Voters to Decide Home Rule Proposition ynwood residents will decide whether their Village government will have Home Rule powers when they vote in a referendum in the Tuesday, March 21, primary election. The proposition of Lynwood becoming a Home Rule community received voter approval by a two-to-one margin in a November 2004 advisory referendum. L Following that overwhelming support at the polls, the Village Board of Trustees scheduled a binding referendum March 21 on Home Rule. The Village is seeking Home Rule authority because there are many advantages that benefit a Home Rule community, such as economic tools to attract development and expand the tax base. Sixty-seven municipalities in Cook County are Home Rule communities. Because the Village Board of Trustees believes strongly in citizen participation, a series of town hall meetings have been held during the past two months to give residents an opportunity to learn more about the Home Rule referendum. Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. for the March 21 election. Lynwood has nine precinct places. Information about the location of polling places is available by phoning the Village Clerk’s Office at 758-6101. The referendum question on the ballot will read: Shall the Village of Lynwood become a Home Rule Community? Meet the New Building Commissioner he Village’s new building commissioner, Jerry T. Jones, brings a wealth of both business and building managerial experience to the position. Jones joined the Village staff in February. He succeeds Helen Grapenthien, who retired as building commissioner. She was a Village employee for approximately 16 years. "Lynwood is fortunate to have a man with Jerry Jones’ background on our staff," Mayor Eugene Williams said. "The building commissioner has an important responsibility, to ensure that new development enhances our community and T that existing properties are well maintained for aesthetic and safety reasons," the mayor said. Early in his career, Mayor Eugene Williams (second from left) uses a map Jones was to point out sites of recent housing development in the founder Lynwood to Jerry T. Jones (next to map), the Village’s new building commissioner. With the mayor and of Sonicraft, Jones are Jeff Hinkens, building property inspector, and Inc., of Janet Uza, Village Hall office assistant. Chicago. He then served as the CEO and president of business awards under his Sonicraft, a communications leadership. More recently he products firm that received was the president of LJSS numerous community and General Corporation and also held the post of senior vice president of Pan American Building Systems, both firms in Chicago. Jones has a bachelor’s degree from Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) in Chicago. He was an assistant physicist at the IIT Research Institute. His volunteer work includes service as a director of the National Institute of Manufacturers, a board member of the Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry, a founder and chairman of the National Association of Black Manufacturers, and as a trustee of the Illinois Institute of Technology. Message from Mayor Eugene Williams reetings to all of our residents. The purpose of our newsletter is to provide you with helpful, timely and interesting information about our community. One important upcoming event is the Home Rule referendum that is on the ballot in the March 21 election. Our citizens indicated by a two-to-one margin their support of the Home Rule proposition in an advisory referendum in 2004. The March 21 referendum asks voters to G make the final decision on the Home Rule issue. Please exercise your right to vote. Economic development is a top priority of my administration because it has such a positive impact on the tax base. Our Village’s building department plays a key role in planning and implementing commercial and residential development. Therefore, I am pleased to welcome Jerry T. Jones to our Village staff. He has been appointed by the Village Board to serve as building commissioner. His experience and knowledge will serve the Village well. One of the assets of our community is the Senior CitizensYouth Center. The Village offers a variety of programs for all ages at the Center. The facility also is a nice place for our senior citizens to socialize with fellow residents. I invite seniors to visit the Center to see for themselves. Philip Mascarello, our seniors program director, will be happy to say hello. Our Village web site is undergoing some reconstruction to improve it. We are enhancing the web site to make it more user friendly and to provide our residents with more information about their local government. You may visit the web site at this Internet address: If you have comments or questions about matters concerning Village government, I always am happy to hear from you. I try my best to be available to our residents. Sincerely, Eugene Williams, Mayor Village of Lynwood Postal Service Replies to ZIP Code Request ayor Eugene Williams said the Village appreciates U.S. Rep. Jesse L. Jackson Jr.’s latest efforts to secure a new ZIP code for Lynwood and Sauk Village. "Rep. Jackson and the Village have done all we can to obtain our own ZIP Code," Mayor Williams M said. "We have tried very hard to convince the Postal Service to agree to our pleas," he said. On November 1, 2005, Rep. Jackson wrote to U.S. Postmaster General John E. Potter requesting that Potter assign a new ZIP code to Lynwood and Sauk Village. Rep. Jackson also introduced language in the Fiscal Year 2006 Postal Service Appropriations bill, which directs the Postal Service to "favorably approve a request from the communities of Lynwood, Illinois, and Sauk Village, Illinois, to establish a new 604 ZIP code." The Postal Service has replied to Cong. Jackson’s request via a letter. It appears from the written response that a new ZIP Code for Lynwood is not a priority consideration for the Postal Service at this time. Excerpts from the Postal Service letter are reprinted below: Dear Congressman Jackson: This responds to your November 1 letter to Postmaster General John E. Potter, regarding a new 604 ZIP Code for Lynwood and Sauk Village, IL. I recognize the continued interest in this matter. The Postal Service receives many requests to assign new ZIP Codes to communities in order to identify them as separate from the municipality in which the serving Post Office is located….. We are keenly aware that report language has been included in the Fiscal Year 2006 Transportation/Treasury/HUD Appropriations bill, seeking a Postal Service review of the need for a separate ZIP Code to be shared by Lynwood and Sauk Village. We intend to provide a response to this request as part of a collective response to all report language within the 90-day time frame after the bill is signed into law….. The Postal Service cannot assign a separate ZIP Code for each community or municipality in the United States. ZIP Codes are a finite resource, and are assigned only when needed to provide quality of service….. Currently, the 60411 ZIP Code serves five townships, including 2 Lynwood Community Update | spring 2006 Lynwood and Sauk Village. There are 46 regular carrier routes, of which Sauk Village has 7.5 routes and Lynwood has 5.5 routes. The 60411 ZIP Code currently has 22,563 delivery points. A ZIP Code split is considered when the number of delivery points exceeds 25,000. At the present growth rate, it would take roughly 13 years for the entire 60411 ZIP Code to reach this maximum number of deliveries. Further, Sauk Village, which currently has 3,650 deliveries, and Lynwood, which has 2,914 deliveries, only make up a combined total of 6,564 of the 22,563 deliveries for the 60411 ZIP Code…… The Postal Service must be prudent in the assignment of the remaining ZIP Codes in the 604 area to allow for continued expansion of communities within the area and to ensure that our customers will continue to receive efficient delivery service…… I regret that I could not provide a more favorable response. Please let me know if I can be of assistance in other postal matters. Sincerely, Sheila T. Meyers, Manager, Government Relations Lynwood Community Update | spring 2006 3 Police Chief David S. Palmer 708-758-6100 From Lynwood Little League to Major League Baseball urtis Granderson Jr. developed his baseball skills in Lynwood Little League. Today, the talented athlete is playing Major League Baseball with the Detroit Tigers organization. Curtis joined theTigers organization in June 2002. He made his Major League Baseball debut in September 2004 playing outfield for Detroit. He also played in the winter league in the Dominican Republic before coming home to visit his family during the recent holiday season. "I enjoy traveling. Baseball has given me the opportunity to see a lot of the United States," Curtis said. Curtis’ parents are Curtis and Mary Granderson of Lynwood. "It was good to be home with my family for the holidays, because once the baseball season starts I’m gone from February to C We’ll do all your dirty work. October," Curtis said. The younger Granderson played for six years in the Lynwood Little League. "I started to play ball because my father played baseball and my friends were playing," he said. Curtis was an outstanding athlete at Thornton Fractional South High School. He then played college baseball as an outfielder at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where in his final season he compiled the second best batting average in the nation and set several UIC single-season records. He currently is in spring training with the Detroit Tigers in Lakeland, Fla., preparing for the start of the 2006 season. "My number one focus right now is baseball. At this time of my life, it’s my career," Curtis said. IRS Approved Electronic Tax Filing Safety Advice from the Police Department Curtis Granderson Jr. wears the Lynwood Little League uniform as a boy, and today he plays professional baseball with the Detroit Tigers organization Village Garage Sale Village “Garage Sale” will be held 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 20, at Liberty Park. A $6 signup fee per space will be collected the day of the sale. Sellers should bring their own tables. The event is sponsored by the Village’s Community Relations Committee. A SIGN UP FOR CODE RED PREVENTING AUTO THEFT LICENSE PLATE MISUSE If you have not registered for the CODE RED program, please do so as soon as possible. We only use this automated telephone call system in case of emergencies, such as child abductions, hazardous material events, water breaks or other health and well-being issues. If you don't have the CODE RED form or have any questions, please call the Police Department at 708-758-4744 and then dial the number 1. Ask for Sgt. Greg Szymanski or Denine. Do you start your car in the morning and then go back inside until the car warms up? This is a dangerous and illegal practice. Two vehicles that were left unoccupied and running were stolen in the Village this winter. Other towns have reported similar thefts. A cold car might be a little uncomfortable, but not as uncomfortable as all the headaches you will have if your car is stolen. Some auto thieves ride around in pairs looking for such golden opportunities. If you sell your vehicle, please remove the state license plates and scrape off the vehicle tag. If you don't and someone uses those plates, you may receive parking tickets or citations for other violations, as well as face court dates if the tickets are not paid. Remember, the license plates are registered in your name. • The Village Board of Trustees meets at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at the Village Municipal Building. with terms satisfied Drop-Off Service Also Available 20316 S. Torrence, Lynwood, IL 708-895-0433 Former Instructor for H&R Block and Jackson Hewitt 708-418-8683 PIZZA SPORTS BAR FOOD & DRINK SPECIALS Monday - Chicken Wings 35¢ each. Minimum 10 per order. Tuesday - Fried Chicken $5.50 Wednesday - 1/2 Price Pizza (dining room only) Thursday - Lake Perch or Fried Shrimp $8.95 • Combo $12.95 Friday - Buy any seafood dinner and get the 2nd at half price (equal or lesser value with salad bar) Saturday - Full Slab Baby Back Ribs $12.95 2549 Glenwood-Lansing Rd • Lynwood, IL • 708-474-4348 Kitchen Open 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday, Sat.-Sun. at Noon • Casual Dining In A Friendly Sports Bar Lynwood Community Update | spring 2006 ince January 1st, the Village Clerk’s Office is no longer open on Saturday. Instead, the Clerk’s Office has evening hours on Wednesday. The new hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. S In all things, Love Intentionaly Inclusive Unity and Respect Needs-Based Ministries Leadership Development Evangelism and Outreach SAVE $5 SAVE $30 On One Week of Meals On Five Weeks of Meals* Discount off regular prices. Not good with any other offer. 1 Coupon Per Customer. Expires 5/31/06. Discount off regular prices. Not good with any other offer. 1 Coupon Per Customer. Expires 5/31/06. *Prepayment required. Sunday Morning Bible Study Sunday Worship Service Monday Night Youth Ministry Tuesday Morning Prayer Ministry Tuesday Morning Bible Study Tuesday Night Choir Rehearsal Wednesday Night Bible Study Friday Night Prayer Ministry 9:00 10:30 7:00 9:00 10:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 am am pm am am pm pm pm GRILL PLAN YOUR EVENT AT BENNY'S. CALL US FOR ALL YOUR CATERING NEEDS. 4 Village Clerk’s office hours “United in the Love of Christ” BRING IN THIS AD FOR 10% DISCOUNT ON TAX PREPARATION THE HOWARD GROUP, INC. • The Zoning Board meets at 7 p.m. on the first Monday of the month at the Village Municipal Building. 3 Complete Meals Daily REFUNDS WITHIN 8 HOURS • Residential • Commercial • Industrial • Reasonable Rates • Free Estimates Protect your identity. Do not give personal information to Village Board, Zoning Board meetings HEALTHY EATING & WEIGHT LOSS MADE EASY in by 10:30 am IDENTITY PROTECTION anyone unless you know the person. Be very cautious about revealing your Social Security number, especially over the telephone. Once you become an identity theft victim, your life can become a nightmare. If you think you have been a victim of identity theft, contact any one of the following agencies to block credit card charges and other transactions by someone using your identity: Equifax at 800-5256285, Experian at 888-397-3742, or Transunion at 800-680-7289. CONTACT YOUR NEAREST LOCATION: LANSING: 708-474-8309 HOMEWOOD: 708-922-3520 Losing weight on HIGHLAND: 219-972-3438 your own can be or 1-800-442-DIET difficult...we make it EASY! Sunday, March 19 Friday, March 24 Sunday, March 26 Sunday, April 2 Friday, April 14 Sunday, April 16 Saturday, April 29 Sunday Cafe 12:30 pm New Members Class 1:00-4:00 pm Ourtreach Meeting 12:30 pm Prayer Ministry 7:00 pm Sunday Morning Bible Study Breakfast 9:00 am Friends & Family Day 3:00 pm Good Friday Foot Washing & Holy Communion 6:30 pm Outreach Easter 4:00 pm LGC Cleanup Day 10:00 am 201st & Lakewood, Lynwood, IL (3 blocks east 201st and Torrence) (708) 895-5690 Fax (708) 895-7028 Pastor Philip S. France, Sr. M.A. Lynwood Community Update | spring 2006 5 Robert Myers, Superintendent 708-758-8434 Bettina Grivetti Youth Program Director 708-758-7512 Fun at the Youth Center Tips from the Public Works Department WEEKLY GARBAGE PICKUP Garbage containers, as well as yard waste bags, should not be placed at the curb for collection prior to 7 o’clock the evening before the scheduled pickup. Garbage pickup is on Thursdays for most residents. However, during a week that includes a major holiday (New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day), garbage service will be one day later. Also, residents periodically may place a larger item for pickup if needed. The seasonal yard waste collection will resume April 1 and continue to November 1. The Village is issuing a reminder that residents who fill yard waste bags and leave them on the curb all week may be ticketed. Yard waste must be placed in biodegradable paper bags, or the bin that Homewood Disposal Company rents out for yard waste pickup. Yard waste in plastic bags WILL NOT be collected. Please keep our streets and parkways clean of debris. BRANCH REMOVAL SERVICE Branch pickup and chipping will resume in May. The pickup will be every Friday, ending November 1. Please have branches neatly stacked in the parkway (NOT IN STREET) with stump ends facing opposite of the traffic flow. Branches or trees cut down by a private contractor must removed by that contractor. TRIMMING PARKWAY TREES Residents are responsible for maintaining the parkways and any trees located on parkways. Spring is a good time to trim low hanging branches that could interfere with or present a hazard to walkers. Branches trimmed from trees may be placed on the parkway for pickup beginning in May. SECURE YOUR MAILBOX The Public Works Department is informing residents that all mailboxes should be mounted securely to the ground and all mailbox posts, braces, etc., should be attached securely. Making repairs will insure that a mailbox is not pushed over by heavy snow being plowed off the streets during winter snowfalls. The Public Works Department is NOT responsible for mailboxes knocked over when snow is plowed off the streets. It is a resident’s responsibility to make sure a mailbox is secured properly; bungee cords, wires, stakes, etc., are not a proper way to secure a mailbox. IT COULD STILL SNOW The Public Works Department plows snow throughout the night when it is necessary. Parking is not permitted on Village streets whenever snowfall is two inches deep or more. So please remember to obey all parking restriction signs, or tickets may be issued by the Police Department. The Public Works Department plows as close to curbs as possible. Plows cannot remove snow completely in front of every mailbox. Some shoveling might be necessary because of the U.S. Postal Service’s restrictions on mail delivery. To avoid having snow plowed back into your driveway after a snowfall, please DO NOT shovel snow back into the street. Snow should be removed to the parkways on each side of a driveway. Snow that is shoveled onto the street will be plowed right back onto a driveway because we must keep the streets clear. HOW TO CONSERVE WATER Conserving water not only saves our water resources but also saves you money on water bills. Here are just a few ways to help save resources and money: • Repair leaking faucets, pipes and toilets as soon as possible. (A running toilet will have water going down the drain 24 hours a day). • Wash full loads of laundry. • Don’t let water run while shaving or brushing your teeth. • Don’t use the toilet as a trash disposal. • Run your dishwasher only when full. • Water lawns and plants only when necessary. For the best results, water between the hours of 6 and 11 a.m. and between 7 p.m. and midnight. STREET LIGHTS Residents should inform the Public Works Department about street lights that are not working properly. If you see a street light that is out or blinking, please contact the Public Works Department at 708-758-8434. Street lights that are on wood poles are the property of ComEd. The Village will contact ComEd about problems with the utility company’s street lights. variety of activities are available to young people at the Village's Youth Center. The Youth Center is open to children age five and older. Bettina Grivetti, youth program director, said hours at the Center are 3 to 6 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and 3 to 7 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday. Homework help is provided from 3 to 5 p.m. daily. Youngsters may enjoy free time activities from 5 p.m. to closing. The Center has computers, video games, arcade style games, air hockey and other games for youth. The Youth Center offers a Tae Kwon Do martial arts instruction program taught by Dion Strowhorn Sr., who is a certified 19790 Burnham Ave. Lynwood, IL 60411 A (708) 895-0338 (800) 895-0338 Fax: (708) 895-8993 Email: AnkerTrucking@AOL.COM Tae Kwon Do instructor Dion Strowhorn Sr. teaches a weekly class at the Lynwood Youth Center. With Strowhorn are his wife Susan (right) and Bettina Grivetti, youth program director. instructor and a fourth degree black belt. Lessons are offered on Fridays, from 6 to 7 p.m. for youngsters six through 16 years of age, and from 7 to 8 p.m. for participants 17 years and older (including adults). The fee for lessons is $50 per month. Over 60,000 yards of variety mulch in stock featuring NO PARKING RULE Village ordinance prohibits parking on the street from 2 to In the photo above, two of Strowhorn’s young students practice their martial arts maneuvers at the class. Grivetti said the Youth Center also schedules outings. Residents may phone 758-7512 for information about upcoming outings and Center programs. On holidays when schools are closed, the Youth Center will be open 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Revpro Auto & Muffler Scott & Jeff McCraw 20510 Burnham Ave. Lynwood, IL 60411 (708) 895-3350 Mon-Fri 8 to 5 Call for a quote Factory and Custom Exhaust Auto Repair and Maintenance Catalytic Converters (our specialty) NEW! BLA CK COLORE D MULCH AVAILAB LE & (Brick Red, Cedar, Cypress, Dark Brown, & Forest Brown) PremiumMulches Hardwood ✁ 708-889-9600 Mulch Masters Coupon Family Owned Since 1936 FREE ESTIMATES 20770 Torrence Ave., Lynwood, IL 60411 2345 Glenwood-Lansing Road, Lynwood, IL (708) 895-3032 / Fax (708) 895-0918 24 HOUR Towing Pager (708) 737-9600 6 Lynwood Community Update | spring 2006 5 OR MORE YARDS. RESIDENTIAL ONLY. EXCLUDES DELIVERY NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. COUPON EXPIRES 5/31/06. 17900 Harper Ave. • Lansing, IL 60438 708-889-9600 (708) 758-3800 Fax: (708) 758-3808 Email: Lynwood Community Update | spring 2006 7 Philip Mascarello, Seniors Program Director 708-758-7512 VILLAGE OF LYNWOOD 21460 Lincoln Highway Lynwood, Illinois 60411 MAYOR Eugene Williams CLERK Roy Valle TRUSTEES Robert Carducci William Lebeter Irv Nicholson William Ryan Willie Sims Rich Stephens DIRECTORY Mayor’s Office . . . . . . . .758-6101 Village Clerk . . . . . . . . .758-6101 Police Department Nonemergency . . . . . . .758-6100 Fire Department Nonemergency . . . . . . .758-6102 Senior Citizens Center Lynwood woman will be honored for her volunteer work in the Village and at an area hospital. Tomoko "Tommy" Wooden was nominated by Mayor Eugene Williams for the Sheriff’s Senior Medal of Honor Award. The recognition program is sponsored annually by Cook County Sheriff Michael F. Sheahan to honor senior citizens for their extraordinary service and A Tomoko "Tommy" Wooden volunteers at St. Margaret’s Hospital in Dyer, Ind. dedication to their community. Wooden will be presented with Building Department reminder uilding Department permits B must be obtained for construction and repair work, including installation of fences, decks and pools. Residents Building Department . . .758-6380 Public Works . . . . . . . . .758-8434 Emergency . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-1-1 should employ only licensed contractors. Information about permits and about licensed contractors is available from the Building Department. The Village Village Web site Village Clerk's Office hours: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday now has a code enforcement officer and a property maintenance inspector who are responsible for property maintenance issues. The Building Department phone number is 758-6380. Cleanup Program he Lynwood Annual Cleanup Program begins Monday, May 22. The free Village service provides residents with an opportunity for spring cleaning. The Village is reminding residents that all unwanted items must be placed neatly in the parkway by 7 a.m. May 22, when the Public Works Department will begin collection. Public Works will make only one pass down each street, with no exceptions. Residents may start putting out debris on Friday, May 19. Paint and tires must be kept apart from other debris because those items will be T ECRWSS Village of Lynwood, IL the Sheriff’s Medal of Honor at an April ceremony in Chicago. Mayor Williams said that Wooden has been assisting at St. Margaret’s Hospital in Dyer, Ind., as a volunteer three days a week for the past 14 years. "This award provides us with an opportunity to honor the many committed senior citizens who volunteer their time to make a real difference in the lives of others," Sheriff Sheahan said. picked up separately. Yard waste and branches also must be kept separate. Branches will be removed after all of the other debris in town has been collected. Removal of junk cars will be provided by the Police Department with proper paper work. To request this service, please call 708-758-4744. Debris from businesses will not be picked up, nor will debris that is brought in from out of town. No regular household garbage will be picked up during this special Cleanup Program collection. Questions regarding the Cleanup Program may be directed to the Public Works Department at 708-758-8434. PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 499 Lynwood, IL 60411 POSTAL CUSTOMER LYNWOOD, IL 60411 INCORPORATED IN 1959: 46 YEARS OF PROGRESS The Lynwood Community Update is circulated quarterly to all residents and businesses in the Village of Lynwood, Illinois. Comments or questions can be directed to: Lynwood Community Update Editorial Staff - 21460 Lincoln Highway - Lynwood, Illinois 60411 To place an advertisement in the Lynwood Community Update, please contact: Pam Stasil at 708.418.2940 I Lee Publications, Inc.
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