Summer 2016 Newsletter
summer 16 Three new officers join Lynwood police force T hree new police officers took the oath of office at a recent Lynwood Board of Trustees meeting. The new Village policemen are Derek Depew, Ephraim Dorsey and Dustin Warren. A large group of family members and friends attended the Board meeting to witness the swearing-in ceremony. Chief Russell L. Pearson said the three officers are highly qualified. “They were the top three of the candidates seeking to serve on our Police Department,” Pearson said. Derek Depew was employed for seven years as a Lynwood Police Department telecommunicator prior to his hiring as a police officer. He has law enforcement Lynwood Mayor Eugene Williams (right) and Police Chief Russell L. Pearson (left) welcome new officers (left to right) Ephraim Dorsey, Derek Depew and Dustin Warren, to the police force. experience and while working as a telecommunicator he earned police officer certification upon completion of the Police Academy. Ephraim Dorsey’s career goal, after graduation from Eastern Illinois August 20 Village party Join the fun at 18th annual T Lynwood Fest he Village’s 18th annual community summer celebration, Lynwood Fest, will be held Saturday, August 20. The festival will take place from 4 p.m. to midnight at Liberty Memorial Park, Glenwood-Dyer Road. The first Lynwood Fest was held in 1999 to celebrate the Village’s 40th anniversary of incorporation. Live entertainment will be provided by The Hotts band, performing from 6 to 11 p.m. The Hotts is a local band that plays a variety of music. Lynwood Fest also will feature food vendors, a beverage tent and activities for children. An always spectacular fireworks display will start at dusk; rain date for the fireworks will be Sunday, August 21. Look Inside University, was the law enforcement field. Dorsey said he wanted to become a police officer from a young age and now has achieved that aspiration. Dustin Warren has approximately eight years experience as a military police officer in the U.S. Army. Warren said he is excited about starting a new chapter of his life with the Lynwood Police Department. School supplies for our students Again this year school supplies will be distributed to students at the August 20 Lynwood Fest. The annual Back to School-School Supply Program is sponsored by Mayor Eugene Williams, Village Clerk Karen WingfieldBond, the Lynwood Board of Trustees and the Lynwood Community Relations Committee. The school supplies program is supported by donations from Lynwood residents and businesses. ■ Mayor’s Message, page 2 ■ Firefighter news, page 5 The Village’s summer work program for college students started in June. Two Public Works Department summer employees, Yezreel Salter on the mower and Sebastiaan Mitchell operating a trimmer, maintain Village property such as parks and ball fields. The program helps students earn extra money for school expenses. More Public Works Department news inside the newsletter. ■ Business connect, page 4 ■ Library programs, page 7 4 www.lynwoodil.us1 Lynwood Community Update | summer 2016 Message from Mayor Williams I invite one and all to join in the fun at the annual Lynwood Fest on Saturday, August 20, at Liberty Memorial Park. The family friendly festival has been a popular summer community event since 1999. It’s a very nice opportunity to enjoy entertainment, tasty food and fireworks, and to connect with neighbors and make new friends. There is much to enjoy yearround in our Village in addition to events like Lynwood Fest. The Glenwood-Lynwood Public Library on Stony Island Avenue schedules a wide variety of educational and recreational programs for all ages. A recent addition to the library is its iCan Lab, equipped with Apple desktop computers, that functions as a creative technology studio available to patrons. A listing of current library activities appears in this newsletter. The Southland Center sports facility, also on Stony Island Avenue, has indoor space to play all kinds of sports throughout the year. The Southland Center also has a restaurant and bar open during events. The Center has earned a reputation as one of the best multiuse indoor facilities in Illinois. The Lynwood R/C Dragway holds radio control model drag racing events outdoors at the Southland Center site during the warm weather season. The Dragway attracts participants and spectators from throughout the country and hosts International Model Drag Racing Association competitions. The Village baseball diamonds at Lakeview Community Park attract young players and their fans. The lake at Liberty Memorial Park is a great spot to just relax and enjoy the quiet side of nature. For skaters of all ages, the rink at the Lynwood Sport Center on Glenwood-Dyer Road has been a premier skating facility since 1975. For height lovers, there also is a climbing wall. I encourage you to visit some of our community’s assets. You will find that there is lots to do right here in Lynwood. I hope you enjoy the rest of the weeks of summer. White Sox game outing is Tuesday, August 23 T he annual Mayor’s Night Out at the Ballpark outing is a Chicago White Sox versus Philadelphia Phillies game Tuesday, August 23, at Cellular Field in Chicago. Mayor Eugene Williams and Village Trustees will attend the game along with Lynwood baseball fans. Lower box seat tickets are $27; bus transportation is $5. Information is available by phoning the Village Hall at 708-758-6101. Village of Lynwood Lynwood 21460 Lincoln Highway Lynwood, Illinois 60411 Mayor “Where Learning is a Life-Long Adventure” Eugene Williams Clerk Karen Wingfield-Bond Trustees McKinley Dillingham William Lebeter Tim Dunlap Willie Sims Lee Hurston Rich Stephens Directory Mayor’s Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758-6101 Village Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758-6101 Police Dept. Nonemergency . . . . 758-6100 Fire Dept. Nonemergency . . . . . . 758-6102 Building Department . . . . . . . . . . 758-6380 Public Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758-8434 Emergency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1-1 Village Web site Village Clerk’s Office hours: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Wednesday 22 Storage ■ Self Storage Units ■ RV, Boat & Outside Spaces We offer Military Discounts. Call for rates and unit sizes. 708-758-2266 21686 E. Lincoln Hwy., Lynwood, IL Located across from Alpine Trailer Court Lynwood Community Update | summer 2016 Infant Care Toddler Care Preschool Headstart & Early Headstart Preschool For All Program Evening Care Before & After School Care 1935 Glenwood-Dyer Rd Lynwood, IL 708.833.7040 NOW ENROLLING FOR THE FALL! Hours: Monday-Friday 6:00 am to 6:30 pm Answers to frequently asked resident questions Q. Q. Works Department if the light is on an aluminum pole and indicate an address or a location (cross streets etc.). If the light is on a wooden pole, it is a ComEd streetlight and is the utility’s responsibility. Please contact ComEd. Does the Village trim trees in the parkway? Answer: The Public Works Department will remove broken branches located high in parkway trees. All other trees, including those on the parkway, are a resident’s responsibility to trim. The Village will provide residents with information about licensed and bonded tree removal/trimming companies. Q. If I see a streetlight out or blinking, what should I do? Answer: Contact the Public Which holidays affect my garbage pickup day? Answer: The only holidays Homewood Disposal observes that would change your pickup day to Friday are New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Q. How does water billing work? Answer: The Village reads meters toward the end of each month. Bills are processed and mailed by the first of each month. Payments are due on the 15th of each month or the next business day. A payment due letter is mailed following the due date. If the bill is not paid, water shutoffs begin the first Thursday of each month. Q. How can I pay my Village utility bill online? Answer: Go to www. lynwoodil. us and scroll down the home page for the E-Pay logo; click on it, then follow instructions. Q. I have a large item for garbage collection. Will it be picked up? Answer: You are allowed to place up to two larger items for collection each week. However, for out of the ordinary items, the Village recommends contacting Homewood Disposal at 708-7981004 to ask about arrangements for a special pickup. Learn to line dance! T he Lynwood Community Relations Committee is sponsoring a line dancing class. The class meets 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays at the Lynwood Senior Center, located behind the Village Hall at 21460 Lincoln Highway. The classes are taught by experienced line dancing instructors. The fee per class is $5. No registration is required. Residents are invited to participate in the weekly dance sessions. Building Department permit information T he Village requires permits for residential and commercial construction and repair projects. Jerry Jones, building commissioner, said Lynwood ordinance stipulates that homeowners who hire a contractor must employ one who is registered with the Village. Registered contractors are licensed and bonded - important elements that help to avoid fraud and protect against unsatisfactory work. Residents should contact the Building Department for information about permit requirements. Permits are required for most work involving electrical, plumbing and renovation projects. The Village also requires permits for sheds, decks, fences and both in-ground and above-ground pools. Permit applications are available on the Village website at www. The Building Department phone number is 708-7586380. Department hours are 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. ServINg lyNwOOD yNwOOD Since 1991 Crete Dyer Valid at time of purchase only. One Coupon per family, per visit. Not valid with any other offer. Hurry, certificate expires 9/30/16. tHANK yOU FOr yOUr CONtINUeD SUPPOrt! Lynwood Community Update | summer 2016 33 Family Christian Health Center Now Accepting New Patients in Lynwood, IL! Welcome Family! Family Christian Health Center has an earned reputation of providing quality health care to the southland communities we so proudly serve. Our Physicians and Staff care about our patients with a deep sense of “calling” to care. We do so, by communicating in deed and love the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We welcome you to a full-suite of medical care services for your family’s needs. Our Services: • Family Practice • OB/GYN • Pediatrics • Behavioral Health • Family Dental • Diabetes Management • Walk-ins Welcome • Pharmacy Pick-up - ASK About Discounts! • Health Education • And many more! Go Online or Call Today! 708-596-5177/ ENROLL TODAY! SPACE IS LIMITED! 708-474-5100 Two local businesses connect to produce a new safety product T wo local businesses exemplify Lynwood Chamber of Commerce’s commitment to promote business helping business. Frank Busch, owner of Busch Plastics, Inc., in Lynwood, and Richard Davis, inventor of a safety partition for vehicles used in the ridesharing business, worked together to develop the new product. Davis’ enterprise is Rideshare Safety Partition Company. Both businessmen are Lynwood residents. Davis had the idea to create a removable shield for the protection of rideshare drivers and passengers. He was inspired to invent the safety shield out of concern for the wellbeing of his daughters, who had joined the business ranks of rideshare drivers, a Chamber spokesperson said. Davis shared his idea with a Chamber representative who referred him to Busch Plastics, which manufactures a wide range of products using many kinds of clients with samples and/ or drawings to produce marketable products that are ready for purchase. “We worked to get this right,” Busch said. “Richard Davis had a Richard Davis (right) and Frank Busch hold the good idea and rideshare safety partition that Davis invented. The two we helped local businessmen worked together to produce the him get his product at Busch Plastics, Inc., in Lynwood. product off the ground.” Information about the safety plastics. Busch Plastics designed shields is available on the Rideshare and produced the giant golf balls Safety Partition Company website at that were on display in Chicago and at the Medinah Country Club The Chamber is preparing during the 2012 Ryder Cup golf its 2017 Community Business competition. Directory. Business owners and Davis created the initial operators may update their directory prototype for the rideshare shield, information at the Lynwood which he and Busch collaborated Village Hall. to perfect. Busch engages with · Hours: 6:00am—6:30pm · Ages: Three months to eight years · Programs: Childcare, Preschool, All Day Kindergarten, Before and After School 19510 North Creek Drive, Lynwood, Illinois 60411 FIRST STEP is the best step for your child. LANSING LOCATION ONLY! NOW SERVING FRESH FRUIT TREATS ON-THE-GO Fruit Parfaits • Fruit Salads • Chocolate Dipped Fruit™ • Fro-Yo® 3422 Ridge Road • Lansing, IL (708) 418-0000 4 edible to go Lynwood Community Update | summer 2016 ® by popular brands (Levis, True Religion, Polo, Nike, Moncler, Balmain, Jordan Craig and much more.) DON’T MISS OUT! New aNd slightly used fabulous, faNcy, fashioN for meN, womeN aNd kids WEDNESDAY-5% to 30% off oN rESAlE clothiNg oNlY. 15% off Shop NoW - fiND trENDY clothES, purSES, ShoES, ScArfS, BEltS, totAl purchASE JEANS, JEWElrY AND formAl WEAr! With thiS AD! tuESDAY-thurSDAY 10:00Am-7:00pm friday-saturday 9:00am-6:00pm • sunday 12:00pm-6:00pm 2545 Glenwood, Lansing Rd Lynwood, IL. 60411 Phone: 708-394-3225 Cell:708-400-6832 New uniforms for firefighters; new camera for emergency operations L ynwood firefighters have new duty uniforms and a new thermal imaging camera. The new Fire Department uniforms are designed to eliminate metal badges and emblems, making them safer to wear during firefighting as well as more clearly identifying firefighters and their Fire Department rank. The Fire Department was awarded a matching grant to purchase the state-of-the-art thermal imaging camera. The handheld camera allows firefighters to see through smoke to find the seat of a fire to extinguish it quicker and to rescue fire victims, said Fire Chief John Cobb. “At a fire scene, a thermal imaging camera can locate persons overcome by smoke or otherwise incapacitated,” Chief Cobb said. “The camera also will detect hotspots, defective appliance motors, overheated light ballasts and can be used in other rescue operations, such as finding lost LYNWOOD POLICE ASSIST PAXON CANINE UNIT Fire Chief John Cobb (left) and Lt. Matt Heintz, wearing the Fire Department’s new uniforms. Chief Cobb is holding a thermal imaging camera. children in fields or woods or auto accident victims who wander from their vehicles,” he said. The Fire Department received the matching grant of $4,839 for the camera from the Powering Safe Communities Municipal Program. Commonweath Edison provides the funding and the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus administers the grant program. In addition to the camera, the Fire Department will purchase 600 feet of hose with grant funds. Lynwood BowL Lynwood Police Department provided a protective body vest for the Paxon, Ill., police dog shown with his police canine team partner. The Lynwood police donation was a reciprocal gesture. Lynwood’s police dog Dante previously received a protective vest supplied by Vested Interests in K-9s, a nonprofit Massachusetts organization that provides the bullet and stab protective canine vests. “We are honored that Lynwood police could provide a vest for another Illinois police department,” said Chief Russell L. Pearson. “The protective vests save the lives of many canine unit dogs each year,” Pearson said. Lynwood’s canine team members are Dante and Officer Luke Tambrini. 2581 Glenwood Lansing Rd. • Lynwood IL 60411 708-895-6633 • Day Care Come In & Check Out • Boarding Our New Scoring Units! ues g a e L l l a F Forming. Business Hours: Monday-Friday- 7AM-5PM Saturday- 7AM -3PM Sunday- Closed (708) 758-DOGS Receive 50% off p u n g i S ! W O N Receive 50% off up to 10 days of daycare when a new dog joins Paw Palace’s Doggy Daycare for the first time! Must purchase all days wanted at that time. Expires 10/01/16 Like Us On *Must be 21 • Training 3 6 4 7 Open Bowling Daily! Join us in our lounge for spirits and try your luck on one of our new video poker and video slot machines* • Grooming 2739 Glenwood Dyer Rd Lynwood, IL 60411 Contact us at: (708) 758-3647 Lynwood Community Update | summer 2016 5 Public Works Department reminders Dog owner violators face a $95 citation T he Village is enforcing a pet owners ordinance due to numerous complaints that people are walking their dogs without leashes in Village parks and not cleaning up after pets. The Lynwood ordinance requires that dogs must be leashed and that owners must have the necessary supplies to pick up after dogs—and must do so. Citations will be issued to pet owners who violate the ordinance requiring dog leashes and pet cleanup. The citations impose a $95 penalty. The ordinance also is enforced in the parks and public areas in the Alpine Village and Paradise Park neighborhoods. Village garage sale October 15, 16 The dates for this year’s Lynwood Community Garage Sale are Saturday, October 15, and Sunday, October 16. Participants should register at the Village Hall. There is a $2 registration fee. The Lynwood Community Relations Committee sponsors the event. Yard waste, branch collection services The Public Works Department and Homewood Disposal Company provide seasonal yard waste and branch pickup services. The Public Works Department will remove cut branches on the even-numbered Fridays of the month, until the last Friday of November. Branches should be placed in parkways with stump ends facing away from oncoming traffic. Yard waste such as twigs, small branches and piles of weeds should be in biodegradable paper bags for collection - not put out for Village chipper removal. Homewood Disposal Company picks up normal yard waste on the regular garbage pickup day in a separate truck. NO yard waste will be collected if it is in plastic bags. Please note: the Village is not responsible for cleaning or picking up debris left by contractors. Dead tree removal The Public Works Department soon will be completing its first round of dead tree removal, which included removing more than 300 trees on parkways. A second phase of the tree removal program will occur during the winter as weather permits. Only dead trees located on parkways are removed. The Village does not have a removal program for stumps. Residents may have stumps removed and may replant trees. Mailbox repair reminder The Public Works Department is reminding residents to secure their mailboxes for the winter season. The Village is NOT responsible for mailboxes damaged or knocked over during snow plowing. Heavy or wet snow that is plowed from streets can hit a mailbox with great force, resulting in damage if the mailbox is not secured. Residents should check their mailboxes prior to the snowfall season. Storm water awareness All citizens should be aware and concerned about pollutants in water entering storm drains and drainage swales/ditches because contaminated water eventually flows into local bodies of water. Pollutants in surface and ground water are a hazard to the environment. The following advice will help prevent storm water pollution: • Pick up pet waste. Pet waste that reaches ponds, creeks and larger bodies of water can make people and wildlife sick. • Rake and bag yard clippings. Grass and yard clippings that get blown into the street often end up in storm drains, making a fertile breeding ground for harmful bacteria. • Cigarette butts are a littering problem. Extinguish and dispose of cigarettes in a proper waste container. • Don’t hose down a driveway. This practice causes oils and other pollutants to flow into storm drains, ending up in ponds, creeks, etc. Instead, sweep driveways with a broom. • Plant yards with drought resistant plants, which require less watering. • Always dispose of used motor oil properly. Never dump motor oil in a storm drain or field. It should be taken to a gas station or collection area for recycling. The Village is asking residents to help watch for illegal dumping. Citizens who see or suspect someone is dumping illegally should phone the Public Works Department at 708-758-8434. Healthcare clinic opens in Lynwood F amily Christian Health Center opened a clinic August 11 at 19767 Torrence Avenue in Lynwood. Family Christian Health Center has been operating family oriented clinics in Harvey and Dolton, with more than 85,000 patient visits per year. The professional staff provides a wide range of healthcare services, including family practice, pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology, family dental, behavioral health, diabetes management, ministerial care and more. For additional information, office hours at the Lynwood facility, or to schedule an appointment, please phone 708-596-5177. COMMERCIAL • MEMORIAL • SIGNS B/W and COLOR COPIES 2345 Glenwood-Lansing Road, Lynwood, IL (708) 895-3032 / Fax (708) 895-0918 24 HOUR Towing (708) 275-8883 6 Lynwood Community Update | summer 2016 708.895.6226 2581 Glenwood-Lansing Road Lynwood, IL 60411 Located behind Lynwood Bowl Library schedules variety of programs COOL OUTSIDE. COOLER INSIDE. Patrons may relax on the newly-built pier and enjoy the pond on the library property. T he Glenwood-Lynwood Public Library offers a variety of educational programs to benefit residents of all ages. The library also schedules fun activities, such as the Back to School Ice Cream Social for parents and children, provided by the Friends of the Library organization. The Ice Cream Social will be 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, August 25. Upcoming educational programs include: n Excel Intensified: Focus on Sorting and Filter and Pivot Tables - 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Saturday, August 20. This class will explore the unique workings of the Excel pivot table, as well as basic filtering and sorting options in Excel 2013. Prerequisites: keyboard and mouse proficiency, and introductory knowledge of Excel 2013. n World Book Encyclopedia Tutorial - 7 p.m., Monday, August 22. Students will learn about the World Book Encyclopedia database for research projects. The database is suitable for all ages. n Senior Technology Lunch IllIana MusIc BUY • SELL • TRADE Where The Music MaTTers and Learn Series - 11 a.m. to noon, Friday, August 26. This free program is offered the last Friday of the month, with a focus on a different technology related topic. The August topic is using tablets to keep in touch with family. Participants should bring a charged tablet or indicate they wish to use a library tablet. Participation limited to 20. n PowerPoint 2013: The Basics - 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 23, and 10 to 11:30 a.m., Saturday, August 27. PowerPoint 2013 software allows a user to create professional looking slideshow presentations using animations, pictures, words and shapes. The PowerPoint class will explore the basic elements of creating a slideshow. Prerequisites: keyboard and mouse proficiency. The library is planning to host Bid Whist card playing this fall. Persons interested in playing, teaching or learning to play Bid Whist are invited to inform the library what day or evening is best for this activity. MORE SHINE, LESS GRIME Thanks to Signature Maytag® steel shelves with under-shelf LED lighting and an easy-to-clean fingerprint-resistant stainless steel exterior, you can decide what’s for dinner and leave the heavy lifting to Maytag. MFT2778EEZ Stop by our showroom floor today and shop unique Maytag appliances that you can’t find just anywhere. ® ®/™ ©2015 Maytag. All rights reserved. Form No. MX150205B Available at: Records, 45’s, Jukeboxes, Audio Equipment, CDs & T-Shirts! IllIana MusIc 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Specializing in Premium and Professional Kitchen Products SpECiALizing SpECiALizingin inThE ThEUniQUE UniQUE AnD AnDhARD hARDTo TofinD! finD! 19528 Burnham Ave. Lansing, IL 60438 Tues. - Fri.: 12pm -7pm • Sat.: 11am - 7 pm Sun. 12pm - 5 pm • Mon.: Closed (708) 251-5387 2717 Glenwood-Lansing Rd. Lynwood, IL 60411 708-889-1860 Hours: M-Thurs 9-6 Fri 9-5 Sat 9-2:30 or by appointment What’s inside matters™ *Located across from the Lansing Airport! Lynwood Community Update | summer 2016 7 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 499 Lynwood, IL 60411 ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER Lynwood, IL 60411 Village of Lynwood, IL Incorporated in 1959: 57 years of progress Y LO W P A D RI Y R WEEKDAY SPECIALS ES EV C E The Lynwood Community Update is circulated quarterly to all residents and businesses in the Village of Lynwood, Illinois. Comments or questions can be directed to: Lynwood Community Update Editorial Staff - 21460 Lincoln Highway - Lynwood, Illinois 60411. To place an ad please contact: Judy Hrechko at 708.891.0744, I Lee Publications, Inc. MONDAY: $6 BEEF SANDWICHES with FRIES *Dine in Only - with Coupon TUESDAY: 2 for 1 Dinners KENNAN LIQUORS 37 Joliet St., Dyer IN. (Rt. 30 across from Hospital) Open Mon. to Sat. 8am-10pm. Closed Sunday (219)-865-8501 visit us online at: PROTECTION WHILE YOU’RE ON THE ROAD. Your dreams deserve more than an insurance card tucked in your glove box. That’s why I go beyond a piece of paper to give you smart, customized coverage and real peace of mind to pursue what matters most. Contact me today for a competitive quote. *Dine in Only - with Coupon WEDNESDAY: 1/2 Price Pizza* *Dine in Only - with Coupon THURSDAY: 1/2 LB. CHEESEBURGER with FRIES $4.50 Kitchen hours: sun.; 12:00 pm-8:00 pm Mon. - thurs.; 4:00 pm-9:00 pm Wed.; 4:00 pm-10:00 pm sat., 2:00 pm-10:00 pm *Dine in Only - with Coupon 2549 Glenwood Lansing Road • Lynwood (708) 474-4348 Fall Bowling Leagues! A sport the whole family can enjoy! Let’s talk today. D Tyler Agency, LLC. 2328 Glenwood Dyer Rd Lynwood, IL 60411 (708) 474-2055 We have a league for everyone! Day, Evening, Senior and Junior There is still time to join! Junior leagues start Sep 10th (9 am or 11 am) 1 FREE for more details: sign up at Game of Bowling for up to 4 people! American Family Mutual Insurance Company, American Family Insurance Company, American Standard Insurance Company of Ohio, American Standard Insurance Company of Wisconsin, 6000 American Parkway, Madison, WI 53783 The General®, 2636 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville, TN 37214 ©2016 011765 – 4/16 8 Lynwood Community Update | summer 2016 shoe rental not included must present coupon not valid with other offers exp 9/30/16 708-862-8300 1025 Sibley Blvd Calumet City, IL 60409
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