site 302-2A-52X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 19 Enlargement of Fig. 20. 20 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Girdle view of frustule. 21 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Inner valve view. 22-24 Enlargement of Fig. 21. 25 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Valve view. 26-28 Enlargement of Fig. 25. Itsuki Suto, Richard W. Jordan and Mahito Watanabe micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 Plate 5 287 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin Pterotheca harrensis (Fenner) Suto, Jordan et Watanabe comb. nov. Plate 8, figures 51, 52 Basionym: Pseudopyxilla harrensis FENNER 1994, p. 115, pl. 4, figs. 1-3. Original description: The small valves are highly convex with a basal incision. In this furrow, small oval depressions form a basal circle. The two valves are connected by a hyaline, structureless high mantle. Type level and locality: Lower Eocene, the Fur Formation recovered from the Harre borehole. Type specimen: Deposited in the collections of the Hustedt Collection, Bremerhaven; holotype (pl. 4, fig. 3 of Fenner (1994)), sample K 134, 200.31 - 200.40m. Comparison: This species differs in its shape from all other Pterotheca species. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species was reported from the early Eocene sediments of the Fur Formation, Denmark (Text-figure 6). Only one specimen was observed in the middle Eocene cores of IODP Leg 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm in this study. Remarks: The valve of this species is not cylindrical which characterizes Pseudopyxilla, and lacks a single ring of puncta at the base of its hypovalve which characterizes fossil Chaetoceros resting spore morpho-species. This species is characterized by its round valve shape and therefore Pseudopyxilla harrensis is transferred to Pterotheca harrensis in this study. Etymology: This species is named after the Harre borehole, Denmark. Pterotheca kittoniana Grunow in Van Heurck 1880-1885 var. kittoniana Pterotheca (Pyxilla ??) kittoniana Grunow in VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 83 bis., figs. 9-11. Pterotheca kittoniana Grunow in Van Heurck – HARWOOD 1988, p. 86, figs. 18.1, 2. – FENNER 1991, p. 139, pl. 8, fig. 7. – FENNER 1994, p. 116, pl. 11, figs. 3-6. Synonymy: Pyxilla ?? kittoniana Grunow in VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 83, figs. 10, 11. Pterotheca kittoniana (Grunow) GRUNOW – HOMANN 1991, p. 138, pl. 53, figs. 19, 20, 26, 27. Pterotheca kittoniana var. kamtschatica GAPONOV, PROSCHKINALAVRENKO 1949, p. 202, pl. 75, figs. 5a, b. Pterotheca aculeifera GRUNOW, PROSCHKINA-LAVRENKO 1949, p. 202, pl. 75, fig. 4a nec fig. 4b. – JOUSÉ 1963, figs. 111, 114. – STRELNIKOVA 1974, p. 114, pl. 57, figs. 17-22 nec figs. 1-16, 23-26. Description: Frustule heterovalvate, apical axis 6-32µm, pervalvar axis of epivalve 8-30µm. In valve view, valve shape circular. In girdle view, epivalve strongly convex or inflated with coarse, strong siliceous ridges extending from the margin to the apex as connecting spines, interspaces hyaline and with one long central spine. Mantle of epivalve distinct and hyaline. Hypovalve slightly convex and hyaline with one long central spine and marginal spines. In valve view, spines rise from the center and there are hyaline bifurcating ribs that radiate somewhat irregularly from the center towards the margin. Mantle of hypovalve distinct and hyaline. Two frustules connected by siliceous ridges and central spines of each epivalve. Type level and locality: Lower Eocene, Jutland, Denmark. Type specimen: Depository not designated. PLATE 6 Leptoscaphos punctatus (Grove et Sturt) Schrader Figures 1-25 are LM and figs. 26-33 are SEM, respectively. The scale bar in fig. 1 is 10µm and it also applies to figs. 2-25. The scale bars in figs. 26-33 are 10µm. 1,2 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Valve view. 22,23 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Valve view. 3,4 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 24,25 IODP Site 302-2A-54X-CC. Valve view. 5,6 IODP Site 302-2A-52X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 7,8 IODP Site 302-2A-52X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 9,10 IODP Site 302-2A-52X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 11-13 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view of frustule. 14,15 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Valve view. 16,17 IODP Site 302-2A-53X-CC. Valve view. 18,19 IODP Site 302-2A-53X-CC. Valve view. 20,21 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Valve view. 288 26 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Valve view. 27,28 Enlargement of Fig. 26. 29 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Inner valve view. 30,31 Enlargement of Fig. 29. 32 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Girdle view of frustule. 33 Enlargement of Fig. 32. Itsuki Suto, Richard W. Jordan and Mahito Watanabe micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 Plate 6 289 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin Comparison: This species is very similar to Pt. aculeifera by having siliceous ridges extending from the margin to the apex but is distinguished by lacking huge spines with wing-like projections on the valve apex. This species is distinguished from the variety Pt. kittoniana var. minuta Fenner by its larger size. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species has been reported from Cretaceous sediments in western Siberia (Strelnikova 1974), from Paleocene sediments in the Seymour Island, Antarctic and from early Eocene deposits in Denmark, but was not recognized in IODP Expedition 302 sediments in this study (Text-figure 6). Remarks: Pterotheca kittoniana (Grunow) Forti sensu Hajós (1986, pl. 48, figs. 11-13), collected from the Miocene sediments of the Szurdokpüspöki diatomite stop in Hungary, belongs to Syndendrium akibae Suto because of its strongly domed valve with several repeated, dichotomous, branching hyaline processes (Suto 2003). Fenner (1994) mentioned that epi- and hypovalves have been assigned even to different genera Cladogramma Ehrenberg and Pterotheca Grunow, because these two valves are so different and the hypovalve possesses hyaline bifurcating ribs that radiate somewhat irregularly from the center towards the margin. Therefore, Fenner (1994) also indicated that C. simplex Hajós in Hajós and Stradner (1975, p. 928, pl. 4, figs. 7, 8, pl. 28, fig. 5) is a synonym of Pt. kittoniana. The genus Cladogramma was erected by Ehrenberg (1854) and several species have been described such as C. californicum Ehrenberg (1854), C. conicum Greville (1865), C. jordanii Hanna (1927b), C. morenoensis Long, Fuge et Smith (1946), C. dubium Lohman (1948), C. ellipticum Lohman (1948), C. pacificum Kolbe (1954) and C. simplex Hajós in Hajós and Stradner (1975). All of these species possess hyaline bifurcating ribs on their valve surface, but most of them possess distinct mantles and vaulted valves except for C. jordanii and C. simplex. Since the hypovalve of Pt. kittoniana is nearly flat, Pt. kittoniana is separated from the genus Cladogramma. C. jordanii and C. simplex may belong to the genus Pterotheca as mentioned by Fenner (1994), but it is still not clear. Etymology: This species is named in honor of Dr. F. Kitton. Pterotheca kittoniana var. kamtschatica Gapanov 1927 Pterotheca kittoniana var. kamtschatica GAPANOV 1927 sensu SHESHUKOVA-PORETSKAYA 1967, p. 268, pl. 39, figs 3a-f. – GLEZER et al. 1974, pl. 47, figs. 9a-c. Remarks: Pterotheca kittoniana var. kamtschatica Gaponov sensu Proschkina-Lavrenko (1949, p. 202, pl. 75, figs. 5a, b) and Fenner (1978, p. 527, pl. 9, figs. 2, 5), and Pt. kittoniana Grunow sensu Jousé (1977, pl. 33, fig. 13) may belong to Pterotheca reticulata because these specimens possess anastomosing hyaline rims on their valve surface, but it is un- PLATE 7 Porotheca danica (Grunow) Fenner Figures 1-21 are LM and figs. 22-27 are SEM. The scale bar in figs. 1 and 2 is 10µm and it also applies to figs. 3-21. The scale bars in figs. 22, 27 and 28 are 10µm and the scale bar in fig. 22 applies to figs. 23-26. 1,2 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 20,21 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Valve view of epivalve. 3,4 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 22 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 5,6 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 23 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 7-9 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 24 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 10,11 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 25 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 12,13 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 26 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 14,15 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. T 27 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 16,17 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 28 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Valve view of epivalve. 18,19 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 290 Itsuki Suto, Richard W. Jordan and Mahito Watanabe micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 Plate 7 291 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin known whether or not these specimens belong to Pt. reticulata due to the difference of their stratigraphic ranges between the holotype and typical Pt. reticulata (see Remarks on Pt. reticulata). Moreover, this variety found by Baldauf and Barron (1987, p. 7, pl. 10, fig. 14) in late Oligocene dredge samples from the Navarine Basin Province, Bering Sea may be identical with Pterotheca spp. or Syndendrium spp., but it is not yet clear whether or not this specimen belongs to one of these genera. Pterotheca kittoniana var. minuta Fenner 1994 Pterotheca kittoniana var. minuta FENNER 1994, p. 117, pl. 11, fig. 13. Original description: The frustule is heterovalvar. One valve is slightly convex. It has marginal spines and one long central spine. The other valve has a high mantle with a basal incision and four spines rising from the border between valve face and mantle. PLATE 8 Figures 1-19, 22-29, 32-48, 51 and 52 are LM and figs. 20, 21, 30, 31, 49 and 50 are SEM. The scale bars in figs. 1 and 2, 32 and 33 are 10µm and it also applies to figs. 3-19 and 22-29, and 34-48. The scale bars in figs. 20, 21, 30, 31, 49-52 are 10µm. 1-21. Pseudopyxilla dubia (Grunow) Forti 1-3 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 4,5 ODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 6,7 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 8,9 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 10,11 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 12,13 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 14,15 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 31 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Pseudopyxilla jouseae ? or Porotheca danica ?. Girdle view of epivalve. 32-50. Pterotheca evermanni Hanna 32,33 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 34,35 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 36 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 37,38 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Girdle view of frustule. 39,40 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 16,17 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 41,42 IODP Site 302-2A-55X-CC. Girdle view of epivalve. 18,19 IODP Site 302-2A-57X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 43,44 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 20 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 45,46 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 21 Enlargement of Fig. 20. 47,48 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 22-31. Pseudopyxilla jouseae Hajós 22,23 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 49 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 24,25 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 50 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 26,27 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 51, 52. Pterotheca harrensis (Fenner) Suto, Jordan et Watanabe 51,52 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view. 28,29 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 292 30 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Girdle view of epivalve. Itsuki Suto, Richard W. Jordan and Mahito Watanabe micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 Plate 8 293 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin Type level and locality: Lowest Eocene, the Moler of Fur Formation, Denmark. Type specimen: Deposited in the Grunow Collection in the Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien. Slide no. NHW 3004 d. Comparison: This variety differs from P. kittoniana var. kittoniana by its smaller size and different shape (Fenner 1994). Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: The holotype of this variety is recognized from the earliest Eocene, but was not observed in this study (Text-figure 6) therefore its stratigraphic range and distribution are unknown. Etymology: The Latin minuta means “small” Pterotheca minuta (Fenner) Suto, Jordan et Watanabe comb. nov. Plate 10, figures 1-30 Basionym: Pseudopyxilla minuta FENNER 1994, p. 115, pl. 4, figs. 5-7. Synonymy: Hemiaulus kittonii Grunow in VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 106, figs. 6-9 (6-8. spore in vegetative cell; 9. vegetative cell). – CLEVE-EULER 1951, Handl. 2: 1, p. 123, figs. 266a-d (a. vegetative cell; b. spore in vegetative cell; c, d: resting spores). Pterotheca tuffata FENNER 1994, p. 117, pl. 4, figs. 11, 12. Emended description: Frustule isovalvate, diameter 3-7µm, transapical axis 5-14µm. Valves circular in valve view. Both valves slightly convex in girdle view. Valve faces covered with small knobs and short and long spines. Mantle of valve hyaline, high and curved inward in its basal part. Type level and locality: Lower Eocene, the Moler of Fur Formation, Denmark. Type specimen: Deposited in the Grunow Collection in the Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien. Slide NHW 3004 d. PLATE 9 Figures 1-38 and 41, 42, 44-47 are LM and figs. 39, 40 and 43 are SEM, respectively. The scale bar in figs. 1 and 2 is 10µm and it also applies to figs. 3-38, 41, 42, 46 and 47. The scale bars in figs. 39, 40, 43, and 44 and 45 are 10µm. 1-40. Pterotheca aculeifera Grunow 1,2 IODP Site 302-4A-9X-CC. Girdle view of frustule. 3,4 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 5,6 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 7,8 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 9,10 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 11,12 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 13,14 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 15,16 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 29,30 IODP Site 302-4A-8X-CC. Girdle view of frustule. 31,32 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 33,34 DSDP Leg 38, Site 338-26-5, 80-81cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 35,36 DSDP Leg 38, Site 338-27-2, 50-51cm. Girdle view of frustule. 37,38 DSDP Leg 38, Site 338-26-5, 80-81cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 39 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 40 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Oblique girdle view of frustule. 17,18 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 41-43. Pterotheca aculeifera (Double spiny type) 41,42 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 19,20 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 43 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 21,22 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 44-47. Pterotheca aculeifera (Simple type) 44,45 DSDP Leg 38, Site 338-27-2, 50-51cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 23,24 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 25,26 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 294 27,28 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 46,47 DSDP Leg 38, Site 338-27-2, 50-51cm. Girdle view of epivalve. Itsuki Suto, Richard W. Jordan and Mahito Watanabe micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 Plate 9 295 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin Comparison: This species bears a close resemblance with the fossil Chaetoceros resting spore morpho-genus Xanthiopyxis in possessing numerous knobs and spines on its valve surface (see Suto 2005e), but is distinguished from the latter by lacking a single ring of puncta at the base of the hypovalve mantle. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species occurred in the early Eocene sediment of the Fur Formation, Denmark (Van Heurck 1880-1885, Fenner 1994) and in middle Eocene cores from the central Arctic Ocean in this study (Text-figure 6). Remarks: The valve of this species is not cylindrical which characterizes Pseudopyxilla, and lacks a single ring of puncta at the base of its hypovalve which characterizes fossil Chaetoceros resting spore morpho-species. This species is characterized by its round valve shape and therefore Pseudopyxilla minuta is transferred to Pterotheca minuta in this study. Pterotheca tuffata Fenner (1994) is identical to Ps. minuta because the specimens had well-preserved long spines. Van Heurck (1880-1885) also illustrated this resting spore with well-preserved long spines on the valve surfaces in Hemiaulus-like vegetative cells therefore this spore must possess short and long spines on the valve and so the genus Pterotheca including this species may belong to the genus Hemiaulus. Etymology: The Latin minuta means “small”. Pterotheca reticulata Sheshukova-Poretskaya 1967 Plate 10, figures 31-40 Pterotheca reticulata SHESHUKOVA-PORETSKAYA 1967, p. 229, pl. 36, figs. 6a-c; pl. 8, figs. 4a-c. – SCHRADER and FENNER 1976, p. 994, pl. 12, fig. 2 nec pl. 12, figs. 1, 11; pl. 38, figs. 10-12, 14-16; pl. 45, fig. 6. – DZINORIDZE et al. 1978, pl. 20, fig. 15. – HAJÓS 1986, pl. 16, fig. 11; pl. 48, fig. 10. PLATE 10 All figures are transmitted light micrographs (LM). Scale bar = 10µm, which applies to all figures. 1-30. Pseudopyxilla minuta Fenner 1,2 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 3,4 IODP Site 302-2A-52X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 29,30 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 5,6 IODP Site 302-2A-52X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 31-40. Pterotheca reticulata Sheshukova-Poretskaya 31,32 DSDP Leg 38, Site 338-8-1, 140-141cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 7,8 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 33,34 DSDP Leg 38, Site 338-19-4, 10-11cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 9,10 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 35,36 DSDP Leg 38, Site 338-21-1, 32-33cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 11,12 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 37,38 DSDP Leg 38, Site 338-8-3, 10-11cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 13,14 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 39,40 DSDP Leg 38, Site 338-9-1, 50-51cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 15,16 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 41-44. Resting spore sp. A 41,42 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 17,18 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 43,44 IODP Site 302-2A-53X-CC. Girdle view of frustule. 19,20 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 45-50. Resting spore sp. B 45,46 IODP Site 302-2A-54X-CC. Girdle view of frustule. 21,22 IODP Site 302-2A-54X-CC. Girdle view of frustule. 47,48 IODP Site 302-2A-54X-CC. Girdle view of frustule. 23,24 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 49,50 IODP Site 302-2A-54X-CC. Girdle view of frustule. 25,26 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 296 27,28 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. Itsuki Suto, Richard W. Jordan and Mahito Watanabe micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 Plate 10 297 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin Description: Frustule heterovalvate, diameter 7-18µm, transapical axis 18-30µm. In valve view, epivalve inflated and cap-shaped, 7-18µm in height, neck developed with a height of 2-4µm. Hypovalve vaulted or cap-shaped or in the form of a convex lid 3-5µm high with the same kind of neck as the epivalve. Structure of both valves consists of anastomosing ridges forming a well developed network on the mantle and valve face. Neck hyaline or with fine striae, parallel to central axis, 24-26 striae in 10µm. Around the valve face are quite long and coarse processes, surrounded by a hyaline covering which extends to the valve mantle. Type level and locality: the upper Middle Miocene to lower Upper Miocene, Etolon suite sediments in the Rekinniki Bay, eastern side of Penzhina Bay, Kamchatka Type specimen: Deposited in the collection of the Chair of Lower Plants, St.-Petersburg University, St.-Petersburg, Russia, no. 1151-2. Comparison: This species closely resembles Syndendrium rugosum Suto in possessing long spines on its valve, but differs from the latter by possessing a network of anastomosing ridges. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: The holotype was collected from the late middle Miocene to early late Miocene sediments from the Etolon suite in the Rekinniki Bay, eastern side of Penzhina Bay, Kamchatka and was also found in late Miocene to Pliocene sediments from the Maruyama suite along the Nituy, Gurovka and Gornaya Rivers, South Sakhalin (Sheshukova-Poretskaya 1967) (text-figure 6). The typical specimens of Pt. reticulata occurred in the middle Miocene core deposit of DSDP Site 348 (Schrader and Fenner 1976) and in Miocene sediments of the Szurdokpüspöki diatomite stop in Hungary (Hajós 1986). This species also occurred sporadically in the latest Oligocene to middle Miocene sediments of DSDP Leg 38, Site 338 in the Norwegian Sea, although it was not observed from IODP Leg 302. Remarks: Specimens of Pterotheca reticulata found by Schrader and Fenner (1976, p. 994, pl. 12, figs. 1, 11; pl. 38, figs. 10-12, 14-16; pl. 45, fig. 6 nec pl. 12, fig. 2), Harwood (1986, p. 86, pl. 6, figs. 20-23) and Scherer et al. (2000, p. 436, pl. 5, figs. 4, 13) are identical to Syndendrium rugosum because they possess the hyaline valve face with some wrinkles and no anastomosing ridges, and with several repeated, dichotomous, branching hyaline processes on the strongly convex or inflated epivalve (Suto 2005c). Specimens of Pterotheca kittoniana var. kamtschatica Gaponov illustrated by Proschkina-Lavrenko and Sheshukova-Poretskaya (1967, p. 268, pl. 39, figs. 3a-f), Glezer et al. (1974, pl. 47, 9a-c) and Fenner (1978, p. 527, pl. 9, figs. 2, 5), Pt. kittoniana in Jousé (1977, pl. 33, fig. 13) and Pt. sp. in Fenner (1994, pl. 12, fig. 8) may belong to Pt. reticulata because of their anastomosing ridges on the valve face, however they may belong to other taxa because they possess some long spines on the valve top. The holotype and typical specimens of Pt. PLATE 11 Figures 1-35 are LM and figs. 36-38 are SEM, respectively. The scale bar in figs. 1 and 2 is 10µm and it also applies to figs. 3-35. The scale bars in figs. 36-38 are 10µm. 1-38. Stephanogonia sp. A 1,2 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 3,4 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 5,6 IODP Site 302-2A-58X-CC. Girdle view of epivalve. 7,8 IODP Site 302-2A-58X-CC. Girdle view of epivalve. 9,10 IODP Site 302-2A-57X-CC. Girdle view of epivalve. 11,12 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 13,14 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 15,16 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 29,30 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 17,18 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 298 19-21 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 22-24 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 25,26 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 27,28 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 31,32 IODP Site 302-4A-6X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 33-35 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view of epivalve. 36 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 37 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 38 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. Itsuki Suto, Richard W. Jordan and Mahito Watanabe micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 Plate 11 299 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin reticulata occurred in Miocene deposits (see Text-figure 6) however, the specimens shown here were all collected from Eocene deposits. Therefore, they may be separate species. with inflated plane, divided into 2 equal parts by 1 transverse internal septum. Mantle of epivalve distinct, slightly compressed near the top of internal septum. Hypovalve nearly flat to slightly convex in the center in girdle view. Etymology: The Latin reticulata means “netlike”. Plate 10, figures 41-44 Comparison: This species is similar to Anaulus arcticus in possessing transverse internal septa, but differs from it by having only one septum. Description: Frustule heterovalvate, apical axis 23-25µm, pervalvar axis 8-10µm. Epivalve hyaline, vaulted in the center, or undulated with five inflations in girdle view. Mantle of epivalve hyaline. Hypovalve hyaline, undulated with five inflations in girdle view. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: Not reported from fossil material. This species occurred rarely in middle Eocene sediments from IODP Leg 302 Sites 2A and 4A in the central Arctic Ocean. Resting spore sp. A Comparison: Not reported from fossil material. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species occurred rarely middle Eocene sediments from IODP Leg 302 Sites 2A and 4A in the central Arctic Ocean. Remarks: This species was not observed in valve view in this study. Resting spore sp. B Plate 10, figures 45-50 Description: Frustule heterovalvate. Valve square to rectangular in girdle view, apical axis 12-14µm, pervalvar axis 14-17µm. Epivalve hyaline, rectangular in girdle view, vaulted Remarks: This species not observed in valve view in this study however this species may be a variety of A. arcticus which possesses one septum because of the similarities in valve structures. Resting spore sp. C Plate 3, figures 1-23 Description: Frustule heterovalvate. Valve elliptical in valve view, apical axis 13-35µm, transapical axis 5-15µm without sheath. In girdle view, epivalve face vaulted, hyaline, surrounded by a sheath, with distinct mantle. Mantle of epivalve hyaline. Sheath of epivalve ornamented with dense rows of simple pores. Hypovalve face slightly vaulted or nearly flat, hyaline, with distinct mantle. Mantle of hypovalve hyaline. PLATE 12 Figures 1-10, 14-31 and 33-35 are LM and figs. 11-13, 32 and 36 are SEM, respectively. The scale bar in figs. 1 and 2, and 14 and 15 are 10µm and those also apply to figs. 3-10, and 16-31 and 33-35, respectively. The scale bars in figs. 11-13 and 36, and 32 are 10µm and 5µm, respectively. 1-12. Stephanogonia sp. B 1,2 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 3,4 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Girdle view of epivalve. 5,6 IODP Site 302-2A-53X-CC. Valve view of epivalve. 7-10 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view of epivalve. 11 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view of epivalve. 20,21 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Valve view. 22, 23. Trochosira spinosa Kitton 22,23 DSDP Leg 38, Site 338-14-3, 20-21cm. Girdle view of chained frustules. 24, 25. Vallodiscus ? sp. A 24,25 IODP Site 302-2A-53X-CC. Valve view. 26-32. Xanthiopyxis type A (knobbly type) 26,27 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 28,29 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 12 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Oblique girdle view. 13-21. Trochosira coronata ? Schrader et Fenner 13 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Oblique valve view. 14,15 IODP Site 302-2A-52X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 16,17 IODP Site 302-2A-52X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 18,19 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Valve view. 300 30,31 IODP Site 302-2A-52X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 32 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Oblique valve view. 33-36. Xanthiopyxis sp. B (short spiny type) 33-35 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view. 36 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. Itsuki Suto, Richard W. Jordan and Mahito Watanabe micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 Plate 12 301 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin Comparison: This taxon is characterized by its sheath around the margin of the epivalve with dense rows of simple pores. This taxon is very similar to Coronodiscus collarius Suto (2004c) in possessing a sheath with dense rows of simple pores but is distinguished from the latter by the absence of a single ring of puncta and sheath on the hypovalve. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This taxon occurred in middle Eocene sediments from IODP Leg 302 Sites 2A and 4A in the central Arctic Ocean. Remarks: This taxon does not appear to belong to the fossil resting spore morpho-genus Coronodiscus of extant Chaetoceros because of the absence of a ring of puncta on the hypovalve margin. Resting spore sp. D Plate 4, figures 1-39 Description: Frustule heterovalvate. Valve narrowly elliptical in valve view, apical axis 6-18µm, transapical axis 4-12µm, pervalvar axis 8-18µm without bristles. In girdle view, epivalve vaulted with two humps, covered with numerous straight veins and knobs, with distinct mantle. Mantle of epivalve distinct, hyaline. Hypovalve vaulted in central area or nearly flat, with a strong bristle near each apex, with distinct mantle. Mantle of hypovalve hyaline with few scattered areolae. Comparison: This taxon is characterized by having an epivalve with two humps covered with numerous straight veins and knobs, and a hypovalve with two strong bristles. This taxon is very similar to the resting spore of extant Chaetoceros debilis and fossil morpho-species genus Dispinodiscus species (Suto 2004b), but is clearly separated from them by its absence of a ring of puncta on the hypovalve margin. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This taxon occurred abundantly in middle Eocene sediments from IODP Leg 302 Sites 2A and 4A in the central Arctic Ocean. Remarks: This taxon does not belong to the fossil resting spore morpho-genus of Chaetoceros because of the absence of a ring of puncta on the hypovalve margin. This taxon looks like Hemiaulus tumidicornis (Strelnikova 1971, 1974), but differs from the latter by its valve covered with knobs. Hemiaulus tumidicornis sensu Barron (1985) and Dell’Agnese and Clark (1994) from late Cretaceous sediments of the Alpha Ridge, central Arctic Ocean are also similar to this species due to the pore-less valve surface, but resting spore sp. D is distinguished from these specimens by its hypovalve with one hump. These PLATE 13 Figures 1-33, 36-41 and 43-48 are LM and figs. 34, 35 and 42 are SEM. The scale bar in figs. 1 and 2, and 36 and 37 are 10µm and those also apply to figs. 3-33 and 43-48, and 38-41. The scale bars in figs. 34, 35 and 42 are 10µm. 1-35. Trochosira polychaeta (Strelnikova) Sims 1-3 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 4,5 IODP Site 302-2A-53X-CC. Valve view. 6,7 IODP Site 302-2A-53X-CC. Valve view. 8-10 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 11,12 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Valve view. 13,14 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Valve view. 15-17 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Valve view. 18,19 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Valve view. 20,21 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Valve view. 22,23 IODP Site 302-2A-53X-CC. Valve view. 24,25 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of frustule. 302 32,33 IODP Site 302-2A-55X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of frustule connected to opposite valve. 34 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Girdle view of connected valves. 35 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-2, 122-123cm. Oblique valve view of frustule. 36-42. Chaetoceros hypovalve (hyaline type) 36,37 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view of hypovalve. 38,39 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view of hypovalve. 40,41 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view of hypovalve. 42 IODP Site 302-4A-5X-1, 2-3cm. Valve view of hypovalve. 26,27 IODP Site 302-2A-61X-2, 2-3cm. Girdle view of connected valves. 43-48. Chaetoceros hypovalve (wrinkled type) 43,44 IODP Site 302-4A-8X-CC, bottom. Valve view of hypovalve. 28,29 IODP Site 302-4A-7X-1, 2-3cm. Girdle view of frustule. 45,46 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Valve view of hypovalve. 30,31 IODP Site 302-2A-59X-CC, 0-1cm. Girdle view of frustule. 47,48 IODP Site 302-4A-4X-1, 0-3cm. Valve view of hypovalve. Itsuki Suto, Richard W. Jordan and Mahito Watanabe micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 Plate 13 303 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin specimens of Hemiaulus taxa may represent vegetative cells and resting spores because of the similarities of their valve shapes. Moreover, resting spore sp. D may be the descendant of Hemiaulus tumidicornis sensu Barron (1985) and Dell’Agnese and Clark (1994). Stephanogonia sp. A Plate 11, figures 1-38 Description: Valve truncated pyramidal with flat top, swollen in the middle, and with a wide flat circular brim at the base, turning up shortly at its edge, valve widest at the base, 12-14µm in diameter. Valve surface covererd with numerous siliceous ridges extending from the margin of valve and mantle to base of valve top margin and running off to long bristles, interspace hyaline with a row of puncta near the base of the ridge (see pl. 11, figs. 36-38). Mantle distinct with puncta equally spaced and clearly separated (see Pl. 11, fig. 36). Frustule not observed. Comparison: This taxon is very similar to Stephanogonia hanzawae Kanaya (1959, p. 118, pl. 11, figs. 3-7) by its truncated pyramidal valve with flat top, but is distinguished from the latter by its long and strong bristles on the valve top. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species occurred abundantly in middle Eocene sediments from IODP Leg 302 in the central Arctic Ocean. Remarks: This taxon does not belong to the fossil resting spore morpho-genus of Chaetoceros because of the absence of a ring of puncta on the hypovalve margin and presence of numerous areolae on the valve surface and the mantle (see Plate 11, fig. 36). Stephanogonia sp. B Plate 12, figures 1-12 Description: Frustule heterovalvate. In valve view, epivalve circular, 13-38µm in diameter, covered with radial siliceous ridges from the center to margin, interspace of ridges hyaline. In girdle view, epivalve high to low cylindrical with vaulted top, slightly swollen at the middle. Epivalve surface covered with numerous siliceous ridges extending from the valve top to base and some strong bristles running off from the ridges near the vaulted area. Mantle of epivalve distinct with puncta equally spaced and clearly separated (see Pl. 12, fig. 12). In valve view, hypovalve circular and concave inside the frustule (see Pl. 12, fig. 12) with sparsely concave areas. In girdle view, hypovalve nearly flat. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species occurred abundantly in middle Eocene sediments from IODP Leg 302 in the central Arctic Ocean. Trochosira coronata ? Schrader and Fenner 1976 Plate 11, figures 13-21 Trochosira coronata SCHRADER and FENNER 1976, p. 1003, pl. 29, figs. 9-11; pl. 35, figs. 7-13, 20, 21. – SIMS 1988, p. 250, figs. 11-14, 27, 28. – FENNER 1994, p. 122. Synonym: Trochosira mirabilis sensu DZINORIDZE et al. 1978, pl. 4, fig. 14. Emended description: See Sims (1988). Type level and locality: Upper Eocene, DSDP Site 338-28-28-2, 48-50cm, the Norwegian Sea. Type specimen: Depository not designated. 304 Comparison: This species differs from T. mirabilis by possessing three or four circular central spines. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species occurred in Eocene DSDP Sites 338-340 cores in the Norwegian Sea (Schrader and Fenner 1976, Dzinoridze et al. 1978, Sims 1988) and from the Fur Formation in Denmark (Fenner 1994) (Text-figure 7). The specimens considered to belong to this species occur in IODP Leg 302 sediments. Remarks: The specimens from IODP Leg 302 in this study may be dissolved valves of this species with eroded linking spines or separation valves lacking linking spines of T. spinosa (and/or T. polychaeta) as mentioned by Sims (1988). The specimen of Trochosira coronata in Scherer and Koç (1996) is identified as T. spinosa because it links by a ring of solid spines in the valve central area. Etymology: The Latin coronata means “crowned”. Trochosira mirabilis Kitton 1871 Trochosira mirabilis KITTON 1871, p. 170, pl. 14, figs. 8, 9. – VAN HEURCK 1880-1885, pl. 83 bis, fig. 13. – SCHMIDT 1874-1959, pl. 176, fig. 55; pl. 180, fig. 48. – CLEVE-EULER 1951, Handl. 2: 1, p. 110, fig. 234a. – SIMS 1988, p. 247, figs. 1-6, 25. – HOMANN 1991, p. 65, pl. 44, figs. 5, 9-13. – FENNER 1994, p. 122, pl. 2, figs. 2-4. Synonymy: Trochosira cf. mirabilis Kitton – HOMANN 1991, p. 66, pl. 44, figs. 7, 8. Trochosira aff. mirabilis Kitton – FENNER 1991, p. 141, pl. 11, figs. 19, 20. Emended description: See Sims (1988). Type level and locality: Lower Eocene, Fur Formation, Denmark. Type specimen: Depository not designated. Comparison: This species is very similar to T. polychaeta as they possess three-faceted rods on the valve center linking the opposite valves, but this species is easily separated from the latter by its longer rod up to two times the length of each frustule and by the presence of numerous long flattened spines at the valve margin. This species is also distinguished from T. coronata which is connected by several (2-5) circular central linking spines (see Schrader and Fenner 1976, Sims 1988). Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This species occurred in Paleocene sediments of ODP Holes 698A, 700B and 702B in the sub-Antarctic southwest Atlantic Ocean (Fenner 1991), in early to middle Eocene Mors and Fur Formations, Denmark (Kitton 1871, Van Heurck 1880-1885, Homann 1991, Fenner 1994) and in late Eocene sediments from the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains (Sims 1988) (Text-figure 7). Remarks: The occurrences of this species changed from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean in the Paleocene to the North Atlantic in the Eocene, but the cause of this migration from south in the Paleocene to north in the Eocene is unknown. Etymology: The Latin mirabilis means “curious”. Trochosira polychaeta (Strelnikova) Sims 1988 Plate 13, figures 1-35 Trochosira polychaeta (Strelnikova) SIMS 1988, p. 251, figs. 15-21, 29-34. Micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 Basionym: Sceletonema polychaetum STRELNIKOVA 1971, p. 42, pl. 1, figs. 3-5. – STRELNIKOVA 1974, p. 54, pl. 3, figs. 3-7. – BARRON 1985, p. 141, pl. 10.1, figs. 2-4. Synonymy: Pyrgodiscus triangulatus HAJÓS and STRADNER 1975, p. 928, figs. 11a, b; pl. 18, figs. 5, 6. Trochosiropsis polychaeta (STRELNIKOVA) TAPIA in TAPIA and HARWOOD 2002, p. 330, pl. 8, figs. 3, 4. Comparison: This species differs from others by lacking marginal spines and by possessing numerous subcentral interdigitating spines. Type level and locality: Upper Cretaceous (Campanian), Western Siberia. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: The occurrences from Eocene to the Oligocene are reported from numerous areas, especially the North Atlantic Ocean (Text-figure 8). This species also occurred in DSDP Site173 sediments, estimated to be middle to late Miocene in age (Schrader 1973) and from the middle Miocene Hawthorn Formation (Abbott and Andrews 1979). Type specimen: Depository not designated. Etymology: The Latin spinosa means “spiny”. Emended description: See Sims (1988). Comparison: This species is very similar to T. mirabilis as it possesses three-faceted rods in the valve center linking the opposite valve, but this species is easily separated from the latter by its shorter rod and by the absence of long flattened spines at the valve margin. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: The occurrences of this species in the late Cretaceous are reported from Western Siberia (Strelnikova 1971, 1974), Alpha Ridge in the Arctic Ocean (Barron 1985, Sims 1988), Slidre Fjord and Horton River Sections in Canada (Tapia and Harwood 2002) and DSDP Site 275 in the South Pacific near New Zealand (Hajós and Stradner 1975)(Text-figure 7). This study is the first to report its occurrence in the middle Eocene. Remarks: On eroded valves, the central linking mechanism is often missing, with little evidence to show that it had ever been present, apart from a few missing cribra (see Plate 13, Figs. 4, 5, 22, 23, 35). Etymology: The Latin poly-chaeta means “many bristles”. Trochosira spinosa Kitton 1871 Plate 12, figures 22-23 Trochosira spinosa KITTON 1871, p. 170, pl. 14, figs. 6, 7. – VAN HEURCK (1880-1885), pl. 83 bis, figs. 14, 15. – CLEVE-EULER 1951, Handl. 2: 1, p. 110, figs. 234b, c. – SHESHUKOVA-PORETSKAYA 1967, p. 137, pl. 11, figs. 6a, b; pl. 13, figs. 4a, b. – SCHRADER 1973, p. 713, pl. 12, figs. 18, 19. – GLEZER et al. 1974, pl. 31, figs. 5a, b; pl. 53, fig. 9. – SCHRADER and FENNER 1976, p. 1003, pl. 12, fig. 18. – DZINORIDZE et al. 1978, pl. 4, fig. 15. – ABBOTT and ANDREWS 1979, p. 255, pl. 6, fig. 19. – HOMANN 1991, p. 67, pl. 17, figs. 6-13. – FENNER 1994, p. 123, pl. 3, fig. 9. – SCHERER and KOÇ 1996, p. 89, pl. 4, figs. 18-20. Trochosira spinosus Kitton sensu SIMS 1988, p. 248, figs. 7-10, 26. – SCHERER et al. 2000, p. 440, pl. 2, figs. 4-6. Trochosira spinosa ? Kitton sensu HARWOOD and BOHATY 2000, p. 94, pl. 4, fig. j. Synonymy: Trochosira ornata GRUNOW in VAN HEURCK (1880-1885), pl. 83, fig. 15. – FENNER 1994, p. 123, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2, 4. Sceletonema ornatum Grunow sensu JOUSÉ 1955, p. 83, pl. 1, fig. 2. Sceletonema spinosum (Kitton) JOUSÉ 1955, p. 85, pl. 1, figs. 3, 4. Trochosira coronata Schrader and Fenner sensu SCHERER and KOÇ 1996, p. 89, pl. 4, figs. 22, 25. Emended description: See Sims (1988). Type level and locality: Lower Eocene. Mors, Jutland, Denmark. Type specimen: Depository not designated. Vallodiscus ? sp. A Plate 12, figures 24, 25 Description: Frustule not observed. Valve elliptic in valve view, apical axis 36µm, pervalvar axis 10µm. Valve hyaline, convex, with a single ring of straight veins along the valve margin, extending normal to the plane of the valve. Center of epivalve face hyaline. Comparison: This species is similar to Vallodiscus species (Suto 2005a) in possessing a single ring of straight veins along the valve margin, but differs from other Vallodiscus species by its elliptic valve shape. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: Only one specimen was observed in middle Eocene sediments from IODP Leg 302 Site 2A-59X-2, 122-123 in the central Arctic Ocean in this study. Remarks: It is unknown whether or not this species belongs to the fossil resting spore morpho-genus Vallodiscus of extant Chaetoceros because its frustule was not observed and we could not confirm the presence or absence of a single ring of puncta on the hypovalve. Xanthiopyxis type A (knobbly type) of Suto 2004e Plate 12, figures 26-32 Description: Frustule heterovalvate. Valve oval to narrowly or broadly elliptical in valve view. In girdle view, epivalve face vaulted, with numerous knobs and short veins. Mantle of epivalve hyaline. Hypovalve slightly vaulted or flat, or vaulted in the center, hyaline or with knobs. Mantle of hypovalve hyaline, with a single ring of puncta at its base. Comparison: This taxon is characterized by knobs and veins on the epivalve and the hyaline mantle of the epivalve. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This taxon was observed rarely in middle Eocene sediments from IODP Leg 302 Sites 2A and 4A in the central Arctic Ocean in this study. Remarks: The valves of these specimens belong to several Xanthiopyxis species, but it is very difficult to determine which one, when their frustules are not observed. Therefore, these valves must be counted as “Xanthiopyxis type A (knobbly type)”, when only an epivalve or hypovalve is observed during the counting process (Suto 2004e). Xanthiopyxis type B (short spiny type) of Suto 2004e Plate 12, figures 33-36 Description: Frustule heterovalvate. Valve oval to narrowly or broadly elliptical in valve view. In girdle view, epivalve face 305 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin vaulted, with numerous short strong spines. Mantle of epivalve hyaline. Hypovalve slightly vaulted or flat, or vaulted in the center, hyaline or with numerous strong spines. Mantle of hypovalve hyaline, with a single ring of puncta at its base. genera. Here, it is not possible to determine the nature of the resting spores in Hemiaulus and/or Pyxilla, and the proposal that Pterotheca represents such resting spores must be considered highly speculative. Comparison: These specimens are characterized by short strong spines. At first, Costopyxis trochlea was introduced as a taxon in the vegetative cell genus Trochosira (Hanna 1927b), but was then moved to the resting spore genus Pterotheca (Fenner 1978) and finally moved to Costopyxis (Glezer et al. 1988). Costopyxis and Trochosira may be vegetative cells because their valves possess numerous areolae, although their valves are heavily silicified. Anaulus arcticus looks like a resting spore because this species possesses strong silicified valves and forms paired valves as seen in Goniothecium and Gemellodiscus, but many scattered pores cover the valve surface and a rimoportula occurs at the valve center in SEM. Therefore it is not clear whether this species may be a vegetative cell or resting spore. Leptoscaphos levigatus may be the resting spore of L. punctatus or a related species, because of the similarities in valve size and shape, and possessing much fewer puncta on the valve surface. The taxonomic implications of Goniothecium and Odontotropis are indicated in Suto et al. (2008 and submitted), and these two genera do not belong to Chaetoceros resting spores because their large apical axis (2-3 times that of the largest Chaetoceros) are unlike any known recent and fossil Chaetoceros spores. Stratigraphic and geographic distributions: This taxon was observed rarely in middle Eocene sediments from IODP Leg 302 Sites 2A and 4A in the central Arctic Ocean in this study. Remarks: These specimens occur abundantly in all of the cores and onland sections studied. The valves of this taxon are those of several Xanthiopyxis species, but these valves are difficult or impossible to classify correctly when their frustules are not observed. Therefore these valves must be counted as “Xanthiopyxis type B (short spiny type)”, when only the epivalve or hypovalve is observed during the counting process (Suto 2004e). Hypovalves of fossil resting spores of Chaetoceros Plate 13, figures 36-42 (hyaline type); Plate 13, figures 43-48 (wrinkled type) Description: Hypovalve oval to narrowly or broadly elliptical in valve view. In girdle view, valve face slightly vaulted or flat, or vaulted in the center, hyaline or covered with numerous knobs and short veins. Mantle hyaline. Mantle of hypovalve hyaline, with a single ring of puncta at its base. Remarks: The hypovalves of fossil resting spores of Chaetoceros can be separated into three types; hyaline, knobbly and spiny types. The hyaline type hypovalve lacks processes. The valve surface of the knobbly type one is covered with numerous knobs and short spines. The spiny type is covered with lot of short and long spines. It is impossible to identify which species the hypovalve belongs to, because many species possess similar hypovalves. Therefore we used these three types when isolated hypovalves were preserved. These three types may belong to Dispinodiscus ? sp. A, Xanthiopyxis sp. A and sp. B., and perhaps to Liradiscus ? sp. A and Vallodiscus ? sp. A if they are the fossil resting spores of Chaetoceros. DISCUSSION The detailed stratigraphic data and paleoceanographic and paleoecological implications of the Eocene Arctic Ocean were presented by Stickley et al. (2008) for Holes 2A and 4A. In this study, we present some strategic implications from the resting spore taxonomic data and indicate the taxonomic problems of some taxa. Resting spore or vegetative cell? It has been suggested that Pterotheca represents resting spores of Pyxilla (e.g. Van Heurck 1896), but in terms of valve structure, circular cross-section and the tubed apex, there is a close relationship to the spore of Rhizosolenia setigera Brightwell (Hargraves 1976). Pterotheca species probably are the spores of some extinct genus of the Centrales. They may be the spores of species of the genus Hemiaulus Ehrenberg (Jousé 1963). Gombos and Ciesielski (1983) also indicated that it is possible that Pterotheca represents the resting spores of Pyxilla and this speculation is based on the similarity in valve morphology of the two genera, and the parallel stratigraphic range of the two 306 Stephanogonia sp. A and B may be resting spores, but their vegetative cells are unknown. Resting spore sp. C and sp. D, Liradiscus ? sp. A, Peripteropsis ? sp. A and Vallodiscus ? sp. A may not be Chaetoceros resting spores, because they lack a single ring of puncta on the hypovalve mantle. On the other hand, Dispinodiscus ? sp. A, Xanthiopyxis type A and type B which possess this character are fossil resting spores of Chaetoceros. These resting spore taxa are not named in this study, because the genera to which they belong are not yet clear so far. More detailed taxonomic data of these taxa from other oceans and ages are needed for future taxonomic and biostratigraphic studies. The possible changes of resting spore strategies before and after the Eocene/Oligocene boundary Forty-one diatom taxa including 30 taxa of fossil diatom resting spores from Eocene Arctic sediments and 11 of their allied taxa have been described in Suto et al. (2008 and submitted) and in this study. Twenty-five out of these 30 taxa are resting spores, while the remaining five taxa may be vegetative cells as indicated above. Text-figure 9 indicates the biostratigraphic ranges of these species reported from the northern/southern Hemispheres and described in this study. Although their occurrence data from the Paleocene are few, 10 resting spore species which occurred in the ACEX samples had already appeared from the late Cretaceous, while the others appeared in the Eocene. 21 out of 25 (84%) resting spore taxa became extinct during the middle Eocene to early Oligocene. Suto (2006) indicated that a major event (named the EO Event) that was characterized by the explosive diversification of Chaetoceros resting spores at both the morpho-generic and specific levels, an increase in their abundance, and a decrease in their valve size (from 40 to 20µm in average apical axis) occurred across the Eocene/Oligocene (EO) boundary in the Norwegian Sea. He also indicated that Chaetoceros might have established itself as the main primary producer in the Oligocene Norwegian Sea, replacing dinoflagellates and/or nannoplankton which were the main producers till the late Eocene, because their diversities decreased across the boundary (Falkowski et al. Micropaleontology, vol. 55, nos. 2-3, 2009 2004). Suto (2006a) mentioned that the possible causes for the decreased diversities of dinoflagellates and nannoplankton and increased diversity of diatoms, especially Chaetoceros, were associated with changes in coastal conditions from stable to unstable, associated with a regular seasonal environmental change, such as depletion and sporadic supply of nutrients, to which Chaetoceros resting spores might be adapted better than dinoflagellate cysts. Most taxa described in this study do not belong to Chaetoceros because they lack a single ring of puncta on the hypovalve mantle that characterizes the resting spores of Chaetoceros, and became extinct before the Oligocene, therefore it is clear that Chaetoceros did not flourish in the middle Eocene in the Arctic Ocean. Other diatom genera that produced resting spores such as Pterotheca and Pseudopyxilla, might have prospered before the E/O boundary, although their vegetative cells are still unknown. Since some Chaetoceros resting spore taxa are recognized in this study, most coastal regions experienced a regular seasonal environmental change, which benefited genera such as Pterotheca, Pseudopyxilla and Odontotropis, but also there might have been some patchy coastal upwelling regions with nutrient depletion and sporadic supplies where Chaetoceros could have survived and evolved. The abundant dinoflagellate cysts preserved in the middle Eocene ACEX core (Moran et al. 2006) are evidence of the stable conditions before the E/O boundary. When the abundance and species richness changes of resting spores and dinoflagellate cysts in other cores across the Eocene/Oligocene boundary are studied and it is shown that resting spore taxa except Chaetoceros decreased contemporaneously with dinoflagellate cysts before the boundary, it will be clarified that the resting spore ecology of most resting spore taxa before the Eocene may have been similar to that of dinoflagellate cysts rather than Chaetoceros resting spores after the Oligocene, or there may be a southward “retreat” of calcareous microorganisms due to a prominent world-wide cooling that occurred near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. Problems identifying Pterotheca, Pseudopyxilla and Porotheca The distinction between fossil resting spore genera Pseudopyxilla Forti, Pterotheca (Grunow) Forti and Porotheca Fenner is currently vague. The name Pseudopyxilla was introduced with a Latin description in Forti (1909). This name may have been provisional, and therefore invalidly published (see ICBN 2000 Art. 34.1.b of Greuter et al. 2000). Several species are also included in Forti’s paper, but no generic type was designated. Since this genus was erected, many species have been described including those mentioned in this study such as Ps. aculeata Jousé, Ps. americana (Ehrenberg) Forti, Ps. baltica Forti, Ps. capreolus Forti and Ps. directa Pantocsek. The name Pterotheca was first introduced by Grunow in Van Heurck (1880-1885) (pl. 83, figs. 5, 6, 9-11), however the name was also not validly published, as no description was provided for the genus, although several species were described (P. aculeifera, P. subulata, P. kittoniana and Stephanogonia (Pterotheca?) danica). After this genus was introduced, Pt. alata Strelnikova, Pt. clavata Strelnikova, Pt. costata Schibkova, Pt. cretacea Hajós et Stradner, Pt. infundibulum Krotov, Pt. parvula (Hanna) Hajós et Stradner, Pt. pokroskajae Jousé, Pt. reticulata Sheshukova-Poretskaya, Pt. sacculifera Fenner, Pt. simplex Strelnikova, Pt. simplex Fenner, Pt. spada Tempère TABLE 1 List of species that occurred in IODP Leg 302 sediments (*) and allied species from other core materials. *Anaulus articus Suto, Jordan et Watanabe sp. nov. *Costopyxis trochlea (Hanna) Strelnikova in Glezer et al. 1988 *Dispinodiscus ? sp. A *Goniothecium danicum Grunow in Cleve et Möller emend. Suto in Suto, Jordan et Watanabe submitted Goniothecium decoratum Brun Goniothecium rogersii Ehrenberg *Leptoscaphos levigatus (Sheshukova-Poretskaya) Suto, Jordan et Watanabe comb. nov. *Leptoscaphos punctatus (Grove et Sturt) Schrader 1969 *Liradiscus ? sp. A *Odontotropis sp. A *Odontotropis sp. B Odontotropis cristata Grunow 1884 *Odontotropis sp. C *Odontotropis danicus Debes in Hustedt 1930 Odontotropis galeonis Hanna 1927b *Odontotropis sp. C *Odontotropis hyalina Witt 1886 (= Odontotropis klavsenii Debes) *Peripteropsis ? sp. A *Porotheca danica (Grunow) Fenner 1994 Pseudopyxilla carinifera (Grunow in Van Heurck) Suto, Jordan et Watanabe comb. nov. *Pseudopyxilla dubia (Grunow in Van Heurck) Forti 1909 *Pseudopyxilla jouseae Hajós in Hajós and Stradner 1975 *Pterotheca aculeifera Grunow in Van Heurck 1880 (= Pterotheca crucifera Hanna 1927b) *Pterotheca evermanii Hanna 1927b *Pterotheca harrensis (Fenner) Suto, Jordan et Watanabe comb. nov. Pterotheca kittoniana Grunow in Van Heurck 1880-1885 var. kittoniana Pterotheca kittoniana var. kamtschatica Gapanov 1927 Pterotheca kittoniana var. minuta Fenner 1994 *Pterotheca minuta (Fenner) Suto, Jordan et Watanabe comb. nov. Pterotheca reticulata Sheshukova-Poretskaya 1967 *Resting spore sp. A *Resting spore sp. B *Resting spore sp. C *Resting spore sp. D *Stephanogonia sp. A *Stephanogonia sp. B (Pterotheca sp. A) *Trochosira coronata ? Schrader and Fenner 1976 Trochosira mirabilis Kitton 1871 *Trochosira polychaeta (Strelnikova) Sims 1988 Trochosira spinosa Kitton 1871 *Vallodiscus ? sp. A *Xanthiopyxis type A (knobbly type) of Suto 2004e *Xanthiopyxis type B (short spiny type) of Suto 2004e *Hypovalve of fossil resting spore of Chaetoceros 307 Itsuki Suto et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin et Brun, Pt. spinosa Jousé, Pt. subulata Grunow in Van Heurck, Pt. trojana Harwood and Pt. uralica Jousé were added. Later, Fenner (1994) separated the genus Porotheca from Pterotheca danica because of its cylindrical valve with a central elevation with a pore-like opening on top. The fossil resting spore genus Pterotheca has been tabulated together with the genus Pseudopyxilla as mentioned above, because these have been no observations of their vegetative valves as they usually dissolve in the sediments. The distinct differences between these genera have not been clarified from these papers. Moreover, the vegetative cells of Pterotheca and Pseudopyxilla are still unknown, therefore their generic names must be regarded as morpho-genera for fossil resting spores according to Articles 3.3 and 3.4 of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN; Greuter et al. 2000), as with fossil Chaetoceros resting spores (Suto 2003). We propose that the differences between these two genera are a vaulted epivalve in Pterotheca and a cylindrical one in Pseudopyxilla. As the result, Pterotheca minuta and Pt. harrensis are transferred from Pseudopyxilla in this study. Moreover, Pterotheca carinifera may belong to Pseudopyxilla or Porotheca because of its cylindrical valve, but it did not occur in this study and so the existence of the pore-like opening on top could not be clarified. We redefine these three genera Porotheca, Pseudopyxilla and Pterotheca as below. Porotheca Fenner 1994 This genus is characterized by having a cylindrical to conical valve and a central elevation with a pore-like opening on top. It differs from Proboscia by the lack of a slit-shaped opening at the top and from Rhizosolenia in that the apical rimoportula – if present – has no external part. Species of this genus have resting spores (Fenner 1994). Pseudopyxilla Forti 1909 This genus is characterized by having a cylindrical to conical valve. Frustule heterovalvate. Epivalve cylindrical to conical. Epivalve surface hyaline or covered with numerous wrinkles or strong and long process on the top, with no or few areolae. Mantle of epivalve distinct, hyaline with no or numerous puncta and areolae. Hypovalve convex or nearly flat. Hypovalve surface hyaline with no or few areolae. Mantle of hypovalve not distinct, hyaline with no puncta and areolae. Pterotheca (Grunow) Forti 1909 This genus is characterized by having a highly vaulted epivalve. Epivalve surface hyaline, with no or few areolae, covered with numerous strongly siliceous straight or anastomosing ridges, and/or several spines. Mantle of epivalve distinct, hyaline with no puncta and areolae. Hypovalve convex, less than the height of the epivalve. Hypovalve surface hyaline or covered with numerous spines, with no or few areolae. Mantle of hypovalve distinct, hyaline with no puncta and areolae. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the co-chief scientists Dr. Jan Backman (Stockholm University) and Dr. Kathryn Moran (University of Rhode Island), and the scientific party of IODP Leg 302 ACEX as well as the captain and crew who provided the opportunity for us to sample the sediments on board R/V Oden. We wish to thank Dr. Kota Katsuki (Kochi University), Dr. Nalân Koç and Dr. Catherine E. Stickley (Norwegian Polar Institute) for invalu- 308 able discussions. Special thanks are given to Professor Kozo Takahashi (Kyushu University) and Dr. Jonaotaro Onodera (Kochi University) who provided sieved samples and gave numerous suggestions. We also thanks Dr. Andrey Yu. Gladenkov (Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences) and Mr. Fumio Akiba (Diatom Minilab Akiba, Ltd.) for their invaluable discussions and their careful pre-reviews. We also thank Dr. Yoshihiro Tanimura (National Science Museum, Tokyo), who kindly curated the type specimens described in this paper. 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